How should a pregnant woman eat. Balanced menu for pregnant women

Pregnancy, as you know, is not a disease. This state of the body, of course, cannot be called habitual and ordinary, but it is still normal for the female body. There are many cases when women bore children without experiencing any discomfort. Diet plays a huge role in this. The correct menu for a pregnant woman for every day is essential at the very beginning of pregnancy. If a woman follows all the doctor's prescriptions and eats right, then she most likely will not face such problems of pregnant women as nausea, heartburn, stool retention, etc. In the first 3 months, it is best to take food 4-5 times a day, after which the number of meals should be increased to 5-7 times.

What should be included in the diet of a pregnant woman?

In the diet of mommy "in position" should be about 100-120 grams of protein daily. Of these, 75-90 are proteins of animal origin (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish). The need for fats will be about 80-100 grams, of which at least 20 grams should be vegetable fats.

Cut back on carbohydrate intake a bit. A pregnant woman should not consume them more than 350-400 grams per day. During the second trimester, the amount of carbohydrates will have to be reduced even more - up to 300 grams. This must be done not by reducing the consumption of vegetables, but by reducing the amount of starchy, sweet foods. In this case, the amount of proteins should be slightly increased.

The following distribution of the entire daily calorie content of meals is recommended: breakfast - thirty%, 2nd breakfast - ten%, lunch - forty%, afternoon tea - ten%, dinner - ten%. The last meal of tasty and healthy food should take place a couple of hours before bedtime. For dinner, you need to eat easily digestible dishes and products, which include yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, etc.

The diet of pregnant women includes stewed, baked, boiled dishes. You should also significantly limit your salt intake, as it can retain fluid, thereby causing swelling. Drink no more than 1-1.5 liters of pure water per day. In addition, it is imperative to take a combined multivitamin and mineral.

Diet of pregnant women: menu

The menu of a pregnant woman for every day should be as useful and varied as possible. So, first of all, this should include vegetables, which can be safely attributed to cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers. Vegetables that can be eaten raw are best consumed that way. You can make a salad, for example, grate kohlrabi, carrots and pear. In a rather limited amount, you can also use other vegetables: boiled carrots, green peas, radishes, beets, radishes, beans. As seasonings, you can use green onions, parsley, dill. Vegetables are allowed to be prepared in the form of puddings, mashed potatoes, cutlets, steam soufflés, etc.

  1. Soups. Every day, a pregnant lady should consume at least 200 ml of vegetable soup from a small amount of pasta, cereals or potatoes. Soup can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream, and chopped greens can also be added.
  2. Meat. No more than 150-200 grams per day. Meat can be used to make rolls, steam cutlets, meatballs, quenelles, steam puddings, casseroles, zrazy from lean beef, fresh veal, poultry and rabbit meat. Boiled meat can be used for jellied dishes.
  3. Fish. It is recommended to use no more than 150 grams per day. Fish should be only low-fat varieties. Pike perch, cod, ice fish, saffron cod, etc. can be boiled or cooked in the form of fish puree, steam soufflé, dumplings, cutlets, meatballs.
  4. Bread and flour products. The allowed amount is 100-150 grams per day. These include wheat bread of the first or second grade, or even yesterday's pastries, wholemeal wheat bread, dietary salt-free bread, bread with healing bran, biscuits, rye bread, biscuits.
  5. Dairy products. If there is no intolerance, then you can drink a glass of fresh whole milk a day. You can also cook soups, cereals from it, add it to teas. In addition, a pregnant woman should eat about 100-200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk or unsweetened yogurt per day.
  6. Oil. You can eat ghee or butter. Vegetable oils should be limited to 15 grams per day.
  7. Cereals. Can be used to add to a variety of soups. If you manage to reduce the consumption of bread, then this deficit can be filled with buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, as well as pasta.
  8. Eggs. Can be eaten as fresh steamed omelettes. You can also boil a soft-boiled egg, but no more than 1-2 pieces per week.
  9. Snacks. These include salads made from pickled or raw vegetables, vinaigrettes, low-fat and unsalted ham. Bechamel, milk and fruit sauces are allowed, with the addition of a small amount of sour cream, butter, but without the use of flour.

Finally, we need to talk about drinks. It is best to take weak teas with milk, unsweetened juices, rosehip broth. However, you should not get too carried away with these drinks, as it is known that all pregnant women are prone to edema.

The essence of the diet for pregnant women 1 trimester

During pregnancy, women need to review their daily diet. Excess body weight increases the risk of developing pathologies in a child. If during pregnancy a woman gains excess body weight, dieting is necessary.

In a pregnant woman with excess body weight, the risk of developing severe toxicosis increases, blood pressure rises, and the load on the joints increases. It also increases the risk of fetal hypoxia. Often overweight women have problems with labor, there are post-term pregnancies.

Each woman has her own specific rate of weight gain, it depends on weight, height and other parameters. Pregnant women are advised to follow a diet.

A number of general rules for the entire period of pregnancy

Eating 5-6 times a day in small portions chewing carefully is ideal;

Last meal 3 hours before bedtime

Alcohol is prohibited!

We refuse fried, smoked foods and various pickles, it is better to eat boiled, stewed, steamed or baked in the oven;

The priority is eating only healthy food - fruits, vegetables, cereals, vegetable oil is also useful;

We take vitamin complexes during the entire period of pregnancy!

Menu Features for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

First, you need to eat only natural products. The diet of a pregnant woman should contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body. The daily norm of proteins per day should be from 100 to 120 grams. The norm of fat should be about 80 grams per day.

It is better to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. It should be remembered that a lack of nutrients can adversely affect the development of the baby. Therefore, food should be varied and healthy.

A sufficient amount of iron is necessary for the development of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to eat seafood rich in iron and phosphorus. Phosphorus is essential for the formation of fetal bones and the nervous system.

During pregnancy, it is worth abandoning the use of a large number of flour products, fatty foods. Also, do not eat foods with the addition of preservatives, flavors, dyes.

Pregnant women should not drink coffee and red wine, as these foods increase blood pressure and increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Coffee can be replaced with a decoction of chicory.

In the presence of any pathologies during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the diet.

Foods to eat in the first trimester of pregnancy

  • Five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Six servings of enriched, whole grain breads and cereals.
  • Three servings of skimmed milk or dairy products.
  • Two to three servings of lean meat, skinless chicken, fish, or cooked dry beans and peas.
  • Eight glasses of water.

The guidelines for eating and a healthy pregnancy are simple and easy to follow. When, where, and how much to eat is often driven by necessity. A pregnant woman in her first trimester may opt for snacks for breakfast and a large dinner if she suffers from morning sickness, or opt for a larger breakfast and light dinner in her last trimester when heartburn is less of a problem. Be sure to avoid or limit caffeine (such as coffee, tea, and cola), alcohol, and tobacco.

More fresh vegetables and fruits, less sweets and baked goods. Food should be of high quality and healthy, and not burden the stomach and cause constipation.

Losing weight during pregnancy is very risky, you need to monitor your condition every day and seek medical help at the slightest violation. In the first trimester, the most important organs begin to form, the brain, the heart of the baby, a woman must eat right, saturating the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Less bakery and confectionery products, even if you really want to. It is better to drink a glass of kefir, eat an apple, cook porridge with milk.

The nutrition system should include all the necessary minerals and vitamins, dishes should be steamed, boiled, but not fried, using vegetable and animal fats. Less potatoes, but more greens, cabbage, radishes, turnips, cucumbers, celery. You can cook any cereal, without adding sugar to them. A spoonful of honey is allowed, buckwheat will be very tasty in tandem with kefir, and rice with carrots. Definitely, fractional and complex nutrition!

Take care of yourself and the baby and be prudent!

Foods not to eat in the first trimester of pregnancy

The health of the unborn child depends on what you eat in the first three months of pregnancy, so give up everything that can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and it will not bring you any tangible benefits:

  • fast food and fast foods,
  • crackers and chips,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • canned food,
  • coffee (completely exclude, as there may be bad consequences from increased pressure to miscarriage),
  • vinegar, pepper, mustard.

Give preference to vegetables and fruits - they are much healthier for you and for the unborn baby.

What affects weight gain during pregnancy

Eat right and move a lot

At the moment when the family learns the good news about the pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to be fed. The husband brings sweets home, the mother brings soups and mashed potatoes, and the mother-in-law brings fat cottage cheese and milk. In the 1st trimester, more than 80% of women suffer from early toxicosis, so everything adds up in small amounts.

But after 12 weeks, when the toxicosis disappears, you can get better.

A pregnant woman should not eat for two, of course, portions increase, but not 2 times. Our body is designed cunningly, and all the useful components, even from a small amount of food, will go straight to the unborn baby.

After 12 weeks, weight gain is affected not only by a sedentary lifestyle and enhanced nutrition, swelling may appear. Check your legs, are there any constrictions from socks left on them? If they are, then you will have to adjust the menu. You may also notice that in the evening it is difficult to remove the ring from your finger.

Menu for a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester

Day 1

  • Muesli breakfast with milk
  • Second breakfast Low-fat yogurt
  • Lunch Meat broth soup
  • Afternoon vegetable salad
  • Dinner Rice with Braised Cabbage
  • Before bed a glass of milk

Day 2

  • Breakfast Milk porridge (oatmeal or rice)
  • Second breakfast Sandwich with butter
  • Lunch Fish soup
  • Snack Cottage cheese - 100 gr.
  • Dinner Pasta with liver baked in kefir
  • Before going to bed Vegetable salad with seaweed

Day 3

  • Breakfast Cottage cheese - 100-150 g, green tea
  • Second breakfast Tea with biscuits
  • Lunch Vegetable soup (mashed pumpkin or broccoli soup)
  • Snack Fruit
  • Dinner Steam cutlet of chicken fillet, mashed potatoes
  • Before bed yogurt

Day 4

  • Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with milk. Any juice
  • Second breakfast Yoghurt
  • Lunch Cauliflower or broccoli soup, bread.
  • Snack Apple or pear
  • Dinner Salad with tuna, avocado, tomato and spinach leaves
  • Before going to bed Cranberry juice

Day 5

  • Breakfast Bread with cheese and tomatoes. Kefir or ryazhenka.
  • Second breakfast Orange
  • Lunch Pasta with meatballs. Vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon A handful of walnuts
  • Dinner Baked potatoes with sour cream. Herb tea.
  • Before going to bed Kefir

Day 6

  • Breakfast Cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese. Herb tea
  • Second breakfast Dried apricots - a small handful
  • Lunch Vegetable soup with chicken pieces. Whole grain bread
  • Snack Grated carrots with apple
  • Dinner Green salad with soft cheese and tomatoes.
  • Before bed a glass of milk
  • Breakfast Oatmeal with milk and apple. Juice
  • second breakfast banana
  • Lunch Chicken soup. Tomato salad. Tea
  • Snack Any fruit of your choice
  • Dinner Chicken cutlet with steamed vegetables.
  • Before bed yogurt

As you can see from the above menu, the dishes are quite simple and not particularly difficult. You can make such a menu yourself, the main thing is to follow the basic rules of nutrition in the first (1st) trimester, and of course, all the doctor's prescriptions.

Why diet during pregnancy

Dieting in the first trimester of pregnancy is a necessity for the baby. It was at this time that the laying of the main organs and systems of a small organism takes place. Therefore, the expectant mother is advised to completely abandon too high-calorie foods.

The number of calories consumed depends on the trimester

In the normal diet of a pregnant woman should be present:

  1. 120 grams of protein per day, of which 70 grams is animal meat, dairy products, fish or eggs.
  2. 100 grams of fat, of which 20 enter the body with plant foods.
  3. No more than 400 grams of carbohydrates in the first trimester, in the second and third - up to 300 grams. You reduce the amount of carbohydrates, supplementing the lost proteins.

During the weight loss diet for pregnant women, food is taken 4-5 times a day in small portions. If during pregnancy before the diet you ate 3000 calories per day, the rate is cut to 1800-2000 calories. This does not mean that now you need to go hungry.

Eat for health, but only healthy food, but you will have to forget about sweets, fast food, sweet soda, fresh white bread.

Will this amount of calories be enough for a growing baby? Yes, the amount is enough, in the process of growth, the baby in the first trimester needs only 100 extra calories (a glass of apple juice). 2nd trimester is only 150-200 calories, for example, a glass of milk and yogurt. In the third - 300 calories per day, and this is a piece of boiled meat and kefir.

In fact, as such, there is no diet for pregnant women - losing weight during pregnancy is completely inopportune. However, a balanced diet, necessary for every pregnant woman, requires natural adjustments. And precisely because you need to eat right, nutritionists offer expectant mothers a balanced diet for the full development of the baby.

Today we will tell you how to balance and regulate your diet in order to take care of yourself and the health of your baby. How to avoid extra pounds after pregnancy, and what sweets should be preferred during pregnancy!

☀ Consider every piece! It must be remembered that the most important thing is the quality, not the quantity of food taken. Pregnancy is a great opportunity to introduce a balanced diet into your life forever.

☀ The main thing is usefulness! Replace the bun with whole grain bread and the chips with a baked potato in their skins. And there are many such examples. Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice taste in favor of the naturalness of the product.

☀ Starving woman makes her child starve! Conventional diets for weight loss during pregnancy are unacceptable. Your child needs regular and proper nutrition.

☀ Variety! Your daily menu should be designed in such a way that it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as the necessary vitamins and other trace elements. This is the best way to get all the necessary nutrients.

☀ Carbohydrates contribute to weight gain, but they are necessary! Solving this problem is quite easy. Include more complex carbohydrates and fewer simple carbohydrates in your diet. The latter are the most insidious enemies of a good figure. In our case, the best sources of complex carbohydrates are fiber and starch. Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from fruits.

☀ Sahara fight! These are empty calories that you absolutely do not need at this period. Do you want something sweet? At your disposal are all the same berries and fruits - fresh and dried.

☀ The simpler the better! An old Japanese proverb says: "Good food remembers where it came from." In other words, the shorter and easier the path of the product from the "raw materials" to the finished dish, the higher its nutritional value. How to use it? For example, instead of canned green peas, always choose fresh or frozen.

☀ More fun together! Dieting alone is a chore. Therefore, so that the diet is not a burden to you, the rest of the family must support you. Firstly, it will be much easier psychologically. And secondly, it will save you from having to cook two meals a day. In addition, a healthy diet will only benefit them J.

☀ Bad habits can "kill" the best diet! Forget about alcohol, cigarettes and other stimulants!

Diet menu for pregnant women

The diet menu should include the following foods:

Vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber, which is found in significant amounts in cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, sweet corn, green beans, and also in avocados. Fiber plays an important role in digestion and bowel cleansing, so during pregnancy, you should definitely include it in your diet, especially in the third trimester.

Fresh colorful vegetables, fruits and berries. They will not only become a source of important trace elements and vitamins, but will also cheer you up with a juicy color.

oily fish, such as mackerel, herring, tuna contains essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. They are responsible for the immunity of the future baby, his psychomotor state and emotional stability, and also prevent allergic reactions in the child, prolonged labor, bleeding and postpartum depression in the mother.

Elements of omega-3 and 6, along with fish, contain fish oil and vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cedar). Oils must be unrefined (scented).

Foods Containing Vitamin E(nuts, green parts of vegetables and a number of wild plants, unrefined vegetable oils), since it is he who helps to absorb fatty acids, so vegetable oils in your menu will be very useful. Such oils should not be subjected to heat treatment, because vitamin E is destroyed when heated.

Seafood(if there is no intolerance) are a valuable source of such important trace elements as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron. Include them in your diet, and you will get more than half of the nutrients naturally.

A pregnant mother can make a menu for a diet on her own, since the range of allowed products is very wide.

What should pregnant women avoid?

A number of foods that need to be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman:

  • fresh bread, confectionery (pastries, cakes), sweets;
  • ice cream, milkshakes;
  • fatty meats, fish and poultry;
  • spicy, fried, smoked food;
  • fast food;
  • preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers (sweet carbonated drinks, semi-finished products);
  • mushroom dishes;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea and coffee (replace with green tea or herbal decoctions);
  • sour-milk products with high fat content (cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, cheeses).

Pregnancy nutrition rules

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be different from the nutrition of a woman in her usual state. The expectant mother eats more often, but in small portions, because the growing uterus puts pressure on the organs and they become smaller.

There should be 4-5 meals per day, and from the end of the second trimester - 5-7.

For breakfast and lunch it is better to eat meat, fish, cereals, and in the afternoon milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and vegetable products.

Eat your last meal 2-3 hours before bed.

When compiling a diet for pregnant women on a daily basis, it must also be remembered that during pregnancy spicy, salty, fatty, fried smoked, canned, pickled and sour foods are not allowed. Such foods are harmful to the gallbladder and liver.

When compiling a diet during pregnancy by day, you need to take into account an important principle: simplicity and usefulness. It is important to cook and eat in a good mood in a relaxed atmosphere, eat at the same time. I note that it is better to cook at once, so that the dish does not have to be heated.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman by months

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 1 month

So, in the first month, expectant mothers most often do not know about their situation. And pregnancy is diagnosed not earlier than the third week. During this period, it is important to register with a doctor and receive individual recommendations. And start taking folic acid. It is saturated with greens and lettuce, as well as cereals. If the first months of your pregnancy fall in autumn, winter or spring, then take folic acid capsules. It is also recommended to focus on foods containing calcium. These are hard cheeses, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, sesame seeds.

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 2 months

In the second month of pregnancy, the embryo is already actively laying all the main systems and organs. At this stage, in your diet, in addition to fermented milk products, green vegetables and fruits must be present: apples, broccoli, spinach, green beans, greens, bell peppers, and so on. Saturated with all the necessary vitamins for this period are turkey, lean pork, veal, oatmeal, bananas, raisins and eggs.

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 3 months

In the third month, and for someone earlier, there may be problems with the stool and toxicosis begins. During this period, drink plenty of fluids. Eat soups. Drink low-fat kefir. Eat nuts instead of meat products. Brew prunes and dried apricots. The diet this month is vegetables and fruits.

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 4 months

Because of the increased need for fiber, you should eat more cereals and grains. Bran, whole grain bread, almonds, wheat are considered the richest in fiber. Also during these weeks, the baby begins to gain weight. Therefore, you should eat more proteins: hard cheeses, beef and lean pork, fish, nuts, legumes, cottage cheese.

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 5 months

Fifth month... and half of the way is already passed. Your child continues to grow and at this stage you should be consuming 2000 - 2500 calories per day. You should divide your food intake into 5-6 times a day. Eat small portions. After all, the tummy grows, and the internal organs shrink under the pressure of the uterus. To avoid heartburn and discomfort, you should reduce the amount of food you eat.

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 6 months

During this period, your baby's vision is laid. Therefore, in nutrition, emphasis should be placed on vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A is better absorbed in the presence of fats and proteins in food, so do not forget to combine. Natural sources of vitamin A are carrots, broccoli, parsley, apricots, red and yellow peppers, pumpkin, persimmon, viburnum. Use them fresh.

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 7 months

Your baby continues to grow. The diet should be varied. The foods you consume should be rich in both fats, proteins, and calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Do not forget that food should be fractional. Focus on iron - containing foods - beef, beef liver and heart, fatty fish, nuts, sunflower seeds.

࿋ Pregnancy nutrition at 8 months

By the eighth month, your baby is already big enough. He develops a skeleton and teeth are laid. This month it is recommended to consume a large amount of calcium. Focus on sour - dairy products of low or medium fat content. At the 8th month of pregnancy, it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality of food, namely its saturation with vitamins, acids, and minerals. Pay attention to this.

࿋ Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the last, 9 months

The ninth month is the final stage of your pregnancy. Almost all mothers in the last weeks want one thing - to give birth faster. This is the hardest month. Therefore, be attentive to your body, try to rest more and do not abuse food. Instead of sweets, eat a banana or add 1 teaspoon of natural honey to your tea.

Be patient and remember - very soon your baby will doze carefree, but not in your stomach, but in his crib. Therefore, enjoy this unforgettable miracle of nature - your pregnancy!

  1. With a constant regimen of sports, you should not completely abandon physical activity. Simplify the exercises and continue your usual lifestyle. As the term increases, replace strength exercises with relaxation ones.
  2. If there was no sport in your daily life, then regular morning exercises and some simple exercises to maintain tone, strengthen muscles and relax them will be sufficient.
  3. Jumping should be replaced with calmer elements.
  4. Pool classes, yoga or dancing for pregnant women are welcome.
  5. Taking a hot bath should be postponed until the baby is born. But a warm bath, shower, and even a bath are allowed. Regarding the bath, the question is rather complicated, it requires medical permission and moderate temperatures.
  6. Be sure to include walking in the street, park or forest in your schedule.

What are the dangers of extra pounds for a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman who is initially overweight and/or overweight has an increased risk of:

  • the development of late toxicosis (first of all, an increase in blood pressure, swelling is possible, the appearance of protein in the urine, while the work of many organs and systems of the expectant mother is disrupted), premature aging of the placenta;
  • the occurrence of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus;
  • the birth of a large fetus;
  • the occurrence of weakness of labor activity, post-term pregnancies are more often observed.

Pregnancy is a very important, exciting, responsible and at the same time wonderful period of a woman's life. Becoming a mother, a woman forever “joins the club of pregnant women” and will remember more than once how it was with her. Pregnancy, no matter how long it takes, is always a milestone. Life "before" the appearance of the baby and with him. Mommy should take care of the baby at the first signs of pregnancy. And while they are one with the child, all her decisions and actions should be directed to the benefit of both. Walk more in the fresh air, relax, think about pleasant things, avoid stressful situations and, of course, eat right. The development of the fetus, the course of childbirth and the further health of the baby depend on the nutrition of the expectant mother.

A few words about the most important

Having heard the cherished words “you will have a child”, a woman begins to replenish her knowledge base in the field of pregnancy and childbirth. Fortunately, now there is plenty of information and the main points are known to every girl.

If you do not take into account individual characteristics, then the duration of pregnancy is 9 months. Doctors divide this period into three trimesters.

Of course, to argue that one of the trimesters is more important than the rest is stupid. For the full development of the fetus, for normal childbirth and the condition of the baby and mother, every moment of pregnancy is of tremendous importance.

So, in the first trimester, the fetus is formed and by the end of the term it is already starting to move (although the woman does not yet feel this clearly). In the second trimester, the child actively develops all internal organs. The child already moves well, hears the heart of the mother and the voices of the parents. In the last trimester, the baby is fully formed, all organs, including the brain, eyes and even marigolds. The baby's lungs take the longest to develop. In the third trimester, the baby turns head down.

During pregnancy, and preferably in advance, a woman needs to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol and malnutrition. Good nutrition of a pregnant woman is a very important factor in the development of the baby.

The impact of nutrition on pregnancy

There are legends about the taste whims and oddities of pregnant women. Indeed, the gastronomic preferences of a woman during pregnancy change. Sometimes the taste preferences of expectant mothers are shocking, and besides, they are so fickle that future fathers have to be patient. This is due to hormonal failure, a special "protective mechanism" of mother nature and "fads" in the head of a pregnant woman.

The fetus receives its food from the mother's blood, so it is very important to monitor how she eats. You should not follow a certain diet without the appointment of a specialist. Each doctor writes down the nutrition of pregnant women by weeks and gives individual recommendations to the future woman in labor, guided by her analyzes.

General nutrition rules for expectant mothers

A diet for pregnant women in trimesters has long been developed with its own dishes and cooking technologies.

But there are a number of principles that are recommended for all pregnant women to adhere to:

  1. The most important thing is the exclusion of alcohol.
  2. It is better to eat food in small portions several times a day (at least 5). It is advisable to eat slowly, chewing thoroughly, enjoying food.
  3. Before going to bed, do not eat up, it is best if dinner (whatever it was on the bill) was a few hours before bedtime.
  4. Food should not be fatty, fried or raw. Preference should be given to boiled or steamed dishes.
  5. The diet should contain all the necessary trace elements that can be found in meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
  6. Do not abuse sugar and caffeine.

Hydroxyphenylketonuria, listeriosis and many other diseases can be avoided by following the right diet. Many diseases are detected by the results of tests, and they can be cured or prevented with the help of vitamins (both natural and pharmacy), but you need to be careful with them. In such an important period of a woman's life as pregnancy, absolutely everything matters!

What should be the diet for pregnant women. 3rd trimester

The menu of a pregnant woman should be balanced, healthy, exclude allergen products and at the same time not be “overloaded”. In the last stages, many women are advised to eat less or arrange because the weight of the mother, baby and the physical condition of the mother can complicate childbirth.

Pregnant women are shown green salads with vegetable oil (or without dressing). Vegetables and fruits are also very healthy, especially if they are seasonal. cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, peppers - what mom and her baby need. Tomatoes should be eaten with caution, they are allergens.

Dairy products should be chosen without additives and with a short shelf life. Dairy and sour-milk products have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and provide calcium necessary for the fetus. Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese and milk, the doctor may ask you to limit it during the prenatal period, since these are quite high-calorie foods.

Cereals are very important in the diet, it is advisable to prepare whole grains, and not in flakes. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the cereal. By the way, there are restrictions on cereals, pregnant women are not recommended to eat semolina and white rice.

Mushrooms should not be consumed by pregnant women at all, especially in the last stages.

Drink whenever you want. If a woman does not have severe problems with swelling, you should not limit yourself to fluids. You can drink water, tea, fresh juices, milk. Alcoholic drinks and carbonated drinks are not allowed. Coffee is perceived by doctors ambiguously, so it is recommended, if not excluded, then limited.

Folk wisdom about the nutrition of a pregnant woman says: "You can eat everything, but a little bit." In the third trimester, this "slightly" is greatly reduced. Also, depending on the period, the nutrition of pregnant women by week will vary.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman by week 3rd trimester

It is important for a pregnant woman to consider several subtleties regarding her diet. The fact is that during this wonderful time a woman needs to get as many useful microelements and vitamins as possible, while not all of them have the same benefit in different periods of pregnancy. Therefore, doctors have long compiled a diet for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. The menu of the expectant mother depends on the week of pregnancy and her individual indications.

Calcium is very important for the formation of various tissues of the unborn baby, therefore, in the third trimester, it is recommended to consume foods containing calcium daily. But an excess of calcium can adversely affect the birth process. Starting from the 34th week, the future woman in labor must limit foods containing calcium and iodine.

Vitamin D is designed to absorb calcium and prevent childhood rickets. A pregnant woman needs to remember that it is not enough just to eat foods containing this vitamin; for its absorption, walks in the fresh air with a "sparing" sun are necessary.

Sufficient consumption of products containing iron eliminates possible fetal hypoxia, and also contributes to the speedy recovery of the woman in labor. Starting from the first weeks, the menu of a pregnant woman should include various meats, including meat. Starting from the 34th week, it is preferable to use young beef or chicken from meat products for a pregnant woman.

For normal blood clotting, as well as to improve kidney function, the expectant mother needs to consume foods containing vitamin K.

Vitamin C improves the mental state and immunity of a pregnant woman. For a baby, products with its content are important as strengthening blood vessels. But by the middle of the third trimester, you need to be extremely careful with this vitamin, as it contributes to the development of preeclampsia.

Vitamin E will help a woman's body better prepare for childbirth. Starting from week 30, foods containing this vitamin should complement the nutrition for pregnant women. A woman's menu must include carrots, radishes, cucumbers and other foods rich in vitamin E.

Each woman individually, but from about 32 weeks, should limit fluid intake, or replace water with decoction or green tea. This will relieve the pregnant woman from puffiness. For the same reason, in the 3rd trimester, starting from the 35th week, it is worth limiting or completely abandoning salt intake.


Nutritionists around the world are arguing about the benefits and harms of juices, the scales are constantly changing their position. But in one thing, both nutritionists and doctors are in solidarity - juices in the diet of a pregnant woman should be present in reasonable quantities.

Important note: juices must be freshly squeezed. Not packaged, but fresh vegetable or fruit juices, drunk within half an hour after preparation, will be useful for mother and baby.

The most famous fruit juices are: pomegranate, apricot, peach, apple, cranberry.

The most affordable vegetable juices: carrot, beet, tomato.

Not the most common, but one of the most useful is birch sap. A glass of fresh birch sap is a storehouse of vitamins. If a woman is not allergic to pollen, then birch sap during pregnancy will be her best cure for many ailments.

Drinking several glasses of fresh birch sap a day, the expectant mother will forget about toxicosis, pressure surges and swelling. Returning to the topic “Diet for pregnant women 3rd trimester”, a woman’s menu should be enriched with birch sap, as it will contribute to further lactation and weight loss for a young mother. For women, thoughts about often become obsessive. After giving birth, mommy will need time and energy to restore her health and figure. Any woman wants to look beautiful, especially in a new status. Birch sap is an excellent helper for women in solving these problems.

It is important to remember that birch sap during pregnancy should be consumed in reasonable quantities. The "harvest" time of this natural gift is early spring.

Fruits in the diet of the expectant mother

The beneficial properties of fruits have long been known, each of them contains various vitamins. Interestingly, for a person, the most useful fruits and vegetables that grow in the region where he lives.

Fruits, berries and vegetables must be included in the 3rd trimester diet for pregnant women. The menu of the expectant mother, however, should not be overloaded even with these healthy products, since in large quantities they can cause allergies. When the first signs of allergy appear, fruit intake should be stopped, since not only the mother suffers, but also the fetus. In the third trimester, doctors recommend completely abandoning exotic fruits. Domestic, and even better homemade apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, grapes, persimmons, pomegranates, grapefruit must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman.

The most useful fruits during pregnancy are those that have a harvest season. If the main period of pregnancy fell on winter and spring, it is better to eat dried fruits or frozen fruits, vegetables and berries than purchased fresh ones.

Meat on the pregnant menu

Eating meat during pregnancy is not just important, but vital. Since only meat contains animal protein, which is involved in the formation of the skeletal system and muscle tissue of the baby. In addition, the meat contains enough iron to maintain normal hemoglobin. It will not be possible to replace meat with other products during the entire pregnancy.

But it should be remembered that it is necessary to give preference to lean meats: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit or duck. Meat should be boiled, stewed or baked for a long time.

The lack of meat in the diet is the cause of a woman's fatigue. But in the last stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to reduce the amount of meat consumed.

Meals for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

The list of healthy foods and the number of calories is a concern for any expectant mother, even one who has not previously limited herself to food. The interesting thing is that this diet during pregnancy is just the beginning. If after giving birth, mommy prefers breastfeeding, she will have a strict diet. But this is later, and before childbirth, the main issue that a woman should be interested in is the 3rd trimester diet for pregnant women.

Pregnant menu for every day of the week:


Second dinner

Banana or dried fruit

Light soup, meat and mashed potatoes, vegetable salad and compote

Yogurt or ryazhenka

Stewed meat with mashed potatoes, bean salad and green tea

Muesli with dairy products

Sandwich with cheese and cucumber

Soup, vegetable stew, fruit drink

Cheesecakes and green tea

Steamed fish and vegetables, vinaigrette, juice or tea

Cottage cheese, apple or carrot

Green tea, a glass of juice or yogurt, fermented baked milk

Soup, fish with vegetables and juice

Sandwich with kissel or cocoa

Boiled or baked meat, rice, salad with greens, cottage cheese, kefir

Cheese or fruit

Boiled egg, bread with butter or jam and green tea

Yogurt or fruit Milk porridge

Fruit salad

Roast beef, vegetable stew, kissel

Lazy salad and tea

Kefir or yogurt

Cottage cheese with berries or jam

Nuts, raisins or dried fruits

Borscht, baked vegetables, cocoa or tea

Sandwich with salmon

Tea or fruit

Cheesecakes with tea

seaweed salad

Ukha or fish cutlet with rice, vegetable salad, tea

cottage cheese

Pumpkin puree soup, chicken baked with vegetables

Raisins or dried fruits

Let food bring pleasure and benefit to the woman and baby.

Every expectant mother needs proper and nutritious nutrition that can fully provide her and her baby with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

The importance of proper nutrition

Insufficient and unbalanced diet of a pregnant woman can lead to the following problems:

  • preeclampsia, which manifests itself in the form of a violation of blood pressure and the appearance of edema;
  • insufficient body weight of the baby;
  • delay in the intellectual and physical development of the baby;
  • osteoporosis in the mother (deterioration of bone tissue);
  • anemia;
  • violation of the structure of tooth enamel in both the mother and the unborn child;
  • fetal oxygen starvation.

All of the diseases listed above can be avoided with the right approach to building a diet. Contrary to the popular myth, the expectant mother should not eat for two, but for two. It is very important to understand that eating habits during pregnancy affect not only the current state of the fetus, but also have a direct impact on the entire future life of the child.

Basic rules of nutrition in the first trimester

If before pregnancy the weight of a woman was optimal, then her diet was correctly built from an energy point of view. Since the need for energy does not increase in the first 3 months of pregnancy, there is no need to increase the caloric content of the diet at this time.

Since it is in the first trimester that the laying of all the organs of the fetus occurs, it is necessary to provide the body with a full supply of proteins, vitamins and mineral compounds. You can satisfy all the needs of the body only with the help of regular nutrition and additional intake of vitamins. Skipping breakfast or eating a candy bar is no longer allowed. In the first trimester, pregnant women need a daily diet consisting of a hearty breakfast and lunch, a light dinner and two snacks from dairy products and fruits. The transition to fractional nutrition (that is, 5 times a day and in small portions) will unload the digestive organs and set the body to work properly.

Regular inclusion of oily fish in the diet will also provide the body's need for vitamins A and D.

Food should contain the entire set of amino acids. They are present in animal products such as poultry, eggs, meat, fish and seafood, and dairy products. Try to eat at least one protein meal a day. You can arrange a protein breakfast and eat syrniki with sour cream. You can make lunch a protein meal and eat a chicken dish.

You also need to eat several large portions of vegetables daily. Raw vegetables in the form of salads seasoned with vegetable oil are best suited for this. Oils, along with nuts and seeds, contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are essential for the proper development of the fetus.

Green vegetables (spinach, lettuce and onions) contain folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the nervous system of the fetus and its active growth. It is also found in cod liver, legumes and whole grain bread.

The way food is prepared matters a lot. It is worth abandoning fried foods in favor of baked, boiled and steamed.

During this period of pregnancy, fluid is not limited. Fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks and green tea are especially useful for the expectant mother.

Nutrition in the second trimester

The needs of the body in the second trimester change a lot. In order for the pregnancy to go well, these changes must be reflected in how the pregnant woman builds her diet every day. In connection with the growth of the uterus and fetus, the woman's need for proteins increases even more. Now you need to get a protein meal at least twice a day.

The diet for pregnant women should include seaweed and seafood at least twice a week. This will help to get the iodine and phosphorus necessary for the body.

To prevent edema, you need to drink 1-1.2 liters of fluid per day, while limiting salt intake to 7 grams per day (a little more than 1 teaspoon).

You should also pay attention to dried fruits, especially raisins and dried apricots. The potassium, magnesium and calcium contained in them will support the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Diet in the third trimester

In the third trimester, 5 meals a day should be observed. A month before birth, it is recommended to switch to 6 meals a day.

The right diet for pregnant women in the third trimester basically consists of vegetables, fruits, nuts, salads, greens, dried fruits and whole grains. The usual tea and coffee should be replaced with dairy and sour-milk products.

From the beginning of the semester, meat, white bread and eggs should be almost completely excluded from the diet. And a few weeks before giving birth, you need to give up all animal products, including milk.

Table salt should be reduced to half a teaspoon, as it increases thirst. And excessive fluid intake can cause swelling. For this reason, it is recommended to drink no more than 1 liter of liquid per day.

Nutrition before childbirth

A couple of weeks before childbirth, when the likelihood of edema increases sharply, you need to drink only 700-800 ml per day.

You should also completely abandon all potential allergens. Do not include chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits and honey in your diet.

sample menu

The diet of a pregnant woman is approximately as follows.

I trimester

  • Breakfast: 1 fruit; 2 toasts with butter.
  • Snack: a pack of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content; fruit salad.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth soup; a portion of baked meat with a side dish of cereals; vegetable salad.
  • Snack: 1 glass of kefir with honey.
  • Dinner: boiled fish; stewed potatoes; some sweets or fruits.

II trimester

  • Breakfast: 1 fruit; porridge in milk with butter.
  • Snack: 1 egg; fruit salad.
  • Lunch: half a serving of soup; canned stewed meat; half a serving of garnish; vegetable salad.
  • Snack: 200 grams of cottage cheese with dried fruits.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of fish; a few tablespoons of garnish (pasta or cereals); vegetable salad.

III trimester

  • Breakfast: 1 toast with honey; half fruit.
  • Snack: 100 grams of yogurt with berries or fruits.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of meat or fish; vegetable salad; a small portion of dessert.
  • Afternoon snack: a serving of seeds and nuts; dried fruits soaked in water.
  • Dinner: mashed chicken soup; vegetable salad.
  • Before going to bed: 1 glass of kefir.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman should strictly control weight gain by weighing herself weekly. It is best to always stand on the scales in equal conditions. For example, in the morning on an empty stomach and in light clothing. In order not to gain too much weight, the diet for pregnant women should be built in accordance with all of the above recommendations.

For more detailed information about weight gain during pregnancy at different times, use our "pregnancy weight calculator" service.




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