Folk recipes for cirrhosis of the liver. Herbal decoctions and tinctures

irreversible chronic illness liver, in which cells degenerate into fibrous tissue called cirrhosis. Illness is not always the result alcohol addiction and affects both men and women equally. Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver at home folk remedies impossible. No lifestyle adjustments drug therapy and/or surgery is unavoidable.

What is cirrhosis of the liver

Pathological condition most big organ(glands) abdominal cavity, which is a consequence of circulatory disorders in the hepatic vessels and characterized by a persistent lesion, is called cirrhosis. In this disease, healthy liver tissue is replaced by fibrous connective tissue. Without treatment, eventually develops liver failure, portal hypertension, after which comes death. Death overtakes the patient, as a rule, for 2-4 years of illness. Sometimes a consequence of cirrhosis is organ cancer.


The main symptom of cirrhosis is pain in the right hypochondrium. However, the onset of the disease may be accompanied by other symptoms, and may be completely asymptomatic (20% of cases). Often it is possible to detect pathology only after the death of a person. For example, at the stage of compensation there are no signs of cirrhosis, except for an increase in the size of the liver. It has been observed that in men the disease is early stage harder to identify. The first signs of cirrhosis:

How to treat cirrhosis of the liver

Treatment for cirrhosis of the liver after diagnosis is prescribed by a gastroenterologist (generalist) or a hepatologist (a narrowly specialized doctor). There is a generally accepted standard for complex therapy, which includes medication, physiotherapy, a strict diet, dosed physical exercise, of necessity surgical intervention. To stop the development of pathology, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, stop the degeneration of tissues, and reduce the load on the portal vein. IN Lately treatment of cirrhosis of the liver with stem cells.

Drugs for cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis

Tactics conservative treatment chronic hepatitis or cirrhotic degeneration of the liver in a man or woman depends on the stage and type of the disease. Inactive cirrhosis does not require any medication, except for vitamin and mineral complexes. The patient is shown following a healthy lifestyle so that the disease stops. The progression of cirrhosis is treated with hepatoprotectors based on milk thistle extract. To stop internal bleeding apply intramuscular injections Vikasola.

A disease of viral etiology of various activity requires the appointment of corticosteroid hormones and antiviral drugs. Decompensated cirrhosis is treated with increased doses of hepatoprotectors (injections) and lipotropic medicines. The therapy also includes taking vitamins. For biliary cirrhosis, steroid hormones, synthetic bile acids, inhibitors of proteolysis. This stage is incurable, and the above drugs only slow down the course of the disease, alleviate the symptoms. What medicines can not do without:

  1. Duphalac. A mild laxative, which, in addition to the main effect, has positive influence on growth beneficial microflora intestines. Available in the form of syrup or sachet. It is prescribed for cirrhosis, 15-30 ml / day. The doctor prescribes the duration of therapy individually. In case of an overdose, abdominal pain and diarrhea may develop.
  2. Molsidomin. Beta-blocker, which is prescribed to lower blood pressure portal vein. The drug reduces venous flow to the heart, reduces tone peripheral vessels. Inside take 1-2 g 2-4 times / day after meals. The course of treatment is carried out from several months to several years. At long-term use possible headaches, lowering blood pressure.


Drugs that affect the liver protective action are called hepatoprotectors. There are many drugs in this family. With cirrhosis, preparations of plant and animal origin, essential phospholipids, synthetic bile acids are prescribed. Among the popular:

  1. Essentiale Forte. It restores the cellular structure of hepatocytes, activates the enzyme that destroys fibrosis, normalizes the carbohydrate-lipid balance in the organ. Children over 12 years old and adults are prescribed 2 capsules 3 times / day with meals. The duration of the course is at least 3 months. Contraindication: individual intolerance components.
  2. Karsil. Herbal hepatoprotector with milk thistle fruit extract. Removes toxins, protects liver cells from destruction. Adults and children over 12 years of age take 2-4 tablets 3 times / day for 3 months. With endometriosis and pregnancy should be used with caution.

Antibiotics for cirrhosis of the liver

For uncomplicated cirrhosis antibacterial drugs not required. They are appointed at bacterial complications, suspicion of SARS. Effective antibiotics:

  1. Suprax. 3rd generation antibiotic based on cefixime. The mechanism of action is due to the destruction of the integrity of the cells of the pathogen. It is prescribed 1 capsule 1 time / day for a week. Among side effects: nausea, vomiting, dysbacteriosis, thrombocytopenia, nephritis, dizziness, itching, urticaria, skin flushing.
  2. Normix. Antibiotic a wide range actions. Causes the death of bacteria that provoke intestinal infections. Take 200 mg every 6 hours for 1 to 3 days. The duration of the course should not exceed 7 days, so as not to provoke the development of side effects: increased blood pressure, lymphocytosis, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.


Even at the stage of hepatitis in the liver, there are congestion, what is happening increased production lymph. Fluid builds up constantly, causing swelling internal organs and limbs. To prevent ascites from developing, you need to take diuretics. Among them:

  1. Veroshpiron. Potassium-sparing diuretic that prevents water and sodium retention. Daily dose is from 50 to 100 mg once. It is necessary to take tablets 1 time in 2 weeks. Contraindications: Addison's disease, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, severe kidney failure, anuria.
  2. Diacarb. It is an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, which has diuretic activity. With edema, take 250 mg once in the morning. For achievement maximum action you need to take 1 tablet every other day. The duration of treatment is assigned individually. Contraindications for use are uremia, acute renal failure, diabetes mellitus.

The use of glucocorticoids

In liver cancer, the use of glucocorticoids is contraindicated, since they negatively affect the condition digestive system, contribute to the development of complications, reduce the life expectancy of the patient. These drugs are often prescribed along with hormonal means with autoimmune cirrhosis that has not reached the stage of decompensation. For treatment apply:

  1. Metipred. Synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It has an immunosuppressive, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effect. Starting dose for intravenous administration is 10-500 mg / day, depending on the symptoms. Average duration treatment - 3-5 days. Among the contraindications: systemic mycosis, period breastfeeding.
  2. Urbazon. Glucocorticosteroid, which has antitoxic, antishock, desensitizing, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory effects. Assign intramuscularly or intravenously at 4-60 mg / day for 1-4 weeks. Do not use the drug for endocrine pathologies, severe hepatic and/or kidney disease, ulcer formations, diseases of the cardiovascular system.


The most popular glucocorticoid in cirrhosis. Suppresses the functions of tissue macrophages and leukocytes. Limits the migration of the latter to the area of ​​inflammation. Assign 20-30 mg / day. The duration of the course is calculated individually, but not more than 14 days. Do not prescribe the drug for bacterial, viral or fungal skin diseases, in violation of the skin and in childhood up to 2 years.


With this disease, the diet dictates its own rules. Daily calorie intake should not exceed 3000. Food is consumed up to 5-6 times in small portions. In case of liver pathologies, salt intake of no more than 2 tsp is acceptable. per day. Solid foods are crushed, fried foods are not allowed. To remove toxins, it is necessary to carry out once a week fasting days on dairy products or vegetable soups.

You can not use rye and fresh bread, puff, pastry, fatty broths, meat / fish / dairy products with high fat content. Alcohol, coffee, cocoa, spices are also banned. Allowed products:

  • wheat bread from flour of the highest grade;
  • vegetable, cereal, milk soups;
  • low-fat meat dishes;
  • lean fish;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • vegetable, butter;
  • Herb tea, vegetable, fruit juices, jelly, compotes, jelly.

Physiotherapy treatment

In the complex treatment of cirrhosis, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor, depending on the problems that need to be solved. Physiotherapy cannot be done severe complications And acute course illness. The arsenal of varieties of methods is wide, but more often used:

  1. Diathermy. In the projection area of ​​the diseased organ, high-frequency currents are heated. The duration of the session is from 10 to 40 minutes, the course is up to 40 procedures daily or every other day.
  2. Inductothermy. Treatment is carried out electromagnetic field high frequency. The oscillatory effect leads to positive changes in the diseased organ. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. The course is 10-15 sessions held daily.
  3. Electrophoresis. Local impact drugs are concentrated through the skin by current exposure. The duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. Hen treatment is from 10 to 20 procedures carried out daily.

Dosed physical activity

If the patient does not have a history of ascites, doctors in hepatic pathology recommend dosed physical activity. Therapeutic exercise improves metabolism in the liver cells, normalizes blood circulation, helps to strengthen immune system, strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Exercises for therapeutic gymnastics are selected individually. The specialist takes into account the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, general state organism. A few examples of exercise therapy:

  • in the supine position, when inhaling, the stomach protrudes, while exhaling, it drops;
  • the same position, arms along the body, first left leg bends, the heel does not come off the floor, then the right one;
  • standing on all fours, one leg rises while inhaling, while exhaling, the knee is pulled to the chest, then repeat the same with the other leg.


If necessary, the patient is given surgical treatment- Liver transplant. This is an expensive operation, which is complicated by the search for a donor. Transplantation is indicated when conservative therapy does not give positive results and the liver is constantly being destroyed. disadvantage surgical treatment is the subsequent lifelong use of drugs that suppress the immune system. Contraindications for surgery are inflammation of the brain, malignant tumors bile ducts and other oncology, obesity, infections, severe cardiac pathologies.

How to treat folk remedies

Treatment alcoholic cirrhosis liver will be effective if at home, along with medicines, additional folk recipes are used. It should be remembered that the use of any therapeutic methods must be agreed with the doctor in order to avoid complications of the disease. Folk remedies for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, which are used at home:

  1. Milk thistle. One teaspoon of crushed seeds is mixed with 1 tsp. plant leaves. The resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes. The medicinal herb is filtered, drunk at a time. Take to cleanse the liver 3 times / day: on an empty stomach, before dinner and at bedtime for a month.
  2. Elecampane. In a small container, put 1.5 tbsp. l. chopped elecampane root, pour 500 ml of water, simmer for half an hour, then insist for 20 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and taken half an hour before meals 2-3 times / day, drinking 200 ml at a time. The duration of treatment is 10 days.


Compliance preventive measures will not allow the development of severe liver pathology. To avoid cirrhosis, you should:

  • completely abandon the intake of alcohol, smoking;
  • timely treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • limit the consumption of spicy, fatty, smoked, fried foods;
  • do not take medicines without consulting a doctor;
  • enrich your diet with foods high content vitamins and microelements;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene.


However, to support the body from exposure negative factors eliminate signs of liver disease, provide protection and partial recovery help treat cirrhosis folk remedies. Since ancient times, people have known how to treat cirrhosis at home, but only systematic use recipes of traditional medicine according to the recommended rules will effectively restore the tissues of a damaged organ.

Traditional medicine provides many recipes for cooking medicinal products for the treatment of pathological processes in the liver. To slow down the process of degeneration of healthy tissues into fibrous, the following folk remedies are used:

Folk recipes for the treatment of cirrhosis

Oat remedy

Unrefined raw materials are crushed to a homogeneous consistency, having obtained a fine powder, pour a tablespoon of oats hot water. Freshly prepared product must be placed in a warm place and insisted for at least 12 hours.

Use a healing infusion before meals twice a day, drink 250 ml. For amplification therapeutic effect And palatability, honey and lemon zest should be added to the finished infusion.

Attention! Before using oats, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins with the help of flax seeds or senna grass.

Propolis remedy

used to treat cirrhosis of the liver alcohol tincture natural propolis, which is taken in doses on an empty stomach. To prepare alcohol infusion from propolis, it is necessary to grind 20 gr. Raw materials for beekeeping. Place the crushed propolis in a dark glass container. Then propolis should be poured into 100 ml. alcohol or vodka. Insist this remedy for at least a day, after which it is carefully filtered and taken 10-50 drops per day. The dosage is established by the attending physician.

Attention! Propolis tincture can cause inflammation and irritation of the gastric mucosa, so this remedy It is forbidden to take patients suffering from gastritis or the presence of ulcerative formations.

Milk remedy

For cooking healing medicine from milk, you need to mix a tablespoon of milk with flour, in proportions 1: 1. After dissolving the flour, take 50 ml. twice a day.

To enhance the intended effect, experts recommend using the milk of a nursing woman.

Also, a mixture of milk and beer, which are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2, has a beneficial effect on the liver. It is necessary to take the medicine mainly on an empty stomach three times a day.

vegetable juice recipes

100 ml. freshly squeezed juice of potato tubers immediately drink on an empty stomach. Maximum daily amount potato juice is 250 ml.

Same amount carrot juice consumed three times a day. 50 ml can be added to ready-made freshly squeezed juice. beet juice. Juice is not recommended.

150 ml per day of juice sauerkraut you can drink every other day, but it should be remembered that this remedy has an irritating property on the epithelium of the stomach and intestines.

Corn remedy

To prepare a medicinal product from corn, it is necessary to use the fibers surrounding the cob. A glass of unground fibers is poured with boiling water (in the amount of 0.5 liters). Insist at least 5 hours. Take the remedy three times a day before meals.

Pumpkin Remedy

To prepare a healing medicine from pumpkin, you need to wash and dry the seeds. The dried raw materials are mixed with olive oil (1: 1). The mixture is placed in water bath with a temperature of 60 degrees and incubated for at least 2 hours. The finished medicine must be stored in the refrigerator, take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

horseradish remedy

Horseradish medicines are used both internally and externally. For internal use use alcohol infusion of horseradish. To prepare a medicine, you need to pour a couple of horseradish leaves into 0.5 liters. alcohol or vodka. It is necessary to withstand the infusion for at least 3 days in the refrigerator. Drink 30-50 drops before meals.

For external use, simply use a horseradish leaf, fixing it on the body in the liver area for the night.

Herbs for the liver

Alternative treatment of cirrhosis of the liver is based on the use of milk thistle herb remedy - amazing plant, the choleretic decoction of which contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the liver and the restoration of bile production.

In order to prepare a medicinal product based on milk thistle, it is necessary to grind the raw materials (2 tablespoons) and pour half a liter of boiling water. After cooling, take the solution in a teaspoon 3 times a day.

For enhance the effect, milk thistle herb must be combined with such medicinal herbs:

  • celandine;
  • yarrow;
  • angelica root;
  • nettle and plantain leaves;
  • dog-rose fruit.

The proportions of the preparation of a product based on milk thistle with the addition of the above herbs is (2: 1).

Decoctions based on herb celandine are distinguished by their restorative properties.

The method of preparation of the drug is identical to the recipe with milk thistle, however, it is recommended to combine celandine with other herbs:

  • mint;
  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile;
  • dill;
  • burdock;
  • calendula;
  • strawberries.

In the first stages liver cirrhosis, it is appropriate to take a decoction of a combination of chicory, immortelle, tansy and carminative herbs (dill or fennel). Herbs mixed in the same amount, brew and take a teaspoon three times a day.

The advantages of traditional medicine

The effectiveness of traditional medicine recipes has been proven for years.

The list of positive aspects of the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver with herbs:

  1. Herbs affect the body, almost without causing side effects and reactions. While the aggressive impact medicinal forms treatment can lead to aggravation of the liver condition.
  2. The use of traditional medicine is aimed not only at improving the condition of the liver and stop pathological process growth of scar tissue, but also to strengthen the immune system and tone the whole body.
  3. Traditional medicine recipes have long been known and time-tested. That's why this method treatment is credible.
  4. Unlike medicines, traditional medicine does not cause specific allergic reactions, and they can be used starting from adolescence.
  5. Low price herbs and other raw materials allows you to treat the liver without much financial expenditure.
  6. Ingredients for preparing prescriptions can be bought at any pharmacy.

However, along with positive aspects, treatment of cirrhosis of the liver at home is not always effective. It is especially difficult to treat cirrhosis in traditional medicine. A untimely appeal see a doctor, it can even be fatal.

In the piggy bank folk recipes there are a lot of tools that can help: to some extent protect liver cells from destruction. Of course, they will not be able to restore hepatocytes, but these means can improve the condition of a sick person.

So, what folk remedies are effective for cirrhosis of the liver?

  1. It is advised to use chicory root. They drink its juice in 1 tsp, the frequency of use: 3 times a day before the main meals, or infusion of ½ cup with the same frequency. Infusion is prepared in the following way: take 1 tbsp. root, add 500 ml of boiled hot water insist at least 2 hours. Chicory root can be used if cirrhosis develops jaundice.
  2. Alternative treatment for cirrhosis of the liver includes daily use freshly squeezed juice from carrots, you can add other vegetables. Carrot juice is rich various vitamins and mineral components. One of its main components is vitamin A. Carrot juice helps to recover hepatocytes - liver cells, protects them. Moreover, it is recommended for nervous diseases, and also this juice is good to use if there is such a problem as constipation.
  3. Treatment of liver cirrhosis with oats can also produce positive effect. Oats have anti-inflammatory properties, help in excretion from the body harmful substances helps to regulate metabolic processes. This product can be consumed in the form of porridge, jelly, infusion, decoction, and also use the juice from its leaves and stems, and even straw. Here is one of the recipes for the treatment of liver cirrhosis with oats: Steam 1 cup of unpeeled oats with 2 liters of boiling water. After 1 hour, send the container with the infusion to the oven for 3 hours. Strain the resulting liquid and cool. Take 1-2 glasses every day, before the main meals.
  4. To stimulate the immune system, the following traditional medicine recipe is used for cirrhosis of the liver. You need to take 50 ml of olive oil, 1 lemon, 250 g of honey, 1 head of garlic. Process garlic with lemons in a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with oil and honey, insist. Keep refrigerated. Use 1 tbsp. before the main meals (3 times a day). Especially important is the raising of immunity in the viral etiology of cirrhosis.
  5. Among folk remedies for cirrhosis of the liver, there is also corn. It is advised to brew the fibers that surround the shell of the corn cob, like tea. You can take this drink instead of tea, several cups a day. The course of such treatment is long, up to 8-9 months. Corn contains many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. It also contains amino acids. Corn has a cleansing effect, removes toxins from the body.
  6. Can have a positive effect and the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver with herbs. There are many medicinal herbs which are used in such cases.

Except various recipes, ethnoscience offers such a method of treatment as a conspiracy for cirrhosis of the liver. Of course, if the use medicinal plants and some vegetables are generally justified and can produce a positive effect, various spells and conspiracies have no basis. The only reason why such a method is possible is the so-called placebo effect, based on the psychological belief of the sick person in such a method. On the Internet you can find various conspiracies and try to use them.

However, there are "magicians", "sorcerers" and "fortune-tellers" who, for considerable sums of money, promise to cure everything. possible diseases. They need to be feared, and in no case refuse to help. official medicine. Such a rejection classical treatment, compliance with a doctor's prescription can be fatal.

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Liver - important organ, which is responsible for the purification and processing of harmful substances that enter our body.

It is unique in its own way, as it has the ability to regenerate and recover relatively quickly after exposure to toxins. However, with the constant influence of harmful elements, the liver stops working normally.

As a result, they develop dangerous pathologies, the most serious of which is cirrhosis of the liver, a disease in which connective tissue gradually replaces the functional one.

Therefore, it will be useful to consider how to treat liver cirrhosis with folk remedies.

Cirrhosis of the liver, what is it?

Cirrhosis of the liver is chronic illness, which results in the occurrence a large number scars in the body. As a result of such scarring, a violation of the functions of the liver occurs, its structure and appearance change.

With cirrhosis, along with the replacement of gradually dying liver cells with scar tissue, their recovery also occurs. But at the same time, new cells turn into scar tissue and therefore unable to function normally.

As a rule, wrinkling, deformation and compaction of the liver occurs. Such structural changes do not allow a normal supply of blood to the liver. Impaired blood flow in the liver provokes congestion in blood vessels intestines along its entire length.

The main causes of liver cirrhosis in humans are chronic hepatitis and alcoholism. This disease seriously complicates the life of a person, imposing restrictions on his diet, medication, motor mode.

Cirrhosis refers to such diseases, because of which they die, since the functions of the liver are not able to replace any other organ.

However, this organ has excellent regenerative abilities, so it can grow from a small “piece” to a normal volume.

However, this is only possible if you pay attention to the problem in a timely manner, find main reason development of the disease and proceed to its elimination, until the irreversible process of decompensation of the condition has begun.

Liver transplant is one of the options to eliminate cirrhosis.. Do not postpone this procedure, because in case of increased bleeding of the liver, the operation will no longer be possible.

Statistical data

Oddly enough, but most of all suffer from cirrhosis of the liver in developed countries: from about 14 to 30 cases per 100 thousand people. At the same time, the number of cases is growing and has increased by 12% in the last decade.

The reason for this is most often related to eating habits: the more refined and fried foods, alcoholic beverages contained in the diet, the greater the chance of getting sick.

Cirrhosis of the liver is among the top six causes of death in developed countries, with 300,000 deaths each year.

Who is more likely to get this disease: men or women? At risk are people from 35 to 60 years old, mostly men, as they are more prone to alcohol addiction.

The main causes of cirrhosis of the liver are:

The simultaneous influence on the human body of several of the above factors, such as alcohol consumption and hepatitis, increase the degeneration of the liver, in some cases dozens of times!

The main methods of treatment and diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver

Can cirrhosis of the liver be cured? In general, is he being treated?

Unfortunately, this disease is currently completely curable. folk methods impossible. However, thanks to certain therapeutic activities the development of such a pathological process can be suspended.

Thus, the treatment of liver cirrhosis with the help of folk remedies, as well as with the help of methods traditional medicine should provide for:

  1. Take half a liter of carrot juice daily in a few doses, it will help to improve the functioning of your liver.
  2. On an empty stomach in the morning drink 3 glasses of freshly squeezed potato juice.
  3. If you feel bouts of pain in the liver area, attach to this place compress with boiled hot potatoes.

So, how to treat cirrhosis of the liver at home?

Lemon honey mixture. To prepare it, take 4 lemons (two of which must be previously peeled) along with 3 garlic heads and grind them finely in a meat grinder.

Add 1 kg of honey and 1 cup of unrefined honey to the mixture. olive oil. Store the resulting composition in glass jar in a refrigerator. Take this medicine 20 grams 30 minutes before meals four times a day.

Each diet necessarily dictates the rules. Therefore, a patient with cirrhosis of the liver will have to reconsider his lifestyle, in particular, his diet.

Often you have to make drastic changes, because the usual unhealthy diet will have to be eliminated, but replaced with diet food, which must provide digestive organs long awaited vacation.

Given the type, severity of the disease and other factors, only your doctor can prescribe a diet. Changing the diet on your own, not having it required experience and knowledge, you run the risk of seriously harming your health.

chances of speedy recovery can only be obtained by responsible patients who are ready to comply with the rules healthy eating and strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

In order to maximize the removal of toxins from the liver, doctors recommend fasting days.. To do this, you need to choose a specific day and eat exclusively dairy products, vegetable soups and fruits from the list of acceptable.

Now it only remains to find out which products should fill your menu, and which ones should be completely abandoned.

What can and can not be eaten with cirrhosis of the liver?

In this subheading, we will look at answers to popular questions: what fruits can you eat with cirrhosis? Can you drink coffee? Can you eat tangerines? Is it possible to eat tomatoes with cirrhosis of the liver?

Allowed products for cirrhosis:

To prevent the occurrence of cirrhosis of the liver for most cases is a feasible task.

To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • drink alcohol in moderation;
  • rational use of medications;
  • timely treat any diseases (especially viral hepatitis);
  • always lead healthy lifestyle life and adhere to the rules of rational nutrition.

By applying the above tips, you have every chance to avoid the development of this devastating disease!

  • What herbs are used in the treatment of the disease?
  • Preparation of infusions
  • Fees for cirrhosis
  • Useful recipes for herbal infusions and herbal preparations

Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver with folk remedies is very in an efficient way which works effectively with drug treatment. First you need to understand what is cirrhosis of the liver and what are its symptoms. If suddenly and abruptly on the body began to appear hanging moles or papillomas, heaviness in the ribs or pain, this may indicate a liver disease, namely cirrhosis. Quite often, cirrhosis of the liver is preceded by hepatitis or alcoholism, but a complication due to other diseases may appear.

Frequent use of drugs or stressful situations can cause liver disease, including cirrhosis. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of recovery. In addition to drug treatment, one can mention folk treatment. You need to start sticking strict diet, do not overeat, exclude alcohol from the diet. It is better to use proven folk remedies.

What herbs are used in the treatment of the disease?

Pretty good remedies for cirrhosis of the liver are herbs. The most effective methods of treatment using the following herbs:

  • galangal;
  • volodushka;
  • milk thistle;
  • chicory;
  • horseradish;
  • chamomile.

Kalgan is a miraculous herb that heals many diseases. This is a type of cinquefoil. Recipe healing infusion from galangal is as follows: galangal root (30 g) pour 0.5 liters of vodka. It is necessary to insist for 3 weeks in a dark place, but do not forget to shake the contents. When the tincture is ready, it should be taken 30 drops diluted in 0.5 cups of water (3 times a day before meals for 15 minutes until the entire contents are over).

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Preparation of infusions

A good component of another infusion is volodushka. It enhances the effect of galangal, thereby improving the quality of the tincture. This miracle herb helps with poisoning, but is contraindicated in patients with cholelithiasis.

One more medicinal herb is milk thistle, which is considered one of the best medicinal herbs in the treatment of liver disease. It is absolutely harmless, and after its application there are no side effects. The crushed powder should be taken with water, half a teaspoon 5 times a day for 1 month. After that, you need to take a break for two weeks and start treatment again.

Chicory, more precisely its root, can be taken in the treatment of liver diseases such as jaundice or cirrhosis, in the form of juice or infused. If taken as juice, then it is necessary to consume 1 teaspoon during the day from 3 to 5 times before meals. Infusion of chicory should be done according to the following recipe: 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of chicory root must be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. You need to take half a glass before meals 3-4 times a day. With this treatment, you can easily help the liver recover and return to normal.

Everyone knows a plant called horseradish. It also effectively helps in the fight against cirrhosis. There are several recipes. For example, you can take dried horseradish flowers (1 tsp) and brew in a glass of milk. Drink this decoction for a month 2 times a day. There is another recipe. You will need 3 flowering sprigs of horseradish 25-30 cm long. They should be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and let it brew for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. The resulting infusion should be filtered and drunk for 2 weeks, 1 tbsp. l. in the morning before meals.

A little-known navel plant may help treat cirrhosis. You can make an infusion as alcohol based, and on water, if there are contraindications to alcohol. For infusion, you need to take flowers or grass stems and finely chop. After that, pour a glass of boiling water 2 tsp. herbs and let it brew for 4 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

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Fees for cirrhosis

In addition to infusions with one type of herb, you can cook yourself healing fees using several varieties of herbs. Here is one of the effective folk recipes. It is necessary to take mint, celandine, chamomile, dogrose, motherwort, calendula, volodushka, nettle, strawberries, saltwort. You will also need wormwood, burdock, dill. Herbs should be chopped and approximately in equal proportions. 1 st. l. collection must be poured with boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew overnight. It is best to brew the collection in a thermos. The prepared broth should be filtered and drunk 1/3 cup before meals (for 20-30 minutes) 3 times a day for 1 month, after that taking a break for a week. Then the course should be repeated from the beginning. The remaining infusion of the collection should be stored in a cool place, but not more than 3 days. Before each use, it must be heated to a warm state.

A mixture of prickly tartar and eucalyptus is also a good remedy for liver disease. You need 1 tbsp. l. tartar and eucalyptus pour 1 liter of boiling water. After that, you need to give time for infusion for an hour. Ready broth to take during the day in equal portions.

There is another interesting recipe from different herbs. It is necessary to make any decoction of the herbs indicated above. Then you should squeeze carrot, nettle, oatmeal juices, as well as juice from burdock root, yarrow and sweet clover. All juices must be mixed and frozen in special containers for freezing ice. To take such a medicinal mixture should be as follows: add an ice cube from the juice to 1 glass of herbal collection. For 3-4 doses, you need to drink the contents before meals for 30 minutes. In addition to such treatment, it is additionally necessary to take flower and pine pollen 2-3 times a day for 1 tsp. before eating. For best result it is necessary to spend 4-6 courses. 1 course lasts 1.5-2 months, then take a break for 10 days.

You can take note of another interesting collection in the treatment of cirrhosis. You will need calendula, chicory, dandelion (both roots and flowers are possible), bedstraw, succession, nettle, celandine in equal proportions, approximately 2-3 tbsp. l. All herbs must be mixed. After 1 st. l. the mixture should be brewed in a thermos in 1 cup boiling water and allowed to stand overnight. Strain in the morning and take 1/3 cup before meals for 30 minutes. For effective result you can chew 10 grains of milk thistle before taking the decoction. The course of such treatment is 1 month. After that, you should take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the treatment. To obtain a noticeable effect, it should be treated for a long time.



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