All known types of mustaches: names and photos. What does a mustache mean?

What do we know about such a part of a man’s image as a mustache and what types of mustaches are there? The fashion for wearing a mustache has been around for many years. Mustaches have always been considered a sign of aristocracy, masculinity and strength. In tsarist times, they were worn by monarchs, nobles, and officers. Later, the mustache became a self-evident element of a man's appearance. Closer to our time, the fashion for mustaches disappeared and then reappeared. And today they are considered a trend in men's appearance.

Popularity history

If you want to radically change your style, be sure to start wearing a mustache. You may feel a little awkward at first because the new look won't be easy to get used to. But later, you will most likely like your new image. With a mustache you will look like a more determined and courageous man.

Types of mustaches

There are mustaches different shapes and magnitude. There are many types of them. To some extent, every man has probably come up with his own individual mustache style at some point. In this article we will tell you what the most famous and popular types of mustaches are.


This elongated and sharply curled mustache bears the name of such a famous creative personality as Salvador Dali. In order to wear this style of mustache, you need to be prepared to devote a lot of time to styling it.


This is often a bushy mustache that at first glance resembles a wrapped horse shoe. The mustache should grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end only when it reaches the jaw line. This mustache shape is typical for many bikers. Also they are worn throughout his life by such famous actor like Terry Hulk Hogan.

A dense mustache that is located just above the upper lip along its entire length and curls slightly towards the top. Monarchs and nobles loved to wear them, hence their name. It’s interesting that Budenov had such a mustache.


A solid large mustache that completely obscures the upper lip. Tom Selleck enjoys wearing this style of mustache.

Fu Manchu

This mustache is named after the main character from the work of the British writer Romer Sachs. Above upper lip are released long mustache, which should not be shorter than the lower jaw line. In this case, the hair above the edges of the mouth is carefully shaved, which is distinctive feature this style.


The name speaks for itself. This form The mustache strongly resembles a lampshade. It is very easy to give your mustache this shape yourself at home in front of the mirror.

The corners of the mouth should be shaved, and the mustache itself should be extended from the middle of the upper lip. They should be thin and long with sharp tips. During the war in England, such mustaches were worn by military personnel.

Artist's brush

Not a long bushy mustache growing along the entire length of the mouth line. We have seen Brad Pitt with such a mustache more than once. This form is now popular among young people.


A narrow, thin strip of stubble above the upper lip. They were worn in the 40s-50s of the last century by Hollywood actor Clark Gable.

The mustache is wide at the base and narrow at the top, resembling a pyramid in shape. Very comfortable and popular among men.


A dense small mustache growing right under the nose. Mustaches typical of Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. They are suitable if a large mustache bothers you.


The mustache is large, often completely covering the mouth. These were worn by the famous writer Mark Twain, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and even Joseph Stalin.


A mustache that resembles a bicycle handlebar, as its tips are curled upward into rings. The Italians call them “spaghetti mustaches.” They were often worn by soldiers during the First World War.

Mustache "only there"

Small almost invisible antennae. Essentially, this is just stubble left above the upper lip. If you hate frequent procedure shaving, then this type of mustache is just for you.

Not all types of male mustaches are listed above. But having an idea of ​​their main types, you can come up with something unique for yourself. Here everything is limited only by your own imagination. Add a pinch of creativity to your life and create a bright, memorable image with the help of a mustache.

Mustaches have a certain meaning for every person. There are many reasons why a person wears a mustache. For some, a man's mustache and beard are an additional detail of his image, for some it is part of maintaining traditions, for others, with the help of a mustache they are trying to hide flaws or attract additional attention to their person. For many, vegetation of this type is important in determining a person’s masculinity, proof that he is a “real” man. A variety of mustache types will help everyone achieve what they want.

The answer to the question: “Which type of mustache would you prefer” has important. Your choice should be influenced by taking into account the shape of the face and where exactly hairline thicker and more intense. There are many types of mustaches for men, among which everyone will find something suitable.

Short mustache types work well for those whose hair is thick and dark. Long ones will do more people those whose hair is coarse and straight.

Don't be afraid to experiment. You can do more than just grow a mustache. If you prefer a beard, you can also combine wearing it with a mustache.

Currently, the most various types mustaches, including those known to everyone, worn by famous personalities right up to our time.

  • English mustache. An elongated, tapered shape with a small shaved area above the corners of the lips, mostly with pointed ends. This type The mustache is popular among the military in England.
  • Emperor's mustache. Abundant vegetation growing upward. Located on the cheeks and above the upper lip. They got their name thanks to individuals who prefer this form of mustache (monarchs, nobles).
  • Dali. This type is strongly twisted upward and elongated. Named after the notorious creative person- Salvador Dali. When wearing this type of mustache you will need to pay enough attention a large number of time to install them.

  • Pyramid mustache. Narrowed at the top and widened at the bottom. Their appearance resembles a pyramid, which is why they got their name. There are several varieties of this mustache shape.
  • Walrus. Quite dense vegetation located along the entire width of the mouth. Sometimes they even cover not only the upper, but also the lower lip. This type of mustache was worn by such famous personalities as Joseph Stalin and the writer Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • Fu Manchu. This type is very similar to the “horseshoe” described above. The difference is that the areas above the corners of the mouth are shaved.

  • Chevron. A wide, continuous mustache that completely covers the upper lip.
  • Horseshoe. A fluffy mustache that looks like an inverted horse shoe. They grow right up to the jaw line. This form of mustache is often preferred by many bikers.
  • Pencil. A thin, tapered mustache that can be given a variety of shapes depending on your preferences.
  • Artist's brush. Wide mustache surrounding the entire upper lip. Often, when laying this type, they give it a rounded shape.

  • Toothbrush. This type has no big size and is suitable for those people who find it difficult to have a large mustache. Dense vegetation located right under the nose. This type of mustache was worn by such famous personalities as Hitler and Charlie Chaplin.
  • Handlebar. There are two types: long and short. The tips of the mustache curl upward. Installed using specialized wax.
  • Shade. In appearance they resemble an “artist’s brush”, but have pointed corners. The shape is similar to an ordinary lampshade.


  1. Always remember personal hygiene. Wash your face twice a day, rinsing your mustache with specialized means care There are products such as shampoos for beards and mustaches, and gels and lotions for washing are also suitable. All types of thick mustaches on men quickly collect dirt, which can lead to consequences such as irritation, redness of the skin and the appearance of acne.
  2. Brush your mustache several times a day.
  3. For styling, use special wax. With its help, you can give your mustache the desired shape and natural look.
  4. Buy yourself a trimmer good quality. With its help, you can remove unnecessary hair from your face, as well as trim the selected mustache shape.
  5. Long, overgrown mustaches will be much more convenient to trim with scissors.
  6. When trimming the form, the plant cover must be dry, as wet hair You can cut it shorter than required.

These tips on growing and caring for facial hair should tell you how you can grow and maintain a beautiful mustache.

The section is very easy to use. In the field provided, just enter the right word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.


Meaning of the word mustache

mustache in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


mustache, units mustache, mustache and (reg.) mustache, m.

    Hair above the upper lip in men. He began to twirl his long mustache. Pushkin. So as not to crush the dashing mustache. Pushkin. The driver's mustache and beard were frozen. Nekrasov. Nikolai Sergeich plucked his mustache. Chekhov. Twist your mustache. It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth. Proverb (got nothing).

    In animals: bristly hair on the sides of the upper lip. Cat with a mustache.

    Same as mustache in 2 digits. (bot.).

    Same as antennae in 3 digits. (zool.). In the mustache and snout (to hit) someone (colloquially) - to hit in the face. And look - our Mirabeau... for a crumpled frill, he whips him in the mustache and snout. D. Davydov. Don’t blow your mustache - see blow. Baleen - a horny plate in the mouth of whales, used. for the manufacture of various products (corsets, whips, etc.). to wind on a mustache - see wind 1. On a mustache (chop, connect; dense, table) - with palmate spikes. Along the mustache and beard (spread, flowed; colloquially) - transl. for treats, for bribes, in vain. All the money was lost in mustaches and beards. We ourselves with a mustache (colloquially) - we ourselves don’t understand worse than anyone. We ourselves, with a mustache, have also seen some species in our time. Melnikov-Pechersky.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Ov, units mustache, mustache, m.

    Hair above the upper lip. They are making their way. Wear, shave, grow a mustache. Hanging, twisted.

    In some animals: hard hair above the upper lip (in birds - hard short feathers in the corners of the beak). U. walrus, cats.

    establish, accept, formalize. U. work plan. U. in office. 2. what. When placing it, strengthen it firmly. U. theirs. 3. whom (what) in what. Finally convince, assure (book). U. in thought. U. in the same opinion.

    nesov. assert, -ay, -ay (to 1 and 3 meanings).

    noun statement, -I, cf. (to 1 and 3 values).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in botany - creeping shoots with long internodes, rooting (at the nodes) with the help of adventitious roots (strawberries, cinquefoil); serve for vegetative propagation. Modified parts of leaves or above-ground shoots that serve to attach to the support are called tendrils (legumes, pumpkin, grapes).


hair above the upper lip in men (secondary sexual characteristic); tactile hairs (vibrissae) on the upper lip in many mammals, e.g. cats; bristle-like tactile feathers in the corners of the mouth in some birds (whiskered tits).

A mustache adorns a man. You can argue with this as much as you like, but in our time, a man’s stylish mustache is an image of masculinity, elegance, and confidence. Many, in order to emphasize these qualities, constantly change it and experiment. And all because of fashion, which is rapidly rushing forward. She is the one who tells you how to choose the best one for yourself. the best option. We are grateful to her, and we turn to her.

Let us note that a stylish haircut is now a rapidly growing trend. Do you want to know why? Then read on. And so that you have an incentive, remember - your friends, colleagues, male acquaintances are trying more and more new elements of appearance every year. You can't argue with the statistics. Do you want to improve? Great, come to us!

For a representative of the stronger sex, this is a multifaceted opportunity to express their personality. After all, they are admired, their presence in your possession imparts wisdom to your appearance. The form may cause increased interest in you from society. Why be surprised, because the difference in such an element can be very original, even unpredictable.

We are now ready to present weighty arguments, why chic curls will help you further. Exactly gorgeous! After all, a lot will change from such an appearance. They are suitable for you because:

  1. Gives a modern touch. weighty and main reason to achieve goals. Everyone understands that an exemplary (and often clean-shaven) man is just an office worker who sometimes needs a little more internal energy for drastic changes. Then the creative vein awakens, the horizons expand, and creative skills increase. The stripe above and below your lip subtly tells others that you are original; employers confirm that “this guy will clearly achieve his goal.”
  2. Attract women's attention. Girls are curious creatures, and your furry face instinctively invites them to move closer and take a better look at you. Sometimes the phrase “Oh, what a mustache you have” speaks of the young lady’s obvious interest in your personality.
  3. Give the appearance of literacy. Everything is clear here. Sometimes, when it comes to intelligence and professionalism, not everyone can boast of huge achievements. It's a completely different matter wearing glasses and light stubble. You are a real speaker, everyone’s attention is on you.
  4. Hiding emotions. Sometimes it’s better to smile quietly, imperceptibly, without offending anyone, eliminating the risk of seeming too frivolous with your laughter. A trick that helps skillfully disguise the real emotional background(if it is needed). Use it!
  5. Easily make you feel real, perfectly emphasizing courage, giving solidity external signs. Being among clean-shaven men, a mustachioed male will at least get more attention. The attitude towards you will be natural and respectful. After all, this is how you emphasize charisma, which attracts everyone like a magnet.
  6. Provides the opportunity to constantly change and learn new features. How cool: today your hairstyle matches your favorite actor, tomorrow you try out a role famous writer, and then you turn into a funny historical character.

Mustache trimming, what are the types and forms of photos?

They are divided into certain types, which directly depends on the shape of the face. You can easily find an attractive image for a square, round, or triangular look, but then the types of mustaches will differ. Therefore, the variety is large, which allows Good work, looking for your direction.

Form is a deeply personal matter, because many people experiment, neglecting even the advice of stylists. Sometimes this turns out to be useful, stunning. To receive information about what types of mustaches there are, it is necessary to be fully aware of the new future image. Especially if you are already a proven person. Because appearance is always under the attention of inquisitive glances. For practical understanding, let's look at examples as a guide to our face.

Mustache "Horseshoe"

A completely justifying name for this type. Externally, they are a wide horseshoe, with the base turned upward. You grow medium-long hair under your nose that falls in wide lines downwards. The lines can be graphic, smooth, ending at the beginning of the chin.

Horseshoe mustaches were often worn by soldiers during the First World War. This can be explained solidly, with a serious look, inspiring confidence, inspiring masculinity, strength, power. Nowadays the haircut is actively popular among bikers. This mustache model will look advantageous on square and round faces, giving them elongation.

Italian mustache

Also called balbo, in honor of the Italian founder. The hairstyle combines many styles, as it allows you to stand out clearly. They must be looked after carefully. Characteristic differences There is:

  1. Lack of sideburns.
  2. The mustache and beard are separate, with clear contours.

This look is perfect for chubby, square-faced men. Shape types are: scattered curls, goatee, island beard.

By combining similar styles, we get an excellent hairstyle result, which, by the way, can be done at home with certain equipment:

  1. We trim the thickets to a length of 0.4 cm.
  2. We shave our cheeks. We clearly demarcate the sideburn line from temporal region, to the area around the mouth.
  3. Using the machine we expose the neck from its base.
  4. Align the mustache until a straight line is made at the top. We do the same below. This way they are separated from the beard.
  5. We perform island shaving, carefully removing hair from under lower lip on both sides.

Here's how easy it is to do it all. The advantage is that you don’t need to grow long stubble.

Remember! Balbo is a type of “T” beard with a mustache. There is no line connecting them at all. In addition, the hair in the lower corners of the mouth is shaved.

Mustache "brush"

This type has been especially popular in Europe and America since the 19th century. Note that during the Second World War, such a “brush” was worn by Adolf Hitler. Then they began to be used less frequently.

When growing these, shave off the stubble every 4 days, leaving 3-4 centimeters of hair right under the nose.

Ukrainian mustache

Who suits this kind of hair? As you already understand, not only Ukrainians, because anyone can borrow the style of wearing long curls. The shape is narrow at the ends.

This is done with a razor or thinning. If you have a voluminous structure, you can profile the lush layer with scissors, that is, remove the excess. To reduce the length, trim the curls and comb with a comb from ends to roots.

For reference! The mustache and beard went through difficult times during the reign French king Louis 16th. Then the nobility imitated the young ruler, wore vests, shaving their entire faces. They remained a privilege only for selected detachments of the country's leader.

Mustache "Bicycle Handlebar"

Really reminds me of an analogy. Cut short or styled long. The haircut is suitable for men with a voluminous structure. Well-grown curls curl upward at the ends.

The effect is achieved using cosmetic wax. The form is also called from the nickname famous hero movie - "Poirot". This rather cheerful trend appeared in the spring of 2012, being actively used on handbags, jewelry, and clothing.

Chinese mustache

Each nation has its own special external features, which are supported by genetics. The appearance of the Chinese is characterized by thin vegetation. It suits few people, so they often shave without growing any stubble. Large vegetation is typical for elderly people living in rural areas.

A Chinese man with a full beard is a rarity. Chinese theory traditional medicine says that a guy with voluminous stubble has good hair function gallbladder. Hieroglyph of this body denotes courage. Therefore, there a man with thick facial hair is considered a hero.


Comrade Stalin, known to us, wore this look. The curls are lush, wide, completely covering the upper lip. Classic fashion is still popular. The peak of this hairstyle fell in the 70-80s. of the last century, continuing to remain rated. Chevron gives the image firmness, confidence, moderate audacity, and well emphasizes its expressiveness.

When doing this type of cutting, careful care is required. It doesn't take much time, the haircut is quite manageable. People Western countries This model is closely associated with the appearance of musician Freddie Mercury. In Russia, this is the actor who played Novoseltsev. Let's remember "Office Romance". He captivated millions of spectators with his chevron. A similar example is the standard of fame for the chevron mustache.

Important! Fashion is a changeable phenomenon, like any social process. A few years ago, stubble was considered stylish; today, a small beard is fashionable. Therefore, the question of what looks better - short stubble, a full beard or a smart mustache, is a matter of difference of opinions. The general pattern has always existed, giving way to new items. The main thing is an internal disposition towards an unusual image, lightness, comfort.

Fu Manchu

The curls are long, thin, extending from the top of the lip to its tips. Can be performed to the base of the chin. Often combined with small stubble at the bottom of the mouth. Sometimes a third mustache is added to the main mustache, curly downwards. This type was introduced by the Chinese.

Sometimes Fu Manchu is confused with the “horseshoe” we already know. The fundamental difference between them is that Fu Manchu is grown from the corners of the upper lip. Hanging down, they look like tentacles. A horseshoe is the growth of hair on both sides of the mouth, like the letter U (horseshoe). In addition, Fu Manchu takes much longer to grow.


Essentially, this is the same type of “bicycle handlebar”. 2017 gave it a new lease of life, inviting its owners to complement it with a fashionable haircut and bangs combed up.

The mustache is voluminous above the upper lip, the ends are short, fluffy, slightly turned up (thanks to the wax). If we consider by type, this option best suits an elongated face.

Advice! It happens for rapid growth hair, men rub oil, lotion into the skin, drink various vitamins. This is ineffective. Facial hair develops normally, depending on the characteristics of the body. Enough healthy image life, good nutrition.

Dali's mustache

Light, pretty. And all because of its external subtlety and originality, which attracts both adults and young men.

To do this, you don’t have to be interested in the work of a great artist. You just cut them off like Fu Manchu, carefully styling them with gel. The classic variation is to bend the ends up. But, with a little imagination, you can lay it in a spiral, curly wave.


Voluminous, tapering hair that is combed from the center to the sides, ending above the corners of the mouth. You can grow it even longer than this place. The pomp of a hairstyle depends entirely on how carefully the owner is willing to take care of it.

Hungary is the country from which the name of this haircut comes. A few centuries later, in the deserts of the Wild West, they became relevant again. They are used by bank employees and sheriffs. It doesn't take long to grow.


A small mustache, shaved at the top or bottom. Their thickness is pencil-like, which is why the name is appropriate. A sign of popularity was the 30-50s, when Hollywood idols, for example, Clark Gable, tended to wear similar ones. Nowadays, famous stage personalities of the Hungarian hairstyle include guitarist Kirk Hammett of the internationally popular band Metallica.

Haircut requires regular grooming. In the same years of the 20th century, fashionable characters - mafiosi - often wore these. Thanks to this, an inveterate gangster, originating from Italy, is an image where there are always thin lines above the lip on top. Elegant, don't you agree?

Imperial mustache

They are similar to handlebars, which also appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The types are as follows:

  1. With tapered ends pointing straight up.
  2. Wide, voluminous curls placed under the handlebar for greater fluidity.

They are suitable for both respectable older men and young men, emphasizing the elegance of their appearance.


Triangular in appearance. Slightly resemble the appearance of a chevron. But their shape is more correct. Near the nose, wider at the base. Considered a classic, suitable for any occasion. Owners of a similar type great amount. Most likely, your grandfather, or maybe your father, tried to wear this haircut. They evoke the life of the seventies, free morals, views, especially from Western countries.

It is vain to think that one cannot experiment here. By letting your hair grow longer, you can slightly grow the fluff under your lip from below. The image will become similar to the American composer Frank Zappa.


Wide, expansive hairstyle. Combed down or laid on the sides. The edge of the hairs from below is trimmed to the same level. Often, such a voluminous cover partially or completely covers the mouth. Famous representatives of this model were Friedrich Nietzsche and Mark Twain.

What are the benefits of this type? He lights up your face with confidence and seriousness. People, looking at you, imagine a responsible, competent person, listening to your opinion. But from a practical point of view, it’s difficult to call the walrus optimal. After all, it’s difficult to eat, and the curls often get dirty. Are you ready for ongoing care? Then go ahead!

Mustachioed and rich!

Yes, friends, that's exactly it. Those with mustaches are often prosperous. Like appearance goes well with their character, style, and manner of doing things. In addition to finances, all areas of life are affected. After all, if a man achieves results, then completely. At least, everyone's favorite characters, among whom there are plenty of mustachioed representatives, prove this. We wish you to grow your wealth faster!



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