The largest human organ 4. Incredible facts about the human body

Heaviest and most versatile. Where is it located and what is it called?

We are talking about the skin, the heaviest in the body, because it weighs up to 3kg. it's the same

And the most big organ person. If it is leveled, for example, it will cover up to 2.3 m² of area. Hair and nails, by the way, also belong to our outer cover, being its appendages.

FROM medical point of vision, the skin can be defined as an organ because it is made up of tissues different kind that are in constant interaction.

So, for example, the cover of the human body, like that of all vertebrates, not only protects it from external influences, but also takes part in water and salt metabolism, and also performs the functions and excretory. The skin is involved in respiration, in thermoregulation and even acts as a reservoir for fluids and nutrients.

The largest human organ has three layers: the epidermis ( upper layer), dermis (middle) and subcutaneous fat (lower layer or hypodermis).

Let's take a closer look at the epidermis

The surface of the skin reaches 5 mm thickness on the soles of the feet, and otherwise, on all exposed parts of our body, it is the thinnest layer of 0.1 mm. It is the epidermis that protects the body from fungus and various bacteria, maintains the elasticity of the skin.

The topmost layer of the epidermis, glued together by sebum, is dead and keratinized. And the bottom one basement membrane bordering on the dermis. It contains continuously dividing germ cells, which, having come off, begin their journey upward. In the process of advancing from them as a result chemical reactions organelles are also forced out, and the cells, which now mainly include keratin, die off. This entire cycle lasts up to 30 days.

The bottom layer of the skin is high content fat cells, acting as a store of our energy, it also performs the functions of thermal insulation. Hair roots descend into this layer and here are the largest of the blood vessels that feed the skin.

The skin is a sense organ

Have you noticed that many of them perfectly reflect our biggest

organ? If we are ashamed, we are angry, happy or very pleased with something - our skin turns red. It is clear that this is due to increased blood circulation and connection to the work of additional vessels.

But at the moment of fear, we, on the contrary, turn pale, and then it seems to us that even the hair stood on end. And this is the result of the outflow of blood to the heart and muscle tension.

Stress or an increase in excitability also vividly expresses the largest human organ. It has been noticed that after such conditions we often develop a rash and, however, at times spiritual harmony or happy love, she becomes clearly healthier and younger.

In addition, the largest human organ mirrors the state of the whole organism. It will point to the available pathological processes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, sexual sphere, etc.

If you take care of the skin, maintaining its cleanliness and elasticity, not only hygiene procedures, but in a healthy way life, as well as age-appropriate creams and scrubs, you will look young for a long time.

And may your largest human organ never betray the age of its owner!

The human skin is known to be the largest organ of the body. In some people, it looks flawless and radiant, while others suffer from various rashes and skin diseases. Someone's body is covered with freckles, and someone has big ones. birthmarks. The human skin is like an indicator, by the state of which one can determine internal problems organism. It is designed to protect the body from diseases and infections, but at the same time it is vulnerable and tender. What else is useful and surprising to know about the skin?

1. Skin is big and heavy

Some amphibians and spiders shed their old skin easily. But if a person had such an opportunity, then it would not be easy for him to do it. After all, the human skin, together with the hypodermis (deep layer of the skin) occupies about 15-17% of body weight, with a total area of ​​​​approximately 1.2-2.3 m². And the skin weighs an average of 3-4 kg.

Some people have very pale skin, while others, on the contrary, are swarthy. It depends on how much melanin a particular organism produces. It also determines the color of the eyes and hair. There are three shades of this hormone: black (eumelanin), yellow (pheomelanin) and brown (phacomelanin). All of them are produced mainly in the sun and protect tissues from harmful ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in residents of tropical and equatorial countries, the skin has more dark color. And representatives of the Caucasian race have light skin, since their epidermis contains single melanin granules. Some people confuse melanin with another no less important hormone- melatonin, which is produced at night. An excess of it can interfere with the production of melanin.

3. The number of moles on the body

Moles - pigmented neoplasms on the skin (both congenital and acquired) different forms and shades (from pink to dark brown). On the epidermis of the average person, there are from 30 to 150 moles, but it also happens that their number exceeds 500. According to latest research, then the number of moles is associated with the length of telomeres - regions at the tips of chromosomes. Their length in the process of life is reduced, and upon reaching a critical indicator, the cell stops dividing and dies.

Scientists say that people with large quantity moles have larger telomeres, which means that their body is less susceptible to the aging process and various age-related diseases. However, moles often cause skin cancer. At active interaction With ultraviolet rays or with injuries, moles can develop into a malignant formation.

4. Dependence of freckles on age

Freckles often appear in early age and almost completely disappear by the age of 35-40. They dim quite randomly. This is due to a decrease in the level of melanin, a photoprotective pigment in the body. Skin with numerous freckles is most vulnerable to ultraviolet rays, because in such people it is often very light. That is why experts recommend that people with a lot of freckles always use sunscreen and avoid revealing clothing. Do not forget that not only the skin of a person, but also his entire body, including the retina and the immune system, can suffer from too intense sun.

5. Benefits of sweat glands

After intense physical activity or with an increase temperature regime people are sweating. It's necessary natural process protecting the body from overheating. The skin has numerous sweat glands(about 600 pieces for every 5 cm²). Their activity is enhanced by irritation of nerve endings. Sweating often increases with hormonal surges and stress. Sweat glands are absent on the skin of the lips and on some areas of the genitals. On average, on a hot day, the body can lose about 3 liters of fluid.

6. Scratching from itching

When a person's skin itches inaccessible places, intentional scratching of the skin can help, and not necessarily in the area of ​​itching. In the process of scratching the body, the brain is distracted by skin irritation and minor pain. So, thanks to a kind of “replacement effect”, a person stops feeling itching for some time.

Human skin contains a large number of dead cells. On the body there is a continuous and natural process the death of old cells and the birth of new ones. Every minute a person loses at least 40,000 dead cells of the epidermis. In order to speed up the renewal of the skin and get rid of dead skin, you can use cosmetics, such as, for example, scrubs or peeling devices (dry brushes with natural bristles, pumice stones, sponges, etc.). Enough to spend similar procedures once or twice a week. Too intense and frequent exfoliation can injure the skin and worsen its condition.

8. The thinnest and thickest human skin

Most thin layer skin covers the eyelid area. Its thickness in this place does not reach even 0.05 mm. For this reason, the epidermis here is subject to rapid aging. Eyelid skin requires the most careful care. And the thickest layer of skin (about 3 mm) covers the soles of the feet. This fact is associated with initial stages human evolution because primitive people long time walked without shoes.

9. Renewal of the epidermis

The skin is constantly updated, and this is a key condition for their youth. Old skin cells are exfoliated, and new ones appear in their place, born in the basal layer - at the base of the epidermis. When a person turns 25-27 years old, the skin begins to renew itself more slowly. Numerous dead cells accumulate on its surface, which prevent the dermis from functioning normally. This reduces the level of collagen, impairs the tone and elasticity of the skin, its natural shine and color. That is why the first, more or less noticeable wrinkles usually appear at the age of 25-30 years.

10. The role of proteins in skin health

Proteins (proteins) are extremely important for the human body and its normal life. it necessary material for construction, forming the epidermis, nails, hair, muscle tissues. That's why in daily diet human must contain proteins. With their lack, the skin loses its former appearance, elasticity, quickly becomes thinner and dries. The amount of their consumption is determined by the lifestyle and characteristics of the organism. Interestingly, protein is consumed throughout the day and even at night. A large number of protein is needed to maintain muscle mass and its development. Proteins are found in many foods, but special protein supplements can be taken if indicated by a doctor.

Incredible Facts

We do not remember the internal organs until they bother us, although thanks to them we eat, breathe and walk.

Let's get to know unusual facts which might surprise you.

human intestine

The largest organ is small intestine. It is four times longer than the average adult.

The normal human intestine contains about 1 kg of bacteria.

In the intestines of the Japanese are unique microbes that help much better recycle seaweed used in the preparation of sushi than people of other nationalities.

human heart

The human heart creates enough pressure to spurt the blood over a distance. 9 m No wonder you feel your heartbeat well. This blood pump transports blood throughout the body quickly and efficiently thanks to the strong contractions of the heart.

The heart starts beating from the fourth week after conception, and will not stop until the death of a person.

A newborn baby has one cup of blood circulating. The circulatory system in an adult can hold more than 4.5 liters of blood, which the heart pumps into all tissues in one minute. 75 times.

Although the heart weighs an average of 300 g, it pumps 2,000 liters of blood through the blood vessels every day.

The heart has its own electrical impulses, which means it works. even outside the body with an adequate supply of oxygen.

On the this moment 5% of your blood is in your heart, 20% goes to your brain and central nervous system, 22% goes to the kidneys.

Stomach acidity

The acidity of the stomach is so strong that it can dissolve the razor. However, you should not take this information too seriously and deliberately swallow a razor or other metal objects.

Hydrochloric acid, which is contained in the stomach, not only dissolves your dinner well, but is also able to dissolve many types of metals.

Blood vessels

It is estimated that in the human body blood vessels stretch for 96,000 km. For a visual representation, you can compare this distance with the distance around the globe, which is 40,000 km. That is, it is possible to decompose all the blood vessels of one person in length around the Earth more than twice.

human blood

Blood cells are constantly dying and being replaced by new ones. Leukocytes (white blood cells) live from several hours to several weeks, and erythrocytes (red blood cells) live from 90 to 125 days.

circulates throughout the body in blood vessels only half blood. The other half is in spare "blood depots". These "depots" include the liver, spleen and skin. Subcutaneous vessels contain 10%, spleen 16% and liver up to 20% of the total amount of blood.

About 46% of blood is contained in "blood depots". If there is a need to replenish the blood, then it is thrown out of the "depot" into the blood vessels in order to continue the normal activity of the whole organism. This happens, for example, when muscle work or blood loss. After the replenishment takes place, some of the blood is refilled in the skin, spleen and liver.

It was recently discovered that predisposition to various diseases depends on the blood group. Doctors confirmed the research of geneticists.

People with first blood type predisposed to gastrointestinal diseases.

People from second blood group may suffer rheumatic diseases, allergies, bronchial asthma, diabetes, heart disease.

People with third blood type is more likely to suffer from pneumonia. They are prone to developing infections. Women often have purulent mastitis, sepsis after childbirth, joint diseases and osteochondrosis.

People with fourth blood group suffer from colds, flu and other infections.

Not only predispositions associated with blood group are inherited, but also the diseases themselves. It can be intestinal infections, sore throats, pharyngitis or chronic tonsillitis.

Japanese researchers found that the first blood type affects even on character person.

Gastric protection

You get a new "tablecloth" for your stomach every three to four days. These mucus-like cells form on the walls of the stomach and soon dissolve due to strong digestive acids. People who have an ulcer know how painful it can be without such a lining in the stomach.

Lung area

The area of ​​human lungs is tennis court.

In order for the blood to be saturated with oxygen, the lungs are made up of thousands of tiny branches of the bronchi. They, in turn, are filled microscopic capillaries containing oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Large lung area facilitates metabolism and you always get required amount oxygen.

Women's heart

A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. The reason for this is simply that the mass female body, as a rule, less than the mass of the male.

However, that's not all. Men's and women's hearts can actually work quite differently especially when injured heart attack and other diseases. The treatment that is suitable for a man's heart does not always help a woman's.

The walls of the female heart in the left chamber dominated in characteristics with the same male walls in elasticity and thinness. The more elastic the walls in the heart chamber, the lower the likelihood of hypertension.

Another feature of the female heart is Great chance stressful and mental illness than in men.

In medical science, the reasons for the occurrence of diagnostic features cardiac diseases in women. For example, it is not known why electrocardiographic examination is less reliable in women than in men.

Physicians have long been accustomed to believing that cardiovascular diseases mostly seen in men. However, in recent times statistics indicate that women suffer similar diseases in a more severe form. Fatal outcome in such cases in women 55%, and in men 45%.

Liver functions

Scientists count over 500 various functions liver. We are accustomed to remember the liver only after alcohol intoxication. But the liver is one of the hardest working and largest organs.

Here is a list of just a few of the major functions of the liver: bile production, breakdown of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, and detoxification.

Blood passes through the liver on average 1 500-2 000 l per day .

Also, the liver is temperature balance in the human body, which keeps the temperature within 37 ° C.

At intrauterine child at 8-10 weeks the liver has weight half the whole fetus.

Occur regularly in the liver thousands of chemical reactions. It is called a filter or a chemical plant, since the liver cleanses our body of toxins and toxins, and also produces substances necessary for life. From 18 to 20 hours the liver most actively removes harmful substances.

Without the liver, we would get very severe poisoning even from milk or water.

It is difficult to meet a person who healthy liver already by the age of 35-40 due to stress, ecology, malnutrition, various drugs.

If a person expresses negativity, then the liver suffers. If we carry this negativity in ourselves, then its cells suffer even more. Therefore, many doctors assure that you need to have self-control, not to keep evil in yourself, learn to forgive and control your emotions.

Facts about the aorta

The aorta is about the same diameter garden hose. Considering that adult heart almost the size of a fist, the size of the aorta is quite impressive.

In fact, the arteries must be large enough, because it is the main supplier of oxygenated blood to the rest of the organs.

Human lungs

Our left lung is smaller than our right. This nature has created in order to have a place to fit the heart. Both lungs are similar in shape to each other.

Passes through your lungs every day 10 000 l air.

The average adult makes per day 23,000 inhales and exhales.

If you abuse alcohol, then the proteins that protect the function of lung tissues will be destroyed. This process is called the "alcohol lung".

A person living in a city for 60 years needs to cope with 0.1 g of metals, 200 g of harmful chemical substances and 16 g of dust.

95% of people who died of lung cancer smoked 40-20 cigarettes a day.

Substances that have anticancer activity are called isothiocyanates. By eating vegetables containing isothiocyanates (broccoli, Chinese cabbage) at least once a week, you reduce the risk of lung cancer by more than 30%.

The number of people suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases, doubles every decade. Urban residents have a higher risk of contracting such diseases than rural residents.

human vitality

If a person takes away most of the internal organs, then he will survive. The human body may seem fragile, but it will live even if the stomach, spleen, 75% of the liver, 80% of the intestines, one kidney, one lung and genitals are removed.

Interesting fact! 25-year-old worker Phineas Gage was on earthworks in the US and had an accident. When the stick of dynamite exploded, a heavy metal rod 109 cm long and 3 cm in diameter flew out. It stuck into Phineas' cheek, knocking out a tooth, and then went out through the skull and brain.

Surprisingly, Gage did not die instantly. Then he lost a tooth and an eye. Soon he fully recovered keeping their mental capacity, speechless and complete control over the body.

Facts about the adrenal glands

Adrenal glands (paired endocrine glands) change in size throughout our lives. The adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, are responsible for production of stress hormones(cortisol and adrenaline). In the seventh month of the fetus, these glands are about the same size as the kidneys.

At birth, the adrenal glands become smaller and will continue to do so for all life. When a person reaches old age, the glands are so small that they can hardly be seen.

Both adrenal glands are made up of medulla and cortical layer.

They regulate the concentration of several substances in the blood and metabolic processes.

Adrenaline, which is secreted by the adrenal glands, signals the danger to the human body. This causes faster breathing, increased blood flow and a faster heartbeat. Adrenaline is released into the blood in order to prepare for danger or run away from it.

When asked which organ a person has the largest, probably everyone would answer, brains, liver, or something else. In fact, the largest human organ is the skin. Its mass is approximately twenty percent of body weight. If smoothed out, it can cover up to two square meters of space.

Skin is the most unique organ which has its own physiology and anatomy. At different people it differs in color, moisture, density, fat content.

What is skin

This is the outer cover of the body of all vertebrate creatures, including humans. It is designed to protect the body from external influences. In addition, he is involved in a number of important processes eg breathing, thermoregulation, etc.

Skin consists of three elements: epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat. The outer shell - the epidermis - provides elasticity to the skin, protects against bacteria and fungi. One of the layers of this element is keratinized dead cells. They reliably protect from influences of various kinds.

The dermis is made up of two elements: a thin top layer connective tissue and a thick lower one with horizontal bundles of collagen fibers. The dermis contains blood vessels, nerve endings that respond to external factors- touch, temperature, pain, itching. The dermis is the flexibility, elasticity and sensitivity of the skin.

Subcutaneous fat consists of adipose tissue, which is divided into separate lobules. This layer is known as subcutaneous fat. It completely protects the hair roots, sebaceous and sweat glands.

The largest human organ has great amount functions. The skin is involved in water-salt exchange, removes metabolic products and drugs from the body, extra salt. It is one of the main human senses. By and large, this is a receptor field with which the body interacts with environment. It contains a huge number of nerve endings. The skin is very easy to injure, and there are a number of skin diseases.


For one square centimeter the largest human organ has five thousand sensory points, six million cells, a hundred sweat and fifteen sebaceous glands. On the soles, the thickness of the skin reaches five millimeters, on the eyelids - about one.

First of all, the skin is defense mechanism, which protects not only from various impacts, but also from germs, dirt, harmful chemicals, ultraviolet radiation.

Thanks to the most sensitive nerve endings located in the skin, a person is able to touch. Under the influence of time, the skin ages and leaves in the form of scales. Eighteen kilograms of skin changes during a person's life.

The skin keeps us healthy. The state of the whole organism depends on it. Besides appearance skin plays an important role in business career and personal life.

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It provides us with protection, allows us to feel the world and is the first to report diseases. This is the "face" of our body, but we do not know much about it.

largest organ

Skin is the largest organ human body. Its average surface area is from 1.5 to 2 square meters. On the different areas Body skin has different thickness and sensitivity. The thickest skin is on the feet and palms, the thinnest is on the eyelids. At the same time, the sensitivity of the skin is not directly dependent on the thickness. So, on the fingers and palms, the skin, although quite thick, can feel pressure from 20 milligrams, which corresponds to the average weight of a fly.

Skin weighs a lot

The skin is not only the largest human organ, but also the heaviest. On average, our skin makes up 16% of our total body weight. So the excuse "I have a heavy bone" can be safely changed to the phrase "I have a heavy skin."

Skin that renews

Human skin is constantly renewing itself. This process is called regeneration. It happens like this: new skin cells are formed in the germinal layer of the epidermis, for about 28-30 days they move to the surface and lose their cell nucleus. On the surface, with the help of the keratin contained in them, they form the stratum corneum of the skin, which gradually exfoliates when washed or in contact with clothing. Thus, the skin that we consider our own is constantly updated. After a month, the composition of human skin changes completely. In newborns, the regeneration process, like many other processes (for example, metabolism), proceeds faster. "Change of skin" in infants takes three days - 72 hours.

Goose pimples

When we're cold, scared, or when we're listening good music, then on the body, as you know, so-called goosebumps may appear.

This is a rudimentary reaction of the body, inherited by us as a "bonus" from our distant ancestors.

Once upon a time, she helped them warm up and made them more convincing in the eyes of the enemy. When needed, tiny muscles throughout the body tense up and “raise the hair on end.” With thick fur, this betrays the skin with good thermal insulation. For modern man this skill is useless.

The story of the golden boy

Many people know the story of the "golden boy". In 1496, a festivity took place in the castle of the Duke of Milan, Lodovic Moreau, at which, as a symbol of the coming Golden Age, the naked son of a baker, painted with gold paint, appeared before the audience. Everything would be fine, but the performance had to be stopped due to the illness of the duke's wife. The boy was simply forgotten. He sat in the castle all night. In the morning Leonardo da Vinci found him, but the baker's son could not be cured, on the fourth day he died. This story is sometimes told with this conclusion: the boy died from the fact that his skin could not "breathe", so he died. However, today it is already known that "skin breathing" is not dominant in saturating the body with oxygen, and the boy died due to a violation of the thermoregulation of the body, due to hypothermia, since the paint expanded the capillaries and they could not keep warm. Conclusion: do not get too carried away with body painting.

Skin is an indicator of health

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the skin is the mirror of our body. Changes to skin often talk about having serious violations and diseases.

According to the doctor medical sciences Brooke Jackson, director of dermatological health center in Chicago, hyperpigmentation of the skin in the folds of the neck, especially in older people, may indicate diabetes, and too dry or moisturized skin (if this has not been observed before) - o possible violation thyroid functions.

Not to mention the usual rash, which is the first symptom of many dangerous diseases.

wrinkled fingers

Everyone who has ever taken a bath or just been in the water for quite a long time, paid attention to how the skin on the fingers and toes wrinkled. This phenomenon is directly related to the permeability of our skin, which provides its outer layer. Its cells are in contact with each other and on outer surface have a layer of fat. If we stay in water for a long time, then the extracellular layer of fat becomes thinner, water gains access to skin cells and swells. This process is not critical for health.

Dust and albinos

It is a well-known fact that 2/3 of indoor dust consists of dead horny skin cells. Every minute our body sheds up to 30,000 dead skin cells.

For life, each person loses at least one hundred kilograms of "old skin".

Millions of tons of dead horny cells of our epidermis escape into the atmosphere. It is also interesting that White skin a person appeared not so long ago, about 20-50 thousand years ago. This happened due to the loss of part of the melanin pigment by people who migrated to the North. But until now, the percentage of people with white skin, devoid of melanin (albinism) is extremely low. Only one in 110,000 people is an albino.



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