Can I eat pumpkin seeds while breastfeeding? Seeds in the diet of a nursing mother: a bad habit or a vitamin and mineral supplement.

Today, seeds can be called one of the most favorite products among most young mothers. After all, during long walks with the baby, mothers do not know what to do with themselves while their child is sleeping, and pass the time by husking sunflower or pumpkin kernels. But not all nursing mothers think about the safety of eating seeds during breastfeeding. And even on the contrary, many new parents are confident that pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds have the best effect on the production and quality of breast milk, since they contain a lot of useful microelements. Is this really true? Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds for nursing mothers, and what is the opinion of medical workers?

Benefit or harm - different points of view

According to the first version, which is supported by seed lovers, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are extremely useful for both mother and baby. Firstly, they contain a lot of useful substances. Secondly, breast milk becomes more nutritious. Thirdly, the seeds, or rather the process of cracking them, calm the nervous system. According to the second version, which is put forward by doctors, it is better to exclude pumpkin and sunflower seeds from your daily diet. This can be explained quite simply – the seeds contain allergens that are dangerous to the baby’s health. In addition, seeds during breastfeeding can cause colic, flatulence and stool problems in the newborn.

Which seeds are best for breastfeeding?

Today you can find different seeds on the shelves of modern stores. But few nursing mothers think about how beneficial each specific type is.

Sunflower seeds contain the following set of useful microelements:

Sunflower seeds contain 570 calories per 100 grams. product.

Pumpkin seeds:

Pumpkin seeds contain 180 calories per 100 grams. product. They do not clog the intestines and are used as a folk remedy for worms.

Sesame seeds are less popular, but they are the optimal product for breastfeeding. Sesame kernels can be called a dietary product with a large amount of calcium, which is indispensable for the baby’s hair, bones, nails and teeth. In addition, they contain a number of substances that improve the immune system of mother and child. Thus, consuming sesame seeds during breastfeeding will protect the baby from a number of bacteria and harmful diseases. And for them to bring only benefits, mother should eat one teaspoon of this product every day.

How and how many seeds can you eat?

To ensure that a young mother and her baby do not suffer from eating seeds, you need to know how to eat them correctly. Firstly, during lactation a mother should not eat overcooked kernels. It's better to buy the raw product and cook it yourself. Secondly, introduce the product into your diet gradually. At first, you can limit yourself to 20 grams per day, and then increase your intake of seeds to 100 grams. This amount will allow you to satisfy the body's needs for microelements and not harm the condition of your child.

Dependence on seeds - there is a way out

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, today there really is such a thing as dependence on seeds. Some mothers during lactation cannot resist the weakness of gnawing on sunflower or pumpkin kernels at the first opportunity. And many people experience real withdrawal symptoms if, when going outside, they discover that there are no seeds in their pocket. If you are convinced that the baby does not react in any way to your consumption of seeds, then this dependence can be left without attention, unless, of course, you do not care about the health of your own teeth. But if the baby reacts to them with rashes and stomach upsets, then you should think about it and use a number of tips given below.

  1. Try to eat roasted seeds at least two hours before feeding your baby.
  2. Replace sunflower seeds with pumpkin seeds, which are much less harmful to your baby.
  3. Think about the torment you are causing your baby by consuming seeds in huge quantities every day. After all, because of your weakness, your dear being suffers. Maybe a sense of responsibility will play a role, and you can at least reduce the number of seeds.
  4. If you decide to fight addiction, then start small, stop taking money with you on walks, and put only a handful of seeds in your pocket.

In fact, eating seeds is not the worst thing that can happen during lactation. Therefore, mom should understand one thing here: if you know a sense of proportion, and your baby does not react to sunflower kernels, then you can sometimes allow yourself this weakness, saturating the body with useful microelements.

Seeds during breastfeeding - video:

Sunflower seeds are one of the most favorite foods among our women. Since ancient times, seeds have been considered not only a delicacy, but also entertainment. However, young mothers are concerned about the question of whether a nursing mother can have seeds? Will they harm the baby?

These worries are not in vain, because any food eaten by a woman during this period “ends up” in breast milk and affects the baby. Sometimes even the safest products raise doubts among young mothers: how will they affect the baby’s health, will they cause colic? Breastfeeding experts give a clear answer: yes, seeds can be used as food while feeding the baby. After all, sunflower seeds contain a lot of useful substances not only for a woman, but also for her baby. However, it is worth listening to doctors and taking into account several of their recommendations.

Regular sunflower seeds are a storehouse of nutrients and a very nutritious product.

Benefits of seeds

This product contains a lot of useful components, the most significant of which are vitamins D, A and E. Vitamin D helps strengthen the child’s skeletal system and prevents the occurrence of rickets. Even cod liver contains less vitamin D than sunflower seeds. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that affects the condition of skin, nails and hair, which is important for a woman’s beauty. Vitamin A has a calming effect on a newly born baby and also improves its visual apparatus.

In addition, your favorite delicacy contains complete vegetable protein, which in its biological value is not inferior to proteins of animal origin. According to the recommendations of experts, it is not recommended for a nursing woman to consume large amounts of meat, and the seeds can be an alternative to cutlets and stews. Sunflower fruits contain an essential amino acid such as methionine, which helps restore liver cells and prevents fatty degeneration. Calcium, magnesium and zinc have a positive effect on the baby’s nervous and skeletal system.

Excess weight is the “other side of the coin,” so don’t get carried away with seeds if you care about your figure

Damage to sunflower seeds

This product contains a large amount of fat, which will definitely pass into breast milk, and this can cause constipation in a little person. However, each child reacts differently to any product. For some children, a small handful of seeds causes problems with bowel movements or allergic skin rashes, while other children feel quite well. Therefore, in each case, the question of whether seeds can be consumed while breastfeeding is decided on an individual basis.

The high calorie content of seeds contributes to excess weight gain, so this product, although it has undoubted advantages, should be consumed in limited quantities.

A nursing mother can eat seeds, but little by little, carefully observing the reaction of the baby’s body

How many seeds can you eat?

If you are introducing this product into your diet for the first time after childbirth, it will be enough to eat 20 grams of seeds during the day. Monitor your baby's reaction: is there any rash or constipation? If all is well, the amount can be gradually increased to 100 grams per day

However, experts do not recommend mixing them with other products. Seeds eaten on an empty stomach will cause much fewer unwanted reactions in the body. Chewing on a handful of healthy seeds between meals will help prevent bloating. Sunflower fruits are perhaps only combined with greens; all other products are best consumed separately.

If you don’t want to receive a dose of “harmful substances” along with nutrients, be sure to rinse the seeds before eating

What kind of seeds can you eat while breastfeeding?

Sunflower seed skins may contain dangerous bacteria that can cause intestinal disorders. To protect your baby from harmful substances, use a few tips:

  • Nutritionists recommend rinsing this product in water before use to get rid of all questionable substances that may be on their surface.
  • A nursing mother should not eat salted seeds purchased in bags in the supermarket: a large amount of sodium chloride contributes to swelling and increased blood pressure. In addition, your baby may not like the salty taste of milk.
  • The most useful seeds will be those that have not been processed: they retain all the vitamins and minerals. In addition, raw seeds help get rid of helminthic infestations. But many will not find them as tasty. To give them a crunchy quality, the raw seeds can be dried a little in the oven or in the air.
  • A salty product will definitely not bring any benefit, because it, along with saliva, will end up in the baby’s stomach and will not have a very good effect on its development.

Seeds during breastfeeding are very beneficial for the baby and his mother, but, as with any other product, it is important to observe the measure. It is better to eat a handful of seeds little by little throughout the day than to eat a large amount of this delicacy in one sitting.

Today, seeds can be called one of the most favorite products among most young mothers. After all, during long walks with the baby, mothers do not know what to do with themselves while their child is sleeping, and pass the time by husking sunflower or pumpkin kernels. But not all nursing mothers think about the safety of eating seeds during breastfeeding. And even on the contrary, many new parents are confident that pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds have the best effect on the production and quality of breast milk, since they contain a lot of useful microelements. Is this really true? Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds for nursing mothers, and what is the opinion of medical workers?

The benefits of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a unique product, and not at all because they help pass the time when you have to walk for a long time with a sleeping baby in the fresh air. This is a really good snack. And taking into account the fact that it is not always possible for a mother with an infant to have a full breakfast or lunch, it would be useful to remember about the benefits of seeds:

The seeds have the ability to increase lactation. Like nuts, they promote milk production. This is especially important before the baby is 6 months old, when complementary foods have not yet been introduced.

The seeds have very high beneficial and nutritional values. Fatty acids help reduce cholesterol in the body. And dietary fiber helps the digestive system.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds contain many components that are important for a woman’s recovery after pregnancy, as well as for the full development of the baby.

The first months of breastfeeding

After the birth of a baby, many women complain of lack of appetite. And eating well is extremely important for establishing lactation. Moderate consumption of seeds improves appetite. In addition, sunflower and pumpkin kernels are excellent for restoring strength due to their high calorie content.

But it is very important in what quantity and how you will enrich your menu with seeds. It is worth considering the following points:

If you did not eat seeds during pregnancy, it is better to put them aside for at least the first three months after birth: there is a high probability that the baby’s immature digestive system will not cope with the foreign protein and will give an allergic reaction. If this is a snack you are used to, then you can try to gradually reintroduce it from the first month of your baby’s life.

Now every maternity hospital and children's clinic has a breastfeeding consultant. You can contact him with any question about your diet. In addition, you can consult your pediatrician and visiting nurse.

Start with the minimum amount and increase it gradually. The first portion should not exceed 10 g. It is worth eating it in the morning after breakfast, so that during the day you can easily monitor your baby’s reaction.

It is believed that, in addition to allergies, seeds can cause intestinal colic in a baby.

Ideal if you keep a food diary. Repeat the “experimental” use of seeds with an interval of 2-3 days and write down the result so that you can then compare the child’s well-being on these days. Still, seeds are serious potential allergens, and if an allergy does manifest itself, it will be very important to determine whether they or some other product was the cause.

The seeds contain a lot of fat, and if you eat them on an empty stomach, you may experience intestinal problems, both for the child and for you.

If your baby suffers from colic or increased gas production, you should not eat seeds until these unpleasant symptoms go away completely. Sometimes it takes 3 and sometimes 6 months.

The main thing is to monitor the condition of the baby: a portion of seeds can affect him within 24 hours. If there are no allergies, the baby and mother feel great, you can slightly increase the daily amount every day. It is considered normal for a nursing woman to consume 40 g of sunflower and pumpkin seeds per day. This is about half a faceted glass.

Research shows that sunflower seeds promote the production of endorphins (feeling hormones). It is no coincidence that even 20 g of grains can have a beneficial effect on the mood of a young mother.

The benefits of seeds during breastfeeding

The first and most important property of seeds is that they are a powerful natural antidepressant. And many young mothers really need this, especially since it is better to refrain from taking medications during breastfeeding. And the baby, along with mother’s milk, is also given vitamins that have a positive effect on the baby’s nervous system.

Seeds during breastfeeding will give strength to nails and hair. They will also take care of the skin; after a while after regular use, it will become smooth and elastic. This product seems to have been created to help beauty!

One of the best things about the seeds is that they help those trying to quit smoking. And for a nursing mother this is a matter of paramount importance. If you eat seeds when you feel the desire to smoke, then gradually the craving for this addiction will disappear. You just need to remember about their calorie content, which is quite high.

Sunflower kernels contain vitamin D, which guarantees the normal development of the baby, both physical and mental. It is also a good prevention of bone formation disorders in children.

For a woman who has recently given birth, the substances contained in the seeds are extremely necessary for the first time. Especially iron and calcium, which she gave to her baby during pregnancy.

Sunflower kernels help with difficulties with lactation, as they have the property of stimulating it.

Seeds during breastfeeding will be especially useful in case of malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

How can seeds be harmful during breastfeeding?

Often, seeds during breastfeeding provoke rashes in children. Having seen a rash on the baby’s body, they (the seeds) must be excluded from the diet.

  • They can cause constipation in both the mother and the baby, if, of course, they are abused.
  • Seeds during breastfeeding can cause colic in the baby.
  • The increased caloric content of seeds makes them far from a dietary product. If a young mother is predisposed to obesity, then it is better for her to refrain from eating them for some time.
  • Another harmful property is that they can damage tooth enamel. Therefore, you should definitely brush your teeth after eating them.
  • Seed shells are a carrier of millions of harmful bacteria. In order not to create problems for your little one, you need to roast the seeds (any seeds) conscientiously. It is best to buy sunflower kernels from a trusted place and clean them by hand.
  • Roasted seeds with salt, of course, are a hundred times tastier, but a nursing mother should give them up, because after a while they can spoil the taste of breast milk, making it bitter.
  • You need to think carefully about whether the seeds can be consumed by nursing mothers. But for each point of harmful properties, it is possible to minimize bad results if you pay close attention to your well-being and the health of your little one.

Everything has been said above about the characteristics of sunflower seeds. What about pumpkin ones? After all, although they are not so loved and popular, they are a true storehouse of useful elements.

Pumpkin seeds to improve lactation

A lot of valuable substances have accumulated in them. Only one element such as zinc provides help and benefits for vision, hair and skin, and for other systems and organs. It also strengthens the immune system.

Pumpkin seeds can perfectly help lactation. You just need to prepare this milk infusion:

Mix peeled pumpkin seeds and walnuts (chopped) in equal quantities. Boil the milk and pour it over the nut mixture when it has cooled slightly. The composition must be left for 12 hours. Use 5 ml during meals.

How many seeds can you eat at one time?

During breastfeeding, seeds should be introduced into the diet in small doses. When breastfeeding, any product should be added to your menu gradually. 20 grams per day will be quite enough at first. If allergy manifestations do not occur, then the amount can be increased, but you still do not need to eat more than 80–100 grams per day.

As for pumpkin seeds, mom can try them for the first time no earlier than three months after giving birth, first 7-10 seeds (it’s better if they are fried). And then, if everything is normal, then the volume may be larger.

It’s best not to combine seeds with anything

So what's the result? Is it possible for nursing mothers to crack the seeds at their leisure? Only the mothers themselves can decide. You need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons. If there are no direct contraindications to their use, you should not deny yourself this little joy. The main thing is not to forget about a sense of proportion. She is needed in everything. But if the disadvantages outweigh the disadvantages, then it’s better to do without seeds!

Seeds are an undeniably healthy product, but only if consumed in moderation. Breastfeeding mothers regularly face rhetorical questions about what they can and cannot eat, while, of course, being guided by the best intentions - not to harm their little child with their whims and desires. That is why, before you start consuming a certain product, and in this case, fried seeds, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible consequences.

Breastfeeding mothers should adhere to the following tips:

  • It is not recommended to introduce seeds of any kind into the diet in the first three months of a baby’s life. They are highly allergenic products and can cause undesirable consequences, such as rashes and redness of the skin (diathesis). In the future, it is worth introducing them into the diet very carefully and gradually, regularly monitoring the baby’s reaction to them. It is noteworthy that allergic manifestations can be either primary (during the first tasting) or appear after several doses.
  • For the first administration, it is recommended to use roasted pumpkin seeds - they are more gentle in terms of allergic manifestations than sunflower seeds (see also Pumpkin for breastfeeding). It is recommended not to consume government products; in most cases they do not meet radiological standards and are susceptible to chemical treatment with toxic substances that ensure long-term storage of grains.
  • Therefore, it is recommended to use homemade seeds, which can be purchased at the market or in a nearby village (farm). In order to fry them, absolutely no fat is required.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the taste of the seeds - they should not be bitter or have foreign flavor inclusions.

Beneficial influence

Roasted seeds, whether sunflower kernels or, have a rich supply of useful substances, namely vitamins A, C, E, K and 5 vitamin B, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine, proteins and fats, thanks to which the seeds have a high energy value.

For nursing mothers, especially those who have problems with lactation, namely low production of breast milk, it is recommended to eat 20-30 roasted kernels per day. They also affect the quality of the milk, so if it is not fatty, it is recommended to eat the seeds daily.

Don’t forget about the psychological impact - the very process of cracking seeds brings calm and tranquility, helps pass the time and do mental work, for example, making a plan for further chores around the house or a grocery list. For most people, seeds are a drug - until the result is noticeable, namely a mountain of husks and an empty pack, they will not be able to stop. Such enthusiasm is fraught with consequences that are not the most favorable.

Possible risks

The effect of seeds on lactation is a double-edged sword. Excessive or untimely consumption of seeds can lead to hyperlactation– too much breast milk production. Such consequences are observed if the mother ate seeds (even the recommended dose - 20-30 kernels) at a time when she had no problems with lactation. Therefore, before including them in the diet, carefully monitor the course and nature of lactation.

Also, excessive consumption of roasted seeds can lead to an undesirable increase in the fat content of milk, which in turn can cause intestinal spasms and increased gas production in the baby. The consequences may also be problems with the baby’s stool - seeds are quite difficult food to digest, and the passage of their constituent substances into breast milk is quite high.

The general conclusions are as follows:

You can introduce fried seeds into your diet while breastfeeding 3 months after the baby is born, provided there are no negative reactions to this product. Roasted seeds have average allergenic activity, but we still recommend introducing them into the diet gradually, and conducting the first tasting in the first half of the day. When breastfeeding, babies most often have no allergic reactions to roasted seeds, with the exception of individual intolerance.

The diet of a nursing woman should be balanced and healthy, so the choice of products should be treated with special care. Many mothers are forced to significantly limit the list of foods they eat due to the baby’s poor health. Seeds allow you to diversify the menu. Experts say that pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding are better than others in helping to cope with problems that arise after childbirth.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding?

Everyone knows about the unique properties of pumpkin. Therefore, new mothers are often concerned about the question: is the dietary orange vegetable allowed and whether a nursing mother can eat its seeds. Medical workers answer in the affirmative.

It has been proven that seeds, 100 g of which contain an unprecedented amount of biologically active substances, are no less useful during breastfeeding. They include:

  • about 20 amino acids (essential and essential);
  • saturated and unsaturated fats;
  • vitamins E, A, C, D, K, group B, niacin, lutein, beta and alpha carotene;
  • zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, manganese, iron, copper - minerals and trace elements;
  • curcubutin;
  • glycosides, alkaloids.

If you include this herbal product in the menu, it will have a beneficial effect on your overall well-being.

For the female body, the benefits of pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding are as follows:

  • enrichment with vitamins and minerals necessary to restore the body after childbirth;
  • stabilization of the digestive tract, improvement of intestinal motility;
  • normalization of metabolic processes, reduction of glucose concentration;
  • removal of toxins;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems;
  • energy supply;
  • protection and softening of the skin, strengthening bones and teeth;
  • strengthening blood vessels, increasing immunity and hemoglobin;
  • improving mood, relieving fatigue, restoring hormonal levels;
  • restoration of reproductive system functions;
  • normalization of sleep, help with depression and neuroses that often accompany a woman in the postpartum period.

Another advantage of pumpkin seeds is that, unlike sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and others, they are hypoallergenic and practically safe for the baby.

In addition, entering the newborn’s body through breast milk, pumpkin seeds contribute to the development of its vital organs and systems.

The only thing that young mothers who care about their figure should remember is that pumpkin seeds are a high-calorie product. 100 g contains 546 kcal, so you need to follow the measure. A safe dosage is 35 – 80 g per day.

How dangerous is the product?

During pregnancy and after childbirth (especially when breastfeeding), a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the child. Therefore, when deciding to introduce pumpkin seeds, she should monitor the baby’s reaction and introduce them from the minimum allowed dose, gradually increasing it.

A plant product may be harmful in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to seeds (moreover, the mother’s body can well absorb the substances contained in them, while the child reacts with a deterioration in health, and vice versa);
  • allergic reaction;
  • excessive consumption of the product, accompanied by constipation, colic, and bloating.

With such manifestations, seeds should be excluded from the diet.

Remember that their reasonable and rational use helps to increase lactation and saturate the body with nutrients.

How to properly consume pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are allowed to be included in the menu of a nursing mother 1-3 months after the birth of the child. The digestive system of a newly born baby is not yet formed, so the little body needs time to normalize the functioning of all organs and systems.

The following useful expert advice will help you avoid trouble:

  • choose the product with special care: in order to increase shelf life, store-bought seeds are often treated with chemicals;
  • to avoid poisoning, store-bought seeds should be slightly dried in the oven, and then placed in warm water for a while;
  • treatment with water has a destructive effect on inhibitors that suppress enzyme activity and has a beneficial effect on the properties of the natural product;
  • introduce pumpkin seeds gradually: for the first time, eat no more than 5-10 pieces. better after breakfast (it is not recommended to use them on an empty stomach);
  • do not remove the greenish film containing beneficial substances;
  • Observe the newborn for 1-2 days after the first use: if there is no reaction, gradually increase the daily dosage;
  • do not overuse pumpkin seeds: 1 handful per day is enough;
  • do not eat harmful salted seeds, as the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are allowed during breastfeeding, as heat treatment helps increase milk production. Therefore, do not get carried away with using the product: frequent use leads to hyperlactation. Homeopaths advise taking the seeds in monthly courses of an average of 60 g per day, taking short breaks.

How to choose pumpkin seeds?

Modern manufacturers offer a huge range of products, providing them with beautiful packaging and adding a variety of ingredients to attract the attention of buyers.

A nursing mother should carefully study the composition of the purchased herbal product, giving preference to natural pumpkin seeds without salt, sugar, honey and other additional components.

The best seeds are considered to be self-prepared ones. It won’t be difficult for mommy to get them from a pumpkin, especially since the pulp can also be used for food.

To do this, you need to free the seeds from the chaff, rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. To do this, you can lay them out on a cloth or sieve, or you can dry them over low heat in a frying pan with a thick bottom.

If you do not have this opportunity, then choose the simplest fried seeds with a minimal composition. Eat raw (healthier) or fried in moderation and without additives.

How can you prepare the product?

Proper consumption of pumpkin seeds by a nursing mother is a guarantee of strong immunity for the newborn. The main thing is to cook them correctly.


Since roasted seeds are allowed, it is important to follow the correct roasting procedure. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. keep in the oven on a baking sheet for about 20 minutes at 190 °;
  2. fry in a frying pan, stirring constantly, for about half an hour;
  3. In the microwave, the seeds will be ready in 5 minutes.

To increase lactation

If the mother does not have enough breast milk, then lactation will increase significantly after consuming seeds prepared in this way: mix pumpkin seeds and chopped walnuts in equal parts and pour the mixture with boiled milk cooled to 60° (1:3) and leave for half a day. Drink 1 tsp. three times a day.

Pumpkin milk

Prepare pumpkin milk. For this:

  1. cover the seeds with water and leave overnight;
  2. In the morning, drain the water and rinse;
  3. grind the seeds in a blender with a small amount of water;
  4. add liquid - 3 cups of water for 1 cup of seeds;
  5. mix with a blender until smooth;
  6. squeeze the resulting mass through several layers of gauze.

Consume small portions throughout the day.

Whole or ground seeds can be used as an additive to salads and dairy products.



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