Sermion 30mg tablets. Sermion - improves brain activity and dilates blood vessels

- Very effective, but in almost all cases there are side effects

Pros: Very efficient

Disadvantages: Almost in all cases, side effects are expressed.

Sermion injections

Sermion is made in Italy by a company called "Pfizer Italia S.r.L." The drug is available in two forms: tablets and powder for injection. In this article, I will write specifically about Sermion injections.

Composition and packaging

Before packaging, the medicinal product undergoes lyophilization, that is, the substances are first gently dried, during which the drug to be dried is frozen, and then placed in a vacuum chamber, where the solvent is sublimated. The package also includes the solvent itself.

The vials are packed in cardboard packs, which include four vials with powder and four ampoules with a solvent.

Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics

According to the developers of the drug, sermion improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation. The drug is able to slow down the process of gluing cells together (this initial stage formation of a blood clot), as well as improves the property of blood in the process of its circulation on different areas vascular bed.

Sermion increases the speed of blood flow in the limbs, both in the upper and lower, and also narrows the arteries and veins.

The drug is excreted from the body mainly with urine, approximately 80%, the rest is excreted with feces.

The drug is used for:

    acute and chronic cerebral metabolic and vascular disorders associated with chronic disease arteries (atherosclerosis), with persistent increase blood pressure thrombosis or embolism of cerebral vessels

    organic and functional diseases limb arteries

    violation of vasomotor and trophic innervation of organs or tissues with a primary lesion of small terminal arteries and arterioles

    syndromes caused by impaired peripheral blood flow

    as additional funds in the treatment of hypertensive crisis

    recently transferred acute infarction myocardium

    acute bleeding

    severe bradycardia ( type of violation sinus rhythm which is controlled by the sinus node)

    violation of orthostatic regulation (violation of the regulation of vascular tone against the background of disorders in the functioning of the autonomous nervous system, manifested by a pronounced and prolonged decrease in blood pressure during prolonged stay in vertical position or when moving from horizontal to vertical)

    hypersensitivity to the drug

Cardiovascular system: decreased blood pressure, dizziness, fever.

Nervous system: drowsiness or insomnia.

Metabolism: increased concentration uric acid in blood.

Nicergoline lyophilisate - price from 650 rubles.

Nicergolin-deco lyophilisate - price from 650 rubles.

Nicergoline-ferein lyophilisate - price from 700 rubles.

Most of the reviews about this drug are positive. Many people write about it high efficiency, and almost no one had any side effects when using Sermion. People write that the pressure was normal, the number of migraine attacks and headaches in general decreased. Some even wrote about increasing concentration and improving the cognitive functions of the body.

The developers of the drug themselves warn that sermion should be taken for a long time, since it begins to act as it accumulates in the body. In connection with this, there is negative feedback about the fact that people who took the drug, without waiting for the effect, quit the course of treatment.

On other sites they write that there is an effect of the drug, but general well-being constantly worsens as the sermion is introduced into the body.

In no case should Sermion be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as by persons under the age of eighteen.

And of course, when using this drug, you must definitely tell the doctor what medicines you are taking, since when interacting with each other, the individual components of the substance may be incompatible and lead to serious complications.

My opinion is that sermion should only be used if it's really worth it. Of course, this can be said about any drug, but this drug must be handled very seriously and with caution. Since sermion is not compatible with many drugs, it is necessary to be observed by the attending physician before use and immediately respond to the slightest manifestation of any ailments or changes in well-being.

Video review


Various disorders in the activity of blood vessels require complex treatment. And sometimes it can be very difficult for patients to understand the doctor's prescriptions, to understand which drug helps with what, and what is its mechanism of action. So, for the correction of vascular disorders, doctors can prescribe Sermion. Let's clarify what the instructions for use say about Sermion 10 mg, consider real reviews about the use of such a medicine, we will find out if it has analogues, and also to whom such a remedy is prescribed.

Sermion is medicinal product from the group of correctors cerebral circulation. It is based on one active ingredient nicergoline. One 10 mg tablet contains ten milligrams of such a substance.

How Sermion works?

The active component of Sermion has a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels in the brain. This substance is able to improve metabolism and optimize blood circulation processes. In addition, it reduces the ability of platelets to stick together and increases the fluidity of the blood. The use of this medication contributes to a persistent improvement in cognitive (mental) functions, as well as a decrease in the severity behavioral disorders that are associated with dementia. Nicergoline has alpha-adrenergic blocking and myotropic antispasmodic properties in relation to vessels that are sensitive to it. Increases permeability vascular walls for glucose.

Sermion has a positive effect not only on cerebral blood flow but also in the pulmonary and renal circulation. Such a medicine also optimizes the blood circulation of the extremities in patients with spastic arteriopathy. Its use in hypertension contributes to a gradual moderate decrease in blood pressure.

Who is prescribed Sermion 10mg?

Tablets of 10 mg are most often prescribed to patients with chronic disorders of full cerebral circulation. Also, such a medicine can be prescribed to patients with vascular cognitive impairment. Sometimes doctors recommend taking it when recovering from a stroke.

It is worth noting that therapeutic efficacy The drug develops slowly, so the duration of therapy with it should be at least three months.

Sermion 10mg tablets can also be prescribed if treatment is needed vascular disorders peripheral circulatory system, represented by arteriopathy of the extremities and Raynaud's disease. Among the indications for the use of Sermion is still migraine, dementia and vertigo. This medicine can help patients with obliterating endarteritis, diabetic retino- and angiopathy, as well as corneal dystrophic pathologies and vascular disorders in the vascular or retina visual apparatus. Sermion 10mg tablets are sometimes prescribed for vestibular and labyrinthine disorders that have vascular origin.

There is evidence that they can help patients with hypertrophy prostate and violations of full urination, which developed against the background of bladder neurogenicity.

How to take Sermion 10mg tablets correctly?

Usually such a drug should be taken one tablet three times a day. To achieve the expected therapeutic effect, it should be taken with an equal time interval, preferably between meals. It is worth remembering that treatment with Sermion should be continuous, as it has a cumulative effect.

The dosage of the drug is selected individually by the attending physician.

Are there any contraindications?

Sermion, like any other medicine, has certain contraindications to application. So, it cannot be used for:

Allergies to its components:

Reducing pressure;

Severe atherosclerosis of vessels in the periphery;

Organic pathologies of the heart;

Recent heart attack;

Angina pectoris and bradycardia;

Acute bleeding;

Treatment of children;




To date, in pharmacies you can find the following one hundred percent analogues of Sermion:




Before replacing the prescribed medication with an analogue, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

So, during the manufacture of the medicinal product, the following applies:

  1. If the dosage of nicergoline is active substance- is 5 mg 10 mg or 30 mg, and the release form is in tablets, then such Excipients calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium stearate. To create the shell, talc, sucrose, sandarac resin, magnesium carbonate, carnauba wax, and rosin are used. Acacia resin, titanium dioxide and sunset yellow. Tablets are biconvex with a white, yellow or orange shell. The kit includes, depending on the dosage, or 25 tablets.
  2. If the drug is produced in the form of a powder or a white porous mixture, which is used as an injection, then the composition includes the active substance nicergoline and auxiliary ingredients benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, purified water for intravenous or intramuscular administration, lactose monohydrate and tartaric acid. Produced in glass ampoules with a solvent. The kit includes 4 bottles with the drug, 4 ampoules with a solvent and instructions.

Method of taking the drug and dosage

This drug improves peripheral and cerebral circulation. It is considered a good alpha-blocker. Improves hemodynamic and metabolic processes in the brain.

It also reduces platelet production and thins the blood. After ingestion, the blood supply to the limbs improves, and the symptom of their numbness disappears.

At long-term treatment patients are diagnosed with a reduction in severe dementia-related behavioral disturbances and improvement general condition.

This drug is very easy and quickly absorbed. gastrointestinal tract if taken internally. With intravenous and intramuscular use this process is accelerated by about 2 times. The absorption rate does not depend on the time of application and food intake.

Once in the blood, the drug quickly binds to plasma proteins. The active substance contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and an increase in their throughput. It improves general circulation and brain in particular.

The maximum concentration of the drug is reached after 4 hours after ingestion and after 2 hours after intravenous / intramuscular use.

The active substance is excreted mainly in the urine. But about 20% leaves the body with feces. The time required for complete cleansing organism, varies from 70 to 100 hours.

In the presence of severe kidney problems, this time can be increased by 2 times. Sermion can hit breast milk therefore, its use should be avoided while breastfeeding.

Dosage and administration

Depending on the form and severity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a course of injections or treatment with tablets. It must be accepted in the following way:

  1. Recent strokes, cognitive vascular impairments, and impairments cerebral blood supply are indications for taking 10 mg tablets 3 times a day for 3-5 months.
  2. During vascular dementia Sermion is taken 2 times a day, 30 mg. The course of treatment is determined individually, it is necessary to consult a therapist every six months of treatment.
  3. Ischemic stroke resulting from thrombosis, atherosclerosis or cerebral embolism are indications for use parenteral administration drug. After a course of injections, it is necessary to continue taking the medicine inside. The dosage is strictly individual.
  4. 10 mg three times a day is taken in violation of the circulation of peripheral organs.

It is important to consider that patients with severe kidney and liver problems should take the minimum dosage to rule out the possibility of an overdose.

Sermion is taken for:

  1. Chronic and acute forms of cerebral vascular and metabolic circulatory disorders of the brain and peripheral organs.
  2. Functional and organic disorders blood supply to the extremities resulting from Raynaud's disease.
  3. Hypertensive crisis.

Interaction with other drugs

At simultaneous reception Sermion with drugs from the anticholinergic and antihypertensive groups, the effect of the latter may increase.

The process of action of Sermion is slowed down if it is taken together with cholestyramine and non-absorbable antacids.

Can be used this drug with other biotransformable medicines.


Contraindications to the use of this drug include the following types complications:

  1. Violation of orthostatic regulation.
  2. Recently occurred myocardial infarction.
  3. Bradycardia in acute form.
  4. Various internal bleeding.
  5. Hypersensitivity to one or more of the substances used in the creation of Sermion.
  6. The age of patients is less than 18 years.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation.
  8. Lack of sucrose or isomaltase.
  9. Individual intolerance fructose.

special instructions

It is required to take the drug with extreme caution in the presence of gout or hyperuricemia. Also take under the supervision of a doctor if therapy is being carried out in parallel with drugs that affect the urinary system.

Side effects

They appear in several forms. When exposed to the central nervous system, severe headaches and frequent dizziness, as well as insomnia or excessive drowsiness, are possible.

On cardiovascular system Sermion affects by lowering blood pressure, increasing body temperature.

Also, the metabolism in the body is disturbed with enough long-term therapy and increases the concentration of uric acid.

Occasionally possible allergic reactions which appear as a rash on the skin.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place out of reach of children. Tablets need room temperature, and it is advisable to place the ampoules in the refrigerator, where the temperature does not rise above +8 degrees.

Shelf life 3 years.


In Russia this drug is sold for 500-900 rubles. In most cases, it is dispensed without a prescription, but some pharmacy kiosks may require a written prescription from a physician.

In Ukraine sale is carried out for 250-300 hryvnia.


Analogues include Ergotop, Nicergoline, Nicelin, Ritmokor, Adalat, Nilogrin and other preparations containing a similar active substance.

Sermion belongs to the category of alpha-blockers. It has an antispasmodic effect on the vessels of the brain, relaxes their walls, as a result of which blood circulation and provision of tissues with oxygen molecules improves.

The active ingredient of the drug -. Substance used to treat dysfunction vascular system brain, disorders of peripheral and cerebral circulation.

The composition and form of release of the drug

Sermion is produced in tablets with different dosage nicergoline.

5 mg of the active ingredient in round, convex, orange-coated tablets, containing (in mg):

  • nicergoline - 5;
  • calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate - 100;
  • magnesium carbonate - 1.3;

10 mg active component in tablets of a round, convex shape in a white shell, which include (in mg):

  • nicergoline - 10;
  • calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate - 94.3;
  • microcrystalline cellulose - 22.4;
  • magnesium carbonate - 2;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose - 1.3.

30 mg active ingredient in tablets of a round, biconvex form in an orange shell, which include (in mg):

  • nicergoline - 30;
  • calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate - 72.69;
  • microcrystalline cellulose - 22.4;
  • magnesium carbonate - 3.61;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose - 1.3.

As part of the shell of tablets 5 and 10 mg - sucrose, acacia and sandarac resins, talc, magnesium carbonate, titanium dioxide, rosin and carnauba wax.

The shell of the 30 mg tablets consists of hypromellose, polyethylene glycol, titanium dioxide, silicone and yellow iron oxide.

The drug is also produced in powder form for the preparation of essences for injection. Its composition, in addition to nicergoline (4 mg), includes lactose monohydrate and tartaric acid. An ampoule with a solvent (NaCl) is attached to the vial with the lyophilized mass.

Pharmacological profile

The drug has a relaxing effect on the vessels, expanding them by blocking adrenaline, resulting in improved blood supply to the brain and activates metabolic processes it reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

The drug has a direct effect on the cerebral systems, resulting in improved mental processes.

The active component, entering the body, is transformed, forming active metabolites. They, in turn, have a directed effect on the nervous system, stimulate the absorption of glucose by the brain, the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids.

The drug is quickly absorbed by the body almost completely, regardless of dosage form and meals. The highest concentration in blood plasma is achieved after 2-3 hours. The highest concentration of metabolites is observed after 2-4 hours. Most of the drug is excreted in urine, the rest - with excrement.

Indications and contraindications for use

Sermion indications for use:

  • treatment and rehabilitation after acute, chronic cerebral vascular and metabolic disorders - consequences, hypertension, blood clots and blockage of blood vessels, and;
  • therapy and rehabilitation after acute, chronic peripheral vascular and metabolic disorders - syndromes associated with them - arteriopathy of the hands or feet, Raynaud's disease;
  • treatment of hypertensive crises (as an adjuvant).

The drug is contraindicated in patients with a history of:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypotension (including orthostatic);
  • frequency reduction heart rate(bradycardia);
  • bleeding (hemorrhage) of various origins;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Patients who suffer from hyperuricemia or gout should inform the doctor about this, who will adjust the dose or replace the drug with another one.

Method of application and dosage

To restore the functions of cerebral hemodynamics and eliminate the consequences of its violation, Sermion tablets are prescribed at a dosage of 5-10 mg three times a day at regular intervals. The effect of taking the medication is gradual, so the course of treatment cannot be less than 3 months.

For treatment, Sermion is prescribed with a dosage of 30 mg. Reception is carried out 1-2 times a day, 1 tablet. The course of treatment - from 6 months, if necessary, adjusted by the attending physician.

In severe cases (treatment and rehabilitation after), the drug should be taken parenterally (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract):

  • intramuscularly– 2-4 ml of restored essence from 2 times a day;
  • intravenously- 4-8 mg of lyophilisate dissolved in 100 ml of saline (0.9%) or dextrose (5-10%) 1-2 times a day (at the discretion of the doctor), the drug must be administered very slowly;
  • intra-arterially– 4 mg of lyophilisate dissolved in the supplied solvent (NaCl 0.9%) 1 time per day, it should be borne in mind that the time of drug injection into the artery is at least 2 minutes.

After stabilization of the patient's condition, it is possible to switch to oral intake medicines. Before taking the drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the optimal dosage and course of treatment individually, based on the symptoms and severity of the disease.

Special instructions and patients

The effect of the drug on the condition of the fetus has not been studied, therefore, during pregnancy, Sermion is prescribed only in cases where there is a threat to the health of the mother. During lactation, the components of the drug pass into breast milk, so it is advisable to stop breastfeeding for the duration of treatment.

Sermion is not prescribed for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Driving a car and operating machinery immediately after taking the drug is not recommended. In case of impaired renal function, the drug is prescribed in reduced doses.

At the time of treatment, you must stop taking alcohol. Incompatibility of the drug with alcohol can lead to dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Cases of overdose and adverse reactions

The use of a large dose of Sermion can lead to a temporary decrease in blood pressure and appearance accompanying symptoms- dizziness, weakness, darkening in the eyes. In this case, it is necessary to take horizontal position before normalization.

Long-term use of Sermion can cause mild side effects:

  • decrease in blood pressure ( , );
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • digestive disorders (bloating, diarrhea, constipation);
  • allergic reactions;
  • an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood.

Interaction with other drugs

Sermion can interact with drugs metabolized by the CYP2D6 enzyme (beta-blockers, etc.). Due to this interaction, the rate of metabolism of the main drug may change.

Simultaneous reception with acetylsalicylic acid may increase blood thinning, as a result of which an increase in the time and strength of bleeding is possible.

Sermion can also enhance the effect medications that lower blood pressure.

Application practice

Having studied the reviews of doctors and the opinion of those patients who took Sermion, certain important conclusions can be drawn.

Certainly Sermion is a good remedy to improve blood circulation in the brain. The effect of taking the medicine will appear only if it is taken strictly according to the indications and in the required dosage.

But to say that this is a “miracle drug” that can easily cure, for example, of course, is impossible. For such severe cases, one medication will not be enough, complex treatment is needed.

You can’t self-medicate and prescribe yourself medications to improve memory, attention, etc. Only the doctor who made the diagnosis can prescribe the treatment and its duration. Only if all the recommendations of a specialist are followed, the medicine will bring the expected effect.

The doctor prescribed Sermion 1 time per day, 30 mg. The effect was not observed within a week, but then the headaches began to appear less and less. In addition, drowsiness and apathy disappeared, cheerfulness and good mood. The course of admission is 2 months.

Nina, 41

The medicine should be taken at regular intervals between main meals with a small amount of water.

The advantages of the drug include an obvious therapeutic effect, improving well-being and raising the tone of the body. Another plus is the impossibility of an overdose of the drug.

The main drawback, according to most patients, is the high selling price. Many people also note the occurrence of side effects.

The cost of funds

Prices for Sermion vary based on the form of release, dosage and region of sale:

  • 5 mg No. 30 - from 415 rubles;
  • 10 mg No. 50 - from 499 rubles;
  • 30 mg No. 30 - from 854 rubles;
  • lyophilizate 4 mg 4 ampoules - from 1727 rubles.

The product should be stored in original packaging out of the reach of children. Storage temperature is not higher than 25⁰С.

It is released from pharmacies only if the buyer has a prescription.

In this article, we will consider another representative of drugs that positively affect the blood circulation of the vessels of the brain and peripheral vessels - Sermion. Its main properties are the improvement of metabolism and hemodynamic processes in the brain, incl. supplying the brain with oxygen; decreased platelet aggregation and pulmonary vascular resistance, improved blood flow in the arteries. A few years ago, this drug was recognized as a tool that helps well with a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain and with insufficient blood flow in the arms or legs.

Indications for use

This medicine is prescribed for arterial hypertension, increased thrombosis, cerebral embolism, dementia. In addition, the medicine Sermion helps well with acute and chronic peripheral and cerebral metabolic disorders in vessels, Raynaud's disease and syndromes arising from impaired peripheral blood flow. Often, doctors prescribe Sermion for headaches or as an auxiliary medicine for relieving hypertensive crises; it is effectively used in the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Instructions for use and dosage

This drug is taken orally immediately after a meal and washed down with a glass of water. Its dosage is prescribed by a doctor and is determined individual characteristics the health of the patient and the disease for which the treatment is being prescribed. For example, if the blood supply to the brain deteriorates, Sermion (tablets) should be drunk 10 mg three times a day. It must be remembered that when using medicinal product it is necessary not to forget about regular intake, otherwise it will not have the desired effect. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts about 3 months.

In the presence of another disorder - vascular dementia, Sermion is prescribed 30 mg twice a day. Note that with such a long course of treatment, it is necessary to visit a doctor every six months so that he either extends it or stops it.

If a person has impaired circulation of peripheral vessels, then the drug is prescribed 10 mg three times a day. Often, with this disease, the duration of treatment with the use of it can be several months.

Sermion is an over-the-counter medicine that you can buy without any problems at the nearest pharmacy. However, we advise you to consult your doctor before using it.

Sermion - improves brain activity and dilates blood vessels

Sermion is effective tool which is used in many countries around the world.

This drug improves cerebral and peripheral circulation.

1. Composition and form of release

The composition of the drug may vary slightly, depending on the amount of the active substance and the form of release.

So, during the manufacture of the medicinal product, the following applies:

  1. If the dosage of nicergoline - the active substance - is 5 mg 10 mg or 30 mg, and the release form is in tablets, then such excipients are used calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium stearate. To create the shell, talc, sucrose, sandarac resin, magnesium carbonate, carnauba wax, and rosin are used. Acacia resin, titanium dioxide and sunset yellow. Tablets are biconvex with a white, yellow or orange shell. The kit includes, depending on the dosage, or 25 tablets.
  2. If the drug is produced in the form of a powder or a white porous mixture, which is used as an injection, then the composition includes the active substance nicergoline and auxiliary ingredients benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, purified water for intravenous or intramuscular administration, lactose monohydrate and tartaric acid. Produced in glass ampoules with a solvent. The kit includes 4 bottles with the drug, 4 ampoules with a solvent and instructions.

2. How does the drug work?

This drug improves peripheral and cerebral circulation. It is considered a good alpha-blocker. Improves hemodynamic and metabolic processes in the brain.

It also reduces platelet production and thins the blood. After ingestion, the blood supply to the limbs improves, and the symptom of their numbness disappears.

With long-term treatment, patients are diagnosed with a decrease in severe dementia-related behavioral disorders and an improvement in their general condition.

This drug is very easily and quickly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract if taken orally. With intravenous and intramuscular use, this process is accelerated by about 2 times. The absorption rate does not depend on the time of application and food intake.

Once in the blood, the drug quickly binds to plasma proteins. The active substance contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and an increase in their throughput. This improves general blood circulation and brain in particular.

The maximum concentration of the drug is reached after 4 hours after ingestion and after 2 hours after intravenous / intramuscular use.

The active substance is excreted mainly in the urine. But about 20% leaves the body with feces. The time required for complete cleansing of the body varies from 70 to 100 hours.

In the presence of severe kidney problems, this time can be increased by 2 times. Sermion can pass into breast milk, so its use should be avoided during breastfeeding.

3. Method of administration and doses

Depending on the form and severity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a course of injections or treatment with tablets. It must be taken as follows:

  1. Recent strokes, cognitive vascular disorders and cerebrovascular accidents are indications for taking 10 mg tablets 3 times a day for 3-5 months.
  2. During vascular dementia, Sermion is taken 2 times a day, 30 mg. The course of treatment is determined individually, it is necessary to consult a therapist every six months of treatment.
  3. Ischemic stroke resulting from thrombosis, atherosclerosis, or cerebral embolism is an indication for the use of parenteral administration of the drug. After a course of injections, it is necessary to continue taking the medicine inside. The dosage is strictly individual.
  4. 10 mg three times a day is taken in violation of the circulation of peripheral organs.

It is important to consider that patients with severe kidney and liver problems should take the minimum dosage to rule out the possibility of an overdose.

4. Indications for use

Sermion is taken for:

  1. Chronic and acute forms of cerebral vascular and metabolic circulatory disorders of the brain and peripheral organs.
  2. Functional and organic circulatory disorders of the extremities resulting from Raynaud's disease.
  3. Hypertensive crisis.

5. Interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous administration of Sermion with drugs from the anticholinergic and antihypertensive groups, the effect of the latter may increase.

The process of action of Sermion is slowed down if it is taken together with cholestyramine and non-absorbable antacids.

You can use this drug with other biotransformable drugs.

6. Contraindications

Contraindications to the use of this drug include the following types of complications:

  1. Violation of orthostatic regulation.
  2. Recently experienced myocardial infarction.
  3. Acute bradycardia.
  4. Various internal bleeding.
  5. Hypersensitivity to one or more of the substances used in the creation of Sermion.
  6. The age of patients is less than 18 years.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation.
  8. Lack of sucrose or isomaltase.
  9. Individual intolerance to fructose.

special instructions

It is required to take the drug with extreme caution in the presence of gout or hyperuricemia. Also take under the supervision of a doctor if therapy is being carried out in parallel with drugs that affect the urinary system.

7. Side effects

They appear in several forms. When exposed to the central nervous system, severe headaches and frequent dizziness, as well as insomnia or excessive drowsiness, are possible.

Sermion affects the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure and raising body temperature.

Also, the metabolism in the body is disturbed with a sufficiently long therapy and the concentration of uric acid increases.

Occasionally, allergic reactions are possible, which manifest themselves in the form of a rash on the skin.

8. Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place out of reach of children. Tablets need room temperature, and it is advisable to place the ampoules in the refrigerator, where the temperature does not rise above +8 degrees.

Shelf life 3 years.

9. Price

In Russia, this drug is sold for 500-900 rubles. In most cases, it is available without a prescription, but some drugstores may require a written order from a doctor.

In Ukraine, the sale is carried out for 250-300 hryvnia.

10. Analogs

Analogues include Ergotop, Nicergoline, Nicelin, Ritmokor, Adalat, Nilogrin and other preparations containing a similar active substance.

11. Reviews

Reviews of this drug are very contradictory. Approximately half of the patients who leave their opinion about it are not in favor of its use.

So, the girl under the nickname Lubov left negative feedback. Claims that she complained of high blood pressure and numbness of the hands. The doctor prescribed Sermion. Took 2 weeks, did not see the effect.

But Roman claims that the drug helped him fully recover from a stroke he experienced. Recommends taking it for permanent basis as a prevention of cerebrovascular accident, but notes that it is important to take breaks so that there are no more serious problems with health.

Katyusha also notes positive influence Sermione to her health. She says that the blood supply has improved, and she began to feel better. However, she had to take pills for 4 months.

Yow says that he also took the drug at a dosage of 10 mg for 4 months, however positive effect did not wait. I had to stop the course on my own without consulting a doctor.

It is important to remember that the first effects occur very slowly, so the medicine must be taken for a long time. Sometimes, in order for improvements to appear, the patient has to take Sermion for six months.

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Sermion preparation: instructions for use

"Sermion" refers to a group of drugs whose action is aimed at activating cerebral and peripheral circulation, as well as improving rheological properties blood. Pharmacodynamics of the drug contributes to a significant improvement in the patient's condition.
The action of the active components of the drug helps to improve metabolic processes in the human brain. "Sermion" has an antispasmodic effect, increases the permeability of the muscular membrane of blood vessels for glucose, and helps to accelerate the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids. The drug increases brain, kidney and pulmonary blood flow, and also improves blood circulation in the limbs. "Sermion" is available in the form of tablets and powder for injection.

Indications for use

The drug "Sermion" is indicated for acute and chronic disorders of the brain, in particular for atherosclerosis, vascular thrombosis, vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease, migraines. The drug is prescribed for acute and chronic peripheral disorders, in particular syndromes caused by impaired peripheral blood flow, as well as arteriopathy and Raynaud's disease. At hypertensive crisis Sermion is used in combination therapy.

Instructions for use

"Sermion" in tablets is taken 5-10 mg 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts at least 2 months, since the effect of taking Sermion develops gradually. In vascular dementia, it is recommended to take 30 mg of the drug 2 times a day. Sermion tablets must be taken before meals. At the same time, it is important to observe an equal interval between doses of the drug. Sermion is administered intramuscularly at 2-4 mg 2 times a day. At intravenous injections 4 mg of the drug is combined with 10 ml of saline. The resulting composition must be administered slowly, over a period of at least 2 minutes. With drip intravenous use 4-8 mg of Sermion is combined with 100 ml of saline and administered once a day, preferably in the morning.

Contraindications and warnings

"Sermion" is contraindicated in recent myocardial infarction, severe bradycardia, hypotension, acute bleeding and allergies to the components of the drug.

The drug is not used to treat children and newborns. During pregnancy, the reception of "Sermion" is possible only according to strict indications. During lactation, in order to avoid getting the drug into the body of the newborn, breast-feeding needs to be stopped.

Side effects

When taking "Sermion" in rare cases side effects may occur in the form of lowering blood pressure, weakness, sweating, dizziness, cold extremities, sleep disturbances. Sometimes allergic reactions on the skin are possible. Sermion preparation: instructions for use

Sermion - instructions for use in tablets and ampoules, mechanism of action and contraindications

The main purpose of vasodilator drugs is to improve blood flow in the brain and peripheral system. When blood circulation is disturbed, failures occur in all departments human body. Sermion - instructions for use claims - this is a drug that has a vasodilating effect, stopping not only headaches, but also others pathological processes, immediately after its metabolites are distributed throughout the blood cells. The testimony noted wide application drug, both in the form of injections and orally.

Sermion drug

most dangerous situation in violation of blood circulation is the blockage of capillaries by blood clots. If the process occurs in the human brain or heart, then this can cause profound disability or lethal outcome. To prevent similar states Italian pharmacologists of Pharmacia Italia S.p.A. created the drug Sermion.

The drug belongs to the group of alpha-blockers. It relaxes the walls of the vessels of the brain, has an antispasmodic effect on them, due to which the tissue molecules are completely provided with oxygen. The main effect of the drug is to improve peripheral circulation and blood supply to the brain. Sermion has proven itself in the treatment of acute and chronic form brain failure.

Due to its high efficiency, Sermion is used in all countries of the world. chief active substance is nicergoline. This is an ergoline derivative that improves the hemodynamic and metabolic processes of the brain. Depending on the form of release, the composition of the drug is slightly different. In white tablets of a round convex shape is 10 mg of the active ingredient. Orange and yellow biconvex pills contain 5 mg and 30 mg of nicergoline.

The drug in powder form, intended for injections, contains 4 mg of the active substance. Auxiliary components also vary slightly, depending on the type of release. Sermion tablets are packed in blisters of 15 or 25 pieces. The cardboard pack contains 2 blister packs and instructions for use. Nicergoline for injection is sold together with a solvent of 4 ampoules, which are packed in one box with an annotation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The use of Sermion improves hemorheological parameters of blood, accelerates blood flow in the lower and upper limbs. Nicergoline has an α1-adrenergic blocking effect, helps to optimize thinking and cognitive processes. As a result of drug therapy, there is a persistent improvement in behavioral disorders. After oral administration, the absorption of nicergoline occurs quickly, it is almost completely absorbed. Metabolic products are excreted mainly in the urine and a little in the feces.

Sermion - indications for use

According to the instructions, the drug is effective in acute and chronic vascular and metabolic disorders caused by atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, thrombosis or embolism. Sermion is prescribed for the following indications:

  • vascular dementia;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • violation of peripheral arterial blood flow;
  • headache;
  • diseases of the vessels of the extremities;
  • hypertensive crisis.


According to the instructions, the use of Sermion has limitations - these are periods of pregnancy and lactation (penetrates into mother's milk), age less than 18 years and sucrase / isomaltase deficiency. In addition to this, there are absolute contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • acute bleeding;
  • severe bradycardia;
  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • violation of orthostatic regulation.

According to doctors, the drug should be prescribed with caution in case of gout or a history of hyperuricemia. Also, under the special supervision of a doctor, there should be a patient who is prescribed Sermion and medications that disrupt the metabolism and / or excretion of uric acid. A person's tendency to orthostatic hypotension is also relative contraindication.

Method of application and dosage of the drug

Method of administration, duration of administration and therapeutic dose Sermione depends on the nature of the disease. Often, drug treatment begins with parenteral administration, and then continues to take the medicine inside. According to the instructions of the tablet, it is necessary to drink three times daily from 5 to 10 mg at regular intervals to improve absorption. The course of treatment is set by the doctor in each case, and according to the instructions is several months.

For vascular dementia, doctors prescribe 30 mg tablets twice a day. During therapy, every six months it is required to consult a doctor to determine the advisability of further use of the drug. Intramuscular administration Sermione is shown according to a certain scheme: 2-4 ml 2 times / day. Intra-arterially 4 mg is administered slowly - about 2 minutes. In this case, the drug is diluted in 10 ml of a 9% sodium chloride solution. Intravenous administration nicergoline is carried out at a dose of 4-8 mg (1-2 ampoules), diluted in 5-10% dextrose solution (10 ml) or 9% sodium chloride (100 ml).

special instructions

According to doctors, if an overdose of the drug occurs, the patient may experience arterial hypotension. As a rule, the usual dosage of Sermion does not affect the pressure reduction, but sometimes this is observed in patients. To prevent the condition, it is recommended to take a horizontal position after parenteral administration of the drug. Low pressure does not require special treatment if there is no expressed vascular disorder brain. If yes, then assign symptomatic remedies. At bad job renal dose of Sermion should be reduced.

Interaction with drugs

If Sermion is taken simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs, the effect of the latter may increase. When administered together with non-absorbable antacids or cholestyramine, it should be known that the absorption of nicergoline is much slower. The CYP 2 D 6 enzyme takes part in the metabolism of Sermion, therefore the drug interacts well with drugs that biotransform with the help of the same enzyme (Rimidin, Risperidone and other antipsychotics). When taken in parallel with acetylsalicylic acid, there is a risk of bleeding.

Side effects

According to patients, after injections or taking pills, moderate side effects. There is a temporary sensation of heat, dizziness, lowering blood pressure. Rarely observed high concentration in the blood of uric acid, which does not depend on the dose and route of administration of the drug. Sometimes an overdose of a medicine can cause:

Sermion, like others vasoconstrictor drugs, at long-term use has the ability to be addictive. Self-medication can lead to peripheral vessels will shrink only after they have been used. For this reason, the intake of nicergoline should be monitored by a specialist. Instructions for use Sermion contains information that the drug in pharmacy network sold by prescription.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of tablets is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Powder for the preparation of a solution for injections can be stored for 4 years, and ampoules with a solvent - 5 years. The prepared solution is recommended to be administered parenterally immediately. It is necessary to store the drug, regardless of the form of release, in its original undamaged packaging in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to +25 ° C.


There are several similar therapeutic effect and composition, but different in price drugs. However, you should not buy other medicines on your own without consulting a doctor, even if they are similar in effect. The main analogues of Sermion:

  • Nicergoline;
  • Nilogrin;
  • Cavinton;
  • Mildronate;
  • Nootropic;
  • Adalat;
  • Ritmokor;
  • Nicelin;
  • Ergotop.

Sermion price

You can buy this drug at any pharmacy or online store. The cost of the drug depends on the form of release and volume. average price on Sermion in Russia.



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