Rapid development of clairvoyance. Very powerful practice of third eye meditation exercises How to activate the third eye

People with supernatural abilities see the world differently than the rest of the population of our planet. What is hidden from others is visible to their eyes.

If you want to join the circle of the elite, you need to try to find a way to open your third eye in order to learn how to diagnose people for diseases, distinguish between living and dead energy, predict the future, etc.

It is not simple! You will have to work hard on yourself, especially if your natural abilities leave much to be desired. But anything is possible if you set realistic goals and don’t rush into deadlines.

Who thinks about how to open the third eye and why?

Wanting to open our third eye, we do not always understand why we need it and what the consequences of the acquired gift are. That’s why sometimes we get lost and don’t know what to do with what we wanted so much and what we unexpectedly received.

This situation can be avoided if you carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Why try to open your third eye?

The third eye, as the main organ of information processing, is spoken of by the ancient teachings of many countries: Egypt, India, China.

It is usually depicted in the frontal area between the two eyes. It is here, according to esotericists, that there is a point that is capable of perceiving information at the energetic level, without resorting to the assistance of other senses - that same third eye.

That is, if an ordinary person perceives any information, focusing primarily on sight, hearing, and smell, then a psychic is also attracted to the energy point between the eyes, which facilitates communication with the world of spirits.

Not everyone is able to discover special skills in themselves, because some are capable of opening the main energy chakra, while others are bypassed by this gift.

People with a well-developed third eye:

  • have the gift of clairvoyance;
  • can hypnotize anyone;
  • have superbly developed intuition;
  • are able to talk about past events as if they had witnessed them;
  • easily master telekinesis;
  • find contact with spirits;
  • can cast spells and skillfully handle various magical objects;
  • read other people's thoughts;
  • affect the energy field of not only humans, but also the Universe, etc.

All sorcerers, psychics, healers, telepaths have a well-developed third eye by nature, but at the same time they also work throughout their lives to open it even more and improve their abilities.

If you join their number, you will actually become a superman who sees, hears and can do things that are inaccessible to the common man. You gain a power that opens many doors, but can also become a burden if used unwisely.

Why you need to think carefully before trying to open your third eye

People want to open their third eye for various reasons. Some are attracted by the acquired feeling of omnipotence, while others are attracted by the opportunity to belong to a narrow circle of select people with superpowers.

Some people want to help others, while others are guided by personal interests and just want to earn more by acquiring power.

But few are ready to think about the consequences of the acquired gift. For what? The main thing is to open the third eye, and whatever happens there.

The result is suffering and the desire to get rid of the ability to see and hear what is inaccessible to others.

Remember that when you open your third eye, you

  1. You will feel pain, suffering, illness of other people, hear their thoughts, not always pleasant ones.
  2. You will begin to see spirits and other otherworldly forces, most often dark and dangerous, which can easily cause harm.
  3. You will not be able to use your abilities to get rich, because psychics believe that while profiting from their gift, they gradually lose it.
  4. You will encounter difficulties in managing your newfound power, but not everyone has the patience, kindness and wisdom to avoid using it to harm themselves and others.
  5. You will have to become an altruist, well, at least a little, in order to use your abilities for the benefit of those who are deprived of them.

No one can predict what knowledge and skills you will gain when you are able to open your third eye. This will be a surprise, and not necessarily a pleasant one.

As you can see, there are many reasons to change your mind before you start practicing.

Useful tips on how to open your third eye

If you are determined to open your third eye, get ready to go through a long and thorny path, which is better to start with studying the theory.

Here are some useful tips for those who wish to open their third eye

  • Do not hurry. Each person has their own time frame for revealing a gift. Some people are born with such skills, while others need decades to develop even intuition.
  • Listen to your inner voice. You must have a so-called instinct that tells you the direction, the way out of a dead-end situation, warns of danger, provides chances for implementation, etc. Without well-developed intuition, you cannot open your third eye.
  • Work with energy. Both living individuals and inanimate objects have their own energy. You must catch these energy flows and read information from them. Start small: determining whether a person is alive or dead from a photo, diagnosing people, scanning for positive and negative emotions, etc.
  • Strengthen your body. When you are able to open your third eye, huge energy expenditure awaits you, therefore you must be a strong and healthy person. To do this, you need to get enough sleep, eat right, give up bad habits, etc.
  • Learn to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts. Find a way to relieve stress and get rid of unnecessary things from your head. It could be sports, massage, breathing exercises, meditation, long walks in the fresh air, prayer - it doesn’t matter what, the main thing is that it helps you specifically open your third eye.
  • Look for helpers. If you are not naturally endowed with great abilities, seek help in opening another eye from books, spiritual practices, mentors, etc.
  • Try different options. If one method does not help open the third eye, try other options. Perhaps you simply cannot open the energy chakra on your own and you need a teacher.

How to open the third eye: effective ways

It is believed that the most effective way to open the third eye is through quality meditation.

But there are other methods that will help you gain the desired abilities.

How to open your third eye through meditation

Meditation is an extremely effective exercise for relaxing, relieving negative energy, concentrating your attention on something, putting your thoughts in order, and also for opening an energy channel that will allow you to read information that is inaccessible to others.

Learning to meditate is not easy, so at first you will be constantly distracted and annoyed that not everything is working out. But as soon as you master the meditation technique at least at the initial stage, move on to opening the energy chakra with its help.

Follow this algorithm of actions if you want to open your third eye as quickly as possible:

1. Eliminate any sources of noise in the room, curtain the windows, turn off the lights, remove pets from the room and ask household members not to disturb you.

2. Light an aroma lamp with any oil whose smell relaxes you.

4. Command your emotions to remain calm and control your level of arousal during meditation.

5. Focus on your breathing: breathe deeply and evenly.

6. Close your eyes and focus on the area right between your eyebrows. Maintain your attention on this place, and soon a point of light will appear in your inner field of vision. Continue to focus on this inner light.

7. Be silent, be attentive, and let the light bring itself to you. The more you open your consciousness to be filled with light, the more truth will be revealed to you.

Here is a video that can help beginners who want to open their third eye avoid making mistakes at the initial stage.

Method of opening the third eye

Make it a habit to meditate every day for at least 10 minutes and gradually you will realize that you are making progress, that you have changed and acquired skills that were previously unavailable.

Other techniques for opening the third eye

Meditation is not the only method to become a person with supernatural powers. There are many possibilities. The main thing is that you are able to use them.

Here are some more effective ways to open your third eye

  • Candle flame. Wait until dark. Curtain the windows and turn off all electrical appliances. Light a candle, placing it half a meter away from you. Now focus on the flame, without looking away and trying to blink less often.

    When the flame sparkles in different shades, close your eyes and reproduce the picture in your imagination. When the reproduced picture becomes less clear, repeat it all over again.

    Gradually, you won't even have to light a candle. By closing your eyes, you will not only see a bright picture, but also feel warmth. This means that you have almost managed to open your third eye.

  • Multi-colored ball. Sit as comfortably as possible, normalize your breathing, close your eyes and begin to imagine that there is a multi-colored ball between your eyes. It plays with lights, pulsates, changes colors and shape, as in this video:

    When you learn to clearly see this ball, imagine how it attracts energy from space and fills your third eye with it.

    During the exercise, which lasts about 15 minutes, you may feel slight discomfort in the area between the eyebrows. There is no need to be afraid of this, because if a feeling of pressure or tension appears, it means that you are doing everything right and soon you will be able to open your energy chakra.

  • See the invisible. Close your eyes and imagine a shining rod in front of you. At first it seems almost transparent, but gradually you fill it with energy through the power of your will.

    The rod becomes more durable, rich in color, and takes on a clear shape.

    Now, with the power of thought, begin to rotate it, hit targets, and attract energy rays into your third eye.

    Having opened your eyes, you should continue to see the same picture in front of you, but with your inner vision.

    It is important, when imagining the rod, to remove your hands from the picture. You must rotate it with the power of thought, and not with your hands, even imaginary ones.

  • Visualization. Imagine that you close both of your eyes, and at this time the third one opens between your eyebrows. Visualize it in detail (color, shape, pupil, etc.).

    Now imagine that you see through objects with it. For example, sitting in one room, you see what is happening in another. Or, looking at a person, you see not his shell, but his internal organs. And all this thanks to the third eye, which was opened.

  • Focus on the aura. Sit comfortably on the bed in a lying position. Extend your hand in front of you with your fingers spread. Try not to focus on some point on your hand, but look as if through it.

    Do not blink frequently - this will interfere with the opening of the energy chakra between the eyebrows.

    If you do everything correctly, a glow will gradually appear around your hand (or at least one finger).

    When you achieve good results in training with your hand, move on to focusing on the aura that surrounds the person.

If, after completing all sorts of exercises, you still cannot understand how to open your third eye, leave this idea. You just don't have the ability to become a psychic. There's nothing wrong with that.

Everyone has a gift, you just need to figure out which one it is in order to achieve maximum fulfillment in life.

This book was written by an authoritative practitioner of Hatha and Raja Yoga - Boris Sakharov (1899-1959). He, a student of the famous Indian yoga teacher Swami Sivananda, worked to create an effectively working mechanism for “opening the third eye” - the ajna chakra, a psychic center localized in the front volume of the human head.

Sakharov writes in his book that he established how the activation of this mystical organ, simultaneously with the emergence of clairvoyance, awakens the hidden power of a person - kundalini shakti.
According to the contents of the book, it is stated that as a result of decades of experiments, Sakharov developed a detailed methodology for training and developing the ajna chakra, which is the organ of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience and intuition.

Sakharov talks about the stages of development of clairvoyance using the example of his students and himself, and also gives a special formula that allows you to calculate the training time required to open the “third eye.”

Some yogis believe that it was the publication of this book, revealing the secrets of the opening of the ajna chakra, that was the reason for the premature and tragic death of B. Sakharov in a car accident in 1959. This opinion confirms the opinion of many mystics and occultists about the danger of publishing the mystical secrets of Hindu deities to a wide range of uninitiated people.

Opening the "third eye"
Excerpt from book B, Sakharov

There are too many myths and legends around the term “third eye” itself, however, I can literally explain in one paragraph my own possible explanation for this name. First, you need to sit next to the mirror, looking at your face from a distance of about 15 cm, relax your vision - instead of 2 eyes, you will see 4 in one row at once. Now, by moving the face closer and further away, you need to ensure that the two “middle” eyes merge into one. This will be the “third” eye. Looking at this “synthesized” eye, located exactly in the middle of the bridge of the nose (legends claim that it is here or just above that “that third eye” is located), you will soon have the feeling that you are peering inside Yourself... “Only” a few weeks of this self-contemplation was one of the attributes of developing the ability to clairvoyance, and this procedure or similar procedures... are called “opening the third eye”!

The operation to open the third eye is now never carried out by anyone using the method described above; everyone teaches as they see fit. But none of the numerous methods explains the meaning of the name. This may not be scary, but such a procedure, performed, for example, by “black” magicians (or simply non-professionals), usually entails, instead of the desired “power over the visible and invisible world,” the completely opposite effect - trivial psychological slavery (zombism) before the “teacher” or the “invisibles” from the astral worlds. This is at worst, at best - you “simply” risk joining the ranks of the insane...

In a word, this matter is so complex that you involuntarily wonder whether Humanity is ripe for this new invisible side of life to open up to it? And yet many people want to look beyond what is permitted. One can only guess what is there in the invisible world. Previously, it was assumed that “invisible people” live directly in the air or vacuum, then they were “settled” in our own imagination, then in hyper-, sub-, superspace, or simply in another 4th or 5th dimension. Any hypothesis has the right to life, however, the most likely seems to be that on our Earth, besides us, there are several more, probably two or more than two parallel worlds, where living beings live in a different Time and develop independently or together with us.

That’s how it is – whether bad or good, but for many centuries we have coexisted side by side quite tolerably. At some points in time, the boundaries separating us become almost transparent and... uninvited guests appear in our world (or do we become guests?). Some of our “guests,” alas, leave much to be desired, but, as you know, you don’t choose your neighbors. Especially when they are invisible. Maybe in the future, when we get to know them better, our opinion about them will change...

Traditions of Swami Sivananda
Excerpt from a book by one of Sivananda's students.

With this phenomenon, the point is not, as I already said, that the optic nerve is irritated, or more precisely, not only in it, it is also the concentration of thoughts on the palate or, more precisely, the intersection of the optic nerves (the “chiasma opticum” node) - quite specifically. This means there must be another center, the stimulation of which is decisive for causing the perception of visions. My teacher did not encourage me to continue concentrating my thoughts on the palate, which I had practiced for a long time before receiving his instructions. He recommended a completely different technique to me. In a condensed form, the formula of this technique sounds very mysterious in Sanskrit: om mani me samhita, khamajnatam raja siddha. Those. “The clouds from me (on my part) are driven into one place by proper inactivity, the sky is cleared to achieve dominance.”

What do these words mean? What kind of clouds and what kind of “sky”? That these are not physical clouds and not a physical sky is clear from the fact that these clouds, by “correct inactivity” on my part, must be “driven into one place,” that is, they are in some kind of connection with me. And the word “sky” - the Sanskrit word “kha” - means, firstly, an opening in the human body (according to Hindu views, there are only 9 such openings: eyes, nostrils, mouth, etc.). Therefore, this interpretation is not appropriate. Then "kha" means "air space", "ether" and can be translated simply as "sky", but this meaning does not seem to be exhaustive. Swami Sivananda Saraswati cites a wonderful statement of the ancient Hindu yogis on this matter, which deserves attention. It reads: “A practitioner of yoga who is able to see his own reflection in the sky can know whether his endeavors are successful.”

Yogis who have perfectly mastered the art of concentration say: “In clear sunlight, with a steady gaze, look for your reflection in the sky; as soon as you see him even for one moment, you are ready and will soon see God in heaven. Anyone who sees his shadow in the sky every day achieves longevity. Death will never take him by surprise. When the vision of the shadow becomes perfect, the practitioner of Yoga achieves success and comes to victory. He becomes the master of prana and there are no more obstacles for him.”
The technique is simple and does not require years of practice. Some achieved this within one to two weeks.

“At sunrise, stand so that your body casts a shadow on the ground, facing your shadow, and for a while, gaze intently at the neck area, and then at the sky. If you see your full-length shadow in the sky, then this is a very good sign. The shadow will answer your questions - ask them shyly. If you don’t see your shadow, then continue practicing until you succeed. You can also exercise in the moonlight.”
Even if this practice is easy and promises such tempting prospects, to me personally it seems like a waste of time and wasted labor; in the book I hope to show that these, and equally other instructions of the ancient yogis and the true technique are hidden under bizarrely attractive formulas!

Therefore, let us return to our word “kha”. Another meaning is the place between the eyebrows. Here is, as many images of Hindu gods show, a vertically placed eye, which gives the yogi all magical powers, including the gift of “divine vision” (divya drishti) without the help of bodily eyes. In the book Satchakra Nirupana Tantra, this center is referred to as the eye of wisdom (jnana chakra), which is “like the flame of a large lamp.” It says (p. 37): “When the yogi, in inner concentration, withdraws his consciousness from the support (the external world) and awakens it, he sees in that place a luminous spark, and then a bright flame, which looks like the shining morning sun between the sky and earth." According to the mystical teachings of yogis, it is in this flame that one “thinks”, i.e. is located through the imagination, the “third eye”. This is what it says in Shiva Yoga: “ The thought center is between the eyebrows in the image of an oil lamp flame and in the middle of it is the eye of wisdom».

In fact, this is a tool not only for comprehending philosophical or religious truths, but also for any comprehension, all knowledge in general.
Therefore, “jnana chakra” means “eye of knowledge” precisely in the broadest sense of the word, i.e. “the eye of omniscience”, to which not only the entire present is open, but to the same extent the past and the future. In the book Tripurasa Samusaya we read:
« The practitioner of meditation (in this center between the eyebrows) has a memory of what he has done in past incarnations, as well as the ability of clairvoyance and clairaudience».

Modern yogis agree with this opinion. In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda calls this center the “omniscient spiritual eye” or the “thousand-leaf lotus of light.” And Swami Sivananda says: “ Just as light rays pass through glass, or X-rays pass through opaque objects, the yogi, with the help of his inner spiritual eye, can see objects behind a thick wall, know the contents of a letter in a sealed envelope, or find hidden treasures underground" This spiritual eye is the eye of intuition, Divya Drishta, or Jnana chakra. What is this " third Eye", also called the eye of Shiva, can see unlimitedly in space has already been proven by practical experiments, and cannot be reduced only to theoretical considerations. It remains to prove how this third eye overcomes time, i.e., operates in the fourth dimension. The fact itself does not need further proof. Since this “eye” is outside the action of space and time, the scope of its action also lies outside the three dimensions of space, that is, at least in the fourth dimension. Therefore, he must be unlimited by time, or, in the words of the ancient yogis, “Trikalajna”, which means “knower of the three times” - past, present and future, or omniscient.

At the same time, it must be especially emphasized that, as practical experiments of ancient times show - the evidence of clairvoyants of that time, as well as experiments of our days, the ability of perception and visual acuity through this “eye” do not depend in any way on distance and time. This, of course, contradicts our usual teachings about the mechanism of perception. As is known, the force of a mass decreases in proportion to the square of its distance, so that at a certain distance the strongest radiations are stopped by screens of a certain thickness (for example, gamma rays by an iron screen one foot thick, cosmic rays by a lead screen up to two meters thick). The rays that are perceived by the “third eye,” also called Charpentier rays or H-rays, do not decrease their strength at any distance and are not stopped by any material barriers. This indicates their more subtle material nature. They are not only not limited by space, but also independent of it.

These conclusions are confirmed in practice, because, although the perception of a picture of long past times or the future requires a high degree of development of the “third eye” and is not always verifiable, the perception of current events is not inferior in accuracy and sharpness to the observation of an eyewitness.

Methodology from the teachings of Ayurveda

“Shirodhara” is an ancient, almost magical ritual of opening the “third eye”. The process of pouring a warm mixture of natural vegetable oils onto the forehead in the “third eye” area stimulates the deep brain centers that are responsible for the production of endorphins – the hormones of happiness. The ritual is classically used to relieve pain and muscle tension in the neck, head and shoulders, helps relieve insomnia and stress, relieves depression and chronic fatigue, and releases subtle energies that help calm and clear the mind. The Shirodhara ritual is accompanied by a head and shoulder massage.

* * *

Technologies that are repeatedly described in the texts of the theosophical tradition and followers of Agni Yoga

Method 1:

“Here is one technique that helps open the third eye. You need to sit comfortably, so that nothing distracts you, look at yourself from the outside, concentrate, look inside yourself and repeat the self-hypnosis phrase without any meaning: “Open your third eye.” Repeat, repeat and repeat daily for many months.
Focus on the image of the one you need, on the face, figure, clothes. Reset your intuition and get in touch with the information field of the planet and try to isolate the necessary information from it. A moment will come - and an unknown nerve will highlight in your brain, as if on a screen, what you need to see. At the same time, you should not express any emotions, observing dispassionately, without interference, shouting, without boasting, without calculations and mathematical calculations (“sit and watch”), watch everything CALMLY.
The opening of the third eye is achieved through years of intense spiritual effort and selfless asceticism. “Give up your whole life if you want to live,” says the Tibetan manuscript “The Voice of Silence.”

Method 2:

1. Close your eyes and turn your attention to the third eye area. Imagine an open blue flower or an open funnel
2. You can imagine an open flower and stimulate the chakra through the energy channel in the spine area
3. Can be imagined as an open flower and stimulated with energy
4. You can simply stimulate the third eye area with energy. Through our hands we direct energy to the third eye area
Effect - burning, tingling, slight itching, wind, pressure may occur in the third eye area. With a high concentration of energy, pressure on the third eye chakra can occur and a migraine-like condition may occur.
Activities for studying the third eye:
1. Draw crosses, toes, squares, triangles on a piece of paper and train yourself to guess the shapes or colors
2. Visualization of images with eyes closed. You can experiment with wearing a blindfold and sitting in the dark for a while.
Protect yourself from fantasies and illusions!

* * *

On the modern book market there are many publications in which the third eye is mentioned on the cover, but in the text there are practically no methods for developing this wonderful organ. Examples of such books: A. Belov “The Healing Third Eye” or Lobsang Rampa (this is the pseudonym of the Englishman Cyril Henry Hoskins) “The Third Eye”. In the Rampa-Hoskins book, it is generally described how “in Tibet”, to open the third eye of the hero of the book, they drilled a special drill into the skull in the forehead area (without anesthesia, of course), and then a wooden plug was hammered into the resulting hole so that the hole would not quickly become overgrown and astral vision would work reliable...

* * *

The author of this review has been involved in psychoenergetic techniques of working with the brain for a long time. But their goal is not to discover a rather speculative and not clearly defined semantic category in the form of a “third eye,” but in the name of a completely understandable and clearly defined goal - increasing the psychoenergetic potential of the human brain.

Before starting this practice, please read the treatise Opening the Third Eye. It is recommended to read all descriptions of techniques many times to fully understand them and re-read them again from time to time as you progress through practice. I intentionally wrote everything down as briefly and clearly as possible, so that your consciousness would be as protected as possible from various interpretations of what was written. The result of correctly completing this practice can include both the very minimum - for example: vision of the aura and the movement of energies in space, and the initial maximum - vision of the spiritual worlds and Beings of higher dimensions.

Description of techniques
Practices for Opening the Third Eye


  1. In the evening (necessarily in the evening or better just before bedtime) look at the candle flame (10-30 cm away from the eyes) for 5 to 10 minutes, without blinking if possible. Also try to see a glow around the candle flame (which will increase in size as the Third Eye opens). The room must be dark.
  2. Then close your eyes and only after that (this is important) blow out the candle. Relax. After this, look at the colors that will change before your eyes (with your eyes closed). Yellow, red, blue, green...
  3. Watch until the colors disappear. Sometimes the picture may get confused or “float” to the side when your concentration decreases or distracting thoughts appear. At this moment, you just need to relax even more and concentrate on the colors in front of your mind's eye.


  • To stop the “running” of your closed eyes, you can apply your fingertips to your eyelids. You need to feel the moment when the eyeballs stop, relax, and nothing else interferes with concentration on the colors of the flame.

All-seeing eye

In the center of the left palm, draw an eye (iris and pupil; you can draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, the color and size of the eye image is whatever you like).

  1. Sitting in Padmasana (or any pose in which you meditate), fix the position of your left hand so that the palm with the image is at eye level.
  2. The palm is straightened, the fingers are pressed one to the other. You should look without blinking at the image of the eye; closely, but without straining your vision.
  3. The facial muscles are relaxed, the tongue lightly touches the upper palate at the base of the upper teeth. During exhalation, energy from the Third Eye is sent to the center of the palm, into the image of the eye.
  4. When inhaling, you should imagine how energy is emitted from the image of the eye and enters the Third Eye.
  5. At the end of the session, you should calmly close your eyes, without straining your eyelids, and reveal a visual image of the eye.

OM sign

Every evening you need to look at the OM sign located below. The look is calm and absent-minded. It is as if you are looking through this sign with your physical eyes (as if you are “turning off” them to allow the vision of the Third Eye to prevail). Try not to blink. Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, a little deeper. After ten minutes have elapsed, close your eyes and try to see the OM sign in the area between the eyebrows (in front of your mind's eye). Be relaxed and don't be distracted by extraneous thoughts.


  • If your monitor is larger than 15 inches and you want to place the OM Sign on the entire screen, you can open the animation. To view in this case, a Flash player is required.

Sri Yantra

Place the Sri Yantra in front of you at a convenient distance for you (this can be a sheet of paper glued to the wall with an image of the Sri Yantra printed on it, or an image on the monitor; the central red triangle must be positioned at an angle downwards).

  1. Focus your attention on the center of the Sri Yantra and try to cover all its parts with your peripheral vision. Look calmly, without tension, breathing slowly and evenly.
  2. Continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, realize that in front of you is a graphic image of the Universe, which contains all its Energy in a “sleeping” state, which is awakened by your desire-intention to awaken it. Keep this desire in your mind.
  3. Next, still continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, ask the Higher Self to unite the Energy contained in the Sri Yantra with your Energy (This could roughly sound like this: “The Higher Self, I ask You: unite my Energy with the Energy of the Sri Yantra”). At this moment, be absolutely open and relaxed.
  4. After this, close your eyes and try to imagine the Sri Yantra around you in volume (three-dimensional). In this representation, let the triangles be pyramids, the circles be balls, and the square be cubes.


  • Don't try to imagine everything specifically. In the performance, trust the sensations and visions that will arise.
  • You can also download the Sri Yantra drawing in poster format and better quality.

Vision of the etheric body

  1. Place your palm at a comfortable distance from your eyes. Behind your palm, you need to hold a white sheet of paper with your other hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from your palm.
  2. With an absent-minded gaze, look at the outline of your palm.
  3. After some time (from 1 to 2 minutes) you will see a glow emanating from the palm along the entire contour. This glow is the etheric body. Continuing this practice, tune the Third Eye to see the astral body.


  • Observation by illuminating the hand from different angles can help in seeing the etheric body. The best option is when the light from the sun falls on your hand (for example, from the window).
  • Also, always remember that the eyes should be as relaxed as possible, like the eyes of a sleeping person.

Concentration on the Third Eye

  1. This technique is convenient to practice throughout the day. For example, when you are just walking down the street or riding in public transport to work.
  2. In order to practice this technique, concentrate in the area between the eyebrows and slightly deeper (radius 2 - 3 cm).
  3. Concentrate whenever possible. There should be some pleasant pressure in the area between the eyebrows.
  4. Increase that pressure. Try to feel as if you are looking from the center of your head through the area between the eyebrows.

Volumetric vision

  1. Practice consists of developing the ability to see what is depicted in special stereo pictures and then further developing this ability in the form of a simple training outlined on this page.
  2. Do not despair if you do not immediately see what is shown in the stereo pictures. Try to see again and again, every other day or every other week. Every person is capable of seeing this, and failure can only lie in the wrong viewing technique.
  3. Also, when you “suddenly” see what was hidden from you in the image, you will be able to remotely imagine and understand what the essence of clairvoyance looks like - you just need to look differently, you need to change the usual way of seeing.

Corpuscles of Light

  1. Go to the window during daylight hours, preferably during the day. Move the tulle, curtains or blinds away from the window. The window must be free and you must stand very close to the glass (50-100 cm). Look at the sky (eyes open), but do not raise your head too much. The line of sight is about 45 degrees relative to the ground. Concentrate on the area behind the eyes (1-2 cm).
  2. Pay attention to any luminous points or moving stripes in front of your eyes. Concentrate on this vision.
  3. When your concentration intensifies, you will see the movement of bright dots and stripes in front of your mind's eye. Do not be alarmed if at some point you do not see anything other than this representation of particles of Light - at the first desire you can return to normal vision again.

Do this exercise at home or just while walking down the street, but before doing so, thoroughly study it at home.

Energy of Light

  1. This technique is described on this page and it is very important, as it quickly and significantly develops the pineal and pituitary glands, which are also one of the components of the general process called clairvoyance.
  2. Before using this technique, consult your doctor about your health and its compatibility with this technique.

Candle flame

  1. Look at the candle flame with a calm and relaxed gaze for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Then close your eyes, blow out the candle, open your eyes again and turn on the light.
  3. Take a white sheet of paper (you need to put it near you in advance) and look at it with a calm, absent-minded gaze.
  4. You will see a colored dot that will change its colors: red, green, blue, etc. Concentrate on this point.
  5. At this time (with a frequency of 3-4 seconds) you need to do special blinking as follows: You close your eyes tightly for 0.5-1 seconds. (at this time the dot will be visible brighter) and then again, opening your eyes, continue to look at the colored dot on a white sheet of paper. And so on for as long as this point is visible.
  6. Achieve a distinct and clear vision of the colored candle flame.

Inner view

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible.
  2. Place the Double Pyramid (it is written about what a Double Pyramid is and how to make it) on the top of your head (the base is parallel to the floor, one of the corners “looks” at the tip of the nose).
  3. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed (and wear a blindfold if possible).


  • This technique can be performed without the Double Pyramid. But the pyramid significantly enhances the energy in the Third Eye - therefore its use is recommended.

Candle aura

  1. This exercise must be done in the evening.
  2. Light a candle and turn off the light.
  3. Place the candle approximately 15-20 cm from the eyes, at eye level.
  4. Look with a calm and relaxed look at the glow from the candle for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Next, without turning your head, squint your eyes upward so that you continue to see the glow of the candle with your peripheral vision (You should notice that with your peripheral vision, the vision of the candle’s aura improves significantly). Watch this way for 30-60 seconds.
  6. Then return your eyes to their original position and look straight again, trying to pay attention to the fact that the diameter of the candle’s aura has increased and become more saturated (1-2 minutes).
  7. Next, everything needs to be repeated exactly, but with eye movements to the right and then to the left. Those. you need to squint your eyes to the left and look with peripheral vision at the glow of the candle, and then squint to the right.


  • Achieve a vision of the glow from the candle as large as possible with your peripheral vision while looking at an angle to the candle.
  • You should also notice how you see more glow from the candle when you lower your eyes and look directly at the glow from the candle.
  • When you look at an angle to the candle, you can also notice that the glow differs in saturation or color from when you look straight.

Agni breath

  1. There is a candle in front of you (1-2 meters away, flame at eye level).
  2. Connect the ajna chakra with the candle flame with a beam (or just a channel).
  3. Taking a slow deep breath, imagine that the fire energy (golden) from the candle flame begins to move along a ray (or channel) into your body, reaches the ajna chakra, then goes through the sushumna channel (middle channel, spine), and then at the peak of inhalation it stops at the tailbone area. Take a short break in your breathing.
  4. Start exhaling slowly. As you exhale, imagine how golden-colored energy (or the color of fire) begins to move along the Sushumna channel, reaches the Ajna chakra, and goes along the ray (or channel) to the candle flame.
  5. A short pause to exhale.
  6. And then all over again.


  • Energy can simply be thought of as a flame. It is as if you are inhaling the energy of a candle flame with your Third Eye.

Vision of a double

  1. Enter a room (for example, the kitchen) and turn on the light (if it is not light enough).
  2. Stand in the center of the room. Relax (especially your facial muscles). Unfocus your eyes. There is silence in the mind, no thoughts.
  3. Look at everything in your field of vision at once (including your peripheral vision). You can only do this if you don't look at anything in particular, i.e. subject to defocused gaze.
  4. At the same time, try to “feel” the room and the objects in it.
  5. Turn 180 degrees and do the same.
  6. Next, go to a completely different room (if you have only one room, it could be a bathroom or a balcony).
  7. Take a comfortable position (for example, sitting in a chair). Close your eyes (you can wear a blindfold). Relax as much as possible. The room should be dark.
  8. Next, feel that your presence in the center of the room that you just left continues (this is so, because the energetic presence always continues for some time, despite the fact that the physical body has already left this place).
  9. Use this presence. Feel again everything that you felt and try to see everything the same as you saw while standing in the center of this room. Return maximum sensations (first in one position, then in a 180-degree turn). Try to feel like you are in another room, as if you were still standing there.


  1. Stand near the mirror (eye distance from the glass is 20-30 cm). And start looking exactly at the area between the eyebrows, slightly (2-3 cm) deep, as if you were looking at a sphere with a diameter of 2-3 cm located behind the forehead bone.
  2. Concentrate on this area and don't be distracted by anything else.
  3. During this gaze, you will also see your physical eyes with peripheral vision - distribute 30% of the concentration between two eyes.
  4. If you wear glasses, you need to take them off.

Ajna Channel

  1. You need to make the following device: roll a sheet of white paper so that you get a hollow cylinder (tube) and glue the ends of the sheet so that it does not unfold (diameter about 5 cm).
  2. Next, you need to attach (glue) an elastic band (or bandage) to one of the ends of the tube, which will hold the tube in the following position: one end of it should be pressed to the forehead in the area between the eyebrows (and slightly above), its other end should be directed to the side from the forehead, the axis of the tube is perpendicular to the plane of the forehead.
  3. The design is put on the head as follows: an elastic band (or bandage) is placed around the head (like the edges of a hat), while the tube occupies the above position (like a unicorn horn).

Description of meditation

  1. The above structure is fixed on your head and you sit quietly, concentrating on the white paper cylinder along its entire length at the same time.

Vision in the dark

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed at all times (and wear a blindfold if possible).
  2. Start looking forward (with your eyes closed). Just peer into the darkness that will be in front of you, as if you were in a deep forest at night and trying to make out the contours of the trees or the path leading home. Look literally, as you would with your eyes open.
  3. Next, place your right hand in front of you, feel its presence (remember how it looks when you looked at it with your physical eyes). Concentrate on it, on its entire volume, and try to see it, as if your eyes are an X-ray passing through matter.
  4. After that, start moving it slowly - to the left, then to the right - without interrupting your concentration on it and your desire to see it.

Finishing the invisible in the mind

  1. When looking at objects, try to “complete” their invisible parts. For example, you look at a bedside table, and naturally with physical vision it is not possible to see the two back legs, the back wall, the various partitions inside, etc. The point of the exercise is to switch to a three-dimensional vision of objects and the space around you.
  2. A car drives by - complete the invisible two wheels, doors and other details, right down to the insides. When she leaves your field of vision, still continue to “look” at her and follow her with your mental gaze, continuing to see her in volume.
  3. When you walk down the street, try to keep in mind all the details of the street (in the volume and around you) - houses, cars, streets, alleys, passing people (keep all this in mind at the same time).
  4. Also, when looking at a person, try to see him in volume (with internal organs, etc.). At first it does not have to correspond exactly to the unique and familiar reality that we know. You can look through the medical encyclopedia before doing this.
  5. When you hear any sound, try to create (draw) in your imagination what (or that) gave rise to this sound. For example, you hear a car passing by - draw it in your imagination, and, if possible, look at it.
  6. Also do the following exercise with a clock: look at a clock with a second hand (3-5 minutes). Then close your eyes and continue to “watch” the second hand with your eyes closed (“watch” as it continues to move). Achieve a result when, after 5 minutes, what you see with your eyes closed coincides with the actual movement of the arrow.
  7. From time to time, try to walk around the apartment with your eyes closed (blindfolded). Very slowly at first, with good concentration before each step and action. Do some usual actions, for example: turn on the TV, open the cabinet door using the handle (before doing this, focusing well on where this handle is located), etc. When walking with your eyes closed, try not just to walk as usual, as you usually walk with your eyes closed - namely, try to see, but using (and maximally activating) for this all other available methods of orientation in space.
  8. Also do a very good exercise for developing inner vision at a distance. It is as follows. For example, you were in some room (for example, a bedroom) for some time and left it to the bathroom. Your energetic presence will still continue for some time in the bedroom - use it this way: while continuing to be in the bathroom, keep in mind the feeling that you are still in the bedroom, feel it, try to “see” as many objects as possible in her, etc. This exercise can become a daily practice, for example, it is very good to do it immediately after waking up (when your energetic presence in bed is very strong). You go to the bathroom (for example, brush your teeth...) and at the same time continue to feel your presence in bed.

Vision of Energy

These dynamic meditation exercises are designed to develop the ability of the Third Eye to see energy in space, its movement (movement) and colors. These exercises should be approached after mastering the above techniques with a candle.

Description of meditation

  1. Light a candle (it is better to use a thin wax candle in this meditation).
  2. Hold the candle away from you - near your shoulder. You can touch the fist in which the candle is clamped to your right shoulder. The candle flame is approximately at eye level.
  3. Next, relax and try not to think about anything. Relax your eyes and look into infinity in front of you (during the entire exercise, try to blink and move your eyes as little as possible).
  4. As soon as you feel that the fifth point has been completed well enough, begin to slowly (but not too slowly - the movement is smooth, like the smooth fall of a light feather) move the candle in a circle around the head in front of the eyes to the left shoulder.
  5. Stop near your left shoulder.
  6. Observe in front of you the beautiful long strip left by the candle flame.
  7. When the strip disappears, start moving the candle from the left shoulder to the right and then repeat everything again.
  8. Make such movements a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right).
  9. Having completed the above exercise, move on to the next one.
  10. The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to move the candle in a straight line.
  11. From the position where the candle is near your left shoulder, begin to straighten your right arm and move the candle forward away from you and to the right. After the arm is fully straightened in front of you, observe the beautiful stripe left by the candle flame.
  12. Do these movements with your right hand a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times). Then change hands and repeat these movements with the other hand.
  13. Finally, make random movements with the candles. For example: from the lower right corner to the upper left, from the lower left to the upper right, etc.
  14. While observing the stripes left by the candle flame, think that you are observing stripes of energy that are right in front of you.

Description of meditation

  1. The exercise should be done in complete darkness or with minimal lighting, preferably in the evening (any time after sunset).
  2. Take any comfortable sitting position (for example, on a chair, in Turkish, lotus position, etc.) so that there is free space in front of you. For example, if you sit near the wall in your room, then in front of you there will be a dark space of about 2-3 meters.
  3. Light a candle and place the candle flame as close to your eyes as possible (for example, 5-10 cm).
  4. Look at the candle for about 5 minutes.
  5. Try to blink less and not move your eyes. The eyes are relaxed, the look is calm.
  6. After this, put out the candle and without closing your eyes, look into the space in front of you, observing the colored spot in front of you.
  7. At this moment, think that you are observing a colored clot of energy that is located right in front of you at a distance of 1-3 meters.


  • Don't let your mind jump to the conclusion that it's all just the optical ability of the eyes - don't think about How You see, concentrate on What You see (and be sure to think that you see This in front of you in the form of real existing objects).
  • Once again, I want to point out the importance of the fact that you need to concentrate on the images appearing after the candle as on real existing objects that are in front of you in space, otherwise these exercises will not have the desired effect.

Right hemisphere of the brain

These exercises will allow you to focus on right-sided thinking and shift your consciousness towards intuitive perception.

Description of the first meditation

  1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen (you can use a pencil or something else that is convenient).
  2. Hold the pen in your left hand (i.e., not in your right hand, as usual, but in your left, like a mirror image).
  3. Start writing numbers in their mirror image from the right edge of the sheet.
  4. Start with 1, 2, 3... etc. Write up to 100 on the first day (more is possible). The next day, continue like this: 101, 102, 103... etc. And so on until you write up to 1000 (more is possible).
  5. Don't forget that you are writing in a mirror image. Those. for example, you write the number 395. Usually you write the number 3 first, then 9, then 5 (from left to right). You first need to write the number 5, then 9, and only after that the number 3 (from right to left), and this rule applies to all numbers ().


  • Try to make the numbers look neat both in the writing itself and in an even position on the sheet.
  • If the described method of writing numbers turns out to be too complicated, then use the writing scheme presented.
  • This exercise is recommended only for right-handed people. For those who have been left-hand dominant since birth, this exercise does not need to be done.

Description of the second meditation

  1. You need to take any meditation position (for example, sitting on a chair, cross-legged, etc.) and relax.
  2. Imagine inside the skull - in the area between the eyebrows there is a blue ball, in the area behind the right ear there is a red ball, in the area behind the left ear there is a white ball. Imagine the balls approximately in these places. The diameter of the balls is within 2-3 cm. (You can view this diagram)
  3. Concentrate on the blue ball for 1-2 seconds. then the same amount on the red ball and the same amount on the white ball. Then again on blue, red... etc. Do this for about 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time of concentration on one ball to about 0.5 seconds (i.e., accelerating the pace).
  4. In the end, many will have a good feel for the areas where these balls are located.
  5. Finally, concentrate only on the red ball and keep the concentration on it for a pleasant time (for example 1-2 minutes).


  • You can imagine simply areas instead of balls (i.e., simply moving your concentration from one specified area to another without defining it as a ball).
  • While practicing these techniques (which can take 3-5 days), I also recommend reading poetry (even if you don't like or understand poetry), listening to any classical music (even if it seems boring), and drawing something ( even if absolutely nothing works out and the resulting drawings are crooked and unsuccessful).

Animation techniques

These techniques also have a positive effect and development. In addition, many people like them for their ease of use and pleasant visual effects.


  1. If you wear glasses, then techniques that require looking at images are best performed with glasses (unless specifically stated).
  2. Don't strain your eyes in none of the techniques I give. Remember that the only look that is required is the look of a person dozing, as if you are daydreaming about something in reality (imagine a schoolchild who is dreaming about something in a math lesson, his eyes are open, his body is in the classroom, but he himself is somewhere... then somewhere else, his mind is in the distant land of imagination...)

It is advisable to view it every day. Be relaxed. Do not tense your facial muscles and mainly always control the relaxation of the Third Eye area.

Beginning esotericists often prefer express methods for developing the all-seeing eye, activating intuitive skills and the entire work of the pineal gland.

In fact, if you are interested in how to open your third eye in 60 seconds, you need to be prepared for the fact that your chosen practice will not bring immediate noticeable changes. The process of accumulating energy in the area between the eyebrows can be started with short sessions, but further growth requires daily training.

How to open your third eye quickly: working on visions

This practice will help to instantly activate the center responsible for the appearance of images before the inner gaze. Naturally, it will not be possible to immediately achieve clear images from the future or past, because yogis distinguish as many as 4 stages of development of the third eye.

This method of opening the all-seeing eye is only the first step to the initial stage, and only after a month it will be possible to reach the 2nd step, when the pictures will already be clear, but in black and white. After a year of daily practice, the esotericist will rise to a new level, and the visions will become completely realistic.

  • Take any comfortable position in a quiet and secluded place. Stop your thoughts to relax and close your eyelids.
  • Focus your attention on the brow area of ​​the sixth chakra. Direct your mind's eye exactly there.
  • Defocus your vision after 2-3 minutes. But at the same time, try to continue to observe the area just above the eyes.
  • Feel a slight pressure in your forehead. A slight tingling sensation is felt between the eyebrows. The activation process has already started.
  • At first you will only see a black screen in front of your eyes, and this is normal, but over time, visions will appear there.

When learning how to open your eye quickly, remember that signs of its activation can only be physical, while abilities will begin to be noticeable much later. Don't worry about the lack of obvious success on the first day and maintain consistency in the exercises.

Exploring the astral world

In order to see subtle energy fields around different objects and work with them to improve the body or change situations, you need to develop astral vision skills.

You can master this technique in the shortest possible time using an extremely simple exercise:

  • Choose any sitting position with a flat and straight back. Relax your body muscles and breathe deeply.
  • Close your eyelids and look with your mind's eye at the upper half of the bridge of your nose. Tune in to a state of inner harmony.
  • Imagine that a bluish sphere is rotating in the brow chakra of your mental shell. She can move in any direction.
  • Take a deep breath. Visualize the sphere attracting more and more blue energy and a bright glow. This is how tuning to the Ajna frequency occurs.
  • Exhale slowly. Imagine how the ball grows from the light, the energy turns into crystals inside this figure.

Breathe calmly for another 10-15 minutes. Activation of the third eye will not happen completely in one day, but after the first lesson you can notice tension in the forehead, which indicates the movement of energy in the chakra.

Cleansing and filling the energy center

In one session, it is quite possible to free the eyebrow chakra from unnecessary information, harmful thoughts and negative feelings, and then fill the Ajna space with light energy. In fact, this process marks the activation of the third eye.

  • Take a deep breath. Visualize a stream of golden, sacred light rising from the depths of the Earth. This energy enters your body through the fifth center and reaches the all-seeing eye area on the forehead.
  • As you exhale, release all the tension and stress that has accumulated in Ajna. On your next inhalation, imagine that the glow is healing, and it rotates around the third eye, burning away all negativity and destroying blocks.
  • After a few inhalations and exhalations, feel that the frontal chakra has intensified its glow and become brighter. Ajna begins to grow, letting go of everything unnecessary from itself. Inhale and charge the all-seeing eye with cosmic energy. As you exhale, say goodbye to toxins and negativity.
  • Feel the sixth center illuminated with shades of indigo and blue. The chakra is completely clean, it has become 10 times larger compared to its previous state before practice.
  • Now you need to visualize the lotus bud. It should be a flower with 96 petals, located in the third eye area and spinning clockwise. Ajna begins to activate as the rotation of the lotus accelerates with each inhalation.
  • Bring all your attention to your breathing. Oxygen carries a lot of cosmic energy, so it also helps open the chakra, filling the entire body. Take a deep breath and exhale and return to reality.

“How to open your third eye in 60 seconds?” - this question worries many lovers of meditation and fans of clairvoyance. Only the most experienced spiritual teachers know that the revelation of this unique center of supernatural abilities occurs over many years of practice, requiring constant overcoming of oneself.

That is why, having felt some changes after quick methods of activating Ajna, there is no need to stop there. Continue to train and comprehend the necessary literature in order to achieve great success in esotericism.

Occultists claim that the third eye exists, but is in a state of sleep. Practices and meditations will allow you to achieve Enlightenment and penetrate the depths of the subconscious.

In this article

Why do you need to open the Ajna Chakra?

Before you begin, answer four questions. This will avoid disappointments and mistakes.

  1. How firm are my intentions in the desire to comprehend the secrets of the subconscious, because self-improvement is an endless process.
  2. Am I ready to see the full picture of the world.
  3. Will the knowledge gained be used for good?
  4. Do I understand that comprehending the Mystery gives not only Strength, but also imposes responsibility.

Opening the third eye will allow you to see the essence of things

Do not be afraid that the opening of the Eye will affect your mental state. This is the same sense organ, only on a subtle, energetic level.

Adaptation will take a long time, and the brain will get used to receiving information from an additional source. It will not fall on the consciousness like an avalanche, but will come gradually. There is no threat to the psyche. The Universe will prepare you to receive information. The invisible energy of people and objects will become accessible and tangible.

The process is comparable to the rehabilitation of a patient after surgery to restore hearing or vision. Doctors do not immediately remove the bandages; they allow the body to adapt to new conditions.

Not everyone will succeed in this field. Some people are stopped by fear of the unknown, or lack perseverance and talent.

There are people who have the Gift from birth. Wolf Messing learned about the ability to suggest at the age of 11, when he tried to travel without a ticket on a train. Young Wolf handed the controller the first piece of paper he came across, which was lying on the floor. Messing describes the sensations that gripped him at that moment as follows:

Our eyes met. With all the strength of my feelings, I wanted him to mistake this dirty piece of paper for a ticket.

This is how the psychic learned about the ability to suggest.

Extreme situations mobilize will and internal reserves. This case is a vivid example of how in an instant you can realize the Force and understand your involvement in a host of psychics, clairvoyants and parapsychologists.

General rules for performing exercises

Calmness and solitude. Those who practice yoga or other techniques understand what we are talking about. Turn off communications and exclude outside interference. We recommend unplugging household appliances to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

  1. Control your breathing. Control the frequency of inhalation and exhalation. Relax. Do not start exercise when you are in a bad mood or feeling bad. Otherwise, instead of positive energy, you will attract negative energy.
  2. Choose a good teacher. It is better if there is an experienced person nearby who can come to the rescue.
  3. Doubts away. Faith is the strongest incentive to work and to success. Indecisiveness and the expectation of failure hinder the process. A negative result blocks positive emotions.
  4. Read specialized esoteric literature.

Remember, when immersed in deep meditation, consciousness travels to other worlds. The mentor monitors the student and will help him return.

A set of exercises for every day

Opening the Inner Eye is comparable to training in the gym. The more you do, the higher your chances of success. Don't skip a single day and make sure the methods work. The comparison is also correct in the case of results: you should not expect an instant effect. Starting from scratch, prepare for failures or moments of despair.

Remember - Heaven tests the strength of a beginner. Quitting what you started and retreating is the easiest way out. Achieving success and realizing your abilities is much more difficult.

Exercise No. 1: “spinning top”

Stand in the center of the room and begin to rotate clockwise. This must be done at least 33 times. Concentrate your gaze not on objects, but on the finger of your outstretched hand. This way you can easily maintain your balance and your head won’t get dizzy. Take a dark object as a reference point: it will be easier to count revolutions. Feeling light, add the number of full circles around your axis.

Binaural beats for opening the third eye:

Exercise No. 2: learning to see the aura of objects

Release your mind control. Look at familiar things from the outside, unfocus your eyes. After several classes, you will see a halo of surrounding objects and open an energy channel. Observe reality on the sly: move your gaze from one object to another unexpectedly.

We are accustomed to relying on other people's opinions or information from the outside, we have forgotten how to think and feel on our own. Intuition will tell you how to act. Watch for the slightest change, control emotions, catch and record positive moments.

Exercise with a candle

The list of techniques is extensive. There are easy practices for beginners and complex ones that require special skills. In the first place - training with fire. Use a candle, not a fire or fireplace flame.

Meditation on a candle flame - a technique accessible to everyone

A prerequisite is complete darkness and privacy. Turn off light sources so that they do not distract attention or distract from the process.

  1. Light a candle and sit comfortably so that you don’t have to change your position.
  2. Peer carefully into the depths of the flame, focusing your gaze only on it.
  3. Try to breathe in time with your heartbeat.
  4. In a few minutes you will see how not only the silhouette of the fire changes, but also the color.
  5. Having examined the shades of the flame, close your eyelids. The image will appear before the inner eye, since the image remains on the retina.
  6. Watch the “cast” carefully. Try to see it in the smallest detail.

Do the exercise every evening for a week.

Meditation as one of the ways to open the third eye

At first, it is difficult for a beginner to concentrate and get distracted, but with each lesson, immersion comes faster.

Meditation helps you unlock your superpowers

  1. The main rule is to keep your back straight.
  2. Close your eyes and trust your feelings.
  3. Use special music, binaural beats or mantras.
  4. The body position is comfortable and convenient.
  5. Achieve silence inside.
  6. As soon as you feel the characteristic vibration or warmth spreading throughout your body, you know that everything is going as it should.

Mantra for opening the Third Eye:

Everyone's impressions are different. Someone feels himself starting to sway monotonously in time with the rhythms of the music; someone feels a state of isolation from the Earth or flight.

Knowing how to exit meditation correctly is half the success. Under no circumstances should you pull yourself out of another reality by force. A sharp and too quick exit will deal a blow to the energy and physical plane.

Blue Ball Method

This method is similar to the previous meditation, but more complicated.

Blue Ball Method

The principle of entering a trance is the same: harmonizing music, peace, relaxation.

  1. Once you feel the warmth or vibration, imagine a blue spinning sphere in your mind.
  2. Place it in the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows. The chakra is there.
  3. Focus on the color, shape and rotation of the sphere.
  4. Change the direction of its movement.
  5. Imagine how the ball attracts the best things in the world.
  6. Give the ball the opportunity to grow and emit Light.

The resulting image should sparkle and shimmer with bright colors. The ball will thicken and gain strength. There will be a feeling of heaviness or pain in the area between the eyes. Do not be alarmed - this is a normal reaction of the physical and energy bodies to the opening of the channel.

The more often you repeat the exercise, the faster you will be able to create a blue sphere in your thoughts.

Advanced Practices

Experienced students and practicing psychics use advanced techniques for their studies. The enlightened master from India Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, known to the world as Osho, is the author of numerous books and philosophical treatises.

Great Teacher Osho

Meditation practice from Osho

Relaxation of mind and body are the key words underlying the method.

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax. Don't cross your legs.
  2. Using the bottom of your palm, massage the area between your eyebrows. Visualize that you are opening a window to another world.
  3. Perform the massage in a circular motion. First clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  4. Imagine a luminous point in the center of your forehead. Light a star or lamp there.
  5. Observe the light source with your inner eye.

If everything is done correctly, then after 10–15 minutes you will feel a state in which light from an invisible source will spread throughout the body. Record this moment in your consciousness. Allow the energy to penetrate every cell of the physical shell.

Multi-stage practice: steps along the ladder of Consciousness

Allows you to see three-dimensional and reliable pictures. It requires long training.

  1. Imagine a white field with a black dot in the middle.
  2. As soon as the picture becomes clear and distinct, add two more dots to make a triangle.
  3. At first it will be flat, but the meditator’s task is to imagine it in a three-dimensional projection.
  4. Mentally move the resulting geometric figure, giving it the shape of a prism or pyramid.
  5. Add a point in imaginary space and you get a quadrilateral.
  6. Twist and turn into a cube.
  7. Add one more to the resulting figure. Hold them in your mind's eye as long as you can.
  8. With gradual training, achieve holding more objects.
  9. Change the colors of the figures, try not to lose sight.
  10. Try to rotate the received objects not only in front of you, but also around.

Once you have mastered the science of rotation and color change, move on to the next step: visualizing the material from which the figures are made. Create them from paper, metal, stone, wood. It all depends on the power of thought and flight of imagination.

Brain Squeeze and Relaxation Technique

An effective yet challenging practice.

  1. In a near-meditative state, concentrate on the central point in your head.
  2. Try to tense this place, and then suddenly relax it. Yes, this needs to be done not with the help of muscles, but with willpower.
  3. Repeat the action 3-5 times until you achieve the ease of completing the task.
  4. At first, help yourself by tensing the muscles of your neck, shoulders and back. As you train, the need for backup will disappear.

The technique helps to use the body's reserves and master the art of visualization.

Opening the Ajna channel

The essence of the work is to focus on the cylinder for as long as possible.

Here's the special music, by the way:

Practice interacting with darkness

To plunge oneself into darkness means to create artificial blindness by sharpening other senses.

Meditation in the dark is the best way to learn visualization

  1. Turn off the lights. Close your eyes. Examine the darkness into which consciousness has plunged.
  2. Imagine that you are walking along an unfamiliar road or a dark forest. Find your way home.
  3. Raise your right hand. Imagine that there is a flashlight clamped inside it, piercing the darkness.
  4. Imagine what a hand with a lantern looks like.
  5. Concentrate on the resulting image. Try to see it.

Features of awakening the Ajna chakra

Everyone has their own time frame for mastering Secret Knowledge. It all depends on individual characteristics, talents, strength of desire and motivation. Emotional attitude and the ability to finish what you start is an important factor.

Quick methods that promise instant results in 1–2 days are ineffective. Even energetically strong people take years to awaken Ajna. Everyone’s starting capabilities are different: one sees colorful, multidimensional images already in the first lesson; the other is blurry spots.

Self-improvement reveals superpowers, improves karma, and suggests solutions to problems.

You can only open your third eye with good intentions. If you want to gain clairvoyance abilities for the purpose of enrichment, then the Universe will close the channel forever. No wonder the Scripture says:

Be like children, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Study not for profit, but for spiritual growth.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!


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