What blood type should children have? What blood type will the child have? Is it possible to determine by parental data? What determines a child's blood type?

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she is overwhelmed with different feelings. What will her baby be like? What color will his hair and eyes be? One can only guess about this, because it is impossible to know in advance what the child will look like and what kind of eyes he will have. But future parents will be able to find out the child’s blood type in advance. Let's study how to do this.

Since the blood type of the unborn child will completely depend on the mother and father, that is, the parents of the baby, we will be able to find out what blood type the child will be born with. Why is this knowledge necessary and what can it influence? Many parents are simply wondering which group their baby might be born with. The second very good reason for such early curiosity is so as not to miss very terrible disease– hemophilia ( hemolytic disease), when there is a conflict between two groups (the child and his mother). This is very dangerous disease, so you need to warn him in advance and find out the likely blood type of the fetus. About this disease future mommy You don’t have to worry too much, at the first appointment with the gynecologist, when he fills out the pregnant woman’s card, the woman must tell her blood type and the father of the child. If for some reason she cannot do this, and most often, to make sure the answer is correct, a pregnant woman donates blood to determine her group and Rh factor. The father of the child is also invited for the same purposes.

What is blood type

What blood type a person is born with is what he dies with. It has always been this way and nothing can change it. It is impossible to change this indicator during your life. So we cannot choose a blood type; we will be content with what we have. There are 4 types of blood in nature. This system was first discovered by a scientist from Australia at the beginning of the 20th century. In his laboratory, he conducted experiments and studied how red blood cells (erythrocytes) behave in the liquid part of the blood (this is serum). By mixing the blood of people, he came to the conclusion that in one case, the blood cells do not always behave the same way - they mix, that is, stick together or evenly distributed in the serum. Based on this, he could assume that if you take different combinations of blood, you can find different types of blood. Thus, a discovery was made about three types of blood - 1, 2 and 3. He did not even imagine the existence of the fourth blood group, this became known much later.

There is an opinion that each blood type appeared due to certain taste habits. So, our ancestors moved from one area to another, tried new food, and the immune system gradually adapted to new conditions. People often got sick, immunity gradually developed, so all the changes human body reflected in the blood. As a result of this, blood modern people continues to “carry” genetic messages about the behavior of our ancestors, about taste preferences. This can be noted in every person. For example, someone likes dairy products more, and someone cannot even eat a piece of meat, preferring vegetable protein to animal protein.

There are 4 blood groups in the world. The first one is considered to belong primitive people, the second appeared when our ancestors began to get their own food, the third - the migration period, when people began to migrate, the fourth appeared as a result of crossing all blood types.

Interestingly, each nationality is currently dominated by a certain blood type. For example, in Russia the majority of people live with the 1st and 2nd groups, and for example, in America, 99% of the population “has” 1 blood group. Why this happens, we can only speculate; our task is to determine the child’s blood type.

How to find out a child's blood type

Let's first remember the biology lessons from school curriculum. We know that at birth a child inherits 2 genes, which he gets from his parents: one each from his father and mother. A strong gene is called “dominant”, and a weak gene is called “recessive”. A child always expresses one gene - the leading one, while the weak one remains unclaimed. For example, brown eyes are dominant, but gray eyes are not. Therefore, if a child inherits these genes, then a baby will be born with brown eyes. Exactly the same principle is followed medical workers when determining blood group.

Before you begin to study the probable blood type of the child, it is necessary to find out the blood type of the father and mother.

First, let's look at the symbol that is used by medical professionals around the world (AB 0 system). Thus, group 1 is usually designated as 1(0) - antigens A and B are not present, group 2 - by the letter “A”, antigens A, 3 - by the letter “B” - antigens B, the fourth - by a combination of letters “AB” - antigens A and V.

Also besides symbol next to the number and letter the presence of the Rh factor is indicated: positive - a plus sign, negative - a minus sign. As a result, all people on earth are divided into 2 types - Rh-negative and Rh-positive. If a child has Rh negative blood, this will not affect his health in any way. Conflict can only arise in women who become pregnant. For example, if the child’s father is Rh positive, then a conflict between the mother’s blood and the child’s blood may arise. This may be a threat to normal development fetus and even termination of pregnancy. The risk of conflict may arise when repeat pregnancy and with each new one it intensifies (miscarriages and abortions are also taken into account).

Parents are often surprised that the blood types of parents and children do not match. In particular, if mom and dad are Rh positive, and the child was born with a negative blood type. Parents can't understand what's going on. Sometimes this situation can lead to family conflict, as the child's father accuses his wife of infidelity. This misunderstanding is easily resolved.

According to statistics, 85% of the world's population are carriers of a positive Rh factor, the rest are negative. This is indicated by the letters “Rh”; if positive, there is a plus sign; if negative, there is a minus sign. To find out what Rhesus will be, you need to take two genes for research.

Let’s say that if there is a Rh factor, then we will denote it with the letter D, if it is absent – ​​d. If it is dominant, then the gene is enough for the blood to be Rh positive. It turns out that the blood needs to be designated as DD, if the sign is “minus”, then it needs to be designated as DD.

For example, mom’s blood is Rh-negative, and dad’s is positive. Can a child have negative group blood? If the dad has DD blood, then most likely the baby will be born with a positive Rh factor, and his genotype will be 100% DD. By the same principle, you have the opportunity to find out what the baby’s blood will be like if the dad has the Dd genotype.

You can determine your child’s blood type using the table:

How to find out the gender of a child by the blood type of the parents

A popular method by which you can find out in advance during the period of bearing a baby what dowry to prepare for the baby - in blue or pink tones.

How to find out the gender of the baby? Let's look at the table. Parents need to know their blood type. So, if the spouses have blood type 1, then we can expect the appearance of a daughter. The father with the 2nd group, and the mother with the 1st, will have a boy. If a woman has 1, a man has 3 - a girl, a woman with 1, a man with 4 blood group - a boy.

To make it clearer, let’s describe the probability of having a daughter or son in a woman with blood type 2:

  • a man from the 1st is a boy;
  • a man from the 2nd is a girl;
  • the man with the 3rd is a boy;
  • man with 4th – girl

A woman with blood type 3 will give birth to a child of the following gender:

  • man with 1st – girl;
  • the man with the 2nd is a boy;
  • the man with the 3rd is a boy;
  • the man with the 4th is a boy.

A woman with blood type 4 may be born with:

  • a man from the 1st is a boy;
  • a man from the 2nd is a girl;
  • the man with the 3rd is a boy;
  • the man with the 4th is a boy.

But these data may not be enough if you take into account the Rh factor of the blood. For example, parents with the same Rh are always more likely to give birth to a female child, although options are possible in this case as well. This method is interesting, but it does not always show 100% results, so you should not rely only on this method of determining gender and stick to the tables.

Let's look at the table of the influence of positive and negative rhesus.

If a woman has Rh with a “+” sign:

  • a man has a positive Rh - a girl will be born, a negative - a boy;

If a woman has Rh with a “-” sign:

  • If a man has a positive Rh, he will have a boy, and a negative one, he will have a girl.

You should not take the table values ​​literally, because there is a high probability of discrepancies. After all, according to statistics, we see that, according to the table, couples with many children should only have girls, and the family raises both daughters and sons. So take these facts for granted and don't get too upset about having a child of the wrong gender.

Blood group compatibility for conceiving a child

In the mid-20th century of the last century, following the determination of blood group 4 and the recognition of negative and positive Rhesus, the theory of compatibility arose. On initial stage the concept of blood compatibility was necessary in order to perform a blood transfusion from one person to another. The blood that is infused into another person must be compatible not only by group, but also be of the same Rh factor. Otherwise, a conflict will arise and a person may die. As a result of the ingress of foreign blood, red blood cells will begin to destroy and oxygen saturation does not occur.

Scientists have long known that group 1 0 (1) is considered universal; it can be transfused to patients with another group. The fourth group for the owner (recipient - who needs a blood transfusion) is universal, only with positive Rh. Such people can be transfused with other blood, taking into account the Rh factor.

When pregnancy occurs, a blood conflict may arise between the fetus and the mother.

When it happens:

  • if the woman has Rh negative blood, and the father's Rh is positive. It is likely that the child will have Rh positive blood, which means that if it enters the mother’s body, her blood will begin to produce protective antibodies;
  • if a woman has the first blood group, and a man has a different one (2,3 or 4). If the child does not have the first group, then a blood group conflict is likely (AB 0 system).

In the first case, a conflict between two groups can lead to sad consequences. The second option does not pose a threat to the child’s life, is very rare and is mild, with the exception of hemolytic disease.

It is impossible to prevent Rh conflict, except to prohibit a woman with a negative Rh factor from marrying a “positive” man. It doesn’t work out that way in life, so medicine doesn’t stand still and the conflict can be reduced.

What do doctors do in such cases:

  1. Early diagnosis. As soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy (if it is not planned), she must immediately register for pregnancy. The doctor will direct the pregnant woman to take a blood test to determine the Rh factor and type. In many medical institutions this can be done immediately. In addition, if a woman has Rh negative blood, then it is necessary to find out the Rh of the child’s father. If he has blood with a “-” sign, then there is no reason to worry. If it’s the other way around, the woman will be monitored and have a blood test for antibodies.
  2. Treatment. If the conflict is present and pronounced, then doctors prescribe appropriate treatment aimed at improving the condition of the fetus (visiting pressure chambers with oxygen, taking vitamins). If the case is severe, then an intrauterine blood transfusion (replacement) is prescribed; the blood is administered through the umbilical vessels. If treatment is started on time and everything is done correctly, the child will be born healthy.
  3. Women with negative Rh blood after delivery are given serum - anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin - within 72 hours. If a pregnant woman does not have antibodies, then this drug can also be administered at 30 weeks for the purpose of prevention. At the discretion of the physician, immunoglobulin may be prescribed after amniocentesis and during any intervention for intrauterine examination of the fetus. Serum must be administered after a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and abortions.

It doesn't matter what blood type your baby is born with. The birth of a new person is a great happiness, so educate and love your only blood.

If a family decides to have a child, from the very first days they will be interested in the gender of the unborn baby. Moreover, today doctors present to the public several ways through which you can try not only to predict, but also to plan the gender of your child.

Now I would like to talk about one of them.

A little about blood groups

Everyone knows that there are four blood groups and two Rh factors. It is from what set of them the mother and father will have that you can try to calculate the gender of the unborn baby. To make it clearer, in this article we will take the mother as a basis, then go through all the options for the father’s blood groups.

  • Mother's blood type 1

So, let's begin to figure out how to determine the sex of a child based on the blood types of the parents. If the father has the first 0 (I) or third B (III) group, the family will most likely have a girl, but if the second A (II) or fourth AB (IV) - a boy.

  • Mother's blood type 2

We go further, finding out the sex of the child by the blood types of the parents. Everything is clear with mom, father comes into play. Here the situation will be opposite than in the previous case. According to doctors, men with groups 0 (I) and B (III) more often give birth to boys, and those with A (II) and AB (IV) - girls.

  • Mom's third blood group

We further explain how to calculate the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents. In this option, a girl will have to be born only in one case, namely, if the man’s blood belongs to the first group 0 (I), while in other options only boys will be born - groups A (II), B (III), AB (IV).

  • Mother's blood type 4

Next, we determine the gender of the child based on the blood type. And in this situation, having a boy will be much more likely. So, if the father has the second blood group A (II), there will be a girl. If he has the first 0 (І) , third B (III) or fourth AB (IV), according to preliminary data, the family must have a male child.

Thus, the summary table for determining the sex of the child looks like in the following way:

Father's blood type
Mother's blood type I II III IV
I girl boy girl boy
II boy girl boy girl
III girl boy boy boy
IV boy girl boy boy

Let us once again make a reservation that data on determining the sex of a child depending on the blood type of the parents can be considered as the most probable, but not mandatory values. Otherwise, in some families only boys would be born, and in others only girls, which does not happen in reality. It is much more accurate to determine the blood type of the unborn child. However, this is another topic.

Rh factor

If with blood groups everything is extremely clear and there can be nothing wrong with mixing, then with the Rh factor things are somewhat different. If a woman is initially Rh positive, and the father Rh negative blood, nothing unpleasant should happen. Dangerous situations may arise if the mother Rh negative-factor, then a Rh conflict between mother and fetus may develop. The situation is considered especially dangerous if the unborn baby is Rh positive, because various immune complications. An interesting fact is that finding out the sex of a child by the blood groups of the parents is only one side of the issue, but this can also be done by Rh factors. If both parents are positive, or both are negative, the baby will be a girl. In any other version - a boy.

Determining the sex of a child by Rh factor is also presumptive, even if it coincides with the previous method.

Blood renewal

When considering planning the gender of a child based on blood, you can come across information that will tell you how to determine the gender of the future baby based on its updates. To do this, it is worth knowing that in women such processes occur once every three years, in men – every four. However, there may be exceptions if the person has recently had surgery, received a blood transfusion, or was a donor. It will not be difficult for anyone to carry out the calculations. To do this, you just need to divide the woman’s age by three, and the number full years men - by four. Whoever has the smaller number of remainders will be of that gender future baby. If a person had an unscheduled update for the reasons described above, this figure should be taken as a basis.

In reality, the sex of a child depends on the combination of male and female sex chromosomes at conception. The female egg carries the X chromosome, and the sperm carries X or Y. When two XX chromosomes are combined, a girl will be born, if XY is a boy. In addition to attempts to determine the sex of a child by blood, there are many others: by the date of birth of the mother and father, the date of conception (it is believed that if conception occurred 2 days before ovulation, there will be a girl, if on the day of ovulation, there will be a boy). The influence of diet, lifestyle and character of parents, time of year, etc. is assumed.

At the moment, only one thing can be definitely stated: f actors that reliably influence one or another combination of chromosomes during fertilization of an egg, medical science not known for certain.

Since ancient times, blood has been considered a special, almost magical liquid. She was associated with family connection children and adults. So they said - "blood relationship", emphasizing the special strength of this connection. Today, people are trying to explain character traits or eating habits through blood group. It is therefore not surprising that parents are interested in what kind of blood their child may have.

And it is equally important for doctors to know what blood type the parents of the unborn baby have. And this question is by no means idle. The course of pregnancy and the health of mother and child depend on how they are combined in the parents and the unborn child, the likelihood possible complications. Some of these relationships have already become a medical axiom, while others are only talked about by practicing doctors.

Let's try to figure out how the blood groups of children and parents are related: the inheritance table will help us with this.

Although this scarlet liquid has always been treated as something special and its connection with human life and health was understood, the real properties were not known for a long time. Only in 1900, an Austrian doctor and scientist Karl Landsteiner, who studied blood serum, made a discovery that later brought him Nobel Prize, and for humanity, which allowed using the transfusion of this life-giving liquid in treatment as a completely ordinary and familiar procedure.

The scientist took blood from himself and five of his employees, separated the red blood cells from the serum and mixed their samples with the serum different people. Karl Landsteiner discovered that in different combinations red blood cells behave differently. In some cases, the red blood cells "stick together" to form clots, but in others they do not.

The interpretation of the results allowed him to initially distinguish three blood groups depending on the presence or absence of special particles, which he designated with the letters A and B, and the absence of 0. Later, his successors identified another group that contained both AB markers at once. Then they began to be designated by Roman numerals. Today generally accepted classification according to blood groups it looks like this.

This made it possible to determine the compatibility of blood and predict its behavior during transfusion from one donor to another.

Rh factor

Further study of the properties of blood revealed another factor that affects its compatibility. In 85% of people, a special lipoprotein was found located on the membranes of red blood cells, called the Rh factor. Those who have it are Rh positive (Rh+), those who do not have it are Rh negative (Rh-).

The presence or absence of this antigen does not affect human health in any way, but acquires great importance For expectant mother. Since the child, forming and growing in it, has its own blood type with the Rh factor, this can lead to a conflict with the maternal immune system, especially with a second pregnancy.

That is why parents of the unborn child are asked to undergo tests to determine the blood type and Rh factor. If the Rh factor of the father and mother is the same (both positive or both negative), then there is no reason to worry. But if the rhesus levels of the expectant parents are different, then the onset and course of pregnancy requires closer attention from doctors.

The option is especially difficult when the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive, since most often the baby inherits a positive Rh. This leads to the occurrence of a Rh conflict between the mother's body and the fetus, especially during repeated pregnancies.

Why the blood types of the child and parents do not match

How to recognize a group in children

To find out possible group blood and Rh in children, one must know exactly the characteristics of this vital moisture of the father and mother. The inheritance of these parameters is determined by the same laws of genetics as.

Table 1. Inheritance of a child’s blood type depending on the blood groups of the father and mother

Mom + Dad

Child's blood type: Possible options (B%)

I+I I (100%)
I+II I (50%) I (50%)
I+III I (50%) III (50%)
I+IV II (50%) III (50%)
II+II I (25%) II (75%)
II+III I (25%) II (25%) III (25%) IV (25%)
II+IV II (50%) III (25%) IV (25%)
III+III I (25%) III (75%)
III+IV I (25%) III (50%) IV (25%)
IV+IV II (25%) III (25%) IV (50%)

Table 2. Inheritance of the blood type of the Rh system, possible in a child, depending on the blood types of his parents

As we know, a baby can only get what his parents have. But sometimes parents may hide hidden recessive genes behind a dominant trait, and then two brunettes suddenly give birth to a blond child. But two blondes cannot give birth to a brunette. So it is with the Rh factor.

A positive Rh factor is a dominant trait, so it is most often inherited. If both parents have negative Rh, then their children will have a similar Rh- without variants. But in mixed couples, or even if both parents are Rh positive, but there are hidden Rh- genes, in this case there is a possibility of having a baby with Rh-.

Pattern of inheritance

As already noted, the blood type is determined by the presence or absence of agglutinogens A and B in its composition. The type of blood a baby will have is influenced by the groups of parents. The easiest way is if both parents have the first group. This means that there is neither A nor B in the blood, therefore their children can only have the same group. In all other cases possible in children various options. It will be possible to know exactly about the baby’s blood type only after the analysis has been performed.

Human blood groups. Tips for parents

Having learned about pregnancy, women strive to get as much information as possible about their future baby. It is, of course, impossible to determine what character or eye color he will inherit. However, when referring to genetic laws, you can easily find out what blood type the child will have.

This indicator is directly related to the properties of the blood fluid of mom and dad. To understand how inheritance occurs, it is necessary to study the ABO system and other laws.

What groups exist

A blood type is nothing more than a feature of the structure of a protein. It does not undergo any changes, regardless of the circumstances. That is why this indicator considered as a constant value.

Its discovery was carried out in the 19th century by the scientist Karl Landsteiner, thanks to whom the ABO system was developed. According to this theory, blood fluid is divided into four groups, which are now known to every person:

  • I (0) - no antigens A and B;
  • II (A) - antigen A is present;
  • III (B) - B takes place;
  • IV(AB) - both antigens exist at once.

The presented AVO system contributed to complete change opinions of scientists regarding the nature and composition of the blood fluid. In addition, mistakes that were previously made during transfusion and were manifested by incompatibility of the patient’s and donor’s blood were no longer allowed.

There are three groups represented in the mn system: N, M, and MN. If both parents have M or N, the child will have the same phenotype. The birth of children with MN can only occur if one parent has M and the other has N.

Rh factor and its meaning

This name is given to a protein antigen that is present on the surface of red blood cells. It was first discovered in 1919 in monkeys. A little later, the fact of its presence in humans was confirmed.

The Rh factor consists of more than forty antigens. They are marked in numerical and alphabetic terms. In most cases, antigens such as D, C and E are found.

According to statistics, in 85% of cases, Europeans have positive Rh factor, and 15 percent - negative.

Mendel's laws

In his laws, Gregor Mendel clearly describes the pattern of inheritance of certain characteristics in a child from his parents. It is these principles that were taken as a strong basis for the creation of such a science as genetics. In addition, they must be considered first in order to calculate the blood type of the unborn baby.

Among the main principles according to Mendel are the following:

  • if both parents have group 1, then the child will be born without the presence of antigens A and B;
  • if the father and mother have 1 and 2, then the baby can inherit one of the presented groups; the same principle applies to the first and third;
  • the parents have the fourth - the child develops any one except the first.

The child’s blood group cannot be predicted from the parents’ blood group in a situation where mom and dad are 2 and 3.

How does a child inherit from parents?

All human genotypes are designated according to the following principle:

  • the first group is 00, that is, the baby’s first zero is transmitted from his mother, the other from his father;
  • the second - AA or 0A;
  • the third is B0 or ​​BB, that is, in this case the transfer from the parent will be B or 0 indicator;
  • fourth - AB.

A child's inheritance of a blood type from its parents occurs according to generally accepted genetic laws. As a rule, parental genes are passed on to the baby. They contain all the necessary information, for example, the Rh factor, the presence or absence of agglutinogens.

How does Rh factor inheritance occur?

This indicator is also determined based on the presence of protein, which is usually present on the surface of the erythrocyte composition. If the red blood cells contain it, then the blood will be Rh positive. In the case where protein is absent, it is noted negative Rh factor.

According to statistics, the ratio of positive and negative indicators will be 85 and 15%, respectively.

Inheritance of the Rh factor is carried out by dominant trait. If two parents do not have the antigen that determines this indicator, then the child will also have a negative value. If one parent is Rh positive and the other is Rh negative, then the probability that the child can act as a carrier of the antigen is 50%.

If the mother and father have factors with a “+” sign, then in 75 percent of cases the baby inherits Rh positive. It is also worth noting that in this case there is Great chance a child receiving genes from a close relative who has a negative value for this indicator.

For a more precise understanding of how the Rh factor is inherited, you can consider in detail the data given in the table below.

How to find out the blood type of your unborn baby

To determine whose blood type the child inherits, experts have developed a special table that allows each future parent to make predictions independently.

Upon careful study of the tabular results, the following interpretation is possible:

  • the blood of parents and children will be the same only if mom and dad have the first group;
  • if there is a second group in both parents, the child will inherit 1 or 2;
  • when one parent has the first, the baby cannot be born with the fourth;
  • if mom or dad has the third group, then the probability that the child will inherit the same, the same as in the previous described cases.

If the parents have 4 groups, the baby will never have the first.

Could there be an incompatibility?

In the second half of the 20th century, after the definition of group 4 and the recognition of Rh factors, a theory describing compatibility was also developed. Initially, this concept was used exclusively for transfusion.

The blood fluid administered must not only match the group, but also have the same Rh factor. If this is not adhered to, conflict arises, which ultimately leads to fatal outcome. Such consequences are explained by the fact that when hit incompatible blood red blood cells are destroyed, which leads to a cessation of oxygen supply.

Scientists have shown that the only universal group the first one is considered. It can be transfused to anyone, regardless of group affiliation blood composition and rhesus. The fourth is also used in any situation, but with the condition that the patient will only have a positive Rh factor.

When pregnancy occurs, it is also possible that there may be a blood conflict between the child and the woman. Such situations are predicted in two cases:

  1. The woman's blood is negative, while the father's is positive. Most likely, the baby will also have a value with a “+” sign. This means that when it enters the mother’s body, her blood fluid will begin to produce antibodies.
  2. If the expectant mother has the first group, and the man has any other group except 1. In this case, if the child does not also inherit the 1st group, a blood conflict cannot be ruled out.

If the first situation arises, everything may not end with the most favorable consequences. When a fetus inherits Rh positive, the pregnant woman’s immune system will perceive the child’s red blood cells as foreign and strive to destroy them.

As a result, when the child’s body loses red blood cells, it will produce new ones, which puts a very noticeable load on the liver and spleen. Happens over time oxygen starvation, the brain is damaged, and fetal death is also possible.

If this is your first pregnancy, then Rh conflict can be avoided. However, with each subsequent one the risks increase significantly. In such a situation, a woman should be constantly monitored by a specialist. She will also need to have blood tests done quite often for antibodies.

Immediately after the baby is born, the blood fluid group and its Rh factor are determined. If the value is positive, the mother is given anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin.

Such actions help prevent adverse consequences when conceiving a second and subsequent children.

The second option does not pose a threat to the baby's life. In addition, it is diagnosed extremely rarely and does not differ in the complex course of the process. The exception is hemolytic disease. If you suspect the development of this pathology, it will be necessary to regularly take tests.. In this case, in order for the birth to be successful, the most favorable terms are 35-37 weeks.

Most experts argue that with the highest value of father's blood relative to mother's, the probability of having a healthy and strong child almost equals 100 percent.

Conflicts due to parental blood type incompatibility are not the same a rare event, but not as dangerous as with a discrepancy in the Rh factor.

If you conduct a survey in a timely manner, regularly visit a gynecologist and do not ignore the instructions of the attending physician, this will increase the likelihood of a successful conception, bearing and birth of a baby.

Inheritance of blood groups is not such a complicated science. Knowing all the subtleties and nuances, you can find out what group and Rhesus he will have even before the baby is born.

For quite some time now, scientists have proven the existence of four groups. Accordingly, each of the groups is formed even at the birth of a child, or rather, even in the womb after conception. As people say - it is inherited. Thus, we receive a certain type of plasma from our parents and live with it all our lives.

It is worth noting that neither blood groups nor the Rh factor change during life. This is a proven fact that can only be refuted by a pregnant woman. The point is that they meet rare cases when a woman's Rh factor really changes during pregnancy - at the beginning of the term and at the end already before childbirth. Back in the middle of the 19th century, an American scientist reached the conclusion that incompatibility exists in the types of plasma. To prove this, he may have come in handy with a calculator, but to date, in this case, no one uses it.

Incompatibility is formed when mixing different types and manifests itself in the form of aggregation of erythrocytes. This phenomenon dangerous due to the formation of platelets and the development of thrombocytosis. Then it was necessary to divide the groups to determine their type, which gave rise to the AB0 system. This system is still used by modern doctors to determine blood groups without a calculator. This system has turned all previous ideas about blood upside down and now this is done exclusively by geneticists. Then the laws of inheritance of blood groups of a newborn directly from the parents were discovered.

Scientists have also proven that the child’s blood type directly depends on the mixing of the parents’ plasma. It gives its results or the stronger one simply wins. The most important thing is that there is no incompatibility, because otherwise pregnancy simply does not occur or threatens the child inside the womb. In such situations, special vaccines are given at the 28th week of pregnancy or during its planning period. Then the development of the child will be protected and the formation of his gender.

Type of blood according to the AB0 system

There were quite a lot of scientists who worked on the issue of inheritance of blood groups and sex. One of them was Mendeleev, who determined that parents with C would have children with the absence of antigens A and B. The same situation is observed in parents with blood groups 1 and 2. Quite often, the 1st and 3rd blood groups fall under this inheritance.

If the parents have the 4th blood group, then by heredity the child can receive any blood type except the first. The most unpredictable is the compatibility of groups of parents 2nd and 3rd. In this case, inheritance may be in itself different version, and there is the same probability. There is also a rather rare situation when the rarest heredity occurs - both parents have antibodies of type A and B, but at the same time they do not manifest themselves. Thus, the child is given not only an unpredictable blood type, but also a gender, and it is extremely difficult to predict its appearance, especially since a calculator will not help here either.

Learn more about how a group is determined using this method:

Probability of inheritance

Because there are many in the world various situations, we give specific human blood groups and possible type his child using a table. You don't need a calculator for this. additional knowledge. You just need to know your blood type and Rh factor. Such an analysis can be done in any specialized laboratory, which is prepared within 2 days.

Mom + dad
Child's blood type: possible options(V %)
I+I I (100%) - - -
I+II I (50%) II (50%) - -
I+III I (50%) - III (50%) -
I+IV - II (50%) III (50%) -
II+II I (25%) II (75%) - -
II + III I (25%) II (25%) III (25%) IV (25%)
II + IV - II (50%) III (25%) IV (25%)
III+III I (25%) - III (75%) -
III + IV I (25%) - III (50%) IV (25%)
IV + IV - II (25%) III (25%) IV (50%)

Rh factor of blood

Today, not only the heredity of the blood type is known, but also its Rh factor and the gender of the person. This definition this was also proven a long time ago, so many people today are worried about this: they want the child to get good blood.

Quite often there are cases when a spouse with positive Rhesus gives birth to a child with negative Rhesus. Then the question arises on what this depends or even distrust of each other’s fidelity. But it’s worth noting that with all the oddities of nature, this can also happen. There is an explanation for this, and you don’t even need a calculator to calculate this. After all, the Rh factor, like the blood group, also has its own inheritance exceptions. Since rhesus is a protein located on the surface of red blood cells, it can not only be present, but also absent. If it is absent, they speak of a negative Rh factor.

Read more about how to take Rh into account when planning a pregnancy:

Thus, you can also present in the form of a table the possible options for the birth of a child with a certain rhesus of a person in order to understand what this depends on. You don't need a calculator here, just knowing your Rh factor.

Blood type
Father's blood type
Rh(+) rh(-)
Rh(+) Any Any
rh(-) Any Rh negative

In addition to all this, it is worth considering that exceptions quite often occur, which is explained by genetic science. Just as a person’s appearance at birth is unpredictable, so are his structural features. Such a definition was proved already quite a few years ago, when the evolution of man was still progressing. In addition to all this, many people still have questions about how blood type and gender are inherited, because everything is so confusing and interesting that for ordinary person this is not immediately clear.



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