How to cure depression on your own. Treating yourself for postpartum depression

Stop racking your brains wondering how to get rid of depression on your own! We have collected the most best methods that will help you get rid of this problem once and for all .

Depression is a disease familiar to many.

Like any other disease, it needs timely treatment.

However, unlike serious problems, getting rid of depression on your own is not fantasy, but reality.

How? We'll tell you.

Depression: how to recognize?

Depressive disorder is extremely difficult to diagnose. The same symptoms may indicate both depression and a number of others. psychological diseases. If you begin to notice any changes in the physical and moral state of the body, seek help from a qualified specialist.

Treatment can only begin after accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, independent manipulations may result in serious consequences. unpleasant consequences.

Depression can occur in three forms: mild, moderate and severe. Each of them is characterized by a number of specific symptoms.

The easiest way to get rid of mild depression is by yourself. Experts from all over the world strongly recommend not to let the situation go unnoticed. initial stage, otherwise the emergence of new, more unpleasant symptoms, will not keep you waiting.

At mild form You may feel depressed:

Violations of self-control;

Feeling empty;

Increased aggression and constant worry;

Unexplained fatigue;

Violations normal mode sleep (insomnia, early awakening and late falling asleep);

Pessimistic mood;

Pity for one's own person.

Moderate depression is a condition in which a person feels not just depressed, but deprived of any desire to act, create, or work. This form has much in common with the mild one, however, all of the above symptoms appear much more clearly and more often.

In addition, other disorders are added:

Partial loss of appetite;

Desire to be alone;

Constant mood changes;

Lack of interest in people around you, friends, and even family;

An obsessive, unreasonable feeling of guilt.

Before getting rid of depression on your own, we strongly recommend consulting with a specialist. Similar symptoms are characteristic of a number of other mental disorders, the treatment of which without the help of a doctor is impossible, and even dangerous.

Finally, a severe form of depression is a disorder in which a person finds it extremely difficult to cope with ordinary activities. Absent-mindedness, constant stressful state, reluctance to do anything is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition, there is a serious risk of suicide.

A severe form of depression is characterized by all of the above symptoms, which do not leave the patient even for a minute. Others are being added:

Decline mental activity(dispersal, forgetting, indecisiveness);

Obsessive fears;

Physical disorders (pain in the heart, head, stomach) that cannot be treated;

Complete loss of libido;

Constant thoughts of death and suicide;

Hallucinations (in some cases).

It is impossible to cope with such a disorder on your own. Here you cannot do without the help of a qualified specialist and inpatient treatment.

How to get rid of depression on your own: a few simple steps

If you have been diagnosed mild degree depression is not a problem. It is easy to handle without using special means and medicines. A few steps will relieve you of an obsessive pessimistic mood.

Step 1. Sports and exercise. During exercise, the level of endorphin in the body increases. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the psycho emotional condition. Experts also recommend starting your day with exercise and contrast shower.

Step 2. Healthy sleep. Sleep disorders are the most common reason the occurrence of sudden depression. Try to normalize your routine. Fall asleep earlier, putting all gadgets away. In sleep, thoughts are cleared of negativity.

Step 3. Change of scenery. Maybe you are not satisfied with your place of work? Don't be afraid, change it! A job you don’t like is another common reason that causes stress, and along with it, protracted, difficult-to-treat depression. Find what you like. Spend more time outside, discover new places, fill your life with pleasant memories and impressions.

Step 4: Reading. Good literature is not only development intellectual abilities, but also great way get rid of depression on your own! The book distracts from obsessive thoughts, helps to gain new energy and vitality.

Step 5. Creativity. Scientists have long proven that during creativity a person throws all negativity aside, and his thoughts are completely cleared. Drawing, music, writing, sports... Find a hobby that you enjoy.

Step 6. Walking with friends. Close people are capable of creating real miracles with just their presence. Even if depression progresses and you don’t want to see anyone at all, overcome yourself: this will be a huge step towards healing.

How to get rid of depression on your own with the help of medications?

Modern medicine offers great amount drugs, one way or another, helping to eliminate the symptoms of depression. Their action is aimed at improving mood and memory, eliminating sleep and appetite disorders.

All drugs are usually classified according to the effect they provide (psychostimulants or sedatives).

Stimulating. Medicines in this group not only fight all the symptoms of depressive disorder, but also activate vitality patient: they lift the mood, restore the desire to work and create. You can highlight "Imipramine".

Sedatives (calming). This group effectively fights depression, easily eliminating sleep problems, excessive anxiety, fears and worries. One of the most popular drugs is Azafen.

Balanced. Such drugs are extremely effective in eliminating almost any depressive symptom. They have both a calming and antidepressant effect on the body. Many experts recommend Pirlindol (Parasidol) to their patients.

Remember that sometimes the desire to get rid of depression on your own can be fatal. The use of any antidepressants is strictly prohibited without prior consultation with qualified specialist. Before going to the pharmacy, be sure to see your doctor. Don’t risk your own health and the health of your loved ones.

How to get rid of depression on your own: traditional methods

You can fight depression with improvised means. Few people know, but many of the available products have a stimulating effect, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect. We present to your attention several simple ways which will help you get rid of obvious symptoms depressive disorder.

Nuts+dried apricots+honey. You will need an equal amount of all ingredients - 100 grams each. Grind the nuts and dried apricots through a meat grinder, then add honey. This mixture must be taken for a month, one teaspoon 2 times a day before eating.

Herbal drink. Collect one tablespoon each of lemon balm, peppermint and currant leaves, one teaspoon of thyme. Add two tablespoons of ordinary long tea to this. Mix. Pour a teaspoon of this “tea” with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. By taking a glass of the drink 3 times a day, you can get rid of depression, lethargy and apathy on your own.

Healthy breakfast . Take a banana, a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of pine nuts (or walnuts), as well as sprouted wheat grains. Grind everything in a blender, adding a glass of milk. Drink this cocktail every day as breakfast, and within a month you will notice how your emotional state has begun to stabilize.

Depression is not a death sentence. Correct diagnosis, and the right treatment method can correct the situation in a matter of days. You can get rid of it yourself, but you should not neglect the advice of specialists. After all, no matter how trivial mild symptoms depression, they can always progress, developing into severe form.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

According to the latest statistics, every fifth person on the planet suffers from depression. Just 10 years ago, the depressive triad was the prerogative of mainly older people, but now the younger generation – people from 25 to 40 years old – is increasingly turning to psychologists on their own.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

A bad mood for men and women can come suddenly due to problems at work, quarrels or separation from loved ones. Even if the event remains in the past, the person becomes increasingly immersed in melancholy, independently experiencing the situation again and again. This condition signals developing depression. This insidious disease can come to a completely healthy and successful person, testing his ability to deal with difficulties. If he does not have suicidal thoughts, then you can do without self-treatment depression traditional methods.

Herbs that calm the nervous system

If you take into account the compatibility of the fees and the correct dosage, then using herbal infusions you can get rid of lingering depressive state. To avoid individual intolerance herbs, it is better to consult a doctor first. The most common folk recipes:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. black tea, peppermint, lemon balm, black currant leaves. Add 1 tsp. thyme. Brew 1 tsp. mixture in a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink freshly brewed tea 3 times daily. Herbal drink will cure apathy, lethargy, and depression.
  2. Mix 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers, rose hips, pharmaceutical chamomile, valerian root, chokeberry. Bring a tablespoon of the mixture to a boil, then remove from heat and leave for 20 minutes. To improve your mood, drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  3. Pour ginseng roots or leaves with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Leave for one month. The tincture helps with nervous exhaustion. Drink 20 drops 3 times a day. If you can’t prepare the infusion yourself, buy it ready-made at the pharmacy.

Foods High in Magnesium

How to cure depression yourself with nutrition? You can even cope with severe stress if you reconsider your diet. Add during depression daily menu products with high content magnesium - and in a short period of time you will be able to overcome despondency and blues on your own. Numerous studies have shown that this best micronutrient for peace of mind nervous system.

The most important feature Magnesium is a treatment for the human body from chronic migraines, fatigue, insomnia, and unreasonable fears. The microelement relieves excessive anxiety, panic attacks and other mental disorders. How to treat depression yourself with magnesium? Must be included in diet following products power supply:

  1. Cereals. Barley, wheat, whole oats, brown rice contain a large number of magnesium
  2. Legumes. Lentils, soybeans, beans and other non-GMO varieties provide the body with magnesium for the whole day in one serving.
  3. Dark chocolate. Treat yourself to your favorite product during depression. Chocolate with a high cocoa bean content is rich in magnesium and antioxidants.
  4. Leafy vegetables. Spinach, beet and dandelion greens, kale and other dark green vegetables will provide high levels of micronutrients that can easily cure depression.
  5. Avocado. The product is rich not only healthy fats, but is also an ideal source of magnesium. One large fruit contains up to 60 mg of useful mineral.
  6. Herbs. Basil, sage, coriander supply the body big amount useful minerals. To add magnesium to your meals, add these herbs to all your favorite dishes.
  7. Rice bran. Only 100 grams of product contains 781 mg of magnesium - double daily norm microelement.

How to get out of depression on your own

A depressive state caused by one unpleasant event can be easily eliminated if the cause is removed. How to cure depression on your own if you don’t want to do anything? First you need to find solace in understanding that it could be worse. If you switch your consciousness to the fates of other people who have experienced depression on their own, then you can forget about your problem. When a negative situation has passed and nothing can be changed, there is only one way out - to accept and move on, and a few steps will help you calm down.

Lifestyle change

Suffering always finds company. If you don’t know how to recover from depression on your own, then first of all, stay away from negative people: surround yourself only with positive friends. Try to share with them your vision of the world, fears, ideas, views. Optimistic people will be happy to tell you how you can enjoy life, support good mood and independently cure depression without the use of drugs.

Music for relaxation and calming nerves

Calm and beautiful music is a great way to combat depression. It helps to take a break from thoughts about the past, to fill currently pleasant emotions. Beautiful music relieves stress, relaxes, and improves your mood. Music therapy can even divert a person from suicidal actions. Favorite music, according to psychologists, influences actions and serious decisions, changes thoughts and attitude towards life.

Normalization of the daily routine

Get out quickly deep depression You can do it yourself if you force yourself to change your daily routine. Extremely important healthy sleep for supporting normal condition psyche. You need to go to bed at the same time, preferably from 21 to 24 hours, so that you feel rested in the morning. Daily is also important physical activity, during which the brain produces natural antidepressants. If you don’t want to put too much stress on your body, start with daily independent walks around the beautiful park.

How to cure depression on your own

There are different ways to start a program to get rid of depression. in independent ways. It should be remembered that alcohol and smoking are enemies Have a good mood. Many people believe that if you drink alcohol and take a drag from a cigarette, you can easily cure depression on your own, and the problem can go away: but anxiety will not go away, but will only intensify under the influence of alcohol. To avoid relapse and irreversible behavior during a depressive disorder, you should completely avoid alcoholic beverages. Other methods will bring deliverance.

Yoga classes at home

Yoga is a unique practice that can not only cure depression, but also rid a person of negative thoughts forever. Constant independent practice breathing exercises will help you find peace of mind. The main respiratory cycle for depression:

  1. Stand up straight, lower your arms along your body, and place your feet hip-width apart.
  2. As you inhale, raise your arms up to the sides, clasp your fingers together top point, and then look at them.
  3. As you exhale, lower your arms in the opposite direction and connect them again with a house.
  4. Lower your chin at the same time as your hands, then look at your fingers below.
  5. Do 10 daily respiratory cycles to quickly cure depressive disorder on your own.

Constant bad mood, depression, reluctance to do anything. Similar condition one can even observe naked eye. Others may think that these are just the whims of a person or that the day just didn’t work out. But perhaps you are facing serious psychological depression! In this case, the “victim” needs to be helped or told how to treat depression at home on their own. And for this you need to know the treatment methods yourself, in case you have a similar problem.

Symptoms of depression

Obviously, it is not advisable to give advice to someone who is simply in a bad mood; it is worth knowing the main symptoms of depression and to whom it is most common.

  • long-term depressed state, reluctance to work;
  • absentmindedness of movements, poor concentration;
  • life stops being interesting;
  • a person does not get pleasure from something;
  • sharp manifestation bad memory from someone who does not have this characteristic;
  • poor appetite.

The person himself may catch himself constantly returning to the same topic of conversation or thinking, a kind of fixation. A sick person is haunted by unconscious fear and apathy, internal causeless anxiety.

Types of depression and their treatment

One type of depression is endogenous depression. Its symptoms are somewhat different from the standards, since the main reason for the occurrence of this type lies within the person himself. Doctors believe that a lack of hormones in the body (serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine) can trigger this condition. Treatment endogenous depression be carried out only in inpatient conditions under medical supervision and with the use of antidepressant medications. Seeking help in a timely manner will help you recover quickly and return to your healthy image life.

Hidden depression may manifest itself in unusual ways. It is expressed in pain in the head, stomach, heart, teeth; a person may experience nausea, dizziness, body rashes, hair loss, and more. During treatment latent depression independently, you should consult a psychiatrist about necessary purpose antidepressants and strict adherence to dosage. You can use the following as an aid traditional medicine With calming effect, which we will talk about next.

Treatment postpartum depression at home is possible, only in rare cases is it necessary to see a doctor. As a rule, women who recently became mothers quickly cope with this type of disease, and some are not even aware of the problem. Postpartum depression manifests itself in the mother’s reluctance to approach her child, dull eyes, and aversion to feeding the baby. You can treat postpartum depression at home using herbal infusions: valerian, lemon balm (1 teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water, add honey to taste).

Who is more likely to experience depression?

It's no secret that depression can occur in any person, even a child, but this rare case. It is more often noticed in women from 30 to 45 years old, in older men and old people. The causes of the disease are always different: constant failures, health problems, problems with family relationships etc.

Attention! Depression occurs for no reason only in cases of chronic depression, but such a diagnosis can only be made by a psychiatrist.

Treating depression on your own

You can get rid of depression on your own, but there are two ways of treatment: medications and home remedies. It is impossible to say for sure which method is better, different organisms may respond differently. We will tell you about both methods, and how to treat depression at home.

Drug treatment for depression

The use of many medications is possible only with a prescription from the attending physician. It is better not to spontaneously take medications. The same type of antidepressant may affect two people completely differently or even harm one of them.

You can take SSRIs without fear - modern antidepressants with a minimum of side effects. Their task is to restore the presence of serotonin in the body, which is responsible for irritating the nervous system. A lack of serotonin is fraught with poor control of one’s own emotions, in particular, constant bad mood. Side effects SSRIs are rare but worth knowing: diarrhea, sleep disturbances, anxiety, nausea, tremors and sexual dysfunction.

Attention! It is best for older people to take only the latest antidepressants.


An anticonvulsant that also helps with manic phases depression if taken regularly. Doses should be increased very slowly to avoid the possibility of skin diseases.

Valproic acid

A vital drug and a well-known antiepileptic drug. How it acts in the body is not completely clear, but for blues and despondency it is prescribed by doctors quite often.

Lithium salts in the form of tablets are taken regularly, but once every three months the patient is required to take a blood test for lithium levels. The limits of the permissible value of this element in the blood are very narrow, and even a slight overdose entails poisoning. Also, the patient should drink as much as possible clean water daily.

Be careful! It is better to coordinate any drug treatment with a doctor and, if necessary, take the necessary tests.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies- an option suitable for those who doubt their body’s reaction to medications or are simply not eager to constantly visit clinics and get tested.

  1. Excellent folk therapy And prophylactic considered a foot massage. You can ask someone at home or use wooden massagers.
  2. Yoga and meditation perfectly calm the nerves and tone a person. The patient should do this daily along with massage.
  3. Will help calm frayed nerves and unstable mood medicinal plants in the form of tea: medicinal valerian, orange, peppermint. It is recommended to add to sitz baths horsetail, blueberry juice or St. John's wort.
  4. Dissolve a teaspoon table salt in a liter of boiled water, wet a towel with this mixture and thoroughly rub the entire body.

Folk recipes

Depression is a problem that has existed throughout history. And even before the advent of medicine, people tried to fight such mental disorders, noticing healing properties herbs, fruits and infusions. Many recipes, recommended even by doctors, have survived to this day.

To prevent and treat mild depression, a mixture of honey and bee bread will help, drink it 2-4 times a day.

Pour a teaspoon of angelica roots and rhizomes into a large glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

You can buy ginseng infusion at the pharmacy and drink 20 drops three times a day.

Mix leaves of St. John's wort, blueberry, lemon balm and medicinal rosemary, pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of hot, clean water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink once or twice a day as tea.

Helps get rid of blues and bad mood borage. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of this plant, close the container with a lid and let it brew for 2 hours. Drink at any convenient time.

Sweets always lift your spirits if consumed in moderation. Boil half a liter of milk, add a tablespoon of cream and heat the mixture by adding 2-3 bars of dark chocolate. When the latter melts, pour the drink into a glass and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Do you suffer from stress and overwork at work? If yes, then this recipe will help you avoid depression.

  1. In equal proportions, mix hawthorn inflorescences, valerian root, lovage and angelica, lavender, chamomile and heather flowers, hop cones, lemon balm leaves and St. John's wort herb. You can add honey to taste.
  2. Pour the ingredients into a liter of clean water and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Afterwards, leave the infusion covered for another 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture and take four times a day at any time.

Orange and lemon balm

An excellent anti-stress duet. Thoroughly mix the juice of four large oranges with finely chopped lemon balm leaves. In hot weather, drink with ice cubes.

Note! Traditional medicines, for the most part, you can drink at any time and not worry about overdosing.

Eating during depression

For any illness, it is very important to observe proper diet nutrition, even with psychological. Drink more juices with vitamins B and E, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Best suited: peas, green apples, onion and garlic feathers, dill, Bell pepper, cucumbers, celery. All this has a positive effect on the nervous system.

When treating depression at home, it is recommended to eat 1-2 bananas, oranges or tangerines daily. They contain the alkaloid harman or, as it is popularly known, “the drug of happiness.”

Carrots in salads or pure form useful and healthy person. It is enough to eat 1-2 carrots a day - that’s 100-200 g.

It is better not to eat these foods!

During depression, you should not reward yourself with sweets and fatty foods, do not drink alcohol in order to protect yourself from addiction. Too spicy or sour foods will never lift your mood! It is better not to eat lemons, unripe apples or oranges. Do not indulge in spicy broths, gravies, sausages and processed foods. This food puts a lot of stress on the stomach and can cause pain that will not make anyone feel better.

Don’t overeat on fermented products - this is not only alcoholic drinks, but also sauerkraut, cheeses, soaked apples.

Depression can be treated quite successfully, but it is worth knowing that in each specific case the regimen is prescribed individually. It depends on the form of depression and the severity of its manifestation. We will talk about how to treat depression in our article.

The main goal of treating depression is to relieve the symptoms of the disease: depression, despondency, feelings of loneliness and melancholy. Treatment usually includes taking medicines and psychotherapeutic methods. Both methods can also be used in combination. In the most severe cases, electroconvulsive therapy is used. During treatment seasonal disorder Light therapy may be used. Methods also include taking dietary supplements, meditation, and yoga. These methods can also be used as additional methods when taking antidepressants and attending psychotherapeutic sessions.

How to treat prolonged depression

Prolonged depression is the most complex form of the disease. It can last from several months to two or three years or more. Treatment of this form of the disease is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, as a rule, the most severe manifestations of the disease are eliminated. This stage lasts 6-12 weeks. At the next stage, antidepressants are continued in order to protect the patient from possible relapse diseases. This stage lasts 4-9 months. After him medical assistance may not be necessary, especially if prolonged depression happened to a person for the first time in his life. If depression occurs to the patient constantly and becomes severe, the doctor may prescribe the patient to take special medications throughout his life.

Is it possible to cure depression?

This question is asked by everyone who is faced with this disease. Let's try to answer. Depression itself cannot be cured: it is possible to recover from this disease, or rather, overcome it. Since depression is a psychosomatic disease, in addition to procedures and medications, it can also be affected by Active participation the patient himself in the process. Also during treatment should be carried out special exercises and procedures as prescribed by the doctor.

How to treat depression in women

A psychotherapist can cure a depressive state in women, and even without using pharmaceuticals. But only if the disease is at early stage. If the disease is severe, antidepressants are usually prescribed. Only a doctor should prescribe them. It should be noted that the causes of depression must be worked through individual therapy and then eliminated. Otherwise, it will be difficult to overcome the disease.

Each disease is individual, so there is no universal treatment regimen. Therapy is selected specifically for each patient, and is usually comprehensive. This approach allows you to save the girl from painful symptoms depression, as well as eliminate the cause of the disease.

How to treat depression in men

To completely rid a man of a depressive state, first of all, you need to find out the cause of the development of the disease. Can cause depression various factors: biological, social, psychological. Even a man’s lifestyle can affect the development of this disease.

To treat depression in men, psychotherapeutic methods can be used: psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, etc. It also helps cope well with the disease breathing exercises and electroconvulsive therapy. But both methods are used only in the case of a protracted form of the disease, when the patient is at risk of suicide.

The most popular treatment for depression is antidepressants and antipsychotics. In addition, in combination with taking medications, a man must change his lifestyle, visit more often fresh air, exercise.

The problem of depression and others psychoemotional disorders in our age high speeds becomes extremely relevant.

Depression, as defined by Wikipedia, is a mental disorder characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constantly depressed mood,
  • loss of the ability to experience joy,
  • low self-esteem, complete loss of interest in life and in what previously brought joy.

According to WHO, the scale and speed of spread of this disease is simply terrifying, stepping on the heels of such “popular” diseases as stroke, heart attack and diabetes.

Moreover, the age of patients is becoming younger and younger - if previously, mainly people over 40 years of age suffered from depressive disorders, now this problem is widespread in adolescence.

According to the same WHO, now every fourth or fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from some kind of mental disorder, and by 2020 it is expected that depression will be the number one disease in the world.

Causes and forms of depression ^

However, one should not confuse real, medical depression with ordinary blues and just a bad mood, because, household level It is generally accepted that depression is sadness, sadness and melancholy. If you just have the blues, then there are many ways to cheer yourself up and pull yourself out of this state with an effort of will.

Almost all people experience the phenomenon of temporary loss of mood and vitality, and everyone finds some way out of this situation. Some people start going to the gym intensively, some find relief in church, some simply plunge headlong into an interesting job or hobby, change their environment or go on vacation.

But if, unfortunately, you are overtaken by real medical depression, then simply your efforts of will, unfortunately, will not be enough. Such depression is called endogenous, that is, internal, independent of external factors, since its causes are located within a person.

The fact is that depressive disorder and low mood are easily explained at the chemical level and are caused by a lack of production in the body of the so-called mediators of the central nervous system - the hormones serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, on which not only mood depends, but also the feeling of love, pleasure, fun, euphoria.

The role of serotonin in human body simply impressive:

  • it is responsible for the process of cognitive activity,
  • motor activity,
  • muscle tone.
  • But most importantly, it creates a feeling of uplifting and happiness in us, which is why it is called the hormone of joy and happiness.

Normal levels of serotonin give a person self-control, emotional and stress resistance. Some researchers have concluded that people who dominate a society have high level serotonin.

People with reduced level serotonin, on the contrary, self-control, emotional and stress resistance are so reduced that the slightest reasons cause stress, and as a result, a depressive state.

Is it possible to cure depression?

Very often, people suffering from endogenous depression, not understanding what is happening to them and trying to dull heartache and anxiety, start taking alcohol or psychotropic substances, and thereby sign a death sentence for themselves:

  • After all, with the help of alcohol and drugs you can only buy chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, but it is impossible to get rid of depression, anxiety and fears.
  • In this case, the craving for alcoholism and drug addiction is secondary and serves the purpose of relieving anxiety and tension characteristic of depressive disorder.

Moreover, relatives of a person suffering from secondary alcoholic depression and someone who has fallen into alcoholism, of course, with the best intentions, is led to “encode” him in order to get rid of the harmful craving for alcohol.

But, you need to understand that “coding” refers to psycho-terrorist methods and is based on elementary intimidation of the patient, which cannot lead a person to recovery, because neither alcoholism nor depressive illness can be cured in this way.

The big problem is also that in our country people suffering from depressive disorders, especially young men, are very often embarrassed to admit their psychosis. emotional problems and keep silent about them, not seeking help from a doctor in a timely manner and thereby significantly aggravating their condition.

Meanwhile, according to doctors, in recent years are becoming more and more noticeable social problem leading to family breakdown, alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide.

Depressive disorder, as mentioned above, is often impossible to cure with willpower or alcohol alone. This disease is treated with special medications called antidepressants.

Their action is aimed at regulating the level of serotonin and other mediators of the central nervous system in the brain. There are a great variety of antidepressants, and with their help, depressive conditions have been successfully treated. Although the treatment is long and under the mandatory supervision of a doctor, it is now possible to overcome the disease possible times and forever.

Advice from psychologists on how to get rid of depression on your own ^

The following tips, according to experts, will help you, along with drug treatment successfully cope with depression and get out of it.

  • We need to find the cause of your depression and try to eliminate it. It can be tedious work bad relationship with colleagues and family, even dissatisfaction with one’s weight and appearance etc. If this is difficult, then write down all your dreams and desires on a piece of paper, mark those that you have achieved and those that you have not achieved and write the reasons why you could not succeed in achieving these goals. This way, it will be easier for you to find the reason for your depressed state. And it is this reason that you will need to eliminate. For example, if all your worries are because of your job, then just change it, find a more interesting one, with an interesting team, and even if necessary, then change the direction of your activity.
  • Find yourself something exciting to do, come up with a hobby. Do some handicrafts, collecting, etc. This will help you take your mind off bad thoughts, problems, and everyday routine.
  • Change your attitude towards current events and people. It happens that you are unable to change any situation and people (their character, their opinion). Then just change your point of view on the circumstances around you. It may be difficult, but your peace of mind and health are more valuable!
  • Stop communicating with negative people and get it out of your head negative thoughts. There is a category of people who simply like to live in negativity, everything is always bad for them and the whole world is against them. Avoid such people. And do not discuss your problems with friends, because every time you talk about problems, you are visited by negative thoughts that become fixed in your mind and drive you towards depression. Let there be only positive people in your environment.

  • Find support from those around you. Perhaps you have a friend or relative who can provide positive and positive support. necessary advice, and not just discuss your problems and cry with you about your unsuccessful life.
  • Start playing sports. Physical exercise not only help you stay healthy, but also take your mind off everyday life. After all, after several hours of training in the gym, you don’t even want to think about any troubles.
  • Develop as a person. Problems are problems, but no one has canceled life! Despite failures, always move forward. Develop yourself, read books, go to trainings and educational seminars, exhibitions, start communicating with new people.
  • Start new active life so that no unnecessary situations can prevent you from moving forward. Always look into the future only with positivity and faith in the best.
  • There is no need to be ashamed of your condition, because it is a disease like any other. Remember that depression does not destroy a person’s psyche and mental abilities, it simply does not allow him to live fully, and in a neglected state often leads to suicide.

Conclusions ^

There is no need to be ashamed of your illness; remember, it is no one’s fault that you are sick. Depressive disorders many of the greatest have suffered the smartest people modernity:

  • British Prime Minister Winston Churchill struggled with depression all his life and called it “the black dog that has been with me all my life.”
  • Such people suffered from depression famous people, who were not ashamed to admit it, like American President Abraham Lincoln and the great fighter for Indian independence, Mahatma Gandhi.
  • The famous Soviet and Russian actress Tatyana Dogileva, who knows firsthand about depression and dealt with it with the help of a doctor, notes that she is very happy now and filled with great joy that she jumped out of this hell.

Therefore, if you suffer from depression and it does not go away on its own, long time, don’t despair, nothing terrible has happened to you, the level of the hormone serotonin, which we need so much, has simply decreased.

Entrust your problems to a doctor and a competent psychotherapist with the help of the necessary medications will return joy to your life. Fortunately, we live in a time when the level of medical advances in the field of psycho-emotional diseases is very high and helps fight depression, preventing it from turning into a “black dog” and ruining our joy of life.

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2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs