State of agitation. What is agitation, its causes, symptoms and correction of emotional arousal

Translated from Latin, agitation means “to set in motion.” Its main symptoms are unconscious motor and speech restlessness. At the same time, the patient is in strong emotional arousal, experiences anxiety and fear, fusses, loses causal connections between phenomena and the ability to reason, feels emptiness and distraction, and can only perform simple automated actions. The condition has not only mental, but also vegetative manifestations. Agitation can be a prepathological condition under severe stress or mental illness (anxiety neurosis, Alzheimer's disease, depression, catatonic schizophrenia). Or it could be a symptom infectious disease, alcohol or drug intoxication.


U physically and mentally healthy person agitation occurs due to external reasons and may be a natural reaction to strong tension, stress, psychological trauma, fear, sudden changes in the environment. This condition is also common in people who engage in life-threatening activities. In such cases, agitation is usually triggered by physical or mental stress, accumulated fatigue, especially if it persists for a long time. Can cause agitation overuse drinks containing alcohol, caffeine, or pharmacological drugs based on psychotropic substances.

Agitation can be a consequence of internal causes, that is, a symptom of an illness. Emotional overexcitation of this kind often accompanies infectious pathologies, intoxication, endogenous depression, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety neurosis, senile dementia, catatonic schizophrenia, senile decline, bipolar disorder. Sometimes she points to endocrine pathologies, avitaminosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The mechanism of development of agitation has not been fully studied, but among the factors predisposing to this condition are cerebral ischemia, metabolic disorders, the action of toxins and neuroreflex mechanisms, autoimmune and immune reactions, and psychological characteristics personality.


For a person in a state of agitation, the symptoms of this pathology remain invisible. But they can be noted by others. The main symptom is excitement. It is expressed in a number of internal vegetative disorders: trembling of the limbs, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, shallow and rapid breathing, pale skin.

In addition to internal symptoms, there are also external symptoms that leave an imprint on behavior. A person in a state of agitation feels emptiness in his head, an almost complete absence of thoughts. At the same time, he loses the ability to reason sensibly and logically, to identify complex connections between cause and effect. All this is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, fear and gradually turns into speech and motor disinhibition.

From the point of view of speech, agitation is expressed in the use of obscene expressions and phrases that are not characteristic of a given individual. There is clouding of consciousness, confusion of speech, repetitions of the same phrase are possible, unsuccessful attempts to complete a thought, rushing from one formulation to another.

From the point of view of motor skills, unconscious movements of the same type are noted, behavior is fussy, hands tremble, coordination of movements is impaired. The patient cannot sit in one place and walks from corner to corner. In a state of agitation, a person may unknowingly cause harm to himself or others. Spontaneous shouting and tics are also possible, especially if agitation is a symptom of a mental illness. In severe cases, delusional thoughts and ideas, auto-aggression, and suicidal attempts are possible.

When agitation is accompanied by depression, it is combined with apathy, depression, insomnia, constant feeling causeless anxiety. In Alzheimer's disease, this disorder may have additional symptoms in the form of depression, hallucinations, behavioral disorders, wanderlust.


Treatment for agitation will depend on what caused it. This requires careful diagnosis. You can't let the situation take its course. Even if agitation occurred as a reaction to stress and not as a consequence mental pathology, the patient poses a potential threat to both himself and others.

If a mental illness is identified in a person suffering from agitation, the cause is treated. To determine the possible origins of agitation, a blood test for hormones is prescribed. thyroid gland and alcohol content, general analysis urine and blood, blood pressure measurement, electroencephalography, MRI or CT scan of the brain.

Agitation always has a negative impact on the patient’s daily condition, so in most cases, it is treated with medications.

  • Antipsychotic medications are prescribed for paranoia and clouding of consciousness. The drugs have side effects such as drowsiness, unusual motor movements, and rigidity.
  • Antidepressants are used for depressive states. Lead to drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth.
  • Anxiolics are needed to suppress anxiety and emotional stress, anxiety and fear.

Psychotherapy plays the main role in treatment. Sessions with a specialist are aimed at gaining resistance to emotional stress. At the first stage, individual psychotherapy is carried out. After significant improvement, the patient can be transferred to group classes, where you can also practice the principles of interaction with others. Help is sometimes needed not only by the person suffering from agitation, but also by his family and friends. It is important to create an atmosphere of calm and goodwill in your immediate environment. All this will help quickly return the patient to normal life.

Agitation is pronounced emotional arousal, characterized by intense fear, as well as speech or motor restlessness. The patient in this state begins to make certain similar movements that are completely unconscious. The simplest actions are performed automatically, and the patient himself becomes overly fussy. Since such a condition is prepathological, it falls within the boundaries of the psychological norm, but, nevertheless, it requires careful diagnosis and special treatment.


As experts say, agitation can occur under severe stress or psychological trauma. For some people, this condition may be triggered by fear or changes in the environment. This condition is sometimes typical for people whose professional activity associated with stressful situations or even risk to life. In this case, agitation may be mistaken for confusion. In some cases, severe anxiety manifests itself in infectious and mental diseases and other pathological conditions:

If emotional and motor restlessness– these are symptoms of one of the pathologies listed above; treatment should be aimed specifically at eliminating the underlying disease.


Agitation usually has quite pronounced symptoms associated with changes in behavior that are imperceptible to the patient. The man's hands begin to tremble, skin turn pale, while breathing, pulse and heartbeat quicken, observed increased sweating, a jump in blood pressure may occur. IN similar condition it is extremely difficult for the patient to control his own thinking, he is unable to establish cause-and-effect relationships and think at least somehow rationally, his head seems to be empty.

If agitation is observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease and other mental diseases, it may be accompanied by other mental symptoms, such as hallucinations, depression and manic disorders etc. Being in a state of strong excitement, the patient may begin to swear obscenely, make involuntary motor acts. In this case, the patient may pose a danger to himself and to others.

Diagnostics and therapy

To diagnose agitation, a specialist needs to observe the patient’s behavior and correctly differentiate this state from akatasia, which has similar symptoms. This aspect is very important, since some medications used for agitation are absolutely contraindicated for akatasia. In addition to an external examination, the following may be used as prescribed by a doctor: diagnostic studies, How clinical analysis urine and blood, analysis of thyroid hormones, computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, screening used by patients medications, measuring blood pressure and pulse.

Treatment of agitation, as a rule, turns out to be quite effective, since many causes of the pathology are easily correctable. If agitation is not caused by an infectious or mental illness, its treatment is usually carried out complex method, in particular, with the help of drugs from the following groups:

  • Antidepressants sedative effect. Such drugs can be used as a sedative, taking into account possible side effects, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, stool disorders, etc. They are prescribed in cases where agitation is combined with a depressive disorder;
  • Antipsychotics. Drugs in this group can be prescribed if the patient exhibits clouding of consciousness and paranoia;
  • Antianxiolytic medical drug. These medications should also be taken with caution and strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Daytime drowsiness is possible as a side effect.

Agitation in some cases involves treatment using common psychotherapeutic techniques. As a rule, patients are offered fairly simple behavioral techniques which will help you learn to control your own emotions and switch from stressful situation. Regular psychotherapy helps to increase stress resistance and emotional stability in general.


In certain cases emotional condition a person can be considered as a symptom of certain pathologies. In this case, there is a need to correct violations using various kinds drugs and non-drug therapy. Similar conditions include agitation, which doctors classify as severe emotional arousal, in which a person experiences a number of unpleasant symptoms. In some cases similar violation is completely natural, while in others it is considered as a symptom of quite serious pathological conditions. Let's try to figure out what agitation is, discuss treatment, symptoms and causes of agitation.

Why does agitation occur? Reasons for the condition

Agitation is a natural reaction of the body to tension provoked by severe stress. In addition, such a pathological condition can be a manifestation of a number of mental illnesses, for example, anxiety neurosis, agitated depression, catatonic schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. In some cases, agitation is triggered by consumption alcoholic drinks or narcotic drugs. Sometimes similar mental reaction becomes one of the symptoms infectious lesion.

You should also take into account that in certain professions that involve excessive risk to an individual’s life, as well as in emergency situations, agitation is often confused with confusion.

How does agitation manifest itself? Symptoms of the condition

The development of agitation in a person makes itself felt in the most different manifestations, but most often the patient himself does not note their presence.

So characteristic feature given pathological condition can be considered the appearance of motor or speech anxiety. The patient also experiences tremors in his hands and is worried excessive sweating and active heartbeat. These symptoms are usually accompanied by fairly rapid breathing, and the person’s skin turns pale tones.

With the development of agitation, the patient is faced with a feeling complete absence thoughts and emptiness in the head. He becomes unable to reason or establish complex causal relationships.

Agitation is accompanied by a feeling of fear and increased anxiety, which turn into motor anxiety or speech type. A person in such a state needs to perform movements of the same type and of an unconscious nature. In addition, he is characterized by fussiness, he can perform only simple and automated actions.

How is agitation corrected? Treatment of the condition

In most cases, doctors manage to cope with agitation, but extremely important role At the same time, correct and thorough medical diagnosis plays a role. Under no circumstances should you ignore the symptoms described, as this is extremely dangerous. When in a state of agitation, a person is capable of harming himself or others without intentionally.

In the event that this pathological condition has developed against the background of some mental illness, then therapy can be carried out by the most different methods. In these cases, treatment usually includes psychotherapy and medicinal compositions, selected by a competent doctor. Attending psychotherapy sessions will enable the patient to control his condition, coping with agitation, and over time, such sessions will help the individual increase his resistance to stress.

In general, doctors classify agitation as a condition of a pre-pathological type, and consider it on the border with the psychological norm. However, in most cases, when the described symptoms appear, patients have to take some medications.

Thus, treatment of agitation can be carried out by taking antipsychotics. Such medications are usually used in the treatment of paranoia and various cloudings of consciousness. They can cause some side effects, such as drowsiness, rigidity, and unusual actions.

Also, correction of such a pathological condition may involve taking antidepressants. Such drugs also sometimes lead to side effects, for example, causing a feeling of drowsiness, dryness in the oral cavity, cause constipation and feelings of fear.

Among other things, treatment for agitation may include the use of anti-anxiolytic medications. These medications may cause drowsiness and depression.

Choose the most effective method only a doctor can correct agitation, focusing on individual characteristics the patient and the reasons for the development of this pathological condition.

If we talk about preventing the recurrence of agitation, then for this purpose patients are strongly recommended to attend psychotherapy courses. Such conditions will help him gain greater resistance to the effects of various kinds of stress, which cause new attacks of the disease. When agitation develops as a result of certain mental illnesses, the main emphasis is on correcting the underlying disease, and it is extremely important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Relatives and friends should never ignore manifestations of agitation in a person, because this can be fraught with the most different problems and constant unexpected relapses.

Agitation is a state of excessive emotional elevation, excitement, which is usually accompanied by strong feeling anxiety or fear. Against the background of such overexcitation, a person’s motor activity increases, but coordination of movements may be impaired. Because of this, the patient’s actions appear uncontrolled, chaotic, and thoughtless. Only the simplest, “mindless” operations are performed correctly automatically. From the outside, this state can be perceived as panic or confusion.

Agitation does not develop in a vacuum. It is caused by internal or external reasons. This anxious overexcitation becomes typical for people who experience constant severe stress, in particular due to their profession.

The danger of agitation lies in the fact that a person who is unable to control his actions, being in a state of some kind of passion, can harm both himself and the people around him. Therefore, it is extremely important to react immediately, noticing changes in the patient’s behavior, and seek help from the appropriate specialist. Despite the fact that agitation is understood as a condition conditionally within normal limits (located on the border of normal and disease), it needs correction. Especially in cases where overexcitation occurs more than once and may be a symptom of a serious disease.

External and internal bases

Among the external reasons that cause agitation, in addition to stress, one can highlight the accumulated extreme fatigue, excessive mental and physical stress, persisting long time. Attacks of such an affective state can be provoked by medications, use large doses alcohol, caffeine, addiction to psychotropic (narcotic) substances.

Since agitation can be a symptom, this condition accompanies a number of diseases. And it is diseases that can be considered internal reasons, provoking emotional overexcitation.

Such diseases include:

Main symptoms

When agitation occurs, there are manifestations affecting mental condition person, as well as affecting nervous system(vegetative manifestations).

Autonomic visual symptoms

Agitation is characterized by obvious external signs. A person in such a state uncontrollably makes unconscious, often repetitive movements. Pulse and heart rate usually increase significantly, as does arterial pressure, a temperature jump is possible. In patients with agitation, tremors are present and breathing becomes rapid. Pale skin may be accompanied by heavy sweating.

During an attack of agitation, a person behaves restlessly, fussily, and cannot sit in one place. The condition can affect the usual rhythm of life, causing sleep disturbances, even complete insomnia. A person is unable to calm down on his own, and attempts to control him by friends or relatives can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Other signs

Other manifestations of the pathology in question primarily include impaired thinking. The patient is not aware of his condition and does not notice the chaotic movements. He cannot build logical and cause-and-effect relationships; a vacuum appears in his head without thoughts and ideas.

Important: if agitation is a symptom of any negative painful condition, then along with all the signs, additional manifestations of a particular disease usually appear. For example, hallucinations, delusions, and a lack of criticality towards what is said out loud are possible.

Anxiety, fear, severe anxiety, intrusive thoughts are also capable of accompanying agitation.

This condition is in many ways similar in its manifestations to another disorder – akathisia. And it is extremely important to correctly determine what exactly a person is suffering from. Akathisia and agitation are corrected by different medications, require little different approach in treatment.

Treatment methods

Any therapy is initially aimed at establishing the exact root cause that caused the state of agitation. If any serious emotional overstimulation provokes internal disease, then it is the one that is treated. When the pathology in question is caused medicines, they are excluded from the patient’s life. With alcohol or drug intoxication appropriate correction is carried out.

It is worth understanding that the development of agitation may not occur under the influence of illness, then the person will have enough good sleep and rest. But if there is a certain concern about your well-being, it is still recommended to consult a doctor.

Medicinal effects

The selection of medications is carried out taking into account general condition patient.

When a person has a sleep disorder, they may be prescribed sedatives, various sedatives, including on plant based(motherwort, valerian and others).

However, the main medications that are most often prescribed to patients are:

  • antipsychotic drugs that help block possible seizures paranoia;
  • antidepressants prescribed for sedative purposes;
  • various kinds of tranquilizers are also appropriate in treatment, but they cause extremely severe daytime sleepiness.


Psychotherapy for people with this pathology is an integral part of the treatment process. It can also be used for preventive purposes, even if overstimulation with physical activity arose only once under the influence of circumstances.

The selection of psychotherapeutic techniques is carried out with an emphasis on the person’s condition, taking into account his complaints. Usually the choice falls on various behavioral techniques that help patients cope with their condition, learn to control it, and adaptive psychotherapy.

Work must also be carried out with fears, corrected internal alarm, anxiety through art therapy and various options relaxation. Can be selected as individual approach, especially in severe cases, do so group therapy. Despite the mass of unpleasant manifestations and the possible severity of the condition, it is possible to completely cure the pathology in question, but you should not try to do it yourself.

By seeking advice from a specialist, the patient will receive not only qualified assistance, but also the necessary support. By visiting the doctor's office in time, you have a chance to prevent the condition from worsening and return to your usual easy life.

This emotional arousal is quite strong, and agitation is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and turns into speech and motor restlessness. A person begins to feel the need for the same type of movements, and often they are unconscious. In a state of agitation, excessive fussiness occurs, and only simple actions are performed, performed automatically, thoughtlessly.

Experts note that this condition appears when there is severe stress, and also if the patient suffers from mental illness. In particular, this refers to agitated depression, anxiety neurosis, and catatonic depression. In addition, agitation can be caused by narcotic drugs, alcohol intoxication, and sometimes it is a symptom of an infectious disease.

Experts note that in a number of professions that pose a risk to life, for example, in emergency situations, agitation can be mistaken for confusion. The diagnosis is made by a doctor and is based on observation of the patient. Clinical picture has similarities with akathisia. In this regard, a thorough diagnosis is necessary. If treatment for agitation is started, but in reality the patient suffers from akathisia, the influence of the medications prescribed in this case can cause a worsening of symptoms.

Agitation can be identified if a number of signs are present. For example, the patient’s behavior changes, but he himself does not notice it. There is speech anxiety, fussiness in movements, the person’s hands tremble, the face turns pale, sweating increases, and the heart rate increases. In such a state, there are no thoughts, a kind of emptiness is formed, the ability to reason is lost, and causal complex connections are not established. Special attention Doctors pay attention to such a problem as the occurrence of agitation during. In this case, patients also suffer from severe behavioral disorders. In particular, depression occurs, there are complaints about various types, a person strives to wander.

In this case, the state is characterized as overexcited, excessive agitation is noted. A person begins to use obscene expressions that were previously unusual for him, and clouding of consciousness occurs. With such disorders, normal everyday life gets confused and has problems sleeping. In addition, there is a risk that a sick person in a state of agitation will harm himself or those caring for him.

Often changes environment capable of provoking agitation, factors such as fatigue and fear have no less pronounced influence on the development of the disease. It has been proven that in some cases agitation is caused by somatic diseases, infections. You should know that the causes of agitation can be eliminated and cured, which is why it is so important to get help qualified specialist. In the event that agitation is not medical reason, for treatment, behavioral techniques are used that can influence the patient’s routine life and distract him from the stress caused by a certain problem.

It is known that in general agitation can be cured completely, and that is why careful medical diagnosis. It would be a big mistake if you leave this process to chance. While in a state of agitation, the patient is capable of harming himself and loved ones, although such actions are unintentional. Treatment for agitation depends on the cause, and if necessary, medications are used. But a significant role is given to psychotherapeutic techniques that help the patient overcome the illness, and also significantly increase his resistance to stress.

Experts believe that agitation is a prepathological condition; it is located in the border region of the psychological norm. At the same time, certain medications may be prescribed to the patient for treatment. For example, these are antipsychotics that are used in cases of clouding of consciousness and if the patient has. Although there are a number of side effects, such as drowsiness, unusual movements, and rigidity. If prescribed, then in this case a feeling of fear, drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth, and a state of depression may occur.

To ensure relapse prevention, a patient in a state of agitation is recommended to undergo special psychotherapeutic courses. They will provide the patient with maximum resistance to emotional stress, which causes new attacks of the disease. If a patient is diagnosed with a mental illness, then the main emphasis in therapy should be placed on this factor. Relatives should ensure that the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions and takes prescribed medications.

Reasonable use of drugs

IN clinical practice agitation is common, and much research has been done on this subject. special research. As it turned out, at least twenty-five percent of employees of such departments never feel calm at work, or this rarely happens. In addition, when working with such patients, nurses emergency care face verbal or physical threats in their workplace. Agitation always affects the patient's condition negatively. There have been deaths due to untreated delirium. If during treatment agitation drug therapy applied too early may interfere with an accurate psychiatric assessment.



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