I feel dizzy for several days after the plane. Dizziness during flight

Dizziness can very often bother people; it is with this symptom that people often seek help from a neurologist, otolaryngologist, or therapist. Everyone has different symptoms with dizziness, it all depends on the cause of its occurrence, as well as what resistance a person has to dizziness. May often be accompanied by pallor, vomiting, anxiety, increased sweating.

All this is connected with the vestibular preparation of a person, the state of his autonomic nervous system, and in cases of disturbances, dizziness may occur. Medical scientists count up to 80 different reasons that can cause dizziness.

Causes of dizziness in men and women

First you need to pay attention to the fact that dizziness may occur due to the fact that it is affected inner ear, also due to disturbances in the vestibular nerve, this type of vertigo is called peripheral. It occurs due to viral infectious diseases, nerve tumors, brain injury, and autoimmune diseases. If dizziness is caused by a disease in the brain, this indicates central view dizziness. It includes diseases such as multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, migraine, migraine, and problems with blood circulation in the brain.

Most often, the reasons for women and men are the same, because dizziness can occur due to three main systems of the human body - the vestibular apparatus, visual system, muscular system. They are the ones responsible for the movement of the body. If nausea and weakness also appear, this indicates problems with the optic nerve and brain diseases.

What causes dizziness in men and women?

1. Dizziness is caused by an inflammatory process during inner ear, in this case purulent and bloody discharge appears from the ears, the person has difficulty hearing. If there is tinnitus on only one side, and the person is bothered by vomiting and nausea, this indicates a perilymphatic fistula. In this case, it is very important to undergo an examination and make sure that you do not have a tumor in the brain.

2. Meniere's syndrome is also accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, nausea, hearing problems, most often characteristic of adolescence, and is dangerous because neuritis may develop in the future.

3. Due to vestibular neuritis, it begins to move the head suddenly after a person gets out of bed. In this case, vomiting may occur; this condition can last up to two days.

4. A serious disease in men and women, due to which dizziness becomes acute, is a stroke, while the headache is wave-like, severe vomiting is disturbing, then a state of drowsiness, weakness may occur, the person ceases to orient himself in space. This condition may last for several days.

5. The appearance of dizziness and as a result of pinching of the cervical spinal nerve, pain begins to disturb when a person moves his head, and severe stiffness appears in the neck.

6. Dizziness as a consequence of traumatic brain injury, also after a cold.

7. If, in addition to dizziness, you are bothered by a severe headache and vomiting, this indicates a vestibular migraine, it can last a little - up to one minute, or maybe for hours, and other neurological symptoms also arise.

8. Women and men who have problems with the vestibular system constantly experience dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, and it is difficult for such people to travel in public transport.

9. As a consequence of taking certain medicines, especially antibiotics. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the dosage or even change the medication.

Women often experience dizziness psychogenic in nature, at the same time one feels drowsiness, consciousness may become confused, and panic fear arises.

Such an attack is unexpected if a person arrives in a closed room or, conversely, in a crowded one. At the same time, the muscles are greatly overstrained, while the person is very irritable, he has a lump in his throat, noise in the ears, and it all ends with vomiting. The cause of dizziness is...

For women, a disease such as migraine is typical; when dizziness occurs, a person begins to be afraid of noise, light, and then severe nausea occurs.

Dangerous severe dizziness is that which occurs with a brain tumor.

All symptoms progress, the pain begins to intensify in the morning, some muscle groups stop working - the body, the face, vision problems arise, the person loses hearing, and there is a strong noise in the ears.

In women, dizziness often accompanies pregnancy because the biochemical composition of the blood changes, and at the same time one feels drowsiness, which can result in fainting. Also, this condition indicates that the woman’s blood sugar level is low. To get rid of these symptoms, you need to eat something sweet or drink tea with sugar. It is very important to drink as much water as possible.

Dizziness does not occur so often in men, so if it appears, you should definitely get examined, because it may indicate a serious illness.

Causes of dizziness in men

1. Due to binge drinking or if the man drank a lot of alcohol. Thus, intoxication occurs, dizziness is accompanied by vomiting, and even a man in a severe case may lose consciousness.

2. Intoxication due to poisoning different substances, in this case a pre-fainting state occurs, the vision becomes dark.

3. For a brain tumor.

4. Dizziness due to sudden jumps in blood pressure.

5. Due to stroke, heart attack, diseases of the vegetative-vascular system. Please note that in this case dizziness is additional symptom, may accompany pain in the heart.

6. Dizziness in men due to severe fatigue, stress, lack of sleep. It has already been proven by medical scientists that stress is dangerous for a man because, unlike a woman, he does not express his emotions and keeps everything to himself.

7. Suspicious men develop imaginary dizziness.

8. You may feel dizzy after a flight, intense physical activity, moving, if a person has changed the climate. Also for fear of heights.

Thus, in order to get rid of dizziness for a long time, you must be examined in order to accurately diagnose the disease.

Why does nausea occur with dizziness?

This condition is typical for various diseases– for problems with the vestibular apparatus, due to osteochondrosis, if blood circulation in the brain is impaired, problems of a psychological nature. Nausea accompanies dizziness, because it seems to the person that objects are spinning in front of him, he cannot maintain his usual position and balance. At the same time, the vestibular apparatus begins to react to this condition and the person begins to feel sick.

How to overcome dizziness and nausea?

It is very important to seek help from a doctor if, in addition to dizziness, you experience elevated temperature body, severe headache, weakness in the arms and legs, constant vomiting and it lasts more than half an hour. In this case, you definitely need to go through computed tomography, audiographic examination. You will also additionally contact an ophthalmologist; he may prescribe a Doppler scan of the head. An X-ray of the spine or skull may be needed.

Once the doctor knows the cause of dizziness and nausea, he will be able to choose effective methods treatment. You may have to take these medications like Diphenhydramine, Motilium, Betagistin, Scopolamine.

Dizziness and nausea can be caused by poor nutrition, so you should give up salty foods, alcohol, smoking, strong coffee, tea, and chocolate.

Also note that dizziness with nausea is typical for hypotensive patients; at first the condition resembles drowsiness, then there is pain in the forehead, decreased vision, then fainting. Afterwards, severe nausea appears, you feel a loss of strength, spots may appear before your eyes, it gets dark, and your limbs become cold.

Often a person is concerned about the question of what causes dizziness if the tonometer shows. Remember, pressure is not the only cause of dizziness, although it is common. Dizziness can occur if a person suddenly changes body position - gets out of bed early in the morning.

Also, in cases seasickness, intolerance to some attractions, in transport, this happens due to the fact that the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted.

Dizziness at normal pressure can be the cause of stress, when a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, because of this nerve cells there is not enough oxygen. Also, if the spinal artery is compressed, this happens with osteochondrosis or curvature.

Please note if you experience severe dizziness and normal pressure, but at the same time you feel weak, this may be a symptom of an incipient stroke or you may have a concussion.

Some medications may also cause dizziness.

If you feel suddenly ill, the main thing in this situation is calm, you need to sit down, keep your head in one position, look at one point and breathe deeply. If, in addition to the symptoms described above, your limbs go numb or you have problems with speech, you should urgently call an ambulance.

If your blood pressure is normal, but you are constantly bothered by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, this indicates a chronic disease. In this case, it is very important to examine the blood vessels, brain, and neck; this may indicate a serious illness.

This condition is typical for diseases such as meningitis, an infectious process in the tissues that are responsible for the functioning of the spinal cord and brain. In addition to weakness, the body temperature may rise and the person may feel shivering. are characteristic of the inflammatory process of blood vessels, in this case problems with metabolism may arise, tingling is felt in the legs and arms, they may become numb, and heaviness appears in the back of the head.

If nausea and vomiting first occur, then dizziness and weakness occur, this may indicate a stroke. In cases of a disease such as frontal sinusitis, pain from the forehead moves to the temple, then the back of the head. Feels very weak in muscular system. Weakness and dizziness can be caused by general weakness of the human body.

Causes of severe dizziness

Dizziness in itself is not life-threatening, but if it is severe, it may indicate a serious illness that can be fatal - a brain tumor, stroke or anemia.

If the dizziness is mild, confusion occurs when a person turns his head or stands up suddenly, such attacks do not last long.

Severe dizziness is one in which a person loses balance, may fall, and hearing is impaired, there is ringing in the ears, darkness in the eyes, and nausea and vomiting occur. At the same time, the person weakens and faints.

Severe dizziness of this nature indicates problems with the inner ear.

The head may become very dizzy due to the fact that a person suddenly changes body position. This happens with orthostatic hypotension, when blood suddenly leaves the brain. At the same time, the person’s blood pressure drops.

Therefore, in this case, you need to carefully get up, first sit down, perhaps lie down and stand up calmly.

Severe dizziness can occur due to heart disease, dehydration, high blood pressure, or if a person is very anxious. In this case, it is very important to consult your doctor about this in a timely manner.

Severe dizziness is characteristic of a disease such as labyrinthitis, when the inner ear becomes inflamed, then the center in the brain responsible for balance begins to be actively stimulated, because of this nausea, vomiting occurs, and they begin to move eyeballs. Such severe dizziness lasts more than one day, it may take months to get rid of it.

If you experience severe dizziness, this may indicate that you have low blood glucose levels, anemia, or blocked blood flow in the arteries, which is responsible for supplying the brain with blood; also with subdural hemorrhage and malignant formation in the brain.

This condition often appears immediately after a person wakes up, especially if he slept on a high pillow, and you can feel a crunch in the neck, then dizziness begins to bother you. At the same time, the vision may become dark, the person’s coordination in movements is impaired, and noise appears in the ears.

Often this condition is accompanied by fainting; if this happens, it is very important to lay the person horizontally, with his head down.

Dizziness is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and vision and hearing may also be impaired.

It is very important in this situation to get rid not of dizziness, but of the disease itself.

What causes dizziness with osteochondrosis?

Due to the fact that blood volume decreases significantly, the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen, it does not have enough useful substances. This happens when the spinal arteries are compressed, which is what happens with osteochondrosis.

How to treat dizziness cervical osteochondrosis?

First you need to undergo a course of therapy, with which you can cure the disease. The doctor will prescribe you an anti-inflammatory drug that can help relieve inflammatory process, swelling, thus the arteries will decrease and will not be so compressed, blood circulation in the brain will significantly improve.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used to treat cervical osteochondrosis; with their help, the patient’s condition can be improved. You need to be careful about massage with cervical osteochondrosis; it is very important that the specialist takes into account how your disease progresses and whether the massage will cause more harm.

An important role in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is played by therapeutic exercises and dietary food. Thus, if you want to get rid of dizziness, which is characteristic of the disease - cervical osteochondrosis, you must undergo comprehensive treatment.

To alleviate dizziness, a doctor may prescribe medications that improve blood circulation and the vestibular system. Of course, such medications do not cure the underlying disease, but they will help get rid of some symptoms.

Why do you feel dizzy when standing up?

Often people experience dizziness when they suddenly change their body position or get out of bed. If this happens rarely, there is no need to worry, but when it happens every day and is accompanied by other symptoms, you must take immediate action. This indicates a disease such as orthostatic collapse. A person begins to be bothered by constant dizziness, even when he stands on his feet for a long time, then his vision becomes dark, spots appear, and everything can end in fainting.

What causes dizziness when standing up?

Due to the fact that the brain does not have enough oxygen, if a person becomes ill and continues to move, does not lie down, does not sit down, he loses consciousness.

Doctors call this type of dizziness vertigo. The disease can occur due to various reasons, if there are disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, in cases of inflammation in the ears, neuritis, neuronitis, as a consequence of injury. Also, people who have heart and vascular diseases often suffer from dizziness when standing up. In adolescence, this happens due to puberty. This condition is typical for sedentary people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is very important to move as much as possible, do special gymnastics, which has a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus. But please note that dizziness when standing up can be one of the symptoms of serious illnesses.

Causes of headaches due to dizziness

There are two types of headaches that occur with dizziness.

Those that arise in the occipital region. They can be acute and appear in various infectious diseases, in cases where blood circulation in the brain changes, due to chronic sinusitis. Migraine also belongs to this group of diseases.

Secondary headaches due to dizziness are provoked by hypertension, neck disease, and are also characteristic of cerebral hematoma, ear and eye diseases.

Some headaches do not need to be treated; these are those that are characteristic of the “hangover” syndrome, when the head is compressed by a hoop or glasses. Also, headaches that appear when coughing are not treated.

Very often a person may experience a headache with dizziness if he is physically or mentally overworked, also due to nervous disorders. To get rid of them you need to eat right and sleep well. Most often, headaches occur in people over 40 years of age.

What causes dizziness headaches?

1. Due to migraine, the pain is throbbing and can increase, especially if the person is physically overworked and walks quickly. Nausea and vomiting may occur. An attack of such pain lasts three days. First, it hurts in the temple area, then everything begins to swim before the eyes and the person experiences severe nausea. There is increased irritability.

2. Headache with dizziness can often be a consequence of tension, after experiencing severe stress, and also appears when a person does not sit correctly, or his cervical vertebrae are disturbed. At the same time, it is intense. The muscles in the neck become very tense, and pain also affects the jaw joint and cranial joint.

3. With hypertension, dizziness is accompanied by a severe headache, it is dull, localized in the occipital region, especially in the morning, and decreases during the day. It may be pulsating in the temple area; this occurs if a person has overworked. In addition to dizziness, congestion appears in the ears.

How to treat headache for dizziness?

First you need to find out why it appeared: be sure to measure your blood pressure, undergo a computed tomography scan, and examine the cervical spine.

Pay attention to your diet; pain caused by dizziness can be caused by nitrites, caffeine, biogenic amines, and monosodium glutamate. All this negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. Therefore, you should give up the following foods: ketchup, cheese, mayonnaise, onions, bananas, chocolate, pineapples, spinach. When they begin to enter the blood, the vessels begin to narrow, causing throbbing pain.

Traditional methods of treating headaches with dizziness

1. You need to take 200 ml of milk, dilute it with one raw egg, drink it hot for up to one week.

2. This decoction helps well, it will require birch buds, immortelle, chamomile, St. John's wort, everything must be thoroughly mixed, crushed, and left for 24 hours. Strain and squeeze, add honey.

3. This remedy is effective: it will require Apple vinegar– tablespoon, 200 ml of water, bring everything to a boil. Inhale steam.

4. You need to take a lemon peel and apply it to your temple until the pain subsides.

5. If pain and dizziness occur suddenly, you need to do this massage - first massage hairline head, then the bottom of the jaw.

6. In cases of regular pain, you need to do this massage: first stroke the scalp with your palms, then massage the parts on the sides. Then place your palms on your head and perform a massage using vibration movements. It should last up to 10 minutes.

Treatment of dizziness with traditional and folk remedies

Remember that to forget about dizziness forever, you need to identify the cause and eliminate it.

What measures should be taken for dizziness?

1. The patient must be placed on his back, in this way the patient can be protected from kinking the spinal artery.

2. Ventilate the room; the victim needs fresh air.

3. Apply a cold bandage to your forehead.

4. Be sure to take a tonometer and measure blood pressure, then body temperature. In cases where the pulse is rapid, the patient feels nauseous, or is bothered by vomiting, an ambulance should be urgently called.

Treatment of dizziness with folk remedies

1. In cases where the cause of dizziness is hypotension, you need to drink 200 ml of pomegranate juice daily.

2. This recipe works great; it requires rowan bark - 2 tablespoons, half a liter of water, boil everything over low heat. Drink up to three times a day, a tablespoon.

3. You can strengthen the vestibular apparatus using the following exercise: to do this you need to walk in a straight line and turn your head. This type of training must be done every day, and the exercise must be performed for no less than 5 minutes.

4. Infusions based on ginkgo biloba will help get rid of dizziness, ginger tea, beet and carrot juices, also tea using parsley seeds. To prepare it, you need to brew one spoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water, leave for up to 10 hours and drink a little.

5. After you have had lunch and dinner, you need to drink tea with mint, linden and lemon balm.

6. Powder made from seaweed eliminates dizziness.

7. An effective remedy for dizziness is a drink that requires apple cider vinegar and honey to prepare. It can be used for short-term attacks, also periodic. Recommended to drink this drink, in cases of impaired coordination of movement, tinnitus, nausea. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 200 ml of warm water, add apple cider vinegar - two teaspoons, honey - one teaspoon, mix everything. Drink for up to 10 days, before breakfast. With its help you can additionally relieve stress and calm down.

8. Good for seizures red clover To prepare a medicine from it, you need to take red clover heads - one teaspoon, add a glass of boiling water, boil everything for up to 5 minutes, leave for up to one hour. Take one tablespoon orally up to five times a day, half an hour before meals. You can prepare a tincture from it; for this you will need 50 grams of meadow clover inflorescence and half a liter of vodka. Leave for two weeks. This plant is one of the best medicines from atherosclerosis.

9. You can cure dizziness with the help of white mistletoe. It is recommended to use infusions from these plants if a person has vascular disease or atherosclerosis. To prepare the medicine, you need to add a teaspoon to 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for about an hour. Use three times a day before meals.

10. It will cope with dizziness, it will help, to prepare the medicine you need to take a teaspoon of the stems and leaves of the plant, be sure to be dry, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for up to two hours. Drink 100 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening, best hot.

12. One of the best means is medicinal dandelion, syrup is prepared from it. To do this, you first need to collect dandelions at the end of spring. If you take this syrup regularly, you can forget about dizziness and tinnitus for a long time, and protect yourself from sclerosis. It is also the best medicine for the nervous system and liver. To prepare the syrup, you need three kilograms of dandelion flowers, 3 kilograms of sugar, they need to be put in glass jar, then sprinkle with sugar - one layer of dandelions, one layer of sugar. You need to drink the syrup one teaspoon at a time, be sure to add 50 ml of water. The medicine is stored in a cool place.

13. It has been proven that dizziness can be eliminated using a recipe with mumiyo, to prepare the medicine you need to take butter, honey, milk, add mumiyo, you need to drink this remedy for up to one month, if the disease is advanced, repeat the course after 10 days.

14. To cope with an attack, an infusion based on plantain will help. To prepare it, you need to take plantain leaves - one tablespoon, pour 200 ml of boiling water, add honey, drink before bed.

Which homeopathic remedies used to treat dizziness?

Vertigoheel is considered one of the effective remedies; it can be found both in the form of tablets and drops. It gets rid of various dizzinesses and alleviates symptoms. Drops should be taken up to three times a day, dosage – 10 drops, no more.

If dizziness is caused by cervical osteochondrosis, you need to use ointment - Traumeel S, it needs to be rubbed little by little into the neck, this should be done three times a day.

What modern devices help cure dizziness?

1. In cases of positional vertigo It is recommended to use Dizzy FIX - this is a device that has plastic pipes that contain particles and thick liquid. Using this device, you can perform special turns that alleviate the patient’s condition.

2. “Vitafon” helps well, with its help microvibration occurs in tissues and skin, but this device It should never be used without consulting a doctor; it can cause harm.

Treatment of dizziness in various diseases

1. For cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take vasodilators, painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications. It is also very important to undergo a massage course, perform therapeutic exercises, pay attention to manual therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures. Using these treatment methods, you can normalize blood circulation, restore the spine, and relax the muscular system.

2. Dizziness, which is characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia, cannot be cured, but you can alleviate the symptoms by rubbing your earlobes, then clapping your hands.

3. If your head is dizzy due to low blood pressure, you need to drink coffee, eat dark chocolate, just remember in moderation. Tea with honey helps a lot. In cases of severe dizziness, you need to have the person lie down, then open the window, then give a sedative or sedative. For hypotonic dizziness, regular walks are recommended. fresh air, playing sports, also do not forget about hardening. Also eat well and sleep.

4. In case of hypertension, if dizziness occurs, it is very important to refuse unhealthy diet, alcohol, smoking, consume salt as little as possible.

5. If dizziness occurs when standing up, you need to use special medicines and be sure to do exercises - head tilts.

6. For dizziness of a psychogenic nature, it is recommended to use antidepressants; betahistine helps well, with its help you can get rid of the excitability of the vestibular apparatus. Additionally you need to do breathing exercises, special vestibular gymnastics, psychotherapy may be required.

7. Dizziness of a vestibular nature is treated symptomatically; it is very important to get rid of serious condition, then you need to restore the patient, for this purpose anticholinergic and antihistamines are used.

8. Dizziness in children is treated based on the cause of its occurrence. Most often it occurs due to problems with the autonomic system, then you need to strengthen it with the help of drugs that dilate blood vessels - noshpa, papaverine; vitamin B6, you can also improve blood supply to the brain with the help of cinnarizine, sermion and cavinton. Physiotherapeutic procedures play an important role; the vestibular apparatus can be trained with the help of therapeutic exercises.

9. Dizziness that occurs after a stroke is treated only after eliminating the underlying pathological processes- atherosclerosis.

10. If dizziness accompanies weakness, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest, then atropine is administered intravenously, and medications such as phenobarbital, aeron and tranquilizers are prescribed orally.

11. In cases hypertensive crisis Prescribe medications that dilate blood vessels - aminophylline, dibazol, papaverine.

What medications are used to treat dizziness?

To get rid of this attack, you need to take tranquilizers - diazepam, lorazepam; antihistamines– promethazine, meclozine. To get rid of the nausea that often accompanies dizziness, you need to take metoclopramide.

In cases where dizziness does not go away for a long time, drugs such as diazepam, mannitod, efufillin can be prescribed; they are administered intravenously. Doctors often use betahistine hydrochloride during an attack.

Thus, to get rid of dizziness, it is very important to find out the cause of its occurrence, only then begin to treat it.

It is important for every traveler to know about the peculiarities of air flight so that he can take some steps that will ensure normal well-being. If you follow the rules described above, you will have it.

Before the flight

If you have the opportunity, make the last day before departure a rest day. Go to bed a little earlier or wake up later to start compensating for the upcoming time zone difference. Dress comfortably so your skin can breathe. To make it easier for your body to tolerate pressure differences at high altitudes, avoid drinking alcohol, heavy food, strong tea and coffee.

Humidity and dehydration

Sometimes passengers complain about low humidity or increased dryness of the air in the cabin (usually less than 25%). This is due to the low air humidity outside. This is what enters the passenger compartment.

Low humidity can cause dryness in the nose, throat, eyes, and can cause discomfort to passengers who wear contact lenses.

  • during the flight, drink water and juices more often,
  • drink less tea and coffee, drink alcohol in moderation (these drinks act as diuretics and dehydrate the body),
  • If contact lenses begin to irritate your eyes, remove them and put on glasses,
  • use moisturizer
  • If you are allergic or have asthma, consult your doctor about medications before flying,
  • Do not direct the air stream from the fan directly onto your face to avoid drying out the skin.


Proper intake of food and drink will contribute to our state of comfort during and after the flight.

Avoid overeating immediately before and during your flight. Try to eat light, well-balanced foods that are easy to digest. Choose white meat and avoid red meat, so you'll sleep better and look fresher upon arrival. Avoid foods that produce gas (beans, cabbage, beer). Drink more fluids to avoid feelings of fatigue and headaches.

Blood circulation

If you sit in an upright position for a long time, the central blood vessels in the legs narrow, which impairs the process of returning blood to the heart. Long absence activity of the body muscles due to this position can lead to back pain, swelling of the legs and a general feeling of discomfort. In general, your feet are the first to get tired during a long flight, so you will feel more comfortable if you take off your shoes (to keep warm, take warm socks with you during the flight).

To avoid this, do light relaxation exercises while sitting upright in your chairs, or walk around the salon from time to time.

Air pressure

To ensure normal conditions on board the aircraft, air drawn in from overboard is supplied to the cabin under pressure. Therefore, pressure during flight, as well as pressure changes during takeoff and landing, do not pose a problem for passengers. However, if you have inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sinuses. exacerbation of pulmonary disease, anemia or cardiovascular diseases, you may experience some discomfort.

Children and infants may experience discomfort during takeoff and landing.

  • To "free up" your ears, try sucking on candy, chewing gum, or yawning. These steps will help you stabilize the pressure between the middle ear canal and throat,
  • if your ears are blocked, close your mouth and nose and try to “exhale” through your closed mouth,
  • use a nasal spray and clear your nose of mucus 30 minutes before boarding. This will help you open your ears and nasal passages,
  • The child can be given a pacifier at the time of decline. Sucking and swallowing will help the baby balance the pressure in the ears.

Dizziness and nausea

If you really feel dizziness approaching, then look motionlessly at a stationary object - the nausea will subside.

Ask for a window seat. If the weather is good outside and you can see the land, sea or horizon, you become less susceptible to dizziness.

Try to plan your flight on a large plane and ask for a seat behind the wing, where there is less air turbulence.

It is unwise to abstain from food, but you should not overeat either.

Change of time zones

The more time zones you cross during your journey, the more our The biological clock. This leads to insomnia, loss of appetite and general fatigue.

  • get a good night's sleep before the flight,
  • try to choose day flights,
  • if possible, choose a direct flight to reduce flight time,
  • If you are staying at your destination for less than 48 hours, set your watch to local time and try to eat and sleep at local times.
  • “early people” and people who strictly follow their daily routine feel more discomfort from the time difference,
  • when moving to the east, the time difference is felt more strongly than when moving to the west,
  • upon arrival, move your bedtime two hours earlier or later each day until it aligns with local time,
  • daylight is a powerful natural stimulus for synchronizing a person’s internal biological clock with a new time, significantly shifted in one direction or another from the usual. Strong artificial light, equivalent to sunlight, about an hour after dawn, can reset your body clock,
  • General advice to those who have crossed many time zones: do not take a long rest after the flight. Immediately join the rhythm of local life - work, sleep, eat and drink in local time - like everyone else around you. The environment itself synchronizes your biological clock. If you want to speed up the adaptation process, do it physical exercise. Helps.

I often fly around Europe and, in principle, during and after the flight I feel quite good. But last year I had to travel from Moscow to Los Angeles. The flight lasted about 12 hours and I tolerated it well. However, over the next two days spent in the City of Angels, to my surprise, I did not experience the slightest feeling of hunger and had no appetite. So I only drank water. A few days passed and I started eating properly. I wonder why this happened? Maybe this is some kind of protective reaction of the body?
16.07.14 Your name*

And I feel terribly dizzy, press on my temples and feel nauseous on my second flight in a day. This usually happens if there are transplants. Every time I think about taking a sleeping pill, but something stops me. It all started about 3 years ago, I woke up during the flight, and there was a feeling that the plane was flying down, that is, falling, then I remember the hysteria began, the flight attendants reassured me that it was from overwork. In a week I’m flying to Mexico, via Moscow, and I’m terribly afraid that I’ll have to endure all this pain and horror again for 13 hours...
19.01.14 Fox

Flying is good! Personally, I find flying more enjoyable and positive than negative. The most comfortable domestically produced aircraft - Tu-154M and Yak-42D
07.07.11 Albatross

I flew to Bulgaria last year. I flew on a plane for the first time and I was scared by everything that everything would hurt and I would feel dizzy and my ears would hurt. I was terribly afraid. Poetmou took pills. I would like to write advice for those who have not flown or who have flown but are still afraid and feel uncomfortable. Firstly, I advise you to drink Dramamine 30 minutes before departure, it’s very good pill, it simply inhibits the receptors and you will feel simply relaxed and not overreact to everything that happens. After Dramamine, you can sit on a plane and just suck on candy, and during takeoff and landing, just open your mouth to regulate the pressure. That's all. No need to open it wide and try to swallow it. Just open and close a few times.
For those who are particularly intolerant of flying, I recommend putting Validol under the tongue and then everything will be fine. I promise))
22.03.07 Masha

15 Possible Causes of Dizziness

The unpleasant sensation of loss of balance, which is characterized by dizziness, sometimes occurs without visible reasons. Here is information that doctors consider important for everyone.

Dizziness – what does it feel like?

It's called dizziness physical sensation, in which everything seems to be spinning around you, or you are spinning while everything around you is frozen. This sensation causes a feeling of nausea, and you may begin to see double. Some people experience hearing problems or ringing in the ears when they are dizzy. It should be understood that this condition can be associated with various reasons.

How long does the feeling of dizziness last?

If you don't consider yourself a ride aficionado, a feeling of dizziness that lasts longer than a few seconds can be frightening. Unfortunately, this symptom often lasts much longer than the average roller coaster ride. The duration of the symptom depends on what factor caused it. In some cases, discomfort occurs within minutes, while in others it can last for hours, days, or even weeks. It is important to clearly determine how long your feeling of dizziness lasts. This information will help your doctor better determine what is causing the condition.

Dizziness is a symptom, not a separate disease

Dizziness can be a symptom of various diseases, some more serious and others harmless, one way or another, this discomfort often goes away on its own, but can also disappear as a result of treatment. Many diseases that cause dizziness are associated with the vestibular system. Vestibular apparatus connected to the inner ear, which responds to movements and determines the position of the body relative to objects around it. In certain cases, the nerves receive false signals, the brain recognizes them as movement, which causes dizziness. It is important to understand the reason for this condition of yours. There is no point in treating only the symptom.

What are the types of dizziness?

In most cases, dizziness comes in two types, peripheral or central. This means that the source of the problem could be either the inner ear or the nervous system. In addition, each variety is divided into subcategories. Peripheral type is more common than the central one.

What causes dizziness when lying down?

This type of peripheral vertigo is quite common. The main cause is calcium deposits in the inner ear, but often the source of the problem remains unknown. This condition can last several seconds or minutes, sometimes it repeats for many months. The intensity can range from mild to extreme, and the symptom is often triggered by head movements, such as when you turn over in bed. The symptom may also be accompanied by involuntary movements eye. In addition, dizziness may occur when sitting or standing after lying down. In women, this symptom appears more often; as a rule, the problem affects older people.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a disease of the inner ear dizzy, ringing in the ears and hearing problems. This chronic condition, which has no treatment, it is nevertheless possible to reduce the severity of symptoms. Dizziness most often occurs due to dysfunction of the inner ear. The causes of Meniere's disease are not yet understood, but it is thought to be a disorder of the ear that prevents the body from recognizing movements correctly. Attacks of dizziness plague people with this disease because the tissues of the inner ear are under powerful pressure from fluids, which causes an abnormal condition.

Sailors' disease

Dizziness is common among people spending long periods of time on board a ship. Some scientists believe that the same phenomenon can occur after a long car ride or plane flight, but it is sea ​​travel remain the main reason. When a person descends from a ship onto land, he may notice problems with balance. Similar condition may even occur in those who sleep on a water mattress. This type of dizziness is short-lived but can still be frightening.

Acute labyrinthitis

Since peripheral vertigo is caused by abnormal functioning of the inner ear, it will come as no surprise that ear infections can cause this symptom. Otitis of the inner ear can cause very severe dizziness. A variety of viral infections can lead to this condition.

Nerve inflammation

When inflammation affects the nerves in the inner ear, the brain is unable to properly recognize information about head position and balance. This causes severe peripheral dizziness, as well as other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating. The cause of this condition can be a variety of infections, from measles to hepatitis.


Stress aggravates any problem, including dizziness. In fact, this is a rather complex issue; scientists have been studying it for a long time and have not yet come to final conclusions. On this moment It is clear that some types of the problem are definitely exacerbated by stress. Additionally, stress can be a result of Meniere's disease. In short, there is definitely a connection between dizziness and stress, but sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is the cause and what is the consequence.

Viral meningitis

Meningitis is a disease that is an inflammatory process in the membranes surrounding the spinal canal and brain. Signs of the disease resemble those of the flu and also include a stiff neck and severe headache. Sometimes meningitis also causes dizziness. In such cases, this is the central variety, since the disease affects the state of the central nervous system.


Another cause of central vertigo can be a stroke. Fortunately, this situation is quite rare and usually occurs in older people. In this case, the discomfort is associated with damage to the back of the brain, causing disruption blood circulation You can reduce the risk of stroke by quitting cigarettes, controlling your body weight, active image life and reducing alcohol consumption.

Vestibular migraine

Some people who suffer from migraines also experience dizziness. According to statistics, about forty percent of migraine patients experience such discomfort. In addition to severe headaches, the disease causes dizziness, nausea, and loss of balance.

Habits that may make dizziness worse

Unfortunately, in most cases it is impossible to influence the cause of dizziness. However, the symptom may worsen due to nervous tension, pressure changes, dehydration or lack of sleep. Sometimes meditation or yoga can help cope with symptoms.

Fight against dizziness

When a symptom appears, try to take as much comfortable position and relax. If the dizziness is very severe, your best bet is to go to bed. Try not to walk while dizzy because this can cause serious injury. Change your body position as little as possible to reduce discomfort.

Dizziness after a plane flight

Probably, many of those who had the opportunity to fly on an airplane experienced various discomforts after the flight or directly during it. And if noise and congestion in the ears bother few people, as does mild nausea, then dizziness can often cause greater concern. I myself recently took a plane flight, after which I felt dizzy. This is what prompted me to write a short article-note on this topic. I hope that I could help someone with advice.

So, why do you feel dizzy after flying on an airplane and what can you do about it?


I believe that the main reason for the development of dizziness after a flight is the presence of overstimulation of the receptors of the vestibular system. Maneuvering during takeoff and landing, long flights, and especially in the presence of turbulence zones in flight, all this leads to the fact that angular accelerations become “habitual” for the receptors of the vestibular apparatus. In the first minutes, the vestibular apparatus “gives out” a feeling of dizziness, and also very clearly conveys all turns and maneuvers, indicating to the brain how the body moves in space. Gradually (due to the high degree of irritation of the vestibular structures) these sensations decrease and the body “gets used” to their presence, reducing the activity of the vestibular structures. After landing, all ultra-high accelerations end and a person cannot quickly adapt to their absence.

An important reason may also be aerophobia, which can lead to the development of psychogenic dizziness, which is discussed in more detail in a separate article.

Of course, we cannot exclude other traditional causes that could lead to the development of dizziness. That is why I would like to say a few words about the characteristics of dizziness after a plane flight.

Features of dizziness

Dizziness associated directly with an airplane flight rarely reaches significant intensity; most often it is of a non-systemic nature, the so-called “feeling of failure.” It is also rarely accompanied by acoustic phenomena after a flight, although it can be accompanied during one. Of course, such “functional” dizziness will not be accompanied by neurological focal symptoms; it should not lead to the development spontaneous nystagmus etc. And, most importantly, such dizziness goes away quickly enough and does not require additional help.

What to do?

If you develop dizziness after a flight, do not panic, because panic, in any case, will in no way help you. It is worth listening to your feelings; they should not progress rapidly and should not lead to impaired coordination of movements and other gross disorders. In this case, you can wait one or two days, after which (or even better - after normal, long sleep) everything discomfort must leave. If dizziness persists, as well as other symptoms (weakness in the arms, sudden loss hearing, visual impairment, etc.) it is better to seek medical help.

How not to spoil your health while flying on an airplane

Flying on airplanes is a serious strain on the body. The psyche also suffers. If a number of measures are not taken, then flights, especially over long distances, can lead to serious deterioration in health. In this article, we summarized our experience of air travel, including long-distance travel.

In the air

During a flight, most people experience stress. Even those for whom the plane is a common thing. They also often have problems. Sometimes even more serious, as the total time spent in the air increases. The technical side of flight safety is taken care of by the aircraft crew, and the health of the human body should be taken care of by its “owner,” i.e. passenger.

Most of the troubles are associated with pressure changes on board, dehydration, prolonged exposure to sitting position, minimum quantity movements, nervous tension, etc. Everyone knows that from time to time it is necessary to walk along the aisle between the rows of chairs, change the position of the body, try to get enough sleep, etc. That's not all. There are many other ways to maintain your own health.

Clothes and shoes

Clothing should be comfortable, loose and breathable. Such as not to impair blood circulation, which is difficult due to prolonged immobility bodies. It is usually warm, even hot, on board. But for more comfortable sleep You need to ask the flight attendants for a blanket (must be clean and packed in a plastic bag) and a pillow under your back. Loosen your waistband, belt and tie knot.

Let's pay attention to the shoes. During a long flight, legs swell in all people without exception. The only difference is the degree of swelling. Therefore, it is very important to change your shoes on the plane, replacing boots (boots, narrow dress shoes, etc.) with “slippers.” Some airlines provide passengers with disposable flip-flops or socks.

If you don’t have replacement shoes with you, then take off your shoes and stay in just your socks. If all this, for some reason, is impossible, then be sure to loosen the laces.

And one more tip: purchase a travel sleep kit in advance: earplugs (ear plugs), a light-proof mask (glasses, headband) and a velvety inflatable headrest pillow that wraps around your neck. It is more comfortable to sit and sleep with it.

Water and other liquid

During the flight, the body becomes severely dehydrated. The air in the cabin has less humidity than in our usual environment. Therefore, you need to drink enough water to avoid dehydration or excessive fluid accumulation. It is believed that regular water rather than carbonated water is preferable. This is confirmed by excerpts from advice to passengers prepared by airline companies:

During the entire flight, the cabin air contains a sufficient amount of oxygen for healthy passengers. However, due to low pressure, the oxygen supply to the blood is slightly reduced, which causes moderate tissue hypoxia. This may manifest itself as expansion of gases and cause slight discomfort in abdominal cavity. We recommend avoiding overexertion, overeating, overuse carbonated drinks and alcohol. (Aeroflot)

Sometimes during a flight, due to insufficient air humidity in the aircraft cabin, a sore throat, dry nose and eyes may appear. In this situation, it is necessary to drink water and juices more often, and consume less drinks that dehydrate the body - tea, coffee, alcohol. (Transaero)

You can either stock up on bottles of water in the machines installed in the departure lounges, in Duty Free (if the rules of a particular airport do not prohibit this), or ask the flight attendant for water.

When flight attendants serve drinks, don't be shy about asking them to fill up a couple (or more) glasses. Don't skimp on tomato juice. Of course, unless there are any special reasons, such as allergies. Notice how many passengers prefer tomato juice to other drinks. Even when they don’t consider him loved. Salty juice has a number of advantages over others fruit juices. Airlines are taking into account the increased demand for tomato juice and are ordering it in larger quantities than other juices.

But beer or wine are less desirable for the body. They can dull nervous tension, but affect health. In addition, inexpensive table wines (even French) are more often offered. Even moderate alcohol consumption during a flight often results in a headache.

Tea or coffee? For most people, tea is safer. Especially green. Coffee gets stronger at altitude and can cause sharp increase blood pressure.


Those passengers who know their “sores” must have a first aid kit with them. For certain medications, you must provide a doctor's prescription. It is advised to take an aspirin tablet (Cardio-Magnyl) before the flight. At home (or in a hotel) you can apply heparin ointment to the skin of your feet. This will also reduce the chance of blood clots. Glycine is a good help during flights. It will not only calm you down, but also supply your heart with magnesium. Glycine tablets are not swallowed, but placed under the tongue until completely absorbed.

It's worth stocking up against nausea and motion sickness special drugs(there are many of them, it is better to consult a doctor or find out about them at the pharmacy). Here's another helpful advice airline employees:

We recommend that passengers susceptible to motion sickness request a wing or window seat when checking in for a flight. If necessary, you can use a hygiene bag placed in the back pocket of the seat in front or medicines from the first aid kit by contacting the flight attendant. (Aeroflot)

If you feel dizzy during the flight, focus your gaze on some stationary object. (Transaero)

For example, on the fingertips of arms extended in front of you.

The lollipop turns into medicine during the flight. To prevent your ears from getting stuffy during takeoff and landing, be sure to put some lollipops in your purse or pocket. Better sour ones. Previously, flight attendants stood at the ramp with a tray of Vzletnaya candies. They were distributed before the start of the flight. Now passengers must take care of themselves. As a last resort, chew gum. Here's a helpful excerpt from the recommendation:

Discomfort may also occur in the middle ear and sinuses. They decrease with swallowing, chewing and yawning. If discomfort persists, try to plug your nose and actively swallow, use special drops for the nose. Uncomfortable sensations in infants are reduced by feeding or sucking on a pacifier. (Aeroflot)

Pay attention to this excerpt:

Charging while flying

In order to reduce swelling of the lower extremities, you should not cross your legs, you need to change your position from time to time, stretch, stretch your legs, do at least the simplest exercises (up and down, rotation, etc.). Don't miss the opportunity to walk down the airplane aisle once again.

Leading airlines have developed a special set of exercises that will help to significantly reduce the degree of negative consequences of flying. You can read more about them in airline magazines that are distributed on board the aircraft.

Flight ban and flying with caution

And one last thing. Do not forget that the body experiences stress when changing time zones. Rest (before the flight, during the flight and after the flight) can reduce its negative consequences.

Women are advised not to fly during the first 14 weeks and last 4 weeks of pregnancy. You cannot fly in the first 7 days after giving birth. Infants under 7 days of age should also not be allowed on the plane. In all other cases, consultation with doctors is necessary.

Flights are dangerous for hypertensive patients, people who have recently undergone surgery or myocardial infarction. Scuba divers should not take to the air immediately after diving into the water. At least 24 hours must pass (minimum 12 hours after a two-hour dive).

Detailed guide to Marmaris

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We have already written articles related to flights to Marmaris:

In this case

Fight against dizziness

Fighting nausea

in pharmacies on prescription.

Congestion and tinnitus

Sitting in an airplane seat


Doctor's advice when flying by plane Bookmark 3

A holiday abroad somewhere far from home often involves traveling by plane. So, residents of other countries mostly fly by plane to vacation in Turkey and Marmaris.

An air flight, especially a long one, is a great stress for the body. Therefore, it is worth preparing mentally and physically in advance for an airplane flight.

In this case Doctors have prepared some advice, which will make your air travel more comfortable.

Fight against dizziness

Dizziness on an airplane is quite common. In order to eliminate this unpleasant condition, you should look at a stationary object for a long time.

Fighting nausea

Nausea, like dizziness, is the second most common unpleasant symptom that appears during air travel.

To avoid nausea, do not fly on empty or full stomach. Have a snack before your flight so that you don’t feel any discomfort from either hunger or heaviness.

Choose snack foods that do not cause increased gas. This way your body will endure the flight much more comfortably.

One of the options " folk remedies"for motion sickness - lemon. You can smell or chew a lemon wedge at the first symptoms. Although this option may not bring the necessary relief.

If you know your predisposition to motion sickness, purchase anti-motion sickness remedies from pharmacies in advance - Quinedryl, Aeron, Dramamine, Air Sea, homeopathic medicines. Sometimes such drugs have a hypnotic effect as a side effect.

If you decide to give such drugs to a child, especially a small one, consult a doctor. In Turkey, for example, similar children's sedatives for flights are prescribed only by a doctor and are sold in pharmacies on prescription.

Congestion and tinnitus

Takeoff and landing are accompanied by changes in pressure in the plane and in the ears. The processes are comparable to immersion in water.

To get rid of congestion, pain and noise in the ears, the following is recommended:

  • open your mouth. This will help equalize the pressure;
  • suck sour candy. Sour lollipops will increase salivation and increase the number of swallowing movements. This will help relieve pressure in the ears. By the way, this is precisely why lollipops are given out on the planes of many airlines. Take 2 things - for takeoff and landing, and “accept” them during takeoff and landing, and not while taxiing the plane. Lollipops are not a pleasant thing, but a means of combating unpleasant symptoms during air travel;
  • Chew some gum. The effect is in many ways similar to the effect of lollipops;
  • Do not fly on planes with ENT diseases. Firstly, a change in pressure can provoke the spread of infection to other parts of the ear-nose-throat system and cause such serious illnesses like otitis media and sinusitis. Secondly, with this condition, there is no effective equalization of pressure in the ears and unpleasant sensations in the ears can intensify to the point of severe pain.

Do not press your hands over your ears, as this may worsen the condition.

Increased nervousness and fear of air travel

To relieve the symptoms of increased nervousness when flying on an airplane, doctors recommend breathing exercises. Very useful thing with overexcitation, fear, nervousness. Allows you to return to a state of composure.

In order to calm down, you should take a deep breath to the count of “1-2” through your nose, and then exhale slowly through your mouth with a straw to the count of “1-2-3-4-5-6”. Firstly, the count itself allows you to switch your attention, and secondly, the normalization of breathing contributes to the general normalization of the spirit.

For those who are especially afraid of flying on airplanes, doctors recommend taking a sedative (motherwort, valerian) before the flight.

Many people “fight the fear” of flying with the help of alcohol, especially from duty-free stores. Doctors advise not to get involved in alcohol. One glass of wine helps you relax, taking more high dose alcohol can, on the contrary, lead to reverse effect. In addition, flying and crossing the border of a foreign country are quite important moments, and at this time the situation should be soberly monitored.

Before the flight, it is worth remembering that the effect of alcohol increases 3 times during the flight. Even a small dose can lead to unpredictable effects and deterioration of well-being. Due to low air humidity, the body quickly loses moisture and the hangover intensifies much more.

Another option to calm down during a flight is reading an interesting book, watching a movie, listening to music, or any other activity that will allow you to take your mind off your fears. Having a travel pillow will make your rest and sleep during the flight more comfortable.

Preventing foot diseases during a flight

Any person in certain age, especially in older people and women who have given birth, blood clots form in the veins of the pelvis and lower extremities, which most people are not even aware of.

During takeoff and landing, when overcoming the forces of gravity, blood circulation in the body changes, it begins to flow to the lower extremities. This threatens with two troubles - dilation of veins (varicose veins) and separation of blood clots from the inner walls of the veins. Blockage of the veins leading to the heart or lungs by detached blood clots can cause acute right ventricular failure or pulmonary embolism. Conditions like these are not amenable to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Therefore, the main thing is to prevent the occurrence of these complications of air travel.

The veins need to be compensated. To prevent the expansion of veins and blood clots, it is necessary to use a special compression knitwear - tights or knee socks.

Compression tights and stockings enhance the muscle tone of the veins, promote effective circulation of venous blood from bottom to top, and prevent the appearance of freely moving blood clots.

Compression jersey is sold in pharmacies or specialty stores and is selected strictly individually according to the size of the leg. Wear tights and knee socks with compression effect should be at home before the flight according to the instructions that come with them.

People suffering from chronic venous insufficiency or varicose veins, longer use is recommended compression hosiery.

In addition to compression hosiery, you should choose comfortable, non-tight shoes for flying. If the flight is long and especially in winter time, take a change of light shoes with you so that your feet can rest.

Sitting in an airplane seat should be done correctly, avoiding the “foot on foot” position. Periodically you should do leg exercises, move your legs, change your body position, periodically stand up and walk around the plane.

If necessary, you should do light massage for legs. Those with seats in the front rows of some types of aircraft may have their legs extended forward or higher.

Before the flight, you should take a small dose 2-3 hours before the flight. aspirin(75-100 milligrams). Aspirin is known to be an anti-clot agent.

Preventing dehydration during a flight

Air humidity on an airplane is very low, about 20-30%, which leads to significant loss of fluid from the body and unpleasant symptoms - sore throat, dry nose and mouth, tight skin, dry eyes. It is recommended to drink more regular water during the flight. Tea, coffee, cocoa, and alcoholic drinks contribute to increased dehydration.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you should take with you a moisturizing cream for your skin, a spray for your throat or nose, eye drops. If you wear contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them during the flight and periodically apply eye drops to your eyes.

Adaptation to time zone changes

To better adapt the body to changing time zones, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules.

What to do if you feel sick on a plane

Airline workers often encounter sharp deterioration state physical health airplane passengers. Many people complain of headaches, tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, a feeling of tightness, panic attacks and many others. unpleasant symptoms, significantly aggravating the flight process.

Why can things get bad on an airplane?

The main cause of many problems associated with the deterioration of the physical condition of passengers during a flight is a significant overload of the vestibular system, compared to the usual everyday state. The pilot's maneuvers during landing and takeoff, the duration of the trip, and overcoming turbulence zones force the nervous system to experience continuous stress, the result of which is reflected both in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gradually, the body will get used to the increased stress and the symptoms will disappear, but not everyone wants to spend a long time trying to fight the oncoming symptoms. In addition, a long and unexpected overload of such a plan can negatively affect a person and lead to extremely dangerous conditions for life and health. To ensure that your flight does not result in an emergency visit to the hospital, you should carefully prepare for air travel.

Who might get sick on an airplane?

Those who are planning to choose air travel as a way to get somewhere should remember that many chronic pathologies during a flight can become significantly worse due to a sudden change in environment, which an unprepared, weakened body may consider critical. Passengers suffering from the following types of diseases are at risk:

For those who have recently undergone various operations, are recovering from a heart attack or stroke, as well as for pregnant women later You should completely refrain from flying on airplanes and choose another method of travel.

How to help someone during a flight

There are several rules that, if followed, can reduce the chances of deterioration in health on an airplane to a minimum:

  • Suffering from chronic pathologies kidney and cardiovascular system, you should not take diuretics before the flight. You should not direct a stream of air from a fan directly into your face, so as not to provoke further loss of moisture from the body. A large amount of fluid in the body will also help to avoid dizziness and pressure changes during the flight.
  • Clothing for a flight should be as comfortable as possible, not restricting movement or making breathing difficult. It is worth giving preference to natural, absorbent fabrics so that the skin can breathe freely.
  • Passengers should avoid overeating before and during the flight. It is worth paying attention to light, balanced dishes that are easy to digest. On an airplane, you should choose white meat over red meat, and also completely avoid foods that cause increased gas formation.
  • Sitting in a straight position for a long time impairs blood circulation and provokes a sharp contraction of blood vessels, which leads to exacerbations cardiovascular conditions, headache, tinnitus, swelling of the limbs. For the flight, it is better to take warm socks with you and, if possible, take off your shoes in the cabin. To avoid muscle stiffness, you can do light, relaxing exercises so as not to disturb other passengers. Sometimes it would be a good idea to get up and slowly walk around the cabin.
  • Sometimes passengers experience discomfort due to changes in air pressure. On an airplane, this phenomenon can cause ear congestion and also provoke an exacerbation of respiratory diseases. To prevent this from happening, you should protect yourself:
    1. in order to “relieve” congestion from the ears, you need to suck on candy or chew gum. Sometimes yawning helps stabilize the pressure in the ear canals;
    2. Some doctors recommend that if your ears are clogged, close your mouth and nose and try to “exhale” forcefully;
    3. 30-40 minutes before boarding the plane, you can use a vasoconstrictor nasal spray. This prevents the air passages from compressing later.
  • If the person sitting feels dizzy or nauseous, switching their attention can help. Sometimes, to get rid of the discomfort, it is enough to look out the window or focus on any object in the cabin. Pre-prepared medications aimed at reducing the severity of travel - Dramamine, Cocculin - will help eliminate nausea. They remove the feeling of a lump in the throat and stabilize the vestibular system during unusual flight conditions.
  • Before boarding, if you are concerned about cardiovascular diseases or respiratory diseases, you need to prepare a set of medications in case you become ill in the aircraft cabin. Most often, sedatives and blood pressure lowering agents are taken on board. Sedatives are also useful if you have an attack of panic or aerophobia during a flight.
  • It is important to remember that in case of any ailments, you can contact the flight attendant, whose responsibilities include ensuring the comfortable living and health of passengers during the flight. Aircraft employees are instructed in case of any pathology in passengers and are obliged to provide all possible assistance.

If the condition threatens to seriously impair the health of the passenger or fatal, the pilot will land the plane at the nearest airport and the victim will be immediately hospitalized.

Very often, illnesses on an airplane are caused by the neurotic state of the passenger. Before boarding, you need to calm down and remember that air travel is considered the most in a safe way movements, modern pilots and flight attendants are highly professional, which means that nothing threatens the life and health of the passenger.

Kuznetsova Irina, medical observer

Patients are mainly treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is necessary only in severe cases if patients have high fever, pathological impurities of pus, blood in the stool, unbearable abdominal pain. In addition, pregnant women and infants require inpatient monitoring.

Patients need to drink plenty of fluids (to compensate for fluid losses) and eat as sparingly as possible. All unfamiliar dishes, foods with large amounts of essential oils, fat, fiber and extractives are excluded from the diet.

Only warm boiled or steamed dishes are allowed, which must be passed through a sieve, a meat grinder with a fine grid or a blender (mashed porridge, slimy soups, fish or meat dumplings, meatballs, soufflés, vegetable purees, dried white bread or croutons made from it).

In order to quickly overcome the acclimatization period, you need to know what symptoms it manifests itself. So:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Runny nose.
  • Diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.
  • Cough.
  • Disturbed sleep.
  • Weakness and fatigue.

Often such adaptation symptoms are confused with infectious diseases or viruses and, naturally, begin drug treatment. However, such therapy is not always correct; moreover, it can aggravate the process of adaptation to climate.

To avoid the consequences of acclimatization, a month before the planned trip you need to take good care of your body. A healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet, and a complex of vitamins and minerals will help you get used to new conditions less painfully. environment.

Acclimatization after the sea, the symptoms of which can be very different (usually ARVI symptoms), will be easier if the vacation is planned correctly and you do not need to go to work the next day. You should always leave time to recover.

Morning sickness is a common phenomenon experienced by people of all genders and ages. If you feel sick in the morning, the reasons can be varied. All of them are divided into physiological and pathological. To understand how to get rid of nausea in the morning, you need to understand what triggers it.

Physiological causes of nausea

The first thing that comes to mind for a woman of reproductive age when morning sickness occurs is pregnancy. Indeed, the development of the fetus in the uterus provokes activation immune system. Hormonal surges are added, the process of formation of the dominant of pregnancy in the cerebral cortex.

These factors provoke gestosis. The main signs of pregnancy in the first trimester:

  • nausea in the morning, more often after eating or smelling a strong smell;
  • vomit;
  • delay of menstruation;
  • positive test for human chorionic gonadotropin.

After the formation of the placenta, from about 12 weeks, the symptoms of gestosis subside and nausea gradually disappears.

Another cause of nausea in the morning is vegetative-vascular dystonia. Disruption of the interaction between sympathetic and parasympathetic division nervous system leads to a drop in pressure in morning time which may result in nausea and vomiting.

Except physiological reasons morning sickness stand out pathological conditions associated with bad habits:

  • smoking on an empty stomach provokes the development of nausea;
  • hangover syndrome is accompanied by morning sickness.

A common side effect when taking the pills is morning sickness. Malaise is caused by:

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • iron-containing preparations;
  • antihistamines.

Diseases that cause morning sickness

Nausea is dangerous as one of the symptoms of a serious pathology internal organs. With many pathologies, morning sickness is the only manifestation early stage development of the disease. Pathological reasons for morning sickness:

  1. Diseases gastrointestinal tract- The most common cause of morning sickness.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine glands.
  3. Acute surgical pathology.
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Infection.
  6. Helminthiases.
  7. Neurological problems.
  8. Kidney diseases.
  9. Oncology.

How to make adaptation easier?

You should always prepare in advance for any trip. Preparation includes not only booking hotels, packing suitcases, planning a route, but also hardening the body.

  1. It doesn’t matter which country and climate a person is going to visit, in any case the adaptation process is influenced healthy image life and proper nutrition.
  2. To improve the health of the body, a vacation in a country with different weather conditions should last at least eight to twelve days. With children - up to twenty days.
  3. To prevent time zone changes from causing discomfort, you should correct your daily and sleep patterns at home.
  4. It is best to plan your trip so that your arrival is in the evening. This way, after a long and tiring journey, the body will rest during a night's sleep and will be less susceptible to stress.
  5. In the first days of rest, there is no need to take long walks and excursions. It is better to go out in the sun after 16 pm.
  6. If it is a mountainous climate, do not rush to climb. It is better to limit the distances covered per day to 600 meters.
  7. In northern countries, the main thing is not to get too cold. Except warm clothes, it is worth taking windproof jackets with you. In the first days, staying outside should be kept to a minimum.
  8. On any trip, don’t forget about vitamins. They will increase the body's defenses.

Acclimatization after the sea

It would seem that what could be better than a vacation at sea? Nothing! However, for some, such a vacation is always associated with acclimatization, especially if the trip takes place with children. Children, having unstable immunity, have a much more difficult time adapting to environmental conditions - kindergarten, school. What can we say about the sea!

That is why they do not tolerate not only the sea, but also getting used to the home climate after a vacation. This adaptation is called reacclimatization and may be accompanied by the same symptoms as acclimatization.

To alleviate the condition of yourself and your child, when you arrive home after the sea, you need to:

  • Get more sleep and give your body a rest.
  • It is better to go to work, as well as to kindergarten (school), after a few days.
  • In the first days after vacation, you should avoid physical and mental stress.
  • Stick to a daily routine and eat right (light soups and salads).
  • Avoid stressful situations and negative emotions.
  • If you have a cold after the sea, it is important not to stuff your body with antibiotics. After a few days, the symptoms will disappear, and taking medications can only make the situation worse. Vitamins and herbal teas help fight colds.

When a child’s acclimatization after the sea does not last more than three - four days, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that children's body, just like an adult, could have picked up some exotic virus or stick.

Dizziness – what does it feel like?

Meniere's disease

Sailors' disease

Acute labyrinthitis

Nerve inflammation


Viral meningitis


Vestibular migraine

Fight against dizziness

Dizziness after diving and flying

I ask for help - I want to understand what is happening. At the same time, I am undergoing examinations with doctors, but I want more information.
I went diving for several days - I plunged into the sea, to a maximum of 18 meters, with an instructor, according to all the rules, I finished training course. After that (29 hours after the last dive) I flew by plane. After my arrival, for the 4th day now, I have been feeling constant dizziness - a feeling of rocking, as if I was constantly on a ship. Even when I'm sitting. I feel slightly dizzy when I walk, and sometimes feel nauseous. There were no such sensations either on the boat or directly after diving, that is, the dizziness arose precisely after diving and flying.
I saw a neurologist and was prescribed Vertigohel and Vasobral (I’ve been taking it for the second day, the dizziness is still the same).
On the female side of the family there are problems with cerebral vessels. My dear aunt died at the age of 38 from a cerebral hemorrhage, and my mother suffered from periodic severe migraines. Mom underwent an MRI - no problems were detected.
For many years I myself cannot live without a cup of coffee and a shower in the morning. If I don't drink coffee in the morning, by lunchtime my head feels like it's exploding. This is not a headache, but a very, very unpleasant sensation that makes your face involuntarily contort.
I’m 26, weight 58 kg (over the last six months I’ve lost 12 kg by balanced diet under the supervision of a doctor), I have not suffered from anything serious, I catch colds extremely rarely.
I want to understand what is happening. I would be grateful for any information!

The ophthalmologist looked into the fundus of the eye and saw narrowed blood vessels. His conclusion is background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes.
According to the blood test, the segmented neutrophils level was exceeded. Blood pressure on different days is 100/80, 100/60.
The dizziness continues. I don’t understand whether there is any danger now or not? One doctor says - complete rest, head on the pillow, the other does not understand why I need sick leave at all.
Help with advice.

Dizziness after a plane flight

Probably, many of those who had the opportunity to fly on an airplane experienced various discomforts after the flight or directly during it. And if noise and congestion in the ears bother few people, as does mild nausea, then dizziness can often cause greater concern. I myself recently took a plane flight, after which I felt dizzy. This is what prompted me to write a short article on this topic. I hope that I could help someone with advice.

So, why do you feel dizzy after flying on an airplane and what can you do about it?


I believe that the main reason for the development of dizziness after a flight is the presence of overstimulation of the receptors of the vestibular system. Maneuvering during takeoff and landing, long flights, and especially in the presence of turbulence zones in flight, all this leads to the fact that angular accelerations become “habitual” for the receptors of the vestibular apparatus. In the first minutes, the vestibular apparatus “gives out” a feeling of dizziness, and also very clearly conveys all turns and maneuvers, indicating to the brain how the body moves in space. Gradually (due to the high degree of irritation of the vestibular structures) these sensations decrease and the body “gets used” to their presence, reducing the activity of the vestibular structures. After landing, all ultra-high accelerations end and a person cannot quickly adapt to their absence.

An important reason may also be aerophobia, which can lead to the development of psychogenic dizziness, which is discussed in more detail in a separate article.

Of course, we cannot exclude other traditional causes that could lead to the development of dizziness. That is why I would like to say a few words about the characteristics of dizziness after a plane flight.

Features of dizziness

Dizziness associated directly with an airplane flight rarely reaches significant intensity; most often it is of a non-systemic nature, the so-called “feeling of failure.” It is also rarely accompanied by acoustic phenomena after a flight, although it can be accompanied during one. Of course, such “functional” dizziness will not be accompanied by neurological focal symptoms, it should not lead to the development of spontaneous nystagmus, etc. And, most importantly, such dizziness goes away quickly enough and does not require additional help.

What to do?

If you develop dizziness after a flight, do not panic, because panic, in any case, will in no way help you. It is worth listening to your feelings; they should not progress rapidly and should not lead to impaired coordination of movements and other gross disorders. In this case, you can wait one or two days, after which (or even better - after normal, long sleep) all unpleasant sensations should go away. If dizziness persists, as well as if there are other symptoms (weakness in the arms, sudden hearing loss, blurred vision, etc.), it is better to seek medical help.

What to do if you feel very dizzy

Any loss of orientation in space, the sensation of objects moving around you, or the feeling that the ground is disappearing from under your feet cannot but frighten you. Sometimes this feeling is fleeting and passes very quickly. But if severe dizziness recurs again, you need to consult a doctor to find out what is causing it. uneasy feeling. After all, it can be a symptom of many diseases.

Why do you feel dizzy?

There are many reasons for vertigo - as doctors call the symptom that patients describe as dizziness. We all experience it often in childhood, when we ride on carousels or spin around holding hands and then suddenly stop. The world around seems to continue to move, dragging you along with it. This was true vertigo, the head can become so dizzy that one could even fall, losing balance, and this is the safest and most predictable dizziness.

But if a person feels this way when getting out of bed in the morning, or in the middle of the street, or while sitting on a bus, you should think about visiting at least a therapist. After all, severe dizziness can be a symptom of life-threatening diseases.

Dizziness or not?

Normally, the cerebral cortex perceives many signals from the vestibular system, organs of hearing and vision in order to transmit impulses to the muscles - this ensures the balance of the body and the possibility of its normal movement. The system is extremely complex, any failure in it can lead to disaster, and then, instead of reality, a person sees illusions of the movement of objects, the world around him.

Doctors divide true dizziness with the illusion of the movement of objects or the person himself into peripheral and central.

Peripheral dizziness can be caused by:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus - an organ that is part of the inner ear and is responsible for balance, analyzing changes in the position of the head, reacting to them very accurately and clearly, which allows a person not to fall even with his eyes closed;
  • inflammation of the inner ear, otitis media;
  • benign tumors of the middle ear;
  • labyrinthitis - inflammation in which not only the vestibular apparatus suffers, but also hearing;
  • Meniere's disease is a chronic disease accompanied by a general decrease in hearing, vision, and nystagmus - involuntary movement of the eyeballs.

Central true vertigo is caused by:

  • traumatic brain injury, spinal injury in the neck: along with other consequences strong blow a person feels as if he is moving in space or sees objects around him moving (floating);
  • stroke - a hemorrhage that causes multiple disturbances in the functioning of the brain, greatly affecting the ability to navigate in space, maintain balance, and move normally;
  • brain tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

Doctors often talk about false dizziness, that is, symptoms that patients mistakenly consider vertigo. In these cases, patients complain of strange sensations inside the head, heaviness or weightlessness, while a sharp increase in sweating is also observed, momentary loss vision, balance, weakness, rapid heartbeat. The main thing is that the symptom occurs regardless of whether the person is moving or not. Any true dizziness manifests itself only when moving, changing the position of the head or body.

The causes of false vertigo may be:

  • diabetes mellitus (hypoglycemia);
  • hypertension (sometimes hypotension);
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • anemia, starvation;
  • depression;
  • nervous disorders, stress, and fatigue;
  • myopia (severe nearsightedness).

There can be many reasons for severe dizziness, most often elderly people or teenagers suffer from them, so it is imperative to diagnose the disease and treat it, and not a symptom that causes inconvenience.

First aid

It is imperative to know what to do if you experience severe dizziness, so as not to fall into dangerous situation, do not endanger your life and the lives of people around you.

  • do not panic - in itself it does not pose a danger;
  • sit down, or better yet, lie down, if possible, or, as a last resort, lean on the wall;
  • focus your gaze on any stationary object (ballerinas are accustomed to looking at one point, as tightrope walkers do);
  • do not close your eyes, this will worsen the condition;
  • Having come to your senses, you should check your blood pressure and do everything necessary to normalize it.

If severe dizziness has literally knocked the ground out from under your feet, there is noise or ringing in your ears, there are problems with vision, your arms or legs have begun to go numb, do everything to attract attention to yourself, this condition requires immediate medical attention.

It is not always possible for a person to feel the approach of a severe attack of dizziness and take a safe position. In this case, the correct actions of others can save his life.

  • in case of sudden loss of consciousness, give ammonia a sniff; any essential oil with a strong pungent odor will do;
  • provide access to fresh air, open windows, unbutton clothes;
  • give medicine if the patient is constantly taking medications to reduce blood pressure or normalize cardiovascular activity;
  • two or three sips of strong sweet tea, chocolate will help with dizziness due to anemia;
  • call an ambulance.

A dangerous symptom is severe dizziness, the cause of which is injury or trauma. Here you should not hesitate to call an ambulance, as dizziness indicates dangerous blood loss and serious damage to internal organs.

For chronic diseases

In case of dizziness caused by the approach of an epileptic attack, if the patient was unable to stop it, it is necessary to ensure a safe position of the body so that he does not injure himself. You can place a cushion of clothing under your head and make sure that your tongue does not get stuck, which can cause suffocation.

Dizziness when standing up suddenly is not a very dangerous symptom. If this happens often, you need to train yourself not to get out of bed as soon as you open your eyes.

You need to give time to all the muscles to wake up, clench and unclench your fingers several times, stretch, tense and relax your muscles, take a few breaths, and only then take a vertical position. With age, our organs find it increasingly difficult to adapt to the changed rhythm of life, blood vessels lose elasticity, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the heart to work, so they do not need any extra stress at all.

Toxicosis, alcoholic and other poisoning, and overdose of certain medications can also cause dizziness, and this condition is often fraught with serious complications, including death.

Severe dizziness is often experienced when sharp drop pressure, attacks of osteochondrosis, vascular pathologies. Doctor-prescribed procedures and medications can help normalize the situation and avoid recurrence of attacks.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Since severe dizziness is caused by many reasons, you first need to determine its cause. For serious chronic diseases It is really necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Even a slight runny nose can cause problems with the vestibular system, leading to irreversible damage which will make life much more difficult.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate; only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The main thing for the patient is not to let the disease progress and to begin treatment immediately.

Training of the vestibular apparatus, daily walks in the fresh air, great help to cope with severe dizziness and nausea caused by motion sickness. physical exercise. Biking, skiing, skating, morning exercises, including bending and rotating the head and torso, somersaults and rolls should become constant.

Diseases accompanying true central vertigo should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, often these are conditions life threatening. False dizziness requires no less serious attention, especially if it is accompanied by:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • pale skin,
  • cold sweat,
  • weakness,
  • fainting.

These signs may indicate a heart attack or stroke, acute cardiovascular failure.

Pregnant women feel very dizzy; this is the body’s reaction to a changing state; there is no need to be afraid. Such dizziness is typical for teenagers who are forced to spend time in stuffy school classrooms and auditoriums. Ventilating offices, walking and playing outdoors can help eliminate the problem.

You should not wear tight-fitting clothes or tie a tie or belt tightly; this also provokes dizziness due to a lack of oxygen and blood supply to the brain. If you have anemia or asthenia, you should not forget about the means that will help you quickly come to your senses: chocolate, strong sweet tea in a thermos, a bottle of ammonia in your pocket so that you can sniff it at any time.

Remember the algorithm

The most dangerous thing when you have dizziness is to get behind the wheel of a car. A person can pose a danger to himself and to others, so when the slightest sign As an attack approaches, you need to pull over to the side of the road, stop, turn on your hazard lights and ask for help.

  • find support: sit, lie down, or simply lean on something;
  • focus your gaze on a stationary object;
  • normalize breathing, breathe deeply and evenly;
  • unfasten the top buttons on the clothes, loosen the belt;
  • if the condition does not return to normal after 10–20 minutes, call for help or call an ambulance.

Everyone gets dizzy a few times in their life. But if they are repeated with enviable consistency, they should become a reason to go to the hospital for examination and treatment. The doctor will tell you how to keep your muscles and blood vessels toned, how much to spend in the fresh air, and what to eat so as not to harm yourself.

15 Possible Causes of Dizziness

The unpleasant feeling of loss of balance, which is characterized by dizziness, sometimes occurs for no apparent reason. Here is information that doctors consider important for everyone.

Dizziness – what does it feel like?

Dizziness is a physical sensation in which everything seems to be spinning around you, or you are spinning while everything around you is frozen. This sensation causes a feeling of nausea, and you may begin to see double. Some people experience hearing problems or ringing in the ears when they are dizzy. It should be understood that this condition can be associated with various reasons.

How long does the feeling of dizziness last?

If you don't consider yourself a ride aficionado, a feeling of dizziness that lasts longer than a few seconds can be frightening. Unfortunately, this symptom often lasts much longer than the average roller coaster ride. The duration of the symptom depends on what factor caused it. In some cases, discomfort occurs within minutes, while in others it can last for hours, days, or even weeks. It is important to clearly determine how long your feeling of dizziness lasts. This information will help your doctor better determine what is causing the condition.

Dizziness is a symptom, not a separate disease

Dizziness can be a symptom of various diseases, some more serious and others harmless, one way or another, this discomfort often goes away on its own, but can also disappear as a result of treatment. Many diseases that cause dizziness are associated with the vestibular system. The vestibular system is connected to the inner ear, which responds to movements and determines the position of the body relative to objects around it. In certain cases, the nerves receive false signals, the brain recognizes them as movement, which causes dizziness. It is important to understand the reason for this condition of yours. There is no point in treating only the symptom.

What are the types of dizziness?

In most cases, dizziness comes in two types, peripheral or central. This means that the source of the problem could be either the inner ear or the nervous system. In addition, each variety is divided into subcategories. The peripheral type is more common than the central type.

What causes dizziness when lying down?

This type of peripheral vertigo is quite common. The main cause is calcium deposits in the inner ear, but often the source of the problem remains unknown. This condition can last several seconds or minutes, sometimes it repeats for many months. The intensity can range from mild to extreme, and the symptom is often triggered by head movements, such as when you turn over in bed. The symptom may also be accompanied by involuntary eye movements. In addition, dizziness may occur when sitting or standing after lying down. In women, this symptom appears more often; as a rule, the problem affects older people.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing problems. This is a chronic condition with no cure, but it is possible to reduce the severity of symptoms. Dizziness most often occurs due to dysfunction of the inner ear. The causes of Meniere's disease are not yet understood, but it is thought to be a disorder of the ear that prevents the body from recognizing movements correctly. Attacks of dizziness plague people with this disease because the tissues of the inner ear are under powerful pressure from fluids, which causes an abnormal condition.

Sailors' disease

Dizziness is common among people spending long periods of time on board a ship. Some scientists believe that the same phenomenon can occur after a long car ride or plane flight, but sea travel remains the main cause. When a person descends from a ship onto land, he may notice problems with balance. This condition can even occur in those who sleep on a water mattress. This type of dizziness is short-lived but can still be frightening.

Acute labyrinthitis

Since peripheral vertigo is caused by abnormal functioning of the inner ear, it will come as no surprise that ear infections can cause this symptom. Otitis of the inner ear can cause very severe dizziness. A variety of viral infections can lead to this condition.

Nerve inflammation

When inflammation affects the nerves in the inner ear, the brain is unable to properly recognize information about head position and balance. This causes severe peripheral dizziness, as well as other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating. The cause of this condition can be a variety of infections, from measles to hepatitis.


Stress aggravates any problem, including dizziness. In fact, this is a rather complex issue; scientists have been studying it for a long time and have not yet come to final conclusions. At this point, it is clear that some types of the problem are definitely exacerbated by stress. Additionally, stress can be a result of Meniere's disease. In short, there is definitely a connection between dizziness and stress, but sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is the cause and what is the consequence.

Viral meningitis

Meningitis is a disease that is an inflammatory process in the membranes surrounding the spinal canal and brain. Signs of the disease resemble those of the flu and also include a stiff neck and severe headache. Sometimes meningitis also causes dizziness. In such cases, this is the central variety, since the disease affects the state of the central nervous system.


Another cause of central vertigo can be a stroke. Fortunately, this situation is quite rare and usually occurs in older people. In this case, the discomfort is associated with damage to the back of the brain, causing poor circulation. You can reduce your risk of stroke by quitting cigarettes, controlling your weight, living an active lifestyle, and reducing your alcohol consumption.

Vestibular migraine

Some people who suffer from migraines also experience dizziness. According to statistics, about forty percent of migraine patients experience such discomfort. In addition to severe headaches, the disease causes dizziness, nausea, and loss of balance.

Habits that may make dizziness worse

Unfortunately, in most cases it is impossible to influence the cause of dizziness. However, the symptom may worsen due to nervous tension, pressure changes, dehydration or lack of sleep. Sometimes meditation or yoga can help cope with symptoms.

Fight against dizziness

When the symptom appears, try to take the most comfortable position and rest. If the dizziness is very severe, your best bet is to go to bed. Try not to walk while dizzy because this can cause serious injury. Change your body position as little as possible to reduce discomfort.



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