How to teach an adult cat to caress. How to tame a cat and is it so easy

Adopting a kitten from the street means doing a good deed. Outbred animals are no less affectionate than their "well-born" counterparts, moreover, they often show real gratitude for salvation. Let's learn how to tame a wild kitten.

If the cat was domestic, but lost or irresponsible owners threw it away, it can reach out to people, beg for food, allow itself to be stroked. However, if such an animal is harmed by a human, it will become intimidated or aggressive.

Cats born on the street try to run away from people if they are driven into a corner, they hiss, arch their backs, they can attack first. This is especially true in cases where stones were thrown at the animal, beaten, etc.

Usually, "savages" are much more cunning than domestic counterparts: naive and weak animals will not be able to find or protect food from competitors, to escape from dogs and evil people.

Kittens are usually easier to make contact. If a cat gave birth not far from the people who fed her and the babies, the grown kittens will treat people calmly and it will be relatively easy to tame them.

Video "How to raise a street kitten"

The video contains tips on the care and upbringing of street kittens.

Capture rules

If a gullible kitten reaches out to a person by itself, just pick it up and take it home. A shy wild animal can be caught with a fishing net, an old blanket, or other piece of thick cloth. Be sure to wear gloves. Defending themselves, a cat can scratch, bite and bring a dangerous infection.

You can make a trap out of a cage or a carrier. Put bait inside (dry food, fish, etc.) and close the door at the right time, for example with a string. A ready-made trap can be purchased at a pet store. You should not pick up blind kittens if their mother has not abandoned them: it will be difficult to get such a baby out. Better come back for the animal later.

Contact building and adaptation

If the kitten easily made contact, let him walk around the apartment, look around and sniff things. Show the bed, feeder and tray. If the animal had to be caught, for some time it will be afraid of people and will not immediately begin to be given into hands. This must be treated with patience and understanding: many street animals have had to deal with cruel treatment more than once.

In this case, put the cat in a spacious cage, put a feeder, drinker, bed and tray there. Cover the cage with a blanket to create partial shade. The room should be as quiet as possible. Regularly approach the cage, talk quietly and affectionately with the cat, but do not look into his eyes - for animals this means a threat.

Bring treats every time and be sure to give it from your hand through the bars - the cat must get used to receiving all the good things from you. If it sizzles, leave and try again in an hour or two. If the animal has taken the food and is relatively calm, let it go out of the cage, look around and smell everything properly (this can happen a few hours after being caught or a few days later).

Later, try gently picking up the animal and petting it. Everything must be done slowly and smoothly. If there is no cage, the kitten can hide in a secluded place, for example, under a closet. Put food and water next to the shelter. Gradually move them closer to the center of the room so that the pet is forced to come out into the light. From time to time, offer him treats from your hand. Do not prevent the animal from sitting in a chosen place and do not get it out by force - this will scare it even more.

Further taming

First of all, a new pet must be accustomed to the tray. According to a number of reviews, many adult animals master this science very quickly. They just need to be shown a tray of litter - it's natural for them to do their thing where they can dig.

If you have adopted a kitten or an "ill-mannered" adult animal, put it in the tray as soon as it begins to characteristically sniff the floor and row. You can additionally spray the cat litter box with a pheromone spray (sold in pet stores) or place a rag with which you wiped urine in the "wrong" place. When the animal goes to the tray, praise and treat him.

In no case do not scold or punish your pet until he is fully accustomed. “Captivity” for him is already a strong stress, and the aggressive attitude of the owners will cause even greater rejection. Play with the animal more often with a candy wrapper or other toys - this will help to quickly establish contact.

If the kitten bites, distract him with a toy. You can carefully stick your finger deeper into the mouth to create unpleasant associations with the bite. You can also wean your baby from biting with the help of a ratchet: keep it with you and shake it over the animal at the time of the bite. If the kitten is frightened at the same time, pick it up.

Don't provoke the animal by using your palm in play (for example, moving it slowly around the kitten and offering to "hunt"). Your hands should be associated with affection and treats, but not with prey.

Keep in mind that a pet that has suffered bullying or beatings in the past may forever remain distrustful and shy towards strangers.

Visit to the veterinarian

Almost all street animals suffer from fleas, and often worms and ticks. In addition, the cat may also have other diseases: heart or digestive problems, exhaustion, inflammation, lichen that is contagious to humans, etc.

Ideally, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible. He will help identify diseases, if any, advise on feeding.

A visit should be arranged especially quickly if the animal has discharge from the eyes or nose, it is coughing, etc. The specialist will determine why this is happening and prescribe treatment.

Be kind, caring, patient, and your efforts will almost certainly pay off with the love and devotion of the saved being.

In taming an animal, not only desire and perseverance are important, but also the knowledge of small tricks that will help the pet get used to the new owner faster. This process should take place in a calm environment, without sudden movements and loud sounds. To pick up a kitten, you need to act slowly and not hold the animal against its will. Gradually, the kitten will learn to trust and go to the owner himself. To tame an adult animal, a different approach is needed.

Taming kittens

It is easier to tame a kitten to your hands from early childhood. The first need for communication arises in him already at the age of two weeks. From this moment on, the owner should take the pet in his arms as often as possible so that he gets used to and learns to trust the person. This must be done carefully and let the baby go at his first desire. In no case should you hold a kitten, otherwise it can become a traumatic experience for him and be fixed in memory for a long time. Restoring the animal's trust afterwards is very difficult.

Sometimes kittens do not want to sit in their arms for no apparent reason. In this case, the owner should be patient and remind himself that the animals are extremely curious, the world around them seems infinitely interesting. In addition, like human children, kittens are restless, they get bored of staying in one place for a long time.

How to pick up a kitten

It is worth making sure that the pet is comfortable being in human hands. By abruptly lifting or holding the kitten incorrectly, causing him discomfort, the owner may unknowingly scare the baby away.

To make the animal feel comfortable, you need to take it under the front paws, propping up the hind legs with the other hand. So he has a feeling of support. If the baby is afraid of heights, the owner should himself sit down next to him on the floor and try to attract attention with a toy or treat.

Domestication of an adult wild cat

An adult feral cat has either never had its own home, or has a negative experience of communicating with people and has forgotten how to trust them. To establish contact with an animal, the following conditions must be met:

  • Communicate with wild animals in a calm environment.
  • Do not grab and do not make sudden movements.
  • Wait until the cat itself shows interest, you can lure it with a treat.
  • Try to pet the animal if the cat comes close or jumps to its knees. But at the first sign of discontent, it is better to remove your hand.

You need to make sure that the cat is not afraid of a strong smell from clothes, too loud a voice, or some other factors of the new external environment. Cats are very cautious animals; to relax, they need to feel completely safe.

With due patience, each time the period of active communication will increase, and the animal's trust in you will grow.

A few tricks

If the pet got into a new house as an adult, then usually he experiences severe stress. The behavior of the animal in the early days can be unpredictable, it will take time to get used to. There are several tricks that can tame even a not very sociable cat.

After a hearty meal, cats are usually in a calm and complacent mood. It is worth taking advantage of this moment to start communication. Calm, unemotional speech has a beneficial effect on the mood of the animal.

Treats are a sure way to a pet's heart, which will help to quickly accustom him to hands. You can offer the animal some food or a piece of sausage. If the cat has accepted a treat, you do not need to immediately grab it in your arms, the process of taming should take place in stages. Each time when feeding, you need to reduce the distance, and do this until the animal begins to eat from the hands, and then sitting on the owner's lap. Only then can you try to pet the animal gently.

Many of us sooner or later see a kitten or even an adult cat on the street, which they simply cannot pass by, and then we face a serious problem: should we take the animal into the house, and then how to tame it so that it can always live in the family?

This problem is extremely important, and its solution should be approached with all responsibility, because stray cats are not always easy to educate and can take root in the house. Therefore, you will have to work hard.

First steps in a new home.

If the animal got outside recently (for example, it ran away from the previous owners or was thrown out), then it will get used to the house literally in the first days, and there will be no particular trouble with it. But a feral cat that has lived for a long time in street conditions will have to be tamed gradually.

So, the found kitten (or adult cat) is brought into the house, where should I start? The first step (after the first feeding) is water procedures. Even if the kitten appears to be clean, it is actually far from it. Therefore, the domestication of a kitten necessarily begins with a bath, and it is advisable to immediately wash the pet with special shampoos against fleas and ticks.

The next step - the found kitten should receive an antihelminthic. If you are not sure which is best to give, consult your veterinarian. He should also help you rid the new pet of ear mites, as well as conduct a complete examination of the kitten and give an opinion on his health. Therefore, a trip to the doctor should be planned immediately. And be prepared for the fact that the kitten will have to be treated (most often for a fungus, but there are other "street" diseases), and if you do not want to spend time on this, it is better not to get a pet.

Taming a cat: the main secrets.

The next step in your life together with your pet will be his taming. This is a rather complicated process, because stray cats often do not trust people, having a negative experience with them.

It will be easiest for you if you have picked up a kitten under the age of 7-8 weeks: the baby still fully trusts people and sees them as possible friends. In all other cases, be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to learn from your own experience what feline xenophobia is - fear, and often even dislike for strangers. It manifests itself in the fact that the animal simply cannot feel calm in the presence of people, and in such a situation, the domestication of a cat will take a long period.

It is also worth preparing in advance for the fact that the animal (especially if it is an adult) will retain a number of "street" habits: stray cats actually never become domesticated, maintaining aggressiveness and a negative attitude towards strangers even several years after entering the house. Considering this, be patient: it is very difficult for an animal, like a person, to learn to live in new conditions.

Here is what is required of you if you are wondering how to tame a cat without harming her:

1. more attention and affection, although, most likely, the found pet is unlikely to go to your hands right away, so try to express affection with your voice,

2. the ability to act gradually - the taming of a kitten begins with gradual feeding, and then learning to "home" life,

3. the ability not to limit the freedom of the animal - those who already know how to tame an adult cat understand that the animal is often afraid of being locked in a cage, so he needs to create maximum freedom in the house,

4. the ability to accept cat aggression - at first the cat will be very tense and may see a threat in your every action.

How to tame a cat?

This is perhaps the most difficult! Sometimes the owners of a cat taken from the street do not succeed, so do not look for effective advice on how to tame an adult cat. Try to act on a whim. For example: feed a cat and then reach out with the intention of petting it. At first, the animal will jump off or even fall to the floor, but if you persistently keep your hand in the air, showing that you do not intend to harm the animal, the cat will sooner or later stretch its muzzle to your hand.

Do not try to stroke her forcibly, just try to touch her head and make a few light strokes. If the cat stubbornly does not make such contact, try ... play with it! Offer an interesting toy, and sooner or later she will definitely respond to this offer!

Similarly, you need to act if you want to know how to tame a cat in your arms: if the animal trusts you, pick it up carefully and never hold it by force if the pet breaks out.

It is better to show more patience and attention, waiting for the wayward cat to come to you on its own, than to scare away the beast in the very first days, and then all the time to be tormented by the question of how to tame a cat that does not trust you.

What to do to accustom a kitten to hands?

Of course, the very training of a kitten to caress should begin as early as possible. However, the future owner does not always have the opportunity to observe the development of a kitten from birth and start accustoming it to hands from two weeks.

Depending on the age of the kitten, the process of getting used to hands can take place in different ways. The smaller the kitten, the faster it adapts to the changing environment and learns how to behave in different situations. Try to play with the kitten as often as possible so that sympathy and trust arise between you.

In any case, you will need to be patient and start the learning process gradually, without exposing the kitten to a sudden change of scenery.

If your pet readily responds to affection, then you can often take it in your arms and stroke it. But when a kitten is not very willing to be picked up, several training methods can be used.

How to train a kitten to handle?

First, you can use treats as a reward. When the kitten comes to you, do not give him food immediately, but take him in your arms, pet him, and only after that - treat him. Gradually increase the amount of time the kitten is in your arms, but never force it.

Secondly, stroke the kitten as often as possible, even a little, even a few seconds. Not immediately, but the animal will understand that human hands do not only provide food. You will not pose a threat to him, but on the contrary, you will become the one with whom he will be safe.

Thirdly, you can gently stroke a sleepy kitten, take it in your arms and try to make it fall asleep and sleep on your lap. Waking up, the kitten will understand that you have in your hands - the safest and most comfortable place. Thus, you will become a reliable hiding place for him.

You need to lift the kitten carefully, in no case should you take it by the scruff or paws, lift it sharply, squeezing the torso. The main thing is that your pet is not afraid.

If the plans include an exhibition career, then it is necessary to accustom him to the noise and large crowds of people and other animals. And this process can also be quite lengthy.

Start by making sure that your kitten is not afraid of loud sounds: gradually increase the volume on the TV or radio, turn on programs or movies that have a lot of harsh sounds. When the pet stops responding to these irritants, start taking it outside.

At first, you can leave the entrance for just a few minutes, gradually increasing the time and moving away from the entrance farther and farther, on your hands. Then walk with the kitten, but at the same time follow the safety rules: the kitten must be on a harness (even if you walk without lowering the pet to the ground) and away from walking dogs.

Then you can visit the shops together so that the kitten gets used to the hustle and bustle of people. At the same time, try to keep the kitten in your arms or on your shoulder, securing it with a harness.

One of the very successful methods of getting used to exhibitions is to actually start your kitten to participate in these events early. If you have the opportunity, try to take your kitten to exhibitions from a fairly early age (4 months). To begin with, you can visit them as a guest, and then as a full member. So you can bring up a wonderful show temperament in your animal.

Cats are very intelligent animals, they can adapt to any situation. Your patience and love will help your kitten become an affectionate and calm companion, ready to accompany you in any situation.

Often people decide to take into the house the cat they like from the street. However, this is due to domestic and psychological problems. Adaptation can take a lot of time and effort. How to tame a cat is a task for the stubborn.

It is with an assessment of the state of the cat and his character that taming should begin. The first criterion is the environment. Cats are:

  • wild - never contacted with a person;
  • semi-wild - usually live near residential buildings, take food from people, but do not want to get closer;
  • wildlings - were domestic, but for some reason ended up on the street.

The easiest way to tame feral cats.

The second criterion by which the possibility of taming an animal is assessed is age. It is easiest to establish contact with kittens no older than 12 weeks. Individuals under 4 weeks of age should not be weaned from their mother due to lactation. If you want to take an animal of the first months of life into the house, you will also have to capture its mother. When feeding is over, the adult female is sterilized and released into her usual environment.

Attention! Adults are the hardest to tame. Sometimes this is not possible.

How to catch a wild cat?

Catching a feral cat is not an easy task. As soon as a person approaches her, she will probably try to run away. Therefore, to catch, you will need a trap, inside which they lay out the bait - treats. You can even make it from a regular carrier. Special devices are designed so that the door slams shut when the cat steps on a special platform. Inside place a soft bedding or a terry towel.

Another way to catch a cat is longer. The animal is fed every day at a certain time until there is confidence in the person.

Attention! After the cat is trapped, the first thing to do is to try to take it to the veterinary clinic for a checkup. This will help avoid infection of other pets, as well as yourself.

If there are no contagious diseases, then upon returning home, they give an antidote, and after a few days they process it.

In the next 14 days, quarantine is maintained, which will help avoid infecting other animals. Another goal is the adaptation of the newcomer. To do this, choose an isolated room, which is not accessible to other pets.

Video - Do-it-yourself cat trap

Why cats don't want to be held

Inexperienced owners believe that if they make contact with a cat that lives in their home, then everything will go like clockwork with a homeless one. But they are wrong.

Every cat, even once a domestic cat, treats a person with care. When meeting, he usually hides in a far corner and does not let him in. No need to try to fish him out of a secluded place, because it takes time for him to get used to the surrounding smells in a new house.

It is definitely impossible to answer the question why cats do not want to sit on their hands. There are several reasons for this, and they can be combined.


The unwillingness to communicate closely with a person may be inherent in the nature of the animal. Some individuals behave independently. Owners of the most severe disposition completely avoid contact with a person.

Attention! Not all cats can be tamed. Some of them are not suitable for this because of their nature.

Shyness and isolation are two more character traits that can cause reluctance to sit on your hands.


There are representatives of which, more than others, like to spend time in the hands of the owner. The top 8 included:

  • Siberian;
  • menx;
  • Burmese;
  • ragdoll;
  • Burmese;
  • exotic.

But a feature of the lop-eared breeds is that they refuse to sit on their hands. Therefore, finding such a cat on the street (this also happens), you do not need to persist. It is enough to establish a trusting relationship.


The cat refuses from the hands of the owner in such cases:

  • kittens are very mobile, and their attention is easily diverted by more interesting things;
  • the owner smells of citrus fruits, alcohol, spices, hygiene and cosmetic products, washing powder;
  • grievances experienced in the past - beatings, bullying;
  • fear of loss of balance and height;
  • non-recognition of other family members, except for the one who tamed him;
  • fear of sharp sounds, screaming;
  • if children who do not know how to handle an animal take it in their arms, they squeeze it, offend it;
  • sharp movements and tweaks are made.

Attention! Almost all cats are touchy and vindictive. They do not come into contact with the person who hurt them or drove them away.

The likelihood that the cat will go to the hands increases in a calm atmosphere. When accustomed to hands, the situation in the house should be as calm as possible. Scandal, the sound of the TV being turned on, loud cries will cause fear and frustrate plans for pacification.

First stage

The first stage of acquaintance requires caution, since the cat can pounce on a person and scratch. First, you should conduct a check, demonstrating friendliness and respect. To find out the mood of the cat, a palm is placed above the head. If he pokes his nose or purrs, then he allows himself to be stroked. At the next meeting, you can treat your new pet with something delicious.

If the cat rubs against his legs and purrs, then perhaps he is bored and wants attention. Unconditional trust is evidenced by the fact that the animal is comfortably placed on a person’s lap.

Next, they achieve that the cat itself climbed onto its knees. Then carefully accustom her to limiting movements and lifting on her hands. At first, in order to avoid injuries in the form of scratches and bites, they wear long-sleeved clothes, do not walk with bare legs and bare feet.

To communicate with a cat, you must choose a specific time - for example, 20.00 after dinner and 7.00 before work. The new tenant is treated with respect, they knock on the door every time before entering the room where he lives. Entering the room, do not make sudden movements. When cleaning, feeding and changing water, they have a calm conversation with the cat.

Attention! You can not look directly at the animal, otherwise the cat may regard it as a sign of danger and show aggression. You need to look away, and lower your head.

When the cat begins to calmly perceive the presence of a new owner, you can spend some time with her - for example, for 30-60 minutes, for example, reading a book. And the cat is offered toys that are sold in the pet store.

The cat should not be given a reason for. Human touch and fear can cause inappropriate behavior. Another common way is to try to lure the animal to you with treats. When the cat is on your lap, you can stroke and treat it. But at the same time, you cannot hold the animal by force. Another way is to smear your hands with a product with a pleasant smell for cats - for example, valerian.

Attention! Particular care is shown when in contact with old individuals. Due to the decrease in the cognitive function of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for memory and learning, very serious problems with domestication can occur.

Fear of touch takes a long time to heal, but the new owner must be patient. At first, the cat is not picked up and does not require contact if the animal seeks solitude. Light touches are possible only when the pet itself has approached the person.

Nervous excitement should always be a signal to stop contact. And it shows up like this:

  • tail trembles;
  • ears are lowered to the head;
  • shoulders and limbs tense;
  • pupils are dilated.

Second phase

You can not immediately try to take the cat in your arms, because this will probably end in injuries - bites and scratches.

Important! Whether a cat is ready to be handled can be recognized by its behavior. Hissing, growling, attempts to pounce on a person are a sign that while the animal is avoiding physical contact.

First, the cat is accustomed to his hand, laying it palm down on the floor, you can place the cat's favorite toy next to it. It is necessary to wait until the cat itself comes up and rubs against the arm or leg. Thus, she wants to make sure that the object present is not dangerous. If the person himself initiates contact, then the animal may respond with an attack.

If the pet "gave the go-ahead", the palm is slowly raised to eye level and held in this position for a while. Then the slow strokes begin. You need to stop before the cat gets tired of close communication with a person.

Attention! Tension, tail beating, flattened ears, enlarged pupils are a sign that the animal should be left alone for a while.

You should not drive away the cat if he climbed onto his knees, even when there is no time for tenderness. Then it will be more difficult to achieve such trusting behavior.

How to pick up a cat

The kitten has its tail towards itself. Then they take the skin on the back of the neck, next to the base of the neck and ears. The grip strength should be moderate, not very large. The animal is lifted up and placed on its knees. If he allows, then you can stroke, while talking affectionately and calmly.

Attention! The cat must not be lifted from the front!

You can tame a cat using the combing procedure. It is also a hygiene measure that keeps the coat and skin in good condition.

Sometimes cats are afraid of heights. Then, picking up, one palm is placed under the armpits, and the other is held by the hind limbs. Thanks to this support, the cat will not feel weightless, and the fear will disappear.

Video - How to pick up an angry cat

litter box training

This problem is faced not only by those who picked up a kitten on the street. Pet sellers often claim that babies are toilet trained. But often this is not true. We have to get down to business ourselves and teach the baby one of the most necessary skills for life in an apartment.

Important! Moving, a new place of residence is stressful for an animal. Therefore, after such events, small and even adults may experience problems with going to the toilet. But after they get used to it, the normal mode of urination will be restored.

In the process of accustoming a pet, it is desirable that the kitten is always under the supervision of the owners. Observation will minimize the likelihood of puddles in . Each successful trip to the tray requires praise and strokes.

Instructions for kittens

The tray should be with a small rim, as a small kitten will not be able to climb into a high toilet. Clean water is used to rinse the container. If a fragrance is used, then the smell should be barely perceptible. To make things easier, you need to soak a piece of cloth or paper in the urine of this kitten and put it in the tray. Then the baby will follow his scent. To train a kitten to the toilet, you can use special tools that are sold in pet stores.

Determining that the kitten wants to go to the toilet is quite simple: he starts to spin, loses his calmness. At this point, it needs to be moved to the tray. To better make it clear that an unfamiliar object is intended for bowel movements, you can scratch the surface of the tray with your finger. When urination or bowel movements begin, the kitten is spoken to in an affectionate tone, thereby encouraging him to do the right thing.

The baby should be carried to the tray every time after waking up or eating. Having planted it in the tray, it is necessary to make sure that it makes raking movements in the filler.

Video - How to train a kitten to a tray

Instructions for an adult cat

Problems can arise with an adult cat. Here are some tips to help you change your habits. The best place for a tray is a bathroom, a toilet room, an insulated balcony. But wherever the owner places the toilet, you need to ensure that the pet has constant access to it, especially if he often stays at home alone.

If the cat had previously lived on the street, then she was accustomed to the open space. Therefore, the tray must be large enough. Veterinarians recommend trays with high sides for adult cats so that the filler does not crumble on the floor when it is raked in after a bowel or bladder emptying. An alternative option is a house-toilet.

This is interesting. A common myth is that females are easier to toilet train. However, they are more capricious, and they themselves choose a place for the toilet.

Usually, animals themselves intuitively understand the purpose of the design with filler. But if this did not happen, you need to make it clear where to go. There are several options. When the cat chooses a place to defecate, you need to quickly substitute a tray under it, stroke it and move away. Maybe the animal will run away. But it must be returned to its place and the action repeated until the process comes to a logical conclusion.

Attention! For a street cat, at first, earth is poured instead of a filler - it smells familiar.

Will also direct the cat to the smell of her urine. To do this, as in the case of a kitten, a piece of cloth or paper soaked in urine is thrown into the tray.

Reasons for refusing a tray

Refusal to relieve the need in the specified place can be provoked not only by the stubbornness of the animal, but also by other reasons:

  • health problems;
  • inconvenient format or tray size;
  • choosing the wrong place;
  • untimely;
  • the need to share the tray with another pet.

If the owner tries, then the cat will sooner or later get used to his new toilet and stop shitting anywhere.

Means for treating surfaces from the smell of urine

But in case of failure, you can’t scold and even more so beat the pet - he can get scared, and such a measure will not bring any benefit. The place itself is treated with drugs from the smell of urine.

Table 1. Home remedies for urine odor.

Tool nameNote

May stain the surface, before use, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface of the floor, furniture, etc.

Does not stain surfaces

Cats can't stand the smell of citrus and will avoid places treated with juice.

Carefully! Colors surfaces

Cats can't stand the smell of vodka

The industry produces a lot of products to remove the smell of cat urine. This:

  • Urine-off Cat & Kitten or Multi-Pet;
  • arm
  • DesoSan;
  • OdorGone;
  • Simple Solution Stain and Odor Remover and others.

Video - Checking folk methods for getting rid of the smell of urine

Aggression towards another animal

A newcomer may show aggression towards a pet that has already lived in the house. In such cases, cats are bred for some time in different corners, avoiding their contact. This continues until the smell of the new pet becomes part of the atmosphere of the home. Then the cats are introduced again.

But even after establishing contact with the old-timer, care must be taken that the animals have different corners for rest and feeding. It is also necessary to buy trays for each four-legged "family member". In order to avoid incidents with the manifestation of predatory aggression, these instincts should be provided with an outlet. To do this, it is advisable to purchase another scratching post.

Foundlings are aggressive towards old-timers and vice versa

Taming a cat is a rather difficult task and the idea does not always end in victory. It takes up to 6 weeks to domesticate a kitten, sometimes more. With older cats, the process can take years. Therefore, do not grieve if it was not possible to tame the animal. But having achieved success, it is important to remember: a wild cat will still spend most of the time alone.



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