Black spots on the belly of sphinxes. Nodular cystic acne


There can be many reasons for the symptoms you describe. Describe in detail the diet of the animal, indicating the ingredients included in it. When did you do routine deworming? When was the animal vaccinated and with what vaccine? What vitamin preparations do you use additionally. This is very important diagnostic information. Submit it as soon as possible.

Please note that Whiskas, Friskas, Meow, Felix and Kitiket are not recommended for cats. Neither dry nor wet. These are very harmful feeds that can sooner or later provoke gastrointestinal diseases and quite often lead to the death of the animal. Sausages, milk, soups, borscht and everything else "what we eat ourselves" is not applicable for cats. This rule is. Feed your animal either a quality commercial food: Acana, Gina, Orijen, Hills, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Go Natural or Now Fresh. Or natural products: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat + beef, turkey, rabbit (but not in the form of minced meat) and stewed vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, beets). The percentage of meat in the main diet is at least 70%. Also remember that you should not mix natural food and industrial food in any case. Vitamins must be used for any type of diet, for 1-1.5 months. 2 p. in year.

The animal has allergies (due to malnutrition) and miliary dermatitis and apparently a staph infection. Perhaps hypovitaminosis also has a significant impact on the manifestation of this kind of symptoms. Treatment must be comprehensive.

Instead of water - a decoction of chamomile 1 teaspoon. for 1 liter of water - up to 7-10 days.

  1. White coal 1 tablet or Ataxil 10-20 ml. ext. 2 p. in the village - up to 12 days. in 60 min. before or after meals and giving drugs vn.
  2. Nux Vomica 5 caps for 1 hour. water vn. 3 p. in days - up to 7-10 days.
  3. Mezim 1/2 tab. ext. 2 p. in the village - up to 10 days.
  4. Emprobio 3-4 ml int. 2 p. in the village in 30 min. before meals - up to 14 days. or Hilak 5 cap. per 10 ml of water ext. 2 p. in days - up to 7-10 days.
  5. Salvikal or Vitabon up to 3 months according to the instructions
  6. Bathe the animal with TropiClean Oxy-Med Oatmeal Shampoo, removing all crusts, then 1 time in 1-2 months.
  7. Treat the affected areas with hydrogen peroxide 2-3 r. in the house until completely clean up to 14 days.
  8. Local treatment with Chlorhexidine 3 p. in days up to 14 days
  9. Locally lubricate the affected areas with Methylene blue (alcohol solution) 2 p. in the village up to 12 days.
  10. 20 minutes after p. No. 10, lubricate the affected areas with Clotrimazole or Ecodax 2 p. in the village up to 12 days.
  11. Suprastin 0.4 ml im. 2 p. in the village up to 12 days.
  12. Lipoton 0.5 ml pc. 2 p. in the village up to 12 days.

Inform about the condition of the cat once every 3-5 days.

In addition, your question is submitted for general discussion in our group of the social network "VK".

Spots may appear on the skin of hairless cats

Owners of hairless cats do not know the problems with the hair of their animals, as they simply do not have it. This greatly facilitates the care of the pet. No need to comb it, very often. However, they face another problem - the appearance of dark spots on the surface of the animal's body. Where do they come from? Why do they arise? How to deal with them, and should you be scared if one morning your pet turned into a spotted leopard? We will talk about all this today on the pages of our new article ...

Causes of spots on the skin of the sphinx

In fact, there are several reasons that could explain the change in skin pigmentation in your hairless pet. You just need to determine from the list below which one applies specifically to your case. So, this can happen due to the following events…

A tan

The skin of sphinxes, devoid of wool, is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, your pet can not only tan, but also burn out, basking in direct sunlight. It's not good for his health. Therefore, it is better to take action. So, if you notice that after sunbathing the skin of the sphinx darkens, turns pink, acquires a chocolate tint, it is better to take care of tinting the glass on the windows. This will prevent sunbathing and protect the Sphynx's skin.

If your pet still managed to burn, it is better to lubricate his skin with a special lotion for burnt skin. But watch carefully, the lotion should be for use on cats, not human skin. Otherwise, you will only aggravate the condition of the pet. About .

Wrong diet

A similar skin reaction may be a manifestation of a food allergy. So reconsider the diet of your bald man. Determine after which products the stains increase, and on which food they practically disappear. Ignore this symptom of the body of the sphinx is not worth it. In this case, we are talking about a serious allergic reaction. And if she has already found an external manifestation, then imagine what is happening in the body of your pet. Change food immediately. It is quite obvious that you will have to play around a lot before you find the best option, but the health of your sphinx is at stake. So no forbidden food, but only foods that are useful for the Sphynx, which his body absorbs well.

Hormonal disruptions in the body

Some hormonal disorders in the body can also be accompanied by a change in skin pigmentation, the appearance of spots on it. To establish them, you need to take tests for hormones. Based on their results, the specialist will be able to choose the appropriate hormonal therapy.

Allergy in the Canadian Sphynx

The classic distribution of food allergy skin lesions in cats and Canadian Sphynxes is facial, neck, and paws.

Sarcoptic mange and atopy (atopic dermatitis) are two conditions that are often similar in presentation to food allergies, but differ markedly in the way the Canadian Sphynx suffers from them. If the diagnosis is unreliable, a lot of time and money will be wasted.

When taking your Canadian Sphynx to the doctor for skin problems, you need to be prepared to answer the following questions:

Please note that three of the above criteria are those that you, the owner, easily notice at home, but the doctor at the appointment may not notice. Trouble begins when the veterinarian has to talk to all family members at the same time and reveals disagreements in their observations. It is best to send one person with the Canadian Sphynx, preferably someone who has more contact with the Sphynx than others.

Allergy in sphinx

No matter how strange it may sound, but allergies in sphinxes are a very common phenomenon. It can be anything and no cat is immune from it.

In cats. like in humans, the immune system protects the body from a harmful environment, but if this happens, then the counterparties of the immune system stand up to protect the body and sometimes this turns into an allergy in cats.

Causes of the problem

Allergies in Sphynx cats may appear due to:

  • Bad environment.
  • Increased susceptibility to substances.
  • Growth in the chemical industry.
  • Rise of aggressive antibacterial drugs.
  • Allergies in Don and Canadian Sphynxes

    1. Pollen, mold and dust
    2. Remains of pathogenic microflora.
    3. Medicines.
    4. Some feed ingredients.
    5. Hygiene products.
    6. Types of allergies

      Allergy to elements of the external environment. The manifestation can be seen in sphinxes up to 3 years old. It is very insidious, since it is very difficult to determine it, and very little is needed for its occurrence. Anything can cause (mold, pollen, chemicals, etc.)

      Allergy to flea bites

      The sphinx has no hair and many people believe that there is no place for fleas, but this is a deep delusion. They can be inside the auricles and in the armpits. Fleas can also bite and jump from another animal. The worst thing is that some owners do not treat him at all, because they believe that his pet does not and cannot have fleas.

      food allergy

      Food allergies in sphinxes are very difficult to determine, as well as the allergen is excluded from the diet. It does not develop in one day, because some allergens first accumulate in the body, then they just begin to act. It is easier to determine allergies in animals older than 1 year. But when an allergy in Sphynx cats is repeated, a minute is enough for her reaction.

      Also, Sphynx allergies to food and dairy products can develop throughout the year. Most often, cats are allergic to protein found in foods. Often, owners feed their pet chicken without paying attention to other proteins. Some dry food manufacturers skimp on ingredients and add a lot of untested chemicals.


      Appear on the skin, mucous membranes and oral cavity. She has clear red borders, sometimes there may be pain and itching.

      Esinophilic plaque

      Manifestation of eosinophilic allergic syndrome. Appears on the abdomen and on the inner thighs. Appears as an oval red lesion.

      Esinophilic granuloma

      Appears on the skin, mucous membranes and oral cavity of the sphinx. Lesions can appear anywhere on the body. Yellowish-pink plaques appear.

      Sphynx allergic to flowers

      All cats love to taste our flowers, but this habit can lead not only to allergies, but to death. We all need to know poisonous flowers:

    7. Lilies. Even pollen is dangerous for sphinxes, it can cause severe allergies and kidney failure.
    8. Azalea. Can kill an animal.
    9. Dieffenbachia. - Causes allergies and burns of mucous membranes.
    10. Gardenia. Causes allergies and intoxication.
    11. Symptoms of Sphynx Allergy

    12. The appearance of dandruff.
    13. Red rash.
    14. Humidity in the armpits.
    15. Otitis.
    16. The cat rubs its nose, bites its paws.
    17. The appearance of ulcers on the body.
    18. The animal is lethargic, sleeps a lot.
    19. Photo: Allergic spots on the body of the Sphynx.

      All these manifestations do not always indicate an allergy. These can be: beriberi, fungal diseases, endocrine gland disease and scabies. For example, dermatitis is more related to seasonal allergies, and fleas bite on the tail and back.

      To determine the allergy, you need to take the Sphynx to the veterinarian. Allergy skin symptoms can last up to 10 weeks. The manifestation of allergies in sphinxes in the photo can be seen below.


      Experts always ask:

    20. Cat diet.
    21. Date of onset of symptoms.
    22. Pet hygiene products.
    23. Cleaning products in the house.
    24. Is the animal taking medication?
    25. Sphynxes are very sensitive to everything, you need to tell the veterinarian everything to the smallest detail, because the animal may also be allergic to your perfumes or plants.

      Allergy in sphinxes: treatment

      In order to cure food allergies in sphinxes, you need to follow a diet. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the allergen from the diet.

      Specialists take scrapings from the skin to determine the microbial microflora. But if the tests gave a negative result, then you still need to carry out antimicrobial treatment. Then allergy tests are carried out. They help to identify exactly what cats are allergic to (mites, dust, fleas, medicines, household chemicals, etc.).

      What needs to be done:

    26. The use of steroids and antihistamines.
    27. Give your pet vitamins.
    28. Feed lamb, lamb and rice.
    29. Olive oil.
    30. Prevention of allergies in sphinxes

      The main diseases of the Don Sphynx

      From birth, kittens of the Don Sphynx breed are prone to inflammatory diseases, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, and scleritis. As soon as the kitten opens its eyes, the animal's coordination system has not yet been formed. They can injure the eyes on various obstacles and objects. Kittens' eyes need to be checked daily. It is necessary to remove villi and mucus from them, and also rinse with furacilin.

      The Don Sphynx breed is the most susceptible to diseases compared to other cat breeds. Causes and diseases are very specific.


      Glycoprotein (Feld1) is the main culprit in allergies. Glycoprotein appears in the saliva of the Don Sphynx, tk. the allergen cannot develop on the coat. An allergy in an animal can only appear on the skin. Cats lick their skin regularly, leaving a lot of overreacting saliva on their bodies. The Don Sphynx literally emits allergens, which are contained in the saliva, dander, and urine of the animal.

      Be sure to find out if the allergy is really caused by your pet. It can be caused by house dust, food, flower dust, and more. Remember, allergies are not a reason to abandon pets.

      Description of diseases and defects of the Don Sphynx

      Carp bite (shortened lower jaw) is a congenital disorder of the ossification of the jaw. Anomaly of bite occurs in all domestic animals, but the most common in the Don Sphynx. A violation is the displacement of two rows of incisors that cannot be combined. The violation occurs due to the cessation of the growth of the animal at the moment when the symphysis prematurely ossifies in the lower jaw of the incisive bone. Sometimes such a defect is mild and does not bother the animal. Long fangs can injure the upper jaw, where painful "pockets" quickly appear. Because of these pockets, the cat develops gingivitis. The short lower jaw of the Sphynx is formed due to underdevelopment of the tail vertebrae, stunting and dwarfism. Sphinxes with such a pathology are not suitable for breeding.

      Microphthalmos - abnormal development of the eye, decreased vision or blindness. With microphthalmos, the eyeball is reduced. Microphthalmos is closely related to other eye defects: cataracts and congenital keratitis. Many kittens are born with open eyes, tumors, orbital cysts, and incompletely opened palpebral fissures. These deficiencies are noticeable immediately after birth or after 7–10 days. Sometimes without the intervention of plastic surgery can not do. But even surgery will not remove these defects completely.

      Curvature and softening of the caudal spine is another common occurrence in this breed. Kittens with twisted tails are present in every second litter. Further breeding of such kittens is impossible. They are born non-viable with additional defects: underdevelopment of the intestine, weakness of the anus, shortening of the thoracic, lumbar vertebrae and lower jaw.

      Nipple hyperplasia in the Don Sphynx is a hereditary phenomenon that is transmitted from the mother. After a year of life, the nipples begin to turn red, and the skin integument thickens in this area. The nipple increases in size, forming cysts. Therapeutic treatment is ineffective. Kittens from such a cat are often not viable and may have underdeveloped internal organs.

      Skin diseases

      Don Sphynx are prone to a number of skin diseases.


      Acne (acne) in the Don Sphynx can occur at any age. Skin lesions are seen in both cats and cats. The disease affects the surfaces of the tail and back along the spine, neck, surface of the abdomen and muzzle. Sometimes with this pathology, pigmentation of the surface of the skin is manifested. Acne develops due to hereditary predisposition. For treatment, salicylic acid with hydrogen peroxide is usually prescribed, which are applied to the keratinized areas. Drugs are actively used: Delex-Acne gel or solution - in mild form, Zinerit - in severe form, Minocycline, Lindamycin, and others. But it is better not to experiment, but immediately contact a veterinarian.

      Nodular cystic acne

      This disease is the formation of infiltrates and cystic cavities that are filled with fluid. Merging with each other, they go out through the fistulous passages. If the pet has suffered this disease, then persistent scars may form. For treatment, veterinarians usually prescribe Zinerit, Clindamycin 1%. Liniment and lotion Doxycycline - Unidox.

      seasonal dermatitis

      Excessive scratching of the skin can lead to secondary infections and, consequently, the formation of eczematoid areas. Dermatitis is usually treated with a single injection of Dexafort, Terramycin Spray applied to the animal's skin. If the Sphynx is constantly at home, then the risk of contracting an infectious disease is small.

      Seasonal dermatitis affects only females before or after estrus.

      Ringworm or dermatophytosis

      Ringworm or dermatophytosis is another serious threat. Infection occurs through contact with a sick animal or contaminated environment. Kittens are most at risk of the disease due to weak immunity. Affected animals gradually become bald, their skin flakes off.

      If you think that your Don Sphynx has lichen, then contact your veterinarian immediately to find out exactly what he is sick with.

      If the veterinarian has diagnosed lichen, then strictly follow all long-term treatment procedures. Ringworm is treated with antimicrobial treatment and medication. The only and reliable way to protect your pet from all diseases is to get vaccinated. The first vaccinations are done at 2-3 months from birth. The next vaccinations - 3-4 weeks after the first. 7-10 days before vaccination, the animal must be given an anthelmintic drug. Ringworm won't go away on its own!

      Take care of your animal and regularly carry out all the necessary procedures. And remember that only a specialist can make a diagnosis!

      Are spots on the skin of a sphinx dangerous?

      Sphynx is a fairly popular cat breed, characterized by high intelligence, good memory and affection for the owners. And although they do not have the usual coat of mustachioed four-legged coats, they also suffer from various skin diseases on a par with other breeds of cats.

      Therefore, periodically appearing spots on the skin of the sphinx can overshadow coexistence. Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon.

      Causes of spots on the skin of the Sphynx

      Speaking about the reasons for the appearance of spots on the skin of the Sphynx, it is first of all worth noting that they can be different. So, lead to the development of pathology can:

    31. Dermatitis;
    32. Vasculitis;
    33. Fungal diseases.
    34. Consider how rashes appear and how rashes are treated in a particular case.


      Dermatitis is a direct consequence of contact with a particular allergen and may be accompanied by the appearance on the skin of an animal:

    35. Eosinophilic plaques - oval red spots on the thighs and abdomen;
    36. Eosinophilic granulomas - pinkish-yellow plaques in the mouth or on the thighs;
    37. In addition, allergic manifestations may include the usual skin symptoms - redness, dandruff and itching. The animal combs itchy places, as a result of which wounds and eczema appear on its body.

      You can manage dermatitis by avoiding contact with potential allergens. The cat should be transferred to a hypoallergenic diet (lamb and rice), and antihistamines and steroids should be used to alleviate her condition.

      Spots on the skin of the sphinx photo


      Vasculitis of the skin is a pathology accompanied by inflammation of the vascular walls and developing against the background of:

    38. Infections (mycoplasma, staphylococci, viruses, streptococci, fungi);
    39. The use of certain drugs (antibacterial drugs, vitamins included in group B, sulfonamides, dyes);
    40. Stress associated with exhibitions, mating, transportation;
    41. Increasing hormonal levels;
    42. Spots on the body of the Sphynx associated with taking medications appear 7-20 days after taking the medication.

      Vasculitis that began against the background of changes in hormonal levels or stressful situations proceeds in several stages. For 2-5 days, rashes appear, and then - within 1-2 weeks, skin manifestations disappear.

      The manifestations of the disease in this case largely depend on the sex and color of the animal - vasculitis in sphinxes in such a case can proceed according to the following types:

    43. telangiectatic;
    44. Livedo type;
    45. Eczematoid;
    46. polymorphic;
    47. The telangiectatic type is diagnosed, as a rule, in cats involved in breeding work. Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of spots on the skin of the sphinx of a pinkish or brownish-red hue, muffled in the central part and more pronounced along the outer contour (there are usually dark dots along the edges of the foci). Rashes are formed on the sides, back, abdomen, paws and groin (occasionally on the head and ears) and, as the disease progresses, increase in size, merge and acquire fuzzy and blurry outlines. The animal does not experience any discomfort.

      Livedo type is diagnosed, as a rule, in cats of cream-blue and red shades, as well as harlequin color. The onset of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a vascular network along the spine, in the region of the shoulder blades and the back of the head. After a few days, bluish spots appear in place of the mesh, covered with small nodules and hemorrhages as the pathology progresses. Some of the nodules eventually necrotize, forming painful ulcerations. Healing occurs with the formation of blisters filled with exudate and covered with a dark crust.

      The eczematoid type develops in both cats and cats, regardless of their color, and begins with the appearance of a small eczematoid spot on the hind legs or tail. The affected area swells and turns red, papules and crusts form. The animal experiences severe itching and licks the skin, injuring them and contributing to secondary fungal and staphylococcal infection (in this case, the spots quickly spread upwards along the limb, subsequently moving to the stomach).

      The polymorphic type is manifested by rashes characteristic of the pathologies described above.

      Therapy of vasculitis is aimed at strengthening the immune system, preventing stressful situations and reducing the severity of manifestations from the skin.

      Fungal infections

      Fungal infections (Microsporia and Trichophytosis) are manifested by the appearance of red spots on the body of the sphinx that increase with time, covered with crusts and scales. Treatment of pathology involves the use of internal and external antifungal agents, for example, Itraconazole.


      In the vast majority of cases, the forecasts for the cure of spots on the skin of the Sphynx, regardless of the reasons that caused them, are purely favorable.

      Allergic reaction to hairless cats

      As you know, cats are the most beautiful, graceful, and smart pets. Of course, they do not strive to be a friend of a person, but, nevertheless, they allow themselves to be loved, caressed and cherished. It is impossible not to admire them! But, living with an allergy to your favorite type of pet is extremely unpleasant, and even very dangerous! In this article, we will tell you how and under what conditions an allergy to sphinxes occurs, and how to avoid it. After all, as you know, sphinxes are one of the most hypoallergenic breeds among all cats.

      Approximately ten percent of people suffer from allergies from pets, and cat intolerance is considered the most common form of allergy disease. Allergic reactions to cats occur twice as often in humans than allergic reactions to dogs. And to solve this problem, people come to the conclusion to have a bald cat at home. But this, in the end, turns out to be an erroneous decision, since an allergy to hairless cats also exists. And the cause of this disease is not wool. as it turned out, and such a substance as a protein. It is found in dead skin cells on a cat's body, as well as in her saliva and urine.

      Many allergy sufferers are usually interested in the question - is there an allergy to sphinxes, and what are the causes of this problem. Unfortunately, absolutely all cats can cause allergic reactions in humans. And despite the fact that sphinxes have absolutely no hair, they can cause allergies more often than long-haired animals. Because bald cats produce twice as much protein as the rest. This is due to the fact that they sweat more often. Even if you are not allergic to cats. sphinxes can cause it in an allergic person, bringing dust from the street. mold or other allergens.

      Causes of the disease

      The first reason for such troubles is a weak immune system in allergy sufferers. The patient's body determines harmful substances, and in particular, the protein that sphinxes secrete. He perceives it as a bacterium or a virus, and begins to fight it.

      Clinical picture of the disease

      Symptoms of an allergy to bald cats are quite different. As a result of the body's struggle with the allergen, the following negative reactions begin to appear in a person:

    48. There is sneezing, as well as swelling of the nasal mucosa.
    49. Violent dry cough.
    50. Swelling of the respiratory tract, as well as bronchospasm.
    51. Allergic rashes in the form of urticaria or dermatitis, which is accompanied by severe itching.
    52. Many still do not believe that bald cats can cause severe allergic reactions. , Therefore, they are interested in - is there an allergy to sphinxes? After all, it is believed that due to the fact that sphinxes are bald, they are less allergenic. But in fact, any cat is potentially dangerous, in any case, it can cause disease. And this does not depend in any way on the breed, the length of the coat or on the molt. A person who decides to acquire such a pet as a cat or a cat is still potentially exposed to such a disease as an allergy. So, for allergy sufferers, the idea of ​​having a pet is not a good idea.

      If you are planning to get a Canadian Sphynx, then remember that an allergy to the Canadian Sphynx will also be possible.

      How to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction

    53. Be sure to remove the carpet. to do wet cleaning as often as possible.
    54. It is desirable that the furniture be upholstered not with matter, but with leather or a leather substitute.
    55. Put linen and clothes in a closet in plastic bags.
    56. Vacuuming should be done with a high-purity filter.
    57. Bathe your cat at least two to three times a week.
    58. It is desirable to castrate a cat or a cat, since castrated cats are less allergenic.

      Dermatitis is a skin disease local inflammation and redness of the skin in certain places of the body. Dermatitis in children is a consequence of infection, toxic effects or allergies. Dermatitis in an infant manifests itself in the form of rashes, crusts, redness. Consider the causes of dermatitis in young children and preschoolers, the types of its manifestations and the means of treatment.

      Often, skin dermatitis is called diathesis. The age of the child most prone to rashes is up to 3 years. At this age, signs of the disease (rash and redness on the face, around the mouth, in the groin) appear much more often than during the school period.

      If the irritating substance first enters the gastrointestinal tract, then into the blood and only then to the skin, then the disease is called toxicoderma .

      Inflamed areas of the skin can appear as redness, peeling and chafing (the mildest form of the disease), as well as rashes, pimples, blisters, blisters and wounds.

      Often parents use local remedies (ointment, powder) without analyzing the cause of skin inflammation. This is not true. Treatment of a rash requires both external and internal exposure.

      Bubbles are annoying because after opening, small wounds are formed through which the infection penetrates. Often children scratch the rash on their arms and elbows. So dermatitis in children is complicated by infection.

    59. red spots in the groin, on the buttocks, on the back and abdomen;
    60. pustules in the folds of the skin (in the groin) and on open areas of the body (arms, elbows).
    61. Causes


    • Wet diapers. skin rashes on the body appear in a month-old baby in places of constant contact of the baby with a wet diaper - on the back and buttocks, on the abdomen and in the groin (treatment of diaper dermatitis - use of diapers).
    • Stay in a filled diaper causes a rash and redness in the groin, between the buttocks and on the abdomen (treatment - timely diaper change).
    • Household chemicals It is also an irritant, when it gets on the diapers and clothes of the child, it causes rashes on the body. Upon contact with an irritant in everyday life (if the baby helped his mother wash the dishes), rashes may appear on the palms. If the baby is allergic to mother's perfume, rashes appear on the eyes, cheeks and around the nose. The most effective means of struggle is the rejection of household chemicals.
    • toxicodermic

    • food allergens(the most common cause of dermatitis on the body of the baby, as well as a common cause of rashes on the face and hands in a young child). The best remedy for food dermatitis is diet.
    • Exhaust inhalation(when driving along highways).
    • Medications(treatment requires the immediate rejection of the wrong drug).
    • Infectious diseases(form the so-called infectious dermatitis in young children). The main treatment is the fight against the underlying infection.

    Dermatitis is a complex disease, the causes of which often lie in the allergic reactions of the child's body. Symptoms of dermatitis appear on various parts of the body and bring unpleasant itching, pain and discomfort.

    To cure dermatitis or weaken its manifestations on any parts of the body (elbows, back, on the head in the hair and around the mouth), you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Strict restriction of contact between the child and the irritant(diet, household chemicals control, natural clothes). Any type of rash has its own cause. When the cause is removed, the effect disappears.
  • Timely treatment of skin inflammation. prevent infection or complications. External treatment is carried out with antiseptic dressings (therapeutic ointment, special cream), folk remedies help (herbal baths and rubbing infusions). Internal treatment consists of taking antiseptics and drugs to reduce an allergic reaction.
  • Reduced allergic mood of the body- the most difficult and long-term treatment. Preparations for improving the functioning of the intestines (bifidobacteria), calcium-containing vitamin complexes, a healthy diet (natural products without additives) help. Treating skin rashes from the inside is more effective than using an external cream or ointment. If it is difficult to completely cure an allergy, then you can at least weaken its manifestations.
  • The use of complex therapy. remedies for the treatment of dermatitis (pharmaceuticals and medicines, external ointment and cream) must be combined with a diet and prevention of contact with an irritant allergen.
  • Diet and Nutrition

    The main and main treatment for toxicodermic food dermatitis is strict diet. Breastfeeding mother's nutrition is focused on feeding the baby. The diet excludes from the diet of a nursing woman those foods that are not absorbed by a monthly baby, cause rashes and skin inflammations (on the face, arms, elbows, neck and around the mouth).

    The body begins to assimilate those nutrients that it could not digest at the age of one and a half to two years. Rashes and skin inflammations on the elbows and feet, in the hair and around the mouth pass. A strict diet is losing its relevance.

    You can not treat the baby only with external means (smear anti-allergic cream on the inflammation site, apply ointment at night). The disease manifests itself externally and internally. In addition to skin manifestations of allergies, the child's immunity and digestion are weakened.

    Cream and ointment

    If parents do not have the opportunity to limit the baby from contact with the irritant, it is necessary smear antiseptic cream, healing ointment on the site of skin inflammation, wipe the rash disinfectant solutions, herbal infusions.

    The task of parents is to prevent complications, the occurrence of inflammation and swelling, to prevent infection with fungi and bacteria.


    It is impossible to cure dermatitis in children in one day. Ointment and cream can only remove the external manifestations of the disease. The best remedy for food rashes - constant monitoring of the menu of mom and baby, the use of natural remedies to combat allergic reactions, the prevention of infection and acute skin inflammation will help to overcome the disease.

    Dermatitis in children

    The digestive system and immunity are in the process of formation, the nutrition of the baby forms a complex of enzymes (substances for digesting food) and bacterial flora in the intestines and stomach. Therefore, the healthiest food for a one-month-old baby is breast milk, the most effective means to prevent diathesis - the right diet mother feeding a child.


    All types of inflammation of the skin occur when exposed to an irritating substance. If such a substance has got on the skin from the surrounding space, then dermatitis is called contact .

    Dermatitis is divided into the following types:

  • allergic (second name - atopic) - from exposure to an allergen;
  • contact (appears on open parts of the body after external contact with an irritant - around the mouth, on the elbows, hands);
  • sunny (manifested after exposure to bright sun);
  • seborrheic (these are various rashes and acne, acne); this type of rash affects certain parts of the skin: the forehead and face along the hairline, skin around the mouth, as well as the groin, back, chest, cheeks.
  • The most common form of the disease is allergic dermatitis.. What does dermatitis look like and can it be cured?

    What does it look like?

    The site of the rash is localized on the face, head, arms, groin and abdomen, back and buttocks, and even on the piss. Severe dermatitis is complicated by inflammation and swelling, itching, discomfort, and soreness of the skin.

    External manifestations of dermatitis:

  • dry skin on the arms, elbows, on the face around the mouth;
  • small bubbles with liquid - located on the legs. hands (elbows, palms), around the mouth, on the neck, back and buttocks; the listed places are the traditional places of manifestation of atypical eczema;
  • The causes of the disease are conditionally divided into external and internal. External causes act from the outside, internal causes enter the baby's body with nutrition and breathing. A number of irritating factors affect the body externally and internally (if allergens from the air enter the child's blood through the lungs and affect the skin directly from the outside).

    The cause of contact dermatitis in a child can be:

  • Synthetic clothes and bedding can cause atopic dermatitis on the baby's body in any part of it (where synthetics come into contact with the baby's skin): on the neck and head from a synthetic cap, on the elbows from a synthetic jacket, around the mouth from a synthetic scarf. The best remedy for such an allergy is natural clothing.
  • Inappropriate baby cosmetics(cream, soap, shampoo) - causes rashes in those parts of the body where the cream was used: in the groin, on the buttocks, on the cheeks. The skin of a one-month-old baby is sensitive, a special moisturizer without E-additives is needed.
  • Dusty or polluted air industrial cities (it can be difficult to cure such dermatitis in children due to the child's constant contact with an irritant. Sometimes the only right decision is to change your place of residence.
  • The main treatment for contact dermatitis is to limit any contact with the irritant. If the allergen irritant periodically affects the child, the atypical reaction intensifies.

    Rashes on the body become extensive, bring great discomfort. In places of the most frequent rashes (on the arms and elbows, cheeks and around the mouth), the skin loses its elasticity, pigmentation, becomes thin and vulnerable.

    When the exposure to the irritant is limited, in 80% of children, the allergic mood of the body decreases. Signs of dermatitis weaken first on open parts of the body (on the face, on the eyes, on the outer elbows and around the neck, in the older child on the back and abdomen), and then in closed places (in the groin, along the bends of the elbows, between the buttocks, on the feet).

    Causes of toxicoderma dermatitis:

    External means are a cosmetic temporary effect on the disease. The main means of treatment is to limit contact with the irritant (diet, environmental control).


    Diet of a young child eliminates foods that cause rashes from the diet. Often, by the age of five, the allergic mood decreases, the microflora and the enzymatic composition of the digestive organs are formed.

    In this case, the external medicines should be antiseptic and reduce allergic reactions body (they are called antihistamines). Antihistamines are prescribed by a doctor. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs may contain children's cream, pharmacy ointment.

    Treating a child only with external agents, smearing an antihistamine cream, applying an anti-inflammatory ointment is ineffective and not enough. In order to further cure dermatitis, it is necessary to remove the causes of the disease, irritating factors.

    Often the treatment of dermatitis takes several years. With the strengthening of the body and the formation of intestinal microflora, rashes on the hands and head disappear.

    No matter how strange it may sound, but allergies in sphinxes are a very common phenomenon. It can be anything and no cat is immune from it.

    In humans, the immune system protects the body from a harmful environment, but if this happens, then the counterparties of the immune system stand up to protect the body and sometimes this turns into an allergy in cats.

    Causes of the problem

    Allergies in Sphynx cats may appear due to:

    • Bad environment.
    • Increased susceptibility to substances.
    • Growth in the chemical industry.
    • Rise of aggressive antibacterial drugs.

    Allergies in Don and Canadian Sphynxes

    This breed of Sphynx is most prone to allergies. The main cause of allergies in the Don Sphynx is a glycoprotein, which is contained in its urine, saliva and dandruff. Allergies in the Canadian Sphynx can be caused by food. Of course, both those and those may have the same allergy:

    1. Pollen, mold and dust
    2. Remains of pathogenic microflora.
    3. Medicines.
    4. Some feed ingredients.
    5. Hygiene products.

    Types of allergies


    Allergy to elements of the external environment. The manifestation can be seen in sphinxes up to 3 years old. It is very insidious, since it is very difficult to determine it, and very little is needed for its occurrence. Anything can cause (mold, pollen, chemicals, etc.)

    Allergy to flea bites

    The sphinx has no hair and many people believe that there is no place for fleas, but this is a deep delusion. They can be inside the auricles and in the armpits. Fleas can also bite and jump from another animal. The worst thing is that some owners do not treat him at all, because they believe that his pet does not and cannot have fleas.

    food allergy

    Food allergies in sphinxes are very difficult to determine, as well as the allergen is excluded from the diet. It does not develop in one day, because some allergens first accumulate in the body, then they just begin to act. It is easier to determine allergies in animals older than 1 year. But when an allergy in Sphynx cats is repeated, a minute is enough for her reaction.

    Also, Sphynx allergies to food and dairy products can develop throughout the year. Most often, cats are allergic to protein found in foods. Often, owners feed their pet chicken without paying attention to other proteins. Some dry food manufacturers skimp on ingredients and add a lot of untested chemicals.


    Appear on the skin, mucous membranes and oral cavity. She has clear red borders, sometimes there may be pain and itching.

    Esinophilic plaque

    Manifestation of eosinophilic allergic syndrome. Appears on the abdomen and on the inner thighs. Appears as an oval red lesion.

    Esinophilic granuloma

    Appears on the skin, mucous membranes and oral cavity of the sphinx. Lesions can appear anywhere on the body. Yellowish-pink plaques appear.

    Sphynx allergic to flowers

    All cats love to taste our flowers, but this habit can lead not only to allergies, but to death. We all need to know poisonous flowers:

    • Lilies. Even pollen is dangerous for sphinxes, it can cause severe allergies and kidney failure.
    • Azalea. Can kill an animal.
    • Dieffenbachia. - Causes allergies and burns of mucous membranes.
    • Gardenia. Causes allergies and intoxication.

    Symptoms of Sphynx Allergy

    1. The appearance of dandruff.
    2. Red rash.
    3. Humidity in the armpits.
    4. Otitis.
    5. The cat rubs its nose, bites its paws.
    6. The appearance of ulcers on the body.
    7. The animal is lethargic, sleeps a lot.

    Photo: Allergic spots on the body of the Sphynx.

    All these manifestations do not always indicate an allergy. These can be: beriberi, fungal diseases, endocrine gland disease and scabies. For example, dermatitis is more related to seasonal allergies, and fleas bite on the tail and back.

    To determine the allergy, you need to take the Sphynx to the veterinarian. Allergy skin symptoms can last up to 10 weeks. The manifestation of allergies in sphinxes in the photo can be seen below.


    Experts always ask:

    • Cat diet.
    • Date of onset of symptoms.
    • Pet hygiene products.
    • Cleaning products in the house.
    • Is the animal taking medication?

    Sphynxes are very sensitive to everything, you need to tell the veterinarian everything to the smallest detail, because the animal may also be allergic to your perfumes or plants.

    Allergy in sphinxes: treatment

    In order to cure food allergies in sphinxes, you need to follow a diet. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the allergen from the diet.

    Specialists take scrapings from the skin to determine the microbial microflora. But if the tests gave a negative result, then you still need to carry out antimicrobial treatment. Then allergy tests are carried out. They help to identify exactly what cats are allergic to (mites, dust, fleas, medicines, household chemicals, etc.).

    What needs to be done:

    1. The use of steroids and antihistamines.
    2. Give your pet vitamins.
    3. Feed lamb, lamb and rice.
    4. Olive oil.

    Prevention of allergies in sphinxes

    • Use as little household chemicals as possible.
    • Taking antihistamines.
    • High quality, antiallergic food.
    • Using a flea collar.
    • Serve food to the sphinx in high-quality dishes.
    • Drip citrus oil into flower pots.

    Allergies in cats are just as serious as in humans. We take care of our health and observe prevention, so let's also take care of our smaller brothers. Don't ignore the symptoms, even if they don't seem serious to you. Today the cat only scratches its ears, and in a couple of days it may already have otitis media. If you notice that something is not right, take him immediately to a specialist. And most importantly, remember: “We are responsible for those we have tamed!”

    Sphynx skin care is not too difficult, but it is just as necessary as brushing for cats with hair. In addition, caring for a Sphynx is more laborious than caring for a shorthair cat, and in terms of time and material costs, it can be compared with caring for a Persian. So do not think that having bought a naked cat, you have made your task easier, especially since instead of wool on your clothes and furniture, a brown coating that is difficult to wash off will now remain.

    Sphynx Skin Care: Plaque

    All sphinxes (regardless of breed) are covered with a brown waxy coating (sebum mixed with natural pollution), which is designed to protect the skin of the animal from external influences. In some cats, this plaque forms constantly and abundantly, in some it does not form at all. It is believed that the amount and regularity of plaque formation depends on the right food, genetic characteristics, the health of the cat and the temperature in the room (the hotter, the more Sphynx sweat).

    To remove plaque, you need to regularly wipe the Sphynx with wet wipes for cats (without alcohol!) or simply with a terry towel moistened with warm water. Particular attention should be paid to the ears (they can be cleaned with cotton swabs or cotton swabs), fingers and the area around the eyes - plaque accumulates there more often and in greater quantities than on other parts of the body.

    Sphynx Skin Care: Dryness

    The skin of sphinxes often flakes and cracks. To prevent this from happening, you need to moisturize the air in the apartment and the very skin of the animal. For example, a Sphynx can be lubricated with oil (baby/cat) or washed with a moisturizing/nourishing shampoo (mink oil products work well). And, of course, you can’t let your pet get too close to the battery / heater, they can not only dry out the skin, but also leave serious burns.

    Sphynx skin care: blackheads and pimples

    The formation of blackheads and pimples is typical of sphinxes. As a rule, they are formed on the tail, chin and abdomen of the animal. The reasons for their formation and treatment are the same as for all other cats. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to periodically wipe the places of the most likely appearance of acne - micellar water, chlorhexidine or a special lotion (the latter must be washed off with warm water). Neutering an animal can also reduce acne formation, as hormonal surges contribute to skin problems.

    Sphynx Skin Care: Tanning

    Sphinxes, like people, sunbathe in the sun, and for this, it is enough for them to lie down on a sunny windowsill and it is not at all necessary to go outside. Tanning is bad for cats, and too much sun exposure can lead to sunburn. Therefore, in the summer, sphinxes need to be dressed in clothes, and even better lubricated with children's sunscreen (45-60 units).

    Sphynx Skin Care: Bathing

    Bathing the sphinx is a controversial issue. On the one hand, it is necessary to remove plaque, which is not always and not completely washed off with wet wipes, on the other hand, frequent washing can provoke an increased release of plaque. Vicious circle. And, apparently, each owner of the sphinx must decide for himself how often to bathe his animal and whether to bathe at all.

    When bathing a Sphynx, it is recommended to use a special shampoo for Sphynx or shorthair cats. Particularly soiled areas can be gently rubbed with a sponge or baby washcloth. After bathing, the Sphynx should be blotted with a towel, lubricated with oil and dressed in something, so the oil will work better and the cat will not freeze.



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