Hawthorn laxative. Hawthorn – benefits and harms of berries and products for the body

How often, when we feel unwell, we look for reasons where there are none. We try to blame our problems on polluted environment, bad weather, careless and conflict-ridden employees, etc., etc. The condition of hair, nails, teeth has worsened - dirty air and radiation are to blame, problems with sleep and irritability have appeared - it’s all to blame stressful situations, which are provoked by heartless people, tormented by joint pain and high blood pressure - this is all weather and severe physical work. And we don’t even think that the cause of our condition may be purely internal and lie in a deficiency of vitamins and important microelements, for example, a lack of calcium in the body.

Why do we need calcium?

It's no secret that our body includes most of the minerals from the periodic table, a detailed acquaintance with which occurs during school years. One of these essential minerals for humans is calcium (the 20th element of the table with the designation Ca).

In fact, 99% of the calcium in the body comes from our bones. And about 1% of the total amount of microelement in the human body circulates through the circulatory system, which delivers this microelement to various organs and systems of the body. After all, it’s not just bone tissue that needs calcium.

Let's begin with cell membranes contain such universal components for transportation nutrients inside the cell, like calcium channels. Thus, thanks to calcium, cells are nourished and the mechanisms of their aging and death are regulated.

First of all, calcium is needed by bone and neuromuscular tissue. It is the basis of bones and teeth, is part of nails and hair, due to which all these components are sufficiently durable. Beautiful shiny hair, healthy strong teeth, strong smooth nails – aren’t these indicators of health and beauty? It’s not for nothing that this microelement received the title “mineral of beauty.” And it’s not even worth arguing about the need to maintain the mineral composition of the skeleton, because our ability to stand, walk, lift weights, etc. depends on it.

Calcium is involved in the regulation of the contractile function of human muscles, including the heart muscle. He is a guide nerve impulses, while simultaneously nourishing the tissues of the nervous system.

Calcium in the blood maintains normal levels blood pressure and cholesterol levels, regulates secretory function various glands, producing specific hormones and blood clotting, controls enzymatic activity and DNA synthesis on different stages this process. It is thanks to calcium that consistency is maintained internal environment body (homeostasis).

It is not difficult to imagine how dangerous a lack of calcium in the body can be for a person, if virtually all of his performance depends on this mineral.

ICD-10 code

E83.5 Disorders of calcium metabolism

E58 Nutritional calcium deficiency

Causes of calcium deficiency

So, calcium deficiency is observed if a person regularly does not receive the required amount of this important microelement. But there are situations when people of the same age (for example, husband and wife or twin children) eat the same food, receive the same amount of calcium with it, but absolutely no calcium is found in their bodies. different levels this mineral. Let's figure out what can affect the calcium content in the human body.

Among the factors causing deficiency Calcium in the body is worth highlighting the following:

  • Improper nutrition with a predominance of genetically modified components of dishes and synthetic substitutes for natural products that do not carry any nutritional value, but can negatively affect metabolic processes in organism.
  • Strict diets for body shaping, which can not only limit the flow of calcium into the body, but also contribute to the leaching of existing minerals from the bones.
  • Some therapeutic diets with limited consumption of dairy products, meat, eggs, chocolate, i.e. foods high in calcium.
  • Lack of information about the calcium content in food and the body’s needs for this trace element, which would make it possible to adjust your diet. Ignorance of this information leads to the fact that many people, even eating natural foods, cannot meet their daily calcium requirement.
  • There is a lack of information about the conditions under which calcium is absorbed in the body to a greater extent. This capricious element of the periodic table is not always easily absorbed in the intestines and absorbed by cells. And some foods (for example, coffee and alcohol) and medications (the popular acetylsalicylic acid, which can be found in many drugs, tranquilizers, narcotic drugs) can even interfere with the absorption of calcium.
  • Lack of vitamin D in the body, which promotes more complete absorption of calcium. Causes of calcium deficiency due to vitamin D deficiency in the body can be: insufficient dose sunlight at hypersensitivity to it or constant stay indoors, fasting, drinking strictly plant food(vegetarianism).
  • Excessive addiction to cigarettes and strong coffee, as a result of which calcium is poorly absorbed, and its insoluble compounds accumulate in the body, forming kidney stones.
  • Insufficient mineralization of drinking water.
  • Lactose intolerance, due to which a person cannot consume dairy and other products containing lactose. But dairy products are actually the main source of calcium from childhood.
  • Impaired estrogen production.
  • The presence in the body of a large number of microelements that stimulate the excretion of Ca from the body. These microelements include metals (lead, iron, cobalt, zinc), as well as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
  • Taking certain medications that can bind and remove calcium not only from bones, but also from the body as a whole. Such medications include hormonal and anticonvulsants, laxatives and diuretics, tranquilizers, antacids and secretion regulators gastric juice(reduce absorption due to alkalization of stomach contents), antibiotics (tetracycline, which is therefore not recommended for the treatment of children).

Risk factors

Risk factors for the development of hypocalcemia may include periods of pregnancy and lactation, when the mother’s body is forced to give up some of the calcium to the child in the womb or feeding on breast milk, as well as some diseases with metabolic disorders.

As for diseases in which the level of calcium in the body decreases, here pathologies come first digestive system, one of the reasons for which is, again, an unbalanced diet. The worst situation is when calcium absorption in the intestine is impaired, associated with various pathologies. This could be dysbacteriosis or a fungal infection (candidiasis), food allergies or chronic enterocolitis and some other diseases.

Hypocalcemia is sometimes caused by: pancreatitis, kidney and thyroid diseases (for example, hypoparateriosis), and hematopoietic disorders.

A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to the development of hypocalcemia (slows down calcium metabolism), frequent stress, regular consumption of drinks like Pepsi-Cola (especially in childhood), transfer of infants to artificial feeding(calcium absorption from breast milk twice as high as from formula milk). Heat treatment products also changes the calcium in their composition, making it less absorbable.


It turns out that not a single organ or system of the human body can function without the participation of calcium. Moreover, the need for calcium remains at all stages of a person’s life: from the moment of conception until death.

The child begins to receive calcium from the mother's body even before birth. The body of a newborn baby already contains about 30 g of calcium. The human body gradually grows and develops, which means the need for calcium remains for a long time.

You need to understand that once calcium enters the body, it does not remain there forever. It is constantly spent on various human life processes. Some of it is washed out of the body under the influence of certain factors, while more than 50% of calcium supplied from outside is not absorbed by the body at all.

All this suggests that calcium reserves must be constantly replenished, according to the needs of the body, which in different age periods undergo certain changes.

The pathogenesis of calcium deficiency in the body, which in medicine is called hypocalcemia, is based on a violation of the norms of microelement consumption, due to which the body does not receive enough building material for the skeletal system and teeth, and other systems begin to experience malfunctions. So, let's talk about the daily calcium intake for people of different ages.

For normal growth and development infant his body should receive 400 mg of Ca daily. For babies from 6 months to a year, the calcium requirement increases by another 200 mg and amounts to 600 mg.

Children under 10 years of age should receive about 800 mg of calcium daily, because during this period the child’s skeleton is actively growing. The norm for adolescents and adults ranges from 800 mg to 1 g. In old age, the need for calcium increases even more and reaches 1200 mg per day.

People have an increased need for calcium old age, young people engaged in heavy physical labor, athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle, women during pregnancy and lactation.

The need for calcium depends on the processes occurring in the body at one time or another in a person’s life. If a person constantly does not receive the daily norm of a microelement corresponding to his age and type of activity, a lack of calcium is detected in the body, which manifests itself in the form of a certain symptom complex indicating various disorders in the functioning of the body.

First of all, the skeletal system suffers, of course, because it contains the lion's share of calcium. Because the distribution of calcium in the body is regulated parathyroid glands(small round formations around the “thyroid gland”), they, using the parathyroid hormone they synthesize, redistribute the mineral, taking calcium from the bones for the needs of other organs and systems in order to maintain homeostasis. Calcium in required quantity excreted from the bones into the blood and distributed throughout the body.

In the absence of sufficient calcium intake, the bone that has lost part of the “building material” becomes more fragile and porous, and its strength decreases.

For the purpose of self-preservation, the body cannot take all the calcium from the bones. This means that this process will not last indefinitely, and at some point the lack of calcium will begin to be felt not only by the bone system, but also by many other human systems, which will negatively affect his well-being and capabilities.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body can be very diverse and resemble manifestations various pathologies and human conditions. Not all symptoms can be immediately associated with this pathology, but there are some, when they appear, you should immediately think about normalizing your diet and taking additional doses of calcium in the form of medications. True, before this you still need to visit a doctor who will confirm the diagnosis, give nutritional recommendations and prescribe medication doses.

So, the first obvious signs and warning symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body can be considered:

  • Deterioration of hair condition and premature hair loss. Hair becomes dull and brittle, it tends to become flaky and greasy (or dry) due to metabolic disorders that cause malfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Dental problems. This includes a violation of the sensitivity of tooth enamel, premature tooth decay, frequent relapses caries, inflammatory processes in the gum area.
  • Increased fragility and delamination of the nail plate.
  • Sickly looking.
  • Convulsive syndrome.
  • Development of osteoporosis in adolescence and young adulthood.
  • Increasing incidence of injuries with bone fractures.

But there is this state and other manifestations that can hardly be called specific, and therefore they are often attributed to overwork or diseases such as arthritis, vitamin deficiency, hypertension, etc., but not hypocalcemia. However, a lack of calcium in the human body may be indicated by symptoms such as:

  • Decreased performance due to rapid fatigue and constant weakness.
  • Sleep disturbances, manifested in difficulties falling asleep and waking up, even against the background of general calm.
  • Manifestations of emotional lability (mood swings, outbursts of irritability and anger, acute inadequate reaction to criticism).
  • High susceptibility to stress, which was not previously observed.
  • Emerging difficulties with concentration and memory.
  • Problems with muscles and joints. Unexplained pain in the joints of the arms and legs, muscle pain (myalgia), increased incidence of seizures in calf muscle, muscles of the hand and foot (especially when exposed to cold).
  • Tendency to bleeding due to decreased blood clotting due to lack of calcium. It can manifest itself in the form of frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums, heavy and prolonged menstruation. Sometimes there are bruises on the body that are not associated with trauma to the body.
  • The appearance of intolerance reactions to antigens that have not previously caused such an immune response. In adults this manifests itself in the form of a common allergy, in children – in the form of diathesis.
  • Overall decline protective forces body. Decreased immunity leads to increased incidence of colds and infectious diseases that occur with complications or become chronic. There are also frequent exacerbations of chronic infections.

Symptoms such as early gray hair and increased sweating may also indicate calcium deficiency in the body.

Sometimes the body itself tells us what it is missing. Children are more sensitive to such signals and less constrained by conventions, so they happily lick the walls and chew chalk at any opportunity. This behavior, as well as insufficient growth of the child (relative to the norm for of a certain age and taking into account heredity), becomes a clear sign that there is not enough calcium in the baby’s body.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body in women

Household problems, caring for her husband and children take up a lot of a woman’s time, and she doesn’t even think that irritability, fatigue, deterioration in well-being and appearance are the cause pathological condition organism, expressed in a lack of calcium.

And in vain, because frequent changes moods, constant weakness and fatigue, deterioration of hair and nails, dryness and pale skin tone with a decrease in its elasticity, recurrent caries, reduced immunity may well be symptoms of developing hypokalemia. And if you add to them aching bones, muscle pain and cramps, increased secretion blood during menstruation (due to a decrease in its coagulability), bleeding gums, bone fractures, the appearance of allergies, the development of pathologies of the heart (arrhythmias, hypertension, etc.), kidneys and thyroid gland, then a serious lack of calcium in the body is obvious.

The reasons for the development of hypocalcemia can be different, we have already mentioned them above. But a purely female cause of calcium deficiency in the body is considered to be an unbalanced diet during pregnancy and lactation. Both while in the womb and during breastfeeding, the baby receives calcium for its growth and development from the mother’s body.

After the birth of a child, the mother’s body continues to take care of her offspring, producing milk, which is the main and only source of calcium for the baby when natural feeding. It turns out that the mother, both before and after childbirth, should receive an amount of calcium such as to meet the need for it both for her body and the baby’s body. If this does not happen, both mother and child suffer. No wonder daily norm calcium for pregnant women and nursing mothers is increased and ranges from 1200-1500 mg.

By the way, women who lead an active lifestyle should also increase their calcium intake, i.e. regularly performing sets of physical exercises that accelerate calcium metabolism.

Another one delicate reason- this is the desire to remain slim and attractive to men by any means. Hence the fashion for strict diets that allow you to quickly remove it from the body. overweight. But ladies often don’t think about the fact that along with these kilograms, far from excess calcium can go away.

A decrease in calcium levels is observed in women both in the premenstrual period and during menstruation. Such changes are associated with hormonal imbalance during this period, because female hormone Estrogen is actively involved in calcium metabolism and promotes its excretion from the body. For the same reason, the development of osteoporosis is so often observed during menopause. The disease is accompanied by increased bone fragility and skin aging. But if during menstruation Ca deficiency is a temporary phenomenon, then during menopause a woman can experience it constantly.

By the way, many symptoms of menopause are associated precisely with a lack of calcium in a woman’s body. These include hot flashes with pressure surges, fever and palpitations, and hyperhidrosis (especially at night), and a violation psycho-emotional balance, and muscle weakness Bladder, and even decreased libido.

Symptoms and causes of calcium deficiency in the body in men

Despite the fact that men are not bothered by issues such as pregnancy, lactation, menstruation and a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, they do not have much fewer reasons for the development of hypokalemia than women. They are largely associated with bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, which interfere with the absorption of calcium in the intestines. In addition, adolescent boys are more prone to risky “games” with drugs.

A common cause of hypocalcemia and osteoporosis in men is also heavy physical labor due to insufficient calcium intake into the body.

Do not think that osteoporosis is a disease of women menopause. Although men suffer from this pathology somewhat less frequently than women, they tend to be more early development diseases. This is especially true for men who are professionally involved in sports. Active sports and intense physical activity contribute to accelerated elimination Ca is excreted from the body, which means the need for it increases and is equal to the norm for pregnant women (1100-1200 mg per day). By the way, this amount of calcium is contained in 1 liter of milk, but it must be taken into account that its digestibility in this case is only about 30%.

Lack of potassium and calcium in the body becomes common cause that she is young and in general healthy woman can't get pregnant. And the risk of cervical erosion in such women is much higher.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body in men are listed above. These are deterioration in performance, short temper, deterioration of the condition of the skin, teeth and nails, early baldness, development of pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous system, etc.

Lack of calcium in the child's body

Calcium deficiency in children can occur at any age. If future mom During pregnancy, I did not receive enough of this important microelement, which is a building material for life developing in the womb; Ca deficiency will certainly affect the condition and development of the child. The same can be said about the lactation period, until the child receives complementary foods.

Such babies suffering from calcium deficiency have a reduced immune system, which is why they often have red rashes on their cheeks, indicating a tendency to allergies (diathesis). Children begin to walk later due to weakness of the legs, and their grasping reflex is slightly weakened.

Lack of calcium in a child’s body has other manifestations. Like adults, children or adolescents with this problem are characterized by increased excitability, they more often develop emotional lability associated with disorders of the central nervous system.

Such children may not sleep well, complain of pain in their legs, and later experience certain difficulties with learning due to lack of concentration and poor memory.

IN adolescence There may be complaints of crunching bones and joints when moving the arms and legs, pain in the spine. There is a violation of posture.

The leaching of calcium from bones in older childhood and adolescence is largely facilitated by a passion for fast food and sweet carbonated drinks such as Pepsi-Cola. And refusal to use healthy products containing calcium, such as milk, cottage cheese, cheese, parsley, sesame, etc., only aggravates the problem.

Complications and consequences

Calcium is not only a building material for teeth and bones, but also functional component many processes occurring in the human body. This means that the lack of such an important microelement can greatly affect many human organs and systems.

A lack of calcium in a child's body can negatively affect his future, since there is Great chance that the spine, incorrectly formed in childhood, will remind itself even in adulthood. And here, taking calcium supplements is unlikely to correct anything, because everything needs to be done on time.

Chronic calcium deficiency both in childhood and in adulthood is fraught with the development of nervous diseases, and emotional lability will be their mildest manifestation. The consequences of hypocalcemia can be astheno-neurotic syndrome, the development of encephalopathy, cerebellar insufficiency, psychosis, polyneuropathies, senile dementia etc.

Constant fluctuations in blood pressure will negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which has to work beyond normal. In the end, the pressure will become consistently high, and we will have to talk about hypertension.

A long-term lack of calcium in a child is fraught with negative changes in the lens of the eye, which will subsequently result in the development of subcapsular cataracts. In addition, such children have increased risk development of multiple sclerosis in adulthood.

Bleeding disorders due to Ca deficiency can cause significant blood loss in trauma, which in some cases can lead to fatal outcome.

About such consequences as decreased immunity and the development of allergic and chronic diseases on this basis infectious processes, premature loss of hair and teeth, increased fragility of bones, loss of former attractiveness, it’s not even worth saying much. Neither women nor men want this for themselves.

Diagnosis of calcium deficiency

Despite such a vivid clinical picture, only a specialist doctor can determine the cause of the symptoms and their relationship with the lack of calcium in the body. Since the symptoms of the condition are nonspecific, a number of examinations may have to be carried out before the cause of the ailment is established.

The emphasis is on studying the patient's history and complaints. Any suspicious symptoms are taken into account, because calcium deficiency itself can cause the development of various pathologies with their characteristic symptoms.

The current level of calcium in the body can be determined using laboratory tests. Tests are prescribed by the doctor in accordance with clinical picture. A blood test is required. The normal calcium content in blood plasma is in the range of 2.15-2.5 mmol per liter.

To check kidney function it is prescribed general analysis urine.

Instrumental diagnostics are carried out regarding possible pathologies (heart disease, nervous system, kidney, gastrointestinal tract). Blood pressure and heart rate are measured. If there are noticeable deviations from the norm, indicating malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, the doctor may prescribe an ECG.

Among other things, examinations such as radiography and ultrasound of organs may be prescribed. abdominal cavity and pelvis, EEG (study of nerve impulse conduction), etc.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with diseases that have similar symptoms to a lack of calcium in the body.

Treatment of calcium deficiency

Treatment of this condition depends on the degree of neglect of the process. While the symptoms are not clearly expressed, it makes sense to adjust the diet, because calcium is not such a rare trace element and is found in many foods. In addition, there are many vitamin and mineral complexes that contain calcium in sufficient quantities and will help compensate for the deficiency of not only calcium, but also other important substances.

On pharmacy shelves you can now find many specialized calcium preparations containing vitamin D 3, which helps this capricious mineral be better absorbed.

Let's look at a few of these drugs.

We will not focus our attention on budgetary single-component preparations in the form of gluconate or calcium carbonate, because their digestibility leaves much to be desired. They are more suitable as preventive measures against calcium deficiency in the body.

Here's a popular drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed"- this is a medicine of a different type, which, in addition to calcium carbonate, also contains vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol) to improve its absorption. Taking this drug is much more pleasant than pure calcium, because Calcium D3 Nycomed tablets have an appetizing orange (lemon) or refreshing mint taste.

You can take the drug 1 or 2 times a day. Daily dosage for adults is 2 tablets. For children 5-12 years old, the doctor may prescribe the medicine in the amount of 1 or 2 tablets. Children 3-5 years old are given ½ or 1 tablet per day.

Tablets are intended to be chewed. You can take them both before and during meals. The course of treatment for calcium deficiency is usually 4-6 weeks.

Analogues of the above-described drug are “Complivit calcium D3” and "Vitrum calcium with vitamin D3".

Combination preparations are of particular interest, because a lack of calcium in the body is often accompanied by a deficiency of other useful substances (magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc.). Drugs of this kind are considered to be “Kalcemin” and “Kalcemin Advance”.

Drugs "Kalcemin" And "Calcemin Advance" prescribed according to the patient's calcium needs. The second is a strengthened version of the drug, which is prescribed if bone problems begin, while the first drug is considered a preventative against demineralization of the body.

“Calcemin Advance” is interesting because it contains not only calcium (in the form of citrate and carbonate) and vitamin D 3, but several others useful microelements: magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron. The addition of calcium citrate makes the drug effective even with low acidity gastric juice. In addition, this component prevents stone formation in the urinary system.

"Calcemin Advance" is prescribed to children over 12 years of age and adults in a single dosage - 1-2 tablets per day with the possibility of increasing the daily dose to 3 tablets. It is recommended to take the drug with food.

Calcium preparations are not prescribed in the following cases: with an excess of calcium and vitamin D 3 in the body, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pathologies that can cause the development of hypercalcemia, such as sarcoidosis, hyperthyroidism, cancerous tumors. TO severe consequences may result from taking the drug in case of kidney failure, nephrolithiasis, hypercalciuria. Preparations containing sugars are not used to treat patients with disorders of glucose and fructose metabolism.

Taking calcium supplements may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • indigestion with nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea,
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, itching and redness of the skin, rarely - anaphylactic shock.

Long-term use of large doses of calcium-containing drugs can provoke the appearance of calcium in the urine and the formation of urinary calculi (stones) with its participation.

Acute hypocalcemia is considered a condition life-threatening patient, so her treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. In any case, taking calcium supplements should be carried out in parallel with monitoring its content in the blood and urine.


If in traditional medicine it is customary to turn to calcium preparations mainly only when symptoms of deficiency of this mineral are evident, then in homeopathy the approach to prescribing such drugs is completely different. Calcium supplements are prescribed mainly in childhood and adolescence, when the need for calcium, necessary for skeletal growth, the formation of the immune and nervous system, the accumulation of muscle mass and the implementation of many physiologically determined processes in the body, is especially great.

For small children who are partial to tooth powder, chalk and whitewash, but do not tolerate milk well and dairy products are prescribed predominantly Calcium carbonicum preparation. Moreover, this homeopathic remedy used for most diseases that develop in childhood. These include diseases of the skeletal system, and pathologies of the respiratory system, nervous system, circulatory system, and metabolism. Calcium carbonicum is used for migraines and epilepsy.

In older age this drug prescribed to phlegmatic children with light, delicate skin, sensitive to the effects of cold, which is why their feet are constantly cold. Such children do not like meat and milk.

For thin children with elongated facial features and increased excitability, who are not so sensitive to cold, but often suffer from diseases of the skeletal system, the drug Calcium phosphoricum is recommended. These children love meat very much.

Slightly aggressive children with disorders of the structure of teeth and bones are prescribed a homeopathic remedy Calcium fluoricum.

Calcium sulfuricum prescribed to children who are sick purulent diseases(For example, follicular sore throat), and its analogue Hepar sulfuris– strong, athletically built young patients with cold character traits and epileptoid temperamental tendencies.

Calcium is all around us

A lack of calcium in the body is quite strange phenomenon, given that calcium can be found in sufficient quantities in many foods that are familiar to us from birth. Take the same milk, which is the most important source of calcium and vitamins for the child, starting from infancy.

And who doesn’t know about eggshells, which are almost 90% calcium? Eggshells from calcium deficiency has been used for a long time. True, many scientists consider this source of an important trace element to be very doubtful. The problem is that calcium from egg shells is absorbed very poorly.

It was proposed to solve this issue with the help of lemon, because... an acidic environment should promote calcium absorption. The thoroughly washed egg shells had to be dried, having previously been cleared of the inner film, and ground into powder, after which ½ tsp should be taken daily. powder mixed with lemon juice (2-3 drops). Calcium in this form is recommended for use for 2 months, repeating the course 2 times a year.

But milk and eggshell- are far from the only sources of calcium in nature. If the reader is interested in the question of what else can be done to compensate for the lack of calcium in the body, it is worth paying attention to those products that are quite often present on our table. These are any dairy products(and especially cottage cheese), seafood, vegetable oils, oatmeal, green leafy vegetables (parsley, dill, etc.). By the way, fish fat, as a source of vitamin D, is useful not only for children, but also for adults, since it helps to absorb calcium that enters the body from other foods.

For example, sharing calcium and fatty foods reduces the absorption of the mineral in digestive tract. And excessive passion for coffee-containing and carbonated drinks provokes the removal of calcium from the body. Negatively affect the maintenance of calcium balance in the body and bad habits(in particular smoking), which means you have to choose: either health or pleasure.

The same can be said about strict diets, which are not able to provide adequate nutrition, as a result of which the body will experience a deficiency of one or another important vitamin or microelement.

If a lack of calcium in the body can be caused by a violation of its absorption in the intestines, then it makes sense to correct the problem as soon as possible by consulting a doctor when the first signs of pathology appear.

The health of the baby’s bone, nervous, muscular and other systems should be taken care of by his mother, who during pregnancy and lactation should receive sufficient quantity calcium to share with your offspring for the sake of the health of both.

It is generally accepted that calcium deficiency This is more typical for older people, and here lies the most dangerous mistake. The fact is that over the years, losing calcium and not paying attention to its replenishment, in old age we get only the natural result of such negligence, namely osteoporosis.

According to experts, lack of calcium in the body provokes the appearance of about one and a half hundred various diseases. These include cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, neurological and nervous disorders and much more.

Signs of calcium deficiency

One of the obvious signs of calcium deficiency is bone fragility and pain. If you fall and are not even seriously hurt, but at the same time you break an arm or leg, this is a symptom.

Brittle nails, hair, dental diseases (crumbling, cracks in the enamel) are also symptoms of calcium deficiency in organism.

From the nervous system calcium deficiency may manifest itself in the form of irritability, fatigue, and anxiety. If you like to play sports, pay attention to this calcium deficiency symptom, How frequent seizures. Vascular fragility, hypertension, paralysis facial nerve and even premature gray hair can be signs of calcium deficiency.

Calcium deficiency in children

Particularly dangerous. The normal supply of this element ensures the normal growth and development of not only bones, but also the entire body as a whole. Calcium deficiency in early age can lead to diseases such as multiple sclerosis, in more mature years.

Calcium deficiency in children causes disruption of the formation of bones and teeth, pathological changes in the lens of the eye, nervous disorders, excitability, and convulsions. One of the most dangerous phenomena caused by a lack of calcium in children can be considered poor blood clotting.

Children are mobile and restless, often receive minor injuries and cuts, and poor clotting in this case it can become fatal.

How to compensate for the lack of calcium in the body

First of all, you need to choose a good vitamin complex containing calcium and elements that accompany its absorption. For example, calcium is poorly absorbed without vitamin D; this must be taken into account when selecting vitamins for both adults and children. Along with calcium, we need phosphorus - it is this that, together with calcium, is deposited in the bones and strengthens them. If calcium deficiency leads to inflammatory diseases, you need to add magnesium.

If you decide to make up for your calcium deficiency, you should definitely pay attention to foods containing calcium.

What foods contain calcium?

First of all, this is, of course, milk and fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, yoghurts. They need to be consumed daily for symptoms of calcium deficiency, as well as the three main groups of people most susceptible to hypocalcemia: children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Fish products also contain a lot of calcium. At lack of calcium in the body Pay attention to salmon meat; sardines are also rich in it.

And of course calcium is contained in plant products, especially salad vegetables (celery, cabbage, lettuce) and greens. Various seeds and nuts are rich in it. A good source of calcium is eggs.

However, if you are going replenish calcium deficiency using products, you must definitely pay attention to some factors that interfere with the absorption of this substance.

First of all, it is fat. If we're talking about If there is a lack of calcium in children, then you need to pay special attention to this, since fat forms insoluble compounds with calcium that are not absorbed by the intestines. Adults should know that the higher the fat content of calcium-containing foods, the less calcium they contain.

It should also be taken into account that some substances contribute to the very rapid removal of calcium from the body. If you like carbonated drinks, such as Coca-Cola, some products for replenish calcium deficiency will clearly not be enough. The fact is that this drink contains substances that remove calcium along with urine.

From all of the above, it is clear that in order to compensate for the lack of calcium, a reasonable diet is necessary, based on foods that contain calcium, good vitamins and limiting the consumption of certain foods that interfere with the absorption of this substance.

To compensate for calcium deficiency in infants, the diet should be followed by a nursing mother. Thus, it will not only protect the child from deficiency, but will also make up for its own losses associated with pregnancy.

If you notice any symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body, it is best to consult a doctor. He will help you choose proper diet and will prescribe additional calcium supplements. At self-treatment an excess of calcium is possible, which is also dangerous for the body.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

One disease replaces another, one after another Doctors' offices are changing, prices for all kinds of tests change and health changes. Of course not in better side. Tell me, do you live such a life or remain an outside observer?

Many would like to take responsibility for one's own health on the shoulders of the attending physician. But is this reasonable? Yes, he is a specialist, he has medical education and experience. But have you noticed how long the queues for appointments are? Isn’t it possible to feel everyone’s problems with all your heart – even just to listen to them all? Don't think...

Yes, there are private clinics with comfortable beautiful sofas, the latest equipment and almost unlimited free time at the staff - maybe they will listen, but how many of us can afford a visit there? Yes, if you are sick, you need to see a doctor, but while you are healthy, you need to do everything possible to keep your health!

Perhaps I will not be mistaken if I assume that 70% of our health depends on what we eat. And you have probably heard more than once that some diseases arise from a lack of certain elements in the diet. Many people have heard about this, but who has even tried to correct the situation? After all, knowing and doing is different concepts. And sometimes inaction leads to very unpleasant results.

Today I would like to talk about the problem deficiency in the body.- this is the real basis of our body, without which normal human existence is impossible. The role of calcium in the body can be compared to the role played by the frame of a house. If there is no stable, high-quality frame, how long can your house stand? In the human body the amount of calcium reaches 2% of total mass bodies. Most calcium is found in bones, teeth and nails.

But calcium– this is not only the frame of the body. This trace element necessary to manage many occurring in the body processes, in particular, heart contractions. It also transmits a signal through the cells of the nervous system, causes muscles to contract, and without it blood clotting is impossible. Calcium connects all the cells of the body, participates in digestive and excretory processes, and is an indispensable component of immune processes.

Many people know that when lack of calcium in the body Nails become brittle, teeth deteriorate, hair falls out. But these troubles are only visible manifestations. What is happening inside your body at this time? The body is designed by nature to be extremely practical, and if there is a lack of calcium, it first begins to take it from where its deficiency will bring least problems. After all, brittle nails are a mere trifle compared to interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle caused by calcium deficiency. That is why, when there is a lack of calcium in the body, appearance first begins to suffer.

What do most of us do in such cases? We get our nails done at the salon, buy miracle anti-hair loss serums in stores, and look for a magic paste that will strengthen our teeth. We can go to the pharmacy, buy the first calcium tablets we come across, drink them and, sighing in disappointment that “again, it didn’t help,” continue to spend energy and money on trying to solve problems with our appearance.

So remember external signs lack of calcium:

  • The condition of the hair worsens - it falls out, becomes dull and brittle, and gray hair may appear in it.
  • Nails peel and become brittle.
  • Tooth enamel becomes thinner and becomes brittle.
  • Suffering nervous system– aggressiveness, irritability, constant feeling of inner anxiety.
  • The vessels become fragile, the tone of their walls is disturbed, automatically blood pressure increases, and this is already a serious blow not only to cardiovascular system, but also throughout the body.
  • The skin becomes dehydrated and loses tone.
  • Menstruation becomes protracted.
  • Of course, the skeleton also suffers losses - the bones become fragile, and even a small fall without a bruise can cause a fracture.
  • Stones form in the kidneys. There is a widespread belief among people that kidney stones are formed from an excess of calcium - not at all, precisely from its deficiency (You can ask the all-knowing Google for details of this interesting process).
  • If you are doing any physical activity, then they may appear convulsions.
  • Frequent disturbances in the digestive system, most often constipation.

And all this is only a small part of the problems that lead to calcium deficiency. Total known about 150 diseases, arising due to insufficient calcium content in the body.

Calcium is consumed continuously, as it participates in almost all processes occurring in the body. You got nervous and your body has already lost calcium. And during the time a woman carries and gives birth to a child, about 30,000 mg of calcium is consumed. During one breastfeeding, the body loses about 300 mg of calcium.

What and how do you replenish calcium in your body?

How can a woman not age with such a calcium deficiency?

First, let's determine how much calcium we need daily:

  • 10-13 years – 1000 mg
  • 13-16 years - 1200 mg
  • 16-50 years – 1000 mg
  • Over 50 years old – 1200 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women – from 1500 mg to 2000 mg
  • Women during menopause 1400 mg

Where can we get the calcium we need? You say: in food. Then let's see,
how much calcium do popular foods contain (calculated per 100 grams of product):

  • Milk 3% fat – 100 mg
  • Sour cream – 90 mg
  • Cottage cheese – 95 mg
  • Hard cheese – 500 mg
  • Processed cheese -300 mg
  • Meat -7-10 mg
  • Eggs (1 piece) – 27 mg
  • Boiled shrimp – 110 mg
  • Tuna (canned) – 8 mg
  • Banana – 26 mg
  • Orange – 40 mg

Of course, if you really, really try, you can eat the required 1000 mg of calcium per day. After all, this is only 1 liter of milk. Or 200 grams of hard cheese. Or a kilogram of cottage cheese. In bananas and eggs, I think there is no need to count. And who can eat like this every day?

In addition, it should be remembered that in some cases Calcium is poorly absorbed or not absorbed at all. For normal absorption of calcium, the presence of magnesium is necessary, and in a certain ratio, as well as the presence of vitamin D. For coffee lovers and In smokers, the process of calcium absorption is much worse.
In principle, everyone who smokes essential vitamins must be multiplied by two to neutralize the harmful effects of nicotine.

And now a follow-up question: are there any people among us who still believe that store-bought milk and cottage cheese contain calcium? I would even ask this question like this: – how much milk is in milk from the store?
Some of us bring village products, others found “our trusted” grandmother at the local market. All this is wonderful, but, again, let’s remember that you need a kilogram of cottage cheese every day! Isn't that a lot? Moreover, all this cottage cheese will certainly be deposited in secluded places of your figure if you still try to get the daily required amount of calcium.

IN modern world People have long been using natural deficiency-fillers to replace food products depleted in nutrients. Synthetic calcium differs from natural calcium in many ways, it has a completely different composition, created by man, and not by nature.

For example, “Calcium-lacte” contains a calcium compound with milk sugar, metallic lactose. And even if we assume that one tablet of this “Calcium” contains 1000 mg, then only 250 mg of it is the calcium we need, and the remaining 750 mg is milk sugar. And if we remember that of the total amount of calcium consumed, only 10% is absorbed, then the result is not even 250 mg, but only 25 mg. And then it turns out that to receive daily norm calcium You will have to eat not one or even 4, but from 40 to 80 of these tablets a day, depending on the needs of your body. I think instead of 40 tablets better than a kilogram eat cottage cheese. At least it will taste better.

And it’s even better to weigh everything soberly, don’t rush to extremes and shy away from layoffs like fire. Do you need calcium? Find natural calcium, in chelated form and with good composition. All vitamins entering the body in chelated form are absorbed by 90% or more.

Don’t throw your money away and your health into the trash!

When it comes to this macronutrient, most people think that a lack of calcium in the body is only dangerous for bones and teeth. In fact, the consequences of shortages can affect almost everything. internal organs and systems. How does a lack of calcium manifest itself in the body, what symptoms do women most often experience with this condition, how can one understand that a child lacks this substance? Why do we need vitamin D when the body absorbs calcium poorly, why do women with calcium deficiency fail to lose weight quickly, do older people need to increase their intake of the substance?

When there is a lack of calcium in a woman’s body, both her health and appearance. How to check if you are getting enough macronutrients? Since a lack of calcium in the body has similar symptoms for both men and women, both adults and children, you will be able to independently determine whether you need to see a doctor or whether you need to enrich your menu with foods high in this substance. After all, there are foods that interfere with the absorption of calcium from food.

Factors causing calcium deficiency

Macronutrient deficiency is possible not only with a poor diet. Sometimes even people who eat expensive foods high in calcium suffer from hypocalcemia. This may be due to:

  • Absence or insufficient intake of vitamin D. The fact is that the substance is well absorbed only in tandem with vitamin D. That is why pediatricians prescribe Aquadetrim to small children in the first year of life during the cold season.
  • Sodium intake in large quantities. Excess potassium and magnesium also interfere with the absorption of macronutrients. Also, people who consume excessive quantities of foods containing oxalic acid may suffer from its deficiency. These include: spinach, rhubarb, sorrel, currants and gooseberries.
  • Chronic kidney diseases.
  • Consumption of large doses of phosphorus (found in soft drinks and all kinds of food additives).
  • Lack of calcium in the body and in autoimmune diseases.
  • Taking certain medications: proton pump inhibitors, anticonvulsants. There is also a deterioration in the absorption of the substance during and after chemotherapy sessions.
  • Hormonal disorders in the female body.
  • Women's passion for strict diets.

Partial calcium compounds are converted into soluble form under the influence of of hydrochloric acid gastric juice. In order not to think about how to compensate for the lack of calcium, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Quite often, various disturbances in their work can be identified in obese people.

Symptoms of deficiency in women

There are a number of signs that help determine the lack of a substance in the body.

  • One of the main symptoms of substance deficiency is considered muscle spasms. It is also difficult for a person with a deficiency of this substance to move due to pain localized in the muscles of the thighs and arms.
  • The problem also extends to skin. People with macronutrient deficiency may develop eczema or psoriasis. In women, the fragility of nails and hair increases.
  • Calcium is one of the main components of teeth. Therefore, if there is a shortage of it, there is a deterioration in the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.
  • These symptoms include chronic fatigue.
  • A lack of calcium can provoke a change in voice (due to spasms of the larynx).
  • In the future, the person may begin to lose consciousness, and the swallowing process becomes difficult.
  • With advanced hypocalcemia, a person is diagnosed with glaucoma.
  • There is numbness in the fingertips and corners of the mouth.
  • Osteoporotic joint pain occurs. And in the future, women suffer from osteoporosis.
  • Hypocalcemia may result in a tendency to nosebleeds.
  • Due to reduced immunity, the tendency to allergic reactions increases.
  • Arrhythmia is another alarming “bell” that may indicate calcium deficiency. Sexologists believe that cardiovascular disorders are the culprits of sexual dysfunction in women.

Surprisingly, with a lack of calcium in the body, women cannot lose weight. Based on studies conducted with the participation of both animals and humans, scientists were able to find out the following: fat cells contain calcium, which, together with hormones, affects the activity of lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fats.

Disadvantage in men

Symptoms of macronutrient deficiency in the body of the stronger sex are similar to those in women. And although it is believed that osteoporosis is 4 times more common among women, men are also prone to developing it.

However, few people know that symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body can be:

  • increased irritability (this phenomenon not only prevents one from living normally, but also reduces sexual desire);
  • sleep disorder;
  • severe attacks headache.

Neonatal hypocalcemia

This disease is diagnosed in newborns soon after birth. As a rule, calcium deficiency is detected in the first few days of life. However, the problem may appear after 3 or more days.

Risk factors leading to the disease are: premature birth, diabetes in a woman in labor. In older age, the problem may arise due to the use of cow's milk. Pediatricians do not recommend introducing this product into a child’s diet until 8-12 months of age.

Symptoms of neonatal hypocalcemia include the following:

  • nervousness and anxiety;
  • poor appetite;
  • slow breathing or apnea;
  • tachycardia.

TO clinical symptoms Hypocalcemia in infants includes:

  • excessive sweating while eating and sleeping;
  • rolling out of hair on the back of the head (with a lack of macronutrients, the baby rubs his head on the pillow);
  • timidity and flinching during sudden and loud sounds;
  • trembling of the chin while crying.

Signs and actions of parents

To find out if your baby has calcium deficiency in the body, there are several simple methods:

  1. With the tip of your finger, lightly tap the baby's cheek (in the area of ​​the corner of the mouth). If twitching occurs, the baby may have a calcium deficiency.
  2. Squeeze the child's hand in the middle third of the shoulder. If at the same time his fingers cramp, the likelihood of a deficiency is very high.

At the first symptoms, consult a doctor. After all, the deficiency of this macronutrient in children's body often causes the development of rickets. This disease can lead to disability, physical and mental retardation of the baby in development.

Calcium deficiency in children can occur during the formation and development of spinal curves and walking. In this case, there is a violation of posture and curvature of the bones of the limbs, and children often have low body weight. As the child grows up, hypocalcemia leads to splitting and brittle nails, cracks in the corners of the mouth, anemia and cramps.

To treat the disease, infants receive calcium gluconate intravenously and take medications orally. For rickets, taking medications must be combined with the use of vitamin D by children. However, only a doctor should prescribe the dosage.

Myths and reality about older people

You've probably heard that the risk of developing osteoporosis increases significantly with age. Unfortunately, older people understand this to mean that they need to increase daily dose calcium. But New Zealand scientists don’t think so.

Scientists from the University of Auckland found that calcium increases bone strength by only 1-2%. Experts also tried to identify the relationship between the incidence of bone fractures and the consumption of this macronutrient. As it turned out, regular consumption of the substance does not reduce the risk of injury.

In order for the body to function normally even in old age, it is necessary to consume no less calcium than recommended by experts. But additional intake of the substance in the form of certain tablets is not necessary at all.

Daily consumption rates

The “dose” of a macronutrient that the body needs daily depends on the person’s age. For maximum absorption it is necessary that it enters the body along with phosphorus.

There are so-called optimal doses of calcium depending on age:

  • up to one year - 400 mg;
  • 1-3 years - 600 mg;
  • 3-10 years - 800 mg;
  • 10-13 years - 1000 mg;
  • 13-25 years - 1200 mg;
  • 25-55 years - 1000 mg;
  • after 55 years - 1200 mg.

The daily intake of calcium for pregnant and lactating women is from 1500 to 2000 mg, for women during menopause - 1400 mg.

What to do if there is a shortage

If you find signs of obvious calcium deficiency in yourself or your child, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will examine your medical history and ask about your genetic predisposition to calcium deficiency and osteoporosis.

If the specialist still suspects hypocalcemia, he will send you to the laboratory to take a blood sample. If symptoms of macronutrient deficiency are observed in a child, then you will be prescribed a urine test according to Sulkovich.

Usually, for people who do not have enough calcium in their body, doctors prescribe it in the form of vitamin supplements. However, it should be borne in mind that they may interact poorly with some medications:

  • beta blockers to lower blood pressure;
  • cholesterol-lowering agents;
  • containing estrogen (can increase calcium levels in the blood).

Food assistance

You can replenish your calcium reserves by consuming high protein foods: meat, fish, legumes, cottage cheese and fermented milk components. You should also pay attention to sesame seeds, turnips and greens, broccoli and cabbage.

This is very important, because if you suffer from a lack of calcium in the body, then taking vitamins and supplements with this substance will not have any effect great effect. It is known that it is the protein that transports substances coming from outside to their destination through special channels - into cells. That is why a lack of calcium in the body, the symptoms of which we have already discussed, often occurs in vegetarians and people with intolerance to cow's milk protein.

What foods should you avoid?

If calcium is poorly absorbed in your body, then in addition to treatment, you need to monitor your diet. There are a number of foods that strip out macronutrients, leading to dire health consequences. Their absence from your menu will help avoid the loss of a precious substance:

  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee and other products with high caffeine content;
  • salty dishes.

You should also avoid consuming overuse fat They bind calcium and prevent the macroelement from breaking through to the cells. And, of course, with such a disappointing diagnosis, you should get rid of excess weight.

If you have calcium deficiency, experts advise quitting smoking. This bad habit adversely affects the absorption of macronutrients.

Please note that it is difficult to create an excess of calcium in the bones with a nutritious diet. After all, excess is excreted by the kidneys and intestines. But additional intake of the substance in the form of tablets leads to the accumulation of calcium salts in the kidneys.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers believe that they need to take vitamin complexes, enriched with calcium. Experts believe that for normal functioning women's bodies do not need higher dose macronutrient than 2000 mg. The main thing is not to forget to regularly walk in the fresh air - so that vitamin D is produced.

Now you know what a lack of calcium in the blood and bones leads to, and what symptoms may indicate a problem. However, do not forget that everything good should be in moderation. An excess of calcium also does not bode well, so take vitamins and medications only in doses recommended by your doctor. Don't forget that vegetarians and people with intolerances are at risk milk protein(celiac disease).


Among the macronutrients needed female body To ensure proper functioning, calcium is especially secreted. Its deficiency negatively affects the functions of all organs.

Calcium (Ca) deficiency is classified as hypocalcemia. Its main effect is dysfunction of the parathyroid glands, which is checked by blood tests, which show a decrease in calcium levels. In women, calcium deficiency in the body manifests itself with particularly pronounced symptoms.

Causes of hypocalcemia

A common cause of calcium deficiency in women is a lack of vitamin D. It develops due to poor nutrition and lack of sunlight.

Causes of hypocalcemia:

  • hereditary diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • cancerous growths on the parathyroid glands.

Menopause is usually accompanied by calcium deficiency. The level of estrogen, which is responsible for the content of macronutrients in bone tissue. Change hormonal levels With age, it provokes bone destruction. Age-related changes lead to a decrease in the absorption of the mineral from food.

Older women need to eat more calcium-containing foods to restore proper absorption of the mineral.

Symptoms of Ca deficiency

In women, the first symptoms of calcium deficiency are general weakness and fatigue. The main symptoms include dry and flaky skin, loss of shine and brittle nails, bad condition teeth. Lack of calcium in the body in women manifests itself in different symptoms.

Calcium (Ca) deficiency disrupts nerve conduction functions in the muscles, which manifests itself in night cramps and numbness of the limbs. Long-term calcium deficiency leads to osteoporosis, which often causes fractures.

Calcium required normal functions heart muscle, its deficiency impairs contractile activity, leads to heart failure.

A deficiency of this macroelement weakens the body's immune forces and interferes with blood clotting. Such pathologies are difficult to treat drug treatment, and the question of a threat to life arises.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in women:

  • insomnia: a woman falls asleep but is absent deep phase sleep, which does not provide a satisfactory night's rest. Poor sleep prevents the growth of new bone cells;
  • the inability to lose weight, no matter what diet a woman uses. Physiologically, the macroelement is stored in fat cells and regulates their preservation. However, his loss burns adipose tissue, and a woman can lose weight without any diets. But this will be painful weight loss associated with impaired mineral metabolism;
  • paresthesia: a disorder of the central nervous system, manifested in muscle tremors and tingling throughout the body.

In fact, calcium is associated with the work cycles of the entire body. Normal cycles are achieved by increasing mineral substance up to normal. Calcium is found in tryptophan, an amino acid found in the right amount in turkey, cheese, sun.

    Does your body have enough calcium?

In women, symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body are expressed not only in insomnia and weight problems. Macronutrient deficiency interferes with the normal course of pregnancy, proper development and growth of the fetus.

Treatment of hypocalcemia

Hypocalcemia in acute form can only be treated in inpatient conditions, since such a state carries serious threat life. In women, calcium deficiency in the body manifests itself acute symptoms that are amenable to drug therapy.

Chronic calcium deficiency requires the use of calcium and vitamin D supplements. Any calcium-containing preparations are prescribed in a dosage calculated for a daily intake of the mineral in the amount of 1.5-2 g.

In addition, vitamin D is prescribed, which improves the absorption of calcium (Ca) by the body. The dosage of the vitamin is calculated by the doctor according to the woman’s needs. The effectiveness of treatment is constantly monitored laboratory research blood tests.

It is important to achieve the disappearance of symptoms of hypocalcemia and normal serum Ca levels. Serum calcium levels are monitored weekly throughout inpatient treatment.

Then tests should be taken once every 2 weeks. After normalization of test results, blood is donated once every 3 months.

Drug therapy includes taking medications:

  • Calcium gluconate;
  • Natekal;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes - Complivit, Multitabs, Nutrimax.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. He knows how much calcium a woman’s body needs based on her well-being and age categories.

Women constitute a risk group for this disease, since their body requires more high content macronutrient. Amenorrhea is a particularly significant disease. It reduces the level of circulating estrogen, and calcium balance significantly depends on this. Difficulties with its maintenance begin during menopause.

Pregnant women require a higher mineral content in order for the musculoskeletal skeleton of the fetus to develop normally.

Prevention of Ca deficiency

You can reduce the risk of hypocalcemia by adjusting your diet. Every day you need to eat foods containing Ca and vitamin D. If you have a deficiency of Ca, you should include sesame seeds, hard and processed cheeses in your diet, wheat bran, almonds, hazelnuts, legumes. Milk contains much lower Ca content, however, calcium from it is easily absorbed by the body.

It is important to get vitamin D not only from food, but also from sunlight because it activates natural processes in organism.

The warm season is a period when you need to sunbathe as much as possible sun rays with exposed skin. Especially a lot natural vitamin D the sun emits in the period before 10 o'clock in the morning.

You should supplement your diet with vitamin-mineral complexes as prescribed by your doctor. Pharmacology has developed special complexes for pregnant and lactating women, taking into account increased need calcium during these periods.



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