No allergies in the unborn child. How to protect babies from allergies

In fact, mother nature carefully ordered that a woman carrying a child suffer less from allergies. During pregnancy, the level of the hormone cortisol increases. It inhibits the action of histamine - a substance whose release leads to the appearance of allergic symptoms. But for some expectant mothers this natural defense does not work. In 10-30% of pregnant women, the condition not only does not improve, but even worsens.

Allergies are not a contraindication for pregnancy. But it must be taken into account that it not only reduces the quality of life of the expectant mother, but is also dangerous for the child, as it increases his chances of becoming allergic. And severe cases, when asthma attacks occur against the background of allergies, are completely fraught with miscarriage, premature birth, neurological disorders at the baby's.

We are taking action

The expectant mother must do her best to avoid allergies. You should take care of this in advance.

Before conception

Contact an allergist. Undergo a comprehensive immunological examination to determine what exactly you are allergic to. If time permits, it is worth undergoing desensitizing treatment in advance. The most effective method of dealing with allergies is allergen-specific immunotherapy for cause-significant allergens (ASIT). This treatment prevents mild forms of the disease from becoming severe. It reduces (and often eliminates) the need for medications. The method is injection into the body of gradually increasing doses of significant allergens. ASIT is performed exclusively during remission. You need to take at least 1-2 courses, and then plan to conceive. Pregnant women do not undergo ASIT, but if pregnancy occurs during treatment, the course should not be stopped.

During pregnancy

Avoid contact with allergens. For example, if you are allergic to plant pollen, you should leave the house as little as possible during their flowering period. At the same time, cover the windows with netting and close the curtains tightly. It is also necessary to get rid of carpets and upholstered furniture, carry out wet cleaning daily, get an air conditioner or an air purifier. On the street it is better to use protective “equipment” - sunglasses, hats, long sleeves and even respirators. After returning home, rinse your eyes and nose with water, take a shower and change clothes.

Do not allow smoking in your presence. It has been proven that not only active, but also passive smoking promotes increased production of IgE antibodies in both the pregnant woman and the unborn child. These antibodies are one of the key links in the development of allergies.

Eliminate (or at least limit) highly allergenic foods from your diet. Many expectant mothers follow a disciplined diet in the first trimester, rightly considering this period the most important for the development of the baby. But often, from the second half of pregnancy, they relax and begin to “revenge” everything indiscriminately for both of them. This is mistake.

The formation of increased sensitivity to certain substances in a child occurs only when his immune system reaches a certain maturity. And this happens by the 22nd week of intrauterine life. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, restrictions are also necessary.

If you want to protect your baby from allergies after birth, breastfeed him and do not introduce complementary foods before 6 months. Of course, this will not guarantee that the child will not become allergic, but it will reduce the risk. Just don't forget: during breastfeeding must be observed hypoallergenic diet.

Moreover, an “embargo” should be imposed even on those products to which a woman is not allergic, but which are highly allergenic. These are many delicacies: expensive varieties of fish, caviar and seafood, cheeses, smoked meats, marinades, sausages. Canned food, sauces and seasonings are also harmful. It is better to use it instead of milk dairy products, and instead of raisins, dried apricots, figs and dates - dried apples, pears, prunes. Less eggs. With brightly colored vegetables, berries and fruits (in particular, citrus fruits), as well as honey, mushrooms and nuts, it is also better to be careful. Coffee is undesirable, cocoa and chocolate - only on holidays and in small quantities.

Despite the fact that the list of "unreliable" products is quite extensive, the expectant mother will not have to starve, as there are also a lot of foods that rarely cause allergies. This lean varieties stewed pork and beef, baked chicken, offal, cereals, green vegetables, green apples and pears, creamy and vegetable oil, mineral water. There are also foods that have antihistamine properties: olive oil, fish fat, flax-seed, broccoli, purple onion, black tea. All this can and should be done, unless, of course, there are other contraindications.

Most often (almost always) allergies occur in infants and children one month old appears as a result of the mother’s consumption of allergenic foods. It is necessary to exclude from the diet: undiluted milk, milk porridge, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts, chocolate, flour, onions, garlic, citrus fruits, raspberries, mushrooms, food with preservatives and seasonings.

Allergies are called response (suspended sensitivity) of the child immune system to any substances coming from external environment. The body perceives this substance as potentially dangerous. As a result, protective responses are triggered in the body, which can manifest themselves skin rash, runny nose or cough.

Most scientists believe that allergies are nothing more than hereditary disease. If a child has one of the parents who is allergic, then there is huge probability that this disease will manifest itself sooner or later in him.

We can divide allergies into three categories, the first one being allergy to dust, plants, pollen, animals. This type of allergy is called a household allergy. A food allergy is an allergy caused by fruits such as lemons, oranges, strawberries, it also includes allergies caused by chocolate, eggs and other foods. And the third category of allergies is caused by medications.

Causes of allergies in children

This disease may appear due to certain reasons. One of these reasons may be improper and poor-quality nutrition. It has long been proven that artificially fed babies are more prone to allergic reactions than babies who, from birth, feed on mother's milk. The fact is that the mixtures contain cow protein, which in principle is the strongest allergen. In addition, if a pregnant woman used a large number of allergenic products, this can also lead to the fact that an allergy occurs in infant.

One more significant reason The development of allergies can be hereditary. If both father and mother suffer from allergic reactions, then the child has a 75% chance of getting the disease. If only one of the parents suffers from allergic manifestations, then the probability of an allergy decreases to 35%.

Of great importance, of course, is the health status of the mother. If the mother's immunity is greatly reduced, there were disturbances in the intestinal microflora, then the probability allergic manifestations increase in the child.

Allergy to cats and dogs.

Allergies to animals (fur) occur through direct contact with them. The first thing you should not do is touch stray animals, kiss them. If, nevertheless, there was contact, you need to wash your hands and face with soap, also rinse the nasal passages with soap.

Allergy to cold and frost.

Allergies to frost and cold as such do not exist, since cold does not have an allergen, and there are no antibodies to cold either. Pseudo-allergy is called cold allergy. This is because, in some people, protein tissue cells coalesce when they get cold. As a result, histamine is released. The second reason for such allergies is hidden diseases. At strong immunity, good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies to cold are less common. To prevent hypothermia, you need to wear gloves, a hat, a scarf in winter, wear leggings made from natural materials. Shortly before going outside, you can drink warm tea, apply a greasy (not moisturizing) cream on your face. You should only wash your face warm water, apply soda lotions. Supercooled skin should be lubricated with aloe, vitamins A and E. The blisters that appear are lubricated with brilliant green. You should only take warm food.

Allergic reaction to baby formula.

An allergic reaction to infant formula is quite common. Various manufacturers add different components. The formula for the child should be selected individually according to age, taste preferences. A careful study of the composition will avoid possible allergies, since some cereals contain gluten, which is poorly absorbed by the immature gastrointestinal tract. The gluten-free trinity (rice, buckwheat, corn) is virtually non-allergic if given properly, starting with half a teaspoon.

Allergic rashes on the skin of a child.

Allergies can manifest themselves:

  • On the skin.
  • Through the intestines.
  • Through the respiratory organs.
  • Through the excretory organs.

Manifestations on the skin include rashes, prickly heat, blisters, scales, and crusts. They are accompanied by itching and pain. Places of occurrence: face, head, buttocks, shoulders, thighs, abdomen. Allergic rashes on the pope come from improperly selected diapers, since the adsorbent may not be suitable for the child. TO skin rashes include: urticaria, exudative erythema(a severe allergic reaction in infants) and Quincke's edema (a life-threatening condition).

Intestinal allergic symptoms:

Manifestation of allergies through the respiratory system:

  • dry night cough
  • copious colorless discharge from the nose,
  • wheezing,
  • dyspnea,
  • whistling when breathing.

Allergy symptoms in children

If we talk about symptoms, they can also be divided into two types:

  • with general symptoms
  • with local symptoms.

Common symptoms and signs of allergies are: nausea, headache, vomit, elevated temperature, chills. TO local symptoms We include redness of the skin, itching, rashes, and tissue death.

Runny nose ( allergic rhinitis) This is the most common manifestation of allergies in children; it also manifests itself as atopic dermatitis, as well as bronchial asthma.

Allergy to the butt or cheeks The child will most often talk about the incorrectly selected menu for the baby. This could be a reaction to a formula or food, or maybe to some foods.

Rash. If a child has a rash on the body, an allergy on the face, legs, or arms, there is a possibility that the cause is washing powder. The child needs to be undressed, washed and changed.

Allergy to cats and dogs It doesn’t occur as often in children, but it still happens. It usually does not appear immediately; symptoms include a runny nose, lacrimation, and sometimes a cough.

Allergy attack in children

Allergy attacks can be relieved with conventional antihistamines, but you should carefully read the instructions and dosage.

If the child gets worse, call an ambulance immediately.

Allergies in infants

In a baby who has already been born, allergies can most often manifest themselves in breast milk mother. In this case, the mother should carefully monitor what she eats and exclude allergenic foods. An allergy to breast milk can also cause gastrointestinal problems in a newborn. I may experience stomach upset, diarrhea, and gas. Untreated allergies can develop into chronic stage and even asthma.

Diet for allergies in children

At an older age, food allergies in children can appear from red fruits, chocolate, and citrus fruits. In this case, you need a diet that does not require the presence of these products in the diet. Diathesis in a child, which is one of the most common types food allergies, it is not difficult to treat, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and track which foods the body reacts to.

Treatment of allergies with folk remedies

When starting treatment for allergies, you must remember that folk remedies can not only bring benefits, but also harm; you should not use several remedies at the same time, and if allergies appear frequently, you should consult a doctor.

For the treatment of childhood allergies, it is recommended herbal baths. These baths can be used from birth. They are effective, helping not only to cope with allergic reactions, but also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. For greater effectiveness, bathing in a herbal decoction is recommended for several days. If improvement is not noticeable, you should consult your doctor.

Maintain the temperature of the baby bath, do not exceed 37.5 degrees, and the bath should be taken no longer than ten minutes. The recommended duration of the course is 5-7 procedures every other day. After swimming in medicinal infusion, there is no need to rinse the skin, pat dry with a towel.

If the allergy occurs while taking medications, self-medication is excluded.

Before you start bathing your baby, you need to do a test. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared herbal decoction and apply it to the child’s body, both on a healthy area and on a sick one. Wait for a reaction. If the diseased area begins to look better, then swimming is allowed. Look at the healthy area, it is important that allergic reactions do not appear on it.

To begin with, you should pay attention to herbs such as oregano, dandelion, chamomile, and string. It may be that more than one type of herb is suitable for treating your allergies. In this case, you can use them together, but not more than five types.

Diet for expectant mothers

How to avoid food allergies in your unborn child? 10-20% of all children under one year of age are currently allergic to food products. The mechanism leading to its appearance is complex and multifaceted - this includes heredity, and the characteristics of the child’s development, but most importantly, it is the behavior of the expectant mother during pregnancy.

It has long been known and proven that food allergies develop more often in children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy and were often ill colds and irrationally ate (ate foods that contain a large number of allergens), or those who, on the contrary, followed a strict and long-term hypoallergenic diet. This is especially true for women who themselves have allergic ailments (rash, sneezing, redness of mucous membranes, itching, etc.).

To the list forbidden foods include: cow's milk, crustaceans, fish, chicken eggs, nuts, vegetables and fruits of bright colors (citrus fruits, strawberries and raspberries, tomatoes, mangoes and peaches), also soybeans, celery, and cereals. Vegetables, fruits and nuts are the most important allergens for food allergies, which means that, first of all, a pregnant woman should limit them.

In second place in importance are cow's milk and chocolate; you should not completely exclude them from your diet, just limit them to 300 ml of milk per day, and eat chocolate no more than once a week. Products containing such nutritional supplements As preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers, antioxidants, flavor enhancers, dyes, products containing benzoates, sulfites, sorbic acid, monosodium glutamate, nitrates and nitrites should be consumed as little as possible. These substances are used to protect products from spoilage and rancidity, to impart lasting color and aroma, and to process packaging materials. By following these tips, pregnant women can minimize the occurrence of food allergies in their unborn baby.

Treatment of a child with folk remedies, Children's diseases

  • Allergic rhinitis

Secrets of traditional medicine

Collection of folk remedies various diseases and bad habits

Source: in a one-month-old baby while breastfeeding

Allergies in an infant are one of the most common ailments that babies suffer much more severely than older children. An inadequate response of the immune system to the unknown or unacceptable this moment the substance considers allergies in infants Komarovsky E. O.

What causes an allergic reaction

It is believed that breastfeeding (BF) is reliable protection body from the ingress of allergens. An allergic reaction may occur in one month old baby both during breastfeeding, and during artificial and mixed feeding. Often in infants who are on artificial feeding, reactions to the mixture are noted. Mostly children eat them with pleasure, saturating the body nutrients. However, parents need to know that even quality product often becomes the cause of this disease.

To avoid allergies to the mixture, you will need to select the most suitable option, and this may take more than one month. In this case, they often switch to mixtures of goat milk. There are cases when breast milk causes rejection.

Regular food changes also lead to rejection of food. The activity of most organs of newborns is barely beginning to form and improve. The body only adapts to important life processes.

The fact is that the mucous membrane of a newborn is highly permeable, and the production of the necessary enzymes involved in digestion has not yet been established, and therefore their deficiency is noted. The stomach cannot digest new food or does it with great difficulty. As a result, gluten and protein molecules penetrate directly into the intestines. cow's milk, thereby provoking an allergic reaction in infants.

Dr. Komarovsky advises introducing complementary foods carefully no earlier than 6 months of age in small portions. If you introduce a product with an allergen into the diet gradually, then digestive system get used to it, and the reaction will not appear.

When breastfeeding, there is a possibility of allergies if the mother eats foods that provoke its formation. These include:

According to experienced pediatricians, very often it is the wrong product that causes this disease. A nursing mother must carefully monitor what she eats, because the baby’s intestines, liver and stomach need time for food to be completely broken down.

There are a number of other reasons. One of them is genetic predisposition. If the baby’s mom and dad are allergic, then most often he will also suffer from this disease.

Cleanliness in the home plays a big role in health little man. Another cause of allergies in Lately is the state environment which is getting worse. In order to determine what exactly triggered the allergic reaction, it is necessary to undergo tests.

In the video, Dr. Komarvosky talks about how to identify the cause of an allergy:

Reaction to animal fur

Celebrated by everyone positive influence pets for the development and upbringing of children. However, such close proximity often leads to the development of an allergy to wool in the baby. An allergic reaction to wool can be confused with another ailment, so you need to constantly monitor the child’s well-being in order to learn to distinguish it from other diseases.

Parents should be more attentive if the baby does not have a fever, he has not been in contact with sick people, but at the same time his health has begun to deteriorate. Allergy to wool manifests itself:

  • profuse flow of tears;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • nasopharyngeal congestion;
  • swelling;
  • redness of the skin or the appearance of a rash on it.

If the baby has negative reaction on the dog's fur, you need to wash your pet with a special shampoo and change the diet four-legged pet. The situation is much more complicated with cats, because these animals spread allergens that are stronger and more dangerous for newborns. Their fur is spread throughout the house.

If babies are allergic to wool, it is necessary to frequently do wet cleaning, ventilate the rooms and remove all carpets for a while.

How allergies manifest in newborns

Allergic dermatitis in infants begins with the appearance of redness on the cheeks, flaking on the body and dry skin. The degree of skin damage varies:

  • minor rash;
  • cracks on the surface of the dermis;
  • weeping wounds.

In the video, a famous blogger talks about how allergies manifest in a baby:

The rash can affect specific areas, for example, only the cheeks. At this time, disturbances appear in gastrointestinal tract, namely:

  • bloating;
  • colic in the intestines and stomach;
  • frequent regurgitation of air or food;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Problems arising with the gastrointestinal tract mainly occur when food form diseases. For constipation feces are retained in the body, thereby increasing poisoning. As a result, toxins contribute to the appearance of rashes.

Other symptoms may also occur. It is possible that the child will have difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, coughing and wheezing. This happens if the provoking factor is an allergen present in the air. At this time, the baby often cries, sleeps poorly, and shows anxiety. All these symptoms are similar to those of a cold, but there is no fever. Such a feeling cannot be left unattended.

Breastfed babies can have a similar reaction to anything: formula, cosmetical tools care, food and much more. It is necessary to recognize the cause as quickly as possible and begin to fight allergens.

What to do: treatment methods

Doctors advise breastfeeding your baby for at least 6 months, since mother's milk is excellent prevention many varieties of this disease. When breastfeeding, allergies may occur to substances present in mother's milk. A nursing mother needs to adhere to a certain diet. It is prohibited to consume foods that cause this disease, namely:

In the absence of the opportunity to breastfeed the baby, it is necessary to choose mixtures that do not contain cow's milk and sugar. There is also a contact form of the disease. It appears as a result of exposure to washing powder, soap, clothes and all kinds of care products. This kind of allergy in an infant can be prevented by using exclusively special baby powders, hypoallergenic creams. It is necessary to buy things for your child from natural fabrics such as linen and cotton. After washing, you should rinse your clothes thoroughly. Do not use soap when bathing your baby.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. The most common food type of this disease is found. Before treating an allergy in a baby, a specialist must check with the parents about the existing diseases.

You need to look after your children carefully. The first step is to determine the allergen from which it is necessary to rid the baby. Treatment food grade this disease is carried out using:

  • antihistamines;
  • adsorbents;
  • all kinds of creams;
  • soothing antipruritic ointments;
  • preparations with lactobacilli.

In some children, the reaction to the allergen can be quite serious - possible difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, and even the onset of anaphylactic shock, life-threatening. With such acute form immediate hospitalization is required.

Local therapy involves treating the affected skin antiseptic solutions, you can use Fukortsin, Brilliant green. Such measures help prevent infection. In order for newborns to itch less and their dermis to become more hydrated, they need to be bathed every day. For this, it is used warm water with the addition of decoctions:

The appearance of a rash in a newborn is a reason to contact a pediatrician. You can only treat those medicines prescribed by the doctor. Folk remedies use is not recommended. If a child has excellent immunity, then, according to Dr. Komarovsky, allergies do not threaten him. Therefore, you need to monitor the baby’s health. He must eat healthy foods and vitamins.

Source: determine the causes and cure allergies in a baby under one year old

Allergies are an extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease. Severe allergies can even lead to death. In addition, a disease such as asthma often develops against the background of allergies. Unfortunately, the number of people, including infants, suffering from allergies is growing every year.

What is an allergy?

An allergy is a peculiar reaction of the human body to contact with specific proteins. Their entry into the body causes sharp increase production of immunoglobulin E. And its excess, in turn, causes various reactions of the body. Allergen – protein allergic– can enter the body most different ways, including with food, through Airways or through the skin.

Children under 1 year of age are especially susceptible to allergies. Many systems in such children are not yet formed, including the immune system. Therefore, a baby’s reaction to an allergen can be much more severe than an adult’s. And what younger child, the harder it is for him. So, an allergy in a child at 1 month and an allergy in a child at 4 months will feel completely different.

Many people think that infants free from at least the risk of developing food allergies. Actually this is not true. The fact is that the composition of breast milk directly depends on what the mother is. That is, the allergen may well enter the child’s body through mother’s milk.

Causes of illness in infants

It is difficult to say what exactly causes allergies, but doctors were still able to identify some patterns. It is known that the risk of developing allergies in a child increases by almost 80% if both of his parents are susceptible to this pathology. If this disease is observed only in the mother, then the risk is much lower: 50%, if only the father - then 30%. However, this does not mean that two allergy sufferers will necessarily have a sick child. The baby does not have a real chance to be healthy. Especially if the parents are attentive to his health.

No less influence on the body is exerted by ecology. By the way, doctors attribute the increased number of allergy sufferers to this factor. Indeed, recently the state of the environment has been constantly deteriorating. Everything is important: where the parents lived and worked before and during conception, where the mother spent her pregnancy, what surrounded her during childbirth, and where the child himself grows. What air does he breathe, what water does he drink, what foods does he eat.

Of course, city residents ecological situation I'm in the worst shape: emissions industrial enterprises, car exhaust gases, all this is mixed with dust and pollen. It turns out to be a real explosive mixture, which we, and most importantly, our children, breathe constantly.

Of course, it is not always possible to choose a place to live, but if there is a chance to spend at least part of your pregnancy outside the city, take it. If it later turns out that the child has an allergy, it is advisable to move to live outside the city altogether. It will be quite enough and just a suburban village.

Ultimately, it matters a lot how was the pregnancy what complications were present, and how she behaved expectant mother. Any complications inevitably affect the development of the child. Allergies can lead to any infectious diseases, and drug therapy carried out with the aim of curing an ailment. Chronic diseases, aggravated during pregnancy, can also have an impact on the development of allergies. Especially if the diseases are related to the respiratory system.

But even if the pregnancy went smoothly and you did not encounter any complications or diseases, the course of pregnancy can still affect further development pathology. At risk are those children whose mothers abused during pregnancy allergenic products. Such as honey, citrus fruits, eggs, milk, caviar and many others. From all this it is worth, if not to refuse, then to reduce consumption to a minimum.

Another factor that can cause allergies in a child up to a year is mother smoking. About 50% of children smoking moms subsequently suffer from allergies.

Allergy symptoms

IN modern world Allergy symptoms are familiar to almost everyone. Even for those people who have not personally encountered such a problem. So, the manifestation of allergies in children under one year old can be:

  • rashes on the body, peeling, redness, itching;
  • regurgitation, vomiting, frequent and loose stool, colic, bloating;
  • runny nose;
  • bronchospasm;
  • Quincke's edema is a sudden swelling of the skin, subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes. Because the this type edema develops rapidly, it can lead to death. The fact is that the mucous membranes of the larynx also swell. As a result, the air stops flowing into the lungs of the baby, and he can suffocate.

Two last symptom are, of course, the most dangerous, as they threaten the life of the child. However, other symptoms are unpleasant.


Naturally, in order to diagnose an allergy, these symptoms alone will not be enough. In addition, in order to prescribe adequate treatment, it is simply necessary to establish an allergen.

To clarify the diagnosis, doctors carefully examine the child and interview parents. It is important to describe in detail how, when and after what the first symptoms appeared. A food diary for the mother and child, which details what was eaten, how it was prepared, and what new foods were introduced into the diet, can help with this. It is especially important to keep such a diary in the first months of a child’s life.

In addition, doctors will definitely take from the baby blood analysis. An increase in the amount of immunoglobulin E in the blood clearly indicates an allergy. If the symptoms bothering the child and his parents are associated with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, doctors may recommend an ultrasound of the abdomen. This will exclude others possible violations not related to allergies.

You can determine what exactly an infant is allergic to using food diary, if the mother guides him and follows the rules for introducing new foods, methodically excluding different foods from the diet or having his blood tested. Doctors detect the presence of specific immunoglobulins E and determine the allergen.

Allergy treatment

First of all, it is necessary isolate the child from the allergen. If we're talking about about a food product, it should be excluded from the diet of both the child and the mother. In any case, while the child is breastfed. If the baby is fed formula, then the cause of the allergy may well be cow's milk protein, on the basis of which conventional formulas are made. In this case, it is worth replacing it with one in which milk is replaced with soy (however, it can also cause allergies) or one where milk protein completely hydrolyzed.

Allergies can also be caused by washing powder, soap or shower gel, and any other cosmetic products. They will also have to be replaced. You may have to get rid of your pet. If the allergy is caused by one or another drug, be sure to remember it active substance. This information will need to be entered into the chart and communicated to all doctors with whom you deal.

In addition, your doctor will help you choose antihistamine , which will fight allergy attacks if it is not possible to protect the child from the allergen. And this is very likely, for example, at a party.


What to do if your child is at risk? How to prevent the development of allergies in children under one year old? It's too early to panic. You can still grow healthy child, the main thing is to comply with some requirements and recommendations. Which, by the way, will not require too much sacrifice from you.

Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding

First of all, try to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible. This is generally the best thing a mother can do for her infant.

However, as we already know, just breastfeeding is not enough. It is also important to watch your diet. Just like during pregnancy, you need to limit yourself to certain foods. Namely: citrus fruits, dairy products, eggs, chocolate, salty and sweet, fatty, smoked, overly fried. The list, of course, turns out to be quite impressive, but the health of your baby is worth it.

Choosing formula for artificial feeding

If for some reason breastfeeding is impossible (the mother does not have milk or she needs to go to work), then you should be equally careful when choosing formula milk. If a child is at risk, then it is better to immediately opt not for regular formulas, but for hypoallergenic ones. Part of the milk included in their composition is hydrolyzed, which facilitates the digestion process and also reduces the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

There is no need to immediately start feeding specialized formulas for allergy sufferers. This is an expensive pleasure. It is better to contact your pediatrician for help in choosing a hypoallergenic mixture.

Also, remember that the formula must be appropriate for the child's age. The composition of the formula, unlike breast milk, remains unchanged. But the child’s needs change. A mother's milk gradually changes as the baby grows. The mixture can only be changed to a more age-appropriate one.

No matter how good breast milk is, over time you will still have to introduce complementary foods. If a woman has enough milk, doctors do not recommend doing this before six months. Children on artificial or mixed feeding complementary foods are introduced earlier, at 4-5 months. And this is the best time to start keeping a food diary. Write down in it all the new foods that you give to the child. Never inject more than one product at a time. Take a break of a few days between introducing new foods.

Most often, pediatricians are advised to start with cereals on the water. By no means milk. It should not be introduced into the diet of a child under one year old at all. After the baby has become accustomed to cereals, you can begin to introduce vegetables.

Doctors advise starting with vegetable purees industrial production. The first purees must be one-component. It is best to choose zucchini or squash to start with. As a rule, these products fit most easily into a baby’s diet. Give your child only half a teaspoon the first time to make sure there is no allergic reaction. New Product No. Then gradually increase the amount you eat.

Be careful with yellow and red vegetables and fruits. Most often they lead to allergic reactions.

However, allergies can be not only food. Therefore, certain rules should be observed not only in nutrition, but also in caring for the baby. Everything is important, starting with the choice of clothes.

Firstly, it is better to prefer clothes made from natural materials. Especially it concerns underwear. Secondly, try to buy quality clothes. The desire to save money can backfire. Often unscrupulous manufacturers use cheap dyes that are not intended for contact with children's skin. By the way, the second tip fully applies to toys.

Creams, powders, shampoos, even washing powder, it is better to take a special one designed for children. In adult cosmetics, unfortunately, there are too many different dyes, fragrances, preservatives. Even baby cosmetics without any artificial fragrances is almost impossible to find. However, fragrances and dyes can also be allergens.

The modern industry strives to make everything as attractive as possible for the buyer. Cosmetics should look good, smell good, and how this will affect the body is the tenth thing. No one will care about the child’s health except the parents. This, by the way, A good reason reduce the number of different jars and tubes with children's cosmetics to a minimum.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from allergies. And this fact should push all parents to be more attentive to the health of their babies. Monitor your child's reaction to new foods, new clothes, toys. Watch how he feels in different time of the year. This will allow you to notice changes in a timely manner and begin treatment.

So that your future baby does not have an allergy, take care of its prevention even before the baby is born. If you follow certain rules during pregnancy, then your child will not have allergies. The basic rule is to avoid abuse different products. This rule does not mean that you need to give up certain products. Nutrition of a pregnant woman must be complete and varied. She can eat everything, but in moderation.

The appearance of an allergy in an unborn child may be due to the fact that his mother had low immunity during pregnancy, and she had colds. Of course, first of all, a pregnant woman should give up alcohol and tobacco.

After the birth of a child, it is also very important not to forget about the prevention of allergies. It can appear or manifest itself both immediately and some time after the birth of the child. It happens that a child is born healthy, without allergies, and at seven or eight years old it suddenly appears.

To avoid the appearance of allergies, from the first days of life, certain rules must be followed:

1. Be sure to bathe your baby every day in decoctions of various herbs. Use only special baby soap.

2. Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible.

3. It is necessary to select and introduce into the diet very carefully baby food various products, especially if they are of animal origin. Until one year of age, the child must receive minimal amount such products. To try, the child is given 1/8 of a teaspoon of the new product. If signs of allergy do not appear, then gradually it will be possible to increase the amount of this product.

4. Until the age of eighteen months, you should not give your baby foods that contribute to allergies. These are the following products: chocolate, kiwi, tomatoes, various citrus fruits and Exotic fruits, as well as products that contain preservatives and dyes. In general, you need to introduce it correctly and gradually.

5. The apartment should always be clean. Wet cleaning must be done constantly.

7. Limit the child’s contact with your own and other people’s pets.

If your child has an allergy, you should not self-medicate. For example, for treatment allergic cough mustard plasters and jars must not be used, and for rubbing and inhalation - essential oil. This may increase the allergic reaction and lead to breathing problems. If sputum is secreted during a cough, then you can not give a medicine that suppresses the cough reflex.

Allergy. Today this disease is a real scourge for young children. But, as you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.

What can you eat and what should be excluded so as not to cause allergies in the baby, how to eat properly for a pregnant and nursing mother, how to treat diathesis?

Yulia Gusakovskaya-Starovoitova, a physical psychologist and mother of seven children, answers the most common questions about this disease, while simultaneously reflecting on the true nature of allergies.

What is an allergy and what is the peculiarity of children's immunity?

Allergy is a disease of the immune system, when the human body produces incorrect information on bodies entering the blood, perceiving them as foreign.

In this case, the substance histamine is released, which provokes the formation external manifestations allergies - runny nose, swelling of mucous membranes, dermatitis. The action of antiallergic drugs is based on suppressing the activity of this substance.

Why is there such confusion? A child's immunity is formed in the first year of life - and during this period it is very unstable. In the first months of life - this is actually mother's immunity, which is formed with the help of colostrum, rich in immune bodies.

In the first days of life, colostrum is the main nutrition for infant- and it is very important to put the baby to the breast as early as possible. Then it enters the baby’s body during long feedings.

Therefore, it is necessary to breastfeed the baby for at least half an hour, and also practice long night feedings so that he has time to receive this valuable natural immune stimulant. Regardless of whether there is hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions.

What can cause a child to be prone to allergic reactions?

An important condition for the formation proper operation The immune system is the absence of any kind of interference in the child’s body.

I mean vaccinations, infant formula, medications, etc. The less of this, the lower the risk of developing allergies. Because in the presence of interventions, problems immediately arise various disorders- the child’s body, which has not yet had time to fully adapt to the new world, does not understand what it has to fight with.

This is how immunity errors are formed and a predisposition to various kinds rashes. It is important for mothers to know that the baby’s skin can react with dermatitis to vaccinations, supplementary feeding, and medications.

You should also know that during the first forty days after birth, the baby may experience skin rashes, which are a reaction to the stress of birth. Most often they appear in the first ten days of life, and also at the age of about a month.

Thus nervous system allows the body to get rid of toxins. Parents and pediatricians often mistake these manifestations for allergies and begin to treat it. But in order to get rid of them, regular bathing is enough - with a string, chamomile and other herbs.

Mitigate the reaction to vaccinations and medications possible with the help of recovery drugs intestinal microflora containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. Plus the above-mentioned baths and breastfeeding, which, I repeat, should be long enough for the baby to receive colostrum.

In most cases, this program is enough to eliminate the manifestations of diathesis. But to give the child special means There is no need to remove foreign substances from the body.

Is it possible to prevent allergies by following a special diet during pregnancy?

Prevention of allergies in a child during pregnancy, expressed in the refusal of certain products, does not make much sense . Eating chocolate and subsequent allergic reactions in a baby are unrelated things.

An exception may be a situation where a pregnant woman has a liver problem, and the child may be born with weakened function of this organ - and this can lead to allergic reactions.

Therefore, if you know about problems with your liver, then during pregnancy try not to overload it - first of all, by minimizing the consumption of all kinds of unnatural substances (products with preservatives and synthetic additives, vitamin preparations, drugs, etc.).

But high-quality chocolate without unnecessary additives will not cause harm.

Is diathesis a manifestation of allergies?

Let's be honest: diathesis is a rather controversial term. Our mothers are extremely partial to all kinds of skin rashes. But you need to react primarily not to red cheeks, but to general state child - how he interacts with you, how active he is, how he sleeps, how he eats.

A rash in a child can be a sign of various types of problems. This is not always a reaction to any product, although most mothers see a direct connection here. As practice shows, a change in skin condition is most often a signal that there are problems with the intestines and it is necessary to check the microflora.

And for recovery normal condition there is nothing better than colostrum for microflora - the more often and longer you breastfeed your baby, the better his intestines will work.

Is there a connection between a child’s allergies and the foods that a nursing mother eats?

There are also no direct connections between the occurrence of allergies and the diet of a nursing mother. Here another question arises - what is the woman’s health?

Colostrum cannot provide full support for the baby’s immune system and microflora if the nursing mother herself has abnormal intestinal microflora. Therefore, if a woman is concerned about preventing allergies in her child, then she will first take care of the health of her liver and intestines.

And she limits her intake of foods that can affect her metabolism. But food eaten by the mother cannot directly affect the child’s body.

Dear readers! Have you ever encountered allergies in your child? What measures were taken to “fight” the disease? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

3 weeks ago

Why do the youngest children develop allergies? Which allergens are the most dangerous? How to choose proper nutrition and skin care? Denis Vladimirovich Zaslavsky, professor and Chief Specialist in dermatovenerology and cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of Russia in the North-West federal district RF.

Denis Vladimirovich Zaslavsky Professor and chief specialist in dermatovenerology and cosmetology of the Russian Ministry of Health in the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation

Allergies and genetics

The existence of a genetic predisposition to allergies has been fully scientifically proven. And if two parents have some form of allergy, then in 80% their child will also be diagnosed with it. It is not necessary that the allergens will be the same; their range may be even wider. This type of allergy is called “polyvalent,” which means that the body is hypersensitive to several types of allergens at once.

Food allergies in children under 2 years of age

There are several types of allergies, but food allergies usually appear first. It can occur in a child during breastfeeding or at the beginning of the first complementary feeding. Allergens easily enter the body through breast milk. For example, if a woman ate an orange, she may not have any allergic reactions, but her baby may develop a rash on the skin. This is why it is so important for nursing mothers to follow a diet. After all, a child’s first allergic reaction to any product can later develop into a permanent allergy.

The second dangerous "allergic" milestone is the period of the first complementary foods, it is usually introduced when the child is 5-6 months old. At this time, foods with a high allergic risk can provoke increased sensitivity organism.

Tolerance to food in a child is formed by the age of 1, a maximum of 2 years. Children's body gradually adapts to nutrition, and the risk of food allergies decreases with age.

The most dangerous food allergens

Fish (especially red), shellfish and all seafood, eggs, chicken, citrus fruits, cow's milk, nuts (especially peanuts), any kind of honey. These are foods with a high allergic risk and I advise avoiding them whenever possible during breastfeeding and first feeding. This is especially true in cases where one of the parents has an allergy, and the risk of its occurrence in a child is increased.

The same milk porridges that you can’t do without children's menu, can be prepared with goat's milk rather than cow's milk. An interesting fact: in France 100 years ago there were even special dairy stations where they fed children with allergies with fresh goat's milk. This tradition has not been preserved, but the fact that goat milk is hypoallergenic is recognized by nutritionists all over the world.

Another common allergen that not everyone knows about is chicken. The danger is not even in the chicken itself, but in the technologies of intensive livestock farming. Chickens are raised in poultry farms, fed with growth hormones to grow faster and antibiotics to keep them from getting sick. An allergic reaction in children most often occurs precisely to chemicals that are used in animal husbandry.

Probiotics for the prevention of food allergies

The risk of developing a food allergy in a child is significantly reduced if future mom takes probiotics in the last trimester of pregnancy, as well as for 3-6 months while breastfeeding. In some cases, probiotics can also be given to babies who experience stool instability, regurgitation, and other gastrointestinal problems.

Allergies to odors, pollen, animal fur

First respiratory allergy Children become aware of smells much later than food, around the 2nd or 3rd year. The most common allergens are common house dust, animal hair (especially cats), pollen of various trees, plants, flowers. Aeroallergies are more dangerous for a child than food allergies, because the reactions are stronger and develop rapidly. Adaptation to such allergens does not occur; the allergy persists throughout the child’s life.

A separate topic is allergies to animals. One of the most powerful allergens is proteins contained in cat saliva, feces, and fur. Therefore, if a child is prone to allergies, there should definitely not be cats in the house. Even bald ones, because they lick themselves just as well as their furry counterparts.

But with dogs, not everything is so simple. It is believed that if a dog lives in a house, then its waste products prepare the child’s immunity to meet the same pathogens in the outside world. But allergies to dogs are much less common than to cats. In addition, insect bites (bees, ticks, ants, etc.) are often the causes of allergic reactions.

Skin moisturizing, atopic dermatitis and allergies

Proper care of a child’s skin is necessary from the first days of its birth and is effective method prevention of allergic reactions. The mother needs to understand as early as possible what type of skin the child has: normal, dry, sensitive or prone to atopic irritations. It is a huge misconception to think that all baby products are the same. Each skin type should have its own line of care. For example, the products of the famous children's brand MUSTELA differ quite greatly in composition. And this is no coincidence, because those ingredients that meet the needs of, say, normal skin types may not be sufficient for atopic skin that needs more lipids. Conversely, for normal skin, excessive amounts of lipid-replenishing ingredients may be unnecessary. Therefore, when choosing cosmetics for a child, you must first check that the label says that it can be used from birth, and choose products according to skin type.

Every mother believes that her child’s skin is the softest and most velvety. And this, of course, is true, but in newborn babies, the skin is prone to dryness. And if it does not receive sufficient hydration, the child may develop atopic irritations, which can later lead to allergies.

How does this happen in practice? Dry skin is often accompanied by itching, and when a child begins to scratch himself, various allergens enter the body through scratching - from staphylococcus bacteria to ordinary dust particles. If you choose the right moisturizers from the first days, the risk of dryness, peeling and irritation will be reduced to zero.

And in conclusion, I would like to give a few practical advice young mothers. Firstly, if your baby has any rashes or peeling on the skin, you do not need to diagnose yourself with an allergy; only a dermatologist can do this. Only professional specialist will be able to distinguish atopic skin irritation from allergies and other skin diseases. Secondly, if your child is nevertheless diagnosed with an allergy, most often it is “polyvalent”, that is, to several allergens at once. There is no need to determine them empirically; it is better to take special tests as early as possible. medical tests. And thirdly, today in medicine there is only one effective remedy fighting allergies is complete absence contact with allergens.

To find out what skin type your baby has, take the test.

Text: Veronica Shur



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