Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - features and description of the breed. Dog breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: a true friend of kings and ordinary people King Charles Spaniel breed description

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a universal animal, because in his person people who adhere to an active lifestyle will find a wonderful companion, and families with children and the elderly will find a true friend. These dogs have a docile nature, do not show aggression towards a person and perfectly adapt to the rhythm of the owner's life.

These dogs won great love from the British, according to whom, they help them relieve stress. This explains why they are often called "creating comfort." Because of this, Cavaliers are most in demand among people who are often stressed at work. However, dogs of this breed are popular not only with ordinary people, but also with high-ranking people - they can often be seen with members of the royal courts in Holland and Great Britain.

Appearance and standard

Cavaliers are rather graceful animals that are small in size: their height is about 30-33 cm, and their weight is 5-8 kg. In appearance, every detail attracts attention: large round eyes, elongated muzzle, high-ranking ears, which make beautiful strands attractive. The trunk of these dogs is not stretched, the back is straight.

The tail is also straight, which forms one line with the back. It never stands still, although it can be docked in some animals.

The wealth of the gentleman is his woolen cover, which is formed by silky and long hair. This coat, which can sometimes be wavy, adorns the paws, ears and tail.

Modern representatives of this breed have certain differences from their legendary ancestors. This is quite understandable, because selection work has been carried out on Charles Spaniels for a long time to give them the genes of decorative dogs. Therefore, they can be considered a completely new breed that has unique features and characteristics.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniels offered today to everyone have a very flat head and an extremely expressive nose. The muzzle is quite small and has a length of at least 3.8 cm, which is not so often seen in miniature dogs. The eyes are rounded and set wide apart, but they cannot be considered fully bulging, which the King Charles Spaniel possesses.

Silky hair is present on the ears, paws and tail of the dog. Moreover, the cover in these areas is noticeably longer than in others, including in the lower part of the body. There may be a slight waviness effect, but there are no full curls.

Within the framework of the standard under consideration, it is customary to single out several types of color of cavaliers:

  • bleynheim (spots of red-chestnut shade on a pearly white surface);
  • tricolor (spots of black on a pearly white surface);
  • black and tan (spots of a reddish-brown shade interspersed with black);
  • ruby.

Character Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This animal, small in size, demonstrates the character to match its royal title. He treats all households very well, loves communication and used to being the center of attention. He is especially not indifferent to people, first of all, to children. They are not used to hiding a good mood, demonstrating it in public. But you should not expect that a good guard will grow out of him - for him even strangers are potential friends.

These little dogs cannot imagine their life without communication with the owner. If she is deprived of attention, then she will become drowsy, an apathetic state will develop, she will no longer be interested in entertainment and walks, as before. The Cavalier has a well-developed mind and easily understands what is required of them.

The favorite pastime of the King Charles Spaniels is to travel with the owner, and this brings him great joy. Also, he will not refuse the opportunity to participate in children's games, and for this he is even ready to put up with the fact that he will be swaddled and rolled in a doll stroller. King Charles Spaniel for kids always affectionate, therefore, he will quietly endure the trials that will fall on his lot.

He will also bring a lot of pleasant moments to the elderly, because for them he will become a friendly animal that will not create much trouble in care. In principle, the Cavalier gets along with any people due to the ability to adapt to the lifestyle and temperament of its owner.

But there are times when King Charles Spaniels become timid. Usually they behave this way if there are strangers in front of them. It takes time for them to become playful and gentle creatures again. They easily establish good relationships with other pets.

Small King Charles Spaniels do not take brute force very well, so in their own defense they may begin to bite.


These dogs have a calm personality and unquestioningly follow the orders of the owner, which makes them excellent candidates for the role of a companion.

In principle, King Charles Spaniels take strangers well, immediately including them in their list of friends. Therefore, you can not even try to grow a guard out of them. Cavaliers are more suitable for hunting. One of their favorite pastimes is to chase moving objects, and this can be a thrown stick, a neighbor's cat or a passing bicycle.

King Charles Spaniels easy to teach standard commands. If you train them with affection, using treats in addition to it, then they will prove themselves as diligent students. It is worth considering that dogs have a developed intellect, so lessons will be given to them easily. But even trained gentlemen can create certain problems during walks. Therefore, it is recommended to keep these dogs on a leash outside.

They cannot live without attention and affection. Since they are very demanding on communication, they feel best in large families, where they will always have a companion. But with a lack of communication, they begin to behave completely differently: they can cause problems not only with loud barking, but also with damage to furniture. If this continues further, then this can greatly change the character of the animal, which in the future will make you shiver, realizing that he will again have to be left alone without a master.

This situation can be explained by the fact that the dog is not used to being in the company of other people and animals. Because of this, she starts to become very timid. If she finds herself in an unfamiliar situation for her, then her behavior changes dramatically - the dog becomes aggressive, restless, and sometimes stupid.

These dogs do not cause much trouble to the owners. They feel most comfortable in an apartment or house. You can feed them almost your favorite foods, which give most dogs of other breeds. Due to the fact that these dogs lead a sedentary lifestyle, they do not require high physical activity. A short walk is enough for them, which must be arranged every day.

During grooming, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the coat: first of all, this concerns the area between the toes on the paws and the surface of the feet, where it is necessary to cut the protruding hairs. We must not forget about the ears of the dog. Due to the nature of the breed, they are poorly ventilated, which increases the risk of developing otitis media.

The coat of gentlemen deserves special attention and requires regular care. However, this is not as difficult an operation as it might seem at first. All that the owner needs to do is to wipe it once a day with a bristle brush. After that, you need to iron it with a metal comb and give it a beautiful look with a comb.

Particular attention should be paid to grooming the hair on the elbows, behind the ears and between the hind legs. This procedure takes a maximum of 5 minutes, of course, unless you have plans to prepare the dog for participation in the exhibition. If necessary, the dog should be bathed. You need to be especially attentive to her fluffy hanging ears, because during walks it is in these places that a lot of dirt forms.

In addition to the fact that these places need to be regularly maintained clean, wool must also be trimmed. Similarly, you need to do with the dog's paws: if you want his attractive panties to always be clean, then you will have to regularly cut the hair in this part of the body. If you notice that tangles have formed in certain places, you should not immediately resort to the help of scissors. Take a hair conditioner, apply to the area and let it soak in, after which you can easily untangle the hair. But during this operation, constantly watch your pet so that he does not begin to lick off the product from the coat.


The life expectancy of small spaniels is quite long and is 10-12 years old. During their lifetime, they can be affected by diseases such as:

The most dangerous for them is jumping from a height of the surface, as this can lead to a dislocation of the patella. Since these animals are quite small, they can often injure the eyes, which, among other things, can be affected by the following diseases:

  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • twist of the century.

Among the representatives of this breed there are such individuals who have a flattened snout and this increases their risk of breathing problems and snoring. Sufficiently vulnerable parts of the body are the eyes and ears, which can easily get infections. In some gentlemen, hanging tongue syndrome may occur.

In general, King Charles Spaniels are generally healthy. A dog will not give you problems if you choose your puppy very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that he does not have hereditary diseases:

  • heart defects;
  • diseases of the knee and hip joints;
  • hearing and vision impairments.

You will simplify the task for yourself if you carefully read the medical record of the puppy's parents and his pedigree before buying. But after the puppy is in your house, you also need to look after him all the time and not create high physical exertion for him.

Keep in mind that without regular walks and play, it will be extremely difficult for a King Charles Spaniel puppy to grow normally. This can lead not only to the development of apathy in him, but also to weight gain. Considering that dogs of this breed prone to heart disease, it can end extremely tragically.

Make it a rule to have your dog checked by the veterinarian once a year. And this should be done in any case, regardless of how old your pet is. Remember that hereditary eye diseases - dysplasia, retinal atrophy, cataracts, corneal dystrophy - may not appear immediately, but after some time.

It would be better if you identify diseases at the initial stage and immediately begin treatment. Then you will have a better chance that your pet will recover quickly.

King Charles Spaniel puppy price

Prices for puppies of King Charles Spaniels can differ in a fairly large range and depend on the purpose of the purchase. If you need a dog that you are going to use as a pet, then it will cost you priced at least $800.

To get a King Charles Spaniel puppy that can grow into a potential champion, you will have to shell out $1,500. It is recommended to apply for a puppy in a kennel, in this case you can be sure that you will get a thoroughbred dog there, which has been properly looked after and given the necessary vaccinations.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were able to become popular primarily due to the fact that feel great in any family. Therefore, if you are looking for an affectionate friend for your children, then you can not go wrong by choosing a Cavalier puppy for them. A distinctive feature of these animals is the absence of aggression, so you can be sure that even an adult cavalier will not harm your children.


Origin: Great Britain

Class: according to the FCI classification - 9th group (toi and companion dogs), 7th section (English toy spaniels)

Usage: hunting dog, companion

Color: black and tan, blenheim, ruby, tricolor

Dimensions: height at the withers: from 31 to 33 cm; weight: from 5.4 to 8.5 kg

Lifespan: 9 to 14 years old

Do you want to have an ideal dog in terms of character, training and care? Then you will definitely like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!

The price of these dogs, although relatively high, is quite justified.

Moreover, the sea of ​​positive, kindness and affection that this dog gives is simply impossible to squeeze into the framework of any value.

History of the breed

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel received official world recognition only in the 20th century, but the history of the breed began a very long time ago.

Similar dogs were brought to Britain by the Celts in the 9th century. Most likely they were a Tibetan spaniel and common in Asia.

By selection, the British received a variety of small dogs, which by the 15th century had gained immense popularity among the nobility.

All the doors of the royal court were opened to these pretty kids, especially during the reign of the Stuart dynasty.

Over time, another breed began to gain popularity -.

Therefore, the appearance of toy spaniels has changed a bit - the head has become more round, the muzzle is shorter, and the ears are set lower.

In the twentieth century, a group of enthusiasts decided to restore the former parameters of the royal breed, and as a result we have two varieties of toy spaniels: King Charles and Cavalier King Charles.

In the UK, the first standard for Cavaliers was established in 1928, and in 1955 they were assigned the FCI standard.


Initially, the Toy Spaniel breed was bred more for creating a comfortable home environment than for hunting.

Therefore, these dogs are an ideal lively and smart toy, like and.

  • Lack of aggression . This does not mean that you can do whatever you want with a dog. Protecting herself, she can bite. However, the dog, like a real gentleman, will try by all possible means to avoid an undesirable situation.
  • playfulness . They really like to mess around with children, participating in various fun with them.
  • Devotion . The Toy Spaniel is very attached to all family members, but only one of them becomes his greatest love.
  • Friendliness . The dog gets along well with other pets. She will not immediately go to strangers to caress, but she will not show alertness either.
  • calmness . Excessive fuss and noise is something that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will try to avoid with all his might. It is worth buying this doggie for those who themselves strive for peace in the house.
  • Obedience . The Toy Spaniel will do its best to please and please the owner. Therefore these dogs are very simple.
  • Easy learning . A dog of this breed often brings great pleasure in learning different tricks, and not just basic commands.
  • sociality


In the vulgar, the toy spaniel was used for hunting, as, however, in the modern world, he has become an excellent companion.

Unpretentious in care, having a soft and kind disposition, playful and sometimes so funny Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, photos and videos confirm this, suitable for people who have no experience in raising dogs.

How to choose a dog

If Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies show any kind of anger or some kind of funny spitefulness, refuse to buy them.

Look also at their mother, she, too, should not show excessive alertness and, moreover, aggression even towards strangers.

A sign of a true gentleman is "cavalier" behavior, this is a true gentleman in the world of dogs.

Now, as for the exterior of the babies, it must be assessed when the puppies are two months old. They look like this:

  • between the ears the head is almost flat, the forehead is sloping;
  • the nostrils are well developed, and the pink nose with small nostrils is a serious defect;
  • the outlines of the head are soft, the cheekbones are sloping;
  • ocelli widely spaced, large, but not protruding;
  • scissor bite;
  • the neck is slightly arched, of medium length for small dogs;
  • good muscle tone;
  • the vertebrae are of moderate length, the intervertebral discs are thick.

Features of care


For gentlemen, a one-time weekly combing is sufficient.

During this procedure, special attention should be paid to the hair behind the ears, between the hind legs and on the elbows.

Bathing procedures with the use of shampoo and conditioner are shown to them once every one to two months.

But the muzzle should be washed or wiped at least every day to remove discharge from the eyes and food debris.

Important! The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's ears are poorly ventilated and need to be given extra attention, often inspected and washed as needed. Otherwise, the risk of any inflammation and otitis media is high.

Along with trimming the nails every couple of weeks, you should also cut the hair between the toes or on the surface of the foot.


The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel does not require intense exercise.

The gentleman will be pleased with a short daily one-time exit to the street.

However, the dog needs to be kept in good shape, but to walk with him longer, accustom him to this gradually.


Feeding regimen by age:

  • from 8 to 12 weeks - 3 times a day
  • from 12 weeks to 9-12 months - 2 times
  • from 12 months onwards - 1 time

The daily allowance of an adult toy spaniel can be divided into two approaches.

The easiest way to feed a Cavalier is professional dry food.

There are a couple of requirements in this case - this is the high quality of the product and its age-appropriate pet.

Excessive fuss and noise is something that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will try to avoid with all his might. It is worth buying this doggie for those who themselves strive for peace in the house.



It is reasonable to untie a dog at 22 months, and a bitch at 20 months - after the second or third.

It is better to plan the action on the territory of the male, before that the dogs must be walked, but not fed.

The couple needs to organize privacy, without outside observers. Let the dogs get to know each other and play a little.

The presence of a "castle" is mandatory, its duration depends on the physiological compatibility of the animals, it usually lasts from several minutes to an hour.

Baby Toy Spaniel belongs to the category of problem-free dogs. But this does not exclude the obligation to raise a dog.

However, he himself will willingly learn to please his master, radiating love and tenderness with all his canine being.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: a true gentleman in the world of dogs

Sweet and funny, noble and calm - this is how the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel appears before us. Unpretentious in care and food, he has earned a reputation as a hassle-free dog.

How many of us can imagine our lives without pets? It is safe to say that every third person cannot imagine life without pets. In the modern world, animals are the only and real one that is able to love and respect without pursuing benefits. Such qualities as devotion, sympathy and understanding are carried by dogs. Of course, today no one can be surprised, or, however, one breed of dog is known that is universal and can harmoniously fit into any family.

This is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed is a smaller copy of the classic type. Perhaps this breed is not so popular, however, it deserves to be in the top ten popular breeds.

According to the British, these dogs are able to relieve a person of stress. Therefore, gentlemen often settle with people whose work is associated with regular stress. From childhood, members of royal families make such true friends. The nature of the animal allows you to normalize the internal imbalance.

Well, let's quickly plunge into the interesting life of this little gentleman. Let's start the description of the breed with its interesting history.

Although the world community recognized the breed of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in the last century, the first mention of the breed was present in ancient times. As early as the 9th century, similar dogs were brought to Britain. The first who brought these dogs were the Celts. Later, in the 4th century, these bold dogs with an unusual color appeared in the songs of the minnesingers. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel description has changed since the time of the first representatives.

Over time, small dogs became popular in wealthy circles. Dogs with cute faces quickly won favor and quickly opened doors to the royal court. Especially, these doors were open during the era of the Stuart dynasty. In wealthy circles, they played the role of hunters. However, over time, spaniels began to perform an exclusively decorative function. As you know, each time has its own tastes and preferences. Therefore, over time, pugs came into fashion. In this regard, the appearance of dogs has undergone noticeable changes. The head took on a more round shape, the muzzle was shortened, and the ears fell deeper. In the 20th century, a group of supporters of the natural breed of dogs had the idea to restore the former parameters of the royal breed. Therefore, today there are two types of toy spaniels: King Charles and Cavalier King Charles.

Based on many facts, it can be argued that these devoted pets accompanied their owners both in moments of triumph and in moments of defeat. The animals managed to win favor even with secret conspirators and open opponents.

breed standard

The Cavalier King Charles is a compact, compact, playful and energetic member of his breed. This graceful and free-moving animal has large and deep eyes. The cavalier has an elongated torso with a well-developed skeleton. According to the breed standard, the height at the withers for males is 33 cm, for females - 30 cm. The tail of the animal has a straight shape and forms a single line with the back.

As for body weight, it varies from 5.4 to 8.2 kilograms. However, in the FCI the standard does not deal with the exact size of the animal. In this regard, preference is given to representatives with a proportional physique.

Wool and color of the breed

According to the standard, dogs of this breed have a thick and silky coat. quite long (slight waviness may be present).

As for the color, the following types of color are distinguished:

  • tan. Bright red inserts are observed on the eyebrows, ears, muzzle, paws, chest. White inserts indicate non-compliance with the standard.
  • Ruby. Single color bright chestnut color.
  • Blenheim color represents equidistant chestnut spots on a pure white background. Blenheim allows white inserts in the center of the spots. Blenheim color with small chestnut spots indicates the uniqueness of the breed.
  • Tricolor- These are light-dark spots that are located on a pure white background. Unlike Blenheim, the tricolor does not recognize any white blotches.

Solid colors do not allow white spots. The only thing that may be present is white hairs in the chest area. As for colored colors, they should not have specks.

If the position of the tan is violated, the dog does not meet the standard, since this feature is a defect.

Psychological character

Initially, the Toy Spaniel breed was intended to keep the house quiet and comfortable. As you know, over time, representatives of this breed retrained as hunters. Therefore, nature has contributed to the character of the animal. So, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is characterized by the following qualities:

  • Friendly and not aggressive. However, kindness is not to be taken for granted. The dog is able to take care of itself. But, again, the toy spaniel will make such a decision only when other methods are not effective. They easily find a common language with both other animals and people.
  • Playfulness and playfulness. They love to mess around with small children and be involved in fun and noisy games.
  • Devotion. Someone who, but toy spaniels know perfectly well what devotion is. They differ in affection for the family, but only one member of the family will be faithful to the dog.
  • Balance and tranquility. Fuss and noise are not for them, so dogs try to prevent this.
  • Fast learner. Dogs like to learn not only, but also various tricks.
  • Sociality. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can't stand being alone. They need constant communication and attention. Loneliness can provoke drowsiness, melancholy, apathy, and in some cases lead to illness.

Rules and subtleties of care

Animal care is an integral part of keeping. Representatives of this breed are absolutely not whimsical in care. Best of all, dogs feel in an apartment or in a house. In food, they are not picky.

Care involves the following actions:

  • Walking.
  • Bathing.
  • Nutrition.

We will describe all the rules and subtleties of the content below.

Teeth, eyes, claws and muzzle

Cavaliers need to be combed once a week. For these purposes, it is better to choose a furminator. In the process of combing, special attention is paid to the ears, elbows and hind legs. As for water procedures, they are appropriate several times a month. But the muzzle of the animal needs daily care. Eye care consists in carrying out certain actions. It is imperative to remove eye discharge.

As a warning of souring eyes, it is recommended to use chamomile decoction. The eyes are wiped with cotton pads dipped in herbal decoction.

Do not forget about the claws of the dog. They need care, which consists in trimming. In addition to claws, it is recommended to trim the hair between the toes.

Dogs, like humans, need to take care of their teeth. Of course, the owner of the pet takes care of the teeth. Care is. Frequency - 2 times a week. Cleaning must be done carefully to prevent damage to the gums.

Animal diet

For a dog, as for a person, proper and balanced nutrition plays an important role. Cavalier can pick up not only a balanced dry food, but also.

So, the pet's diet includes the following products:

  • Fresh meat (pork excluded). Only beef, veal and chicken are allowed.
  • Buckwheat, rice.
  • Dairy products, in particular, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir.
  • Offal (boiled).

The dog must have free access to clean water. It is best to change the water every day. Let's say a few words about dog dishes.

The feeding regimen directly depends on the age of the pet.

The smaller the puppy, the more often the approaches to the bowl. So, from 8 to 12 weeks, three times a day. From 12 weeks to a year - twice, after a year - once a day. The daily norm of an adult is divided into two approaches.

Health status

According to many owners, dogs of this breed are distinguished by good health.

The average life span of little gentlemen is 10-12 years. In most cases, representatives of this breed suffer from chronic heart valve disease, hydrocephalus and epilepsy. Due to their small size, in the process of jumping from a height, dogs earn a dislocation of the knee joint. In addition, gentlemen have eye problems, in particular, cataracts and inversion of the eyelid. Due to their muzzle structure, Cavaliers are prone to snoring. The four-legged friend also has an allergic reaction to food. Allergy makes itself felt in the form of eye and.

General characteristics of the animal

Below is a general description of the breed on a ten-point system.

  • Mind, ingenuity - 5 out of 10 points.
  • Attitude towards children - 10 out of 10 points.
  • – 5 out of 10 points.
  • – 7 out of 10.
  • Watchdog and security qualities - 2 points out of 10.
  • Care - 8 out of 10.
  • Noise - 4 out of 10.

How to choose a dog?

Of course, when choosing a puppy, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to the behavior of the baby. Cavalier King Charles puppies should be calm. A sign of a true gentleman is his "gentlemanly" behavior.

You can evaluate the exterior of the baby only after the puppy has reached the age of two months. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies look like this:

  • The head in the area should be flat.
  • The nose should have a pink color and well developed nostrils. In the event that the nose has small nostrils, it indicates a defect.
  • The neck of the baby must have a curved shape.
  • Strong muscle tone.

Dog with a sensual soul

In France, this breed was called "consolator", which means "comforter". According to known data, in the 16th century, Charles Spaniels served as some kind of Greeks. They warmed not only the human body, but also the snowy human soul. Rumor has it that in these times doctors used dogs of this breed for medicinal purposes. They helped to deal with feelings and stress.

Mister Ideal

In conclusion, I would like to add one thing, the King Charles Cavalier is a true friend who will help to cope with problems and is able to bring notes of goodness and positives into such a difficult human life.

Letting into your life, a person acquires a true friend, perhaps even a mentor. For the animal, man becomes everything. It is to man that the animal gives all its love. Therefore, the owner must pay the animal for boundless love and devotion. Appreciating an animal is the least a person can do.

The King Charles Spaniel makes an excellent companion for active people, families with children or seniors. This breed of dog is distinguished by such positive qualities as complaisance, the ability to adapt to its owner and his lifestyle.

The King Charles Spaniel makes an excellent companion for active people, families with children or seniors.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a great breed of dog to relieve stress and create comfort in your home. Such dogs have been living with members of the royal palaces of England and Holland for several centuries.

The history of the development of the breed

Although they are not very well known among us, these dogs have a rather ancient history. In British folklore, there are references to this breed as early as the 13th century.

In those days, they quickly gained popularity among the ladies of the royal court, at first they were even used for hunting, but later the Cavalier King Charles became a decorative breed, representatives of which can be seen in the paintings of many famous artists.

The breed got its name in honor of King Charles II, who lived in the 17th century, although the king himself has no direct relation to the breeding of this breed, but it was at the time when Prince Charles ruled that this breed gained wide popularity not only in Britain, but also in other countries. Over time, the appearance of such dogs changed, and their modern type was finally formed around the beginning of the last century.

Although at first the ancestors of the King Charles were used to hunt small game and birds, due to their attractive appearance, they gradually turned into an ornamental breed, for which the royal palace became their home.

During the reign of Charles II, there were no prohibitions for these dogs, they could attend royal receptions, church services, any public holidays, and even in Parliament. There is a story that the king once even allowed his pet to whelp on his own bed.

In France, this breed was called comforters, because they warmed and soothed their owners on winter evenings, helping them get rid of stress.

In the 18th century, the King Charles breed was no longer used for hunting; the Cocker Spaniel came to replace it, which had a larger size and was much better suited for hunting.

In the USA and many European countries, already in the 20th century, this breed began to be called the toy spaniel, but in England its historical name was preserved. The breed got its name - Cavalier King Charles - in 1955, when it was recognized by the International Cynological Organization.

Gallery: King Charles Spaniel dog (25 photos)

Appearance standards

The height of these graceful and graceful dogs is 30-33 cm, their weight is only 5-8 kg. They have large eyes, the shape of the muzzle is elongated, the back is straight and the body is not stretched, there are decorating strands on the ears.

The tail continues the line of the back, some owners stop it, but this is not a prerequisite. The coat of this breed is silky, it can be slightly wavy, but not curly.

According to existing standards, the color can be of four types: Blenheim dog (the entire surface is white and there are red-chestnut spots on it), tricolor (black marks on a white background), tan (the surface is black and red-brown marks on it), ruby ​​color .

Cavalier King Charles (video)

The nature of the breed

The character of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fully corresponds to its name. This pet is a universal favorite, he cannot live without communication and attention. Such dogs are very fond of children, but none of them are guards, since they see friends in all people.

If owners pay little attention to their pets, they become drowsy and may become depressed. Cavaliers love to play active games with children, while they steadfastly withstand riding in a stroller or swaddling, they will never offend a child.

A feature of this breed is that it very quickly adapts to the way of life of its owner and feels great in the company of older people, but remember that communication is very important for her. Cavaliers do not get along well with other animals, as they like to be the center of attention.

They have retained the hunting instinct, so they love games when you have to chase any moving objects, but you won’t be able to make a watchdog out of them. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is highly trainable and learns very quickly.

Since gentlemen are very fond of communication, they are more comfortable living in large families, with a lack of communication, they can whine and gnaw on furniture.

Rules for maintenance and care

When keeping dogs of this breed, usually there are no problems, but they should not be kept on the street, but in a house or apartment. They do not require much physical activity, short daily walks are enough for them. In food, gentlemen are not picky, but you need to carefully monitor the condition of their ears, as they are poorly ventilated, so otitis media often develops.

It is recommended to take a few minutes daily to care for their coat, for this they use a bristle brush and a metal comb. You don't need to bathe your dog often, but after every walk you need to pay attention to your pet's ears and paws, as it is in them that a lot of dirt accumulates.

Health Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

The life expectancy of cavaliers is about 10-12 years. If we talk about the most common diseases, then it should be noted hydrocephalus, heart valve disease, epilepsy, cryptorchidism.

Since the dog has a small stature, during a jump from a great height, it can get a dislocation of the patella, and pets can also have cataracts and glaucoma. Due to their slightly flattened nose, they can sometimes have trouble breathing and may snore.

Despite possible health problems, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are quite healthy, but a lot depends on the puppy's heredity. When choosing him, study not only the pedigree, but also the medical record of his parents. Take proper care of your pet and do not overload it.

Develop the habit of periodically showing your pet to a veterinarian who will be able to determine the onset of the development of a particular disease in time and effectively treat it.

The cost of puppies

The price of a puppy will depend on the purpose for which you buy it, so it fluctuates in a fairly large range. If you want to buy a dog for yourself that will not participate in competitions and exhibitions, then its price will be approximately 600-800 dollars. If you have a goal to acquire a potential champion, then you will need to pay 1400-1600 dollars for him.

It is best to buy a puppy in a kennel, because there he is provided with proper care and nutrition, as well as all the necessary vaccinations.

The specified breed for several centuries has gone from a small game hunter to a resident of the royal chambers. Throughout its development, this breed has been in the company of people, so it is ideal for large families, people who work at home, or for pensioners, as they will be able to give their pet maximum attention.

Attention, only TODAY!

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


It is believed that the ability to relieve stress belongs to cats. But among dogs there is also a breed that has the same gift. This is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. In England, these animals are called "creating comfort." They are royal pets and are kept by many royal families.

In ancient times, the cavalier king went hunting with the owner, raising the bird in the undergrowth, now everything has changed. These miniature animals have completely turned into companion dogs and pets.

The history of the breed

It’s hard to believe that in the distant past, cute Cavalier Kings were used as hunting dogs and fearlessly chased game. Of course, they didn’t go to wild boars with them, but it was easy to hunt birds with such an assistant. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very ancient breed. During its formation, representatives of the species have changed with regards to appearance and purpose.

The birthplace of the Charles Spaniel is Great Britain. The first mention of this breed is noted in the thirteenth century. Two centuries later, small dogs were at the peak of popularity. The exact origin and appearance of the first representatives of the species in Britain is not exactly known, there are several versions of this:

  1. In the ninth century, small spaniels from the Iberian Peninsula were brought to Britain by the Celts.
  2. It is believed that toy spaniels are descendants of the Pekingese. They came to Britain from China in the same ninth century.
  3. In the thirteenth century, toy spaniels were brought to Britain from Italy.

It was customary to say that the king himself created the Cavalier King breed, but the first representatives of the species were far from the royal chambers. Charles Spaniels were originally bred as hunting dogs to track down small game such as rabbits, ducks, hazel grouse, and the like. At that time, these dogs were larger, more hardy. They were valued for their agility, fearlessness and keen sense of smell.

Over time, spaniel lovers drew attention to the beautiful long hair of these animals, to the ideal curves of the body, to the beautiful eyes. Cynologists came up with the idea to improve the representatives of the species. As a result, Cavalier Kings became smaller, softer, their muzzle became shorter, a more noticeable flattening of the nose appeared, their eyes were wide-set, and the skull became domed. The exquisite animals were now unsuitable for hunting.

Now the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was a purely decorative pet. It can be seen in the paintings painted by famous artists. He took a confident place in the royal chambers and in the living rooms of wealthy nobles. In prestigious establishments, it was fashionable to keep cute spaniels that looked great on chairs and cushions.

For some time, larger hunting Charles Spaniels were still found in houses located on the outskirts. But they became less and less, and with the advent of the twentieth century, they completely gave way to miniature indoor cavalier kings.

breed standard

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small dog with a well-proportioned build. Growth of adults 25-35 cm., with a weight 5-9 kg.

A round head is held on a not too long neck. Ears hanging. The canvas of the ear is long, covered with elongated hair. Large, beautiful, round eyes set wide apart, they are a hallmark of the breed. Preference is given to dark eye color. The small muzzle tapers towards the nose. Black or brown nose with wide, open nostrils. Teeth sharp, scissor bite.

Stretched body. The short, straight back forms an arch at the withers. The chest is oval, deep. The tail is long, fluffy, set not high. Cupping is allowed. The forelimbs are straight, short, strong. placed in parallel. Hind legs with moderately developed musculature and pronounced knee joints. Round paws are compact, small.

The long coat is straight, slight waviness is allowed. Curly coat is unacceptable. The coat is silky to the touch. Decorating hair on the neck, tail, ears, limbs forms lush feathers. The following colors are allowed: blenheim, ruby, tricolor, black and tan.

Kings should be kept indoors. They get along well in an apartment or in a private house, they do not take up much space and do not cause much trouble to the owners. The main thing is to properly raise a pet and teach him the rules of behavior in the house. From the first day, allocate a place for the dog to sleep and rest, set bowls for water and food, provide toys and a bed. Doesn't require a lot of physical activity. Enough to walk the dog every day.

Luxurious King Charles coat is recommended to be combed 3-4 times in 6-8 days. To do this, use a slicker and a hard brush. Particular attention during this procedure is given to long hair on the limbs and behind the ears. If tangles have formed due to an oversight of the owner, they should be dealt with using a special air conditioner. At the same time, it is unacceptable for the dog to lick the product from the wool.

If you are preparing a Charles Spaniel for a show career, he will not need a haircut. If the dog will not participate in shows, it is recommended to shorten the long adorning hair from time to time. It is also recommended to cut the wool in the area of ​​the pads. It is better to resort to the services of a groomer.

Occasionally, the dog needs to be bathed. During water procedures, make sure that water and detergents do not get into the ears, mouth and eyes of the pet. Dry the coat afterwards, avoiding the dog getting into drafts and cold.

In addition to caring for the coat, the following procedures are required to promote the beauty and health of the dog:

  • Spaniel ears are a weak point. They need careful care. The fact is that the ears of this type of dog are poorly ventilated. Because of this, otitis media and infectious diseases often develop. Ear care consists of weekly cleaning with special solutions recommended by a veterinarian. You also need to carefully inspect for inflammation or excessive ear discharge. Having found this, urgently show the pet to a specialist.
  • The eyes require special attention. They are large in a spaniel, because of this they are often injured during walks, for example, by branches, grass. Often there are eye inflammations, conjunctivitis. In strong winds, excessive lacrimation is possible. Eye problems in spaniels are explained by too narrow tear ducts and a shortened muzzle. An eye examination should be done daily after returning from a walk. If you notice purulent discharge, immediately go to the veterinarian.
  • We clean the dog's teeth with a special paste and brush. It is also recommended to buy bones from natural beef veins and let your pet gnaw carrots and apples.
  • Once every 25-35 days we trim the spaniel's claws. Due to the light weight, housing content and relative inactivity, the dog is not able to grind them down on its own. It is advisable to entrust this procedure to a specialist. The owner must also ensure that the claws do not exfoliate, this phenomenon signals a lack of vitamins in the dog's body. After consulting with a specialist, add appropriate supplements to your pet's diet.

In food, Cavalier King is completely unpretentious. Portions are not large, the main thing is that the food is balanced. Feeding is allowed, both natural food and dry food. In any case, the food should be of high quality and not expired. Adult dogs are fed twice a day, puppies three to five times, depending on age. Water should always be available clean, cool.


Nature rewarded Cavalier Kings with good health. If such a dog is properly looked after and kept in the required conditions, it will be able to live 10-14 years. There are cases of longevity of 15-16 years. The owner of a spaniel should know what congenital or acquired diseases his pet is predisposed to. The most common health problems are:

Epilepsy- violation of the activity of the brain, accompanied by epileptic seizures, convulsions, involuntary urination.
Dislocation of the patella- displacement of the bones.
Otitis- accompanied by severe pain, discharge.
Herniated discs- most often occurs in the lumbosacral region, but can also appear in the thoracic or cervical spine.
Heart failure.
Hydrocephalus- excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cerebral ventricles.
eye diseases.
cryptorchidism- hiding one or two testicles in males.
Hanging tongue syndrome- a genetically transmitted disease.
Breathing problems.

The main purpose of the Cavalier King's life is to be close to the owner. This little dog is very attached to all family members, she loves to be the center of attention, needs communication and a big company. Loneliness is unacceptable for a friendly Charles Spaniel. The ideal environment for representatives of the species is a large large family.

The gentleman gets along well with children. He patiently endures everything that the kids do with him, even if it's riding in a puppet stroller. Gets along with pets. Strangers are treated with caution and distrust. To reveal a friendly disposition, the spaniel must get used to a stranger. Aggression is not in the nature of this species.

There is no watchman from Cavalier King. He cannot be a guard due to the lack of aggressiveness and friendliness. Although, if you show rudeness to him, the dog may bite. The spaniel barks loudly and for a long time if left alone in the house. So if possible, take care of the company for the pet or take it with you. It is worth noting that representatives of the breed love to travel and tolerate moving very well.

Training and education

A more diligent student than the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is hard to find. Representatives of the breed do not show stubbornness during classes. They are happy to learn commands and try to execute them correctly. The main thing is to encourage them with treats and praise, to exclude punishment and rude attitude.

Early socialization is very important for gentlemen. A small dog needs to be accustomed to the outside world. So that she is not afraid of strangers, animals, cars ... A decorative dog does not require serious training, but he must pass a general course of obedience. Thanks to OKP, the pet will learn to behave correctly in the house, on the street, in public places. He will also master the simplest, but important commands: sit, not, near, place, etc.

  • In California, there is a Charles Spaniel named Duke, who is famous for his ability to heal people.
  • Cavalier King, being the favorite dog of Mary Stuart, accompanied his famous mistress to execution. Two days after the execution, the faithful dog died of anguish.
  • The spaniel spent many months in prison with King Charles the First. He was next to the owner until his execution, which he attended. After the execution, the fate of the faithful dog was dealt with by the rebels.
  • Cavalier Kings are depicted in many paintings. In addition, the figurines of these dogs are molded from clay. Now these clay figurines are in great demand among collectors.
  • Charles Spaniels were bred right in the royal palaces. There they gave birth to puppies, after which the babies were transferred to the cultivation and education of specially trained people. They prepared dogs for life under royalty, taught them good manners.
  • In France, representatives of the breed were called "consolator", which means "comforter".

Pros and cons of the breed

Many dog ​​lovers like spaniels not only for their appearance, but also for their lack of aggression and excellent character. But do not think that such a pet is suitable exclusively for all people. To decide whether this is your dog or you should pay attention to another species, a list of the main pros and cons of the breed will help:


1. Ideal dogs for apartment keeping.
2. Do not require heavy physical exertion and long walks.
3. Great with children and pets.
4. Not aggressive.
5. Easy to care for and undemanding in nutrition.
6. Beautiful appearance.
7. Travel easily.


1. Does not tolerate loneliness.
2. Excessive manifestation of the hunting instinct.
3. Frequent eye problems (inflammation, conjunctivitis).



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