Accurate love horoscope for April cancer. Allergy to drugs: photos, symptoms, what to do, treatment

It is unlikely that someone associates Cancers with incorrigible rebels and crazy rogues, because the representatives of this zodiac sign in April 2016 will want to add at least a drop of attractive hooliganism to their bright image. In the middle of spring, you will become bored with living according to established, independently developed and proven rules over the years. Unfortunately, for most people, the internal protest will be chaotic and spontaneous, as a result of which a revolution will happen in the life of Cancer for the sake of revolution, and not in the name of high goals like raising the standard of living or gaining freedom from office slavery. It is for this reason that the horoscope advises you to be very careful in choosing the instruments of rebellion. Of course, to call the chief in person with all sorts of blasphemous nicknames because that “filthy capitalist who oppresses the common people” is bold, but what will you achieve by this? A similar question should be asked to oneself when thoughts about moving to Mongolia, founding a society of paper clip lovers and enrolling in Elvish language courses begin to come to mind. If you feel like doing something ridiculous and impractical, then make sure you don't starve to death.

Where Cancer's inner protest can come in handy is in matters of love. In April 2016, representatives of this zodiac sign will easily find their soul mate, or even face the need to choose from several equally attractive personalities. The fact is that the claw-shaped ones will finally get out of their cozy shell and go to explore the outside world. We are not saying that you have never done this before: we all live in society and periodically go to interviews, hang out with friends and run on dates, but this spring everything will be completely different. In the coming month, Cancers will be seized by a burning curiosity, which they will begin to satisfy with commendable enthusiasm. If earlier your forays out of the house were of an exclusively targeted nature (dressed, left the house, bought bread in the store, came back), now you will discover the charm of the new and unknown. Cancers will understand that it is impossible to go through life looking only ahead, and they will begin to turn their heads in all directions, discovering all the new nuances of being. Unfree representatives of this zodiac sign in April will delight their life partners with their readiness for change and experimentation. The middle of spring is perfect time in order to make it clear to Cancer that the relationship is not as cloudless as it seems at first glance. The horoscope promises that he will not remain deaf and blind to the signals given, but will show ardent participation and will do everything in his power to ensure that the loved one is satisfied. Now you are ready to try something new in the marital bedroom, take a vacation to an unfamiliar place and (who knows!), maybe even abolish the practice of planning menus a month ahead.

In the office this spring, Cancer may lose its status as a reserved and stress-resistant employee. To be honest, even our horoscope does not advise the rest of the zodiac signs to approach the claw-like ones without a bar of chocolate and a vial of valerian. The fact that Cancer is sitting quietly over a column of numbers and clicking on a calculator does not mean anything. God only knows how an impressionable colleague will react to an innocent request for a project estimate or a calculation of projected profits for the quarter. Perhaps he will simply nod his head and re-deep into the world of numbers, or perhaps he will throw a first-class tantrum with screams, screams and curses at all the reptiles who strive to put an additional burden on the fragile cancerous shoulders. And at this moment, the interlocutor will need soothing tinctures and sweets in order to extinguish the conflict that has erupted (it is generally very difficult to get angry with people with chocolate in your mouth).

In April 2016, the horoscope advises us to carefully analyze and critically evaluate the ideas that arise in our heads. Thanks to a temporarily heightened fantasy and weakened common sense in the head of Cancer, the most impracticable projects can be born that can make a significant hole in the wallets of businessmen of this zodiac sign. Even if it seems to you that a company selling warm hugs or a site for generating curse words are very profitable and promising start-ups, do not rush to sell an apartment in order to get initial capital. Wait a while (about half a year): if the project is worthwhile, then it will remain so, and if everything invented is the nonsense of a madman, then no one will ever know about your authorship. April is not the time to make big decisions, so this month, take the easy ones and be happy!

Attention, the horoscope of Cancer for the month of April 2016 is published in an abbreviated form. To have complete picture coming 2016 year of the Red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart unique to each person.

Monthly Horoscope for Cancer April 2016

April 1st to 10th. The period is favorable for studying literature on harmonious relationships. This will help you avoid many mistakes. The time has not yet come to prepare for the wedding celebrations. Long-standing alliances are in need of a “major overhaul” that not everyone will endure, and from April 5 to April 10, it will become clear that a break is inevitable. In any case, do not involve loved ones in these processes. On March 6, be sure to organize a romantic evening. From April 8 to 10, thanks to your sexuality, you will be lucky in flirting.

From 11 to 20 April. The tension in the relationship will begin to ease. The aspect of the planets will continue to generate a loving mood, which will allow you to adequately get out of strife. The desire to be together should be supported by the desire to hear and understand the partner. The time has come to establish traditions in the family or borrow them from the parental home. Recent acquaintances will smoothly move into the stage of romantic dates.

From 21 to 30 April. It's time to listen to wise advice or use someone else's experience in a relationship. From April 21 to April 23, stealth can spoil the impression of each other and plant a time bomb in your union right now. dangerous period passed, you can trust your chosen one and discuss with him even the most sensitive topics. You will feel the need to participate in the affairs of a partner and provide pleasant signs of attention.

Family horoscope

Improve communication with parents. Meetings and joint activities with friends will become a pleasant necessity. Your husband will be determined to make radical changes both in the interior and in family foundations. You just have to guide him. vigorous activity in the right direction. From mid-April, introduce your spouse to the upbringing of the younger generation. In April, the child may show nervousness, which will help to neutralize creative pursuits, research. Daily exercise will be beneficial for his health.

Health Horoscope

At the beginning of April against the backdrop bad mood And nervous tension exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible. If you can’t reduce the amount of stress, learn to perceive it differently. Good time for fitness, swimming.

Horoscope of work and money

Your boss is kind to you. In early April, there will be an opportunity to make your own workplace more comfortable. From April 3 to 12 is a good period for financial transactions, the implementation of entrepreneurial projects. From April 16 to 25, the harmonious aspect of the planets will patronize the purchase of household appliances. In April, there will be a great opportunity for shopping.

Horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer men

Love. Right now, the responsibility for the partnership is pressing too hard on your chosen one. Most likely, he exaggerates his fears, but all the same, it is better not to raise questions about marriage, increasing the family and solving housing problems. Be patient, the time will come, he himself will announce his plan of action.

Tone. good health can create in him a sense of omnipotence and the danger of overload. Opportunities must be weighed against reality. At risk is the back and neck-collar zone. Your companion will be subject to attacks of suspiciousness and pessimism.

Finance. Stability in the service of the spouse will favorably affect the budget. Requests for a raise will be heard, or he will find a better paying job. There will be opportunities to buy real estate. Cancer can count on sponsorship and financial success.

Job. The period will please with career growth, professional achievements. From April 2 to April 13, there is every chance to find a job by vocation or get a well-deserved promotion. The situation may be overshadowed by the failure of business partners to fulfill their obligations.

Friends. Your hero is a success with management, which will expand profitable connections and circle of acquaintances. In early April, Cancer may not see eye to eye with a bosom friend. It will take wisdom and patience. After April 15, it will attract like-minded people like a magnet.

Leisure. April is perfect for sports training or travel. Best of all, he will prove himself in martial arts. Good luck will accompany him in competitions, where he, by right of the strongest, will be able to win his prize.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for April 2016:

For the brightest representatives of Cancers, the month of April will be a somewhat turning point. The thing is that the latter are accustomed to being insecure and indecisive people, so in life, in addition to luck, they also met serious problems. And now the horoscope for Cancer for April indicates that the spiritual qualities of the representatives of the zodiac can change dramatically. Numerous acquaintances are expected ahead of Cancers, and many of the new acquaintances will become very interesting for the representatives of the zodiac. important people. If the zodiac sign abruptly changes its own views on daily life, then many extraordinary, but positive situations are prophesied ahead of it. Cancers are among those people who, if burned once, do not climb on the rampage a second time. The experience gained over the years will now help the representatives of the sign to become much more successful, in addition, intuition and inner voice will help the representatives of the sign to get around all the sharp corners of life and achieve more in their own destiny.

For some time now, representatives of the star sign have had to experience difficulties modern life, but now the experience gained will help the latter deal with past situations and understand that all the problems that have ever existed were not so terrible. The time is perfect for sincerely admitting your mistakes. It is probably worth asking some people for sincere forgiveness. Or it may happen that enemies come with repentance to Cancers.

The time for the zodiac sign is expected to be quite successful, success and luck shine on them in almost every life sphere. But Cancers may encounter ill will from close relatives or once true friends. Now you can’t get angry or annoyed, you need to learn to approach all problems with the mind. Representatives of the zodiac are recommended to completely destroy irritability from their souls, because because of it, the latter cannot find contact with the right people.

In April, Cancers should not devote all their personal time only active pursuits it is important to find a moment to relax. At the same time, rest should not be active or emergency at all, it should correspond to a quiet pastime. In this period, it would be good to improve relations that were once upset with children or their own parents. It is important to learn to forgive insults, as well as try to break yourself and be the first to ask for words of apology.

Horoscope for April 2016 for the Cancer woman
The most beautiful representatives of Cancer should not now take drastic actions to change their own personal life. The time is not very good for marriage, as well as the beginning of the search for potential life partners. The best thing ladies can do is to dedicate their free minutes to only themselves. It is very good for women to take care of their own appearance, for example, Cancers will not hurt to visit a beauty salon or drastically change their hairstyle.

But in the service everything is going pretty well. Women love their work, but at the same time they do not want to work directly for someone, and devote all their work only to their own material well-being. Probably in April sudden jump By career ladder some especially determined and purposeful ladies.
Horoscope for April 2016 for the Cancer man
The strongest half of the zodiac sign is in a double state of mind. On the one hand, they are quite satisfied with their own family life, and the other side of the soul indicates that they are overly controlled. Such duality can do the latter a disservice. If men are single individuals, then now is not a very favorable moment to search for a potential life partner. If Cancers belong to family personalities, then they should stock up on confident patience and just wait out the exciting feeling that has awakened in their soul.

But at work, everything is going just fine. Cancer men promise professional growth, while the latter will not need to apply any of their own efforts to their luck.

April 2016 love horoscope for Cancer
For romance and true love, the time is not very good right now. The love horoscope for Cancer for April 2016 recommends that representatives of the star sign wait for a more successful period if they want to somehow drastically change their personal lives. Despite the fact that the moment will be filled with a variety of acquaintances, it will not work to find something worthwhile. April endows the representatives of the zodiac with a charming appearance, so Cancers will not end up with fans. But potential partners will not be at all tuned in to serious relationship, and from the Cancers themselves they will want to get only entertainment and flirting.

Family representatives are encouraged to stay within the family more often. Partners are already dissatisfied with the behavior of the latter, and if they also evade family responsibilities, then a major scandal cannot be avoided at all.
April 2016 health horoscope for Cancer
A slightly dangerous and unforeseen period in terms of health is coming for representatives of the stellar zodiac. special attention demand internal organs in particular the liver. At the slightest painful symptoms and their manifestation Cancers need to take emergency measures for the cure of the disease.

In April, the weather is not yet stable enough to completely change into spring clothes. First of all, all this concerns Cancers, because they love to show off. The health horoscope for Cancer confidently warns that a direct discrepancy in outerwear can lead to a serious exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or to the manifestation of new colds.

Representatives of the sign need to take a closer look at their internal state perhaps they should extend their sleep duration or drastically revise their daily diet.

Financial horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer
A fairly successful period is prophesied to the bright representatives of the star sign. It is practically not necessary for the latter to make enhanced actions in order to achieve promotions in the professional sense. It is likely that many Cancers will receive an offer to change their place labor activity. You may even receive an offer to move to another city. Cancers should be clearly wary of such surprises of fate, even though a month does not promise a negative in the service, but still, it will not hurt to take a closer look at potential future employers.

The finance horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer assures the latter that they will not have problems with material and financial prosperity. But you don’t need to make super huge expenses either. If there are excess savings Money, then it is recommended to invest in real estate or purchase a car.

Now is the time to find out what the horoscope is preparing for us for April 2016 Cancer, a woman will never refuse to know such things, because this is important!

Work horoscope for April 2016 Cancers

The middle of spring is the time when Cancer women will be able to devote more time to work. The first half of the month will be especially favorable. By comparing your employment during this period with the last months that have elapsed, you will experience a significant increase in it. It's nice that in April you will feel not only the stability of your own financial well-being but also an incentive to work actively further. Even during a crisis in the country, your professional activity will delight with new hopes and favorable prospects.

Love horoscope Cancer for April 2016

Basically April 2016 is a quiet month for personal life Cancer women. He promises to pass quietly, peacefully, without any shocks and unpleasant scandals. This is the right time to strive for new goals and seek new opportunities. Also love horoscope for the Cancer Woman for April 2016 recommends to refrain from any kind of praising of your person in front of other people. It can play with the bouncers bad joke People will simply lose interest in them.

Married Cancer women in April can become participants in small scenes of jealousy. In particular, there is a high probability for Cancers to suspect a soulmate of infidelity. Manifestations of jealousy - confirmation of the fidelity of one of the partners. Therefore, those who have been suspected of treason may not worry about their spouse's fidelity.

Lonely crabs may feel some difficulty in communicating with people around them in April - familiar and unfamiliar. Women who are single representatives of this sign should not demonstrate categoricalness and adherence to principles, as well as be overly active when communicating. Otherwise, the period of loneliness can be significantly extended in time. The Cancer horoscope for April 2016 recommends that they behave softer and more kindly.

Now you know the horoscope for April 2016 Cancer (woman), next time you will find out what the horoscope for May promises you.

Partner news

Gagarina: No need to endure humiliation from her husband! Lose weight to spite him! I managed to lose 40 kilos with the help of a penny ...

Crayfish, if you correctly allocate time in April 2016, then the middle of Spring will drag on for you
for an eternity, like a sled on asphalt!

Cancer horoscope for April 2016.

In April 2016, the main friends of Cancers will be time and phone. Moreover, if the phone is already in your hands all the time, then over time you need to make friends in April 2016. Try to feel it, appease it, stock up, plan and, most importantly, respect it. And to respect means, first of all, not to lose! Therefore, act in the spirit of the time, think in the spirit of the time, respect and cherish it. And if you feel that something is going wrong, then the phone will come to your rescue. Which in April 2016 will keep you in touch with time and reality. And even in very adult Cancers, and even in very family ones. It’s not for nothing that you can find such advice on the Internet: “If your husband or wife has been sitting in the bathroom / toilet, then it’s enough to say:“ Dear (s), while I dig (play) in your mobile phone. The speed of doing things is increasing at times!”. Moreover, no matter how Cancers know that Cell phones we are no longer served, but govern our lives.

But if you correctly distribute the time in April 2016, then the middle of Spring will drag on for an eternity. And you will do a lot this month. True, judging by the horoscope for April 2016, many Cancers in the second decade will want to lie on the sofa and relax. And the real rest for Cancers is not 2 miserable days off, but when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one. But as the Cancer April 2016 horoscope warns, not everyone in your sign will be able to take a break next month. Many Cancers will need to have time to “close” old cases and questions so as not to transfer them to the difficult May 2016. Yes, and as the horoscope for April 2016 shows, the habit of most Cancers - to rest before you get tired, may not work next month. Most likely, there will be very little time for rest. So Cancers take yourself and something useful in hand, for example computer mouse and finally start doing something! Moreover, health and Vital energy yours in the period up to April 17, 2016 will be much higher than average. The most frustrating thing for Cancers will be that you will not be able to rely or shift everything to others. There will be too many moments that are tied only to you. Therefore, try to avoid collective decisions and projects in April 2016. All the same, you will need to do most of it, and you will need to share it for everyone. It's like blowing out candles on a birthday cake - only the birthday person blows and makes a wish, and everyone gets the cake. Yes, and your birthday is still far away. Therefore, the best solution for Cancers next month will be to do what needs to be done, and not look for reasons not to do it, and force it. And to look for reasons to force you, it’s better for you in other months. For example, in May-June 2016. There will indeed be reasons for this, but more on that in our next horoscope. Yes, and, after all, you don’t want to eat a sandwich spreading buckwheat on it, do you?

In addition, as we have already said in, right up to May 24, 2016 you will find a long favorable period. Of course, even at this time the potatoes may burn, and the Internet may work intermittently, but the horoscope for 2016 does not promise Cancers any serious troubles and troubles during this period.

Therefore, in April 2016, continue to fight your laziness and empty gatherings on the Internet. Of course, what worries you the most is when the WORLD VEGETABLE LAYING CHAMPIONSHIP will take place? And you will finally lead this country out of the swamp of sports failures. But, still, maybe it's enough to miss auspicious moments, days and whole months?

In the middle of Spring, Cancers are waiting for the rise of romantic mood, hormones and love!!!

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer auspicious days- 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 20, 23 and 27.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancerbad days- there is no good without bad, even schoolchildren are given assignments for the holidays, so take unfavorable days as “ control task before holidays" or auspicious days.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer career, work and business. In April 2016, Cancers are waiting for two key moments- bosses and compromises. The first Cancer must be avoided as much as possible, and the second must always be sought, and not only sought, but must be found. If we have already talked about the birthday cake above, then a compromise is precisely the art of dividing the birthday cake so that each guest is sure that he got the best piece! Moreover, as we have already said, before your birthday, as before "the cancer that whistles on the mountain." Therefore, in the division of the cake with the authorities, you will not have to compromise. A quarter of the cake, or even the whole half, in April 2016 should go to the leadership from Cancers. And then everything will be fine with you, so do not be greedy and do not be rude.

Otherwise, April 2016 should not be a problem month for Cancers at work, and even if you fail to close some issues, it will no longer be your fault. In the end, according to the horoscope, victory will be yours, but if there is a possibility of a compromise, be sure to agree. And if we repeat once again that if you need to divide the cake so that everyone is sure that he got the best piece, then divide, not in front of everyone, but in advance. And then, with your natural persistent confidence in your rightness, you can always prove that you shared honestly. After all, if Cancers want, they can prove that non-alcoholic vodka exists! It doesn't matter if anyone believes it or not! Well, if there are no such stubborn Virgos or Aquarius nearby.

The horoscope advises Cancers to leaders and businessmen to prepare for fierce competition, and possibly even open war. But, as Bernard Werber once said: “War is not for dilettantes. It's a job where you have to be methodical and rhythmic." So what at proper management military operations against competitors Raki in April 2016 can count on, if not victory, then a white flag and a truce.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer Finance. In April 2016, money will not drip into the wallet and pockets of Cancers, but will flow in a small stream, like Birch juice, so prepare jars and basins so that there is something to substitute. Especially in the first half of April.

April 2016 for most Cancers will resemble a situation when you are sitting at a computer doing nothing, bored, when suddenly ... Someone asked to sit down at someone. And you immediately, oh no, I need to answer 3 letters, send 15 photos, download two ilmas and write a letter!

Love horoscope for April 2016 Cancer. Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer Love. In the middle of Spring, Cancers are waiting for the rise of romantic mood, hormones and love. That's why family Cancers it is better to throw it all out on your soul mate - otherwise an overabundance of love desires can lead you into the darkness of unwanted love adventures. And then, instead of harmony and love, the temperature of your relationship will not even resemble April, but hot July. Moreover, in view of the heavy workload, either in business or in some kind of worries, and due to possible bursts of jealousy, it is very likely that misunderstandings will arise on the part of loved ones. It’s better to return to the old formula for family happiness for Cancers. After all, you have previously admitted that you can not build relationships only on deceit. Cancers always think love relationship you need to build on a solid foundation of manipulation, resentment, reconciliation and sex ... So it's better to stick to the old principles. Moreover, family and adult Cancers in April 2016 should not forget about children. Even about very adult children. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that your children have grown up if they stop asking you where they came from, and refuse to tell you where they disappear, but do not forget to ask about money. In any case, give them more attention and freedom in making decisions, and in April 2016 they will give you positive emotions and more.

Well, if a little love for another person is already warming in your head, and if you give it a chance, then already in April 2016, instead of buds on branches, you will have the first flowers in a relationship.

Lonely Cancers in April 2016 will be much easier and much more interesting. You will have every reason to fully realize that Love, which itself will seek you in the middle of Spring. What to hide, for many Cancers in the spring, the issue of loneliness always becomes even more relevant. Therefore, the search for new acquaintances or a sex partner should not be limited to the already existing circle of acquaintances. The main thing to remember is that in April you don’t need to look for a special and special occasion, for fun and Have a good mood. Spring is already a reason, so smile for no reason, and April and Spring will not pass you by without attention. Cupid, spring and love can also wink at lonely Cancers on trips and travels. Especially in a good company, where you know everyone well, and you can relax, feel the Spring and replace your usual “hmmm” with “ggy-gy-gyyy”.

So April 2016 for most Cancers will resemble a situation when you are sitting at a computer doing nothing, bored, when suddenly ... Someone asked to sit down at someone. And you immediately, oh no, I need to answer 3 letters, send 15 photos, download two films and write a letter to the President! So this is exactly what April 2016 will be like, which will ask you to sit down at the computer, and make you do what you have been putting off for so long! That is why in April 2016 the main friends of Cancers will be time and phone!

Have a great April 2016!!!



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