Ural radiation footprint of pollution map. Kyshtym tragedy

"Kyshtym accident"- a major radiation man-made accident that occurred on September 29, 1957 at the Mayak chemical plant, located in the closed city of Chelyabinsk-40. Now this city is called Ozersk. The accident is called Kyshtym due to the fact that the city of Ozyorsk was classified and was not on maps until 1990. Kyshtym is the closest city to it.

September 29, 1957, Sunday, 16 hours 22 minutes. At the Mayak production association in the Chelyabinsk region (Chelyabinsk-40, now Ozersk), one of the containers in which high-level waste was stored exploded. The explosion completely destroyed the stainless steel tank, located in a concrete canyon 8.2 meters deep. There were 14 jars in the canyon. 10 percent of the radioactivity was released into the air. And the rest of the waste thrown out of the container remained at the industrial site. Reactor factories fell into the contamination zone. I worked at one of them until February 1962.

The day was sunny and warm. A gusty southwest wind was blowing, which carried air masses in the direction opposite to the city blocks. All residents of the city, like us at the stadium, heard the explosion, but not everyone paid attention to it. At that time, peaceful explosions were not uncommon at many sites under construction. As the shift workers whom I replaced that day said, after the explosion, a column of smoke and dust up to a kilometer high rose, the dust flickered with an orange-red light and settled on buildings and people...

Immediately after the explosion at the chemical plant facilities, dosimetrists noted a sharp increase in background radiation. Many industrial buildings, vehicles, concrete and railways were contaminated. The main spot of radioactive contamination fell on the territory of industrial sites, and 256 cubic meters of radioactive solutions were poured into containers. The radioactive cloud passed the city of nuclear scientists and passed by only because the favorable location of the city played a role - when it was laid, the wind rose was taken into account.

As a result of the explosion of the tank, a concrete slab weighing 160 tons was torn off. In a building located 200 meters from the source of the explosion, a brick wall was destroyed.

They did not immediately pay attention to the polluted streets, canteens, shops, schools, and preschool institutions. In the first hours after the explosion, radioactivity was carried into the city on the wheels of cars and buses, and on the clothes and shoes of workers at industrial facilities. The most polluted was the central city Lenin Street, especially when entering the city from the industrial site, and Shkolnaya Street, where the plant’s management lived. Subsequently, the supply of radioactivity was stopped. Cars and buses were prohibited from entering the city from industrial sites. Facility workers at the checkpoint exited the buses and passed through the checkpoint. This requirement applied to everyone, regardless of rank and official position. Shoes were washed on flow-through trays. The radiation accident of 1957 was not only a serious disaster, but also a lesson for the plant workers. Many did not pay due attention to radiation safety problems. From this time on, stored food products began to be checked. The accident forced the plant workers to think differently about their work.

The territory that was exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of an explosion at a chemical plant was called the “East Ural Radioactive Trace.” The total length was approximately 300 km, with a width of 5-10 km. About 27 thousand people lived in this area. The area was contaminated with fields, pastures, ponds, and forests, which turned out to be unsuitable for further use.

In a memorandum to the CPSU Central Committee, Minister E.P. Slavsky wrote: “Investigating on the spot the causes of the accident, the commission believes that the main culprits of this incident are the head of the radiochemical plant and the chief engineer of this plant, who committed a gross violation of the technological regulations for the operation of storage facilities for radioactive solutions.” . The order from the Ministry of Medium Engineering, signed by E.P. Slavsky, noted that the cause of the explosion was insufficient cooling of the container, which led to an increase in the temperature in it and to the creation of conditions for the explosion of salts. This was later confirmed in experiments conducted by the Central Factory Laboratory (TsLZ). The director of the plant, M.A. Demyanovich, took all the blame for the accident, for which he was relieved of his duties as director.

The radiation accident in the Urals posed a whole series of completely new problems for science and practice. It was necessary to develop measures for radiation protection of the population. An experimental station was created in the Urals, which played a leading role in studying the consequences of the accident and developing recommendations.

44 years have passed since that fateful day, but every time it comes, all the events of this period are remembered again and again... 24 liquidators live in Dubna, who were directly involved in the fight against the consequences of the accident. Every year they get together on this day and remember, remember...


In the depths of the Ural forests, a secret city was built for those who worked at the Mayak plant and built it. Today, almost 100 thousand people live in Ozyorsk. About 14% of the population works at the plant. Over the entire history of Mayak, almost 120 thousand people worked there. Entry and exit from the city is carried out using a special access system. Secrecy often leads to serious human rights violations. For example, all residents of the city, even those who do not work at the nuclear plant, are required to obtain access to state secrets, which significantly limits their rights.

Valentin Galuzin worked as a control engineer for the Ruslan reactor at the Mayak plant. On September 9, 2000, production was left without electricity for 45 minutes, which threatened a new “Chernobyl” disaster. Together with other engineers on duty, Valentin managed to prevent an explosion, which was 4 minutes away. After this incident he quit. In his hand is a pass to the ZATO Ozyorsk, a symbol of closeness and secrecy. If an accident happened today, as in 1957, the outside world may not know about it for a long time. Just like 50 years ago, the company's management is trying to hide information about accidents under the guise of secrecy.

Dina Galuzina was sent to the Mayak plant at the age of 19. As a student at a construction college, she did an internship at the industrial site of the plant, where about 18 million curies of radioactivity fell as a result of the accident. In Ozyorsk, after the explosion, the streets were constantly washed and residents were forced to throw away contaminated clothes. Nobody knows what dose of radiation Dina received. In 2006, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but doctors refused to link the disease to exposure to radiation.

This number of graves will be filled no later than in a month. According to statistics, from 3 to 10 residents die every day in the city.

As a result of the 1957 accident, an area of ​​about 20,000 square meters. km. radioactive fallout fell - this is the so-called. East Ural radioactive trace - EURT (later part of the Trace was returned to economic use). Despite the radiation danger, the EURT territory is not fenced and is not visibly marked on the ground. The only identification signs are such signs located several kilometers from one another.

(ZATO) Ozyorsk. The entry of foreign citizens into this territory is prohibited, despite the fact that the barbed wire around the closed city is located several kilometers further. Years of secrecy have meant that locals continue to fear imaginary enemies. If people with photo and video equipment stop at the sign, vigilant citizens will immediately call the police. At the same time, in the publicly available satellite system on the Internet, the whole of Ozyorsk is in full view.

Lake Ulagach is located in close proximity to the plant, near the village of Novogorny. Officially, this lake is clean. However, 2 years ago, signs were installed there prohibiting “outsiders” from entering. Used water from the 20th plant of the Mayak plant is dumped into Ulagach - the lake is contaminated with plutonium. On the opposite bank there are garden plots of residents of the village of Novogorny. The lake hosts annual underwater fishing competitions.

The only monument to the liquidators of the accident at the Mayak plant in the Chelyabinsk region was erected only in 2007 in the city of Kyshtym. The accident is known specifically as “Kyshtym”, since Kyshtym turned out to be the nearest unclassified settlement. Trains with equipment and people for the nuclear plant arrived at the railway station of this city. The Chelyabinsk region is home to the largest number of victims of the accident. However, most of them cannot count on compensation for damages from the state - doctors refuse to attribute illnesses to radiation, officials refuse to obtain documents, and the courts refuse to restore rights.

Due to the large number of lakes, the Chelyabinsk region was chosen as a site for the construction of the Mayak plant - a large amount of water is needed to operate a nuclear reactor, drain and dilute radioactive waste. Irtyash is the top and only clean lake in the Irtyash-Kasli system of lakes. Further, down from it, all the lakes and the Techa River have practically been turned into storage facilities for liquid radioactive waste. Lake Karachay, where Mayak still dumps radioactive waste, is one of the most contaminated places on the planet. According to environmental organizations, the amount of radiation that entered this lake is equal to 8 Chernobyl emissions.

Until 2006, the radioactively contaminated area along the Techa River did not have any designation. Under pressure from the public, the management of the Mayak plant finally decided to begin installing warning signs. Last year, 134 concrete radioactive warnings appeared, but they remain rare and subtle. According to the plant administration, the level of pollution of the Techa River is only “slightly above the norm.” However, Mayak employees cannot work near the river without special permission. And if the plant sends someone to Techa, a special bonus is paid for dangerous work.

After the 1957 accident, 23 villages were liquidated. Buildings and livestock were destroyed. For the burial of animals, areas were specially designated, surrounded by barbed wire with radiation signs. However, today these burial grounds are abandoned. They are not protected, no work is carried out to monitor soil and groundwater. In addition, there are spontaneous burial grounds that are not marked on the ground, since there was not enough space in the designated areas. These burial grounds will pose a danger to humans for tens of thousands of years.

East Ural radioactive trace, Chelyabinsk region. Radioactive substances released into the atmosphere as a result of the accident were raised by the explosion to a height of 1–2 km and formed a radioactive cloud. 4 hours after the explosion, this cloud traveled a distance of 100 km, and after 10–11 hours the radioactive trace was completely formed. 2 million curies that settled on the ground formed a contaminated area with an area of ​​23,000 sq. km, which stretched 350 km in a northeast direction from the Mayak plant. The territory of three regions was in the zone of radiation contamination: Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen with a population of 270,000 people who lived in 217 settlements.

Large and beautiful mushrooms grow on the radioactively contaminated lands of the East Ural radioactive trace. True, they emit increased levels of radiation. However, local residents rarely pay attention to signs prohibiting picking mushrooms and berries.

For residents of poor Bashkir villages located near the Mayak plant, picking berries and mushrooms in contaminated areas is a significant support for the family budget. This woman sells berries that emit high levels of radiation on the Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk federal highway.

In the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka there is a custom: to hang elk antlers at the entrance to the house. Moose meat is consumed as food. Meanwhile, both the antlers and meat of elk in this area are dangerous to life due to the high level of radioactive contamination. The dosimeter shows that the natural background is more than 30 times higher.

The East Ural State Reserve (VUGZ) was organized by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated June 26, 1966 No. 384-10 and Order No. ST of the Deputy Minister of Medium Engineering of the USSR. 137 of May 5, 1966 on the territory subjected to radioactive contamination during the accident at the Mayak PA in order to “prevent the removal of traces of radioactive substances from the territory, prevent unauthorized entry of the population into the contaminated territory, conduct scientific research to study the patterns of behavior of radionuclides in natural natural conditions, as well as assessing the state of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems that have been under the influence of ionizing radiation for a long time.”

Radioactive waste from cows.

During the spring flood, the Techa River floods the meadows. When the water recedes, the remaining radioactive sludge becomes fertilizer for the grass. And the meadows that have grown again become radioactive pastures for the livestock of local residents. Compensation for living in radioactive territory is 200 rubles per month.

Bridge over the Techa River. There are descents to the water, but there are no signs warning people that using this water or swimming in the river is deadly.

This long-suffering village is one of four settlements still located on the Techa River. Only residents of coastal houses were resettled, and the use of buildings near the water's edge was prohibited. They are slowly being destroyed in the middle of the village. Most residents of Muslyumovo, including children, are radiation patients. For many years, nuclear scientists tried to pretend that it was safe to live in this village if “you don’t go to the river, don’t swim, don’t take water from it, don’t fish or hunt.”

Ruins of Muslyumov





UDC 541.1:539.1

East Ural radioactive trace. Problems of rehabilitation of the population and territories of the Sverdlovsk region. Ekaterinburg: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. ISBN 5-7691-1021-X.

Materials are presented on the consequences of the accident at the Mayak production association for the population and territories of the Sverdlovsk region, including an assessment of the radiation situation, doses accumulated by the population and predicted stochastic effects, as well as economic damage caused to the production and economic complex and the population. An analysis of post-accident rehabilitation measures and the results of the implementation of rehabilitation programs from 1992 to the present is presented. Information is provided on the socio-economic situation and health status of the population in the regions of the region affected by the emergency. The work contains extensive reference material on the issues under consideration.

For specialists and officials participating in rehabilitation programs for territories and populations affected by radiation accidents.

Rep. ed. doc. tech. Sciences V. N. Chukanov

Reviewer Dr. chem. Sciences Yu. V. Egorov

ISBN 5-7691-1021-X


© Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000


1.1. Territory and population 7

1.2. Industrial and economic complex 9

1.3. Health, education, culture 15

1.4. Natural radioecological situation 20

2.1. Primary information about the radiation situation 26

2.2. Analysis of the composition of the EURT territory within the boundaries of the Sverdlovsk region according to state mapping data 30

2.3. Assessment of dose loads and stochastic consequences of public exposure 42


3.1. Emergency measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident 68

3.2. Measures to ensure long-term residence of the population on the territory of the EURT of the Sverdlovsk region 80

3.3. Estimation of post-accident costs 95


4.1. Demographic characteristics of EURT 101

4.2. Production and economic consequences of radioactive contamination of territories 112

4.3. Assessment of economic damage caused to the region 119


5.1. Characteristics of the rehabilitation program for the population and territories of the Sverdlovsk region for 1992-1995. 135

5.2. Assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the State Program and characteristics of the Federal Rehabilitation Program for 1999-2000. 161


6.1. Assessment of the quality of life of the population 173

6.2. Assessment of the standard of living of the population 185


7.1. Analysis of health indicators using the direct counting method 202

7.2. Assessment of economic damage caused by the impact of the accident on public health 213



APPENDIX 1. Radiation-demographic data on the EURT zone of the Sverdlovsk region for 1959 and 1998. 237

APPENDIX 2. Dose loads on the population of radioactively contaminated territories of the Sverdlovsk region 252

APPENDIX 3. Dynamics of the number of residents of settlements in the EURT zone for 1959-1994 (according to population census data) 278

APPENDIX 4. Changes in consumer prices and the dollar exchange rate against the ruble 285


The situation that has developed in the Ural region in connection with the accumulation of radioactive waste at the Mayak PA and permanent radiation accidents is unprecedented. One of these accidents occurred in 1957, as a result of which the territories of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions were exposed to radioactive contamination with the formation of the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT). This paper examines the consequences of the emergence of EURT on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region. The information presented is based on archival materials, statistical data, and official reports on the implementation of rehabilitation programs. It significantly complements and clarifies previously available information, summarized in the previous publication. The results presented in it are the result of a study of the damage caused to the population and territories of the Sverdlovsk region due to the formation of the East Ural radioactive trace.

The work is complex. It examines the state of the affected areas before the accident, provides information on retrospective and current levels of radioactive contamination, and presents the results of calculations of accumulated doses and predicted stochastic effects. This information characterizes the immediate consequences of radiation exposure, taking into account its long-term nature.

The specificity of the current situation in the region is characterized by the significant role of indirect consequences of radiation accidents. Based on the analysis of primary data, the work examines post-accident rehabilitation measures, assesses the economic damage caused to the population and the industrial and economic complex during the period of restriction of life in radioactively contaminated territories, until 1980. This information is presented in the context of the conceptual formulation and implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation “ Radiation rehabilitation of the Ural region and me-

Pax to provide assistance to the affected population” (1992-1995) and the Federal target program “Social and radiation rehabilitation of the population and territories of the Ural region affected by the activities of the Mayak PA (1996-2000)”.

The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in conditions of limited funding can be achieved only on the basis of maximum consideration of the modern living conditions of the population in the territories affected by the emergency. In this regard, the work provides assessments of social conditions (level and quality of life), as well as the health of the corresponding cohorts of the region's population.

All information is presented both in kind and in monetary terms, which allows you to use it as a reference, as well as unify the results on the problem.

However, the period under review covers more than 40 years. During this time, fundamental socio-economic changes took place. In particular, the scale of prices has changed. Therefore, when considering financial indicators, both current prices and the corresponding dollar equivalent were used. For ease of comparison, the appendix shows inflation indicators by year - consumer price indices, as well as the dynamics of the ruble exchange rate against the US dollar.

The structure of the work, as well as methods of analysis in specific areas, can serve as the basis for appropriate generalizations for the Ural region as a whole, which is currently being carried out with the participation of specialists from the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions.

The authors sincerely thank S. M. Chemezov, E. P. Voitsitsky, G. N. Vasiliev, V. F. Nosov for assistance in completing the work, as well as colleagues A. Yu. Dovankov, N. I. Kozlova, E. M Kravtsov for creative collaboration. Special thanks to O. A. Bryukhovskikh and A. V. Pechatnikova for their assistance in publishing the monograph.



According to the administrative-territorial division of the Sverdlovsk region in 1957, the East Ural radioactive trace within the boundaries of initial contamination, limited by the isoline of 0.1 Ci/km2 for 90Sr, spread to the territory of the industrial (Kamensk-Uralsky and partially Sukholozhsky city councils, Pokrovsky and Bogdanovichsky district councils ) and agro-industrial (Kamyshlovsky city council, Pyshminsky and Talitsky district councils) Trans-Urals. The lands of city councils and districts occupied a vast territory of the forest-steppe Trans-Urals, through which pine forests with a total area of ​​about 400 thousand hectares stretch from west to east.

Within the modern division boundaries in the EURT zone are the cities. Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamyshlov and Talitsa, as well as a significant part of the territory of Kamensky, Bogdanovichsky, Kamyshlovsky, Pyshminsky and Talitsky districts. The main territorial and demographic indicators characterizing the specific importance of the cities and districts under consideration within the region are given in Table. 1.1.

As follows from the data presented, almost 1/10 of the population lived in the territory occupied by these cities and districts, constituting 5.5% of the region’s area. The share of the urban population in these territories is below the regional average (61.5 and 76.7%, respectively). At the same time, in urban settlements more than 25% of the population lived in individual houses with a garden plot. Depending on the size of urban settlements, the share of those living in the private sector varies from 13% in Kamensk-Uralsky to 63% in Pyshma. The population density due to Kamensk-Uralsky, Bogdanovich and Kamyshlov exceeded the average for the region. At the same time, in the region

Table 1.1


Total for the region

City Council District







Territory, thousand km2 194.7 10.6 1.3 2.2 1.5 1.0 1.9 2.7

% of the region's territory 100.0 5.5 0.7 1.1 0.8 0.5 1.0 1.4

Population, thousand people 4044.6 364.8 166.4 58.9 42.0 18.0 27.6 51.9

% of the region's population 100.0 9.0 4.1 1.5 1.0 0.4 0.7 1.3

Population density, people per 1 km2 20.8 34.4 128.0 26.8 28.0 18.0 14.5 19.2

Urban population, thousand people 3101.1 224.7 141.3 30.1 19.2 - 6.9 27.2

% of the population of the territory 76.7 61.5 84.9 51.3 45.7 - 23.9 52.4

Rural population, thousand people 943.5 140.0 25.1 28.7 22.8 18.0 20.7 24.7

% of the population of the territory 23.3 38.5 15.1 48.7 54.3 100.0 76.1 47.6

Urban population living in individual houses, % 26.2 13.0 45.0 37.0 - 63.0 57.0

Table 1.2


Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Total settlements, units 612 93 131 90 56 110 132

Of these: urban 7 1 1 1 - 1 3

Including cities 4 1 1 1 - - 1

Pos. mountains type 3 - - - - 1 2

Rural, including small ones with a population of 605 92 130 89 56 109 129

Up to 20 people 100 11 19 22 6 19 23

21-100 people 150 21 33 21 15 28 32

Medium-sized with a population of 101-200 people. 78 10 16 9 8 16 29

201-500 people 188 32 46 23 20 31 36

501-1000 people 73 12 13 9 5 15 19

Large with a population of over 1000 people. 16 6 3 5 2 - -

Nakh, where rural settlements predominate, the population density is noticeably lower than the regional indicator (14.5 versus 20.8 people per 1 km2). In the territories under consideration, a little more than 1/3 of the population lived in agricultural production, whose share in the rural population of the region was 14.8%. The composition of urban and rural settlements in the region under consideration is given in Table. 1.2.

From these data it follows that the number of residents of rural settlements, amounting to 38.5% of the total population of these territories (1,400 thousand people), lived in 605 settlements. Of these, small rural settlements with a population of up to 100 people. accounted for more than 40%, and with a population of up to 200 people. - more than half (53.4%). Large settlements with a population of more than 1000 people. there were only 16 (2.6%). The most representative group is rural settlements with a population of 201 to 500 people, accounting for 31% of all settlements.

Most villages and hamlets are located along river valleys and near transport routes. The greatest distance from populated areas to railway stations is, km: in the Pokrovsky district, Sosnovsky village council - 36; in Kamyshlovsky Kochnevsky - 48; in Pyshminsky, Rechelginsky - 62 and in Talitsky, Nizhnekatarachsky - 72.


This territory of the region is characterized by the proximity of the industrial cities of Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamyshlov, Sukhoi Log, Bogdanovich, Talitsa with the lands of the Trans-Urals, where agricultural enterprises with a pronounced natural specialization of farms are developing. The number and composition of objects of primary activity on the territory of the considered city councils and districts of the region are given in Table. 1.3. From the composition of the objects it follows that production and economic activity in this zone is due to the functioning of a diversified complex associated both with enterprises in other regions of the country and regions of the Urals, and with the use of the local raw material base of agricultural production.

Since only a small part of the territory of the Sukholozhsky district (within several settlements of the Filatovsky village council) was subject to radioactive contamination, its characteristics are not considered.

Table 1.3


Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Industrial enterprises 84 29 16 12 6 5 16

State farms 14 4 4 - 1 2 3

Collective farms 48 - 7 13 7 10 11

Consumer service enterprises 329 104 50 39 55 5 76

Table 1.4

Cultivated areas of agricultural crops in the EURT region in 1958, thousand hectares/%


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Cultivated area, thousand hectares

All pulses

Including wheat


Forage crops


* In the numerator - abs. size, ha; The denominator is % of sown area in the region.

Kamensk-Uralsky is known as a city with a diversified industry, where a significant share of the volume of output is occupied by metallurgy, metalworking, mechanical engineering, energy, etc. Enterprises in various industries employ more than 90% of the city's industrial production personnel. The Kamensk-Ural City Council included vast agricultural lands with developed crop and livestock industries. A milk processing plant and other enterprises for processing agricultural products operated in the city on this raw material base.

In the economic complex of the region, Kamyshlov stands out as a center of light and food industries. The city's oldest and largest enterprise for processing agricultural raw materials is a tannery, and the leading light industry enterprise is a clothing factory. Bogdanovich was characterized by the development of industrial production and transport and construction enterprises. The largest was the fireproof plant, which employed more than half of the city’s entire industrial production personnel. Enterprises serving the agricultural production of the region developed. Sukhoi Log is an integral part of the Sukholozhsko-Bogdanovichsky industrial hub, which is developing on the basis of the use of deposits of limestone and clay suitable for the production of cement and refractory materials. The city's plants and factories produced high-quality cement, asbestos-cement pipes, slate, refractory materials, and non-ferrous metal alloys. Food, forestry and local industry enterprises developed in Talitsa. The basis of the city's economy was the food industry (about 90% of gross industrial output), which used both local and imported agricultural raw materials. Logging enterprises, as well as enterprises for processing crop and livestock products, operated in the urban-type settlement of Pyshme.

The entire southeastern Trans-Ural region is characterized by the presence of a developed network of railways, the total length of which is more than 500 km. Through Kamensk-Uralsky and the regional center of the village. Pokrovskoe, located 3 km from the station, passes the Sverdlovsk-Kurgan railway.

The northern territories of the districts are crossed by the Sverdlovsk-Tyumen railway, which passes through the cities. Bogdanovich, Kamyshlov, Pyshma and Talitsa, located 5 km from the highway. From the south of Chelyabinsk to the north through Kamensk-Uralsky there is a railway to Bogdanovich and further through Alapaevsk to Nizhny Tagil. Parallel to the railways to Tyumen and Kurgan, the main highways of regional importance are laid almost in close proximity. All village councils and settlements of the territory under consideration were connected by intra-district roads without hard surfaces.

In the areas of the agricultural Trans-Urals, crops of grain legumes and fodder crops predominate; meat and dairy farming, poultry farming and other branches of agricultural production are developed. These areas are suppliers of agricultural products to other cities and districts of the region. This zone is characterized by the cultivation of wheat, oats, potatoes, vegetables, fodder root crops, grasses for hay, corn for green mass and other representatives of crop production. Data on the sown areas of city councils and districts of the zone for the main agricultural crops in the pre-accident period in comparison with data for the region are given in Table. 1.4.

Data on the sown areas of agricultural crops show that the considered regions of the Trans-Urals for almost all of the specified crops were of decisive importance for the agricultural production of the region. With 14.8% of the rural population of the region in the territory of city councils and districts, the total sown area was 20.6%, of which occupied by wheat - more than 23%, and corn for silage - almost 27%. Half of the total sown area fell on the lands of the Kamensk-Ural City Council, Pokrovsky and Bogdanovichsky districts. The largest part of agricultural land was located on the territory of the Kamyshlovsky City Council (up to 20%).

The livestock industry in the territories under consideration was also leading in the region (Table 1.5). The largest share (up to 20%) in livestock farming was occupied by the farms of the Kamyshlovsky City Council. For almost all main types of livestock, their share ranges from 16 to 20% of the regional herd.

Thus, more than 1/3 of the dairy herd in the EURT zone was concentrated in the Kamyshlovsky city council and Bogdanovichsky

Table 1.5


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District








Including cows

Sheep and goats

Including sheep

District, almost 45% of the pig population was kept in the Pyshminsky and Talitsky districts. Sheep farming (about 56%) was concentrated in the Kamensk-Uralsky City Council and the Bogdanovichsky district. In a number of farms, livestock breeding was developed, and state breeding stations operated. Certain branches of crop and livestock production were characterized by the presence in their total volume of a significant share of sown areas and livestock that were in the personal use of collective farmers, workers, employees and other groups of the population (Table 1.6).

As follows from the data presented, the personal farms of collective farmers, workers, and office workers were of significant importance in the production of both potatoes and vegetables. The sown areas occupied by potatoes on private farms range from 25% in the Pyshminsky district to 37% in the Kamensk-Uralsky City Council of the total area occupied by this crop. The picture is similar with planting areas for vegetable crops.

Table 1.6

Personal farms of collective farmers, workers and employees of the region's EURT zone in 1958.


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District








129,8 20,8 4,5 3,6 3,2 2,3 3,2 4,0

16,0 3,3 0,9 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3


661,4 119,3 17,9 25,0 17,4 13,0 20,5 25,5

Including cows

357,3 57,5 9,1 11,8 8,4 6,2 9,9 12,1

439,4 88,1 11,7 16,3 10,5 11,0 13,8 24,8

539,6 84,2 13,3 17,3 16,1 9,4 13,4 14,7

* In the numerator - on a personal farm, thousand hectares, in the denominator - %.

Personal farms of residents of city councils and districts contained up to 1/4 of the cattle and over 80% of sheep. The data presented indicate that in the gross production of such agricultural products as potatoes, vegetables, meat, milk and wool, personal farms of collective farmers, workers, employees and other groups of the population had a certain share in providing the residents of these territories with essential food products, and processed food

The area's raw materials supply industry. Gross production of main crop and livestock products by city councils and districts of the EURT zone is given in Table. 1.7. The values ​​of the given indicators for city councils and districts were obtained by calculation based on data for the region.

Livestock breeding developed in the regions, interdistrict state breeding stations, fruit nurseries and other enterprises and organizations serving agricultural production functioned.

On the basis of agricultural products and raw materials produced on collective farms, enterprises for their processing were developed. In the cities there were dairy processing plants, meat processing plants, feed mills, a tannery and workshops for processing wool and producing felted shoes, etc. In general, a complex with balanced production (processing and consumption) of agricultural products functioned in the districts. Cities and districts stood out noticeably in the region for their developed network of consumer service enterprises.


The social and cultural needs of residents of urban and rural settlements of the territory under consideration at the end of 1957 were provided by the state system of quality of life in force at that time. Indicators of the achieved level in certain areas of meeting the needs of the population of cities and districts of the EURT zone in comparison with the regional average indicators are given in. Data characterizing the state of health care are presented in table. 1.8.

From the above information it follows that the number of doctors per 10,000 people. The population of the territories under consideration was almost 1/3 less than the regional average (15 people), with the exception of Kamensk-Uralsky, which is close to the regional one (14 people). For other cities and regions, the indicated value is less than half (from 8 to 5 doctors). This is typical for areas with a predominant rural population (Pokrovsky, Pyshminsky). The number of paramedical personnel in Kamensk-Uralsky (90 people) exceeded the regional figure. For other cities and regions of the EURT zone, it differs downward by up to 2 times. Similar ratio with the regional average number of sick days

Table 1.7

Gross production of main types of crop and livestock products for all categories of farms in 1958

Products Area

Share in the region's sown area and herd

Product volume

% to area volume

Potatoes, thousand tons 723.9 0.106 76.37 10.6

Vegetables, thousand tons 69.7 0.168 15.07 16.8

Meat and lard of all types in terms of live weight, thousand tons 142.0 0.181 25.70 18.1

Including pork 46.6 0.204 9.51 20.4

Milk, thousand tons 700.4 0.161 12.76 16.1

Wool, t 1102.0 0.162 178.52 16.2

Table 1.8

Basic data on health care in cities and districts of the EURT zone (at the end of 1957)


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Doctors (except for dentists), persons.

6234 369 238 48 29 10 13 31

Persons of paramedical staff, persons.

22933 2393 1504 336 187 71 77 218

Number of hospital beds, pcs.

34620 2946 1460 687 245 105 132 313

Per 10,000 inhabitants

Doctors 15 10 14 8 7 6 5 6

Medical staff 57 66 90 57 45 40 28 42

Hospital beds 85.6 80.8 87.7 116.6 58.3 58.3 47.8 61.1

The numerator is a percentage of the number in the territory, the denominator is of those in rural areas.

Table 1.9

General education schools in cities and districts of the region in the EURT zone (at the beginning of the 1957/58 academic year)


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Number of schools of all types 2593

Initial 1550 194 35 38 27 21 32 41

Seven year olds 675 76 26 15 9 6 7 13

Average 347 30 10 6 5 2 2 5

Others 21 4 2 1 1 - - -

Number of teachers

Number of students in schools, thousand people.

Primary 88.2 8.6 2.0 1.8 1.1 0.6 1.2 1.9

Seven-year-olds 208.4 22.8 11.4 3.1 2.1 1.1 1.4 3.7

Average 266.2 29.7 10.8 3.3 3.1 0.9 1.5 2.1

Others 3.7 0.3 0.2 0.05 0.05 - - -

Number of secondary schools per 10,000 inhabitants

6,4 8,3 4,3 10,2 10,0 16,1 14,8 11,4

Number of students per

1 teacher 21 20 23 19 21 18 18 18

1 school 218 173 327 138 152 90 100 131

* % of the number in the territory.

Beds for 1,000 people living on the territory. It should be noted that a number of indicators are comparable to the regional average, taking into account the presence on the territory of city councils of boarding houses, hospitals, rest homes of regional significance (boarding houses “Obukhovsky”, “Metallurg”, hospital “Mayan”, etc.). In general, healthcare in the EURT zone before the accident at the Mayak Production Association in 1957 in terms of main indicators corresponded to the regional average values ​​only in the territory of Kamensk-Uralsky and was close to them in the Kamyshlovsky City Council.

Data characterizing the general education system of city councils and districts in comparison with average regional indicators at the beginning of the 1957/1958 school year. g., are given in table. 1.9. It is seen,

Table 1.10

Children's preschool institutions in cities and districts of the region in the EURT zone (at the beginning of 1957)


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Number of permanent children, pcs.

Places in them, pcs.

Number of kindergartens, pcs.

They include the number of children, people.

Per 10,000 inhabitants children in kindergartens

246 254 264 305 187 238 152 274

That the number of secondary schools per 1,000 residents in all cities and districts examined exceeded the regional average by more than 1.5 times, with the exception of the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. In all rural settlements with a population of 500 people. and more there were secondary and seven-year comprehensive schools. In settlements with a population of 200 to 500 people. There were primary comprehensive schools. The average number of students per school did not exceed the regional indicator, with the exception of its value for the Kamensk-Ural City Council. The same ratio is important for the number of students per teacher.

Along with general education schools, vocational schools, medical schools, technical schools and a number of other specialized educational institutions functioned in regional centers.

The provision of the population of city councils and districts with preschool institutions is shown in Table. 1.10. The network of preschool institutions in the cities and districts under consideration was developed in terms of its indicators more than the regional average. There were more children in kindergartens per 10,000 inhabitants than

Table 1.11

Cultural and educational institutions of cities and districts of the region of the EURT zone (at the end of 1957)


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Club institutions, pcs.

Film installations with paid screening, pcs.

Public libraries, pcs.

Books in libraries, thousand copies.

Per 10,000 inhabitants:

Club institutions 3.6 4.8 2.2 4.1 5.9 12.2 13.4 6.4

Library 4.4 5.2 2.2 4.6 6.2 12.2 9.4 10.4

Books, thousand copies. 35.4 36.8 31.8 26.5 30.9 57.8 47.5 56.5

* % of the quantity in the territory.

The average for the region (246 children), both for the city councils and for the Talitsky district (264, 305 and 274 children, respectively). In the Pokrovsky district, where the entire population lives in rural settlements, this value is slightly lower than the regional average - 238. In two districts - Bogdanovichsky and Pyshminsky - the number of children in kindergartens per 10,000 residents was noticeably lower and amounted to 188 and 152, respectively. In the territory under consideration almost half of the nurseries and kindergartens were concentrated in cities, and in rural settlements they were available with a population of more than 500 people. All this indicates that the network of preschool institutions in cities and districts of the EURT zone fully corresponded to the average regional level at the end of 1957.

Data on the level of provision of cities and districts with cultural and educational institutions are systematized in Table. 1.11. As follows from the table, the material base for meeting the cultural needs of the population as a city

Both rural and rural settlements were generally comparable to the regional ones, as evidenced by almost all of the indicators considered in comparison with their regional average values. Only in the Kamensk-Ural City Council the number of club institutions and libraries per 10,000 residents is almost 2 times less. In the Pokrovsky district, these indicators exceeded the regional average by more than 2 times. The book collection in libraries per 10,000 inhabitants also exceeded the regional figure by more than 1.5 times.

Cities, urban settlements and all large rural settlements had stationary film installations. The data characterize city councils and districts as being provided with the necessary cultural and educational institutions above the regional average.

In general, for the city councils and districts under consideration, the state of the spheres of health care, education and culture at the end of 1957 was comparable to the regional average.


The environmental situation in the territories of the Sverdlovsk region that were subject to radioactive contamination was determined by the external technogenic load characteristic of the Ural region as a whole. The zone of Kamensk-Uralsky and agro-industrial Trans-Urals is no exception. By the end of the 50s, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and energy had achieved significant development in Kamensk-Uralsky. The largest enterprises in the city were the Sinarsky Pipe Plant, the Ural Aluminum Plant, the Kamensk-Uralsky Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant, as well as the Krasnogorsk Thermal Power Plant, which operates on imported Ekibastuz coal with high ash content (up to 36%). The listed enterprises were a significant source of environmental pollution for the city and the immediate area around it. In Bogdanovich, the source of pollution was a fireproof plant and construction industry enterprises; in Kamyshlov there is a tannery and other enterprises located on the territory of the city council.

Almost the entire territory of the EURT of the Sverdlovsk region is located within the East Ural ecological-radiogeochemical zone, which is clearly traced according to a set of characteristics. According to the results of available spectrometric

Sky and radiometric surveys (in particular, materials from aerial gamma searches in 1955 and 1956, as well as 1966-1991), the natural gamma background of the earth’s surface in the main territory of the Kamensky, Bogdanovichsky and Kamyshlovsky districts is 4-6 μR/h and only in the northern and western parts of Kamensky and in the western Bogdanovichsky districts it reaches 8-16 microR/h. At the same time, there are granite intrusions that create an increased background of up to 27 μR/h, and gabbro massifs with a background reduced to 2.2 μR/h. Based on aerial and ground-based gamma surveys, a large number of local anomalies have been identified. Many of them are caused by bauxite-bearing and magnetic-bearing deposits; carbonate rocks and sandy-clayey (coal-bearing) deposits are widely developed, among which horizons with a high content of radionuclides stand out. Accumulations of uranium mineralization are known in carbonate and sandy-clay deposits of the folded basement (Table 1.12, Fig. 1.1 on the inset).

Local accumulations of natural radionuclides do not have a noticeable effect on increasing the gamma background of the earth's surface, since in most cases they lie at depth, and near-surface accumulations are leached to one degree or another. At the same time, within the East Ural ecological-radiogeochemical zone, 14 potentially radon-hazardous areas have been identified based on the manifestation of two or more factors. The main one is the increased content of radionuclides in rocks, another factor is permeable structures favorable for radon emission.

The most intense anomalies are located to the southeast and southwest of Kamensk-Uralsky. These include the Pervomaiskoye deposit of refractory kaolin clays (2 km southeast of the village of Sipava), the Kodinskaya radiohydrological anomaly.

The Pervomaiskoe deposit of fire-resistant kaolin clay is located in the Kamensky district between the villages of Sipava and Novy Byt. Among the refractory kaolin clays, lignite-bearing clays bearing uranium mineralization occur in the form of two spots. At the deposit, seven uranium-bearing lenses are identified, delineated by a cut-off content of 0.03%, lying at a depth of 24-67 m and having an area of ​​45-60 thousand m2 each. Lignite-bearing clays with an increased, although lower, content of radionuclides are also known in other parts of the Kamensky region.

Table 1.12

List of accumulations of natural radionuclides in the lithosphere on the territory of EURT within the Sverdlovsk region


Geographic reference

a brief description of


Bogdanovichsky district, 3 km NNE from Troitskoye village

The accumulation of radionuclides is confined to the northern quarry of the Troitsko-Bainovskoye refractory clay deposit, the nature of the activity is uranium

Mazulinskoye Bogdanovichi district, 4 km northwest from the village of Zhukovo

Uranium mineralization in 7 contiguous ore bodies, the nature of the activity is uranium

Shilovskoye Kamensky district, 2 km to the southeast from the village of Kamyshevo

The accumulation of radionuclides of uranium-thorium nature is localized in the silty clays of the first terrace above the floodplain of the river. Iseti, area distribution is insignificant

Isetskoye Kamensky district, 4 km south from the village of Kamyshevo

In rocky outcrops on the left bank of the river. Iset radioactivity up to 128 μR/h. There is no information on area dimensions. The nature of the activity is uranium

Travyanskoye Kamensky district, on the northwestern outskirts of the village. Travyanskoe

In 11 wells in lignite clays, radioactivity of 35-169 μR/h was detected in intervals of 1-2 m thickness at depths of 12-37 m. The nature of the activity is uranium

Travyanskoe-2 Kamensky district, on the southeastern outskirts of the village. Travyanskoe

In the well, in the interval of 48-58 m, an accumulation of radionuclides with a uranium content of up to 0.02% was detected

Sosnovskoye Kamensky district, 2 km southeast from the village. Sosnovskoe

In the ore field of the Sosnovsky non-industrial scheelite deposit, activity of 30-90 μR/h from the surface was detected in granites. Radon concentration is 30-90 eman. Area dimensions 200×150 m

Pervomayskoye Kamensky district, 2 km to the southeast from the village of Sipava

At the site of the Pervomaisky refractory clay deposit, 7 ore lenses with an area of ​​​​about 60 thousand m2 each with an average thickness of 2 m and a depth of 24-67 m are delineated. The average uranium content is 0.03%, the concentration of radon in water is up to 221 eman (818 Bq/l )

New Byt Kamensky district, 2 km west from the village. Okulovskoe

Radioactivity of 30-200 µR/h was recorded in kaolin clays at depths of 3.9-26.8 m. The nature of the activity is uranium

Within the Kodinskaya anomaly, the concentration of radon in the soil air reaches 44-59, in Pervomaisky - up to 233 Bq/m3. Alluvial sediments of rivers (Pyshma, Iset) exhibit rare-earth radioactive mineralization, as well as contamination with natural radionuclides.

The territory under consideration has been quite fully explored using the radiohydrochemical method. 50 water points with uranium concentrations of 1-20 Bq/l were identified, in a number of them the radium concentration reaches 10-10 g/l. The highest concentration of radium in water was detected in the village. Belovodye - 2.5∙10-10 g/l.

Anomalous content of natural radionuclides was detected in water points of Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamensky district (Pozarikha, Martyush, Sosnovskoye, Pokholilovo, Smolinskoye, Shcherbakovo, Bogatenkovo, M. Gryaznukha, Cheremisskoye, Gashenov, Barabanovskoye, Pirogovskoye, Sipava, Potaskuevo, Okulova), Bogdanovichsky district ( Troitskoye, Bykovo, Lyapustina, Chernokorovskoye, Poldnevka, Podzhukovo), Kamyshlovsky district (Kvashninskoye, Pulnikova, Borisova), Talitsky district (Talitsa). When analyzing the available data, it is possible to identify 2 areas of radon-containing waters, where its concentration exceeds the permissible standards NRB-96 (120 Bq/l).

One of the areas is located in the area of ​​the village. Kodinki, the second - in the Kamensk-Uralsky area. If in the latter the excess of radon concentrations above the norm is small (up to 200 Bq/l), then in the Kodinka region the radon content in water is significantly higher. Within the Kodinskaya anomaly, radiohydrological testing of 13 springs and 8 wells revealed increased radon concentrations from 270 to 2400 Bq/l. The reason for the enrichment of waters with radon is the presence of bituminous pyrite-containing rocks in the area. An emanation survey along three profiles located near the most active sources established the concentration of radon in soil air to 92 Bq/l.

Also of interest is the area of ​​radioactive waters, which includes the Pervomaiskoye deposit of refractory clays. The content of uranium in water here reaches 7.8∙10-5 g/l, radon - up to 817 Bq/l.

Aerogamma spectrometric studies of the territory of Kamensk-Uralsky made it possible to identify three sections: northwestern, northeastern and southern, separated by the valleys of the Iset and Kamenka rivers. The northwestern area is characterized by a weakly differentiated gamma field with an intensity

5-8.5 microR/h. For the north-east - a differentiated relatively increased gamma field (8-10 µR/h), located east of the line south-eastern edge of the Mazulinsky swamp (mouth of the Kamenka River), and a relatively reduced (from 4 to 7 µR/h) gamma-field field - west of the indicated line. The southern part of the site covers the right bank of the river. Iset and stands out for its sharply differentiated gamma field. A high gamma field (up to 14-19 μR/h) is recorded above the sludge collectors located here at the treatment facilities of the Kamensk-Ural Metallurgical Plant (KUMZ), and the sludge dumps of the Ural Aluminum Plant. The nature of radioactivity is uranium-thorium. Increased radionuclide contents are also observed for plowed areas to the west and north-west of the KUMZ sludge ponds.

Thus, at low levels of natural radiation from geological complexes, a noticeable contribution to the radiation fields of the city is made by sources and factors of technogenic pollution caused by the uranium-thorium content of tailings from the technological processing of alumina raw materials, as well as the development of uranium-containing brown iron ore formations or the products of their metallurgical processing.

An autogamma spectrometric survey of the territory of Kamensk-Uralsky showed that what is common to the surveyed area is a low, quiet, poorly differentiated field with gamma radiation DER values ​​in the range of 5-24 μR/h and an average value of about 9 μR/h. Such a field is quite consistent with the development of a metamorphogenic complex of basic rocks on the territory of the city. Levels of increased gamma fields are associated with routes laid in the private sector along unpaved streets. Up to 24 μR/h are given by areas of reddish clays in natural occurrence. New development areas and large highways are characterized by a low, calm and poorly differentiated gamma field.

The main territory of the city is outlined by isolines of 8-12 μR/h, and is characterized by significant areal contours. Areas with EDR values ​​above 12 μR/h have a local point character, with the exception of an area of ​​0.25 km2 in the area of ​​the village. Silicate (place of storage of aluminosilicate ore mass).

Based on the brief socio-industrial and radioecological characteristics of the cities and regions of the Sverdlovsk

In the Trans-Ural region before the radiation incident at Mayak in 1957, the following can be noted:

The cities and areas considered, which fell into the EURT zone before radioactive contamination, belonged to the most economically developed territories of the region, especially in the production of agricultural products. With a rural population of 14.8% of the total population of the region, agricultural enterprises produced from 16 to 20% of vegetables, milk, meat and other products, supplying them to industrial cities and districts of the region;

The socio-cultural needs of the population of cities and districts were satisfied at the level of regional averages, and in terms of the number of children in kindergartens, club institutions, libraries and books per 10 thousand inhabitants, these territories had higher indicators;

The peculiarity of the natural radioecological situation of the cities and regions under consideration is the presence of ecological and radiogeochemical anomalies, which manifest themselves in uranium-thorium accumulations and radon-hazardous sources throughout the territory and primarily in the Kamensky district.



Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the radiation situation in the Sverdlovsk region have remained the subject of clarification since the emergence of EURT. Ideas about the scale of the consequences of the accident for the Sverdlovsk region have undergone fundamental changes. The memorandum of the Minister of Medium Engineering of the USSR to the Central Committee of the CPSU stated that only 3 villages of the Chelyabinsk region fell into the radionuclide contamination zone as a result of the 1957 accident - Berdyanish, Saltykovo and Golikaevo. “The first approximate data on the boundaries of the contaminated area were obtained only 15-20 days after the accident, and more or less detailed data on the nature of the pollution and the boundaries of areas with different densities of pollution were obtained only by the end of December 1957, i.e. almost 3 months after the accident, and then only to the city of Kamensk-Uralsky (105 km from the source of the accident, with a total track length along the axis of 355 km).”

In accordance with the decision of the leadership of the Sverdlovsk region, a team of radiological laboratories of the regional and city sanitary and epidemiological stations from December 9 to 12, 1957 carried out an examination of the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, as well as the Pokrovsky district, directly adjacent to the Chelyabinsk region. In the conclusion of the experts, it was noted that in Kamensk-Uralsky and in a number of settlements in the Pokrovsky and Kamensky districts “...there is radioactive contamination of the area due to the external ingress of radioactive isotopes in the form of dust and aerosols...”. The main radioactive isotope that contaminated the territories of populated areas is the 90Sr isotope. Pollution of the area occurs in the form of a strip in the direction

From SW to NE. In some places the width of the strip is 18-12 km (preliminary data). The most contaminated areas were noted in the Leninsky village of Kamensk-Uralsky, around the OCM plant, in the villages of Tygishe and Rybnikovo, Pokrovsky district, where individual samples exceeded the natural background by 2-3 orders of magnitude. In January 1958, a specially created commission in Kamensk-Uralsky, having again examined the degree of radioactive contamination of the areas, established “... the presence of radioactive contamination in the following settlements: the villages of Pokrovskoye, Troitskoye, Poplygino, Tygish, Rybnikovo, Gashenovo, Barabanovo, Brody, Smolino, Shcherbakovskoye, M. Belonosovo, Klyuchi, Martyush; in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky: the southwestern outskirts, covering the villages of Silikatny, 2nd Rabochy, village. Bainovo, the area of ​​​​the old Kamensky mines, the villages of large factories OCM, STZ, UAZ and the village of New Plant...”.

The lack of real information not only made it difficult to carry out sanitary measures, but in some cases caused direct damage. Thus, due to long-term ignorance of the situation, the agricultural authorities of the Sverdlovsk region in January 1958 carried out the removal of feed (hay, straw) stored in open stacks on the territory of an emergency contaminated area to the wintering areas of livestock. As a result, the upper layers of hay and straw, which had significant surface contamination with long-lived radioactive substances, were mixed with the entire mass of feed, which turned out to be completely unsuitable for further consumption. According to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR No. 221-KM dated February 25, 1958, the VIEIA commission conducted a survey of livestock in the contaminated areas of the region. The certificate on the results of her work notes: currently in the animals of the villages of Pozarikha, Sosnovka, Stepa Lyamina, Shcherbakova, Brody, Evsyukova, Cheremkhovo, Kodinka, Kamensky district; Bayny, V. Poldnevaya, Shchipachi, Chernokorovskoye, Parshino, Bogdanovichsky district; Solodylovo, Galkino, Kamyshlovsky district, there are already visible signs of radiation sickness (baldness, hemorrhage and yellowness of the visible mucous membranes and conjunctivae of the eyes, enlarged glands, severe anemia; in males, atrophy of the testes, emaciation). Some of them die according to the pattern usually observed with injuries from radioactive substances. In the village In Kodinka, Kamensky district, clinical signs of the disease were observed in 45-50% of animals; in other villages of this region, as well as in Bogdanovichsky and Kamyshlovsky districts, the number

There are slightly fewer animals with visible signs of the disease (up to 25-30%).

In order to provide practical assistance, by order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR (No. 8 dated 04/04/58), a group of specialists was sent to the region to assess the levels of radioactive aerosol contamination of district territories and develop recommendations for protecting the population. Only by mid-May 1958, through the efforts of union and republican organizations, services of the Mayak PA and regional specialized laboratories, an initial assessment of the radiation situation was made. Based on the conclusion of the commission of the Ministry of Health of the USSR and the RSFSR, the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR and the Ministry of Medium Engineering of the USSR, a narrowed meeting of the regional executive committee on April 10, 1958 adopted Resolution No. 14, in which Pokrovsky, Kamensky, Bogdanovichsky districts and the city of Kamensk-Uralsky were named among the victims. An additional assessment of the radiation situation was required. Characteristics of the mapping results carried out in the first years after the accident are given in.

The most complete studies of the levels of contamination of the territory of the Sverdlovsk region as a result of the 1957 accident were carried out in September-October 1958 by a team of the Institute of Radiation Hygiene of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR on the basis of the institute’s branch in Chelyabinsk (head V.N. Guskova with the participation of a representative of the State Investigative Department of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR I. K. Dibabesa).

Determination of soil activity levels was carried out by ground-based automotive gamma survey with an SG-65 device, linking the survey data to the results of radiometric analyzes of soil samples taken at individual points with an accuracy of ±50%. Analysis of retrospective data showed that in the zone with an initial level of contamination of over 4 Ci/km2 for 90Sr there are the settlements of Klyukina, Klyuchi, Rybnikovskoye, Svoboda (Stepy Lyamina), Sosnovka, Tygish, Chetyrkina, Shcherbakovskoye. In addition, within the boundaries of the torch there are also the settlements of Belovodye, Bogatenkova, Bortnikovo, Kolmogorov, Cheremkhovskoye, the levels of pollution of which were not specified. Within the boundaries of the zone of contamination with 90Sr in excess of 4 Ci/km2, there are “spots” with pollution levels in excess of 10 Ci/km2 (the northeastern and southern shores of Lake Tygish and about 3 km to the west of it). The maximum recorded levels of pollution within the Sverdlovsk region for September-October 1958 were 12-13 Ci/km2 for 90Sr. Results of the analysis of ret-

Table 2.1

Levels of contamination of the territory of the Sverdlovsk region with 90Sr as of September-October 1958.



Pollution density by 90Sr, Ci/km2

Klyukina (Evsyukova) 4-6.2

Rybnikovskoe 3-8.3

Keys 4-5

Freedom (Stepy Lyamina) 3.6-4.8

Keys 2.3-4.2

Sosnovka 4-4.6

Kodinka 3.5

New plant (western outskirts) 2.5-3.5

Chetyrkina 4-7

Pozarikha (western outskirts) 2.1

Shcherbakovskoe 4.2-6.6

Table 2.2

Levels of 90Sr pollution in populated areas of the Sverdlovsk region according to IGKE data in 1958.

Locality 1958

Locality 1958

Bortnikova 3.0

Keys 3.5

Mazulya 1.6

Martyush 1.0

Pozarikha 2.1

Shcherbakovka 4.0

Freedom (Stepy Lyamina) 4.0

Keys 3.0

Cheremkhovo 4.0

Smolinskoe 3.0

State Roads 3.0

Tygish 7.0

Kodinka (K-Lv.)3.0

Chetyrkina 5.0

New plant 1.6

Belovodye 2.6

Prospects for a number of settlements in the region are given in Table. 2.1, 2.2.

The regional sanitary and epidemiological authorities carried out systematic monitoring of the affected areas. In 1960, in Kamensk-Uralsky, the average soil activity was 2.9 Ci/km2, with a scattering of measurement results across different areas - 0.8-5.8 Ci/km2. Taken together, the information on pollution levels obtained in 1957-1958 served as the basis for the decisions of the USSR Council of Ministers (No. 1282-587 of 11/12/57 and No. 227-10 of 02/27/58) on the formation of a sanitary protection zone (SPZ) , limited by an isoline of 4 Ci/km2 for 90Sr within the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions with a total area of ​​700 km2. Of these, in the Sverdlovsk region - about 280.0 km2

Without the area of ​​lakes (Fig. 2.1 on the inset). The territory of the sanitary protection zone includes 14 settlements, of which three are in the planned evacuation zone: Tygish, Mogilnikovsky peat bog and the western part of the village. Rybnikovsky; There are 11 settlements in the observation zone: Smolinskoye, Klyuchi, Shcherbakovo, Klyukina, Chetyrkina, Bogatenkova, the eastern part of the village. Rybnikovsky, Poplygina, Free Labor and in the border zone - Starikova, Perebor and Beklenishcheva, Pokrovsky and Kamensky districts of the Sverdlovsk region.

According to the levels of radioactive contamination, all lands adjacent to the sanitary protection zone were conditionally divided into three zones: A, B and C. They included lands with the following levels of contamination by 90Sr, Ci/km2: zone A - 4-2, zone B - 2-1, B - 1. In the zones it was recommended to use agricultural land as follows. In zone A, it was proposed to cultivate grain crops, perennial and annual grasses for seeds, and conduct pig farming and poultry farming (chickens). Keeping cows on feed imported from zones B and C, or processing milk into butter, grazing and preparing feed for young animals. In zone B, in addition, it was recommended to cultivate general grain crops and forage crops, grazing dairy cattle and making hay in open pastures and hayfields. In zone B, agriculture was allowed without restrictions, as well as grazing of personal livestock and hay harvesting.

According to the resolution of the regional executive committee No. 57 of November 19, 1959, zone A included the territories of land users given in table. 2.3. As follows from it, only agricultural land users were included in contamination zone A. Territories and settlements where enterprises of other industries were located were not considered part of contaminated zone A. As can be seen, the settlements of the sanitary protection zone in the Sverdlovsk region were classified as zone A. Zoning of territories served as the basis for differentiating post-accident measures.


The estimated nature of the primary information, the inconsistency of archival data on the levels of radioactive contamination and the version adopted during the development of the State program

Table 2.3

Territories included in contamination zone A by the Resolution of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee of November 19, 1959

District, land user

Total land area in zone A, ha

Number of inhabitants. paragraph. on the land user's territory

Populated. place and number of inhabitants in it

Kamensky district

State farm “Kamensky” 12071 11/4603* Pozarikha, 1209; New plant, 1256; Belovodye, 193; Cheremkhovo, 773; Bortnikova, 94; Sosnovka, 162; Mazulya, 204; Freedom (St. Lyamina), 219; Proletarka, 14; Pervomaika, 87; Kremlevka, 392

State farm “Brodovsky” 6901 7/3321 Klyukina (Evsyukova), 387; Broad, 705; Shcherbakova, 625; Keys, 261; Martyush, 659; Kodinka, 604; M. Kodinka, 80

State Forest Fund 1900 -/--

Total for the region 20872 18/7924

Pokrovsky district

Collective farm “Path to Communism” 4630 4/1296

Tygish, 471; Chetyrkino, 291; Smolinskoye, 273; Keys, 261

Collective farm “Rodina” 3630 2/1015 Rybnikovskoe, 568; Bogatenkova, 447

State Forest Fund 1055 -/-

Total for the region 9315 6/2314

Bogdanovichsky district

Kolkhoz named after Sverdlova 8180 9/5321 Solontsy, 66; Zhukovo, 11; Bynes, 2862; Wed. Half-day (Shchipachi), 337; Oktyabrina, 106; V. Poldnevaya, 204; Aleshina (N. Poldnevaya), 96; Etc. Poldnevsky mine, 1512

Collective farm “Rassvet” 4375 3/860

Chernokorovskoe, 326; Parshino, 219; Raskatikha, 1512

Collective farm “Ural”1700 1/750 Volkovskoe, 750

Kolkhoz named after Timiryazeva 1462 -/- p. Trinity, 292

State farm “Kalinovsky” 58 -/- Central department. Oktyabrsky village

State farm “Otkormochny” 1442 -/- Bogdanovichsky meat processing plant

State Forest Fund 1797 -/- -

Total for the region 19014 13/6937

Total in pollution zone A

* In the numerator - number, pcs., in the denominator - residents, people.

of the Russian Federation on radiation rehabilitation of the territories of the Ural region, demanded clarification of the current and retrospective radiation situation.

In accordance with the decision of the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated November 22, 1994, IGKE together with Uralhydromet compiled state maps of the density of contamination of territories with 90Sr and 137Cs. The results of the work on March 25, 1998 were approved by the interdepartmental commission on radiation monitoring of the natural environment. To compile the maps, sampling was carried out in areas with undisturbed soil cover along profiles crossing the footprint zone with a step of 1.5 km to 200 m.

According to the mapping data, the boundaries of the radioactive contamination zone are marked with an isoline of 0.2 Ci/km2. The EURT was traced for 180 km from the Mayak industrial zone to the city of Kamyshlov and further to the northeast for another 60 km. In the area of ​​Kamensk-Uralsky, the trace acquires a spotty structure; against the background of current pollution levels of ≈ 0.4 Ci/km2, anomalies of up to 4-13 Ci/km2 for 90Sr appear. Their size ranges from several hundred to 1 km2. In the western part of Kamensk-Uralsky there is a vast area with pollution levels of up to 1 Ci/km2, against which stains of up to 3.2 Ci/km2 appear. In the Kamyshlov area and beyond, spots with pollution levels of 0.3 Ci/km2 or more were recorded. Based on a comparison of modern pollution levels with IPG mapping data in 1958, the coefficient K of the transition from modern to retrospective pollution levels for the territories of the Sverdlovsk region for 90 Sr was determined, K = 3.6 ± 0.4. On the retrospective map, the pollution level of more than 4 Ci/km2 covers the entire axial part of the EURT within the Kamensky district. Spots of more than 4 Ci/km2 fall on the western outskirts of Kamensk-Uralsky (Fig. 2.2 on the inset).

The results obtained during mapping allow, within the limits of measurement accuracy: to assess the correctness of archival information and the official version about the initial levels of pollution in the region, as well as the sufficiency of post-accident measures; determine accumulated individual and collective doses; identify population cohorts with an accumulated dose of more than 7 cSv; identify territories and settlements for which retrospective and current levels of pollution are socially significant.

Reconstruction of EURT based on initial levels of pollution objectively cannot be exhaustive due to the following reasons:

The conversion factor is based on 1958, not 1957, pollution levels;

In the most contaminated areas, decontamination work was carried out up to the removal of the top layer of soil (a diagram of the location of burial grounds in the Kamensky district is shown in Fig. 2.3 on the inset);

Modern measurements within the 0.2 Ci/km2 isolines for 90Sr make it possible to reconstruct the retrospective within the limits of up to ≈ 0.7 Ci/km2.

Restoring the boundaries of the initial pollution levels to 0.1 Ci/km2 required extrapolation of state mapping data, taking into account previously available information. A schematic map of pollution levels in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region (Ci/km2) for 1958, reconstructed from IGKE measurements in 1957, is shown in Fig. 2.4 on the tab.

Mapping by profiles did not have a target reference to populated areas and made it possible to identify area characteristics of pollution levels. Moreover, determining activity within populated areas is difficult due to disturbance of soil cover. This, in particular, makes it difficult to delineate anomalies, therefore, due to the role of adjacent territories in determining accumulated doses, it seems acceptable to estimate the level of pollution of populated areas for calculating accumulated doses based on area characteristics, taking into account existing anomalies.

Appendix P1 provides a complete list of settlements in the Sverdlovsk region on the territory of the EURT within the reconstructed isoline of 0.1 Ci/km2 for the initial content of 90Sr. In table Appendix P1 shows the administrative division of territories for the period of the accident (in brackets) and according to the 1989 census, the population according to the 1959 census, the levels of initial and modern 90Sr pollution. The results of the analysis of state mapping allow us to give a retrospective description of EURT within the region.

During the formation of the EURT, the lands of two city councils were affected: Kamensk-Uralsky (Sinarsky and Krasnogorsky district councils) and Kamyshlovsky, as well as 4 districts, occupying a total area of ​​​​about 7.24 thousand km2, which amounted to almost 68% of their territory. The area of ​​affected lands was, %: in Pokrovsky district - 45, in Pyshminsky - 78.9, Kamensk-Uralsky city council - 92.3 and Kamyshlovsky - 70.9.

Table 2.4

Territory and population of the EURT zone in the Sverdlovsk region at the beginning of 1959.


Total for the region

Total by city councils and districts

City Council District







Total territory, thousand km2 194.7 10.6 1.3 2.2 1.5 1.0 1.9 2.7

Including in the EURT zone 7.24 7.24 1.2 1.56 0.87 0.45 1.5 1.66

% to ter. region 3.7 68.3 92.3 70.9 58.0 45.0 78.9 61.5

Total population, thousand people 4044.6 364.8 166.4 58.9 42.0 18.0 27.6 51.9

Including in the EURT zone 302.5 302.5 164.2 54.9 13.7 8.2 20.0 40.3

% of all population. 7.5 80.7 98.7 93.7 32.97 45.0 73.9 62.2

Urban 3101.1 224.7 141.3 30.1 19.2 - 6.9 27.2

Including in the EURT zone 205.5 205.5 141.3 30.1 - - 6.9 27.2

Rural 943.5 140.0 25.1 28.7 22.8 18.0 20.7 24.7

Including in the EURT zone 95.8 95.8 22.9 24.8 13.7 8.2 13.1 13.1

% of all population. 10.0 68.8 91.2 94.3 60.5 45.0 65.2 35.1

Land temporarily taken out of circulation, thousand hectares 49.2 49.2 21.0 - 19.0 9.2 - -

Arable land, fallow land - 18.1 9.0 - 6.1 3.0 - -

Hayfields, pastures - 12.9 5.5 - 5.6 1.8 - -

Personal plots, gardens - 0.66 0.24 - 0.22 0.2 - -

Forests, including state forest reserves - 11.0 3.7 - 5.6 1.7 - -

Other lands - 6.6 2.5 - 1.5 2.6 - -

Information on the territory and population of contaminated lands according to EURT is presented in Table. 2.4. From the data presented it follows that the contaminated zone of the districts amounted to almost 4% of the region’s territory, where 7.5% of its inhabitants lived. In table 2.4 also shows the quantity and structure of contaminated lands temporarily taken out of circulation. It follows that almost 2/3 of the land is arable land, hayfields and pastures. There were up to 370 settlements in the EURT zone, including the cities of Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamyshlov, Talitsa; urban-type settlements Pyshma and Troitsky. The border of the trail lay near the southeastern outskirts of the town of Bogdanovich. The composition of settlements by number of inhabitants is given in Table. 2.5. As follows from the data, small settlements with a population of up to 100 people

Table 2.5

Initial pollution levels for 90Sr, Ci/km2

Total population points, pcs.

Including the number of residents, people.

Up to 20 21-100 101-200 201-500

More than 1000

Kamensky district *

More than 4.0 14 - 2 1 5 4 2

From 2.0 to 4.0 20 4 6 2 5 2 1

From 1.0 to 2.0 16 1 8 2 2 - 3

Less than 1.0 56 8 13 7 21 5 2

Total for the district 106 13 29 12 33 11 8

Bogdanovichsky district

From 2.0 to 4.0 4 1 1 1 - - 1

From 1.0 to 2.0 14 - 3 2 7 1 1

Less than 1.0 29 8 9 3 6 - 3

Total for the district 47 9 13 6 13 1 5

Kamyshlovsky district

From 2.0 to 4.0 1 - - - 1 - -

From 1.0 to 2.0 26 1 4 2 11 6 2

Less than 1.0 70 14 18 12 20 4 2

Total for the district 97 15 22 14 32 10 4

Pyshminsky district

From 1.0 to 2.0 3 - - 1 2 - -

Less than 1.0 51 5 14 7 17 7 1

Total for the district 54 5 4 8 19 7 1

Talitsky district

From 1.0 to 2.0 4 - - - 1 1 2

Less than 1.0 59 9 16 10 20 2 2

Total for the district 63 9 16 10 21 3 4

Other areas of the EURT zone

Less than 1.0 6 1 1 - 2 2 -

Total for EURT zone

More than 4.0 14 - 2 1 5 4 2

From 2.0 to 4.0 25 5 7 3 6 2 2

From 1.0 to 2.0 63 2 15 7 23 8 8

Less than 1.0 271 45 71 39 86 20 10

Total for EURT 373 52 95 50 120 34 22

* Including rural settlements and district councils of Kamensk-Uralsky.

Lovek made up almost 40% of the total, and with a population of 101 to 1000 people - about 55%. The largest number of affected settlements was in Kamensky (28.4%) and Kamyshlovsky (26%) districts. According to the 1959 census, the population of the affected territories was 302.5 thousand people. Of these, on lands with a pollution level of more than 4 Ci/km2 - > 7.0 thousand people; 4-2 Ci/km2 - 76.1 thousand people; 2-1 Ci/km2 - > 141.0 thousand people.

The list of settlements by territory with initial levels of 90Sr contamination of more than 1 Ci/km2 is given in Table. 2.6-2.8. At the time of the accident, 162.6 thousand people lived in them. In Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamyshlov and Talitsa the population was 198.6 thousand people. At the same time, the use of local agricultural products by the population, at least within the administrative division of territories, has expanded the boundaries of socially significant radiation exposure.

Comparing the reconstructed initial pollution levels with archival data, it should be noted that they are in qualitative agreement, with the exception of the version used in the justification of the State Rehabilitation Program for the region. Almost all 38 settlements classified as sanitary protection zones and zone A are among those with reconstructed pollution levels of more than 2 Ci/km2 for 90Sr (of which only 7 are less than 2 Ci/km2). The differences in estimates range from the accuracy of initial measurements of activity levels to the accuracy of their reconstruction from government mapping data.

The highest density of pollution occurred in the Kamensky district and the city of Kamensky-Uralsky (Sinarsky district).

The modern territory of EURT within the Sverdlovsk region, limited by the reconstructed isoline of 0.1 Ci/km2, includes 267 settlements, including the cities of Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamyshlov, Talitsa and the urban-type settlements of Pyshmu and Troitskoye. During the period of the existence of EURT within modern borders, the urban population increased from 205.9 to 287.3 thousand people, at the same time, the rural population decreased from 103.7 to 62.1 thousand people, while the number of settlements decreased by almost 100 units, according to regional statistical reporting for 1994. Of these, 15 settlements, home to over 115 thousand people, are currently located in areas with pollution densities of 1-2 Ci/km2 (Table 2.9). Among them is the city of Kamensk-Uralsky (partially).

Table 2.6

Settlements with an initial pollution level of more than 4 Ci/km2

Village Council Locality

As of 1958

According to IGKE maps of 1998

Kamensky (Pokrovsky)

Gornoisetsky (Smolinsky)

D. Klyuchi (Smolinskie Klyuchiki) 261 7.2 2.0

D. Chetyrkina (relocated) 291 7.2 2.0

S. Tygish (relocated) 471 7.0 1.5


Popovo village 40 4.3 1.2


With. Rybnikovskoe 568 8.0 2.2


New plant (Belovodsky) village New Plant 1256 5.4 1.5

Kamensky (Sinarsky)

Pozarikhinsky (Belovodsky)

D. Belovodye 193 5.4 1.5

S. Pozarikha 1209 5.4 1.5

D. Bortnikova 94 5.4 1.5

Cheremkhovsky village Cheremkhovo 773 5.4 1.5

Kamensky (Krasnogorsky)


Brod village 705 4.3 1.2

D. Klyukina (relocated)387 5.0 0.9

D. Klyuchiki 204 4.3 1.2

Brodovskoy (Shcherbakovsky) village. Shcherbakovo 625 5.8 1.6

Total 7077

Table 2.7

Settlements with an initial level of pollution from 2 to 4 Ci/km2

Administrative division and population

Pollution density 90Sr, Ci/km2

Village Council Locality

Population as of 01/15/59, people.

As of 1958

According to IGKE maps of 1998

Kamensky (Pokrovsky)

Gornoisetsky (Smolinsky) village. Smolinskoye 273 2.9 0.8

Pokrovsky village M. Smolinka 24 2.5 0.7

Rybnikovsky village Bogatenkova 447 2.9 0.8

End of table. 2.7

Administrative division and population

Pollution density 90Sr, Ci/km2

Village Council Locality

Population as of 01/15/59, people.

As of 1958

According to IGKE maps of 1998


Krasnogorsk district council (Brodovskoy) Tokareva village 99 2.5 0.7

District Council of Novozavodskaya (Belovodsky)

Sinarsky 70700 3.6 1.0

D. Kodinka 604 3.6 1.0

D. Malaya Kodinka 80 3.6 1.0

P. Kodinsky, female siding 77 3.6 1.0

P. State Roads 38 3.6 1.0

Kamensky (Sinarsky)

Pozarikhinsky (Belovodsky)

D. Mazulya 204 2.5 0.7

D. Svoboda (St. Lyamina)219 2.5 0.7


high Sosnovka 162 2.2 0.6

High Pervomaika 87 2.5 0.3

High Proletarka 14 2.9 0.8

Kamensky (Krasnogorsky)

Brodovskoy village Baynova Pledge 397 2.2 0.6

P. Baynovskaya farm 78 2.2 0.6

D. Martyush 659 3.6 1.0

Uch. Brigade 2 3 3.6 1.0

House of Explosive Industry 20 3.6 1.0

Brodovskoy (Shcherbakovsky)

Control line section, pioneer camp 8 3.6 1.0


Baynovsky village Zhukovo 11 2.2 0.6

D. Solontsy 66 2.5 0.7

D. Podzhukovo 127 2.9 0.8

P. Poldnevoy (mine)


Shilkinsky village Shilkinskoe 213 2.5 0.7

Total 76122

Table 2.8

Settlements with an initial level of pollution from 1 to 2 Ci/km2

Administrative division and population

Pollution density 90 Sr, Ci/km2

Village Council Locality

Population as of 01/15/59, people.

As of 1958

According to IGKE maps of 1998

Kamensky (Pokrovsky)

Gornoisetsky (Smolinsky)

Mogilnikovsky peat bog 58 1.8 0.5

Pokrovsky village M. Belonosova 214 1.4 0.4

Pokrovsky village Smolinskie Gorki 95 1.4 0.4

Kamensky (Sinarsky)

Pozarikhinsky (Belovodsky)

Railway barracks 279, 286 km and booth 288 km 39 1.8 0.5

Travyansky village Travyanskoye 1171 1.0 0.3

P. Ural 166 1.4 0.4

D. Kremlevka 398 1.8 0.5

High High ridge 178 1.8 0.5

High Kalinovka 83 1.0 0.3

Village Solontsy 10 1.0 0.3

Railway barracks 272 km and booths 275, 277 km 36 1.0 0.3


Pos. Travyany, w. station 64 1.0 0.3

High Krasnobolotka 78 1.4 0.4

High Stepanovka 39 1.4 0.4

Railway barracks 107 km 42 1.4 0.4


District Council Monastyrsky

Krasnogorsky 70600 1.4 0.4

With. Monastery 1893 1.0 0.3



Verkhnyaya Poldnevaya village 204 1.8 0.5

D. Oktyabrina 106 1.8 0.5

S. Bayny 2862 1.7 0.3

S. Shchipachi (wed. Poldnevaya) 337 1.4 0.4

D. Pesyanka 71 1.4 0.4

D. Aleshina 96 1.0 0.3

Volkovsky (Volodinsky)

With. Volkovskoe 750 1.4 0.4

Shchipachi village 251 1.8 0.5

Garashkinsky village Dubrovny 107 1.0 0.3

Ilyinsky (Volodinsky)

Cherdancy village 232 1.0 0.3

Continuation of the table. 2.8

Administrative division and population

Pollution density 90Sr, Ci/km2

Village Council Locality

Population as of 01/15/59, people.

As of 1958

According to IGKE maps of 1998


D. Beavers 69 1.0 0.3

S. Chernokorovskoye 326 1.0 0.3

D. Parshino 219 1.0 0.3

D. Raskatikha 315 1.0 0.3

Kamyshlovsky (Bogdanovichsky)

Oktyabrsky (Volodinsky)

D. Borisovo 276 1.4 0.4

S. Volodinskoe 311 1.4 0.4


Oktyabrsky (Volodinsky)

P. Oktyabrsky (1 state farm school) 719 1.0 0.3


village Kolyasnikovo 297 1.0 0.3

D. Shipitsina 340 1.4 0.4

Obukhovsky (Koksharovsky)

S. Obukhovskoe 543 1.4 0.4

D. Gryaznushka 235 1.4 0.4

D. Kazakova 412 1.4 0.4

Obukhovsky rest house 109 1.4 0.4

Pioneer camp 22 1.4 0.4

D. Koksharov 588 1.0 0.3

D. Legotino 253 1.0 0.3

D. Mostovaya 161 1.0 0.3

P. Oil depot 12 1.0 0.3

P. Koksharovsky, w. station 52 1.0 0.3

Railway booths 991,993, 997, 999 km 39 1.0 0.3


p. Elanskaya, railway station 2507 1.0 0.3

D. Borovlyanka 80 1.0 0.3

D. Yalunina 217 1.4 0.4

Eastern (Aksarikha)

P. Vostochny (p. Aksarikha agricultural) 587 1.0 0.3

D. Aksarikha 210 1.0 0.3

D. Kashina 299 1.0 0.3


With. Galkinskoe 607 1.0 0.3


Butyrki village 411 1.0 0.3


village Solodylovo 647 1.4 0.4

Kamyshlov 30100 1.0 0.3


Trifonovsky village Melnikova 115 1.0 0.3

D. Ustyanka 304 1.4 0.4

End of table. 2.8

Administrative division and population

Pollution density 90Sr, Ci/km2

Village Council Locality

Population as of 01/15/59, people.

As of 1958

According to IGKE maps of 1998


Savina village 398 1.0 0.3


Gorbunovsky (Lugovskoy) village. Gorbunovskoe 649 1.0 0.3

City Talitsa 17200 1.0 0.3

Kuyarovsky (Yarovsky) village Temnaya 459 1.0 0.3

Chupinsky village Komsomolsky (unit No. 1 agricultural Chupinsky) 1036 1.0 0.3

Total 141304

Table 2.9

Settlements with current pollution levels of more than 1 Ci/km2

Administrative division and population

Pollution density 90Sr, Ci/km2 according to 1998 IGKE maps.

Village Council Locality*

Population as of 01/01/94, people.


District Council Sinarsky 105463 1.0

Novozavodsky (Belovodsky)

d. New Plant 530 1.5

Novozavodsky (Shcherbakovsky)

d. Kodinka 410 1.0

Malaya Kodinka village 6 1.0

P. Kodinsky, female junction 11 1.0

P. State Roads 6 1.0

Kamensky district

Brodovskoy D. Brod 628 1.2

D. Keys 12 1.2

D. Martyush 4323 1.0

Brodovskoy (Shcherbakovsky) village. Shcherbakovo 38 1.6

Gornoisetsky (Smolinsky) village Klyuchi 2 2

Pozarikhinsky (Belovodsky)

With. Pozarikha 2249 1.5

village Belovodye 83 1.5

Rybnikovsky village Rybnikovskoe 1110 2.2

Cheremkhovsky village Cheremkhovo 510 1.5

Total 115381

* Within the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, the names of settlements at the time of the accident are presented, which were later included in the city.


Clarification of the levels of radioactive contamination of territories made it possible to estimate the radiation doses of the population in the EURT zone of the Sverdlovsk region. The calculation of accumulated doses was carried out according to the method “Reconstruction of the accumulated dose among residents of the river basin.” Leak and accident zones in 1957 at the Mayak production association. For this purpose, the emission composition published in the method was chosen, %: 90Sr + 90Y - 5.4, 95Zr + 95Nb - 24.9, 144Ce + 144Pr - 66, 106Ru + 106Rh - 3.7, 137Cs - 0.036. At the same time, for 1 Ci/km2 of 90Sr at the time of deposition there were 4.6 Ci/km2 of 95Zr and 95Nb, 12.2 Ci/km2 of 144Ce and about 0.7 Ci/km2 of 106Ru. Based on these data, the effective dose rates created by the fallen radionuclides, and then the accumulated doses, were calculated.

The main factors influencing the formation of the accumulated dose by the population are:

External γ- and β-irradiation during the passage of a radioactive cloud;

Internal exposure due to inhalation of radionuclides during the same period;

External irradiation due to radionuclides deposited on the soil;

Internal irradiation of the body due to radionuclides supplied with food.

According to the methodology, these impact factors are uniquely related to the density of surface contamination with radionuclides and can be determined by the initial density of contamination of the territory with 90Sr. Dose loads from the passing radioactive cloud were mainly due to the effects of external gamma and beta radiation and internal exposure from radionuclides entering the body through inhalation.

Calculation of the dose impact from external γ- and β-irradiation during the passage of a radioactive cloud, performed in accordance with the methodology, showed that the effective dose, normalized to a contamination density of 1 Ci/km2, for 90Sr is 0.0013 mSv. Based on the methodology, taking into account the proportion of respirable particles (~ 10%), dose coefficients from inhalation intake of radionuclides were calculated for different ages.

Groups (normalized to the surface pollution density of 1 Ci/km2 for 90Sr):

Age, years 0-1 1-2 3-7 8-12 13-17 Adults

Eff. dose, mSv 0.060 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.14

It should be borne in mind that only those persons who were on the territory of the EURT on September 29, 1957 were exposed to dose effects from the passing radioactive cloud.

The calculations took into account the decay of radionuclides, penetration into the soil, the coefficient of effective shielding by buildings, the influence of snow cover, etc. Since the external radiation dose was mainly determined by relatively short-lived radionuclides, external radiation doses were taken into account until 1963 inclusive. After this period, the additional dose load on the population from external radiation was less than 10 μSv/year, which, according to NRB-96, is a negligible value. The values ​​of external radiation doses are determined by the period of exposure after the accident.

(effective shielding coefficient Kee = 0.5):

Time after the accident, years 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-1 4-5 5-6 6-7

Annual doses of external radiation, mSv/year 0.928 0.036 0.019 0.012 0.008 0.009 0.007

In the methodology, based on experiments conducted on the transition of radionuclides from soil to food, as well as studying the diet of the population of the Ural region, the average annual intake of all radionuclides through food chains for various age groups is calculated. The calculation of accumulated doses from incorporated radionuclides was carried out taking into account the data recommended by the methodology in publication 56 of the ICRP. When calculating the annual doses created by the intake of radionuclides in the diet, we limited ourselves to the first 20 years after the accident, when noticeable dynamics of changes in the intake of radionuclides into the human body were observed (Table 2.10). After 1976, the intake of 90Sr and 137Cs (the only remaining nuclides) creates doses of the order of 0.02-0.03 mSv/year, with a tendency to decrease due to radioactive decay. These doses, although they exceed the level regulated by NRB-96 of 0.01 mSv/year, are insignificant from a practical point of view, since this value is more than an order of magnitude less than

Table 2.10

Annual effective radiation doses received by the population of the EURT zone (mSv), normalized for pollution no 90Sr 1 Ci/km2

Year of birth 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963

1976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1971 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1968 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1967 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,226

1962 0 0 0 0 0 0,277 0,288

1961 0 0 0 0 0,331 0,351 0,166

1960 0 0 0 0,514 0,416 0,196 0,166

1959 0 0 1,27 0,606 0,220 0,196 0,166

1958 0 6,29 1,35 0,298 0,220 0,196 0,166

1957 19,28 3,82 0,653 0,298 0,220 0,196 0,166

1956 24,42 2,73 0,653 0,298 0,220 0,196 0,160

1955 17,91 4,04 0,764 0,337 0,237 0,192 0,167

1954 18,16 4,07 0,780 0,347 0,231 0,193 0,167

1953 18,16 4,07 0,780 0,324 0,231 0,193 0,167

1952 18,16 4,07 0,632 0,324 0,231 0,193 0,167

1951 18,16 2,84 0,632 0,324 0,231 0,193 0,238

1950 15,41 3,80 0,719 0,362 0,248 0,297 0,245

1949 15,51 3,83 0,726 0,367 0,353 0,299 0,246

1948 15,51 3,83 0,726 0,501 0,353 0,299 0,246

1947 15,51 3,83 0,812 0,501 0,353 0,299 0,246

1946 15,51 3,10 0,812 0,501 0,353 0,299 0,246

1945 13,46 3,34 0,817 0,505 0,354 0,299 0,136

1944 13,46 3,34 0,817 0,505 0,354 0,166 0,136

1943 13,46 3,34 0,817 0,505 0,196 0,166 0,136

1942 13,46 3,34 0,817 0,284 0,196 0,166 0,136

1941 13,46 3,34 0,497 0,284 0,196 0,166 0,136

1940 13,46 2,31 0,497 0,284 0,196 0,166 0,136

1939 10,49 2,49 0,501 0,287 0,198 0,166 0,136

1976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Continuation of the table. 2.10

Year of birth 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970

1972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1971 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0818

1969 0 0 0 0 0 0,0914 0,1050

1968 0 0 0 0 0,1058 0,1173 0,0567

1967 0 0 0 0,1227 0,1359 0,0634 0,0567

1966 0 0 0,1396 0,1576 0,0734 0,0634 0,0567

1965 0 0,166 0,1792 0,0850 0,0734 0,0634 0,0567

1964 0,186 0,213 0,0969 0,0850 0,0734 0,0634 0,0567

1963 0,238 0,115 0,0969 0,0850 0,0734 0,0634 0,0618

1962 0,128 0,115 0,0969 0,0850 0,0734 0,0691 0,0618

1961 0,128 0,115 0,0969 0,0850 0,0800 0,0691 0,0618

1960 0,128 0,115 0,0969 0,0926 0,0800 0,0691 0,0618

1959 0,128 0,115 0,106 0,0926 0,0800 0,0691 0,0618

1958 0,128 0,120 0,106 0,0926 0,0800 0,0691 0,0889

1957 0,133 0,120 0,105 0,0926 0,0800 0,0993 0,0889

1956 0,133 0,120 0,105 0,0927 0,115 0,0993 0,0889

1955 0,136 0,123 0,106 0,133 0,115 0,0993 0,0889

1954 0,137 0,124 0,152 0,133 0,115 0,0993 0,0889

1953 0,137 0,178 0,152 0,133 0,115 0,0993 0,0889

1952 0,196 0,178 0,152 0,133 0,115 0,0993 0,0478

1951 0,196 0,178 0,152 0,133 0,115 0,0535 0,0478

1950 0,202 0,181 0,152 0,133 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1949 0,202 0,181 0,152 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1948 0,202 0,181 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1947 0,202 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1946 0,109 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1945 0,109 0,0$75 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1944 0,109 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1943 0,109 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1942 0,109 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1941 0,109 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1940 0,109 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1939 0,109 0,0975 0,0818 0,0719 0,0620 0,0535 0,0478

1976 0 0 0 0 0 0,0361 0,036

1975 0 0 0 0 0,0409 0,0463 0,087

1974 0 0 0 0,0481 0,0525 0,0250 0,126

1973 0 0 0,0553 0,0617 0,0283 0,0250 0,170

1972 0 0,0625 0,0710 0,0333 0,0283 0,0250 0,220

1971 0,0697 0,0803 0,0383 0,0333 0,0283 0,0250 0,275

1970 0,0896 0,0434 0,0383 0,0333 0,0283 0,0250 0,340

1969 0,0484 0,0434 0,0383 0,0333 0,0283 0,0273 0,415

1968 0,0484 0,0434 0,0383 0,0333 0,0309 0,0273 0,501

1967 0,0484 0,0434 0,0383 0,0363 0,0309 0,0273 0,603

End of table. 2.10

Year of birth 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Amount

1966 0,0484 0,0434 0,0418 0,0363 0,0309 0,0273 0,719

1965 0,0484 0,0473 0,0418 0,0363 0,0309 0,0273 0,856

1964 0,0527 0,0473 0,0418 0,0363 0,0309 0,0392 1,02

1963 0,0527 0,0473 0,0418 0,0363 0,0444 0,0392 1,22

1962 0,0527 0,0473 0,0418 0,0522 0,0444 0,0392 1,47

1961 0,0527 0,0473 0,0601 0,0522 0,0444 0,0392 1,78

1960 0,0527 0,0679 0,0601 0,0522 0,0444 0,0392 2,25

1959 0,0758 0,0679 0,0601 0,0522 0,0444 0,0392 3,45

1958 0,0758 0,0679 0,0601 0,0522 0,0444 0,0211 9,53

1957 0,0758 0,0679 0,0601 0,0522 0,0239 0,0211 25,7

1956 0,0758 0,0679 0,0601 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 29,7

1955 0,0758 0,0679 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 24,7

1954 0,0758 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 25,0

1953 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 25,0

1952 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 24,9

1951 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 23,7

1950 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 22,1

1949 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 22,3

1948 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 22,3

1947 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 22,3

1946 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 21,5

1945 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 19,6

1944 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 19,5

1943 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 19,3

1942 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 19,1

1941 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 18,8

1940 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 17,8

1939 0,0408 0,0366 0,0323 0,0281 0,0239 0,0211 15,0

What is the standard deviation for doses created by natural background radiation (σРН ~ 0.5-0.7 mSv/year).

When making calculations, it must be borne in mind that the table does not represent the calendar year, but the one-year period after the accident, i.e. the designation 1957 corresponds to the period from 09.29.57 to 09.29.58, the designation 1958 corresponds to the period from 09.29.58 to 09.29.59, etc. If a person stayed in the EURT zone for a fractional number of years, then for periods exceeding two years from the moment of the accident, linear interpolation can be used with sufficient accuracy.

The main doses received by the population were formed in the first two years after the accident. At the same time, contaminated areas were examined, grading of agricultural products, and rehabilitation work were carried out. A significant number of workers traveled to contaminated areas

Rhetories lasting from several weeks to several months. In addition to the resettled settlements of Tygish, Chetyrkino, and Klyukino, a significant part of the population migrated independently. In this regard, it is of interest to be able to determine the accumulated effective radiation doses for an arbitrary period of stay in the EURT zone during the first two years after the accident.

For settlements resettled during rehabilitation work, the methodology makes it possible to calculate the doses accumulated by the population in the first months after the accident (Table 2.11). Evidence suggests that this measure is ineffective. Due to the delay in resettlement, the accumulated effective dose in resettled persons decreased by only 15.5% compared to its expected value without resettlement.

The results obtained can serve as the basis for calculating accumulated doses for an arbitrary period of stay in the EURT zone after the accident (arrival in the zone after 09/29/57) (Table 2.12). To do this, it is necessary from the data in table. 2.11 subtract the dose contribution from the radioactive cloud and select a mathematical function that describes the patterns of effective dose accumulation with minimal errors. It should be borne in mind that the calculations carried out are valid only if local food products were eaten.

Data analysis table. 2.12 shows that the accumulated effective radiation dose for an arbitrary period of stay in the EURT zone in the first two years after the accident for any age groups can be calculated using the formula

##, mSv, (2.1)

Where A is surface contamination of the territory of a populated area 90Sr, Ci/km2; tpr, tub - time of arrival and departure from a populated area in the EURT zone (days after the accident).

The results of calculations of the effective radiation dose for the entire period, normalized to the surface contamination density of 1 Ci/km2 for 90Sr, are given in Table. 2.14. The accumulated effective dose averaged across age cohorts for this population is 16.9 mSv per 1 Ci/km2 of 90Sr. When using the methodology, it was assumed that the population

Table 2.11

Accumulated effective doses (mSv) of radiation, normalized to the density of surface contamination of 1 Ci/km2 for 90Sr for settlements resettled at various times after the accident

1956 0,98 1,36 16,73 18,83 19,28 22,54 23,10

1951-1955 1,16 1,55 18,51 21,02 24,42 26,57 27,15

1946-1950 0,97 1,25 14,32 16,57 18,16 21,43 22,23

1940-1945 0,88 1,13 12,70 14,81 15,52 18,50 19,20

1939 0,74 0,99 10,63 12,61 13,46 16,11 16,80

≤1939 0,64 0,83 8,46 9,87 10,49 12,44 12,97

Table 2.12

Accumulated effective doses (mSv) of population exposure, normalized to the surface contamination density of 1 Ci/km2 for 90Sr, at various times after the accident

Year of birth Date of departure, days

1958 10 14 250 330 365 670 730

1957 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 5,75 6,29

1956 0,93 1,30 16,67 18,77 19,22 22,54 23,10

1951-1955 1,03 1,41 18,38 20,89 24,29 26,57 27,15

1946-1950 0,78 1,07 14,13 16,38 17,98 21,43 22,23

1940-1945 0,70 0,95 12,52 14,63 15,33 18,54 19,34

1939 0,58 0,83 10,47 12,45 13,30 16,11 16,80

≤1939 0,50 0,69 8,32 9,73 10,35 12,44 12,97

Table 2.13

Values ​​of coefficients a and b for calculating the accumulated effective dose for an arbitrary period of stay in the EURT zone in the first two years after the accident

Year of birth a b Year of birth a b

1957 0,03467 6,3187 1946-1950 0,03800 10,2116

1956 0,02849 5,8005 1940-1945 0,04235 12,6722

1951-1955 0,03239 9,2215 ≤1939 0,05622 15,4831

Table 2.14

Effective radiation doses for the entire period, normalized to the surface contamination density of 1 Ci/km2 for 90Sr

Age at exposure, years

Irradiation sources in the EURT zone

Total effective dose, mSv

Intake from food

Inhalation intake

External exposure

< 1 23,5 0,06 1,16 24,7

1-2 27,4 0,13 1,16 28,7

3-7 22,9 0,18 1,16 24,2

8-12 20,5 0,18 1,16 21,9

13-17 17,4 0,16 1,16 18,7

Adults 13.4 0.14 1.16 14.7

Table 2.15

Dose loads on the population of Kamensk-Uralsky, who have been living continuously since the accidents, according to data on the initial levels of pollution of places of residence

A district of the city

Population as of 1959, people.

Initial pollution density for 90Sr, Ci/km2

Dose to critical group, mSv

Average dose, mSv

D. Kodinka 604 3.6 103.3 60.8

D. M. Kodinka 80 3.6 103.3 60.8

D. New Plant 1256 5.4 155.0 91.3

Kodinka railway crossing 77 3.6 103.3 60.8

P. State roads 38 3.6 120.5 70.1

Sinarsky 70700 3.6 103.3 60.8

Krasnogorsky 70600 1.4 40.2 23.7

Table 2.16

Equivalent radiation doses for the entire period to individual organs, normalized to the surface contamination density of 1 Ci/km2 for 90Sr

Age at exposure

Dose, mSv

Age at exposure

Dose, mSv

Red bone marrow

Adults 35.3

Stomach 0-9 5.0

Adults 3.3

Small intestine

Adults 6.8

Upper colon

Adults 32.4

Lower colon

Adults 94.6

Accident September 29, 1957 (Sunday) 16 hours 22 minutes local time. An explosion occurred in can 14 of the S-3 complex. Due to the failure of the cooling system, an explosion occurred in a container with a volume of 300 cubic meters, which contained about 80 m³ of highly radioactive nuclear waste. The explosion, estimated at tens of tons of TNT equivalent, destroyed the tank, a 1-meter-thick concrete floor weighing 160 tons was thrown aside, and about 20 million curies of radiation were released into the atmosphere. Some of the radioactive substances were raised by the explosion to a height of 1-2 km and formed a cloud consisting of liquid and solid aerosols. Within hours, radioactive substances fell over a distance of kilometers in the northeast direction from the explosion site (in the direction of the wind). The zone of radiation contamination included the territory of several enterprises of the Mayak plant, a military camp, a fire station, a prison colony, and then an area of ​​sq. km. with a population of people in 217 settlements of three regions: Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen.

During the liquidation of the consequences of the accident, 23 villages from the most contaminated areas with a population of 10 to 12 thousand people were resettled, and buildings, property and livestock were destroyed. To prevent the spread of radiation, in 1959, by government decision, a sanitary protection zone was formed on the most contaminated part of the radioactive trace, where all economic activity was prohibited, and since 1968, the East Ural State Reserve was formed on this territory. Now the contamination zone is called the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT).

The official cause of the disaster “The disruption of the cooling system due to corrosion and failure of control equipment in one of the containers of the radioactive waste storage facility, with a volume of 300 cubic meters, caused self-heating of tons of high-level waste stored there, mainly in the form of nitrate-acetate compounds. The evaporation of water, drying of the residue and heating it to a temperature of degrees led to an explosion of the contents of the container on September 29, 1957 at 16:00 local time. The power of the explosion is estimated in tons of trinitrotoluene.”

East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) The total length of the EURT was approximately 300 km in length, with a width of 5-10 kilometers. On this area of ​​almost 20 thousand square meters. km. About 270 thousand people lived, of which about 10 thousand people ended up in areas with a density of radioactive contamination of over 2 curies per square kilometer for strontium-90 and 2,100 people with a density of over 100 curies per square kilometer. The territory of more than 2 curies per square kilometer for strontium-90 included approximately 23 settlements, mostly small villages. EURT included a territory bounded by an isoline of two four curies per square kilometer for strontium-90, with an area of ​​about 700 square meters. km. The lands in this zone are recognized as temporarily unsuitable for agriculture. It is prohibited here to use land and forest lands, and water bodies, to plow and sow, to cut down forests, to cut hay and graze livestock, to hunt, fish, and pick mushrooms and berries. No one is allowed here without special permission.

Elimination of the consequences of the accident Young men from the nearest cities of Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg were mobilized for liquidation, without warning them of the danger. Entire military units were brought in to cordon off the contaminated area. Then the soldiers were forbidden to say where they were. Young children aged 7-13 were sent from villages to bury radioactive crops (it was autumn). The Mayak plant even used pregnant women for liquidation work. In the Chelyabinsk region and the city of nuclear workers after the accident, mortality increased, people died right at work, freaks were born, entire families died out.

Lake of Death In 1967, due to early spring and hot summer, the water level in the lakes dropped significantly and their bottom was exposed. The dust storm, which lasted for two weeks, lifted the bottom sediments of Lake Karachay into the air with 600 thousand Ci of radioactivity, which led to the contamination of another 2.7 thousand km2 (pollution density above 0.1 Ci/km2). Radioactive dust covered 63 settlements, where 41.5 thousand people lived; people from the near zone of the trace received an average of 1.3 rem due to external irradiation; 18 thousand people were resettled.

Consequences Chelyabinsk doctor N.N. Abramova said that over the past year and a half, 150 people have died in Tatar Karabolka, and over the past 25 years - one and a half thousand. Today, 400 people live in the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka, one third of them are paralyzed, almost all of them have cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, everyone suffers from gastrointestinal diseases, joint pain, and there are also amputees. In the village there are often disabled children with Down syndrome and crazy people.

Mortality The Expanded Techa River Cohort includes people born before 1950 and living on the banks of the river during any time interval between 1950 and 1960. For most individuals included in this cohort, information on vital status and causes of death is available. A dose-dependent increase in cancer mortality among cohort members was established. Preliminary estimates of the radiation risk of malignant neoplasms based on mortality data are presented. The analysis included deaths from malignant tumors and 61 deaths from leukemia. Calculations show that about 2.5% of deaths from malignant tumors and 63% of deaths from leukemia in this cohort are associated with exposure to ionizing radiation

Eyewitness testimony. Nadezhda Kutepova, daughter of a liquidator, Ozersk My father was 17 years old and he studied at a technical school in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). On September 30, 1957, he and his other fellow students were loaded directly from classes into trucks and brought to Mayak to eliminate the consequences of the accident. They were not told anything about the seriousness of the dangers of radiation. They worked for days. They were given individual dosimeters, but were punished for overdosing, so many people left dosimeters in their clothing drawers so as not to “overdose.” In 1983, he fell ill with cancer, he was operated on in Moscow, but he began to metastasize throughout the body, and 3 years later he died. We were told then that it was not from the accident, but then this disease was officially recognized as a consequence of the accident at Mayak. My grandmother also participated in the liquidation of the accident and officially received a large dose. I never saw her because she died of lymphatic cancer long before I was born, 8 years after the accident.

Eyewitness testimony Gulshara Ismagilova, resident of the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka I was 9 years old, and we were in school. One day they gathered us and told us that we would harvest the crops. It was strange to us that instead of harvesting the crops, we were forced to bury them. And there were policemen standing around, they were guarding us so that no one would run away. In our class, most of the students later died of cancer, and those who remained are very sick, the women suffer from infertility.

Eyewitness testimony Natalya Smirnova, resident of Ozersk I remember that there was terrible panic in the city at that time. Cars drove along all the streets and washed the roads. They told us on the radio that we should throw away everything that was in our houses that day and constantly wash the floor. Many people, Mayak workers, then fell ill with acute radiation sickness; everyone was afraid to say or ask anything under the threat of dismissal or even arrest.

Eyewitness testimony Rizvan Khabibullin, resident of the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka (Quote from the book by F. Bayramova “Nuclear Archipelago”, Kazan, 2005.) On September 29, 1957, we, students of the Karabolskaya secondary school, were harvesting root crops in the fields of the collective farm named after. Zhdanova. At about 4 p.m., everyone heard a roar from somewhere in the west and felt a gust of wind. In the evening a strange fog descended on the field. We, of course, did not suspect anything and continued to work. The work continued in the following days. A few days later, for some reason, we were forced to destroy root crops that had not yet been exported... By winter, I began to have terrible headaches. I remember how I rolled on the floor in exhaustion, how my temples were tightened like a hoop, my nose was bleeding, I practically lost my sight.

The struggle Residents who live near the plant have been trying to stop its work for many years; constant trials do not give any result. A special society has been created that is fighting for the resettlement of residents from the radioactive zone. But unfortunately, everything is unsuccessful, the chemical plant continues to operate and discharges its radioactive waste into the Techa River.

Literature: Website “Ural Chernobyl: tragedy of the Tatars” “Chernobyl lessons” Information and analytical agency “Antiatom.ru” html html Approximate area of ​​the East Ural radioactive trace c737c32f5478c4e c737c32f5478c4e Article about the Kyshtym tragedy and its consequences on the Greenpeace report:

The steady development of nuclear energy inevitably raises the question of the need to ensure radiation safety for the population and the environment. Relatively rare radiation accidents (mostly at the dawn of the development of nuclear energy - Table 1) had a huge emotional impact on the population, leading to extreme fear of the invisible radiation threat (so-called radiophobia).

Table 1

The most significant accidents at nuclear power facilities (according to: Bekman, 2005; Sivintsev, Khrulev, 1995; Chernobyl..., 1990; Snakin et al., 2012)

The growth of negative sentiment was also facilitated by the lack of information on this issue, both due to the limitations of our knowledge and due to the secrecy of most radiation projects in Russia and abroad. The Ural accidents that took place in 1949–1967 led to extensive pollution of the environment with radioactive waste from the Mayak nuclear weapons complex (Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region - Fig. 1). As a result of radiation accidents and incidents at Mayak PA facilities, by the end of the 1960s. There was radioactive contamination of the industrial zone of the enterprise and part of the territories of the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions.

Rice. 1. Subjects of the Russian Federation affected by the impact of the Mayak PA

The main causes of pollution are: discharges of liquid radioactive waste (LRW) into the river basin. Leaks from 1949 to 1956, which led to pollution of the Techa and Iset water areas; the explosion of a radioactive waste (RAW) storage tank in 1957, which resulted in the formation of the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT); wind drift from the lake. Karachay radioactive waste in 1967 (Karachay trace), as well as technological releases of radionuclides as a result of the production activities of the Mayak PA. The current situation is characterized by the superposition of radioactive fields of these events, complicated by hydrometeorological and landscape factors.

The above incidents differ significantly in their nature (water and air routes of radionuclides entering the environment) and consequences. It is necessary to note the unevenness of the fallout of radionuclides and the characteristics of their migration in various environmental objects. Certain components of the environment accumulate radionuclides, others are transit media. The content of long-lived radionuclides 137 Cs and 90 Sr in the river. The flow is gradually decreasing, but systematic water pollution occurs due to the filtration of radionuclides from the Techa cascade of reservoirs containing radioactive waste. In addition, there remains the threat of massive river pollution in the event of a violation of the integrity of the dams due to an earthquake or terrorist attack. EURT and the Karachay trace are characterized by a decrease in the involvement of radionuclides in food chains, due to the processes of radioactive decay, physicochemical binding and migration (Kostyuchenko, 2005).

Natural waters, soils, vegetation, fauna and humans were exposed to radioactive contamination. To minimize the consequences of radioactive contamination of territories, various protective measures were taken. Many years after the accident, the problem arises of returning previously contaminated lakes, rivers, pastures, forests, etc. to economic use, which requires serious justification and knowledge of the radiation-ecological patterns of the behavior of radionuclides in environmental objects.


In 1945, in order to implement an atomic project to ensure the defense and security of the country, the government of the Soviet Union decided to create one of the special industrial facilities in the Southern Urals, currently known as the Mayak Production Association (PA Mayak).

The Mayak production association is the first enterprise in the USSR for the industrial production of plutonium-239, which grew out of Plant No. 817, located in the north of the Chelyabinsk region, 70 kilometers from the million-strong Chelyabinsk, near the ancient Ural cities of Kyshtym and Kasli. The enterprise was built immediately after the end of the Second World War to solve unprecedentedly complex scientific, technical and production problems in creating nuclear weapons in the Soviet Union. For decades, the achievement of military-political goals has relegated environmental protection to the background. The extremely high pace of development of unique technological equipment, construction and commissioning of new production facilities, the lack of scientific knowledge and technological experience have given rise to serious problems in the field of environmental protection and human health. In conditions of acute shortage of resources and time, simplified schemes for managing radioactive waste (RAW) were adopted.

Until the autumn of 1951, liquid waste was dumped into the river. Techa. In the subsequent period, natural and artificial reservoirs were used as storage facilities for liquid radioactive waste (LRW) (waste with the highest levels of activity was discharged from the fall of 1951 into reservoir B-9 - Lake Karachay). Significant in the 1950s–60s. There were also gas and aerosol emissions of radioactive substances through high (up to 150 m) pipes into the atmosphere. Subsequently, an effective system of gas treatment plants was created (Stukalov, Rovny, 2009).

PA Mayak is a special security enterprise: the fenced and guarded territory occupies approximately 200 km 2 (which, however, is tens of times less than the territory of the “related” Hanford nuclear complex in the USA). All the main production facilities were and are located here along the southern shore of the “technical” lake. Kyzyl-Tyash, and 10 km from the industrial zone, between lakes Kyzyl-Tyash and Irtyash, there is a residential center of the Mayak PA - the city of Ozyorsk, known first as Chelyabinsk-40, then as Chelyabinsk-65. The life of the city is directly related to the activities of the plant (Evseev, 2003).

Currently, the following estimates of the release of radionuclides into the external environment are accepted:
1) discharge of liquid radioactive waste into the river. Techa in the period 1949–1956 is estimated at 76 million m3 of wastewater with a total activity of 2.75 MCi. The discharge contains 90 Sr – 11.6%; 137 Cs – 12.2% (Dekteva et al., 1992). It should be noted that all documentation for accounting for discharges from the radiochemical plant into Techa during the period of its commissioning and development (1948–1951) was destroyed, therefore all the main data for this period of discharges of liquid radioactive waste were obtained in the mid-1950s using the calculation method ( Liquidation..., 2006);
2) explosion of a storage facility (can No. 14) of highly radioactive waste on September 29, 1957. Of the 20 MCi released into the atmosphere, pollution estimated at 18 MCi fell in the area of ​​the industrial site of the enterprise, and 2 MCi spread in the northeast direction from the industrial zone of the Mayak PA » forming the East Ural radioactive trace (EURT). When mapping in 1958, the trace area was highlighted by an isoline of pollution density of 0.2 Ci/km 2 for 90 Sr (the length of the trace is about 300 km with a width of 6 to 15 km). The share of 90 Sr in the emission was 5.4%, and 137 Cs was less than 1% (Liquidation..., 2006);
3) as a result of wind dispersion of radioactive deposits from the lake. Karachay in April–May 1967, 0.6 MCi of radionuclides were released into the atmosphere (Resonance..., 1991). Composition of the emission: 90 Sr+ 90 Y – 34%; 137 Cs – 48%. Subsequently, the territory contaminated as a result of this incident was called the Karachay trace;
4) the results of radiation monitoring of plutonium (for isotopes 238 Pu and 239+240 Pu) showed that, in addition to emergency situations, one of the main sources of the presence of plutonium in the environment of the Mayak PA is also routine technological emissions into the atmosphere (Bakurov, Rovny, 2006).

The assessment of the total area of ​​distribution of radioactive contamination at EURT is ambiguous. In a number of archival documents, the total area of ​​the contaminated territory as of 1957, within the limits of 0.1 Ci/km 2 for 90 Sr, was estimated at 8.8 thousand km 2. Values ​​of 0.1 Ci/km 2 were the lowest and were accepted as a reliably detectable background pollution density. The territory within the boundaries of the zone 2 Ci/km 2 for 90 Sr was extended to the official status of “radioactively contaminated area”, subject to the application of radiation protection measures for the population. This territory is a strip 4–6 km wide and 105 km long. Its area is about 1000 km2 (East-Uralsky..., 2000; Liquidation..., 2006). In the floodplain of the river. Techa 8 thousand hectares of land were withdrawn from land use.

The main factor determining the degree of radiation exposure on the population is the density of radioactive contamination of the area with long-lived radionuclides. The mixture of radioactive products dispersed as a result of the explosion and wind scattering mainly consisted of short-lived radionuclides: 144 Ce, 144 Pr, 95 Zr, 95 Nb. The main long-term danger was represented by long-lived 90 Sr with a half-life of 28.6 years (Physical Values, 1991).

The main reasons why 90 Sr was adopted as a reference radionuclide, based on the content of which the level of radioactive contamination of an area is assessed, are: half-life (which is quite long and will determine the radioactivity of territories for a long time); its rather high content of 90 Sr in emissions, which is why it played and continues to play a major role in the formation of long-term irradiation doses to living organisms.

In table Table 2 shows the experimentally determined (within the limits of 0.3 Ci/km 2) areas of soil contamination with 90 Sr and 137 Cs, as well as deposited activities in the territory influenced by the Mayak PA.

table 2

Assessment of the degree of pollution in the area of ​​influence of PA Mayak

Territories exposed to radioactive contamination, in accordance with federal laws No. 1244-1 of May 15, 1999, No. 175 of November 26, 1998, No. 122 of August 22, 2004, are divided into the following zones: alienation, resettlement, residence with the right to resettlement.

In the exclusion zone on the territory of the Russian Federation, permanent residence of the population is prohibited, economic activity and environmental management are limited. The alienation criteria are pollution densities: for cesium-137 from 40 Ci/km 2, for strontium-90 from 15 Ci/km 2.

Resettlement zone is a part of the territory outside the exclusion zone where the density of soil contamination with cesium-137 is over 15 Ci/km 2 or with strontium-90 – over 3 Ci/km 2, or with plutonium-239 and 240 – over 0.1 Ci/ km 2. Initially, from 1958 to 1999, a strontium-90 pollution density level of 4 Ci/km 2 was adopted as a criterion for resettlement.

Residence zone with the right to resettlement is part of the territory outside the exclusion zone and resettlement zone with a density of soil contamination with cesium-137 from 5 to 15 Ci/km 2 .

The scale of accidents is also manifested in the amount of material costs aimed at eliminating the acute consequences of incidents.

To protect the population from radiation exposure during contact with the river. Fences have been erected and floodplain protection has been introduced within populated areas. Construction of water pipelines has been completed.

The population was evacuated from the most disadvantaged settlements. During the period 1955–1960 7,500 residents were resettled from 23 settlements.

After establishing the boundaries of the EURT in 1958, 59 thousand hectares of land in the Chelyabinsk region were withdrawn from economic use. and 47 thousand hectares in the Sverdlovsk region, of which 55% was farmland. The Institute of Industrial Ecology (Ekaterinburg) calculated the total damage caused to the Chelyabinsk region, which amounted to 11.1 billion rubles. in 1991 prices. The amount of economic damage to the industrial and economic complex of the Sverdlovsk region, according to the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, amounted to 3,362.3 million rubles. in 1991 prices, or 1,921.3 million US dollars.


River pollution The leak occurred as a result of authorized and emergency discharges of liquid radioactive waste from Mayak PA reactors into an open hydrographic network.

Since the commissioning of the Mayak Production Association in 1949, the Techa River has been used for planned and emergency discharges of liquid waste. In Fig. 2 shows a schematic map of the river. Techa and settlements on its banks. Until 1951, the discharge was carried out directly into the existing pond, which was later included in the system of industrial reservoirs.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the river. Techa and settlements on its banks

In November 1951, the discharge of liquid radioactive waste from radiochemical production into the river. The flow was stopped and carried out in the lake. Karachay. From this time on, in the river. Low-level cooling water from industrial reactors, drainage and domestic water continued to leak. In Fig. Figure 3 shows a diagram of industrial reservoirs in various years (Mokrov, 2002).

Rice. 3. Scheme of industrial reservoirs in different years and at the present time: V-1–V-11 – reservoirs; P-1–P-11 – dams; LBK – left bank canal, PBK – right bank canal

In table Table 3 provides data on average annual discharges of liquid radioactive waste in 1949–1956.

In table 4 provides information on the radionuclide composition of liquid radioactive waste discharged into reservoir 3 (V-3) in 1949–1956. (Sources..., 2000)

Table 3

Average annual discharges of liquid radioactive waste in 1949–1956.

Table 4

Radionuclide composition of liquid radioactive waste discharged into reservoir 3 in 1949–1956. (% of total activity)

In 1949–1951 the bulk of radioactive nuclides were dumped (about 12 PBq of strontium-90, 13 PBq of cesium-137, 10 6 PBq of short-lived radionuclides). In the period from 1951 to 1956. the intensity of activity discharges into the river system decreased 100 times, and after 1956, intermediate-level waste began to enter the open hydraulic network in small quantities. For the period from 1949 to 1956. into the river ecosystem The leak released about 76 million m 3 of waste radioactive water, with a total beta radiation activity of 2.75 MCi.

Of the total amount of man-made radionuclides discharged into the open hydrographic network, about 75% was retained in the swampy floodplain and bottom sediments in the upper reaches of the river. The greatest accumulation of radionuclides in the upper reaches of the river is explained by the presence of a swampy floodplain there, in which there are significant peat deposits with maximum sorption capacity compared to loams and sandy loams characteristic of the narrower floodplain of the middle and lower reaches.

About 80% of the entire area of ​​the river floodplain, on which up to 98% of the total activity of radionuclides deposited in floodplain and channel sediments was accumulated, was isolated by creating a cascade of reservoirs. In 1956, the valley was blocked by a blind dam, and the flow of radioactive substances into the underlying sections of the river was reduced to levels of about 0.5 Ci/day. The construction of another dam in 1963–1964 almost completely isolated the hydrochemical facilities of the enterprise, and the Techinsky Cascade of Reservoirs (TCR) was formed.

From 1964 to the present, i.e. during the period when liquid radioactive waste was discharged into the river. The flow has been completely stopped and the most contaminated part of the river is practically isolated from the downstream areas by dams; the main sources of radionuclides entering the river are:

  • two bypass canals: left bank (LBK) and right bank (RBC), through which surface flood waters are drained; The LBK regulates the flow of water from the Irtyash-Kasli system of lakes, and the PBK regulates the flow of the river. Micheljak;
  • filtration of water from the TKV cantilever reservoir through the body of dam 11;
  • floodplain sections of the river located below the dam of reservoir No. 11, previously polluted as a result of the river flood. These, in particular, include a wetland area on both sides of the river, with an area of ​​​​about 30–40 km 2 with an activity reserve of approximately 6 CCi for strontium-90, 9 CCi for cesium-137 and 11 Ci for plutonium isotopes. The increased sorption capacity of swampy soils led to high levels of their contamination during river floods, and currently the Asanovsky swamps are a constant source of secondary pollution of river water as a result of the washout of radionuclides contained in them by flood and surface waters.

Water balance calculations carried out by specialists from the Mayak PA show that under conditions of positive water content established in the region, water is filtered from the TKV cantilever reservoir through the body of dam 11 and side dams, through the LBC and PBC.

In general, the total flow of the river. A leak is formed under the influence of two main factors:

  1. natural recharge: flood waters, rainwater, groundwater, river tributaries;
  2. technogenic recharge: PBC and LBK waters, filtration water through the dam body 11.

A significant contribution to the redistribution of radionuclides is made by the processes of desorption of radionuclides from bottom sediments and the washout of radionuclides from the river catchment area.

During the period of maximum discharges, the volumetric activity of beta-emitting radionuclides in water reached 10 5 –10 6 Bq/l, in bottom sediments 10 7 –10 8 Bq/kg. All components of the river ecosystem were exposed to radioactive contamination. During this period, there was a massive death of a number of aquatic organisms (large mollusks, crayfish, benthic fish, waterfowl, etc.) at distances of up to 100–200 km from the source of discharge. After the cessation of discharges, the aquatic ecosystem was significantly cleared of radionuclides, but to this day, the contamination of the river system and swampy floodplain (primarily in the Asanovsky swamps area) is 100–100,000 times higher than the regional background values ​​​​not associated with the incidents that occurred, for 90 Sr, 137 Cs and plutonium isotopes (Stukalov, Rovny, 2009).

Monitoring the state of water pollution for 1990–2005. showed that the concentration of the strontium-90 isotope changes over time due to its transfer (secondary pollution) from the upper reaches of the river. The maximum concentration of the strontium-90 isotope since 1994 was observed in 2004 and amounted to 50.1 Bq/l at the site. Muslyumovo, which was 10 times higher than the intervention level (IL) for strontium-90 according to NRB-99/2009.

Currently, according to the “State Report” (2011), in the middle and lower reaches of the river. Techa 90 Sr is the main dose-forming radionuclide for water. Average annual volumetric activity of 90 Sr in the water of the river. The leakage (village Muslyumovo) in 2010 was 1.5 times higher than in 2009 and amounted to 18.5 Bq/l. This value is 3.7 times higher than the intervention level (IL) for the population according to NRB-99/2009 and more than 4 orders of magnitude higher than the background level for Russian rivers. In the river water Iset (village Mekhonskoye), after the Techa and Miass rivers flowed into it, the average annual volumetric activity of 90 Sr increased approximately 1.5 times and amounted to 1.4 Bq/l, which is 3.6 times lower than HC.

It should be noted that 90 Sr is more than 95% in a water-soluble state and therefore migrates over long distances along the hydrographic system.

In the waters of the Karabolka and Sinara rivers flowing through the EURT territory, the average annual volumetric activity of 90 Sr also remained approximately at the level of 2009 and amounted to 1.1 and 0.2 Bq/l, respectively.

In the r. In the Techa, an increased tritium content was also observed compared to background levels for Russian rivers. Average annual volumetric activity of tritium in 2010 in the river. Techa (Muslyumovo village, sampling took seven months) was 226 Bq/l, which exceeds the background level (2.2 Bq/l) by more than 100 times (State report..., 2011).

Currently r. The Techa remains the most polluted in the Asian part of Russia, since there is a regular removal of radionuclides from the Asanovsky swamps and, due to the filtration of water through the dam from artificial and natural reservoirs on the territory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PA Mayak, into bypass canals.

Despite the significant limitation of the entry of radionuclides into the river. Leak in connection with the cessation of direct discharges of liquid radioactive waste, as well as in connection with construction in 1951–1964. dams and bypass canals, the contamination of water in the river with radionuclides still remains quite high.

Thus, the following main patterns of radioactivity distribution in the river should be noted. Techa:

  1. Currently, the main dose-forming radionuclides in the river ecosystem. The current ones are strontium-90 and cesium-137.
  2. Cesium-137, due to its physicochemical properties, is mainly sorbed in floodplain soils in the upper reaches of the river; its concentrations in water are low, less than 1 Bq/l, which is much lower than the HC according to NRB-99 for this isotope.
  3. Strontium-90, being in a highly soluble form, is mobile and found in high concentrations in water (exceeds the HC according to NRB-99), migrates well downstream of the river, causing pollution of the river up to its confluence with the river. Iset.
  4. Strontium-90 concentrations are inversely related to river water content (water flow). However, sometimes this interdependence is violated, which may be due to additional input of radionuclides into the open hydrographic network in the upper reaches of the river.

On September 29, 1957 at 16:22, due to the failure of the cooling system, an explosion occurred in a tank with a volume of 300 m 3, which contained about 80 m 3 of highly radioactive nuclear waste. The explosion, estimated at tens of tons of TNT equivalent, destroyed the tank, a 1 m thick concrete floor weighing 160 tons was thrown aside, about 20 MCi (7.4 10 17 Bq) of radioactive substances (144 Ce+ 144 Pr, 95 Nb+ 95 Zr, 90 Sr, 137 Cs, plutonium isotopes, etc.), of which approximately 18 MCi fell on the territory of the Mayak PA, and about 2 MCi - beyond its borders, forming the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT). No one died directly from the explosion.

Some of the radioactive substances were raised by the explosion to a height of 1–2 km and formed a cloud consisting of liquid and solid aerosols. Within 10–11 hours, radioactive substances fell over a distance of 300–350 km in a northeast direction from the explosion site.

The first radiation survey of the territory near the emergency structure and at remote points of the industrial site of the Mayak PA was completed by the night of September 30, 1957. The results of operational measurements showed that the exposure dose rate of gamma radiation in the surveyed area reaches extremely high values.

During October 10–20, 1957, the forces of the Central Laboratory of the Mayak Production Association carried out the first radiation survey of the territories of the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and Tyumen regions that were subject to radioactive contamination. The survey was carried out using radiometers installed on cars. It made it possible to establish the extent of contamination of territories located in a zone remote from the explosion.

In November - December 1957, the efforts of the Central Laboratory of the Mayak Production Association and the Institute of Applied Geophysics of the State Committee for Hydrometeorology of the USSR clarified the real scale of radiation contamination in the territory from the enterprise to the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk Region (105 km) (Khokhryakov et al., 2002) .

The terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the EURT territory (lakes Uruskul, Berdenish, Kozhakul, the Karabolka river, the Bugai swamp, etc.) were contaminated with radioactive substances. In the head part of the trail, a massive death of individual parts of the ecosystem was observed (pine, a number of species of herbaceous plants, soil fauna, etc.). The total beta activity of water reached 1000–10,000 Bq/l in the initial period; the levels of soil contamination in the head part of the EURT reached 2000 Ci/km 2 and higher. The main role in long-term pollution of land and water systems is played by 90 Sr (Stukalov, Rovny, 2009).

To prevent the spread of radionuclides, in 1959, by decision of the government, a sanitary protection zone was formed in the most contaminated part of the radioactive trace, where all economic activity was prohibited. In 1958, territories with a strontium-90 contamination density of more than 2 Ci/km 2 with a total area of ​​about 1000 km 2 were withdrawn from economic use. Settlements from this territory were evacuated. But on the border of the zone with a density of 2 Ci/km 2, several settlements remained, including Tatarskaya Karabolka (about 500 inhabitants) and Musakaevo (about 100 inhabitants).

It should be noted that residents of settlements located practically outside the trace used for economic needs (hay making, grazing) territories where the level of 90 Sr contamination reached values ​​of 100 Ci/km 2 as of 1957. As a result, the soil of household plots were subjected to secondary pollution (manure enriched with 90 Sr was used as fertilizer).


Since October 1951, the main flow of liquid radioactive waste from production was directed into the natural high-type swamp Karachay (which as a result turned into an artificial lake called “Reservoir V-9”), where, according to official data, more than 120 MCi of activity gradually accumulated, from They are 40% strontium-90 and 60% cesium-137. Before the start of work on backfilling the reservoir, radionuclides were distributed approximately as follows: 7% in the water, 41% in the loams of the reservoir bed, 52% in moving bottom sediments.

In April 1967, increased fallout of radioactive substances was noted in the area adjacent to the industrial zone of the Mayak PA. Radioactive fallout was caused by wind transfer of radioactive dust from the lake. Karachay caused by unusual compared to average long-term weather conditions:

  • insufficient precipitation during the winter period of 1966–1967;
  • early and dry spring;
  • the presence of strong gusty winds.

According to the enterprise's meteorological station, about 36 mm of precipitation fell during December–March, which was only 10% of the long-term average norm typical for this period of time. The early spring meant that by March 20 there was no snow cover and the top layer of soil was dry. A further increase in temperature contributed to the warming of the soil and the emergence of conditions of increased dust formation. Due to a sharp drop in the water level in the Karachay reservoir, the shoreline of the lake was exposed and radioactive bottom sediments were involved in dust formation.

During April, high average daily wind speeds were observed with significant frequency in the south-southwest-west-northwest (SSW-WNW) sector. Particularly strong gusty winds were observed on April 18 and 19, their speed reached 23 m/s.

Increased fallout of radioactive nuclides (wind dispersal of exposed bottom sediments of Lake Karachay) was noted at the end of the first - beginning of the second decade not only in the territory immediately adjacent to the lake. Karachay, but also in the area located in the northeast-east (NE-E) sector of the industrial site.

During extremely strong winds on April 18–19, high concentrations of radioactive aerosols were observed in the surface layer of air. Thus, on April 18, at a distance of 2 km from the Karachay reservoir in the wind direction from the storage facility, concentrations of beta-emitting nuclides in the air of up to 4·10 -12 Ci/l were observed; On April 19, at a distance of 500 m from the storage facility, the concentration was 4·10 -9 Ci/l, and at a distance of 12 km – 4·10 -10 Ci/l.

At the same time, an increase in the level of exposure dose rate was noted (measurements were carried out at a height of 1 m above the soil surface) at stationary observation points located in the areas of ONIS, Khudaiberdinsk, Kirov branch, Argayashskaya CHPP, by 2–3 times.

In April–May 1967 and during the following months, studies of radioactive contamination of the areas around the lake were carried out. Karachay. Measurements were made of the flux density of beta particles caused by radioactive fallout from the soil surface. The values ​​of the exposure dose rate in the surveyed areas were also measured. At the same time, the intensity and radionuclide composition of radioactive fallout were determined.

Radiochemical and gamma spectrometric determinations of the composition of the contamination, carried out on various samples of environmental objects (filters, tablets, natural and cultivated vegetation, soil), established that the radioactive substance was represented by long-lived radionuclides, mainly 90 Sr, 137 Cs and 144 Ce. The isotopic composition of the mixture of radioactive substances in various samples of environmental objects was approximately the same and for further calculations (based on the results of control measurements of soil samples) was accepted as follows:

90 Sr+ 90 Y – 34%; 137 Cs – 48%; 144 Ce+ 144 Pr – 18%.

Based on the results of a dosimetric survey of the territory and determination of the radioisotope composition, a map of the contamination of the territory resulting from wind dispersal of radioactive substances in the spring of 1967 was compiled (Fig. 4a).

Rice. 4a. Scheme of contamination of the territory resulting from wind dispersal of radioactive substances in the spring of 1967 (Khokhryakov et al., 2002)

Difficult meteorological conditions and the long duration of the source of radioactive substances entering the atmosphere caused contamination of the territory located in a wide sector with several “tongues” in accordance with the prevailing wind directions at that time (Khokhryakov et al., 2002).

The total activity of radionuclides released into the atmosphere was estimated at 0.6 MCi, and the area of ​​contamination was 2700 km 2 (outside the production area of ​​the Mayak PA) (Resonance..., 1991; Consequences..., 2002).

To date, the water surface of the lake. Karachay is practically absent (covered with concrete slabs and soil). However, at depth, a lens of polluted water remains, which moves in the direction of the Mishelak and Techa rivers.


One of the significant factors that shaped the contamination of environmental objects and caused increased exposure of the population was the scheduled (provided for by the project) emissions of radioactive nuclides into the atmosphere from the exhaust pipes of the Mayak PA.

The main technological principle of protecting the atmosphere from emissions of radioactive substances was the process of diluting and dispersing radioactive gases and aerosols by releasing them into the atmosphere through high (up to 150 m high) pipes (high sources of emissions). In addition to high emissions, several hundred low emission sources were operated.

Radionuclides entering the atmosphere from low emission sources pollute the environment in the immediate vicinity of the buildings and structures on which they are located. The impact of this type of emissions on environmental pollution in the area where the population lives is negligible compared to the effect of high sources, since emissions from the latter spread over considerable distances. Through high sources of emissions, radionuclides of activation origin (14 C, 41 Ar, 51 Cr, 54 Mn, etc.), fission products (inert radioactive gases, 90 Sr, 89 Sr, 95 Zr+ 95 Nb, 106 Ru+ 106) entered the atmosphere Rh, 131 I, 137 Cs, 144 Ce+ 144 Pr, etc.), as well as alpha-emitting nuclides (239 Pu, 241 Am, etc.) (Suslova et al., 1995).

During the initial period of the plant's operation, there were no direct emissions controls. The amounts of radionuclides entering the atmosphere with aerosols were judged from the results of measurements of pollution levels of environmental objects. In this case, measurement data of the specific beta activity of vegetation (grass), snow, and soil were used.

For the first time, a direct determination of the rate of release of radionuclides into the atmosphere from the discharge pipe of plant “B” was carried out in 1951.

Aerosol releases of radionuclides from pipes of Mayak PA plants in the 1950s–1960s. led to soil contamination in the area of ​​the enterprise to levels of the order of 10 13 Bq/km 2 for 90 Sr and 137 Cs and 10 10 Bq/km 2 for plutonium isotopes. At the same time, all components of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems located in the zone of influence of emission sources were exposed to radioactive contamination (Stukalov, Rovny, 2009). To this day, the Mayak PA continues to operate, which is naturally accompanied by new releases of radionuclides into the environment. According to the “State Report...” (2011), increased levels of man-made radionuclides in the ground layer of air are regularly recorded in areas located in a 100-km zone around the enterprise. So, in the urban settlement. Novogorny maximum average monthly volumetric activity of 137 Cs (4.6·10 –5 Bq/m3) was observed in August 2010, which is approximately 125 times higher than the average annual (background) level for territories located outside contaminated zones.

Fallout of 137 Cs in a 100-km zone around the Mayak PA, averaged over 14 observation points, in 2010 remained approximately at the level of the previous four years. The average annual amount of 137 Cs fallout from the atmosphere in 2010 in this area was 5.1 Bq/m2 year. The maximum fallout of 137 Cs was observed in the urban settlement. Novogorny – 15.7 Bq/m2 year. The average fallout of 90 Sr per year around the Mayak PA in 2010 increased slightly compared to 2009 and amounted to 5.5 Bq/m2 year; the maximum fallout of 90 Sr was observed in the urban area. Novogorny – 16.9 Bq/m2 year.

Thus, the industrial activities of the Mayak PA led to large-scale radioactive contamination of the components of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Southern Urals (Fig. 4b) up to lethal levels of impact on individual parts of biocenoses (the head part of the EURT, the Techa River, Karachay, Staroe Boloto). A number of ecosystems withstood the radiation technogenic load (the main territory of the EURT, terrestrial ecosystems on the territory of the industrial site, lakes Tatysh and Kyzyl-Tash) (Stukalov, Rovny, 2009).

Rice. 4b. Approximate diagram of the spread of radioactive contamination of soil as a result of the activities of PA Mayak

Land contamination caused by the activities of PA Mayak required their alienation, reclamation and work to return these lands for use for economic purposes. The socio-economic conditions of life in contaminated areas have changed. The area of ​​the sanitary protection zone along the river. Teche in the Chelyabinsk region amounted to about 8.8 thousand hectares. The measures taken in 1954 were aimed at eliminating the possibility of the population using the river water. Leaks for drinking and household needs, watering gardens and watering livestock. A ban was established within the boundaries of the spring flood of the Techa River on fishing, hunting, grazing and parking livestock, haymaking and the use of land for the construction of residential and public buildings.

The organization of a protected sanitary zone as a result of radioactive waste contamination of the floodplain of the Techa and Iset rivers within the Kurgan region created certain difficulties with irrigated vegetable growing and the use of part of pastures and hayfields. It was taken out of use along the river. More than 5 thousand hectares of land are leaking, including arable land - 600 hectares, hayfields and pastures - 3.2 thousand hectares, more than 600 hectares of forest land and other inconvenient floodplain lands. Assessing the water supply to the population, it should be noted that there is a significant shortage of drinking water.

The consequences of the 1957 accident and rehabilitation measures to eliminate them were of a general nature throughout the EURT, taking into account the level of contamination of the territories. On the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, areas with a population engaged in agriculture and mining of ore and non-metallic raw materials were on the path of the spread of EURT.

In 1958, divisions of two mining departments, Yugo-Konevsky and Boevsky, stopped working. The work of geological exploration parties and other small enterprises in various industries (light, fishing, etc.) was stopped. An important issue was the closure and mothballing of mining facilities. The ores mined by the enterprises were classified as strategic raw materials.

In the EURT zone, 12 collective farms ceased to exist, more than 28 thousand hectares of agricultural land were withdrawn from use, including: arable land - about 19 thousand hectares, pastures - almost 3 thousand hectares, hayfields - more than 5 thousand hectares (Khokhryakov et al., 1995).

Over the past 55 years since the accident at Mayak, associated with the explosion of a can of high-level radioactive waste, and 45 years since the wind transfer of bottom sediments of Lake. In Karachay, as a result of the radioactive decay of 90 Sr and 137 Cs, the radiation situation has significantly improved.

However, there is still a need to understand the degree of danger of management in large contaminated areas.

Exactly 60 years ago, on September 29, 1957, one of the most serious radiation disasters, known as the “Kyshtym accident,” occurred in the Urals. As a result of the explosion of a container with radioactive waste at the Mayak PA, about 20 MCi of radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere (for comparison, emissions as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are estimated at 50 MCi). 18 MCi fell on the territory of the Mayak PA, and about 2 MCi fell outside it, forming the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) with a length of about 300 km and a width of 20-50 km. The container that exploded at Mayak contained mostly short-lived radionuclides; after four years they decayed almost completely. The main pollutant that remains is strontium-90, which has a half-life of 28 years.

EURT caused the greatest damage to the Chelyabinsk region; after the accident, two dozen settlements were evicted, in which a total of more than ten thousand people lived. Nothing was taken out of the populated areas; all buildings, property and domestic animals were destroyed. A set of works was carried out to remediate the radioactive trace, for which a special enterprise REURS was created, as well as an Experimental Research Station (ONIS PA "Mayak"). In the most contaminated head part of the trail, the East Ural State Radiation Reserve was created in 1966. Its territory was strictly protected, as, indeed, it is still protected today, although the status of a reserve has been removed. In fact, the territory in which the reserve is located became a “reserve” immediately after the accident, since a strict protection regime was introduced for the pollution zone.

The process of “self-purification” of lands occurs mainly due to the radioactive decay of long-lived radionuclides. It is believed that the affected area can be considered safe after ten half-lives of the main pollutant strontium-90 have passed, that is, after 280 years.

Empty REURS building

Picturesque lake Berdyanish. A sharp decrease in anthropogenic impact - the cessation of agricultural production, hunting and fishing, a decrease in the disturbance factor and a good food supply - led to a natural increase in the number of many species of fish and birds.

There are berries in the head part of the EURT, but they cannot be eaten.

This pillar is the mark of the central axis of the radioactive trace.

An abandoned Muslim cemetery in the evicted village of Berdyanish.

All that remains from the village of Berdyanish. After the accident, people were evicted and houses were demolished.

P.S. The photographs were taken during the expedition work of employees of the Department of Continental Radioecology of the Institute of Experimental Radiology and Geology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



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