Request for the archive by email. Archive: how to make a request related to the restoration of family ties and the creation of a family tree

Having identified the prospect of putting together a difficult document, it would be wise to mentally divide the content into 3 groups. They will not necessarily be served in the same order. First you need to formulate what exactly you want in the end, then think about the reasons. These may be court decisions, business customs, local regulations. The introduction is a fundamentally important part that forms the impression. Also, one should not forget and realize to whom this claim document is addressed and who should react.

How to make a request to the registry office?

  • Full name of the applicant
  • required document
  • date of entry
  • purpose of obtaining the document
  • How to make a request to the registry office

    Section: Civil law |

    The civil registry office is a civil registry office, therefore this institution collects, systematizes and stores all information about the birth and death of citizens, marriages and divorces, changes of names and surnames, and facts of adoption. By law, the registry office is required to store data for 100 years, after which the acts are accepted by special archives. Who can make a request to the registry office to obtain the information he needs? Any person who provides a passport and claims the right to receive information.

    How to make a request to the registry office?

    A request to the registry office can be made upon a personal visit to this institution. For example, by providing a personal passport, it will be possible to obtain a duplicate of a birth certificate or marriage certificate. In general, upon presentation of identification documents, any information that is stored in the register books of the registry office will be available.

    Another possibility is to make a written request to the registry office, which is geographically too remote. In such a request, it is necessary to reflect the request to send the necessary information to the address of the branch closest to the applicant in order to subsequently receive data or new documents there. An approximate sample request to the registry office can be downloaded on our website.

    In your application you must indicate:

  • the civil registry office that has the information, its address
  • Full name of the applicant
  • applicant's address and passport details
  • address of the civil registry office closest to the applicant
  • required document
  • Full name to whom this document should be issued
  • date of entry
  • purpose of obtaining the document
  • The re-issuance of documents by the registry office is subject to a state fee: for example, today a certificate from the archive will cost 50 rubles, and a new marriage certificate will cost 100 rubles.

    How to make a request to the registry office for marriage via the Internet

    A request to the registry office via the Internet is most often made by potential newlyweds who want to book a marriage registration date. To make a request to the registry office for marriage via the Internet, you must use the services of the government services website of your region. Such services provide the opportunity to choose a convenient date and time for the wedding, provided that it is not busy. It must be remembered that the wedding day is booked no earlier than 3 months and no later than 2 months before the planned registration date.

    How to make a request to the archive?

    What do people do when there is a need to restore lost information of various types or simply find out socially significant information (this could be data about relatives, obtaining copies of lost documents, restoring information about work, awards, location of people or institutions and other background information)? Of course, they go to the archives. True, to do this, it is important to know what kind of archive you need and how to make a request to the archive. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

    A little about the archives

    Let's start with the fact that the archive is a public (less often private) institution in which official documents are stored under certain conditions that guarantee maximum security. At the same time, the archive is engaged not only in responsible storage, but also provides available information to both government authorities and citizens.

    Archiving has appeared since time immemorial. This is evidenced by historical finds confirming that all civilizations that reached a certain level of development had state archives. Documents from the archives of Babylon, Egypt, the Assyrian kingdom, Ancient Rome (there was not only an archive of the Senate and consuls, but also an archive of priests, as well as separate archives of famous families), Byzantium, Ancient Greece, as well as from the archives of medieval Europe have survived to this day. . It must be said that already many thousands of years ago, archives were divided on a territorial basis: into central archives and repositories and those that were in the provinces. In Europe, there were first archives of overlords and vassals, and then city and church archives.

    Modern archives

    Nowadays, archives are funded on a regional and departmental basis. This means that the documentation stored in them, which is handed over to organizations, and information relates to a specific territory (region, city, district) or department, for example, the Ministry of Defense (which also has central and regional archives).

    All archives are divided into:

  • federal, government, state, current, historical;
  • municipal and city;
  • public, private, community.

    Both individuals and organizations, as well as authorities (such requests, as a rule, are of an official nature) and persons living abroad (such requests are called consular) can make a request to the archive to obtain this or that information.

    In addition, archives are not always approached for information relating to a specific individual; quite often historical documents are also requested. This is done by those who need them due to their occupation, for example, screenwriters, writers, scientists. Archival documents are often used when writing dissertations or scientific papers. In the case when documents are needed to write a scientific work, in addition to a passport and an application for their provision, a document from the organization where the applicant studies or works, confirming his status and the topic of work, will also be required.

    Where exactly should you go?

    Often, when planning to request some documents or information from the archive, people do not know where exactly they need to go. It all depends on what specifically interests you. For example, you can obtain general civil information (date, place of birth, death, marriage) in the archives of the district registry office. But here you need to take into account that documents are stored in the district archive for a maximum of seventy-five years, so if you are interested in earlier information, you will have to contact the regional registry office archive, where all documents from the districts are transferred. If we are talking about restoring entries in the work book, then you need to contact departmental archives, for example, the Russian State Military Archive (if we are talking about military personnel or civilian personnel) or territorial archives in those settlements or regions where the enterprise where a man worked. To obtain information about sailors, you should contact the Central Naval Archive. If you are looking for information about someone, but do not know where to start searching for information, then it is better to contact the district or city archive at the place of this person’s intended stay or work.

    You can also use the online guide to Russian archives - There you can search through 49 regional archives and 31 federal ones. You can also go to the official website of Rosarkhiv.

    Archive requests: classification and deadlines

    As for archive requests, they are all divided into:

  • thematic - these are requests for information that relate to a specific event, fact or topic; By making such a request, you can establish information that clarifies the facts of the biography of a particular person;
  • genealogical - such requests involve obtaining information that will allow one to establish kinship or clarify the history of an individual family or clan;
  • socio-legal - such requests are usually associated with obtaining information that is necessary to comply with the legal rights and interests of individuals or organizations; Socio-legal include official requests from authorities, consular requests, as well as requests from legal entities and individuals (the latter may relate to health status, salary, length of service, military service, education, repression, awards, acts of civil condition, etc.).

    Archival requests are executed in accordance with the established procedure, which is clearly stated in Federal Law No. 125-FZ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation.” This means that thirty days may pass from the moment the request is received and registered until the response is received. This period may be extended by decision of the archive management, but not more than another thirty days. In this case, the archive staff who received the request are obliged to notify the applicant about the extension of the deadline for fulfilling the request.

    But there are situations when people, without understanding it, submit a request to the wrong address. In this case, it will be recognized as non-core and sent as belonging to another archive within five days from the date of receipt. In this case, archive workers must notify the applicant that the request has been forwarded and indicate the address of another archive.

    Making a request

    To make a request to the archive, you need to make an application in free form, since there are no strict requirements for this (although some institutions offer applicants their own form). But there are a number of points that must be reflected in the document. So, in the “header” (it is written in the upper right corner of the sheet) we indicate:

  • to whom the request is sent (you can indicate the name of the organization and the full name of its head);
  • Full name and address of the applicant;
  • applicant's contact phone number;
  • outgoing number, institution details, legal address (this data is indicated if the request is submitted by a legal entity).
  • what the request is about (here it is important to clearly, specifically and understandably state the essence of the question, as well as indicate the time and territorial framework, which are very important, for example, when searching for relatives);
  • the reason why the information is requested;
  • the address to which the response to the request should be sent (this can also be email);
  • date of the request;
  • signature of an individual, responsible executive or director of an institution (if the request is submitted by an organization).

    How to submit a request?

    A request to the archive can be submitted in several ways: in person (bring an application and register it, providing your passport), send by registered mail with notification, via the Internet (in the latter case, a notification from the archive will be sent to your email address about the receipt of the request).

    What do the archives reveal?

    In response to a request, the archive issues either an archival certificate containing information related to the subject of the request, or an archival extract extracting the contents of the original archival document, or an archival copy of the requested document.

    And if there is no information on the request in the archive, then the applicant will receive a letter outlining the reasons for the lack of documents and recommendations for further actions.

    If you need to find relatives, restore a lost birth certificate, or study historical documents to write a dissertation, you just need to make a request to the archive, writing a competent application.

    How to make various types of requests to the registry office and archival institutions

    Readers of my blog, I am glad to welcome you again to my page!

    Today I will tell you about how to submit requests to the registry office, with the help of which documents this can be done.

    What is a registry office?

    According to Wikipedia, these are the Civil Registry Departments (abbreviated registry office or registry office) - an executive body in Russia and a number of other states that registers facts of birth, establishment of paternity, adoption, marriage, divorce, death and change of name.

    Firstly, I will say that you can request information about people who are no longer alive. If you submit a request for a living person, no one at the registry office will issue you documents.

    It is necessary that this person himself appears for requests with an identification document. Let me remind you that since the reign of President Yeltsin, in Russia such documents have been a passport of a Russian citizen. Of course, if you are not a military man on active duty, then you can present a military ID (sailor's book) or an officer's book. Many people think that they can show their driver's license. But we don’t live in the USA, watch less Hollywood films, especially since your driver’s license gives you the right to drive vehicles of the appropriate category on Russian roads, and some actions of the traffic police imply that the driver has a passport.

  • In everyone's life there may be a need to access archival documents. Citizens write requests if it is necessary to restore documents, reconstruct historical events, establish kinship or scientific research. An undoubted advantage is the widespread development of a network of archives on the territory of the Russian Federation. Along with State ones, which have the richest documentary base, there are also private ones.

    The need to submit applications is due to the complex structure of archives. Thousands of funds, collections of documents, photographic material and other sources make it difficult to find the information you need. Therefore, you should describe your request as specifically as possible. The more facts you know, the faster the employee will respond to the request.

    Features of compilation

    Archives of Russia divided into types:

    • government;
    • municipal;
    • departmental;
    • archives of organizations;
    • private.

    All citizens of the Russian Federation can turn to any organization for help, the main thing is to know how to submit an application correctly.

    Types of requests:

    • socio-legal– to clarify the facts necessary to respect the rights and interests of individuals or companies. This includes requests from individuals and legal entities, consular (from foreign citizens, official);
    • genealogical– to clarify and clarify the facts of the biography of ancestors, in order to describe the genealogy of the clan, family;
    • thematic– is done with the aim of obtaining documents on a separate fact in the history or life of a person. Such requests are typical for research activities.

    First, you need to determine which category the question fits into and which archive may contain the information of interest.

    You can apply:

    • at the registrar or at the MFC (passport required);
    • by letter via Russian Post;
    • electronic or through the State Services portal.

    Modern technologies and the presence of the Unified State Portal make it possible to send applications without leaving home, simplifying work with the archives of Russian cities.

    Information is provided free of charge, this is regulated by the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ. The only thing the archive administration can set a price for is the processing of information and the compilation of a new research work by employees based on the requested documents.

    In addition to legislative acts, there are internal orders, charters and regulations that regulate the work of employees. The rules for the work of archives of organizations drawn up by the Board of the Russian Archive regulate the work of small archives.

    The general operating principle of archives is accessibility and openness. They were created to preserve important documents in order to provide them to citizens upon request. However, there are restrictions on access to some classified materials. It can be documents from the Archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces or personal collections of famous people handed down by relatives.

    If you need to restore any information about relatives or obtain information of a different nature, you need to write and send a request to the appropriate archive. But how to make a request to the archive? It must be said that in the archives there are certain rules for processing requests coming from citizens, so when creating a request you need to follow a few fairly simple rules. Now I will tell you how to make a request to the archive in such a way that it is accepted for consideration and, most importantly, that it receives a positive response from archivists, although it must be admitted that the archives may not respond to many requests. What to do in this case - read in the last chapter of our article. Also, for your convenience, some materials are presented in list form.

    Types of requests

    For those who have not yet encountered archive requests, it will be useful to know that there are three types of archive requests:

    1. thematic - associated with obtaining information on a specific problem or topic (biography of a specific person, historical information about something, etc.);
    2. social and legal - related to ensuring the legitimate interests and rights of any person or organization;
    3. genealogical - queries on the history of a family or clan or to establish kinship.

    In addition, social and legal requests are also divided into three types:

    1. from individuals or legal entities;
    2. consular requests: from persons living abroad;
    3. of an official nature: from various authorities.

    How to write a request to the archive

    • First of all, the request must contain information about the sender. If you are an individual, then it is enough to indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, and if you represent an organization, then indicate its name and legal address.
    • Be sure to indicate your return address in the text of the request, since otherwise the archive workers simply physically will not be able to send you a response.
    • It is very important to formulate your question as clearly and clearly as possible. If you are collecting information about your ancestors, do not describe your family history in detail, and also avoid being vague in your wishes. The thing is that there are regulations for working with requests and appeals from citizens and organizations, according to which, first of all, the request goes to the archive management for consideration. It is the manager who determines the classification of the request: thematic, socio-legal or genealogical. And then, depending on the nature of the request, the manager transfers it to the appropriate department for execution. Therefore, the more vague your wording is, the more likely it is that the nature of your request will be incorrectly determined (of course, for you), and, accordingly, the appointment of its executor will increase. A vague request will be sent from department to department, and you can wait a very long time for a response.
    • Be sure to define the scope when requesting: time (chronological) or territorial. This is especially important if you are looking for people with a common surname. In this case, it will simply not be possible to find all of your namesakes. Therefore, indicate the time period, as well as the territorial framework, so that the search for relatives is crowned with success.

    Where to contact

    Many are also interested in which archives should be addressed with which requests. If your question is related to general civil information (for example, dates of birth or dates of death, dates of marriages), then the district registry office archive will help you. Just keep in mind that all records are stored there for 75 years. To search for older documents, you need to contact the state regional archive, where the registry offices transfer all documents after the specified period. To obtain information about a relative’s work career, contact the archives of the relevant organizations or the RGVA - Russian State Military Archive, if we are talking about the military. To search for information about sailors, there is the Central Naval Archive - the Central Naval Archive. It is better if you already have information about the unit number where the person served, as well as about the approximate years of his service in the relevant troops.

    Documents and services

    In addition to family and personal information in the state. in archives you can also obtain information about various historical events and even work with many historical documents. In the case when you collect information to prepare any scientific work, you need to take a special document called “Attitude” from the scientific institution where you work or study. The request will indicate which scientific organization sent you and the subject of your request to this archive. If you contact the archive on a personal issue related to searching for information about relatives, then you will only need a passport and an application, the form of which is usually issued by the archive workers themselves. In addition, when working in the archive, keep in mind that in addition to free services (work in the reading room), there are also a number of paid services that are not provided for by the rules of working in the archive. Thus, a fee may be charged for the preparation by archival workers of archival references or for the accelerated preparation of various documents, scanning or photocopying services, etc. You can see what a sample request to the archive looks like in this article: “If you came to the archive...” - here you will find various requests and you can even see the answers of archive workers to the requests of citizens and organizations. And one more question that often arises among people who access various archives. The question concerns the timing of consideration of requests. Here we can only answer this way: there are no specific deadlines for a response, unless the procedure adopted in a particular archive provides otherwise. And in principle, you may not receive a response to your request at all, so two to three months after sending the request it is wise to send another one.

    Confirm kinship, work experience or property rights, collect missing fragments of your family history - archives can help with these and many other issues.

    Related materials:

    Which archive should I contact?

    If you know exactly in which region the events you are interested in took place or the person you are interested in lived, you can contact the regional archives department.

    For example, if you want to confirm your work experience at a metropolitan enterprise, you need to send a request to the Main Archive of Moscow.

    If you don’t know exactly where to look - for example, you need to trace the fate of a great-uncle who was born and raised in Moscow, but then left “somewhere to the north” - contact the Federal Archive Agency (Rosarkhiv).

    What requests can you use to obtain information from Rosarkhive?

    1. Social and legal inquiries - information on issues of social protection of citizens, necessary for registration and receipt of compensation provided for by Russian legislation and the international obligations of the Russian Federation. It can be:

    • confirmation of work experience and salary;
    • confirmation in the armed forces, participation in hostilities;
    • confirmation of awards;
    • repression and rehabilitation;
    • Nazi persecution;
    • confirmation of education;
    • confirmation of civil status records;
    • confirmation of social benefits.

    2. Genealogical queries - information needed to restore family ties, establish kinship, and study family history. Such a request can be executed both in relation to you and in relation to another person specified in your application - unless this is limited by law, as, for example, with.

    Based on the results of a genealogical request, a document is issued in the form of a family tree, genealogical list or table, or a selection of archival certificates, extracts, copies of documents establishing family ties.

    3. Thematic queries - information on a specific topic, for example, a biography of a person or a certain event. If searching for information and copying documents upon request requires a lot of time, the archive notifies you in writing of the interim results.

    Information on social and legal issues is provided free of charge, on thematic and genealogical issues - on a paid basis. The approximate price range can be found in the “Temporary Regulations on the Procedure for the Performance of Work and the Provision of Services on a Paid Basis by Federal State Institutions Subordinate to Rosarkhiv.”

    How to submit a request

    In order to obtain the information you are interested in, you need to draw up a request application and submit it to Rosarkhiv. You can request:

    • send a letter to the address 103132, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 12;
    • send by email [email protected]
    • submit through a special form on the Rosarkhiv website:

    Foreign citizens can also send their request through the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Applications can be sent to the Consular Department, at the address 119200, Moscow, 1st Neopalimovsky lane, 12.

    The request is made in free form. It should contain:

    1. Information about the applicant - last name, first name, patronymic, full postal address, telephone, e-mail.
    2. For legal entities - name of the organization, full postal address, telephone, e-mail.
    3. The subject of the request and the chronological frame of the information you are interested in.
    4. The request text, written in a free style, and containing as much information as possible on the topic known to you - this will facilitate the work of the archive staff. The text must be understandable and not contain obscene or other profanity.
    5. If you have already addressed this issue somewhere, please indicate where exactly.
    6. How would you like to receive a response: by email or regular mail.
    7. Response form.

    According to the “Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences,” the form for receiving a response can be:

    • archival certificate - an archive document drawn up on archive letterhead, having legal force and containing documentary information about the subject of the request, indicating archival codes and sheet numbers of storage units of those archival documents on the basis of which it was compiled;
    • archival copy - a copy that reproduces the text of an archival document verbatim, indicating the archival code and sheet numbers of the storage unit, certified in the prescribed manner;
    • archival extract - an archive document compiled on archive letterhead, verbatim reproducing part of the text of an archival document relating to a specific fact, event, person, indicating the archival code and sheet numbers of the storage unit;
    • information letter - a letter drawn up on archive letterhead at the request of the user or at the initiative of the archive, containing information about archival documents stored in the archive on a specific problem or topic;
    • thematic list of archival documents - a systematic short or annotated list of titles of archival documents, storage units/accounting units on a specific topic, indicating their dates and archival codes, compiled at the request of the user or at the initiative of the archive;
    • thematic selection of copies of archival documents - a systematic set of copies of archival documents or parts thereof on a specific topic, prepared by the archive at the request of the user or on the initiative of the archive. The thematic selection includes a title page, a thematic list of archival documents and, if necessary, historical information on the topic;
    • thematic review of archival documents.

    If the archival document for which you sent a request is intended to be sent to a foreign country, it must be marked. The state fee for affixing an apostille is 1,500 rubles for each document.

    How long to wait for an answer

    An authorized employee of Rosarkhiv will review your application and, within 15 days, transfer it to the appropriate department for execution. If the documents at your request are stored in another archive or organization, Rosarkhiv will transfer it to the address within 5 days from the date of registration of your application. Once your request has been submitted to the work or another archive, you will be notified of this.

    The deadlines for completing a thematic or genealogical request will be established by prior agreement with you - they depend on the complexity of finding the necessary information.

    You must be given a response to social and legal inquiries within a maximum of 30 days from the date of registration of your application. If for objective reasons this period is extended, you must be notified about this.

    If the request is not accepted

    In some situations, your request may not be accepted.

    1. If you do not have the right to receive the requested information. This may be information containing state, military and commercial secrets, as well as information about the private life of third parties. When it comes to trade secrets, you need to provide permission to receive the request from the owner of the organization. When requesting personal data of a private person, permission to receive this information from this person or his heirs.
    2. If the request does not contain the information needed to find the relevant information.
    3. If you sent a request anonymously, without indicating your data. An email address is not enough.
    4. If the documents necessary to fulfill the request are not available in Rosakhiv and its subordinate archives.

    In case of refusal, you must send a reasoned refusal to consider your request within 15 days.

    You can appeal it by submitting an application to the head of Rosarkhiv, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or.

    The complaint must indicate:

    • surname, first name, patronymic;
    • postal address to which the response will be sent to you;
    • essence of the complaint.

    To confirm your words, please attach to your application a copy of the refusal and other necessary documents on the subject of the request (if any).



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