What is the likelihood of a mutation?

A mutation, as a result of which a parent from the fourth group can have a child with the first group, occurs in 0.001% of cases. There is also the so-called Bombay phenomenon (its name is due to the frequent detection among Hindus), according to which a child may have genes A or B, but they do not appear phenotypically. The frequency of such a phenomenon is 0.0005%.

Modern science now allows us to predict the nature, as well as the state of the immune and nervous system of the unborn child. To do this, it is enough to determine the blood group of the parents. Rhesus comparability can tell a lot about the characteristics of a baby who has not even been born yet.

What blood groups are possible in children

Doctors assure that it is almost impossible to predict the color of the baby's eyes or hair, his future talents or character. However, the blood group is quite possible to determine in the laboratory. For this, special serums are used. According to the Rh factor, the modern population of the globe is divided into owners of a positive and negative Rh factor. Some have it, others don't. In the latter case, there is no negative impact on health. True, women have a risk of Rh-conflict with the unborn child. As a rule, this happens during repeated pregnancies, if the mother does not have this factor in the blood, but the baby has it.

Such inheritance is carried out according to certain laws of genetics. Genes are passed on from parents to babies. They carry information about agglutinogens, their absence or presence, as well as the Rh factor.

At present, the genotypes of people with this indicator are recorded as follows: the first group is 00. The baby receives one zero from the mother, and the other from the father. Therefore, a person who has the first group transmits only 0. And the baby already has one zero at birth. The second is designated AA, or A0. From such a parent, "zero" or "A" is transmitted. The third - denote BB or B0. The child will inherit "0" or "B". The fourth group is designated AB. Children respectively inherit "B" or "A".

The Rh factor is transmitted as a dominant trait, that is, it will manifest itself without fail. If both the mother and the father have a negative Rh factor, then all children in the family will also have one. When these indicators differ among parents, this will also affect the child, that is, the Rh factor will be present or absent. With a positive indicator for both parents, with a 75% probability, their heir will also have one. But the appearance of a child with a negative Rh in this family is not nonsense. After all, parents can be heterozygous. This means that they have genes that are responsible for the presence or absence of the Rh factor. In practice, it is enough to simply find out this nuance by asking blood relatives.

Many parents wonder what group children are born with. After all, they are not indifferent to the features of their future baby.

On the Internet, you can use a special calculator. It will help determine what blood type the baby will be born with. According to the law of an Austrian biologist named Gregor Mendel, there are certain principles for the inheritance of this factor. They allow you to understand the genetic characteristics of the future baby. Such principles allow you to predict what type of blood a child should have.

The essence of the law is quite simple. For example, if parents have the first group, then their children will be born without antigens B and A. The presence of the 1st or 2nd will give the children the opportunity to inherit them. The same principle applies to the first and third groups. The presence of the fourth - excludes the transmission of the first, but there is a great chance to conceive children with the 4th, 3rd or 2nd blood group. If both parents are carriers of the second or third, then such an indicator in their descendant is not predicted in advance.

You can also determine the blood type of the unborn child according to the following table:

What blood types are compatible and incompatible for conceiving a child

The expectant mother should know her Rh and blood type. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to take appropriate tests. Of course, the compatibility of spouses plays an important role in the birth of strong and healthy babies.

Mixing the blood of parents who have different Rh factors contributes to the conflict. This is possible if the mother is Rh negative, and the father is Rh positive. In this case, the health of the baby determines whose indicator is “stronger”. If the child inherits the father's blood, then the content of Rh antibodies will increase daily. The problem is that when the fetus penetrates, the blood cells - red blood cells - are destroyed. This often leads to hemolytic disease of the crumbs.

In the presence of antibodies, doctors prescribe treatment. A similar conflict when carrying a first-born child rarely appears. This is due to biological reasons. Risk factors are ectopic pregnancy, abortion or miscarriage, previously transferred. Antibodies tend to accumulate. Consequently, red blood cells during subsequent pregnancy begin to break down earlier. This is fraught with serious consequences.

To diagnose the incompatibility of the fetus with the mother begins with the determination of the Rh of the fetus. The combination of an Rh-positive father and an Rh-negative mother will require monthly testing of the pregnant woman's blood for antibodies. The gestation will take place without discomfort. But the mother may develop a slight weakness. Symptoms of incompatibility are detected only during ultrasound examination. When there are more antibodies, and ultrasound shows abnormalities in the development of the fetus, doctors perform an intrauterine transfusion. With a threat to the life of the fetus or pregnant woman, an artificial birth is performed.

The first is considered the strongest blood group. It is aggressive, inherent in meat-eaters. Its owners are universal donors. The carriers of the second are vegetarians, lovers of berries, gatherers; the third - admirers of cereals and bread. The fourth is the most man-made and low-quality. But if the spouses love each other, then nothing will stop them from conceiving a healthy baby. The main thing is to act decisively. Consultation of a qualified specialist will help to successfully carry out the birth of a new life, which will not be overshadowed by a disappointing doctor's diagnosis.

Especially for -Nikolai Arsentiev

If the father has 1 positive. What blood type will the child have? (blood group and Rh factor calculator)

Thanks to modern science, today it is possible to predict the nature, state of the nervous and immune systems of an unborn child only by the blood type of the parents. The blood type, calculated from the comparability of Rh and blood groups of parents, tells about many features of an unborn child - about the color of his eyes, hair, predisposition to certain diseases, even about gender.

The Austrian geneticist Karl Landsteiner divided human blood into 4 groups according to the structure of red blood cells, finding out that special substances in it - antigens A and B, are found in various combinations. Based on this information, Landsteiner compiled the definitions of the blood group:

I(0) blood group - without antigens A and B;
II(A) - antigen A;
III(AB) - antigen B;
IV(AB) - antigens A and B.

What blood type the child will have is shown by the pattern of Mendel, a scientist who proved inheritance by various blood parameters, primarily by group.

The blood type never changes - having received one antigen from mom and dad, respectively, at conception, the child begins to develop according to genetics even in the womb. Thanks to this science, people began to prevent many problems with the fetus, in particular, to predict defects and complications.

Gene relationships

Even at conception, genes are transmitted to a child from parents, containing information about the presence of antigens and the pole of the Rh factor.

For example, a blood group without antigens - the first - is inherited from parents who both have the 1st group.

The second group is compatible with the first, the child will have either the first or 2nd blood type (AA or A0).

The third group is obtained in a similar way - BB or B0.

The fourth is the rarest, either antigen A or B is transmitted to the child.

All these facts are confirmed, but still a theory, so the exact results for the group can only be determined with the help of laboratory tests. Today, with a high percentage of the probability of coincidence, inquisitive parents or doubting obstetricians leading a pregnancy, the group of the unborn child is calculated according to approximately the same scheme that the following table gives.

Table of inheritance of a blood group by a child, depending on the blood types of the father and mother

Parents / Child's blood group as a percentage
0+0 / 0 (100%)
0+A / 0 (50%) A (50%)
0+V / 0 (50%) V (50%)
0+AB / A (50%) B (50%)
A+A / 0 (25%) A (75%)
A+B / 0 (25%) A (25%) B (25%) AB (25%)
A+AB / A (50%) B (25%) AB (25%)
B+B / 0 (25%) B (75%)
B+AB / A (25%) B (50%) AB (25%)
AB+AB / A (25%) B (25%) AB (50%)

Rh factor

The Rh factor, which determines blood types, was discovered in 1940 by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener. This was 40 years after the discovery of 4 groups - the AB0 system. Over the past half century, geneticists have learned much more about the processes responsible for the type of Rh factor. Rh blood factor may be the most genetically complex of all blood type systems, as it comprises 45 different antigens on the surface of red cells, which are controlled by two closely linked genes on the chromosome.

The definition of Rh+ or Rh- is a simplification. There are many variants of the Rh blood type depending on which 45 Rh antigens are present. The most important of these antigens for mother and fetus is Rhesus conflict. When a person is identified as Rh+ or Rh-, they are usually in reference to the D antigen. In other words, an individual with Rh+ or RhD-.

Rh factor inheritance table for a child

Protein as a substance predominates in the erythrocytes of most people (85%), which are capable of inducing intense antigenic reactions. A person who has a protein substance in the blood - with a positive Rh factor. A person who does not have a protein substance is Rh-negative. Under normal circumstances, the presence or absence of the Rh factor has nothing to do with life or health, except when the positive and negative forms are mixed. The Rh factor was first identified in the blood of macaques in 1940.

The Rh factor is a protein inherited from parents on the surfaces of blood cells. Rh positive is the most common blood type. Having an Rh negative blood type is not a disease and does not usually affect health. However, it may affect pregnancy. Pregnancy requires special care if the mother is Rh negative and the father of the child is Rh positive.

Rhesus blood conflict between mother and child

The Rh factor of the blood, a dominant trait, is also related to genetics, because the mismatch of its poles leads to a conflict that is detrimental to the baby, the expectant mother.

If the mother is Rh- and the baby, which unfortunately happens, is the opposite Rh-Rh+, there is a high chance of miscarriage. Usually manifested as the inheritance of one of the parents.

Rh conflict occurs only when the fathers are positive, and the child and mother are negative for the Rh factor. So, an Rh+ father can have either a DD or a Dd genotype, there are 2 possible combinations with different risks. Regardless of the genotype of the father, if he is Rh + and the mother is Rh-, doctors assume in advance that there will be an incompatibility problem and act accordingly.

This means that only Rh+ babies (DD) are likely to be born with medical complications. When both the mother and her fetus are Rh-(DD), the birth should be normal.

If the first time a woman becomes pregnant and she is Rh-, then there is no incompatibility difficulty for her Rh-positive fetus. However, second and subsequent births can have life-threatening consequences for Rh+ babies. The risk increases with each pregnancy. To understand why firstborns tend to have the safest births and why later babies are at risk, you need to know some of the functions of the placenta.

Placenta and circulation

This is the organ that attaches the fetus to the wall of the uterus with the help of the umbilical cord. The mother's nutrients and antibodies are regularly transferred across the placental borders to the fetus, but her red blood cells are not. The antigens do not show up in the first pregnancy in the mother's blood unless she has been previously exposed to Rh+ blood.

This way, her antibodies don't "stick" to her Rh+ fetal red blood cells. Placental ruptures occur at birth, so that the fetal blood enters the mother's circulatory system, stimulating an intense production of antibodies to antigenic Rh-positive blood. Just one drop of the fruit actively stimulates the production of large amounts of antibodies.

When the next pregnancy occurs, the transfer of antibodies from the mother's circulatory system again occurs through the placental borders of the fetus. The antigens, the antibodies, that she now makes in reaction with the Rh-positive fetus's blood, causing many of its red cells to burst or stick together.

A newborn may have life-threatening anemia due to lack of oxygen in the blood. The child also usually suffers from jaundice, fever, an enlarged liver and spleen. This condition is called fetal erythroblastosis.

The standard treatment for such severe cases is massive Rh-negative blood transfusions for children, while simultaneously draining the existing circulatory system to eliminate the flood of positive antibodies from the mother. This is usually done for newborn babies, but can be done before birth.

Serums for transfusion

Blood groups and their compatibility were originally used in research to develop a serum for injection of blood antibody samples. If the serum agglutinates red cells, then the Rh is positive, if it is not, it is negative. Despite the actual genetic complexity, the inheritance of this trait can generally be predicted with a simple conceptual model that has two alleles, D and d. Persons homozygous for dominant DD or heterozygous for Dd are Rh positive. Those who are homozygous recessive DD are Rh negative (i.e. they lack key antigens).

Clinically, the Rh factor pole, like the AB0 factors, can lead to serious medical complications. The biggest problem with the RH group is not so much the incompatibility for transfusion (although it can happen), but the risk to the mother and her developing baby in the womb. Rh incompatibility occurs when a mother is negative and her child is positive.

Maternal antibodies can cross the placenta and destroy fetal blood cells. The risk increases with each pregnancy. For Europeans, this problem accounts for 13% of their newborns who are in potential danger. With prophylactic treatment, this number can be reduced to less than 1% of patients receiving bad news. Nevertheless, Rh incompatibility remains the leading cause of problems with risk to the development of the fetus and newborn, maintaining pregnancy.

Transfusion interpretation

Because the baby's own Rh+ red blood cells will be replaced with negative ones, the mother's antigens and antibodies do not require additional red blood cells. Later Rh-blood will be replaced naturally as the child's body gradually produces its own Rh+ red blood cells.

Erythroblastosis can be prevented in women at high risk (i.e., women with a negative group with a positive spouse or a spouse whose blood is compatible) by administration of serum containing antibody antigens from maternal erythrocytes at 28 weeks of gestation and within 72 hours after confirmation of the child's positive blood group.

This should be done for the first and all subsequent pregnancies. The injected antibodies quickly "glue" any of the baby's red blood cells as soon as they enter the mother's body, thus preventing her from forming her own antibodies.

Sera provide only a passive form of immunization and leave the mother's blood soon. Thus, it does not produce any permanent antibodies. This treatment can be 99% effective in preventing erythroblastosis, as well as for women after a miscarriage, rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy or induced abortion.

Without the use of sera, an Rh negative woman is likely to get a large amount of positive antibodies every time she becomes pregnant if she comes into contact with an Rh positive factor. Thus, the risk of life-threatening erythroblastosis increases with each successive pregnancy.

Signs of conflict with AB0

Anti-Rh+ antibodies can be obtained from an individual with Rh- blood as a result of a transfusion mismatch. When this happens, it increases the likelihood of producing antibodies throughout life. Serums can prevent this.

Mother-fetus incompatibility can lead to a match with the AB0 blood type system. However, usually the symptoms are not so severe. This happens when the mother and her baby are B or AB. Symptoms in newborn babies are jaundice, mild anemia, and elevated bilirubin levels. These problems in the newborn are usually treated successfully without a blood transfusion.

The membrane of red blood cells contains a different amount of proteins, as well as carbohydrates, which are referred to as antigens. It is from their presence that the characteristics of the blood will depend. The most numerous is blood type 1 with a positive Rh factor.

Attention! The Rh factor is an indicator of the antigen that is contained on the surface of red blood cells.

Initially, the 1st positive group was designated as the letter C, then it was decided to prescribe 0, that is, thus, it was indicated that there were no antigens in the blood. On the contrary, the presence of the H antigen can be found on the surfaces of erythrocytes, as well as in other tissues of the body. A positive Rh is assigned to this blood group due to the confirmation of the presence of antigen D in the owners.

It should be noted that the blood retains its original characteristics (group and Rhesus) throughout life. The 1st positive group can be inherited by the child either from one or both parents. Only if the parents do not have the 4th blood group. It should be noted that the first positive can be used as a universal donor blood for the transfusion procedure. Group incompatibility will be absent if the Rh is “+”. If a person is injected with blood with a negative Rh, then as a result, red cells, that is, erythrocytes, will stick together, with a subsequent deterioration in the person's condition.

How can the Rh factor affect?

One of the most important characteristics of blood is the Rh factor. As already mentioned, this is an indicator of the presence of an antigen on the surface of red blood cells. Simply put, this is an indicator of protein on the surface of red blood cells. Most people are characterized by the presence of antigens and, accordingly, have a positive Rh factor, the rest of the people are distinguished by their absence, therefore they have a negative Rh factor.

The Rh factor is very important in two cases:

  1. During the period of bearing a child, it can threaten life from incompatible rhesus.
  2. If surgery is being performed, which may involve a blood transfusion.

All other moments associated with Rhesus a priori do not affect the state of the body, therefore, they do not matter.

Pregnancy and blood compatibility

It is very important to plan pregnancy, because blood compatibility during this period occupies a special place in the birth of a healthy baby. When both parents have a negative or positive Rh, the child will accept the identical one as his parents, therefore, there will be no problems. The situation is similar with the acquisition of a blood group from parents. As studies have shown, babies often acquire the maternal blood type. Based on this, if the mother is carrier I positive, then there is a 90% chance that the baby will also be a carrier of this blood type, regardless of what blood type the father has.

Can there be an Rhesus conflict?

During pregnancy, the occurrence of such a problem as the Rhesus conflict is not excluded. It does not mean a combination of parents' rhesus: for example, the mother's is positive, and the father's is negative. The child in this case can acquire both negative and positive Rh. If the child takes maternal blood, then the pregnancy promises to be without problems.

Attention! A complication of pregnancy occurs when the child has a positive, and the mother has a negative Rh factor. Then there is a conflict between the blood of the fetus and the mother, which can lead to various serious complications during pregnancy.

Rhesus incompatibility has dangerous consequences. This is explained by the fact that antibodies produced by the mother's body can destroy the fetus. In half of the cases, the baby acquires a positive Rh, but if the mother is negative, then there is a risk of miscarriage or intrauterine death of the fetus.

How compatible are blood types?

Until recently, experts believed that plasma transfusion occurs without consequences in any quantities. The compatibility of the first positive with other groups was excellent. However, after a series of studies, it turned out that the plasma contains agglutinins, and with frequent transfusions, the likelihood of a negative impact on human health increases. Based on this, it was decided to dilute the plasma of group I with the plasma of the recipient, and only after that proceed with the transfusion procedure in order to avoid possible complications.

Possible diseases

The owners of the first positive blood group are the least affected by serious diseases, so they live longer than the rest. However, they may be predisposed to stomach ulcers due to their high acidity. There is a high probability of an inflammatory process of the gallbladder and liver. Women may be at risk for skin tumors. But, despite the above ailments, the carriers of the first group are very resistant to nervousness, therefore they suffer the least from mental disorders and keep the youthfulness of the brain much longer.

Reference! Among carriersI blood group with a positive Rh factor is extremely rare for people suffering from schizophrenia.

Based on medical research, it has been found that people with the first blood group suffer from typical diseases:

  1. Pathological lesions of the joints. Arthrosis and arthritis.
  2. Location to permanent seasonal SARS.
  3. Respiratory ailments.
  4. Thyroid dysfunction.
  5. Hypertonic disease.
  6. Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Hemophilia among men.

Information about diseases depending on the blood type is contained in the video.

Video - Blood type and diseases

  1. Poor blood clotting - such a statement is presented by hematologists. Therefore, it is very important to be careful when taking drugs that contain aspirin, which helps thin the blood.
  2. There may be problems with the intestinal microflora, therefore, as a preventive measure, it is best to take probiotics.
  3. Herbal decoctions (mint and rosehip) have a positive effect on the body. But, aloe and burdock root are recommended not to be used.

Proper nutrition

The health of each person is primarily affected by the diet. After all, the food of the daily diet should contain a set of products that positively affect the metabolism and the digestive system as a whole.

It was found that carriers of positive I tend to be overweight. An increase in extra pounds occurs due to a violation of proper healthy nutrition. From time immemorial, people with I positive have been hunters, so their diet should be mostly natural proteins. Such a statement was recognized even by official medicine. Therefore, it was installed list of necessary products for people withI blood group.

+ - 0
From meat products, all types of meat are suitable, in particular, you should pay attention to the liverAll types of meat, but it is best to give preference to pork and goose meatPoultry meat (duck, chicken)
White and red fishSalted fish (herring, salmon)Eggs
Fish fatMilk, yogurt, whey, cheeseSeafood - crayfish, squid, smelt, carp
SeafoodPeanut butter, cottonseedSheep cheese, cottage cheese
Cheese, kefir and other dairy productsPoppy, pistachiosCod liver oil
Eggs Soybean oil
Buckwheat Nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, cedar
Vegetables fruits Sunflower seeds and sunflower oil
Rye bread
Herbal or green tea

It is necessary to adhere to the peculiarities of dietary nutrition, since people with the first blood group are prone to diabetes.

Note! In general, for normal health, owners of all blood types are recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle (with mandatory sports), but for people with a blood groupІ positive Rh factor, follows, builds his diet on foods high in protein.

It is known that foods rich in protein can, in small quantities, quickly relieve hunger and fully saturate the body. In addition, they support the normal metabolic process. Basically, protein-containing foods are all types of meat, especially dark. Particular attention should be paid to the liver, as an offal for cooking, which contains a sufficient amount of protein.

To avoid problems with the performance of the thyroid gland, you should regularly eat seafood that contains the required amount of iodine.

Attention! It must be recalled that it is the thyroid gland that is most often vulnerable in people with a blood typeІ positive Rh.

When planning a diet, it is necessary to take into account the blood type, therefore, at the first positive, it is recommended to use goji berries, more details can be found here.

Video - Diet: 1 positive blood type

Can blood affect a person's character?

According to statistical data, it was found that the owners of the first positive have a persistent character, are confident in themselves, are able to set goals and go towards them without going astray. A general characteristic shows that those with blood type I have strong willpower, so there are a lot of leaders among them.

Scientists have added increased emotionality, excessive jealousy and an increased level of self-preservation to the psychological portrait of such people. Self-confidence, backed up by leadership qualities, helps to calculate actions and steps in advance, determining in parallel one's own benefit.

Women with blood group I constantly analyze their activities and categorically do not perceive criticism in their direction. Most often they occupy high positions. A professional psychologist will tell you about how a blood type affects a person’s character and determines fate in a video.

Video - How blood type affects our destiny and character

Until recently, I was convinced that blood groups of parents and children must match, that is, the child must have the same blood type as one of the parents. For example, my sister and I have the same blood type and it matches my father's blood type. My husband also has a blood type like his father.

When my child was born, he also had blood type the same, like a father i.e. my husband. Only one factor did not match - my husband and I have a positive Rh factor, and our daughter was born with a negative one. I remember that in the maternity hospital, after our daughter’s blood group was examined, the midwife asked: “Which of you is Rh negative?” We shrugged: no one.

It seemed strange. Therefore, we wanted to find an answer to the question: why parents with the same Rh factor had a child with a different Rh factor.

The answer was found, and at the same time my misconceptions that the blood type of the child must necessarily coincide with the blood type of the mother or father were dispelled. It turned out that in some cases the coincidence of the blood type of the parents and the child is generally impossible.

Let's start with the Rh factor. It turns out that if both parents have Rh negative blood factor, then their child will have one hundred percent Rh negative factor. If one of the parents has a positive Rh factor, and the other has a negative one, then here it is 50 to 50 - the child can inherit both a positive and a negative Rh factor. When both parents have a positive Rh blood factor, it would seem that the child must also be positive, no matter whose genes he inherits. But in fact, it turns out to be a little different.

If both parents have an Rh positive blood factor, then the probability that the child will have the same Rh factor is 75%. The remaining 25% fall on the negative Rh factor.

Now about blood types of parents and children and how it is inherited by the child.

To begin with, let's understand what are the blood types in humans and how they are designated. In total, there are four blood groups, designated: 1st - 0, 2nd - A, 3rd - B, 4th - AB. Here A, B and 0 are the genes that are transmitted to the child from the parents, with one gene always coming from the father, the second from the mother. Without delving into the deep jungle of genetics, I note that gene 0 is always suppressed in the presence of genes A or B. Genes A and B quietly coexist on an equal footing. This is where their interesting combinations come from, which determine the child's blood group.

Let's look at some combinations of blood types of parents and what results they can lead to.

If one of the parents has the 1st (0) blood type, and the second has the 4th (AB), then the child gets either the 2nd or 3rd blood type. He cannot have 1st and 4th blood groups!!! This is the only combination in which no child will inherit the blood type of their parents.

If both parents have blood type 1, then all their children will have the same blood type - 1. And all because there is only one gene in their blood - 0, therefore the combination will always be the same - 00.

If the mother and father have the 4th blood group, then there are many options - the child may have the 2nd, 3rd or 4th. But he cannot have the 1st!

Finally, I give a table by which you can determine the options for which blood type a child can have with certain combinations of the blood type of the parents.

Table of blood type inherited by a child


A common classification of blood groups is the AB0 system. Let's see how the blood type is inherited in a child and what options there are if the parents have the same or different groups, as well as how the Rh factor is inherited.

How to do an analysis to determine the blood group in a child, read in another article.

Mendel's law

Mendel studied the transmission of genes from parents to offspring, as a result of which he drew conclusions about how certain traits are inherited. These conclusions he formalized in the form of laws.

He learned that a child receives one gene from each parent, so a child in a pair of genes has one maternal gene and the other paternal. In this case, the inherited trait may appear (it is called dominant) or not appear (it is recessive).

With regard to blood groups, Mendel found that genes A and B are dominant (they encode the presence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells), and gene 0 is recessive. This means that when genes A and B are combined, both genes will encode the presence of agglutinogens, and the blood type will be the fourth. If genes A and 0 or B and 0 are transmitted to the child, then the recessive gene will not appear, respectively, in the first case there will be only agglutinogens A (the child will have group 2), and in the second - agglutinogens B (the child will have the third group) .

The child inherits the blood type according to certain laws

AB0 system

This system for the typology of blood groups began to be used since 1900, when the presence in the blood (on erythrocytes) of antigens, which were called agglutinogens, as well as antibodies to them, which began to be called agglutinins, was discovered. Agglutinogens are A and B, and agglutinins are referred to as alpha and beta. Possible combinations of such proteins create 4 groups:

  • 0 (first) - contains alpha agglutinin and beta agglutinin.
  • A (second) - contains beta agglutinin and A agglutinogen.
  • B (third) - contains alpha agglutinin and B agglutinogen.
  • AB (fourth) - contains A agglutinogen and B agglutinogen.

Rh factor system

In 1940, another protein was discovered on the surface of red blood cells, which was called blood rhesus. It is determined in about 85% of people, marked as Rh +, and the blood of such people is called Rh-positive. In the remaining 15% of people, this antigen is not detected in the blood, their blood is Rh-negative and is designated as Rh-.

Positive and negative Rh factors differ in the presence of protein on red blood cells

If the blood types of mom and dad are the same

Even if the blood type of the mother and father are the same, due to the possible carriage of the recessive gene 0, the baby may have several variants of the blood group.

If the blood types of mom and dad are different

With a different group, parents will have even more gene transfer options.

Mother's blood group

Father's blood group

Child's blood group

First (00)

Second (AA)

Second (A0)

First (00)

Second (A0)

First (00) or second (A0)

First (00)

Third (BB)

Third (B0)

First (00)

Third (B0)

First (00) or third (B0)

First (00)

Fourth (AB)

Second (A0) or third (B0)

Second (AA)

First (00)

Second (A0)

Second (AA)

Third (BB)

Fourth (AB)

Second (AA)

Third (B0)

Second (AA)

Fourth (AB)

Second (A0)

First (00)

First (00) or second (A0)

Second (A0)

Third (BB)

Second (A0)

Third (B0)

Second (A0)

Fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

First (00)

Third (B0)

Third (BB)

Second (AA)

Fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

Second (A0)

Third (B0) or fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

Fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

First (00)

First (00) or third (B0)

Third (B0)

Second (AA)

Second (A0) or fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

Second (A0)

First (00), second (A0), third (B0) or fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

Fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

First (00)

Second (A0) or third (B0)

Fourth (AB)

Second (AA)

Second (AA) or fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

Second (A0)

Second (AA or A0), third (B0) or fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

Third (BB) or fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

Second (A0), third (BB or B0) or fourth (AB)

Rh factor inheritance

This protein is inherited according to the dominant principle, that is, its presence is encoded by the dominant gene. For example, if this gene is denoted by the letter D, then a Rh-positive person may have the DD or Dd genotype. With the genotype dd, the blood will be Rh-negative.

Mother's blood group









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