Spices for colds and flu. Spices for respiratory infections

Based on this, we can safely assume that spices are an excellent assistant in the fight against viruses and hypothermia. By the way, some of them not only increase immunity, but are also excellent remedy to fight bacteria, as they have antiseptic and bactericidal properties. And this fact is proven by science. At the same time, experts advise to increase the amount of spices consumed during the flu epidemic. Website Your Baby has made a selection of spices that will help to cope with colds and flu.

Benefits of ginger for colds

In first place in our ranking is ginger. It is difficult to overestimate this spice. In India, for example, it was believed that a drink with this root helps a person to “ignite” a kind of energy inside a person that not only warms, but also destroys the disease. Experts note that this root helps to increase immunity, has diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties. If you do not have hypertension and problems with cardiovascular system, you can safely use this root in medicinal purposes.

Wet feet or overcooled on the street? Drink at home hot tea with ginger, lemon and honey. You can warm your feet by making "thermonosks": pour 1 tablespoon of dry spice into socks and put on at night. Got a cough? Hot milk infused with ginger will help (1/3 tablespoon of grated ginger root pour a glass of hot milk, let it brew for 10-15 minutes).

Cinnamon for coughs and colds

Most often, we use cinnamon as a seasoning for baking and adding flavor to drinks with it. But medicinal properties cinnamon has long been known in the countries where it is grown: there it is considered a wonderful antiseptic.

With the help of a drink with cinnamon, you can bring down the high temperature, and an excellent prevention viral infections, including flu, is regular bathing with the addition of this powder. By the way, you can also deal with a cough with cinnamon: mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and take this remedy 3 times a day (but not on an empty stomach), drinking warm water.

Benefits of cloves for sore throat

Scientists say this spice has antiviral, antimicrobial, analgesic, diaphoretic, and diuretic properties. It is not surprising that the oil of this particular spice can often be found in the composition of cold balms.

Tired of a dry cough? Try chewing a dried clove bud several times a day. Even a sore throat can be dealt with with the help of dried buds clove tree: powder 5 cloves, pour one glass of hot milk and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink hot milk, trying to keep each sip longer in your mouth. You can even gargle with this remedy.

You can write a lot about all the spices and how to use them for colds, SARS and flu, we can only say briefly:

  • Cardamom help to cope with a runny nose, cough;
  • Turmeric copes well with bacteria, so it is simply indispensable in the treatment bacterial infections respiratory tract, with angina, inflammatory processes V intestinal tract;
  • Dried barberry sometimes even called an anti-cancer agent, because it has a lot of antioxidants. It stimulates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. You can add a few berries to tea;
  • mustard seeds can destroy both viruses and bacteria. Not surprisingly, it was mustard that was often used for medicinal purposes in antiquity. Mustard plasters, wet and dry compresses - this is not the whole list of how mustard can be used for medicinal purposes. For example, with a sore throat, you can grind mustard seeds, mix them with honey, pour boiling water over them and drink in small sips, holding them in your mouth.
© Thinkstock

It turns out that a cold in all its manifestations and at all its stages can be fought with very tasty methods. Think we're talking about mulled wine? Not this time, although this method deserves all respect.

Cinnamon will protect against colds

Cinnamon has a powerful antibacterial effect on the body, as well as pleasant taste, which is liked by many cold gourmets and sweet tooths.

If in the treatment of colds to choose between pharmaceutical immunostimulants and cinnamon, the choice is logical - of course, cinnamon!

What to do with cinnamon? You need to pour 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon with boiling water, add a pinch of black pepper and drink with honey every three hours. Rest assured that you will remain unharmed, even if the cough and runny nose afflict everyone around you.

Ginger for the prevention of flu and colds

One of the best means for the prevention of influenza - ginger. Essential oil, which contains ginger, is a good immune stimulant.

What to cook with ginger for a cold? Ginger tea. 1 teaspoon of dry ginger must be mixed with 1 teaspoon of turmeric and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes in a sealed container, cool, strain and drink in small sips.

© Thinkstock Mustard will relieve a runny nose and drive away a cold

simple and effective way treatment of colds, coughs and runny nose - mustard.

What to do with mustard? It is necessary to pour about 150 g of dry mustard and 200 g of salt into almost hot water and steam your feet for 15-20 minutes. Then put on woolen socks and go to bed. After three days, even the most persistent cold recedes.

Turmeric will relieve cough, tonsillitis and pharyngitis

Thanks to phenolic substances (curcumins), turmeric has antibacterial properties, warms the body well, helps with coughs, bronchitis, dryness and itching in the throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other problems with the throat and bronchi.

What to do with turmeric? Boil 1 teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk and drink before going to bed.

cardamom for cold prevention

Another effective cold fighter is cardamom. Relieves runny nose, relieves cough.

What to do with cardamom? You need to take 9 pcs. cardamom, 7 dried cloves, 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger, and 1 cinnamon stick (size of forefinger). Pour all the ingredients into boiling water (about 1 liter), boil for no more than 5 minutes, add 1 glass of milk, bring to a boil. Let it cool down a bit. Drink warm, you can bite with honey. Helps with colds, and also relieves fatigue, improves immunity and serves as a good prevention of influenza.

© Thinkstock Cloves help sore throats

This spice has an analgesic effect for toothache, ear pain and also for sore throats. In the arena - carnation! From cloves, you can prepare an "elixir for sore throats", which can be drunk with a sore throat, the first signs of a cold, and also for the prevention of a cold.

How to cook?
You need to take 4 umbrellas of dry cloves, grind into powder (you can use ground cloves, then a portion is on the tip of a knife), pour a glass of hot milk and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink milk in small sips, holding in the throat. You can also gargle with a warm drink.

Star anise relieves cough

Thanks to the essential oils that star anise contains, this spice thins sputum, reduces wheezing, and therefore effectively helps get rid of coughs, as well as problems with the bronchi.

How to use star anise? Star anise tea: 1 teaspoon of star anise, previously ground into powder, pour 50 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes and strain. Dilute the resulting infusion with boiling water and add honey to taste. You can drink tea 3-5 times a day. You can also buy star anise oil and rub your back and chest at night.

With the onset of cold weather, colds overcome. In the fight against viruses, we are ready to swallow pills, drink drops by the hour and syrups, if only the disease would subside faster. Did you know that colds can be beaten with herbs and spices? Many of them have powerful antiviral and antibacterial property and can cope with a cold no worse than pharmacy drugs.
For example,

Cinnamon is a good antiseptic.

Might be great for the flu. cook medicinal infusion you can do this: boil 1 liter of water, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of ground black pepper. As soon as you feel that a cold is about to take over, drink this infusion throughout the day every 3-4 hours with the addition of a spoonful of honey.

Cloves - will help to cope with a sore throat.

As soon as you feel a sore throat, immediately make a healing potion - heat a glass of milk, grind 4 clove buds in a mortar and add them to hot milk. You can gargle with this drink, or you can drink it in small sips.

Ginger is the #1 remedy for boosting immunity and fighting colds.

Drink ginger tea in the morning and you won't get a cold. The recipe for ginger tea is as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger root with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and drink in small sips.

Black pepper - helps to cope with the temperature.

You need to brew a cup of tea, add a pinch of ground black pepper and a slice of lemon. Drink this tea, lie down in bed under a warm blanket to sweat well. Along with sweat, the temperature will also go away.

mint - very good remedy From cough.

Take an inhalation with a decoction of mint, and you will feel much better. For a decoction, take 2 tablespoons of mint and pour a liter of boiling water, add 3-5 drops essential oil mint and start inhalation.
Like these ones folk recipes from a cold with healing spices I know, maybe you have some recipe in stock?

In Japan medical mask has become practically part of the national costume - so many people wear it all the time, taking care of their health. Like it or not, the habit, in the opinion of a European, is strange. But during the period of colds, when both in the office and in public transport there will definitely be someone sneezing and coughing, prudent Japanese can only envy.

Nowadays, when medicine has learned to cope with serious diseases, with banal acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, doctors usually prescribe only symptomatic treatment or artificial immunomodulators. Meanwhile, since time immemorial, people have known an excellent natural preventive and remedy- spices.

What healing power fraught with fragrant jars hidden in the depths of the kitchen cabinet?


There is a legend that at the beginning of time God gave the demon oats and buckwheat. One of the angels did not agree with this decision and decided to scare the devil away. Out of surprise, he forgot the names of those plants that were due to him, and took the thistle and mustard for himself.

However, the evil one was not upset for long. After all, mustard powder is a storehouse of useful properties. So we will use these properties: pour an incomplete handful of mustard powder into the basin, add salt, pour hot water and sit there for twenty minutes. And then - in warm socks to bed! With a chest cough, of course, mustard plasters will help. If you didn’t have time to go to the pharmacy, make them yourself: mix a tablespoon of mustard powder, flour, honey, vegetable oil and add one and a half tablespoons of vodka. Warm the mixture in a water bath and spread on a piece of cloth (you can use a kitchen towel) folded in half or four. Cover with cling film on top and wrap yourself. After 15-20 minutes, noticeable relief will come.

Black pepper

Another seasoning that you probably have at home. In India, they believe that peppercorns became so black and burning because of the soot: allegedly, the plants on which they ripened were guarded by snakes, and people, before picking the fruits, scared away the reptiles with smoke from fires.

At high temperature we make ourselves tea with a slice of lemon and a pinch of pepper and lie down under the covers. The temperature will drop, and the cough (and this is the merit of pepper!) Will become less painful. A teaspoon of honey with a quarter of a teaspoon of ground pepper will also relieve a cough if the mixture is sucked after a meal.


The ancients believed that daredevils got cinnamon from the nest of the Phoenix. Maybe this immortal bird awarded the fragrant seasoning with the gift of reviving our immunity from the ashes? After all, if you brew 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon with a pinch of black pepper and regularly drink a fragrant drink, you can avoid a cold even in the season of severe epidemics.


According to Greek tradition, this plant was once a nymph named Minta, who had the gift of healing. The envious goddess turned her into a plant, but she could not take away the ability to heal.

Brew two tablespoons dried leaves mint in a liter of water, add a couple of drops of oil peppermint and breathe over the steam - the cough will quickly pass.


Cardamom is one of the most popular spices in Arab countries- will help you cope with a runny nose and will contribute to the separation of sputum from the bronchopulmonary system. That's why cardamom is an indispensable ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. medicinal tea masala.

Masala tea

1/2 tablespoon grated ginger root (you can replace the fresh spice with 1/4 teaspoon dry seasoning), 4 dried clove buds, 2 pinches each of ground cardamom, cinnamon powder and grated nutmeg pour three glasses hot water and boil for a few minutes. Add a teaspoon of black tea and let it steep for a bit. Pour a glass into the tea warm milk and heat again, but do not bring to a boil. Add a spoonful of honey and enjoy! With a cold, masala tea should be drunk three times a day.


Cloves are great for sore throats. Crush 4 clove buds in a mortar, pour a glass of boiled milk and let it brew. After ten minutes, you can drink a fragrant drug in small sips, holding them in your mouth, or simply gargle with them.

In ancient times, Arab merchants carefully concealed where they brought odorous spices for sale. Now it is no secret: dried flower buds of the clove tree are brought to Europe from Indonesia, India and Madagascar. This exotic, spicy-smelling spice came to the taste of Europeans and became a regular ingredient in mulled wine, a traditional winter drink that warms and heals.

Mulled wine

You will need 750 ml of red wine, a glass of water, green apple, orange, 2 tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of grated ginger root and the same amount of cinnamon, 4-6 clove buds.

Cut apple and orange slices into small pieces. Throw the spices into the water and boil. Reduce heat and add wine, honey and chopped fruit. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. Let the drink brew for ten minutes - and you can combine business with pleasure!

And for children, cook non-alcoholic mulled wine - for this you need to replace the wine with apple or grape juice.


One medieval duke, to whom doctors predicted an imminent death, was healed by a healer, who for several months gave him yellow powder - turmeric. It must be assumed that the duke did not remain in debt!

This spice copes with perspiration and sore throat. You can boil a teaspoon of spice in milk and take a drink at night or gargle with warm water with turmeric (one teaspoon of turmeric and half a teaspoon of salt per glass).


Ginger root is rightfully considered the king medicinal spices. In India, they are sure that the gods gave this plant to people in order to maintain their inner fire, the lack of which can cause many ailments.

Ginger - powerful immunostimulator. It has diaphoretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties, relieves spasms and resolves sputum. To keep warm after hypothermia, you need to pour dry ginger powder into socks. At wet cough a glass of hot milk with a third teaspoon of ginger powder will help, and for dry milk, a mixture of ginger and lemon juice with honey.

On a note!

Ginger teas should not be taken at the same time as aspirin, as they both thin the blood. Two to three hours should elapse between doses of these funds.

Treat with spices and be healthy! And if the infection took you by surprise, and there is no way to stay at home, remember the Japanese and their “national trend” - a medical mask. The people around you will thank you.

Forget about autumn ailments, because we found the right way from colds and chilly weather!

You just need to “spice up” gloomy days with fragrant bright spices! They will definitely not allow you to sink into despondency and fall ill.

Herbs and spices for colds and flu:

  • spicy golden ginger,
  • bright yellow turmeric
  • spicy cloves,
  • cozy cinnamon

- a whole kaleidoscope of tastes, colors and aromas will not only improve your mood, but also increase immunity.

Even in ancient times, people passed down recipes from generation to generation. folk remedies from a cold. After all, people knew that in order to be healthy with the onset of cold weather, you need to eat foods that have the properties of “dryness and heat”. It is, first of all, spices.

If you know the features of their influence on the body, you can protect yourself from the most common ailments.

For example, pepper has an irritating and warming effect, since it dilates blood vessels and causes blood flow, has a cleansing effect, and increases metabolism.

In the cold season, it is very useful to eat soups with spices: they have a warming effect, nourish the body with vitamins and minerals.

Vegetable soup is ideal for colds: it does not load the body with extra calories, it helps to get rid of toxins.

To prepare an "anti-cold" soup, you just need to add to it components that increase immunity and destroy pathogenic bacteria: dried echinacea, rice, vegetable broth, dried mushrooms, ginger, cabbage, garlic, green onions.

For a cold, chew one pea of ​​black allspice 5 times a day.

If you constantly add a variety of seasonings and spices to your diet for colds and flu, then, most likely, seasonal illnesses will not touch you, and your immunity will work without failure.

However, you need to know the recipes for emergencies.

For example, with nasal congestion, inhalations with cloves are very effective.

You can also make ginger or cinnamon paste by mixing the ground spice with warm water to form a paste. Then apply it on the forehead, nose and maxillary sinuses.

If your throat hurts, you can drink a glass of milk by boiling a teaspoon of turmeric in it. Turmeric - natural antibiotic. It can be added to all dishes. She, in addition to facilitating colds improves digestion, normalizes intestinal flora, cleanses the blood, promotes the formation of new blood cells, normalizes metabolism.

Ginger tea.

Tea with ginger, cinnamon and lemon will warm you on a rainy evening, and will also help get rid of the first symptoms of a cold. Boil a cinnamon stick for two to three minutes in 500-600 ml of water, then pour 1-2 tablespoons of grated ginger with this water, add lemon juice to taste and let it brew for 3-5 minutes. For amplification health effect you can drink with honey when the tea has cooled down a bit.

Familiar to many since childhood will help to cure a cough and clear the lungs. star anise. It thins phlegm and reduces hoarseness.

Star anise can be used as tea: a teaspoon with the top of the fruit, which must first be ground or crushed, pour 1/4 cup of boiling water and strain after 10 minutes. Dilute the resulting infusion with boiling water and sweeten with honey.

You can drink this tea up to 5 times a day. A star anise oil is useful for rubbing.

Cinnamon also contains many antibacterial substances, so it is great for flu prevention. It can be brewed separately and drunk with honey, added to tea and coffee. Familiar to us, black pen and mint are also very useful for the lungs.

If the stomach allows, there must be mustard. medicinal substances, contained in this spice, have a normalizing effect on the work of the adrenal glands and gonads, which is very important in the "transitional" season, when all regulatory systems are under increased stress.

To date, the most popular spice for colds - ginger. Can be used both dried and fresh ginger, but it is best to brew a fresh root.

A good result for colds is a mixture of honey, cinnamon and ginger: for 200 grams of honey, 1 teaspoon of dried ginger and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon - tasty and healthy.

And if you make a mixture of dried powder ginger root, black pepper, cinnamon and not a large number sugar, it will miraculously relieve a sore throat.

In general, each spice has a beneficial effect on the entire body, and some spices have a particularly pronounced therapeutic effect.

Such widespread spices as cinnamon, basil, cumin, cloves, black pepper, garlic, mustard will strengthen the immune system, help to cope with colds and keep warm in the cold season.

More about the most healthy seasonings you can read .



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