Egg white benefits. Egg white

Egg white is a low-calorie source of complete proteins. In the egg it occupies the largest part, approximately 67%. In its raw state, the protein looks like a viscous clear liquid. At heat treatment he acquires White color and becomes dense (see photo).

Beneficial features

Egg white is considered ideal for the body due to its amino acid composition. In addition, this product is almost completely absorbed by the body. Considering low calorie content(444 kcal per 100 g), as well as low fat and carbohydrate content, natural chicken egg white is dietary product and it can be consumed during weight loss and to maintain ideal shape.

This product has cleansing properties and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which in turn normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, egg white is an excellent source of protein, which gives the body energy. Considering the rich composition useful substances, it improves brain activity, cell regeneration and connective tissue in the body.

Egg whites contain vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting, as well as choline, which has a positive effect on memory.

Egg white in cosmetology

The beneficial composition of egg white helps improve the condition of skin and hair.. For example, it helps clear the skin of blackheads. In addition, egg white helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten pores and whiten the skin. With this product you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes. This may be due to the vitamin B12 content, which improves blood circulation. Protein also makes the skin soft and elastic. In addition, this product is used to prepare hair masks that promote nutrition and improve growth.

Use in cooking

Egg whites are used to prepare various sauces, creams, and are also added to baked goods, for example, the well-known meringue and sponge cake.

Harm of egg whites and contraindications

Egg whites can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product.


What effect does eating chicken eggs have on the body? What are the benefits of chicken protein and how is the yolk useful?

Eggs are a familiar element of the diet, which attracts with their taste, versatility and benefits. The product can be boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), fried or eaten raw. What are the benefits of a chicken egg? What is more important for the body - white or yolk, and what effect does each component have?

Chicken egg happens various shapes, size and color. These indicators depend on many parameters, including the breed of bird and the location of the animal. So, if the eggs are laid in a hole or hole, then the shape of the shell is round, and if somewhere in the ledges of stones, then appearance oblong.

Average chicken productivity – one egg at 23-26 hours. The color of the shell varies - it can be white (if the chicken is white) or dark (typical for animals with a brown color). Interestingly, the nutritional value of white and dark eggs is identical.

An equally important parameter is size. It depends on three factors:

  • breeds;
  • weight;
  • age of the chicken.

If the animal is mature, then its eggs are larger. A number of other factors also influence the size, including:

  • space limitation;
  • temperature increase;
  • poor quality food.

The color of the yolk depends on the diet. If natural dyes are present in the animal’s diet, then the “core” is distinguished by a “deep” (orange) color. The surface of the shell may also vary. It happens:

  • matte;
  • shiny;
  • smooth;
  • rough;
  • strewn with specks.

Beneficial features

Now let's consider beneficial features eggs:

  • Covering the body's deficiencies with vitamins and minerals, which helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer. First of all, taking the product saves from malignant tumor breasts
  • Prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Improving vision, protecting the eyes from the development of cataracts.
  • Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps in the fight against stomach ulcers.
  • Acceleration muscle growth, which is achieved by feeding cells with protein with a rich set of amino acids (including essential ones). Studies have shown that egg protein surpasses even beef and dairy products in amino acid composition.
  • Strengthening bone tissue, which is achieved by containing calciferol. Calcium entering the body is absorbed in full.
  • Improving brain function, increasing mental abilities.
  • Normalization of the central nervous system, elimination depressive states, improved health.
  • Help in the fight against obesity. Nutritionists know what eggs contain and the benefits of the product. For this reason, it is recommended to include it in the diet even during diets. The only thing is we're talking about not about fried, but about boiled or raw chicken eggs.
  • Reducing the risk of miscarriages in pregnant women. This is possible due to the presence of folic acid, which plays a key role in the creation of new cells. All this contributes rapid development child and protection of women's health.
  • Strengthening teeth, hair and nail plates.
  • Help in solving serious problems in sports. The protein contained in a chicken egg accelerates muscle growth, and minerals and vitamins guarantee fast recovery even after grueling workouts.
  • Eliminating the risk of vitamin deficiency. By eating at least 1-2 whites and yolks per day, you can avoid deficiency useful elements. It contains the following iron, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, tocopherol and other minerals and vitamins.

Studies have shown that a chicken egg contains a quarter of the required essential amino acids. Wherein It is not recommended to overuse protein due to stress on the kidneys. Excess protein is not absorbed, but is simply excreted through the urinary system.

What are the benefits of egg white?

There is a lot of discussion about the benefits of egg whites and whether they should be eaten. The weight of the yolk and white together with the shell is on average 55-70 grams. Moreover, in 100 grams of chicken egg 170-180 kcal. Most of the calorie content comes from the yolk, and the protein part comes from 80-85 percent formed from water. Those 15-20 percent that remained - organic matter.

Volume of protein in protein – 10% , which includes the following elements:

  • ovoglobulin;
  • ovomucoid;
  • lysozyme;
  • ovalbumin;
  • ovotransferrin.

Amount of carbohydrates in the composition – 0,6-0,7% , and fats – 0,3% . Thanks to these qualities, the product is considered dietary. Many people know what is contained in eggs, so feel free to add them to your diet without fear for your figure.

Protein contains wide choose microelements and amino acids that a person needs. And it has a very multifaceted effect:

  • Cleanses the body of harmful substances. Scientists have proven that egg protein plays a major role in reducing cholesterol and improving the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  • Replenishes the body with a full set of amino acids that improve brain function, accelerate cell regeneration processes and optimize the production of connective tissue.
  • Saturates the body with an enzyme that provides the body with energy.
  • Covers the deficiency of tocopherol, calciferol, B vitamins and other elements.

The benefits of egg white have been proven for a long time: it makes the body healthier and helps with in various ways applications – externally or internally. So, scientists know cosmetic properties product. Applying protein is a chance to protect oily facial skin, dry it slightly and reduce the activity of sebaceous metabolism.

Protein masks are popular and can be used as prophylactic. The process of preparing and applying the composition takes a few minutes. The egg white is whipped and then applied to the skin using a brush. After the first layer has dried, the next one is applied, and so on for three approaches. After 5-7 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

Protein is also used for the scalp (hair nutrition). If the goal is to strengthen the hair follicles, then it is recommended to mix the white of one egg with three tablespoons of yogurt, and then distribute the mixture over the entire length of the hair. After twenty minutes, it remains to wash off the mask. The result is improved structure and strengthening of the bulbs.

Which is better - white or yolk?

As mentioned above, an egg consists of several elements:

  • protein;
  • yolk;
  • shell.

Having considered all the features of protein, it is worth noting that the yolk is no less useful. It contains:

  • vitamins E, D, A and K;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • lutein;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins B6 and B12.

As for the protein of the product, it contains no more than 10% of the mentioned elements. Main difference– in protein, which is more abundant in the outer liquid shell eggs.

Many people, when arguing whether the white or the yolk is healthier, cite as arguments high content cholesterol in the latter. But studies have shown that the level of the substance in question in the blood does not depend on the number of eggs consumed per day. At one time, the story of two brothers was passed down from mouth to mouth, one of whom consumed at least 100 eggs for a month, and the other excluded them from the diet completely. At the same time, the cholesterol level was lower in the first brother, but in the second brother it had to be reduced to a safe level.

Scientists have proven that 80-85% dangerous substance the body receives from the liver and only a small part from food. That's why you shouldn't worry about the cholesterol found in the yolk - in in moderation it's safe. Moreover, the orange “core” of the product contains two types of acid - Omega-3 and Omega-6, without which it is impossible normal development body.

In the case of protein, everything is complicated. Described above healing properties eggs, but protein is harmful and beneficial at the same time. Nature intended it so that this part contains 14 types of protein, 13 of which have antimicrobial properties. Often they are enough to protect the product from the penetration of viruses and bacteria. But it is difficult to predict how they will interact with similar “microorganisms” in the human body. Thus, some protein elements penetrate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to autoimmune diseases.

Another dangerous element– avidin, which prevents biotin from being absorbed normally. But this substance is responsible for controlling blood sugar and producing fatty acids. For this reason, some people eat the yolk but cannot tolerate the white. Some nutritionists claim that cooking destroys all biotin. In practice this is not the case. The third part of the substance remains active. That is why it is allowed to take yolks raw.

What is healthier in an egg - the white or the yolk - can only be understood by composing comparison table content of individual elements and vitamins. The first number is the protein content, and the second is the yolk content (per 100 grams of product):

  • calories – 17/59 ;
  • fats – 0,06/4,5 ;
  • carbohydrates - 24/0,6 ;
  • proteins – 3,6/2,8 ;
  • saturated fats – 0/1,6 ;
  • cholesterol – 0/210 mg;
  • calcium – 2.3/22 mg;
  • sodium – 55/8 mg;
  • calciferol – 0/18 IU;
  • folic acid - 1.3/24.8 mcg.

Based on the indicators listed above, you can see how the white and yolk of an egg differ significantly. The first is rich in carbohydrates and protein, and the second is rich in calories, calcium and folic acid.


In conclusion It is worth highlighting some facts about chicken eggs that everyone should know:

  • Salmonella may be found on the shell of the product - dangerous bacteria, which is removed only after heat treatment. In addition, before eating, it is recommended to wash the egg thoroughly under running water.
  • A common product often causes allergic reactions. It is not recommended to use it for gastrointestinal diseases, liver problems, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus and a number of other problems.
  • The yolk contains lecithin, which improves memory and activates the brain, and tocopherol normalizes the condition of the skin and improves mood.
  • To reduce the level bad cholesterol reception recommended following products– cabbage, red grapes, oranges, raspberries, blackberries and others.
  • The shell contains more trace elements than any other multivitamin complexes. It contains iron, copper, fluorine and sulfur. Molybdenum, silicon and two dozen other useful elements are also present. The shell contains a large amount of calcium. For this reason, it is recommended to take it in ground form in courses of 20-25 days.
  • Egg white is the highest quality protein and is considered the standard when compared with other types of proteins.
  • The presence of cholesterol in the composition does not mean a direct connection with the level of this substance in human blood. Studies have shown that when consuming, for example, milk or meat, the body receives even larger portions.
  • Chicken eggs do not contain vitamin C, fiber and complex carbohydrates. For this reason, the product is not useful for people suffering from obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
  • During long-term storage, the quality of the egg deteriorates and the amount of nutrients decreases.
  • If cooked incorrectly or consumed raw, there is a high risk of salmonella contamination. To destroy them, you need to boil the egg for seven minutes or more.

In the absence of contraindications, adding chicken eggs to the diet is justified. G The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage and prepare the product correctly.

Most nutritionists have long agreed that chicken eggs– one of the most valuable food products. The fact that almost no diet can do without eggs further convinces us that eggs are healthy and necessary for our body.

However, supporters proper nutrition There are still questions. Is the cholesterol in eggs harmful? What the yolk is healthier or protein? In what form is it better to eat an egg - boiled or half-cooked?

Nutritional value of egg yolk

Let's start with, perhaps, the most valuable part - the yolk, which contains 100% of everything contained in the egg. fat-soluble vitamins– A, D, E and K, as well as carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin.

The yolk contains 90% of the calcium, iron, zinc, thiamine, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12 found in the egg. And only 10% of these microelements come from egg whites.

Yes, it contains more proteins than the yolk (3.5 g versus 2.7 g), but only because the protein itself is larger in volume. What is more important, in the yolk the proteins are in combination with healthy fats, and in protein – by themselves. By consuming proteins without combining them with fats, we deplete our own vitamin A reserves and also contribute to the development of cellulite.

What about cholesterol?

As for the “terribly harmful” cholesterol in yolks, there is no reason to be afraid. Studies have shown that those people who consumed up to 4 eggs a day had lower blood cholesterol levels than those who limited themselves to just one egg.

The case of two brothers is widely known. One of them ate more than a hundred eggs a month, and his blood cholesterol dropped from 150 to 130 mg/dL. The second brother's diet was completely devoid of red meat, butter and eggs. His cholesterol remained at an extremely high level of 300, and only statins (medicines for artificially lowering blood cholesterol) managed to reduce it to a safe 200 mg/dl.

More than 80% of all cholesterol is synthesized by the liver, and less than 20% is obtained from food. Moreover, if more cholesterol is supplied than needed, its absorption decreases sharply.

There is only one conclusion from here - you shouldn’t worry about the cholesterol contained in eggs. Moreover, because of the mythical fear of going too far with cholesterol, you should not deprive yourself of such a valuable component as egg yolk.

Yolk lutein and zeaxanthin dramatically reduce the risk of eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts, while choline stimulates mental activity and regulates insulin levels in the blood.

Egg whites - benefits and harms

Now let's move on to the egg whites. Not everything is as rosy here as with the yolk. Mother Nature provided squirrels as protection and a source of nutrition for the chick for the first time of its existence. And she endowed this “protective casing” with very interesting properties. 13 out of 14 protein proteins have antimicrobial properties. Usually they are enough to protect the egg from bacteria and viruses, but in large quantities they can also affect the bacteria in our body, especially if there are problems with the intestines.

For example, the protein lysozyme, which is usually harmless, can dramatically impair digestion and nutrient absorption. Moreover, some components of egg white can penetrate a weakened intestinal wall and trigger autoimmune diseases.

The protein avidin blocks the absorption of biotin, a substance that is responsible for the synthesis of fatty acids and blood sugar levels. Some people cannot tolerate egg whites at all, although they can eat yolks without problems.

Nutritionists may object and say that during cooking, most negative properties the squirrel disappears, but practice shows the opposite. Up to 30% avidin retains its activity even after long cooking. In any case, protein should only be eaten well boiled or fried. Yolks can be safely consumed raw. It is not only tastier, but also healthier.

As you know, most of the beneficial substances lose their properties when heated above 100 degrees. Therefore, it is healthier to eat the yolk raw (for example, eggnog) or with minimal cooking (poached eggs).

How many eggs can you eat? It is reliably known that consumption before three eggs per day is absolutely safe for health. Although doctors know of cases where people ate more than 25 eggs a day and lived to an old age, while maintaining normal level cholesterol in the blood and excellent health.

I see only one compelling reason why one should refuse such a valuable product - moral convictions, ideological vegetarianism, which does not allow one to eat “killer” food. For these people, the only alternatives to eggs are dairy products and/or vegan supplements of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Egg white - calories and properties. Benefits of egg white

Calorie content: 44.4 kcal.

Energy value of the product Egg white (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 11.1 g (~44 kcal) Fats: 0 g (~0 kcal) Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 100%|0%|0%

Egg white: properties

How much does egg white cost? average price for 1 piece)?

Moscow and Moscow region 4.5 rub.

A chicken egg can be called perhaps one of the most nutritious foods. However, many people prefer to avoid eating them, citing the fact that they contain too much fat and cholesterol. But in order to draw such conclusions, it is necessary to thoroughly study this food product.

Egg white, which takes up more than half (about 67 percent) total mass eggs, along with egg yolk, are an integral part of a chicken egg. In its raw form, it is a transparent viscous liquid, which after heat treatment becomes white. Egg whites have much lower calorie content nutritional value yolk, but it contains a lot of protein. The beneficial properties of egg whites are used in many areas of human life, but special role he plays specifically in cooking.

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning egg whites is, undoubtedly, airy meringue and sponge dough. By the way, in order to achieve excellent results when whipping egg whites, you need to know a few secrets. They can be easily whipped into a strong foam if the chicken eggs are thoroughly cooled beforehand and a pinch of salt is added during the process.

In Russian folk cuisine, chicken eggs, in particular egg whites, have relatively recently begun to be used in soups (as in the cuisine of Transcaucasia). But preparing a variety of main courses based on this healthy product, combining it with fish and vegetables, has become almost a tradition. Along with French and English chefs, our masters learned to use egg whites in soufflés, jelly and drinks.

Benefits of egg white

The benefits of egg white are undeniable, as it is a rich source of niacin, which is essential for full-fledged work brain and stimulation of its activity. Also in this useful product and vitamin H, which ensures better blood clotting. And choline helps improve memory and has the ability to remove poisons and toxic substances from the liver.

Egg whites contain a lot of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on human health, in particular, they prevent the development of birth defects in newborns. At the same time, the benefits of egg white are expressed in their anti-cholesterol properties, in which this product is superior even to soy cheese. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of chicken protein helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and thanks to recent research it has been found that the protein contained in protein increases the level of good cholesterol.

By the way, as for the prevailing opinion about the dangers of eggs due to... high content cholesterol and fats: they are completely absent in egg whites, and although they are present in the yolk, they do not carry anything dangerous if consumed correctly.

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 piece contains 15 grams

The nutritional value

Egg white - benefits

Chicken eggs are perhaps the most nutritious product. But many people prefer not to eat them, they say, eggs contain a lot of cholesterol and fat. However, these substances are contained only in egg yolk, and the nutritional and beneficial properties of egg white, on the contrary, are recommended by many doctors to strengthen the heart and overall health of the body.

The healing properties of egg whites

An egg consists of a yolk and a white. The yolk contains proteins, cholesterol and harmless polyunsaturated fats(on average, a chicken egg contains 11.5% fat). Protein is 90% water and 10% protein and contains no cholesterol or fat.

The benefits of egg whites. What are the benefits of egg white?

Egg whites are a rich source of niacin, essential for good nutrition brain and stimulation brain activity. Protein also contains vitamin K, which ensures better blood clotting, and choline, which helps improve memory and remove toxins from the liver.

Protein contains a lot of vitamins B12, B6, B2, E, folic acid and biotin, which prevent the development of birth defects in infants. And in terms of vitamin D content, egg white is second only to fish oil.

In addition, the protein contains minerals, protein, carbohydrates and important amino acids, not produced in our body. Their entire value lies in the fact that without them the renewal and formation of new tissues and cells of the body is impossible.

Moreover, egg whites are a low-calorie source of complete proteins: 100 grams of protein contain about 45 grams of calories and 11 grams of protein, while milk contains 69 calories and 4 grams of protein, and medium-fat beef contains 219 calories and 17 grams of protein.

Egg white is absorbed by our body by 93.7%, for comparison, for fish this figure is 76%, for beans - 73%, and for beans - only 58%.

At the same time, the protein has pronounced anti-cholesterol properties that are superior even to soy cheese. It is also known that egg white strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and recent research by scientists has proven that the protein contained in the egg white helps to generally increase the level of good cholesterol in the body.

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Egg white - benefits and beneficial properties of chicken egg white

author: Kristina Reznikdate: 10.29.2013

Many of us cannot imagine breakfast without eggs - boiled or fried. However, for some this product is useful, but for others it is harmful. You can eat the eggs of any birds, but due to their prevalence, chicken eggs can rightfully be called a regular in our diet. Let's consider their composition and properties.

Egg white - what's special?

Chicken eggs are considered a relatively low-calorie product. The weight of one chicken egg is approximately 55 grams, and 100 grams of a chicken egg contains only 155 kcal, of which the yolk takes up most of it; the calorie content of the protein is extremely low. Protein consists of 85% water, and the remaining 15% is organic matter. The amount of protein in egg white reaches a total of 10%; this percentage includes ovalbumin, lysozyme, ovomucoid, ovomucin, ovotransferrin, and ovoglobulin.

In addition, fats (about 0.3%) and carbohydrates (about 0.7%) can be distinguished in the composition of egg whites, due to low content these elements, a chicken egg considered a dietary product. Cooking chicken eggs varies depending on different countries and depends largely on taste. Eggs are boiled, fried, baked, made into eggnog, pickled, and drunk raw.

Chicken egg white contains a complete set of amino acids and microelements required for the daily human diet.

Benefits of egg white

The benefits of eggs are due to their composition:

  • It is the egg white that has cleansing properties. It has been proven that egg whites are involved in reducing blood cholesterol levels, thereby helping to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Along with being low in calories, egg white is a source of protein, an enzyme that produces energy in the cell.
  • Protein contains almost all vital amino acids that promote brain function, cell regeneration and improvement of connective tissue.
  • Protein contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as vitamin E. In terms of the amount of vitamin D, egg white is superior only to fish oil.

Healing the body from the inside, the beneficial properties of egg white make it possible to use this component externally. The cosmetic features of chicken protein provide complete care for combination skin, and especially for oily skin face, drying it and regulating sebaceous metabolism.

The egg white mask is extremely simple and suitable for regular use. To do this, just beat the egg white and let it cool. Apply the mask to the skin with a brush, let it dry for about 5 minutes, repeat the procedure, thus applying three layers of protein to the skin. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Egg white can be called frequent component hair masks. For nutrition and hair growth, you need to mix one protein with 3 tablespoons natural yogurt. Distribute the mask along the length of your hair and leave for 20 minutes. According to reviews, egg white for hair helps improve its structure, makes it silky and soft.

Is egg white harmful?

Despite the value of chicken eggs, many consider them quite harmful and avoid their use in the daily diet. However, the only possible harm associated with concerns about cholesterol content in eggs. Will help dispel fears scientific fact, testifying in favor of egg white.

"Bad" cholesterol overuse which promotes the formation of vascular plaques, is found in the yolk, but not in the white. In 100 grams egg yolk contains 250 milligrams of cholesterol, its content in protein is zero. If there is a problem with cholesterol, it is not at all necessary to give up chicken eggs; it is enough to consume egg whites without the yolk.

The possible harm of egg whites is only V individual intolerance squirrel. Chicken yolk is a much weaker allergen than protein. In 60% of cases, egg white allergy is accompanied by allergic reaction for chicken meat.

People suffering from such allergies need to remember that chicken eggs are an integral component in the production of bread and confectionery, some sweets, mayonnaise and other products.


Protein - essential component food for normal life person. Protein- a building material necessary for tissue growth and repair. Muscle contraction occurs due to the contraction of two proteins - actin and myosin. Any organ or tissue in our body needs oxygen, and it is carried by a protein with a complex quaternary structure - hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells.

Protein consists of structural units, which are called amino acids. More than a hundred different amino acids are known, although for normal functioning twenty is enough for the body. Some amino acids can be synthesized by the body (nonessential amino acids), others must be obtained from food - essential amino acids.

A lack of protein can lead to serious violations body function: decreased hormonal levels, malfunction enzymatic systems. With a lack of protein, the functioning of the liver and brain is also disrupted, and dystrophy develops. If there is a lack of protein in children's diets, developmental retardation may occur. Since somatropin (growth hormone), which is produced by the pituitary gland, is responsible for growth, when poor nutrition, the pituitary activity of the brain decreases, thereby causing a slowdown in the growth of body tissues.

How much protein should you consume in food?

Today nutritionists call optimal rate protein consumption - 100-120 grams per day. However, this figure is individual and depends on weight. More accurately, the amount of protein can be determined by the formula: from 1.3 to 1.5 g. protein per kilogram of weight. It should be remembered that with significant physical activity, the body’s protein consumption increases.

Exist vegetable proteins and animal proteins. For humans, the latter are more important, since plant proteins lack some essential amino acids. In addition, plant proteins are less digestible. Although, of course, a complete diet should contain proteins, both animal and plant origin.

Sources of animal protein - meat, fish, dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs;

Sources of protein of plant origin - nuts, legumes, mushrooms.

You can read about the protein diet here.

2 Reviews to “About the benefits of protein”

  1. Yura09/21/2012 at 1:53 pm

    I don’t want to offend anyone, but the materials in the article are a little outdated (about 50 years old). Although many believe that animal protein simply necessary, my body does not accept any meat, eggs and all dairy products very well. I have nothing to say about amino acids, their synthesis and absorption. But after giving up animal products (meat, eggs, milk, fish), I began to have smooth skin, clear eyes, the weight returned to normal and a lot of energy appeared. People whom I haven’t seen for more than a year compliment me and ask one thing: how, at 42, did I look 30? I don't force anything on anyone. I wish everyone good health. PS don't trust doctors

Why, when it comes to sources of protein, do dairy products and meat come to mind first, and not, for example, peas or soy, although their protein content is quite high?

Alas, vegetable proteins in to a large extent incomplete, that is, they do not contain a complete set of essential amino acids (amino acids are the “building blocks” that form proteins). Soy protein is the closest to complete protein, followed by lentil protein. Potato protein is almost complete, but it is small (about 2 percent of dry weight). This is partly why protein from plants has a relatively low biological value, that is, it is absorbed by 50-60 percent (For example, egg and milk proteins - up to 100 percent).

Science shows that when you eat multiple sources of protein, their biological value increases significantly. Hence the conclusion: properly combine plant and animal foods. In the diet of bodybuilders, the proportion of animal proteins (meat, offal, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, milk) should be about 60-80%. In this case, the required ratio is achieved amino acid composition. But the remaining 20-40% should be proteins of plant origin. Ideally, this ratio of animal and plant proteins should be observed at every meal.

Simultaneously with the increase in protein consumption, the body's need for B vitamins also increases. The B vitamin group plays a role important role in protein metabolism. In general, nutrition in bodybuilding is a planned attempt to force the body to exceed its original natural capabilities. This, first of all, concerns the process of protein absorption by the body, during which the individual capabilities of the body are often recognized.

Eat smaller portions, but more often (5-6 times a day). If there is any doubt about whether you are absorbing protein well, use nutritional supplements, containing enzymes that promote protein digestion.

The main thing is not to overdo it.

Most often, in the diet of a beginning athlete there is a shortage of proteins. However, it should be borne in mind that a regular excess of proteins in the diet is also undesirable. It reduces resistance to stressful situations, in adolescents causes premature puberty. There is an opinion that excess protein creates the preconditions for possible occurrence urolithiasis.

Raw chicken eggs are food product with high nutritional value, used in dietary, as well as medicinal and preventative nutrition. In a balanced composition of chicken eggs - nutrients, vitamins, microelements. Raw chicken eggs have inconsistent chemical composition, which is influenced by the type of bird, the quality and type of feed, and the duration of storage.

To be included in the diet dietary and therapeutic nutrition Use fresh chicken and turkey eggs. Only an egg laid by a hen has a temperature of approximately 40 degrees, to preserve all of it nutritional properties The storage temperature should be +5 degrees. Eggs that are stored for no more than 5 days are considered dietary.

A chicken egg weighs on average about 53 grams. - the share of protein is 31 g, yolk - 16 g, and 6 g. the shell weighs.

Raw chicken eggs beneficial properties

In chicken eggs - mineral salts and vitamins. Vitamin composition quite diverse: vitamin A, D, B2, B6, E and others. The egg contains phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper, cobalt, iodine, a small amount sodium chloride, as well as purine substances.

Effective use chicken egg white, which has beneficial properties, as an alkalizing factor in the treatment inflammatory processes. A particularly noticeable effect is observed with severe acidosis. But the use of raw egg white must be treated with extreme caution, since it contains the mucoprotein avidin, which binds the vitamin biontin, defiant theme most biotin deficiency

Up to 50 percent of chicken egg white is not exposed hydrolysis, because it contains antitryptase - a trypsin inhibitor, so it does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is quickly eliminated. These protein properties allow the use of raw chicken eggs in therapeutic nutrition at stomach diseases. But when chronic pancreatitis, raw eggs should be used with caution; it is better to give preference to boiled ones, since avidin, contained in raw chicken eggs, when exposed to high temperatures is destroyed.

It should be noted that fresh chicken eggs contain such useful substances as lecithin and lutein. Chicken egg whites in their own way biological value significantly superior to the proteins found in other products. It is egg white that is the most effective building material for various muscles.

Raw chicken eggs are rich in albumins, which have a special place in dietary nutrition in the treatment of diseases varying degrees severity, various injuries, burns, complex conditions that are complicated by impaired protein metabolism. These simple water-soluble proteins are essential components of blood.

Isolating albumins from a chicken egg is not particularly difficult; to do this, you need to carefully separate the white from the yolk, beat with a mixer into a thick foam and dilute warm water in a ratio of 1*10. The solution resulting from mixing must be filtered through a piece of clean cloth or gauze, which should be folded in several layers. Coarse particles of globulins will be retained on the filter, and albumins will be in the filtrate.

Regarding the consumption of chicken eggs, which have invaluable beneficial properties: no one has established any specific norm for how many eggs can be consumed per day. But one thing is clear: a young organism exposed to frequent physical activity, people leading active image life, eggs should be consumed much more often than older people, whose rhythm of life is more measured and calm.

With a tendency towards obesity, in case of diseases of the biliary tract, preference should still be given to a steam omelet, which is prepared from one protein, without the yolk.

Found its application in dietary nutrition and melange- a special mixture prepared in a special way, in which the white and yolk of a fresh raw chicken egg are mixed and immediately frozen.

Beneficial properties of raw chicken eggs in folk medicine

- for opening and cleaning ulcers: you need to take 2 egg yolks (raw), natural honey in the amount of one tablespoon, half a teaspoon of kitchen salt. Mix all the ingredients, add enough flour so that you can knead the dough and mold it into a small flat cake. The resulting cake is applied to the abscess. After some time, the abscess will open and gradually clear itself;

- for burns You should beat one fresh chicken egg, apply the resulting mass to the burn in layers, waiting for the previous one to dry;

Another composition used for burns: Beat 3 fresh raw egg whites until foamy, beat 3 tablespoons of Provençal oil in a separate bowl (can be replaced with olive oil) combine both mixtures and mix well. Lubricate the burn with the resulting composition.

- when coughing: fresh egg yolks are thoroughly ground until white with sugar, and the mixture should increase in volume by 2-3 rubles. This “mogol-mogol” is taken on an empty stomach;

Got wide application raw chicken eggs and in cosmetology. To soften dry skin It is recommended to use masks containing egg yolk. To prepare such a mask, you need to mix one egg yolk of a fresh chicken egg with one teaspoon natural honey, and a teaspoon of glycerin. Stir the mixture well and apply to dry facial skin. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. After using this mask, the skin becomes velvety and soft.

Egg white suits our body better than any other protein that should be taken for effective training. It is perfectly digestible and consists almost entirely of albumin (or ovoalbumin, 10%) and water (90%). In terms of absolute values, one egg, including the yolk, contains about 6-7 grams of albumin, and the yolk also contains ovoglobulin, coalbumin, ovomucoid, ovomucin, lysocin and avidin.

A chicken egg can weigh from 35 grams (category 3) to 75 grams ( highest category), it contains only 4 grams of fat (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (Omega-3) fatty acids), carbohydrates – 0.5 grams, lecithin – 150 mg. The rest of the weight in a small amount is various vitamins(including A, E, K, D and B12) and minerals (calcium, zinc and iron), water.

The composition also contains riboflavin, folic acid and cholesterol, which is the main component in the synthesis of testosterone and does not increase general level cholesterol in the blood. The energy value of an average egg is 157 kcal per 100 grams, and the biological value indicator is equal to one (a complete set of all essential amino acids).

Do you eat the whole thing or just the whites?

Very often on the Internet you can find recommendations to throw away the yolks or eat them in minimum quantity. The fact is that fats (even healthy Omega-3s) enhance the oxidation process and “waste” the body’s oxygen. Too many of these fats do not benefit the body, but the harm can be mitigated very simply - just consume natural antioxidants - beans, blueberries, cranberries and other berries, prunes, apples. Not only will they prevent oxidation, but they will also add more vitamins, metals and other substances to the diet.

Eating raw eggs is not recommended because they slow down the release of the enzyme trypsin. – it affects the speed of digestion. Chicken eggs must be subjected to heat treatment, at least 70°C (at this temperature the trypsin inhibitor is destroyed). Cooking also kills harmful bacteria, which can get through or from the shell, and, of course, protect against salmonellosis, a common poultry disease.

You should not eat raw eggs

There is no need to be afraid of cholesterol in a chicken egg, especially for athletes who do not have any health problems associated with it. It will only strengthen the body’s cells and become a building material for new ones. This is especially true for a growing body and when muscle mass increases, when new fibers grow - in fact, this is what happens in bodybuilding, so cholesterol is simply necessary here.

The only option when you can give up yolks is during a time of weight loss or during the “drying” period - then you should consume a couple of them a week so as not to deprive the body of nutrients. In all other cases, eggs can be safely consumed whole; they will not cause any harm.

How to eat chicken eggs?

Boil them - perfect way. Hard-boiled or soft-boiled, in a bag, poached or Benedict, scrambled eggs, added to salads and any other dishes. You can also fry if you do not limit yourself in the use of oil. It is better not to overheat eggs, do not overcook them, do not keep them in boiling water for a long time - excessive heat treatment destroys important amino acids, and the dish becomes simply useless. Remember that a liquid yolk is digested very quickly, while a hard-boiled one takes up to three hours to digest.

Thus, soft-boiled, poached and Benedict are the most healthy recipes for eating eggs. Everything you need from them penetrates the body in a maximum of 1.5 hours, remember this when preparing for training. At the same time, more than 99% of all biologically useful substances are absorbed.

Possible harms of eating eggs

It is impossible to get an overdose of egg whites. The maximum that can happen is that the excess will not be absorbed, especially if there was no significant load that day. If there is no allergy to the yolk or high cholesterol, then up to 8 eggs (with yolk) per day will not harm a healthy fitness or bodybuilding enthusiast. More yolks - more fats, decide for yourself how much you need and how much fatty acids the body can “neutralize” and turn to the light side of your Power.

An obvious harm that does not need to be explained is excess oil during frying. Give up scrambled eggs and never think about this problem again. Some fundamental Scientific research Scientists from the USA and Greece have proven that yolks are the most harmful to the body. The list of consequences of their excessive use includes the following: scary words, such as adenoma, cancer of the prostate and other organs, platelets on carotid artery, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.

However, all the risks of developing dangerous and even fatal diseases observed exclusively in subjects who consumed excessive amounts of egg yolk, already having problems with overweight, prediabetes and diabetes, increased level cholesterol. Healthy people have absolutely nothing to fear.

Egg powder and eggs in sports nutrition

Sports nutrition, or protein “from a can”, is produced both from whey protein (more common case), and from egg. Of course, the powder is carefully cleaned of excess substances and the yolk is not used in the production. It is absorbed quite slowly and evenly, competing with the eggs themselves in terms of usefulness. This diet is more suitable for those who strive to gain exclusively muscle mass without fear of getting better.

The easiest way is to buy eggs in large trays for a week, this way you can significantly save on a source of protein and not have to think about additional ones. Experiment with recipes, spices and vegetables, then you won’t get tired of chicken eggs and will give you everything for muscle growth.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs