After caesarean sex life: doctor's recommendations. Recovery period after caesarean section

  • First day
  • Second day
  • The third day
  • Diet for constipation
  • After discharge

A caesarean section is a surgical intervention, the rehabilitation period of which requires a diet to quickly restore the female body. In the first few days, doctors closely monitor not only the uterus, but also the work of the patient's intestines and urinary system, as they are affected during the operation. In order to avoid any complications, it is necessary to have proper nutrition specially designed for such cases after cesarean section, organized immediately, in the first few days.

How many times a day can you eat? After how much can you eat can you eat? How often? What portions? What products are allowed in the first days and in what form? What is strictly forbidden to eat a young mother? Physicians give extremely clear answers to all these questions.

First day

It is recommended to do without solid food on the first day after childbirth. Many people ask what can be eaten after a cesarean section for a newly-made mother, as soon as she recovers from anesthesia, in these 24 hours. However, during this period, she will only have to drink non-carbonated mineral water. It can be diluted with fruit juice in the proportion of 100 ml per 1 liter of water. It is better to give preference to lemon, which:

  • restores the forces of the body spent during the operation;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting action.

Although you can use any other fruit juice for this purpose.

All other nutrients (healing solutions, vitamins, trace elements) necessary for the body to recover after surgery, the woman receives from droppers.

The doctor must warn that the nutrition of the woman in labor after a cesarean section excludes full meals on the first day. She herself and her loved ones should know about this. But you will have to suffer quite a bit: on the second day, the diet will be significantly replenished.

In addition to proper nutrition after a caesarean section, it is very important to observe the features of personal hygiene. Many doctors recommend that you be more careful about the washing cosmetics that you use both after surgery and in everyday life. Many brands contain all sorts of chemicals that leave behind irritations and allergic reactions that can cause healing complications.

Do not disregard the composition of the product. If on the back you see a whole set of complex chemical formulas and incomprehensible abbreviations, such as SLS, SLES, GMO, or the mention of silicones and parabens, it is better to leave such a product on the shelf. Also, the expiration date indicates the abundance of harmful preservatives. For high-quality natural products, it should not exceed one year.

In order not to be afraid of irritations and allergies after surgery, most doctors advise using cosmetic products based exclusively on natural and natural ingredients. Mulsan Cosmetic remains the leader in natural cleansing cosmetic products. Gel for intimate hygiene with extracts of calendula and chamomile will contribute to the speedy healing, and macadamia oil will relieve swelling and redness. The abundance of natural ingredients, without the use of dyes and magnesium sulfate, will help you restore the beauty of your skin and will protect your women's health. You can find out more on the website.

Second day

For women, a special diet has been developed after a cesarean section by day, which they must strictly adhere to. The next two days are much more comfortable for them. If the operation went without complications, on the 2nd day after it, the list of allowed products is significantly expanded. They are good because they are useful, easy, quickly absorbed, do not harm a weakened body. These include:

  • meat broth on chicken or beef (excluding pork), to which some vegetables are added;
  • lean meat (chicken or beef), necessarily pre-boiled, then scrolled through a meat grinder and whipped to a state of mashed potatoes or soufflé;
  • if you include cottage cheese in your diet after cesarean, then only fat-free;
  • homemade yogurt without any additives, natural;
  • from drinks - juice, tea, fruit drink, rosehip broth, liquid jelly, compote (the dosage of the drunk liquid on the second day after cesarean should be about 1.5 liters).

Here's what you can eat after a caesarean section on the second day. Adhering to this modest but healthy diet, a woman in labor will help her body to quickly rehabilitate after the stress.

Since all cases are individual, it is imperative to consult a supervising doctor about the menu. Here, much will depend on the relatives and friends of the young mother, who, visiting her in the hospital, must provide her with the full, proper nutrition recommended for medical reasons. In particular, the preparation of meat broth requires special attention.

Bouillon Recipe:

  1. Pour the meat with cold water, boil.
  2. Drain the first broth completely.
  3. Pour the meat again with fresh water, boil again.
  4. Drain the broth again.
  5. Pour cold water again, boil.
  6. Add finely chopped vegetables that do not cause gas formation. Exclude cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, corn, artichokes, onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, radishes from the diet.

During the second day after cesarean, a woman is allowed to eat such meat broth three times in small (100 ml) portions in a warm form. On this, nutrition after a caesarean section is still limited. Everything else can harm the gastrointestinal tract of the woman in labor, therefore it is prohibited. However, the ration is expanded again the next day.

The third day

On the third day, the nutrition of a woman after a cesarean section becomes more diverse. To the above products of the second day after the operation are added:

  • cutlets, meatballs, cooked from lean meat necessarily - steamed;
  • porridge on the water;
  • baked apples;
  • light meat, vegetable purees from a series of baby food;
  • if there are problems with the stool, a woman in labor is recommended to drink kefir after a cesarean on the 3rd day.

In the first days after the operation, it is recommended to include in the menu of a young mother only those products that are allowed by doctors. They should not irritate the intestines, cause gas and constipation. All dishes must be warmed up to a warm state, but in no case should they be consumed hot or cold.

After three days after the operation, nutrition for a nursing mother becomes more complete. It includes a wide variety of products that are not excluded in terms of lactation.

Diet for constipation

As you know, after a caesarean section, many women suffer from constipation, and you can’t push so that the seams do not open. This problem begins already in the maternity hospital, and continues at home, causing discomfort and anxiety. What to do? To begin with, this moment must be discussed in advance with the attending physician. After all, only he can determine what exactly caused this phenomenon. Nutrition will also depend on the type of constipation (atonic or spastic).


After caesarean, the peristalsis of the mother's intestines may decrease. As a result, paresis is diagnosed, characterized by symptoms such as gas retention and bloating.

With such a delicate problem, proper nutrition helps to cope. It is recommended to include in the diet foods such as:

  • muesli;
  • any vegetable oils;
  • cereals and soups with cereals such as buckwheat, barley, millet;
  • black bread;
  • oat bran;
  • vegetables, fruits (it is recommended to enrich the diet after cesarean with beets, pumpkin, zucchini, apricots, melons, green apples, dried fruits);
  • kefir, curdled milk and other fermented milk products, which contain a high content of bifidus and lactobacilli.
  • strong tea;
  • semolina;
  • White bread;
  • muffins;
  • rice porridge;
  • blueberries;
  • quince;
  • pears;
  • legumes.

Doctors recommend drinking the following herbal infusion on an empty stomach in small doses to stimulate the work of the stomach and intestines after cesarean: mix cumin, anise and fennel seeds, brew 2 teaspoons of this grain mixture with a glass of boiling water. Drink the infusion cool, half an hour before meals, a teaspoonful.

The diet after surgery in women with spastic constipation will be completely different.


If there were ruptures during the caesarean section, during an epizotomy, the intestinal tone often increases. Due to the fact that the intestine is clamped, peristalsis becomes ineffective. Again, proper nutrition comes to the rescue. Women in labor can eat:

  • boiled lean fish;
  • dishes from low-fat minced meat;
  • olive oil;
  • pasta;
  • jams;
  • vegetable puree;
  • fruits and berries that do not contain coarse fibers: grapes, plums, melon, pear.

Accordingly, a number of products are prohibited for spastic constipation after cesarean. Newly made mothers should be excluded from the diet:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • mayonnaise;
  • smoked cheese;
  • cookie;
  • fried pies (in general, it is better to exclude fried pies after a cesarean from the diet);
  • syrup;
  • chocolate;
  • White bread;
  • cakes;
  • sausages;
  • hot sauces.

If you normalize nutrition for constipation after cesarean section, having agreed this issue with your doctor, you can quickly solve the problem without harming your health. And, of course, you must continue to follow the diet throughout the lactation period.

After discharge

If after the operation there were no serious complications, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract of the woman did not cause concern among doctors, dietary restrictions will apply only to those products that are prohibited during lactation. Here is what you can eat after a cesarean section for a nursing mother, according to experts, after discharge:

  • dairy products: kefir, curdled milk, milk (500 ml per day);
  • vegetables can already be eaten by everyone, but still those that contribute to gas formation are best consumed in moderation, carrots are excluded;
  • cottage cheese;
  • meat;
  • very often women are interested in what fruits can be eaten fearlessly after a cesarean section: you can safely include an apple (green or yellow), pear, apricot, plum, peach, some bananas in your diet;
  • butter, vegetable;
  • eggs (in limited quantities);
  • a sufficient amount of liquid;
  • a multivitamin formulated specifically for breastfeeding mothers and prescribed by a doctor.

You must know! Despite the fact that everyone no longer perceives a banana as an exotic fruit, it is exactly that. Therefore, some experts do not recommend including it in the diet of nursing mothers after a cesarean section.

These products will not harm the woman's stomach, and the baby will not cause allergic reactions. However, the diet after caesarean section during lactation includes a number of restrictions. The first week after the operation is especially difficult in this regard. It is not recommended to include in the mother's diet:

  • natural honey;
  • garlic;
  • citrus fruits: pamelo, tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits;
  • exotic fruits: pineapple, avocado, fig, coconut, mango, passion fruit, papaya, feijoa, persimmon;
  • strawberries;
  • mayonnaise, mustard;
  • marinades;
  • carrots (because of the red color, it should be excluded from the diet after cesarean);
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • seafood;
  • sausages, sausages, sausages;
  • chocolate.

Even before the operation, if it is planned, the doctor must tell the woman and her family what to eat after a cesarean section while breastfeeding, and what to refuse. At this stage, nutrition should be aimed not only at restoring the mother's body after childbirth, but also at improving the quality of lactation. It will shorten the rehabilitation period, help the woman in labor to quickly enter the usual rhythm of life without complications and troubles, and also preserve the health of the baby who is breastfed.

  1. New pregnancy after caesarean section.

Statistics show that today ten percent of newborns are born due to caesarean section. Although this surgical intervention is not difficult, nevertheless, like any surgical operation, it has a difficult recovery period.

And at this time, it is important for a woman to know many little things in order to recover faster and avoid mistakes that will entail disastrous consequences. Thanks to the analysis of women's thematic forums, we have identified the main questions about the recovery period after caesarean section.

What can you eat after the operation?

Like every abdominal surgery, caesarean section is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. The speed of recovery after anesthesia depends on many factors. First of all, from the chosen type of medicine, the correctness of the calculation by the anesthesiologist of the dose and the characteristics of the patient's body.

On the first day after this operation, you can drink water without gas, it is allowed to slightly acidify it with lemon juice. All nutrients to a woman so far enter the blood vessels with the help of droppers.

The patient is transferred from the intensive care unit to the postpartum on the second day after cesarean. What can you eat? As after another abdominal operation, broths, unsweetened fruit drinks, tea, ground boiled meat, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without fruit fillers, grated vegetable purees are allowed. Solid food is not recommended, as it is still necessary to spare the digestive organs.

After three days and in the future, the usual diet is gradually introduced, taking into account the diet for a mother who is breastfeeding. Pediatricians in the maternity hospital will tell you about what you can eat after a cesarean section for high-quality lactation. Milk porridges, vegetable side dishes and broths, fruit jelly, boiled meat and fish, steamed cutlets are useful. It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, floury, salty, sweet, carbonated drinks and other foods that are difficult for the body in the postoperative period. It is allowed to fully resume the usual menu after the first independent stool, which, as a rule, should be 3-5 days after the operation.

When can I move actively after a caesarean?

How long you can resume activity after a cesarean depends on the individual characteristics of your body. Listen to the recommendations of doctors. And start moving only with their permission. Already on the second day after the surgical delivery, you will need to get out of bed on your own. Further, slow walking is allowed. You can sit down, starting only from the third day. In the first month after discharge from the hospital, you should not lift weights that exceed the weight of your baby.

Starting sports after surgery

Again, it all depends on your body. But regular sports are usually recommended by doctors not to start earlier than six weeks after surgery. Many women, puzzled by the restoration of their figure, are interested in when it is possible to pump the press after a cesarean section. Loads on the muscles of the peritoneum are recommended no earlier than a month later. Otherwise, you can cause deformations in the area of ​​the scar and even a hernia on it.

Swimming in the pool, for example, after a caesarean section is allowed only after the cessation of the discharge.

When is sex allowed after a caesarean?

There is no single answer to this intimate question. Naturally, it is necessary that the discharge from the woman in labor should stop. And it should be understood that the postoperative uterus is an extensive wound surface and an early return to sexual activity can not only lead to pain, but also threatens the risk of infection of the mucosa. It is necessary to resume sexual relations no earlier than one month after operative delivery.

New pregnancy after caesarean section

As a standard, gynecologists, when asked when it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean, recommend that at least 18 months should elapse between the operation and subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, even if you are breastfeeding a newborn and the menstrual cycle has not yet resumed, do not forget about contraception. After all, pregnancy soon after the operation is dangerous for both the fetus and its mother. And abortion in this case can also adversely affect the condition of an already weakened uterus and may lead to infertility in the future.

When can I give birth after surgery

When can you give birth to the next baby after cesarean is a question that worries many women. As a result of the operation, a scar remains on the uterus, which can disperse during a new pregnancy, which poses a huge threat to the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, ideally, at least 2-3 years should elapse between childbirth by surgery and the next pregnancy, so that the scar tissue has time to fully form.

But too much interval between pregnancies is not desirable, because it will be a weighty argument in favor of repeated operative childbirth. It is important that the pregnancy after the previous caesarean section is planned and proceeds under the careful examination of the doctor. First you need to assess the condition of the scar, for which methods such as hysteroscopy and hysterography are used.

Is natural childbirth possible after caesarean?

First of all, it depends on the reason for the caesarean section. And if it has not yet been eliminated (for example, vision problems in the mother), then only operative delivery is possible in the future. Is it possible to give birth after a caesarean section in other cases? If during a previous pregnancy the baby simply lay incorrectly in the womb, which is why the operation had to be performed, then subsequent vaginal births are possible. But this takes into account the condition and type of scar (longitudinal or transverse), as well as the course of a new pregnancy. With a longitudinal seam in a woman, natural childbirth is usually excluded.

With a transverse scar after cesarean, you can give birth yourself, if there are no more contraindications for this. But the final verdict on the possibility of vaginal delivery after previous surgeries is made after 35 weeks of pregnancy. This takes into account factors such as the size of the fetus, its presentation and position in the womb, the location of the placenta relative to the internal uterine os and suture, as well as the viability of the scar itself. Only then will the woman be told whether it is possible to give birth herself after a caesarean section.

Regarding how much you can give birth after cesarean, there is also no single answer. All this is individual and depends on the state of health of the woman. Since pregnancy with a scar on the uterus is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus, and each new operation is more difficult than the previous one, surgeons advise the permissible number of caesarean sections to be no more than three.

It is known that after childbirth, the diet of a newly-made mother is somewhat different from her usual one. A woman looks at each product and evaluates not only its taste, but also the usefulness for her and the baby, as well as the safety of eating such food for the baby during breastfeeding. And if the birth was operative, does this affect the woman's menu? What can you eat after a cesarean section in the first hours and a week, is the set of products different in the future? Doctors after childbirth in such women pay special attention not only to the rate of contraction of the uterus, but also to the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The healing process depends on this.

Useful products for mom and baby after surgery

The first 24 hours after the operation, the woman is often in the intensive care unit, the duration of such a stay depends on the complexity of the operation and the general condition of the puerperal. At this time, only non-carbonated water is allowed to drink. Gradually, easy-to-digest foods are introduced into the diet: broths, unsweetened yogurts without additives. And only after a few days you can start eating everything, but steamed, boiled.

Nutrition after caesarean section for a nursing mother plays a very important role. The recovery process depends on how quickly intestinal peristalsis resumes. In the most severe cases of intestinal paresis, all the toxins accumulated in it are absorbed into the blood, which causes a general serious condition and requires immediate serious treatment.

Food after a cesarean section should be as light as possible, but contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other substances useful for mom and baby. In the first few weeks, low-fat broth should become a source of protein, as well as a general health drink. The decoction may include:

  • a variety of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, zucchini, later - cabbage, beets and others),
  • chicken,
  • beef,
  • other lean meats.

It is desirable to exclude fish during the first three months. Such a drink can be drunk several times a day, 150 - 200 ml. This is an excellent product for recuperation after childbirth, for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for lactation.

Nutrition after a caesarean section in a newly-made mother should be replete with fruits and vegetables. You can introduce them into the diet after the operation no earlier than 5-7 days later. But here you should be careful and not choose foods with a bright color, but use them only after heat treatment - boiling, stewing, steaming, baking. Of course, some of the vitamins and nutrients will go away, but for the first time after the operation, you will have to get used to such sparing food. It can be:

  • green apples,
  • bananas,
  • parsley,
  • dill,
  • celery,
  • carrot.

An invaluable benefit for the body of mother and baby lies in fermented milk products - yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. All of them restore the intestinal microflora and are a source of protein, and this is the basis of immunity and tissue construction. Milk should be treated more cautiously and introduced little by little, as children have an allergic reaction to it.

Do not forget about cereals, especially useful and rich in vitamins and trace elements oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley. They should also be included in the menu after a caesarean section.

Low-fat meats can be introduced after 5-7 days with a normal postoperative period. But, again, everything is just boiled, steamed. Fried delights can wait.

We eat right: a menu for mom

It is useful to know what a woman in labor can eat after a cesarean section by day, especially for the first week. As a rule, this time the woman is in the hospital, but caring relatives strive to bring something “dangerous”.

First day

In medicine, the first day after the operation is correctly called the zero day. During this period, the puerperal can not do anything except non-carbonated water. To add flavor, you can add a little squeezed lemon juice to it. But again, the lemon is allergenic, so it is better to refrain from provoking a negative reaction from the baby. With a therapeutic purpose, as well as to give strength and energy, intravenous infusions of solutions, including glucose, are always prescribed.

Second day

If the postoperative period proceeds smoothly, there were no complications during caesarean section, on the first day (this is the second day), you can use broths. They must be lean. Drink them should be 150 - 200 ml 2 - 3 times a day. You can also add unsweetened yoghurts without coloring.

The third day

As soon as a woman begins to feel rumbling in her stomach, gases leave, this is considered the first signal that the gastrointestinal tract has begun to work in full. Gradually, you can introduce low-fat boiled meat, steamed meatballs and meatballs, as well as cottage cheese and cheese, various cereals. Vegetables and fruits should also be cooked, optimally baked apples, boiled carrots, etc. The diet after caesarean section should expand gradually, the mother should monitor both her own condition and the reaction of the baby. A sign that the woman's body is working smoothly and recovering is the first stool for 2-3 days, and then the absence of constipation, swelling, colic, etc.

After discharge

With the arrival home, the mother should be careful about her diet, especially when breastfeeding. It is advisable to follow the recommendations for at least three months - it is this period of time that the baby needs to complete adaptive reactions, including from the gastrointestinal tract.

It is advisable to include in the diet:

  • dairy products;
  • meat, ideally lean;
  • liver, preferably chicken;
  • "calm" vegetables and fruits, such as green apples.

Products to Avoid:

  • everything to which the baby's parents and their immediate family members are allergic;
  • chocolate and cocoa-containing delicacies;
  • lemon and bright fruits;
  • fast foods;
  • smoked meats, pickled fruits and vegetables.
  • mushrooms;
  • fried and fatty foods.

Food should be consumed in small portions and often, so the body will have time to cope with its processing and digestion.

How to cook meals

There is an opinion that the process of cooking during breastfeeding, especially after a cesarean section, requires incredible effort and imagination. This is not entirely true, just the food should be as gentle as possible for the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Those who are accustomed to a healthy diet will hardly notice changes in their menu.


In the first few days, the real salvation and the most useful food for women will be broth. How to cook it correctly?

It is necessary to take 500 - 1000 ml of water, boil a piece of lean meat in it. It is recommended to drain the water several times after boiling in order to reduce fat content and limit the intake of harmful substances into a weakened body.

When pouring the liquid for the third time, you can already add some vegetables (usually potatoes, carrots, onions), as well as a small amount of spices (dill, ground pepper, salt). After the vegetables and meat are boiled, it is advisable to chop everything with a blender. Then you can eat. Over time, the percentage of meat and vegetables can be increased.

Main courses

At this time, the stomach and intestines will be grateful to their owner if the food is soft, healthy, and at the same time satisfying. For example, steam cutlets, meatballs, baked meat, and also all this in a boiled form. Such food goes well with cereals and cereals of various types. Fried and fatty foods will burden the gastrointestinal tract, causing constipation, bloating, etc.

Features of nutrition for constipation

One of the most common problems for women after childbirth is constipation. How to eat after a caesarean section to avoid this problem and all the conditions that it provokes, for example, the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids?

A sufficient amount of fiber should be present in the diet (these are fresh vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread), it is also useful to eat butter and vegetable oil, prunes.

All products that fix the chair, it is better to exclude for the first time. These are rice, potatoes, flour and bakery products, especially fresh ones (with the exception of pastries made from wholemeal flour and flaxseed flour). If it is not possible to correct the regimen only with a diet, it is better to resort in addition to safe and effective drugs, for example, based on lactulose.

We recommend reading the article on constipation after caesarean section. From it you will learn about the signs of a violation of the stool after surgery, the causes of the problem, drugs and traditional medicine to restore normal bowel function.

Proper nutrition after childbirth, especially after a caesarean section, is the key to a quick recovery, good mood and minimal negative consequences for the body of the mother and baby. Especially after an operative birth, a woman on the first day should listen to the advice of her attending physician and follow all his instructions. Only he can adequately assess the needs in a specific period of time. Having tried a healthy diet, many women gradually accustom the whole family to it and forever remain adherents of such nutrition.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event. But not always childbirth goes as planned by the expectant mother and medical staff. In some cases, the child is removed through surgery. It's called a caesarean section. In this case, the recovery period of a woman may be delayed. Proper nutrition and adherence to the regime of rest and wakefulness are of great importance.

What do you need to know?

A caesarean section is a surgical intervention that, if not approached correctly, can affect a woman's health. After the birth of a child, a young mother may be under the supervision of medical personnel for some time, which monitors her diet. Self-control is also important. After all, after an operation (caesarean section), it can be difficult to recover.

In the first few days after surgery, the doctor monitors not only the uterus, but also the woman's intestines and bladder. After childbirth, there may be a failure in the operation of any system. Therefore, a young mother after a cesarean section should be in a medical facility for at least 7 days.


What can you eat after a caesarean section? The answer to this question is further complicated by the fact that lactation begins to improve in a young mother. It is important to eat well so that the baby gets as many useful vitamins and minerals as possible. Along with this, it is necessary to ensure that the food is gentle for the stomach and intestines of the woman in labor. In the first few days, it is advisable to avoid foods that contain a large amount of glucose. It is also necessary to refuse citrus fruits, chocolate, red fruits. All these products are dangerous with allergies. Not only a young mother can suffer, but also a newborn child.

The key to lactation is drinking plenty of fluids. Food after surgery may be unsaturated. But pure water, subject to the normal functioning of the kidneys, it is desirable to use at least two liters. Thanks to this, it will be possible to establish lactation. In addition, the use of fluid contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes in the body. This means that it will be possible to normalize the stool, the surgical scar will heal faster.

Nutrition principles

Going to the toilet is a huge problem for women who have had to endure a caesarean. The second and subsequent child is most often born in the same way, if once the girl has already had to endure such an operation. Therefore, every expectant mother should know the principles of nutrition to avoid problems in the postpartum period.

The focus should be on portions. It is advisable to eat often. The size of one serving should not exceed 150-200 grams. Any product should be washed down with plenty of water. In the first days after the operation, vegetable soup should be mandatory in the diet. All components can be ground in a blender. So the body will spend less energy on digesting food.

Nutrition after cesarean should be quite varied and at the same time sparing. It is important that the woman is able to recover quickly, and the little one does not remain hungry. Below is an approximate menu for a woman in labor after a cesarean for a few days.

First day

Many women who have had to undergo surgery are wondering what to eat after a cesarean. On the first day after the intervention, it is advisable to do without solid food. As soon as the young mother recovers from anesthesia, she can be offered mineral non-carbonated water. It is necessary to dilute the drink with a little lemon juice. This product promotes rapid recovery after surgery, strengthens the body's defenses, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. But orange juice should not be used. It can cause allergies in the baby.

A woman after a cesarean receives a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins from droppers. Therefore, nutrition after surgery can be limited only to fluid intake. Thus, it will be possible to establish lactation. And the body will not spend energy on digesting food. As soon as the woman comes to her senses, the doctor tells her what to eat after a caesarean. If the intervention was carried out in the morning, the first meal is possible only in the evening. Vegetable soup, dried fruit compote, tea with lemon will benefit.

Second day

If the surgery went without complications, the next day, the menu of the woman in labor is expanded. You can already include more high-calorie foods in your diet. At the same time, we must not forget that the products should still be gentle on the stomach and intestines. Meat broth on beef or chicken will benefit. It is advisable to use lean meat. Pork soup is undesirable. You can add some vegetables.

Boiled meat can be consumed without broth. To avoid problems with the stool, preference should be given to products rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder to a puree state. What else is allowed to eat for women who have survived a caesarean? The second day you can start with the use of dairy products. Preference should be given to fat-free cottage cheese, homemade yogurt without flavorings and dyes.

The third day

Every day the menu of a young mother becomes more diverse. The diet after cesarean is enriched with new products, such as cereals, kefir, cheese, biscuits. The diet should be saturated with nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. Along with this, preference should be given to products that do not irritate the intestines. Going to the toilet on the third day after surgery may still be problematic.

A woman can already begin to consume unground foods. The gastrointestinal tract during this period returns to its normal state. It is worth remembering that each organism is individual. While the woman in labor is in the hospital, it is worth introducing certain foods into the diet in consultation with the doctor.

If you suffer from constipation

After childbirth, many women face such a delicate problem as constipation. This is due to the restructuring of the body of a young mother. The greatest difficulties are experienced by women in labor who survived a caesarean section. To empty the bowels, you have to use an enema. Proper nutrition is of great importance. The main rule is to drink enough liquid!

Nutrition after cesarean should be complete and varied. A young mother should avoid dry food. She is advised to eat at least three times a day. In the diet, you should definitely include cereals, vegetables and fruits that do not cause allergies, soups. It is desirable to exclude products that hold the stool together. This is rice porridge, white bread, muffins, legumes. Herbal infusions on fennel will help to cope with constipation after a cesarean section. This plant also has a positive effect on lactation, protects the baby from bloating.

How to eat after discharge from the hospital?

On the seventh day after the operation, most women already feel great, and the baby begins to gain weight. At this time, a woman in labor with a baby can go home. Forces are restored - the young mother returns to life with the usual regimen. But some rules still have to be followed for several months. And they relate primarily to the diet.

What can you eat after a caesarean section at home? The diet may include meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Nutrition a week after childbirth becomes quite diverse. Only foods that can cause an allergic reaction should be avoided. These are citrus fruits, chocolate, fruits with a bright color. Any new foods in the diet of a young mother must be included gradually. This is important from the point of view of not only the restoration of the female body, but also the reaction of the crumbs. A woman's nutrition affects the quality of her breast milk. If the baby’s body is covered with a rash, then the mother ate a “forbidden” product.

Physical activity and proper nutrition are the key to success!

A young mother after discharge from the hospital should expand her diet. This is essential for a quick recovery. In addition, she must take care of the health of a newborn baby who is breastfed. But good nutrition is a threat to a figure that has already blurred during pregnancy! How to be? Moderate physical activity will help. Special exercises should not be done immediately after discharge from the hospital. Gymnastics can be started no earlier than a month after childbirth.

Perfectly restore the figure after childbirth, to establish the work of all body systems will help daily walks with the baby in the fresh air. Exceptions should be made only during cold and windy weather. Remember that good nutrition after childbirth, an active lifestyle and the joy of every new achievement of the crumbs - all this will have a positive effect on the figure of a young mother! You can not ignore the advice of a doctor.

Pregnant women who are going to have a caesarean section for certain indications are quite reasonably worried about whether the process of restoring the body after the operation will be painful and long. This is what often scares future women in labor who are shown a planned caesarean section.

In this article, we will talk about when you can get up and walk after a surgical birth and how to do it correctly.

After the operation

A woman who has just had a caesarean section needs special care and supervision. Therefore, after the end of the surgical intervention, she is immediately transported to the intensive care unit.

In it, she should lie for several hours, and if complications appear, then for several days. Medical workers control the level of pressure, the temperature of the puerperal, they inject contracting drugs by the hour. They are necessary, since the own involution of the uterus after a surgical incision is slow, which is fraught with infections.

In order for the pain to be bearable after the anesthesia has finally passed, the administration of painkillers is provided, if there are signs or fears of infection, antibiotics are immediately started to be administered. Ice packs are applied to the stomach for better contraction of the uterus. It is clear that in the conditions of the intensive care unit, no movements are welcome, except for the movements of the hands and head, and even then it is very limited.

If there are no complications, after 4-6 hours the woman can be transferred to a regular ward in the department. On the first day, the child can only be brought in for feeding. Leaving him with his mother, if the routine of the maternity hospital involves the joint stay of newly-made mothers and newborns, will only be when the woman gets up after a cesarean section.

It's time to rise

The sooner a woman begins to engage in motor activity after transfer to a regular ward, the better. Forecasts for a faster and more successful recovery will be higher. But this does not mean that you can immediately get up and go.

Only 5-6 hours after the operation, a woman can start tossing and turning from side to side, but not yet rise. It will hurt, but not as much as it seems. The pain itself is dull, because the woman will be given painkillers intramuscularly for another 2-3 days. First by the clock, then by demand. In this case, the fear is stronger than the pain. Women in childbirth are afraid that the seams will open, burst. There is no need to be afraid of this. Although it is difficult to ignore the pulling sensations that the seams create when you try to turn on your side, it is quite difficult to ignore.

You need to roll over on your side correctly - first, the woman tries to turn the upper body, the shoulder girdle, and then smoothly, gradually pulls up the lower body, holding the bandage on her stomach with her hand. The first coups will bring a lot of unpleasant moments, but with each subsequent one it will get better and better.

After 8-10 hours from the end of the operation, if there are no complications and strict instructions from the doctor regarding the need to lie down and not move, you can get up. But before you can take a more or less vertical position (usually it is conditionally vertical, since the puerperal stands with the letter “G”, unable to unbend), you need to learn how to sit.

From the position lying on your side, which has already been mastered, you need to smoothly lower one leg from the bed, lie down for a while, and then, holding your stomach with your palm and leaning your other hand on the bed, slowly sit down. Don't be in a hurry to get up. Sit for half an hour, an hour until the dizziness passes, which after the operation and anesthesia is completely normal.

As soon as the sitting position becomes quite comfortable, you can try to get up. If there is someone in the room who can help you do this, take advantage of this opportunity. If not, then lean your hands on the back of the bed, on the edge of the bed, as convenient. Do not try to straighten your shoulders and back as soon as you manage to be on your own two feet. It will be quite painful.

Do not move far from the bed or the accompanying person, hold on to the wall or back of the bed, because the first steps may be accompanied by an attack of severe sudden weakness, dizziness. Without insurance in the form of a loved one, a roommate, a nurse, or, in extreme cases, a headboard, a woman in labor can fall and be injured.

The next day after the operation, women usually already move quite tolerably around the ward, and a day later, without any problems, they go to the toilet themselves, walk along the corridor, and with precautionary measures, they can take care of the babies themselves. Wearing a post-op bandage makes the early post-op period easier, but be sure to check with your doctor before wearing it.

The birth of a child is 40 completed weeks of pregnancy.

Postoperative rehabilitation period

The vast majority of operations are performed with local (epidural) anesthesia, the drug is injected locally into the spine. The injection is slightly painful. The woman is conscious, but the sensitivity of the lower part of the body is temporarily lost. The woman in labor does not see the operating field. Mom meets the child in the first minutes of birth, puts the newborn to the breast. General anesthesia - more stress to the body, is rarely used.

The operation lasts 20-40 minutes, staples are applied or a suture is made, an ice pack is applied. The seam is often horizontal cosmetic. The puerperal is transferred to the intensive care unit, postoperative complications are prevented, anesthesia is taken, and the condition is monitored.

The nutrition of a young mother is expanding gradually. On the first day, they are allowed to drink water with lemon juice; secondly - chicken broth, low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened fruit drink. After the first natural bowel movement, the diet of a nursing woman is indicated (4-5 days after surgery). Mom is forbidden to sit down for 2-3 days. The nurse treats the seam daily with an antiseptic solution. Shower is taken for 7 days.

Planned release dates

Important! The maternity ward is a kind of continuously working “conveyor line”. The doctors have no intention of keeping the mother and child in the family home for a long time. Every day of stay is justified by the condition of the mother, the child.

The pediatrician discharges the child, the obstetrician-gynecologist discharges the mother. How many days after the operation are they kept in the hospital? With a favorable course of events 6 - 7 days.

Release times depend on:

  1. results of ultrasound examination of the uterus (performed on the 5th day after cesarean section);
  2. the state of the woman, the presence of complaints about well-being;
  3. child's readiness for discharge.

How many days to lie after cesarean is decided by the doctor. The time spent in the maternity ward is limited, if the health of the newborn or the mother is of concern, they are transferred to specialized departments of the hospital.

A caesarean section is a major abdominal operation. Often a woman is weak, gets tired quickly, experiences discomfort in the suture area.

Important! It is difficult for a woman to do household chores and take care of a baby on her own. She needs proper rest and sleep. A husband, grandmother, younger children, a close friend can become an assistant. The first 3 months do not lift the stroller with the baby, the permissible load is equal to the weight of the child.

On women's forums, situations are often described when a 3-year-old child provides all possible assistance to his mother (rocks a stroller, gives a pacifier, rattles with rattles, entertains a baby).

A uterine scar from a caesarean section is not an absolute contraindication for further natural childbirth. A woman has a chance to feel contractions, attempts and the appearance of a child through the birth canal.

How many lie in the hospital when they are discharged from the hospital. When and what to eat and drink after cesarean, when menstruation starts again, when it will be possible to have sex.

Where and how much lie during caesarean section, when they are discharged

As a rule (if there are no complications), a woman spends a day after a cesarean in the intensive care unit (reanimation). Doctors look for complications (bleeding, temperature). Then the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she lies with the baby. Usually, if everything is in order with the mother and the child, then they are discharged 5 full days after the operation.

Note. In many maternity hospitals there is no discharge on Sunday. Therefore, it may happen that the mother and child stay in the hospital for another day.

The following will be done prior to release.

  • They will examine you for an ultrasound.
  • The doctor will cut the knots of thread in the corners of the seam.
  • You will definitely have a fluorography.
  • The child will be weighed to determine how much weight he has lost after birth (the norm is about 10%).
  • Both you and the child will be examined by doctors.

When you need to sit down, get up, go to the toilet after a caesarean

A few hours (4-5) after the operation, doctors recommend that the woman turn in bed (on one side, then on the other). This must be done very slowly and carefully. It will hurt, but each time it gets easier.

After 6-8 hours after the operation, you can try to sit down. It is imperative to do this under supervision (so that the nurse is in the ward and can help). First you need to turn on your side, then slowly lower your legs off the bed and sit down. Sit down to make sure there is no dizziness. At first, they try to just stand up and stand. Try to straighten your back a little. If there are headboards by the beds, then it is better to hold on. So stand for a few minutes, and lie down again. The next time (after 15-20 minutes), you can try again. Then you can take a few steps, better leaning on the back of the bed, or on your husband (nurse).

By the end of the first - the beginning of the second day, a woman should normally “crawl” to the toilet, and go to the toilet herself.

All movements will hurt to do. Helps to do slowly, waiting out the pain. Sat in bed, waited. We got up, we waited. Each time it will get easier. Try to do everything very smoothly. Getting up early is useful, both for healing and as a prevention of adhesions. It also helps to stick (lean) on something.

Note. The first or second day is very painful. Then it will get easier and easier. You just have to endure these days.

You can shower as soon as you are transferred to the postnatal ward. It is better that you come to help your husband, or someone else. It's good if you are taken to the shower. On the first - second day, the woman is especially hurt and she is especially weakened, you need to move very carefully so as not to accidentally fall.

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For 3-5 days, an independent chair should “occur”.

Note. As for going to the toilet. The topic is intimate, but frankly, this topic needs to be clarified a bit. Because, for example, during my first caesarean, there was a complete lack of understanding of how it can be physically endured (especially the first times). Everyone gives birth in different maternity hospitals, with different conditions. Perhaps you will have your own private bathroom in the postpartum ward. But it is quite possible that the bathroom will be shared. The question is that it is very painful to sit on the toilet and get up from it. In addition, in the common bathroom, you need to somehow “prepare” the toilet in order to sit on it. I can’t recommend doing anything while hanging over him, it’s very painful. Therefore, as an option, you can take a seat on the toilet from home and sit down. Or cover it with overlays, paper. If there is something to hold on to (on the walls of the booth, for example), then it is better to stick to it as much as possible when getting up and sitting down.

If there is an opportunity for your husband to help you (sit down and stand up), then do not be shy, ask for it.

What and when to eat and drink after cesarean

The first day after the operation. You can’t eat anything, just drink water, without gas, you can add a little lemon. Sugarless.

Second day after surgery. Liquid cereals, low-fat broth, pureed soups (vegetables), you can pureed meat (a little). Soups without cabbage. You can mashed potatoes on the water. Unsweetened infusions and compotes from dried fruits.

Third day after surgery. Almost everything is possible, now your main limitations are due only.

Note. Sometimes in women, especially during the first birth, there are certain in the first days after the operation, in the hospital. The fact is that the health of a woman is “supervised” by one doctor, and the health of a child by another. And you need to carefully combine the two diets. One - postoperative, and the second - when feeding. For example, after a cesarean, the doctor told me to drink rosehip infusion for better health. I drank, and the child immediately developed an allergy. Therefore, you yourself exclude from the postoperative diet those foods that are not compatible with breastfeeding.

It is important to eat enough high-fiber foods (cereals, pureed soups). You need to get your bowels working properly. For 3-5 days there should be an independent chair. If it doesn't, your doctor may recommend an enema.

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Unfortunately, no matter what you eat (even if you avoid gas-producing foods), you can still suffer from gas. In this case, the doctor may recommend drugs such as Espumisan. It can be drunk to children from birth, so it will not harm your breastfeeding, and it will alleviate the situation with gases.

Cohabitation with a child after cesarean

As already mentioned above, after a day in the intensive care unit, the mother and child are transferred to the postpartum ward and lie there until discharge. These few days account for the "peak" of the unpleasant consequences of a caesarean section. Therefore, questions about how to alleviate your condition these days are discussed in a separate article.

Home after caesarean section

If everything is fine with you and your baby, you will be discharged from the maternity hospital 5 days after the operation. As a rule, when a woman gets home, this fact alone makes her feel good. But, on the other hand, at home you “get involved” in everyday life: and in addition to the child, you have cooking, cleaning, and many different worries. Here are some basic tips on what to do and what to avoid.

  • Try not to break the rule about lifting heavy. That is, do not lift anything heavier than your child. If the child is worried and you have to carry him in your arms for hours, try to use it, you will have free hands and your back will not get tired. Ask dad for help, he can also carry a baby very well.
  • Don't make movements that hurt. Be patient, very soon it will be possible to move quite calmly. Immediately after returning home, it may be difficult to bend down, it may be painful with sudden movements. Try not to.
  • Be careful in the bathroom not to slip. It is better if your husband will help you at first.

Menstruation after caesarean

Menstruation after cesarean may resume as early as 3-4 months after the operation. But, as a rule, they begin after 7-12 months if you are breastfeeding.

Sex after caesarean section

You must not have sex for 1.5 months after the operation.

When your doctor allows you to have sex (usually after 1.5 months), be sure to choose suitable contraceptives. The fact that you are breastfeeding does not prevent you from getting pregnant again.

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A rather long recovery period after a caesarean section is also not very pleasant. Many women would like to avoid such an operation, but not everyone succeeds. The first days after the operation are considered the most difficult, but at this time the woman, as a rule, is in the maternity hospital, nurses and doctors help her: they monitor her health, make dressings, and help her get out of bed for the first time. It is almost impossible to cope with all this on your own, the woman is still very weak, without outside help she can fall and get injured in addition to everything else.


There are two types of anesthesia available for caesarean section:

  • general anesthesia;
  • epidural anesthesia.

Regardless of the method chosen, the first day will still have to be spent in intensive care under the constant supervision of a doctor. For some time after the operation, you will need the introduction of an anesthetic, a dropper, measurement of temperature and pressure. Thanks to the dropper, on the first day, the woman in labor receives all the nutrients intravenously, and on the first day she cannot eat at all, only non-carbonated water is allowed.

About 12 hours after the operation, recovery from a caesarean section passes a turning point when a woman gets up on her own for the first time and has to go to the toilet. The nurse helps to get up, she also leads to the toilet if the case is severe. A woman in labor should be prepared for the fact that, having risen to her feet, she will feel weak, dizzy. This is quite normal, since the woman underwent abdominal surgery.

Postpartum department

The next day, the mother will be transferred to the postpartum ward, the child will most likely remain in the nursery. In some maternity hospitals, women after caesarean are allowed to immediately take the baby to her. In this case, recovering from a caesarean section will be somewhat more difficult, because you will often have to get up to the child, and this is hard. On the other hand, the closeness of the baby helps many women to forget about their discomfort.

From that day on, a woman in labor will be allowed to eat meat broths and mashed potatoes. At the same time, she is likely to face problems such as pain while performing simple actions:

  • change of position;
  • sneezing
  • getting out of bed.
  1. 1. We turn on our side. First, pull your legs towards you, resting your feet on the bed, then lift your hips, turn them and lower them back to the bed, and only then turn the upper half of the torso. This method will help not only reduce pain, but also reduce the load on the seam, which is also very important.
  2. 2. We cough correctly. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, mucus will inevitably accumulate in the lungs, which will need to be removed, and the best way is to cough. There is a special technique that has a rather comical name - “barking”. To begin with, the seam must be strengthened, for example, with hands or a pillow. Then take a deep breath, completely filling the lungs. And then you make sounds like a dog barking. It should be repeated several times.
  3. 3. Get out of bed. This must be done very carefully, first hang your legs off the bed, then carefully sit down. Do not get up immediately, it is better to sit, get used to the vertical position. Only then can you get up.

On the 3-5th day, the woman in labor should have the first stool, after which she can start eating regular food, taking into account the restrictions for nursing mothers. In addition, in the early days, be sure to find the opportunity to lie on your stomach, this will speed up the removal of blood from the uterus, otherwise clots may form, and this is fraught with decay and infection.

At home

On the 7th day, the stitches are removed for the woman in labor, and if everything is in order with her and the child, they are discharged home. Since that time, recovery after caesarean enters a new phase, when a woman will have to cope with all the problems on her own. It is advisable to ask relatives and friends to help at least in the first days.

Home " Food " How long can you not sit after a caesarean section. Length of stay in hospital after caesarean section

Caesarean section should be performed only in cases where natural childbirth is associated with a high risk to the health and life of the fetus or mother. However, in recent years, the number of planned operations has become more frequent. Some time passes, and many women who want to once again experience the happiness of motherhood begin to wonder if natural childbirth after a caesarean section is possible.

Doctors do not give a definite answer to this question. The second and subsequent births can take place both vaginally and with the help of a second operation. Consider when a second birth after a caesarean section is allowed, under what conditions a second operation is mandatory, and how high are the risks of natural childbirth after a few years after a caesarean section.

What you need to know about caesarean section

Despite the fact that, according to statistics, the number of children born as a result of surgery is steadily growing, many women do not know well what indications surgery is performed for and what risks and complications it causes. The first caesarean section is performed exclusively for medical reasons. One desire of a pregnant woman is not enough.

The following indications are distinguished:

  • the presence of severe chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies, endocrine diseases);
  • malposition;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • weakness of labor activity;
  • in severe form;
  • premature detachment of the placenta, high risk of fetal hypoxia;
  • various infections of the genital organs;
  • anatomical defects of the uterus and other genital organs.

With a caesarean section, the child is removed through the dissected anterior wall of the uterus. In this case, not only the external scar on the skin remains, but also the internal one, on the uterus. It is the presence of a scar that can become an obstacle to further gestation and delivery in a natural way.

The healing of the external scar occurs in a fairly short time, about a week or two after the operation. As for the restoration of the integrity of the tissues of the uterus, much more time is required here. Full healing should take from six months to a year.

Most often, it is planned, but a decision can be made to carry it out urgently with the threat of uterine rupture, sudden cessation of contractions, and early placental abruption.

Two types of incision are possible: classic (longitudinal) and transverse (incision along the bikini line). The second type of access is more preferable because it is less noticeable and allows for the possibility of giving birth on your own in the future.

Planning for subsequent pregnancies

The most important question in this situation remains: how long can you give birth after a cesarean section. Regardless of whether a woman is planning a natural birth or through a second operation, the period between birth and the next conception should not be less than two years. Such terms are quite justified: during this time, the complete healing of the uterine scar and the restoration of the integrity of the tissues of the organ must pass.

Pregnancy, which occurred a year after caesarean section, is associated with a very high probability of scar softening. During contractions, a rupture of the scar can occur and, accordingly, the death of the child, and sometimes the death of the mother.

In the two-three-year period between pregnancies, a woman should approach the issue of protection very responsibly. Your doctor will help you choose the best contraceptive. The application allows not only to avoid premature pregnancy, but also to restore the hormonal background.

Abortion at this time is also highly undesirable. Such an intervention always negatively affects the condition of the uterus, especially if there is a postoperative scar on it.

When planning pregnancy after 2 years after cesarean, the patient should consult a doctor to assess the condition of the uterine scar. For this, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Hysterography - examination of the organ cavity with the help of a special radiopaque agent introduced.
  2. Hysteroscopy is the study of the state of scar tissue using an endoscope.

If the scar is practically invisible, this allows us to talk about its complete healing and maximum recovery of the body. It is considered wealthy subject to the predominance of muscle tissue. In this case, a woman may be allowed to plan a new pregnancy. If the scar forms connective tissue, a new pregnancy is contraindicated.

When is self-delivery possible?

As already mentioned, the most optimal period is 2 years after the operation. However, the principle “the later the better” does not work in this situation either. If the period between births is significant, and the second pregnancy occurs after 10 years, natural delivery is unlikely to be acceptable. Given the age of the mother, which was no longer young at that time, a second operation is likely to be needed.

After the operation, the woman should take an extract from the history of the course of childbirth, which will indicate the reasons for the operative delivery, the method of suturing the incision, the suture material used, and other features of the operation. In the future, these indications will be taken into account when deciding on the possibility of vaginal delivery.

Independent childbirth after caesarean section is possible in the following cases:

  • the presence of a transverse incision of the uterus;
  • the previous operation was performed for indications related to the characteristics of the first pregnancy (for example, multiple pregnancy, malposition of the fetus, premature detachment of the placenta);
  • the recovery postoperative period passed without complications;
  • the course of a new pregnancy without severe pathologies;
  • satisfactory condition of the uterine scar;
  • head presentation of the fetus;
  • lack of attachment of the placenta in the area of ​​scar tissue;
  • the weight of the child is not more than 3.8 kg;
  • psychological readiness of the mother for natural childbirth.

Be sure to take into account the viability of the scar. It is considered as such with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Repeated independent childbirth has a number of advantages for both the mother and the baby. They increase the possibility of natural childbirth in the future, allow a woman to return to normal much faster and, without causing difficulties with breastfeeding, contribute to a faster adaptation of the baby to the outside world.

When self-delivery is not desirable

  1. In the presence of a narrow pelvis, chronic severe pathologies, an increased risk of hypoxia and fetal death. The suture material that was used during the previous operation is taken into account. A positive aspect is the use of modern synthetic materials (vicryl, polyamide).
  2. If the recovery process was difficult, with an increase in body temperature, the development of an inflammatory process and a prolonged contraction of the uterus.

How possible independent childbirth after 2 caesarean sections?

Doctors usually say that this is unlikely. In this case, the risk of developing various complications is very high, including:

  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • rupture of the body of the uterus;
  • further development of the adhesive process in the fallopian tubes or ovaries;
  • the appearance of postoperative hernia.

If a few decades ago, women were forbidden to become pregnant after two cesarean, today such restrictions no longer exist, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid surgery during the third and subsequent births. Each subsequent operation significantly increases the risk of complications.

Preparing for childbirth

When planning a second and further pregnancies, the patient must pass, which allows to determine the condition of the scar and readiness for conception and bearing the fetus. It is necessary to treat diseases that can become an obstacle to self-delivery.

A new pregnancy after the surgery proceeds without deviations from the norm. In a third of pregnant women, there may be a threat of miscarriage due to the thinning of the walls of the uterus. Regular examination of the uterine scar is necessary, especially during the last weeks before the expected birth. The final decision on the readiness of the mother for conventional childbirth is made by the doctor no earlier than the 35th week of gestation.

Hospitalization usually occurs at 37-38 weeks of gestation. There is no single point of view regarding the method of initiation of labor. As a rule, they are called artificially in the daytime, so that in case of an increased risk, an emergency surgical intervention is still carried out.

But this practice has many opponents. In their opinion, any external interference and artificial can only cause harm. The natural course of childbirth without artificial stimulation of their onset is usually longer, but it is safe for the mother and baby. The most optimal solution in this situation is an individual approach to each specific case.

The course of childbirth

According to statistics, only a third of women decide to have a second birth without surgery. This is due to the fear of complications and unwillingness to risk the health of the child. Meanwhile, in the absence of negative indications, the second birth after cesarean section, taken by an experienced gynecologist, is successful.

When making a final decision, they pay attention to how the prenatal period went, the timeliness of the discharge of water, the normal dynamics of the opening of the cervix, the positive state of the fetus and mother.

During the birth period, the following rules are followed:

  1. They are allowed only in specialized medical institutions.
  2. It is undesirable to use uterine stimulants based on prostaglandins (for example, Dinoprostone).
  3. A woman in labor is forbidden to push prematurely.
  4. When trying, you can not press on the abdomen.
  5. Pain relief procedures are excluded due to the risk of missing the sensation of pain as a symptom of scar destruction.
  6. Take into account the need for constant monitoring of the state of the uterine scar.
  7. A thorough examination of the body of the uterus after the birth of a child is necessary.

Feeling the walls of the uterus and the healed suture after the release of the placenta is necessary in order to finally exclude ruptures. Symptoms of a violation of the integrity of the seam can be a sharp weakness in labor pains, the appearance of vomiting and nausea, as well as pain in the navel. Palpation of the uterine cavity is performed under intravenous anesthesia and takes about five minutes.

With the appearance of these symptoms and a sharp deterioration in the well-being of the woman in labor, an emergency surgical intervention is indicated.

The physiological recovery period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. It is easier and more harmonious than the rehabilitation period as a result of a caesarean section. The main advantage is the ability to establish full lactation.

Nine months of happiness and impatient waiting end with the birth of the most important person - your child. Gone are the days when women in labor died in the arms of midwives. Now gynecologists are doing everything so that the mother and child are healthy, and nothing threatens them. It's not scary if you have a caesarean section. There are many ways to alleviate the condition, in addition, various types of anesthesia allow a woman to see how her child is born, even though it is pulled out by surgical intervention. After the birth of the first child, the doctors at discharge again invite you to the maternity hospital. And this is good, because there is an opportunity to increase the family by one person. The question is, how long after a caesarean can you get pregnant?

Impossible right away

A caesarean section is an operation so be careful what you do after that. Doctors recommend decontaminating the outer seam so that the tissues grow together and the threads dissolve. In addition to this "hole", there is an internal cut. So he is responsible for the period when you can again go to the hospital. With an inattentive approach, you risk getting a rupture of the uterus, which is fraught with amputation of the organ.

Again caesarean or natural childbirth?

Two years have passed, you visited a gynecologist, underwent an ultrasound scan and are one hundred percent sure that the scar tissue has recovered. At the family council, they decided to have a second child, so you are doing everything to again. After a short effort, we received the good news that in 9 months you will have a baby again. And then the question again arises - to give birth on your own or to do a caesarean?

  1. It is a mistake to believe that after a cesarean, you can give birth again only through surgery. If the scar is in perfect condition, the muscle tissue has perfectly recovered, which is confirmed by the results of ultrasound examination. Therefore, you can give birth yourself;
  2. To make sure that your choice is successful, follow all the doctor's recommendations regarding the examination. The cephalic presentation of the fetus, the umbilical cord at a high level, sufficient volume of the small pelvis for the child to pass through the birth canal without the risk of injury are important conditions necessary for safe delivery.

Usually, doctors in our country try to act on the principle of analogy - the first cesarean, which means there will be a second. This is optional if there is no indication for this. In any case, be guided by the results of research and the recommendations of experts who will help you make the right choice.

What are doctors afraid of during the second birth after cesarean?

In addition to the traditional nature of the process, that after a cesarean it is better to do the operation again for the second time, doctors have several reasons to play it safe. They don't do it to make things easier for themselves. There are several reasons to be wary of natural childbirth after a first caesarean.

  • If the muscle tissue has not fully recovered, there is a high risk of uterine rupture. This can lead to the death of the mother and fetus. However, modern technologies in the field of medicine make it possible to correct the situation in a short time in order to save the lives of both. CTG, ultrasound before childbirth allow you to quickly resolve this issue, because any deviations will be noticeable during the studies;
  • The narrow pelvis of the woman in labor is another obstacle that causes concern among doctors. If the fetus is not large, the doctor may allow the woman to give birth herself, without resorting to the help of a scalpel.

There are cases when women gave birth themselves and the second time, and the third after a caesarean section. It depends on the state of the seam, the absence of injuries to the reproductive organs. If everything is in order, then there are no contraindications.

What is best for a child?

It is not a myth that children who were born naturally are more active in "cesarean". And not fiction that it is better for a child if they give birth to him, and not pull the doctor out of his mother's belly. Let's pay attention to the difference between children who were born in different ways.

  1. The "cesareans" often have an incompletely developed respiratory system, so they are placed in the intensive care unit. The ideal option is when the baby himself asks to come out, which means that he is ready to be born. And all the processes in the small organism were activated so that the little man could adapt to the new environment for him;
  2. In order for the “Caesarites” to scream, doctors carry out special manipulations that lead to the first breath. Children who were born according to the traditional scenario, faster and without medical assistance, shout "hello" to those present in the delivery room.

It turns out that independent childbirth allows the child to quickly and better adapt to the world around him. But in some cases, when the natural process of birth endangers the lives of mother and baby, doctors do everything to avoid unpleasant consequences.

What is the best way to protect yourself after a caesarean?

Having received an answer to the question - how long after a cesarean can you get pregnant - you need to be careful about contraception. Reliable protection against unwanted in this situation is not a whim. This is a necessity, because at conception it is impossible to give birth and have an abortion. And if this happens, doctors will have to make every effort to prevent uterine rupture. And this can be achieved if the uterus is removed. This is an extreme measure that deprives a woman of becoming a mother in the future.

  1. Usually, mothers who have given birth to babies rely on the spiral for protection. In this case, this method is unacceptable, because until the scar heals after the operation, foreign objects are not introduced into the uterine cavity for the purpose of contraception;
  2. Oral contraceptives. They contain the lion's share of hormones, which is unacceptable during breastfeeding. Therefore, you will have to abandon this method of protection at the time of feeding;
  3. barrier contraception. In this case, great hope is given to condoms. Keep in mind that interrupted contact is not the most ideal way, because the lubricant may contain sperm that can fertilize an egg;
  4. Spermicides. Candles that are inserted into the vagina every time before sexual intercourse. The procedure is troublesome, moreover, not entirely reliable - they protect 80% from conception;
  5. Injections. Achievement of modern gynecology - injections, which contain a dose of hormones that prevent conception. They are made every two months. To keep the effect, it is important not to skip.

A caesarean section is a serious operation, after which you should be attentive to your own health. Therefore, in the first two or three years, carefully approach the issues of protection in order to avoid serious consequences.

Childbirth video

In this video you will learn in which cases a caesarean section is performed:



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