The rehabilitation period after plastic surgery of the ears. What determines the recovery period after otoplasty? Otoplasty rehabilitation period

Otoplasty is a type of surgical intervention on the soft tissues and cartilages of the auricle, which is used to correct protruding ears and eliminate deformities and defects of the auricle.

Types of otoplasty

  1. Aesthetic otoplasty: the operation is performed to give the auricle a more aesthetic appearance.
  2. Reconstructive otoplasty: used to restore individual missing areas or the entire auricle.

Indications for surgery

Contraindications for surgery

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear;
  • in some clinics, the operation is not taken during menstruation.

Photo: before and after plastic surgery of the ears

Required tests

  • general blood test, general urinalysis;
  • biochemical blood test, coagulogram;
  • blood test for markers of viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • electrocardiogram, fluorography.

Video: Ear surgery

Operation methods

To date, there are about 170 different types of surgery on the outer ear. This is due to a large number of structural features of the auricle and the need to preserve the individual structural features of the outer ear after surgery.

In each specific case, the surgeon selects the optimal method of performing the operation, taking into account the existing anatomical defect or deficiency and the expected result.

The only thing you need to decide is the method of making incisions during the operation. They can be performed with a scalpel or laser. A number of operating doctors insist that the use of a laser has its advantages:

  • postoperative scars are less pronounced and may be absent altogether;
  • healing after surgery is faster.

It is possible that they are right, but much here depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

How is the operation

First of all, anesthesia is performed. For children, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, for adults, the operation area is anesthetized locally, in much the same way as teeth are anesthetized in dental practice.

Then an incision is made with a scalpel or laser, excess skin and ear cartilage are excised, and a new position and size of the auricle is formed. The surgical wound is sutured with conventional or absorbable threads.
A special bandage is applied to the operated ear. A compression bandage after otoplasty must be worn for several days so that the new position of the auricle is maintained during the healing process.

Video: Otoplasty, ear surgery

Rehabilitation and recovery

In most cases, surgery and wearing a compression bandage, which is changed once every 2-3 days, is quite enough. Some patients need to undergo additional corrective procedures prescribed by the doctor to achieve the optimal result. As a rule, the doctor informs the patient about the need for such procedures at the consultation stage before the operation.

Sutures after otoplasty are removed 8-10 days after surgery, if self-absorbable suture material has not been used. All this time it is impossible to wet the postoperative wound. For 2-3 weeks after surgery, it is recommended to limit physical activity.

Within 1-2 weeks, there may be a slight swelling and pain after otoplasty, which subsequently disappear without treatment. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe pain medication.

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Complications after otoplasty, adverse effects of surgery

    • suppuration of the postoperative wound, divergence of the edges of the wound; The photo shows a fragment of the ear, where the seams on the cartilage have parted and an area filled with only skin has formed.

    • the formation of pronounced scars, including keloids;

      • bleeding from the surgical wound;
      • the development of severe edema and extensive hematoma, which may require additional drainage;
      • development of diffuse external purulent bacterial or fungal otitis;

    • in the long-term period of the operation, the germination of the operated cartilage by vessels is possible with gradual resorption of the cartilage and secondary deformation of the auricle;

  • noticeable traces of surgery on the outer surface of the ear.


The price of otoplasty largely depends on the type of anesthesia used. Local anesthesia is much cheaper than general anesthesia. In addition, in some cases, after an operation performed under anesthesia, the patient will have to stay in the clinic for several days under the supervision of medical staff, which will also affect the cost of treatment. Prices for otoplasty in Moscow and St. Petersburg may differ upwards, since it is often in large cities that advanced methods of anesthesia and operation are used, which require additional costs both for the necessary materials and equipment, and for training specialists.

Prices for otoplasty in Moscow at the DeltaClinic plastic surgery clinic.

Prices for otoplasty in St. Petersburg

Otoplasty (ear surgery)
Prominent ear correction (1 ear) from 18 000 rub.
Correction of protruding ears according to the author's method A.V. Kulikov (1 ear), incl. previously operated 39 500 rub.
Prominent ear correction (2 ears) 23 500 rub.
Correction of protruding ears according to the author's method A.V. Kulikov (2 ears), incl. previously operated RUB 51,500
Ear reduction (1 ear) 18 000 rub.
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (1 ear) 40 500 rub.
Ear reduction (2 ears) 23 500 rub.
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (2 ears) 55 500 rub.
Correction of ear deformities (1 ear) 17,500 - 54,000 rubles.
Earlobe correction (1 ear) 10,200 - 22,000 rubles.
Earlobe restoration after tunneling (1 ear) 17 500 rub.
Reconstructive and restorative operations in the ear area + 20% to the cost of aesthetic operations of the corresponding parts of the ear


How long to wear a bandage? The duration of wearing the bandage is determined individually in each case and depends on the speed of healing of the surgical wound. Usually the period of wearing ranges from 1 to 3 weeks. At what age can otoplasty be done? Usually, otoplasty is not done until the baby is six months old. Before this period, the auricle is being formed, therefore, if there is a slight deformation, then the elimination of protruding ears is carried out without surgery, by fixing the auricle in the correct position. If fixation was not carried out before the six-month period and the cartilage of the ear was fixed in the wrong position, then it is better to perform the operation before the child reaches the age of 6 years in order to avoid the formation of complexes about his own appearance. What is the best way to do otoplasty, laser or scalpel? The choice is yours and your surgeon's. In any case, the incision is made along the back of the auricle and will be securely hidden in the skin fold. Is free otoplasty possible? Possible. But such an operation, as a rule, is carried out only for medical reasons. Can protruding ears be corrected with surgery? Can. Prominent ear correction is the most common indication for otoplasty. How is otoplasty done? There is no single method of operation common to all cases of otoplasty. Therefore, for each patient, the surgeon chooses his own method of performing the operation, based on the needs of the patient and his own capabilities. Is revision otoplasty possible? Repeated otoplasty is quite possible if the patient did not get the desired result after the first operation. Is re-otoplasty more expensive? The cost of the operation in this case will depend on the indications for repeated otoplasty. If this is the elimination of a small asymmetry, then the operation is unlikely to be more expensive for you. If you need to eliminate keloid scars, secondary deformity of the auricle, etc., then the operation can cost much more. Therefore, you can find out the exact price for repeated otoplasty only during a personal consultation. How long does it take for revision otoplasty? The term is determined by the operating doctor during a face-to-face consultation. In some cases, repeated surgery on the auricle is not performed due to the development of gross tissue deformation and the unpredictability of the effect of repeated otoplasty. What are the possible side effects of the operation? Most often, after the operation, there are complaints of slight soreness and swelling of the tissues in the immediate vicinity of the surgical wound. It is not dangerous and resolves within 1-2 weeks without treatment. How is the postoperative period of otoplasty? If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor and arrive on time for dressings, then the postoperative period passes without any problems. The only restrictions are not to engage in heavy physical labor and sports for 2-3 weeks and not to wet the postoperative wound until the stitches are removed. How long after surgery do the ears hurt? The pain usually goes away within a week or two.

It is very difficult to find people who are satisfied and even pleased with their own appearance in all its aspects. Almost every person is dissatisfied with one or another flaw in their own appearance. Many people even think about using the services of a plastic surgeon to correct or change an annoying element of their appearance, and soon visit a surgeon.

protruding ears

Otoplasty, or plastic surgery in the ear area - surgery that can reconstruct, adjust and improve form And size human auricles. The operation lasts about an hour and is carried out under local anesthesia. Everything that is done before, during and after the intervention affects the success of the intervention.

After the otoplasty is completed, the patient is usually placed in a room where he will spend some time before going home. If the patient has such a desire, he can be placed in stationary conditions for the night. This may be necessary to monitor the patient and analyze his condition in order to avoid complications and give him further recommendations.

What to do immediately after surgery

    Immediately after the intervention, the plastic surgeon applies a special bandages, which presses the auricles and protects them from mechanical damage. Among other things, this bandage holds cotton wool soaked in mineral oil - this helps to avoid swelling after surgery;

    Various medications are used after otoplasty. facilities, accelerating wound healing process healing. The ears are sealed over the stitches with a plaster that prevents various contaminants from entering the area of ​​the operation. To protect the ears from mechanical damage and injury, you can wear a comfortable scarf;

    During the first three days after the intervention, the patient may be disturbed uncomfortable sensations in the area of ​​operation. Help relieve pain and discomfort analgesics And antibiotics, which need to be taken for about a week;

    The first postoperative dressing is scheduled the next day after otoplasty. The second dressing is scheduled for 3-4 days after the operation. A week after the operation, you need to visit your doctor to remove the stitches.

As after any surgical intervention, postoperative complications appear after otoplasty. edema And bruises. They are not too noticeable, but it will take about 7 days for them to disappear. The duration of swelling depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. To reduce the duration of edema, limit yourself in consumption salty And acute food and also hot drinks. It is this diet that provokes the appearance of puffiness.

Ear bandage

Further rehabilitation after otoplasty

The effectiveness of the operation can be assessed almost immediately after its completion. The final results of otoplasty are evaluated after a couple of months, subject to the obligatory observance of all the necessary conditions for the rehabilitation postoperative period.

    The bandage that protects the ears from any injury can be removed after three days, but the optimal period for wearing it is a week. The decision on the possibility of a quick removal of the bandage should be made based on the complexity of the surgical intervention;

    Until the moment of complete wound healing, it is necessary to completely abandon washing the head;

    The first time after the operation, it is necessary to sleep only on the back - this will save the patient from the risk of damage to the stitches and from pain in the area of ​​the operation;

    For 30 days after surgery, you must wear a special bandage or comfortable scarf at night, if your doctor does not mind such a change. This will remove the patient from damaging the surgical area with awkward movements of the head and hands;

    In general, rehabilitation after otoplasty itself proceeds easily and without any problems, but provided that there are no complications. Whatever it was, you should limit your own physical activity and active life. Watch out for an increase in blood pressure, protect your ears from any injury;

    Refuse to use glasses for a month and a half, they can be replaced with lenses;

Important points of rehabilitation after otoplasty

After plastic surgery for the correction of the auricles, for the purpose of rehabilitation, physiotherapy procedures inherent in the recovery period after any operation. This includes hardware cosmetology and all medical manipulations and therapies that help accelerate wound healing and avoid any complications.

There are some points waiting for the patient after otoplasty:

    The skin of the patient's ears may lose sensitivity. Her return may be accompanied by incomprehensible sensations, similar to goosebumps, but you should not be afraid of this. Soon the sensitivity will return to normal, and you will feel as before;

    Some patients are convinced that by opting for otoplasty, they may lose their hearing or severely impair it. This is not so, because the operation does not affect the inner parts of the ear;

    Tune in to the fact that at first the ears will be disturbed by sensations that are normal under the condition of surgical intervention. However, everything uncomfortable sensations will soon disappear, and your ears will delight you all your life. And this despite the fact that all traces after the operation will be invisible to others.

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Ear correction surgery is the most desired by those suffering from lop-earedness. After the operation, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the surgeon so that there are no complications.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty

As a rule, the patient leaves the clinic a few hours after the operation and undergoes an outpatient recovery. Sometimes rehabilitation in the ward for a day may be prescribed.

Before discharge, dressing and postoperative examination are prescribed, or for these purposes it is necessary to come to the hospital.

One week after otoplasty

For the first three days, a bandage and a bandage are put on the head after otoplasty with tight fixation of the ears, it is worn around the clock and is not removed.

On the third day, an examination by a surgeon is scheduled, the compression bandage and cotton swabs are removed. Some experts leave the tightening bandage for another four days, but with the possibility of removing it for taking a shower and leaving the house.

Three days after removing the dressing and removing the tampons:

  • Hair washing is allowed only from the third day when the special bandage is removed. The water temperature should not be hot. There are no restrictions on the choice of shampoo, but the ears and seams should not be touched if possible.
  • You can use a hair dryer to dry your hair, but it is advisable to turn on cool or warm air.
  • Twice a day, the sutures are treated with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

On the 7-10th day, another examination and removal of sutures is scheduled.. During this period, it makes no sense to expect the final results from the correction of protruding ears - there is still swelling on the cartilage, and the ears themselves are unnecessarily pressed to the head.

One month after otoplasty

After the first week after the operation on the ears, the bandage is put on the head only for the period of sleep and is worn for 2-3 weeks.

What to do after otoplasty

  • It is advisable to sleep on your back after otoplasty. However, there is an opinion of experts that in the absence of pain and complicated operations, sleep is possible even on the operated ears, that is, on the side.
  • Swimming pool visit, taking a bath, a bath, a hammam, a sauna are prohibited until the postoperative sutures are completely healed, about two weeks.
  • sports training are also canceled until the ears heal. At the same time, contact sports are banned for an average of a year.
  • Wearing glasses is permissible after a month or two after surgery, at this time it is advisable to switch to lenses.
  • Hair coloring and haircut are acceptable after the stitches have healed. At the same time, it is important that the ears do not bend or pull back (this recommendation is relevant for 6-12 months after ear correction).
  • Sunbathing and solarium are allowed from 7-14 days after consultation with the surgeon. It should be borne in mind that the seams are photosensitive to solar radiation, it is advisable to apply sunscreen and a hat.
  • Alcohol first week, but better for a longer period, it is undesirable, as it affects the slowdown in healing and increases swelling in the ears.

Headphones inserted into the auricles and large top ones have no prohibitions.

  • You can wear earrings from the third day, the only exception is heavy jewelry that pulls off the lobe and ear.
  • Without the appointment of the attending physician, self-administration of vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as the use of local ointments, is undesirable.


Complications after otoplasty

Any surgical intervention leads to predictable and, accordingly, expected complications, as well as unpredictable ones.

  1. Bruising after otoplasty are a response to surgery. This complication resolves on its own in up to two weeks. This defect can be hidden with a hairstyle or with loose hair.
  2. Swelling after otoplasty, also refers to the norm and resolves up to a month. Some swelling of the cartilage may be slightly present for up to three months.
  3. How much do ears hurt after otoplasty? Soreness has an individual character - it begins to be felt immediately after the withdrawal of anesthesia. Pain after surgery on the ears is no more than a week and is relieved by analgesics.
  4. Mild numbness may be felt in an ear or two for up to a month and a half and should go away on its own.

Otoplasty is a correction of the shape of the auricles and their reconstruction, in order to correct congenital defects or defects obtained after a mechanical injury. Recovery after otoplasty involves care after surgery prescribed by the doctor: a bandage, refusal to wash your hair, the use of special ointments for the ears, and so on.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty

The result of otoplasty depends not only on the skills and professionalism of the surgeon performing the operation, but also on your following his instructions in the postoperative rehabilitation period, which is divided into two stages: early rehabilitation period and late.

Early rehabilitation period

In the early period (lasts 5-10 days), it is especially important to unquestioningly follow the doctor's recommendations, since it is especially important for the successful result of the operation, during this period the following should be done:

Late rehabilitation period

The late rehabilitation period can last up to 1-2 months, during this period you will have to follow the following instructions:

  • follow a diet that includes a large amount of vitamins and protein (chicken and rabbit meat, vegetables, fruits);
  • it is advisable to abandon the use of alcohol and nicotine for the entire period of rehabilitation, as these bad habits increase the risk of keloid scars;
  • limitation of physical activity - you will have to give up sports and household household activities, as as a result you risk displacement of tissues at the site of surgery or divergence of postoperative scars;
  • saving the body from hypothermia or overheating - low temperatures can cause inflammation, and high temperatures can cause scarring. So long walks along the winter streets will have to be abandoned, as well as visits to the sauna;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight at the operation site, since the ultraviolet spectrum of the light wave leads to protein denaturation, which worsens the regenerative functions of tissues;
  • when washing your hair, avoid getting soap, shampoos, gels and other cleaning products on the operation site, in order to avoid chemical irritation.

Many are interested in how long the result of otoplasty lasts? If you follow all the instructions correctly, then the result will remain with you for life.


If you decide to have an operation such as otoplasty, the postoperative period should not come as a surprise to you, it is very important to have an idea of ​​what awaits you even before the operation: pain, refusal to shower in the first days, the need for dressings, and so on.

The postoperative dressing is the most important part of the early postoperative period, it is a cotton-gauze swab at the site of the operation, secured with a bandage or bandage, which can be bought at any pharmacy. In no case should the bandage be moved or attempted to be changed independently. If for some reason the bandage has changed position, you should urgently go to the hospital, where you will have it replaced. The bandage protects the postoperative scar from mechanical influences and infection. It should be changed periodically, making dressings in the hospital or inviting a nurse to the house.


If you do not fully follow the doctor's recommendations and prohibitions, you run the risk of such an unpleasant phenomenon as complications after otoplasty. The main ones are:

  • maceration is the soaking of the ear tissues with liquids, which occurs due to too tight dressing. It is treated by changing the bandage and applying medications, and disappears within a week;
  • hematoma - formed due to the accumulation of blood leaking from a vessel. Symptoms can be a sharp pain syndrome and frequent bleeding, a hematoma is treated by opening a wound and treating it with antibiotics;
  • hypertrophied scar - usually appears due to the predisposition of the body to the appearance of keloid scars, but it may also be the result of a medical error.

How to choose a clinic and surgeon

Before deciding where to do ear plastic surgery, find reviews about the surgeon, analyze them. Compare the number of operated patients and the number of positive reviews, and only then decide on an operation with a particular doctor.

The outer ear is made up of cartilage. It is located at an angle of 30 degrees to the head. Sometimes this parameter is greater. Then a correction is required. It is also prescribed for cartilage deformation, to change the size of the hearing organ. In most cases, otoplasty is prescribed.


This is a type of surgical intervention aimed at changing the appearance of the outer ear. There are more than 200 types of such manipulations. Their peculiarity is that the function of the ear cannot be changed in the process, so otoplasty is more often called a cosmetic procedure. With its help, it is possible to eliminate external flaws.


The procedure is recommended for correcting the shape of the outer ear from the age of five. By this time, the process of formation of the organ of hearing is completed. There are no age restrictions for adults. Indications for cosmetic manipulation are:

  • asymmetry,
  • irregular shape of the auricle,
  • partial or complete absence of a shell.

The latter pathology can be both congenital and acquired.

What doctors say about otoplasty:


Depending on the purpose of otoplasty, it is divided into two types:

  1. Reconstructive. It is carried out to eliminate congenital or acquired defects.
  2. Aesthetic. It is carried out to correct the shape and location of the auricles.


This type allows you to restore serious defects. The creation of the auricle is carried out in several stages. This may take a year or more. In the process, a cartilaginous framework is created based on the costal cartilage. Then it is placed in the place of the missing ear in the skin pocket.

Such a frame takes several months to settle down in a new place. then it is detached from the head, forming the earlobe in the desired position.

During the last manipulations, the wound behind the ear is closed with a skin graft, which is also taken from the patient. Only after this is formed a tragus and recesses. Thanks to such actions, the newly created ear has all the basic elements.

Reconstructive otoplasty before and after


In this form, only part of the ear is corrected, for example, the lobe or tip. Such an operation is performed only to improve the appearance of the patient. It allows you to press your ears closer to your head.

The cause may be a bifurcated earlobe. It's not always a birth defect. Sometimes its appearance is associated with the use of heavy earrings. This operation is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

The photo shows the result of aesthetic otoplasty


There are several types of influence:

  • laser,
  • closed,
  • open.


This is an atraumatic correction using a laser beam. This method of exposure prevents the appearance of various suppurations. This species is practically bloodless, since the vessels heal very quickly. With this tool you can:

  • reduce or increase the size of the auricle,
  • eliminate drooping,
  • restore the relief of the auricles.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After it, there is practically no scarring, and the blood vessels are tightened almost instantly. Ears look natural.


To carry out manipulations on the desired tissues, punctures are made on the back of the ear. They are so small that no stitches are needed. The advantages include minimal blood loss, reduced risk of colloidal scar formation, reduced operation time.

After the end of the operation, the auricles are supplemented with tampons and gauze soaked in an alcohol solution. After that, a fixing bandage is applied.


This technique is considered classic. In the process, the ear is treated with an antiseptic, an incision is made behind the sink and a small area of ​​the dermis is excised.

Then the cartilage tissue is modeled taking into account the characteristics of the defect. Sometimes part of the cartilage is removed. Sometimes during open surgery, the cartilage is folded and fixed with a special suture.

How is open otoplasty done?



Before the operation, you need to undergo a complete medical examination. A urine and blood test is given, a study is carried out for antigens and antibodies, an analysis for syphilis.

It is best to start preparing the body in a few days. For this, vitamins are taken, a diet is observed. For two weeks, the use of drugs that affect blood clotting is stopped. Refrain from drinking and eating approximately 4 hours before the start.

Operation progress

First, the appropriate type of anesthesia is selected. It depends on:

  • patient's age,
  • complexity of the operation
  • the expected duration of the manipulation,
  • the presence of comorbidities.

Treatment options depend on the anatomical features and the problem itself. If the classical type of otoplasty is chosen, then the incision is made behind the ear. The cartilage is removed or shaped to give the pinna an aesthetic appearance.

The duration of the manipulation depends on the degree of complexity. On average, it takes from 30 minutes to two hours per patient. The patient stays in the clinic for several hours. An adult can do the usual things the next day. Children are exempted from lessons for a week.

After the work performed, medical napkins and a special bandage are applied. A tampon with special ones is inserted into the ear canal. It should be changed every three days.

Demonstration of the key points of otoplasty of the ears:

Rehabilitation and recovery

After the procedure, the doctor prescribes. Usually, patients feel discomfort for no more than a day. remain pronounced for several more days.

During the recovery process, a bandage is worn that fixes the ears in a special position. Patients need to be protected. The stitches are removed after about 7 days.

The full recovery period lasts up to 6 months. Within 5-8 weeks, the patient is recommended to put on a special fixing bandage at night. You can wash your hair only after two weeks.

Ear otoplasty for protruding ears

Danger signs to look out for

After the operation, pay attention to the appearance. This side effect can be avoided if you pass the tests in advance. It may not take more than a day. Up to three days this is considered normal. On the 11th-16th day after plastic surgery, swelling and cyanosis of the ears will remain. All this time, the pain can be replaced by goosebumps or.

Pay attention if the soreness does not go away for a long time or if the body temperature has risen. Perhaps the inflammation went beyond the ear area.

When is a repeat procedure needed?

You will need to repeat the operation if:

  • result has not been achieved
  • there was a reduction in the effect
  • there is asymmetry of the ears,
  • development has taken place
  • a colloidal scar appeared.

Most often, they are re-addressed due to insufficient effect. Asymmetry can occur if the operation was performed on only one ear.

Possible Complications

All complications are divided into two groups: early and late. The former appear immediately, the latter are usually delayed. The early ones include hematoma and infection. The pressure exerted on the ear cartilage by a hematoma can lead to. The infection causes purulent chondritis.

Late complications include suture failures and aesthetic problems. The first case is not so rare, but the patient may encounter a problem at any stage of the postoperative period. Treatment consists of removing the failed suture. The aesthetic consequences include an incorrect relationship between the organ of hearing and the scalp.

Cartilage changes after otoplasty

What do you need to know?

It is best to carry out otoplasty at the age of 5-8 years. At this time, the cartilage is already formed, but the body recovers very quickly. At the same time, adults can undergo such treatment at any stage.

Despite the presence of contraindications, the advantages of otoplasty include the ability to correct significant ear defects. The operation can take place on one or both ears at once. However, there is no vital medical indication for this operation.

Subject to medical recommendations in 99% of cases, a positive effect is achieved. Recommendations include the use of a bandage, refrain from wearing glasses and earrings, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer, and exclude visits to the pool and saunas.



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