How to move up the career ladder. Advice for an HR specialist

Which interfere with career growth. But you also need to follow specific steps to quickly advance at work. There are some things you already know and do, and some things will be new. This article contains simple tips that will help you climb career ladder. If these steps are not taken, the path to the top may take a long time.

1. Know how to listen to people

Try to participate as little as possible in useless conversations and do not initiate them, but participate more in constructive conversations. Listen to what the other person is telling you. Believe me, when you are silent and think about what is said, you look smarter.

You must be able to listen carefully, try to do it objectively and understand what your interlocutor wants to convey to you and why. Learn to speak when you really need to. And during the conversation, listen as if they were telling you an entertaining story.

2. Be involved

If your colleague has some insurmountable difficulty, help him cope with it and sometimes offer your help yourself. And if you don’t know how to solve a problem, help the employee find resources that will help with the solution, don’t stew in your own juice. This way you will gain the favor of other people, and also gain invaluable experience for free.

This also applies to unofficial corporate affairs: holidays, birthdays, misfortunes of colleagues. Participate, help with the organization, get people interested. Be an informal leader, but don’t get carried away - there are cases when employees become good “social activists,” but nothing more.

3. Read educational books

An expert can afford to be anything he wants (remember Dr. House), but a leader must be the best among equals, an open person who can listen and understand a subordinate, say “no” in time, and be able to multitask and work from various situations.

It will also be a good help to attend trainings to develop your leadership skills, trainings with a practical program are especially good. You should attend at least 2-3 trainings a year, and don’t wait until they start offering them to you.

4. Admit your mistakes

Unfortunately, we gain the most necessary knowledge and experience through our own mistakes. When we work, every failure seems to us the end of our brilliant career. In fact, these are valuable lessons that later force us to be careful about the decisions we make and the tasks we set.

Many people would do well to do this in ordinary life: moderate your own pride and importance, admit your mistakes, understand them, analyze them and don’t repeat them in the future.

Trying to protect themselves from making decisions and responsibility, employees often do not take any action or do not complete the work in full. But there is a good psychological trick: “I have the right to make mistakes, even the great ones made mistakes, what can we say about me.” Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to repeat your mistakes. Take action!

Never hide your own mistakes at work, even if you know that the mistake will be punished. The secret always becomes clear. It will be worse if the mistake you are hiding leads to negative consequences. Your reputation as an employee will be lost forever. It is better to report your mistake to management and suggest ways to correct it, if possible.

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5. Do your best to get the job done.

Try to complete the task as if you were doing it for yourself, and a lot depends on this task (within reason). Do more than what is expected of you, give 110%.

Consider all facets of the problem, modernize, introduce something new. Do it perhaps late, but surprise others with your approach and the results you get!

Remember, not everything depends on you, but you still have to make an effort. This quality will be appreciated by others.

6. Motivate people

Tell people that they can do it, that they will achieve more, and that their mistakes and failures are temporary. Discuss with them in conversations the topics of honesty, hard work, personal growth, and responsibility. Convey to them the idea that money is not always the main thing, there are other values.

Believe me, although the majority of people do not want to listen to conversations about high matters and may think that everything is just about money, you can hear something else in personal conversations. Pull people forward, no matter what, and you will receive support.

7. Responsibility in everything

Take responsibility, bear the burden, don't give up. Yes, you may be tired, but rest and move on. People like it when there is a responsible person nearby, and responsible in everything: he comes on time, gets things done, looks good, controls his emotions, does not abandon those who rely on him.

Become a guarantor of reliability in the team. You won’t even notice how you will rise above yourself - and up the career ladder.

The main thing is to be responsible for your words and actions, be consistent. This will serve you well.

8. Find a mentor

To climb the career ladder well, find yourself a mentor. This could be your manager, the head of a neighboring department, or even your friend. Learn from him so that he can point out your mistakes and show you new horizons. Ask him questions about control technologies - he has much more experience than you.

You can also go even further and gain experience from your manager's manager. You will absorb knowledge like a sponge and will be able to expand your professional horizons. Don't think that no one will tell you anything: everyone is flattered when they are asked about their work, what they do and how they got there.

It’s not an easy path, because you have to constantly leave your comfort zone, be able to make difficult decisions and take responsibility for them when everyone around you is silent. In our time, a leader becomes a disciplined person, moderately talkative, able to listen, proactive and responsible. Moreover, he can be both an introvert and an extrovert.

The good thing about being a manager is that you have to develop yourself as an individual and at the same time climb the career ladder. Remember that leaders are not born, but made.

In this case, we have recommendations on how to properly move between quarry reefs. We present seven rules for a successful careerist.

No. 1. Be an expert in a narrow field

Being a specialist in a narrow field is one of the most important rules of life. Life evolution itself obeys this law. A small company that cannot find its niche in the market is doomed to failure. The same applies to the employee. A person who is not an expert in his field is doomed to live from paycheck to paycheck with no prospects for financial development. Back in the day, electronics were a novelty. The personal computer arose due to the development of electronics, and therefore due to the development of specialization.

The main thing in developing your career is developing competence. But don’t confuse deep study of a profession with working late into the night according to your job description (and without it). You should also not confuse the development of your profession with the performance of functionality that does not concern you. In Russia, and throughout the CIS, it is very fashionable to burden an employee who has shown excessive agility.

It doesn't benefit you to work more. It is beneficial for you to work for yourself and perform only those functions that will work on your resume and contribute to vertical growth.

At one time I had the opportunity to work as a marketing analyst at one of the largest telecommunications companies. In addition to the main work, at first the new inexperienced employee was loaded with work that did not concern me. Specifically, make reports that should be done by an employee of a neighboring department. He didn't do this because he was busy. Being a person who wants to work, I definitely took on this job. My bosses noticed this and began adding new things. I started to get stuck in a routine. There was no option to refuse this functionality. Since the bosses at their level agreed. But I was not interested in what my bosses agreed on. I needed to get rid of this job. One smart colleague advised me to do the following. Sometimes (and better yet, often) it’s worth being cunning. Do work that does not bring you development in a deliberately bad way. This will make you distrustful. On the one hand, rumors will spread about your incompetence, on the other, you will no longer be entrusted with work that is not yours. You will have free time for self-development during working hours, and this will already work to increase your earnings in the future. Believe me, you don't need to work hard. Especially if it doesn’t bring any benefit to you personally. As a result, they stopped trusting me to do work that was not mine, because I did it “badly.” I freed up my time to learn new functionality. At first, my boss didn’t like me because of this. But later I came up with a very useful report for my boss. This restored me, and later I submitted my resume to another company, since I did not find an interesting and better-paid position in the current one, and got a job with a salary twice as high.


“Pump up” yourself with new skills that will give you the opportunity to earn more. Get rid of uninteresting tasks and under no circumstances do work that is not yours.

No. 2. Determine where 20% of your efforts will give you 80% of your results

Richard Koch, lecturer in managerial economics and business strategy at the University of Birmingham Business School, advises early in your career to immediately decide in which direction 20% of your efforts will give you 80% of your results. The famous Pareto principle. It is based on the correct selection of the minimum of the most important actions that will bring maximum results, while further improvements may be unjustified. It doesn't matter who you are. Employee, founder, private entrepreneur, small or large employer. In any case, you have clients on whom your prosperity depends.

In any field, 80% of people achieve only 20% of the results, and 20% of people are content with 80% of the wealth. Why is this happening? What are people doing wrong? First of all, Richard Koch, whom we mentioned, advises starting to ask yourself questions. Are you a good fit for your clients and are they a good fit for you? Are you working for the right company? Is it in the right department? Are you engaged in a profitable area of ​​work? Do you enjoy your work? If not, then you should change your location. Koch was involved in management consulting. In his field, he constantly asked himself questions. Accordingly, here we have a clear picture. Got a big client - great! Signed a major contract - great! You have a team of students to whom you can delegate routine tasks - class. Having close contacts with management is great.

You shouldn’t sit in one place for years, afraid to move to another job. This is silly. Don’t listen to the girls from the HR department who claim that they don’t like “flyers” (employees who change companies more than once a year). Yes, such people are viewed with suspicion. However, you can beat everything by writing your resume correctly. Including frequent job changes. Public opinion that has a negative attitude towards extravagant personalities should not worry you. You must understand one fact - you were born for yourself, not for the public. Look for something that will bring you maximum results with minimal energy expenditure.

No. 3. Start working for yourself early in your career

We have already talked about planning. Now we will talk about planning your working time. It must be planned with a preference for those tasks that are many times more productive than others. I’m sure that when you start your career, you will be given tasks like “sort out documentation consisting of 1500 letters”, “reply to 567 site signatories by mail in the style of “Sorry, but we can’t help you”, correct 5000 incorrectly printed flyers letter... Yes, there will be many such tasks. Get rid of them by any means necessary. Up to imitation of sick leave. Nothing personal just business. You are hired not as a valuable person, but as a valuable machine performing a set of functions. However, you are not a cog. It benefits you to do less and get more. This “getting more” thing clearly does not depend on how well you draw the letter in the 3456th flyer. What kind of development can we talk about if you are doing this? But there is still personal time. And it belongs to you, not your employer. The employer's job is to get the best out of you. Your task is to give him the minimum. Be prepared for the fact that the employer will often defeat you, so you should always strive to take the place of this very employer.

By switching places with him, you will change your attitude. Now you dictate the terms. In only one case should you not strive to open your own business. If in your current company you are actively absorbing knowledge. This is exactly the asset that will help you quickly turn a set of data from your head into real money by opening your own business. As a rule, active absorption of knowledge occurs in the first 2-3 years of your career. During this period, you will not receive much, but you will know a lot in order to learn how to receive a lot. In principle, during this period you can not rock the boat, but do not forget to get rid of stupid tasks.

I used this principle early in my career. Over the course of five years, I changed many companies and never once did I have any concerns from a new employer, saying, “Why are you leaving so often?” At my first job, I learned meticulousness from my female colleagues. I admit, working in a female team, and, let’s say, too scrupulous (analytics department), is far from easy. But I didn’t baptize any children with them. He left there soon and received a position with a salary twice the previous one. There was a great team there. At this place I learned to think strategically. I no longer performed boring tasks, but solved and gave advice. The next position brought me twice as much salary, but also more problems. The working day did not end for 12 hours. I decided it wasn't worth it. Having gained knowledge in telecommunications, and then in IT consulting, I decided to open my own business. Gained knowledge. I won’t say that I learned everything, but I received the necessary baggage. Now it's up to me. Now I am leading three projects and within a year I have reached an income level that exceeds the salary at my last job. I consider this a success. I wasn’t particularly interested in what employers, and certainly not my work colleagues, would think of me. I got what I needed from them. What did you give? Yes, I gave my job. That's what. Among other things, I saved a good relationship with the right people, and this is very important in business.

No. 4. Outsource work that is not your specialty

The most successful companies are those that have discarded unnecessary services and focused only on what they do best. If a company is an expert in marketing, it is not involved in production. If she understands inventions, but does not know how to sell them, she hires a competent outsourcing company for sales. It’s better to sell but get less than not sell at all. An important rule for a careerist is to hire as many people as possible who perform functions that are not inherent to you. At the same time, you will focus on those areas where you are stronger than your competitors. At the beginning of your career, if you work, say, in an analytical department (doing economic analysis), you should not go into IT (unless, of course, you want to become a programmer in the future). It's not your job.

Your task is to force the above-mentioned department to provide you with material for work in a short time and with the highest quality possible. You don’t need to figure out what problems your programmers are having and why a certain code didn’t work at 5 a.m., but worked at 6 a.m. and lost a piece of data. This shouldn't worry you. In practice, the quality and speed of your work depends on your rigidity.

No. 5. Be careful and prudent

As a rule, when you work for someone else, there is an unspoken rule - do not take initiative. It ends sadly. People understand that they can dump areas of work on you that you will drag on. And then it’s already “inconvenient” to refuse. They will scold you, saying that there is no one else but you. Therefore, it is necessary to be prudent in this matter. It is also important to correctly position yourself in the team and in front of your boss. At first, you shouldn't stand out. Regarding appearance - be careful, you need to smell good. At the same time, there is no need to stand out with bright clothes. They will be jealous. And envy will lead to a negative attitude. This is of no use to you.

While the essence and the matter you take knowledge from your colleagues. You should not start familiar relations. Be polite, maintain conversations, but never discuss your superiors, your colleagues, or gossip. In a team, gossip spreads quickly and your reputation can be tarnished. Make the right contacts with higher-ups, get in their sights, as they can contribute to your vertical advancement. Relationships with superiors are a separate issue. There are several types of bosses. And you need to behave differently with each of them. Here are the main ones:

Made a career from the very bottom

The most difficult type, since he has already passed your path to the end. There's nothing you can do about it. I'll have to work hard. Only selfless work will help you achieve success. You should immediately plan how to move to another department from such a boss, “taking out” as much knowledge as possible, since vertical advancement with him will be extremely slow.


This guy made a career by sticking to his patron. Nice guy. Beneficial for you. He is predictable, megalomaniacal, cunning. At the same time, you are able to take his place. He will be shy in front of you if he finds out that you are connected with higher authorities.


He quickly advanced in his career thanks to chance. I didn’t have time to become embittered during the promotion. You can come to an agreement with him. Likes employees with self-esteem who are able to place themselves below him. Values ​​quality work. You can work with him. Can help you promote.


Through dull zeal he earns the rank of general. The method of “working” with him is length of service. He is an honest idiot and can himself recommend you for promotion. If it doesn’t work out, you need to make connections with your superiors past him.


As a rule, he took a place through connections. It's easier to work with. Appreciates the work that is done for him. With delusions of grandeur. He can be outsmarted. But it is difficult to take his place. Therefore, try to make connections past him.

No. 6. Strengthen your self-control

It will be difficult at first, so endurance is important. You don’t want to hear from any of your friends or relatives at the end of your career: “I couldn’t cope, my friend. The gut is thin! At the very early stages, learn to use people for your own purposes. At first, of course, they will play with you. You are a pawn. But with proper construction, everything will change. Shine in front of your superiors. Don't take on unnecessary functionality.

Participate in corporate events (a great chance to make the right connections in an informal setting). Make contacts with newly arrived colleagues, as these people can become loyal to you. Master acting skills. Here it is important to portray the accepted emotions in your company. Yes, you really don't care about the photos of your boss from Turkey, but this should never be portrayed if he shows them to you. At one time, I learned to tell jokes well while working in one of the companies.

It got to the point that at every opportunity my bosses asked me to tell me something new. Using this, I was noticed in meetings. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise they will think that the clown will be perceived as such. You need to move towards the main thing and shine in front of it, right?

No. 7. Be energetic and don't give up

Dejection is a sin. It's said in the Bible. Have you often observed your colleagues dressed in anything, with gray eyes that depict nothing? I often. You shouldn't be like them. This leads to collapse or being stuck in one place for many years. At one time, I made a plan for every day of what to do. The plan was not to do all, all, all of my responsibilities. It was about bringing maximum benefit for yourself. Let's say you need to start your morning by learning something new. Is it time for 11-12? You need to go for coffee with your boss, discuss everyday life, tell a joke, find out what’s going on at the top. Dinner? You shouldn't dine alone. It’s clear that you want to devote this hour to yourself, but it’s better to spend it usefully. Not necessarily with your boss. This could be a new work colleague, an important specialist for you (who can be useful to you) from another department, or a pretty assistant to the director of the company who may be useful to you in analyzing the main person. Don't be disdainful of these people. It is advisable to have lunch with the right people 3-4 times a week. After lunch, you can take care of your immediate responsibilities. As a rule, this is a routine. If there are a lot of them, then it is better to do them in the morning, since it is better to do uninteresting tasks faster in order to free up the day.

Don't forget to leave time for planning your work throughout the week. Do you smoke? This can also be used for your own purposes. You can learn a lot of important things at smoking rooms. Most importantly, don't go around too often and don't gossip. They will definitely know about this.


These tips are not a panacea. You yourself know very well that not everything goes according to plan. But it’s better to have a plan than not to have one and have no idea where to go.

A career ladder, or rather career advancement, is the dream of many. Wages increase several times, social status becomes more privileged. The stakes are too high, so there are no small things along the way.

In this article you will read:

  • What is a career ladder and why does everyone want to climb it?
  • How to advance your career
  • How to beat your rivals on the career ladder
  • Why do many people stumble along the career ladder?
  • What fatal mistakes can make you forget about moving up the career ladder?

What is a career ladder

Anyone who gets a job in any company wants to achieve success and rise through the ranks. career ladder. In most cases, the applicant starts working in a minor position, but as he gains experience and knowledge, he hopes that he will receive a higher position, as he will meet the necessary requirements. Of course, it is not possible to grow up the career ladder in all companies, since some have a small staff. If you get a job in a large and developed company, you can climb the career ladder, and at the same time you will have a highly paid managerial job.

Best article of the month

Marshall Goldsmith, a top business coach according to Forbes, revealed a technique that helped top managers at Ford, Walmart and Pfizer climb the career ladder. You can save a $5K consultation for free.

The article has a bonus: a sample letter of instruction for employees that every manager should write to increase productivity.

Every person wants to get a leadership position that will increase his authority and will be well paid. However, it happens that a person remains in the same low-paid job, while other newcomers quickly move up the career ladder.

How to make a career ladder plan

1) Determine your career goal. It is necessary to think carefully and thoroughly, weigh everything and take your time. Make a decision without pressure from family or friends, it should be your opinion. In this case, your career goal will be exactly yours, which means it will be interesting to you and will be able to come true.

2) Study the requirements for the career goal you have chosen. Make a complete list and keep it up to date. Also indicate in the list your education and level of professionalism; personal qualities that will help you achieve your goal; experience; presence of positive characteristics from previous bosses and managers.

3) Determine objectively how far you are from achieving your career goal. Check off the items on the list of requirements that you have and have achieved throughout your career. professional activity. For example, you want to become a chief accountant. You do an excellent job as a staff accountant and know all the nuances of accounting, but you have no experience in a management position. This way you will understand what still needs to be achieved.

4) Make a plan to move from your current state to your goal. Determine what shortcomings you have, what qualities need to be improved and developed. For example, take advanced training courses or listen to business training for managers and bosses.

5) Write down the time frame during which you are going to implement all the points of your career plan. At the beginning of the list of requirements, indicate the most important items and those that will take a lot of time.

6) Take strict control of the implementation of your career plan. Periodically study your career plan, make notes about the stages passed and completed tasks, analyze the sub-goals achieved, and do not change the established deadlines. Make adjustments if necessary. Changes indicate that you are moving, not standing still, which means you are getting closer to your goal. And then the result will not keep you waiting long.

3 steps of the career ladder

The first step is awareness of your goal. Remember: a leader is a keg of gunpowder. Without fire, without purpose, he is just boards knocked together and gray powder. Every goal needs means of implementation. Your resources are time, health, energy, money sources, business connections, power. It must be taken into account that any resources may be exhausted. And those sources that you have at the moment help you now. New achievements require new sources. They must be drawn from outside. This means that they exist, but other people own them. Therefore, your tasks are: finding a system that meets your goals; entering it; using the necessary sources, beating other players.

The second step is finding a suitable system. There are leaders who create their own system and play by their own rules. Thus, starting from the second step, they walk along a completely different ladder. Not everyone is capable of this, and most consider such leaders crazy, because the risk in this case is too great. But, as you know, the more dangerous the hunt, the larger the prey. The remaining managers decide to choose a system that already exists and was previously created by someone else. In these systems, the leader begins to fight for his niche and sources of income.

Before we begin describing the next stage, let's look at the first two. You can consider them with a specific example. This will help you avoid difficulties when setting a goal and finding a system.

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Let's say you are an accountant looking for a job. Your secret dream is employment in a large company, where the accounting department employs only professionals in their field, and the salary corresponds to your wishes. However, you no longer want to work as a full-time accountant, since you are confident in yourself and have many years of experience. Therefore, you are applying for the position of deputy department, no lower.

This is the goal setting stage. A person without leadership qualities would be happy to work in such a large company not only as an ordinary accountant, but also as a secretary. The leader realizes that in such a system the desired positions are occupied, and there is very little chance of climbing the career ladder from accountant to deputy head of the accounting department. The HR department tells you that you have no experience in management positions, so you can only be offered to work as a secretary.

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You get upset and realize that you can choose between a small company that employs young professionals, or go to a large company as a secretary. This is the system selection stage. The system must be fit for purpose. For this reason, you, as a professional and leader, realize that taking the position of deputy head of accounting in the shortest possible time in a small company - with your knowledge and experience - is real.

Without interrupting the plot, let's smoothly move on to the third step of the career ladder. This is the highest and most difficult level, so you need to go through it in parts.

Here you are going to the HR office of the company you have chosen to have an interview. Take a walk around the company's office. After all, you will need to work with the employees of this company. Find out whether you will be comfortable working, will you work well with the team? During the interview, study the head of the company, because your career growth will depend on him. How attractive is he to you? Are you ready to work for him and carry out his instructions? Do the manager, the team and the company itself make a good impression? Do you see promising cooperation? This means that now is the time when you can start achieving your designated goal!

The third stage is establishing relationships with the system. A leader must have the qualities of a tactician and strategist. And that's exactly how it is. A professional leader takes on the role of a medieval commander and wages war in several directions at once:

1) battle for sources;

2) battle for statuses;

3) battle to get closer to the “boss body”.

The battle for sources is a constant struggle for the management, distribution and use of the company’s available material, technical, financial, human and other resources. This is power. The benefits of holding power are obvious and require no explanation.

Battle for statuses. Status is an informal position in a company that gives an advantage to influence the decisions and judgments of other employees.

Getting closer to the “boss’s body” - the right to any interaction and communication with superiors, the opportunity to influence important decisions on the distribution of sources and statuses.

From my youth I wanted to be the first

Georgy Pogosbekov, General Director of the company "M.I.T" (Miele Innovation Center), Moscow

In my youth, I always wanted to be the first: in the army - a commander, in student - a group leader. At the university, I was both the head of the stream and the head of the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Students of the Faculty of Law. By the way, the first half of studying at a university is necessary to “work for the academic record”, and the second half it works for the student. This happened in my life even after graduating from university: a teacher recommended me to the head of a Russian-Chinese holding company. I started working as a staff lawyer. Within six months I took the position of head of the foreign economic activity department. After the same period, I was transferred to the same position, but to a larger holding company. After 2 years, I became the second person in the company after the general director, who was the owner. There were no career prospects in this holding company, so I got another job. In a new place, after a short period of time, I began to work as general director.

At 27 years old, I already have two years of experience as CEO. I am not going to change my place of work yet, since the employer will definitely think about my short experience in my position and my age. Therefore, only by the age of thirty do I want to rise one step higher. How exactly?

Organizations are divided into 4 groups, depending on the territorial scale of their activities:

1 – a company operating in one region (I currently work in such a company).

2 – an organization that has its branches in other regions.

3 is a large company with representative offices throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

4 is a multinational company operating all over the world.

By the age of thirty, I want to take the post of CEO of a company from the 2nd or 3rd group. What do I think will help me achieve my goal?

Hard work.

Education. I study at the Institute for Advanced Training of Civil Servants, I also study literature on business, attend industry conferences, communicate with colleagues, consult with them, and share ideas.

Useful connections. I make business connections by participating in conferences, as well as by solving assigned tasks in my company.

Family support. This is one of the most important components of a manager's career growth. Perhaps even the main one. If you constantly hear “why did you come home from work so late, we don’t see you at all,” there can be no talk of any success.

5 strategies to climb the career ladder

1. Create your dream job in your mind and then strategically add aspects of it to your current role. You may not like some aspect of the job today, and you may feel that you are highly qualified for it. However, do not focus on this, use your strengths in this workplace to the maximum. Think about which tasks are easy for you and which ones are worse, and for what reason this happens.

When you find answers to your questions, discuss them with your boss or company manager. Suggest how you can introduce into your work activities the tasks you dream of working with. Tell us how the company will benefit from implementing these tasks. If the manager sees that you are taking a very responsible approach to completing the work assigned to you now, then he will definitely give you the go-ahead.

This will prove that you are a highly motivated and valuable employee to the company, and you will be treated as such. The more tasks assigned to you are completed, the more respect your manager will have for you for striving to climb the career ladder. If the opportunity arises to offer you a job in a higher position, the manager will definitely do so.

2. Find a mentor (or two). You must dream, but you must have a mentor who has achieved the same heights that you dream of. He will be able to help you turn your dreams into reality through advice, ongoing consultation and support. There are mentors in different areas of activity. So, to be more successful, find several different mentors.

In the office, mentors will help you become part of the team and recommend you to your superiors if a career opportunity arises. Find another mentor who will be radically different from the previous one. Not only will he give you new ideas, but he will also help you advance your career in other areas of the company in which you dream of working. Constantly looking for a mentor shows your leadership qualities, energy and enthusiasm, which determine the choice of a candidate for a high position.

3. Find out the requirements of your dream job. In most cases, people stay in the same workplace because they are afraid that they do not have enough strength and knowledge. Instead of citing the uselessness of your higher education, identify a list of information sources that will help you advance your career and start studying them.

Your interest and passion should be your guiding principles during information training. And if you choose the right path, you will be involved in learning new material and will not stop learning halfway. Read books, publications, contact professionals for advice. Today you can easily find the right source of information, taking into account modern capabilities.

If you are fluent in the information you have studied and talk about your idea, then they will trust you and respect your opinion. This will highlight your passion for business, even if it differs from your current position.

4. Ask for feedback. If you have already implemented the above suggestions, but no advancement in your career is happening, then you can contact your superiors directly. Ask your manager to meet to find out what needs to be improved in your work. Some things you may already suspect (e.g., “I think you've stopped caring about...”) and some may surprise you (e.g., “You can't get a promotion until you learn how to manage relationships.” with clients"). Most likely, your manager is not aware that you want to climb the career ladder in your company (for example, if everyone knows that you are a very active person yourself).

But you shouldn't stop there. Talk to your colleagues, find out what your strengths and advantages are, in their opinion, and what needs to be improved. You'll likely hear some criticism, and some of the answers will surprise you. Be sure to listen to the team.

5. Make friends with people from other departments. Of course, any person feels more comfortable when he has friends at work. Not only do you communicate well with them, but you also create a team culture within the company. This will help you always be aware of the emergence of new attractive jobs before general publicity to employees. You must communicate well with colleagues not only from different departments and positions, but also be friends with a person working in a similar position so that you do not lose enthusiasm and continue to move towards your goal.

Don't forget that you may be in a low-level position, but you are in control of your career. The responsibility rests on your shoulders, so make the most of where you are today. Even if all the measures on the path to career growth do not allow you to get promoted, they will help prepare you for a higher level in another company.

How to beat your rivals on the career ladder

Option #1. Sell ​​yourself to your boss as a person. How to determine the possibility of success of such “self-selling”? The result criterion is very simple. Any management is engaged in the development of the activities of its company, that is, it thinks about introducing effective innovations. The basis of innovation is creative projects. This means that any leader’s idea must be adjusted so that it can be used and benefited. Therefore, he needs an interlocutor. He will not turn to just anyone he meets, but to the person who can offer something and whom he trusts.

This means that if a manager asks you for advice on a particular issue, then you have entered his circle of trust, and he sees you as a creative person. If you are given a previously developed task to complete, it means that you were not able to win them over, and you need to use other methods.

Option #2. Find out in detail the goals and priorities of your manager. Current, non-urgent, long-term priorities - in the context of your function. You must learn to serve them. It seems to you that you are being hired in order to develop the company, promote it in the market, and increase its competitiveness. But not only for this. Each employee of the company who has a boss above him is obliged to carry out his tasks, that is, in the narrow sense, you work not for the company, but for your boss. Therefore, you must know its goals in order to serve them. To do this, you need to be interested in them and ask clarifying questions.

Find out what criteria your boss will use to evaluate the work you do. Find out which tasks are his priority. The evaluation of your work will not depend on its quality, but on how well you completed the tasks of your immediate superior. There is nothing like this either in the job description or in the department’s regulations.

You may be the first to ask where your manager sees the direction of your department. What goals did he set for the department? What is the measure of the result of work activity? You might think that other people's functions are handled by employees who don't have their own. However, it is impossible to realize your goal without serving the goal of another. Remember the example of an accountant who was applying for a job. It is impossible to realize his goal immediately without making efforts. For this reason, he decides to get a job in a small company, where he will carry out orders from the chief accountant until he achieves his goal. Therefore, you must learn to serve your manager's goals.

Option #3. Sell ​​your work in the context of your manager's goals and priorities. There are many specialists who understand their work much better than their boss, they can make effective decisions and identify emerging problems. In fact, they enjoy performing tasks that are outside the established scope. They are professionals, so they sincerely believe that they know better than any boss how to solve this or that problem. But in order not to get bogged down in performing management functions, you need to clearly define your goals and distinguish them from the goals of your boss. In addition to performing the tasks of the manager, you can easily perform the functions that you like. Do what you love! But you need to present the results of your work in the context of your boss. In this case, you will be able to use statuses, resources and trust without any problems. If your activity does not bring you any positive emotions, then it urgently needs to be changed.

Development of leadership qualities of a manager: 6 rules of a real leader

Sergey Bykovskikh, President of Henkel Rus, General Manager of Henkel Beauty Care in Russia and the CIS countries, Moscow

Most people think that leadership skills contribute to effective communication between subordinates and management. I concluded that leadership is primarily about oneself. If you cannot understand yourself, you will never be able to lead other people. Therefore, if I want my team to follow the principles I have established, I show proper behavior every day by example.

In our company, this is the most important condition for leadership – lead myself (which in English means “manage yourself”). Then other principles follow, these include: lead team (from English - “manage a team”), lead stakeholders (from English - “manage stakeholders”), lead change (from English - “manage changes”) and lead performance (from English - “manage results”). Here is a list of leadership rules that guide me:

Pay attention to subordinates. You may not even think about it, but the team is always monitoring any changes in your behavior and attitude towards it. For example, you were very busy and didn’t say hello to someone. This may affect the employee's performance that day, and you will be at a loss as to why he began to perform tasks so poorly. Therefore, I try to pay attention to everyone in my company. A greeting, a smile, a handshake - it’s not difficult at all, and at the same time it perfectly increases the motivation and performance of all employees.

Behave correctly with subordinates. You must always remember that you cannot neglect the rules of working with subordinates, for example, talking to them in a raised voice. Let's say you are not satisfied with how a subordinate performs the task assigned to him. If you talk to him emotionally, it will not bring any results. It is more effective to determine the cause of low performance. I find out from the employee the essence of the task, the stages of its implementation and the final result. If everything is correct, then most likely he is not paying enough attention to the task. In this case, I will calmly explain that if this continues, I will have to say goodbye to him. In most cases, the employee understands and begins to take a more responsible approach to completing any tasks.

Select a team from those you really trust. I work with people who work in other regions, branches and departments. Therefore, controlling from a distance is quite problematic. It is very important to me that all employees comply with the rules and requirements established by the company. At the same time, I show that I trust the team. For example, when giving a task, I explain its essence and what I want to see in the end. This way I show that I trust him. The subordinate, seeing such an attitude, responds in kind.

Raise a successor for yourself. Before moving to the next level in my career, I find someone who can replace me. My successor will be able to finish the project I started without any problems. That is, my career principle is that I can move up the career ladder if I have people who can also rise higher and take a new step.

Don't show power. If a leader shows that he is superior to others and can manage them as he pleases, then this indicates low culture and insolvency of the individual. Collective hierarchy sometimes does not help in resolving certain situations. The team will follow the leader or will not even blink an eye. Every day I keep in mind that not only am I the head of a company, but I also have a family, a hobby, and a job. And I have to behave like an ordinary person.

Understand that the world is much more than work. Work is one of the main areas of life. However, I also have other activities. For example, I go for a run every day. When I run, I feel clarity of thoughts, I am distracted from current problems and begin to imagine the situation in the future. For example, I realize that I devote too much time to a certain task, but not enough to another, more important one. Running helps you prioritize. My first boss, a man of fairly mature age, walked along the boulevard for half an hour every day at lunchtime. 15 years later, I attended a business summit in Germany and learned that walking for 15 minutes at lunch helps keep your body toned and your mind clear. That’s when I remembered my first boss, he himself developed the same rule for himself. I trust this experience.

Typical mistakes that cause you to stumble up the career ladder

1. Waiting passivity. Very often, an employee works in the same position for a long time, responsibly fulfilling his professional duties. And when a vacancy for a department head appears, the employee is confident that he will be hired. But they take a person “off the street.” Why is this happening? Because the majority thinks that there is no need to ask for anything, everything will come on its own, someone will give something. This does not happen on the path to career growth.

If an employee does not approach the head of the company with an offer of his candidacy for a vacant position, then the manager is sure that the employee is completely satisfied with the workplace he occupies. By contacting management about the vacancy in a timely manner, the employee could clarify the responsibilities of the head of the department, and simply notify him of his desire to work in this position. No management would think of appointing such an insecure person as the head of a department, because he would have to manage other people.

2. Incorrect speech and gestures. "Petr Petrovich... I wanted to know... (with a trembling voice and stuttering). I would like... (constantly adjusting his glasses). You know, in our company... (lowering his head). In general, I decided that it would be good... ( hesitantly pronouncing every word)." Your communication with your superiors and gestures say a lot about you. Of course, we will receive appropriate answers to such questions. In response to uncertainty and embarrassment, you will receive sympathy and care. Is this the impression you want to leave after a conversation with your manager? Will such a person be able to occupy a management position?

You must remember that excessive unnaturalness, insecurity and inertia will not help in moving up the career ladder. A leader does not possess such qualities. Your failure is characterized by a trembling voice, a downcast gaze, inappropriate laughter, an unnatural smile and playfulness, a guilty look, and endless introductory phrases about nothing.

Weakness and fear will be demonstrated by “cautious” speech patterns: “I’m trying to make this happen,” “could you…”, “it seemed to me,” “I didn’t quite understand,” “maybe,” “as if.”

Before talking with your superiors, you need to highlight the main idea and start the conversation with it. The manager will ask you clarifying questions if necessary. You must be open, express your thoughts briefly and clearly, and look your interlocutor in the eyes.

3. Demonstration of emotions is the key to failure. All people are emotional. Emotional breakdowns in the form of tears and screams in response to any sideways glance will not help you climb the career ladder. Coolness and impartiality will show that you can make thoughtful and rational decisions about any problem. Naturally, an emotional person is not always inconsistent, but this cannot be explained to everyone.

Anyone can figure out the meaning of other people's words. There is no need to demonstratively show dissatisfaction with your superiors if they misunderstood you. Ask directly what is the reason for this attitude towards you. Or maybe there is no reason? Maybe you came up with something yourself? Or is it not you?

Don't allow your feelings to be manipulated. If you do your job well, then the reward should be appropriate. Neither attachment nor past mistakes should affect this.

You can hide your emotionality by minimizing personal conversations. Never take criticism directed at you as an insult to your personality.

4. Not all work is good. Let's consider it in practice. Two friends worked - Andrey and Kirill. They completed all tasks very responsibly and carefully. Andrey did everything that was asked. Kirill performed some tasks perfectly, but refused others, with the exception of direct duties. Therefore, all the employees, in order not to do routine work, asked Andrey to help. Everyone was surprised when Kirill was promoted and not Andrey.

The reason was that Kirill took on tasks that could increase his professionalism. Any employee can scan documents all day long or look for information in folders. This was his principle. And as it turned out, he was acquitted.

Therefore, carry out assigned tasks that will help you improve your skills and expand your scope of work.

5. Everyone in the team likes the desire. The employee is in a bad mood and doesn’t want to stand and scan documents all day. A colleague asked to take half a day off to see the doctor, and you take over his duties.

You were taught to help people. But in this case, you cannot fully do your job. Your boss is very angry. Everyone knows that you are a sympathetic person, but you are slow. You won't see any career growth!

Know how to say no. You must clearly and clearly explain to your colleague why you are refusing him. Colleagues need to understand that you have important tasks that must be completed carefully. But agree to tasks that will contribute to your winning position in the eyes of your superiors. Then the manager will see that you are capable of more.

3 fatal mistakes after which you can forget about climbing the career ladder

1) Lack of patience. If you are the initiator of your career growth, you must realistically assess your capabilities and goals. Often, in cases of untimeliness, the initiative is not justified. For example, a person works in a company for a short period of time, even if he is already over forty, he is still considered a “young” specialist. This is the psychology of a group of people. Therefore, during the first year and a half, do not rush with the initiative. Study and analyze the company’s plans for the future, gain the trust of the manager and establish friendly relations with colleagues. Of course, no one has canceled leadership qualities, but know how to listen and obey leadership when necessary.

2) Intimidation, intrigue, mobbing. When there is great competition, any means of achieving goals can come into play. However, management respects ambitious employees. Therefore, do not use prohibited techniques. Praising your own merits at the expense of humiliating another person will show you from a not very good side. Most managers adhere to this principle.

3) Self-PR and presentation of your achievements. This seems inappropriate when a person is new to the company. Selfishness can turn away from you not only the entire team, but also the leader himself. And for such a careerist there will always be someone worse. Therefore, if you want to initiate career advancement, you must always achieve the indicators set by management and only then take the initiative. It is important that you achieve real success in completing tasks that will generate monetary income for the company. But even in this case, your status will not change immediately. An employee’s authority is built over a long period of time. You must realize that moving up the career ladder is a complex process that cannot be solved overnight.

Information about the author and company

Georgy Pogosbekov, General Director of the company "M.I.T" (Miele Innovation Center), Moscow. "M.I.T" (Miele Innovation Centre). Field of activity: retail sale of household appliances (official representative in Russia of the Mile CIS company). Form of organization: LLC. Location: Moscow. Number of staff: 25. Length of General Director in position: since 2008.

Sergey Bykovskikh, President of Henkel Rus, General Manager of Henkel Beauty Care in Russia and the CIS countries, Moscow. Henkel Rus LLC. Field of activity: production of cosmetics, cleaning and detergents, as well as construction mixtures and technologies. Number of personnel: more than 2500. Territory: head office - in Moscow, eight production plants - in Kolomna, Nevinnomyssk, Noginsk, Perm, Tosno, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, Engels. Global sales: €16.4 billion. Sales volume in Russia: 1.093 billion euros.

Currently, there are many people working all over the world who are not always able to achieve rapid career advancement. After all, they believe that they are constantly facing some kind of obstacles, but in fact, people simply do not know how to move up their career ladder. Quite often, those people who are able to raise their entire team, unfortunately, remain assistants.

Nowadays, it is worth understanding that success cannot be achieved by sitting in one place. Nobody will come and move you forward. You need to make your own career!

First you need to try to look at yourself from the outside. Many people remain in their place because they themselves do not want to achieve anything. Advancement is only possible if a person really wants it. After all, it is determination that pushes a person to take the right actions and makes him stronger. A person who wants to be a high-ranking person in his company must constantly grow. If knowledge, morals and preferences change in the team, then the manager must understand his employees and use new management methods.

To get a promotion up the career ladder, you need to try to stand out from others with your successes and ensure that senior management appreciates them. However, to achieve such a result, you need to put in a lot of effort. But this does not mean at all that you need to work hard and cover the entire scope of the enterprise. You need to try to become inconspicuous at the company, otherwise things that will not contribute to career growth may be blamed on the person. They will only lead to a physical breakdown, and the person may lose the desire to achieve anything.

When working in a company, you must try to become a professional in your field. Therefore, it is very important that a person during his work can concentrate on achieving one goal and persistently achieve it.

Also, to get a promotion up the career ladder, you need to try to optimize your own time. Self-organization allows a person to learn effectively, but activity allows you to plan everything purposefully.

Nowadays, many enterprises provide employees with the opportunity to remotely access work. Thus, the employee has a flexible work schedule, due to which the person will have additional opportunities related to professional growth. However, if it is difficult for an employee to independently monitor his discipline, then the work schedule may be disrupted and the person will do something completely different from what he needs to do during working hours.

The person who knows how to bring any task to completion can achieve success and move up the career ladder. And he needs to take on a new business only when he finishes the previous one.

It is important that a person can cope with various stressful situations in the workplace, as well as his own mistakes and failures. The most important thing is not to make the two most common mistakes:

  1. Bring all your stress home;
  2. Cherish all your mistakes and failures.

If an employee has any problems, you need to think about what specific actions should be taken to solve them, and which people can really help sort out this issue. There is no need to complain to your relatives or discuss your problem with your work colleagues. It’s better to start looking for a solution at this time.

You shouldn’t bring all your negative emotions home. This is due to the fact that a person always associates home with relaxation. In addition, if you reflect all the negativity on your loved ones, then the person will also have problems in family relationships.

If a person is very irritated, then he should rest a little in nature and get some fresh air. You can also unwind by mentally wrestling with the person who caused the negativity for about 10–15 minutes. You can use a punching bag for this. Due to physical activity, all negative energy will gradually begin to dissipate. You can also try returning home a little later than usual, walk through your favorite park, sit on a bench and watch what is happening around you. Thus, a person’s internal tension is completely relieved and he becomes less irritable.

Who can achieve rapid career advancement?

There are basically 3 groups of people who can achieve advancement in their career:

1. The first group includes workers who value their work very much and want to work tirelessly. Such people need to work on themselves as much as possible and try to constantly improve their professional skills. Also, this group of employees would do well to take some courses or training to achieve success.

3. The third group includes workers who consider themselves true professionals, so they think that they do not need to undergo any additional training at all. Such employees are most often looking for a business that they can be proud of in the future and at the same time earn good money. Most often, such people really have good skills, but they do not know how to lead at all. Therefore, in order to move up the career ladder in the future, a person needs to have this skill. In this case, special courses can help such people.

If a person uses all the listed nuances of each group of people, then he will definitely be able to achieve success in the near future.

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Which interfere with career growth. But you also need to follow specific steps to quickly advance at work. There are some things you already know and do, and some things will be new. This article contains simple tips that will help you climb the career ladder. If these steps are not taken, the path to the top may take a long time.

1. Know how to listen to people

Try to participate as little as possible in useless conversations and do not initiate them, but participate more in constructive conversations. Listen to what the other person is telling you. Believe me, when you are silent and think about what is said, you look smarter.

You must be able to listen carefully, try to do it objectively and understand what your interlocutor wants to convey to you and why. Learn to speak when you really need to. And during the conversation, listen as if they were telling you an entertaining story.

2. Be involved

If your colleague has some insurmountable difficulty, help him cope with it and sometimes offer your help yourself. And if you don’t know how to solve a problem, help the employee find resources that will help with the solution, don’t stew in your own juice. This way you will gain the favor of other people, and also gain invaluable experience for free.

This also applies to unofficial corporate affairs: holidays, birthdays, misfortunes of colleagues. Participate, help with the organization, get people interested. Be an informal leader, but don’t get carried away - there are cases when employees become good “social activists,” but nothing more.

3. Read educational books

An expert can afford to be anything he wants (remember Dr. House), but a leader must be the best among equals, an open person who can listen and understand a subordinate, say “no” in time, and be able to multitask and work from various situations.

It will also be a good help to attend trainings to develop your leadership skills, trainings with a practical program are especially good. You should attend at least 2-3 trainings a year, and don’t wait until they start offering them to you.

4. Admit your mistakes

Unfortunately, we gain the most necessary knowledge and experience through our own mistakes. When we work, every failure seems to us the end of our brilliant career. In fact, these are valuable lessons that later force us to be careful about the decisions we make and the tasks we set.

Many people would do well to do this in ordinary life: moderate your own pride and importance, admit your mistakes, understand them, analyze them and don’t repeat them in the future.

Trying to protect themselves from making decisions and responsibility, employees often do not take any action or do not complete the work in full. But there is a good psychological trick: “I have the right to make mistakes, even the great ones made mistakes, what can we say about me.” Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to repeat your mistakes. Take action!

Never hide your own mistakes at work, even if you know that the mistake will be punished. The secret always becomes clear. It will be worse if the mistake you are hiding leads to negative consequences. Your reputation as an employee will be lost forever. It is better to report your mistake to management and suggest ways to correct it, if possible.

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5. Do your best to get the job done.

Try to complete the task as if you were doing it for yourself, and a lot depends on this task (within reason). Do more than what is expected of you, give 110%.

Consider all facets of the problem, modernize, introduce something new. Do it perhaps late, but surprise others with your approach and the results you get!

Remember, not everything depends on you, but you still have to make an effort. This quality will be appreciated by others.

6. Motivate people

Tell people that they can do it, that they will achieve more, and that their mistakes and failures are temporary. Discuss with them in conversations the topics of honesty, hard work, personal growth, and responsibility. Convey to them the idea that money is not always the main thing, there are other values.

Believe me, although the majority of people do not want to listen to conversations about high matters and may think that everything is just about money, you can hear something else in personal conversations. Pull people forward, no matter what, and you will receive support.

7. Responsibility in everything

Take responsibility, bear the burden, don't give up. Yes, you may be tired, but rest and move on. People like it when there is a responsible person nearby, and responsible in everything: he comes on time, gets things done, looks good, controls his emotions, does not abandon those who rely on him.

Become a guarantor of reliability in the team. You won’t even notice how you will rise above yourself - and up the career ladder.

The main thing is to be responsible for your words and actions, be consistent. This will serve you well.

8. Find a mentor

To climb the career ladder well, find yourself a mentor. This could be your manager, the head of a neighboring department, or even your friend. Learn from him so that he can point out your mistakes and show you new horizons. Ask him questions about control technologies - he has much more experience than you.

You can also go even further and gain experience from your manager's manager. You will absorb knowledge like a sponge and will be able to expand your professional horizons. Don't think that no one will tell you anything: everyone is flattered when they are asked about their work, what they do and how they got there.

It’s not an easy path, because you have to constantly leave your comfort zone, be able to make difficult decisions and take responsibility for them when everyone around you is silent. In our time, a leader becomes a disciplined person, moderately talkative, able to listen, proactive and responsible. Moreover, he can be both an introvert and an extrovert.

The good thing about being a manager is that you have to develop yourself as an individual and at the same time climb the career ladder. Remember that leaders are not born, but made.



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