Products for increasing strength. Fermented milk products as a source of energy

How to cheer yourself up if you are tired? Which foods give the body real energy, and which only mobilize for a short time? Dr. Holly Phillips on own experience knows what fatigue and depression are, and has developed tips for herself that help avoid them. She gives a list of foods to maintain strength, and also tells whether you should drink juices for weight loss and coffee for fatigue.

You've probably heard the term "superfood". It is often used in relation to brown rice, spinach, yogurt, tomatoes and others useful things; but have you ever wondered what makes a food a superfood?

It's not about taste, although taste does matter. The bottom line is efficiency: superfoods are not only higher in nutritional value, they also have other properties - they support the immune system, reduce inflammatory processes in the body, stimulate brain function, increase energy reserves, endurance and prolong life. Can you really ask for anything more from a simple meal?

But let's get down to earth: no product will be “super” if it doesn’t taste good: you simply won’t want to eat it. With this in mind, I have prepared a list of ten energy-boosting superfoods that everyone should eat regularly.

10 superfoods against fatigue

Oats. It is perhaps the ultimate superfood because it is rich in fiber, protein, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Oats are best eaten for breakfast because the fiber they contain digests slowly, keeping your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Large-scale studies have shown that oats lower cholesterol levels, which is why they are considered beneficial for heart health.

If you're not a fan of oatmeal (I confess, I'm not), you can sprinkle the oats into cold breakfast cereal or yogurt, or add them to turkey wraps, salads, or even stews for added nutritional value.

Quinoa. These gluten-free grains contain more protein than any other cereal. Quinoa is so rich in amino acids (eg, lysine, cysteine, methionine) that it is considered a complete protein (usually found only in animal products). The amino acids in quinoa help restore muscles after a workout, while folic acid, magnesium and phosphorus support the body's strength.

Blueberry. In addition to being loaded with powerful antioxidants and energizing carbohydrates, blueberries contain vitamins A and C, folic acid, potassium, magnesium and fiber. According to research, they, along with blueberry phytochemicals (the beneficial compounds that provide plants with pigment), strengthen the immune system and reduce symptoms of depression by stopping the buildup of free radicals. Which helps the body and psyche recover faster from stress and cell injuries.

Salmon. Packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids (particularly docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA), which promote heart health, and is an excellent source of protein. American Association Heart Research recommends eating fatty fish (such as salmon) at least twice a week.

Regular consumption of fish and fatty acids Omega-3 reduces symptoms of depression and improves cognitive function. The energy-boosting effect of salmon is explained by improved metabolism, including more effective use oxygen in the body during physical exercise.

Avocado. A source of healthy fats, avocados are loaded with fiber, potassium, vitamins A and E, and folic acid. It is a good source of an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. It has a positive effect on metabolic aspects that underlie cardiac function, particularly blood fat levels and inflammatory markers (such as homocysteine, which often rises with fatigue, resulting in diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and chronic fatigue).

Turkey. It is not only low in fat and a good source of protein. Turkey contains the amino acid tyrosine, which increases dopamine and norepinephrine levels. chemical substances brain that improve your attention and concentration. (Don't worry that eating turkey will make you sleepy because of the tryptophan it contains; it has no more of this amino acid than chicken or fish.) It also contains vitamins B6 and B12, which help relieve insomnia and depression and increase energy reserves.

Goji berries. They have been used for 5000 years in Chinese medicine to stimulate energy and mental performance and reduce stress. Goji berries are believed to improve blood flow, allowing energizing oxygen to flow more freely throughout the body. These bright orange-red berries are a concentrated source of antioxidants; They are eaten raw, made into a decoction, or dried like raisins.

Almond. Packed with protein and fiber, these nuts also contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin E. They are also a rich source of magnesium, which plays a key role in converting sugar into energy. Not having enough magnesium in your body can sap your energy and cause sleep problems and leg cramps.

Lentils. This plant from the legume family is a powerful source of lean protein, fiber, iron, potassium, zinc and folic acid. Lentils are rich in selenium, a natural mood regulator: studies have shown that a lack of selenium leads to a bad mood and lowers energy levels. The fiber in these mini legumes stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Cabbage. Rich in vitamins C and A, calcium, iron and potassium, it is also an excellent source of protein and fiber - while being very low in calories. In addition, cabbage contains large amounts of flavonoids, phytochemicals with antioxidant properties.

When it comes to nutrition, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to maximizing energy levels for everyone, so you'll have to find your own golden formula that works for you. It may take some trial and error, but if you try to choose truly healthy foods, mix the right nutrients, and stick to a consistent eating plan, you'll quickly find the best sources of food energy that will fuel your body with quality fuel and will delight your taste buds at the same time.

Coffee: to drink or not to drink? Pros and cons of caffeine

When you're dead tired, caffeine can be an instant antidote, energizing you and helping you focus in those crucial moments. Caffeine, a mild central nervous system stimulant, also increases heart rate, relaxes smooth muscle, increases gastric secretions, and has a diuretic effect.

The positive effects of caffeine include increased levels of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, adrenaline and glutamate, which in turn have a positive effect on alertness, concentration, mood and memory, reducing fatigue. Additionally, caffeine may cause a slight increase in metabolic rate, and regular consumption may reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes.

But in too much quantity, caffeine becomes an energy-sapping substance. It can increase blood pressure and the secretion of cortisol, cause tremors in the hands and anxiety, and contribute to a delay in falling asleep. Plus, if you have a caffeine addiction (which can develop from coffee, energy drinks and energy bars, as well as “natural” diet pills), the constant waxing and waning of its stimulant effects are often accompanied by mild dehydration and withdrawal symptoms—not a good combination.

This may lead to serious problems with energy balance in the body. Believe me, I experienced them myself! During my second year of medical school, when I was drinking a pot of coffee a day, I became so immune to caffeine that within an hour or two of taking another drink, I would begin to experience withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and headaches.

The energy boost you get from a cup of coffee is not real energy. This is the effect of caffeine, a drug, and it is short-lived. When the effects of caffeine wear off and your body realizes that it has no source of real energy, you are likely to feel exhausted and possibly hungry.

At this point, you probably decide that you need even more caffeine, or you choose to eat, but end up overeating because you are in a state of energy depletion. In either case, the unhealthy cycle, which can lead to further energy drain, begins again.

The lesson is: use caffeine wisely and pay attention to the total amount of caffeine in your diet. For many women, a cup of coffee in the morning is enough, and only occasionally during the day as a stimulant that temporarily increases concentration before an important meeting or long-distance trip.

If you find that you need extra stimulants during the day, it's time to consider other ways to increase your energy reserves: you can take a walk, or take a short nap, or breathe in a stimulating scent like peppermint, or spray your face cold water. Extra caffeine is not the answer.

Freshly squeezed juices: to drink or not to drink? The benefits and harms of juices

Unlike many doctors, I am not a strict opponent of the juice diet. But it is very important not to go to extremes and be aware of what is good and bad about such diets. Here's the basics: This diet involves limiting your diet to only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and water for a few days or longer. Proponents of juice fasting claim that it cleanses the body, helps you lose weight, and also serves as a preventive measure for almost all diseases - from colds to autoimmune diseases and various forms cancer.

Over the years I have taken a number of different juice courses. My best impressions came from a short (two to three days) course of vegetable juices. (Who would have thought I could eat so many pounds of kale?!) During the fast and for about a week after, I experienced less cravings for fatty and salty foods (suddenly potatoes seemed much less appetizing and cheeseburgers looked like food for dogs). In addition, I began to sleep better and feel a little more alert, as if I had increased my vitamin dose by 4000% (although this was not the case).

But there are also disadvantages. For some people, juice fasting or cleansing is contraindicated. Patients may experience high blood sugar levels from large quantity fruit juices, and those with kidney disease may suffer from electrolyte imbalance, potentially life-threatening. Juice diets will neither help you lose weight nor stop weight gain if you do manage to lose a couple of kilograms. And there are no scientific evidence that “detoxification” helps prevent any disease; in fact, our liver, kidneys and intestines cleanse the body naturally every day.

If you want to try a juice diet, avoid extreme options and do not sit on any of them for more than three or four days. Juice fresh fruits and vegetables yourself or buy freshly prepared juices that have not been pasteurized. Of course, pasteurization kills potentially harmful bacteria, but it also kills beneficial microorganisms and reduces the content of some vitamins and minerals. To get the maximum benefit from a juice diet, you should drink only freshly squeezed juices.

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Very useful article, thanks to the author!
I can also give advice on adding more greens to your diet, walnuts,drink grape juice... We can talk a lot, but all these events must become a system.
There are very good recipe with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Take a glass of peeled walnuts, the same amount of honey and lemon. Grind the nut kernels and lemon, pour in liquid honey, and store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
It also gives a good effect old recipe: 200 ml milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 0.5 tbsp. spoons of dry chamomile inflorescences. Pour milk over chamomile and bring to a boil, dissolve honey, strain, and drink before bed.
Happy and positive attitude to everyone!

Comment on the article "10 foods that give energy. Proper nutrition against fatigue"

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Well, for potency it’s much easier to use something more mundane and simple. I use Detonator cream, smear it on my penis during sex, and my wife moans for several hours without breathing. Both she and I are happy.

11/29/2018 22:13:32, Arturka1112

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Surely everyone has heard about the need to eat right and healthy food, but not everyone fully understands the benefits of this or that product and how it can influence the body. But most products for vigor and energy are available and deprived of attention, or are not included at all daily diet.

How food affects energy

As you know, food is a source of human vital energy, it gives strength to carry out daily activities, affects our emotional state and health. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in some products, it can significantly improve well-being, or the substances contained in others, on the contrary, have a negative impact on health.

The unit of measurement of energy supplied by food is called a “calorie”. Each gram of protein or carbohydrate contains approximately 4 kcal; in fat this figure is 9 kcal. The main products that give energy and vigor are sugar and fat; they are processed into simple carbohydrates and then synthesized into energy.

To feel energetic, you need to enrich your diet with simple and complex carbohydrates, supplement with proteins, vitamins, minerals and maintain water balance. Among other things, it is very important to be in the air more often, thus the brain is saturated with oxygen and produces the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which, in turn, are responsible for a good mood.

Other factors affecting energy

In addition to nutrition, there are other nuances in a person’s life for vigor and energy. Each of us requires a certain amount of energy, its volume is determined by the following factors:

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Minerals and vitamins

Microelements play an important role in our body and are responsible for both internal state, and for the external. Each of them has its own meaning in coordinated work body.

Food for vigor and energy includes:

  • Complex carbohydrates, including glucose, are directly related to normal functioning brain, as well as the entire nervous system.
  • Fiber - cleanses the body of waste and toxins, is responsible for the feeling of satiety, and regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Magnesium - participates in most biochemical reactions occurring in the body.
  • Iron is responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevents an increased feeling of fatigue.
  • Selenium - important trace element, also an antioxidant, helps maintain the necessary energy supply and supports a person’s psychological state.
  • Thiamine is also known as the “vitamin” or vitamin B1. Involved in energy metabolism and promotes normal carbohydrate fermentation.
  • Pyridoxine is also vitamin B6. Promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells. Stabilizes nervous system.
  • Vitamin B8 is a powerful antidepressant and is involved in the process of fat metabolism.
  • Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is involved in metabolism and the synthesis of enzymes necessary for carbohydrate processes.
  • Vitamin A is a strong antioxidant that supports normal body function and promotes recovery after physical activity.
  • Vitamin E - responsible for appearance hair and skin, stimulates the restoration of mitochondria (the energy core of cells).

Top 10 “invigorating” products

Below are foods that will energize you throughout the day and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Answering the question of what food gives maximum energy and vigor, consider the list of the most popular foods:

  1. Oatmeal, muesli. Foods rich in both simple and complex carbohydrates, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, all of which are involved in intercellular metabolism. It gives a powerful burst of energy, is quickly absorbed and therefore works short term. It is better to eat oatmeal or muesli with a piece of butter, add nuts and dried fruits.
  2. Dried fruits. Fructose in dried fruits is a simple carbohydrate and is absorbed within 10 minutes; fiber promotes metabolism and improves intestinal function. Regular consumption of dried fruits has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system. The most energetically beneficial include: dried apricots, dried bananas, pears.
  3. Eggs. Chicken eggs are rich in protein, but quail eggs have almost 3 times more protein. Simple fats, contained in this product, are quickly absorbed and charge you with energy for the whole day, and choline, or more simply put, vitamin B4, improves brain activity. Quail eggs You can eat it raw or cooked, but the maximum benefit from chicken is if you eat it in a boiled state.
  4. Honey is included in the list of foods for energy and vigor, and is considered the most beneficial product for the brain. It contains a high concentration of carbohydrates, minerals, sucrose and vitamins. It has been scientifically proven that honey improves blood composition and memory, and promotes concentration. Doctors and nutritionists recommend completely giving up sugar and replacing it with honey. It should be noted that at temperatures above 65° C it loses almost all of its healing properties.
  5. Coffee. Experts have not yet reached a consensus on whether this product is harmful or not. One thing is absolutely certain - caffeine acts as an invigorating and stimulating agent, in addition, it improves memory. If caffeine is abused, it becomes addictive and other products that are beneficial to the body stop working properly on it.
  6. Fruits and vegetables. Absolutely all vegetables and fruits contain fiber to a greater or lesser extent. It, in turn, provides the body with energy, improves digestion, and cleanses the intestines of toxins. In addition, fruits and vegetables are included in most weight loss programs and are included in post-operative diets - all due to their easy digestibility and benefits.
  7. Fruit yoghurt. Lactobacilli in yogurt normalize the intestinal microflora; fruits and a minimal amount of sugar provide the necessary energy. Having a snack with yogurt, the feeling of hunger is dulled, while the body receives its boost of energy. If you eat it every day, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  8. Mackerel is a storehouse of vitamin B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids essential for the brain. Thanks to these elements, the brain produces “joy” hormones - dopamine and serotonin. In addition, mackerel is rich in minerals, proteins and healthy fats. It is a natural energy stimulant without harm, with benefits for the body.
  9. Beans. The entire legume family has the composition rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. Fresh vegetable salad with green peas or beans with greens can be a good alternative to oatmeal for breakfast; moreover, beans fill us with strength for the whole day.
  10. Nuts - nutritious product, containing mass useful vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates. Their benefits: improved brain and heart function, accelerated metabolism, normalization of the nervous system and the entire body as a whole. It is recommended to eat nuts with honey, add them to salads, porridge, cottage cheese desserts, and so on.

Other energy sources

There are also other products that give energy, vigor, and strength:

  • Chocolate. It should be clarified that we're talking about about dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans, it stimulates brain function, prevents neuroses, restores the body's defenses, and strengthens blood vessels. Recommended as prophylactic from varicose veins veins, smokers and people working in difficult conditions.
  • Spinach, or as it is often called the “king of herbs”, is extremely beneficial for health. With regular use, it promotes stress resistance, improves performance, prevents the occurrence of eye diseases, and normalizes intestinal function.
  • Cabbage. Regardless of the type of cabbage, it has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the body and has a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains: iron, folic acid, zinc, B vitamins, phosphorus.
  • Water. Of course, water cannot be a source of energy, but everyone knows that a person is approximately 70% water. If the water balance there is a feeling of exhaustion. Water is a kind of conductor of nutrients entering the body, and it also removes harmful substances from it.
  • Seafood for energy and vitality of the body is valuable food useful microelements, protein, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. Protein contained in seafood products, better and easier to digest than meat. Iodine is indispensable in work thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, magnesium strengthens the nervous system, phosphorus is good for the brain. Among other things, seafood has low calorie content and are suitable for people who want to lose weight.

How often should you eat?

It should be noted right away that there is no need to become fanatical and eat only these foods, this can cause allergic reaction with its characteristic symptoms, indigestion and other intestinal disorders.

To understand how to eat for vigor and energy, you need to create a varied diet based on the following principles:

  • breakfast is as filling and nutritious as possible with a high content of simple carbohydrates, after such food a person quickly receives a portion of energy and a charge for the whole day;
  • lunch should consist of nourishing, but not fatty dishes;
  • dinner - can be simple without frills, it’s good if it includes complex carbohydrates.

The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed, otherwise heartburn, insomnia, unnecessary fat deposits, a morning feeling of lethargy and lack of sleep, and even the most healthy breakfast won't fix the situation.

Folk remedies

People can hear reviews about separate meals for vivacity energy. Many diets teach people to count calories and divide daily ration for several frequent meals. Those who want to lose weight have long appreciated this method and note the positive dynamics of their health.

In addition to foods that give energy and vigor to the body, you can tone up and get a boost of vigor using proven folk remedies:

  1. Essential oils. Depending on the composition, this or that oil has a special effect on a person: some have a relaxing effect, others calm, and others energize. Citrus and rosemary based oils are most suitable for this. It is recommended to add essential oils a few drops in a bath or as aromatherapy.
  2. Bran infusion is one of the most effective energy infusions. To prepare it in 1 liter drinking water add a glass of bran and boil for an hour over medium heat, then filter and drink 0.5 glass 3 times a day. The course of admission is 2 weeks. The product not only relieves the feeling of chronic fatigue, but also removes toxins.
  3. Rose hip jelly. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, the drink improves immunity, gives strength and improves general state health. Recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, wrapped and allowed to brew. Drink jelly in the morning; if desired, you can add a little honey.

Food before training

The nutrition of athletes differs significantly from the usual diet. It mainly consists of an increased amount of carbohydrates, which provide energy for physical exercise, and proteins, which increase muscle mass.

  • boiled turkey with omelet;
  • baked chicken breast;
  • oatmeal;
  • cottage cheese with berries and fruits;
  • cabbage casserole with chicken.

Protein shakes and bars, milk drinks can be additions to food. Thanks to special composition they give strength and prepare the body and brain for active physical activity.

Coffee: to drink or not to drink?

Foods that give energy and alertness also include coffee and drinks containing caffeine. When a person is exhausted and tired, a cup of strong coffee has an immediate stimulating effect. Caffeine increases heart rate, has a diuretic effect, increases performance, improves concentration and memory, and promotes good metabolism. Research has proven that daily use Coffee helps prevent diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

Caffeine addiction produces the opposite effect: anxiety, insomnia, body tremors, dehydration, and hypertension occur. It is important to understand that caffeine in tablets, drinks and other products provides an artificial boost of energy and its effect is short-lived.

You need to drink coffee in in moderation- one cup in the morning is enough to get a boost of energy, or drink it before an important meeting to improve concentration and attention.

Foods that increase the feeling of fatigue

Unfortunately, most modern food products are harmful to the body to one degree or another. Some of them take away energy and aggravate the feeling of fatigue.

By mistake, some people consume the following foods for vigor and energy:

  • fat meat;
  • pasteurized products;
  • sugar;
  • artificial additives;
  • alcoholic products;
  • salty, fried and spicy foods.

It is quite natural to give up all your loved ones in one day and, nevertheless, harmful products impossible. You need to gradually start eating the right foods for vigor and energy. You can replace some products with healthier ones, prepare food in a different way, and start using healthy ones instead of unnatural additives. plant analogues. After just a few weeks, the results will make themselves felt: your health, physical fitness and, of course, appearance will significantly improve.

Foods that give and take away energy.

There are foods that make it easy: walking, doing business, thinking... And there are those that seem to take away your energy... The choice is yours!

Foods that take away energy are called “tamasic” in Ayurveda. Foods in this category are either difficult to digest or contain toxins that cause fatigue.

Red meat (beef, pork, veal). Try to eliminate red meat from your diet altogether. Start by reducing the number of dishes containing pork, beef, and veal, replacing them with fish, poultry, and vegetables.

Old and fermented foods (aged and sour cheeses, pickled and smoked foods). These products underwent lengthy processing, during which the life in them was killed; in turn, they suppress and kill the vital energy in our body. Try to avoid them or at least reduce your consumption - especially for aged cheeses such as Swiss and cheddar.

Potatoes and other root vegetables
(exceptions are carrots and beets). In Ayurveda, it is believed that fruits that grow above the ground and are exposed to the sun carry with them much more energy than those that ripen underground. Tamasic foods also include onions, garlic and mushrooms.

Refined sugar, alcohol, coffee.
The listed products provide a quick boost in energy, which is certainly replaced by fatigue. If you want to enjoy sugar, choose raw sugar - it is an excellent natural delicacy. It is better to avoid alcohol altogether, and reduce coffee consumption to a minimum: no more than one cup per day. But it is much healthier to drink herbal teas.

Chemical additives and genetically modified products.
Their use leads to irreversible consequences V immune system, oppression reproductive functions, as well as to the complete degradation of the human mind.

Products that bring energy
In Ayurveda, foods that give a person energy are called “sattvic”. They should be included in the daily diet of every person - only such food can make us healthy.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, berries. However, “fresh” does not mean “raw”. Raw vegetables difficult to digest: useful minerals and the vitamins contained in them are not absorbed in the best possible way. The diet should contain both raw and thermally processed (boiled or baked) vegetables.

Dairy products. Whole milk(boiled) is considered one of the valuable products in Ayurveda: by increasing the body’s ability to absorb milk, you open up a new source of energy and stamina. Another source of energy is melted butter(you can make it yourself or buy it in a store).
Wheat and wheat products, these include not only whole grain cereals, but also bread and pasta made from durum wheat.

Honey gives us energy for a long period. The most valuable "concentrate" sun rays! One or two spoons of honey, taken with or without water at the moment of hidden hunger, helps to immediately eliminate and maintain it normal level performance for the entire working day.

Grapes, dates, figs, almonds. These products are a great substitute for cakes and sweets.

Olive oil. Choose unrefined, cold-pressed oils: only they retain beneficial substances.

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils). Green pods of green beans are very useful. You can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes from them.

7 foods that give us energy You and I are what we eat, and our diet is largely responsible for our success and mood. If you are overcome by fatigue, then it’s time to review your daily menu.

Blacklisted productsAyurveda experts ( ancient teaching O healthy life) and modern nutritionists recommend removing these foods from your diet for at least two weeks.

One of the energy-consuming foods is potatoes.
To get rid of chronic fatigue, limit potato dishes to daily menu to a minimum.

* Food from the refrigerator.
After 4-5 hours, cooked food loses its beneficial features and is already beginning to promote the formation of toxins in the body. For example, the shelf life of already chopped salad is approximately 30-40 minutes.

* Reheated food.
It also reduces the energy level in the body and also contributes to your chronic fatigue.

* Products that have undergone a long period of heat treatment(these are sauces, store-bought milk, juices), also fermented foods, smoked foods, canned goods, aged cheeses. During prolonged treatment, they gradually lose Vital energy and in the process of our digestion, they will take away energy from us.

Products that give energy that we eat at home. It has always been believed that the source of energy that comes to us with food is the sun, in which case

It turns out that cereals, fruits and vegetables are powered by solar energy. Eating fresh vegetables– we receive solar energy, while forgetting about fatigue. Among the most energy-producing foods: nuts (seeds), yogurt, beans, oatmeal, spinach, carrots, bananas.

* Nuts (or seeds) contribute to the body's intake of magnesium, which helps us cope with muscle fatigue. Nuts and seeds also contain a lot of protein - this is the main supplier of energy to cells. But do not forget also that nuts (seeds) are very high in calories.

* Yogurt (natural) is a source of bifidobacteria, which are components of the main support of immunity and good mood. Plus the yogurt is great. dietary product, which starts the digestive system.

* Beans (lentils, peas, beans) - they contain a whole storehouse of useful substances: iron, protein, thiamine, manganese, phosphorus. Bean dishes will help you forget about your usual lethargy and drowsiness.

* Spinach - great source vitamin C and iron, which play a crucial role in the fight against fatigue.

* Carrots contain vitamins B, PP, K, C, E, they are also rich in carotene - this is a substance that in the human body is converted into energy-filling vitamin A. Eat a tablespoon of carrots on an empty stomach with one spoon of sprouted seeds and a couple of drops olive oil or yogurt.

* Oatmeal is a rich source of thiamine, a deficiency of which can lead to feelings of fatigue and loss of appetite.

* Banana is just a storehouse of energy. No herbal product can do this for a long time cannot charge the body with energy (as much as 45 - 60 minutes) like a banana. At the same time, the calories it contains are easily digestible carbohydrates - fructose, sucrose and glucose.

In addition to water and air, the body needs a regular supply of food, which provides energy reserves for the heart, blood circulation, movement, thermoregulation, breathing, and brain activity. Our brain, even at rest, consumes approximately 50% of the energy we receive from the food we consume. Energy consumption increases significantly during intensive brain activity and physical activity.

How is food converted into energy?

This is possible thanks to digestion, during which food breaks down into glucose molecules. These molecules enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. Glucose travels through the bloodstream to the liver. Here it is filtered and also stored in reserve. The pituitary gland located in the brain internal secretion signals the thyroid and pancreas to release hormones that force the liver to release accumulated glucose into the bloodstream. After this, the blood delivers glucose to the organs and muscles that need it.

Having reached the target organ, glucose molecules enter the cells, where they are converted into energy. Thus, the process of supplying organs with energy directly depends on the level of glucose in the blood.

To increase the body's energy reserves, experts recommend consuming foods that give strength and can increase the level of metabolism.

Some nutritionists advise reducing carbohydrates in your diet. But there are studies that confirm that we need them for vigor and good mood.

Carbohydrates are main source fuel for the body. They increase serotonin levels.

But not all carbohydrates are created equal. These are considered complex carbohydrates. To a lesser extent - simple, unhealthy - refined. For example, try to avoid sweets. Such products cause sudden changes in sugar and also provoke increased fatigue, mood swings. You can replace sweets with whole grain products - brown rice, whole grain bread, cereal. Whole grains take longer to be absorbed by the body. They normalize sugar content and maintain energy reserves at an optimal level.


Beetroot is one of the foods that can increase the body's stamina. Interesting fact: British scientists several years ago found that thanks to the nitrate found in beets, the body absorbs more oxygen, and therefore becomes more resilient.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes (yams) are rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide greater amounts of glucose into the body. Fiber, which is abundant in this fruit, saturates you for a long time and promotes weight loss. Beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, vitamin C - these beneficial substances are included in sweet potatoes. They are important for maintaining energy reserves. The high potassium content helps maintain electrolyte balance during exercise and also lowers blood pressure.


However, it is important to remember that egg yolks contain saturated fats and extra calories. Therefore, experts advise eating only one whole egg per day and 2-3 whites. This amount is enough to provide the body with strength for the day.

When cells saturate the body well with oxygen, we feel more energetic. Vitamin B12 helps our body stimulate the synthesis of oxygen “transporting cells”. Its deficiency leads to loss of strength and rapid fatigue. Rich in this vitamin sea ​​fish. Especially mackerel. It can charge the body with energy and also saturate it. useful substances.

Green soybeans

They are also rich in B vitamins. Plus they contain copper and phosphorus, which help transform food into energy. Green soybeans provide us with carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins that are good for muscles.


This product increases performance and stress resistance. It normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, prevents exhaustion of the body, optimizes intestinal function, helps normalize weight and prevents some diseases of the organs of vision.


Eating cabbage stimulates metabolic processes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Cabbage saturates us with many useful substances - vitamins B and PP, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium salts, zinc, iron.

Pumpkin seeds can fill you with strength. They are the source healthy fats, protein, fiber. Helps you stay in good shape. They also contain manganese, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, which help maintain energy throughout the day.

Whole grain cereal

Coarse fiber whole grain flakes control the release of glucose into the blood, which provides the body with the necessary energy supply. They also contain B vitamins, which are involved in metabolic processes.

Nuts and dried fruits

Dried fruits and nuts are a good combination of healthy fats, proteins, and fibers. Fiber slows down the release of glucose, which provides us big amount energy.

Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that is considered healthy. Unhealthy ones include refined ones. Refined carbohydrates do not contain fiber, so they are quickly broken down into glucose. As a result, we get fuel for short period time.


This product is rich in iron, which helps us fight fatigue, lethargy and promote oxygen production. Mushrooms contain vitamins D and B12, which affect the production of energy in cells. In addition, microelements contained in mushrooms protect the components of cells responsible for the synthesis of energy reserves.

Berries: strawberries, black currants, raspberries, cranberries

Their use makes the immune system stronger, improves metabolism, strengthens memory, increases visual acuity, and also regulates blood sugar levels, which is necessary for us to be cheerful.


Pomegranate is a low-calorie fruit. It is considered a record holder for antioxidant content. Pomegranate contains a lot of potassium, iron, and B vitamins, which are necessary to replenish energy reserves. In addition, it contains magnesium and calcium.

Dark chocolate

A few pieces of bitter dark chocolate replenish your strength and also lift your spirits. This is possible due to the action of caffeine together with a stimulant called theobromine.


If you need a pick-me-up, a little coffee will help. A cup of coffee (approximately 150 g) gives you energy and does not harm the body.

Tea - alternative source caffeine Scientists believe that caffeine, as well as L-theanine contained in tea, increase concentration, improve memory, and speed up reaction time. Black tea allows you to better cope with stress and gives you energy.


Water keeps us in good shape. When we are dehydrated, we lose strength faster than when we are hungry. By consuming the optimal amount of water per day, we will improve the delivery of nutrients on which our energy depends. Water also removes toxins from the body. Waste causes fatigue.

Without a sufficient amount of water consumed, the body is not able to fully convert food into energy.

Foods that take away your strength

Except food products, filling with energy, there are also those that give the opposite effect. This is due to the content of toxic, harmful substances, food additives. As a result, difficulties arise in digestion, as well as breakdown, causing heaviness in the stomach, a feeling general weakness. Experts advise limiting consumption:

  • Foods containing a lot of salt;
  • Spicy food;
  • Products high in fat;
  • Fried foods;
  • Flour products;
  • Foods with a high content of chemical additives (flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, flavor enhancers);
  • Alcohol.

Drawing strength and energy from food, try to include more healthy foods in your diet that not only satiate your body, but also benefit it.

Fatty, sweet or too salty dishes can easily add extra pounds, but at the same time deprive us of vitality. ELLE's review includes 12 products that will be the best source of healthy and “smart” calories for every day, especially in winter.

To keep your body and intellect in shape, not only training is necessary - our well-being and energy resources directly depend on what we put on our plate every day. High-calorie food actually only deprives us of energy: after a heavy lunch, the body is focused only on digesting a fatty chop, french fries or a piece of chocolate cake. Balanced menu will help you maintain energy at any time of the day - and to create it, it is important to learn how to choose healthy and wholesome foods.

It is rich in magnesium, which helps our body produce energy, as well as proteins and “slow” carbohydrates. This versatile product makes an excellent side dish for fish, poultry or lean meats, and also goes well with fresh or cooked vegetables. Essential Ingredient healthy lunch or dinner.

They generously supply the body with useful vegetable protein(for which they are especially appreciated by vegetarians) and complex carbohydrates that will maintain a comfortable energy level throughout the day. Lentils or beans combined with fresh salad- an excellent complex dish even for meat eaters.

Like other orange or red vegetables and fruits, carrots are extremely rich in betacarotene, a natural pigment that is converted into vitamin A during digestion. In turn, this vitamin is a powerful weapon against free radicals that damage the body's cells every day. So as not to lose it life-giving force, and also not to lose important minerals To help fight fatigue and stress, it is better not to boil carrots, but to bake them, steam them or eat them fresh in salads.

Sea fish

Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel - all these types of fish supply us with essential omega-3 acids, which take care of blood vessels, nourish the brain, improve concentration and mood. The protein contained in fish is also perfectly digestible, goes towards building muscles and provides a feeling of fullness. Don't forget to include it in your menu 2-3 times a week.

Thanks to the unique structure egg white The human body absorbs 97% of it, and the amino acids contained in eggs are actively involved in the restoration and construction of our muscles. For those who are interested in sports, the farmer's egg is truly not simple, but golden.

This is a natural energy accumulator: almonds contain a lot of protein, magnesium, copper and riboflavin - vitamin B2, which is involved in many important processes occurring in the body. The substances contained in almonds also help neutralize toxins and help maintain mental activity. Add a few nuts to your breakfast or put them in your bag to take with you to work or on the go.

They contain a lot of glucose and fructose, and also contain fiber, which allows you to optimally use the energy of carbohydrates. If you add a banana to breakfast, you will have enough energy and strength until lunch. Also this great option snack in the middle of a tiring work day.

This is an excellent ally in the fight against fatigue and stress - one spoon will invigorate you better than a whole can of questionable energy drink chemical composition. Honey is a valuable source of antioxidants (vitamins B and C), as well as minerals and trace elements (magnesium, potassium, copper). Add it to natural yogurt, which can be eaten for breakfast or as an afternoon snack.



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