The benefits of horseradish for the human body. Horseradish (root, leaves): health benefits and harms, harvesting at home (for the winter)

IN modern society horseradish is considered to be a Russian product. Who else can eat such a spicy seasoning? Of course, the ancient Slavs were strong in spirit and body. But this opinion, which has developed over decades, is just a legend. After all, they began to eat horseradish in ancient times.

Researchers of ancient civilizations confirm the fact that the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians used horseradish in cooking as a seasoning and as an independent dish. They believed in miraculous properties horseradish roots, which can energize the body of warriors for great deeds.

Although the Slavic peoples cultivated horseradish only in the 9th century, but today all over the world this hot seasoning considered primordially Russian. For foreigners, Russian culinary traditions are associated with certain products: vodka, horseradish, loaf and sauerkraut.

Composition of horseradish

10 health benefits of horseradish

The use of horseradish is not limited to adding it to culinary specialties. Horseradish is widely used in traditional medicine, for the many vitamins included in its composition and therapeutic effect on the body.

  1. Immunity maintenance and cancer prevention.

    Horseradish contains nutrients and vitamins, and when it is cut, phytochemical compounds are formed. Their smell is well known to people who use this seasoning everywhere in cooking. Chemical substances the fuck are various forms isothiocinates and sinigrin, which have antioxidant properties. With their help, the immune system of the body is strengthened, and the function of the production of white blood cells in normal amount. Sinigrin is also able to prevent mutation healthy cells, outputting free radicals from the human body.

  2. Health of the cardiovascular system.

    Horseradish is a rich source of potassium, necessary for the body human to maintain the cardiovascular system in normal condition. Potassium regulates the flow of heart muscle cells, saturates blood vessels oxygen and controls the amount of fluid in the membranes. An insufficient amount potassium in the body can lead to various diseases heart, as well as stroke, atherosclerosis and heart attack. Eating horseradish allows you to maintain heart health and keep blood pressure fine.

  3. Stimulation of the digestive system.

    Things in hell like mustard oil and mineral salt, activate the work of the intestines. He is responsible for absorption. nutrients into the body and excretion digestive enzymes. All these components are aimed at stimulating appetite and stimulating the production gastric juice. Coarse horseradish fibers, swelling into digestive tract, additionally affect the peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the intestine. Horseradish facilitates all processes in the digestive system and reduces the risk of constipation and diarrhea.

  4. Treatment of urinary tract infections.

    Horseradish is a natural antibiotic - this property allows it to be used to treat infections. urinary tract. Doctors recommend using the plant as an addition to the main treatment. Chemical compounds contained in horseradish accumulate in urine, thereby exerting an antibiotic effect on the bladder, and destroy bacteria. And thanks to the diuretic property of horseradish, the process of getting rid of dangerous bacteria is accelerating.

  5. The health of the unborn child

    Great content folic acid in horseradish, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system of the fetus. With a deficiency of this acid in a woman's body, there is a risk of developing neural tube defects, cerebral hernias, hydrocephalus, as well as a delay in the development of the fetus. Pregnant women should not eat large amounts of horseradish. But adding a little flavor to your favorite seasoning is not contraindicated.

  6. Horseradish contains a certain amount of calcium, which is responsible for bone health, growth and recovery from fractures. The use of spicy seasoning makes a person feel young and energetic, and also reduces the risk of developing a disease such as osteoporosis. In folk medicine, horseradish lotions are used for bruises, rheumatism and bone aches.

  7. Weight control.

    There are practically no calories in horseradish, and there are no fats at all. Fatty acid, such as omega-3 and omega-6 in horseradish, activate the metabolic abilities of the body and start metabolic processes. Adding spicy seasoning to food contributes to rapid satiety even from a small portion. This allows you to control body weight and affects the body's ability to get rid of fat.

  8. Antibacterial property.

    Numerous studies have proven the ability of horseradish to release volatile substances - natural antibiotics that destroy various microbes in the human body. Due to the strong bactericidal effect of phytoncides, horseradish is an excellent protection against infectious diseases: coli, staphylococcus and listeria.

  9. Treatment of respiratory diseases.

    Accumulation a large number mucus in the sinuses makes it possible to multiply harmful bacteria. During the inhalation of volatile substances formed in chopped horseradish, involuntary tearing and clearing of the nasal sinuses from mucus occurs. There is a stimulation of mucus secretion in the nasopharynx and its further excretion naturally. This property of horseradish is especially useful for colds and allergies.

  10. Healthy skin.

    With age, the body produces too much melanin - skin pigmentation occurs. With the help of horseradish, these marks on the skin can be made more invisible. To do this, you need to make a lotion, which includes: grated horseradish, 3 drops of glycerin and fir oil. Leave the mixture overnight in a dark place, and strain before use. Such home remedy effectively eliminates skin imperfections.

Contraindications to the use of horseradish

Horseradish is a healthy and medicinal vegetable, but you should not forget about caution when using it. The sharpness of horseradish irritates the mucous membranes internal organs Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for people with such diseases:

  1. pancreatitis;
  2. Increased acidity of the stomach;
  3. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Diseases of the kidneys and liver.

In folk medicine, the use of horseradish in the form of lotions can cause flushing of the skin, burns, and even gangrene.

Horseradish - perennial herbaceous plant belongs to the cabbage family. Contains caustic essential oils. Only its rhizomes are added to food.

The most popular species is horseradish rustic (common). It is grown for its long, thick and fleshy root.

In Siberia, a meadow species of horseradish grows, it is also called Gulyavnikov.

Due to its frost-resistant properties, it is possible to grow horseradish even beyond the Arctic Circle.

In the United States, horseradish was recognized as a strategically important product.

In Japan, scientists set out to create toothpaste with horseradish. After all, there is an opinion that he is able to effectively deal with caries. The hitch arose in a misunderstanding of how to get rid of the typical and persistent horseradish flavor.

What else is useful?

The perennial plant horseradish is traditionally used as a spicy and spicy snack for the table. What are the benefits of horseradish for health? Healing properties plants are due to the content of phytoncides, vitamins, fiber, mineral salts, alkaloids. It is useful to include in the diet of men and women. The root restores vision, strengthens the immune system, cleanses blood vessels, normalizes hormonal background, reinforces sex drive.

The plant stimulates the production of enzymes, therefore, facilitates the digestion of fatty meat food. Horseradish promotes weight loss and prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat. Recipes with it are used to treat children. Horseradish helps with a runny nose and cough, relieves Giardia, strengthens defensive forces body, increases appetite.

The composition and properties of horseradish

To understand whether horseradish is good for health, it is necessary to analyze its composition. At the core medicinal properties cultures are biologically active substances. Essential oils give it a bitter taste and a specific smell. In small doses, they have a positive effect on well-being, normalize work digestive system, promote the production of hormones, accelerate metabolism, improve biochemical composition blood.

Horseradish has a high content of vitamin C and carotene. Thanks to these substances, it has immunomodulatory properties. It contains lysozyme. This complex protein compound is a natural antibiotic that is detrimental to many representatives of the pathogenic microflora of the external and internal environment. The root part contains bitterness, also known as an effective natural antiseptic.

Contains fucking vitamins. It contains a whole vitamin complex. These are vitamins of groups B, E, PP, K and others. At the root there are valuable minerals. A large share among them is occupied by potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, selenium and others. Its regular presence on the table will help replenish the vitamin and mineral reserve in the body of a child and an adult.

Amino acids have a positive effect on the state of the musculoskeletal system, restore muscle and cartilage tissue give strength to bones. Antioxidants fortify nervous system, provide good sleep, energy and performance throughout the day. Horseradish from blood vessels improves blood circulation, normalizes important indicators blood sugar and cholesterol.

What are the health benefits of horseradish:

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • improves digestion;
  • removes excess fluid;
  • gives a choleretic effect;
  • relieves inflammation and anesthetizes;
  • accelerates regenerative processes;
  • normalizes the hormonal status.

Horseradish for immunity

Horseradish is natural antibiotic, which has pronounced bactericidal and immunoactivating properties. Adults are recommended alcohol tincture of horseradish, and for children the same benefits of water with horseradish. Inhaling the vapors of the grated root will help prevent infection by viruses and bacteria. These simple ways especially relevant and in demand during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections among the population.

What diseases does horseradish cure?

IN Ancient Rus' horseradish began to be grown already from the 9th century, using it as a spice and effective medicine. Vegetable culture is still included in traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of diseases related to the respiratory and digestive organs, excretory and circulatory system, vessels, nerves, heart, skeleton and joints. From what diseases with horseradish only does not help! From bronchitis and rhinitis, gingivitis and stomatitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis.

Horseradish is universal remedy. It is used internally and externally, apply compresses and bandages, rinse the mouth and throat, lubricate painful places with juice, open wounds, suppuration.


Horseradish juice is natural antiseptic. For gargling, a solution is prepared from equal parts of freshly squeezed juice and water. Therapeutic rinses with angina and pharyngitis, they are carried out every 3-4 hours. After rinsing for half an hour, you must refrain from eating any food and drinks.


To clean the vessels, a tincture of horseradish leaves is used. For 500 ml of high-quality vodka, you need to take 1 spoon of dry and chopped leaves, partitions, pine nut shells, 1 hot red pepper. The tincture is aged for 10 days in a dark place. Take tincture should be 30 drops for 30 days without interruption.


The benefits of water with horseradish relate to reduced blood pressure. To do this, a pound of horseradish is ground on a coarse grater and poured with 3 liters of water at room temperature. After a day, the water is drained, a tablespoon of honey is added to it. The remedy is taken for a month, one tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals. Useful liquid stored in a cool place.


Horseradish juice and lemon juice are used to alleviate cough and improve sputum discharge. A large root is passed through a meat grinder, juice is squeezed out of the pulp. You also need to squeeze the juice from two lemons. Take a tablespoon once a day. It is best to store the medicine in the refrigerator.


Horseradish in combination with milk has a choleretic effect. For a glass of milk, take 2 tablespoons of grated slurry from the rhizome, mix and drink 2-3 sips throughout the day.

Low stomach acid

For increase gastric acidity used a salad of grated root vegetables, seasoned with honey and sour cream. In case of an allergic reaction to honey, a little sugar is added to the salad.


With cramps in the arms and legs, a recipe from horseradish, honey and olive oil. A rhizome weighing 300 grams is ground into a gruel, 500 grams of honey and 200 ml of olive oil are added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, consumed three times a day before meals. Therapeutic composition it is recommended to store in the refrigerator.


A pulp of horseradish roots is wrapped in gauze and applied to the painful area. The compress is covered with a warm cloth, left overnight. Treatment is stopped when the normal mobility of the spine is restored, the painful reaction decreases.

Bruises and sprains

Since ancient times, the benefits and harms of horseradish leaves have been known. The cut sheet is applied to bruises, dislocations, sprains. It has a cooling and analgesic effect, accelerates regeneration, relieves inflammation. May cause allergies if done too long and too often.

The benefits of horseradish for men's and women's health

What is useful horseradish for women and men? The fresh root is an aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire. In folk medicine, it is used to treat urological diseases and to strengthen the potency in men. The plant helps with gynecological diseases inflammatory and infectious nature, reduces pain during menstruation in women. In both sexes, it improves reproductive function, increases libido.

Horseradish for weight loss

Horseradish is low calorie dietary product, 100 grams contains only 50 kcal. Because of high content fiber, the digestion of its pulp consumes much more energy than is released with complete assimilation. The product activates the production of gastric juice, which contributes to better digestion and digestion of heavy and fatty foods. spicy seasoning excites the taste buds in the mouth, satisfying a person's need to enjoy the simplest dishes.

Like all spices, the root activates metabolic processes. This means that in the body naturally fat burning processes are launched, and excess calories are not stored in reserve.

Who can't eat horseradish

The rhizomes are dug up in autumn when they contain maximum amount useful elements. It is eaten in fresh, canned for the winter. In its raw form, the root crop is not subject to long storage, as it loses its characteristic taste and aroma, and hence useful qualities. The use of dried horseradish for cooking is widely known. medicinal infusions and decoctions. In dry form, it retains its quality and benefits for an extremely long time.

When using horseradish externally and internally, it is important to observe the terms of treatment and dosage. High concentrations juice can cause redness and burns of the skin, and aromatic vapors can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, coughing, and lacrimation.

Provides horseradish benefits and harms to health. So, it promotes the formation of gastric juice, but in large quantities can dramatically increase acidity and provoke gastritis, aggravate the course of erosive processes on the mucous surface, exacerbate peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum. Treatment folk methods should be carried out with caution among children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The benefits and harms of horseradish for men and women in old age are manifested, especially in combination with medicines. Contraindications concern organs gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, kidneys, liver. It is forbidden to violate dosages and terms, and if unpleasant symptoms treatment is recommended to stop. In case of serious chronic diseases, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Everyone should know exactly what horseradish is good for health. It can be easily grown in the garden, it will be a good prevention and help to be treated!

Why is horseradish so useful - video

IN medicinal purposes fresh horseradish roots and leaves are used. The leaves are less medicinal than the roots.

Consume about 20 grams of fresh horseradish root daily.

Fresh horseradish contains about 16% carbohydrates, about 3% nitrogen compounds and a small amount of fat. Horseradish, according to the content of vitamin C, overtook lemon. It is rich in many mineral compounds, in particular potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It also contains many phytonides, mustard essential oil, starch, sugar, resinous substances, fibers, B vitamins and PP vitamins. fresh leaves plants contain a large amount of carotene.

Horseradish puree contains useful substances for only 1 week.

Read about the beneficial properties of horseradish and start adding it to your food:

  • Horseradish is used as a powerful stimulant to improve the tone of the digestive system.
  • The root and leaves contain alkaloid and bactericidal substances, mainly lysozyme, a powerful bactericide and fungicide. In plantain leaves, in saliva and in egg white also has lysozyme.
  • It is a strong diuretic. Often used in the treatment of kidney disease, infections Bladder, rheumatism and gout.
  • Used as a compress facial neuralgia, with frostbite, with rheumatism of the joints.
  • Eat horseradish at spring.
  • To chew horseradish.
  • Strengthens immune system helps the body fight infections.
  • Increases stomach acid and improves digestion.
  • Used as an expectorant, it removes mucus from the body. To do this, you need to eat half a teaspoon of grated horseradish on an empty stomach.
  • Reduces sugar levels in the body.
  • Removes stones from the bladder.
  • A good antiseptic, helps in the healing of purulent wounds.

Horseradish can cause eye and skin irritation.

  • highly valued cosmetic properties hell. It helps get rid of age spots and freckles. To do this, you need to prepare water solution horseradish and apply on the face.
  • Treats facial neuralgia.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Horseradish root, promotes digestion and also has positive influence on the intestinal microflora.
  • Horseradish is useful for pneumonia, bronchitis, spasms, pleurisy.
  • Antibacterial effect. Contains volatile substances, has a strong bactericidal effect. Horseradish highlights volatile matter that kills microbes.
  • It is also used for rinsing with toothache, for washing wounds.
  • Useful for sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, baldness, seborrhea, purulent inflammation skin.
  • Treats angina pectoris.
  • Helps the cardiovascular system and normalizes high blood pressure.
  • For the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • For colds and infectious diseases.
  • With inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Acts as an analgesic and pain reliever.

Horseradish in folk medicine


Traditional use for colds and respiratory infections was 20 g/day of fresh or dried root. Fresh root is taken 2-4 g before meals.


2 g of horseradish pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Take several times a day.


2 g horseradish pour 150 ml boiled water and insist 2 hours. After straining, add 150 g of sugar to thicken.

Let's explore a few folk recipes for the treatment of diseases.

For coughs and colds

Wash horseradish, peel, grate on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice from two lemons. Mix with lemon juice.

Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning, slightly warm. Take until cough or cold is gone. Keep refrigerated.

For sore throat

Grate horseradish root, add 1 cup boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Strain. Used for gargling.


In this case, horseradish and apple gruel helps very well. To do this, grate a few apples and horseradish in equal parts. Mix. Apply to the affected area for 20 minutes.

This porridge also helps with gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and arthritis.

Headache and toothache

Grind the horseradish into a pulp and wrap it in a cloth, place it on the neck or on the cheek.

Stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis

Fresh horseradish juice diluted with water (1:1) is used to rinse the mouth and throat.

Kidney and bladder stones

Add horseradish to your salad regularly.

Abscesses, boils

In this case, leaves are applied.

Tumor of the lymphatic system

Horseradish is mixed with radish and applied.

Acne on the skin

Horseradish gruel is mixed with natural sour cream and applied to acne.

Horseradish in cooking

Horseradish is especially popular as a culinary ingredient. Due to its spicy taste, it is often used as an accompaniment to various dishes.

  • Horseradish tastes quite a bit sweet and at the same time has a strong bitter taste and pungent aroma.
  • Horseradish goes well with sour cream, garlic, turnips, celery, cucumbers, and fresh cabbage.
  • Fresh horseradish leaves are rich in carotene. Dried leaves prevent the spread of mold in cucumbers. They are added as a spice to cucumbers during pickling.
  • Horseradish contains only 59 calories, but it increases appetite.
  • Used to prepare cold and hot sauces.


Excessive consumption of this plant in healthy people can lead to stomach problems, bleeding and high blood pressure. It can be consumed daily, but in reasonable amounts.

  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • horseradish has an abortion effect
  • presence of a stomach ulcer
  • inflammatory processes in the digestive system
  • kidney dysfunction
  • children under 4 years old

Side effects

Irritant effect on the mucous membrane. External use may cause an erythematous rash. Horseradish is part of the cabbage and mustard family, so it can suppress function thyroid gland. Isothiocyanates can irritate mucous membranes on contact or if inhaled.

Eating large amounts of horseradish can cause bloody vomiting and diarrhea.

Chemical composition

The bark of the stems contains essential mustard oil, up to 1.11%.

Nutritional value of horseradish

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)- improves mental abilities, gives optimism, promotes body growth and stimulates appetite, improves blood circulation. 100 g of horseradish contains 0.08 mg.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)- actively participates in metabolism, normalizes the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, improves vision, and also activates the work of vitamin B6. B2 is essential for the synthesis of red blood cells and normal functioning reproductive function. 100 g of horseradish contains 0.1 mg.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)- promotes tissue respiration, dilates small vessels, has an anticoagulant effect and improves blood microcirculation, which, as a result, normalizes brain function. 100 g of horseradish contains 0.4 mg.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)- has a very positive effect on brain function and oxygen supply to cells. 100 g of horseradish contained 0.7 mg.

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) - necessary for protein synthesis, stimulates the nervous system. 100 grams of horseradish contains 37 micrograms.

Vitamin C- is a powerful anti-infective and anti-stress vitamin. 100 g of horseradish contains 10 mg.

Vitamin E- prevents the formation of blood clots, supplies cells with food, is necessary for tissue regeneration. 100 g of horseradish contains 0.1 mg.

Traditional Russian seasoning, as well as a real storehouse useful substances- garden horseradish has long been used in cooking and traditional medicine recipes. It belongs to the cruciferous family and is a "relative" of cabbage, radish and mustard. What horseradish is good for the body and how to use it for medicinal purposes will tell you our article.

This burning vegetable is known to all. It is often used for home preservation and also as a condiment for meat dishes. The characteristic bitterness and aroma of horseradish are given by the essential oils contained in the composition. In addition, the root of the plant contains lysozyme, a natural antimicrobial and disinfectant. Horseradish is rich in vitamins, among which increased content ascorbic acid, thiamine, carotene and riboflavin. In addition, it contains useful micro and macro elements that have a beneficial effect on the normal activity of the human body.

So, there are the following beneficial features fuck:

  1. Increases the tone of the body, strengthens the immune system.
  2. Stimulates appetite, promotes digestion of food.
  3. Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  4. Gently lowers blood pressure.

Regular consumption of horseradish within reasonable limits can strengthen the immune system, as well as reduce the likelihood of getting SARS and influenza. This is especially true for the winter period, so it is better to stock up on this vegetable in advance.

What horseradish is good for women

The calorie content of horseradish is very low, only about 55 kcal per 100 grams. In addition, this vegetable is able to improve digestion and speed up metabolism. For the beautiful half of humanity who wants to lose overweight, given quality horseradish is often used in diet food.

How to use horseradish for weight loss:

  • It is necessary to prepare a mixture of grated horseradish, one lemon and bee honey. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.
  • The prepared mixture is stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed glass jar.
  • Take a teaspoon before meals, but not more than five times a day.

Such a diet is best combined with feasible physical activity and moderation in food. In addition, before using horseradish for weight loss, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to any component of the mixture, as well as other contraindications.

What are the benefits of horseradish for men

Few people know that the fragrant spice is a powerful aphrodisiac that greatly increases male strength. To this end, it is enough to include it in the diet, but within reasonable limits.

In addition, a decoction of horseradish leaves can restore the former splendor of the hair. Horseradish promotes development hair follicle and is often used in the treatment of premature baldness.

Medicinal properties of horseradish

In folk medicine, horseradish is often used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and disinfectant. In addition, this vegetable has a general strengthening effect.

Traditional medicine recipes for the use of horseradish:

  1. Horseradish root infusion help with gum problems or to eliminate bad smell from mouth. To do this, pour the crushed gruel (about one teaspoon) with a glass of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled to a comfortable temperature, it is necessary to use a decoction to rinse the mouth. This excellent tool from stomatitis and in inflammatory processes of the gums.
  2. Lotions from horseradish help relieve muscle pain in sciatica, rheumatism, gout and inflammatory processes in the tissues. To do this, the crushed pulp is applied as a compress to the affected area. For best effect it is necessary to ensure complete rest and warmth during the procedure.
  3. Chopped and boiled horseradish leaves can help fight skin pigmentation. To do this, wipe the skin daily with such a decoction, and also make lotions in a warm form for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. For the treatment of cough and inflammatory diseases respiratory system, it is necessary to use grated horseradish with honey. Such a medicine promotes the formation of sputum and enhances its discharge.

It is also worth noting that horseradish leaves contain nutrients in a lower concentration than the root itself, and are most often used in canning vegetables. It has long been noticed that the addition of this ingredient will keep cucumbers strong and crispy.

Horseradish during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Despite the obvious benefits for the body, horseradish root is not best product for a woman in position. The fact is that such a seasoning can cause Negative consequences for a growing organism and even provoke health problems.

Pregnancy is a direct contraindication for the use of horseradish, as well as lactation. Not only can this spice affect the taste of milk, it can also cause allergic reaction The child has.

Can children eat horseradish?

For child's body the use of various spices will also not bring great benefit. The standard recommendation of pediatricians is to refuse the use of seasonings in dishes until the age of three. In the case of horseradish, it is better to wait another year and start "acquaintance" with a burning root not earlier than four years of age and in very small quantities.

Contraindications and harm

Hell doesn't always work. A sufficiently concentrated and specific composition can harm under the following conditions:

  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • IN childhood up to four years.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • Problems with the kidneys and liver.
  • In the presence of diseases of the prostate gland.

Having a small list of contraindications, horseradish root is still a popular seasoning in cooking and not a single feast can do without it. The benefits of horseradish for the human body have long been known. This is a versatile health care, both external and internal. One has only to remember that horseradish is active, burning, and you need to be more careful with it.

Horseradish is a perennial plant with large (up to 1.5 meters high) leaves, a powerful thick root, nondescript white flowers. Widely distributed in Europe and Asia, prefers moist semi-shady places.

It is hard to imagine, but the well-known vegetable is the closest relative of cabbage.

Let's look at what horseradish consists of, what are its benefits and harms to human health, options for its use in cooking and medicine.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Horseradish contains many nutrients

The calorie content of horseradish per 100 g is only 57 kcal.
It includes:

  • 3.2 g protein;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 10.5 g of carbohydrates.

The glycemic index of horseradish is only 10 units.

The benefits of horseradish for the body are due to the presence in its composition of essential mustard oils, almost all B vitamins, a high proportion of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins A and E.

In addition, it contains:

  • macronutrients - sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • trace elements - iron, copper, sulfur, manganese, chlorine and many others.

The plant also contains many amino acids, alkaloids, starch, protein, nitrogenous and resinous substances. Phytoncides and lysozyme contained in it enhance its healing properties.

Benefit and harm to the human body

Having carefully studied the composition, you can understand how horseradish is useful for the human body.
It has the following properties:

  • antibiotic;
  • irritating mucous membranes;
  • stimulating appetite;
  • disinfectant;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • painkiller;
  • healing;
  • cleansing.

The stinging root has proven effective in the fight against colds, viral diseases prevents the appearance and development inflammatory processes in organism. It is also useful for anemia, gum disease, beriberi (including scurvy). Helps in healing skin diseases various origins, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In small doses, stimulates appetite, enhances the work of the digestive tract.

You may be interested to know that mustard oil can also improve appetite. Detailed information you will find

Besides that, damn:

  • Acts as an excellent diuretic and cholagogue, helps cleanse the body, allowing you to quickly get rid of toxins and toxins;
  • Hypotonic patients can use this spice to increase pressure;
  • For diabetics, a burning plant also benefits: having an extremely low glycemic index It helps to normalize blood sugar levels.

Is horseradish good for children? With caution, you can start giving it from 3-4 years old, adding to vegetable salads. For kids more early age useful substances will not bring any benefit, because. harm to the child's stomach will be higher.

Useful properties of horseradish for men are also high. It is effective in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system. He will cope with baldness. Being powerful natural aphrodisiac, horseradish is good for potency.

Why horseradish is useful for the female half of the population? It is important to note its importance in nutrition: it accelerates metabolic processes, fights cellulite. Horseradish for weight loss is also used to remove excess fluid from the body.
It is important to remember that the harm and benefits of horseradish directly depend on compliance with dosages when using it.

Pregnant women should limit the use of hot spices in food, as it Negative influence exceeds possible benefit. This vegetable reduces blood clotting, loads the liver and kidneys. However, during pregnancy, it can be used as antiviral agent in the fight against colds and coughs and reduce swelling.

You will learn more about the beneficial properties of horseradish from the video:

Horseradish in cooking

The use of a hot vegetable in cooking is currently small and clearly underestimated:

  • The leaves of the plant are added when salting and preserving vegetables and mushrooms for the winter;
  • In a dry crushed state, they can be used as a seasoning;
  • Freshly added to cold soups and salads;
  • The root is also used in salads: with apple, beetroot and, or with carrots and;
  • The hallmark of Russian cuisine is grated horseradish: its benefits and harms are similar to the grated root, but these properties last no more than a week. During long-term storage, most of the nutrients are lost.

What is table horseradish useful for? It activates the activity of the digestive tract, increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes.

Another popular horseradish and tomato dish is horseradish (horseradish). The benefits and harms of this dish are similar, but there are more vitamins, due to the content of garlic and tomatoes, as well as calories. For pregnant women, its use should be strictly dosed in order to avoid digestive problems. If you are allergic to any component, it is also contraindicated.

What is useful horseradish in winter period? Despite the fact that some of the vitamins are destroyed during storage, it remains a source of ascorbic acid, phytoncides, and vitamin E. Maximum benefit and the taste is preserved for 2 weeks.

Medicinal properties of horseradish and contraindications

Traditional medicine confirmed the healing properties of horseradish a long time ago: even in Rus' it was used to treat many diseases. It is noteworthy that all parts of the horseradish plant are healing, roots, leaves and even flowers carry its beneficial properties. A decoction of the flowers of the plant is used as a remedy for colds, relieving nasal breathing with a cold, acting as an antiviral component. Alcohol tincture used on flowers complex treatment oncological diseases.

horseradish leaves

Horseradish leaves can be used in the following cases:

  • They insist on alcohol, getting an excellent tool for cleansing the body of toxins, relieving pain, and removing salts;
  • When applying pure leaves to the wound, a pronounced bactericidal effect is observed;
  • Chewing small pieces of a leaf has a healing effect on the gums: phytoncides disinfect oral cavity, soft tissue massage occurs, blood circulation improves;
  • A decoction of the leaves stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • Baths from the green part of the plant will alleviate pain in osteochondrosis;
  • In cosmetology, leaf juice is used to even out complexion: dark spots, freckles, acne.

With caution, you need to use decoctions and tinctures from the leaves of the plant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is useful horseradish root?

Most of the beneficial properties of horseradish for the human body belongs to its underground part. It is in it that all the most valuable healing substances are located.

Horseradish root in folk medicine is used in the following forms:

  • root juice;
  • root flour;
  • grated root;
  • dried root for decoctions;
  • vodka tincture (horseradish).

Horseradish root is used in the following cases:

  • For the treatment of joints with horseradish, a grated root (or gruel of flour) is used with the addition of olive oil, a compress is applied to the sore spot and left for an hour;
  • The gruel is also applied internally to reduce swelling;
  • Horseradish root juice is applied externally to treat baldness, seborrhea, acne, arthrosis, gout;
  • Using it for rinsing helps to quickly get rid of sore throats, tonsillitis, soothes toothache, and when ingested - from colds;
  • A decoction of pieces of the root helps with cystitis, urethritis, impotence. Activates physical and mental strength, strengthens the immune system;
  • From the common cold, steam inhalations with a decoction are useful.

Horseradish tincture on vodka

It is made at the rate of 300 g of vegetable raw materials per 1 liter of vodka, treats articular, back pain(including rheumatism), has a beneficial effect on potency and cardiovascular system. It can be used both internally and externally. However, alcohol preparations cannot be used for children and pregnant women.

You will learn more traditional medicine recipes using horseradish from the video:


Like any other food product, it must be used in doses. At increased use this component may experience irritation of the mucous membranes, burning, lacrimation.

It is forbidden to use a burning plant for diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis);
  • gallbladder;
  • kidneys and liver.

With extreme caution and after consultation with the attending physician, it can be taken as food for people with acute and chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, because the product causes pain and bleeding.
It should be noted that the use of this culture simultaneously with some drugs (for example, with chloramphenicol) completely neutralizes their effect on the body. Children under 4 years of age and pregnancy are also a contraindication. It is also important to know whether horseradish raises or lowers blood pressure: hypertensive patients should consume the stinging root moderately, because. it raises the pressure.

It is dangerous to use the plant for patients bronchial asthma and tuberculosis, if present individual intolerance. The harm and benefits of horseradish in some cases are equally great.

Being efficient folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases, enjoying success in cooking, horseradish, however, is not popular.

The number of dishes with a burning root is small, and when it is processed in cooking, the beneficial properties of the horseradish plant are quickly lost.

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