Allergy to a person. Human allergies - reality or myth? Etiology of mental reactions

Can a person be allergic? What to do in this situation? What foods should you not eat if you are allergic to carrots? The candidate answers readers' questions medical sciences, head of the advisory department of polyclinic No. 1 of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.N. Pirogova, expert of the program Irina Anatolyevna Zalem.

“I want to get a piercing this spring. Can you be allergic to metal?

- Yes, in Lately Cases of metal allergies are becoming increasingly common. Many of them, upon contact with human skin, can slowly dissolve and penetrate through it into the body. As a result, an allergic reaction develops. How quickly symptoms appear depends on the activity of the allergen, immunity and age of the person. This may take from a few minutes to a year.

As a rule, allergies occur to nickel alloys, copper, brass, and cobalt. Less often - for silver and rarely - for . But sometimes in jewelry precious metals are in alloys with the same copper, nickel or molybdenum.

In addition, an allergy may occur to the skin treatment product after the puncture. Skin that is irritated due to contact with metal constantly itches. In such a situation, an infection may also be added to the allergy.

“I heard that if you are allergic to carrots, you cannot eat parsley. What is this connected with?

— This is due to the existence of cross allergens and is called cross allergy. Some plants are related - their pollen allergens are similar in structure. Thus, if you are allergic to one plant in a family, you may also have a reaction to other plants in the same family.

For example, if you are allergic to Birch juice, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, black olives, apples, pears, kiwi, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, celery, dill, curry, anise, cumin or carrots, reactions to potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions are possible.

A cross allergic reaction occurs not only to food, but also to herbal medicines, cosmetics with plant extracts. Houseplants, garden and wildflowers can also cause reactions due to cross allergens.

“When I come into contact with one of my work colleagues, she begins to feel severe itching and skin rashes appear. Is there a human allergy and how to deal with it?”

— An allergy to a person is impossible, but he may turn out to be a “carrier” of some allergens. The cause of your friend's itching and rashes may be the perfumes or cosmetics you use. Try replacing them or eliminating them altogether. After this, the colleague may well feel relieved.

Another one possible reason- your home. When playing with a dog or cat, you accumulate allergens on your clothes. These are tiny particles of animal skin and saliva.

If experiments with cosmetics and clothing do not help, a colleague should visit an allergist and conduct skin tests with the most common allergens. This is plant pollen, mites house dust, animal allergens.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe treatment with microdoses of allergens that cause the most strong reactions. Or he will prescribe modern ones antihistamines second generation. They are effective and do not cause drowsiness.

“After doing fitness, red spots appear on the body. What could it be?"

— This is probably how your skin reacts to your synthetic fabric tracksuit. Try wearing different sportswear.

In addition, a similar reaction may occur to the cream that you applied to your body before classes. Remember that on the eve of fitness you should not use cosmetics. When the body warms up, it happens chemical reaction and cosmetics change their properties.

“A friend says that I have allergies due to stress. How can it be identified and how to treat it?

— Stress cannot cause allergies if there is no genetic predisposition to it. However, it may influence the incidence and duration of allergic reactions.

Stress promotes active production various kinds hormones and biologically active substances, stimulating the work of all organs and systems of the body. As a result, the body's protective resources are depleted.

Therefore, in the background chronic fatigue, stress, ordinary allergies last longer and are more severe.

In this regard, when approaching seasonal allergies It is recommended to reduce stress load. Learn to relax, rest more, go for a walk, play sports or your favorite hobby.

Contact dermatitis and other allergies

Skin dermatitis is quite common. Clinical manifestations occur 2–3 days after contact with the allergen, and more often occurs with repeated contacts.

Depending on the severity and duration of the disease, contact dermatitis can manifest itself in the most various changes skin - from slight redness to pronounced weeping blisters from swelling in early stage to thickened scaly plaques with chronic course. The presence of a chaotic and asymmetrically located rash suggests that the cause of its development is external factors. This is evidenced by the presence of a lesion unusual shape. They say that nature doesn't draw corners, and if the area skin lesions It has square shape, then the cause is always contact dermatitis. Allergens: metals (chrome), jewelry, watch bracelets, cosmetics and perfumes, hair dyes, creams, perfumes, formaldehyde, photoreagents, polymers, rubber, rosin, in healthcare workers pharmaceutical industry– medicines (antibiotics, vitamins). The most recent report came from Barcelona - people who held a coin of one or two euros in their hands found a rash on their skin. The allergy in this case was caused by the presence of nickel in the banknote. This metal generally often provokes allergies. Ointments (fluorocort, flucinar) are used for treatment. For prevention, it is necessary to avoid contact with the allergen. In everyday life, each of us must be attentive, observant and moderately careful.

There is an expression: “I am allergic to this person.” It is fair because there are allergic diseases purely on nervous soil, while communicating with one or another person unpleasant for you.

Poor women can be insidiously lured by modern cosmetics, the scale and types of application of which are truly global. The fact is that an allergic reaction sometimes occurs to any component of cosmetics. It is almost impossible to protect yourself, as well as to give up beauty altogether. There is only one way out - than simpler substance, the lower the risk.

Your office can also cause allergies. British Allergy Association chairman Muriel Simons says the growing problem is only just beginning to receive attention. Allergies can be triggered by ozone emitted by modern equipment, modern detergents, plastic coatings - in just one office there are more than 300 harmful substances.

Inflammation at the end of the penis - dermatitis from diapers (according to N. Semenova)

Sometimes boys have holes around them urethra wounds appear. In this case, the inflamed tissues can swell and block the passage of the canal, making urination difficult. Such wounds appear due to diaper rash. In this case, it is best to keep the wound open for as long as possible. When the penis needs to be covered, the wound must be lubricated with an ointment containing Vaseline or lanolin; this must be done before going to bed. If a child experiences severe pain due to the fact that he cannot urinate for a long time, you can put him in a bath with warm water and offer to urinate directly in the water. If this does not help, you should consult a doctor.

Inflammation at the tip of the penis and infection genitourinary tract, in our opinion, is a natural consequence of using diapers when caring for a baby boy. The named diseases are just “flowers” ​​from the great joy of pediatricians that “boys’ butts are dry.” When you look at the joyful faces of doctors advertising diapers, you always think that the people on the screen are not doctors, but robots with a program to destroy the human race.

Every doctor, every nurse and every person who is even more or less interested in the health of a boy, a young man or a man, of course, knows how Nature has taken care of the male reproductive system. The testicles, as “a special laboratory where the mind of Nature turns into human seed,” are removed from the body and must have their own temperature regime and individual physical parameters. An increase in temperature of even one degree immediately turns off spermatogenesis, and the growth and development of the reproductive system slows down.

In England, the prototype of diapers has been used for a long time in sheep farming. If many rams were born, then several sires were left in the herd. They grew up as usual, ate grass and very soon showed their sheepish interest in the sheep. Lambs were born. A lot of breeding rams in the herd were not required, so that they did not organize fights with balls and did not divide the lambs. The rest had to fatten up the meat, so that later they could go to barbecue, pilaf, shurpa and the like. These rams were put on a warm bag over the testicles, very similar in drying properties to today's diapers. The testicles of the rams did not develop. The rams grew up calm, had no complaints about life and the sheep, due to their mutton obedience, went to the slaughter. And their testicles were dry.

Our boys in diapers today are going the way of calm sheep. Distracting parents from the danger of impotence fostered by diapers, pediatricians talk in advertisements about the “dry bottoms” of babies, while keeping silent about drying out testicles. One can only be surprised that the honest people in Russia do not hear how “22 pieces of silver ring” in the palms of those selling the future of Russia already in diapers.

In addition, boys in diapers, providing peace to lazy mothers, do not require changing wet underwear. And this means that no one is working conditioned reflex- ask to use the potty. It may very well be that in the future our boys will have a quiet life in adult diapers. There are already plenty of them in stores. But the “butts are dry.”

Could my husband be allergic?

Theoretically, there is a possibility of an allergy to some human tissue components: dandruff, hair, sperm. The latter is an extremely rare option. In particular, after sexual intercourse, irritation, burning in the genital tract, and sometimes vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling may occur. The trouble is that most married couples prefer to hide similar ailments, if they occur in a less aggressive form, which in turn gives the risk of earning more in the future serious illness. The worst thing is that infertility may occur, hence the breakdown of the family.

But all this may be associated not only with allergies. More often than not this is a sign infectious process. We must forget about the emotional reaction associated with the relationship between people. If people are in a state of conflict, constant opposition, then such a tense situation can lead to an exacerbation of existing not only allergic, but also other chronic diseases.

A similar picture is found in men: asthma in men from dandruff, hair, even from favorite perfumes and cosmetics used by the wife.

Aquarium owners know that fish develop better if there are plants, and plants if there are animals (fish).

Allergy to animals

One of the most common allergens are animal allergens, their source is both domestic and farm animals. Allergenic activity is caused by wool, dander, feathers, saliva, as well as urine and excrement of animals. Dogs, cats, horses, sheep, Guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, rats and parrots - all of them can cause allergic disease.

Allergic reactions to animals most acutely manifest themselves in the form of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Moreover, they can play a significant role in the development bronchial asthma, despite the fact that the main allergens in bronchial asthma are household ones. People who are allergic to animals find it very difficult to part with their beloved dog or cat. But, unfortunately, often this decision is the only correct one. Hard to achieve positive result in treatment if, if you are allergic to animal fur, you continue to come into contact with it.

In the opinion of experts, The best decision The problem is to avoid contact with the source of allergens, and above all, to give up keeping pets.

Unfortunately, sometimes this is enough for full recovery, because animal allergens, including epidermal ones, are easily transported in the air and on the clothes of other people.

Nevertheless, the first thing the patient should do is to minimize contact with the animal; if removing the animal is unacceptable to you, wash it at least once a week, but carry out this procedure yourself. Make your bedroom a place that is isolated from all other rooms and completely inaccessible to your dog or cat. To reduce the content of animal epidermis particles in the room, it is better to remove carpets, upholstered furniture and anything that can accumulate dust. Air purifiers must be used.

And one last thing. Even if you don't have allergies and decide to get a pet, remember that the relationship between early, infancy, contact with animal allergens and more late manifestations Allergies to animals are generally accepted. You should seriously weigh the pros and cons, especially if your close relatives have had or have allergies.

The main symptoms of an allergy to animals:

1) nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing;

2) itching and redness of the eyes, lacrimation;

3) wheezing in chest, dry cough;

4) difficulty breathing (shortness of breath, suffocation);

5) signs of eczema or urticaria.

In spring and summer, the gardening season begins. Urban and villager will begin to cultivate land, trees, and plants. In this case, various chemicals will be used. Can they cause allergies?

Of course, any chemical compounds can act as allergens. But those chemical compounds that are used to treat plants against pests are most often not allergens, but strong chemical irritants. Therefore, there are certain rules for working with these connections. The mouth and nose must be covered with respirators. A person must ensure that chemicals do not come into contact with exposed areas of the body: skin, mucous membranes. And to everyone like that chemical compound for processing plants is given special instructions, which you can read carefully before you start working with this or that drug. After working with chemicals, you need to take a shower, wash yourself thoroughly, and wash your hands with soap so that no traces of these compounds remain on the skin and mucous membranes.

Which pillows cause allergies?

Can feather and down pillows become allergens?

Any feather pillows can cause allergic reactions. House dust accumulates in down and feather products, fluffy carpets, fleecy surfaces of sofas and armchairs, in which microscopic mites easily settle. They feed on desquamated particles of human epidermis. The mites themselves and their metabolic products easily become airborne. In a favorable environment, mites reproduce easily and quickly, eventually reaching such a concentration that causes a severe allergic reaction in the respiratory tract. In a house where there is a patient suffering from allergies, it is undesirable to have down and feather pillows and blankets. It is better to use padding polyester products in which mites do not reproduce.

Bedding should be cleaned regularly.

Well, what if you don’t want to part with your favorite pillow?

The pillow of a person who does not want to suffer from allergies should be such that it can be easily washed once every three weeks, constantly ventilated or fried in the sun (balcony, loggia). You also need to clean other bedding: blankets, mattresses, thick bedspreads. Small house dust mites love to settle in fluffy carpets and fleecy surfaces of sofas and armchairs. The man who decided to cure allergic runny nose before taking hormonal pills and drops, should pay attention to the dear interior with an abundance of carpets, pillows and other dust collectors.

Reaction to the Mantoux test

Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to the Mantoux test?

Inside skin tests Mantoux is a generally accepted test for early detection tuberculosis. They must be carried out for adults and children. An excessively expressed test indicates that a person is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

There are exceptions to this rule: some patients with allergic reactions may react to the introduction of tuberculin with a fluffy breakdown. In this case, the allergist and TB specialist together should understand the reasons overreaction. There are skin tests for glanders, brucellosis and other diseases.

Is there such a thing as a “cold allergy”?

Cold can provoke a worsening of the condition of patients with other manifestations of allergies. For example, it is well known that patients with allergic rhinitis when exposed to cold air, they begin to feel worse, and their nasal congestion may increase. When exposed to cold air, their bronchospasm may increase. Such forms of manifestation of exacerbation of the disease are not a real irritant, nonspecific factor provocation of an existing allergic process.

For example, girls walked around during the cold season (in the 40-50s of the 19th century) without stockings - and their skin became bluish, swollen, and vascular veins appeared on their knees.

When walking in winter without hats, young people lost hairline on the head (baldness).

As the song says: there is no fluff or feather on your head.

Some people experience cold urticaria after swimming.

Dead air

Do you ever wonder why you get tired quickly when you spend a long time in a room that is not ventilated at all, or in a room where there are a lot of people. The fact is that in the air there is a “skew” in the natural ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide. As you know, our body (primarily the brain) needs oxygen for normal functioning, and carbon dioxide we exhale. Increased content carbon dioxide in the air - lethargy, drowsiness. Thoughts begin to get confused, and my head doesn’t think well. If the situation worsens, i.e. the room still remains closed, then the accumulation of carbon dioxide causes headache, even fainting. According to statistics, more than 30% of men and more than 50% of women noted at least one of the above symptoms in the office workplace. Moreover, air conditioners do not solve the problem because they are not able to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. They only cool the air and slightly clear dust. also in indoors An imbalance occurs between positively and negatively charged air ions. Quantity positive ions increases, which is unnatural for the air composition necessary for human health. In addition, animal, human and animal pollutants are added to the air. plant origin, which are constantly worn in it. Thus, according to Swedish research, the largest dust particles remaining after cleaning settle 1 m in 2 s, and the smallest (the same distance) settle in 6 days. Further, there are products of open combustion from gas stoves, volatiles from a variety of perfumes and detergents, annoying Airways, and various microorganisms. For example, peeling oranges causes an increase in volatile content. organic matter by hundreds of milligrams per cubic meter of air for many hours, and children's games can incredibly increase the amount of dust in the air.

All these factors together significantly worsen the composition of the air, and an increase in the content of various particles increases the load on the respiratory tract. In addition, they can be carriers of pathogens, as well as irritants and allergenic agents, if they themselves are not such. All pollutants can be absorbed by indoor surfaces and then released from them, as well as interact with each other, creating new substances, including allergens.

Drug allergy

As a result of the development of industry, including the chemical industry, it was obtained a large number of various medicines that are firmly established in practical medicine. Along with the positive therapeutic effect they have and side effect. There is an increase in use around the world medicines among the population. Moreover, quite often people prescribe medications to themselves, that is, they self-medicate. The most popular among people in this sense are antibiotics, sulfonamides and antipyretics. Accordingly, cases have become more frequent side effects, arising from drug therapy. Among them, drug allergies occupy a significant place. At drug allergies there is an increased sensitivity of the body to drugs. Typically, the reaction occurs when reuse medications, less often with a long primary course of treatment.

A.D. Ado divides drug allergies into 3 groups: acute, subacute and prolonged. Acute symptoms develop instantly or within the first hour from the moment of entry into the sensitized organism and are clinically manifested anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, attack of bronchial asthma. Subacute reactions occur during the first day after administration of the drug. These include urticaria and sometimes fever. Protracted reactions develop several days or weeks after the administration of the drug allergen. Clinically they manifest themselves as eczema, urticaria, and bronchial asthma.

U infant allergies can also manifest themselves through breast milk, if the mother received the medicine.

Prevention of drug allergies consists of primary and secondary measures. Primary activities are held in following cases. We share the opinion of B.E. Votchal, who pointed out that it is necessary to prescribe medications only when it is absolutely necessary, when it is impossible not to prescribe, because the harm of inaction will undoubtedly be greater than medicinal effect. You should not take the same medications for a long time. When carrying out treatment, it is necessary to remember the possibility of drug allergies.

The goal of the second prevention is to prevent the development of an allergic reaction in an organism sensitized to medications. Before taking the medicine, you should exclude the presence hypersensitivity(itching, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma).

The patient may find himself in a situation of choice - to be treated in order not to suffer, or not to be treated in order to suffer even more.

Imagining the situation of an allergy to a person, especially a neighbor, becomes unpleasant and even wild. It is common to believe that a person cannot be allergic to another person. However, the article debunks this topic, making it a myth or a reality. What could be the reasons for this phenomenon and what treatment methods to eliminate the problem will also be discussed in the article.

Human allergies - reality or myth?

An allergy is a response of the immune system to foreign substances affecting it. It is generally accepted that it only appears in response to inanimate objects (such as fur or pollen). However, the history of human allergies becomes quite real. Previously it seemed like a myth. Today it is a reality.

Allergy to a person manifests itself in various forms which are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Edema.
  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Irritation in the nose.
  • Hives.
  • Sneezing.

An allergy to a person is expressed as a rejection of the impact he has on you or his personality. Between close people this reaction often develops when relatives interfere in your affairs without asking. Sometimes it seems that you cannot breathe the same air as the person you hate.

Human allergies are becoming more common, aggressive, popular and frequent. This is due to large concentrations of people in one area, disrespect for personal boundaries and other factors.

The allergy in question is psychological, when it becomes unbearable for you to be in the company of another person. However, there are also manifestations of an allergic reaction to people who absolutely do not evoke any emotions in you and even attract you. What could be the reasons?

Doctors on the site claim that human allergies do not exist, they are a myth. The reality is that negative reaction manifests itself in response to those substances that are on the body or clothing of another person. Allergies do not occur to a person, but to the allergens that he carries on himself. It can be:

  • Smells of cosmetics or perfumes.
  • Pollen from plants.
  • Fur from a pet that has been in contact with a person.
  • Smells of allergenic food, etc.

A person himself cannot be an allergen. However, it can produce or carry substances that provoke allergies. In this case, your personal attitude towards him becomes unimportant.

Causes of human allergies

The main causes of allergies to a person are called rejection of the individual or a reaction to the individual’s saliva, hair, or epithelium. Symptoms that appear:

  • Skin itching.
  • The desire to scratch.
  • Cough.
  • Tears.
  • Rash.
  • Sneezing.
  • Edema.
  • Rhinitis.

Scientists observe this allergic reaction as a manifestation psychological problems in relationships between people. Developing selfishness and lack of personal space cause internal and deep hatred of others.

TO physiological reasons Allergies to humans, doctors note a genetic predisposition. If a parent had an allergy to their loved ones, then the child may develop the same abnormal immune reaction. And yet, the causes of allergies to people are identified in psychological factors:

  1. A negative reaction to a person who is opposite or dissimilar in character or temperament.
  2. The smell of another person is annoying.
  3. Hormonal explosion due to similarity with a person in character and temperament, which leads to malfunction immune system.

Experts note an increasing increase in the development of allergies among people to each other. They note the reasons for the growth of selfishness and the lack of sufficient personal space for everyone. People get involved in each other's affairs, want to manage, control other people's actions. This causes resentment.

What kind of selfishness can cause an allergic reaction?

Yes, almost any:

  • When another person is concerned only with his own desires and interests, imposing them on others.
  • When another person gets involved in other people's affairs without hearing what they are asked to do.
  • When another person infringes on the freedom of others by not wanting to admit their mistakes.
  • When a person considers himself to be the only one right, demanding change, change and perfection from those around him.

Added to all this negative emotions, which today are more commonly expressed than happiness and love. They try to “put down” a happy person, return him to real life, devalue. When a person is unhappy, his emotions are supported by society.

This causes internal resentment. A person does not feel full, free, strong and healthy. Aggression is directed at surrounding people who support the individual’s “unhealthy” state. The result is an allergic reaction such as somatic disorder on people who internally irritate, oppress, and cause hatred.

From a philosophical point of view, an allergy to a person arises as a result of selfishness and cynicism, inflated demands on the individual. Everyone considers themselves normal and right, while demanding changes from others.

Obviously, there are many reasons for human allergies. There are both medical and psychological factors that provoke this disease modern society, where subconsciously people simply hate each other if they do not agree on opinions, interests and character.

Treatment of human allergies

Treatment methods for human allergies depend entirely on the causes of its occurrence. It has already been noted that the reasons are physiological and psychological.

  1. If a person develops an allergy with obvious hostility or hatred towards another individual, then he should consult a psychologist to solve the problem.
  2. If a person has an allergy in the absence of any negative emotions or even with good attitude to another individual, then you should contact an allergist. He will hold diagnostic measures(skin tests), which will help identify which allergen causes a negative reaction. Most likely, another person is a carrier or producer of some allergen to which the individual has a negative immune reaction.

If the causes of allergies are caused by physiological factors, then they should be treated in the usual ways, for example, with antihistamines, corticosteroids, vitamin complexes. You should exclude the allergen from the environment, for example, ask the other person not to use perfumes to which you are allergic.

If the causes of allergies are caused by psychological factors, then there is only one treatment - consult a psychologist. There are many internal conflicts that a person will have to resolve together with a psychologist. Eliminating them will allow you to get rid of allergies, which exist as long as a person is irritated, nervous, and stressed.

Main directions psychological treatment are:

  • Stop contact with the person to whom you are allergic. If the lack of communication does not affect the quality of life, then you should break up with your partner.
  • Showing patience with the other person's idiosyncrasies. You should accept the fact that other people have the right to be different from you.
  • Termination prejudice to those people to whom an allergic reaction occurs.
  • Eliminating excessive demands on others and stopping pressure from others on yourself by allowing yourself to be imperfect.
  • Finding a personal territory where you can rest, be alone, relax.

Preventive measures to help prevent human allergies are:

  1. Stop contact with the person to whom you are allergic.
  2. Walks in the parks sea ​​coast, forest. Fresh air promotes psychological relaxation.

A human allergy is a rare occurrence, from a medical point of view. Often somatic symptoms appear due to psychological factors. Social problems that arise in relationships between people should be eliminated. At the same time, whatever the reasons, while the problem is being solved, the allergen, that is, the person, should be excluded from the environment.


Allergies to a person do not affect life expectancy. This is a type of allergy that is not provoked by complications such as anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. However, it can significantly reduce quality of life when a person experiences “unhealthy” symptoms that worsen their health. The prognosis is unfavorable, since with reduced immunity a person becomes susceptible to various infections.

The psyche affects the state of health. Stress and irritating factors permanent impact on psycho-emotional state. A person stops taking care of his own health while he is busy eliminating factors that irritate or depress him.

The modern civilized world is full of situations where a person is forced to obey someone, be constantly visible, have no opinion and give up personal desires. The selfishness of others provokes selfishness in the person himself.

Genetic predisposition, which many experts blame, can also be attributed to the child’s tendency to repeat the behavior pattern of his parents. If parents are selfish, cynical and irritable towards others, which leads to the appearance allergic symptoms, then the child will develop similar qualities.

Maybe the truth lies with the old people, and the world was safer and more livable before? Now you won’t surprise anyone with banal rhinitis and urticaria from citrus fruits - their place has been taken by much more strange reactions of the body.

Top unusual allergies

These mysterious manifestations, caused by seemingly the most ordinary things, forced the whole scientific world flex your smart brains. Fortunately, such medical phenomena are very rare and do not threaten the first person they meet.

Allergy to money

They say that counting money calms your nerves and improves your mood. But not for everyone, capital is a powerful antidepressant - for some, it turns into a whole host of medical problems. Several years ago, British citizen Yvonne Simon was forced to forget about cash payments and use only by bank card. This is due to an allergy to nickel and paint components used in the production of money.

The poor woman can't even use gloves to take change in the store - she also has a history of latex intolerance. We can only be glad that Yvonne does not work as a cashier and is not known for her love of numismatics.

Allergy to cold

According to statistics, every hundredth allergy sufferer becomes a victim. inadequate reaction to the cold. Instead of just chattering your teeth and tap dancing to try to stay warm, your body becomes covered in red spots. Allergy to low temperatures much more dangerous than hives. It is often accompanied by fainting, anaphylactic shock and can lead to death. The reason for this unpleasant disease is a failure protective functions bodies.

Cold allergy can cause mumps and measles, problems with thyroid gland, dysbacteriosis or even blood cancer. Be careful: if severe itching in the throat and blisters are added to a runny nose and watery eyes, you should consult a doctor.

Allergy to marital debt

When Julie and Michael exchanged vows and set out to explore the most exciting side of marriage, what awaited them was an unpleasant surprise. The very first intercourse turned out to be hives and terrible itching for the newly-made wife.

When the symptoms of unexpected trouble disappeared, the couple returned to the marital bed. For two years, every intimate experience was accompanied by a mysterious allergy. As it turned out, Julie’s body was incompatible with Michael’s seminal fluid and reacted to it as if it were a foreign protein. Having said goodbye to the dream of having a child together, the couple stocked up on condoms and started thinking about adoption. Scientists from the University of Manchester claim that up to 12% of women suffer from an allergy to male semen.

Medical journals are replete with stories of exercise intolerance and atypical reactions to condoms, allergies to Cell phones and even about hypersensitivity to wireless networks. But one doctor's story is of particular interest to the ladies.

Is it possible to be allergic to solariums?

Even ancient healers, knowing about medicinal properties sunlight, practiced heliotherapy. They prescribed light baths both to those who suffered from skin diseases and to those who were tormented deep depression. But what about people whose bodies cannot tolerate the rays of the Sun? The number of patients visiting a doctor due to an incorrect reaction of the body to ultraviolet radiation is growing by leaps and bounds. Symptoms of photodermatitis resemble ordinary urticaria. In areas of the skin exposed to radiation, redness, burning and annoying itching appear.

Doctors suggest: allergens are not Sun rays, and their interaction with substances caught on skin covering. A solarium can also be a similar irritant to the immune system. Instead of an excellent artificial tan, people with problems with the thyroid gland, liver or kidneys face blisters and swelling of the skin.

Allergies to people: reality or joke?

Once upon a time, the editors of the weekly “Arguments and Facts” received an interesting letter. “Are people allergic?” - asked a reader from Noginsk. It turns out that as soon as her colleague entered the office, the lady started coughing and periodically sneezed. The head of the National Clinical Center for Allergology and Immunology assures that such intolerance can be caused by hair or particles of substances on the skin. Briton Daren Young also faced the same problem. For several years now he has been suffering from an allergy to his wife. It's worth using it somehow cosmetic product or just take up toothbrush as the husband begins to choke. Its allergen is polyethylene glycol, which is contained in household chemicals. If you are not part of the circle of three unfortunates who shared Young’s share, then most likely the cause of your allergy to people is psychological intolerance.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, the number of allergy sufferers in Russia has increased by 20% over the past 10 years. From spring exacerbation Every sixth inhabitant of New York suffers, every fourth inhabitant of Berlin and every third inhabitant of Moscow. But what diagnosis surprised doctors around the world?

The most unusual allergy in the world

Little Caleb Bassenshut, born in Australia, became the unluckiest person on the planet. It's not just intolerance to honey, chocolate or oranges that worries him. Any food that enters the baby’s body causes severe pain, vomiting reflex and a severe allergy attack. Having connected the child to a probe and injected small doses of solution to maintain life, the doctors began extensive research.

By eliminating grains, milk, nuts, smoked foods and fruits, they tried feeding Caleb light and dietary food. Everything turned out to be unsuccessful. Even a few crumbs of food caused digestive upset, for which no cure was ever discovered. Only God knows how long a victim of the most unusual allergy in the world can live without a panacea.

Such allergies can only be combated experienced specialists. .
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Different types of allergies are observed in almost half of people living in major cities. The prevalence of this disease among rural residents is much lower. But this is recorded data based on patient visits to doctors.

According to doctors, there are many more allergies in the world - just some allergic reactions weak, do not cause serious discomfort, so people do not seek medical help.

Clinical picture


Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the majority of fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies , and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The first descriptions of such a disease are found in the works of ancient healers of the 5th century BC. Back then, allergies were extremely rare.

In recent decades, the number of patients has been constantly growing. There are several reasons for this: weakened immunity, an increase in the number toxic substances, which are used everywhere, craving for sterility and minimal pathogenic load on the immune system.

As a result, he becomes too “suspicious” and sees the enemy in familiar and everyday substances - even those that do not pose a potential danger.

What is an allergy and why does it occur?

This is the individual sensitivity of the human body, or more precisely, its immune system, to a certain irritant substance. The immune system perceives this substance as a serious threat.

Normally, the immune system “monitors” bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that enter the body in order to neutralize or destroy them in time, preventing disease.

Allergy is a “false alarm” of the immune system, which is based on the erroneous perception of an allergen substance. When faced with an irritant, it perceives a certain substance as a pathogen and responds by releasing histamine. Histamine itself provokes the appearance of symptoms characteristic of allergies. The nature of the symptoms themselves depends on the type of allergen, the location of its entry and the degree of individual sensitivity.

The cause of allergies is not increased vigilance of the immune system, but a malfunction in its functioning. This failure can be caused by a single factor or a combination of them:

  1. Weakening of the immune system, which occurs in the presence of chronic diseases and helminthic infestations.
  2. Heredity. If one parent has any allergy, even a mild one, this gives a 30% chance that this disease will manifest itself in the baby. If both parents have manifestations of this disease to one degree or another, the likelihood that the child will be born with allergies increases to almost 70%.
  3. Genetic malfunction, as a result of which the immune system it works incorrectly.
  4. Violation of the composition of intestinal microflora.
  5. Formation of immunity in conditions of increased cleanliness. Without encountering pathogens, it “trains” on surrounding substances.
  6. Contact with big amount“chemistry”, as a result of which the body perceives any new substance as a potential threat.

Allergen (substance that causes atypical reaction) can be anything: from house dust to food and even medicine.

Most allergens have protein nature(contain protein components or form amino acids when entering the human body). But some have nothing to do with amino acids: sunlight(one of common reasons dermatitis), water, low temperatures.

The most common allergens are:

  • plant pollen;
  • dust and its components;
  • fungal spores;
  • medicines;
  • food products;
  • fragments of pet saliva.

Allergies can be congenital or acquired.



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