The best sedative for nerves. Sedatives for nervous men

The modern rhythm of life requires a person to be in constant stress. Often, you can get rid of it only with the help of sedatives. Ideally, they should be prescribed by a doctor, however, not every person goes for medical advice or even shares their problem with anyone.

You can find a lot of information on various sedatives on the Internet. In addition, there is always the opportunity to consult a pharmacist about this. But in order not to waste your money, before going to the pharmacy you need to familiarize yourself with the main sedatives for adults that the modern pharmacological industry offers.

Sedatives and sedatives- It is the same.

With their help you can achieve following effects:

    Reduce excitability nervous system.

    The person becomes less irritable, the level of aggression decreases, tearfulness decreases, and the desire to make trouble and swear disappears.

    The functioning of the autonomic nervous system is normalized, manifestations such as sweating, intestinal spasms, and palpitations are reduced.

    After taking sedatives, a person falls asleep easier and faster. At the same time, sedatives are not sleeping pills; they only help normalize a person’s natural sleep by reducing susceptibility to exogenous and endogenous stimuli.

The simultaneous use of sedatives, tranquilizers, analgesics and antipsychotics helps to mutually enhance the effects. Therefore, with the right combination of these drugs, a wide variety of effects can be achieved. Including reducing the dose and severity of side effects.

Sedatives in medicine are used to treat neuroses and neurasthenia. They are widely used to eliminate problems falling asleep. Correction possible hypertension on initial stages its development through the use of sedatives. Sometimes they are prescribed for menopause, irritable bowel syndrome, and heart and vascular diseases.

It is very good if, before taking any sedative, a person visits a doctor and consults with him on this topic. Only a doctor can determine whether a particular patient has a simple nervous breakdown or a serious mental disorder. In addition, under the mask of neuroses they often hide hormonal disorders in the body, as well as severe pathologies of internal organs.

As a rule, sedatives do not have a large amount side effects, they do not provoke the development of withdrawal syndrome or rebound syndrome, and do not cause addiction to the patient, even during long-term use. That is why most sedatives can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription.

The best sedatives

It is impossible to name the best sedative, since the remedy that is suitable for one person may not be suitable for another patient. The influence is exerted by the individual level of anxiety, the causes of development pathological condition, presence of sleep disorders, etc.

Herbal sedatives

Modern sedatives plant origin- This medicines, which have absorbed many years of experience in traditional medicine. After all, since ancient times, people have learned to use herbs to normalize the state of the nervous system. Naturally, all this experience has been systematized, studied and generalized by modern scientists, and also supplemented with methods chemical analysis huge base of plant raw materials. Therefore, the choice of sedatives is plant based is extensive, ranging from preparations with 1 component to collections of herbs and plants.

Preparations based on valerian are very popular. They are made from the rhizomes and roots of the plant, from its leaves and stems.

Modern market offers:

    Valevigran (capsules);

    Alcohol tincture;


    Valerian extract;

    Briquette from the rhizome of a plant;

    Filter bags for brewing tea.

All these medications help normalize night rest, reduce nervous excitability, and ease intestinal spasms. Wherein, alcohol tincture works more effectively than tablets. So, 40 drops will be enough to normalize the nervous system of an adult man weighing about 80 kg. Provided that he is not an alcoholic and does not have neurasthenia. If the recommended dosage is exceeded, bradycardia may develop.

    Passion flower (Passiflora incarnate). Preparations based on this plant are used to normalize sleep and to treat neurasthenia, characterized by increased anxiety and irritability, and obsessive fears. The calming effect is due to the flavonoids and alkaloids contained in passionflower. In addition, preparations based on passionflower help reduce limb tremors and also have a mild antispasmodic effect. Alora with passionflower is used to improve the well-being of women during menopause. It allows you to reduce and normalize your heartbeat.

Dietary Supplement Alvogen Relax (24 caps). Valerian, passionflower, hawthorn (about 280 rubles).



10 tablets

Price - 20 rub.

Lily of the valley-motherwort drops.

Price 10-20 rub.

Peony tincture.

Price 10-20 rub.

Peony extract - 30 tablets.

Price 60-70 rub.

Negrustin with St. John's wort extract.

Neuroplant with St. John's wort extract. 20 tablets. Price 200 rub.

Deprim with St. John's wort extract 30 tablets. price - 180 rub.

Deprim forte 20 capsules, price - 240 rubles.

St. John's wort herb, 20 packets. Price - 50 rub.

Motherwort herb, 20 packets. Price 30-50 rub.

Combined herbal based sedatives

Combined herbal preparations allow you to achieve maximum effect.


The preparation contains such plant components as: hops, motherwort, oats, hawthorn, lemon balm, coriander, sweet clover in alcohol.

Indications: Phytosed helps reduce anxiety, normalize sleep, and relieve psychological stress. The drug can be purchased in capsules and tincture form.

Contraindications: The drug is not prescribed during lactation, during pregnancy, or for patients with bleeding disorders. Drivers should stop taking Fitosed.

Method of administration: 3-4 times a day, 5 ml and once before night rest. The full course of treatment can last from 10 to 30 days. Before ingestion, the tincture should be shaken.

Phytosedan 2 and 3

The pack contains 20 filter bags, or 50 g. collection


    Phytosedan 2 - motherwort herb, valerian, hops, mint, licorice (root).

    Phytosedan 3 - herbs of sweet clover, motherwort, thyme and oregano, valerian rhizome.

Indications: phytosedan 2 and 3 are used for sleep problems, in the treatment of increased blood pressure(complex therapy), with increased nervous excitability. Indications for use are: neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Contraindications: do not use fees in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition.

Side effects: Side effects include: allergic reactions.

Method of administration: pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture and soak for 15 minutes in a water bath. Then cool the mixture, strain and bring to the original volume. Take half or 1/5 cup before meals, 4 times a day.

Persen and Persen Forte

You can buy Persen in tablets (40 pcs.) at a price of about 300 rubles, Persen night in capsules (20 pcs.) at a price of 350 rubles, and Persen forte in capsules (10 pcs. - 200 rubles, 20 pcs. - 280 rubles, 40 pieces - 450 rubles). These drugs have a similar composition, however, in Persen forte the valerian content is 125 mg, and in Persen - 50 mg.

Compound: In addition to valerian extract, the preparation contains lemon balm and mint.

Indications: Percent is prescribed for excessive nervous excitability, sleep problems and increased irritability.

Contraindications: Persen should not be used if there is lactase deficiency or inflammation of the bile ducts. Do not use the drug during breastfeeding or pregnancy. Children under 3 years of age are not prescribed the drug in tablets, and children under 12 years of age are not prescribed the drug in capsules.

Side effects: As for side effects, it is possible that allergic reactions may occur, and when using the drug long time, constipation may develop. The maximum duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

Method of administration: 1-2 capsules or 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day. For sleep disorders, the drug is taken once, before a night's rest.

The drug is available in tablets of 10 pieces. - 170 rubles and 30 pcs. - 380 rubles. You can also purchase Novopassit in a solution of 100 or 200 ml at a price of 170 and 270 rubles, respectively.

Compound: The drug contains valerian rhizome, St. John's wort, passionflower, lemon balm, hawthorn (flowers and leaves), hops (fruits), elderberry, guaifenesin. Plant components have a pronounced sedative effect, and guaifenesin helps reduce anxiety and fears.

Indications: novopassit is prescribed for the treatment of neurasthenia, headaches and sleep problems. Other indications include: dermatoses associated with mental stress, migraine, overwork, stress, menopause, manager's syndrome.

Contraindications: The drug is not used to treat children under 12 years of age, liver diseases, digestive system, for epilepsy and head injuries. You cannot use Novopassit if you have individual intolerance components included in its composition.

Side effects: When taking the drug, the following side effects may occur: nausea and vomiting, increased weakness and fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, bowel dysfunction, lethargy.

Mode of application: The drug is taken before meals 3 times a day, 1 tablet or 5 ml. If a feeling of nausea occurs, Novopassit should be taken with food.

The drug contains 50 tablets per package. Price - 300 rubles.

Compound: Dormiplant contains lemon balm, valerian rhizome extract and ethanol. The drug is prescribed for insomnia and increased nervousness.

Contraindications: The drug should not be used in children under 6 years of age, with renal failure, or in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Drivers and people whose work requires increased concentration should not take Dormiplant. It is not prescribed for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects: After administration, allergic reactions may develop.

Method of administration: 2 tablets 2 times a day for increased nervous excitability. For insomnia - 2 tablets 30 minutes before bedtime.

Alcohol-based sedatives available in liquid form

The price of the drug is 70 rubles. The second name of Valocordin is Milocordin. Its effects: sedative, hypnotic, sedative.

Compound: The drug contains phenobarbital, mint and hop oil, bromoisovaleric acid ester, ethyl alcohol and water.

Indications for use are: insomnia, increased nervous excitability, fears, anxiety and irritability.

Contraindications: The drug should not be prescribed while pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as in patients with impaired liver and kidney function.

Side effects: Side effects include: drowsiness. Long-term use of the drug without medical supervision is dangerous, as conditions such as apathy, depression, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, and spatial orientation disorders may occur.

Method of administration: As for the method and frequency of administration, it is determined by the doctor.

Compound: The composition of the drug includes phenobarbital, mint pepper oil and ethyl bromoisovalerate.

Indications: Since the composition of Corvalol is close to Valocordin, their therapeutic effect is similar. However, Corvalol is weaker than Valocordin. With its help you can achieve easy hypnotic effect, reduce heart rate, relieve vascular spasms. Corvalol is prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and arterial hypertension. You can take it to relieve intestinal spasms.

Contraindications: The drug should not be prescribed to children under 3 years of age, and the tablet form is prohibited until the age of 18. Corvalol is not used to treat pregnant and lactating women, or for patients with renal and liver failure. Corvalol drops are not prescribed to patients with a history of traumatic brain injury or brain pathologies.

Side effects: after taking Corvalol orally, increased drowsiness and deterioration in concentration are possible. Dizziness and slow heartbeat are possible. If the drug is taken for a long time, addiction may develop.

One bottle contains 25 ml of liquid. Cost - 30 rubles.

Compound: The drops contain valerian, belladonna, lily of the valley and levomenthol.

Indications: Zelenin drops are prescribed in the complex therapy of heart failure (chronic form of the disease), with renal colic against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, with diseases of the gallbladder (, cholecystitis). It is possible to use the drug in case of increased excitability, lack of appetite, or intestinal spasm.

Contraindications: Contraindications include: myocarditis, prostate hyperplasia, stomach and intestinal ulcers, pregnancy, age under 18 years, angle-closure glaucoma, cardiosclerosis, breastfeeding. Caution should be exercised when treating patients with chronic alcoholism with Zelenin drops, as well as people with brain diseases and after suffering traumatic brain injuries.

Side effects: After taking the drug, the following side effects may develop: allergies, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, muscle weakness, dry mouth. When prescribing Zelenin drops to patients with prostate hyperplasia, urinary retention is possible.

    Valocormid. This drug is prescribed for the treatment of cardiac neuroses that occur with bradycardia. It contains tincture of belladonna, valerian, lily of the valley and menthol, as well as sodium bromide.

    Valosedan. The drug is prescribed for stress and neurosis. It contains a small amount of sodium barbital, which enhances the sedative effect of components such as valerian extract, tincture of rhubarb, hawthorn and hops. Valosedan also contains ethyl alcohol.

    Valoserdin. The drug contains ethyl ester of bromesovaleric acid, a little mint and oregano, as well as phenobarbital. In addition to the calming effect, Valoserdin is good at relieving intestinal spasms and helping to reduce heart rate. It is prescribed for difficulties falling asleep, intestinal problems, high blood pressure and pain in the heart against the background of cardioneurosis.

    Nervoflux. This is a mixture of plants such as: licorice root, lavender and orange flowers, mint leaves, valerian rhizome extract, hop cones. Nervoflux is brewed and used before bedtime for difficulties falling asleep, as well as against the background of chronic stress.

    Sedariston. The drug is used for neuroses against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It contains lemon balm, St. John's wort and valerian.

Bromine preparations

There is probably not a single person who has not heard the story about army doctors who indiscriminately poured bromine into the food of all the soldiers. Allegedly, this is done in order to calm the defenders of the Fatherland and to reduce their excessive sexuality.

Bromides or sedatives based on bromine, they really help reduce excessive stimulation of the brain. These are very inexpensive medicines that are produced in the form of tinctures and drops.

However, their uncontrolled intake in doses significantly higher than recommended can lead to serious poisoning of the body. This is expressed in rhinitis, skin rashes, dry cough and lacrimation.

The package contains 20 tablets. Cost - 20 rubles.

Compound: The drug contains glycoside of the spring adonis herb and potassium bromide.

Indications: the drug is prescribed for the treatment of neuroses against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, as it has a sedative and cardiotonic effect.

Contraindications: Do not use the drug to treat patients with bradycardia, angina, or peptic ulcer. Adonis bromine is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 18 years.

Side effects: After taking the drug, the following side effects may develop: allergies, skin rashes, vomiting and nausea, conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, memory loss and apathy.

Method of administration: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

The package contains 30 tablets. The cost of the drug is 100 rubles.

The drug has a sedative effect, enhances inhibition processes in the brain, and normalizes heart function.

Indications: Bromcamphor is prescribed for difficulties falling asleep and for unstable blood pressure. Use the drug in complex treatment tachycardia, cardialgia, asthenia.

Contraindications: Bromcamphor is not prescribed to children under 7 years of age, as well as to patients with impaired kidney and liver function. Contraindication is increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects: after taking the drug, increased lethargy, increased drowsiness, and development of allergies are possible. Also adverse reactions are dyspeptic disorders and drowsiness.

Mode of application:

    7-10 years - 1 t*2 times a day.

    10-14 years - 1 t*2 or 3 times a day.

    Over 14 years old - 1 or 2 t * 2 or 3 times a day.

The full course of treatment ranges from 10 days to 2 weeks.

Sedatives from other groups

Since ancient times to reduce intracranial pressure and for hypertensive crisis, doctors use Magnesia (Magnesium Sulfate 25%). Depending on the dose administered, the drug acts as a sedative or sleeping pills. In addition, Magnesia is an antispasmodic and helps relax the muscles of the uterus and intestines. An overdose of the drug is dangerous, which can cause serious poisoning. It is relieved with calcium chloride.

The package contains 40 tablets. The price of the drug is 160 rubles.

This drug helps reduce irritability, relieves nervous tension, improves mood. It contains antibodies to the CNS protein. After taking Tenoten, the patient does not experience drowsiness or lethargy.

Indications: tenoten is prescribed for stress, increased anxiety, against the background of deterioration of cognitive processes, for psychosomatic diseases, neuroses and similar conditions.

Contraindications: The drug is not prescribed for the treatment of children under 18 years of age, as well as in cases of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects from taking Tenoten are absent.

Method of administration: dissolve 1 or 2 tablets 2 to 4 times a day until completely dissolved. The course can last for 3 months.

The package contains 60 tablets. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles.

Indications: The tranquilizer helps reduce anxiety and irritability, relieves fears, and normalizes sleep. After taking Afobazole, symptoms such as tremors of the limbs, rapid heartbeat, intestinal colic, sweating, and dry mouth are eliminated. This is enough strong drug, which is available without a prescription.

Contraindications: Afobazole is not prescribed for the treatment of children under 18 years of age, during breastfeeding, while pregnant, or in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects: after taking Afobazole, allergic reactions may develop.

Mode of application: 10 mg, 3 times a day. Take the drug in courses of 2-4 weeks (it is possible to increase its duration to 3 months).

The drug is produced in the form of tablets of 10 and 20 pieces per package. The cost is 100 and 200 rubles, respectively.

This is a nootropic drug. It is only available by prescription. Phenibut helps accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses and nourish neurocytes. In addition, the drug acts as sedative, as it reduces excitability, relieves tension, and eliminates stress. Sometimes it is used before surgical interventions to enhance anesthesia. Phenibut helps reduce headaches and eliminate dizziness.

Indications: Phenibut is prescribed for the treatment of neuroses accompanied by increased anxiety, insomnia, stuttering in childhood, and work disorders autonomic system. Psychotherapists use this drug in their practice. It helps well with motion sickness and Meniere's disease.

Contraindications: Phenibut is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, children under 2 years of age, patients with stomach and intestinal ulcers, liver failure, or those with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects: after taking Phenibut, the following side effects may develop: headaches, dizziness, allergies, nausea, increased anxiety. With prolonged treatment, it is necessary to monitor blood counts and liver function.

Method of administration: courses (14-21 days).

    For motion sickness, 1-2 tablets 60 minutes before the expected shaking.

    With alcoholic withdrawal syndrome 1-2 tablets*3 times a day or 3 tablets before bedtime.

    2-8 years - 50-100 mg * 3 times a day.

    8-14 years old - 1 tablet*3 times a day.

    Adult patients: 1-2 tablets*3 times a day.

Sedative homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy offers herbal preparations, which most often need to be dissolved under the tongue.


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Education: In 2005, she completed an internship at the First Moscow State University medical university named after I.M. Sechenov and received a diploma in the specialty “Neurology”. In 2009, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty “Nervous Diseases”.

Stress has become an integral part of our lives. Chronic stress, anxiety and fears drive us into a corner, contributing to the manifestation of insomnia, neuroses and depression. Acute and chronic stress can provoke all sorts of diseases, among which the most dangerous is cancer.

Causes and manifestations

In modern life, there are many reasons that can trigger the occurrence of neurosis. If you dig deeper, stress and neuroses arise from a conflict between a person’s internal desires and the ability to realize them in life. The trigger factor can be one traumatic situation great strength, as well as chronic troubles that unsettle a person.

The main causes of neuroses and stress include failures at work (men suffer more), unfavorable marriages, unconscious internal conflicts, stressful work (doctors, teachers, hospice workers), chronic diseases and many others.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of temperament and mental stability, but even the most resilient of us sometimes need help to successfully cope with stress.

Neuroses are the most common type among all mental disorders, but most of these patients seek help from family doctors or therapists, or try to treat their illness on their own.

Stressful conditions are characterized by the occurrence of the following conditions:

  • insomnia, shallow and intermittent sleep;
  • increased or decreased appetite (even to the point of absence);
  • feeling of depression, fatigue, emptiness, physical weakness; headaches, decreased memory and attention;
  • increased irritability, depression, high sensitivity to stress factors, excessive vulnerability;
  • tearfulness, tearfulness, feeling of melancholy, increased anxiety, emotional lability;
  • fatigue and inability to concentrate;
  • decreased libido.

Autonomic disorders may also occur: palpitations, sweating, hand tremors, fluctuations in blood pressure, and intestinal problems.


Treat stressful conditions it is necessary comprehensively and competently, since self-medication in this case is not the best the best choice, since it is very easy to suppress the symptoms, but not get rid of the very cause of stress: do not try to fight it yourself - this will not help you cope with the problem, but will only worsen the situation!

There is a certain list of drugs that help get rid of neurosis and stress.

AfobazoleA synthetic drug, the action is aimed at a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and mildly stimulating effects. Afobazole reduces anxiety, tension, and vegetative manifestations. This medicine is available in tablets and is not addictive. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.300 rub.
AtaraxThe drug is a daytime tranquilizer (anxiolytic). Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Atarax tablets have a moderate sedative, antiemetic, antihistamine effect. This medicine improves memory and attention, relieves anxiety, and helps get rid of itching in eczema and dermatitis. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier and is not prescribed during pregnancy.270 rub.
GrandaxinA daytime tranquilizer, which belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives, mainly has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect and does not have a sedative (calming), muscle relaxant, or anticonvulsant effect. It is used to normalize psychovegetative reactions and eliminate autonomic disorders. It has an average stimulating activity on the higher centers of the nervous system. Dispensed in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.From 203 to 607 rubles.
AdaptolIt is a mild tranquilizer, it does not have a hypnotic effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and also increases performance and mental activity. Can be used as a daytime tranquilizer. Adaptol is available in tablets.600 rub.
TenotenNootropic drug with antixiolytic activity. It has a calming and anti-anxiety effect without causing hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Mainly used for chronic intoxications, hypoxia, with various cerebral circulatory disorders. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.196 rub.
PhenibutA nootropic drug that has a moderate tranquilizing, psychostimulating effect, reduces the manifestations of nervous asthenia and vagovegetative symptoms, moderately increases physical activity and mental activity. Phenibut tablets help reduce anxiety, tension, worry and fear, and normalize sleep physiology. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. This drug is used in the treatment of acute and chronic stress.123 rub.
NovopassitThe drug is of plant origin and contains extracts of valerian rhizomes, hop cones and old flowers. It relieves nervous excitement well and restores sleep.280 rub.
PersenA sedative (calming) drug, of plant origin, has a calming and antispasmodic effect. Contains extracts of valerian rhizomes, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.320 rub.
AzafenA drug from the group of tricyclic antidepressants. Improves mood and has a mild sedative effect. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.192 rub.
AmitriptylineA drug from the group of inhibitors of neuronal monoamine uptake. Helps get rid of depression of any etiology, as well as with severe neurosis with a predominance of the anxiety componentFrom 38 to 62 rubles.

If you are prescribed any of these drugs, it is very important to take it full course, which was prescribed by the attending physician. This should be done to consolidate the effect and prevent possible relapses.

Patients with severe cases of neuroses must be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Separate groups of drugs

The main drugs for treatment are divided into two groups - herbal and synthetic origin. Medicines from the group of psychotropic drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist, these include antidepressants, antipsychotics, nootropics and tranquilizers.


Antidepressants are drugs belonging to the group psychotropic drugs. They are used to eliminate symptoms of depression, reduce feelings of melancholy, anxiety, relieve feelings of apathy and lethargy, reduce internal emotional stress, and normalize sleep and appetite. Basic antidepressants include the following drugs- fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), fevarin and azaphene. Antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist, starting with small doses, the duration of treatment is several months to consolidate the effect. Antidepressants also have side effects - hypotension, arrhythmia, dry mouth, pruritus, weight gain and more. These medications are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.


Nootropics are drugs that provide specific action on the nervous system and are neurometabolic stimulants. Nootropics stimulate human mental activity, activate cognitive function brain, increase learning ability, and also increase the brain’s resistance to damaging factors (for example, hypoxia). A prominent representative of this group is piracetam. The group of nootropics also includes glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), phenotropil, mexidol. These drugs (except GABA) are available without a doctor's prescription. Glycine is available in tablets and is successfully used to treat stress and neuroses.


This is a group of medications that are used to reduce symptoms of anxiety, irritability, fear and emotional stress. This occurs due to a decrease in excitation processes in the subcortex of the brain. There is also a mild sleeping pill and sedative.


Neuroleptics are antipsychotic drugs. They affect the higher centers of the brain. The group of neuroleptic drugs includes aminazine, eglonil, clopixol, sonapax. Neuroleptics have different effects on the body - they calm, reduce the threshold of reactions to irritants, help reduce symptoms psychomotor agitation and tension, reduce the level of fear, anxiety and aggression. They suppress productive symptoms in schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations). Prescribed only by a psychiatrist and dispensed at a pharmacy according to prescription form with doctor's orders.

Herbal preparations

Herbal sedatives can be produced in the form of various herbal preparations and in tablets, capsules, and syrups. Herbs that have a sedative (calming) effect: chamomile, sage, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort. There are tablet forms of motherwort and valerian.

Non-drug methods

In addition to using medications, it is necessary to model your lifestyle. First, you should get rid of stress factors if possible or change your attitude towards them.

Try to get enough sleep. After all chronic lack of sleep is also a powerful stress factor. You should also start playing sports. Firstly, it helps keep the body toned and balanced. Secondly, this is another way to organize your thoughts and throw out negative energy.

Every day many men and women face different situations which cause tension in the nervous system. Such shocks are the impetus for the most common phenomenon in the body - stress. Ordinary emotions turn into irritability, worries or anxiety. Doctors assure: pills for nerves and stress will relieve excess stress and restore restful sleep. These medications are designed to combat anxiety, anxiety, and depletion of adaptive protective system, various fears.


Medicines in this group - sedatives - are well tolerated by patients and have minimal risk occurrence of side effects. Sedative tablets are used in the treatment of neuroses and sleep disorders. When combined with other drugs, sedatives are used for the treatment of hypertension at the initial stage, menopausal syndrome, and neuroses of the cardiovascular system. The list of sedative pills without prescriptions is growing.


The most powerful sedatives will not be sold in pharmacies without a prescription (Atarax, Phenazepam or Diphenhydramine), but there are over-the-counter remedies. Sedatives active action well suited for eliminating sleep disorders and treating neuroses. Any of the medications have their contraindications, therefore, before using the strongest tablets, it is better to seek the advice of a qualified doctor so that there is no overdose or side effects.

Tenoten tablets

  • Description: calming pills without prescriptions (homeopathy), which have an anti-anxiety, antidepressant effect, and improve the tolerance of emotional stress.
  • Ingredients: S-100 protein antibodies, Excipients(lactose – 0.267 g, magnesium – 0.003 g, cellulose – 0.03 g).
  • Directions for use, dosage: taken orally until completely absorbed, not during meals. Use twice a day, four if necessary. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.
  • Price: 160-200 rub.

fast action

If you don’t know how to calm down quickly, accelerated-acting sedatives will help. When using such tablets, you should know that they should not be taken for a long time, because they cause addiction to the body. Chronic use of sedatives strong action threatens psychological dependence– in order to fall asleep, a person must take a pill for nerves and stress. Fast-acting sedatives are contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Tablets "Afobazol"

  • Description: a powerful remedy belongs to the sedative tranquilizer and fast action. Suppresses irritability, tearfulness, fearfulness and anxiety, prevents breakdowns.
  • Composition: one tablet contains fabomotizole dihydrochloride - 10 mg and excipients: potato starch, cellulose, povidone, lactose, magnesium stearate.
  • Directions for use, dosage: one tablet three times a day after meals.
  • Price: 250-350 rub.

On herbs

The most popular pills for fear and anxiety are based on herbs. These natural remedies will help quickly calm the nervous system and feel peace of mind. Tablets based on plant raw materials are as safe as possible and do not burden the pancreas or liver. Herbal preparations for nerves and stress, they are sold in most pharmacies without a prescription in the country and are inexpensive. In the ranking of all antidepressants, natural-based tablets take first place.


  • Description: herbal medicine with combined action, which has sedative properties.
  • Ingredients: dry extract from the rhizomes of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, elderberry.
  • Directions for use, doses: according to the instructions, take one tablet orally three times a day before meals.
  • Price: 200-300 rub.

No hypnotic effect


  • Description: an effective, cheap drug without a hypnotic effect, which helps improve emotional mood and withstand tense situations.
  • Composition: one tablet contains glycine – 250 mg, vitamin B6 – 3 mg.
  • Method of administration, doses: tablets are used twice a day, one tablet, dissolving under the tongue.
  • Price: 20-30 rub.


Harmless, safe, but effective pills for fear and anxiety are also found on pharmacy shelves. These nerve sedatives are as harmless as possible and are sold without prescriptions. The most popular is Corvalol in tablets. Adults are prescribed one or two tablets per day orally before meals. The cost of these pills for nerves and stress ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.

What sedatives can you take?

All sedatives have their side effects, most of them should not be used by pregnant women and children. Sedatives often contain harmful chemicals that negatively affect the health of the body as a whole. The main thing that needs to be done before using sedatives in children or pregnant women is to make a mandatory trip to the doctor. Only a specialist can tell you how certain drugs will affect a youth’s fragile body or health. expectant mother.

During pregnancy

For a woman who is expecting a child, a state of anxiety and worry is not uncommon. Stress has a negative impact on the development of the unborn baby. Medicines that are used during pregnancy include valerian in tablet form. You should take the pills no earlier than the second trimester: valerian has a good effect on the nervous system and relieves stress. Two more drugs approved by doctors are Novopassit and Leovit. Herbal composition tablets and minimal amount chemical substances safe for the body.

For children

With the appearance in the house small child arises a large number of worries, and the baby himself is so active all day long that he doesn’t sleep well at night. In this case, sedatives for children will be useful, they will help the child establish healthy sleep and have a positive effect on the formation of the central nervous system. For children and teenagers, doctors recommend using Persen, since it contains natural substances. Dosage from the age of three is one tablet 1-3 times a day, depending on the dose, which is calculated by body weight.

Video: sedatives

It is not for nothing that they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. The video will show how sedatives affect the nervous system and health in general. Professional doctors will tell you which pills are best to buy so as not to harm the body, as well as what to drink for nerves and stress. If you want to know how to relax and calm down with the help of medications, then in interesting video you will find answers to your questions.

Treatment of nervous disorders should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician. The specialist will adequately assess the patient’s condition and select suitable sedatives for depression. With the help of medications in the body, mental and physiological processes, due to which the person’s condition stabilizes.

Medications for depression

Good sedatives for depression are a separate group of drugs that provide a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system. Tablets and tinctures help restore the balance between the processes of inhibition and excitation. The doctor, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, may prescribe one of many existing types sedatives for depression.

Sedative tranquilizers

Sedatives for depression in this group have a strong, emotion-suppressing effect. As a result of their action, a person becomes very calm, apathetic to the world around him, and slow. Sedative medications cause drowsiness, but help relieve feelings of anger, fear, panic, and rage. In addition, such tablets effectively eliminate internal tension associated with stress.

Except positive action, such drugs have a number of side effects. After taking sedative tranquilizers, a person’s concentration drops, resulting in a severe decrease in performance. The doctor will prescribe medications to calm the nervous system if all or more of the following symptoms are present:

  • excessive excitability;
  • unreasonable concern;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • neurosis.

Sedative tranquilizers are good sedatives, but they are only allowed to be taken as prescribed by a doctor and only for adults. Uncontrolled use of such medications leads to addiction and the formation of dependence. This group of medications for depression includes:

  • Lorazepam;
  • Diazepam;
  • Atarax;
  • Bromazepam.


Normotimics stabilize mood, eliminating irritability and calming the nervous system. The use of such drugs is allowed in small doses when:

  • constant nervousness;
  • therapy affective disorders;
  • impulsiveness;
  • prevention of nervous disorders.

The peculiarity of mood stabilizers is the effectiveness of treating depression, which is accompanied by mania. This group The medication has harmless side effects that occur extremely rarely (usually in the form of a rash). Good mood stabilizers include:

  • Olanzapine;
  • Lamotrigine;
  • Quetiapine;
  • Risperidone;
  • Sodium valproate.

Treatment of depression with antipsychotics

This type of anti-depression medication is fast-acting, because a short time able to calm the nervous system. In addition to affecting a specific area of ​​the brain responsible for the development of mental disorders, antipsychotic drugs affect healthy areas of the organ. The latter fact is dangerous because such an action can lead to serious violations brain activity and the person will lose the ability to think sensibly. The doctor can prescribe antipsychotics exclusively:

  • men and women with serious mental illness;
  • people with amnesia, uncontrolled speech or physical activity;
  • patients with chronic depression;
  • patients with acute or chronic schizophrenia.

Neuroleptic drugs are dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. The group of neuroleptics includes:

  • Azaleptin;
  • Sonapax;
  • Tiapride.

Herbal products

Good remedies for depression also include drugs based on natural herbal ingredients. As a rule, they are sold without a prescription because they are absolutely safe for the human body. Such medications have a minimal risk of side effects, but for complete deliverance for depression they should be taken for a long time without breaks.

Herbal remedies for depression do not burden the liver and pancreas, but can compete in effectiveness with many effective antidepressants and sleeping pills. As a rule, sedatives in this group are made from the roots, leaves or stems of valerian. Such harmless tablets and tinctures normalize sleep, reduce nervous excitability, and relieve intestinal spasms. In addition to valerian, herbal preparations for depression may contain extracts of motherwort, passionflower, peony, and St. John's wort.

Inexpensive, easy herbal medicines that can be taken at home include:

  • Alora;
  • Negrustin;
  • Deprim;
  • Neuroplant.

What drugs cause drowsiness?

Many good sedatives for depression cause drowsiness. For example, tricyclic drugs such as Azafen or Amitriptyline, although highly effective, cause many side effects, including decreased potency, dehydration and increased drowsiness. In addition, these Negative consequences capable of exhibiting tranquilizers different groups: Gedocarnil, Buspirone, Amizil, Mebicar, etc. The listed drugs are used to eliminate anxiety, sleep disorders, muscle spasms.

Sedatives for the adult nervous system

A person who is often exposed to stress has a risk of developing chronic mental illness. Doctors advise such people and those who already have problems with the nervous system to periodically take gentle sedative pills for prevention. Below is the rating effective means for depression:

  1. Tenoten. This good sedative is prescribed for the treatment of neurotic, psychosomatic pathologies, and severe stress. Tenoten is available in the form of alcohol tincture and tablets. The dosage is determined individually for each patient. This easy drug allowed for use by adolescents and young children.
  2. Quatrex. A broad-spectrum drug, recommended for children with nervous tics and stuttering, women during menopause. Tablets help eliminate insomnia, survive stressful situations, calm the nervous system.
  3. Afobazol. It belongs to the group of tranquilizers and is prescribed for the treatment of anxiety states manifested in the form of unreasonable panic and fear.
  4. Phenibut. Good remedy from depression, anxiety, panic attacks. Phenibut is one of the tranquilizers; it can improve sleep in a short time, relieve headaches, and relieve a person from emotional lability. In addition, the drug helps improve memory, attention, and increases performance.
  5. Phenazepam. Very effective sedative tablets of the tranquilizer group. Phenazepam quickly eliminates emotional instability, anxiety, and fear. Taking pills helps get rid of insomnia and panic attacks. The main side effect of the sedative is severe drowsiness.

A separate group of drugs are sedatives for women. Representatives of the fairer sex more often than men experience mental arousal, fear, and anxiety. Because the postpartum depression- a common phenomenon, new mothers need psychological help And special drugs. However, not all pills are suitable for breastfeeding girls. What nerve sedative is allowed for women during lactation? List of safe herbal medicines:

  • Novo-Passit;
  • Persen;
  • Motherwort in tablets;
  • Valerian tablets;
  • Nervochel.

How to calm the nervous system

Often, the reasons for increased nervousness lie not in the functioning of the brain, but in the human psyche, that is, they depend on how effectively one can solve the psychological problems that arise. If they remain unresolved, then sedatives will only be effective temporarily. When the course of treatment ends, anxiety and depression will arise again. This explains why psychiatrists advise looking for non-drug methods to cope with stress.

Music for relaxation and calming nerves

Overwork, nervous excitement, stress lead to increased irritability, sleep disturbance and depression. Long-term stress to which the nervous system is subjected leads to the development of chronic mental illnesses. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to try to maintain good mood and peace of mind under any circumstances. Music can be a good sedative.

To prevent depression and calm the nervous system, experts advise listening to classical instrumental music while lying down with eyes closed. Ideal option The following compositions will act as a sedative:

  • Haydn "Symphony";
  • Bach "Moonlight Sonata";
  • Schubert "Ave Maria", etc.

Folk remedies

  1. Herbal collection from depression. Mix 20 g of St. John's wort leaves, lemon balm, blueberries, rosemary. Pour a tablespoon herbal mixture a cup of boiling water and leave to brew. After half an hour, drink the strained liquid, adding a spoonful of honey. Brew this tea for yourself every day before bed.
  2. Ginseng tincture. Pour 10 g of plant roots with 100 ml of alcohol. When the infusion has stood in a dark place for a month, you can begin to take it. The recommended dosage of the sedative is 20 drops three times a day.
  3. Good soothing tea. Combine 1 tsp. leaves of thyme, St. John's wort, yarrow, catnip and lemongrass berries. Pour the ingredients into 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover the container with a warm cloth and let stand for an hour. Strain the liquid and drink ½ glass during breakfast. This remedy also treats hypotension.

How to calm your child's nerves

Pharmacies sell special sedatives for children. As a rule, the basis of such drugs is herbal, so they are considered harmless to the body of children, but they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. You can prepare sedatives for your child at home herbal teas from mint and lemon balm. Before going to bed, a nervous baby is recommended to take pine baths, which should be taken for no longer than 5 minutes. In addition, you should create a calm atmosphere at home, protecting your baby from unnecessary stress.


Today's rhythm of life leaves virtually no chance for a person to do without medical supplies, including sedatives.

Many turn this into a personal problem, not wanting to share it not only with their loved ones, but without even trying to get qualified advice from specialists, hoping to drink something soothing “for a nervous breakdown” on the recommendation of a pharmacist or pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy.

Meanwhile, a huge amount of information on this issue is offered by thematic forums and specialized websites on the Internet.

Anticipating the exorbitant costs for our readers' wallets on expensive but fashionable sedatives, we offer a review of a wide variety of sedatives price range and approximately similar strength of action.

Givers of peace

Anti-anxiety drugs are also called sedatives.

  • They are designed to enhance inhibition in the nervous system and weaken excitation in it.
  • In parallel with pacifying the violence of the subcortex: irritability, aggressiveness, quarrelsomeness, cursing, tendency to tears.
  • These remedies also put the autonomic nervous system in order: they slow down the heartbeat, reduce sweating, hand tremors, and ease intestinal spasms.
  • Another big advantage of sedatives is that they help with falling asleep. While not being hypnotics and not causing a slowdown in the rhythm of the cerebral cortex, these drugs nevertheless normalize physiological sleep and make it easier to fall asleep by removing increased sensitivity to external or internal stimuli.

In combination with sedatives, such drugs enhance their effect strong tablets, as sleeping pills, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, painkillers. Therefore, by combining these medications with sedatives, their dosages can be reduced and side effects reduced.

Sedatives are used in the treatment of neurasthenia and neuroses. As aids strong sedatives are suitable for eliminating sleep disorders. In combinations, drugs are used for therapy early stages hypertension, neuroses of the cardiovascular system, menopausal syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome.

Anti-anxiety medications without prescriptions

Ideally, any sedative for nerves should be prescribed by a doctor. After all, behind the usual nervous breakdown could be the beginning of something serious mental disorder, and ordinary irritability can hide behind itself hormonal disbalance or serious illness internal organs.

However, it is common among people to buy and take sedatives on their own, the list of which is expanding every year. Therefore, it is better to familiarize readers in detail with the features of various sedatives offered by pharmacies today.

Medicines from the sedative group have a small number of side effects, which occur relatively rarely. Sedatives are not characterized by rebound and withdrawal syndrome, they are not addictive and drug addiction. Therefore, most sedative drugs are sold in pharmacy chains over the counter.

Names of the best sedatives

Effective herbal sedatives

Preparations based on herbal raw materials are as safe as possible, environmentally friendly, and place less strain on the pancreas, bile ducts and liver. Humanity has accumulated thousands of years of experience in treating nervous disorders with herbs. Of course, today's capabilities of chemical analysis of plant raw materials fully confirm the effectiveness of both single-component products from medicinal herbs, and herbal preparations.

Preparations based on valerian are prepared from rhizomes and roots, less often leaves and stems. Alcohol tincture, tablets and extract of valerian, Valevigran (capsules), briquettes from the rhizome, filter bags for making tea reduce nervous excitability, improve sleep, enhance the effect of sleeping pills, and reduce intestinal spasms. Alcohol tincture is more effective than tablets. Forty drops may work in an 80-kilogram man suffering from neurasthenia, provided he is not an alcoholic or taking psychotropic drugs. High dosages can slow down the heartbeat and even cause bradycardia.

  • Medicines based on passionflower incarnate(passion flowers). This vine is used to facilitate falling asleep and increase the depth of sleep, in the complex treatment of neurasthenia (unmotivated fears, anxiety, syndrome obsessive states, increased irritability). These effects are realized due to the alkaloids and flavonoids contained in the passionflower herb. Passionflower also has an antispasmodic and mild anticonvulsant effect (can reduce trembling of the hands and head). Also based on this herb, medicines for menopause have been created (Alora in tablets and syrup), which, in addition to the sedative effect, reduce heartbeat and help with headaches.
  • Sedatives from motherwort– this is an alcohol tincture and lily of the valley-leonurus drops, as well as motherwort herb or tablets with motherwort extract.
  • Peony tincture is very effective for neurasthenia and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • (tablets Negrustin, Neuroplant, Deprim, etc., see instructions in the article) combine the properties of a sedative and.

  • Alvogen Relax (dietary supplement)

Valerian, passionflower, hawthorn, 24 caps. 200-280 rub.

  • Motherwort extract

10 tables 20 rub.

  • Lily of the valley-motherwort drops
  • Peony tincture
  • Peony extract

30 tab. 60-70 rub.

  • Negrustin

St. John's wort extract

  • Neuroplant

St. John's wort extract 20 pcs. 200 rub.

  • Deprim

St. John's wort extract 30 tablets. 150-180 rub. Deprim forte 20 caps. 240 rub.

  • St. John's wort herb

30-50 rub. 20 sachets

  • Motherwort grass

30-50 rub. 20 sachets

Combined herbal sedatives

Good herbal calming tablets are obtained from combinations of plant materials. Fees allow you to summarize the effects of different medicinal plants and complement one with the other, reducing the dosage of each component.


Ingredients: a mixture of motherwort, hops, oats, lemon balm, coriander, sweet clover on an alcohol basis.
Action: Removes mental stress and anxiety, improves sleep, compensates increased fatigue. In addition to capsules, the drug is available in the form of an alcohol tincture.
Contraindications: The drug is contraindicated in cases of reduced blood clotting, breastfeeding. Undesirable for pregnant women and those who drive vehicles.
Prescribed orally, 1 teaspoon (5 ml) in a small amount of water 3-4 times a day and 1 time before bedtime. The course of treatment is from 10 to 30 days. Shake before use.

Phytosedan 2 and 3

Phytosedan 2 and 3 50-70 rub. 20 filter bags or 50 g. collection
The collection contains:

  • Phytosedan 2 – motherwort herb, hops, valerian, licorice roots
  • Phytosedan 3 - sweet clover herb, oregano herb, valerian rhizomes, motherwort herb, thyme herb.

Herbal infusions have an antispasmodic and calming effect.
Indicated: for sleep disorders, arterial hypertension (in complex treatment), increased nervous excitability, migraine, neuroses,.
Contraindicated: in case of individual intolerance to the medicinal herbs included in the composition.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Dosage: 2 tbsp. spoons are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45-60 minutes, filtered, adjusted to 200 ml. boiled water, take 1/2 or 1/5 cup half an hour before meals 4 times a day.

Persen and Persen Forte

They differ - in Persen forte 125 mg. valerian, and Persen contains 50 mg of valerian, the rest is identical. OTC drug.
Ingredients: dry extract of valerian, lemon balm, peppermint.
Indications: prescribed for irritability, increased nervous excitability, difficulty falling asleep or shallow sleep. Contraindicated in case of fructose intolerance, low blood pressure, inflammation of the bile ducts, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 3 years old for tablets, under 12 years old for capsules.
Side effects: allergies, with long-term use- constipation
Dosage: 2-3 times a day, 1-2 capsules. or 2-3 tablets, for insomnia, 1 r/day an hour before bedtime. You cannot take Persen, Persen Night and Persen Forte for more than 1.5-2 months.


  • table 10 pieces. 170 RUR, 30 pcs. 350-380 rub.
  • solution 100 ml 170 rub., 200 ml. 270 rub.

Ingredients: valerian rhizomes, lemon balm herb, St. John's wort, passionflower, hawthorn leaves and flowers, hop fruit, elderberry with the addition of guaifenesin.
A mixture of medicinal herbs has a calming effect, guaifenesin removes fears and suppresses anxiety.
Indications: The drug is prescribed for mild forms of neurasthenia, sleep disorders and headaches due to overwork or stress. For manager's syndrome, insomnia, migraine, menopause (see), itchy dermatoses caused by psychological stress.
Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, with myasthenia gravis, with a tendency to allergic manifestations, with caution in acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, head injuries, epilepsy.
Side effects of the drug: lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, allergies, stool instability, allergic reactions, muscle weakness, fatigue, exanthema.
Dosage: 3 times a day, 1 tablet or 5 ml. syrup before meals, if nausea occurs, it is better to take during meals.


50 pcs. 350 rub.

Ingredients: valerian rhizome extract, lemon balm, ethanol. Helps with difficulty falling asleep and nervousness.
Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, hypersensitivity, kidney failure, pregnancy and lactation, reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions - not recommended when driving.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Dosage: 2 times a day, 2 tablets for nervous excitability, 2 tablets. half an hour before bedtime if you have difficulty falling asleep.

Liquid forms based on alcohol solutions are used in drops dissolved in water


Valocordin 60-70 rubles, also known as Milocordin, has a sedative, mild hypnotic effect, reduces central nervous system excitation.
Ingredients: phenobarbital, bromoisovaleric acid ester, hop oil, peppermint dissolved in the mixture ethyl alcohol and water.
Indications: Indispensable for cardiac neurosis, insomnia, neuroses accompanied by fear, irritability, and anxiety.
Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, impaired renal and liver function.
Side effects: causes drowsiness and dizziness; with prolonged use, loss of coordination of movement, depression, apathy, hemorrhagic diathesis, conjunctivitis, and rhinitis may occur.
The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.


Compound : peppermint oil, phenobarbital, ethyl bromizovalerianate.
The composition is similar to Valocardin, therefore its action is close to it, but the effect of the product is weaker. Corvalol works as a sedative and mild hypnotic. It can relieve spasms of the heart vessels and capillaries, slows down the heartbeat, and therefore helps with functional cardiovascular disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension). Also effective as an intestinal antispasmodic.
Contraindications: for drops - for children under 3 years old, for tablets - up to 18 years old, pregnancy, lactation, renal, etc. For drops also traumatic brain injury and brain diseases.
Side effects: causes dizziness and drowsiness, slowness heart rate, allergic manifestations, decreased concentration. With prolonged use - withdrawal syndrome, addiction.

Zelenin drops

25 ml. 10-30 rub.
Ingredients: a mixture of tinctures of lily of the valley, valerian, belladonna and levomenthol.
Indications: chronic heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased excitability, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased appetite, biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis.
Contraindications: hyperplasia prostate gland, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach, children under 18 years of age, severe endocarditis, angle-closure glaucoma. With caution in case of alcoholism, brain diseases, head injury.
Side effects: muscle weakness, allergic reactions, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, arrhythmia, headache, urinary retention due to prostate hyperplasia.

Valosedan- used to inhibit the central nervous system during neuroses or stress. The effect of the drug is enhanced by small doses of sodium barbital. In addition, the medicine contains tinctures of hawthorn, rhubarb, hops, valerian extract, and ethyl alcohol.
Valocormid- the drug of choice for cardiac neuroses with bradycardia (pulse rate less than 60). A medicine based on tinctures of lily of the valley, belladonna, valerian, menthol and sodium bromide.
Valoserdin- a mixture of phenobarbital, ethyl ester of bromoisovaleric acid, oregano and peppermint oils. In addition to the calming effect, the medicine reduces the heart rate, relieves intestinal spasms. It is used for cardioneurosis with heart pain and increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, intestinal colic, and sleep disorders. Available without a prescription.
Sedariston- (St. John's wort, valerian, lemon balm) - effective drug with vegetative manifestations of neuroses.
Nervoflux- prescribed for chronic stress and insomnia. This is a herbal tea mixture consisting of orange blossom, lavender, mint leaves, licorice root, valerian rhizome extract and hop cones.

Calm, just calm

About twenty years ago, bearded stories about how bromine tincture is poured into army tea in order to eliminate the nervousness and excessive sexuality of the defenders of the Motherland were no less popular than the children's cartoon about Carlson, whose favorite saying was a phrase calling for people to remain calm, since the matter is generally everyday. Since the author of the story about the baby and Carlson did not write anything about bromine, we will take on the task of filling the gap.

Bromides (bromine-based sedatives) help enhance inhibitory processes in the brain and balance excitation and inhibition. These are inexpensive drugs, often in the form of mixtures or drops.

If these drugs are taken uncontrolled, for a long time and in high dosages, you can get a poisoning known as bromism. Its main manifestations are a dry cough, lacrimation, snot and skin rash, reminiscent of acne vulgaris.

Adonis Brom

20 tab. 80 rub.
Ingredients: Potassium Bromide and Adonis spring herb glycoside.
Has sedative and cardiotonic effects, prescribed for neurotic syndrome with increased heart rate, with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
Contraindications: angina pectoris, bradycardia, ulcer of the esophagus, stomach, pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age, with fructose intolerance.
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, weakness, skin rash, conjunctivitis, memory loss, cough, rhinitis, apathy.
Application: 3 times a day, 1 tablet.


30 tab. 100 rub.
Like other bromides, this drug has a calming effect, improves cardiac activity, and enhances inhibition processes in the brain.
Used: for increased excitability and sleep disorders, for lability of blood pressure, cardialgia, tachycardia, asthenia.
Contraindicated: children under 7 years of age, with renal, liver failure, increased sensitivity.
Side effects: drowsiness, allergic reactions, lethargy.
Dosage: adults and children over 14 years old 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tablets, from 10-14 years old 2/3 times a day, 1 tablet, 7-10 years old - 2 times a day, 1 table. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Funds from other groups

Magnesia- 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, known as magnesia and an ancient remedy for hypertensive crises and increased intracranial pressure, when administered into a vein, depending on the dose, it can cause a calming effect or work as a hypnotic. The solution also relieves spasms of smooth muscles, reduces pain in the intestines and uterus. In case of overdose, it can cause poisoning, which is treated with calcium chloride.


  • 10 tables 100 rub
  • 20 tab. 130-200 rub.

Tablets, like all strong sedatives, are sold according to a doctor’s prescription, but the sedative is pure form is not. This is a nootropic (aminophenyl butyric acid hydrochloride) in tablets. It improves the nutrition of neurocytes and accelerates transmission nerve impulse. At the same time, it also exhibits sedative properties: it reduces tension and anxiety, and helps normalize sleep. It is used before operations to enhance the effect of anesthesia, as well as in combination with sleeping pills, the effect of which it enhances. Additionally eliminates headaches and systemic dizziness.
Indications for its use are quite wide: neuroses, anxiety states, autonomic disorders, insomnia, in children with tics, in alcoholism to eliminate psychopathological disorders, for vestibular disorders, with motion sickness, with .
Contraindications: in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, children under 2 years of age, with individual intolerance, liver failure, ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract.
Side effects: nausea, headache, drowsiness, anxiety, dizziness, agitation, allergic reactions - itching, rash. With long-term use of the drug, it is necessary to monitor blood counts and liver function.
Dosage: treatment courses for 2-3 weeks, the drug is taken after meals 3 times a day, 1-2 tablets. adults, children 2-8 years old, 50-100 mg 3 times a day, 8-14 years old, 1 tablet. 3 r/day. For alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 1-2 tablets. 3 r/day or 3 tablets at night. To prevent motion sickness, take 1-2 tablets once an hour before the onset of motion sickness or at the onset of the first signs of seasickness.


60 tab. 270-300 rub.
It is classified as a tranquilizer, but is sometimes mistakenly called a sedative, which makes sense, since the medicine suppresses irritability, anxiety, tearfulness, anticipation of trouble, fearfulness, and helps to relax and fall asleep. The tablets also remove organic manifestations of anxiety and fear (palpitations, hand trembling, increased breathing, intestinal colic, dry mouth, dizziness, sweating). When people think about strong sedatives without prescriptions, Afobazole is the first name they name.
Contraindications: children under 18 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Dosage: after meals, 3 times a day, 10 mg for 2-4 weeks; according to indications, the course can be extended to 3 months.


40 pcs. 160 rub.
This is a popular drug recent years, available in tablets. It contains antibodies to a specific protein of the central nervous system, improves emotional background, improves mood, reduces irritability and nervous tension. Drowsiness or lethargy does not develop.
Indications: psychosomatic diseases, increased irritability, stress, anxiety, autonomic disorders, memory loss, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions.
Contraindications: children under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity.
Side effects: not found.
Dosage: 1-2 tablets. in the interval between meals, keep in the mouth until completely absorbed 2-4 times a day, for a course of 1-3 months.

Homeopathic sedatives

Sedative homeopathy is represented mainly by mixtures vegetable herbs with added sweeteners. Since drugs are most often recommended to be dissolved in the mouth, active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the sublingual veins and the medications begin to work almost immediately from the start of administration.

  • Calm down
  • Valerianahel
  • Avena comp
  • Sedalia
  • Edas 306 and Edas 111

  • Gelarium
  • Nervochel
  • Leovit
  • Notta
  • Neurosed


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