Peppermint instructions for use. Instructions for use of peppermint tincture

At any dacha, in the garden, a place has long been reserved for spicy healing peppermint. This hardy herb is used in home cooking along with other plants - dill, parsley, oregano. On the other hand, weed has medicinal properties. Decoctions and infusions are used in traditional medicine, oil and tinctures produce industrial way. The medicinal properties and contraindications to its use are well studied.

Characteristics of the chemical composition of mint

A special aroma of peppermint leaves is given by essential oil, which is a mixture of menthol and its derivatives. In addition, organic cyclic compounds are present in the leaves:

  • camphene;
  • limonene;
  • pinenes;
  • cineole;
  • pulegone;
  • meyanthon.

Together with compounds of the menthol group and essential oils, they make up 60% chemical elements extracted from peppermint leaves. The rest is biologically active additives, organic acids, anthocyanins, azulenes and trace elements. Such rich content necessary for a person substances is 3% of the weight of the green mass. Naturally, the properties of peppermint have found application and the plant is cultivated on an industrial scale.

Medicinal uses of peppermint

TO medicinal forms Mint includes products obtained from fresh raw materials by extraction into solvents and its use in complex preparations:

  • mint oil;
  • mint tincture, or mint drops;
  • pharmacy fees with;
  • briquetted products from a dry composition;
  • complexes "Validol", "Corvalol", "Valocardin".

Knowing beneficial features peppermint and contraindications, you can use the herb prepared on your own at home. It can be used not only in medicinal purposes but in cooking and perfumery.

Servants of the patricians before the feast rubbed the tables with mint and sprinkled the walls with infusion, bringing the smell of freshness into the room. And the soldiers were forbidden to drink mint infusion before the battle, as it was believed that the "Grass of Aphrodite" reduces militancy.

The medicinal property of mint is based on the action of the substance menthol. Upon contact of the substance with the skin or mucous membrane, menthol irritates the nerve endings. The signal is transmitted in the form of tingling or cooling. Wherein blood vessels receive a signal to shrink, keeping warm, and internal vessels expand, thereby relieving spasm and pain effect. It has a beneficial effect in angina attacks, reduces headache, improves the functioning of the veins, enhances the work of the digestive tract. Mint has a beneficial effect on the liver and bile ducts, the composition of bile changes.

Based complex action components extracted from mint, a lot is being prepared dosage forms. One of the preparations is peppermint tincture. In the factory, the extraction of medicinal elements from the green mass occurs by extraction with ethyl alcohol. active ingredients. IN official uniform peppermint tincture (Tinctura Menthae piperitae) consists of equal parts of oil and alcohol extract.

At home, a tincture is prepared by mixing equal weight fractions of ethyl alcohol or purified moonshine and mint leaves. After infusion in a warm, dark place for 20 days, the resulting liquid is cleared of suspension and stored in a dark, cool place.

Instructions for use of peppermint tincture include its use for problems:

  • as an analgesic for neuralgia;
  • antiemetic and carminative;
  • with vascular tone high blood pressure, poor circulation;
  • insomnia and brain nutrition.

However, this medicine should not be abused. Uncontrolled use of menthol drops can cause spasm respiratory organs to the point of stopping breathing. Therefore, for chronically ill people, before using the mint elixir, you should consult a doctor.

Produced mint oil (Ol. Menth. pip.) is applied externally. The analgesic effect is achieved by rubbing into the temporal part, with pain and itching skin, relieves the condition with insect bites. This is how the famous ointment "Asterisk" works. internal use oils are available only on prescription.

In folk medicine, an infusion of herbs is used. It is used for indigestion, for colds, as depressant. More often used Mint tea. It is brewed and allowed to brew. After use with honey or alone. This tea is especially useful for insomnia. It is noted that patients with stomach ulcers do not tolerate tea well.

The benefits and harms of peppermint depend on many reasons. Since menthol reduces pressure, calms, reduces activity, it should not be taken by people driving vehicles. For people with reduced pressure This substance is also banned. You can not drink mint tea to a nursing mother, as lactation decreases and the addition of mint in milk will harm the baby.

When can you pick peppermint and how to harvest it correctly

highest concentration useful substances in medicinal raw materials it is present in the budding phase. This is usually in June or July, depending on the region. Cut branches are laid out in the shade in a ventilated place. Before drying the raw materials, you need to wash the leaves. Some do this after harvesting, others arrange mint showers in the garden. In this case, cleaning begins after the leaves dry.

When drying mint, do not use a drying cabinet, as light ethers will evaporate. At home, the dried material is stored in linen bags or glass tightly closed jars.

When harvesting from large plantations, the cut grass is dried under a canopy, turning with a pitchfork. Sheet material is used for packaging for sale and for use in collections. The remaining branches are used to extract essential oils and make liquid forms. According to GOST, pharmaceutical raw materials should be a mass of crushed sheets without the inclusion of blackened plates.

Peppermint treatment - video

Peppermint is a perennial herb that belongs to the mint family. Possesses pleasant smell and unique medicinal properties. It is widely used in cooking, traditional and folk medicine, cosmetology. The leaves of the plant contain a large amount of menthol, which determines all the benefits of the herb for the human body. Dry leaves and flowers retain their properties even when heat treatment which is why she is in such high demand. Food Industry. For ingestion, peppermint tincture is most often used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared with your own hands.

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    Description of the medicinal product

    Peppermint contains tannins, organic acids, resins, rutin, arginine, fixed oils, saponins, phytosterols.

    The tincture of the medicinal plant is available in dark glass bottles of 25, 40 and 50 ml. It has a rich menthol scent. Color, depending on the manufacturer and the raw materials used, may have various shades green, from lightest to darkest. 1 ml of the drug contains 50 mg of plant leaves and 50 mg of peppermint oil, as well as 90% ethanol.

    The tool has a slight sedative, choleretic, antispasmodic and analgesic action.

    There are no analogues of the drug, identical in composition with peppermint tincture. One of the medicines that also contains the essential oil of the plant are mint tablets.

    Peppermint Essential Oil - Benefits and Uses

    Medicinal properties

    Benefit pharmacological agent for the human body due to the rich content of medicinal substances:

    • Renders therapeutic effect to the central nervous system And mental condition patients. It has a sedative effect, dilates blood vessels. Used to enhance vitality and stabilization of the emotional state.
    • Normalizes the work of the heart, eliminates tachycardia, angina pectoris, can be included in complex therapy chronic arterial hypertension.
    • Beneficial effect on vascular system and improves the blood supply to the brain due to the antispasmodic effect on large and small vessels.
    • The medicine strengthens digestive system. Stimulates the work of the gallbladder and pancreas, destroys pathogenic microflora in the small and large intestines, providing a disinfectant and antimicrobial action.
    • Contributes to the treatment of organ diseases respiratory system. Used in sprays and ointments. Stimulates the release of bronchi and lungs from sputum.
    • In folk medicine, it is used as a remedy for a hangover. IN short time relieves headaches and promotes the excretion of alcohol decay products from the body.

    Self-treat any disease mint tincture not recommended, as its illiterate use is harmful to health.

    Indications for the use of the drug

    After consultation with a specialist medicine applied under the following conditions:

    • With weakened immunity as an additional source of vitamins and minerals.
    • To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication of the body, hand tremor with a hangover syndrome.
    • as a local anesthetic and antiseptic for therapy festering wounds, burns, cuts. Promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
    • For headaches, chronic fatigue, insomnia due to nervous and emotional overexcitation.
    • For stabilization heart rate, treatment of angina pectoris and lowering blood pressure.
    • To improve the production and discharge of bile in cholecystitis, eliminate constipation, flatulence, intestinal and stomach colic. As an anti-inflammatory agent for pancreatitis, as a stimulant in the absence of appetite.

    Antispasmodic action mint extract used to relieve neurological pain various etiologies.

    Terms of use

    According to the instructions for use of the drug, it should be taken before meals. For adults and children from 12 years old single dose is 10-15 drops. Since the drug contains alcohol, it should not be used by drivers and people whose professional activity associated with increased concentration. Duration treatment course the doctor determines, usually it does not exceed 14 days.

    Locally tincture is used for rinsing oral cavity, treatment of wounds, in the form of compresses and lotions.

    Peppermint essential oil is used in the fight against mice. These rodents do not tolerate the smell of the plant and will not enter the house if cotton pads moistened with the product are laid out in the corners.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Peppermint tincture is not suitable for everyone and has a number of contraindications:

    • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
    • Spasmophilia.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Chronic hypotension.
    • Problems with potency in men.
    • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    • Age up to 12 years.
    • Use with caution in patients suffering from ulcerative lesions bodies gastrointestinal tract, chronic alcoholism, liver diseases and those who have suffered brain injuries.

    In young children, taking mint drops provokes bronchospasm and respiratory arrest.

    Cases of overdose are unknown, however, if the recommended amount is systematically exceeded, the following manifestations may occur:

    • An allergic reaction in the form of a rash, itching, swelling and redness of the skin, dermatitis, urticaria.
    • Taking the drug with peptic ulcer provokes its exacerbation.
    • Chronic overdose leads to increased emotional arousal and sleep disturbance.
    • Contact with the tincture on the mucous membranes and in the eyes provokes burns.

    At the first signs of an overdose of the drug, you should immediately stop taking it and seek medical help.

Mint - herbaceous plant. The maximum height of the mint is 1 meter. All species (more than 20 pieces) of this plant have a strong aroma, mainly menthol and are distinguished chemical composition. Mint leaves are elongated dark green.

Types and description

Types of mint:

In the world there are such types of mint:

  • Peppermint- the most common and widely used type of cultivated plant. Mint leaves are used in dried form, essential oil is obtained from them. This type of mint is used in medicine and cosmetology;
  • Water mint- a herbaceous plant that grows in a swamp and near other water bodies on swampy soil. Almost never used for medical purposes, as it contains few essential oils;
  • Longleaf mint reaches quite impressive sizes (up to 150 cm). This type of plant is used as a source of essential oils. The aroma of the plant is very gentle;
  • Curly mint. The aroma is pleasant and gentle, there is no cooling effect. Used in cooking;

Field mint. The plant is very common, grows in almost every corner of the planet. Field mint is low (up to 60 cm). This kind of mint found wide application in cooking;

Mint soothes, the herb Motherwort from which preparations are made, for example “”, has the same property.

Our grandmothers used herbs and berries to treat diseases before pharmacists began to invent medicines, but they also came to the conclusion that many herbs are simply irreplaceable .... Let's learn more about herbs and berries in the following articles:

  • benefit and harm
  • and its properties
  • and its application
  • instructions for use
  • and its medicinal decoctions

Chemical composition

Component Quantity, mg per 100 g
Vitamin A 0,19
Vitamin C 35
Vitamin PP 1,65
Vitamin B 1 0,09
Vitamin B 2 0,31
Vitamin B 5 0,42
Vitamin B 6 0,13
Vitamin B 9 89
Sodium 28
Magnesium 74
Phosphorus 68
Manganese 1,2
Copper 0,4
Zinc 1,2
Iron 4,7
The nutritional value
Squirrels 3.7 g
Fats 0.8 g
Carbohydrates 7.1 g
Ash 1.8 g
Water 75 g
Alimentary fiber 7 g
calories 69 kcal

Benefit and harm

Benefits of ingredients:

  • Vitamin A is necessary for vision, is involved in the formation of bone tissue;
  • Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, boosts it, helps fight various diseases, helps to absorb iron;
  • Vitamin PP affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, help fight stress.
  • Iron is essential for blood formation and hemoglobin.
  • Calcium is essential for bone tissue;
  • Potassium is needed for correct operation heart and muscles;
  • Sodium is essential for the proper functioning of the brain.
  • Magnesium helps fight stress, calms the nervous system.

Useful properties of mint:

  • A sedative that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Fights insomnia;
  • Mint has antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial properties;
  • Fights gas and bloating in the intestines;
  • Choleretic agent;
  • Helps fight colds
  • Fights inflammation of the pharynx and throat;
  • Beneficial effect on the skin;
  • Stimulates hair growth;

Harm of mint:

  • allergic reactions;
  • Lowers pressure;

Indications for use and contraindications

Mint should be used for:

  • In cooking mint can be used by anyone who likes its taste and aroma. Mint is added to tea, cocktails and other drinks. Salads and sauces are prepared from it. Mint can be used as widely as your imagination allows.
  • For medical purposes mint is used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent. It is taken both internally and externally. Inside, mint is taken in the form of tea, decoctions or infusions.

Contraindications to the use of mint:

  • Mint is not recommended for people with low blood pressure;
  • Pregnant women should moderate their consumption of this plant, but it is not necessary to completely eliminate it.


Mint leaves

Mint tea is used for bloating, colic and nausea.

Cooking technology:

  • Take a few leaves of fresh mint (can be dried) and pour boiling water over it.
  • Infuse tea for 3-4 minutes.
  • Strain and you can use.
  • Take tea no more than 3 cups a day, because mint is a strong sedative.

With a cold.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mint leaves - 7-10 pieces;
  • Water - 0.5 l;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.

Cooking technology:

  • Place mint in a small bowl and add water.
  • Put on fire.
  • Let it simmer for 30-60 seconds and turn off the heat.
  • Add cloves and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Add honey to the slightly cooled mixture.
  • Take the drink warm 3-4 times a day.

Peppermint oil

Often used for headaches and in cosmetology.

  • For headaches mint essential oil is dripped onto a cotton pad or swab (2-3 drops) and applied to the temples. Keep in this state for up to 30 minutes. The condition is improving significantly.
  • Peppermint essential oil is used to rub problem areas of the skin (rash, acne). To do this, a couple of drops of oil are dripped onto a cotton pad and wiped over the face. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day.

For hair.

Mint is great for stimulating hair growth. To do this, her hair is rinsed with a decoction or oil after washing.

Decoction preparation:

  1. Several mint leaves are placed in 1 liter of water.
  2. Put on fire and boil for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Insist 4-5 minutes and filter.
  4. Rinse hair with warm decoction.

If you use essential oil for rinsing, then per liter warm water add 4-5 drops of oil, mix and rinse your hair with it.

For weight loss

Use it as a tea. Tea requires fresh or dried mint.


  • 4-5 leaves of fresh mint (or 1 teaspoon dried) are poured with boiling water.
  • Insist 3-5 minutes and take before or after meals.

It is worth being careful with mint tea for weight loss, because mint really normalizes and speeds up metabolism, but it also increases appetite.

Peppermint essential oil is used externally. Indicated for people who have sleep problems and feel restless. It is recommended to use for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. Peppermint is great for headaches.

In a pharmacy, price, release form

Mint can be purchased at a pharmacy:

  • Dry mint leaves. Available in a paper box or paper bag. The cost is from 30 rubles for 50 g of the product.
  • Peppermint essential oil. Available in bottles. Cost from 100 rubles per 5 ml.

"Mint pepper leaves"- a phytopreparation that provides choleretic action and also has an antispasmodic effect.

What is the composition and form of release of the drug "Peppermint (leaves)"?

The phytopreparation is produced in vegetable raw materials, it is crushed, in bulk, placed in bags of thick paper. active ingredient are the leaves. The product is sold in cardboard packages, where different amounts of phytochemicals may be present: 100, 30, 75, 35, and also 50 grams.

In addition, this phytopreparation is available in filter bags, where there is 1.5 grams of crushed vegetable raw materials, it is placed in cardboard boxes. You can buy a herbal remedy without a prescription.

Keep herbal remedy must always be in a well-ventilated and dry place, as well as in a darkened room. The expiration date of the phytopreparation is marked on the box with raw materials, it is two years, after which it is contraindicated to use it.

What is the effect of placers and filter bags "Peppermint leaves"?

A decoction prepared from peppermint leaves has an antispasmodic effect, has a calming, locally irritating effect, and a choleretic and antiemetic effect was found in the herbal remedy.

In addition, the tool plant origin can cause a sedative, antihypoxic effect, has an antiseptic, as well as some analgesic effect. All of the above medicinal effects arise due to the components present in the leaves - this is essential oil, menthol and some other healing compounds.

When the decoction is taken orally, menthol irritates the so-called cold receptors localized in the oral mucosa, as a result, the formation of the following components is stimulated: enkephalins, peptides, endorphins and dynorphins, which play a role in the regulation pain and vascular tone.

As a result, a reflex occurs. Menthol stimulates activity respiratory center, contributes to the suppression of the gag reflex, in addition, they have an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles urinary tract, and digestive tract, gently stimulate the secretory function of the digestive glands.

Menthol, together with peppermint flavonoids, contributes to the onset of a choleretic effect. Sedative action arises due to the presence in the leaves of this plant of esters of the so-called isovaleric acid.

The onset of the antimicrobial effect, as well as the restoration of the function of the ciliated epithelium lining the upper Airways, is carried out due to the presence of such compounds: menthol, cineole, beta-pinene, ursolic acid, and limonene, in addition, tannins.

It was believed that after a person inhaled the smell of mint flowers, he would keep good mood, in this regard, even the Roman patricians ordered their servants to rub the tables with mint grass before the upcoming meeting of distinguished guests, and the halls for celebrations had to be sprayed with water, which insisted on mint leaves.

Ancient scientists wrote about the healing properties of peppermint:, as well as Hippocrates,. This plant was found in ancient Egyptian tombs that were built as far back as a thousand years BC. This representative of the flora came to Russia around the end of the nineteenth century.

What are the indications for Peppermint leaves?

Phytopreparation peppermint leaves instructions for use allows you to use as a means for symptomatic therapy if the patient has nausea and vomiting, they are also treated during a spasm of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the contraindications for Peppermint leaves?

The preparation "Peppermint leaves" instructions for use do not allow the use in the following situations:

Do not prescribe peppermint leaves to babies under the age of three;

Do not use this herbal remedy in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Before using herbal medicine, it is important to consult a specialist.

What is the dosage and use of Peppermint Leaves?

Phytopreparation Peppermint leaves are used in the following way. You will need to take five grams of dry phyto-raw materials, it is placed in a prepared enameled container, where boiling water is then poured in an amount of 200 milliliters. Next, the container is covered with a lid, after which the dishes are placed in a prepared water bath.

The broth should be in a water bath for fifteen minutes. After that, the herbal remedy is removed from the stove and left to cool for about one hour. Next, the liquid should be filtered to rid it of the leaves, for this a strainer is used, then the remaining raw material is squeezed well.

The volume of the resulting broth is brought with boiling water to a volume of 200 milliliters. Take phytomedicine fifteen minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. Children aged 3 to 6 years are prescribed a dessert spoon of herbal medicine; from 7 to 14 - 1-2 tablespoons; adults - a third or half a glass.

Before direct use of the decoction, it is recommended to shake it well, since normally a small precipitate may fall out, which will not indicate its depravity. It is required to store the finished herbal remedy in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Overdose of "Peppermint Leaves"

To date, there have been no cases of overdose of the herbal preparation Peppermint leaves.

What are the side effects of peppermint leaves?

The use of a decoction prepared from peppermint leaves can sometimes lead to the development of allergies, and further use of the herbal preparation should be abandoned.

How to replace Peppermint leaves, what analogs to use?


Be healthy!


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What is mint:

What is mint, useful properties and contraindications of mint, and does it have any medicinal properties? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment, in particular to treatment with medicinal plants. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Mint (lat. Méntha) is a plant from the Lamiaceae family, with about 350 species. It grows almost everywhere on the globe, mainly in temperate regions, as well as in South Africa, in the Indian archipelago and other places. More than 20 species of this plant are found in Russia.

This fragrant plant has a peculiar smell that is difficult to confuse with any other. This herb has a long odorous rhizome. It has simple or branched stems, tetrahedral. Its leaves are opposite, ovate-lanceolate, sharp. The edges of the leaves are covered with small teeth. Very often, this plant has a hairy, fleecy surface on its leaves, something like a fluff. The flowers of this herb are small, usually collected together in dense spherical whorls in the axils of the upper leaves. The calyx of the flowers resembles a bell with five prongs of a mauve color. Mint size reaches a height of fifteen to forty-five centimeters.

Mint blooms all summer, from June to August, capturing, in addition, also part of September. You can meet this wonderful plant almost throughout our country. Therefore, you should not have any difficulties in extracting this herb. In addition, it is also quite actively grown artificially, being very popular as an essential oil plant.

For most of us, mint is associated primarily with freshness and a pleasant chill, but we often forget that this herb has useful properties that are used in traditional medicine and just in everyday life.

Mint improves brain activity, eliminates the "spleen". This plant is mostly used in the form of infusions and decoctions.

Most known species hers is peppermint. This plant contains a number of useful substances: carotene, essential oil, tannins, ascorbic acid(vitamin C).

Where can you get this medicinal plant? Well, you can simply plant mint in a pot as a flowerpot. To enjoy tea with mint, it will be enough for you to “collect” no more than two or three small leaves from it.

Then, mint can be planted in your country house - this plant is unpretentious, special care it doesn't require. Finally, in order not to bother, you can buy it at a pharmacy and brew it. And for the laziest, it will be easier to buy ready-made bags of mint.

The main types of mint:


Peppermint is a cultivated species obtained by man in the 17th century in England. It is sometimes referred to as English mint. It is cultivated most widely, in about 30 countries around the world.

This variety fragrant plant found wide application as a spice in cooking, as well as in medicine and cosmetology. This type leading in the content of essential oil and menthol.

As a spice, this herb is included in refreshing drinks, lemonades, fruit drinks. She is given new taste fruit salads. Add to meat and poultry dishes, baked goods, sweet dishes.


Water mint is a marsh, herbaceous plant that can often be found in middle lane Russia. It can reach a meter height, grows on the banks of reservoirs, on swampy soil. The flowers form large cluster-shaped inflorescences. Water mint has a strong menthol flavor. The content of menthol in it is high, but there are few essential oils. It is little used as a spice and for medicinal purposes.


Longleaf mint is probably the most common type of mint in the world. It is found in Europe, in Asia. It is rarely cultivated on an industrial scale (mainly obtained from it essential oils). Long-leaved mint is noticeably taller than the rest, its shoots can reach a height of 120-140 centimeters. It has a developed creeping in upper layers soil rhizome, dark green, oblong leaves. She has small purple flowers that form inflorescences. It has a gentle, menthol, non-irritating aroma.


Curly mint is one of the cultivated types of mint. It has a delicate, refreshing, slightly menthol flavor and aroma. It doesn't have a cold taste. It is cultivated on an industrial scale in European countries, in Ukraine and in Russia.

It blooms in September, purple flowers. This is a perennial, frost-resistant type of mint. It is widely used as a spice.


Mint field - its most common type. Found in different climatic conditions and various regions. It is the oldest cultivated variety of mint. It is grown in China, Russia, Japan. The stems are small, about 50 centimeters tall, the leaves are dark green, oblong, oval shape. The flowers are purple, form inflorescences.

Field mint is cultivated on an industrial scale. A spice is obtained from it - its dried and ground leaves. And yet - the essential oil, which is rich in this plant.

This fragrant herb is added to vegetable salads, in conservation, in drinks, in fish and meat dishes, in soups. It has good preservative properties.

This variety of mint is used in the confectionery industry to give products a pleasant, refreshing taste.


Apple mint is a widespread species that is grown for its spice. It has a soft, delicate aroma and a refreshing taste. It is found in the southern regions of Europe, Egypt, Asia. In Russia, it is grown in the North Caucasus.

This is a shrub reaching 50-70 cm in height. It has large, round, dark green leaves. The whole ground part of apple mint contains a lot of menthol and essential oil. It is used in the food industry and medicine.

Good for sweet dishes, desserts, drinks.

Useful properties of mint:

1. Mint, useful in healing gastrointestinal diseases. It relieves inflammation well, anesthetizes, is cholagogue. get ready in the following way: 2 tablespoons of dry herb pour 500 ml. boiling water and insist. The resulting broth is taken in a third of a glass three times / day. You can add honey to the broth - to taste. This remedy also helps painful sensations in the liver.

2. This fragrant grass may help reduce fever.

4. It is useful for the prevention of cataracts.

5. It can be used as an anesthetic for rheumatism (mint compresses) and to relieve itching from insect bites.

6. Mixed with olive oil this fragrant herb considered useful in the treatment of burns.

7. Inhalation of mint vapors relieves motion sickness in transport (it is not for nothing that mint sweets are recommended for those who fly in an airplane).

Mint contraindications:

Mint also has its contraindications. For example, it should not be used by people suffering from hypersensitivity to its components. Of course, it is contraindicated for those suffering from its individual intolerance.

This odorous herb (and this is very important!), reducing the tone of venous vessels, can provoke an exacerbation of any other existing disease. For example, very often due to its use there is an exacerbation varicose veins veins. That is why people prone to this ailment would be best to refuse mint. If you often suffer from heartburn, then it is also best for you not to use it. The fact is that mint can cause this unpleasant sensation.

Mint is contraindicated in children under the age of 3 years. Do not forget also that this medicinal plant tends to reduce male libido. If you are overcome by drowsiness, it is better to refuse mint. Another very serious contraindication to the use of this plant is infertility. If you have problems with conception, never use mint - in this case, it can only aggravate the situation.

But peppermint favorably affects female hormones, therefore, if a woman wants to get rid of unwanted hair on the legs, chest and other places where women, in theory, should not have hair - on help will come it is a medicinal plant. Of course, the effect will not appear immediately, but the “overgrowth” of hair, if not completely disappear, then significantly decrease. This was established in the course of studies in which volunteers took part. The beneficial properties of this plant in the treatment of hirsutism (pathological hair growth) were noted.

Medicinal properties of mint:

Healing properties field mint, pepper, as well as common and medicinal lemon balm are widely used not only in traditional medicine, but also in the manufacture of all kinds of medicines. The main component of mint - menthol - has the ability to expand the heart vessels of the brain, as well as the lungs. It desensitizes nerve endings and constricts peripheral vessels.

This fragrant herb, like many medicinal herbs, is a fairly versatile plant, therefore, with its proper use, it is possible not only to carry out prevention, but also to treat diseases. There are quite a lot of diseases in which mint is used. These include and cardiovascular diseases, and nervous diseases mint is also used in the treatment colds and liver diseases. Very good impact this medicinal plant has on the regulation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, dilates blood vessels, increases appetite, improves peristalsis, relieves spasm bile ducts, has a diuretic effect. This plant is used for migraine and nephritis. It is used for convulsions and gastritis. In addition, it has a hemostatic effect.

Mint for hypertension, treatment:

For treatment and prevention hypertension mint can be used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, infusions and in the form of peppermint oil.

It dilates the vessels of the brain, heart and lungs, so it is often recommended for patients with hypertension.

To prepare an infusion of mint, take a small amount of dry leaves and pour boiling water over it. Leaves should be infused for 30 minutes. Take an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. twice a day for two weeks. After the end of the course, you need to take a break for one week.

You will need:

mint leaves - 2 tsp,

water - 200 ml.

You can prepare an infusion of mint and valerian. To do this, take a small amount of mint leaves and valerian root and pour boiling water over it. To prevent essential oils from escaping, cover the dish with the infusion with a saucer so that the bottom of the saucer touches the infusion. This is necessary to create tightness. Infusion take 1 dessert spoon twice a day for three weeks. After the end of the course, you need to take a break for two weeks.

You will need:

mint leaves - 2 tsp,

valerian root - 8 g,

water - 250 ml.

Mint for women:

What is useful mint for women? This medicinal plant is successfully used in the fight against various skin diseases - rashes, acne, dermatitis. Mint infusion will be useful for you in the care of oily skin. It well eliminates oily sheen, helps to narrow enlarged pores.

This odorous herb has the ability to smooth wrinkles, give the skin freshness, tone it, and remove signs of fatigue. The extract from its leaves can be included in homemade lotions, you various masks. You can also make mint infusion ice cubes to wash the face.

It has excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Therefore, if the skin of your hands is prone to the appearance of small cracks on it, and also often peels off under the influence of cold, wind, prolonged contact with water and various chemicals, you can use hand baths two to three times a week, the composition of which includes a decoction or infusion of herbs and mint leaves and lemon balm.

To prepare a bath that can "heal" your hands, take 2 cups of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. peppermint herbs, 1 tsp each. leaves of lemon balm and sage and 1 glass of kefir. Brew the mixture of herbs with boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, then strain and add kefir. In a bath prepared in this way (its temperature should be 30–35 ° C), lower your hands for 10–12 minutes. After the bath, rinse your hands lightly warm water without soap, dry gently with a soft cloth and grease with any nourishing cream.

If you have cracked heels, we recommend that you use the following mixture: take 40-50 g of flaxseed and pour 1 glass of water. Boil for 7-10 minutes and infuse the decoction for 40-50 minutes. Then the broth should be cooled and filtered. Then add 3 cups of peppermint leaf infusion and dilute it all with 3 liters of water. Prepare a foot bath from the resulting mixture. The duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes. After that, the legs should be thoroughly dried with a towel and the heels should be greased with a fat nourishing cream.

Mint is great for hair care. With its decoction, it will be useful to rinse dyed, dry, brittle, split ends. A decoction of its leaves and lime blossom you can strengthen weak hair, make them shiny and beautiful.

Mint for men:

Scientific experiments have been carried out that have proven that mint has an effect on male body, however, as well as on female. With regular use in in large numbers, it reduces the amount of testosterone in the body. Turkish scientists conducted a study in which its effect on testosterone levels was proven: in a group of women who had elevated level"male" hormone in the body, it was noted that after a certain period when women regularly consumed mint tea, they had a significant decrease in blood testosterone levels, as well as reduced excessive hairiness.

But what is good for women is not so good for men. Although many experts claim that the rumors associated with the ability of this herb to reduce potency in men are greatly exaggerated. Even daily use mint tea for men is safe. On the contrary, mint for men is more useful than harmful. Why give up tart, fragrant herb, which tones and invigorates, improves well-being and normalizes perspiration no worse expensive ointments but completely safe. You just need to know the measure, as is the case with any medicinal plant.

Collection and storage of mint:

To use medicinal properties mint, it must be collected in time and stored properly. How is it done? perfect time to collect it - the period from July to August, that is, when it blooms. When the mint is harvested, it must be dried. They dry it like this: either they are collected in a bunch, or the leaves and flowers are cut and the cut ones are laid out on a white paper sheet. Dry it on fresh air but definitely in the shade. You can also dry it in a well-ventilated area.

Then, when the mint is already dry, it is placed in a porcelain or glass container, tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark, dry place.

Mint in weight loss diets:

Peppermint tea has the ability to control sugar cravings and reduce appetite, which can remove the desire to snack before the main meal, which will serve well for weight loss.

It is better to drink mint tea in a warm form and in small sips - which will increase it. health effect. Also herbal teas from mint are useful for weight loss and the fact that it contains a small amount of calories.

Drink fragrant tea to relieve stress. Stress increases cortisol levels in the body and leads to an increase in appetite and a decrease in metabolism, and this is fraught with weight gain. But mint tea is able to relieve stress, and therefore lower the amount of cortisol and increase metabolism, which will greatly help in the fight against extra pounds.

Recipe herbal collection with mint

Water - 300 g

Green tea - 1 tsp. without a slide

Ginger St. tert. - 1 tea. lies.

Cumin - 1 coffee spoon.

Mint leaves - 5 sheets

Green tea with mint is used to quickly burn fat and get rid of unnecessary deposits on the abdomen and thighs. We put the mixture of herbs in a glass container and pour boiling water over it. Close tightly and let it brew for twenty minutes. We drink three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.



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