When walking, the head is spinning. Headache when walking - causes

Experts advise taking at least ten thousand steps daily. They claim that this will help you stay healthy and slim for a long time. for long years. However, this way of maintaining wellness not available to everyone. It happens that there is dizziness when walking. Consider what could be causing it and what to do.

Why is my head spinning

An anxiety symptom never appears out of nowhere. Dizziness in all cases is caused by a leak in internal environment human pathological processes. Leading positions are occupied by failures in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Violating them normal operation lead to wrong exchange substances between blood and nerve cells. This leads to the fact that all organs carry out their activities in an enhanced mode, they are overstrained. The person is weakened, gets tired quickly. Therefore, it is not surprising that you often feel dizzy when walking.

Types of dizziness and associated symptoms

When you feel dizzy, you can talk about one of two types of dizziness:

  1. False. Its appearance is provoked by external and internal factors that are not directly related to the fact that the head is spinning. It starts quickly and passes quickly. After five minutes, it no longer staggers when walking. Does not pose a threat to the body.
  2. True. Occurs when the organs of balance do not work properly: nervous system- both peripheral and central, as well as the middle ear. Significantly different from the first type. The patient is completely sure that everything around him is floating and spinning, like himself.

State of instability

When you feel dizzy and stagger when walking, this can be a completely natural phenomenon. For example, a person spent two hours in a movie theater. After the end of the session, he stood up abruptly. The blood circulation did not have time to come to a state increased activity and got dizzy.

Another example. The child is on a roller coaster. Fear of heights and high speed provoked unpleasant feeling weaknesses. Therefore, he staggers when walking.

Symptoms of pathological processes

However, some signs indicate the presence of pathology. Consider what you should pay attention to when you feel dizzy and stagger when walking:

  • unnatural strong heartbeat, which is felt even in a relaxed state;
  • blanching, or, conversely, purplishness skin, especially in the area of ​​the face;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • incomprehensible noises, apparent extraneous sounds;
  • decreased visual acuity, objects around have blurry outlines;
  • numbness and coldness of the extremities.

These symptoms may be caused various ailments. You can understand the specific cause only by resorting to medical help.

Causes of dizziness when walking

The condition when the head is spinning and staggers when walking can occur under the influence of several factors. We list the main ones:

  1. Feeling drunk. Addiction to alcohol-containing cocktails is especially often noted in men. Therefore, after a feast, staggering when walking is often encountered.
  2. Lack of vitamins. It leads to a lack of strength and a decrease in vitality. As a result, the head is spinning and shakes when walking.
  3. The venerable age is over sixty years. By this mark, the individual manages to accumulate a number of chronic diseases, immunity decreases. Against this background, it happens that the head is spinning and staggers while walking.
  4. The most dangerous reason, along which the head is spinning and staggers when walking - the course of pathological processes in the internal environment. To avoid problems, it is important to identify which ones in time.
  5. Overdose of medicines. Or misapplied.

Diseases that cause dizziness

Let us consider in more detail the ailments during which the head is spinning and staggers when walking, and we will also indicate concomitant signs manifestations of diseases:

  1. Diseases musculoskeletal system. May occur as a result of injuries and bruises, or in case of supply disruptions muscle cells nutrient elements. This leads to atrophy of muscle tissue, its thinning, reduction. Therefore, the stability of the gait is lost, dizziness, shaking, and nausea appear.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system. Its organs directly control the coordination of hands and feet, direct a person in the right direction. The most dangerous lesions of the head and spinal cord. They lead to confusion in movements, dizziness, the patient staggers from side to side.
  3. Cardiovascular pathologies. They lead to a lack of oxygen in the brain and to overstrain in its work. Therefore, activity decreases, fatigue appears quickly. The patient is dizzy, he staggers when walking, he literally falls down. To alleviate the malaise, it is enough just to control blood pressure.
  4. Psychological disorders. Frequent negative reactions, conflicts, nervous shocks lead to the fact that the nervous system is working for wear and tear. When her reserves are depleted, there is a decline in vitality, dizziness, staggering when walking. It is also characterized by a decrease in the sensitivity of the visual, gustatory and auditory organs.
  5. Violations of the functioning of the vestibular system. She directly controls correct position body. Unsteadiness in case of failures in its work is noticeable to the naked eye.

With the cure of ailments, whirling and staggering when walking will gradually disappear.

If you feel dizzy while walking, what to do

There are a number of actions, the implementation of which will easily save the victim from pain. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • You need to stop panicking and collect your thoughts.
  • If possible, take a stable position, sit down, or better lie down.
  • Provide access to oxygen. If the attack happened indoors, open the windows.
  • Soak a clean cloth in cool water and apply to the patient's forehead.
  • You will need to rest for at least a couple of hours. At this time, it is worth lying down and not moving.
  • When chills appear, you need to warm up. Cover yourself with a blanket or warm blanket.

Measures for a sudden attack of dizziness

When the head is spinning spontaneously when walking, you need to do the following:

  • completely stop moving, stop;
  • sit down, it is better to lie down;
  • when trouble happened on the street, take cover in the shade;
  • try to calm down, if there are people nearby, call for help;
  • breathe as deeply as possible, preferably through the mouth.

After these measures are taken, it is worth taking a break for at least a few minutes, and then go home and rest.

Help with dizziness

If you have witnessed that a person is dizzy and staggers when walking, you cannot remain indifferent. You need to help someone:

  1. The first step is to provide him with support, if he cannot stand, he should be laid down.
  2. It will help well to bring the victim to the senses of a cotton wool moistened with ammonia. It is necessary to bring it to the nose of the patient.
  3. It is necessary to relax the tight elements of clothing, remove the tie, unbutton the buttons on the shirt.
  4. If possible, give the patient clean water to drink.

Important! When the listed actions do not help, and the symptoms worsen, you need to urgently call the number "03" or "112".

When to see a specialist

Recurrent attacks should alert. They signal that it is time for a person to go to the doctor. Moreover, there is no need to wait obvious signs ailment, the help of a specialist will be required already under the following conditions:

  • Change in gait.
  • Weakness in the legs.
  • Frequent stumbling.
  • Even getting out of bed causes dizziness, and walking is hindered by a feeling of weakness.
  • Great fatigue when walking.
  • Cramps in the legs.

If similar states appear for no apparent reason, you need to pay attention to this.

Diagnosis of the disease

Turning to a medical facility, the patient will undergo following methods identifying a disease that led to a spinning head when walking:

  1. Initial examination and questioning by a specialist. This is necessary to obtain a history of the occurrence and development of pathology.
  2. Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  3. ECG and blood pressure measurement.
  4. CT and MRI.
  5. Electronystagmography. The method is aimed at studying vestibular deviations by examining eye rotations.
  6. X-ray.

These are the most used diagnostic methods, depending on the situation, the doctor may decide to undergo additional procedures.

Treatment of dizziness that occurs during movement

When the diagnosis is established, the specialist will select effective course for healing. It usually consists of drug therapy, physiotherapy and methods home treatment. Let's consider each type separately.

Use of medications

Taking pills will be aimed mainly at recovery vestibular function, but additional funds will be prescribed to treat the underlying disease. The most effective means:

  • Tsetrin.
  • Peritol.
  • Seduxen.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Clenbuterol.

You can drink medicines only after consultation with medical institution. Self-medication can be dangerous.

Physiotherapy treatment

To improve blood flow to the head region, and thereby stimulate the work of the rest of the body will help:

  1. Therapeutic massage course.
  2. Swimming pool visit.
  3. Electrophoresis.
  4. Acupuncture.


There are proven tools that can be used at home. The following are the proven and most effective:

  • Daily use of tea based on ginger root.
  • It will help to take a bath once a week with the addition of a decoction of dried thyme. The duration of the procedure should be at least fifteen minutes.
  • Drinking a glass of freshly squeezed every day vegetable juice with the addition of chopped garlic will raise vitality and restore vigor.
  • The following exercises will help to give stability when walking: walking backwards, sideways, squats, careful movement with eyes closed.

When you feel dizzy and stagger when walking, you can’t think for a long time what to do. This may lead to irreversible consequences. It is necessary to immediately contact the hospital for the help of a specialist, and strictly follow his recommendations.

An active lifestyle is the key to youth and health. Each person daily makes any movements, thereby supporting musculoskeletal system. We visit Sport halls and sections seeking to improve their well-being and appearance, and we do not notice the appearance of symptoms at all dangerous diseases. Feeling pain in the head when walking, many do not attach importance to this, thereby provoking the development of serious complications.


Headache when moving, three types are most common: due to muscle tension, intracranial pressure and migraine. It is impossible to determine on your own what kind of pain you have. Therefore, when the appearance painful symptoms you should go to the doctor.

muscle tension

This type of headache is most common when walking and appears as a result of muscle tension. Also, the symptom may occur due to mental overstrain. Patients usually complain of sensations similar to squeezing the head with a steel hoop. The pain syndrome can persist all day, gradually increasing in the evening. Experts assure that even a long stay in one position can provoke such sensations.

The intensity of pain at muscle tension depends on comfortable position body during sleep, as well as throughout the day. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated while walking, coughing or laughing. This condition can be caused abrupt change air temperature or decrease atmospheric pressure. Distinctive feature This diagnosis is that the pain increases with physical exertion, namely after walking, jogging, squatting, bending over.

intracranial hypertension

Pain in any part of the head during movement is very dangerous sign diseases, and especially if relief occurs at rest, in horizontal position body. Also, the following symptoms should cause anxiety: nausea, vomiting, causeless and severe dizziness, as they indicate intracranial pressure.

Not every headache can be considered a serious pathology, but, of course, all symptoms of this kind need accurate diagnosis and treatment. If such sensations are not subjected to full therapy, but are only sometimes stopped by painkillers, then in the end they can turn into chronic form. In this case general well-being the patient and the intensity of the periods when it hurts in the head area will depend on the medication.


Another cause of headache is migraine. This disease appears as a result of a malfunction of the nervous system, due to the expansion blood vessels, secretions in the brain of certain chemical substances. Migraines can be triggered by the following factors:

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, caffeine;
- Overwork;
- Starvation;
- Stress;
- Very bright light;
- Environmental factors.

The pain in the head with a migraine is very painful and unpleasant. It has a growing character, different strong pulsation in a certain area, especially intensify while walking. Quite often, seizures are accompanied by photosensitivity and severe nausea. migraine very serious illness, which does not go away on its own, but requires long-term treatment.


First of all, the doctor conducts a complete examination of the patient in order to confirm or exclude signs of diseases, a symptom of which is a headache. If the cause remains undetermined, you will need to pass complex analyzes and go through the row diagnostic procedures. The patient is scheduled for magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography to determine anatomical abnormalities, tumors or foci of infection.

If you suspect a hidden arterial hypertension in the diagnosis, the method of monitoring arterial pressure is used. This allows you to identify and establish the features of the oscillations of the arteries, to determine their pressure in a fairly short time. Thanks to this technique, therapy aimed at lowering blood pressure is carried out in one stage.


When the head hurts, treatment methods should be selected individually for each patient, depending on the causes, diagnostic results and general condition sick. The most common therapy is pharmacological, but there are also complex treatment, more effective in the case of rare and moderate symptoms. They also use general, non-traditional methods of treatment, which include:

- Inhalations;
- Walks in the open air;
- Manual massage;
- The use of herbal sedative fees;
- Meditations;
- Acupuncture (acupuncture).

If the pain in the head is severe, treatment is carried out using analgesics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants and other medicines. This allows you to ease the syndrome for a while and gives the patient the opportunity to rest. Complete treatment and the complete elimination of symptoms occurs only after identifying the cause of their occurrence.


To eliminate the pain syndrome, in addition to undergoing a course of therapy, it is necessary to change the lifestyle. Such changes may seem beyond our strength, but we should try our best to achieve this, since the risk of pain in the future can be significantly reduced. To do this, follow the recommendations below.

1. Do not abuse analgesics. Taking such drugs, even sparing ones, more than 2 times a week can provoke attacks and increase pain. You should not self-medicate, because such drugs are addictive.

2. Get good sleep. For an adult for good rest Enough to sleep 8 hours. Do not neglect this rule, because compliance with the regime plays important role and affects the emotional state.

3. Observe the diet. You should start your day with healthy breakfast. Do not skip or delay meals daytime and also try to have lunch at a clearly defined period. Do not drink alcoholic or caffeinated drinks, as it is because of the substances contained in them that the head hurts.

4. Go in for sports. Daily Execution exercise, improves health and enhances productivity. You can choose any sport - swimming, cycling. But before starting classes, be sure to consult with your doctor.

5. Reduce stress levels. One of the most important and common causes of headaches is stress, especially in people who exercise. mental labor. You should learn to control your emotions, not to panic and plan your day correctly.

6. Find time to relax. Despite the workload, it is necessary to find time for rest and relaxation. You can try yoga, meditation, or simply read your favorite book in silence.

Pain in the head, which manifests itself when walking, is enough dangerous symptom. If such cases become more frequent, you should rush to the doctor. Only a specialist, having everything necessary equipment, will be able to diagnose, find out the causes of pain in the head and make a diagnosis. In cases concerning neuralgia, self-medication is not permissible.

“Day and night I feel dizzy”, “I feel dizzy, I go crazy with love” ... It sounds romantic and lyrical, but only in romances and poetry. In practice, the feeling of dizziness is unlikely to cause such delight.

Each person at least once, but faced with the feeling that the earth is moving away from under their feet, and the world flies into hell. Very often, such phenomena are accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of intoxication, darkening in the eyes, and imbalance.

What is dizziness

Such a phenomenon as dizziness has the scientific name of vertigo. The term comes from the Latin word for "rotate". Dizziness occurs due to a malfunction of the mechanisms that are responsible for maintaining the balance of our body in space.

Centers vestibular apparatus are located in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, and all information from inner ear, visual apparatus And nerve endings muscles. Task nerve centers- lightning-fast reaction to the information received.

If there is any failure in this ingeniously arranged by nature computer, dizziness occurs. Very often, dizziness is accompanied by such unpleasant conditions as feeling alcohol intoxication, nausea, "fog" in the head, instability, sweating.

Causes of vertigo in a healthy person

Dizziness is never independent disease, but always signals that some kind of imbalance occurs in the body.

Even healthy person may be dizzy, the most common causes are:

  • eating disorders. A very common cause of dizziness. Even well-to-do people abuse unbalanced diet, snacks on the run, long breaks between meals. All this can cause the human brain to experience glucose starvation.
  • high psycho-emotional stress. IN stressful situations our body has learned to protect itself and produce a special “stress hormone”, which, when produced, increases the level of blood pressure, constricting blood vessels. With this complex biochemical process due to spasm smooth muscle blood vessels can temporarily disrupt the transport of oxygen to the brain.
  • sleep and wake disturbances. During sleep, many recovery processes, and the cells are cleansed of various unnecessary substances.
  • visual stimulation and a sudden change in body position. Often, dizziness overtakes a person in transport, in a cinema, or when focusing on a distant object for a long time. sharp turns heads, active movement in space, rotational movements can also sometimes cause dizziness.
  • side effects of certain drugs. Dizziness is perhaps the most common side effect indicated by drug manufacturers in the annotations. This is often observed during antibiotic treatment, antihistamines, sedatives and tranquilizers.
  • smoking, drinking alcohol, hangover syndrome. During the abuse of nicotine and alcohol, vasospasm occurs

Such dizziness is not dangerous, and, as a rule, disappear after the cause that provokes them is eliminated. Therefore, you should not panic.

Dizziness is one of the symptoms of dangerous diseases.

But things are not always so rosy. Dizziness, weakness, a feeling of intoxication, combined with other symptoms, can indicate the occurrence of serious and formidable diseases that can cause significant harm to human health. by the most common diseases accompanied by dizziness are:

  • arterial hypertension and hypotension;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • tumors of the brain and spinal cord;
  • epilepsy;
  • inner ear injury
  • Meniere's disease;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • acute disorders cerebral circulation;
  • blood loss due to open and internal bleeding.

And it's far from complete list diseases. Insufficient attention to one's own health, neglect of treatment can permanently incapacitate, put in a hospital bed, contribute to the disability of a person. And there is no need to talk about the danger of strokes and brain tumors - this is one of the most leading positions in the list of deadly diseases. Therefore, to the question of whether it is worth worrying about systematic dizziness, doctors around the world answer unequivocally - yes!

Who will help

If dizziness, a feeling of intoxication, nausea, weakness in the legs occur frequently, suddenly and for no apparent reason, then the first thing to take care of is finding a doctor who will help find the causes similar phenomena establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

It is better to start the examination in the therapist's office. He has enough diagnostic tools in his arsenal to either diagnose himself or redirect the patient to profile specialist. Today, the possibilities of medicine are so wide that the disease will not have a chance to be undetected. Ultrasound, MRI, ECG, laboratory diagnostics will help the doctor in making a diagnosis, and the full potential of the pharmacological industry will be directed to the treatment of the disease. A neurologist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist, an ENT doctor will come to the aid of the therapist.

Additional symptoms. What to tell the doctor

During a visit to the doctor, he will definitely try to find out what else bothers the patient, except for dizziness, weakness, or a feeling of intoxication. Based on the sum of the symptoms, the correct diagnosis will be based.

Unsystematic dizziness, not accompanied by additional symptoms, will allow the doctor to suspect true vertigo in the patient. The problems of the disease lie in the disruption of the vestibular apparatus. True vertigo is indicated by sudden onset severe dizziness a feeling of lack of control over own body, nausea, and a feeling of "moving walls."

ABOUT migraine attack indicate light and sound fear preceding dizziness, severe headache of a pressing character.

Acute vascular catastrophes of the brain (strokes) cause complete or partial uncoordination of movements, severe dizziness, visual and speech disorders. In this case, urgent medical attention is required, and delay can lead to tragic consequences.

If dizziness continues for a long time (sometimes for several hours), accompanied by hearing loss, noise or whistling in the ears, the doctor may suspect Meniere's disease. The same symptomatology, but in one ear, may indicate neuromabenign neoplasm brain.

Perilymphatic fistula of the labyrinth will manifest itself severe dizziness, vomiting, sudden loss hearing in one ear, and the intensity of dizziness will increase significantly when you try to make movements or even cough.

Osteochondrosis can also cause dizziness. Often sudden body movements, especially in upper divisions spine, causing dizziness, partial disorientation, pain and limitation of movement may indicate the presence of this disease.

Obviously, dizziness can be a formidable symptom of many diseases of very different etiologies. Understanding all this is the task of the doctor, and self-medication is not only not beneficial, but can also be dangerous.

Sudden dizziness. What to do?

The most immediate action in case of dizziness should be to protect yourself from falling, because no one can predict either the duration or the intensity of dizziness. Take a more stable position, or better, sit or lie down. In the supine position, to avoid kinking of the vertebral arteries, the head should be on a pillow or cushion. Movements should not be sharp and jerky - this can lead to an even greater aggravation of the situation. tributary fresh air, a cold bandage on the head can significantly alleviate the condition in the first minutes.

If the house has a tonometer, measure arterial pressure . Hypertensive patients probably know exactly which pill to take if the readings exceed the norm. If the pressure is low, it is better not to take any medication before consulting a doctor. Elevated temperature body can also cause dizziness, and if so, take an antipyretic.

If you are healthy, but have not eaten for a long time, eat something, preferably sweet.

If the dizziness doesn't go away long time, accompanied by vomiting, loss of coordination of movements, speech disorders - call an ambulance without delay.

The most effective help can be provided in the first hours after a stroke.

Dizziness, although not an independent disease, can tell a lot to the attending physician. To see a doctor or not is up to you, but it is timely health care can prevent complications of many diseases, diagnose the disease at the very beginning of its occurrence. And this means that effective medical care will be provided in the most short time. Be healthy!

Complaints of dizziness, as a rule, are a symptom of a disease and are not an independent pathology.

When you feel dizzy on the street when walking, most often, to exclude a serious pathology, the patient needs to seek medical help.

The article will focus on the possible causes of dizziness, diseases in which this complaint occurs, as well as symptoms and diagnosis.

Dizziness is one of the symptoms when the patient cannot describe his condition specifically and clearly. It most often worries the elderly. Is one of the leading complaints in patients neurological profile, but there is a possibility of dizziness on the background of pathology cordially- vascular system, with diseases of the ear, eyes, mental disorders.

Dizziness is described as a violation of the sense of one's position in space, a feeling of rotation of one's body or nearby people and objects when they are motionless, loss of balance, instability.

Exists clinical classification dizziness, in which there are 4 types:

  1. Vertigo (otherwise called true, or vestibular vertigo).
  2. Pre-fainting state or fainting.
  3. Balance imbalance.
  4. Other types of loss of balance or vague sensations.

True dizziness often occurs when the vestibular system is disturbed. At the same time, patients are disturbed by the appearance of rotation of the body or surrounding things. As a rule, it has a paroxysmal character. The duration of sensations can be from a few seconds to a day or be permanent. There are factors that provoke an exacerbation.

Pre-fainting or fainting means feeling possible loss consciousness or immediate temporary loss of consciousness. The duration of an attack can range from a few seconds to several hours.

When evaluating given state it is necessary to find out whether there are losses of consciousness during the episode, and also what is the reason for the onset of deterioration: possibly with taking medicines, a feeling of shortness of breath or pain in the chest, against the background of an increase in the number of heartbeats.

State of instability

Loss of balance creates a feeling of unsteadiness. Typically, this condition has the following symptoms:

  • sensations are more localized in the lower extremities;
  • dizzy when walking or standing, there is a feeling of intoxication;
  • decrease in a horizontal position or in a sitting position;
  • occurs .

Other sensations of dizziness are sometimes associated with visual impairment, a change in body position, the influence of factors external environment accompanied by a state of anxiety. This category includes all sensations that do not fit the criteria of the first three groups.

Often, patients find it difficult to describe their complaints, they characterize them as general malaise, lightheadedness, perhaps a feeling of movement of the surrounding space in the form of a tilt to the side. The described symptoms can disturb from several days to several years.

May be accompanied by visual impairment unpleasant sensations in the eyes, increased breathing, the presence of a state of anxiety. It is important to clarify with patients, against which the condition arose.

Often, in addition to dizziness, patients are also worried about other ailments:

  • hyperhidrosis, that is, increased sweating;
  • vomit;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • change in heart rate;
  • decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • possible severe headache.

Causes of dizziness

The basis of imbalance and the occurrence of dizziness may be the pathology of the cerebellum or a disorder of the motor / sensory system.

Cerebellar pathology can be acute, subacute and chronic. Leads to the development of impaired coordination of movements. Acute cerebellar dysfunction can occur with stroke, neoplasms, and multiple sclerosis. Characterized by the presence of symptoms of a lesion on one side.

Subacute and chronic cerebellar dysfunction can develop with alcoholic degeneration, spinocerebellar degeneration, hypothyroidism, and drug intoxication.

Motor or sensory disturbances may occur when:

  • sensory neuropathy;
  • pathology of the parietal lobe;
  • damage to the posterior columns and spinal ganglia.

There are several reasons why the head is spinning.

Factors in the development of dizziness include:

  • labyrinth attack;
  • pathological changes in the cerebellum and / or brain stem;
  • benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPG);
  • pathology of the vestibulocochlear nerve;
  • drug vestibulopathy;
  • Wallenberg-Zakharchenko syndrome;
  • other reasons.

With labyrinthitis, that is, with inflammatory lesion of the inner ear, patients are disturbed by an acute sensation of rotation of the body, especially pronounced during physical activity.

The most frequent etiological factor is otitis media, however, it also occurs viral defeat, trauma and vascular disease. Characterized by the presence of such manifestations as nausea and vomiting.

Cerebellar damage may develop due to acute violation cerebral circulation, neoplasms, inflammatory diseases.

Examination of patients reveals ataxia (inconsistency in the work of individual muscle groups while maintaining their strength, characterized by awkward movements, unsteady gait), nystagmus, and postural disorders.

Nystagmus is an oscillatory eye movement of an involuntary nature, it can be spontaneous or with head movements. There are three types of nystagmus:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • rotary.

Stem damage is caused by stroke, trauma, infections, tumors, and other causes.

BPPV manifests itself when the position of the head changes, the state of health worsens, for example, when lifting, turning in bed. Often the causes are unknown, it is believed that trauma, ischemia, intoxication play a role in its development. There is a special technique for relieving symptoms with exercise, for this you need to contact a physiotherapist.

Episodic dizziness with nystagmus, tinnitus, passing loss hearing is a symptom of Meniere's disease (a disease of the inner ear characterized by an increase in the amount of endolymph and increased pressure in the labyrinth).

Drug vestibulopathy occurs with prolonged use of certain drugs: aminoglycosides, anti-tuberculosis and chemotherapeutic agents, and partially anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition, dizziness is possible with an overdose, as side effect or in case of incorrect use of a particular drug, with individual intolerance components.

Wallenberg-Zakharchenko syndrome is determined by vascular occlusion: vertebral (including at the level of the cervical spine) or posterior cerebellar artery. Patients complain of dizziness when walking. The syndrome is also characterized by paresis. soft palate And vocal cords, Horner's syndrome, trigeminal nerve lesion.

Other causes of imbalance are high blood pressure, pathologies of the circulatory system, heart disease, mental disorders, hypothyroidism. Frequent dizziness in women may be due to migraine. The so-called physiological dizziness is associated with starvation or violation of the principles proper nutrition, alcohol intoxication.

First aid

Dizziness can occur suddenly under various circumstances: when a person is walking or stationary, when going outside or indoors. Falls are possible with dizziness.

Help with sharp deterioration well-being consists of the following:

  • lay the person on his back, raise his legs;
  • if you have a tie, loosen it;
  • unfasten the gate;
  • loosen a belt or belt;
  • free your feet from shoes.

These actions provide maximum and unhindered air access. Loss of consciousness may be preceded by pallor, a feeling of dizziness. In the absence of consciousness for more than 3-5 minutes, you need to call an ambulance.


Diagnosis of the disease consists in a thorough history taking and physical examination of the body.

When clarifying the anamnesis, it is important to identify associated symptoms. During a physical examination, the doctor may detect nystagmus in the patient.

It is also necessary to study the fixation of the gaze. To verify the diagnosis, biochemical studies, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, electroencephalography, fundus examination, skull radiography, and angiography are used.


Treatment of dizziness when walking is to identify the causes and treatment of the underlying disease. What to do if you feel dizzy with an incurable disease or for unknown reasons? In this case, symptomatic remedies are indicated.

To improve the condition, in addition to drugs, it is successfully used physiotherapy, which is aimed at training balance.

For some diseases and their treatment, in the absence of contraindications, folk recipes are used.


The feeling of dizziness, loss of balance, when the patient literally staggers when walking, can be a manifestation of various pathological conditions: diseases of the brain, vascular pathologies, traumatic brain injury, intoxication and tumors.

For reliable definition reasons, a doctor's consultation is indicated. It is important to contact him in a timely manner to make a diagnosis and prevent the development of complications.

Why does dizziness and unsteadiness occur when walking? Recommendations for troubleshooting.

A modern person lives so dynamically that sometimes he does not notice that the body is sending him warning signals that it is time to stop and rest. Usually the first sign of internal problems is dizziness. At first, this symptom will be almost imperceptible and will appear in those moments when a person rises sharply or walks very quickly.

But as the condition worsens, dizziness will become more pronounced and will begin to be accompanied by accompanying symptoms - weakness, nausea, shortness of breath, headache, and blackouts in the eyes. Such manifestations will indicate that internal reserves are on the verge, and it is time to start taking care of your body. We will talk about what can cause such problems and how to deal with them in our article.

Why when walking staggers, instability, dizziness: possible causes of diseases

Causes of dizziness

Immediately I want to say that dizziness does not always indicate the development of serious internal problems. If on the eve you worked a lot physically, then it is likely that more than enough adrenaline will be produced in your body during the night and this will lead to fatigue, drowsiness and dizziness. In this case, you just need to rest a little, and as soon as the body restores its internal reserves, your condition will return to normal.

Other causes of dizziness:

  • Bad habits. If a person smokes during the day great amount cigarettes, then in the evening he will feel dizzy. In a similar way, the body will react to excessive vasodilation and, as a result, will not correct work vascular and circulatory system. In the same way, alcohol, strong tea and coffee act on a person. In view of this, if you constantly have a similar effect on your vessels, the problem will only get worse.
  • Problems with the vestibular apparatus. In this case, the cause of the problem may not be the correct functioning of the cerebral cortex. If it does not correctly receive impulses and send them back in time, then the nervous system will not respond to a person’s desire to move and, as a result, softness in his gait will begin to appear, accompanied by pronounced dizziness. Against this background, Meniere's disease or vestibular neuronitis may develop.
  • Parkinson's disease and polyneuropathy. As a rule, these diseases appear against the background of problems with the nervous system. Because of nervous exhaustion And constant anxiety a person may appear distracted, which will simply prevent him from following his movements. If the neurosis aggravates very much, then the person will definitely begin to feel dizzy and weakness in the muscles will appear.
  • Osteochondrosis and atherosclerosis. These diseases interfere with the proper circulation of blood throughout the body and as a result, a person begins oxygen starvation. If the previously mentioned pathologies are aggravated very much, the vascular system and the cerebral cortex will begin to suffer more than others. And as soon as they stop working in normal mode, will immediately appear unpleasant symptoms in the form of dizziness, nausea and poor coordination of movements.
  • Hypertension, hypotension and VSD. The cause of these pathologies is the same vascular system. If the walls of large and small vessels become less elastic, this leads to the fact that the pressure in the blood either increases greatly (leads to hypertension), or decreases sharply and signs of hypotension appear. As for the IRR, it is the result of an enduring vasospasm.

Feelings of dizziness and unsteadiness of gait, memory impairment in cervical osteochondrosis: how to treat with medicines and folk remedies?

Dizziness caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be treated in several ways. If the head is spinning very much and in addition to everything you have a strong pain syndrome, then it is better for you all to give preference to drug therapy. If the pathology manifests itself only occasionally, you can try to get rid of it with the help of folk remedies.

  • Muscle relaxants. You can use Mydocalm, Baklosan, Tizanidin. These drugs will help you relieve tension in the muscles of the cervical region, normalize their tone and contribute to the normalization of blood circulation. All of the above means can be safely combined with physiotherapy.
  • Analgesics. Ketanov, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac will quickly remove the pain syndrome. If the pain is very strong, you may also need an antispasmodic, which will relax the blood vessels. For these purposes, Spazmalgon or ordinary No-shpa is suitable.
  • Means of the neurotropic group. Such drugs are needed in order to relax the muscles well and normalize the work of the circulatory system. Trental, Eufillin, Cinnarizine will cope well with this task.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Accepted in order to inflammatory process did not spread further, and also remove the puffiness that has already appeared in the area of ​​​​salt deposition. May have an antipyretic effect. To block inflammation, Movalis, Reopirin, Amelotex are well suited.

Folk remedies to fix the problem:

Folk remedies to fix the problem
  • Herbal collections. Take 1 tbsp. l dry chamomile, succession, add to them 1 tsp of linden flowers and raspberry leaves, and pour all 600 ml of boiling water. Put all this in a steam bath and hold it there for 30 minutes. Let the anti-inflammatory agent brew and consume it throughout the day. Accept this remedy at least 14 days.
  • Rubbing from osteochondrosis. Mix equal parts lemon juice and iodine, and then apply the product with a cotton swab to cervical region spine. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed.
  • Therapeutic baths. Prepare decoctions of chamomile, pine needles, add them to bath water and take them every night before bed. Thus, you will relax overstrained muscles, thereby reducing dizziness and pain.

Feelings of dizziness and unsteadiness of gait, memory impairment with VVD: how to treat with medicines and folk remedies

Recommendations for treatment with pharmaceutical preparations

As most studies have shown, the head with VVD is spinning due to vascular hypertonicity. Therefore, to get rid of this problem, it will be enough to normalize the work of the vascular system. If you do not do this at the first stages of the development of the pathology, then your condition will worsen and, in addition to the vessels, the heart and nerves will begin to suffer.

  • Regularly take medications that will help you normalize the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce spasmodic syndrome. Rutin, Piracetam, Cavinton can be attributed to vasoconstrictive drugs. They will have to be taken not only during an exacerbation, but also 3-5 days after all symptoms disappear.
  • If, against the background of VVD, your pressure constantly rises, then you will need to bring it down with the help of Corinfar, Captopril. In order to therapeutic effect from taking them has been preserved for a longer period, you can take them half a tablet 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • If your blood pressure, on the contrary, is greatly reduced, then raise it with Caffeine or Lemongrass. These drugs can also be taken both during an exacerbation of the condition, and during periods when blood pressure is only slightly reduced. In this case, a one-time intake per day will suffice.
  • Also, for treatment, you will definitely need sedatives and cardiac drugs. They will help to minimize the strain on your heart, and will also help you to recover as well as possible while you sleep. You can take Valerian, Motherwort, Neuroplant, Persen, Novo-Passit.

Folk remedies:

Folk remedies
  • Herbal teas to normalize blood pressure. All you need to do in this case is to regularly brew tea for yourself and drink it 2-3 times a day. Prepare healing drink you can use rose hips, mint, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, wormwood, argue or pink radiola.
  • Juice therapy. This method of treatment is suitable for those who are very fond of juices. True, in this case, you will have to cook them from vegetables. To normalize the condition with VVD, beetroot, carrot and cucumber juice is perfect.
  • Leisure. If you want to bring the body back to normal as quickly as possible, then start playing sports. It can be gymnastics, swimming or cycling. Start your workouts with minimal loads, and then, as your body adapts, gradually increase them.

Feelings of dizziness and unsteadiness of gait, memory impairment in atherosclerosis: how to treat with medicines and folk remedies?

The feeling of dizziness and unsteadiness of gait in atherosclerosis occurs due to the fact that cholesterol plaques clog small vessels and arteries, and as a result, there is a sharp narrowing of the vessels. If you do not start to deal with this problem at its first manifestations, then they can become completely clogged and then you will start serious problems with BP and heart.

  • It will be necessary to start treatment with drugs that will stop the growth of plaques and thereby lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Such medicines are taken for quite a long time, up to six months without any interruptions. Zokor, Vasilip, Liprimar, Atoris have similar properties.
  • Together with the above-mentioned drugs, so-called fibrates are taken, which reduce the level of triglycerides. It is very important to keep the level of these substances under control, as the more it is, the faster your small vessels will become completely useless. To improve your condition, take Fenofibrate or Lipanor.
  • Also in this case, you will definitely need to thin the blood so that it can pass more freely through the narrowed vessels. If this is not done, then the plaques will increase very quickly. Thrombo ass and Cardiomagnyl will help you do this.
  • And, of course, do not forget that your vessels need restorative means which will help them recover faster. Vitamins A, B, C and nicotinic acid will help you improve the condition of blood vessels.

Folk remedies

  • Take 100 g of garlic and lemon
  • Grind them to a mushy state and pour a liter of boiling water
  • Let the product stand for 3-4 days in a dark place, and then, without filtering, send it to the refrigerator
  • Take it 50 ml 2 times a day for 1 month

Tea to restore the elasticity of blood vessels

  • Take 2 tbsp. l chopped leaves of currant, raspberry, wild strawberry, wild rose and sea buckthorn
  • Mix everything thoroughly and use the raw materials as tea leaves
  • Every morning, take 1 tsp of raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, insist and drink
  • It will be necessary to use such tea for at least 1.5 months.

Feeling dizzy and unsteady gait when walking in the dark: how to treat?

If your unsteady gait and dizziness appear only in the dark, it is likely that you have problems with your eyes. In order to confirm or refute such a diagnosis, you will need to contact an ophthalmologist and undergo a complete examination.

As a rule, a similar problem provokes high eye pressure. Also, a similar problem can be provoked by otolaryngological pathologies. Inflammation of the sinuses or ear can provoke vasospasm and against this background unpleasant symptoms may appear. If these pathologies are excluded, you will have to treat neuralgia.

List of medicines:

  • Betahistine(will help restore cerebral circulation)
  • Reklanium(will adjust the proper functioning of the vestibular apparatus)
  • Nimodipine(relieve spasm of blood vessels and establish proper oxygen supply to the blood)
  • Caviton-forte(is a mild stimulant of cerebral circulation)
  • Metacin(helps improve the nutrition of the tissues of the cerebral cortex)
  • Pilocarpine(drug to reduce eye pressure)
  • Betoptic(reduces fluid flow to the eyeball)

What medications should be used for unsteady gait in the elderly?

Medicines for unsteady gait in the elderly

With age, all processes in the human body slow down. It inevitably starts to affect the work internal organs and as a result, causes appear that directly provoke the appearance of a shaky, uncertain gait.

A similar problem appears due to poor cerebral circulation, vision problems, overstrain of muscle mass, and even due to diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson's disease. All these pathologies cause functional disorders nervous system that takes Active participation into human movement.

Medicines to help solve the problem:

  • Bilobil. The drug is used to restore oxygen supply to the cerebral cortex. In addition, it effectively increases concentration, so that a person stops getting lost in space.
  • Tolperison. This medicine struggling with increased tone muscles, which slows down movement and does not allow you to raise your legs in a timely manner. Another feature of Tolperisone is a pronounced analgesic effect.
  • Ginkoum. Medicine, which restores metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels, thereby making them more flexible and elastic.
  • Vestibular gymnastics, if done correctly, and most importantly, regularly, can significantly improve the condition. human body. True, in this case, we must remember that it is impossible to load yourself very much right away. If you try to load yourself to the maximum on the first day, then in the end you will further aggravate your condition.

    Therefore, it will be better if you gradually accustom your body to stress. And although at the same time full recovery it will take you a little more time, as a result, you will be able to get a more stable and noticeable therapeutic effect. You can see the description of the exercises in the photo posted a little higher.

    • Always start exercising with the lightest exercises and only when muscle mass warm up a bit, move on to more difficult ones.
    • If the unsteadiness of your gait is sufficiently pronounced, then at the beginning of your journey, completely abandon sudden movements, jumps and walking in a straight line.
    • For the first week, do only head exercises. As practice shows, during this period, dizziness and nausea disappear in a person, and he can safely move on to more difficult physical activity.
    • In the second week, he can connect exercises in a sitting position, as well as intensive inclinations in a standing position. Remember that during this physical activity it is very important to breathe properly. If you do not follow your breathing, then in the end you will begin oxygen starvation.
    • After two weeks, it will be possible to move on to walking, easy jumps and squatting. Also during this period, you can try to stand on one leg with your eyes closed and even lightly box a non-existent opponent.

    Video: Unusual Causes of Dizziness



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