Vitamins for the blood vessels of the brain and heart for adults and children. The role of vitamins and minerals in improving brain activity

The human brain is incredible complex device our body. The center of the nervous system takes up to 25% of all energy expenditure, despite the fact that its weight is a maximum of two percent of the total mass bodies. For full and uninterrupted brain activity, you need to ensure the supply of carbohydrates, proteins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Food should contain amino acids, minerals and vitamins for the brain and memory.

Connections for the brain

Let's start looking at the B-group vitamins that are essential for the central nervous system. They are united by the following factors:

  • they contain nitrogen;
  • classified as water-soluble;
  • have a similar effect on the body;
  • often found together in the same products;

Initially, after the discovery, scientists believed that they were dealing with only one vitamin, and only over time they found out that these were different compounds with similar properties. There are 7 main B vitamins:

  1. B1 or thiamine – essential for a clear mind and strong memory. In addition, it reduces fatigue, since it takes part in almost all metabolic processes organism associated with energy production.
  2. B2 or riboflavin - affects the quality and speed of brain reactions, is involved in the formation of red blood cells, hemoglobin synthesis, and iron absorption. Riboflavin is responsible for the activity of the adrenal glands and affects vision.
  3. B3 or a nicotinic acid necessary for concentration and memory improvement. Protects us from stress. Helps red blood cells transport oxygen.
  4. B5 or pantothenic acidnecessary element, which allows the production of neurotransmitters that transmit electrochemical impulses between neurons. Pantothenic acid is needed for the synthesis of fatty acids, which are responsible for long-term memory.
  5. B6 or pyridoxine – is also involved in the production of neurotransmitters. It also helps absorb amino acids necessary for normal brain function.
  6. B9 or folic acid – improves memory and speed of thinking. It is responsible for the formation and functioning of the immune and circulatory systems. It is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy for the healthy development of the fetal neural tube.
  7. B12 – helps form the melin sheath of the neuron, which is responsible for the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. Participates in the formation of red blood cells, which means it ensures the supply of oxygen to the brain.


Billions of living cells in our body are constantly attacked by free radicals - molecules with one or more missing electrons. By losing elementary particles, cells become unable to perform their functions.

Ascorbic acid, vitamin E and beta-carotene (a metabolic precursor to vitamin A) counteract free radical damage to brain tissue.

The listed vitamins improve memory and brain activity.

Vitamin C is also used by the body to create neurotransmitters and brain cells. The stability and absorption of group B substances depends on its level.

Vitamin E is required to be taken for Alzheimer's disease, which is characterized by the following symptoms: sudden mood swings, memory degradation, irritability, aggression. It can increase the benefits of ascorbic acid and prevent its overdose.

Microelements, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids

Omega-3s help improve brain activity fatty acid. They represent polyunsaturated fats, which our body is not able to synthesize on its own. Eating foods containing Omega-3 can protect the brain from cognitive impairment and improve concentration and memory.

Protein is needed as a building material for the cells of our body, and it consists of amino acids.

What the brain requires most is:

  1. Glycine, an essential amino acid (ATA), although synthesized by the body, must be supplied with food. Glycine normalizes psychological and emotional condition, stabilizes brain activity, and to some extent neutralizes the influence of alcohol. This ATK improves sleep and adjusts biorhythms.
  2. Tyrosine and phenylalanine will fight both depression and anxiety. IN healthy body they eliminate symptoms of chronic fatigue, help improve memory and thought processes, increase pain threshold. Phenylalanine is the main building block of phenylethylamine, which helps you fall in love. Tyrosine, in turn, is the most powerful antidepressant among amino acids. Thanks to this ATC, not only do the signs of depression disappear, it also relieves the symptoms of the premenstrual cycle. These amino acids help overcome caffeine addiction.
  3. Tryptophan - in sufficient quantity in the body will relieve headaches and irritability. Tryptophan helps reduce aggression and is used in the treatment of hyperactivity in children. Medicines that contain this substance must be taken in the complex treatment of schizophrenia and neuroses. It is drunk during the treatment of anorexia and bulimia. To some extent, depression goes away after taking this amino acid.

For normal operation brain, you need to consume a sufficient amount of amino acids with food. The central nervous system cannot function without microelements.

Lack of zinc provokes the development of depression, as well as neurological diseases– Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Magnesium improves learning abilities and memory. Its deficiency can cause headaches, depression and epilepsy. Copper is necessary for the brain to control nerve impulses. If there is not enough of it in the body, then neurodegenerative diseases can develop.

Brain fog and impaired brain function – a clear sign iron deficiency.

Which products are more beneficial?

It is undeniable that it is natural for a person to obtain the necessary vitamins to improve memory and the functioning of the cerebral cortex from natural foods. Let's consider which of them are most suitable for the normal performance of cognitive functions.

Eating fatty fish will help improve brain function. It contains a large number of Omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate memory and improve the perception of information.

The human brain is 60% fat, similar in composition to omega-3, so these acids are used to generate nerve cells. If you eat this substance in sufficient quantities, then in old age you can stop mental decline and avoid neurodegenerative diseases. A lack of omega-3 in the body can provoke a state of depression and reduce a person’s ability to work.

Coffee contains caffeine and antioxidants that are beneficial for brain activity. So a cup of aromatic drink not only invigorates you in the morning, but also has a good effect on brain activity.

Caffeine allows you to:

  • lift your spirits;
  • increase alertness by blocking the synthesis of adenosine, which causes drowsiness;
  • increase concentration.

Despite the controversy surrounding the aromatic drink, the caffeine and antioxidants in coffee help keep your brain productive. Moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases. But, unfortunately, people with elevated blood pressure Drinking this drink is contraindicated.

Blueberries are another healthy and unique product, fighting the aging of nerve cells and the development of brain diseases. It's connected with high content antioxidants in berries. These substances help improve concentration and sometimes help with short-term loss memory.

The main ingredient in curry, turmeric, not only gives a special taste to food, but also to life. Curcumin helps stimulate blood circulation and memory.

Turmeric is very beneficial because it:

  • stimulates the growth of brain cells;
  • fights blues and melancholy: curcumin affects the synthesis of “mood hormones” - serotonin and dopamine;
  • stimulates memory, which is especially necessary for patients with Alzheimer's disease.

By adding turmeric to tea and curry to food, you will extract maximum benefit from curcumin.

Such a vegetable, unloved by most children as broccoli, contains great amount useful substances. One hundred grams of the plant contains more than 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin K: the body uses it to create fats, which are found in huge quantities in brain cells.

Vitamin K supports concentration, and the antioxidants contained in broccoli help the body resist brain damage.

Pumpkin seeds too strong antioxidant. They contain many microelements: zinc, magnesium, copper, iron. It is definitely necessary to include pumpkin seeds in your diet to improve the quality of mental activity.

It is useful to eat a bar of dark chocolate or drink cocoa. These foods are rich in flavonoids, antioxidants and caffeine, which help improve mood and slow down brain aging.

The list of foods beneficial for brain activity is complemented by nuts. In addition to B-group vitamins, they are rich in: omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin E. May be externally similar walnuts And human brain not accidental?

One orange per day in the diet provides the body daily norm vitamin C, and also prevents brain aging by protecting it from free radicals. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in tomatoes, kiwi, guava, bell pepper and strawberries.

An excellent source of vitamins, folic acid and choline are eggs. They prevent brain aging and the occurrence of melancholy.

Despite the fact that the effect of eggs on the body has not yet been fully studied, the benefits of eating them have long been known.

Brain functioning improves and green tea. It contains high amounts of caffeine as well as L-theanine, which reduce anxiety, reduce fatigue and allow you to relax. Among other things, green tea helps improve memory.

In conclusion, it must be said that a comprehensive balanced diet is relatively inexpensive and effective way improve human brain activity and memory.

It is best to eat fresh and natural products and comply daily norm drinking liquid.

Our nutrition directly affects the stable functioning of the brain. To maintain its activity, in addition to nutrition, you need to regularly do physical exercise and train cognitive abilities.

Drugs from the pharmacy

IN modern world it's very difficult to provide for yourself natural vitamins. During food processing (sterilization, preservation, exposure to high and low temperatures) most of the nutrients are lost. The way out of this situation is to compensate for the missing elements with the help of analogues synthesized by the pharmaceutical industry.

Vitamins for memory and brain function for adults and children can be purchased at any pharmacy. Very popular are products in which one tablet contains an entire vitamin complex necessary for the brain. It is often combined with microelements. Also use partial A complex approach, which contains vitamins of one group, for example, group B.

Preparations with one active substance(folic acid, vitamin C, etc.) Their advantages include low cost, less chance of overdose and allergic reaction.

There are medications that include vitamins enhanced with nootropic supplements to improve memory and attention.

Brain-stimulating amino acids and omega-3 acids stand out separately.

Pharmaceutical drugs to improve brain activity have a beneficial effect on the thought process itself, sharpen concentration and improve memory. Such vitamins make a person calm and balanced. Elderly people need to take dietary supplements and vitamins, as they tone brain tissue and help restore vascular elasticity.

Modern man constantly has to experience stress, overwork and tension. All this inevitably affects the state of the brain and its blood vessels.

Thanks to modern medicine can support their health and protect them from unfavorable factors. For this purpose, it is necessary to take vitamins for the blood vessels of the brain for adults and, in some situations, for children.

Why vitamin support is important

Nutrition of the brain and its saturation with oxygen directly depends on the condition and normal functioning of its vascular system.

In the modern world, life is very busy. Requirements and flows of information surround us almost around the clock and force us to work hard.

People are forced to remember a huge amount of information, constantly process it, analyze it, and make important and responsible decisions. At the same time, time for rest and good sleep there is practically none left.

As a result, brain activity gradually decreases, and in order to cheer it up, you have to drink coffee, energy drinks and other stimulants. This helps for a while, but ultimately leads to even greater brain exhaustion and increased fatigue.

To avoid this, you need to adhere to healthy image life with good nutrition and rest. And also take additional microelements and vitamins to nourish the central nervous system. Since these substances have an antioxidant, anti-stress and tonic effect, food does not always cover the entire need for them.

What substances does the brain need?

To strengthen cerebral vessels antioxidants are needed, substances that deactivate toxins and stimulate metabolic processes.

The following vitamins have these effects:

  • A ( good antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • group B (a whole group of substances with similar chemical structure, improving blood composition, the condition of blood vessels, stimulating memory, increasing stability nerve tissue to oxygen starvation);
  • E (a powerful natural antioxidant, reduces the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis);
  • K (normalizes blood clotting and tone of vascular walls);
  • P (strengthens blood vessels, maintaining their elasticity, and normalizes their permeability);
  • C (prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases);
  • PP (promotes vasodilation, ensuring saturation of the central nervous system with oxygen and nutrients);
  • D (prevents the occurrence of tumors in the brain);
  • selenium (protects nerve cells from peroxidation, as it is an antioxidant itself and enhances antioxidant properties vitamin E);
  • iron (helps improve memory and concentration);
  • phosphorus (an essential component for brain function, as it is necessary for all energy processes);
  • magnesium (helps relieve nerve impulse from neurons, due to which it has a calming effect, relieves spasms in blood vessels, eliminates headaches, improves sleep);
  • zinc (normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, fights depression, sleep disorders, is necessary in the treatment of epilepsy);
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (essential in the construction of neurons, improve all functions of the central nervous system - memory, attention, speech, etc.).

Of course, these are not all the necessary substances, but only the most important ones. For the healthy functioning of the brain and its blood vessels, proper balanced nutrition is required, which will provide sufficient amounts of all amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

How does hypovitaminosis manifest?

When it enters the body an insufficient amount vitamins, or when their deficiency is observed due to faster consumption in a state of brain exhaustion, a person experiences many unpleasant symptoms.

Most patients complain of:

  • increased fatigue;
  • bad memory;
  • decreased concentration;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • increased nervousness and irritability;
  • insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • apathy and depression;
  • panic attacks, etc.

If you notice in yourself similar symptoms, you need to urgently contact a neurologist. And most importantly, you need to start resting more. Surely the doctor’s instructions for treatment will include this item.

Indications and contraindications for vitamin therapy

Not only a lack of vitamins is harmful, but also their excess. Therefore, you should take them only after taking blood tests to determine their content.

A neurologist or therapist can give a referral for such an examination. But in some cases, taking vitamin preparations is justified without preliminary tests.

Indications for their use are:

  • acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • periods chronic stress or high voltage(exams, reporting periods, etc.);
  • periods of excessive active work activity;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, neuroses, etc.);
  • elderly age;
  • delays mental development in children;
  • rehabilitation after head injuries;
  • treatment of neuroinfections, etc.

Thus, there are a lot of conditions when you need to take vitamins for the head and blood vessels. But there are almost no contraindications for taking them. Only one - individual intolerance individual components, included in the composition.

Popular vitamin complexes

Vitamins for brain vessels can be taken either individually as mono-preparations or as part of complex means. The advantage of such complexes is the presence of all necessary substances and microelements, and they are selected to the maximum effective combination and ratio.

Photos of the most popular vitamins in pharmacies:

Modern pharmaceuticals have come a long way and continue to actively develop, so the range of vitamin preparations in pharmacies is very wide. The main differences between them are the list and quantity useful components and country of production. The price of the drug and the effects it provides depend on these characteristics.

There are a lot of vitamins and microelements that are important for the blood vessels of the brain. You cannot include them all in one complex, since not all of them will be assimilated in such a combination. Therefore, you need to pay attention to ensure that the composition contains the most significant components. They are presented in the table below:

Most often, neurologists prescribe the following to adults: vitamin complexes:

  • NeuroPlus (Russia)– contains tonic components (gingko biloba, ginger, licorice, gota kola);
  • "Neurostrong" (Russia)– a vitamin complex with tonic substances, additionally enriched with blueberry extracts and L-glutamic acid;
  • "Memory Rise" (Russia)– rich vitamin preparation with amino acids and plant extracts;
  • "Intellan" (Pakistan)– characterized by the presence of extracts medicinal herbs in its composition (ginkgo biloba, centella asiatica, herpestis, coriander, amomum, emblica);
  • "Brain and Memory" (USA)– concentrate in the form of a solution with extracts of medicinal plants.

In pediatric neurology, the following vitamins for the vessels of the neck and head are more popular:

  • “Glycine Bio” (Russia) is a mono-drug made from one amino acid (glycine), absolutely safe, approved for use in children from birth;
  • "Biotredin" (Russia) - a product based on vit. B6 and amino acids L-threonine;
  • “Pikovit Omega-3” (Slovenia) – a vitamin complex in the form of a peach-flavored syrup, often used during the period of a child’s adaptation to school;
  • “Vitrum Memory” (USA) – ginkgo biloba extract with zinc, vit. C and group B;
  • “Junior Bee Smart” (Iceland) – vitamins combined with omega-3 fatty acids in the form of chewing marmalade.

The doctor must decide which vitamin complex for the arteries of the brain to choose. He will help you choose the most effective drug depending on the situation.

In some cases, the use of monovitamins in the form of injections is required. Most often, this need arises after injuries, acute illnesses or severe vitamin deficiencies.

What foods contain substances essential for the brain?

To prevent the development of diseases of the brain and blood vessels, it is necessary to eat properly, trying to adhere to a diet with a complete content of vitamins, minerals and microelements.

To do this, you need to include in your food:

  1. Whole grain products (bread, cereals, bran), as they contain B vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium.
  2. Fatty fish is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vit. A, D, group B and a number of microelements (zinc, chromium, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium).
  3. Nuts (contain omega fatty acids, B vitamins, tocopherol and a number of important micro and macroelements).
  4. Berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, etc.). They contain many natural antioxidants and flavonoids.
  5. Fresh vegetables (especially spinach, avocado, tomatoes, red peppers, cabbage, eggplant, beets). Rich in antioxidants and microelements. Avocado has a high content of essential fatty acids.
  6. Fresh fruits (apples, pears, bananas, citrus fruits). They have a lot of vit. C, E, A, group B and antioxidants.
  7. Spices, as they contain not only many vitamins, but also essential oils, organic acids, amino acids and trace elements. Turmeric, saffron, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, and sage are especially useful.
  8. Honey. This is not only an excellent sugar substitute, but also a real storehouse essential vitamins and microelements.

Proper and balanced nutrition will help not only your brain and its blood vessels stay healthy longer, but also all other organs and systems in the body.

Which foods contain specific vitamins can be seen in the following table:

Vitamins and microelements are certainly important components for active mental activity, good memory and healthy sleep. They are able to ensure complete saturation of the brain with oxygen and nutrients by maintaining the vascular system.

After all, blood supply and all activity of brain cells depend on the health of blood vessels. Of course, vitamins will never be replaced good rest, which is no less important for health. Therefore, if you want to remain sane and have good memory until old age, get more rest, eat well and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

In the modern world, in the conditions of a frantic pace of life, which dictates its own rules regarding the functioning of memory, and, accordingly, the brain, and of cardio-vascular system. It is in our power to help the body cope with the load, with the unfavorable environmental situation, improve memory, calm nerves. Vitamins and minerals come to our aid in this matter. We will now consider the work of some of them.

What vitamins stimulate brain activity?

There are five main types of such vitamins: B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, calciferol, and bioflavonoids. Let's study each group in more detail.

Group B

B vitamins are the most significant helpers in the processes of hematopoiesis, which means saturating the brain with oxygen. The more oxygen supplied to the brain, the better its functioning. Let's take a closer look at these vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine) - this vitamin stimulates energy production to improve cell function, as well as the transmission of neuromuscular impulses;
  • B2 (riboflavin) – helps improve hematopoiesis, which helps brain function;
  • B3 (nicotinamide, PP) – ensures regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in tissues, which leads to proper tissue respiration, accelerates recovery processes, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – helps in the body’s absorption of amino acids, which help protect the brain from adverse factors environment, participates in hematopoiesis, as well as in regulating cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • B9 (folic acid) – promotes cell regeneration, helps in the body’s absorption of other B vitamins;
  • B12 (cobalamin) - participates in the production of amino acids, warns premature aging.

As can be seen from the above, B vitamins help in hematopoiesis, participate in antioxidant processes in the body’s cells, reduce the likelihood of premature aging of cells, which in turn leads to good functioning brain, and as a result – to improve human memory.

Effects of ascorbic acid

Of course, not only these vitamins are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and human brain activity. It is impossible now to imagine your life without vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Everyone has been familiar with these delicious white ones since childhood. round tablets, but does everyone know about their true participation in the human body? You can sing the praises of ascorbic acid for a very long time, because it is one of the most important antioxidants in our body. Vitamin C improves the elasticity of blood vessels, which allows blood to reach and saturate with oxygen every cell of our brain, and also promotes general increase immunity. No lethargy, joint pain, lethargy - we have vitamin C to thank for all this.

Vitamin E

But since we are talking about the antioxidant properties of vitamins, let’s not forget the no less famous tocopherol acetate, popularly known as vitamin E. It eliminates free radicals, which slow down brain function, maintain the health of muscle and nerve tissue, and help in the delivery of oxygen to tissues and cells. When combined with vitamin C in the body, the likelihood of getting and developing cancer is reduced.

But we must not forget that an excess of this vitamin can lead to osteoporosis. And under no circumstances should you think that taking medications with this vitamin will restore damaged tissues and processes in your body. Tocopherol acetate is taken only for the purpose of prevention, but not for the restoration of already non-functioning processes.


Among the also very common vitamins for improving the quality of the body’s functioning, vitamin D, or calciferol, can be divided into a separate category. It’s not for nothing that doctors in all countries advise taking medications with this vitamin from birth, especially for those categories of the population who live in natural conditions with little daylight.

a lack of sunlight leads to vitamin D deficiency, and this must be replenished. Our body is designed in such a way that under the influence of sunlight it can synthesize calciferol itself, but not everyone is lucky enough to live in a sunny and hot country, so it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of this vitamin through taking special medications.

Thanks to vitamin D, brain processes in the body are accelerated, and the likelihood of developing disorders of the central nervous system is significantly reduced. Do not forget about the importance of vitamins for the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system and the body as a whole.


Of course, not all processes in the body can start only when taken essential vitamins. You also need to understand that the body needs to be helped with the help of other elements, for example, bioflavonoids (sometimes called “vitamin P”). Very complicated name, and no less complex chemical compound. However, bioflavonoids are essential for good capillary permeability. We can say that this is a separate class of antioxidant nutrients that are found in many fruits, herbs and berries (hence the prefix “bio”).

Most high concentration bioflavonoids are found in citrus peels, black currants and rose hips. These substances help protect against cardiac diseases, oncology, infections, reduce pain, improve mood, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


These were common words in order to understand what bioflavonoids are. Now let's take a closer look at the most famous names. Let's start with routine. Who doesn’t know the name “ascorutin”, which is prescribed by doctors to patients who have problems with blood vessels - multiple bruises on the body (“crystal vessels”). So this particular drug contains rutin and ascorbic acid, which, interacting with each other, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.


Everyone also hears the so-called “ tannins" Who doesn’t know that an infusion of oak bark is used to treat bleeding gums? So, it is tannins, which are contained in oak bark, that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which in turn allows the body to receive to all its farthest corners nutrients and oxygen.

Which drugs to choose for different treatment purposes?

A lot of various drugs can be taken for the adjustment and normal functioning of the body, to improve brain function and memory. But how can we take them all together? Instead of lunch, should they be divided into first, second and compote? Isn't it funny and inconvenient? But there is a way out: complex preparations to improve brain function. There are a huge number of them on the modern pharmacological market. But do not forget that the drugs you want to take must be balanced. They shouldn't harm you, they should help you improve your quality of life.

Drugs for adults

One of the most successful drugs in this area can be considered “Ostrum” from “Evalar”. The Evalar company, in principle, has long been in a leading position in the production of dietary supplements, so there is no reason not to trust them. It was a distraction. Now let's return to the drug "Ostrum".

As you can find out from the instructions for the drug, it contains the world-famous ginkgo - a relict plant, a source of bioflavonoids. In addition to this plant, the concern's pharmacists tried to add B vitamins to the preparation, the concentration of which was maintained within the limits daily dose, necessary for brain function and improving memory in an adult. So the main commandment “do no harm” has been fulfilled.

This dietary supplement will help you perform tasks of varying complexity, as well as concentrate your attention on solving problems. Thanks to complex composition, there will be improvements in the functioning of the body, because the walls of blood vessels will be strengthened, the composition of the blood will improve, and the reduction of “bad” cholesterol will help prevent blood clots.

The best products for children

We should never forget that the body of an adult is different from the body of a child. Therefore, all medications must be taken in accordance with your age category. What is good for a child is not good enough for an adult, and vice versa: what is good for an adult will be harmful for a child. You should never self-medicate. It is better to consult a doctor.

Of course, to increase a child’s concentration, all the same vitamins and substances are needed as for an adult, because the brain activity of a child exploring the world is very high. What about stress and overload at school? Therefore, the body must be supported and properly nourished. Memory enhancing drugs can be found at the pharmacy in different price categories. These are the well-known “Glycine” and “Pentovit”, as well as “Ginkoum” and “Tenoten”. You can choose what you need for both children and adults.

For the brain and heart

But, as you know, brain function and memory improvement cannot take place if there are problems with the blood vessels of the brain and heart. At the beginning we considered different types vitamins for brain function, so the vitamins for the blood vessels of the brain and heart are the same, but plus potassium, magnesium and Omega-3, 6, 9 (fatty acids) are added to them.

Potassium is necessary for transmitting nerve impulses to the heart muscle, magnesium improves metabolic processes in the myocardium, and fatty acids help lower the level of “bad” cholesterol and balance it with good.

The most commonly taken drugs to improve blood vessels:

  • "Doppelhertz Cardio System-3";
  • "Duovit";
  • "Vitrum Cardio Omega-3".

These drugs contain a basic set of essential vitamins and minerals (the composition and amount of microelements varies) that will help the cardiovascular system. But don't forget that Excipients These drugs are different, so you should familiarize yourself with their composition and choose the one that suits you, in order to avoid allergies and other unpleasant things. Also quite famous are “Panangin” and fish fat- these are not complex drugs. They should be taken as an addition to the main complex.

Memory Improvers

But are there any other options besides running to the pharmacy and buying there? various vitamins Are dietary supplements, in general, drugs? Certainly. It’s not for nothing that everyone around is talking about the need to eat properly and balanced. So, let's look at which foods contain certain vitamins, so-called foods for the brain and memory.

Let's start, perhaps, in order, by considering products that contain B vitamins. Vitamins in this category are contained as in plant foods, and in food of animal origin.

You can find out how foods affect the functioning of our brain in the following video:

So, let's sum it up. In a constantly changing world, poor ecology, stress, new discoveries, positive and negative factors influencing the body from the outside, one can and should help one’s body, one’s brain, one’s memory. And it’s in your hands to do this: just eat right, exercise, and don’t forget about additional sources of vitamins, especially in unfavorable climatic conditions. Once you start following these simple rules, you will notice how much better your life will become.

In contact with

You can improve memory and stimulate brain activity with the help of certain vitamins and microelements. It is almost impossible to get the required amount from your diet, even if it is perfectly balanced. Therefore, people need to take vitamin complexes.

Vitamins that stimulate brain activity

Such drugs have a positive effect on the quality of thought processes, help strengthen memory, activate blood circulation in the brain, so that the cells of the organ receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and other important substances. Vitamins, in addition, contribute to sharpening attention, making a person less irritable and calm. This effect is ensured due to the dependence of brain activity on the timely renewal of organ tissues and its active blood supply. Vitamin complexes help to establish these processes.

B vitamins

These substances are considered essential for the functioning of the nervous system. B vitamins play a key role in the brain because they help big influence on human thinking and memory. These substances stimulate the normal functioning of nerve cells, prevent premature aging, and protect against brain overload and stress. Vitamin B deficiency leads to serious disorders nervous system, deterioration of brain performance, memory loss.


This substance increases a person’s tone, reducing fatigue and providing a long-lasting feeling of vigor. Vitamin B1 helps strengthen memory, normalizes sleep, and helps cope with depression and stress. In addition, it is involved in providing the brain with glucose. With a lack of thiamine, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • development of pathologies of blood vessels and heart (in severe cases).


The main task of vitamin B2 is to provide the body with energy and improve brain function. The substance takes part in the synthesis of nerve cells. With a riboflavin deficiency, physical activity quickly brings fatigue. The following signs indicate a lack of B2:

  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • lethargy;
  • weight loss;
  • sores on the corners of the lips;
  • weakness, apathy.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin B3 takes part in the synthesis of enzymes, therefore it is very an important component for the human body. In addition, niacin helps extract energy from food and can improve brain function. With a lack of B3, a person feels:

  • fatigue;
  • depression, depression;
  • difficulty concentrating.

Pantothenic acid

Helps transfer information between nerve cells brain (responsible for long-term memory). Vitamin B5 produces antibodies that can fight the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine. Previously, a deficiency of this substance was considered impossible, since B5 is found in the vast majority of foods, but later it turned out that pantothenic acid is destroyed during cooking or during long-term storage of food. Its disadvantage is manifested:


Helps increase intellectual abilities, accelerates human thought processes. The vitamin is actively created directly by the body, but for this it is important to adhere to healthy eating. With pyridoxine deficiency, the following occurs:

  • sleep disorders;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • depression, depression;
  • irritability, nervousness;
  • slowing down the thought process.

Folic acid

It has a beneficial effect on memory, calms the nervous system, and provides the body with vigor. A pronounced lack of vitamin B9 is felt by people who have bad habits: alcohol or nicotine addiction. Folic acid deficiency manifests itself:


Brain vitamin B12 is directly involved in the transition of the brain from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa. The higher the level of cyanocobalamin in the body, the easier it is to get up in the morning and adapt to other time zones. Signs of vitamin deficiency are:

  • dizziness;
  • fatigue, depression;
  • deterioration of the thought process;
  • irritability;
  • memory loss or impairment.

Ascorbic acid

This natural antioxidant helps the absorption of B vitamins and protects the body from mental and physical overload. The substance is necessary to maintain neurotransmitters in the brain. With a vitamin C deficiency, a person feels:

Tocopherol acetate

Vitamin E for the brain prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and protects the body from various destructive processes. This substance serves as an effective antioxidant, removing toxins, waste, and other breakdown products. A lack of tocopherol acetate leads to:

  • aggressiveness;
  • irritability;
  • sharp jumps mood;
  • inability to adequately perceive information.


Prevents development cancer diseases brain, prolongs the youth of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin D also prevents oxidative processes. Calciferol deficiency leads to:

  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • weakened vision;
  • development of skin diseases.


These substances prevent hemorrhages in the brain and stop the development of capillary fragility. Vitamin P, like ascorbic acid, does not allow oxidative processes to occur. The lack of bioflavonoids manifests itself:

  • bleeding from the nose, gums;
  • the appearance of bruises on the skin;
  • fatigue, low energy potential.

Drugs to improve brain function

Brain vitamins provide the ability to live full life, maintaining normal mental function even in old age. Various medications have a number of differences: some are universal and suitable for everyone age categories, others are intended specifically for children, the elderly, pregnant women, etc. It is recommended to take vitamins after consulting a doctor, since some drugs have a serious effect on blood circulation in tissues, and this can lead to Negative consequences.

For adults

Tablets for brain activity have a positive effect on the quality of the thought process, help sharpen attention, and improve memory. After taking such vitamins, a person becomes balanced and calm. For older people, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes are important due to their properties to tone tissue and restore elasticity to blood vessels. Common:

  1. Ginkgovit Aviton. The product contains 12 vitamins, a huge amount of minerals and amino acids that are important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. The vitamin complex is indicated for cerebral circulatory disorders, to improve vision/hearing, reduce blood viscosity, for hypertension and venous insufficiency. The product helps enhance brain activity and speed up thinking. The downside of the drug is a large list of contraindications, including: pregnancy, childhood, hemophilia, allergies, etc.
  2. Active day (for men). Designed to restore brain activity. In addition to a set of vitamins and minerals, they contain plant extracts cayenne pepper, hawthorn, echinacea, kola nut, green tea, ginger root - they all provide energy to the brain.
  3. Orthomol Mental. These vitamins can quickly increase brain activity, and they are also beneficial for the nervous system. Thanks to taking the drug, sleep improves and the person becomes more balanced. The vitamin complex increases the rate of formation neural connections, adaptive functions of the brain (reactions to changing situations). Orthomol Mental contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, niacin, biotin, magnesium and many other minerals.
  4. Glycine. These brain vitamins are produced by Evalar and help restore normal brain function and improve memory. Increased content the main component of the drug normalizes activity cerebral cortex, reduces nervous excitability, prevents stress. It is worth taking the drug when there is a decrease in mental performance, to overcome stressful situations, prevention ischemic stroke.
  5. Brain-o-flex. Contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, essential flavonoids and amino acids that protect the brain from overload. The drug is shown to be biologically active additive(dietary supplement) during the period of vitamin deficiencies.
  6. Rivien. The vitamin complex improves brain activity by activating blood circulation in the organ. With the help of the drug, mental and physical potential increases, chronic fatigue goes away. The main purpose of vitamins is to help overcome depression and stabilize the emotional state. It is recommended to take the tablets exclusively for adults.

For children

IN childhood Active brain development occurs, which requires additional support in the form of vitamins. Schoolchildren have increased mental activity, so any teenager needs to not only eat a balanced diet, but also drink vitamin complexes to maintain the possibility of hyperactive brain activity. Suitable drugs for the child are:

  1. Pikovit for children. The product is available in the form of syrup and lozenges. The vitamin-mineral complex helps improve attention, perception, and memorization of information. The drug is indicated to prevent overfatigue in schoolchildren, with increased neuropsychic and physical activity, during recovery after past diseases.
  2. Vitrum Baby. The product contains everything necessary for normal height and child development vitamins and minerals. Vitamins for high activity brain, in addition to their main purpose, they are designed to prevent infection infectious diseases as a result of decreased immunity.
  3. Schoolboy alphabet. Vitamins for normal brain function contain the entire complex necessary substances for growing children. It is recommended to take the product during off-season vitamin deficiencies, during intense physical, mental stress, during and after illness.

Products for the brain and memory

For normal functioning, the brain needs the entire set of vitamins. This is the only way you can count on him normal functioning. A person’s diet should contain the following products:

  • oatmeal– almost all vitamins B, E;

May 01 2018

The word itself vitaminsderived from the Latin “life”, these are substances that are not produced by our body, but are vital. First, we need them for proper growth and development, then to support and maintain health, so it is necessary to ensure their regular intake into the body. Vitamins participate in metabolic processes, ensuring the stable operation of all systems. Let us consider in detail which of them directly affect brain activity.

Proper development and work

In order for the brain to function properly, it must first develop correctly. Vitamin B9 is involved in this process; it is extremely important during the formation of the brain in the fetus in the womb. Brain activity– is the transmission of impulses between nerve cells (neurons). It is carried out by special substances - neurotransmitters, and vitamin B6 is responsible for their formation. The speed of signal transmission depends on the membrane of neurons; it is formed by vitamin B12, thereby speeding up the thinking process.

B vitamins are essential for proper operation brain.


Poor memory and many brain diseases arise as a result of degradation and aging of the brain. Vitamins A and B1 stimulate memory and protect brain cells from destruction; vitamin B12 is responsible for short-term memory; vitamin B5 is responsible for long-term memories. Aging is caused oxidative processes, therefore, to prevent it, an antioxidant is needed - vitamin C. In combination with vitamin E, it prevents various diseases and types of dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Learning and Thinking

Cognitive brain function is our ability to cognitive activity. Vitamin K Speeds Up Thinking, Obtaining and Processing Processes new information. To improve overall brain performance, vitamin D is needed. It helps cope with tasks and make decisions, and protects against cognitive impairment. Vitamin E eliminates free radicals that slow down brain function.

Vitamins D, E and K speed up thought processes and improve brain performance

Mood and motivation

Our emotional state controls us - when we are in bad mood, our motivation drops, we don’t want to do anything, it’s harder to cope even with familiar tasks. Therefore, for maximum efficient work brain is important to maintain positive attitude. Serotonin, the so-called “happiness hormone,” is responsible for this. Many vitamins perform several functions at once, which is why they are so important for the brain: vitamin B6 promotes the formation of serotonin, and vitamins C and D increase its level, vitamin B12 protects against mood swings, and vitamin B1 will help in the fight against depression.

Vitamins B, C and D provide mental clarity and a positive attitude

Universal recipe

As we can see, some vitamins take part in several processes at once. The most “multifunctional” is vitamin D3. Among its basic tasks is the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, i.e. The health of bones, teeth, muscles and hair depends on it. Like other D vitamins, it improves memory and attention, stimulates thinking and affects the production of serotonin. Separately, it is worth noting that this vitamin is produced by our skin under the influence sun rays. But our climate does not allow us to obtain vitamin D3 in sufficient quantities in natural conditions.



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