How to lead a team effectively. What should be the boss to effectively lead the team

A new position, a separate office, your own staff of subordinates and a “nimbus” of a leader above a proudly raised head ... You acquired all these privileged powers quite recently, having received a place in the administrative department and automatically replenishing the number of the “chosen tower” of your company. But before you had time to move away from the weightless state of euphoria and headache from yesterday's celebration in honor of the promotion, a fly in the ointment literally fell into a barrel of honey in the form of problems with subordinates who launched whole battles in the department, openly or secretly refusing to accept the identity of the new boss .

The "rebels" ignore orders, dispute information, hinting at its unreliability, criticize management methods, demonstrating their unwillingness to obey with their whole appearance. At first, not all newly minted leaders decide on punitive operations in the form of fines, dismissals and breaking the windows of cars of their subordinates on a dark night (this, of course, is an exaggeration, but what the hell is not joking), and the invisible war drags on indefinitely. An unwanted boss rushes for advice to more experienced colleagues or explores the bowels of the Internet in order to find a way and become a worthy leader. Consider what psychologists advise in such cases.

The thin line between twig and gingerbread

The very first and, perhaps, the main rule - whatever the management method, it should not harm either the employee or the work process. No matter how much you read the literature on the topic, watched training videos, heard plenty of conflicting advice from colleagues during lunch, your management style should not blindly copy the instructions printed in books and voiced by experienced leaders. The psychology of managing people in your interpretation should carry individual imprints of nature, natural character traits, honed by the ability to control your emotions, and your own experience of the path traveled from the bottom to the top of the hierarchical ladder. Your attitude towards subordinates should be exactly what you expected from your boss, sitting in the chair of an ordinary clerk. Try to find a middle ground between a vicious, picky bore who refuses to choke out even the sound of praise, and a soft-spoken slave boss who hesitates to show his displeasure.

"Veto" of the head, or what should not be done

Before you find the desired answer and an effective method of how to subdue your subordinates, you should familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited actions, the violation of which will characterize you as an extremely unpleasant and ill-mannered tyrant boss:

  • Transition to personality. Analysis of the personal, unrelated qualities of an employee is a sure way to turn the team against yourself.
  • Raised tone, turning into a scream. Wild op will not frighten employees and force them to obey, moreover, by such behavior you will demonstrate your weakness and inability to restrain emotions, and therefore manage.
  • Regular self-praise and demonstration of self-importance. A boss who praises only himself and does not miss the opportunity to brag about his successes, to show how significant his figure is for the company, will never be able to arouse respect and support from the team entrusted to him, and even more so admiration.
  • Violation of the working day by the right of entering the number of "masters". If a leader allows himself to do things that are forbidden by him (in the form of endless telephone conversations with his passion, using headphones, surfing the Internet, Skype not on work issues, having a snack in the department), subordinate employees will soon begin to take an example from him, quickly turning official bans into formal ones.
  • Sluggish performance, disinterest in the result, lack of bright ideas and initiative. Like the boss, like the employees. A leader who does not advocate for his own enterprise will in any case infect the people who follow him with his indifference.

Categories of management, tricks and tricks

Despite the versatility, the practical psychology of managing people is divided into two categories:

  1. The path to success, sitting astride the neck of subordinates, or Techniques of an insensitive leader.
  2. The path to success as a winner is in the hands of subordinates, or the Power of inspiration.

The leader chooses the appropriate tactics - depending on personal qualities, his own experience and attitude towards people in general.


Manipulation as a hidden control implies a deft, cunning, aimed at achieving one's own goals impact on a person. In rare cases, the ultimate goals are good, but manipulation, by its nature, is nothing more than an act of influence on people, imperceptibly forcing them to make unfavorable decisions. Its main difference from voluntary submission is that a person is simply not left with a choice to choose a path other than the one imposed.

In our case, the concept under consideration, depending on the nature of the leader, can be used to achieve their own selfish goals or for the benefit of the company. Management of subordinates on the principle of manipulation includes skillfully caused resentment, anger, fear, guilt.

Resentment, anger

An unflattering phrase thrown casually or directly by the manager regarding the business qualities of an employee against the backdrop of detailed praise of another subordinate in 9 cases out of 10 reaches the goal, and all thanks to the inherent sense of rivalry in people. The pep talk goes something like this: “Petrov did a great job, but you can’t do that, can you?” or “You are no match for Petrov!”, Or “You are not capable of anything, but Petrov!” The cocktail of explosive feelings that has overwhelmed the employee - anger, resentment, the desire to demonstrate his abilities and prove that he, too, can and can do a lot - pushes the manipulated person to perform a variety of tasks. Without thinking about the nature of their actions, the subordinate, without knowing it, contributes to the embodiment of the ideas of the boss.


It is impossible to accurately determine the nature of fear of superiors: it can be caused by the authority of a despot leader, the weak will of a subordinate, or intimidation in the form: “For disobedience and failure to complete tasks - dismissal!” A couple of intimidations, ending with the calculation of obstinate workers to confirm the words, will have the desired effect: employees who value their place will follow the lead of the boss. Only in this case, the relationship between the manager and the subordinate will be based not on respect, dedication for the sake of the enterprise, but on the banal fear of losing a job.


Hidden management based on guilt includes methods in which the boss announces the deprivation of all employees of the department of bonuses or vacations due to the poor performance of one of them; or one employee is left without a bonus (vacation) due to insufficient zeal of the others. Guilt-based pressure-taking aims to induce motivation to work better so as not to let others down.

The psychology of managing people, based on skillful provocation, is able to give the intended results, but is applicable in cases where hidden influence is necessary for good purposes, and not for one's own self-interest, using other people's forces and resources.

Positive influence

To become a good leader, you need to realize that your behavior, actions and relationships with subordinates directly affect the microclimate of the department, the attitude of employees to work and the effectiveness of tasks performed. The leader must be able to take responsibility, inspire his team, infect them with his enthusiasm, set an example and be an ideal for them. A great leader is not the one who causes animal fear in subordinates, suppresses and provokes conflicts. The true leader is the one who, knowing the psychology of each employee, his aspirations, values ​​and desires, directs the flow of energy in the right direction. For him, there are no classes “boss and subordinate”, he gives himself to work so much that he cannot but arouse admiration, he is loved, appreciated, respected by everyone and readily follows him.

Praise, flattery, encouragement

It is no secret that any person needs regular praise, encouragement and approval of their actions. The leader is the one who can give the desired to his subordinates. Deserved praise, a system of rewarding the best employees, recognition of their achievements is an effective tool for gaining trust, respect for the team and inspiring it to even more brilliant results.

An effective method of management is also advance praise, when the boss expresses gratitude to the subordinate in advance, for example: “I decided to entrust this task to you, since only you will be able to cope with it.” Encouraged and grateful employee (or how: “The boss considers me the best, and I just can’t let him down!”) Performs the assignment with redoubled zeal and diligence. In this case, the boss, who clearly understands how to subdue his subordinates, with one shot puts two birds with one stone: he achieves excellent performance of the task and increases the number of people devoted to him.

Art of inspiration

It is important to be able to direct many people with different goals, different degrees of performance and skills on a single path. To do this, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each team member, find out his aspirations and motives, and, based on this, develop motivation. After all, when the motives are clear, it is easier to move forward, turning a scattered crowd into a strong, friendly team aimed at the final result. The leader must not only be able to inspire, but also maintain a fighting mood, go against the wind, inflating faith in indispensable success when hands involuntarily give up ... In addition, one of the excellent qualities of the boss in his arsenal is the ability to effectively and quickly resolve quarrels between employees without prejudice for both sides. And the conflict "manager-subordinate" in a professional leader happens only once - at the very beginning of a managerial career, and then not always.


Subordinates often pay attention to how competent their boss is in the area entrusted to him, whether he has the necessary knowledge and skills. You must be ready for careful assessment, close interest and detailed analysis of your abilities by your charges. Therefore, you just need to know almost everything about your activities, constantly improve and replenish your knowledge base. In the eyes of the team, the leader is the embodiment of perfection, genius and a bright, non-standard mind, otherwise how did he manage to achieve this position? You don’t want to disappoint your employees, much less feel like an unworthy leader, by regularly asking them for help in matters unfamiliar to you? Study, analyze and constantly learn to become an ace in your field without dumping your own responsibilities on employees, otherwise what is the meaning of the concepts of "leader" and "subordinate"?

Contact by name

Take the advice of the famous psychologist D. Carnegie, who claimed that the name is the sweetest sound for us. Addressing by name increases the importance of a person in one's own eyes and inspires confidence in the interlocutor. Call your subordinates not by their last names, nicknames, but strictly by their first names, and in no case confuse or distort it. This simple technique guarantees you the location and respect of others.

Listening is also an art

Learn to listen carefully to the interlocutor, keeping an expression of polite interest on your face, without a hint of impatience or, even worse, indifference. In the event that you do not agree with his words, do not rush to interrupt the conversation with your arguments. Listen to the employee to the end, note the value of his opinion, and only then express your vision of this issue. The ability to listen and reckon with the opinion of subordinates will only raise your authority and win the respect of the team.

By applying the methods and tips described above in your own, you will understand how to subjugate your subordinates, and perhaps become one of the best leaders of our time.

However, there was nowhere to retreat, my boss was determined to transfer some of the cases to me, and I had to learn by my own example all the subtleties and difficulties of the ability to lead. In the future, these skills were only honed in the following jobs, and now I can, with a clear conscience and knowledge of the matter, give you a few, based on my own example - what to do if suddenly fate brought you to the chair of the head.

Tip number 1. If the burden of leadership falls on you unexpectedly, be prepared to be a worthy example for your subordinates. Now half an hour late, long conversations in the smoking room and an open magazine on the table during working hours (unless, of course, you work in the fashion industry) - this is not for you.

Get dressed a little stricter than usual, forget about funny monkey ties and bags with comic prints. Now you will have to wear all this exclusively in your free time. At work, you should be a role model and a living embodiment of the corporate culture. An exception to the traditional is, perhaps, only the “jacket plus jeans” set, which is already becoming familiar in many companies. In this outfit, you can safely appear both on vacation and in front of your subordinates. Although here, too, a reservation should be made about the possible rules and standards of the company.

If you are used to being late for work, you will have to forget about it. The boss of any rank has to show at least because he himself has to chastise other employees for being late. Train yourself to set your alarm half an hour earlier and take comfort in the fact that you are gaining more and more respect among your colleagues, corresponding to the image of a real leader even in such trifles. Photo: Depositphotos

Forget about discussion personal life in the circle of the team. Your school romances and first love are now a closed topic, unless, of course, you want your adventures to be discussed with redoubled excitement and undermine your reputation as a reliable and responsible person. The maximum that subordinates can know about you is the marital status and the name and patronymic of the adored spouse. What do you want? Now the gatherings dedicated to the theme of men will have to be left for close friends. Which, perhaps, is for the best - the gossip of idle gossips from work has not yet brought much benefit to anyone, especially in the field.

Incidentally, regarding gossip, I can only advise: if complainers, slanderers, slanderers and envious people with denunciations of their colleagues immediately come to your table, where you just managed to sort things out and wipe the dust from cacti, try to immediately stop such manifestations of bad character. Conflicts and intrigues corrode, acting worse than any malicious intent of competitors or an external financial crisis. Of course, it’s worth dealing with those who are open to each other, but the preferred position in this case is exceptionally fair.

Forget about your personal likes and dislikes and the fact that a year ago Masha from the sales department lent you five hundred rubles to pay. If you have to take on the role of a judge, be completely honest with yourself and with the people with whom you work. This will help maintain the working atmosphere in the team and strengthen your still shaky authority. But it is on a deep and sincere respect discipline in many departments and companies is held to the personality of the chief. After all, as Professor Preobrazhensky, the hero of Bulgakov's unforgettable novel Heart of a Dog, said, nothing can be achieved with terror, whether it be red, white or even brown.

Tip number 2. And here is a word about terror. In psychology, there are three main types of management, regardless of whether you work as a teacher in the eighth grade or manage a large production, for example, ice cream. This authoritarian, democratic And liberal .

At liberal style your connivance threatens to end in the disruption of plans, the friendly idleness of the entire department or even the company, and, in the end, the complete failure of the work entrusted to you. In case you choose authoritarian management as your main weapon, do not underestimate the fact that your formidable expression and promises of all kinds of punitive measures, as well as their implementation, will eventually lead your employees to a stupor, instead of warming up their mental activity. And here democratic style management is good as a golden mean - you can praise, and scold, and spur the staff when necessary.

In practice, the democratic style of management is easiest to use when the enterprise has some form of accountability. Plans, deadlines and weekly reports are able to warm up the labor enthusiasm of the most inveterate lazy people. If the company has not taken such measures, and the higher management is strongly opposed to their introduction, do not despair. At first, it is quite possible to limit yourself to half-hour meetings with staff once a week, at which you can discuss both the goals that you set for each employee and the results of their work over the past period.
Photo: Depositphotos

Tip number 3. As you know, the best leader is the one who knows and loves his job. No matter how well you know management and no matter how marketing genius you are, it is always worth studying in detail the business that you are currently doing. Whatever field you enter, the key to your success is to constantly expand and deepen your knowledge of what brings the company money, and you - a salary.

When I came to my job number 2, I did not know about computer games at all Nothing! During the first months of work, I had to shovel mountains of literature, become a regular visitor to game developer sites and spend many sleepless evenings watching the epoch-making creations of computer geniuses. In the end, I acquired a strong dislike for computer games for a period of exactly six months, but I learned to express my thoughts in a language accessible to my subordinates and gained great respect for my person on their part. Do not be lazy, studying a new and unfamiliar field of activity for you, because if you fall in love with this business, you can move up the career ladder already with a solid baggage of knowledge and skills in it.

Photo: Depositphotos

Human resource management is not at all as simple a task as you might think before you yourself find yourself in the chair of a leader. The above lists only the main difficulties that a novice manager may encounter. In fact, there are no fewer pitfalls in this job than in any other, but over time, experience and knowledge move from a quantitative indicator to a qualitative one, allowing you to become a really good leader and lead your company to long-awaited success.

After all, in the end, sometimes it doesn’t matter what small mistakes you make at first in your communication with the staff. The most is that your joint work with the team will give excellent results, expressed in the prosperity of the company and increase its profitability.

Sometimes young leaders happen to get into a team where all employees are older (and even significantly).wallstreetJournal recently published a study that, for example, in the United States, professionals over the age of 65 are increasingly continuing to work even after retirement. This, among other things, is due to the fact that the average life expectancy has increased. The trend is gaining momentum in Russia. How to behave young managers in a mature team?

All things considered, it makes sense for leaders to prepare themselves for the situation that they may have to lead older and more experienced professionals. And this task can be quite successfully dealt with. What should be remembered?

Differences between generations. We are all shaped by some key events, social trends, relationships. Baby Boomers are not as speed-blinded and don't really like and want to multi-task like generations X and Y (or millennials - those born after 1981), for example. But competent feedback is required for all employees, regardless of the generation to which they belong. Each of the generations has its strengths and weaknesses - the leader needs to take a closer look at them and understand how to use the advantages correctly.

Experience matters. Perhaps it's nice to think that technology is changing and simplifying everything so that it's now easier and faster to reach new frontiers. But many business issues (from financial flows to strategic positioning) still remain the prerogative of employees with rich life and professional experience. And this cannot be discounted.

Employees aged are not tired! Even if a specialist is already approaching retirement age (or even reached it), this does not at all mean that he is tired, that he is tired of work, and he only thinks how to retire as soon as possible. Employees continue to love their job, they are often energetic and enthusiastic.

Age diversity is as difficult as gender diversity. But there are a lot of advantages from this variety. Experience is invaluable, and older employees can act as mentors for younger ones. Combining "old" and "new" ideas will do the trick.

Cohesion. Unfortunately, at times, employees may not be too loyal not only to the company, but also to each other. But the strengthening of relations between representatives of different generations contributes to the strengthening of the company. Experience will "remain" in the company, training will not be wasted.

Partnerships - the ideal of teamwork

"Situations where the manager is younger than his subordinates can be found in companies in almost every industry. Of course, once in such a position, a young manager must choose the right strategy for building interaction with his staff and not make fatal mistakes," says a senior consultant at the Executive Search department. & Management Selection for the IT and Telecommunications industry" Anastasia Ovcharenko.

First of all, the expert believes, when communicating with subordinate colleagues, one should not emphasize one's importance and superiority over them, because otherwise the manager will meet only a negative attitude towards his person. It is necessary to show your employees that career growth was the result of painstaking and fruitful work, that the level of knowledge and expertise meets all the requirements for candidates for this position. Simply put, they need to understand that the promotion "didn't fall out of the blue" that the manager deserved.

"Ideally, your relationship should be a partnership, and you yourself should understand that each member of your team is a professional in their field, and you are the person who oversees their work due to the fact that he has great expertise in this area. "Healthy" relationships in the team they are always built on personal relationships, which means that by establishing communication with your subordinates, demonstrating to them that each of them is valuable in your team, you will get your way to success," notes Anastasia Ovcharenko.

The leadership team is "rejuvenated" in various areas

“Today, the situation is quite popular when a young leader can manage a team where most of the employees are older than him. The “rejuvenation” of the managerial level takes place in various areas: the public administration system, production, HoReCa, telecom, Internet projects, communication groups and agencies.

The surest way for a young boss to gain and establish authority among subordinates is to regularly demonstrate a professional attitude to work and increase the level of their competencies and knowledge. If the boss infects the team with his indomitable energy, faith in the success of the implementation of the most complex projects, an attentive and accurate approach to details, new ideas and does not get personal in clarifying difficult situations, then success is guaranteed to him," the Head of the Banking, Investments, Finance Department is sure. recruiting agency Ella Mikhailova.

Collegial leadership is preferable to dictatorship

"Most often, the emergence of young leaders in the age team can be associated with anti-crisis programs or mergers and acquisitions, when new owners change the team of top managers. However, this phenomenon also occurs in various industries, for example, in construction, where experts and technologists are often older than their managers. Due to the specifics of the profession, sales teams are often led by young, successful, active leaders, whose subordinates can be much older. The trend has not bypassed state corporations, where there is a trend to replace the leadership of pre-retirement age with young personnel, "says managing partner Inna Sumatokhin.

In order to properly build relationships with older subordinates, a young leader needs to be clear and precise in his goals, his methods of work must be simple and understandable, the expert believes.

"It is worth avoiding professional foreign slang, incomprehensible terminology and gradually introducing new practices. In such teams, experts advise avoiding an authoritarian style of communication by choosing collegiate leadership. Perhaps, in some situations, you can advise a young leader to "bet" on the informal leader of the age group and make him his own I would also like to add that in order to correctly convey your goals and methods, you need to regularly take and give feedback, which is an important key in building relationships in a team," says Inna Sumatokhina.

Choose a mentor and get ready to grow

According to the partner of the Skills of the Future Academy Ekaterina Lukyanova, the requirements of the economy and the global market are qualitatively changing the demand of business for personnel. Innovative projects, quick search and creation of new business solutions, the necessary mobility in their implementation and execution come to the fore. As a rule, companies now form a mixed, uneven-age team. The tendency to get into the "adult" team is more related to large state corporations. This also applies to production enterprises (factories), where the "older" age of the workforce prevails over the "young". Experience and quality of work take their toll.

"Each situation is unique and specific. There may be several options:
- Get more advice. But really on the case - on professional and all work issues with senior colleagues. Show that it is important for you to know their opinion, their practice, their assessment of your work. Demonstrate your willingness to adjust your plans based on their recommendations. But don't overdo it. By this you can show both the desire to improve your professional level and the desire to combine the interests of everyone, and unprofessionalism when you turn to senior colleagues for every "trifle".
- Less emotions and words - more action.
- Choose for yourself the person who is most likeable to you and whom you see as your potential mentor. There is one "but": sympathy must be mutual. Consult with your chosen mentor. Talk about your ideas, decisions, projects, successes and risks. Win his sympathy and location. And then he will become a "guide" of your ideas in the audience of older and more status colleagues.
- Have patience and be ready to constantly grow and improve your competence. If you are really professional. Ready to work for the benefit of the company and in the interests of both your own, your colleagues and the entire business? Victory is yours!" - says Ekaterina Lukyanova.


In modern society, the financial situation becomes the main argument that determines the social status of a person. The only legitimate way to be at the top of the hierarchy is to get a high-paying position in a successful company, becoming the head of an enterprise or a certain division. , controlling the daily life and work of "subordinates" is the dream of most ordinary employees. Only a few workers are capable of becoming a competent boss who knows the nuances of the profession and understands the personal qualities of colleagues. It is not surprising that at the head of enterprises are managers who have among other employees. However, good leaders are not born, they are made. You can have leadership qualities and learn, but not be able to control the work of your employees. The main task of the boss is to organize the labor activity of the “wards”, stimulating them in time or punishing them for being relaxed.

All chefs once started with ordinary positions, doing ordinary work. Some bosses could not cope with the responsibility entrusted to them, having lost the trust of their superiors. The main reason why promising employees failed to live up to expectations is a limited view of the relationship in the team. It makes no sense to consider only the business version of communication between colleagues, forgetting about personal conversations, sympathy, friendship and hatred.

Only a few people who know how to manage a team and know the peculiarities of work, who have leadership qualities and responsibility can be a boss

Based on the above factors, it becomes clear that a good boss should be a sensitive psychologist who anticipates a change in mood in the team. If you do not learn to read the minds of your employees, then theft and lies will flourish at work, and the company's performance in an economically unstable time will negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise. In this situation, the only rational solution is to learn how to manage your “wards”, earning authority and respect among colleagues. To achieve the cherished goal, it is necessary first of all to deal with the theoretical part of the following question: How to lead a team?

Manager's tasks

Each company employs employees with different life positions, hobbies and prohibitions, so you can’t communicate with colleagues adhering to the same format. A conversation that stimulates one person to work can have a negative impact on another person, instantly undermining the authority of the boss. People who find themselves in a leadership position should first of all look around, study the behavior and characters of the “wards”, avoiding premature conclusions and verdicts. Detachment from the team in the first days of work will allow you to form your own opinion about each employee. If you follow the lead of society, you will immediately lose respect among colleagues. The decisions of the chief cannot be challenged, but must be prudent, balanced and fair. It is not surprising that newly-minted bosses are sent to trainings where professionals are taught to manage people and control the work of each member of the team. Once in the chair of the chief, you should adhere to the following rules, postponing the hasty imposition of punishments and the application of sanctions to employees:

Find out the traditions and orders established in the team. It is important to respect the foundations that have been held in society for many years - the main thing is that the daily life of employees does not interfere with production processes.
Get to know the “subordinates” by making for yourself a psychological portrait of each colleague. Find an individual approach to employees by identifying their preferences and fears. One "ward" can be motivated by a bonus, while the other will work only under the threat of dismissal.
Find out who is the unspoken leader of the team. Having met a person who enjoys authority among colleagues, you can get a general impression of the foundations that have developed in the company. If you have a mercantile, cunning and insidious person in front of you, then theft and deceit flourish in the enterprise. If you see in front of you a professional who wants to work for the good of the company, then it remains only to direct his aspirations in the right direction. Act according to the situation, but to enter into an open conflict with the unspoken leader of the team, without yet gaining authority among colleagues, is an inappropriate decision.
Having picked up the “key” to the secret desires of each employee, do not manipulate the “subordinates”. Create a friendly atmosphere in the team, where honesty and openness, professional skills and a high level of productivity will be valued among colleagues. However, do not forget to punish employees for misconduct by demonstrating the need to comply with the procedures you have established.
Do not single out individual employees in the team, guided by personal sympathies. Bonuses or praise from superiors can only be received by responsible colleagues who have completed the production plan ahead of schedule or have concluded a deal that is beneficial for the company. Employees must be clearly aware that flattery and friendly communication with the leader will not help on the way to career heights.

Having decided on the plan for the upcoming work, it is important to pay attention to your own position in the team. Employees will invariably obey you, because violation of the order of the boss is fraught with a fine or dismissal. However, to increase the productivity of the company, inspiring colleagues to work overtime and endowing each member of the team with enthusiasm, you can only lead by example.

In the current situation, it is important for a short period of time. Demonstrate professional skills to colleagues, because you were appointed to a leadership position not by acquaintance, but for your flexible mind and resourcefulness. Employees of the enterprise must be clearly aware that your social position in the company is confirmed by qualifications and personal qualities. The boss is a self-sufficient person who is able to organize the work of "wards", perform tasks independently, help and prompt employees, direct their energy in the right direction.

A boss who can remotely monitor the work of each team member will achieve the highest level of productivity in the company

In order for employees to follow your orders without question, it is important to choose the right behavior model. The manner of communication and the format of relationships with colleagues directly depend on the mood prevailing in the team. If the company is dominated by young employees who have recently graduated from the university, then it is preferable to pay attention to the learning behavior model. You should become an example for colleagues, advising them and helping them in difficult situations. The main thing is not to overdo it with virtue, so that “subordinates” strive to complete the tasks on their own, and not turn to you at the slightest difficulty. The strictness and prudence of the boss is the way to increase the level of company productivity.

You must control the work of each employee, paying attention to the relationships of employees within the team. Personal communication during working hours is strictly prohibited, because suspended conversations negatively affect the work capacity of colleagues. However, do not forget that if things do not go according to the planned course, the panicked mood of the boss should not be transmitted to the employees. Remember the general recommendations for new leaders, following which you can learn to control the activities of each member of the team:

Refer to employees by name, demonstrating to colleagues your participation in the life of the team. The boss who manages the company is the same person who should not forget about the rules of decency in society, etiquette and courtesy.
You do not need to regularly remind employees of their job responsibilities, specifying the deadlines for completing tasks. A fair boss once pronounces a plan for future work. If the company employs professionals, then they will definitely hear you. If employees leave tasks unattended, then there comes a moment of partial change of team members.
Do not limit yourself to orders, forgetting about human relationships. Trust your employees if they have not given you a reason to doubt their professional qualities. The authoritarian model of communication should be used only in exceptional cases, when colleagues do not understand the seriousness of the intentions and the importance of the tasks set.
Learn to listen to people who come to you for advice or complaints. You must carefully read the information provided, making a reasonable decision on the question asked. In some situations, "subordinates" turn to superiors with pressing problems, which are not correct to turn a blind eye.
Prefer to build work in a team according to the “carrot and stick” method. Motivate your "mentees" with bonuses and encourage the initiative of colleagues who want to increase the level of enterprise productivity. It is preferable to punish lazy people and irresponsible employees by applying sanctions and fines to them.
Consider the opinions of "subordinates" in conversations on specialized topics. The engineer knows more than you about the structural features of the object being erected, so it is not advisable to make a decision without his participation. The team must employ craftsmen whose professional opinion you trust.
Keep promises by demonstrating to employees the weight of the words spoken by the boss. If you told your colleagues that you will reward them if they exceed the plan, then do it - you can not jeopardize the competence of the boss.

A leadership position is not only a variety of privileges over employees, but also responsibility, accompanied by various problems.

In situations where the team refuses to accept your candidacy for a leadership position, the only way to change the course of events is to demonstrate your professional skills to employees. It is categorically impossible to fall into depression and succumb to the condemnation of the public. and prudence will help you make the right decisions while maintaining self-esteem. Show your colleagues that you are a specialist who rightfully occupies a highly paid position. Even ardent instigators of conflict situations at work will not be able to oppose anything to your actions, which positively affect the productivity and level of profitability of the company. It is worth noting that in some situations it is preferable to demonstrate power to employees by firing a colleague for non-fulfillment of official duties. There are no irreplaceable people - each member of the team must be clearly aware of the significance of this thesis.

The leader is a vivid example for employees, therefore colleagues should see a self-sufficient person in the face of the boss. Do not forget to save without succumbing to provocations. A good boss will always find a favorable way out of difficult situations by properly motivating the team.

January 16, 2014

To be in a leadership position, it is important to have certain leadership qualities, take responsibility and often become the object of hatred. It is quite difficult to win a career Olympus and become a good leader, but it is quite real. In this article, we'll take a look at how to become a good leader. A good chef is a professional and a role model. His mission is to build a constantly evolving team. This cannot be achieved without leadership qualities.

Qualities of a good boss

The leader must be:
    Honest. A person who wants to win people's trust will not wishful thinking. Open. The ability to listen to other people's ideas and treat them constructively is a special skill of a leader. Have a creative approach, which manifests itself in the ability to think differently, look at the problem from a different angle. Confident in yourself and your abilities. Have a sense of humor to relieve tension and defuse the situation .Have an analytical mind to be able to break down the goal into parts.Ready for change.
Other qualities include:
    Responsibility.Psychological stability.Punctuality.Humanity.Courage.Activism.

The makings of a leader and motivator

You can learn how to formulate goals from motivational books. It is equally important to set daily goals and monitor their implementation.
    Make decisions in areas where failure will not be critical to self-esteem. When you fail, learn from the lesson and move on. Here's how to learn to take risks. Rate each flaw in the situation from 1 to 5. Imagine the worst-case scenario. Decide how much risk you are willing to take. To properly motivate staff, study their needs. It will be possible to achieve a result if each subordinate understands that his work affects the final result. Analyze your actions and their consequences. The most significant incidents can be recorded in a diary. Try to learn from them.
The potential of a leader depends on the desire of a person to change. The leader must encourage employees to innovate and give them the opportunity to take responsibility for their own decisions. This can only be achieved with a team of professionals. Understand the intricacies of the workflow To become a good leader, increase your market value and manage a team, constantly develop: study new specialized software, take professional online courses. A good analyst should be able to plan his day and focus on the subtleties in the implementation of the workflow. This makes it possible to better assess the risks and be responsible for the result of the work of the team as a whole. If the leader can effectively organize his work and his deputies, then he will always have time to quickly resolve important issues.

Create favorable working conditions Rational labor management is based on the use of modern technology. Automation of labor can be achieved through the introduction of electronic computing systems, the use of office equipment. These are not all the tools with which you can increase productivity. Additional measures include:
    observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the office; the presence of a desktop; furnishing the room with furniture; providing the employee with stationery and other working tools; organizing the regime of work and rest.
Good lighting, optimal temperature, lack of noise affect performance. Properly organize the work of the team Whether you have four or a hundred subordinates, a leader must always be able to clearly explain his requirements. A code of rules and conduct will help you achieve your goal. It is easiest to understand goals and expectations if they are written down on paper. It is even better to prescribe a sequence of actions in advance. If an interesting goal visited you in the middle of a project, it makes no sense to voice it. Employees will not take you seriously and will hardly have time to achieve a certain result. It is not worth introducing major changes in the middle of a project, however, small adjustments to the workflow will not interfere. Create the right team atmosphere Perseverance in achieving the goal should not prevent the subordinate from putting forward his proposals. Looking at the problem from the outside will allow you to adjust the course of action. It is especially important to listen to someone else's opinion at the final stage. If you want an honest answer, don't threaten. There are several ways to not scare subordinates and listen to their point of view: organize an anonymous survey, send an email, ask for an opinion in a personal meeting. Employees will share their opinion more quickly if they understand that it affects the success of the project as a whole. They should always have time to think about the problem they are working on. Keep distance with subordinates You can earn the love of subordinates not only by familiarity, but also in an honest way:
    It's easy to admit your mistakes. Anyone can make mistakes, including the boss. Don't blame other people for your miscalculations. Find the mistake, admit it and try to fix it. This is the only way to show the ability to find a solution in any situation. Be consistent. When speaking with an interlocutor, clearly state your thoughts and requirements. In this case, employees will be able to help resolve the issue. Do not allow familiarity. Of course, the boss must be able to communicate with the employee when he is in any mood. But do not allow familiarity. Always keep your distance. Good communication skills are evidenced by the number of signed contracts, and not by relationships in an informal setting with the team.
Be strict but fair A good boss supports colleagues and motivates them to achieve results. You can do this with the help of the reward system.
    Make it a habit to meet with the team for a gala dinner every month. This is a fun way to make friends with the team and motivate them to achieve goals. Arrange a one-on-one reception. If an employee has reached incredible heights, you should announce this to the team in an email or in person. Encourage workaholics. Any gift, whether it's a new phone model or a movie ticket, can motivate an employee to perform their duties well.
Take responsibility The ability to take responsibility for the project as a whole is a valuable quality of a leader. Any result of the team's work is, first of all, the result of its own actions. The leader looks for the reasons for failures in his behavior. This attitude motivates the manager to make effective decisions in the future. A subordinate may not be able to complete a task because he misunderstood it, forgot about it, or chose an inefficient method. On the part of the manager, such failures are observed: incorrect statement of the task, lack of intermediate control and rules for resolving issues. How to solve unique problems should be developed by the management itself, as well as monitoring the progress of their implementation.

Defend the interests of subordinates Responsibility also implies the desire to influence everything that happens from within and not allow external influences without good reasons. This cannot be achieved without systematic monitoring of the work of subordinates. The manager should treat his subordinates as equal partners, defend their interests before the higher management and in disputes with third parties. Employees will definitely appreciate the loyalty of management and try to improve the results of their work. Trusting relationships in the team are built on the fact that the boss will behave consistently both in personal conversation and in public. Keep your word In order for subordinates to respect the leader, he must be able to keep his promises. This applies not only to salary payments and the distribution of vacations. Therefore, before making promises, you need to take a break and think about how to fulfill it. Do not prioritize, because every promise is important. If you have agreed to find an assistant to a major specialist, then do it despite the looming crisis and the reduction of the payroll. It is important to do this because you have given your word. Failure to keep promises will affect a person's reputation as a professional.

How to lead a team without experience

Many managers dream of leading a department and leading a team. It is not enough just to become a leader, you must also be able to stay in this position.

What a New Director Should Know

According to statistics, the main reason for the dismissal of employees is the lack of a common language with superiors. Therefore, the leader must be able to carefully listen to subordinates. You need to communicate not only through emails, but also live. The boss must know how to inspire the team. Especially when it comes to creative work. Before starting work, point out the importance of the work of each employee. The manager should be able to motivate the team. Sometimes it is enough to take the initiative and be the first to take on a large amount of complex work. In any team there is a genius who thinks outside the box and refuses to work in a team. Over time, it becomes uncontrollable. Such individuals must be able to identify and, if possible, immediately get rid of them. Otherwise, it will not be possible to establish work in a team.

What should a manager know?

Formulate the development goals of the department and the tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve results. Use the company's resources wisely. These include: material resources, capital, information and time. The value of each of them has changed with the development of mankind. Today, information is the priority. The task of the leader is to competently build the internal structure of the organization. To be able to motivate employees. For this purpose, you can use external incentives (social package, fines, teamwork), as well as the desire of employees to develop. Control the situation at all stages. Before starting the project, the available resources are analyzed. The purpose of the intermediate control is to evaluate the performance of each stage. At the final stage, the achieved result is compared with the goal. You can delegate to subordinates only control in the first two stages.

Rules for a good chef

    Divide labor in order to perform a large amount of work qualitatively. Where authority appears, responsibility also arises. She is a strong motivation in urgent projects. Sometimes only moral responsibility can keep an employee from not giving up. Discipline in a team is based on the authority of the leader. Ideally, an employee should receive orders from only one boss. Today the boundaries of the hierarchy are pushed apart. Orders can be issued simultaneously by heads of several departments. It is important here that the orders do not contradict each other. The interests of one person should not prevail over the interests of the organization as a whole. Otherwise, a dictatorship will come. Loyalty and support of employees can be ensured by a stable salary.

How to become a boss with a soft character

It is believed that liberals cannot become leaders because of their humanity and inclination to connivance. Instead, informal leaders manage the team. To become a good leader, you need to find an ambitious person and make him your adviser. Then, with its help, build a management structure and influence the team using the “good director - strict deputy” model. The democratic leader must be:
    initiative, responsible; creative attitude to work; be able to convince; develop ways to achieve the goal.
Such specialists are expected in highly developed teams, where each employee is well motivated and can justify his point of view on the problem. You should start your career as a manager from your own life: set tasks for yourself, move towards the goal. Communicate with people who have achieved professional success and are ready to give good advice.
    Listen to the opinion of your employees, even if you do not agree with it. Do not try to control every step. Delegate your authority. Don’t blow up on your employees about every mistake. Develop interpersonal relationships with the team. Constantly learn, strive to learn something new. Study yourself. The problem with most leaders is a lack of introspection and meaningful action. Focus on one big goal and develop steps to achieve it. Get rid of ineffective managers. Either all team members win, or none of them. Train your leadership skills daily.

The boss is not always right, but he is always the boss

A situation in which a subordinate is smarter than his leader is rare. The director will not hire an employee who is superior in some way to himself: in terms of education, experience, qualifications. The tendency to hire relatives has also declined to a minimum in recent years. All other conflicts with management can be resolved. The director is also a person with his own experiences and thoughts. If he is wrong on any point, find reasonable evidence to change his point of view. A good leader will appreciate this. You should not quit your job when a conflict situation arises.



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