Effective methods to melt honey in a glass jar. Useful tips: how to melt honey

There are two states of aggregation of honey: liquid, usually in the summer after pumping, and crystallized or candied. Some varieties, for example, from acacia, retain a liquid, plastic appearance throughout the entire shelf life. But what if the honey bought in the summer has thickened? And if earlier it was convenient to pour it, now it is not feasible. Yes, and in cooking, folk medicine, it is advised to use liquid honey. To do this, you need to melt it.

There are several ways to restore honey to its original state. Some are fast, others are slower, but both in the first and in the second case, it will turn out to be as tasty and fragrant as soon as from a honey extractor. The easiest way, but time consuming. Place the jar near the heating radiator. This is good in winter, but if you need to melt in the summer, then a sunny place on the windowsill will do just fine. Periodically, the jar should be rotated along the axis so that the honey warms up evenly. Depending on the size of the container and the amount of honey in it, it can take up to a week, and in the case of more candied varieties, more before it becomes liquid. Heat a jar of honey in warm water. Do not heat it separately in a saucepan and do not add water, as you will only spoil the product. One quick way to melt honey is with a water bath. Take 2 containers. Possibly saucepans. One larger and the second smaller, calculate so that a jar of honey fits in the smaller one. Pour water into a large container and put it on fire, put the second one in this water, and already in it - our jar of honey. Make sure that the water does not boil, but is hot, 40-50 degrees maximum, ideally - 45. As soon as the contents begin to melt, be sure to stir. This is necessary for smooth heating. Do not overheat honey, otherwise it will lose its healing abilities and become just a sweet treat at first, and caramel in the process of further boiling. A non-standard way that appeared relatively recently. Melt honey in the microwave. But consider the size of the jar. It should fit freely in the microwave oven, there should be free space between the neck and the ceiling. For this, banks from 100 to 500-700 grams are suitable. Be sure to open the lid. Set the power to 200 watts or defrost mode. Turn on the timer. Do not leave the bank unattended. Open the oven door regularly and stir the honey. When burning candied honey, follow the basic rules and precautions:
  • Do not exceed the temperature above 40 degrees;
  • Use glass or ceramic dishes, enameled is allowed;
  • Do not add water to honey when heating;
  • You can not mix varieties, they can exfoliate.

Crystallized honey does not lose its properties. He goes from one state to another. Melting honey in a jar and returning it to its original fluidity is not difficult. Focusing on the end result, you can choose the most suitable method. Whatever method you use, you will get delicious and healthy liquid honey.

Honey is a waste product of honey bees. This wonderful product is obtained by processing nectar. In addition to honey, beekeepers extract propolis, royal jelly, bee bread and wax from hives. All of these components are unique.

After collecting sweet "gold" from bees, people place the product in jars and other containers. Over time, the bee product thickens. People unfamiliar with beekeeping are interested in how to melt the honey product.

In most cases, nectar is used in liquid form. Some people believe that it is impossible to melt the honey product, because it will become useless. This is not entirely true. If everything is done according to the instructions, useful properties will not be lost.

The process of candied honey begins a few months after harvest.

Honey is a living product, so it goes through several "life" stages. It should be noted that sweet "gold" consists of the following substances:

  • sucrose;
  • Glucose;
  • Fructose.

The crystallization process begins when glucose begins to precipitate in the form of crystals. That is why this process is called crystallization. The people most often say that the product of the vital activity of bees candied.

The crystallization process begins a few months after harvest. The period of sugaring depends on the variety of the bee product.

It should be noted that the rate of crystallization may depend not only on the variety of nectar, but also on weather conditions. High humidity slows down the sugaring process.

At what temperature does honey lose its beneficial properties

In the event that sugaring has begun, it is necessary to melt the honey. Unfortunately, scientists have proven that when heated, honey products lose their beneficial properties. That is why it is necessary to understand to what temperature the bee product can be heated.

Nectar, heated to a temperature of +40 degrees, begins to lose its nutritional properties. Despite this, the resulting syrup will contain a sufficient amount of fructose and glucose. In this case, the sweet "amber" will take on a dark shade and will no longer have its pleasant aroma. The longer the honey is heated, the worse it will be.

If honey is heated to +45 degrees, it will instantly change its composition. Energy and nutritional value will be lost, and enzymes will also be destroyed.

That is why it is better to consume honey products separately from hot drinks.

What is the best bowl for melting honey?

At a temperature of +40, honey begins to lose its beneficial properties.

Regardless of the reason why you have to melt the nectar, you must first prepare. In order to melt honey, it is best to use:

  • Glassware. A great option is a bank;
  • ceramic container;
  • Enamelware.

The choice of dishes for melting the honey product depends on the method that the person will use. Some people are interested in the question of whether plastic utensils or containers can be used. It's best not to. Otherwise, an unexpected situation may occur.

How to melt honey

To melt the crystallized nectar, you must choose a method that will make the product liquid. Before starting work, it should be noted that it is better not to overheat the entire stock. This is due to the loss of useful properties, that is, with repeated kindling, the honey product will lose all its nutritional and healing properties.

  • Do not heat the product above 45 degrees;
  • During remelting, it is strongly not recommended to combine different varieties of nectar;
  • Exclude the ingress of water into the product of the life of bees;
  • Drown sweet "gold" only in small portions.

If the honey has had time to be candied, it is easy to melt it, the main thing is to follow the rules for recrystallization.

Melting honey in a glass jar

Honey can be melted right in the jar. It is enough to put it next to a warm battery

Candied nectar is easiest to melt in a jar. This method is best used in winter when the heating is on. It is best to use a liter jar, which is filled with thick sweet "amber". After that, the container is installed next to the battery. If desired, you can use the oven. The only drawback of the method is that the container must be constantly rotated. If this is not done, the waste product of the bees will melt on one side only.

Melting honey in a water bath

Many people are interested in the question, how can honey be melted in a water bath? This is the most common way to remelt the product. To recrystallize the product, it is recommended to collect hot water in a saucepan, and then put a jar of honey.

It should be noted that the water will cool quickly, so it is best to add or change it. The bee product will become liquid fairly quickly. It is important that the water in the tank is not hotter than 50 degrees.

Melting honey in the microwave

Today, 80% of the population has a microwave oven. Therefore, the question arises, is it possible to melt honey in the microwave? Many people claim that this is impossible. Despite this, you can try to melt the candied bee nectar. To do this, you must use dishes that are allowed to be put in the microwave. It is enough to put the container with honey for a few minutes, and then remove it from the oven.

In addition, it is worth remembering the temperature, it should not exceed 45 degrees.

We use the oven

Once the honey has begun to crystallize, it can be melted in an electric or gas oven. To perform the recrystallization procedure, it is necessary to prepare a saucepan with water. At the next step, a container of honey is placed in the water. The saucepan is installed in the oven, on which the temperature regime is set to 40 degrees. As for the time, it’s hard to say, it all depends on the container that was set to warm up. As soon as a plastic mass appears, the container can be removed from the oven. In addition, do not forget to periodically mix the nectar.

Alternative tricks

In summer it is so hot that even in the shade the temperature reaches +40 degrees. This can be used to melt honey. A jar with a bee product is exposed to the sun. After that, it remains only to wait until the nectar melts.

When using this method, it is necessary to remember the dangers of ultraviolet radiation, which means that it is best to wrap the jar with a towel. It is important to periodically check the state of the nectar so that it does not overheat.

Will lemon help make honey liquid

Few people know, but the vitamin C found in lemon can melt honey.

Few people know, but you can melt honey with a lemon. This result is obtained because citrus contains acid and vitamin C. It is necessary to cut the lemon into large slices, and then place it in a container with sweet "amber". Soon you will get a real medical product that can treat acute respiratory infections, colds, flu, tonsillitis and scarlet fever.

We drown honey directly in the honeycombs

Honey in combs can be heated using a water bath or microwave. Honeycombs are best broken into several pieces, and then placed in a container. After melting, wax and debris will rise to the top. With the help of a spoon, everything is neatly collected, and honey is used as a delicacy, usefulness or remedy.

On a note

In order for honey not to crystallize longer, it is necessary to find out how long a particular type of bee product can remain liquid. If crystallization nevertheless occurred, you should choose the appropriate method, and then proceed to remelting the nectar. It is important, when melting honey, to observe the temperature regime, otherwise the product will not have a healing effect.

Candied honey is a natural process in which honey from a liquid state turns into a thick form, crystallization does not affect the quality and its medicinal properties. The candiedness of honey is one of the indicators that it was collected at the right time, but once melted honey will be candied again, it's only a matter of time.

Unripe honey contains less glucose and more water, so the sugaring process in it is slower. But there will be more moisture, so honey can begin to ferment and quickly oxidize. Honey consists of the smallest crystals, the closer they are located to each other and the greater their number, the higher the degree of crystallization of honey.

Old honey can be divided into several types according to its properties: coarse-grained (crystals 0.5 mm or more), fat-like (crystals are not visible to the eye) and fine-grained (crystals less than 0.5 mm or less). Precipitation and crystallization of honey have different intensity at different temperatures. For example, honey begins to thicken faster at an ambient temperature of ≈14 degrees. Thus, at room temperature of 24-28 degrees, it practically does not sugar. If the storage temperature is 10-12 degrees higher than room temperature, then honey will have a very low degree of crystallization.

If you melt candied frozen honey, its color will become darker. The process of changing the optical properties also occurs in the opposite direction, freshly collected young honey will become lighter as it is sugared. There is an erroneous opinion: if you stir honey regularly, you can prolong its liquid consistency. In practice, this leads to additional grinding of glucose crystals, which, separating in the structure of the substance, accelerate the process of honey crystallization.

The question arises, how to melt frozen honey without losing its beneficial properties? It is necessary to choose the most gentle way in which the risk of losing important elements is reduced to zero. The optimum temperature when heated is up to 40 degrees. When melting honey, use the golden rule: set aside from the container in which the old honey was candied the amount that you need for a single use. A smaller volume is much easier and faster to melt than a whole jar. Thus, you will not only save your time, but also save the remaining last year's honey intact.

melt honey in the sun

Sunlight also affects the consistency of this product, so if possible it is best to store it in a dark place that is not accessible to sunlight. When exposed to direct sunlight on a jar of honey, it can heat up to 50 degrees and above. Under the action of the sun, the consistency becomes liquid, but it is worth noting that the transition from a solid state to a liquid takes quite a long time, so this method is one of the slowest.

Melt cured honey quickly with hot water

If you live in a city apartment, you can easily melt solid honey under a hot water tap without losing its beneficial properties. In urban apartments, the temperature of hot water according to SNiP is maintained at 60-75 degrees, depending on the season. If you want to melt a 3 liter glass jar or a smaller jar, just put it on the battery, but in this case it will be difficult for you to control the temperature at which it will melt into honey, which can be detrimental to its beneficial qualities.

An easier and more reliable way is to use a water tap, the water temperature can be adjusted according to your wishes. We recommend that you stop at a jet temperature of 40-50 degrees, you can measure it with a regular home thermometer or thermometer. The next step is to shift the amount of frozen honey you need from the common container into a tied plastic bag or a glass jar with a lid and leave it for a while under water pressure. The drain hole can be closed to save consumption, but in this case you will have to control the temperature by constantly heating the cooling water.

How to melt honey in a glass jar

In order to melt any amount of solid honey in a glass jar, it is best to either use a water tap (the method is described above) or use a water bath (this method + video can be found below in the article). A flowing jet of hot water or a container of hot water will easily melt thickened mature honey. The main thing - do not forget to control the temperature so as not to spoil the valuable product and not to reduce its medicinal properties.

How to melt honey in a water bath at home

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to melt honey is a water bath. To do this, you will need two pots (one should fit into the other and leave a place for water between the walls and the bottom). Pour water into a large saucepan and turn on the heat at minimum power. Now place a smaller saucepan in it, make sure that it does not touch the walls or bottom. Pour water into a smaller saucepan and place a jar of solid honey in it (you can see this process in detail in the video). To control the temperature, we recommend that you use a regular outdoor thermometer, which will allow you to see temperature changes. When the temperature on the scale of the outdoor thermometer, lowered into the water of a small saucepan, exceeds the mark of 50 degrees, the tile must be turned off for 20-30 minutes so as not to spoil the thermometer. To speed up the process, cover the honey with a lid to create greenhouse conditions inside the jar. If the temperature has dropped to 40 degrees and the honey has not yet melted, you can turn the stove back on. In the video below, we demonstrate how to convert 300 grams of solid honey to a liquid state, using the water temperature in the inner pot no more than 55 degrees (it took us about 60 minutes of time and 2 heatings of water to achieve the result).

How to melt honey Video:

How to melt last year's honey in the microwave

One of the quickest and easiest ways to turn last year's honey from a solid to a liquid state is in the microwave. It will take you less than a minute to melt a tablespoon of old honey in the oven. Microwaves quickly penetrate the structure, affecting the water contained in any honey. The heated water transfers its heat to other components and the sweet treat begins to melt. Although this method is very simple and fast, it is not optimal. Studies have shown that heating food in the microwave reduces the nutritional value of foods. Multiplying this by the high sensitivity of honey to heat, we can conclude that when heated, you risk losing all the beneficial substances that it contains. It is not possible to control the heating temperature in the microwave. Therefore, use this method when it is important for you to quickly get liquid honey without retaining its healing properties, say, as an ingredient for baking or any dish that requires heat treatment.

How to melt honey with lemon

The statement that lemon melts honey is not entirely true, in part it is of course true, but the result may not please everyone. We conducted an experiment, the photographs below show how a lemon slice put into honey behaves after 15 minutes and after 4 hours. It is noticeable in the photo that after 15 minutes the honey becomes more liquid on the surface, and after 4 hours the area of ​​liquid honey increases. The experiment showed that natural lemon can only melt honey in a very small amount. Therefore, this method is appropriate for those who want to add a teaspoon of honey to a cold drink or smoothie. The best proportion for harvesting will be the proportion: 1 slice of lemon per spoon of honey.

How to melt honey in a jar

When asking the question of how to melt honey in a flask, most likely you are a beekeeper who is responsible for product quality, treat this with understanding and do not use prohibited methods that can be detrimental to the beneficial properties of your collection. When selling honey in flasks, you need to know that there are two ways to dissolve candied honey, this is an artisanal and industrial method.

On an industrial scale, thick honey is heated on high-speed electric heaters that maintain a temperature of 55-60 degrees. If you do not have a factory heater capable of doing this, you can use improvised methods for this.

Put a jar of honey in a heated bath, at a temperature of 60-80 degrees, the temperature on the floor will be lower, just about 40-50 degrees, burning in the oven must be maintained for 1-2 days.

Use a flat-type electric heater with a flexible heat-resistant electrical insulating film inside, such as Good Heat. The scheme is simple, wrap the can with such a heater, set the desired temperature, and then wrap the object of heating with a warm blanket to speed up the processes. In order to melt a can of honey, you will need an average of 48-72 hours.

How to melt honey in combs

As a rule, the end consumer receives honey in combs in a liquid state. Keeping it in a frame for a long time is quite problematic, since honey will gradually flow out of the honeycombs. Framed honey has its own unique characteristics, if you managed to get such a product for personal use, do not try to separate the combs and honey, but feel free to eat chopped combs that contain ripe flower honey. In this case, your body will not only benefit from honey, but also be charged with useful vitamins and minerals from perga, propolis, and natural wax. Well-chewed wax honeycombs, after losing their taste, you can spit them out, if you swallowed them, nothing bad will happen.

How to melt honey in a plastic container

You can melt honey in a plastic container in the same way as in a glass jar. How to do this correctly is described above in the section "How to melt honey with hot water." This technology will allow you to protect yourself from the harmful effects of burning plastic, which, when heated excessively, can release substances hazardous to the health of any person.


Separately, I would like to dwell on such a chemical element as hydroxymethylfurfural (OMF). Many sources claim that when honey is heated, this element begins to be actively released into honey, turning it from a useful product into a very dangerous one. We hasten to assure you that everything is not so scary, and all the above heating methods cannot provide a significant formation of hydroxymethylfurfural in honey.

In order to understand the veracity of the statement that honey cannot be heated at all, it is worth understanding the concepts of melting and dissolution. The melting point is the temperature at which glucose crystals begin to melt. Glucose has a high coefficient of solubility in water, with increasing temperature, the dissolution rate only increases, at temperatures above 50 degrees, glucose passes from the monohydrate to the anhydride form. Knowing the chemical characteristics of the substance glucose, you can control its properties, in order to prevent thickening, honey is heated. Heating honey as a rule has a detrimental effect on the quality of honey and its beneficial properties. At temperatures above 40 degrees, all healing structures that have beneficial effects on the human body begin to collapse. With strong heating, close to the boiling point of water, caramelization processes begin in honey, it begins to darken and lose its taste characteristics.

Oxymethylfurfural is formed by heating carbohydrate compounds in acidic environments, if we shift this to honey, then the main source that promotes the formation of (OMF) is the partial decomposition of fructose during excessive heating. But hydroxymethylfurfural is not as dangerous a substance as some sources write about it. GOST regulates the maximum allowable amount of hydroxymethylfurfural in 1 kg of honey at the level of 25 mg. For comparison, we can cite roasted coffee beans as an example, which contain tens or even hundreds of times more hydroxymethylfurfural, it’s just that it is not customary to use this substance in coffee to assess the quality of beans.

A process that you usually want to avoid, because such a product partly loses its taste. So-called decrystallizers have been created specifically to solve this problem.

The process of honey crystallization brings a lot of inconvenience to everyone, which is why devices were specially created and released that are designed to remove “sweet nectar” crystals.

Dissolving (heating honey to a liquid state) using a special apparatus does not require constant supervision by a person, since each section of the heater has a built-in thermal limiter.

The dissolution of honey is the process by which it becomes liquid again, it is heating it at a certain temperature. This process is carried out automatically, while the heating element stops turning on when the temperature reaches 40 ° C on the surface of the container, this is an important condition, because at too high temperatures the properties of the product are lost.


Honey has numerous healing properties and a variety of flavors. But how to save all its wonderful properties so that it brings the maximum benefit to the human body? It needs to be heated properly.

When "bee nectar" is heated, certain enzymes and vitamins that are part of it are destroyed. However, this releases ions of metals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, etc. And they, in turn, activate the action of enzymes in the human body. This is the basis of the healing properties of the bee product, which is consumed in a warm, heated state.

Permissible heating

The admissible heating temperature of the product is 40°C. When heated to such a temperature, it retains all the beneficial substances that are necessary for the human body.

Professional beekeepers know that different "sweet nectar" must be heated to different temperatures in order for it to remain tasty and healthy.

Recently, in various articles, the word "honey" can be seen next to the word "hydroxymethylfurfural". This is a carcinogenic substance that occurs in the composition of honey when heated. Whether this is true is a controversial issue, on the topic of which it is often discussed. But to be safe, it is better not to overheat it. And in order to heat it at the required temperature, it is necessary to use a honey decrystallizer.

What is used for dissolution?

For the dissolution of honey, a decrystallizer is used, which will help bring it into perfect condition. Also, the device is used to prepare the bee product for packaging in containers. On this device, you can set special parameters that will prevent the "nectar" from overheating.

Why is it needed? How does it work? Application

The decrystallizer is used to heat:

  • it is heated to return the product to a liquid state;
  • thanks to this apparatus, the heated “sweet product” does not lose its useful properties;
  • the heater has a continuous heating surface, which ensures uniform heating of the product;
  • so that the “nectar” does not overheat, the equipment turns off on its own when the temperature reaches the required value.

Device types

There are different types of devices for the dissolution of honey, but all of them have the same principle of operation - the blooming of the bee substance by heating it. The process of heating to dissolve the crystals was used by our great-grandfathers. But today it is not necessary to use a steam bath for dissolution, it is enough to buy one of the types of honey warmers.

There are such decrystallizers as:

  1. Soft tape (flexible);
  2. conical;
  3. Spiral;
  4. Cassette;
  5. Homemade.
Soft tape (flexible)

Such devices are used for the dissolution of "nectar" of small volumes. Mostly made from soft materials, it looks like a ribbon that is wrapped around a flask or cube container filled with "sweet nectar".


Such a honey warmer is designed specifically for short-term heating of viscous types of "bee product" when passed through special filter elements. This device has a convenient and reliable design.


This equipment is specially designed for the dissolution of "nectar" in a state convenient for packaging. When the spiral is heated, the “sweet substance” melts, and the device passes through it under its own weight.


This type is a housing with four cassettes, which are interconnected and form a closed space. The "bee product" is placed in this space and heated to the required temperature.

Homemade (do it yourself)

If you wish, to save money, you can make a device with your own hands, from various improvised materials. You can use sheets of floor foam, glue, screws, adhesive tape. From such materials, you can make an oven with your own hands, and use, for example, a household ceramic fan heater with a thermostat as a heating element. And in such impromptu equipment.
But it is advisable to still purchase professional equipment, since only in it you can heat the "nectar" to the required temperature. So that its useful properties are not lost.

Which is better?

Many people wonder what kind of this equipment is the best? You must first determine the tasks that will be assigned to it.

All modern devices are created taking into account all the wishes and recommendations of experienced beekeepers, so the decrystallization process on any equipment is extremely convenient and practical.

And it is difficult to say which equipment is the best, since each is good in its own way. Which device to buy is up to you.


Honey is one of the most delicious delicacies that both adults and children like. In addition to its taste qualities, honey has a bouquet of useful vitamins and minerals. Honey is squeezed out of honeycombs, collected in glass and aluminum containers. At the very beginning, honey has an attractive appearance - viscous, transparent, beautiful. But over time, the product begins to sugar, thicken. The speed of sugaring depends on the type of honey. Dandelion honey can be candied within a couple of weeks after harvest, while chestnut honey does not thicken for several months. In any case, candied honey does not affect its quality - the product is still healthy and tasty. But why burn it?

Why drown honey

Some housewives try to melt candied honey only for aesthetic reasons. And this is quite natural - honey looks much more beautiful on the table in liquid form, and not in the form of crystallized pieces. Sometimes you need to drown honey to use the product for culinary purposes - before adding it to dough, cream, etc.

Often honey is used for cosmetic purposes, in which case its heating is justified by much greater efficiency. Warm honey has a better effect on the skin and hair, accelerating the healing process. But for scrubbing, on the contrary, candied honey is more suitable - its particles clean the skin like a brush.

You can melt honey in a glass jar without losing its beneficial properties. To do this, you need to know a few rules.

It is forbidden!

Honey should not be boiled and brought to a high temperature in no case. It is also impossible to heat honey on an open fire. So you get a sweet pacifier - only a sugar product, without vitamins and beneficial properties. It is best to heat honey moderately, heating the candied jar evenly from all sides. It is not necessary to warm the container higher than 50 degrees.

In addition, when melting, do not add water to honey. This will turn the product into sweet molasses. Whatever method of burning honey you choose, in no case should you transfer it to plastic or plastic dishes. When heated, honey reacts with this material and completely loses its beneficial properties. When you drown honey of different varieties, you do not need to interfere with it - you can lose its value.

How to melt honey with a water bath

The easiest and safest way is to use a water bath.

  1. You will need two deep containers. First, add water and bring it to a boil.
  2. In the second dish you need to put candied honey. How to do this if the honey was initially hardened in a glass jar? It is very easy to scoop it out with a spoon. Of course, you can put the entire jar in a pot of water, but you will need a very deep container that will cover the entire height of the jar.
  3. The upper dish with honey should not touch the bottom directly with boiling water. Honey is steamed - do not forget this.
  4. The time for kindling honey depends on the degree of its sugar content, its type, and the intensity of the water bath. But it usually takes about an hour.
  5. Honey should be stirred regularly so that the melted areas of the product do not overheat, but mix with the candied pieces.

A water bath is the ideal way to melt honey because it will keep it from overheating. If you don't want to mess around with pots, there are several other ways to heat honey.

Here are a few secrets that will help you melt honey without compromising its quality.

  1. The easiest way to melt honey is to use heat. On a hot summer day, you can expose a jar of candied honey to direct sunlight. In a few hours, honey will become liquid and viscous. You just have to mix it thoroughly so that the glucose that settles to the bottom is again distributed throughout the volume. In the winter months, when the heating is on, you can put a jar of thickened honey near the radiator, periodically twisting it around its axis. This will help the honey to warm up qualitatively.
  2. If you have a microwave, use it to melt the candied honey. Just take a glass or porcelain dish, put some honey in it and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. In this case, select the average heating power. It is not necessary to close the honey with a lid. After two minutes, take out the honey, try to mix it. If it is not sufficiently dissolved, put the honey to bask for another two minutes.
  3. Here is a non-standard way to kindle honey. Take a lemon and grind it thoroughly. It can be simply chopped or grated along with the zest. After that, mix honey with lemon and leave it in this position. Of course, it will be very difficult to interfere with thick honey, but you should try to do it at least partially. After a couple of days, the honey itself will become liquid from the mere presence of citric acid in its composition. After this procedure, honey gets a pleasant sourness and a light lemon aroma.
  4. Use modern kitchen gadgets to kindle honey, namely, a double boiler or a slow cooker. This is the same water bath, only with a ready-made platform for a container of honey. In addition, these household appliances allow you to set the desired temperature so that the honey does not overheat. This convenience makes the process indifferent - you no longer need to guard the pots - put it on and go about your business, and smart technology will notify you of the end of the program.
  5. If you want to melt honey as quickly as possible, use hot water for this. Simply place a bowl of candied honey into a pot of hot water. Periodically stir the contents of the jar, and also pour hot water into the pan. This way you can melt honey in a few hours.

Among all the ways to kindle honey, choose for yourself the one that seems most convenient and safe to you.

How many times can you melt honey

If you bought honey for the future in large quantities for the winter, be prepared for the fact that it will soon be candied. And this is quite normal - such a reaction indicates the naturalness of this product. But what if every time you want a fresh, viscous and liquid product? In order not to smear a piece of candied honey on a pancake, but to dip a pancake into liquid honey with pleasure, you need to drown not the whole jar each time, but a small amount of this beekeeping product.

Scoop out of the jar with a spoon a piece of honey that you are going to eat in the next couple of days. Put it in a vase for jam and melt in any way convenient for you - in a water bath or in a microwave. This will allow you to save the whole jar and not reheat it several times. After all, few people can eat a liter of honey until it is sugared again. In general, even re-heating threatens with the loss of the main beneficial properties of honey, so heat the product only once.

Honey is incredibly useful - it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for arrhythmias, for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as a cough suppressant. In addition, honey is a powerful antiseptic. This allows him to fight various ulcers and inflammations, skin diseases and acne. Take care of the beneficial qualities of honey and be treated with this wonderful product!

Video: how to melt honey in a water bath



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