A massage of the neck-collar area will relieve headaches. Benefits and contraindications of cervical-neck massage

The collar area of ​​the neck is the least mobile part of the body. And if you add physical inactivity to this fact, the result is pinching, swelling, headaches, insufficient blood circulation and hypoxia.

Symptoms and diseases associated with the cervical-collar area can be listed further, but it is better to understand the basic rules and techniques of massage of this area, which will help you decide to prevent diseases or get rid of them, if they already exist. The technique of performing such a massage is simple, anyone can easily master it.

Few people doubt the usefulness of such a massage. After all, the benefits of such a procedure are as follows:

This alone is enough to move from theory to practice. But first, you still need to become more familiar with all the nuances of the procedure, watch the massage of the cervical-collar area on video, study the indications and contraindications.


Massage is indicated for a fairly extensive list of problems and sensations. You should start the procedure immediately if:

  • Fatigue is present;
  • The neck area has been under strain for a long time;
  • The body received serious physical stress;
  • You feel discomfort in the neck area and have a headache;
  • There is neuritis, neuralgia, neurasthenia, plexitis;
  • The patient sleeps poorly;
  • There is a slight increase in blood pressure;
  • A diagnosis of scoliosis, arthrosis or osteochondrosis has been made;
  • Rehabilitation is required after a stroke;
  • The patient leads a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle;
  • There are injuries.

Basic Rules

The massage is done in a lying or sitting position. The person needing the procedure should be seated in front of a table on which a small bolster or pillow is placed. The client should rest his forehead on the roller, place his hands in front of him and press his chin to his chest.

If there is no bolster or pillow under the upper limbs, the client can simply rest his head on his hands.It is recommended to carry out this procedure in the morning.

During the massage the following techniques are performed:

  • Stroking - many massage techniques begin and end with this technique.
  • Drilling - to perform this technique, the massage therapist is located to the left of the client, and places his right hand on the back so that the spine is between the thumb and the rest. Next, he follows and performs circular movements, leaning on the thumb, moving along the spine from bottom to top with the remaining 4 fingers.
  • Rubbing is faster and stronger stroking, which reduces pain, warms the muscles, and increases the elasticity of the fibers. The technique is performed quite intensively and alternates with stroking.
  • Kneading shouldn't hurt. This is the main technique of this massage, since kneading spends 60% of the time allotted for the session.
  • Vibration is a technique that is performed with the palm or fists. It should also not cause pain. Perform movements rhythmically, intermittently or continuously.

Execution technique

When performing a massage of the cervical-collar area, the deltoid, trapezius, vertebral muscles, shoulder joint, shoulder girdle and cervicocranial joint are affected. The technique of massaging this area is based on the alternation of the above techniques: the procedure begins with stroking, followed by rubbing, kneading, rubbing again, vibration and ending with the same stroking.

Everyone has their own painful areas, so it is advisable for the client to voice them, so that the massage therapist will pay special attention to them and give them the appropriate load during the session.A session of massaging the collar area of ​​the neck lasts on average 20 minutes.

Important! After the massage, you should not get up or move suddenly. It will be nice if you just rest for a few minutes.

Execution diagram

With the exception of the “drilling” movement, during a massage of the cervical-collar area, all movements are performed from top to bottom, where the top is the head and the bottom is the shoulder joints.

  1. Smoothly and gently begin touching the shoulders and neck. In each zone, exposure should not take more than 5 seconds.
  2. A stroking technique is performed, starting from the head, and the master moves with both hands to the shoulders. He performs this manipulation up to 7 repetitions.
  3. Next, without making any sudden movements, he begins to rub. The manipulation is also performed for a maximum of 7 repetitions.
  4. “Drill and squeeze” also up to 7 repetitions.
  5. The next step is kneading, which is performed using the thumbs, placing them on the neck muscles, and the other four, which are fixed on the trapezoid without putting pressure on the body. Clockwise and counterclockwise, move your thumbs in a circle. In this case, you need to be careful not to put pressure on the vertebrae. This manipulation is done up to 5 repetitions.
  6. Next, according to the scheme, the trapezius is massaged: apply pressure with the whole palm, slightly squeeze the muscles, pull it towards, and then away from you. Do up to 10 repetitions.
  7. Knead the shoulder joints with circular massage movements. Moves clockwise and counterclockwise up to 8 repetitions.
  8. Move on to receiving vibration. Using a relaxed edge of the hand, the hands alternately hit the trapezius muscles for up to 15 seconds.
  9. Soothe the collar area with stroking, moving from head to shoulders up to 8 repetitions.

Segmental massage for cervical osteochondrosis

There are several ways to carry out the procedure in the collar area of ​​the neck. These are classic, acupressure, vacuum and segmental massage.

In the latter case, it should be taken into account that each segment of the human body is equipped with a spinal nerve and is, in turn, connected to the skin. If we talk about the neck, then there are 8 segments.

If there are pathologies in a particular organ, blood circulation is also disrupted in a certain segment.By performing massage manipulations near the diseased organ, the master promotes its rapid recovery.

The mechanism of action of segmental massage is aimed at finding the problem segment, and then increasing blood circulation in the problem segment.

How they do it

  1. To begin with, they press on the patient’s skin, trying to identify the painful area.
  2. The skin is collected and folded. Reflex changes in this segment will be indicated by painful sensations in these thickenings and detection of restrictions in mobility.
  3. They stretch the skin, trying to identify painful areas, and therefore reflex changes in the connective tissue.
  4. To identify problem areas, you can also run the blunt end of a needle over the skin.

In areas of increased pain, the blunt tip will be perceived as very sharp and prickly. You can tickle the patient.There is no sensitivity in the zone of reflex changes.Only after diagnostics have been carried out and problem areas have been identified, the procedure can begin.

There are four types of segmental massage:

  1. That’s what it’s called: “segmental” - it is a certain method of physical influence that very effectively eliminates reflex changes in tissues. The main goal of such a massage is to reduce pathological influences.
  2. Periosteal - designed to increase blood circulation and speed up metabolic processes by affecting painful points. Thus, the problem organ is being treated.
  3. Shiatsu - techniques from Japan, based on pressure on acupuncture points. Massage restores energy balance and normal well-being, affects the body's defenses.By pressing on problem areas, you can quickly get rid of pain and solve health problems. This type of segmental massage can lower blood pressure, relieve toothache, fatigue, and relieve discomfort in the lower back and shoulders.
  4. Connective. This species has a particularly good effect on the central nervous system, the circulatory system, and helps in the regeneration of scars. The technology consists of tightening the skin with the pads of the third and fourth fingers, thereby affecting the nerve endings. The technology was created by physical therapy instructor E. Dicke back in 1929.


Often the hands themselves reach for the neck to rub it, feeling the burden of a hard day, prolonged sitting at the computer, or during exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Is it worth doing self-massage? Of course, you can and should engage in self-massage, but at the same time observing the necessary laws.

Important! Self-massage consists of three stages: preparatory, main and final. The stages differ in the speed of movements.

Preparatory The period involves warming up the collar area, which consists of light movements from top to bottom on the back surface of the head. Movements can be done with one hand, or two in turn. We gradually move to the side and front, increasing the intensity.The final part of the preparatory period is a collarbone massage.

Video lesson: massage of the cervical-collar area

Watch a useful video on how to massage the cervical-collar area at home

The main period involves massaging the upper back, using characteristic techniques:

  1. Press your palms tightly to the skin and smooth the surface with them;
  2. Use your fingertips to rub in a circle;
  3. Moving four fingers slightly to the side, they pinch the muscles;
  4. Pat the surface of the skin with your fingertips.
  5. The final stage involves movements that will calm the problem area. To do this, cup your palms and clap. It is more convenient to clap on the left shoulder with your right hand and vice versa.

Self-massage should be avoided if:

  • Sharp acute pain;
  • Any disease in the acute stage;
  • Malignant tumor;
  • Skin lesions;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Bleeding;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

How to treat myositis

Myositis is an inflammation of muscle fibers, characterized by pain, swelling and thickening at the location. It is recommended to massage the neck and shoulders for myositis twice a day for 5 to 15 minutes.

First, lightly stroke the muscles, then do circular and straight rubbing, alternating it with pressure. The massage begins with the pads of the thumbs, then the pads of the four remaining fingers are connected, and then the phalanges of the bent fingers are applied. Complete the massage by applying the base of the palm. The next step will be a deep kneading.

Important! Before the end of the procedure, about 3-6 minutes, apply the following rubbing: Finalgon, Apizartron, Dolpik.

The ointment is applied to the affected area only in case of severe pain; if the sensations are not strong, then after applying it, massage it higher or lower, and after 2-3 minutes the affected areas are treated. To keep warm, apply a bandage or compress.

Massaging against the withers

Many people are familiar with what a “scruff” is, formed at the base of the neck. A fold of fat often spoils your mood. Massage or self-massage will help get rid of it.

Apply a little cream or oil to this area and massage the neck area for about 5 minutes, using pinch movements. Then, grasping the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra, applying slight pressure, massage the back of the neck, while leaning slightly forward.

The hands should be folded into a “lock”. Movements are circular, spiral, clockwise. The duration of the massage is arbitrary, but if you are not lazy, the “withers” will become softer after seven days, and then completely disappear.

For hypertension

For this disease, no one has canceled massage, since it has a beneficial effect on the body and leads to a decrease in blood pressure. But, control over it must be exercised constantly, both when visiting a massage room and during self-massage. Any type of massage is strictly contraindicated for people with the 2nd or 3rd stage of the disease.

Important! During a hypertensive crisis, massage is prohibited.

Using a massager

A neck suffering from a lack of mobility needs a massage. Using a massager, you can perform the procedure with horizontal movements, moving from the scalp to the shoulder blades. When massaging your neck and back, you should try to smoothly tilt your head in different directions. It’s a good idea to do this procedure after a sauna.

Possible complications

Experts say that there must be pain after a massage, and if there is none, then the massage was not done correctly and the body did not respond to the influence. Manifestations of pain, on the contrary, indicate that the process has begun. The pain after the next session will definitely disappear after a while.

One of the options for pain after a massage is a headache. It can occur when the procedure is performed unprofessionally, when blood pressure is unstable, or when the patient is in an uncomfortable position while massaging the body. In any of these cases, you should not hesitate, you need to take a headache pill. Whether it is “Spazmalgon”, “Nosh-pa” or “Ibuprofen” is up to the patient to decide, but it is necessary to help the body.

Application of oils

Essential aromatic oils are in abundance today. And if the patient does not have an individual intolerance to this category of drugs, then it is worth using them when carrying out a healing procedure. For example, the oils of St. John's wort, immortelle, sage, celandine and others contain antibiotics.

But such cosmetics have not only bactericidal and antiviral properties. Essential oil dilates coronary vessels, improves blood circulation, stimulates breathing, and stimulates the central nervous system. Besides,a pleasant smell during a massage is an additional relaxation.


Massage of the collar area of ​​the neck is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Acute infectious pathology;
  • Heat;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Decompensation of the liver, kidneys;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Hypertension;
  • Skin infectious diseases, dermatosis.

Massage of the collar area of ​​the neck, given our sedentary lifestyle, is truly a panacea of ​​the 21st century. To feel better in all respects, do not put off visiting a specialist. If you pursue purely cosmetic goals, the result will be noticeable after 3-4 sessions. Therapeutic and prophylactic massage will take about a month.

Massage of the cervical-collar area helps relieve tension, cope with headaches and insomnia. Such procedures can be carried out at home. To do this, you need to master some principles and rules of such massage.

When is massage of the cervical-collar area necessary and what are its advantages?

The cervical-collar zone is the surface of the neck and chest up to the fourth vertebra. Targeting this area has many beneficial properties. Among them are:

  1. Muscle relaxation. The session helps relieve stress, eliminate feelings of fatigue and anxiety.
  2. Increased blood circulation. This eliminates pain, swelling, and the accumulation of lactic acid.
  3. Improving blood supply to the brain. This helps fight headaches and insomnia. Brain activity improves.
  4. The proper functioning of all internal organs is stimulated. This effect is achieved by influencing reflexogenic zones.
  5. Massage of the neck-collar area helps to recharge with energy and vitality. The general condition of the body improves.

The key to success will be proper execution of the procedure. Despite the simplicity of the technique, it has several features that need to be studied.

If you do not have a person who can effectively carry out the procedure, contact a specialized massage salon.

Therapeutic massage of the cervical-collar area is indicated not only for adults, but also for children. It helps to cope with the following problems:

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  3. Rehabilitation after a stroke.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Frequent headaches.
  6. Insomnia.
  7. Bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema.
  8. Gastritis, colitis.
  9. Acne.
  10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. ARVI.
  12. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system.


The procedure has many advantages. But it is not safe for everyone. Among the main contraindications for massage of the cervical-collar area are:

  1. Blood pressure too high. The procedure helps fight hypertension only if the numbers are not significantly increased. Otherwise, the sessions may have the opposite effect.
  2. Recent neck injuries, presence of open wounds.
  3. Inflammatory processes occurring in the upper part of the body.
  4. Exacerbation of infectious diseases.
  5. Heart failure.
  6. The presence of neoplasms in the massaged area.
  7. The fourth stage of cancer.
  8. Diseases of fungal and bacterial origin.

If there are such contraindications, massage can aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, before starting sessions, consult with your doctor.

Before you start massaging the cervical-collar area at home, you need to prepare. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  1. Create a cozy atmosphere in the room. The air temperature should be at 23 degrees. Eliminate extraneous noise and strong odors. Make sure there are no drafts.
  2. or cream can be used as desired. It all depends on the condition of your skin.
  3. The key to success will be correct positioning during massage of the cervical-collar area. A chair with a high back is not suitable for these purposes. Use a stool. Place it on a high table with a pillow on it. The patient should sit on a stool and rest his head on a pillow.
  4. The massage is performed with clean hands, which must first be warmed up. To do this, just rub your palms together.

After the preparatory stage, you can proceed directly to the procedure.

Session technique

The technique of massaging the cervical-collar area is quite simple. It involves the use of the following techniques:

  1. Stroking. This effect allows you to relax your muscles as much as possible. The movements are light and sliding. The massage should begin and end with this technique.
  2. Trituration. Pinch movements are carried out by the phalanges of the fingers. They are good for stretching small muscles. Comb-like movements are carried out with the knuckles. Sawing is carried out using the edges of the palms. In this case, the hands are placed at a distance of 2 cm from each other and moved in opposite directions.
  3. Kneading. The palms are placed at an angle of 45 degrees to each other and clasp the muscle, and then pull back and squeeze it. The hands move slowly along the entire muscle. Longitudinal kneading is carried out in a similar way, but with straightened fingers. During shearing, the muscle is grasped and moved in a transverse direction with rhythmic movements.
  4. Vibration. Performed with fingertips. The strokes are performed sequentially, similar to how text is typed on a keyboard. Light tapping is performed with the palms.

Such movements form the basis of massage. During the procedure, alternate them with each other, and you will be able to achieve excellent results.

Before starting the massage, you can practice these movements on other parts of the body.

A step-by-step massage of the cervical-collar area is as follows:

  1. The procedure should begin with warming up. To do this, stroke the upper back. Move from bottom to top. Rub your back and neck with your fingertips for about two minutes. Rub all the muscles with your palms. Gradually increase the pressure and start rubbing.
  2. Rub all the muscles located along the spine. Apply the sawing technique.
  3. Soothe the skin with a series of stroking movements.
  4. Stretch the trapezius muscle with the fingers of both hands. If the muscle is very tense, the patient may feel pain. In this case, reduce the force. Make sure the muscle relaxes as much as possible.
  5. Work your shoulders and upper back. Do this with rubbing and kneading movements. Pay special attention to the latissimus dorsi muscle.
  6. Rub the entire surface of your back and neck in a circular motion.
  7. Knead the back of your neck.
  8. Move in a circular motion along the front of your neck. Perform all actions smoothly, do not press too hard.
  9. The session should end with strokes, which are performed from the bottom up.

In order to better study all the techniques, watch video lessons on massage of the cervical-collar area. This way you can clearly see the movements that will help make the procedure effective.

During the session, do not touch the spine. Any unskilled pressure in this area can lead to injury.

The total duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. During this time, you should thoroughly work all the muscles. If the course is carried out for medicinal purposes, then its duration is 10 procedures. For prevention, such a massage is performed when symptoms occur.

By learning how to massage the cervical-collar area, you can help your loved ones get rid of diseases and relieve stress.

Express massage of the cervical-collar area - video

Many medical problems claim to be the “scourge of modern society.” Physical inactivity can also be included in this list. Sedentary work and lack of physical activity are constant life companions for a huge number of people. Problems that physical inactivity causes include, but are not limited to, frequent headaches, pain and tension in the neck and shoulder area, sleep disturbances, and decreased performance. This is especially true for sedentary work associated with prolonged tension in the neck muscles.

Neck massage and its beneficial effects

Of course, the best way to deal with such problems is to change your lifestyle, but not everyone can afford this. There is a much simpler way to deal with these unpleasant phenomena.
Massage of the head and collar area (even once) effectively eliminates headaches and relieves the feeling of fatigue. After a course of procedures lasting at least a week, sleep is normalized and performance is significantly increased.
The benefits of neck and head massage are due to the following mechanisms:

  1. mechanical effect on the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, relaxes them. This relieves feelings of fatigue and tension;
  2. massage improves blood microcirculation in the cervical-collar area, which helps reduce pain in case of swelling (this is what is called “blown muscle”), or accumulation of lactic acid (after significant physical activity);
  3. Due to the fact that the neck muscles relax, blood supply to the brain improves. It is this effect that helps eliminate headaches and normalize sleep;
  4. impact on reflexogenic zones located in this area improves the functioning of internal organs;
  5. all these effects ultimately improve overall well-being, increase vitality and ability to work.

Of course, the effectiveness of a massage directly depends on the professionalism of the person performing it. You need to approach the choice of a massage therapist responsibly.
However, the massage technique is not particularly complicated. Therefore, if you can master it well, then you will have the opportunity to do massage at home.
Massage of the cervical-collar area is useful not only for adults, but also for children. As you know, about 75% of all schoolchildren suffer from poor posture, and 10% are diagnosed with scoliosis. This is not surprising, given that school desks are in no way designed to maintain normal posture.
Massage helps correct posture by relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. In addition, eliminating congestion improves memory, attention, and increases academic performance (of course, we are not talking about a one-time session). It is also believed that the effect on the reflexogenic zones of the neck normalizes hormonal levels, which is especially important for adolescents.

Indications for massage of the cervical-collar area

Head and neck massage is, first of all, a therapeutic massage, and, like any other medical procedure, it has its indications and contraindications.

So, here is what is considered an indication for massage of the collar area:

  • fatigue, muscle tension in the neck and shoulder girdle due to prolonged sitting (sedentary work, study);
  • painful sensations in the upper back and neck, if they are purely “muscular” in nature and are not associated with inflammatory processes;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • injuries of the neck and cervical spine (not in the acute period!);
  • sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity;
  • sleep disturbances, decreased overall tone, decreased level of performance.

Children also have their own indications:

  • postural disorders, scoliosis in the initial stage;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (the beneficial effect here is associated with the effect on reflexogenic zones);
  • hormonal imbalances (as an adjuvant).

Of course, such a massage can be prescribed not only in the above cases. By and large, if you feel an urgent need to massage the collar area, then no one has the right to refuse you. Of course, if you have no contraindications to this procedure. Read more about contraindications.


The neck area is the concentration of many vital structures; massage affects them and, importantly, the brain. That is why, if there are contraindications to massage, you should never resort to it.
Contraindications to neck massage include the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypertension with high blood pressure;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • injuries in the neck area during the acute period, wounds;
  • inflammatory processes in the neck, head, upper back;
  • infectious diseases of bacterial and fungal origin;
  • general infectious disease in the acute period;
  • instability of the cervical spine (can lead to a sharp deterioration of the condition);
  • neoplasms in the cervical-collar area;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms in stage 4.

Massage of the collar zone is a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure that helps improve cerebral circulation and improves oxygenation and trophic processes in the neck and scapulohumeral region.

Neck massage technique

On the website of any clinic or massage parlor you can read that massage of the cervical-collar area is an extremely complex procedure, the implementation of which can only be entrusted to a qualified specialist. In fact, this is the simplest existing massage technique, which anyone can master, and you don’t even need a massage table to perform it.

How to massage the collar area? First we must position the person being massaged correctly. At home, it is better to seat a person on a stool (a chair will not work, because the back will interfere with the massage therapist) opposite a high table. Next, the “client” lowers his head onto a pillow (or hands), previously placed on the table, and tries to relax. And we will help him with this.

It is necessary to start a massage of the collar area with light stroking, the movements are directed along the surface of the neck on the sides of the spinal column from top to bottom and in the lateral direction (along the edges of the trapezius muscles). We gradually increase the pressure, and our stroking smoothly turns into rubbing and squeezing. It is very convenient to perform this technique with the proximal phalanges of the fingers clenched into a fist. This way you can achieve a very significant impact force.

Next, we move on to the next technique, which is kneading. We perform it with the index, middle and thumb fingers of both hands, and we will mainly knead the trapezius muscle. This technique is quite painful, and if the muscle is tense, the person being massaged will definitely tell you about it. In this case, you should not force a person to endure pain - you need to slightly reduce the force of impact and try to achieve maximum relaxation of the trapezius muscle.

NB! During a massage of the cervical-collar area, we do not massage the spinal column and do not try to master manual therapy skills at the same time - this is contraindicated! Also, you can’t perform bottom-up movements - all techniques are performed from the head down!

A massage of the collar area necessarily includes working with the shoulders and upper back. We perform light rubbing and kneading movements on the surface of the shoulder joints, as well as on the surface of the latissimus dorsi muscles. However, these techniques are not basic, and therefore we devote no more than 20% of the session time to them, the duration of which varies from 15 to 25 minutes.

In general, if you have the desire, attention and minimal skills, it is not difficult to learn how to properly massage the collar area. There are a lot of video lessons on the Internet, the only thing you need is to carefully absorb the information and not try to “adapt” the technique to your idea of ​​massage. Learn the basics, stick to the rules and you will succeed!

Massage of the collar area. Indications

The procedure is indicated as a preventive measure at the end of a hard working day in order to relieve fatigue and muscle tension; it is also suitable for relieving headaches. You can use massage to treat neuralgia, neuritis or plexitis, sleep disturbances, and moderate increases in blood pressure.

Medical indications for massage of the collar area include scoliosis and osteochondrosis in this area, however, one cannot rely on massage alone in these situations (even if it is done by a professional).

Neck massage: contraindications

This type of massage is subject to all, without exception, contraindications regarding massage procedures: the presence of oncological pathology, decompensation of liver, kidney or heart function, blood diseases accompanied by a violation of the hemostatic system, thrombosis, high blood pressure, chronic dermatoses and infectious skin lesions in the affected area, acute infectious diseases and diseases accompanied by fever.

Manifestations of impaired blood circulation in the brain are often dull headaches, weakness, and dizziness. One of the reasons is the deterioration of blood flow through the vertebral arteries, which are pinched by growths of the processes of the cervical vertebrae and tense muscles. Massage of the cervical-collar area breaks this pathological connection.

Anatomical formations of the neck and the effect of massage

The cervical spine contains 7 movable vertebrae. They provide a safe bed for the spinal cord, the nerve branches extending from it, and the vessels that feed the brain. But the disturbed location and structure of the vertebrae due to osteochondrosis, salt deposition leads to pain in the head due to difficulty in blood supply to areas of the brain, neck, and shoulder joints. Symptoms such as nervousness, inattention, memory loss, and insomnia are associated precisely with insufficient flexibility of the vertebrae and a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels.

The neck muscles are easily palpated. Directly below them are large neurovascular bundles and lymph nodes. Exposure to these formations should be carried out with caution.

The collar zone includes:

  • the back of the neck and the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae;
  • upper muscles of the shoulder girdle;
  • lateral surfaces of the neck;
  • supraclavicular fossa.

Proper therapeutic massage, taking into account contraindications, allows you to achieve muscle relaxation using various techniques. At the same time, nutrition of the spine and brain is improved, and further progression of osteochondrosis is prevented.

At the same time, the outflow of blood and lymph from the head increases, and stagnation is prevented.

Who is massage recommended for?

The list of indications is quite large, because it includes not just individual diseases, but symptoms associated with deficiencies in the spine and blood vessels. Massage is effectively used for:

  • fatigue, nervous tension;
  • prolonged sedentary work at a desk;
  • performing increased physical activity on the shoulder girdle;
  • high and low blood pressure;
  • with accompanying radicular pain and intervertebral hernial protrusion;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurasthenia and neuroses;
  • after a stroke during the recovery period;
  • different types of headaches;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue of the shoulder girdle;
  • initial symptoms of cerebral insufficiency;
  • parkinsonism.

When not to massage

Some contraindications are temporary. It is not recommended to massage the collar area if:

  • the patient has an elevated temperature;
  • there are signs of an acute infectious disease;
  • blood pressure causes a clinic of hypertensive crisis;
  • the person has cancer;
  • a patient with an enlarged thyroid gland;
  • there are pustules and unhealed wounds on the skin in the massage area;
  • there are hematopoietic diseases;
  • The patient has a severe stage of cardiac decompensation.

For women, massage is contraindicated during menstruation.

What techniques can be used

Massage of the collar area should be approached very responsibly. You should not trust in unskillful hands or a specialist with insufficient experience.

A comfortable position is selected for the patient:

  • sitting with emphasis on the forehead and elbows;
  • lying down with complete relaxation.

The massage therapist is located behind or to the side of the patient. For massage, it is recommended to use a special cream with a plant base, which helps give the skin elasticity and dilates nearby blood vessels.

  • The procedure begins with stroking from the center to the sides along the lines of lymph outflow. These movements warm up the muscles and skin.
  • By rubbing the area of ​​osteochondrosis with palms and fists, the best therapeutic effect is achieved if the specialist wraps his fingers around the neck on both sides and makes circular movements.
  • For a deeper impact, kneading the muscle frame and trapezius muscle is used. These movements should not be made with unpleasant sensations for the patient.
  • Tapping is done with the tips of the fingers or the edges of the palms. The movement must be strong and fast enough. They improve the tone of blood vessels in the neck.
  • The squeezing technique is used during high loads on the muscles, mainly after sports training and competitions. By applying strong pressure from the back of the head to the second thoracic vertebra, the drainage of lymph from the head is achieved.
  • The session ends with soft sliding movements and stroking.

The procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. A referral for a massage is given by a therapist at the clinic. For osteochondrosis, courses of 10 sessions 2-3 times a year are recommended.

The patient should not experience any discomfort. You should definitely control your free breathing.

Is it possible to do a massage yourself?

The neck and shoulder girdle are quite accessible areas for. It can be performed comfortably in a chair, after a hard day and during breaks.

You should work with both hands at the same time or massage one half of the neck after the other. All movements must be directed from the center to the sides and down.

Stroking and rubbing are performed with open palm surfaces. Kneading is carried out by grasping the muscles with the first and opposite fingers. The strength should be compared with the pleasant sensations of warmth.

What complications should you be wary of?

Not all patients have well-developed neck muscles, so pain occurs after stimulating them. After 2-3 sessions they disappear.

If the pain intensifies and is associated with head movements, you must stop the massage and consult a doctor. Careless movement of the massage therapist contributes to subluxation of the intervertebral joints.

Increased headaches after the procedure indicate an incorrect body position; you may need to switch from a sitting to a lying position.

The patient must be in constant contact with the massage therapist and report any unpleasant symptoms. This allows the specialist to correctly calculate the force of impact. Each person has his own threshold of sensations. When carried out correctly, massage always improves your condition and, through strengthening your immune system, improves your mood and ability to work.



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