Why did ulcers appear on the genitals? Lumps and lumps on the genitals

A boil is a skin infectious disease. It is characterized by inflammation of the tissue and hair follicle with the formation of pus.

Reference! The disease begins in the hair follicle, after which it spreads to nearby tissues and leads to their inflammation and subsequent necrosis.

A boil is a skin blister with pus inside. It has the shape of a cone, a diameter of two millimeters, red or purple in color, and is often confused with a pimple. The appearance of a single boil is typical, but cases of multiple furunculosis have been identified. The skin around the bubble becomes inflamed and swollen.

When opened, the film covering the pus is easily separated. After the contents leak out, you can see a necrotic rod inside, similar to a stick of pus and going deep into the skin. The wound is an inflamed red ulcer. Often dead hair is found among the pus.

When localized on a woman’s genitals, a boil can affect:

  • labia majora– in the place of hair growth;
  • labia minora– at the base;
  • mucous membrane- at the entrance to the vagina.


Reasons for appearance

The appearance of boils on a woman’s genitals is often explained by the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. This is a wrong opinion. The main causative agent of furunculosis is Staphylococcus aureus. However, the infection itself does not lead to the formation of boils. This requires the presence of one or more provoking factors:

  1. weak immunity;
  2. insufficient hygiene of the intimate area;
  3. skin injuries due to depilation and shaving;
  4. ingrown hair;
  5. general hypothermia;
  6. increased sweating leading to rubbing;
  7. poor nutrition.


Important! As already mentioned, boils are easily confused with acne. Their difference is that the boil hurts and burns.

Symptoms of furunculosis vary depending on the stage. Its development takes place in three stages:

  1. Redness on the labia, itching at the site of redness.
  2. The formation of a red or purple vesicle with purulent contents - a boil, is accompanied by swelling of the labia minora or majora.
  3. Rupture of the shell of the bubble, the release of pus. The swelling and redness of the tissue gradually decreases. The sore remains, which heals in two to three weeks.


In addition to pain and unaestheticness, this disease leads to the development of the following complications:

  • sepsis;
  • abscess;
  • blood poisoning;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • blockage and inflammation of blood vessels.

How to treat boils?

If a boil appears on the labia, consult a doctor immediately. He will prescribe appropriate treatment and prescribe the necessary medications. Interrupting treatment on your own is not recommended. This will lead to recurrence of the disease.


For the treatment of boils, drugs of external and internal action are used, that is, ointments and tablets. Ointments relieve inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, and also help reduce pain and burning. The most suitable ointments for the treatment of furunculosis:

  • heparin;
  • Vishnevsky;
  • ichthyol;
  • synthomycin;
  • zinc;
  • levomekol;
  • baneocin.

Antibiotics for internal use are also used in treatment. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor after tests. Tetracycline is most often prescribed.

Surgical intervention

If the boil does not open on its own, the doctor prescribes surgery. It consists of making an incision in the membrane, cleaning out the pus and disinfecting the wound surface. After this, apply a compress with the medicine, which is changed at different intervals depending on the drug, but at least once a day.

Important! Opening and squeezing the boil yourself leads to its rupture and causes blood poisoning.


Traditional medicine has proven itself well in the treatment of furunculosis. It allows you to completely or partially replace drug therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, these methods are suitable for treating the disease in the initial stages. However, due to the fact that the mucous membrane is quite delicate and vulnerable, folk remedies are used with caution.

Here are some recipes against boils:

  1. Compress with calendula. Dried calendula flowers are mixed with butter and applied to a panty liner or bandage. The duration of the compress is two hours.
  2. Compresses and rinsing with infusion of chamomile, calendula and thyme. The compress is applied for half an hour and firmly fixed.
  3. Flaxseed compress. The crushed seeds are placed in cotton bags, moistened with hot water and applied to the boils. You can re-wet them to keep the bags warm.

Before using traditional medicine, consult your doctor, as allergic reactions and individual intolerances are possible.

What to do if you jump during pregnancy?

During pregnancy The mother's body is weakened due to the fact that all the necessary nutrition is given to the child. Because of this, immunity is significantly reduced, and the body cannot cope with the infection.

Boils on the genitals are a common occurrence in women during pregnancy. The pathogen already present in the body turns out to be stronger than the woman’s immunity, which manifests itself in the form of boils in the intimate area.

Prevention measures

Prevention of the disease consists of eliminating the factors that provoke the disease. For this we recommend:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • Healthy food;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • wear breathable clothing;
  • observe the hygiene of the intimate area;
  • avoid cuts and injuries of the labia and mucous membranes.

Furunculosis is a rather unpleasant disease. When it occurs in the genital area, especially in women, it causes discomfort and pain. However, with a timely visit to the doctor, it is possible to cure the disease for one to two weeks. Despite this, it is recommended to follow the rules of prevention in order to prevent the appearance of boils.

A pathological condition, accompanied by painful sensations and constant itching, is an unpleasant and dangerous problem. The inflammatory process in the hair follicle and gland, which occurs on any part of the body, including intimate areas, is called a furuncle. The furuncle on the labia is accompanied by hyperemia around the site of the lesion, with fever and purulent discharge at the end of the aging process.

It is advisable to treat a boil on the labia under the supervision of specialists, especially if an internal abscess located in the vagina has arisen.

The penetration of staphylococcal bacteria into the body is the root cause of a purulent inflammatory process. During the process, inflammation of the hair follicle itself and the surrounding dermis occurs. Normally, staphylococcus aureus is present on the surface of the skin in a latent state, its activation is provoked by a number of factors:

  • decrease in the overall level of the autoimmune system;
  • denial of personal hygiene;
  • local hypothermia;
  • increased level of sweating - the moist environment created in this case is a place of active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, turning into beriberi;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin gland;
  • depilation and shaving with non-compliance with the rules of antiseptics - refusal to treat with disinfectants.

A furuncle on the genitals in girls can occur due to microtrauma - when staphylococcus aureus gets into abrasions and scratches.

Clinical signs

The appearance of an abscess on the genitals is not necessarily a sign of furunculosis. If a small abscess resolves and is not about to burst, then the labia are affected by another disease. This may be a local inflammatory process that does not affect the hair follicles. A boil on the labia goes through several stages of development, confirming the presence of the disease:

  1. Primary - manifested by the appearance of a slight swelling at the site of infection, accompanied by mild itching. After a certain period of time, it begins to thicken, accompanied by swelling of nearby tissues, and pulsation is noted at the epicenter. The size of the formation varies from less than a centimeter to three (large abscess).
  2. Secondary - indicated by the maturation of a purulent core, on the surface of which small bubbles form. In parallel with local symptoms, there is increased body temperature, muscle pain and headaches, enlargement and tenderness of nearby lymph nodes.
  3. Tertiary – is the final stage, during which the ripening of the boil and its opening are recorded, with the removal of accumulated pus. The recovery period takes 12 days; the speed of healing of injured tissue depends on personal hygiene and treatment of the affected area.

How to treat a boil on the genitals? Symptomatic treatment at all stages of the disease can be carried out independently, with the exception of multiple boils that require surgical intervention. What to do if a formation appears near the vagina?

Treatment Options

Home therapy is recommended for single inflammations of the female organs. If a problem occurs, it is necessary to wipe the affected skin with salicylic alcohol. It will help relieve discomfort and disinfect surfaces. One of the effective means is Vishnevsky’s liniment. It will speed up the process of maturation of the abscess, ensure the removal of purulent discharge and clean the wound surface. Most patients refuse to use the ointment due to its unpleasant, pungent odor.

The best solution to the problem is to contact a dermatologist to prescribe medication.

Drug treatment

Conservative therapy consists of reducing the level of inflammation and resulting swelling using Ichthyol and Levomekol ointments. If necessary, a number of antibiotics are prescribed for a boil - Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Diclosalicin. The choice of antibiotics depends on the type of pathogen that caused the disease. The total healing time is no more than 14 days.

If complications occur, symptomatic treatment is recommended, aimed at eliminating additional pathologies that have arisen during the course of the disease. Late access to a medical institution leads to the need for surgical manipulations.

You should not expect that a carbuncle on the genital organs in women will resolve on its own - this pathology requires consultation with a surgeon. A boil near the vagina, even a small one, can lead to serious processes and damage to a woman’s health.


A boil that does not go away for a long time creates additional problems for the patient. The ineffectiveness of the pharmacological agents used leads to the need for surgical treatment. After passing the necessary tests, a date for the intervention is set.

The technique is performed under local anesthesia, without putting the patient under anesthesia. Pain sensations are completely relieved; slight discomfort may occur during the operation. The surgeon opens the boil, excises the rod and removes the affected tissue.

The cavity remaining after the intervention is thoroughly disinfected and drainage is installed. It is an additional measure to remove accumulated purulent contents. The time the drainage tube remains in the surgical field is about five days. Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed - electrophoresis, UHF, etc.

How is it prohibited to treat pathology? At any stage of development of the pathological condition, the following are not recommended:

  • any sexual contact – it is possible to infect a partner with chiria (staphylococcus);
  • touching damaged skin with dirty hands;
  • independent attempts to squeeze out or open the abscess;
  • scratching or scratching the area of ​​inflammation;
  • ignore the use of antiseptics when opening a boil;
  • self-administer medications, especially antibiotics.

Prevention measures

To avoid the occurrence of furunculosis, the following rules should be followed:

  • use underwear made from natural fabrics, do not purchase it in dubious places;
  • carry out daily hygiene procedures and wash the genital area at least twice a day;
  • carry out the removal of excess hair, avoiding the occurrence of microtraumas and subsequent treatment with antiseptic drugs;
  • monitor the state of the autoimmune system, conduct seasonal vitamin therapy;
  • normalize the daily diet, including healthy foods containing sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • be regularly examined in medical institutions.

The constant occurrence of boils indicates health problems; if they are present, the root cause of their occurrence should be identified and symptomatic treatment should be performed. A boil on the labia reduces the standard of living in women, interferes with normal sex life and causes a constant state of discomfort.

A boil can appear anywhere on the body, including on the labia. An abscess in the intimate area causes pain and discomfort.

The disease involves damage to the hair follicle and the surrounding area.

Any formation in such a place suggests a sexually transmitted disease. But the boil does not belong to this group of diseases.

Its appearance is provoked by bacteria - golden or white staphylococcus aureus. Boils in the genital area in women are localized mainly on the labia majora.

Reasons for appearance

Opportunistic bacteria are present on human skin in the so-called latent state. A strong immune system prevents microorganisms from showing their harmful qualities.

But under certain conditions, staphylococci, like other pathogens, are activated, multiplying rapidly and causing damage to organs.

A furuncle on the labia majora appears as a result of purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous glands and surrounding tissues.

On the small lips and clitoris, boils do not form due to the absence of hair follicles in these places.

There are main provoking factors in the development of this disease:

Suppuration may occur on the intimate lips, which is not a boil. These types of formations appear on the labia minora as a result of bartholinitis or inflammation of the Bartholin glands.

Pathology is characterized by the development of seals on the mucous membrane, which become inflamed and fester. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Symptoms of an abscess (ulcer) on the vulva

The appearance of a boil on the labia gives a woman a lot of discomfort.

This pathology has characteristic, pronounced symptoms. It is extremely difficult not to notice the development of an abscess, since the process is accompanied by pain in the intimate area.

Symptoms depend on the stage of development of the disease:

How it is formed

The appearance and further development of chiryak takes place in several stages or stages:

  1. Primary stage (infiltration)– in the place where the infection has entered the body, there is a slight swelling, then thickening and redness of the skin and swelling of the tissues appear. This stage usually lasts from 3 to 5 days, accompanied by mild itching, pain when pressing, and pulsation in the affected area. A small boil is usually about a centimeter in size, while a large one can reach 3 cm.
  2. Secondary stage (progressive necrosis)- suppuration of the boil occurs, inside which a necrotic core is formed. The light-colored purulent head stands out against the background of the burgundy boil. After 3 - 4 days, the ripened boil breaks through by itself, sometimes it needs to be opened with the help of a surgeon. During this period, the patient often has a fever, nearby lymph nodes increase, and muscles hurt. After the pus drains out, a hole (crater) remains at the site of the wound.
  3. Tertiary stage (healing stage)– within a few days, the crater becomes scarred. The small scar will lighten over time and then disappear. How quickly the recovery period will pass will depend on the quality of hygiene and medical procedures. It is important to follow all recommendations prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment of boils on the labia and vagina

It is dangerous to treat a boil on your own, it is fraught with complications and deterioration in general health. The necessary medications and procedures must be prescribed by a doctor.

In some cases, local therapy will be sufficient, and sometimes surgery is required.

Local therapy

For the treatment of boils, external drugs are used in the form of ointments that help draw pus from boils, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain.

The choice of ointments that have a beneficial therapeutic effect is quite wide:

Local therapy involves careful treatment of the affected skin area. At the very beginning of the formation of a boil, the sore spot is wiped with salicylic alcohol to disinfect and relieve discomfort.

Chlorhexidine is used as an antiseptic at all stages of treatment - a cotton swab is moistened in a solution and applied to the boil.

Depending on the severity of the disease, an appointment may be necessary. The need to prescribe such drugs is determined by the doctor.

To treat ulcers on the labia, use:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Minocycline;
  • Dicloxacillin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Sumamed.

Surgical intervention

There are situations when a boil that jumped up on the labia cannot open for a long time. If compresses with ointments do not help to break through the abscess, the help of a surgeon is required.

The surgical intervention takes place in several stages:

  • local anesthesia is used - the doctor injects an anesthetic drug that relieves pain;
  • then an incision is made with a sterile instrument and the purulent contents are removed;
  • after cleaning the boil cavity, the doctor will treat the wound with disinfectants and apply an ointment. The therapeutic bandage is changed at least once a day.

After removing the internal contents of the boil, a small scar may remain. For resorption, the drug Contractubex is used.


Physiotherapy procedures help speed up the healing process of the boil after it is opened:

  • IR – infrared irradiation;
  • darsonvalization– exposure to high-frequency pulsed currents of low strength;
  • UHF – ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • electrophoresis with copper and zinc salts.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine can complement or, in some cases, partially replace drug therapy.

Here are a few recipes for treating ulcers on the labia:

How to treat women during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The body of pregnant women becomes vulnerable due to a decrease in protective forces. The immune system weakens and the expectant mother is susceptible to infections and inflammations, including the formation of boils in the intimate area.

Women during pregnancy and nursing mothers should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. The choice of medications for therapy is limited, since many drugs can harm both the expectant mother and the fetus.

Antibacterial and immunostimulating agents are rarely used, in exceptional cases. To strengthen the immune system, use a balanced diet enhanced with vitamins and microelements.

Of the medicinal ointments that effectively help in the treatment of boils, it is worth noting Ichthyol and Zinc. They are quite safe and are approved for pregnant and lactating women.

For local therapy, traditional medicine is used:

  1. To speed up the ripening of boils, you can use onions boiled in milk as a compress. Duration of the procedure: 6 – 8 hours.
  2. Mix a fresh chicken egg with 1 teaspoon of natural honey, add flour to obtain a thick consistency. Form cakes from this mass and apply one at a time to the boil for several hours.
  3. Pour the crushed flax seed into cotton bags. Place one of them in hot water one by one and apply it to the boil.
  4. At night, make a compress from a plantain leaf washed in hot water. This procedure has an antibacterial effect on the affected area.

What is the danger?

The danger of a boil is that it can cause complications if it is untimely or incorrectly treated, as well as if you squeeze out the abscess yourself or do not follow the rules of antiseptic treatment.

An abscess on the labia, where many blood vessels are located, is fraught with the spread of infection through the bloodstream into neighboring tissues and internal organs.

What complications can a boil in the intimate area lead to:

  • furunculosis - the formation of multiple ulcers at different stages of maturation. Foci of inflammation of the hair follicles occur constantly, due to which the body is subjected to severe intoxication;
  • phlegmon - a purulent process in the subcutaneous fatty tissues. The disease progresses rapidly due to the absence of a restrictive capsule and spreads through different layers of the skin, muscles and internal organs; we wrote about how it can be cured in the material;
  • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes mainly in the groin area;
  • phlebitis - an inflammatory process in the walls of venous vessels;
  • sepsis - the spread of infection through the bloodstream with further purulent inflammation throughout the body. The disease is serious, difficult to treat and often fatal.

How do you think, ? Find the correct answer to the question in this publication.

Carbuncle - what is it? What are the reasons for its occurrence? How is it different from a boil? How and with what is it treated? This article will tell you about this.

Prevention measures

Prevention of the formation of boils on the labia is to eliminate any causes that contribute to the development of the disease.

Preventive measures relate to strengthening the immune system, maintaining personal hygiene, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eradicating bad habits:

A boil is not such a harmless sore, especially if it pops up on the labia.

In addition to discomfort and pain, an abscess is fraught with complications, which can be prevented by timely treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

External factors that can lead to the appearance of purulent rashes on the labia are frequent stressful situations, failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene, injury to the skin and mucous membrane, hypothermia, poor-quality underwear, poor diet, etc.

The main causes of ulcers should be considered:
- inflammation of the Bartholin's gland, resulting in painful;
- presence (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis), intestinal diseases;
- genital herpes;
- chancroid - a venereal disease with the formation of ulcers of irregular shape;
- venereal lymphogranuloma, in which vesicles appear;
- ulcer and vulvovagenitis;
- primary syphilis;
- some common diseases of the body - scabies, atopic dermatitis, diphtheria, furunculosis, typhoid fever and others.

If purulent rashes do not go away after 5-7 days, the shape and structure change, itching, burning, pain appear, body temperature rises, swelling forms, lymph nodes enlarge, you must immediately seek professional help. As a rule, this is an examination by a gynecologist, dermatologist, virologist, blood test, stool test for bacteriological culture, smear.

How to get rid of ulcers on the labia?

Effective treatment depends on the form and severity of the disease. After the diagnosis is made, a set of measures is prescribed: taking antibiotics, using disinfectants, increasing the body’s immune defense, and vitamins. In the absence of timely treatment, an abscess begins, which cannot be avoided without surgical intervention. Of course, positive dynamics will appear if the disease itself that caused the rash is eliminated.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze out the contents of the abscess yourself, as this can lead to furunculosis or blood poisoning. The opening of the abscess is carried out only by a specialist using local anesthesia. After this procedure, physiotherapy is prescribed: electrophoresis, darsonvalization, infrared irradiation and others. They allow you to speed up the healing process of the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.

To alleviate the condition, warm compresses are applied, which reduce pain and provoke rapid maturation of ulcers. With self-treatment, sterility must be observed: before and after treating the rashes, wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

To prevent recurrent rashes, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene, wear underwear made of high-quality materials, use condoms during sexual intercourse, and make sure that the partner does not have sexually transmitted diseases.

A furuncle is a bacterial infection of the hair follicle. Such ulcers can appear on any part of the body. A boil on the genitals in women is accompanied by painful sensations and causes serious discomfort. An abscess should be treated carefully, since due to its location, damage to the boil can lead to infections of the genital organs.

The formation of boils on the labia minora and majora can be caused by:

  • skin damage;
  • the presence of a chronic focus of infection;
  • decreased immune defense of the body;
  • violation of hygiene;
  • skin irritation;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • a number of chronic diseases of internal organs.

A boil formed on the labia majora hurts greatly due to the characteristics of the epidermis in this area. In most cases, the formation of such boils is caused by improper depilation and poor hygiene. Damage to the epidermis when removing unwanted hair can lead to infection due to increased sweating in this area and poor hygiene.

As a result, a dense ball with a purulent cavity forms under the skin. Over time, a purulent core appears in the center of the ball, and the tissue around the formation becomes inflamed and swollen. All this is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms - itching and throbbing pain. Any irritation of the abscess, for example, by rubbing against underwear, causes increased discomfort.

The boil on the genitals takes several days to mature. On the first day, only a slight swelling is noted, which causes pain when pressed and rubbed against the underwear.

A day later, the swelling increases and the abscess begins to grow rapidly. It acquires a purple color; in the middle of the formation a bright dot is visible at the site of the purulent core. When the boil reaches its maximum size, but does not open, the woman feels a throbbing pain that increases when touched or when irritated by clothing. In this case, a loss of strength, general malaise and an increase in temperature to 37.5-38.5 C are possible.

Unpleasant symptoms subside when the abscess opens. This occurs approximately on the fifth day after the onset of the inflammatory process. If the purulent contents do not come out completely, re-formation of suppuration in the same cavity is possible.

Inflammation of the labia minora

There are no hair follicles on the labia minora, so boils or boils do not appear in this area. If inflammation with purulent contents appears on the mucous membrane, in most cases an abscess is diagnosed. Inflammation can also be caused by a number of pathologies, so it is important to consult a doctor.

The formation of pimples, suppuration and compactions on the mucous membranes can be one of the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

The formation of abscesses and suppuration in the area of ​​the labia minora can be a symptom of inflammation of the Bartholin glands. This dangerous disease requires properly selected treatment, otherwise negative consequences may develop. This pathology is characterized by the formation of large inflamed seals on the mucous membrane, which may be accompanied by symptoms of fever and an increase in temperature up to 40 C.

Symmetrical inflammation of the labia may indicate gonorrhea. In this case, a visit to a specialist is required; self-medication is not allowed.

Wen are often mistaken for boils. Wen can also be located on the labia minora, since sebaceous glands are located on them. The wen on the labia minora is a dense ball with yellow contents. When pressed, it does not hurt or cause any discomfort, while inflammation is always accompanied by pain and swelling of the tissue. The skin around the wen does not become inflamed or swollen.

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the type and cause of inflammation on the labia minora. For consultation you need to visit a gynecologist.

Furuncle treatment

A boil or boil on the labia goes away on its own in 5-7 days. You can speed up the healing process of an abscess on the genitals using ointments or surgery.

The most effective and safest method to get rid of an abscess on the genitals is to consult a surgeon. The doctor will open the suppuration, remove the contents of the cavity and necrotic core, as a result the problem will go away faster. If nothing is done, it will take about a week for the abscess to mature and open, and a week for tissue regeneration. If you consult a doctor, the recovery period will be reduced to one week, since there is no need to wait for the abscess to spontaneously open.

Before removing the boil on the pubis and genitals, the doctor will treat the skin around the abscess with an anesthetic. After the anesthesia injection, the patient will not feel pain. Then, with a scalpel, an incision is made and the contents of the cavity are removed with a special tool. After that, an antiseptic treatment of the cavity is carried out, an ointment is applied and covered with a bandage. Also, the doctor will give recommendations on which drugs should be used to accelerate skin regeneration.

Ichthyol ointment helps to speed up the process of maturation of the boil at home. The drug is abundantly applied to a gauze compress, which is then applied to a ripening abscess for several hours. The compress is changed 3-4 times a day. Such treatment is carried out until the abscess matures, and a rod becomes visible on its surface.

When the purulent contents have formed, you can either go to the doctor or continue treatment at home. Turning to the surgeon, the patient will relieve herself of the need to endure discomfort for a few more days, since it takes time for the boil to open itself.

If a home treatment is chosen, the treatment of the abscess is continued with an antibiotic ointment. Levomekol is well suited for this, which effectively affects gram-positive microorganisms that provoke suppuration. The ointment is applied to a gauze compress, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. The compress is applied to the abscess and covered with a bandage on top. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

When the boil opens, it is important to remove the pus in a timely manner with a cotton swab so that it does not get on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and does not provoke the development of inflammation.

At each stage of treatment, antiseptic treatment is required. To do this, use a solution of Chlorhexidine, which is abundantly moistened with a cotton swab and applied to the boil for a few seconds.

To speed up the healing of the wound at the site of the boil, it is necessary to use antibacterial ointments. They are applied directly to the wound, and then cover the affected area with a bandage or plaster.

For large boils on the labia and pubis, it is recommended to consult a specialist to prescribe medications. Large inflammation sometimes needs to be treated with antibiotic tablets that have a systemic effect on the body.

Under no circumstances should you try to open a boil on the labia yourself; this can lead to infection of the genitals and the development of bacterial damage to the external genitalia.



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