What foods to eat for weight loss. Low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt

When the moment comes to realize that being slim is the result of a healthy and correct lifestyle, you need to know exactly what foods the diet of a person who has set the goal of losing weight should consist of. The process of burning calories is the result of a high level of metabolism, to maintain which the body needs to provide the required amount of nutrients.

Most people consider literally all foods to be the root of the problem of excess weight, arguing that the fastest way to lose weight is by giving up food. Fasting cannot bring anything good to a person except harm to health. Limitation or complete refusal of food puts the body in a state of stress. Deprived of the main source of energy, it begins to work in slow mode, and the rate of metabolic processes decreases. The first signs that signal an “economy mode” of the body’s functioning are: problems with concentration, weakness and excessive fatigue.

Reducing the amount of food consumed certainly leads to rapid weight loss, but not by burning body fat. Fats for the body are, first of all, a valuable strategic reserve of energy that is consumed last. The pounds lost are fluid and destroyed muscle tissue. This leads to an even greater slowdown in metabolism, which results in active replenishment of both lost and gain of new kilograms.

Losing weight without harm to health, first of all, means reducing body fat. Ideally, it should balance the ratio between fat and muscle tissue. This will allow you to become not only slimmer, but also acquire a beautiful, harmonious body.

What foods contribute to proper weight loss?

To reduce the amount of fatty tissue and not cause harm to the body, certain categories of foods are consumed. Some help speed up metabolism, others help satisfy hunger for a long time, and there are also those that, due to large volumes, bring a feeling of fullness. The correct combination and preparation of such food allows you to achieve the coveted slimness and improve your health.

Ideal for people who are used to frequent snacking. Low calorie content is typical for citrus fruits, fresh herbs and vegetables. They are based on water and fiber. They fill you up quickly, filling your stomach, while keeping your calorie intake very low. The ability of fiber to remove toxins and cleanse the intestines also plays an important role in reducing body weight.

Containing a low percentage of fat

Each gram of fat contains about nine calories. This makes any fatty product one of the highest in calories. The greatest danger to both health and figure is the category of fats known as saturated fats. They clog blood vessels and lead to the development of various pathologies. In order not to harm your figure and body, your diet should contain foods that break down fats. These include: seafood, white fish, chicken breast, offal, as well as low-fat kefir and cottage cheese.

The exception is some varieties of fatty sea fish, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are responsible for fat metabolism and reduce the risk of blockage of blood vessels. This type of fatty acid is not produced in the body. Its main sources are herring, salmon, mackerel, and pink salmon.

Every athlete will call this category of products the main “fighter” against fatty tissue. A high level of protein stimulates the growth of muscle fibers, promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid from tissues, and accelerates metabolism. Among protein products that promote effective weight loss, the best are those that contain a minimum of fat. To provide the body with protein, the menu includes products such as beef and poultry liver, beef, turkey, eggs, squid, low-fat cottage cheese and chicken breast.

Low glycemic index

They are natural fat burners, normalize sugar levels and control appetite. The healthiest of them are salads, greens, raw or cooked vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes, unsweetened berries and fruits. They allow you to avoid the effect of the feeling of increasing desire to eat sweets, which a person experiences when consuming sugar-containing products. The more sugar you eat, the stronger your appetite, which is the main enemy on the path to achieving a slim and beautiful figure.

Promoting long-term saturation

A well-chosen breakfast menu, which includes nourishing and low-calorie food, allows you to maintain your metabolism at a high level throughout the day without experiencing hunger for a long time. These are, first of all, products containing complex carbohydrates, which include: whole grain bread prepared in Italian, that is, “al dente”, pasta made from durum wheat, as well as many types of cereals. This is the main reason why nutritionists recommend having a hearty and healthy oatmeal for breakfast.

Removes excess fluid

Excess weight is formed by both fats and excess accumulated fluid. And for a product to be considered the best in the fight against extra pounds, you need to pay attention to its ability not only to stimulate the metabolic rate, but also to remove fluid from the body. Such products include berry fruit drinks prepared without sugar, freshly squeezed orange juice, green tea, and celery. To prevent the accumulation of fluids, you should limit your intake of glucose and salt, and not take diuretic additives and drugs that can harm your health.

How to maintain the results achieved?

It is not enough just to lose a certain amount of body fat, you also need to record the effect. You should maintain proper nutrition throughout the day. It is recommended to snack on foods that are healthy for weight loss. Instead of yogurt, you should drink kefir, replace chocolate and sweets with dried fruits, and baked goods with nuts.

It is necessary to exclude fast food, industrially processed meat and factory-made sweets from the daily menu. Their place should be taken by vegetables, natural meat, mushrooms, and cereals. This will allow you to lose weight without any stress or harm to the body.

The eternal paradox of food and slimness is solved very simply. To lose weight, you need to eat. And at the same time it is correct, balanced, rational. In this case, you will no longer be tormented by the question: “What should I eat to lose weight?”

You will begin to understand the products. You will approach your dishes carefully. Stop shying away from the festive table with horror. The best way out is to learn the “language” of products. And then - hello, slimness, goodbye, excess weight!

Products that promote weight loss

Nuts(peanuts, almonds, pine nuts, walnuts).

They quickly satisfy hunger, preventing you from overeating. Activate metabolic processes, lower cholesterol levels. Rich in vitamins, proteins, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. Just a couple of nuts will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Fruits(avocado, apples, kiwi, pears, grapefruit, pineapple, dried fruits).

With zero calories, these weight loss foods are excellent for keeping you full. And all - due to the presence of large amounts of pectin, minerals and vitamins. They reduce the calorie content of the main dish. How? They just don't allow them to be absorbed. And insoluble fiber helps remove harmful substances. Therefore, fruits regulate cholesterol levels and activate the burning of adipose tissue. Perfectly cleanses the body.

Blueberries, honeysuckle, gooseberries, strawberries, currants, raspberries.

They smooth the skin and eliminate wrinkles. Remove fat from cells, reduce sugar content in the body. The best use is fresh, when the amount of vitamins is at its maximum. Well, or frozen.

(cabbage, carrots, ginger, mushrooms, seaweed, parsley, lettuce, spinach, celery).

These are very useful products for weight loss, as they have few calories, but a lot of dietary fiber. They quickly saturate the body and keep you full for a long time. Improves digestive processes, cleanses the intestines of toxins. Promotes the loss of excess fat. Reduce cravings for excessive food consumption. Activate metabolism. Provide the body with nutritional components.

Protein products(kefir, yogurt, fish, cottage cheese, whey, chicken, legumes, eggs).

These products, which promote weight loss, restore digestion and normalize the microflora in the intestines. Helps get rid of slagging and toxins. Accelerate weight loss. Gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Have a positive effect on metabolic processes. Normalize microflora, saturate the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Improves food absorption.

Oil(linseed, olive).

One-time supplier of fats in dietary nutrition. Dulls the feeling of hunger, helps lose weight.

Bread products(bread, bran, bread - mostly rye and coarsely ground).

Low-calorie foods for weight loss promote active digestion and prevent fat deposits. Supports the functioning of all organs. Helps normalize weight. They provide invaluable health benefits.

Cereals and porridges(buckwheat, oat flakes, rice, muesli).

They are light, but at the same time give a noticeable feeling of satiety. Moreover, preserving it for a long time. They contain a minimum of carbohydrates and help cleanse the body. They lower cholesterol and have a positive effect on organ function. Control glucose levels.

Secipi(horseradish, black pepper and chili, mustard, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, garlic).

These weight loss products effectively fight fat and cleanse blood vessels. Activate energy production. Reduce insulin levels. Repel the desire to eat sweets. They also speed up metabolic processes.

(green and herbal teas, water, fresh juices)

They saturate the body with substances that quickly burn fat deposits. Activate digestion. Release free radicals. Increase metabolism. They give it to the body by delaying eating.

Products for weight loss: table

Here are the top foods that help eliminate belly fat. After all, this is the most problematic area where excess volumes linger the longest.



Low-fat cheeses

Eliminate fat deposits in the “apron” area (lower abdomen).

Peas, beans, lentils

During the diet, maintain muscle mass. They satiate well, suppressing the feeling of hunger.

Cereals, oatmeal

Monitor cholesterol and glucose levels. Burns calories well.

Olive oil

Converts cholesterol plaques into soluble substances. Activates the elimination of fat cells.

Spinach and broccoli

They have a positive effect on accelerating metabolic processes.

Bread (rye), crispbread

Helps active digestion. Block fat deposition.

Reduces appetite. Keeps you full for a long time.

Actively fight fat. Helps gain muscle mass.

In addition to the traditional calorie-non-calorie content, there are also a lot of dietary criteria for ordinary food products. They are divided into groups that:

Low-calorie foods for weight loss

To understand the essence of low-calorie diet and its significance, let's use an example. Half a kilo of buns eaten will require spending about 3-4 hours on the treadmill. Whereas half a kilo of fresh cucumbers - not a minute. At the same time, the dough product will not provide a single gram of nutrients. And the vegetable will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. So: in a bun the calories are just off the charts, in cucumbers - not.

When switching to a diet, eat 100-300 kcal less every day. This will not be stressful for you and will bring a lot of benefits to your figure. Watch your calories. To lose weight, a woman needs to consume on average up to 2000 kcal per day, a man – up to 2500-2800 kcal.


Products for weight loss. will not add extra pounds to you; on the contrary, they promote fat burning. Products that help you lose weight usually hide products that are familiar to us, which we sometimes simply forget about.

American scientists have compiled a list of foods whose consumption will help make your stomach flat. By including them in your diet along with daily abdominal exercises, you will definitely see results after three weeks.

What foods help you lose weight?

Apples and pears are rich in pectin. They perfectly fill the stomach, which makes you feel full, and which is important, with almost zero calorie content. These fruits contain many essential vitamins and minerals. Great for snacking.


Thanks to grapefruit, insulin levels decrease and this makes you want to eat less.

If after each meal you eat half a grapefruit or drink 150 ml of grapefruit juice, then after two weeks your weight will decrease by two kg. The bitter taste of the juice can be easily diluted with orange juice.

Figs facilitate digestion because they contain a large amount of valuable ballast substances. Eating two or three figs is enough to satisfy the feeling of hunger and at the same time it contains few calories and no fat at all. You can also add figs to muesli.

By mixing vegetables of different colors, you get a healthy food rich in vitamins and fiber. Starting lunch with a salad dressed with lemon juice and a drop of vegetable oil will fill your stomach without extra calories, leaving much less room for higher-calorie foods. It also promotes weight loss.

Ginger contains a substance that removes toxins from the body, normalizes digestion and regulates metabolism. The recipe for ginger tea for weight loss is simple. You need to pour boiling water over one teaspoon of grated ginger, let it brew, then strain. Ginger root improves gastric secretion and blood supply, promoting rapid digestion of food. And speeding up your metabolism helps you lose weight faster.

Green tea also promotes weight loss. After all, it contains substances that actively burn fat. Asian nutritionists say you should drink four cups of green tea a day. This has the greatest effect when burning fat. It is believed that if you drink five cups of green tea a day, you will lose about 70 - 80 calories. Green tea also protects blood vessels, the heart and prevents the formation of cancer cells. But you should not consume it in large quantities, as it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Hot capsicum, as well as all its varieties, pepperoni, ground black pepper, mustard, horseradish and all seasonings of Thai and Indian cuisine are good at burning fat. Every time we add hot spices to our food, we become a little thinner. Spicy food promotes weight loss, as it accelerates energy production in the body and burns excess fat, reduces insulin levels. For example, chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin. This substance melts excess calories after finishing a meal within 20 minutes. If you don't like too spicy food, remove the grains from the pepper. Capsaicin is the substance that gives red hot peppers its heat, speeding up metabolism for three hours after eating, thereby literally melting fat cells.

Peanuts are great for snacking before main meals. After all, thanks to it, metabolism improves and accelerates, and cholesterol levels in fatty acids are reduced. Peanuts are quite a high-calorie nut. One hundred grams of peanuts contain 560 calories. Therefore, you should eat about 10 nuts per day (50 grams per day and no more, since they are difficult to digest due to fat). Peanuts contain: 25% proteins. 45% vegetable fats and 15% carbohydrates, it is also rich in B vitamins, PP and vitamin D. Nuts are very beneficial for the body and in order for them to contribute to weight loss, they should be eaten in small quantities.

Almonds are a nut rich in vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, dietary fiber, fatty acids and iron. Despite the increased fat content, this nut promotes weight loss, since some of its fats are removed from the body, bypassing the stage of splitting and absorption. Just 25 nuts a day (this is about thirty grams) reduce the number of lipids and normalize cholesterol levels in the body, which contributes to weight loss.

Pine nuts contain pinolenic acid, which is ideal for reducing appetite; among other things, they have the highest amount of saturated protein among all types of nuts. Roasted nuts are great as an addition to vegetable salads or snacks before main meals.

Cold soups promote weight loss as they help burn calories. Cold food must first be warmed up in the stomach, therefore, the body needs to spend calories to warm up and then digest the food. Cold soups perfectly fill the stomach, thereby saturating the body for a long time. Cold soup can easily be replaced with a glass of vegetable juice with herbs, for example, tomato juice.

If you make a puree soup from white cabbage or broccoli, without adding cream, semolina or flour, but adding various other vegetables (except potatoes), as well as spices and herbs, then such a dietary dish will help you lose weight. Thanks to cabbage fiber, cholesterol is removed and the body heals.


Low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt contains a lot of easily digestible protein, which saturates the body for a long time. Digesting protein, the body spends more calories than digesting fats and carbohydrates. By whipping the cottage cheese with sparkling mineral water, you get a cream that can later be spread on toast. The result is a wonderful low-calorie breakfast. Today, stores have a huge selection of products that are low in fat. When beneficial calcium enters the body, it produces a hormone that causes our cells to lose weight. Opt for unsweetened Yogurt without fruit additives. You can put a pinch of cinnamon in the yogurt instead of sugar.

It is hardly possible to find a product that is healthier than fish for your figure. Fatty fish varieties supply the body with essential fatty acids Omega-3 and iodine, which take care of the thyroid gland and heart. Also, fish products are weight loss products and fat burning. The method of preparing fish has a great influence on the process of losing weight. It is better to steam fish. If you do not have a double boiler, then a colander will help you, which should be placed in a saucepan with a small amount of water. Then add the fish pieces and cover with a lid. Herbs and seasonings go well with fish. The body will be endlessly grateful for such food, since it is easily digested and does not store excess fat.

High protein foods will help burn fats

Proteins are the basis for the formation of muscle mass. The higher a person's muscle mass, the more fat they burn, even at rest. For example, even on vacation, a person who has more muscle will burn more calories. For better absorption of proteins, the body also needs to spend a large number of calories than for the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. Thus, foods with a high protein content promote fat burning. This is the basis of many diets. An example is the Kremlin diet.

Your meal time

Set a timer for 20 minutes and eat slowly. This is one of the best habits to lose weight without a complicated diet. Enjoy every bite of your food before the bell rings. A slow pace provides great pleasure in smaller portions and triggers satiety hormones in the body. When you, like a wolf, grab food in a hurry, your stomach does not have time to transmit a signal to your brain that it is full. This leads to overeating.

According to a researcher from the University of Michigan, an extra hour of sleep at night can help a person lose 6 kg per year. The scientist's experiment showed that if you replace simple activities with sleep - and regular mindless snacking - you can easily reduce the number of calories you consume by 6%. Results will vary for each person, but sleep can also help in other ways. There is evidence that sleeping less than 7 hours increases your appetite, making you unusually hungry.

Eat more vegetables

Put three vegetables on your plate rather than one, and you'll eat more. Eating more fruits and vegetables is a great way to lose weight. High fiber and water content will fill you up with fewer calories. Cook them without adding fat. Season them with lemon juice and herbs rather than drowning their goodness in high-fat sauces or dressings.

Soup reduces weight

Add broth-based soup to your diet and you'll be full with fewer calories. Consuming soup is especially good at the beginning of a meal, as it slows down your eating and quenches your appetite. Start with unsalted stock, then add fresh or frozen vegetables and simmer. Avoid creamy soups, which can be high in fat and calories.

Switch to whole grains

Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and wheat grains are also part of your sneaky weight loss strategy. They help you feel full with fewer calories and may also improve your cholesterol levels. Whole grain products are currently represented by waffles, buns, pasta and white bread.

Hang an old favorite dress, skirt or jeans in a visible place where you can see them every day. Choose an outfit that is just a little tight to achieve your desired goal relatively quickly when you can put it on. Then pull out last year's evening dress and take your next small step towards being able to show off in it.

Eat the bacon

Don't eat bacon for breakfast or with sandwiches. This simple step will save you about 100 calories a day, which can add 10 pounds to your weight loss over the course of a year. Make a sandwich with tomato, red pepper, grainy mustard, or a light spread of seasoned cheese.

Choose a vegetable pizza topping

Choose a vegetable pizza topping instead of a meat one and you'll be able to eliminate another 100 calories from your meal. Switch to light or low-fat cheese and use a thin tortilla.

Reduce your sugar intake

Replace one sweet drink with regular or mineral water and you will avoid about ten teaspoons of sugar. Add lemon, mint or frozen strawberries for flavor and smell.

Liquid sugar in drinks seems to bypass the body's normal signals of fullness. One study compared an extra 450 calories per day from candy and sugary drinks.

People who ate candy unknowingly ate fewer calories overall, but this was not true for people who drank sugary drinks. They gained more than 1 kg within 4 weeks.

Use tall, thin glasses

Use thin, tall glasses instead of short, wide ones to cut down on liquid calories—and lose weight, without having to go on a complicated diet. This way, you will drink 25-30% less juice, sugary drinks, wine or any other drink.

How can this work?

Brian Wansink, Ph.D., says visual cues can trick us into drinking more or less fluid. His experiments at Cornell University found that all people drank more when using short, wide glasses—even experienced bartenders.

Limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages

If alcohol is served at the party, after the first drink, drink non-alcoholic, low-calorie drinks such as sparkling water instead of moving on to the next cocktail, beer or glass of wine.

Alcohol has more calories per unit weight (7 cal/g) than carbohydrates (4 cal/g) or proteins (4 cal/g). It can also weaken your will and cause you to mindlessly wolf down chips, nuts, or other foods that you normally limit.

Drink on green tea

Drinking green tea can also be a good strategy for weight loss. Some studies have shown that it may temporarily increase the rate at which your body burns calories—possibly due to the action of phytochemicals called catechins. In any case, you will drink a refreshing drink without a huge amount of calories.

Use weight loss medications

It is not news or a secret that all means are good to achieve the goal. This rule also applies to the fight against excess weight. Therefore, there is no need to be embarrassed or afraid to use drugs for weight loss. The most important thing is not to overdo it and use only recommended products.

Do yoga

What connection? People who regularly practice yoga have a more “mindful” approach to nutrition. For example, they tend to notice large portions in restaurants, but only eat enough to feel full. Researchers think calm self-awareness developed through yoga may help people resist overeating.

Eat homemade meals

Eat home-cooked meals at least five times a week. Sounds complicated? Cooking may be easier than you thought. Stores offer items that will make cooking easier: pre-cut lean meats, rinsed lettuce, chopped vegetables, canned legumes, cooked chicken or fish.

Pause while eating

Most people take a short break while eating when they put their fork down for a couple of minutes. Enjoy the conversation. This is a quiet signal that you are full, but not overeaten.

Chew peppermint gum

Use mint chewing gum if you want a snack. Socializing at a party, watching TV, surfing the Internet are some dangerous scenarios for mindless snacking. Strongly flavored chewing gum overpowers other foods so they don't taste good.

Eat from small plates

People who eat food from smaller plates automatically eat less. Brian Wansink discovered that people eat more from larger plates. Reducing the size of your plate reduces the number of calories by 100-200 per day, which leads to a weight loss of 5-10 kg per year.

In Brian Wansink's experiments, no one felt hungry or noticed when this visual effect reduced their daily calorie intake by 200.

Eat the right food portions

A great habit for lean people is that they eat modest portions at every meal, 5 days a week or more. After measuring portion sizes a few times, it will become automatic.

Try the 80-20 rule

Ordinary people are taught to eat until they are full, and Okinawans are taught to eat until they are 80% full. They even have a name for this natural habit: “hara hachi bu.” We can adopt this healthy habit.

Eating in a restaurant

Restaurant food is highly nutritious, so apply these special rules that keep portions under control:

  • Share the main course with a friend.
  • Order an appetizer as your meal.
  • Choose a baby plate.
  • Give half a serving to your pet.

Pair a small main course with a salad for the right balance: half the plate should be filled with vegetables.

Use low calorie sauce

Tomato-based sauces tend to have fewer calories and fat than cream-based sauces. But remember that the serving size should still be respected. A serving of pasta is about the size of a tennis ball.

Eat lean foods more often



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