Is it possible to give a child ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid for children for normal growth and development

Useful properties of vitamin C

Vitamin C belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. It is not synthesized by the body, it can only be obtained from food and pharmaceutical preparations.

Useful properties of vitamin C:

  • improves immunity;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, helps to recover faster after operations;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • has antioxidant properties, protects against free radicals, toxins and other harmful substances, prevents the development of cancer;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, cartilage and bones;
  • improves the absorption of iron and vitamin B9;
  • regulates the processes of blood coagulation;
  • improves mood and reduces the harmful effects of stress;
  • promotes the production of carnitine, which burns fats;
  • improves the production of enzymes that have a beneficial effect on digestion processes;
  • regulates redox processes;
  • promotes the production and accumulation of glycogen in the liver.

The role of ascorbic acid for children

Vitamin C plays an important role in the development of the child - it improves immunity and improves the functioning of internal organs, helps in the functioning of the nervous system, promotes the absorption of iron, saturates the body with oxygen.

An important fact is known that ascorbic acid is able to prevent the sudden death of infants. But this does not mean that babies need higher doses of vitamin C. Children's bodies get enough of it with breast milk or formula.

The need for vitamin C in a child

This vitamin is needed at any age, but in different quantities.

From what age can you give and the norm of vitamin C per day for children, mg:

  • 0-12 months - mother's milk contains the daily requirement of vitamin C for a child;
  • 1-3 years - 5;
  • 4-8 years - 25;
  • 9-13 years old - 45;
  • 14-18 years - 65-75.

During diseases, the rate of the element is slightly higher. The maximum daily dose of vitamin for children, mg:

  • 1-3 years - 400;
  • 4-8 years - 600;
  • 9-13 years old - 1200;
  • 14-18 years old - 1800.

Vitamin C deficiency in a child - what is the danger

The lack of vitamins in childhood is dangerous and can be the cause of the development of a number of pathologies. Prolonged deficiency leads to a dangerous disease - scurvy, in which connective tissues are destroyed, muscles lose their tone, teeth loosen and fall out, blood vessels become brittle, which causes subcutaneous hemorrhages and bleeding gums.

What will happen to the baby with a vitamin C deficiency (main signs):

  • fatigue, weakness, drowsiness;
  • bleeding from the gums and nose;
  • the baby often suffers from viral and colds;
  • the skin around the nose, ears acquires a bluish tint;
  • reduced values ​​of ascorbic acid in the urine of a child.

The norm of ascorbic acid in the urine is 30 mg per day. Judging by the amount of acid in the test results, you can find out if there is a lack of vitamin

Foods Containing Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency is common. With the help of properly organized nutrition, you can maintain the amount of the substance in the norm.

Approximate amount of vitamin C in mg per 100 g of edible portion of the product
Potato - 20 Pumpkin - 8 Apricots - 10
Carrot - 5 Zucchini - 15 Cherry plum - 13
Parsley root - 35 Onion - 10 Bananas - 10
White cabbage - 50 Lemons - 40 Grapes - 6
Beets - 10 Peaches - 10 Dogwood - 25
Green peas - 25 Melon - 20 Quince - 23
Kohlrabi - 50 Blackcurrant - 200 Pineapples - 40
Cucumbers - 10 Blueberries - 10 Cowberry - 15
Sweet pepper - 150 Pears - 5 Strawberries - 60
Rhubarb - 10 Cranberry - 15 Gooseberry - 30
Cauliflower - 70 Raspberry - 25 Tangerines - 38
Tomatoes - 25 Plums - 10 Oranges - 48
Green onion - 30 Redcurrant - 25 White currant - 40
Spinach - 55 Apples - 13 Cherries - 15
Red cabbage - 60 Rosehip - 400 Sea buckthorn - 200

Vitamin C loses its beneficial properties during prolonged or improper storage of products and heat treatment.

Indications for taking vitamin C supplements

Ascorbic acid is more beneficial for children if it is obtained from fresh vegetables and fruits. more useful. But there are times when it is necessary to give the child additional doses of vitamin C tablets from the pharmacy.

Cases when children need extra vitamin C:

  • malnutrition, diet;
  • hypovitaminosis C;
  • during the period of active growth;
  • high physical, emotional stress;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • scurvy, hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • for the prevention and treatment of colds;
  • postoperative, post-traumatic periods.

Is it possible for children to take ascorbic acid and how much a child needs, a doctor will help to find out

Types and forms of preparations with vitamin C

It is necessary to give ascorbic acid to children during the period of cold weather and during colds.

Types of vitamin C supplements:

  • One-component. In the preparation, ascorbic acid is the main, and sometimes the only, component.
  • Multicomponent. Multivitamin complexes with vitamin C and other valuable substances (Vitrum, Alphabet, Multi-Tabs, Pikovit, Sana-Sol, Nature's Plus, Solgar, Biovital gel, Vitamins).

Dosage forms of drugs with ascorbic acid: lyophilizate for solution preparation or ready-made solutions for intravenous and intramuscular use ("Vitamin C-injectopas"), ascorbic acid dragees, tablets, chewable tablets ("Asvitol", "Vitamin C 500"), effervescent tablets ("Additiva Vitamin C", "Ascovit", "Celascon Vitamin C"), powders for the preparation of drinks, liquid vitamin C syrup for children ("ChildLife"), gels.

Review of the best children's drugs

Choosing a drug with vitamin C in a pharmacy should be based on age and doctor's recommendations.

List and description of the best preparations with vitamin C for children:

Application rules

Most often, children are offered ascorbic acid with glucose in the form of white tablets with a pleasant fruity taste.

Rules for the use of tablets with ascorbic acid (dosage 25 mg):

  • allowed to take kids from three years;
  • the tablet is given after a meal;
  • for prevention: up to 10 years - 1 tablet per day, older children - 2 tablets per day (course - 2-8 weeks);
  • for colds: children 3-10 years old - no more than two tablets per day, children over 11 years old - 3-4 tablets per day.


Vitamin C helps iron to be absorbed, so vitamin preparations are not recommended for children with high hemoglobin.

With uncontrolled use of ascorbic acid, the concentration of benzylpenicillin and antibiotics of the tetracycline group may increase.

Overdose and overdose

When taking any medications or vitamins, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations to avoid side effects and overdose.

If a child has eaten too much ascorbic acid, he may experience itching, rash, redness of the skin, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence. An excess of vitamin C leads to headaches, hot flashes, increased sweating, sleep disturbances and general weakness.

Myths about vitamin C

There are some myths about vitamin C:

  • Thanks to the applied ascorbic acid, a cold will pass faster. According to researchers, vitamin C can speed up recovery by just half a day. But during this period, the body consumes the vitamin faster, which can lead to hypovitaminosis C and weaken the immune system.
  • You can take the vitamin in any amount, it is safe and does not accumulate in the body. In fact, large doses can be harmful. An overdose of ascorbic acid in childhood is especially dangerous.
  • If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables during the summer, you can stock up on vitamin C for the whole winter. This is mistake! Vitamin C is excreted from the body in about 5 hours.
  • Askorbinka should be given to children only in winter, when immunity is greatly reduced. In fact, in autumn and spring, the lack of vitamin C is also great. Therefore, children's vitamins should be taken regularly.

Some advice from doctors about vitamin C may be helpful while taking ascorbic acid.

  • vitamin C should be drunk only according to the doctor's indications;
  • drinks and juices containing alkali interfere with the absorption of vitamin C;
  • with long-term use of vitamin C, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the kidneys, as it has an effect on the production of corticosteroids;
  • shelf life of ascorbic acid - up to 2 years.

Vitamin C is very important for the human body. Children have an increased need for it. Therefore, parents should control baby food and try to feed their babies healthy foods rich in minerals and vitamins, and, if necessary, give them additional doses of the vitamin.

The video below talks about the benefits and harms of ascorbic acid.

Do children need ascorbic acid? It all depends on each specific situation. After all, ascorbic acid is a synonym for the well-known vitamin C, the deficiency of which can lead to certain problems with the body.

Can children take ascorbic acid?

I believe that knowing why vitamin C is so important will help us find out if ascorbic acid can be consumed by children and, if so, in what doses.

Vitamin C is not synthesized in the body, so a person must satisfy all the needs for it by taking it from the outside.

The most digestible vitamin is found in food. Unfortunately, it is not always and everywhere possible to provide a child with fresh vegetables and fruits containing this substance.

But ascorbic acid is very important for children. After all, it is she who participates in a large part of the metabolic processes in the body. Its antioxidant, restorative properties, as well as the fact that it protects blood vessels from the damaging effects of many adverse factors, make vitamin C extremely important for the growing body of a child.

In cases of insufficient intake of vitamins, various vitamin preparations, such as ascorbic acid tablets, come to the rescue. For children, there is a special form of such tablets containing glucose. This is due to the fact that vitamin C in its pure form has a very sour taste and few children like it. And children like ascorbic acid with glucose.

Ascorbic acid for children, instructions

According to the instructions, ascorbic acid can be given to children in doses not exceeding the allowable for their age. Since this vitamin is not stored in the body, overdose is unlikely.

However, due to its high acidity, vitamin C can cause a local irritant effect on the gastric mucosa, simulating an attack of gastritis. Therefore, if a child has eaten a lot of ascorbic acid, give him more to drink, moreover, unsweetened drink and give something antacid (for example, a quarter teaspoon of Almagel).

Do not worry, a single dose of even a fairly large dose of ascorbic acid will not lead to disastrous consequences.

Preparations with vitamin C are available in a variety of dosage forms - syrups, injections, tablets. There is even ascorbic acid in dragees. Children especially like these sweet yellow balls (however, if children do not swallow them, but dissolve them like candy, the sour taste of what is under the shell becomes an unpleasant surprise for them).

The only thing to consider is that it is better not to use such a dosage form for children under 5 years of age due to the high risk of inhalation of the dragee. Ascorbic acid for children under one year old should be used in the form of multivitamin complexes in the form of syrup. The same applies to older children who cannot yet take medicine in the form of tablets or dragees.

Ascorbic acid, indications and contraindications

Hypo- and avitaminosis C, hemorrhagic diathesis, various kinds of bleeding, infectious diseases, some poisonings, increased physical and mental stress, prevention of respiratory infections - this is not a complete list of indications for ascorbic acid.

Contraindications to its use are a tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, severe kidney damage.

The dosage of ascorbic acid for children depends on their age needs. According to various sources, children under 6 months need 30 mg of vitamin C per day, from 6 months. up to a year - 35 mg, from one to three years - 40 mg, from 4 to 10 years a child needs to receive 45 mg of ascorbic acid per day, and older children - 50 mg. And it is very desirable to get this vitamin with food, since it is from food that the substance is best absorbed.

However, if this is not possible (for example, in the Far North), then ascorbic acid should be prescribed to children by a doctor, taking into account their age and nutrition.

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Evidence of the undeniable benefits of vitamin C for the human body has come down to us from the distant 13th century. Observations and intuition told the sailors that lemon juice and sauerkraut help fight a deadly disease - scurvy, which claimed millions of sailors' souls. And only in 1933 in Switzerland was created a synthetic analogue of natural vitamin C, called the anti-scurvy vitamin (from "scorbut" - scurvy).

Does the child's body need ascorbic acid

From the point of view of physiology, childhood is very difficult: the body is actively growing and developing, while experiencing enormous loads. During this period, ascorbic acid is especially necessary for children, since it is an indispensable biochemical component of the processes occurring in a growing organism.

At 6-7 years old, the tubular bones of the limbs begin to actively stretch - up to 8-10 centimeters per year. They would become thin and brittle if not for collagen, a special connective tissue protein synthesized with the help of ascorbic acid. It also supports joints and ligaments that do not keep up with the active growth of bones. The condition of tooth enamel also largely depends on the production of collagen.

During the period of growth, the heart increases significantly in size, and the vessels lag behind, causing spasms, dizziness and discomfort in the heart. Ascorbic acid will give the vessels special strength and elasticity, minimize the possibility of blood clots, and support the work of the heart.

During this period, the iron contained in the body is actively spent on the structure of muscle tissue, blood formation and oxygen delivery to tissues and organs. Askorbinka will not allow the appearance of iron deficiency anemia, as it contributes to better absorption of iron in the child's body.

Active growth weakens the immunity of the growing organism. And again, ascorbic acid comes to the rescue. Being a powerful antioxidant, it removes aggressive free radicals from the body, participates in the production of antibodies, lymphocytes and interferon, which actively fight diseases. Therefore, during the period of growth of colds and viral diseases, doctors always recommend ascorbic acid as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

In addition, ascorbic acid also monitors the mood of the child, participating in the synthesis of hormones responsible for the psycho-emotional state - serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline.

Natural sources of vitamin C

Doctors have established the daily need of the child's body for ascorbic acid, depending on age:

  • For children up to a year, 30 mg is enough.
  • Children from one year to 2 years - 40 mg.
  • At the age of 3 to 12 years, the dosage increases to 45 mg.
  • Adolescents need 60 mg.

It is unexpected that for all its significance, ascorbic acid is not produced in the human body. Therefore, the most natural source of vitamin C is the foods that the child eats.

It should be noted that the amount of ascorbic acid that comes with mother's milk is quite enough for an infant.

One condition - the mother's diet must be balanced. From 6 months, it is recommended to give fresh vegetable and fruit juices and purees as complementary foods, as an additional source of vitamin C. Additional vitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription at this age are strictly prohibited!

Older children should definitely add foods containing vitamin C to their diet. The leaders here are:

  • rosehip - 1500mg / 100g;
  • bell pepper - 250mg / 100g;
  • blackcurrant, sea buckthorn, kiwi and apples - 200mg / 100g.

Citrus fruits, cauliflower and white cabbage, broccoli, and garlic are rich in ascorbic acid.

When is a Vitamin Needed?

Attentive parents will immediately sound the alarm if the child:

  • more often sick with colds and viral diseases;
  • quickly gets tired and refuses noisy and active games;
  • falls asleep instantly and sleeps much longer than usual;
  • eats badly;
  • suffers from nosebleeds and bleeding gums;
  • lagging behind in development from their peers;
  • became pale, with a characteristic bluish nasolabial triangle.

These signs may indicate a vitamin C deficiency in the child's body. Therefore, it is better to immediately consult a doctor who, on the basis of a thorough examination, will make the correct diagnosis.

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble substance that does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, it will not work to get a vitamin “in reserve” - in the winter and spring periods, 80% of the country's population experience an acute deficiency in it.

An additional intake will not be superfluous during the period of active growth, in the absence of a balanced diet, after surgery or illness.


If the child is diagnosed with vitamin deficiency, then the doctor will definitely prescribe ascorbic acid preparations. They are of several types:

  • In tablets - recommended for children from 3 years.
  • In dragee - can be given to children over 5 years old. Young children are at risk of inhaling the round tablet.
  • With glucose - give to children from 3 years.
  • In powder - in the form of small white crystals, odorless. Appoint reception in the form of a solution for children from 6 years.
  • In ampoules - the dosage is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the age of the child. Injections, if necessary, are made even for very small children - up to 1 year old.
  • In syrup - most often these are multicomponent multivitamin complexes containing ascorbic acid.

Parents should know that the alkaline environment of juices or mineral water neutralizes ascorbic acid - therefore, it is best to drink drugs with plain water.

The dose of ascorbic acid used for medicinal purposes should not exceed:

  • 400 mg - for children from one year to 3 years;
  • 600 mg - children from 4 to 8 years;
  • 1200 mg - children 9 - 13 years old;
  • 1800 mg - for adolescents from 14 to 18 years.

At what age can ascorbic acid be given to children as a prophylaxis? Doctors unanimously argue that the drug should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Moreover, for children under 10 years old, one is enough, and for older children - 2 tablets per day.

What to fear

Parents should be aware that the use of ascorbic acid can cause severe allergies. Therefore, you should start with a very small dose, carefully monitoring the reaction of the child's body.

  • thrombophlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • elevated hemoglobin;
  • simultaneous reception with antibiotics of the tetracycline group increases their concentration in the blood.

Children really like the sweet and sour taste of ascorbic acid, so you need to keep this drug out of their reach and be sure to control the intake in order to avoid an overdose, the symptoms of which are:

  • Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea.
  • Sensation of heat and a short rise in temperature.
  • Severe headache and excessive sweating.
  • Allergic reactions from skin rashes, up to Quincke's edema.

Proper and careful use of ascorbic acid will give your children mood, strength and energy and will become a reliable foundation in the foundation of their health.

Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, ascorbic acid is a drug that every person has known since childhood. Ascorbic acid is easy to drink, and the instructions for use are simple and clear. Tablets or dragees are sweetish in taste, they are used in different cases. They have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Ascorbic acid is available in the form of chewable tablets, solution, dragees, injection ampoules and powder. Dragee contains, as a rule, 50 mg of ascorbic acid. Sold in glass or plastic jars, or contour cells. In one bottle, the number of dragees ranges from 50 to 200 pieces.

The dosage of chewable tablets can vary from 25 mg to 250 mg. They also come in a jar or blister. There are 5 blisters in a cardboard box. You can buy any number of plates with tablets.

If it is a powder, each packet may contain 500 mg. There is also a higher dosage - 1000 mg. Ascorbic acid, released in liquid form specifically for injections, comes in ampoules of 1 or 2 ml. Total box 10 pcs.

The active substance is ascorbic acid. There are a number of auxiliary components. Among the list are sugar and wheat flour. Allocate another drug with a vitamin C content - "Rutascorbin". It is a combined drug that also contains rutin.

More about the composition

The composition of the drug in the form of a powder contains only ascorbic acid. If it is an injection, water, sodium bicarbonate, disodium edetate, sulfite and cysteite are also present. The composition of dragees and tablets includes lactose, sugar, talc, dyes and other additional components.

pharmachologic effect

First of all, taking ascorbic acid is aimed at filling the lack of vitamin C. Under the influence of the substance, accelerated healing of skin lesions occurs. The vitamin has antioxidant and metabolic properties. Takes part in blood clotting.

Improves thyroid function. Restores the functionality of the pancreas and improves bile secretion. Taking ascorbic acid can increase the body's resistance to various infections.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Absorption of ascorbic acid after ingestion occurs in the small intestine. The absorption of substances may be impaired by the intake of alkaline drinks, vegetable and fruit juices from fresh foods. The accumulation of vitamin C occurs inside the cells.

Ascorbic acid penetrates first into platelets and leukocytes, then to other tissues of the body. The level of ascorbic acid rises 25 minutes after ingestion. Further turns into dehydroascorbic acid.

Excretion from the body occurs along with urine and feces. A small part is excreted through sweat and breast milk. The rate of excretion may increase if the doses were increased several times during the administration.

Indications for the use of the drug

Vitamin C is often used as a prophylactic for hypovitaminosis and beriberi. Ascorbic acid helps to stop bleeding of various types (renal, pulmonary, nasal, and more). It is indicated for diseases of an infectious nature.

Restores the body after poisoning, when symptoms of intoxication are noticeable. The treatment regimen includes ascorbic acid for gastrointestinal diseases, among which ulcers and colitis are distinguished.

Vitamin - an integral component of increased mental and physical stress.

Instructions for use of ascorbic acid

The solution enters the human body by intramuscular injection. The dosage per day ranges from 1 to 3 ml of liquid. If the patient is a child - no more than 2 ml. The number of days for treatment is determined by the doctor.

The tablet form is usually used to prevent hypovitaminosis and other diseases. During therapy, pills are prescribed. Tablets are of particular delight in children during treatment, since they are effervescent. Duration of application does not exceed 2 weeks.

To prepare a drink, you will need a preparation in the form of a powder. Drink only after eating. For dissolution, warm boiled water is used. The dose and course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Is it possible to take ascorbic acid during pregnancy and lactation?

The answer to the question is positive. But the dosage should be minimal so that the expectant mother benefits from taking it without harming the baby. In the first 2 weeks, the daily dose is 300 mg. After it is reduced to 100 mg.

Features of use in children

Tablets or dragees are allowed in children from 3 years of age. The dosage in this case is 25 mg. If the child is over 5 years old, you can give 50 mg of the drug. Adolescents are allowed 100 to 150 mg per day.

Vitamin C is forbidden to give to children at an early age, as they are unable to swallow the drug. It is important to ensure that the baby does not choke on the medicine. In any case, you need to consult a doctor.

After the examination, the specialist may prescribe ascorbic acid in the form of injections. The daily dose does not exceed 2 mg. The injection is done in the evening before going to bed.

drug overdose

In the case of taking high doses of vitamin C, pain in the abdomen may occur. Most often, patients experience nausea. Overdose is also accompanied by vomiting, digestive disorders, diarrhea. Skin integuments suffer, as they become covered with a rash and itch.

It is not recommended to take ascorbic acid for a long time, and even in high doses. This contributes to the formation of kidney stones. If symptoms of an overdose are observed, the patient is treated symptomatically.

Contraindications for use

The drug is forbidden to drink in case of violations of the kidneys, including urolithiasis. Ascorbic acid is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. A contraindication is also diabetes mellitus and the body's sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects of the drug

If you use the doses prescribed by your doctor, ascorbic acid is easily tolerated by the body. But a side effect is possible. The negative effects of vitamin C can be seen in headaches, swelling of the skin and increased blood pressure. Medicine in the form of powder, dragee or tablets can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, resulting in heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

Special instructions for the medicinal product

A long course of ascorbic acid therapy affects the state of the pancreas. The function of the insular apparatus is inhibited. To prevent this from causing a deterioration in a person’s condition, it is necessary to monitor the organ. If the patient has a high level of iron in the blood, it is recommended to take vitamin C in minimal doses.

Interaction with other substances

Ascorbic acid is poorly absorbed while taking contraceptives. Vitamin C is allowed to be taken with antipsychotics and antidepressants. When treating with antacids, it must be remembered that ascorbic acid promotes the absorption of aluminum in the intestine.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug must be contained exclusively in its original packaging in order to avoid direct and at the same time undesirable contact with air. The temperature regime, which does not spoil the composition of the drug, should not go beyond +25 ° С. The first aid kit should be kept away from children.

Each release form has its own expiration date. For dragees - this is 1.5 months, tablets and powder - 3 years, ampoules - only 12 months.

Everyone knows from childhood that it is very important for a person to take vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It is (like glucose) one of the main and very important vitamins for health. It is involved in almost all biochemical processes of the human body. Ascorbic acid helps in the formation of lymphocytes that destroy infected cells and keeps white blood cells ready to fight infections. What else is useful ascorbic acid?

Where did our ancestors get acid?

Nature has more than provided ascorbic acid to maintain the health of children and adults. Any of us will be able to use its reserves.

Ascorbic acid is found in rose hips. Why is this fragrant tea tea bad for us? Blackcurrant berries are a storehouse of this vitamin. Another source of ascorbic acid is sea buckthorn. We buy white cabbage in stores, but we rarely make salads from fresh vegetables. I wonder what's stopping you? Honeysuckle berries - the very first summer berries - why don't they stand on our tables? Sour, dirty hands, and then the tongue is blue from honeysuckle?

Citrus fruits are lucky: lemons, oranges are frequent guests in our fruit vases. Let's at least put parsley on the table! But no, you won’t find it again: the greens on our tables have been replaced with gluconates, they give an attractive color, sharpen the taste (add addiction and addiction here). Here is a partial list of foods that contain vitamin C - ascorbic acid. By the way, vitamin as a dietary supplement is referred to as E300.

What does this vitamin do?

This vitamin is simply vital for us. It promotes cell growth and repair. It is important for cleansing blood vessels from plaques and toxins. Helps to absorb iron in the body. Without it, various kinds of diseases are delayed, recovery is slower. Ascorbic acid relieves inflammation and infection especially well, since the vitamin triggers immune defense processes in the body. It is useful to use ascorbic acid in the off-season, when colds and other acute respiratory viral diseases are so common.

By the way, it is important to remember that the vitamin is easily destroyed by smog, light and heat. Knowing this and taking into account the peculiarities of ascorbic acid, it is worth taking care of replenishing stocks yourself or the correct use of the necessary products. That is, you should not keep vegetables, fruits and berries in the light or, after cutting, leave them for a long time. Heat treatment should be short. Sometimes you just need to steam or blanch some foods.

Daily dosage of vitamin

Of course, each person has their own dose. It is necessary to take into account age, place of residence, diet, ecology, purity of water and air, bad habits, pregnancy or other special periods (menopause, adolescence). During the off-season (spring, autumn) it is very useful to use ascorbic acid. With dampness and slush, infections and bacteria are easily transmitted by airborne droplets. And if your immunity is weak, then the body may not be able to cope with the pressure of the disease.

On average, the daily dose can be up to one hundred milligrams per day. Thus, you need to use half a glass of white powder with a sour taste. But which one of us does it?

Ascorbic acid during pregnancy is generally very necessary. For young and future mothers, the dosage should be increased by a quarter, since the future baby must also receive all the vitamins (by the way, the baby can “get” this vitamin from the mother’s bones).

Harm from growth vitamin

Why ascorbic acid is useful is understandable. But is everything so harmless and useful? You understand that nature loves when everything is in moderation. If you take this drug in large doses and constantly, and then stop taking it, then this is fraught with the fact that the body will no longer absorb glucose. This is one of the provoking factors of diabetes. Stones can form in the kidneys and bladder. For children, ascorbic acid can cause damage to tooth enamel. The disease of scurvy, by the way, is directly related to this.

How can an overdose of ascorbic acid be determined? You will feel a slight dizziness, a rash may appear, pain in the abdomen, and insomnia is possible.

But with a lack of ascorbic acid on the skin, you can see peeling, frequent infectious diseases, bruises on the body may occur.

In any case, you can not self-medicate. Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any unpleasant or unusual symptoms. In general, it is better to consult with a local therapist even about the selection of an individual vitamin complex, and not take any vitamins uncontrollably on your own.

How to take vitamin C

In our country, the drug can be easily bought at any pharmacy without restrictions. Before the children start buying these little yellow rounds, explain both the benefits and harms of them. Themselves, too, adhere to the advice of a doctor and annotations that accompany the vitamin.

That's how useful ascorbic acid (pellets) is. Instructions for use of this drug are as follows:

  1. If you play sports or have an active lifestyle, hard labor-intensive work (for example, in a factory or on night shifts), the dose may be 150-200 mg.
  2. If you are just pursuing preventive goals, then about 120 mg is enough for you.
  3. Children of ascorbic acid are recommended only up to 60 mg.
  4. If we are treating any disease, the intake is increased to two tablets 4 times a day.

It is also necessary to remember that ascorbic acid is an acid, which means that it can irritate the walls of the stomach, leading to corresponding diseases. To avoid unpleasant symptoms and illnesses, it is necessary that ascorbic acid (pellets) be taken after meals according to the instructions. In addition, it is then that the vitamin begins to be absorbed into the blood faster.

What to do with an overabundance of vitamins?

In case of an overdose of ascorbic acid, you should consult a doctor, and urgently. But what if it's not possible yet? Follow these tips:

  1. Be aware that acid is rapidly absorbed and gastric lavage will not help even if large volumes of water are used.
  2. It is best to take the patient to the hospital.
  3. To relieve pain, drugs are needed that help the gastric mucosa.
  4. Is there a medicine that can resist ascorbic acid? There are no such antidotes. Although other vitamins can improve the condition a little. We repeat - do not treat yourself, no one will help you better than a doctor.

What if you are over 50?

What is useful ascorbic acid for the elderly? We all understand that with age, the body is less useful. Heart attacks occur just when there is a lack of this vitamin. With age, vision deteriorates, and the risk of cataracts increases. Wrinkles appear on the face, pallor, dryness, peeling appear on the skin. Small hemorrhages may appear on the body.

But if the vitamin in the body is in sufficient quantity, then the cell membranes are strong, the capillaries are strong. There are processes of strengthening the ligaments that connect the bones of the body. For even more effective absorption into the blood, ascorbic acid in injections can be prescribed by your doctor.

Is ascorbic acid in tablets useful?

A few decades ago, no one heard about ascorbic acid. And today, many people use these vitamins. But statistics say that many modern people are sorely lacking in vitamin C.

The fact is that a synthetic vitamin is very different from a natural one in structure and even harms the human body.

The artificial species consists of one isomer, and the natural species consists of seven. Natural vitamin C is easily recognized by the human body and easily absorbed. His chemically created counterpart, on the contrary, is rejected and excreted (far from all) through the genitourinary system, harming the human body.

So, what is useful ascorbic acid, what is harmful, how to take it, you now know. Take care of yourself and be healthy!



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