Organic disorders of the nervous system in children. Damage to the central nervous system

From this article you will learn the main symptoms and signs of damage to the nervous system in a child, how damage to the central nervous system in a child is treated, and what causes perinatal damage to the nervous system in a newborn.

Treatment of damage to the nervous system in a child

Some children are so worried on the eve of exo-amen that they literally get sick.

Preparations for the treatment of the nervous system

Anacardium (Anacardium) - a drug for the treatment of the nervous system.

  • As soon as a child sits down to write, he loses all self-confidence and remembers absolutely nothing.

Argentum nitricum (Argentum nitricum) - a drug for the treatment of the nervous system.

  • On the eve of the exam, the child is hurried, excited, irritable and nervous.
  • Diarrhea on the eve of an exam.
  • The child may ask for sweets.

Gelsemium (Gelsemium) - a drug for the treatment of the nervous system.

  • Weakness and trembling on the eve of a responsible event or exam.
  • Diarrhea is possible.

Pikrik acid (Picric acid) - a drug for the treatment of the nervous system.

  • For good students who have studied hard but can no longer continue teaching - they would even like to throw away their textbooks.
  • The child is afraid that he will forget everything on the exam.
  • The child is very tired from studying.

Potential and number of doses:

One dose of 30C the evening before the exam, one in the morning and one just before the exam.

Symptoms of damage to the nervous system in a child

Most diseases of the nervous system at an early age are accompanied by delayed psychomotor development. When diagnosing them, the assessment of the presence of neurological syndromes, as well as the identification of lesions of the nervous system, is of key importance.

Hypoexcitability syndrome - a symptom of damage to the nervous system

Hypoexcitability syndrome is characterized by low motor and mental activity of the child, a long latent period for the occurrence of all reflexes (including innate ones), hyporeflexia, and hypotension. The syndrome occurs predominantly due to dysfunction of the diencephalic-limbic parts of the brain, which is accompanied by vegetative-visceral disorders.

Hypoexcitability syndrome develops with perinatal brain damage, some hereditary and congenital diseases(Down's disease, phenylketonuria, etc.), metabolic disorders(hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, hypermagnesemia, etc.), as well as in many severe somatic diseases.

Hyperexcitability syndrome - a symptom of damage to the nervous system

Hyperexcitability syndrome is characterized by motor restlessness, emotional lability, sleep disturbance, increased innate reflexes, lowering the threshold of convulsive readiness. It is often combined with increased muscle tone and rapid neuropsychic exhaustion. Hyperexcitability syndrome can develop in children with perinatal pathology of the central nervous system, some hereditary fermentopathies, and metabolic disorders.

Syndrome intracranial hypertension- a symptom of damage to the nervous system

The syndrome is characterized by increased intracranial pressure, often combined with dilation of the cerebral ventricles and subarachnoid spaces. In most cases, there is an increase in the size of the head, divergence of cranial sutures in infants, bulging and enlargement of the large fontanel, disproportion between the brain and facial departments skull (hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome).

The cry of such children is piercing, painful, “cerebral.” Older children often complain of a symptom such as headache, although this complaint is not specific to of this syndrome. Defeat of the 6th pair cranial nerves, a symptom of the “setting sun” (the appearance of a clearly defined strip of sclera between the upper eyelid and the iris, which gives the impression of the eyeball “falling down”), spastic tendon reflexes are late symptoms of persistent intracranial hypertension.

When percussing the skull, the sound of a “cracked pot” is sometimes detected. Sometimes horizontal, vertical or rotatory nystagmus appears.

Perinatal damage to the nervous system

Perinatal damage to the nervous system - group pathological conditions caused by exposure of the fetus (newborn) to adverse factors in the antenatal period, during childbirth and in the first days after birth.

There is no uniform terminology for perinatal lesions of the nervous system. The terms “perinatal encephalopathy”, “cerebrovascular accident”, “cerebral dysfunction”, “hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy”, etc. are usually used.

The lack of a unified terminology is due to the uniformity of the clinical picture with different mechanisms of brain damage, which is due to the immaturity of the nervous tissue of the newborn and its tendency to generalized reactions in the form of edematous, hemorrhagic and ischemic phenomena, manifested by symptoms of cerebral disorders.

Classification of perinatal lesions of the nervous system

The classification involves highlighting the validity period harmful factor, dominant etiological factor, period of the disease [acute (7-10 days, sometimes up to 1 month in very premature infants), early recovery (up to 4-6 months), late recovery (up to 1-2 years), residual effects], degree of severity (for acute period- light, medium, heavy) and basic clinical syndromes.

Causes of perinatal lesions of the nervous system in children

The main cause of brain damage in the fetus and newborn is hypoxia, which develops during an unfavorable course of pregnancy, asphyxia, and also accompanies birth injuries, tension-type headaches, infectious and other diseases of the fetus and newborn. Hemodynamic and metabolic disorders lead to the development of hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the brain substance and intracranial hemorrhages. IN last years great attention in etiology perinatal lesion The central nervous system is given IUI. Mechanical factor in perinatal brain damage is of less importance.

The main cause of spinal cord lesions is traumatic obstetric care due to large fetal weight, incorrect insertion of the head, breech, excessive rotation of the head when removing it, traction by the head, etc.

Signs of perinatal lesions of the nervous system

Clinical picture perinatal brain lesions depend on the period of the disease and severity (table).

In the acute period, the syndrome of central nervous system depression often develops (the following symptoms appear: lethargy, physical inactivity, hyporeflexia, diffuse muscle hypotonia, etc.), less often the syndrome of central nervous system hyperexcitability (increased spontaneous muscle activity, superficial restless sleep, tremor of the chin and limbs, etc.).

In the early recovery period, the severity cerebral symptoms decreases and signs become obvious focal lesion brain.

The main syndromes of early recovery period the following:

  • Syndrome motor disorders manifested by muscle hypo, hyper dystonia, paresis and paralysis, hyperkinesis.
  • Hydrocephalic syndrome is manifested by an increase in head circumference, divergence of sutures, enlargement and bulging of fontanelles, expansion of the venous network on the forehead, temples, scalp, predominance of size brain skull above the size of the face.
  • Vegetovisceral syndrome is characterized by microcirculation disorders (marbling and pallor of the skin, transient acrocyanosis, cold hands and feet), thermoregulation disorders, gastrointestinal dyskinesia, lability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems etc.

In the late recovery period, normalization of muscle tone and static functions gradually occurs. The completeness of recovery depends on the degree of damage to the central nervous system during the perinatal period.

Children in the period of residual effects can be divided into two groups: the first - with obvious psychoneurological disorders (about 20%), the second - with normalization of neurological changes (about 80%). However, normalization neurological status cannot be equivalent to recovery.

Increased neuroreflex excitability, moderate increase or decrease in muscle tone and reflexes. Horizontal nystagmus, convergent strabismus. Sometimes, after 7-10 days, symptoms of mild depression of the central nervous system are replaced by agitation with tremors of the hands, chin, and motor restlessness.

Usually, symptoms of central nervous system depression, muscle hypotonia, and hyporeflexia appear first, followed by muscle hypertonicity after a few days. Sometimes short-term convulsions, anxiety, hyperesthesia, oculomotor disorders (Graefe's symptom, "setting sun" symptom, horizontal and vertical nystagmus, etc.) appear. Vegetovisceral disorders often occur. Severe cerebral (severe depression of the central nervous system, convulsions) and somatic (respiratory, cardiac, renal, intestinal paresis, adrenal hypofunction) disorders. The clinical picture of spinal cord injury depends on the location and extent of the lesion. With massive hemorrhages and ruptures of the spinal cord, spinal shock develops (lethargy, adynamia, severe muscle hypotonia, severe depression or absence of reflexes, etc.). If the child remains alive, then local symptoms of damage become more clear - paresis and paralysis, dysfunction of the sphincters, loss of sensitivity. In children of the first years of life, it is sometimes very difficult to determine the exact level of damage due to the difficulties in identifying the boundaries of sensory disorders and the difficulties in differentiating central and peripheral paresis.

Diagnosis of perinatal lesions of the nervous system

The diagnosis is based on anamnestic (sociobiological factors, the mother’s health status, her obstetric and gynecological history, the course of pregnancy and childbirth) and clinical data and is confirmed by instrumental studies. Neurosonography is widely used. Help in diagnosis X-ray studies skull, spine, if necessary - CT and MRI. Thus, in 25-50% of newborns with cephalohematoma, a skull fracture is detected, with birth injuries spinal cord - dislocation or fracture of the vertebrae.

Perinatal lesions of the nervous system in children are differentiated from congenital malformations, hereditary disorders metabolism, more often amino acids (manifest only a few months after birth), rickets [rapid increase in head circumference in the first months of life, muscle hypotonia, autonomic disorders (sweating, marbling, anxiety) are often associated not with the onset of rickets, but with hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome and vegetative visceral disorders in perinatal encephalopathy].

Treatment of perinatal lesions of the nervous system in children

Treatment of damage to the nervous system in the acute period.

Basic principles of treatment for cerebrovascular accidents in the acute period (after resuscitation measures) the following.

  • Elimination of cerebral edema. For this purpose, dehydration therapy is carried out (mannitol, GHB, albumin, plasma, Lasix, dexamethasone, etc.).
  • Elimination or prevention of convulsive syndrome (seduxen, phenobarbital, diphenine).
  • Reduced vascular wall permeability (vitamin C, rutin, calcium gluconate).
  • Improving myocardial contractility (carnitine chloride, magnesium preparations, panangin).
  • Normalization of the metabolism of nervous tissue and increasing its resistance to hypoxia (glucose, dibazol, alphatocopherol, actovegin).
  • Creation of a gentle regime.

Treatment of damage to the nervous system during the recovery period.

In the recovery period, in addition to syndromic therapy, treatment is carried out aimed at stimulating the growth of brain capillaries and improving the trophism of damaged tissues.

  • Stimulating therapy (vitamins B, B 6, cerebrolysin, ATP, aloe extract).
  • Nootropics (piracetam, phenibut, pantogam, encephabol, cogitum, glycine, limontar, biotredin, aminalon, etc.).
  • To improve cerebral circulation, angioprotectors are prescribed (Cavinton, cinnarizine, trental, tanakan, sermion, instenon).
  • In case of increased excitability and convulsive readiness, sedative therapy is carried out (seduxen, phenobarbital, radedorm).
  • Physiotherapy, massage and physiotherapy(physical therapy).

Children with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system should be under the supervision of a neurologist. Periodic courses of treatment are required (23 months twice a year for several years).

Prevention of perinatal lesions of the nervous system

Prevention consists primarily of preventing intrauterine fetal hypoxia, starting from the first months of pregnancy. This requires timely elimination of unfavorable socio-biological factors and chronic diseases of women, identification early signs pathological course pregnancy. Great importance also have measures to reduce birth injuries.

Treatment prognosis

The prognosis for perinatal CNS lesions depends on the severity and nature of the CNS damage, completeness and timeliness therapeutic measures.

Severe asphyxia and intracerebral hemorrhages often result in death. Severe consequences in the form of severe disturbances in psychomotor development rarely occur (in 35% of full-term and 10-20% of very premature children). However, almost all children with perinatal brain damage, even mild degree, signs of minimal brain dysfunction- headaches, speech disorders, tics, impaired coordination of fine movements. They are characterized by increased neuropsychic exhaustion and “school maladjustment.”

The consequences of spinal cord injury during childbirth depend on the severity of the injury. With massive hemorrhages, newborns die in the first days of life. Those who survive the acute period experience a gradual recovery of motor functions.

Perinatal damage to the central nervous system includes all diseases of the brain and spinal cord.

They happen in the process prenatal development, during birth process and in the first days after the birth of a newborn.

The course of perinatal CNS damage in a child

The disease occurs in three periods:

1. Acute period. It occurs in the first thirty days after the birth of a child,

2. Recovery period. Early, from thirty to sixty days of a baby’s life. And late, from four months to one year, in children born after three trimesters of pregnancy, and up to twenty four months at early birth.

3. Initial period of the disease.

In certain periods there are different clinical manifestations perinatal damage to the central nervous system in a child, accompanied by syndromes. One baby may exhibit several disease syndromes at once. Their combination helps to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe qualified treatment.

Features of syndromes in the acute period of the disease

In the acute period, the child experiences depression of the central nervous system, coma, increased excitability, manifestation of seizures of various etiologies.

In a mild form, with minor perinatal damage to the central nervous system in a child, he notices an increase in excitability nerve reflexes. They are accompanied by shuddering in silence, muscle hypertonicity, and may also be accompanied by muscle hypotonia. In children, tremor of the chin, trembling of the upper and lower limbs. The child behaves capriciously, sleeps poorly, cries for no reason.

With perinatal damage to the central nervous system in a child of average form, he is little active after birth. The baby does not take the breast well. His milk swallowing reflexes are reduced. After living for thirty days, the symptoms disappear. They are changed by excessive excitability. At average shape damage to the baby's central nervous system causes skin pigmentation. It looks like marble. The vessels have different tone, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Breathing is uneven.

In this form, the child’s gastrointestinal function is disrupted. intestinal tract, stool is rare, the child regurgitates the milk he has eaten with difficulty, bloating occurs in the tummy, which is clearly audible by the mother’s ear. In rare cases, the baby's legs, arms and head shake with convulsive attacks.

An ultrasound examination shows in children with perinatal damage to the central nervous system an accumulation of fluid in the compartments of the brain. The accumulated water contains spino-cerebral fluid, which provokes intracranial pressure in children. With this pathology, the baby's head grows by one centimeter every week, this can be noticed by the mother by the rapid growth of the caps and appearance your child. Also, due to the fluid, the small fontanel on the child’s head bulges. The baby often spits up, behaves restlessly and capriciously due to constant pain in my head. May roll the eyes behind the upper eyelid. The child may exhibit nystagmus, in the form of a trembling of the eyeball when the pupils are placed in different directions.

During a sharp depression of the central nervous system, the child may fall into a coma. It is accompanied by the absence or confusion of consciousness, a violation of the functional properties of the brain. In such a serious condition, the child must be under constant supervision medical personnel in the intensive care unit.

Features of syndromes in the recovery period

Syndromes of the recovery period with perinatal damage to the central nervous system in a child include a number of symptomatic features: increased nervous reflexes, epileptic seizures, disruption of musculoskeletal function. musculoskeletal system. Children also experience delays in psychomotor development caused by muscle hypertonicity and hypotonicity. When prolonged, they cause involuntary movement facial nerve and nerve endings torso and all four limbs. Muscle tone interferes with normal physical development. Does not allow the child to perform natural movements.

With delayed psycho-motor development, the child later begins to hold his head up, sit up, crawl and walk. The baby has a lethargic daily state. He does not smile, does not make grimaces typical of children. He is not interested in educational toys and in general what is happening around him. Speech lag occurs. The baby later begins to say “gu-gu”, cries quietly, and does not utter clear sounds.

Closer to the first year of life, with constant monitoring by a qualified specialist, prescribing the correct treatment and depending on the form initial disease central nervous system, symptoms and signs of the disease may decrease or disappear altogether. The disease carries consequences that persist at the age of one:

1. Psycho-motor development slows down,

2. The child starts talking later

3. Mood swings,

4. Bad dream,

5. Increased meteorological dependence, especially the condition of the child worsens in strong winds,

6. Some children are characterized by hyperactivity, which is expressed by bouts of aggression. They do not concentrate attention on one subject, study hard, have weak memory.

Serious complications of damage to the central nervous system can be epileptic seizures and cerebral palsy.

Diagnosis of perinatal CNS damage in a child

To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe qualified treatment, diagnostic methods are carried out: Doppler ultrasound, neurosonography, CT and MRI.

Ultrasound of the brain is one of the most popular in diagnosing the brain of newborns. It is done through a fontanel on the head that is not yet strong with bones. Ultrasonography does not harm the child’s health and can be performed frequently, as necessary to control the disease. Diagnostics can be done in young patients who are inpatient treatment in ARO. This study helps determine the severity of CNS pathologies, determine the amount of cerebrospinal fluid and identify the cause of its formation.

Computer and magnetic - resonance imaging will help identify problems with a small patient vascular network and brain disorders.

Ultrasound with Doppler sonography will check the functioning of the blood flow. Its deviations from the norm lead to perinatal damage to the central nervous system in the child.

Causes of perinatal damage to the central nervous system in a child

The main reasons are:

1. Fetal hypoxia during intrauterine development, caused by limited oxygen supply,

2. Injuries received during the birth process. Often occur when slow labor activity and retention of the child in the mother’s pelvis,

3. Diseases of the fetal central nervous system can be caused by toxic drugs used by the expectant mother. Often these are drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic drugs,

4. Pathology is caused by viruses and bacteria during intrauterine development.

Treatment for perinatal damage to the central nervous system in a child

If a child has problems with the central nervous system, it is necessary to contact a qualified neurologist to prescribe recommendations. Immediately after birth, it is possible to restore the baby’s health by maturing dead brain cells to replace those lost during hypoxia.

First of all, the child finds urgent Care in the maternity hospital, aimed at maintaining the functioning of the main organs and breathing. Medicines are prescribed and intensive therapy, which includes IVL. Treatment of perinatal CNS damage in a child is continued, depending on the severity of the pathology, at home or in the children's neurological department.

The next stage is aimed at the full development of the child. It includes constant monitoring by an on-site pediatrician and a neurologist. drug therapy, massage with electrophoresis to relieve muscle tone. Treatment is also given pulse currents, medicinal baths. A mother should devote a lot of time to the development of her child, massage at home, walks fresh air, classes on the fight ball, follow proper nutrition baby and fully introduce complementary foods.

The central nervous system is the mechanism of the body through which a person interacts with the outside world. In newborns, the central nervous system is not yet fully formed; this requires time and effort. But sometimes this process is disrupted, and the child’s nervous system develops incorrectly, which leads to serious consequences, and even the baby’s disability.

How does the central nervous system work in a child?

The central nervous system connects the spinal cord and brain, as well as other human organs. The most important functions are ensuring reflexes (swallowing, sucking, etc.), regulating their activity, maintaining the interaction of all systems and organs in the body. Damage to the central nervous system in newborns can occur in the womb or some time after birth.

The disturbances that occur in the body will depend on the area of ​​the central nervous system that was affected by the pathology.

By the end of development in the womb, the child already knows a lot: he swallows, yawns, hiccups, moves his limbs, but he does not yet have one mental function. The postpartum period for a newborn is associated with severe stress: he gets acquainted with the world around him, experiences new sensations, breathes and eats in a new way.

Each person is naturally given reflexes with the help of which adaptation to the surrounding world occurs, and the central nervous system is responsible for all this. The child's first reflexes: sucking, swallowing, grasping and some others.

In newborns, all reflexes develop due to stimuli, that is, visual activity - due to exposure to light, etc. If these functions are not in demand, then development stops.

The main feature of the central nervous system in newborns is that its development occurs not due to an increase in the number of nerve cells (usually this occurs closer to childbirth), but due to the establishment of additional connections between them. The more there are, the more active the nervous system works.

What causes dysfunction of the central nervous system?

Most often, damage to the central nervous system in children occurs in the womb. This pathology called "perinatal". Also, problems with the central nervous system occur in premature babies who were born ahead of schedule. The reason for this is the immaturity of the baby’s organs and tissues, and the unpreparedness of the nervous system to work independently.

The main causes of intrauterine pathology can be called:

  1. Fetal hypoxia.
  2. Injury during childbirth.
  3. Oxygen starvation during childbirth.
  4. Metabolic disorders in a child even before birth.
  5. Infectious diseases in pregnant women (ureaplasmosis, HIV, etc.).
  6. Complications during pregnancy.

All these factors that negatively affect the condition of the newborn are called residual organic (according to ICD-10).

Fetal hypoxia

This term implies oxygen starvation inside the mother's womb. This usually happens if the pregnant woman led an unhealthy lifestyle, had bad habits, etc. Previous abortions, violations of uterine blood flow and etc.

Injuries during childbirth

Most often, trauma occurs due to an incorrectly selected delivery option or due to errors by the obstetrician-gynecologist. This leads to disruption of the central nervous system in the first hours after the birth of the baby.

Metabolic disorder

Usually this process begins in the first months of embryo formation. This happens due to the negative effects of poisons, toxins or medications.

Infectious diseases in pregnant women

Any illness during pregnancy can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to protect herself from colds, viruses and infections. Diseases such as measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc. are especially dangerous, especially in the first trimester.

Pathologies during pregnancy

The development of the fetus is influenced by many factors, for example, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, carrying triplets, twins.

Genetic predisposition

The central nervous system will not develop fully if the baby has diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, etc.


Damage to the central nervous system of a newborn goes through three developmental periods:

  1. Acute, which occurs in the first month after birth.
  2. Early - at 2-3 months of life.
  3. Late – in full-term children at 4-12 months, in premature babies – at the age of 4-24 months.
  4. Outcome of the disease.

The acute period is characterized by general cerebral symptoms:

  • decline motor activity, impaired muscle tone, weakness of congenital reflexes;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • shuddering of the baby, trembling of the chin;
  • frequent crying for no reason, poor sleep.

In the early period, there is a pronounced focal damage to the central nervous system. You can observe the following signs:

  • impaired motor activity, weak muscle tone, paresis, paralysis, spasms;
  • accumulation of fluid in the brain, increased intracranial pressure. This is noticeable by the protruding fontanel, enlarged head. Such children are very capricious, restless, their eyeballs tremble, and they often spit up.
  • the skin becomes marbled, heart and respiratory rhythms are disrupted, and digestive disorders appear.

IN late period all of the above symptoms gradually fade away. All functions and tone of the limbs return to normal. The time it takes for the body to fully recover depends on the degree of damage to the nervous system.

The outcome of the disease is different for everyone. Some children have neuropsychiatric problems, while others recover completely.


All pathologies of the central nervous system can be divided into types:

  1. Mild - in this case, the child’s muscle tone may be slightly increased or decreased, and sometimes a slight squint is observed.
  2. Medium – muscle tone is always reduced, there are practically no or few reflexes. This condition may change to hypertonicity, convulsions, and oculomotor disorders.
  3. Severe - in this case, not only the motor system, but also the internal organs of the child are subject to oppression. Convulsions, problems with the heart, kidneys, lungs, intestinal paralysis, insufficient production of hormones, etc. are possible.

You can classify according to the reasons that caused the pathology:

  1. Hypoxic damage to the central nervous system in newborns is ischemic, hemorrhage inside the skull.
  2. Traumatic – skull injuries during childbirth, damage to the spinal system, pathologies of peripheral nerves.
  3. Dysmetabolic - excess levels of calcium, magnesium and other trace elements in the blood of a newborn.
  4. Infectious - the consequences of infections suffered by a pregnant woman.

This anomaly can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. Hypoxic ischemic damage to the central nervous system in newborns (encephalopathy, light form pathology) often leads to grade 1 cerebral ischemia, in which all disorders disappear a week after the birth of the baby. At this time you can see small deviations from the development of the nervous system. With second degree ischemia, convulsions are added to everything, but they also last no more than a week. But with degree 3 damage, all these symptoms last for more than 7 days, while intracranial pressure is increased.

With the progression of ischemic damage to the central nervous system in newborns, the child may fall into a coma.

  1. Brain hemorrhage. At the first stage of the pathology, practically no symptoms are observed, but stages 2 and 3 lead to severe disorders of the central nervous system (convulsions, development state of shock). The most dangerous thing is that the child may fall into a coma, and if blood enters the subarachnoid cavity, overexcitation of the nervous system is possible. There is a possibility of developing acute dropsy of the brain.

Sometimes a brain hemorrhage does not have any symptoms, it all depends on the affected area.

  1. In case of injury - this can happen during delivery, when forceps are applied to the baby's head. If something goes wrong, acute hypoxia and hemorrhage are possible. In this case, the baby will experience minor convulsions, enlarged pupils, increased intracranial pressure and even hydrocephalus. Most often, the nervous system of such a child is overexcited. Injury can be caused not only to the brain, but also to the spinal cord. The baby may develop hemorrhagic stroke, in which convulsions, CNS depression and even a coma are observed.
  2. With dysmetabolia, in most cases the child’s blood pressure rises, convulsions appear, and he may lose consciousness.
  3. In hypoxic ischemia, the signs and course of the pathology in this case depend on the location of the hemorrhage and its severity.

The most dangerous consequences of CNS damage are hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy and epilepsy.


The presence of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system in a child can be judged even during its intrauterine development. In addition to collecting anamnesis, methods such as neurosornography, x-ray of the skull and spine, CT and MRI are also used.

It is very important to put correct diagnosis and distinguish CNS damage from malformations, abnormal metabolism, genetic diseases. It depends on the methods and methods of treatment.

Therapy for CNS damage depends on its stage. In most cases, medications are used that improve blood flow and blood supply to the brain. Nootropic drugs, vitamins, and anticonvulsants are also used.

In each specific case, a different treatment method is selected, which is determined by the doctor and depends on the stage, degree and period of the disease. Medical treatment in infants is carried out in a hospital. After the symptoms of the pathology disappear, the restoration of the correct functioning of the central nervous system begins. This usually happens at home.

Children whose central nervous system is affected need activities such as:

  1. Massotherapy. It is best if it takes place in the aquatic environment. Such procedures help to completely relax the child’s body and achieve greater effect.
  2. Electrophoresis.
  3. A set of exercises that allow you to establish correct connections between reflexes and correct existing disorders.
  4. Physiotherapy to stimulate and properly develop the senses. This could be music therapy, light therapy, etc.

These procedures are allowed for children from the second month of life and only under the supervision of doctors.


Unfortunately, dead brain neurons cannot be restored, so treatment is aimed at maintaining the functioning of those that have survived and can take on the functions of the lost ones. The list of medications that are used in the treatment of CNS pathologies is as follows:

  1. To improve cerebral circulation, nootropic substances are prescribed (Semax, Piracetam, Noofen, Nootropil, Actovegin).
  2. To stimulate the work of the brain zones, Cerebrolysin or Cerebrolysate is used.
  3. To improve microcirculation - Trental, Pentoxifylline.
  4. Anticonvulsants, psychostimulants.

Consequences of pathology and prognosis

If the child has received complete and timely assistance, then the forecasts can be very favorable. It's important to use everything available methods treatment for early stage manifestations of pathology.

This statement applies only to mild and moderate lesions of the central nervous system.

In this case correct treatment can lead to recovery and restoration of the functioning of all organs and functions of the body. However, minor developmental deviations and subsequent hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder are possible.

If a child is diagnosed with a severe form of central nervous system disease, the prognosis will not be very favorable. It can lead to disability and even fatal outcome. Most often, such lesions lead to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy or epilepsy. Sometimes the pathology can spread to the child’s internal organs and cause chronic disease kidneys, lungs or heart.

Preventive measures

Every mother should have favorable conditions in order to give birth to a healthy baby. She should give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol, narcotic drugs), eat healthy and rationally and spend more time outdoors.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo screenings that will show possible pathologies and indicate the risks of having a baby with genetic pathologies. Serious illnesses of the child are noticeable even during pregnancy, and sometimes they can be corrected with the help of medications. This is effective in case of fetal hypoxia, threat of miscarriage, and impaired blood flow.

After the birth of the baby, it is necessary to regularly visit the pediatrician and specialized doctors. This will help reduce the risks of subsequent development pathological process in the central nervous system. You also need to monitor the baby’s health, avoid injuries to the skull and spine, and get all the necessary vaccinations.

No living organism can function without organs responsible for transmitting impulses through nerve cells. Damage to the central nervous system has a direct impact on the functionality of brain cells (both spinal and brain) and leads to disorders of these organs. And this, in turn, plays a primary role in determining the quality of human life.

Types of lesions and their characteristics

Nervous system human body called the network of cells and nerve endings located in the structure of the brain. The functions of the central nervous system are to regulate the activity of any of the organs individually and the entire organism as a whole. When the central nervous system is damaged, these functions are disrupted, which leads to serious disruptions.

Today, all problems with the nervous system are divided into the following types:

  • organic;
  • perinatal.

Organic damage to the central nervous system is characterized by pathomorphological changes in the structure of brain cells. Depending on the severity of the lesion, 3 degrees of pathology are determined: mild, moderate and severe. Usually, mild degree damage can occur in any person (regardless of his age), without affecting health and quality of life. But moderate and severe degrees already signal serious disturbances in the activity of the nervous system.

It suggests damage to the structure of cells located in the brain in newborns and children of the first year of life, which arose during the perinatal period. This time includes the antenatal (from the 28th week of pregnancy until childbirth), intranatal (the moment of birth) and neonatal (the first 7 days of the baby’s life) periods.

What factors contribute to the occurrence of damage?

Organic lesions can be acquired or congenital. Congenital injuries occur while the fetus is in the womb. The following factors influence the occurrence of pathology:

  • use by a pregnant woman of certain types of medications, alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • illness during pregnancy infectious diseases(sore throat, flu, etc.);
  • emotional overstrain, during which stress hormones attack the fetus;
  • exposure to toxic and chemical substances, radiation;
  • pathological course of pregnancy;
  • unfavorable heredity, etc.

Acquired injuries can develop as a result of mechanical injuries to the child. In some cases, this pathology is called residual. The diagnosis of residual organic damage to the central nervous system is established by a doctor when there are symptoms indicating the presence of residual effects brain disorders after birth trauma.

In recent years, the number of children with residual effects of residual lesions has been increasing. Medicine is inclined to explain this by the unfavorable environmental situation in some countries of the world, chemical and radiation pollution, young people's passion for dietary supplements and medicines. In addition, one of negative factors The use of cesarean section is considered unjustified, in which both mother and child receive a dose of anesthesia that does not always have a good effect on the state of the nervous system.

The cause of perinatal disorders is most often acute asphyxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus during childbirth. It can occur as a result of the pathological course of labor, with incorrect position umbilical cord, manifest itself in the form of cerebral hemorrhages, ischemia, etc. The risk of perinatal damage increases many times in children born prematurely or during childbirth outside the maternity hospital.

Main manifestations of damage

The main symptoms of the lesion depend on its type. As a rule, patients experience:

  • increased excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • daytime enuresis;
  • repetition of phrases, etc.

Children have a decrease in immunity; they are more likely than their peers to be susceptible to various colds and infectious diseases. In some cases, there is a lack of coordination of movements, deterioration of vision and hearing.

Signs of perinatal damage depend entirely on the type of brain damage, its severity, the stage of the disease and the age of the child. Thus, the main symptoms of damage in children born prematurely are short-term convulsions, depression of motor activity and impaired respiratory functions.

Newborns born at term suffer from both suppression of motor activity and increased excitability, manifested in irritated screaming and restlessness, and convulsions of significant duration. 30 days after the birth of the baby, lethargy and apathy are replaced by an increase in muscle tone, their excessive tension, occurs incorrect formation position of the limbs (clubfoot occurs, etc.). In this case, hydrocephalus (internal or external dropsy of the brain) may occur.

With spinal cord injuries, symptoms depend entirely on the location of the injury. Thus, if the nerve plexuses or spinal cord are injured in cervical spine spine, the occurrence of a condition called obstetric paralysis is typical. This pathology is characterized by inactivity or sagging upper limb on the losing side.

With lesions classified as moderate, the following symptoms are observed:

  • constipation or increased bowel movements;
  • violations of thermoregulation, expressed in the body’s incorrect response to cold or heat;
  • bloating;
  • pallor of the skin.

A severe form of perinatal damage to the central nervous system (PPCNS) is characterized by a delay in the development and formation of the baby’s psyche, which is observed already within 1 month of life. There is a sluggish reaction during communication, a monotonous cry with a lack of emotionality. At 3-4 months, the child’s movements may become permanently impaired (like cerebral palsy).

In some cases, PPCNS are asymptomatic and appear only after 3 months of the baby’s life. Signs of concern for parents should be excess or insufficient movements, excessive anxiety, apathy of the baby, and insensitivity to sounds and visual stimuli.

Methods for diagnosing and treating injuries

Diagnosing congenital organic lesions of the central nervous system in children is quite easy. An experienced doctor can determine the presence of pathology just by looking at the baby’s face. The main diagnosis is established after a series of mandatory examinations, which include an electroencephalogram, rheoencephalogram and ultrasound of the brain.

To confirm perinatal disorders, ultrasound of the brain and Dopplerography of blood vessels, x-rays of the skull and spinal column are used, different kinds tomography.

Treatment of organic and residual organic lesions of the central nervous system is a very long process, mainly based on the use of drug therapy.

Nootropic drugs are used that improve the functionality of the brain, and vascular medications. Children with residual organic damage are prescribed classes with specialists in the field of psychology and speech therapy, during which exercises are performed to correct attention, etc.

If the perinatal disorder is severe, the baby is placed in the intensive care unit at the maternity hospital. Here measures are taken aimed at eliminating disturbances in the functioning of the main systems of the body and seizures. Can be carried out intravenous injections, ventilation of the lungs and parenteral nutrition.

Further treatment depends on the severity of damage to cells and structures of the brain. Commonly used medications with anticonvulsant action, dehydrating and brain nutritional improving agents. The same medicines are also used in the treatment of a baby in the first year of life.

The recovery period (after the first year of life) is characterized by the use of non-drug therapy. Rehabilitation methods such as swimming and exercises in water, therapeutic exercise and massage, physiotherapy, sound therapy (healing a child with the help of music) are used.

The consequences of organic and perinatal disorders depend on the severity of the pathology. With proper treatment, recovery or residual effects in the form of deviations in the child’s development are possible: speech delay, motor functions, neurological problems, etc. Full rehabilitation in the first year of life gives good chances for recovery.

The central nervous system is the main regulator of the functioning of the entire body. Indeed, in the cortical structures of the brain there are departments responsible for the functioning of each system. The CNS provides normal operation all internal organs, regulation of hormone secretion, psycho-emotional balance. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, organic damage to the structure of the brain occurs. Pathologies often develop in the first year of a child’s life, but can also be diagnosed in adults. Despite the fact that the central nervous system is directly connected to the organs thanks to nerve processes (axons), damage to the cortex is dangerous due to the development severe consequences even with in good condition everyone functional systems. Treatment of brain diseases should begin as early as possible; in most cases, it is carried out for a long time - over several months or years.

Description of residual organic damage to the central nervous system

As you know, the CNS is well-coordinated system, in which each of the links performs an important function. As a result, damage to even a small area of ​​the brain can lead to disruption in the functioning of the body. In recent years, damage to nervous tissue has been increasingly observed in patients childhood. To a greater extent, this applies only to born babies. In such situations, a diagnosis of “residual organic damage to the central nervous system in children” is made. What is it and can this disease be treated? The answers to these questions worry every parent. It is worth keeping in mind that such a diagnosis is a collective concept that may include many various pathologies. Selection therapeutic activities and their effectiveness depends on the extent of the damage and general condition patient. Sometimes residual-organic CNS damage occurs in adults. Often, pathology occurs as a result of trauma, inflammatory diseases, intoxication. The concept of “residual organic damage to the central nervous system” implies any residual effects after damage nerve structures. The prognosis, as well as the consequences of such a pathology, depend on how severely the brain function is impaired. In addition, great importance is attached to topical diagnosis and identification of the site of damage. After all, each of the brain structures must perform certain functions.

Causes of residual organic brain damage in children

Residual organic damage to the central nervous system in children is diagnosed quite often. The causes of nervous disorders can occur both after the birth of a child and during pregnancy. In some cases, damage to the central nervous system occurs due to complications of childbirth. The main mechanisms for the development of residual organic damage are trauma and hypoxia. There are many factors that provoke nervous system disorders in a child. Among them:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If parents have any psycho-emotional disorders, then the risk of their development in the baby increases. Examples include pathologies such as schizophrenia, neuroses, and epilepsy.
  2. Chromosomal abnormalities. The cause of their occurrence is unknown. Incorrect DNA construction is associated with unfavorable environmental factors and stress. Due to chromosomal abnormalities, pathologies such as Shershevsky-Turner syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc. occur.
  3. Impact of physical and chemical factors for the fruit. This refers to unfavorable environmental conditions, ionizing radiation, and the use of drugs and medications.
  4. Infectious and inflammatory diseases during the formation of the nervous tissue of the embryo.
  5. Toxicoses of pregnancy. Late gestosis (pre- and eclampsia) is especially dangerous for the condition of the fetus.
  6. Violation placental circulation, Iron-deficiency anemia. These conditions lead to fetal ischemia.
  7. Complicated labor (weakness of uterine contractions, narrow pelvis, placental abruption).

Residual organic damage to the central nervous system in children can develop not only during the perinatal period, but also after it. The most common cause is head trauma at an early age. Risk factors also include taking drugs that have a teratogenic effect, and narcotic substances during breastfeeding.

The occurrence of residual organic brain damage in adults

In adulthood, signs of residual organic damage are observed less frequently, however, they are present in some patients. Often the cause of such episodes is injuries received in early childhood. At the same time, neuropsychic abnormalities are long-term consequences. Residual organic brain damage occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Post-traumatic illness. Regardless of when CNS damage occurs, residual (residual) symptoms remain. These often include headaches, convulsive syndrome, mental disorders.
  2. Condition after surgical intervention. This is especially true for brain tumors, which are removed using nearby nerve tissue.
  3. Taking drugs. Depending on the type of substance, the symptoms of residual organic damage may differ. Most often, serious violations are observed when long-term use opiates, cannabinoids, synthetic drugs.
  4. Chronic alcoholism.

In some cases, residual organic damage to the central nervous system is observed after inflammatory diseases. These include meningitis and various types of encephalitis (bacterial, tick-borne, post-vaccination).

Mechanism of development of central nervous system lesions

Residual damage to the central nervous system is always caused by unfavorable factors that preceded it. In most cases, the basis for the pathogenesis of such symptoms is cerebral ischemia. In children, it develops even during the period. Due to insufficient blood supply to the placenta, the fetus receives little oxygen. As a result, the full development of nervous tissue is disrupted, and fetopathy occurs. Significant ischemia leads to intrauterine growth retardation and childbirth ahead of schedule gestation. Symptoms of cerebral hypoxia can appear already in the first days and months of life. Residual organic damage to the central nervous system in adults often develops as a result of traumatic and infectious causes. Sometimes the pathogenesis of nervous disorders is associated with metabolic (hormonal) disorders.

Syndromes with residual organic damage to the central nervous system

In neurology and psychiatry, several main syndromes are distinguished, which can occur both independently (against the background of a brain disease) and regarded as a residual CNS lesion. In some cases, a combination of these is observed. Highlight following signs residual organic damage:

What could be the consequences of residual organic damage?

The consequences of residual-organic CNS damage depend on the degree of the disease and the approach to treatment. For mild disorders, complete recovery can be achieved. Severe damage to the central nervous system is dangerous for the development of conditions such as cerebral edema, spasm of the respiratory muscles, damage to the cardiovascular center. To avoid similar complications, necessary constant surveillance for the patient.

Disability due to residual organic damage

Treatment must begin as soon as the appropriate diagnosis is established - “residual organic damage to the central nervous system.” Disability for this disease is not always assigned. In case of pronounced disorders and lack of treatment effectiveness, a more accurate diagnosis is established. Most often this is “post-traumatic brain disease”, “epilepsy”, etc. Depending on the severity of the condition, disability group 2 or 3 is assigned.

Prevention of residual organic damage to the central nervous system

To avoid residual organic damage to the central nervous system, it is necessary to be observed by a doctor during pregnancy. If there are any deviations, please contact medical care. You should also refrain from taking medications and bad habits.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs