Carotid artery where to press. Carotid artery: where is it located, functions, diseases

About 70% of the blood that feeds the brain is transported by the carotid arteries. It is not for nothing that these vessels, important for life, are called sleepy - if you squeeze them for at least 10 seconds, a person will really “fall asleep”. What is the carotid artery, where is it located, what will happen if you press it?

Where is

The carotid artery is a paired vessel. Departing from the thoracic aorta, it immediately diverges into 2 separate arteries. One runs along the left side of the neck, the second on the right. In the region of the larynx, or rather the Adam's apple, each of the arteries is divided into 2 more branches - internal and external. The latter can be felt by placing the fingertips on the neck.

The internal branch runs along the temple and leads to the brain, since its main task is to supply it with blood. In the temporal region, the internal artery enters the skull. There it is divided into a network of smaller vessels, they into one more, those into another. Thus, a complex blood highway is formed that supplies blood to all brain cells.

The outer one goes forward, making a slight bend along the chin and rushing up, delivering blood to the eyes and face. Its terminal branches form a huge and extensive network of capillaries heading to the oral cavity and eyeballs. It is thanks to them that in the heat or while running, a blush appears on a person’s face.

Thus, the carotid artery passes through all the tissues in the head region, saturates them with arterial blood coming from the heart, and the blood saturates them with the oxygen necessary to perform all functions.

How to feel

To feel the external branch of the carotid artery, you can use any 2 fingers, with the exception of the thumb. Because he has his own pulse. The most sensitive are the index and middle fingers.

Pressing is carried out in the region of the cavity located between the larynx and the large muscle of the neck - anterolateral. How to find it? Initially, the fingers should be located under the lower jaw (left or right), right in the center between the ear and chin, and then lower them 2 cm. The recessed area located there allows you to feel the pulse.

The ability to feel the pulse in this way is an important skill. Since not all people have a pulsation in the wrist that is quite pronounced. By pressing on the carotid artery, you can measure the pulse. But it will take time, won't it harm the person? Depends on how to do it. Here's what will happen: if you press the carotid artery too hard - the person will lose consciousness, if the pressure is soft - nothing bad will happen.

What will happen when squeezed

If you remember the name of the blood vessel, the answer to the second frequently asked question will immediately appear, starting with the words, what will happen - if you clamp the carotid artery, the person will lose consciousness. Why is this happening?

The carotid artery is the main vessel that provides blood to the brain, which means oxygen and other important elements. If you pinch it on one side of the neck, the blood flow will be reduced. But the second artery will continue to perform its function. However, this amount will not be enough, and the brain will go into economy mode. It will turn off its main and most costly functions - the innervation of the body, as well as the perception of the senses.

The consequences of clamping the artery can be different, depending on how it is done. If you squeeze it for no more than a minute, the person will simply lose consciousness. But after 5 minutes or earlier, he will wake up, because the blood circulation will be restored.

But taking risks and clamping the artery for more than one minute is dangerous, because with a prolonged lack of oxygen, brain cells will begin to die, and irreversible dystrophic processes will begin.

How to stop bleeding

In some cases, clamping the carotid artery can save a person's life. When bleeding from it, death occurs in just 2-3 minutes. By pinching the damaged vessel, you can extend this short time. However, the clamping technique is not easy, and unskilled actions can aggravate the situation and lead to death.

It is recommended to pinch the artery with a bandage or gauze bandage, applying them in the hole in which the pulse is felt, and pressing it with your hand. With more qualified assistance, the technique of applying a tourniquet is used. As a splint, use the hand located on the side opposite from the injury. It is lifted up and bent so that the forearm lies on the vault of the skull, and the shoulder leans against the ear.

The tourniquet is applied around the neck and the opposite limb. The involved hand will prevent the squeezing of the whole artery, located on the side opposite from the wound. A tourniquet placed this way can reduce bleeding. But you should know that even the most experienced doctor is not always able to save a person with such an injury.

Where can be useful

The technique of pressing on a vessel that supplies blood to the brain is used in many types of martial arts. When in this way the enemy is deprived of consciousness. It takes 10 seconds and a force equal to a weight of five kilograms to put a person to sleep, but he will wake up in just a quarter of a minute.

This technique is not life-threatening, since the second artery continues to feed the brain. However, you should not joke with your health. If you accidentally pinch both vessels, the consequences of oxygen starvation of the brain will be deplorable and irreversible. And you can even take a person's life.

Now you know where the carotid artery is located and what will happen if you click on it. Do not forget that this is a very important and extremely delicate organ. In no case should you squeeze it out of interest, such a stupid act can cause death or disability!

Probably, many have heard that there is such a carotid artery, and if you click on it, the person will turn off. Is it true? And why is the impact on the notorious artery so dangerous?

What is the carotid artery?

In fact, we have as many as two carotid arteries. One of them is located on the right side of the neck, the other - on the left. The one on the left is slightly longer, it starts at the aortic arch, and the right one at the brachiocephalic trunk.

The general function of the carotid artery is to transport blood from the heart muscle to the brain and other peripheral organs that are located in the head region. It is thanks to her that our brain is constantly supplied with oxygen. Compression of the carotid artery (for example, by a tight collar or tie) can cause a noticeable feeling of discomfort.

The outer part of the carotid artery runs above the larynx towards the front of the head. In the region of the "Adam's apple" it is divided into two branches, one of which supplies blood to the brain, and the second - to the face and eyes. The terminal branches form a network of capillaries, due to which, in certain life situations, our eyeballs can turn red, and the skin of the face can turn red.

The inside of the carotid artery directly delivers oxygen-rich blood to the brain cells. It enters the skull in the region of the temple.

Under the influence of stress, hot weather and other external factors, blood flow in the internal artery may increase. In this case, we experience a surge of strength and emotional upsurge. But if the intensity of blood flow exceeds the norm for a long time, the process of decline will begin and the person will fall into a state of weakness.

In the region of the carotid artery, it is easy to feel the pulse. To do this, you need to find a point located in the hole under the cheekbone, on the right or left side of the Adam's apple. If a person has a highly developed musculature, this may take longer, as the carotid artery may be closed by muscles. Usually this method is resorted to if they cannot find a pulse on the wrist.

What can not be done with the carotid artery?

You can not strongly squeeze the carotid artery. If you just press it, the person will feel drowsy, because oxygen starvation will come. If you press the carotid artery for a long time, the object will fall asleep (that's why the artery is called carotid). Or rather, he will lose consciousness.

Pressing too hard while holding the fingers on the neck for a long time can lead to the fact that the supply of oxygen to the brain will completely stop. As a result, a person will either remain disabled or die altogether. Bleeding from the carotid artery in 2-3 minutes is fatal if professional medical care is not provided to the victim in time. Yes, and doctors with such injuries may be powerless.

How to check the pulse in the carotid artery?

If it becomes necessary to check the pulse in the neck, do not press hard on the carotid artery, but lightly press it with your index and middle fingers. To count the number of strokes, the impact must be carried out with the hand that corresponds to the given side of the carotid artery. So, if you count the pulse on the right side of the neck, use your right hand. If on the left, then on the left. If you measure the pulse on the right side with your left hand, you can pinch both parts of the artery, which will affect both the results and the patient's condition.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

The carotid artery is the largest vessel in the neck and is responsible for the blood supply to the head. Therefore, it is vital to recognize any congenital or acquired pathological conditions of this artery in time in order to avoid irreparable consequences. Fortunately, all advanced medical technologies are available for this.

carotid artery (lat. arteria carotis communis) is one of the most important vessels that feed the structures of the head. From it, the components of the Willisian circle are ultimately obtained. It feeds the brain tissue.

Anatomical location and topography

The place where the carotid artery is located on the neck is the anterolateral surface of the neck, directly under or around the sternocleidomastoid muscle. It is noteworthy that the left common carotid (carotid) artery branches off immediately from the aortic arch, while the right one comes from another large vessel - the brachiocephalic trunk emerging from the aorta.

The area of ​​the carotid arteries is one of the main reflexogenic zones. At the bifurcation site is the carotid sinus - a tangle of nerve fibers with a large number of receptors. When pressed on it, the heart rate slows down, and with a sharp blow, cardiac arrest may occur.

Note. Sometimes, to stop tachyarrhythmias, cardiologists press on the approximate location of the carotid sinus. This makes the rhythm slower.

Bifurcation of the carotid artery, i.e. its anatomical division into external and internal, can be topographically located:

  • at the level of the upper edge of the laryngeal thyroid cartilage ("classic" version ");
  • at the level of the upper edge of the hyoid bone, slightly below and in front of the angle of the lower jaw;
  • at the level of the rounded angle of the lower jaw.

Trifurcation of the left internal carotid artery is a normal variability that can occur in two types: anterior and posterior. In the anterior type, the internal carotid artery gives rise to the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries, as well as the basilar artery. In the posterior type, the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries emerge from the internal carotid artery.

Important. In people with this variant of vascular development, the risk of aneurysm is high, because. unevenly distributed blood flow through the arteries. It is precisely known that about 50% of the blood "poured" into the anterior cerebral artery from the internal carotid artery.

Branching of the internal carotid artery - front and side

Diseases affecting the carotid artery


The essence of the process is the formation of plaques from "harmful" lipids deposited in the vessels. Inflammation occurs in the inner wall of the artery, on which various mediator substances “flock”, including those that enhance platelet aggregation. It turns out double damage: and the narrowing of the vessel by atherosclerotic deposits growing from the inside of the wall, and the formation of a blood clot in the lumen by aggregating platelets.

A plaque in the carotid artery gives symptoms not immediately. The lumen of the artery is wide enough, therefore often the first, only, and sometimes the last manifestation of an atherosclerotic lesion of the carotid artery is a cerebral infarction.

Important. The external carotid artery is rarely severely affected by atherosclerosis. Basically and, unfortunately, this is the destiny of the internal.

carotid syndrome

He is a hemispheric syndrome. Occlusion (critical narrowing) occurs due to atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid artery. This is an episodic, often sudden disorder that includes the triad:

  1. Temporary sudden and rapid loss of vision in 1 eye (on the side of the lesion).
  2. Transient ischemic attacks with vivid clinical manifestations.
  3. The consequence of the second point is an ischemic cerebral infarction.

Important. Different clinical symptoms, depending on the size and location, can produce plaques in the carotid artery. Their treatment often comes down to surgical removal followed by suturing of the vessel.

congenital stenosis

Fortunately, in ¾ of such cases, the artery with this pathology is narrowed by no more than 50%. For comparison, clinical manifestations occur if the degree of vasoconstriction is 75% or more. Such a defect is detected incidentally on a Doppler study or during an MRI with contrast.


This is a saccular protrusion in the vessel wall with its gradual thinning. There are both congenital (due to a defect in the tissue of the vascular wall) and atherosclerotic. The rupture is extremely dangerous due to the lightning loss of a huge amount of blood.

More medically aware people can detect a pulse in the neck when it is not possible to do so in the arm. The absence of arterial beats means the need for urgent action to revive - resuscitation.

Anatomy features

The arteries that are called carotid in the human body are six

They are located on the left and right in the neck and head. Their main task is to ensure a sufficient flow of blood, and with it oxygen and nutrients to the brain, organs of hearing, smell, vision, tissues of the head, face, neck organs.

The length of the common carotid arteries is not the same. On the left, it is longer, as it departs directly from the aortic arch. On the right, the carotid originates from the brachiocephalic trunk - the common part of the artery that carries blood to the arm and head.

Both common vessels go up to the head and are divided into internal and external sections at the level of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx approximately in the middle part of the neck. The place of bifurcation is normally somewhat expanded and is called the carotid sinus. Here is a very important formation for the body - a sleepy glomus, tubercle, nodule. It is saturated with nerve endings, receptors that respond to pressure and chemical changes in the blood. This reflexogenic zone ensures the stabilization of blood pressure, heartbeat and the composition of blood gases.

External sleepy. It is located more anteriorly, has four sections and provides blood flow in all tissues of the surface of the head and face, tongue, and thyroid gland. Its branches go to

Internal sleep. It does not give off any branches at the level of the neck; it passes into the cranial cavity through the carotid foramen in the temporal bone. It has several segments in accordance with the anatomical formations through which it goes:

Inside the skull, branches extend from the internal carotid to the large brain, eyeballs, and spinal cord.

Why carotid health is important

The state of blood flow through the carotid arteries is extremely important, since insufficient blood supply to the brain leads to the development of pathological conditions that can threaten not only weakening health, but also the viability of the body as a whole.

How to determine the pulse on the carotid artery

Usually they begin to look for it if the hand is not defined or there is a traumatic injury to the hands. In order to know if a person's heart is beating when there is no pulse at the wrist, it is important to know where the carotid artery is located in the neck.

  1. The fingers of the examiner's hand are placed along the lower surface of the jaw in the area between the chin and the earlobe.
  2. They are carried down towards the middle of the neck, where the collarbones are attached to the sternum.
  3. On the border of the middle and upper third of this distance, it is most likely to find a beating of the carotid artery.

Another method is more suitable for men who have a clearly defined Adam's apple: place the index and middle fingers on the Adam's apple and move to the side, falling into a soft depression where the pulse is felt.

Carotid artery: where is it located, what will happen if you click on it

When looking for the carotid artery in the neck, do not use force and pressure on it.

  • Strong clamping can reduce the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and cause fainting.
  • If you press in the carotid sinus, carotid glomus, a person may lose consciousness due to a reflex decrease in blood pressure.
  • The carotid arteries in the elderly are a favorite localization of atherosclerotic plaques, especially the area of ​​the carotid sinus. With careless, strong pressure, they are partially destroyed, and their fragments can clog smaller vessels of the brain, the orbit, and cause irreversible damage. In addition, there may be blood clots on the surface of the plaques, which, when torn off, cause a stroke, thrombosis of the arteries of the eye and other vessels of the head.

Therefore, researchers of the pulse on the neck must be extremely careful.

Carotid disease

Most often, these vessels are susceptible to atherosclerosis. Less common are aneurysms and pathological tortuosity of their various departments.


  • decreased elasticity of the arteries;
  • narrowing of their lumen;
  • occlusion is a complete blockage.

Depending on the volume of the lesion, the blood flow through the carotid arteries and their branches is disturbed. Particularly severe circulatory disorders are observed with blockage of the vessels of the internal carotid system. If compensation is not possible, blood stops flowing to certain parts of the brain, which leads to fatal impairment of brain functions and death of the patient.


Of limited extent, pathological vasodilatation can develop with

  • atherosclerotic lesions of the walls and exposure to high blood pressure;
  • congenital features of connective tissue;
  • systemic diseases.

In the expansion zone of the vessel, its walls are thinned, so there is a great danger of their rupture. This leads to hemorrhagic stroke if it occurs at the level of the intracerebral arteries and to massive bleeding if the aneurysm was located in a wider vessel in the neck.

Pathological tortuosity

It can also be due to heredity or atherosclerosis in combination with hypertension. Types of twists:

  • S-shaped. It does not cause significant disturbances, but can progress, transforming into more dangerous forms.
  • Inflection. It can periodically block the blood flow, which can manifest itself as a violation of cerebral circulation.
  • Loop-shaped. Features of blood flow through the loop lead to a decrease in its output velocity, which disrupts normal hemodynamics.


Pathology of the carotid artery is accompanied by some symptoms, often dizziness, fainting, headaches, memory impairment, but it cannot be considered specific, since similar signs can be observed in other diseases. Moreover, patients often learn about aneurysms, atherosclerotic plaques and tortuosity by chance during examination for another reason, since arterial stenosis up to half of the lumen does not significantly affect hemodynamics.

Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, use:

  • Ultrasound techniques - duplex scanning with Doppler analysis;
  • X-ray - angiography, spiral computed tomography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

They give an idea of ​​the degree of damage to the arteries, the presence of plaques in the lumen, narrowing or expansion, wall thickness, blood flow velocity. These parameters allow physicians to determine which treatment is indicated for a patient.


The initial stages of atherosclerosis and hypertension are subject to conservative treatment. It includes

  • The use of drugs that reduce blood pressure, normalize cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of plaques, dissolve them, and strengthen the vascular wall.
  • Changing lifestyle in order to strengthen blood vessels, immunity, get rid of excess weight, stop the harmful effects of smoking, drinking alcohol.

Surgical treatment is indicated for significant obstruction of blood flow or for developed bleeding, strokes.

  1. Carotid endarterectomy. Extraction of atherosclerotic plaques and other overlays from the vessel.
  2. Arterial stenting. Installation of a rigid structure inside the artery in order to prevent its further narrowing.
  3. Vascular prosthetics. Creation of detours or replacement of part of the vessel when it is completely blocked.
  4. Clipping of aneurysms. In case of bleeding from an aneurysm, an urgent surgical intervention is indicated, which allows the application of a clip to deprive the blood flow of the expanded portion of the vessel. For the same purpose, intravascular embolization of the aneurysm is carried out by introducing a balloon or coil.

Most diseases of the carotid artery are somehow associated with atherosclerosis. Prevention measures are familiar and should be applied to maintain a good quality of life well into old age.

how to clamp the carotid artery to pass out

In the Other Arts section, to the question Does anyone know how to deprive a person of consciousness by pressing on the carotid artery, where it is located, how to press correctly, the best answer given by the author of Makap is Press your finger under the lower jaw on the neck. Do you feel the pulse?

If you pinch the carotid arteries on both sides for 5-6 minutes (depending on the ambient temperature), irreversible processes occur in the brain and the person will either become a vegetable for the rest of his life, or die on x .. u .. th.

What happens to a person if you press on the carotid artery?

If you press on the carotid artery, pers. will die?

if you “press” with a tourniquet, yes on your neck, yes. If you press it, you won’t die, you will lose consciousness. But if you damage it, so that the blood flows, then the end, and very quickly. The matter is in the professionalism of the person who presses and the time of pressing ... \ Dog buzz \ Your friend will load you with the most pain:))))))))))))))) depending on what and how He loses consciousness. To die, you need to hold for 5-10 minutes. If you want it to die for sure - it's better to cut it! press yourself and then say what happened if you don’t die))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I got a traumatic brain injury because of this! I have a child of 15 years old, all this terrible happened right in front of my eyes. I tied a small piece of rope and began to stretch it. I say take it away. I turn away to lay out the products from the package; it happened in the kitchen. I hear a knock. I turn the child lies on the table. I scream in fright what happened. And then, as he begins to convulse with his legs and arms and his head on the table. Then he gets up and does nothing.

The human circulatory system is a complex mechanism consisting of a four-chamber muscle pump and many channels. Vessels that supply organs with blood are called arteries. These include the common carotid artery, which transports blood from the heart to the brain. The normal functioning of the body is impossible without the effective circulation of blood flow, since it carries the most important trace elements and oxygen.

What is the carotid artery

As already mentioned, this type of artery is a vessel designed to feed the head and neck. The carotid vein has a wide shape, necessary to carry a large amount of oxygen, create an intense and continuous blood flow. Thanks to the artery, the tissues of the brain, visual apparatus, face and other peripheral organs are enriched, due to which their work occurs.

Where is

The Role of the Vessel

The carotid artery is quite "gentle". Clamping it can lead to a sudden loss of consciousness. Those who.

What happens if you press on the carotid artery

Many names of parts of the human body are given in connection with certain signs and properties. For example, the temporal bone of the skull is called ostistemporalis, that is, translated from Latin as the bone of time.

Where did such a name come from? It is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis bone, where the temples are located, that a person has the first gray hair, which indicates time and temporality in general. Thus, this name appeared.

It is not difficult to draw a definite connection between the name of the carotid artery and the property that this part of the human body has. If you think about what will happen if you press on the carotid artery, then the following thought appears: the person will fall asleep and the thought is quite correct. Indeed, if you pinch the large arteries that are located on the sides of the neck, then drowsiness will appear, and then consciousness will turn off.

What is the reason for this phenomenon? Main blood supply to the brain.

The carotid artery (arteria carotis communis) is a large paired vessel whose main function is to supply blood to most of the head, brain, and eyes.

There are several definitions:

Common carotid artery; Right and left; Internal and external.

From this publication, you will find out how many carotid arteries a person actually has and what functions each of them performs. But first, let's find out where this unusual name came from - the carotid artery.

Carotid artery: why is it called that?

Pressure on the carotid artery is perceived by its receptors (terminal formations of afferent nerve fibers) as an increase in pressure and begin to actively work to lower it. A person's heartbeat slows down, due to squeezing of blood vessels, oxygen starvation begins, which causes drowsiness. It is because of this property that the carotid artery got its name.

Attention! With a strong and prolonged mechanical effect on the carotid.

Not sure where the carotid artery is? This is worth knowing - after all, it is on it that the pulse is best felt, which can be useful to you in many situations.

The carotid artery, or as it is more correct to call it - the common carotid artery (arteria carotis communis), carries blood from the heart to the brain and peripheral organs of the human head. It is quite wide in diameter, since for the normal supply of nerve cells of the brain tissue with oxygen, the blood flow must be intense and stable. You may have noticed how uncomfortable it becomes if the tie is pulled too tight, or if the neck of the sweater is tightly wrapped around the neck - the discomfort is caused precisely by the fact that the carotid arteries are slightly compressed. If you pass them more strongly, as happens with suffocation, the person loses consciousness. From the outside, it looks like you suddenly fell asleep - hence the colloquial name arteria carotis communis.

Speaking of where the carotid artery is located.



Recently, I have often been asked about artificially induced hypoxia, its effects and possibilities of application.

The general topic of hypoxia, that is, the temporary restriction of oxygen supply to tissues, is not new. People have been using the effects of artificially induced hypoxia for a long time. For example, yogis use it during meditation to reduce the activity of tissue respiration and slow down biochemical reactions. They achieve hypoxia by willpower, reducing the depth and frequency of respiratory excursions to the sensations they need, as well as slowing down the frequency and strength of heart contractions, while the brain of yogis begins to work in a state of altered consciousness, where various kinds of hallucinations are possible. Being in captivity of these illusions, yogis, as a rule, live outside of society: outside of work, outside of family, outside of society.

Manual for personal trainers: science and practice.

The easiest way to measure the pulse is to palpate it immediately after the cessation of physical activity (during certain exercises, for example, when running or walking, the pulse is difficult to determine, although this is possible).

The technique here is as follows: You touch the artery with your hand and count the number of pulsations. The easiest way to feel the pulse is on the carotid artery, located on the front of the neck on both sides, and the radial artery on the hand (you must attach the index finger to the hand). In addition, the pulse is easily determined by placing the base of the palm on the left side of the chest at the top of the heart. Note that there are cases when a person’s pulse is not felt anywhere. In this case, you should resort to the help of a pulse sensor.

Most often, the pulse is determined on the hand, since this place is most accessible. When you put your finger on the radial artery, the pulse does not drop, as it does when you touch it.

It is difficult for a non-specialist to correctly find the carotid artery and pulse, because it is worse palpable than on the wrist, and even unskilled.

There is an artery in our body that supplies blood from the heart to our brain. It is called sleepy, because if you press hard on it, then the person loses consciousness, as if suddenly falling asleep abruptly. The carotid artery divides into left and right and is fairly easy to find on the sides of the neck.

If there is a rupture of the carotid artery, then there is little that can be done to help a person - this is practically a fatal phenomenon. Heavy bleeding begins, which is very difficult to stop. A rupture can occur in traffic accidents, when the neck is hit with an object, during medical procedures, and even as a result of careless rapid movement of the neck. Therefore, to carry out any manipulations with this part of our body is extremely risky and dangerous.


In addition to the obvious rupture accompanied by bleeding, a gradual excision of the artery is possible - the walls stretch, become weak and thin, and blood flow is disturbed. As a result, maybe.

Arteries are vessels that a person needs to transport blood from the heart to all organs and various human tissues. Don't confuse them with veins, because veins carry blood in the opposite direction towards the heart. There is the concept of "common carotid artery", and in addition, they also talk about the left and right common carotid arteries, external and internal.

Therefore, in order to understand where the carotid artery is located, it is necessary to understand these concepts.

Where is the carotid artery located?

The common carotid artery is a paired artery and originates in the ventral aorta in the region of the chest cavity. That is, it passes from the heart to the neck. The function of the carotid artery is to supply blood to the brain, as well as to the eyes of most of the head. It is in it that plaques, which are called atherosclerosis, can appear. It turns out that the narrowing or blockage of its vessels can lead to circulatory disorders and even stroke. The carotid artery divides into two branches. The right carotid artery comes from the brachiocephalic trunk.


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Even as a child, from detective books and action movies, we learned that there is such a carotid artery on a person’s neck, by chopping it with his palm or squeezing it with a chokehold, the hero or villain “knocks out” his victim. At a more mature age, we learn to find and measure the pulse on this very artery. And closer to old age, we find that the carotid arteries are prone to serious diseases leading to a stroke. As you can see, there are more than enough reasons to get to know this important organ better.

Arteries are those vessels through which the heart pumps blood to all internal organs and tissues of the human body. This is their difference from the veins, which are channels for transporting blood in the opposite direction - to the heart. Since our brain constantly needs large amounts of oxygen, a lot of blood is supplied to it, which enters through two carotid and two vertebral arteries, and the main volume falls on the carotid arteries. Hence the effect, due to which and.

Functions and location of the carotid artery in humans

Knowing where the carotid artery is located can help in a critical situation and even save a person's life. The fact is that a pulse is well felt on the carotid artery, and if it is absent, artificial respiration will be required.

Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the organs. Their difference from veins is in the reverse process, that is, veins supply blood to the heart.

The common carotid artery transports blood from the heart muscle to the brain and other peripheral organs of the human head. The artery is quite wide. This is due to the need to transport sufficient levels of oxygen to enrich the brain tissues and the presence of a stable but intense blood flow.

The carotid artery is quite "gentle". Clamping it can lead to a sudden loss of consciousness. Those who have ever worn a tightly tightened tie or sweater with a high and narrow collar noticed a peculiar feeling of discomfort. Such discomfort is caused by compression of the carotid artery.

Before answering the question about the location of the carotid artery, you need to make a reservation that there are two of them. One is on the right side of the neck, and the other is on the left. The artery that runs along the left side is somewhat longer than the artery that runs along the right, since the first originates at the brachiocephalic trunk, and the second - in the aortic arch.

To feel the pulse of the carotid artery in the neck, you need to find a point under the cheekbone in the hole, on the right or left side of the Adam's apple. In heavily muscled people, detecting the pulse in this way may take a little longer than in the average person, since muscles can close the artery.

Determining the presence of a pulse in the neck is considered optimal in a critical situation. The fact is that not all people feel a pulsation on the wrist.

The carotid artery in humans consists of several parts and is therefore considered a paired organ. Normal blood flow for the brain is 55 ml / 100 g of tissue, and the need for oxygen is 3.7 ml / min / 100 g. This volume of blood supply is provided by normal arteries with normal intima and undisturbed vascular lumen. The external artery is located above the larynx towards the front of the head and is its anterior component.

In the place where the Adam's apple, or "Adam's apple", is located, the carotid artery is divided into 2 branches. One goes to the back of the head, and the other to the front. The one at the back supplies blood to the brain. The second part that goes to the front is the blood supplier of the eyes and face. Both parts branch and pass through all the tissues in the head area, saturating them with blood, and the blood with oxygen.

The external carotid artery itself is divided into 4 components. It consists of the following departments:

The terminal branches, as they decrease towards the edges, form a large network of capillaries that extend into the oral cavity and into the eyeballs. Everyone can verify the presence of capillaries. At the moment of embarrassment, stressful situations, laughter or in hot weather, the face is covered with a blush. This reddening of the face is the result of the work of blood vessels. In some people, this process is less pronounced than in others. The reason for this may be the color of the skin, the thickness of the fatty layer and other features of the epidermis.

The internal carotid artery is the posterior part of the main artery. Its main task is to deliver blood to the brain, which will enrich the cells with oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the latter. Rising along the neck, the artery enters the skull in the temple area.

Under the influence of external stimuli, such as those listed earlier (stress, hot weather, etc.), blood flow increases in the internal carotid artery. With a short preservation of this state, a person experiences a surge of strength and emotional upsurge. In the case when the intensity of blood circulation is kept above the norm for a long time, the reverse process begins to occur. This condition is due to an excess of oxygen in the brain. It should be understood that insufficient oxygen supply, as well as its oversupply, are equally harmful to humans.

The internal carotid artery is subdivided into the following parts:

Laterally from it is the internal jugular vein, v. jugularis interna. On its way to the base of the skull, the internal carotid artery passes along the lateral side of the pharynx (cervical part, pars cervicalis) medially from the parotid gland, separated from it by the stylohyoid and stylo-pharyngeal muscles.

The internal carotid artery divides into several smaller arteries, which also divide into even smaller ones, and so on. Thus, a large and complex blood highway arises, which provides the brain cells with oxygen.

In the cranial cavity, small branches depart from the cerebral part of the internal carotid artery to the pituitary gland: the superior pituitary artery (a. hypophysialis superior) and the clivus branch (r. clivi), which supplies the dura mater of the brain in this area.

Due to the fact that the carotid artery performs one of the most important functions in the body, its damage is dangerous to health. Bleeding from it can lead to death in 2.5-3 minutes if it is not stopped in time and the victim is not taken to the appropriate medical facility, where he will be provided with professional medical care. It should be understood that with such serious injuries, even doctors can not always help.

Since oxygen is delivered to the brain through the artery, it is easy to guess what will happen if you press on the carotid artery. The person will feel sleepy, which is a symptom of oxygen starvation.

Longer pressure on the carotid artery can put a person to sleep.

The duration of the loss of consciousness will depend on the time of squeezing. You can not press hard and hold your fingers on your neck for a long time. Due to the fact that the supply of oxygen to the brain stops, a person may remain disabled or not survive at all. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to check the pulse on the neck, light pressure is applied with the index and middle fingers. To find and determine the presence of a pulse, you can use any finger except the thumb, since it has its own pulse.

If it is necessary not only to check the presence of a pulse, but also to count the number of beats, then the measurement technique must be carried out correctly, depending on the side of the neck on which the data measurement process will take place. Measurement on the right side should be done with the right hand. If you measure the pulse of the left, then you can immediately clamp the 2nd artery, which will affect the results.

The carotid arteries in the neck are one of those that can be fatal if damaged. For this reason, it is categorically not recommended to conduct tests, whether a person will lose consciousness if an artery in the neck is compressed, or not.

And some secrets.

Have you ever suffered from HEART PAIN? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course you are still looking for a good way to get your heart working.

Then read what Elena Malysheva says in her program about natural methods of treating the heart and cleaning blood vessels.

How to find the carotid artery

Look for the carotid artery primarily for determining the pulse. The pulse is central and peripheral. What people usually feel on the wrist is the peripheral pulse. If a person has low blood pressure, he may not be felt. That is why the information on some tonometers that are worn on the forearm is so distorted. And on the carotid and femoral arteries, the pulse is central. Using it, you will always determine the heartbeat more accurately.

It is difficult for a non-specialist to correctly find the carotid artery and pulse, because it is worse palpable than on the wrist, and unskilled pressing is fraught with trouble - you can harm the patient. But if you want to learn how to quickly find this artery in yourself and in other people, first try to study the corresponding section of the anatomical atlas.

Also, remember that you should not look for the pulse using your thumb, because. it also has its own pulse, and you can "find" tremors of blood where they cannot be. This circumstance is especially important if you measure the pulse of another person. Use only your index and middle fingers.

The carotid artery runs on both sides of the neck. Position the person's head straight and pay attention to their neck. A depression is visible between the larynx and the anterolateral muscle of the neck. This is where the carotid artery is located.

To find the carotid pulse, place your fingers under the jaw, midway between the chin and the earlobe. Run your fingers down the neck from the angle of the lower jaw. Near the windpipe, you will find a small depression where the pulse is felt.

You can also mentally divide the segment between the earlobe and the angle of the collarbone into three parts. The carotid artery is located between the upper and middle thirds of the segment. Sometimes there is a need to press on an artery, for example, to stop bleeding. It is pressed with the index, middle or thumb to the second cervical vertebra, from the bottom up. But, of course, it is better not to conduct such experiments without special need.

Where is the carotid artery located in humans and what functions does it perform?

The carotid artery is one of the largest blood vessels in the human body. It forms a whole network of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain, its membranes and facial muscles. And at the same time, it is the most vulnerable of the large human vessels, since the common carotid artery is located close to the surface of the skin.

Where is the carotid artery located?

The sledge artery is located on the anterior lateral surface of the neck

It should immediately be noted that there are several vessels with this name in the human body. Usually they mean the common carotid artery - a paired vessel, on the left it departs directly from the aorta, and on the right - from the short brachiocephalic trunk, which gives rise not only to the carotid, but also to the subclavian artery on the right.

On both sides, the vessels pass behind the clavicle, thyroid gland and larynx on the anterolateral surface of the neck. At the level of the IV-V cervical vertebra (the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, which in men forms the Adam's apple), they are divided into two main branches.

The outer one continues its movement up the neck, goes around the joint of the lower jaw from the outside, supplies blood to the muscles of the face, lower jaw, meninges, skull bones. The internal branch enters the cranial cavity behind the lower jaw, supplies blood to the pia mater and brain tissue.

The internal carotid arteries on both sides, together with the vertebral arteries on both sides, form the circle of Willis, a structure that maintains the blood supply to the brain stem even if one of the four vessels that form it is damaged.

A characteristic feature of the carotid arteries is a developed network of communications (anastomoses) between the systems of the external and internal carotid arteries, carotid arteries on both sides.

In fact, the network of blood vessels of the head is a single structure, which allows the brain to maintain at least partial blood supply in case of vascular diseases and injuries.

Meaning, structure and functions

The carotid artery is responsible for the blood supply to the brain.

The carotid arteries form the basis of the blood circulation of the brain, its higher sections - the cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon and its nuclei, and partially - the middle, medulla oblongata and cerebellum. The brain stem receives blood supply twice - it is fed by the vertebral arteries (depart from the subclavian) and the internal carotid arteries.

Also, muscles, bones and skin of the face, eyes, olfactory receptors in the nose and taste receptors in the tongue, teeth and gums are supplied from the pool of the same artery.

A large number of anastomoses allows maintaining relative blood supply in case of vascular pathologies, but also creates a number of dangers. For example, from the focus of inflammation on the skin of the face, pathogens can penetrate the meninges or the brain.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the carotid artery for the state of the human brain - both arterial systems bring about 70% of blood to the nervous tissue and its accompanying structures.

Internal and external carotid artery

The common carotid artery divides into internal and external

The main vessel branches into two large branches, called the outer and inner. The branching point is located at the level of the IV-V cervical vertebra, behind the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. This part of the common carotid artery is called the bifurcation. Both arteries rise up the neck and supply blood to the structures of the head.

The internal carotid artery goes around the temporomandibular joint from the inside and enters the inside of the cranial cavity through a canal in the temporal bone. Up to this point, it does not give large branches. Further, the internal carotid artery gives rise to several large vessels.

The branches of both internal carotid and both vertebral arteries form the circle of Willis, the most important arterial structure of the brain. The blood flow in it is preserved even if one of the carotid or vertebral arteries is damaged. In addition to the arterial ring, the artery gives several more branches that provide blood to the hemispheres of the brain and eyes.

The external carotid artery on the neck runs parallel to the internal one, and also does not give large branches.

It goes around the temporomandibular joint from the outside and goes to the facial muscles. It gives three main groups of branches. The anterior group supplies the lower jaw with the thyroid gland, larynx, and tongue. Middle - temporal region, upper jaw, eye sockets and part of the pharynx and esophagus. Back - the back of the head, the auricle and middle ear, the lateral surface of the neck. In each group of branches there are vessels that supply blood to the dura mater.

The areas of blood supply of each of the group of vessels intersect with neighboring branches, as well as with the same name on the opposite side, forming a complex network of anastomoses. This leads both to positive phenomena - a stable blood supply to the brain, even with injuries and pathologies of part of the vessels, and to negative ones - it creates pathways for the spread of infection and blood clots inside the cranial cavity.

How to measure the pulse on the carotid artery?

Carotid pulse is easily palpable

The common carotid artery is palpated in the neck just below the thyroid cartilage of the larynx on either side of the trachea. The thyroid cartilage in men forms an Adam's apple, and therefore is easily distinguishable visually. In women, it is palpable with a slightly thrown back head. Having felt the thyroid cartilage, you need to lower your fingers 1-2 cm lower - it is at this point that you can palpate the pulse on the carotid artery.

Normally, the pulse on the common carotid arteries is the same on both sides, it is felt somewhat more distinctly than on the radial arteries (on the wrist), but coincides with it in frequency. As a rule, in healthy people, the pulse on the carotid arteries is not measured, since this is not necessary.

This indicator becomes important in cases of suspected vascular pathology. In particular, the discrepancy between the pulse on the carotid and radial arteries indicates that there is some kind of obstruction to blood flow in the subclavian artery system (thrombus or congenital vasoconstriction).

If the pulse on the right and left carotid arteries does not match in frequency, this indicates a violation of blood flow in the system of one of the common carotid arteries.

In shock and terminal states, the pulse on the radial arteries is not determined, and there is a need to look for it on the common carotid. The absence of a pulse in the carotid arteries is one of the signs of clinical death.

Risk of crushing the carotid artery

Among all large vessels, the carotid artery is located closest to the skin. This makes it easy to determine the pulse on it, but creates the risk of damaging it. Any injury to the neck, especially affecting its anterolateral surface, is dangerous by injuring the carotid artery, which leads to severe bleeding and rapid death from blood loss.

But there is another danger - squeezing the carotid artery, in which the blood flow in it sharply decreases or completely stops. Squeezing can occur with trauma - for example, in a person who has fallen under a blockage, with improper first aid (an attempt to put a splint on the neck or stop bleeding from the opposite artery or jugular vein), and can also occur intentionally.

You can learn more about how to find the carotid artery for measuring the pulse from the video:

Pressing on the carotid artery causes oxygen starvation of the brain. A person feels drowsiness and fatigue after a few seconds of exposure. If it does not stop, the victim loses consciousness, then death from oxygen starvation occurs. When clamping both common carotid arteries, death occurs within minutes.

There is an additional danger - in some people, the circle of Willis is not completely closed due to the fact that one of the branches is missing or underdeveloped. In this case, the clamping of one of the carotid arteries is not compensated by the other three vessels, and that leads to a much faster death.

Carotid artery hurts - what does it mean?

Pain in the carotid artery may be caused by an aneurysm or atherosclerosis

It is difficult for a non-specialist (and a specialist too) to distinguish carotid pain from other pain in the neck. However, the pathology of this vessel can cause pain. Most often, this is a sign of an aneurysm - expansion of the walls of the vessel.

Aneurysm can be either congenital or acquired as a result of various injuries or diseases. The essence of the pathology is that a protrusion forms in the wall of the vessel, which changes the speed of blood flow and creates its turbulence. All vessels are susceptible to this pathology, including the common, external and internal carotid artery.

The danger of an aneurysm is that eddies in the blood flow create conditions for damage to erythrocytes and vascular endothelium, as a result, a thrombus is formed that can block the lumen of the vessel or come off and block one of the branches of the carotid artery, which leads to strokes or damage to the facial muscles.

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The carotid artery is one of the largest vessels in the human body that supplies blood to the brain. Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to put a person to sleep. It was possible to find out what would happen if you click on the carotid artery, which is located on the neck. Interesting? Then read on.

The carotid artery is an important blood vessel that transports 70% of oxygenated blood from the heart to the brain.

Artery anatomy

You need to know that the carotid artery departs from the aorta. After there is a division into the right and left common branch. This is necessary to cover the entire neck area on both sides for the necessary supply of oxygen to brain cells. At the level of the Adam's apple, each artery is divided again: already into the external and internal branches.

The internal artery runs along the temple, enters the opening of the skull, and there it divides into a network of vessels. This allows each brain cell to be supplied with oxygen.

The outer branch goes to the chin and goes up to the face and eyes to nourish these organs.

The site of the pulsation of the artery

Many people know that if a person loses consciousness, you need to check the pulse on the neck. It is there that the external carotid artery is probed.

It is worth attaching two fingers just below (2-3 cm) the edge of the jaw, next to the large cervical muscle. The pads of the fingers will feel the pulsation of the vessel wall. This skill is necessary for measuring heart rate, as it is not always possible to feel the pulse on the wrists.

What if you press too hard on the carotid artery? This will only worsen the condition of the person. Pressing should be soft, so as not to block the access of blood to the brain, even for a short period.

What happens when squeezed?

Why is the carotid artery called the "carotid"? The definition didn't just happen. Even in the distant past, people noticed that when squeezing a person's throat, loss of consciousness can occur. At first, this was associated with the fact that the airways were squeezed, but, conducting research and experiments, they discovered the cause, which lies in the arteries that supply the brain with blood. What happens if you press on the carotid artery?

First, if the clamping is short-term (approximately 10-30 seconds), the person loses consciousness. This is due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen, so the person turns off. This is due to the saving of energy resources to preserve the viability of the body. By pressing on the carotid artery, it is quite easy to put a person to sleep. This method was used in the past for operations - a kind of anesthesia to reduce pain.

Secondly, if the artery is clamped for more than one minute, irreversible consequences can occur for the tissues of the main brain, which is associated with a lack of oxygen and nutrients. This often leads to death.

How to stop bleeding?

What happens if you press the carotid artery in time with open neck injuries and obvious bleeding? This will save a person's life. Death from bleeding from this vessel occurs within minutes. Since the pressure inside them is very strong, if damaged, death will occur in 1-2 minutes.

How to press the carotid artery correctly to save life? To do this, you need to make a pressure bandage at the site of injury. Throw the opposite hand behind the head so that the forearm lies on the top of the head. Using a bandage or twisted gauze, you need to strongly press down on the artery, and then wrap the patient's hand to the neck. This will put enough pressure on the injury site to stop the bleeding.

Paramedics also use the carotid tourniquet technique. This is a rather complicated method that should be performed by a specialist with experience in carrying out such manipulations.

Using the squeeze technique

In many types of martial arts, fighters know how to put a person to sleep by pressing on the carotid artery. This technique allows them to render the opponent unconscious for a quarter of a minute. It only takes 15 seconds for a person to fall asleep. But this technique remains forbidden, because it is not always possible to perform it correctly.

Many people do not understand what will happen if you press on the carotid artery. Especially teenagers. Therefore, you should not joke with squeezing the neck and its arteries in order to protect yourself and another person from fatal complications.

It is useful to know what happens if the carotid artery is occluded. But it is not so useful to practice it. Literally a few extra seconds without oxygen for the human brain can turn into a terrible tragedy.



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