Daily dosage of zinc. Beneficial properties of zinc and role in the human body

Zinc is harmless to human body metal, but some of its compounds, such as sulfate and oxide, are toxic. Zinc oxide, however, is a proven therapeutic agent used in the form of ointments and powders.

Recent medical research has shown that this element acts as an antioxidant, which is necessary for wound healing and protein synthesis. It is vital for the activity of male hormones, prostate function and development reproductive organs person. That is why everyone should know what foods contain zinc and be able to preserve this element when preparing food and be able to identify the symptoms of its deficiency.

Oatmeal with berries - great source zinc

Recently there have appeared medicines containing zinc, which are widely used against colds and flu. Zinc preparations are able to bind to viruses, causing colds(rhinoviruses) and deprive them of their ability to reproduce, causing the symptoms of the disease to disappear.

Zinc promotes human growth, protects bile and liver from exposure harmful factors and substances, and also ensures the functioning of all senses. This mineral promotes cell division in following cases: during embryo development, wound healing and malignant formations. This element represents good and evil in one bottle, which is explained by its ability to influence division and cancer cells, promoting the development of malignant neoplasms.

What foods contain zinc?

All people, without exception, who care about their health, should know what foods contain zinc, and mandatory consume them daily. Of the total amount of mineral consumed, only a small part is absorbed with food of this element. That is why you should try to consume as much food as possible every day that contains this microelement.

Plant Sources of Zinc

  • Vegetables – broccoli, corn, carrots, radishes, cauliflower, spinach, green onions;
  • Fruits – avocado;
  • Berries – raspberries, blueberries;
  • Cereals – rice, wheat, oatmeal;
  • Legumes – beans, lentils, peas
  • Mushrooms and chocolate;
  • Nuts – peanuts, walnuts and Pine nuts, coconut;
  • Seeds – sunflower and pumpkin, sesame.

Animal sources of zinc

  • Meat – beef, turkey, pork, lamb, duck;
  • Offal – beef tongue, heart;
  • Seafood - oysters;
  • Fish – river, sardine, tuna;
  • Dairy products – processed cheese.
  • Egg yolk.

Main functions of zinc in the body

  • Prevents diabetes - due to the ability of the element to form compounds with the hormone insulin, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism in organism;
  • Necessary for the formation of bone tissue - with the help of this process, the skeleton is restored in the body of adults and children, and the formation of “porous” structures is prevented;
  • Prevents the occurrence of epilepsy in the human body - this substance is the substance taurine, the deficiency of which leads to the occurrence of the disease;
  • Promotes the absorption of vitamin A in the body - zinc preparations are prescribed to treat many diseases (stomach ulcers, anemia, tumors prostate gland, skin diseases, including burns), it is thanks to this element that vitamin A is released from the liver, which helps to replenish its deficiency in the body;
  • Provides fast healing wounds - you can use ointments or tablets containing this element or simply include foods rich in the mineral in your diet;
  • Affects a person’s mental abilities - there is a connection between physical and mental abilities people and the content of the element in their bodies;
  • Preventing the development of rheumatism and arthritis - diet, rich in products containing zinc, helps to stop the development of these diseases, and in some cases allows you to get rid of them;
  • Improves hair condition - helps improve and restore the structure of hair and scalp, preventing hair loss.

Video from the Internet

Daily intake of zinc

The human body contains approximately 2 grams. zinc, which is used to maintain necessary processes. To ensure that the reserves of this mineral do not decrease, it is necessary to include foods rich in this mineral in the diet every day or take medications if there is a deficiency.

Daily value for children

  • 0-6 months – 2 mg;
  • 6-12 months – 3 mg;
  • 1-3 years – 4 mg;
  • 4-8 years – 5 mg;
  • 8-13 years – 8 mg;
  • From 14 and older – 11 mg.

Daily value for women

The amount of zinc needed per day varies depending on a person's age and lifestyle.

  • 14-18 years old – 9 mg;
  • From 19 and older – 8 mg;
  • Pregnancy period – from 12 to 13 mg;
  • Lactation period – from 11 to 12 mg.

Daily value for men

At elevated physical activity And excessive sweating the need for zinc increases several times. Alcohol also represents serious threat for the amount of a given mineral contained in the body.

  • From 14 years and older - 11 mg.

Lack of zinc in the body

A lack of zinc can be caused by liver diseases, dysfunction thyroid gland, lack of mineral in water, poor absorption. A deficiency of the element can be caused by the presence of a large intake of phytin (found in hemp seed and oil cake, as well as in some cereal bran), which “binds” the mineral, making it difficult to absorb.

Overconsumption of zinc in the body occurs when the following diseases: bronchial cancer, inflammation or prostate cancer, leukemia. Consumption of milk and calcium supplements helps to reduce the absorption of this mineral by almost half, and alcohol and coffee intensively remove the element from the body.

Consequences of zinc deficiency

A lack of zinc in the human body causes whole line pathological changes, the symptoms of which should be known in order to independently identify nutritional deficiency of the mineral and promptly eliminate the process that has begun by balancing the diet.

Deficiency of a mineral causes damage skin, slower growth of hair and nails. Also, mineral deficiency causes following symptoms:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Malabsorption nutrients;
  • Slow wound healing;
  • Hair loss and brittle nails;
  • Deterioration and loss of memory;
  • Emergence peptic ulcer and diabetes mellitus;
  • Anomalies of child development in the presence of zinc deficiency during pregnancy.

A lack of zinc in the human body can cause a whole range of neuropsychic and neurological disorders: schizophrenia, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, acute psychosis, food aversions, dementia, depression and attention disorders.

Treatment of mineral deficiency is carried out using special diets and intake medicines in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes. A deficiency of this element is much more serious than an excess, because it poses a danger to human health.

Excess zinc in the body

The following symptoms are characteristic of excess zinc: attacks of weakness and nausea. During periods of excess mineral in the human body, there is a violation of the absorption of other microelements, especially iron, copper and manganese.

The reasons for the excess of this element are uncontrolled use of drugs and dietary supplements containing this mineral.

Preparations containing zinc

Currently, the most popular are zinc preparations in the form of ointments, powder (sulfate, chloride and oxide), as well as solutions for external use. In demand the following drugs:

What makes a man successful, lucky, what brings him victories? Testosterone hormone! It is this hormone that constantly increases the stimulus for action, gives physical strength and provides positive influence on vitality male.

The benefits of zinc for the male body mainly include increasing testosterone. This element is also useful for male potency.

What are the benefits of zinc for men?

A person has no more than three grams of zinc in his body. In men, it is distributed as follows: in the skeleton and muscles, in the blood, skin, but most of it is contained in the seminal fluid.

Why does the body need zinc? Some useful properties of the element:

  • Normalizes cell regeneration, supporting good condition skin;
  • Allows wounds to heal quickly;
  • Zinc is one of the elements that makes human teeth and bones strong enough;
  • Stimulating the body to produce testosterone;
  • Maintenance nervous system in order;
  • Stimulation of mental activity.

Based on the list of benefits of the element, we can conclude that zinc has a positive effect not only on the physical or mental state of the body, as well as on maintaining the nervous system, but also has beneficial influence on sexual development men.

Daily requirement

Every person needs to maintain a balanced level of microelements in the body. As for zinc, it will be mandatory for daily use for men and athletes.

In addition to the microelements contained in food products entering the body, it is necessary to supplement this dosage with drugs from the pharmacy. After all, even a full-fledged diet will never replenish daily requirement the body in the necessary elements.

Important! To prevent and prevent certain diseases and disorders, it is necessary to take zinc daily.

Zinc deficiency. How to determine?

Zinc deficiency in the body can manifest itself as genetic reasons or the reason may be congenital disease. Most often, a deficiency of an element makes itself felt when there is an excess of salt, sugar and protein in the diet. Also because insufficient quantity microelement in food.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Detection of anemia in a blood test;
  • Weak immunity (frequent illnesses);
  • Hair loss;
  • Losing weight without a goal;
  • Decreased quality of vision;
  • Slow healing open wounds on the skin;
  • The appearance of white spots on the nails.

For boys, zinc deficiency is dangerous because there is a delay in sexual development, often leading to a decrease (or even loss) of sperm activity. The lack of a microelement will change the male body quite significantly. A deficiency of an element can lead to unpleasant consequences: infertility and impotence.

Zinc and testosterone

These two concepts are inseparable from each other, because Zinc is a building material for the testosterone molecule. Those. If there is no zinc in the human body, then the existence of testosterone can also be forgotten.

According to some studies, scientists have proven by example infertile men that the level of the hormone, thanks to the use of zinc, increased and some even experienced the possibility of conceiving a child.

Thanks to the testosterone hormone restored by zinc intake, it increases sexual desire in men to the opposite sex.

Zinc-rich foods

In the first place of products containing the maximum amount of zinc will be oysters, boiled fish, meat and its derivative products.

  • Poultry meat;
  • Potato;
  • Cheeses;
  • Cereals: buckwheat, lentils and soybeans;
  • Wheat bran;
  • Bread;
  • Apples and citrus fruits;
  • Nuts;
  • Berries;
  • Green tea.

People who adhere to certain diets or are even vegetarians are recommended to take multivitamin complexes, because their bodies are deprived of a large number of useful microelements.

Daily value of zinc for men

Because In men, a significant proportion of the microelement comes out with sperm, then they simply need to replenish the losses every day. But how much zinc do people need daily?

The norm of this element per day directly depends on the person’s age:

  • Children under 13 years of age are allowed to take zinc up to 7 mg;
  • For teenagers – up to 10 mg;
  • Adults – up to 18 mg;
  • If a person is actively involved in sports or has a severe zinc deficiency, daily dose increases to 25 mg.

In what form is it best absorbed?

Zinc is considered the most poorly absorbed microelement in the human body.. Plus, it interferes with the absorption of other important elements, such as iron or calcium. Most often, this is why they go together in vitamin complexes.

Scientists have developed many drugs in different shapes starring zinc. The list of vitamins is quite large, but the most common are sulfate and oxide. These forms are poorly absorbed in the body and can cause intoxication and vomiting. Glycinate, acetate, and zinc monomethionine are considered more digestible. According to research, glycinate provides 15% more benefits to the body than, for example, sulfate.

What prevents its absorption in the body?

Mainly, according to doctors, the reason for poor absorption of zinc is the consumption of foods that are incompatible with the microelement. Black tea, coffee, salt and sugar are the main pests that do not allow the body to accept the beneficial element.

Important! Alcohol not only prevents zinc from being absorbed, but also completely removes it from the body!

Zinc for conception

As already written above, zinc is found in men’s seminal fluid. And the lack of this element in a man leads to a decrease in sperm activity, and therefore to a decrease in the ability to conceive a child, in some cases, in combination with other factors, even leads to infertility.

Zinc has a positive effect not only on sperm activity, but also on their formation. Therefore, a sufficient amount of microelement in a man’s body will provide him with the desired number of heirs.

For potency

A man's sexual desire and potency directly depend on the hormone testosterone. Zinc is required for its full synthesis. Prostate diseases can also be classified as diseases that develop due to a lack of this microelement in a man’s body.

The mineral we are interested in is an enzyme involved in the transformation male hormone in female. This is why zinc is useful for potency.

Males should remember that they lose a significant part of the microelement during ejaculation, so for male power it is necessary to compensate for its deficiency.

Medicines and dietary supplements

Doctors, if there is a lack of zinc in the human body, recommend taking medications containing this element. They are prescribed to be taken in combination with other vitamins, because some elements are mutually exclusive. You can often see selenium and zinc in the composition - these are the elements that are the source of beauty and health.

For example, for men leading active image life, there is a vitamin complex Man’s formula. Taking this drug not only compensates for the lack of zinc, but also makes a man more resilient, resistant to stress, and helps build muscle mass.

For men with testosterone production problems, doctors may prescribe Zinc sulfate. This drug should only be taken as prescribed by a specialist. self-administration may harm the body.

TO effective dietary supplements include such as Viardot and Zinkit. These tablets contain active zinc at a dosage of 44 mg. Before taking, you should consult your doctor.

Important! You should not start taking medications and dietary supplements without consulting a doctor. Which better drug Only a doctor can decide what is appropriate in a particular case. Daily norm The drug is also prescribed in a doctor's office.

How is it useful in sports?

For athletes, zinc is an important element in terms of growth. muscle mass bodies. This microelement also promotes fat burning. Another important role of the element in the body of people involved in sports is worth noting in the regulation of blood sugar.

In athletes, zinc is actively removed from the body through sweat, which can cause a deficiency of the element. Therefore, it is almost mandatory for athletes to take vitamins with this microelement in addition to its natural content in food.

Important information about zinc

Zinc is important for men not only in the treatment and prevention of potency. Important role it plays in the formation of bones, their strength, the condition of teeth and even in emotional state he is very important.

Some studies have shown that a lack of zinc in the blood can cause epilepsy.

Vitamin A is absorbed in the human body only thanks to zinc. If there is a deficiency of the latter in the body, then vitamin A, no matter how much is ingested, will not be absorbed and will not be beneficial.


Zinc – important trace element for the human body, for its formation, growth and development. But this element is especially important for men, and at any age, the male sex needs to take products and preparations containing zinc.

The main benefits of zinc are in the functioning of the prostate and spermatogenesis. Therefore, men who care about their health need to control the amount useful element in the body, and in case of its deficiency, it is mandatory to compensate for the damage.

Spray for men Peineili: instructions and reviews

23.03.2018 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 0

Zinc - a microelement for men's health

Zinc is one of the essential elements for the human body. It plays a special role for men, as it participates in biochemical processes testosterone synthesis and sperm production.

Normally, the adult human body contains about 2 g of this metal, it is mainly present in muscle tissue, liver and pancreas. There is a trace element in prostate gland and seed. He is also integral part more than 400 enzymes. The daily requirement of zinc in a man’s diet is 11 mg.

This trace element is involved in the following processes:

  • sperm production;
  • vitamin E metabolism;
  • synthesis of anabolic hormones (testosterone, insulin, growth hormone and others);
  • stabilization of cell regeneration processes;
  • maintaining the density of bone structures;
  • activity immune system.

Zinc is needed for stable functioning of the prostate gland. It is also important for men that this trace element is part of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme necessary for the breakdown of ethanol.

A sufficient concentration of zinc is necessary for the formation of morphologically normal, viable and active sperm. For this reason Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to providing the body with this microelement when planning pregnancy.

Zinc is vital for potency, formation sexual desire, stable erection. A man loses a lot of microelement along with semen, so those who are active sex life, care should be taken to ensure that the body is sufficiently supplied with it.

Zinc deficiency: causes and manifestations

Zinc is considered one of the most poorly absorbed microelements. Its shortage may be due to for various reasons. Deficiency primarily occurs due to insufficient dietary intake. This can occur due to an irrational diet, but not only. Heat treatment and preservation significantly reduce the content in products useful substances, including zinc.

In addition, the concentration of a microelement can be affected by substances that are its antagonists and accumulate in excess quantities in the body. It itself can limit the absorption of iron and calcium, so in vitamin complexes for men, as a rule, these elements are also included. Copper and manganese interfere with the absorption of zinc more than others.

If we talk about products, the greatest negative impact on the bioavailability of this microelement is exerted by sugar, salt, and strong coffee.

It has been established that a lack of zinc is observed in men who abuse alcohol. Researchers suggest that this is due to a deterioration in the absorption and redistribution of the microelement in the organs digestive tract, as well as with the intake of zinc antagonists in the composition of alcoholic beverages.

There is also evidence that a lot of microelements are released along with sweat. Physical activity necessary for a man, however, with constant loads, care must be taken to ensure that microelement deficiency does not develop. For those who play sports, the daily dose should be higher, up to 25 mg.

Zinc deficiency in the male body is characterized by:

  • deterioration of sexual functions;
  • deterioration quality characteristics sperm;
  • decreased production of androgens, in particular testosterone.

The following symptoms may occur with a zinc deficiency:

  • Deterioration of skin condition, appearance of rashes;
  • Decreased visual acuity and quality;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Slow wound healing;
  • Frequent colds due to a decrease in the body's resistance to infections.

If suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and get tested. If you do not pay attention to zinc deficiency, in the end, it can lead to a significant deterioration in the functioning of the prostate gland and the development of disorders. of cardio-vascular system.

Products high in element content

The trace element is found in both plant and animal foods. Oysters are the record holder; only two or three shellfish are enough to cover the daily requirement for zinc. No wonder this delicacy is considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs. Certainly, daily consumption oysters are an unaffordable luxury for the majority of men. But other foods are also rich in zinc. Here is a list of the foods richest in it:

  • beef, pork and chicken liver;
  • chicken eggs;
  • nuts, especially pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts;
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas);
  • beef, lamb, pork;
  • turkey and duck meat;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley);
  • wheat bran.

Dietary supplements and preparations

Vitamins with zinc are widely represented on the pharmacological market. Let's talk about a few of the most popular ones.


These vitamins are produced in film-coated tablets and are designed specifically to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement. It is recommended for men with chronic alcohol addiction, diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes mellitus. It is useful to take a course of Zincteral during prolonged stress. He is appointed as part of complex treatment male infertility, impotence, and also as preventative measure against prostate diseases. Doses and course duration are determined by the attending physician. For better absorption It is recommended to take the tablets an hour before meals, once or twice a day.

Evisent with zinc and selenium

This product is brewer's yeast enriched with zinc, selenium and other substances necessary for the male body. It is recommended to take to improve the functioning of the brain, heart, blood vessels, chronic fatigue, nervous overstrain. The dietary supplement also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Take as directed, with meals, two or three times a day, one tablet.

Viardot and Viardot Forte

Some of the most effective drugs, capable of enriching a man’s body with zinc, selenium, vitamins A, D, E, group B, complex fatty acids Omega3 and Omega6. It also contains phytosterols - substances that are precursors of sex hormones. The effectiveness of the drugs has been confirmed by serious clinical studies.

The difference between Viardot and Viardot Forte is in the number of tablets, the duration of the course and a little in the composition. In general, any of them contributes to:

  • normalization of testosterone levels in the body;
  • increasing libido and sexual functions;
  • reducing the concentration of low-density lipoproteins, high content which can contribute to heart attack, atherosclerosis, and strokes.

Greatest positive impact Viardot and Viardot Forte have an effect on the state of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems.


This medication is intended to replenish antioxidant reserves during periods of excessive physical or mental load, infectious diseases, problems with the digestive system. The combination of selenium and zinc has an excellent effect on the functionality of the prostate gland. Selzinc is recommended both for preventive purposes and for therapeutic purposes as part of complex therapy. The drug also contains vitamins E and C, beta-carotene.

The chelate form is a combination of zinc ions with amino acids. This form is most easily absorbed by the body, increasing the bioavailability of the microelement. Zinc Chelate is a dietary supplement recommended for strengthening protective forces the body and restoration of the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

You should take vitamin complexes and dietary supplements strictly according to the instructions in the recommended dosages. If a man wants to quickly increase the concentration of zinc in the body, and he will take large dose drug, this will not lead to the desired result. Of course, an overdose is unlikely, but the body may react to an excess intake of certain substances with allergies.

Vitamins and dietary supplements with zinc combine well with all medications. But you shouldn’t combine vitamin complexes with each other. You need to choose one and take it according to the instructions. Before taking the product, it is better to consult a doctor who can choose the most effective complex vitamins and minerals.

Similar materials

Zinc, like other microelements, is no less important than vitamins for the human body. Its healing properties were known back in Ancient Egypt. Scientists have now proven that this element is contained in all tissues and organs of the human body. Zinc is part of many enzymes, strengthens the immune system, is important for growth, supports hormonal background (affects the function of the pituitary gland, pancreas and gonads). The main amount of zinc (up to 60%) accumulates in muscles and bones. There is also a lot of it in the glands endocrine system, blood cells, liver, kidneys, retina.

An important point The properties of zinc include its ability to preserve cell youth for a long time or restore vitality outdated. To do this, it stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor, testosterone, and growth hormone. Scientific research have shown in animal experiments that zinc actually increases life expectancy.

Daily requirement of zinc

The recommended dose of this microelement for adults is 15 mg. In cases where a person needs increased concentrations to treat any ailments, for adults a sufficient dosage of zinc as part of complex compounds is equal to 15-20 mg, and for children 5-10 mg in a day. Special role plays a role in zinc when playing sports. This is determined by the ability of enzymes, which include zinc, to cleanse the body of harmful oxidized metabolic products. Daily dosage zinc for athletes depends on the degree and period of exercise. To produce speed and strength, zinc requires 20-30 mg/day (moderate loads ) And 30-35 mg/day (during the competition). If training is aimed at improving endurance, then during the training period you need to take 25-30 mg/day, during the competition period – 35-40 mg/day. It is recommended to combine zinc intake with magnesium and vitamin B6. If the daily dose of zinc is 30 mg, then magnesium is needed about 450 mg And 10 mg vitamin B6. These values ​​may vary slightly depending on the athlete's weight category and type of load, but the ratios between substances must be maintained.

Functions in the body

Along with food, zinc enters the stomach and is absorbed into small intestine, after which it is carried into the liver by the bloodstream. From there, this element is delivered to every cell of the body. Thus, zinc can be found in all organs.

Zinc has a significant effect on such important processes, such as reproduction, growth, development of the body, hematopoiesis, all types of metabolism (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Zinc ions are also important for the immune system, because zinc increases resistance to infections.

In some Middle Eastern countries, dwarfism is common due to a lack of zinc in the diet. It's all about zinc's ability to increase growth hormone levels. This is why children are often prescribed meals with increased content zinc

Tissue regeneration also depends on how much zinc is in the body. This is especially noticeable when healing of wounds and burns : the less zinc, the slower the regeneration rate. Ointments and creams containing zinc are widely used in the treatment of acne and others skin ailments. Zinc also helps normal growth hair and nails. It is not for nothing that it is believed that 30% of men with baldness in old age, associated with poor intake or absorption of this microelement. Very often to strengthen hair follicles Shampoos and lotions with zinc are prescribed.

Concerning active people and athletes, it is important for them antioxidant characteristics of zinc. It is known that athletes lose as much as 40-50% more zinc than on “weekend” days. When muscles are stressed, the need for oxygen increases, and therefore the amount of substances oxidized by this oxygen increases. These substances (radicals) accumulate and have bad influence on muscle cells. Enzymes containing zinc neutralize these radicals and remove them from the body.

Zinc is important not only for maintaining muscle performance during exercise, but also for increasing muscle strength and speed. It increases testosterone levels in the blood, and the latter is known as the “courage” hormone; it improves strength and speed.

The antioxidant capacity of zinc is also important for maintaining youthful skin. Currently a large number of Companies add zinc ions to lotions and creams with a rejuvenating effect.

Please note that for wellness pregnant women and for normal development The baby in the womb also needs this microelement. After all, the formation of the palate, eyes, heart, bones, lungs, nervous system (brain, peripheral nerves), genitourinary system directly depends on the level of zinc in the mother’s body. With a lack of zinc, malformations of the above systems and organs can form.


The condition of zinc deficiency is characterized by decreased appetite, anemia, allergic diseases, frequent colds, dermatitis, loss of body weight, visual acuity, hair loss.

Since zinc increases testosterone levels, with a lack of this microelement, the sexual development of boys is delayed and sperm lose their activity to fertilize the egg.

Lack of zinc in females can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, the birth of weak children with low weight.

With a lack of zinc, wounds heal very poorly and tissue restoration after injury takes a long time.

The level of zinc in the body can decrease with excessive intake of radioactive isotopes of lead, copper, and cadmium. These microelements completely reduce the activity of zinc in the body, especially against the background of lack of nutrition, chronic alcohol intoxication. Children and adolescents with a reduced amount of zinc in the body are more prone to alcoholism. And a lack of zinc in athletes can lead to a decrease in results.


When consuming zinc more than 2g per day, more often with increased biological use active additives, arises painful sensitivity stomach, nausea, possible vomiting, diarrhea, palpitations, lower back pain, when urinating.

Sources in products

Below are products containing zinc (mg per 100 g of product)

Interaction of zinc with other substances

Excessive zinc intake can reduce general content and intake of copper into the body. Therefore, if you need to take these microelements, it is better to different time days, or you can divide the courses of their intake ( first zinc, then copper, or vice versa).

It is also known that salt poisoning heavy metals leads to rapid loss zinc Thus, one of the occupational ailments of dentists who work with mercury-containing substances is a lack of zinc. People who are constantly in contact with data harmful substances, you should take additional zinc supplements, of course, after consulting your doctor in advance.

In addition, oxalic acid, found in many vegetables, tannins ( from tea and coffee), selenium, calcium, iron - all of them are substances that reduce the absorption and level of zinc in the body. Vitamin B6, picolinic acid, citrates, and some amino acids contribute to better absorption.

Long-term treatment with cortisone, irrational use of many birth control pills can also lead to zinc deficiency.

It should also be noted that high fiber intake interferes with the normal absorption of zinc. Therefore, if your diet contains too many vegetables and fruits, only 20% of zinc will be absorbed in the intestines. Vegetarians, who eat no meat at all, tend to be more prone to zinc deficiency than people who eat a varied diet.

For the full functioning of all systems, it is very important that the body receives the required amount of microelements, minerals and vitamins. Especially valuable for male body microelement such as zinc. It not only helps strengthen the immune system, but also takes Active participation in the functioning of the reproductive and genitourinary systems of young people. It is also important during puberty for normal development. What else is zinc useful for men? And what will a deficiency of this element in the body lead to?

Benefits of zinc for men's health

During puberty and development, it is very important for guys to get the necessary amount of an element such as zinc. The fact is that zinc is directly involved in the synthesis of the sex hormone testosterone. This hormone is responsible for a man’s sexual activity and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. So, with a high level of potency young man will be fine.

90% of zinc is concentrated in muscle and skeletal system young people. The remaining 10% of the microelement fills seminal fluid and blood. With a sufficient level of the substance in the male body, high level motile sperm. Consequently, the microelement helps prevent male infertility. Overall, the component helps the endocrine system support hormonal balance body.

Few people know that against the background of the action of zinc, specific enzymes are suppressed, which subsequently lead to the development of prostate adenoma in men. This element is very important for men over 40 years of age. It is by the age of 35-40 that the body experiences a decrease in testosterone synthesis. This process is natural and cannot be avoided. Zinc will maintain hormone levels. But zinc is important for men not only in the sexual sphere. Among other equally important beneficial properties of the microelement for men, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Increasing immunity and protective functions of the body;
  • Normalization of blood glucose levels;
  • Stimulation of insulin production;
  • Improved vision;
  • Neutralization negative influence free radicals;
  • Prevention of rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • Promotes normal growth and reduction of muscle mass (important for athletes);
  • Protects the pancreas from pathologies;
  • Improves memory;
  • Regulates work sebaceous glands, excretory system;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Restores the functions of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands.

What does zinc deficiency lead to in the male body?

First of all, low zinc levels provoke the development erectile dysfunction, impotence. Microelement deficiency disrupts the functioning of the adrenal glands and endocrine system. Yes, you can observe hormonal imbalance. Due to the decrease in testosterone production, the level increases sharply female hormone estrogen in the male body. Under such conditions there is no need to talk about it.

During development and puberty, a lack of zinc is fraught with underdevelopment of the genital organs. Also, mild secondary sexual characteristics can be observed. Sometimes young people experience enlargement of the mammary glands due to female type. The lack of a component also negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system in men. Signs of this may be frequent stress, nervousness, aggression, irritability.

On the part of the skin, zinc deficiency manifests itself in the form of:

  • Constant dry skin;
  • Eczema;
  • Rash, psoriasis.

Work is also disrupted digestive system, liver. Low levels of zinc lead to deterioration of metabolic processes and inadequate metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Deterioration of vision and the development of myopia also indicate a deficiency of the substance in a man.

With a long-term lack of zinc, the level of lymphocytes and phagocytes in the blood decreases. Against this background, the risk of developing oncological diseases, tumors. In particular, microelement deficiency is often diagnosed in prostatitis, adenoma and prostate cancer in men. Among other consequences low level zinc it is worth noting the following problems:

  • Infertility;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Decreased memory and mental activity.

Reasons for decreased zinc in a man’s body

The main source of zinc for humans is food. A properly composed menu of foods of plant and animal origin will fully provide the daily requirement of this microelement. But, unfortunately, today it is very difficult to comply proper nutrition. Yes and find quality products not so simple. After all, mass production and raising animals requires speed. Therefore, manufacturers often use poor quality feed, growth hormones, antibiotics. All this affects the quality of the product and men's health.

Also, most products heat treatment, canning lose most of useful components. Hence, required quantity The male body will not receive zinc. For example, canned peas contains 45% less zinc than fresh. Therefore, it is advisable that vegetables and fruits are consumed only in fresh, natural form.

Also, it is worth considering the accumulation of zinc antagonists in the body, which will neutralize the effects of this microelement. These include copper, cadmium, lead, radioactive isotopes. A catastrophic decrease in the component occurs against the background overconsumption alcohol, alcoholism. The fact is that alcohol also acts as an antagonist. Thus, zinc is poorly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, which provokes a deficiency of the component.

Daily value of zinc for men

Experts have identified the average daily requirement of zinc for a man as 15 mg. Higher doses are required in the treatment of certain pathologies. Also, men involved in sports, heavy physical labor. It all depends on the level of energy expended, the intensity of work, training, and the frequency of excessive physical activity.

So, athletes should take into account the following factors and daily norms:

  • Regular workout - 30 mg;
  • Competition period - 35 mg;
  • Endurance training - 30 mg;
  • Frequent cardio exercises - 40 mg.

Zinc loss occurs through sweat, urine, feces. But, the greatest level of zinc is lost with ejaculation. So, during one sexual act, several mg of a microelement are lost in a man. Therefore, excessive sexual activity may cause microelement deficiency.

Products sources of zinc

Since the main part of this microelement enters the body with food, it is necessary to balance the diet as much as possible. The leading position in zinc content is occupied by seafood, in particular oysters. These mollusks belong to. Just 1-2 oysters are enough to saturate the body with its daily requirement.

Beef is rich in zinc. At the same time, this applies to both beef pulp and offal. The microelement saturates the yolks chicken eggs. Therefore, it is beneficial for men to eat 1 egg per day. Safer for the cardiovascular system (as they do not contain cholesterol) are quail eggs. They can be consumed 2-3 pieces per day raw.

Among the others healthy products for men containing high levels of the substance, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Processed cheese;
  • Legumes;
  • Nuts;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Dates;
  • Black currant;
  • Turkey;
  • Chick;
  • Bran;
  • Wheat;
  • Apples;
  • Raspberries.

Cereals are very useful for the male body. Thus, the microelement is contained in sufficient quantity in oatmeal, buckwheat, barley groats. Maximum absorption of zinc occurs when it is combined with vitamins A, B6, phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, this food is worth fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables of yellow and orange colors, tomatoes.

There are a number of drugs that are also sources of zinc. To such medications relate multivitamin complexes Centrum, Vitrum, Zincite. Among other drugs, there are medications based on this microelement. They are designed specifically for the treatment of pathologies in men caused by a deficiency of the substance. Such tablets include Zincterale.

Zinc content per 100 grams of product

Product Amount of zinc in mg
Beef liver 5
Chicken liver 6,5
Beef 3,8
Processed cheese 3
Wheat 3
Beans 3,2
Green pea 3,1
Buckwheat 2,8
Oat groats 2,7
Barley grits 2,7
Turkey 2,5
Chicken eggs 2
Dates 5
Wheat bran) 20
Sea fish 8
Oysters 18
Duck 2,7
Pork 3
Mutton 3,2


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