Any wall newspaper should not only be meaningful and informative, but also bright, catchy, effective, and richly illustrated. And a wall newspaper or poster on the topic of health and sports - even more so. After all, this is an effective means of promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, physical activity, and family sports.

We have collected positive examples of such “wall media” for you in this section. You will find ideas for beautiful design in wall newspapers on topics such as “Kindergarten for health”, “If you want to be healthy, toughen up”, “Mom, Dad and I are a healthy family”, “Our healthy team”.

“Breathing with health” wall newspapers and posters.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 203.
All sections | Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports

In the project's boundaries « Healthy child» there was a competition in our group wall newspaper, presentations "I'm doing sports I present to your attention wall newspaper on sports acrobatics with the participation of my student Victoria Shevchenko. Target: preservation and strengthening children's health. Tasks:...

Winter is the most favorite time of the year for both young children and adults. Scheduled day off day Together with our parents, our teachers organized a joint trip to the winter forest on a snowy hill. Overall, the walk was lively, fun and noisy. Both children and parents...

Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports - Wall newspaper “Types of sports in our family”

Publication “Wall newspaper “Types of sports in our...”
Family is the most important thing in a person's life. What does every person want? Any of us would like everyone in his family to be happy and healthy. It’s not for nothing that people say that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Everyone chooses their own path for their family. Our Vasiliev family chose...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is in preschool age that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body take place. The health of a child depends on a number of factors: - biological; -...

A healthy family means a healthy child! We are for a healthy lifestyle! My family is not very big, but it is friendly. There are only three people in my family: dad, mom and son. Our dad is the head of the family. He's quite strict. Dad works a lot. He works as a security chief at Russian Railways. Mom is gentle and...

From January 28 to February 1, our group hosted a thematic week “If you want to be healthy.” Goal: To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that needs to be constantly taken care of, to take a conscious and responsible approach to their health and the health of loved ones and...

Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports - Wall newspaper “My Sports Family”

We are not afraid of evil winds, drops of heavy rain. In this regard, we are experts, We are a sports family. In the kindergarten "Rainbow" in the second group of early age "Violets" as part of the month "Be Healthy" they held a photo competition - "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family" Hello,...

Wall newspaper "The ABC of Health". We are for a healthy lifestyle! Velikikh Tatyana Viktorovna, middle group teacher and my students. "Health is a magical gift that nature has given us. It is in your power to preserve and protect it. Therefore, it is so important to take a responsible approach to...

What to teach children at school, if not healthy lifestyle? Teachers annually organize scheduled competitions for drawing wall newspapers, posters, or simply ask students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 to prepare drawing or at least redraw the picture on the topic “Healthy lifestyle” or “I am for a healthy lifestyle.” Since this topic is extensive, it is difficult to immediately understand that it is difficult to draw, so we will give examples of already completed works.

How to draw a picture about a healthy lifestyle for children?

Think about what you can depict on a poster or picture about healthy lifestyle. For a hint, look at this picture:

Poster “Six components of a healthy lifestyle”

This wall newspaper contains all the components of a healthy life:

  • nutrition(more fruits and vegetables - less sweets and fatty foods);
  • sport(football, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, swimming - any activity);
  • healthy sleep(at least 8 hours a day);
  • self-control training(yoga classes, meditation, discipline);
  • emotional health(be able to control your emotions, not become depressed and despondent);
  • social health(participate in circles, clubs, communicate with peers, do not withdraw into yourself).

Each of these components of a healthy lifestyle can be depicted in a separate picture. For example, a girl can draw the following picture, which shows what foods are best to eat:

Poster “Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle.”

Drawing healthy food is easy - the main thing is to understand how to draw fruit. To do this, you can view two step-by-step lessons in the photo below. The first picture is about how to draw an apple:

Step-by-step instructions “How to draw an apple for a poster about healthy lifestyle.”

And the second picture is about how to draw a pear step by step:

How to draw a pear step by step for a drawing about a healthy lifestyle.

Take pencils and try to draw something like that yourself. When you learn how to draw fruit, try to draw a person on a piece of paper, combining several factors of a healthy lifestyle. For example, this figure combines sports and nutrition:

Drawing “A healthy lifestyle is sports and proper nutrition.”

This picture shows a girl meditating - this picture is suitable for depicting self-control as an aspect of a healthy lifestyle:

Poster “Meditation is a way of self-control for a healthy life.”

How to draw a poster (wall newspaper) for elementary school students (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade) about healthy lifestyle?

A health poster will be more difficult to draw, since it must consist of several elements at once. You can use the first picture for this. Or draw a wall newspaper in the form of steps to health to show classmates or younger schoolchildren what needs to be done to achieve health, moral and physical:

Wall newspaper in English: “5 steps for a healthy lifestyle.”

It is important to depict sports on the poster so that children do not forget to be active. This picture shows enough varieties of sports to interest every student, especially boys:

Wall newspaper “Sport is health.”

And the highest manifestation of talent will be the depiction of all the factors of a healthy life in one drawing. Here is a good example of a picture that would get an “A” if you put it up for a wall newspaper or poster competition at school:

Poster on the theme "Health"

Coloring pages about a healthy lifestyle for children

For the little ones, kindergarten students, first graders and schoolchildren up to 4th grade, we have prepared special coloring books. It will be enough to print one of them so that your child can use pencils, paints or felt-tip pens to decorate the drawing as he pleases. In any case, it will turn out beautifully:

Coloring page “Work is a component of a healthy lifestyle.”

Drawing on the topic of health through the eyes of a child. Creative activity: drawing Our health is in our hands

The topic of a healthy lifestyle is raised not only among adults, but also among children in schools and kindergartens. From childhood, children are taught to engage in physical education and sports, eat right, and maintain a daily routine. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle gradually produces results and helps strengthen the physical and emotional health of the child. Classes and conversations are held with children; the children learn the material in a playful or creative way. Schoolchildren are often asked to draw a thematic picture. The following are options for how to draw a drawing step by step for school and kindergarten on the topic of a healthy lifestyle.

How to draw a picture step by step

When performing a simple image on a given topic, children draw one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. For example, a healthy diet, sports and physical education, daily routine. Simple drawings are performed by children from the senior group of kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade students.

Good health also includes a person’s social life, the ability to control their emotional state, and self-discipline training. But it’s not easy to portray such positions to a baby.

Children of middle and high school age draw complex posters. They depict several parts of a healthy lifestyle or all components at once. To do this, a sheet of paper or whatman paper is divided into the required number of parts, on which the desired composition is drawn.

Healthy lifestyle

Examples of social posters promoting a healthy lifestyle can be downloaded for free on the Internet. There are many photos and pictures for sketching that will help you cope with the task. If they have the desire and creativity, students come up with the idea for the drawing on their own.

About sport

Here they depict how children play sports, play outdoor games, dance, and run. Usually they draw safe or low-impact sports: jumping, football, basketball. You should not depict freestyle, fights without rules and other extreme physical activities.

Proper nutrition

Physical education classes

For health day

Posters or small pictures are often drawn for the holiday. They depict any component of a healthy lifestyle. Suitable captions include the following phrases: “Make friends with health!”, “I love sports!”, “We want to be healthy! And you?"

How to harden

Children draw a strong, healthy man dousing himself with water. You can draw an adult swimming in an ice hole, wiping himself with snow, or walking barefoot on the cold ground.

A strong family

Bad habits

The image of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction is the other side of a healthy lifestyle, but it is often used. Children motivate people to break bad habits by showing their harmful effects in drawings.

You can depict a smoke-filled, coughing person by signing: “Ruined beauty.” Or draw a picture of a drinking alcoholic with the caption: “How is your health? Stop drinking, friend!

How to make posters for children

Signatures of drawings are popular - a short expressive phrase will make passers-by pay attention to the poster. Usually the title is written at the top in large letters, using red, blue or other bright paint.

Among the famous signatures are:

  • "In a healthy body healthy mind!";
  • “It’s fashionable to be healthy!”;
  • “Our health is in our hands!”

Phrases for thematic posters are chosen based on the type of picture. For example, if children are promoting healthy eating, then the drawings are captioned:

  • “Eat for your health!”;
  • “Healthy food is the key to longevity!”

If posters touch on sports issues, they are signed:

  • “If you want to be healthy, exercise!”;
  • “Dad, mom, I am a sporty and healthy family!”

We are for healthy lifestyle!

Be healthy!

I choose Life!

Sports, physical education and me!

My wealth!

How to draw pictures about healthy lifestyle

The choice of topic depends on the age of the children. Kids from the senior preparatory group or children from elementary school are asked to draw simple drawings. Common topics include: “My favorite sport”, “Rules of hardening”, “Tasty and healthy food”.

Art school students or secondary school children will cope with complex topics that require thought and imagination.

For example:

  • "Healthy Russia";
  • “Take care of your health from a young age!”;
  • “The ABCs of a healthy lifestyle”;
  • “Health is our everything!”

For kindergarten

Very young children are given ready-made coloring pages; they can be downloaded from the Internet and printed. Older kids can draw simple pictures on a given topic themselves. To develop imagination and motor skills, teachers recommend making crafts on the theme of a healthy lifestyle.


Wall newspapers

A wall newspaper requires drawings and literate text: these are the rules of healthy lifestyle, news. For example: “Nikolai S. from class 5A did 15 pull-ups on the horizontal bar!” or “Student 3 “B”, Semyon V. set a record by running 1 kilometer in 5 minutes!”

Wall newspapers have several sections. For publications on healthy lifestyle, the following sections are suitable:

  • sport through the eyes of children;
  • our school is a territory of health;
  • a week of sports and proper nutrition.

Next to the columns of text, draw a small picture, if necessary a caricature (depicting people smoking or drinking).


Basic rules for successful drawing

The teacher, primary school teacher or parents need to help the child determine the purpose of the task. It is important to think through the drawing in advance or find a suitable image on the Internet for sketching.

When working on a drawing, the rules of fine art are applied:

  • maintaining perspective - objects that are closer are larger in size, and objects that are farther away are smaller;
  • to give volume to the picture, a shadow from an object is depicted on the other side of the light source;
  • penumbra also adds volume; it is depicted on the side of the object opposite the light source.

Simple rules will give the drawing additional visual value.

Theme of the lesson: “Our health is in our hands!!!”

Creative activity

Target: Develop group work skills, create a drawing on the theme “Our health is in our hands!!!”; convince students of the need to observe and analyze their health status and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Decor: Sheet A-4, gouache, brush, pencil, coloring.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time.

Hello, dear friends! I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health when we lose it!

II. Main part

Teacher's opening remarks: Our health is in our hands. And the more we know about what can make us unhealthy, the better we will be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones from their uninvited intrusion into our lives.

Guys, do you love life? How do you understand what it is? (this is wealth given initially, and she should be beautiful and happy: this is health, relationships with others, friendship, love for neighbors and loved ones, material wealth).

The great Goethe said: “The only beauty I know is health.” And the people praise health in proverbs .

Name them (pupils’ answers):

For the healthy, sorrow is not a problem, and trouble is not an option.

Money can't buy health.

Health has no price.

Health is more valuable than gold.

It would be good health, and the rest will follow.

We see that a healthy person is happy. Your ideas about a happy life can be expressed as Tree of life , which you see on the demo board. (Picture 1). The leaves of this tree are the days of a person’s life. Each leaf will be fresh and green if the crown is supported by branches: “I can”, “I want”, “I will”.

What can a person do? (understand others, love, be honest, etc.)

I want? (students' answers)

I must? (obey the laws, live, love, etc.)

These branches support the trunk “healthy lifestyle”, fed by the roots - the components of a healthy lifestyle (the presenter reads the definitions, and the students choose the ones that are suitable for the components of health and lay them out on the demonstration material: interesting creative work, active life position, smoking, positive emotions, drinking alcohol , love for people, pessimism, optimism, family, hardening, personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, physical activity, drug use).

Spiritual and physical health are 2 integral parts of human health. They must be in harmony. Physical health affects spiritual life. Spiritual health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and society.

1. Competition - quiz.

1. Anyone who starts every morning with this action needs half as much time to get ready and get into a working mood. What is this action? (Morning work-out).

2. The science of body cleanliness (Hygiene).

3. Training the body with cold (hardening).

4. What gives a person energy? (Food).

5. These “brave warriors” in the human body boldly rush into “battle” with pathogenic bacteria (Antibodies).

6. Which great Russian writer, who lived to be 82 years old, adhered to a very strict daily routine all his life? (L.N. Tolstoy).

7. This activity is a natural massage, increases muscle tone, improves heart function (Swimming).

8. You can’t buy it for any money (Health).

9. What fruits, vegetables, and plants are used to treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden, chamomile, sage).

10. Why can’t you exchange clothes, shoes, or take other people’s hats? (You can get infected with skin diseases, infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

11. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (Bacterium).

12. What was grown in “pharmaceutical gardens” in Russia in the 18th century? (Medicinal plants).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. In Ancient China, one of the worst tortures was depriving a person of this state. What is this condition? (Dream).

14. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sunlight. (Vitamin D).

15. In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your profession, you need curiosity, hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-confidence and... What else? (Good health).

Leading: Stage 1 of the game is completed. From your answers, guys, we can conclude that good health is achieved through physical activity, balanced nutrition, hardening of the body, general hygiene, and a rational combination of mental and physical labor.

2. The game “What destroys health, what strengthens it.”

– Select healthy and unhealthy foods from the list. Explain your choice.

(Children are offered a set of products: fish, kefir, rolled oats, sunflower oil, carrots, cakes, Snickers, apples, chips, Fanta, onions.)

3. “Questions from a hat.”

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What kind of substance is in the hat? (Water).

2. In the hat - substances that a person needs in quantities of only a few milligrams per day. But without them, a person gets sick and gets tired quickly. It’s not for nothing that their name is derived from the Latin word “life”. (Vitamins, vita-life).

3. Name the personal hygiene item that is in the hat. It should be used at least 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is a complex complex of salts, macro- and microelements, it is not for nothing that it is called “living water”. What's in the hat? (Mineral water).

5. The hat contains a vegetable that is useful in preventing diseases such as the flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat contains a vegetable that slows down the aging process of the human body. (Carrot).

4. It is proposed to draw a picture on the topic: “ Our health is in our hands!!!”

III. Final part.

– What topic was the lesson devoted to?

– How to understand the meaning of the words healthy lifestyle?

-What new did you learn from today’s lesson?

– Will this knowledge be useful to you?

Parting words from the presenter:

Health is our priceless gift.

It is not limitless.

It resembles a ball

And everything in it is harmonious.

It has love and beauty,

There is value and greatness.

Kindness strengthens everything.

And the symbol is our personality.

Health is our priceless gift,

Which is given from God.

And we are ready to give everything

If only I could be healthy.

But this doesn't always happen -

We won't be angry

And if trouble suddenly comes,

We will all stand up and help people.

Fish, kefir, rolled oats, sunflower oil, carrots, cakes, Snickers, apples, chips, Fanta, onions.

2. Lesson « Journey to the land of health"


    give students an idea of ​​what a healthy lifestyle is;

    introduce students to a healthy lifestyle;

    to ensure that students develop an active position on this issue;

    develop creativity, memory, attention, cognitive interest.

Progress of the event

Leading. Hello, dear friends! I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health when we lose it!

Today we have an unusual event; today we will travel around the Land of Health. In our today's voyage we will refute the commutative law of addition. Can you name a formula where changing the places of the terms changes everything dramatically...

Life = health + family + study + friends.

If we put health in some other place, then not only the amount of “life” will change, its quality will also change. This amount can be equal to 30, 75, or maybe 167 years (the lifespan of one of the Tibetan monks).

To get to the Land of Health as quickly as possible, you need to purchase tickets for our bus, and for this you need to take part in unusual competitions.

Competition 1. “Folk Wisdom” (slide 3)

Make up proverbs from scattered word cards and explain their meaning.

    “A healthy person is a rich person”

    “I’m weak in health and not a hero in spirit.”

    “To live clean is to be healthy”

    "In a healthy body healthy mind"

    “Health is more valuable than gold”

Competition 2. “Riddles” (slide 4-5)

Two restless neighbors.
Day at work
A night of rest. ( Eyes)

I've been wearing them for many years
But I don’t know the number of them. ( Hair)

All my life I've been racing,
And catch up with each other
Can not ( Legs)

It is much smaller than us
And it works every hour ( Heart)

Between two luminaries
In the middle I'm alone ( Nose)

Five brothers
One job. ( Fingers)

Competition 3. “What? Where? When?"(slide 6-7)

    What is this medicine that is being listened to? ( Music.)

    What dangerous “gifts” of the sun can we receive? ( Burns.)

    What is the most valuable thing in the world? ( Health.)

    What without language, but it affects?( Disease.)

    What are you never too lazy to do? ( Breathe.)

    What is herbal medicine? ( Herbal treatment.)

    When is physical training necessary? ( During periods of fatigue.)

Leading: Well done, you all deserve to get a ticket to the Land of Health. We will travel under the motto:

I can think
I can reason
What is good for health
That's what I'll choose!

(Slide 8)

– The doors to the Land of Health have opened for us. We drive along its large spacious streets and avenues. We can breathe easily. We have fun traveling.

1st stop. Avenue “Human Health”(slide 9-11)

You need to choose the correct answer.

1. Why do you need to know your body?

A) to maintain and improve health;
B) so that a person can think, speak and work;
C) to skillfully use your capabilities.

2. Which line contains words that describe a healthy person?

A) stooped, strong, clumsy, tall;
B) hunchbacked, pale, frail, short;
C) slender, strong, dexterous, stately.

3. Which line lists only human organs?

A) eyes, heart, stomach, skin;
B) heart, brain, kidneys, blood;
C) liver, spleen, ears, bile.

2nd stop. Relaxation in the park “Help yourself”(slide 12)

To talk about health, we must remember about stress. They lie in wait for us at every step. They say that suddenly waking up and getting up is already stressful. Lessons are stressful. The road is stressful. Parents scold... They quarreled with friends... And so on...

In your opinion, how can you relieve stress? (You can scream loudly, get into the shower, try to dance). Today I want to teach you techniques for quick stress relief, and if you use them throughout your life, I think you will quickly get out of stress.

The presenter shows the exercise - rubbing the palms.

There is another great remedy for stress - this is to turn on quiet, calm music, close your eyes, relax and imagine something good.

(Then a short conversation is held about the impressions and pictures that arose in the children’s imagination.)

Advice to the guys: learn to see the beauty in life, enjoy life, then stress and illness will bypass you.

3rd stop. Hygiene Square(slide 13)

Hygiene is the science of maintaining health, as well as the activities that promote this. Popular wisdom says: “He who is neat is liked by people.”

We have to remember how to properly care for:


  1. underwear and outerwear.

(Children tell.)

4th stop. Station “Relax”(slide 14)

Every person should not only work well, but also be able to relax for the benefit of their health.

(A physical education session is held.)

5th stop. Cafe “Bon appetit” (slide 15)

Today we haven’t said anything about nutrition yet, but as you know, sometimes our whole life depends on nutrition. No wonder the ancient sages said: “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.” And it is true. It is known that a young growing body requires 30 types of different foods every week. Which ones, you will tell me now yourself.

1. Name foods that are healthy for the body. (Fish, chewing gum, chips, kefir, Cola drink, rolled oats, chocolates, carrots, onions, cakes, apples, cabbage, buckwheat.)

2. Tell us about the rules of proper nutrition. (Children tell.)

3. Name which foods contain vitamins A, B, C. (Children tell.)

6th stop. Boulevard “Don't get sick” (slide 16)

Students' reports prepared at home are heard.

Topic 1. What infectious diseases do you know?
Topic 2. How to avoid infectious diseases
Topic 3. Our home first aid kit.

Leading: Our exciting journey through the Land of Health has come to an end. It's time for us to return home. I hope that today's journey was not in vain, and that you learned a lot for yourself. After all, “If you are healthy, you will get everything.” So be healthy! (slide 17)

3. Lesson "Strong, strong teeth"


    Introduce students to the structure of teeth; with measures to prevent dental diseases.

    Teach children basic dental care rules.

    To form a desire for active intellectual activity;

    To develop cognitive activity and creative abilities of students in the course of promoting a “healthy lifestyle”.

    To develop in students the ability to communicate and be friends with each other; the ability to be sincere and honest, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards doctors.

Equipment: illustrations: tooth structure, caries development.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

The bell has rung for us!
Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
Greeted politely
Sit down quietly, backs straight

Let's all take a slight breath, let's start our lesson now!

The bell invited us to a health lesson. What knowledge will we gain in this lesson? Under what conditions is this possible?

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

To find out the topic of our lesson, please guess the crossword puzzle:

    What are the organs of vision called?

    What are the names of the hearing organs?

    How to call it in one word: sore throat, bronchitis, acute respiratory infection?

    Part of the hand with which we can write, eat, comb our hair and do much more?

What word did you get? (TEETH)

Today we will talk about teeth.

We received a letter from one tooth over the Internet. Zubik sent his photo. On it he is sad (Fig. 1)

But we find out why he is sad from the letter.

Hello guys.

My name is Rezets, and my last name is Constant. My life is very bad, that’s why I look so sad in the photo. I live in the mouth of one boy. All my brothers used to live here, but now there are only 20 of us left. This boy doesn’t care about us. He never cleans us, doesn't rinse his mouth after eating, eats a lot of sweets, and loves to chew nuts. No one ever told him how to take care of us. “I know that this boy is in your class. I really want you to tell him what needs to be done to keep all his teeth safe and sound.

I really hope that you take care of your teeth and know how to take care of them. Guys, I have a favor to ask of you. Please send me drawings of your beautiful, happy teeth, I think your teeth are not as sad as mine. Goodbye.

Here's a letter.

Let us help him and tell him how to properly care for his teeth.

As you probably know, not only people have teeth, but also... who you are about to find out by solving the riddles.

1. I ate and ate oak and oak and broke a tooth. (Saw)

2. I always walk down your head with my teeth, it’s useful for you and pleasant for me. (Comb)

So the saw has teeth, the comb has teeth.

And many animals also have teeth. The teeth of different animals are not the same. For example, predators have teeth that are completely different from herbivores. The most terrible teeth are those of a shark. They are like sharp daggers, and grow in several rows. (Fig. 2 Appendix)

Who knows how many teeth an adult should have? (32 teeth)

When a person is born, he initially has no teeth. Then they gradually appear and by the age of 2-3 years, his first teeth have fully erupted. They are called DAIRY. There are only 20 of them - 10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower jaw. Baby teeth only last a few years. Then they begin to gradually fall out, and in their place others grow - PERMANENT. If a person loses a permanent tooth, a new one will not grow in its place. There are customs associated with tooth loss. Now you will hear some of them.

Customs associated with tooth loss.”

Spanish customs. A common story associated with tooth loss in young children is that the little mouse Ratoncito takes away the tooth and brings the child money. The custom is this: children put their tooth under their pillow in the evening, and at night a mouse comes and brings the child money or a gift. In some countries (Spain, Colombia) the mouse is called Ratoncito Perez or Mister Mouse Perez.

Another custom is as follows: you need to throw the tooth on the roof of the house and recite a little rhyme, inviting the mouse to come, take the tooth and bring the child a new one. The rhyme goes like this: “Little mouse, little mouse, take your tooth and give me a new one.” (It is believed that a baby tooth should belong to a mouse because it is fragile and unstable, and the mouse will bring a permanent tooth in return).

Japanese custom. When a child loses a tooth, he throws it into the air (or onto the roof) and shouts, “Become an Oni tooth.” They are a Japanese monster that has very strong teeth.

Japanese and Indonesian customs. Another Japanese and at the same time Indonesian custom is similar to Chinese. The difference is that here they do the opposite: if the bottom tooth falls out, then they throw it on the roof, if the top one - under the bed or under the porch

What do you do when your tooth falls out?

Baby teeth fall out at different ages. When a child grows up, he should have 32 teeth.

Run your tongue over your teeth. Are all your teeth the same in shape and thickness?

Are all our teeth the same?

Our teeth are different, we have (Fig. 3 Appendix)



Teeth consist of a hard substance that is found in our body. This substance is much stronger than bones. But teeth must be so strong, because we chew food with them. But even the strongest teeth can develop holes if you don’t take proper care of them.

Let's see what a tooth consists of.

The teeth are covered with enamel. It is hard and protects teeth from damage. But if you don't care for your teeth properly or eat the wrong food, holes (caries) appear.

A tooth is a living organ. Each tooth consists of three main parts:

The crown is the part of the tooth that is visible in the oral cavity;

The root is the part of the tooth that is located in the jaw;

The neck is the part of the tooth that is located between the crown and the root. It is covered by the gum.

Wellness minute “Create the sun within yourself.”

Morning and evening and afternoon
Don't forget about your teeth
So that they are white
You better clean them
You need to make friends with a brush
And toothpaste for everyone
And then you won't have
Problems with the dentist.

Now you have listened to the poem.

What was the doctor talking about?

How many of you know the name of the doctor who treats teeth? DENTIST

The dentist treats teeth, makes them healthy,

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.
Do this twice a day.
Prefer fruit to candy
Very important products.
So that the tooth does not bother you,
Remember this rule:
Let's go to the dentist
Visit twice a year.
And then smiles light
You will save it for many years!

A doctor who makes crooked teeth straight and beautiful is called an ORTHODONTIST.

Guys, what should we all do to make the dentist have less work?

Who knows what every person needs to have for dental care? (Toothbrush, toothpaste.) A brush should be chosen with even, soft bristles. Wash it regularly. Change once every 3-4 months.

There are children who take very good care of their teeth, and others who do not take care of them at all.

Poem by S. Mikhalkov “Like our Lyuba. . . ”

Why do you think Lyuba’s teeth hurt?

Why did the damage occur?

If you don't take care of them, a hole appears in the tooth and CARIES develops. (Fig. 4)

Does everyone know how to brush their teeth?

Let's see how to clean them correctly (look at the sheets) (Fig. 5)

Tell me how many times you need to brush your teeth (2 times in the morning and in the evening)

What can you do if you don’t have a toothbrush - rinse your mouth with water.

Tell me is that enough?

How else can we take care of our teeth?

Tell me, should you go to the dentist only when your tooth hurts?


Now, let's complete the task. Let's draw beautiful funny teeth.

And we will send your drawings to the tooth. I will give them to the boy who has a tooth in his mouth and wrote us a letter. Let him see what healthy teeth should look like. And I hope that this boy will now take care of his teeth and they will be healthy.

Bottom line.

Every morning, when you wash your face, and in the evening, before going to bed, you should brush your teeth. See how it's done correctly.

4. Lesson "Health School"


    To form children’s idea of ​​health as one of the human values.

    Raising a person who knows how to take care of his health.

    Development of memory and attention.


1. Organizational moment (greeting).

When we meet the dawn
We say hello to him.
With a smile the sun gives, following
Sending us your greetings.
And you will remember the advice
Say hello to all your friends.
When we meet after many years
You will say hello to your friends.
Let's all answer together
We will say hello to each other.

Can we say hello to everyone?

How should you greet adults?

What does the word “hello” mean?

What do the words “A healthy mind in a healthy body” mean? (Annex 1).

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

I want to tell you a fairy tale:

In one fairy-tale country there was a palace on the shore of a beautiful sea. There lived a ruler who had 3 sons. The father loved his sons, and they reciprocated. The children grew up kind, obedient, and hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - the children often got sick. The ruler invited the wisest people of the country to the palace and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done for people to live happily ever after?” The sages consulted for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “Human health depends largely on lifestyle, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations.” The ruler of the sage listened and ordered the opening of a Health School for all children of the country.

Today we will go to the School of Health. You will learn a lot of new things about yourself, about the characteristics of your body, you will learn how to take care of your health so as not to get sick, grow strong and healthy.

We open the doors of our health school (slide 1).

3. Presentation of commands.

2 teams are sent to the health school - “Strong” and “Kutalki”. What do the names of these teams mean? Who do they call that?

Team presentation. Teams present their mottos:


Get ready for the journey
Go for your health.


I'll save my health
I'll help myself.

4. Lessons.

We open the school doors and go to classes.

Anatomy lesson

Teams receive 4 riddles and make riddles for the opposing team (slide 3, 4).

You must know your body
Know and love.
The very first thing -
Live in peace with him.
Every cell of the body
Need to understand
Use it skillfully and protect it.


    The pot is smart
    Seven holes in it.

    To hit the target more than once
    A keen eye is required.

    Here is the mountain, and at the mountain
    Two deep holes
    The air wanders in these holes
    It comes in and out.

    When we eat they work
    When we don't eat, they rest
    If we don't clean them, they'll get sick.

    Digestive organ.

    Day and night it knocks
    It's like it's a habit
    It will be bad if suddenly
    Stop this knocking.

    The skull protects the most sensitive and important organ......

So, what parts does our body consist of?

Lesson “Be healthy!”

We have learned the structure of the body, but we also need to know how to keep it in perfect order. Zaboleikin came to us. He wants to teach you how to get sick and not go to school. Do you want that? Then let's play. Answer in unison: “yes” or “no.” (Slide 5)

You need to say bad words.

You need to move a little and watch TV all day.

There is no need to wash your hands before eating.

You need to go to doctors every day and invent illnesses for yourself.

Do you think Zaboleykin will be healthy?

There is no need to go to doctors without a reason. Visiting nurse N.V. Petrova will tell you how to avoid getting sick.

(A story about hygiene. Slide 6. After the story, each team receives riddles)


    Who is the most useful in days of illness?
    And heals us from all diseases.

    It's in a jar, brown and fragrant in the medicine cabinet.
    And on the elbows and knees it is yellow and fizzy.

    It can be bitter, it can be sweet,
    The children groan as they wash it down.

    I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do.
    Either I'll let you go for a walk, or I'll put you to bed.

Result: How can you call all these actions: washing your face, brushing your teeth, washing your hands, cutting your nails? (Hygiene)

5. Physical education lesson(slide 7, 8).

(There is a physical session and a short conversation about hardening)

Result: How can you call all these actions: a cool shower, playing in the fresh air, rubbing with cold water, a walk? (Hardening)

6. Lesson “A B C”(slide 9-17).

Before starting this lesson, I suggest you go to the store. (Knock on the door. A student comes in)

I brought a letter from Carlson:

"Hello guys! I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated, my head hurts, there are stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made myself a menu for lunch: lemonade cake, jam chips and Pepsi-Cola. This is my favorite food. I'll probably be healthy soon. Your Carlson."

Teacher. Guys, did Carlson put together the menu correctly? Now we will go to the store and choose products for him.

Customers add pictures of different products to their shopping cart. We have selected the healthiest products. Now let’s put the rest of the products on two plates: on the yellow one are healthy ones that we use often, on the red one are products that are rarely present on the table.

Teacher. Berries, fruits, vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but only come with food. That's why berries, vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet regularly. The main groups of vitamins: water-soluble (C, B1, B2, B3) and fat-soluble (A, D, E).

1st student. Vitamin “A” is a growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes maintain vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, and green onions.

2nd student. Vitamin “C” is hidden in garlic, cabbage, onions, and in all vegetables, fruits, and berries. You will find me in the garden or in the vegetable garden. And whoever goes to the forest in the summer will bring us in a basket!

3rd student. Vitamin D preserves our teeth. Without it, a person's teeth become fragile and soft. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. By sunbathing in the sun, we also get vitamin D. (Slides)

Guessing riddles:

Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark during a white day.
And the green shirt is all in the sun. (Radish)

Small, bitter,
Luke's brother. (Garlic)

Green at the top.
Red below
It has grown into the ground. (Beet)

How mysteries grew in our garden bed.
Juicy and large,
They're so round
In summer they turn green,
And by autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

Poem by Natalia Konchalovskaya “About Vegetables”

There lived a gardener
He planted a garden
I carefully prepared the beds
He brought a suitcase full of different seeds,
But they were mixed up in disarray.
Spring has come and the seeds have sprouted,
The gardener admired the seedlings,
I watered them in the morning and covered them at night.
And protected from cool weather.
But when the gardener called us into the garden,
We looked and everyone screamed
Never and nowhere, neither in land nor in water,
We have never seen such vegetables.
The gardener showed us such a garden,
Where the beds are sown thickly,
The honeybushes grew, the tomatoes grew,
Radishes, cheluk and turnip.

Teacher: Name correctly what grew in the beds.

Result: Doctor Aibolit gives advice.

1. If you have a cold, you should drink tea with raspberries.

2. Beetroot juice is good for a runny nose.

3. When coughing, drink an infusion of radish with honey.

4. Cabbage leaves will help get rid of headaches.

5. Onions and garlic help prevent you from getting the flu. (Slides)

Lesson “Get ahead”

Daily routine (slide 18, 19).

The daily routine should alternate between study and rest, quiet games with active ones, a walk with watching TV.

1. Get up at 7 am. Go to the toilet. 2. Make the bed. Do some exercise. 3. Wash your face. Brush your teeth. 4. Put on your uniform. 5. Have breakfast. 6. The road to school. 7 Classes at school. 8. When you return from school, hang your clothes neatly. Put on your home clothes. 9. Wash your hands and have lunch. 10. Rest. Play with your friends in the yard. 11. Fortify yourself with afternoon tea. 12. Prepare your homework. 13. Take a walk.14. Have dinner. Help with the housework. Read it. 15. Check your bag to see if everything is packed for school. Make the bed. Say good night to everyone. And go to bed.

7. Summary of the lesson.

1. Group test (slide 20).

Highlight signs of health:


  • good memory

  • pallor




You need to play sports to:

    become the strongest

    grow strong and healthy

    so that everyone is afraid of you

    take some free time

2. Final greeting.


I told them in the winter:
“Would you toughen up with me
Running and shower in the morning are invigorating
Like for adults, real
Open the windows at night
Breathe fresh air
Wash feet with cold water
And then the microbe is hungry
It will never overcome you"
If they didn’t listen, they got sick!


We realized too late, brothers.
How useful it is to harden
Let's stop coughing and sneezing
Let's take a shower
From ice water
Wait - oh-oh-oh!
You can't become strong overnight
Temper yourself gradually!

5. Lesson “Fashion and health”

1 presenter. Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered to talk about the fashion for piercings and tattoos and their impact on health.

2 presenter. Fashion is a form of manifestation of cultural life, since they are caused not by the force of necessity, but by the changing whim of the day. The psychological basis of fashion is instinctive changeability, weakly dependent on conscious will, as one of the manifestations of herd behavior.

1 ved. In society, drawings made in different styles on the body using tattoo techniques have become widespread, especially among young people: colored and simple tattoos.

2 ved. Another very fashionable trend is piercing. These trends are increasingly capturing the younger generation, driven by the desire to imitate their idols and leaders.

1 led. Let's talk a little about the history of tattoos and piercings.

2 ved. What is a tattoo? Tattooing is the application of designs to the body by pricking and rubbing dyes under the skin. The history of tattooing goes back 60 thousand years; it was applied back in Ancient Egypt. Various tribes of Europe and Asia, Indians of North and South America were tattooed, tribes from New Zealand wore mask-like mocha tattoos on their faces.

1 ved. The main territory of tattooing, where the tradition of antiquity has not been interrupted and is widely practiced today, is Polynesia. Mainly from Polynesia in the 18th century, sailors brought strange pictures on their own skin to Europe as “souvenirs”.

2 ved. Nowadays, this type of self-expression has become widespread. If previously it was believed that tattoos were more likely to belong to people serving prison terms, today young people use them to decorate their bodies, emphasizing their individuality, as well as demonstrating freedom and independence. Applying a tattoo is not difficult, but removing it due to an allergic reaction is a problem.

1 ved. It should be remembered that when getting a tattoo, you injure the skin, so you always risk harming your health.

Dear guys, today I will tell you about medical contraindications if someone wants to get tattoos or piercings and whether it is possible for someone to do them at all. You should not get a tattoo if you have diabetes, psoriasis or eczema; if – you are allergic; if you have poor blood clotting or your skin is prone to the formation of keloid scars. Teens with congenital heart disease should be extremely careful if they want to get a piercing or tattoo. According to British doctors, this “decoration” can lead to infectious heart disease. In recent years, several cases of endocarditis have been identified in people after receiving piercings or tattoos. Infective endocarditis occurs when bacteria or fungi begin to grow on the heart valves. If left untreated, the disease can lead to the destruction of the heart muscle.

In addition, even if there is no infection under the skin when applying a tattoo, the dye used (especially red) can cause an allergic reaction (redness, swelling or itching of the skin) and other complications such as dermatitis and causes changes in the functioning of the immune system. The larger the area of ​​the pattern, the higher the risk of developing allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma. From a medical point of view, tattoos in areas where blood vessels and lymph nodes are concentrated are especially dangerous: neck, collarbone, axillary, inguinal and popliteal areas.

Reflexotherapists say that irritation of active points even with microscopic particles of paint over a long period of time leads to disruption of the functioning of the organs on the skin projection of which the tattoo is located.

2 ved. I address those present with a question.

Would you like to get a tattoo for yourself?

1 ved. Perhaps, before deciding whether to wear such jewelry on your body, you should think not only about your health, but also about your career and reputation. When applying for a highly paid position, you may be refused to take a prestigious position only because of visible body painting, so as not to cast a shadow on the image of the enterprise.

2 ved. Changeable fashion surprises us with all sorts of surprises. You, of course, noticed that young people with earrings began to appear more and more often on the streets of the city, and not only in their ears.

1 ved. As ancient as tattooing is the art of piercing - piercing various parts of the body. Nowadays, a pierced tongue or navel, pierced noses, lips, eyebrows will not surprise anyone.

2 ved. The word "Piercing" comes from the English. Pierce - to pierce.

In Ancient Egypt, the daughters of the pharaohs had their navel pierced and gold piercings inserted into it. Indian women pierced their nose after marriage. In Ethiopia, girls of the Surma tribe pierce their lower lip and insert increasingly larger clay circles there. In Africa and Asia, people also mutilated their bodies in order to demonstrate strength, wealth and social status.

1 led. The question arises. Isn't it dangerous to make holes in yourself?

Such a fashionable hobby for piercing is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. Infectious inflammation at the puncture site, bleeding, non-healing wounds, tearing out of the earring and the formation of large scars are quite common.

2 ved.

There are contraindications for piercing: in case of exacerbation of any chronic disease (gastritis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, glomerulonephritis, colitis, otitis, sinusitis, rheumatism), the presence of systemic (lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, etc.) and skin diseases (psoriasis and etc.), at elevated temperatures, with poor blood clotting. In addition to blood diseases, diseases such as hepatitis B and C, diabetes mellitus also disrupt the process of epithelization and channel formation in the punctured area due to poor blood clotting, in the presence of an allergic reaction to drugs of the lidocaine group (when punctured with anesthesia) or to metals. It is not recommended to do the procedure if you have epilepsy or mental disorders, as there is a high risk of a seizure. The same applies to people who have suffered traumatic brain injuries.

Recently, the Russian Dental Association has called piercing in the mouth a threat to public health. Dangers of oral piercing include choking on jewelry, loss of taste or the ability to taste at all, prolonged bleeding, chipped and decayed teeth, excessive saliva production, involuntary leakage of saliva from the mouth, damage to the gums, speech impediment, difficulty breathing, chewing food and swallowing.

Navel piercing will also have a negative impact during pregnancy. Cases when an expectant mother with a navel pierced as a girl begins to literally begin to separate the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall are, alas, not uncommon. Surgeons just shrug their shoulders as to how to repair an umbilical hernia for a woman whose belly is increasing in size?

Metal for decoration, if not chosen correctly, can cause harm. Gold in the navel, for example, has a bad effect on easily excitable people (silver is better for them). Silver rings on the edge of the auricle ease a sore throat. Silver on a pierced lip aggravates dysbiosis. You can only choose the right metal with the help of a reflexologist. In addition, the metal cools quickly, because jewelry is usually not worn to be hidden under clothing. And in the cold season this will do a bad job. For example, an abundance of earrings and rings in the ears can lead to frequent sore throats. Complications from piercings and tattoos are more common than you think. A pierced belly button takes a very long time to heal. The most common complication after this procedure is phlebitis (inflammation of the umbilical vein). Piercing an eyebrow, salon technicians often get into blood vessels, the client gets swelling and hematoma. Eyebrow piercing is dangerous because it can “touch” the nerve plexus and partially paralyze the facial muscles. Massive eyebrow decoration constantly looms before the eyes and can lead to squint. Tongue piercing dramatically reduces the protective properties of saliva and increases the risk of infection with stomatitis and herpes. English scientists have proven a direct connection between tongue piercing and meningitis; the infection penetrates directly into the brain through the hypoglossal artery. Moreover, the increased risk of disease persists years after the procedure; the decoration in the tongue constantly injures the tissues, and small wounds form as gates for infection.

1 ved. And again I address those present with the same question: Would you like to get yourself a piercing?

2 ved. Fashion is a way of life at this historical moment. It concerns every person and all aspects of his life - from the shape of the heel to literature, from the aroma of perfume to architecture. But we must not forget that not everything that is fashionable is good for health. Some fashion-driven hobbies can be harmful and even life-threatening.

1 ved. Health is one of the greatest human values. In order not to lose your health due to various diseases and illnesses, you need to learn several important rules.

1. From a very early age, understand that a person’s health is in his own hands.

2. Do not under any circumstances allow yourself to become overweight.

3. Be active! Movement is the basis of life.

4. Do hardening.

5. Eliminate any bad habits, including those we talked about today.

2 ved. Goodbye, see you again.

6. Lesson “Disperse laziness with movement”

Target: -introduce students to the principles of a healthy lifestyle;

Develop agility and speed;

Develop discipline, cohesion, and the ability to accurately follow commands.

Leading: Hello! People often say this good, kind word when they meet. They wish each other health. So we turn to you - hello, dear participants.

Learn 1. Hello! Hello! Hello!

Today here in the reading room

We are a sport, we combine skills

We celebrate this glorious holiday with you

We will dedicate it to wonderful games.

Learn 2.Abu Ali Ibn Sina “Medical Advice”

He is proud of his slender figure.

Sitting for a century

Subject to all flaws.

Be friends with gymnastics,

Always be cheerful

And you will live a hundred years,

Or maybe even more.

Potions, powders -

The wrong path to health.

Heal yourself with nature -

In the garden and in the open field.

Learn 3 So that we grow strong,

Three four. ( Stomping)

Dexterous, skillful,

To grow healthy

We're doing exercises!

Get ready to exercise!

One-two! ( Stomps right - left foot)

Islands. ( Shows a circle with hands)

Three four! ( Stomping)

We have arrived. ( Makes “swimming” movements with his hands)

Five six! ( Stomping)

Go here (Right hand forward, palm up, left hand, palm down)

Seven eight! (Stomp)

How many pine trees! ( Hands up one at a time.)

Nine ten! (Stomp)

We're on our way! ( Imitation of a step with the fingers of both hands)

Counted ( Stomps)

To ten. ( Head tilt forward)

Leading: Health is a priceless gift that nature gives to man. Did you know that 10% of our health is genetic, 5% comes from medicine, and 85% depends on ourselves, on our lifestyle. Therefore, without health it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. And often we waste this gift, forgetting that losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult.

It's better to be active and healthy than passive and sick! It is better to go through life with a bright smile than with a grimace of pain. Healthy lifestyle skills are as necessary as air, water, food!

Leading: So, the strongest, most resourceful and friendly teams arrived to us.

First command: " Sports kids»

Motto: Be healthy!

Always healthy!

Our best friends!

Sun, air and water

Sun, air and water

Our best friends.

Speech: To love sports, to be strong,

We gave our word to the Motherland

Strengthen peace on earth.

Song: We are the southern region, we are a friendly squad,

We're made up of cool kids.

The commander will always help us

We are a team together, we are a family together.

Our team is called “Sportyata”

Move over people, we are always ahead!

Team two: “ Vitamins».

Motto: We can't live without movement

We're always energized

Let's kindle your spark,

Let's recharge everyone around us.

Speech: One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two

High performance sports

This is a dispute of high goals.

Song: Sport and health,

Dexterity and strength.

It is necessary that the school

This is instilled.

They'll say one day

Affectionately children:

No lesson

Better in the world.

Leading: Our fun starts can begin! Let's start with proverbs, because folk wisdom tells the truth. I will start the proverbs, and you will continue.


For team 1:

Take care of your dress again and your health ...(from a young age)

Cleanliness is half ... (health)

From health ... (not treated)

There would be health and happiness... (will be found)

Where is health? … (beauty)

Move more and you will live... (longer)

Lie down after lunch, after dinner ...(walk around)

Bow seven ailments ... (heals)

For team 2:

The disease does not walk through the forest... (but through people)

Taking care of your health is the best... (medicine)

To each his own illness … (hard)

You will ruin your health - new ... (you won’t buy)

Temper yourself from a young age - forever... (useful)

In a healthy body ... (healthy mind)

He who is sick does not know his health... (can not be)

If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy ... (beware)

(Teams respond)

Leading: Where does good morning begin? (guys answer).

Some people think that spending precious time in the morning on exercises when you are about to be late for school is an unforgivable luxury. And completely in vain. It has been proven that exercise helps you wake up and get your body working. To be beneficial, exercise must be done for at least fifteen minutes. By doing exercises every morning, you increase your immunity by at least 50%. You know that exercise is not done for show, but for the sake of your health.

Leading: Well, now we move on to the main competitions.

"Breath! Do not breath".

The players' task is to inflate one balloon at a time. Whoever completes the task faster, that team wins.

Leading: It's good that there is a game in the world,

In which the joy of moving with the ball.

The ball on the planet unites us

And lights our hearts with fire.

After the first task

Listen carefully

Second test.

Relay "Hold the Ball"

The players stand in pairs. Each participant in the game has a stick 35-40 cm long. One has it in his left hand, and the other has it in his right hand. Each pair is given a ball. Holding the ball with chopsticks, run the distance and, without stopping at the finish line, return to the starting line. Whichever team can do this faster, the team will win. If the ball falls, you need to pick it up and continue running, then pass another pair, etc.

Relay race "Carry the ball".

Players stand in pairs opposite each other. The ball must be carried with their foreheads to a certain place and back, then passed to the second pair. Etc.

Bow relay.

The target will be a bucket, and the bow will be a garden onion. The bucket is placed at a distance of two meters. At the finish line, onions are laid out, their number equal to the number of team members. At the signal, players throw the onion into the bucket. A team earns as many points as there are onions in its bucket.

Quiz for teams.

1. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth?(No)

Health is a topic close and interesting to everyone, both children and adults. But what does the word “health” mean for children? The First International Children's Drawing Competition helped find this out. “Health through the eyes of a child”, which was organized by the Remedium group of companies as a sign of solidarity with the priority area in healthcare to protect motherhood and childhood.
The Health Department and the Public Library of the Novouralsk City District invited young Novouralsk residents to take part in an international competition, and also announced city ​​competition “Health through the eyes of a child”.
The children's works were sent to Moscow and immediately exhibited on the Remedium portal. From that moment on, all virtual Internet users could vote for their favorite drawing. And an exhibition of drawings was opened in the Central Public Library

And now, finally, the moment of truth has come.
On November 15, 2007, the results of the City Competition “Health Through the Eyes of a Child” and the awarding of its participants took place at the Central Clinical Hospital..
More than 100 people gathered for the event - these were children, parents, kindergarten teachers who helped their charges, teachers of the children's department No. 2 of the city hospital, librarians and sponsors.
Carlson came to visit the guys and told them how wonderful it was to be sick! But it was difficult to confuse the children; they gave a lot of advice on how not to get sick, after which they had fun playing games, solving riddles, remembering proverbs and sayings about health, and reading poems. There was a cheerful dialogue, which everyone was pleased with.
And finally, the most awaited minute has arrived - the announcement of the results.
M. G. Pershina, head of the medical literature department, summed up the results of the city competition. About 80 drawings were submitted. The jury, which included specialists from the Health Department, the Central Public Library, the Children's Art School, and representatives of sponsoring organizations, chose the best of the best!
All works were combined into 6 nominations: “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Health Hygiene”, “Vitamins”, “Nature”, “Sport”, “We are Against Diseases” and the best works were named in each nomination.

The winner of the City competition “Health through the eyes of a child” was Sonya Motousova, a student at the City Gymnasium.
A memorable moment was the awarding of the youngest participant in the competition, 4-year-old Plaksin Alyosha, and the most active participant, Ani Epishkina (6 years old), who was the very first to bring her works.
The winners were awarded letters of gratitude and prizes. This evening not a single participant was left without a gift. This became possible thanks to the sponsors of the competition chain stores "Pink Elephant" and the AtollPharm pharmacy chain, which took part in organizing the competition and health festival.

Long after the awards ceremony ended, both parents and children looked at the exhibition of drawings. And all Novourals residents will be able to see them on virtual exhibition of children's drawings on the website of the Central Public Library

What are the results of the International Competition?
More than 300 works were sent to it from various parts of our country. Most of the works were sent from Novouralsk.
On November 29, 2007, in Moscow, at the S. Andriyaki School of Watercolor, an exhibition of children's drawings submitted to the competition opened and an award ceremony took place.
Among the winners there are also Novourals residents Katyushchenko Valerie me (11 years old), Anna Epishkina (6 years old), Zyryanova Valeria(9 years old) and Mikhail Ivanov (10 years old).

All the guys were awarded diplomas and prizes. In addition, their works will be published in the magazines “Remedium” and “Russian Pharmacies”.

Participation in the competition allowed children to express their inner feelings, sensations and attitudes towards their health. This is probably especially relevant due to the fact that 2007 has been declared the Year of the Child.
Therefore, children wish all city residents: "Be healthy!"



Katyushchenko Valeria, 11 years old Epishkina Anna, 6 years old
Zyryanova Valeria, 9 years old Ivanov Mikhail, 10 years old


Winner of competition
Motousova Sonya, 8 years old
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 47

Youngest participant
Plaksin Alexey, 4 years old
Preschool educational institution No. 28

Most active participant
Epishkina Anna, 6 years old


Nomination "NATURE"

Winners in the category

Baryshnikva Anastasia, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 4

Borzunova Natalia, 9 years old


“Let our world be as beautiful as fairy tales, then everyone will be healthy and happy”
Beloglazova Maria, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 4, gr. "Connoisseurs"

“It is very important for our health that we are surrounded by clean forests, birds singing, butterflies flyingLet our world be as beautiful as fairy tales, then everyone will be healthy and happy”
Golubchikova Lera, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 4, gr. “Experts” Kuznetsova Olga Aleksandrovna, 14 years old

Dolgirov Andrey, 7 years old

Katyushchenko Valeria, 11 years old

Yulia Korkina, 11 years old

Plotnikov Daniil, 6 years old

Nomination "Healthy Lifestyle"

Winners in the category

"On holiday in the village"
Burgart Oksana, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

Motousova Sonya, 8 years old
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 47

“Sun, air and water are our best friends”
Elena Tigunova, 11 years old

Andreeva Anastasia, 5 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 10

Yusupova Zhenya, 5 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

“Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods!”
Burdina Sasha, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50


Kobeleva Yana, 8 years old

Elya Mrokkikh, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

“The kids are holding out their hands:
Show me and show me
Your ball bounces deftly
Well, ours rushed off at a gallop
And also on a scooter
We'll take you guys for a ride!"
Eroshenko Lena, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Chumak Daria, 11 years old

Zhakulina Alexandra, 9 years old
School No. 57

Okuneva Ekaterina, 12 years old

Zyryanova Valeria

"Let's jump rope"
Orekhova Maria, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

"On the beach!"
Starikova Polina, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

Bartova Anna, 8 years old
School No. 55

“We are friendly, which means we are healthy and joyful!”
Krivtsova Anastasia, 6 years old

"I like traveling very much"
Rybkina Anna, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Connoisseurs"

“My brother and I love to go for walks and play sports!”
Vika Nazarova, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Connoisseurs"

"Sunny weather"
Konovalova Alina, 6 years old
ODOU UEHK DOU d/s No. 28

"Why does summer laugh?
Because we are naked
Sun air and water
Our best friends!
Glinskikh Olya, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Nomination “TYPES OF SPORTS”

Winners in the category

Evstyagina Lera, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Kovaluk Roman, 12 years old

Novikova Daria, 10 years old
Novikova Anastasia, 10 years old

Fomenko Marina, 10 years old
School No. 56

Filchakova Nastya, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Athletics (running)
Ivanov Mikhail, 10 years old


Chumak Daria, 11 years old

Kosmynina Tatyana, 10 years old
School No. 40

“Skating with the wind!”
Sizova Kristina, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

"Travel to Tyumen!"
Voronchikhin Andrey, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

"Sunny summer"
Ulybina Anna, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

"Dance on Ice"
Nine Diana, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

“Get ready to exercise”
Chaurina Anastasia, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

Burgart Oksana, 7 years old
"We're in the gym"
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

“Sun, air and water - you will always be healthy!”
Endakova Anna, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"

“My favorite scooter helps me be strong and healthy!”
Katyushkin Ilya, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"

“I am a real athlete, a figure skater!”
Mironenkova Marina, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"

“I love cycling, so I rarely get sick!”
Surnin Nikita, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"


Winner in the category

Shadrin Artem, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 8



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs