From what week and why should pregnant women not sleep on their backs? What are the dangers for an expectant mother sleeping on her back?

What position should a pregnant woman take for a restful sleep? Obstetricians urge you to get used to the position on your side. This article explains why pregnant women should not sleep on their back.

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Features of pregnant women's sleep

In the first trimester, it is no different for a pregnant woman how to spend a night's rest. She can fall asleep in your favorite position.

However, doctors advise changing habits and learning to sleep on your side. While the belly is small, the embryo is protected from external influences by the amniotic sac, and the uterus does not significantly compress the organs and blood vessels.

Therefore, there is no need to change the usual position during this period of gestation.

A woman preparing to become a mother can still lie on her back or side without consequences. The prone position is also allowed, but up to 80–85 days.

The uterus enlarges, this position leads to its compression. In the first third of pregnancy, the breasts begin to swell, which is accompanied by sore nipples, so there are problems sleeping on a growing belly, and the pregnant woman shifts onto her back.

However, after three months the uterus grows rapidly. When a pregnant woman stays with her stomach up for a long time, the uterus puts pressure on the spinal cord and begins to compress large vessels. Therefore, when a pregnant woman lies for a long time, she needs to change her position more often. Prolonged supine position causes compression of blood vessels and congestion leading to diseases.

From what date should a woman adjust her nightly rest? Obstetricians recommend starting in the initial trimester, although the need for this arises in the second. The vessels supplying blood to the heart are compressed. A woman may feel dizzy and even lose consciousness.

How to sleep late in life? In the last third of pregnancy, sleeping on your back causes compression of the portal vein massive uterus. The expectant mother suffocates in her sleep, and the embryo experiences the same sensations. The situation is corrected by turning on its side.

How to sleep more comfortably

During pregnancy, nuances that the woman had not previously taken into account become decisive. The state of health depends on the duration of sleep and position. A comfortable position should be considered when the pregnant woman and the embryo are comfortable. If he doesn’t have enough incoming blood, then the mother will feel bad too. Short-term hypoxia occurs, which is corrected by changing body position. Doctors prohibit pregnant women from lying on their backs from the twenty-eighth week.

While the abdomen is small, the uterus is protected from external influences by the skeleton of the small pelvis. Is it possible to lie on your back during pregnancy in the initial weeks?

Of course it is allowed. While the belly is small, the uterus is protected from external influences pelvic bone.

As the size of the abdomen increases, the woman will not be able to lie on it, so she will have to choose a lateral or dorsal position.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy becomes uncomfortable - lumbar pain appears and blood pressure rises. A woman experiences fatigue as a result of chronic lack of sleep.

If signs of discomfort occur, the position must be changed. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Because the uncomfortable position will force her to wake up and change her position.

Is it possible to lie on your back during pregnancy? Obstetricians recommend that expectant mothers not be allowed to remain in this position for a long time during daytime rest and night sleep. The pregnant woman will be awakened or forced to involuntarily change position by discomfort or lumbar pain. The woman tosses and turns and looks for a comfortable position on her side.

Which side should you lie down on? Most Gynecologists consider the left side safe and comfortable. For convenience, it is recommended to place one leg on top of the other, placing an additional pillow between them. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Because this position causes discomfort in the embryo in the womb. He moves, does not allow the mother to fall asleep, and she is forced to take a position in which the unborn child will no longer bother her. In addition, the following points must be taken into account:

  • the functioning of the digestive tract is disrupted;
  • blood pressure decreases, which is accompanied by nausea and dizziness;
  • there is a threat of varicose veins in the legs, thrombophlebitis cannot be ruled out.

Important! When a pregnant woman rests on her back, the massive uterus compresses the blood vessels, which causes hypoxia of the embryo and maternal organs. There is a risk of fainting, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis.

The procedure for getting up and going to bed is important. Initially considered correct gently lift your torso from a position lying on your side, lower your legs from the bed, stand up slowly. In this case, there will be no shaking of the uterus, it will not contract, and blood pressure will remain normal.

Most obstetricians believe that sleeping on the left side is considered comfortable and safe for the unborn child and his mother.

This will allow avoid pressure from the heavy uterus on the liver and right kidney.

Otherwise, the ureters are pinched, and urine stagnation develops. A situation is created that is favorable to the occurrence of pyelonephritis.

The pregnant woman bends her left arm at the elbow, and places her right arm over her stomach. This position allows you to reduce the load on the spinal cord and organs.

It is most practical to lie on your left side, bending one side of the arm at the elbow, and the right one over the stomach. Sleeping on your back during pregnancy will not last long. Unpleasant sensations will force the woman to change her position. A few more tips:

  • You should not put your hands under your head - they will become numb.
  • Your legs should be bent, with your knees positioned diagonally from your body.

The accepted position will make it more comfortable pillow designed for pregnant women. It is customary to place it under the knees. The dimensions of the accessory purchased at an orthopedic pharmacy are selected arbitrarily. The pillow is placed under the stomach or back to give the body a comfortable position. The device helps reduce leg swelling that occurs when sleeping.

A pillow or rolled up towel is placed under the raised feet. It is necessary to select the appropriate elasticity of the bed, as well as its density.

How should an expectant mother sleep in the last stages of pregnancy? Feather beds and beds with metal mesh are excluded. Choose a mattress that is elastic and supports the body well.

High pillows are replaced with orthopedic ones. This allows the cervical vertebrae to relax, which prevents the occurrence.

A thinner pillow is placed under the stomach, a thicker and larger pillow is placed between the legs. The left one needs to be extended, the right one needs to be bent at the knee. In this case, swollen limbs bother the pregnant woman less, and the load on the lower back and pelvis is reduced.

Important! To improve the regulation of body position during night rest, special headboards for pregnant women are used. When there is no desire or opportunity to purchase all the options, they settle on the universal one. This pillow supports your stomach, allows you to rest your back, and can be useful when feeding your unborn child.

Useful video: is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?


A pregnant woman is allowed to sleep in any position in which she and the fetus feel good. From the second half of pregnancy, it is not recommended to sleep on your back to avoid hypoxia. Doctors advise using orthopedic pillows and lying on your left side for night sleep.

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Pregnancy is a time of magic and endless anxiety for a woman. Health issues come to the fore during these nine months, and a significant part of such concerns is healthy and adequate sleep.

In the first three months, a woman sleeps a lot, which is facilitated by a high level of progesterone in the blood. And he does it in any convenient position. But starting from the fourth month the situation gradually changes. grows, the uterus also becomes larger and gradually begins to put pressure on the internal organs. Therefore, the question arises about which sleeping position is better and healthier.

In a horizontal position, the grown uterus can displace the liver and kidneys, press its weight against the spine, intestines and blood vessels, and most importantly, it can compress the inferior vena cava. Until the end of the term, the volume of circulating blood in the body increases to 6.5 liters. To cope with pumping more blood, the heart expands slightly and increases the frequency of contractions. But it is even more difficult for the vascular system to cope with such volumes.

If the arterial system works in relative comfort, then the venous system experiences heavy loads and suffers especially. The largest vessel of this system is the inferior vena cava. In a horizontal position, the enlarged uterus can partially compress the inferior vena cava and aorta. As a result, blood pressure increases below the compression site, and blood circulation worsens. All this can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • Constipation;
  • Phlebeurysm.

At the same time, poor blood circulation in the placenta harms the baby. Oxygen starvation occurs, the baby does not receive enough necessary nutrients. This is called fetal hypoxia and it can subsequently lead to complications. In particular, developmental delays, premature placental abruption and future health problems. Studies were conducted that showed the following results. If the mother lay on her back, according to CHT data, the child’s heart rate immediately dropped from 130 beats per minute to 65. The child experienced stress. Mom, at the same time, could feel great.

According to statistics, more than 80% of women suffer from compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava. Those who are carrying a large fetus or multiple pregnancies are especially at risk. But don't worry too much. Most often, the baby in the stomach itself signals discomfort. He moves and kicks energetically, forcing mommy to change to a more suitable one.

Stomach sleeping is also not recommended from around 13 weeks. Despite the amniotic fluid protecting the baby, in this position there remains a risk of injury to the fetus. All that remains is to sleep on your side. After conducting a series of studies, scientists concluded that it is most beneficial for a woman in a position to rest by turning on her left side. It’s better to bend your right leg at the knee and place a small pillow under it. This pose:

  • Provides optimal blood supply to the heart;
  • Reduces the pressure of the uterus on other organs, which allows them to function better;
  • Eases the load on the back, reducing pain;
  • Reduces swelling in the arms and legs, as the kidneys work better;
  • Improves blood flow to the placenta, which is good for the baby.

In recent weeks, many people also prefer to sleep half-sitting. It's not very comfortable, but with enough pillows of different sizes you can get comfortable enough. Of course, it is impossible to lie in one position all night. Therefore, it is normal to change your body position several times during the exercise. The child will not allow his mother to remain in a position that is not comfortable for him for a long time.

After the 25th week, and perhaps earlier, sleep can become a problem for the expectant mother. The stomach is in the way, the baby is kicking, and it’s hard to choose the right sleeping position. A few tips will help you fall asleep soundly and have a good night's sleep. So:

  • The bedroom must be ventilated. The temperature should not be higher than 16-18 degrees;
  • It is very useful to take a walk outside and breathe in the air before going to bed. Minimal physical activity will be beneficial;
  • Take a soothing warm shower. And if the doctor does not prohibit it, then lie in a warm bath with chamomile;
  • Drink a glass of warm milk with honey or weak tea with mint;
  • Maintain a daily routine and a healthy diet.

What a pregnant woman should not do before bed

It is important to know what not to do without risking a sleepless night:

  • Avoid drinking drinks high in caffeine and theine before bed. Such as coffee, soda, strong tea;
  • You shouldn’t overeat at night, especially heavy and heavy ones. It’s better to limit your evening snack to a glass of kefir and a couple of crackers;
  • You also don't need to drink a lot of liquid. Otherwise, endless runs to the toilet will not allow you to get enough sleep. A pregnant woman's bladder cannot hold large amounts of fluid, hence the frequent urge;
  • Excessive exercise is also not recommended. A leisurely walk is better;
  • It is worth falling asleep and waking up at the same time. The usual daily routine will only benefit you.

In the later stages, a significant role is played not only by how the expectant mother sleeps, but also by how she gets up from a horizontal position. To do this correctly, you must first turn on your side, lower your legs from the bed, then raise your torso and only after that begin to rise. This way you can avoid sudden jumps in pressure and tone of the uterus. Understanding fully why a pregnant woman should not sleep on her back, you should not get too hung up on the sleeping position. Common sense, instincts and a baby in the tummy will not allow the mother to harm the child. Much more important are good emotions and a positive attitude, which will allow you to bear and give birth to a healthy and happy baby.

The pregnancy period is not only joyful memories, but also a testing time for every woman. After all, you have to change your daily routine, habits and lifestyle. And add to this the fact that in the last stages you have to look for a comfortable position in order to sleep normally. After all, sleep plays a huge role in the development of a baby.

So, how to find a comfortable position so that it is not dangerous for mother and child?

Every mother knows how difficult it is to find a comfortable sleeping position, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. Either my stomach is pulling and bothering me, or my legs are numb, and then I have to get up to go to the toilet ten times a night. After all, the bladder cannot come to terms with the fact that it is limited in space.

Some find salvation in special pillows, others do not experience any discomfort at all and sleep in any position. Some people only sleep on their backs. But recently, doctors have come to the general conclusion that sleeping on your back can be dangerous for the fetus and mother.

Research by scientists

Scientists conducted a study and found that this position during sleep can lead to fetal freezing and the birth of a stillborn child. Experts conducted a study, the results of which were published in the famous scientific journal Obstetrics and Gynecology (UK).

Experts studied more than 1 thousand pregnant women and found that sleeping on their back from the 28th to the 36th week increases the risk of stillbirth by 2.3 times. And if this pattern had been established earlier, then perhaps scientists would have been able to save the lives of 100 thousand unborn babies.

Effect of posture

During the third trimester, the uterus enlarges, which begins to put pressure on the inferior vena cava. The larger the belly, the stronger this pressure will be. It is for this reason that women may experience dizziness, rapid breathing, and numbness in the limbs.

Very quickly you will understand that your baby is not at all happy with the position on his back. Indeed, due to the compression of the vena cava, the child receives little oxygen and nutrients that enter through the placenta.

In this position, the uterus moves, and with it the fetus, which will actively move to take a comfortable and familiar position.

Best sleeping position

Almost all obstetricians and gynecologists have come to the same conclusion that the best position for the health of the mother and the unborn baby is on the left side, with the knees slightly bent. This pose will help relieve pressure on the spine and internal organs.

What sleeping positions do you find most comfortable? Share some advice for expectant mothers who are about to go through this difficult test. After all, any experience will be useful for them.

Pregnancy is an important and responsible period in the life of every woman. During this time, the expectant mother has to reconsider her lifestyle and give up usual things, for example, sleeping on her back. In this article we will tell you in detail why a pregnant woman should not sleep on her back and what positions are optimal for sleeping.

How does sleeping on your back affect a pregnant woman?

Not every woman knows why a pregnant woman should not lie on her back. This prohibition is in no way related to superstitions. The answer to this can be obtained by considering the structure and physiology of the female body.

Location of the vena cava and the effect of posture on it during pregnancy

Changes that occur in a woman’s body while sleeping on her back:

  • The pressure in the inferior vena cava increases. In other words, this phenomenon is called inferior vena cava syndrome. In order to understand what it is and why it is dangerous, let's talk a little about anatomy. The inferior vena cava is the largest venous vessel in the body. It collects venous blood from the legs and pelvic organs. The inferior vena cava is located along the spine and therefore, if a pregnant woman sleeps in this position, it will be compressed. When the vessel is compressed, blood flow to the right ventricle and lungs decreases. As a result, blood oxygen saturation decreases, heart rate increases compensatoryly, sweating decreases, and breathing slows down. Changes in blood circulation cause dizziness and a sharp lack of oxygen. There may be cases of loss of consciousness. Increased pressure in the lower sections leads to venous stagnation, thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and hemorrhoids.
  • Compression of the aorta. In addition to the inferior vena cava, the aorta is located along the spine. The wall of the afferent vessel is much stronger than the vena cava, so serious compression does not occur. However, there are cases when significant compression reduces the lumen of the vessel and increases blood pressure.
  • The load on internal organs increases. When a woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the kidneys and ureters. This phenomenon leads to stagnation of urine, which entails the development of inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis).

This position increases pressure on the hepatic duct. Here, as in the kidneys, the phenomenon of stagnation occurs, which over time can cause the formation of stones and mechanical or obstructive jaundice. Very often, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and its duct lead to the development of pancreatitis.

Lying on your back negatively affects the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The horizontal position leads to pressure from the uterus on the stomach, which leads to a weakening of the sphincter and the reflux of hydrochloric acid and undigested food particles back into the esophagus, in other words, heartburn appears.

The intestines work worse in this position than when positioned on the side

There is a deterioration in bowel function. The enlarged uterus presses on the intestines and thereby leads to stagnation of feces, metabolic processes slow down, and rapid weight gain occurs. There is a high probability of developing flatulence, constipation and hemorrhoids.

When sleeping on your back, additional stress on your spine occurs. After sleeping in this position, unpleasant and sometimes even painful sensations appear in the back area.

It is not at all necessary that every pregnant woman will be bothered by the above symptoms when lying on her back. They can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. Pregnant women up to 13 weeks of pregnancy can sleep peacefully on their stomach and not be afraid of anything. During the period from 13 to 25 weeks, doctors do not recommend lying down or sleeping on your back. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. If your pregnancy is more than 25 weeks, then you should avoid this position altogether. There are many other convenient physiologically correct positions in which you can get a good night's sleep.

How does a pregnant woman's sleep affect the baby's health?

Sleeping on a pregnant woman's back negatively affects not only the woman's well-being, but also the health of the unborn baby. Neglecting doctors' recommendations can lead to very serious pathological processes in the child's body.

As a result of disruption of normal blood flow in the pelvic organs, oxygen starvation or fetal hypoxia occurs. This pathological condition is very dangerous for the child. With hypoxia, the fetus does not receive the required amount of oxygen and important nutrients.

The nervous system suffers the most from insufficient oxygen. Hypoxia leads to intrauterine growth retardation, the birth of a low birth weight baby, and pathological processes during pregnancy and childbirth. A pregnant woman who is used to sleeping on her back is at risk of placental abruption and premature birth.

When a woman lies on her back, the uterus moves from its usual place. At this moment, the fetus senses changes and tries to take its usual and most comfortable position. A sharp increase in fetal activity may indicate hypoxia.

Sleeping positions during pregnancy

The choice of sleeping position depends directly on the stage of pregnancy. Until the 13th week, you can sleep in almost any position, but it is advisable to avoid sleeping on your stomach. After the 13th week, you should not sleep on your back, since the enlarged uterus can put significant pressure on the inferior vena cava. Pressing the vessel prevents normal blood circulation to the fetus, legs and pelvic organs of the woman. It is worth giving preference to the position lying on your side. In the third trimester, you can only lie on your side. If a woman has a transverse fetal proposal, then she is recommended to lie on the side where the fetal head is located.

Sleeping on the left side is considered optimal

For the most comfortable and sound sleep, it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep on her left side. The woman lies down on the sofa and bends her right leg at the knee, while placing a pillow under it. To improve the quality of sleep, you can purchase a pillow for pregnant women, which will ensure the correct position of the body during sleep and prevent turning over at night. Pregnant women should not sleep on very soft, sagging mattresses.

After pregnancy, the expectant mother has to change a lot in her lifestyle. Some foods, alcohol, intense physical activity, and stressful situations are prohibited. Restrictions even apply to sleeping positions. Now the position of a woman’s body affects not only her own well-being, but also the condition of the fetus. Everyone understands that you need to avoid putting pressure on your growing belly, but is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

In the first weeks of bearing a child, the pelvic bones reliably protect the small uterus, so any position will not cause harm. But over a certain period of time, sleeping while lying on your back leads to compression of large vessels.

A restful, sound sleep during pregnancy is the key to a woman’s well-being. It helps restore strength, emotional balance, and provides rest to organs and systems.

How to sleep in early pregnancy?

The beginning of pregnancy in most women is accompanied by increased sleepiness: you want to lie down at any time of the day. This condition is considered normal and is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Don’t resist the urge to sleep; sleep has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. In the 1st trimester, the body position can be any: on the back, on the stomach, on the side. This will not affect the condition of the expectant mother and child in any way. The uterus and fetus are still very small in size and therefore covered on all sides by the bones of the small pelvis.

Many women cannot sleep on their stomachs due to increased sensitivity of the breasts - a companion of the 1st trimester. The desire to lie on your back may not arise, because the symptoms of toxicosis in these positions intensify.

How to sleep in late pregnancy?

By the beginning of the 2nd trimester, you should already have developed the habit of sleeping on your side. The prone position is dangerous for the unborn baby. Despite the fact that it is reliably protected by the muscles and amniotic sac, there is a risk of injury. In addition, in this position pressure is created on the uterus, which can provoke. In the 3rd trimester, sleeping on your stomach is impossible for obvious reasons.

In the 2nd trimester it is not recommended to sleep on your back. The size of the fetus and uterus is constantly increasing and begins to compress organs and blood vessels. Back pain and intestinal dysfunction may appear. But the most dangerous thing is squeezing the vena cava. This blood vessel is one of the largest in the body and is responsible for supplying blood to the entire lower part of the body. In the 3rd trimester, sleeping on your back is strictly prohibited.

The most correct and healthy pose is on the side. Sleeping in this position has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pregnant woman and the unborn child. Some doctors believe that the best option is to sleep on the left side, then the fetus does not put pressure on the liver and normal blood circulation is maintained. But it is very difficult to stay in one position all night; numbness of the limbs often develops, so it is best to roll over from one side to the other.

If a transverse presentation of the fetus is detected, then you should sleep most of the time on the side to which the head is facing. This will help the child get into the correct position faster.

In late pregnancy, pillows are very helpful when choosing a comfortable position. There may be several different sizes or one special for pregnant women. These devices help compensate for the discomfort caused by a large belly.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

The position of the mother's body affects the condition of the child starting from the 12th week of pregnancy. When a woman lies on her stomach, it causes discomfort, first of all, to herself.

The baby is protected by a layer of abdominal muscles, the walls of the uterus and amniotic fluid. According to some doctors, this situation can provoke uterine hypertonicity.

When a pregnant woman lies on her back, changes occur in the functioning of her organs. They are caused by the pressure of the growing uterus, and therefore the longer the period, the stronger the influence of body position on the condition of the child and mother.

Compression of the intestines provokes the development and accumulation of gases. The load on the lumbar spine leads to pain in the back and pelvic area. The nature of the sensations can be different: from aching to acute. Impaired kidney function manifests itself through, especially noticeable on the arms and legs.

When lying on your back, the most dangerous thing is pressure on the inferior vena cava. This large blood vessel carries blood from the lower torso to the heart. If it is violated, a pregnant woman feels a lack of air, her breathing is disrupted and becomes intermittent. After some time, dizziness develops, the vision becomes dark, the pulse quickens and sweat appears.

All these symptoms indicate disorders in several systems at once: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine.

Sleeping on your back affects not only the well-being of the pregnant woman, but also the condition of the child. Due to impaired blood flow, it receives insufficient oxygen and certain nutrients.

An intrauterine condition develops that can lead to pathologies in the formation and development of organs and damage to the central nervous system. After birth, growth retardation, poor appetite, sleep disturbances, and anxiety are observed.

When a pregnant woman sleeps on her side, all these problems do not arise. Blood flows to the child in sufficient quantities, which means that he is fully provided with oxygen and nutrients necessary for proper development.

Internal organs work without additional stress, swelling, nausea, and back pain appear less often.

Full recovery during pregnancy is very important. The condition of the child depends on how rested and well-rested the woman is.

To normalize your sleep, you should follow several recommendations:

  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • change bed linen regularly;
  • avoid taking sleeping pills, especially pharmaceutical ones (they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, in extreme cases);
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks (coffee, strong tea);
  • do not eat 2 hours before bedtime so as not to cause digestive problems;
  • 3 hours before bedtime, reduce the amount of liquid consumed;
  • It is useful to take a short walk before bed, however, more intense physical activity should be avoided;
  • maintain a sleep schedule, wake up and go to bed at the same time every day;
  • if the cause of night awakenings is seizures, then you should inform your doctor about this (he will prescribe medications to eliminate them);
  • in case of sleep disturbances caused by emotional experiences, you need to seek advice from a psychologist; help can be provided by close women (mother, sister, friend) who have already given birth to a child.

Choosing a comfortable and correct position is an important component of healthy sleep. The position on your back during pregnancy is more dangerous the longer the period. If you have a habit of sleeping this way, then you should start changing it from the first weeks. The best option when carrying a child is to sleep on your side. Pillows and bolsters will be a good help; they will help you gently fix the correct position and make it more comfortable.

Useful video about pillows for pregnant women



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