The cat has crusty sores on her ears. Skin lesions and scabs in cats

Animal lovers have a very hard time dealing with the illness of their pets. Especially when they don’t know what they are faced with and how to treat it. So it is in the case when strange sores appear on the neck of cats and the animal suffers, suffers, and the owner simply does not know how to help him.

Undoubtedly, before treating any disease, you should figure out what it might be. Most often, a sore on a cat's neck appears in case of infection with a subcutaneous scabies mite (notoedrosis or sarcoptic mange). In this case, the treatment is carried out the same way. The animal is treated with stronghold or amitan. If the treatment is carried out with amitan, then it should be diluted with water (one ampoule per half liter of water) and after that the procedure should be carried out. The cat should first be washed and then rinsed with the prepared solution. Leave the solution on the animal’s fur for five to seven minutes, massaging from time to time.

In addition to treating sore spots, the solution, using a cotton swab, is applied to the surface of the ears and eyebrows, since sores can appear there too, they are just not noticeable yet. After waiting the required time, the solution is washed off. This should be done very carefully so that the animal does not get poisoned when it licks the fur. Such treatment should be carried out at least four times at intervals of a week, even if the sores on the cat’s neck become no longer visible, so that there is no relapse. It should be recalled that if this disease is not treated, the sores can subsequently spread throughout the animal’s body.

If the cause of the disease is a subcutaneous mite, then, in addition to treating the animal, the premises must be disinfected. This should be done with a solution of neostomozan, which is usually used to combat hairworms and scabies mites.

In addition, you can cure sores on a cat’s neck using regular dust. This method will be much cheaper and no less effective. However, it is more labor-intensive, since the dust has a specific smell that cats do not really like. In addition, the cat’s fur will smell unpleasant even after treatment. During treatment, the cat should wear a special protective collar to prevent it from scratching or licking the sores. They can also be lubricated with dioxidine from time to time, although if the treatment is carried out correctly, this is not necessary. It should be recalled that if there are other animals in the house, they should also be treated with amitan solution.

You can use the same concentration as for treating a cat. In the annotation for Amitan, the concentration of the solution is slightly different (one ampoule per glass of water and do not rinse), however, in order to exclude the occurrence of allergies, it is better to use a weaker solution. In addition, this (weak) concentration is used even for guinea pigs, which are known to be very sensitive to toxic substances. Therefore, this medicine will certainly not harm the cat. If processing is carried out with stronghold or frontline, then the instructions should be strictly followed. Only in this case will the treatment bring the desired result. We should not forget that one procedure will not be enough. A repeat test will definitely need to be done in seven to ten days.

Sometimes, the cause of sores on the neck of cats can be simple fleas. At the same time, cats simply scratch their skin, which is where wounds appear. Therefore, before starting treatment for other, more serious diseases, the animal should be checked for fleas.

In addition to subcutaneous mites, the cause of sores can be a banal food or dust allergy. In this case, sores appear first on the neck, then on the beard or forehead. At first they look like dry crusts and only after the cat licks them do they become wet. It can be very difficult to determine allergies, since they are always individual. In some cats it may be due to house dust mites, in others it may be due to food or flea saliva. In this case, the manifestations of allergies will be the same. In order to decide, you should conduct a special diagnosis at a veterinary clinic.

Such sores can also be treated with Stringhold drops. At the same time, they are applied to the cat’s withers. Treatment should be carried out two to three times at intervals of two weeks. In addition, bacterial dermatitis can be the cause of sores on the neck. If neglected, it can lead to more severe damage, such as fistulas, nodules or abscesses. Most often this disease is secondary. The primary ones may be demodicosis, endocrine diseases, and allergies. Therefore, it is very important to identify what caused the appearance of dermatitis. Since treatment must begin with the elimination of primary diseases.

Despite the fact that for some diseases exactly the same drugs are used, the animal should definitely be shown to a good veterinarian to make sure that the chosen treatment and diagnosis are correct.

Skin diseases in cats have recently become frequently diagnosed and widespread. An increasing number of owners notice problems with the skin and consult a doctor. Skin diseases have different natures and look different. Selected visual photos, descriptions of symptoms, basics of treatment described in our article will help you not to miss the first important signs of disease.

There is a whole range of possible factors that can cause cats to develop skin conditions. Hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious and many others. They lead to skin problems, which are sometimes so subtle that many of our pets suffer from the disease for a long time.

“Simple” skin diseases of cats


This is what pet acne is called. Occurs more often on the chin. Looks like a cluster of blackheads. Often in advanced cases a bacterial infection develops. The course of the disease progresses, purulent inflammation appears. The reasons for the development of the disease are varied - from poor nutrition to a symptom of an infection.


Inflammation of the hair follicle. Develops as a complication of acne or other infectious skin diseases. It looks like a swelling around a hair, often filled with liquid; palpation causes pain in the cat.

Fungal otitis media

Inflammation of the external auditory canal. The first signs of the disease appear by shaking the head and the cat scratching its ear. Develops against a background of weakened immunity.

Ear mites

If you do not properly care for your pet's ears, mites begin to multiply in them at a frantic pace. The disease manifests itself as scratching, an unpleasant odor from the ears, and dark gray discharge. The skin of the ears turns red and the local temperature rises.


They arise in response to any irritant - food, natural, chemical. Food allergies are the most common - the cat scratches its neck and head. Some breeds are predisposed to negative reactions to the flowering of certain plants. Many animals, especially young ones, react sharply to bathing and grooming. To treat allergies, it is often enough to eliminate the allergen.

Internal reasons

Problems with various vital systems of a cat also lead to the manifestation of skin diseases.

Tail gland hyperplasia

Increased secretion of this gland leads to excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretions. When released, it envelops the hairs at the point of growth, blocking their further development. As a result, the hair falls out and bare areas form. Treatment comes down to constant monitoring of the problem area; castration helps cats.


Some older cats develop lumps under the skin over time—single tumors. They can be easily removed surgically. Cats with white ears often suffer from a more dangerous type - skin cancer. It manifests itself as a change in the appearance of a certain area of ​​the skin, often visible darkening, unevenness of the skin.

Mental disorders

After severe stress - moving, the appearance of a child or another animal in the house - some cats fall into a state of constant grooming. By licking themselves over and over again, they injure the skin, ulcers appear, and hair falls out.

Dangerous skin diseases of cats


Symptoms: hair loss in certain areas of the skin, peeling, the appearance of strange scales, sometimes purulent wounds. Your cat may itch, but ringworm usually does not cause itching.


A serious disease caused by microscopic mites. It is highly contagious and develops rapidly. The main symptom is severe, constant scabies, the skin becomes covered with red spots. It starts with the head, ears. Without treatment, it quickly spreads to other areas of the body, appearing consistently in the armpits, on the folds, and at the base of the tail.

Factors predisposing to the appearance of demodicosis are improper feeding, maintenance, lack of a number of B vitamins, vitamin A, E, and worms.


The main symptom of eczema is a weeping surface of the skin. The cat scratches the affected area, redness and nodules appear on the skin. The general condition changes: a fever develops, the cat loses weight, and kidney problems begin.

Based on skin scraping tests, your veterinarian will rule out other skin diseases and prescribe antihistamines. It is not recommended to treat the cat yourself, as any incorrect treatment can cause additional complications.


Dermatitis is dangerous due to its unpredictable manifestations. If left untreated in time, they can severely undermine the animal’s immune system.


Necrotic destruction of a cat's skin due to prolonged lying in one place. Manifested by tissue necrosis, death of skin cells. It is observed in sick animals that are forced to remain in one position for a long time. Symptoms: pain when touched, decreased temperature of the dying area, color change, appearance of ulcers. Prevention of the development of bedsores is simple - turn your pet over more often in the postoperative period, do not let him sit on the injured limb for a long time. Treatment comes down to treating wounds, dressings, and removing dead tissue.

Associated with viral infections

Some feline diseases lead to the development of skin problems. For example, when leukemia the integument is especially severely affected - abscesses, neoplasms, and wounds occur. Immunodeficiency cats causes chronic otitis with damage to the skin of the ears, numerous pustules (vesicles with pus) appear on the body. causes damage to the skin of the paw pads and around the nose.

It is important to promptly seek help from a veterinarian to determine the cause of the skin disease. The specialist will determine the main cause of the soreness and prescribe adequate therapy.

The article will help you understand some issues that are directly related to the difficult situation in which any cat, cat or kitten may find themselves. If you have any questions or already have experience dealing with this problem, it is recommended to write about it in the comments.

The cat has scabs in the ears, along the spine, around the eyes and neck, chin, on the nose, head, all over the body, what is it, how to treat it

If the owner does not find fleas, the next option is subcutaneous ticks. The way out is to visit a veterinarian for tests and treatment. Treat wounds yourself with Ivermec gel.

When searching for the cause of sores, the sores themselves cannot be ignored. To avoid abscesses, they are treated with Terramycin spray, which will help relieve inflammation.

The next reason for scratching an animal is the manifestation of allergic reactions. An allergen can be new food, house dust, household chemicals, etc. You should try to eliminate the allergen and give the animal antihistamines.

The presence of sores may indicate ringworm. The shape of such sores is round with bright edges and red. It can only be treated with special medications.

If you have scabs all over your body, it is better to consult a specialist, get tested and get qualified advice.

The cat has scabs and hair falls out at the tail and he scratches them: reasons and what to do

Cat scabs with black dots - how to help at home

Black dots in animal skin wounds indicate hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. The reasons for this may be hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, changes in the liver, and poor living conditions.

You can help your pet at home in the following ways:
- Remove hair from the acne site.
- Disinfection of lesions with hydrogen peroxide.
- Treatment with salicylic acid.
- Treatment with drying ointments.

What causes a crusty nose in a cat? What to do?

The nose is an indicator of a cat's health. The appearance of a crust in it indicates a possible injury. In this case, blood clots are carefully removed using cotton wool.

The situation is worse if crusts indicate the onset of various diseases. The most common is calicivirus infection. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pustules in the eyes, sneezing, and increased salivation. Treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Often the cause of crust formation is fungal infections. Additional symptoms are cracks in the paws, scratching of the skin, and hair loss. In this case, it is necessary to undergo tests to prescribe treatment.

The appearance of sores on a cat’s neck is associated with the presence of a primary infection. The animal itches and shows nervousness. When starting treatment, you must first find out the reasons.

Why does my cat have sores and itch on her neck?

Neck sores can cause a lot of trouble for a cat.

The most common of them is the subcutaneous scabies mite. Depending on the type of tick, the disease is called notoedrosis or sarcoptic mange. In both cases, the treatment prescribed is the same.

Allergy in a cat

This sore was small, then the cat scratched it due to severe itching.

Allergies can also be a causative agent - food or dust. The sores are first localized on the neck, then move to the chin and forehead. They look like dried crusts, then, when the animal begins to lick them, they get wet and become wounds. does not seem possible. To identify the allergen, you should contact the clinic for laboratory tests.


Another significant factor is... The cat scratches insect bites until they bleed, which leads to wounds, which, in turn, become inflamed, providing favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Bacterial dermatitis

Bacterial dermatitis is another cause of sores on the neck.

A wound on the neck resulting from irritation from bacterial dermatitis. The cat constantly scratches the wound due to severe itching. A big sore has formed.

The advanced stage of the disease leads to more severe consequences: fistulas, nodes,... Bacterial dermatitis is often a secondary pathology caused by diseases such as endocrine disorders of the body, allergies.

How to treat neck sores at home

If a subcutaneous tick is detected in a cat, the following measures are taken:

  • isolate the animal;
  • cut off the affected area of ​​fur;
  • wash with keratolic shampoo;
  • use aversectin ointment;
  • the drug “Advocate” is prescribed in the form of drops;
  • use sulfur ointment;
  • drops of “Amit Forte” are dripping;

When starting treatment, you should thoroughly disinfect all your pet’s toys, habitats, bedding, and dishes.


You may be allergic to saliva fleas, food, atopic dermatitis . An allergic reaction to flea saliva is easily eliminated by local treatment with insecticides. Drops, sprays, collars, powder are recommended.

To treat sources of itching, bathing with medicated shampoos is recommended.

Eliminated by eliminating dangerous foods from the diet. The use of symptomatic therapy and body cleansing agents is recommended. The prescription of steroid and antihistamine drugs is indicated. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat scratching and prevent the risk of contracting other infections.

There is no 100% cure for atopic dermatitis.

Pathology of a genetic nature and periodic occurrence of relapses and new outbreaks of the disease are almost guaranteed. It often occurs latently and is unnoticeable until complications arise. Maintenance therapy and control of the occurrence of secondary infections based on atopic dermatitis are recommended. A cat’s body with this type of allergy will have to be supported throughout its life.

Flea control

There are various topical medications available to control fleas.

Can be used powder for kittens , but use with extreme caution, as they are often toxic and irritating to the respiratory system. For adults older than six months, collars are used. The effect of the collar lasts up to three months. The most effective remedy is drops on the withers.

Most often used frontline– eliminate fleas within 24 hours, prevent the appearance of insects for two months. Hartz drops have good recommendations. Affects flea eggs and larvae. Before use, the animal must be bathed using anti-flea shampoo.

Suitable for cats that have contact with other animals. Advocate drops are useful not only against fleas. It has a destructive effect on ticks and removes worms. Stronghold and Bars drops are also recommended. Frontline spray will have a positive effect.


There is no single correct treatment regimen for bacterial dermatitis.

Treatment of bacterial dermatitis is difficult. But preparations based on Vishnevsky Ointment have proven themselves well.

Assistance will be provided based on the primary cause. In case of a traumatic type, the affected areas are treated with a solution of iodine and methylene blue. Prescribe lotions with astringents, a compress using Vishnevsky ointment .

Purulent dermatitis causes sores with a crust.

Treatment of purulent dermatitis includes cutting the hair of the sore spot, removing dried crusts, and treating with antiseptics. Sprinkle with streptocide powder, an antibiotic. For more severe or advanced forms, antibiotic injections or oral administration are prescribed.

Take for several weeks. The medicine indicated for use is ivermectin and milbemycin tablets. The course of treatment is expected to last three months. It is recommended to bathe your pet in an anti-tick solution and wash it regularly using medicated antibacterial shampoos.

Preventive actions

Speaking about the prevention of skin diseases, you should pay special attention to vaccination.

The animal must be vaccinated, then the risk of infection will be reduced and immunity will increase. Vaccinations must be done strictly according to the schedule established by the doctor. Mandatory preventive examination, full comprehensive examination.

Avoid contact with outdoor cats.

The cat's habitat must be disinfected periodically. Treat against ticks, helminthic infestations, fleas and other insects. The pet's dishes must be kept perfectly clean, the tray must be cleaned and disinfected on time.

Avoid contact of the cat with other animals, possible carriers of diseases. Meat and fish products should not be given raw to avoid the risk of helminth infection. Strictly control the quality of the animal’s diet, do not introduce into the diet any obviously dangerous or suspicious foods to which the cat may develop an allergic reaction.

Avoid “stray food” - garbage cans, buckets. Comply with all standards of sanitation and personal hygiene for your pet.

Recently, skin diseases have become widespread in cats, from which, according to statistics, every third pet suffers. Often, problems with the skin are the result of some internal pathology that requires immediate treatment. Many skin diseases pose a danger not only to the cat, but also to the owner, so it is extremely important to promptly recognize the disorder and begin treatment.

List of skin diseases in cats

There is a whole spectrum of skin diseases that are diverse in nature and manifest themselves in completely different ways. Skin lesions can be caused by a variety of reasons - hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious; even a simple change in diet can cause rashes on the body.

Attention. We should not forget that fleas are carriers of helminths and can infect an animal through a regular bite. Therefore, along with treatment for fleas, the animal should be dewormed in a timely manner.


Ringworm is an infectious fungal pathology that often affects young animals with reduced immunity, as well as cats that have suffered from cancer or viral diseases.

The cause of the disease is fungal spores, which can be carried on clothes or shoes. Infection occurs through contact with a sick animal, through shared toys, feeding and care items.

Clinical signs of ringworm are:

  • bald areas on the head, tail and limbs;
  • in the center of the affected area, the skin turns red and peels, sometimes ulcers, white scales and crusts appear.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using antifungal ointments and antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, antibiotics, vaccines and oral antifungal medications are prescribed.


Acne is an acne disease characterized by the formation of closed and open comedones, most often on the chin.

The reasons for the development of acne can be improper care of the cat, stress, infectious pathologies, abnormal development of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Visually, the disease is manifested by the presence of black or white spots, partial hair loss, and an increase in hard crusts. Acne can progress to painful ulcers and ulcers, which can cause inflammation and bacterial infection.

Treatment of acne consists of treating with antiseptic and antiseborrheic soaps and shampoos (for example, tar), applying antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, etc.). In advanced cases, antibiotics and corticosteroids are used.

Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections occur in two forms: dry and wet. In the first case, dense formations and crusts appear on the skin. The second form is characterized by the presence of areas of skin with severe hyperemia and moisture, which is accompanied by a rash, ulcers, itching and crusts.

To understand the form of the disease in your pet, you need to not only read the description of the disease, but also carefully study the photo.

There can be a huge number of reasons for a bacterial infection:

  • allergies accompanied by itching;
  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • presence of shallow wounds;
  • diabetes mellitus, tumors, kidney damage, etc.

Treatment is based on the use of antibiotics and local drugs (Miramistin, Levomekol, aluminum and zinc-containing ointments).

Bacterial skin diseases include:

Allergic skin diseases

Allergic reactions are a consequence of an inadequate response of the cat's immune system to foreign substances entering the body. The cause of an allergy can be anything: a certain component of food, household chemicals, plant pollen, synthetic fabrics, dust in the house, etc. When exposed to an allergen, skin hyperemia, inflamed areas, severe itching, hair loss and increased body temperature are observed.

Important. Long-term exposure to an allergen is fraught with the development of atopic dermatitis, eosinophilic granuloma and asthmatic syndrome.

Therapy for allergic reactions includes taking antihistamines to relieve itching, hormonal agents and antibiotics if urgently needed. To alleviate the pet's condition, medicated shampoos and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin caused by allergens from the environment. The cause of this disease is the body’s increased reaction to certain substances (mold, pollen, household chemicals, certain foods, dust, etc.).

Atopic dermatitis has the following clinical picture:

  • severe itching and, as a result, scratching;
  • skin rash;
  • hair loss;
  • when infection gets into the wound, pustules form;
  • affected areas are in the head, ears, neck or chest, lower abdomen and between the thighs.

To prevent the development of infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics and antimicrobials are prescribed, and to eliminate signs of allergy, standard antihistamines (Chlorpheniramine, Clemastine) are prescribed.


The disease is manifested by such symptoms as:

  • severe itching and scratching;
  • the appearance of pustules, blisters, nodules and crusts on the skin;
  • redness of the skin;
  • weight loss;
  • fever;
  • kidney disease;
  • wet skin surface.

Treatment of eczema consists of taking antihistamines and sedatives, supplemented with a vitamin complex.

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Symptoms of demodicosis include:

  • the formation of dense tubercles on the pet’s body, when pressure is applied to them, white clots are released;
  • constant scratching and skin rashes;
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • partial baldness;
  • presence of red crusts;
  • formation of pustules during the duration of the disease.

Attention. It is this skin disease that most often leads to death.

Ear mite

The progression of the disease is fraught with inflammation of the outer ear, which can spread to the middle ear, which in turn is dangerous for imbalance. In such a situation, the animal will constantly keep its head to one side. Sometimes the infection reaches the parotid space, causing severe inflammation.

Treatment of ear mites includes systematic cleansing of the ear canals and the use of acaricidal drops.

Find out more about the common disease -.

Psychogenic alopecia

Alopecia is the rapid loss of hair. The cause of psychogenic alopecia in domestic cats is neurosis that occurs as a result of environmental changes (change of residence, new owner, appearance of a new family member or pet in the house, etc.).

Most often, this disease occurs in emotional breeds: Siamese, Himalayan, Burmese, Abyssinian, but it also happens in completely outbred individuals. Externally, the disease manifests itself as baldness in the groin area, abdomen, sides and inner thighs, along the dorsal midline. There is no redness or crusts on the bald areas.

In the treatment of psychogenic alopecia, the main thing is to eliminate or minimize stress. Among the medications, behavior-correcting drugs have proven themselves: Amitriptyline, Cat Bayun or Stop Stress.

Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome (or hyperadrenocorticism) is an extremely rare disease that develops as a result of excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol in the body. Excess cortisol can occur with the use of large amounts of corticosteroids orally, locally or by injection, with tumors of the adrenal cortex, and also as a result of pituitary gland disease.

The following phenomena are observed in Cushing's syndrome:

  • increased thirst and increased urination;
  • voracity;
  • enlarged abdomen;
  • amyotrophy;
  • lethargy;
  • hair loss;
  • thinning of the skin.

In the treatment of this serious disease, as a rule, the drug Trilostane is used, which suppresses the production of cortisol. In some cases, removal of the adrenal gland or pituitary gland may be necessary, as well as radiation therapy to the pituitary tumor.

Sarcoptic mange

The clinical picture of sarcoptic mange is similar to other diseases: the affected areas dry out and cause itching, subsequently the hair falls off in these areas, and scabs form unattractive ulcers.

Sarcoptes have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against ticks and are applied to the withers of the animal.


Symptoms of this disease include:

  • severe itching;
  • blisters are observed on the face, ears, stomach and groin area, which become crusty after scratching;
  • hair loss, often in places where crusts are concentrated;
  • as the disease progresses, the skin thickens, dries and cracks - as a result, the wounds open the gates to infections (bacteria, fungi and viruses).

Therapy for notoedrosis includes bathing with acaricidal and keratolytic shampoos, as well as local application of medications (Demos, aversectin ointment, neocidol aqueous emulsion, sulfur ointment, Stronghold).

Suspicion of a skin disease is suggested by the cat's unkempt appearance: the fur is disheveled, and ulcers and scabs are found underneath it. The responsible fellinologist is obliged to make a reasonable decision if he notices problems with the pet’s coat. The use of universal external remedies does not always help eliminate the pathology, but it will definitely complicate the diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, the best solution would be to trust a professional.

There are non-contagious and infectious etiologies of cat skin diseases.

Contagious diseases

Contagious skin diseases are caused by the following groups of pathogens:

Microbial etiology is observed in the following skin pathologies:

Treatment of dermatitis of bacterial origin consists of external treatment of the lesion in combination with immunostimulants, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. Equally important in treatment is the provision of adequate nutrition, preferably professional food, which will be recommended by a veterinarian.


Skin lesions are observed with the following viral infections that affect or weaken the cat's immune system:

  • Leukosis virus. Skin lesions are associated with secondary bacterial as well as mycotic infections. Leukemia provokes the appearance of tumors that disintegrate and form ulcers. Seborrhea develops.
  • Immunodeficiency virus. The skin and mucous membranes are affected.
  • Calicivirus causes erosions on the tips of the paws.
  • Herpes provokes the appearance of ulcers on the chest, abdomen, and limbs.

Treatment consists of combating the pathogen through the use of immunomodulators in combination with external antiseptics.


Most often, phytodermatitis develops caused by the fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton. Foci of baldness appear, smooth or covered with scabs or ulcers. Diseases occur against the background of damage to the skin by subcutaneous mites, bacteria, viruses, as well as due to immune failure. Microsporia and Trichophytosis are unsafe for humans. Along with the pathologies caused by micromycetes, there are skin diseases of various etiologies, the symptoms of which resemble those of phytodermatitis. There are the following types of dermatitis, called “lichen”:

  • Pink.
  • Pityriasis.
  • Red flat.

Among skin inflammations caused by arthropods, the following are distinguished:

  • Flea dermatitis. Occurs as an allergic response to insect saliva. The bite sites itch, are scratched, and become infected with secondary microflora. The cat and the premises are disinfested. Fleas are dangerous to humans; they not only bite them, but also carry pathogens.
  • Vital activity of subcutaneous mites. Microscopic arthropods colonize the epidermis and injure it. From the destroyed capillaries, ichor oozes and dries, forming scabs. The damaged surface is subject to secondary infection. Treatment is complex: acaricides, antiseptics, and immunostimulants.

Non-contagious dermatitis

The following skin pathologies of non-infectious etiology are distinguished:

Allergic dermatitis. The formation of scabs on a cat’s skin occurs with the following types of pathology:

  1. Feed allergy. Occurs due to intolerance to individual ingredients. It can be eliminated by changing your diet. The best option is to switch to hypoallergenic ready-made food.
  2. Atopic dermatitis. Hypersensitive reaction to external stimuli. Young animals are more often affected. The reason is an innate predisposition. Cats with this pathology are excluded from breeding.

For allergic skin lesions, antihistamines are used to block the mechanism of hypersensitive reactions.

Eczema. Chronic inflammation of the superficial and deep layers of the skin, resulting from exposure to polyetiological causes. The disease occurs in dry and wet forms. A rash appears, transforming into blisters, when opened, purulent exudate is released, which dries and forms scabs.

  • Cancer. Occurs as a result of mutations. Neoplasms take the form of furunculosis, dermatitis or age spots. Histological studies of pathological material refute or confirm the presence of an oncological process.
  • - dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. It is characterized by the formation of blackheads - comedones on the lips and chin as a result of contamination after eating. The attached secondary microflora leads to the formation of pustules and blisters. Acne is removed and the affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions.

A week ago, the cat began to squint his eye and abundantly clear tears flowed from the eye. I started rinsing and dripping Ciprolet, today the eye is almost cured, I thought it was the last time I dropped it. But a new attack! Even during the day it seemed that there was asymmetry in the neck area, but during the day nothing was felt. And now I started scratching my neck and it seemed to be swollen on one side. But on the other hand, not where the eye was leaking. Now the asymmetry is very visible. The cat doesn't leave the house. True, he sits on the windowsill all day with...

Hello everybody. It all started when I began to notice torn out pieces of fur on the floor. I examined the cat, and in the neck area around the circumference I found something like balls or beads of different sizes. They took her to the vet, where they shaved these areas and diagnosed her with an allergy. Treatment was prescribed. It seemed like everything was going away. But here in one more place, on the lower jaw closer to the ear, these beads are rough again. I smeared them with Akriderm GK, the beads fell off and underneath there was a pink, weeping, oval-shaped wound...


Hooray! Our doctor is back from vacation. They took a scraping, but they say that if they still smeared it 2 days ago, then it is not informative. And blood. The inflammatory process occurs in the blood. But no allergies!!! This reaction was assumed to be caused by the liver. And they strictly forbade us to drink tap water, only boiled or filtered water. Treatment was prescribed, now I’ll run to look for injections, the veterinary pharmacy doesn’t have them :-(Then I’ll report back to see if it helped. Thank you all for your support and advice. Yes, the diagnosis is alimentary dermatitis

Sounds like a flea allergy.

Osteochondrosis. MEDSI user blog on

1. I suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. Lately I have been experiencing severe dizziness. What can you do for treatment? The treatment is complex: the dizziness itself and the reasons that caused it (possible problems of the cervical spine. For dizziness, you can take betaserc (vestibo 16 mg. X 2 times daily), if there is no bronchial asthma or vertigohel 1 tablet X 3 times daily under the tongue 10 days. A soft head holder (sold in orthopedic salons) helps a lot. It should be worn during exacerbations and worn no more...

Good evening everyone! I really need advice from a veterinarian or a cat owner who has encountered such a problem as microsporia - a type of lichen. The story is sad and started with a friend of mine who bought a cat from a cattery. After 3 weeks, all family members incl. The children were covered in sores and began to itch. When visiting a doctor, they suspected lichen, which was confirmed after a visit with the cat to the veterinarian (((The cat is from the cattery with all the documents, the breeder denies everything and now just doesn’t even come out...


I’m telling you the latest news from the field: today we went to the doctor, the cat was thoroughly examined, it seemed clean, but to reassure the owner, they took another 2 weeks of control. It seemed to her that one hair was glowing, already afraid of everything.
There are definitely positive dynamics)))

What nonsense the doctor said, he’s saying something! New fur has appeared and the cat is healthy and not contagious.

She offended her lover at the right time... What should I do?!

Yesterday I had a fight with the soup over the cottage, then I made a stupid joke in a text message to my lover, and he was offended by me... :(I apologized in a text message, then I called, picked up the phone, and said that “my jokes are stupid and he won’t forgive me so quickly.” I sent about 10 more SMS with an apology, but no response... They didn’t wish me “good night” or “good morning”, as usual... And this evening I need to pick up additional equipment from, and tomorrow morning to buy the car that he wanted to give me, I’ve already paid 50 tr in advance...


advice... if he loves you, he will move away :-)
but don’t go too far (I’m speaking from my experience)...
Already apologized - enough...

At 9:00 I withdrew money from the bank (I ordered cash in advance, so I didn’t “change my mind”), at 9:45 I deposited it at the car dealership’s cash desk, and at 10:30 I arrived at work!
They promise to give the car back on Tuesday! Ugh three times! :R

I think yesterday Dub Zaiko was no less scared than me that I wouldn’t write or call him again... ;)
Thank you everyone for your moral support, helpful tips and funny comments! :***

If you notice more than five of these spots, consult a doctor. Dark birthmarks—various shapes, sometimes covered with hairs—can appear on any part of the body. They also last a lifetime and are usually no hassle. You should consult your doctor if they begin to change shape or grow. Red birthmarks sometimes appear in newborns on the forehead, sides of the nose, eyelids, lips or on the back of the head. Their cause is the expansion of small blood vessels at the time of birth of the baby. If such formations are located symmetrically, for example on both eyelids or the wings of the nose, they will most likely disappear within a year. And spots that appear one by one can remain for life. Mongoloid spot is a blue-purple mark on the lower back or butt...

A simple trip to the doctor is enough if: a sore throat lasts 48 hours without symptoms of a cold or flu; a sore throat is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature; plugs or pus are visible in the back of your throat (it doesn’t matter whether you have your tonsils removed or not); cervical lymph glands are enlarged or painful to move the jaw; lymph glands are enlarged not only in the neck, but also in the armpits or groin (this may be mononucleosis); laryngitis or hoarseness for no apparent reason; voice change lasting more than 2 weeks. As self-help, we recommend the following measures: If possible, control your breathing and breathe through your nose. The air in the nose is warmed and moistened, which protects the throat and vocal cords. Your throat can get sore when your nose is stuffy and you have to breathe...



04/25/2019 11:54:08, Lyuba12235

Now is the time when it seems warm, but you can still catch a cold. Because spring is deceiving. I have a couple of proven remedies that can help me not get sick. For example, rinsing with chamomile. I also love throat lozenges, it’s called an anti-angina formula. They not only disinfect, because they contain chlorhexidine, but also relieve pain quickly and very well.

Has anyone encountered this? We can only get to the doctor on Saturday. Our foster cat (he is about a year and a half old) has a lump on his neck, or the part of his neck near the lymph node is swollen... I don’t know how to put it. The cat is not neutered. We live in the country and the cat goes out every day for several hours. On Friday he came all dirty, covered in clay... went to wash it, dried it with a hairdryer, combed it... they weren’t allowed outside... on Sunday a similar situation... again, covered in dirt and with battle wounds, apparently...


Saffron milk caps are just my favorite. Yours are gorgeous! Treat him quickly! @@@-@@@@@@@@

16.01.2014 11:04:49, 150202271105

What a luxurious cat! Of course, all three of them are unconditionally handsome, but the red one!.. What paws! What a gangster face! Simply a miracle! Wishing him a speedy recovery!

An elderly cat (18 years old) has chronic renal failure, I treat and treat, but he gets worse and worse... I went to the clinic with him, they gave him IV drips for several days, then they re-tested him, and they got even worse. They prescribed another treatment, at home, I give subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, I pour some kidney solutions and other medications into his mouth, but he is getting weaker and weaker, just recently he was jumping on top, but now he’s walking on the floor and stumbling, He can barely drag his feet, eats very little, his eyes seem empty... It’s such a pity...

The main rules for feeding cats, cats and kittens.

Recipes for natural food for cats 0) Place very small meatballs (half a teaspoon or less) in boiling water and cook until they float. Drizzle with low-fat sour cream. 1) Liver cakes “Weakness Cannon”: mix 1 glass of water and 2 eggs with 0.5 kg of flour, add 100 g. minced liver and stir until the consistency of a soft dough. Cut into pieces and throw into boiling water. When the cakes float to the surface, they can be removed and served. Place the remaining minced meat in the freezer. 2)...


List of some premium and super premium foods

Canned food
BOZITA (Bozita)
PETREET (Petrite)
IAMS (Yams)
MERRICK (Merrick)
NUTRO CHOICE (Nutro choice)
GOURMET GOLD (Gurmet Gold)
FELIDE (Felid)
CHIKEN SOUP (Chicken soup)

Dry food
EUKANUBA (Ekanuba)
IAMS (Yams)
NUTRO CHOICE (Nutro choice)
INNOVA (Innova)
CHIKEN SOUP (Chicken soup)

Feeding kittens

You can feed small kittens with a special cat's milk substitute - sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies.

How to feed kittens separated from their mother or who have lost their wet nurse too early:
Pet stores, veterinary pharmacies, and veterinary clinics sell a special cat milk substitute, where you can also find the corresponding attributes - a bottle with a nipple.
If you can’t buy it, you can prepare the mixture yourself.
Mix recipe:
- 0.5 liters of concentrated milk, egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
- 50 g whole milk, 15 g whole milk powder, 2.5 g dry yeast;
- 50 ml of whole milk, 50 g of boiled milk, half a raw egg yolk, half a teaspoon of corn oil;

The food supply is prepared for no more than 24 hours and stored in the refrigerator.

Food must be heated to 38 °C.
For the first 3 weeks of life, the kitten should be given 1 teaspoon of artificial food 7-8 times a day (every 2-3 hours, and at night too), with a night break of 5-6 hours. Gradually, the number of feedings should be reduced, increasing the amount fed food at a time.

Knitted cats. Charlie's blog on

No. 1. Ginger cat

What's wrong with him? We went to the dacha for 3 days. We left food and water for our Abyssinian, as always. On the second day, our au pair came to clean the apartment, fed, comforted, etc. Then we arrived in time. And we discovered that our animal’s entire neck was covered in bloody scratchy sores... About 8-10 of them, probably mostly in the neck area. What could it be? Nervous? In general, our beast has a subtle mental organization: it flinches at sharp sounds, runs away, and does not like it very much when we leave it alone...


My mother’s cat had something similar, at first he had sores, then he almost stopped walking and eating. the veterinarian said it looked like some kind of tick (mom didn’t remember), but not from food for sure (he’s a village cat, he eats everything that’s not nailed down). It seems they were injected with antibiotics according to the specific scheme. and smeared it with something. I didn’t go into too much detail. The cat recovered, grew up, everything is fine.
Contact your vet, you never know what it could be.

We also got hair from Royal Canina and began to comb out the sores, now we’ve been eating Leonardo for over a year now - no problems

As an addition - medications that bind and remove food allergens from the body - enterosorbents. If irritation is caused by contact with washing powder or cosmetics, eliminate the allergen. Heat rash What does it look like? Usually appears with the onset of heat. Beige-pink pimples are located very close to each other. Most rashes occur on the upper chest, shoulders and neck. Sometimes tiny blisters may appear. They don't bother the child. What to do. Ventilate the skin regularly and monitor the room temperature - it should be +20°C. Bathe your baby in decoctions of string and chamomile. To remove excess moisture, you need to use powder. Reddened skin should not be lubricated with cream. Clothes should be t...


Why is roseola not among the possible causes? Two of my three children were sick. Or maybe the eldest was also sick, but that was a long time ago, and then I relied entirely on the doctors. And they often also “forget” some diseases.

10/25/2013 11:55:48, OksanaV

Allergies don’t always arise to new foods; my nephew has a terrible rash to dairy, but at first it didn’t show up, he ate porridge with milk - everything was fine, but then. Once he feeds on the same porridge, he has spots all over his face, tears and snot flow, apparently there is an accumulation in the body... The doctor prescribed Zyrtec and a diet - exclude all dairy for six months, they should outgrow it, he says, wait and see, I hope so and it will turn out

08/14/2013 16:12:39, Verochka09


The bed was not washed well - so she pees, her sense of smell is 300 times sharper than ours. Remove the bed from the cat (I don’t know how - in the closet that is being cleaned, cover the rest with something. Or move the cat to another room.)

Last week I discovered a sore on my cat’s withers. Yesterday the sore became big, it scratched everything. And today the cat is itching all over. And he also bites himself. Girls, please help me, tell me what it could be. What to do? My daughter is in the hospital. After work to my daughter. To the vet. I can’t get in at all. Domestic cat. But we have a first floor and wooden floors. I feel very sorry for the cat. He doesn't sit still for a minute. I did not change the food from Perfect Fit. I bought a new package of filler yesterday. WE USE...


Look at the withers, their favorite place. Today is our first day of “struggle”, the forces are still unequal ((Poor cat, she’s already crying, she’s walking around, the cat is holding on.
We are on the sixth floor.

Girls, tell me why a cat (2 years old) can scratch the scab until it hurts. I haven’t changed the food (PerfectFit), dewormed not long ago, vaccinations according to age. Just a week ago I had one sore. Now all the withers are gone. Wool does not fall out in this place. It doesn't look like a fungus, like it does in pigs.

NOT dedicated to ALL girls in the body. Baking addiction.

You’re sitting... so fat-butted and loose. You sucked in your stomach. You console yourself with the fact that the meaning of life is not in the beauty of a healthy body. And in the beauty of the soul and harmony with oneself. But the cats are scratching at my soul. You go to the kitchen, take a bun. She ate it... shook the crumbs off her chin, that’s happiness. The injection of carbohydrates has begun. Grace.. Okay. Then after a while you hate yourself for this weakness, seeing in the mirror the ears of fat hanging over your trousers and your bra cutting into your full back. Need it urgently...


Who exactly is “you”?

09.09.2012 22:17:27, not all

The impression is that this is a diary entry :) Because otherwise it is not clear how you have such a good idea of ​​what other people /allegedly/ are experiencing.
Although, in fact, after the “sucking in my stomach,” everything, in general, develops logically. The trick is that many people don’t suck in their stomach. I mean, they _really_ don’t care whether that belly is there or not... Or they just like the belly :)

Has anyone solved the problem of how to close a wound on the neck so that the cat cannot scratch it further?


Maybe it would be better to apply something antipruritic? If you tie it, the bandage will come off and take longer to heal.

I had exactly the same question a couple of months ago!!!
The drug “Stop Itching” helped me (at a pet store, it costs about 100 rubles). It also helps to apply brilliant green: after applying brilliant green, the wounds itch less. Here is a link to the drug, but perhaps there are better analogues:

And by the evening the girl had a severe headache. Nothing could relieve the pain, and the Panovs decided to urgently return to the city. On the way, Masha felt sick, she even had to stop the car several times... Where, how and when Doctors advise paying attention to three points: where exactly the headache hurts, what nature of this pain is and under what circumstances it arose. For example, when you are tired or stressed, the pain seems to “creep” from the bottom up - from the neck to the back of the head, moving to the forehead, temples. Most often it is not very strong, aching, pressing. In teenagers, headache attacks can trigger surges in blood pressure. During adolescence, this happens due to hormonal changes that affect...

In general, cats and cats have always been present in my life, since birth. At first they were “family” animals, but as soon as I began to live an independent life, I got my own animal. Now “the cat of my life” is fifteen years old. There are people who pay a lot of money for purebred animals, for them it’s probably a matter of image. And I always had a question: who will take care of the “nobles” - cats...


My cat used to be scared of strangers. If I heard an unfamiliar voice, I did not enter the room and ran away. When I saw strangers, I hid under a chair. That was until she grew up, about a year and a half. Then it passed. Now she is two and a half. She no longer hides, she even sometimes approaches guests herself.

Our cat has a long-standing non-healing sore - it looks like a wound between the eye and nose. Periodically it becomes inflamed, a little pus flows out from there, the cat rubs it with its paw and you can see that she is getting it. But there are periods of calm when the disease does not manifest itself for weeks. In fact, the wound is a fistula from some cavity in the skull, where chronic inflammation occurs. Of course, we took him to the doctor many times. The diagnosis is an abscess of the nasolacrimal duct. They tried to treat with antibiotics - it didn’t help, they were just...


The doctor advised you correctly. Go to Eremin. Dmitry Andreevich is an excellent surgeon. Consult. What they wrote below is correct, if there is no chance, then he will not take it.

Dmitry Andreevich himself will not undertake it if the risk is high. First, go see him.
He removed 70 percent of my mother’s rotten teeth under general anesthesia from my mother’s dog (he was 17 years old at the time). Sobak is still alive (he is already 20), although before the operation his condition was very serious (there was swelling there).
ps I have a strong feeling that you misunderstood the doctor and there is no talk of any craniotomy)

Girls, share your experience, if your children had this infection, how to treat it effectively, how to save your hair? A week ago, we discovered a characteristic spot behind the daughter’s ear (visible after the village), we went to the dispensary, the analysis showed microsporia (((((The doctor prescribed lubricating it with a 2.5% iodine solution in the morning and then dripping it with a solution of Exederil, in the evening - Zalain ointment, shaving this place every 2 days. We were treated for a week, but it turned out to be ineffective, a repeat analysis showed even more. The doctor said that without...


I hope I will help those who are faced with ringing muck, wipe it 2 times with vinegar sensuance and smear it with yam ointment for 1 week until the hairs on the head begin to grow. It goes away on the body in a couple of times, 2 times they smeared it with vinegar sensibilities and 4 days with yam ointment. Zelenka, furatsilin, acitylka and soot from the plate did not help. The affected area was smeared and covered with a plaster so as not to spread the infection, the clothes were washed. The vinegar sensuum stings very much, if after 1 time the lichen itches, anoint it again with the sensibilities. We treated a boy on his head and 3 on his body and a girl who was 2 years old on her body; there were no marks left on her body. The hair on her head began to grow after 2 weeks.

07/22/2018 23:24:04, Tanyushka123

Oh! If it’s relevant, I’ll try to find out, my friend was treated with Yam veterinary ointment, it helped immediately, but I need to check it, find out the details.

Along with recovery from the underlying disease, the cough will also stop. The exception is a dry, painful cough, which causes severe anxiety in the cat and even attacks of suffocation. In this case, the cough loses its protective nature and requires immediate attention to a veterinarian. Nature, “creating” the immune system in cats (and other predators), emphasized antibacterial immunity. This is due to the fact that when hunting and fighting for territory, the wild ancestors of our pets very often received infected injuries and wounds. And without good immune protection against bacteria, it is impossible to survive in the wild. But in the “fight” against viruses, cats are still very far from winning. Therefore, bacterial infections of the nasopharynx (and...


Hello! My cat started coughing at about 1 year old, but it was occasional and I didn't think much of it. But last year her throat got sore that she couldn’t meow, which really scared me. I decided to resort to human antibiotics, dissolved some Biseptol with some analgin, fed her warm potatoes and fish, and seemed to get better. But since then, her body has been weakened, she can no longer walk on the balcony in winter (which she used to love very much) and drink cold water from the tap. Immediately he starts coughing. Why is that? The cat is 9 years old, has been living with me since she was a month old, unsterilized. Should one suspect worms in the lungs if she does not go outside and does not have contact with dirty shoes? There are other cats in the house, but no one else ever coughs.

16.12.2018 13:00:57, Koshatnitsv

Hello! My cat has a loud cough all day long. Manifests itself as seizures. What to do and how to help him?

08/18/2018 20:15:48, Shnishka

Today I noticed some kind of sore on the cat’s neck, I looked at something like a wax there, but it doesn’t bleed, but hair comes out from there in small tufts. What could it be?((


There may (and most likely) be an allergy to the food. Tell me what you feed.

Our cat scratches between her shoulder blades with her hind paw. We were examined for liver disease and found nothing. After a long treatment, the veterinarian said this was due to nerves. I made her a vest so she wouldn’t scratch it, and she’s been wearing it for over a year now.

One Saturday, Roma and I met, walked by the ocean, had lunch in a cozy Spanish restaurant, and came to my house to drink tea.
..... Finally the door opened, and my poor cat, half dead from anesthesia from anesthesia, with a bandaged, but, thank God, intact tail, looking like a huge white sausage, was taken out on a gurney. To prevent the cat from licking his wounds, a plastic megaphone resembling a stand-up collar was placed on his neck, and Grishka began to look like the Duke of Guise. Seryozhka took him in his arms and carefully, like a child, carried him into the car, and for me the hour of reckoning had come in the literal sense of the word. Saturday's chaos, or rather, "cat-grishia", plus three dressings every two days, cost $526.87. It’s good that there was no need to do the operation, otherwise the bill would have gone not into hundreds, but into thousands... Naturally, that kind of money...

Rash. Infectious diseases in children.


""bubbles"; or "#### " - she always" - I'm freaking out, dear editors:))))))))))))

I had chickenpox at the age of 14, gave birth at the age of 28. The child, while on breastfeeding, got chickenpox at the age of 1 month. So not everyone has immunity until 6 months, or was it not passed on from me?

04/24/2010 14:45:00, irra

They removed it with a laser, covered it with potassium permanganate, and it’s still the same. Please advise me what ointment to buy at the pharmacy to reduce the risk of scars and from what day can I use it. Thank you in advance.

Outerwear for winter is selected with special care: the child should not freeze. Additionally, we connect the mind: in excessively thick clothes, a child can sweat and quickly become hypothermic. It is harmful to wrap your baby's head and neck too warmly. The neck contains large blood vessels - arteries and veins. Due to excess heat, they expand, more blood flows to the neck and head, but this rush occurs due to its outflow from the legs, arms and internal organs. Overheating one part of the body and cooling others is extremely harmful. Children who constantly have their necks wrapped excessively in warm scarves are more likely to get sore throats and the flu. Hence the moral: distribute heat evenly so that one part of the body does not overheat more than others. Experts strongly recommend not to put a hood on a child's wool...


Yes, we raise immunity, but with folk remedies: we toughen ourselves up, eat fruit (our health depends on nutrition), and walk in the fresh air. But if you always have Septolete in stock (but there from 4 years old) - these are throat lozenges! The neck stops being red after just a few lozenges. The throat goes away without turning into a sore throat. The temperature does not have time to come)

And at the beginning of winter we bought a Reima jumpsuit and are very pleased, we wear a turtleneck and tights underneath it, and that’s it! Surprisingly, the child doesn’t get cold, doesn’t get wet, the snow doesn’t get anywhere even when wallowing in the snowdrifts. My child hasn’t gotten sick even once this winter! Don’t bundle up your kids, but buy the right clothes!

01/11/2011 13:41:16, Lenka****

Help me figure it out, ladies. We adopted a kitten for our daughter 1.5 months ago; she really asked for it. The kitten is wonderful, red and smart. They took him straight to the vet as expected. He did all the vaccinations and found nothing. But today I was diagnosed with ringworm (((. And I understand that it’s actually the cat who is sick((. in my mind, both me and the cat need to be isolated from the outside world for 1.5-2 months and treated . But this is not real. Of course, I can cure myself, but what should I do with the cat? I talked to...


Thank you all for your advice and support.
Result: We visited the veterinarian, he immediately discovered lichen on the face under a Voodoo lamp. I immediately looked at my head and my husband’s. There seems to be nothing on the hair. He calmed me down and said that all this could be treated with 3-5 injections. Of course, we left the cat, he is good, smart, and we will treat him.
At home, I washed everything with vinegar, since it seems that mushrooms do not live in an acidic environment. Although I think this is self-deception. It will not be possible to completely isolate the child; perhaps the grandmother will take her to her place only in a week. At first they wanted to put the cat in a carrier and not let him out, but that would have been a complete mockery. He lives only in the kitchen, but the isolation, of course, is weak, since I am also a carrier.
The worst thing is that I find some pimples on my daughter. Just in case, I put my ointment on it.
And I hope for a successful outcome.

How many cats have we had over the course of my life, how many of them have carried lichen from the street..... No one in the family has ever been sick. I remember one, she had lichen all over her withers and half of her back, she had just lambed, one kitten had lichen on the edge. They took him to the veterinarian, and they also offered to euthanize him. I refused. It’s an old thing, and the town is small, provincial, no special medicines - we just poured iodine into everything on the cat and the kitten’s eyebrow. It's all gone! The kitten's eyebrow grew back after two years.

The cat scratched its entire neck. In blood. This is our first time doing this. He walks around itching and scatters tufts of fur all over the apartment behind him. Can cats put something on their sores? Zelenka?


have you looked at fleas?

You can use brilliant green, but the reason is still unclear - it’s useless, he’ll comb it again. If there are fleas (look for them), then treat them for fleas. But it could be an allergy or something else - i.e. Without a doctor you won't understand.

09/08/2009 12:18:41, ..Lukyana

please give me some advice, my 15 year old cat has developed sores in her tail area. We have been fighting them for about two months. One heals, another breaks out! We constantly wash it, apply ointments with antibiotics. It’s better, it’s worse.. what kind of misfortune is this? I have a feeling that this is some kind of infection... I have her sterilized. Her appetite is now good, she purrs and goes to the toilet normally, but she has stopped leaving her country house on the street. She has noticeably become a shaggy bun. or should I take it to...

The state of the nervous system of a premature baby deserves special attention, since it is the correct functioning of the nervous system that determines the development of the baby as a whole, his mental abilities and motor capabilities.

Hi all! Our cat scratched her neck a lot. We took her to the veterinarian, he said that she had a food allergy, put a “blockade”, like to stop her from scratching, so she began to itch even more:(. Maybe the blockade is causing harm? We feed according to the diet, but it still itches, rips off the wound :(((. There are no fleas, the cat walks sadly, she began to sleep in the tray!!!, which she has never done. We are afraid for her, can anyone tell me something, has anyone had this? How did you cope? Thank you!


There is such a thing “Vinilin”, sold in pharmacies. It heals the wound very quickly and relieves itching. Tested many times.

Our cat has the same thing. Even the anti-allergy food makes Hills itchy. We switched to natural food, the veterinary pharmacy took special ECZEKAN sugar - I add it to fermented baked milk (the cat goes crazy about it:), I even sprinkle it on boiled chicken. Kitty has stopped itching, I smear her torn neck with “lifesaver” balm.

It probably wouldn’t even occur to you that a baby stroller left on the staircase could cause infection in a newborn. But this is, indeed, so. It’s just that a homeless sick kitten also wants to relax in a cozy and warm place. Ringworm is a contagious skin disease caused by dermatophyte fungi (literally, growing on the skin) of two types: trichophytosis or microsporum. It should be noted right away that modern doctors use the term “ringworm”...
...There have been cases of children becoming infected after playing in the sandbox. However, by following the rules of personal hygiene, even if spores come into contact with the skin, infection can be avoided. Manifestations After an incubation period of 5–7 days on average, foci of infection appear on the skin or scalp. Trichophytosis and microsporia occur on any part of the skin, but more often on exposed parts of the body - face, neck, hands and forearms. In mild forms of the disease, when the skin is affected, rounded lesions are formed, clearly defined, covered with scales, nodules and blisters along the periphery. They often form bizarre “ring-within-a-ring” shapes. When the scalp is affected, round-shaped lesions of varying sizes also appear. With trichophytosis, they have unclear shapes...

Is a birthmark a cosmetic defect or a dangerous symptom?

Flat hemangiomas are slightly elevated superficial spots, consisting of the smallest vessels (capillaries) and ranging in color from pink to red-violet. These hemangiomas account for up to 96% of all hemangiomas. Their size and shape can be very different. Stellate angioma is often observed in children on the skin of the face and neck in the form of a central ruby ​​point, from which small arterial vessels spread in the form of star rays. May disappear spontaneously by 2 years of age. Tuberous-cavernous, or cavernous, hemangioma is elastic, bluish-red in color with a brownish tint, sometimes lukewarm to the touch. It rises above the surface of the skin and has an uneven, bumpy surface. May have...
...It rises above the surface of the skin and has an uneven, bumpy surface. It can be located deep in the skin and therefore have the color of normal skin. This hemangioma consists of blood-filled cavities delimited by connective tissue septa. Usually it is of considerable size, most often located on the face, scalp, less often on the limbs, buttocks, and sometimes on the mucous membrane of the mouth. It may be painful when pressed and gives a sensation of pulsation. Some tuberous-cavernous hemangiomas regress (gradually decrease and sometimes disappear) throughout life, but some require therapeutic or surgical treatment. Strawberry hemangioma - flat, bright red formations with clear boundaries, often found on the face....


DOGS are the most beloved creatures on earth

08/22/2008 18:42:26, ​​Lera

The article would have assured me to remove the dog from the house out of sight - look how many problems it will cause if I didn’t have dogs myself.
I can say for sure that the dogs are just as waiting for your child as you are, he is your friend! if this is an adult dog, then it will monitor whether you are responsible enough for your child, if this is a young dog, then soon it will be happy to play with your baby. And all these diseases, which are so politely framed, bypass well-groomed dogs that are monitored in a timely manner.
And then, for example, I was only forbidden to clean the CAT litter box, the doctor didn’t say a word about dogs! Or rather, 3 doctors echoed each other...
So... Decide for yourself, of course, but giving away a dog is always a betrayal. The birth of a child is a very pleasant event and the dog will share it with pleasure!!

And then think a hundred times whether this is normal! The lady does not eat while running, because before eating you need to wash your hands, after eating you need to fix your makeup, and while eating you need to think about food, and not about homeless people or traffic lights. You can eat outside only in open cafes, on your own balcony (veranda) or on a picnic. The main thing, of course, is to love yourself, take care of yourself, drink vitamins, leaf through literature and remember that all illnesses come from your attitude towards yourself. It’s not enough to clean your apartment and not litter on the street, you need to keep yourself in order, and then you will never feel lonely or uncomfortable. Of course, everyone has problems with this and that, but we need to solve them, and if there is no solution now, then maybe it will appear in a month, in a year - you need to monitor and try it yourself. And don't worry about the time in the day...
...Protective hand cream where? That's right - next to the sink in the kitchen - you'll never forget to smear yourself. Moisturizing eye cream at night - next to your toothbrush, will also not be forgotten. And so - that's all. Sometimes you can’t do this, sometimes you can’t do that. But the hands, face and neck should never be forgotten. This is your business card, it will always be visible and it is the most difficult to restore. You don’t have to wash your hair (wear a headscarf, a Panama hat, in combination, of course), you can wear your heels for the winter, but it won’t make it any easier, especially if you know that you have something unkempt. Rykova Natalya, [email protected]....

She often had headaches, and she rightfully believed that it was her brain that reminded her of herself. I read somewhere that the brain cannot hurt: there are no nerve endings there. Well, something hurts there! “Yes, anything,” said Marina Ryabus, a neurologist at the Headache Clinic, “vessels, muscles, nerves, finally.” By and large, headaches are divided into 2 large groups: primary headaches occur on their own - these are the well-known migraines...
...They are not as severe as migraines, but no less painful, because they are tedious, comprehensive and long. They arise due to overwork, anxiety, depression, when working at a computer for a long time, sitting in an uncomfortable position (for example, while driving), when thinking too much - especially if you have the habit of wrinkling your forehead. This pain is caused by prolonged (albeit minor) tension in the muscles of the head and neck. Actually, they are what hurt. Therefore, trouble can be easily prevented if you take care of yourself: after every 1-2 hours of working at the computer, get up, stretch, walk around the room, do a couple of neck exercises; watch your facial expressions: do not wrinkle your forehead or purse your lips; The “manly” habit of clenching your jaw is especially harmful,...

Skin diseases in cats are quite common. They may look different and have different natures. Development factors can be infectious, hereditary, anthropogenic, etc.

Skin problems can be so subtle that pets suffer from the disease for a long time because the owners do not notice them. Below is a description of common skin diseases in cats with photographs of symptoms.

Acne can appear due to improper care of your pet, severe stress and emotional distress. Acne can develop into pustules and ulcers, which cause severe pain for your pet and sometimes lead to inflammation.

A complication of acne is folliculitis. It is a swelling around the hair, usually with liquid contents. When touched, the pet experiences pain.

Self-medication and squeezing pimples are not recommended. You can treat rashes with tar soap or shampoo.

Fungal otitis media

The disease is an inflammation of the external auditory canal. The development of fungal otitis occurs due to a weakened immune system. The pet shakes its head and scratches its ear.

The ears turn red quickly and strongly. When examining the ear with an otoscope, severe inflammation of the skin and many fungal deposits are observed.

Every day you need to clean the ear of accumulated secretions with napkins and cotton swabs. Afterwards you need to treat them with alcohol-based antiseptics.

Ear mites

Ear mites appear as a result of improper care. Symptoms: scratching, foul odor from the ears, dark gray discharge, redness of the skin of the ears, fever.

Treatment can begin after visiting a veterinarian. Various aerosols (based on Dermatosol or Tsiodrin), drops (Bars, Tsipam, Amitrazine) and ointments (Nicochloran, Phenothiazine) are used. Dark discharge should be removed with a soft cotton cloth or cotton wool.

Psychogenic alopecia

Due to thorough and prolonged licking, cats may develop bald spots. This behavior means that the pet is stressed. Sometimes baldness occurs due to allergies and fungal diseases.

Therapy consists of eliminating the factors that caused emotional distress in the cat. Sometimes a mechanical barrier is required to restrict the pet from licking.

Lice and fleas

Lice and fleas are small insects that feed on blood and the top layer of skin. If the case is advanced, it is impossible not to notice them on the pet. Favorite localization is around the tail and head.

At an early stage, an accumulation of a black substance, a waste product of fleas, is noticeable. Also, the pet experiences itching, hair loss, redness of the skin, and the formation of wounds.

Lice are eliminated using a special shampoo. Fleas are removed by treating things with which the pet comes into contact with anti-flea agents, carriers, bedding, and all carpets in the house.


Also, allergies can be due to external irritants and food. Treatment in this case becomes more complicated because identifying the allergen is not easy. Shampoos with hydrocortisone work well as local antiallergic agents.

They give an immediate but short-term effect. Hydrocortisone ointments are used when pets have itching. They are applied to small areas that are inaccessible for licking.

Tail gland hyperplasia

If the tail gland has increased hyperplasia, excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretion appears. It is released and envelops the hair at the point of growth, blocking its further development. Because of this, her hair falls out and areas of baldness appear.

Therapy involves monitoring the problem area. Castration can help cats.


In old age, cats may develop single tumors under the skin. Therapy consists of surgery.

Cats with white ears may have skin cancer. Symptoms: change in the appearance of a certain skin area, darkening, unevenness. Depending on the type of cancer, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery may be used. The main thing is to see a doctor in time.


Ringworm is a serious skin condition that is not easy to get rid of. Ringworm is transmitted quickly, spreading to the cat's head, spine and paws. A person can easily become infected with it because the disease is fungal in nature.

At first, it’s easy to get rid of it; the main thing is to notice and diagnose the disease in time. The fungus should not have time to spread to the main area of ​​the skin. As it spreads, the cat's discomfort and discomfort may increase.

Fungal diseases are usually caused by a moldy dermatophyte fungus. Given the type of bacteria, microscopy progress manifests itself in different ways. The symptoms and course of the disease are the same.

Ringworm is dangerous to cats and people. Birds and dogs cannot become infected with it. If a cat develops a disease, all family members need to take preventive measures. Ringworm is treated with ointments prescribed by your doctor.


Demodicosis is an extremely dangerous disease for a pet. It can lead to the death of a cat instantly, sometimes the owner does not even have time to start treating it. Demodicosis appears due to the bite of ticks, which are numerous in the warm season.

Cats cannot take preventive and protective measures themselves, so they often become their victims. Symptoms: damage to large areas of skin, itching, redness. The worst thing is that if a pet gets sick once, then it becomes a constant source of infection. His offspring will also suffer from demodicosis.

It is important to take preventive measures - treat the skin with products that kill ticks (Bars, Harts). It is also worth using anti-inflammatory drugs (Dexafort, Laurabolin 50) and anti-itch drugs (Stop-itch).


Eczema is an unpredictable disease.

Appears due to many factors, including:

The main symptom is a weeping surface of the skin. Scratching causes knots and redness to form. The cat is rapidly losing weight, has a fever and kidney problems.

For diagnostic purposes, the veterinarian will take a skin scraping to rule out the possibility of other diseases. Afterwards he should prescribe antihistamines. You should not try to treat your cat without a doctor, as complications may develop.


Dermatitis is a local inflammation of the skin area. Symptoms: redness, peeling, sore formation, hyperemia. Localization - paws, ears, place near the genitals.

If dermatitis is not treated promptly, the cat's immunity can be seriously affected. In its advanced form, the disease is difficult to cure. The therapy is complex - first the symptoms (swelling and itching) are eliminated, then secondary infection is prevented with the help of antibiotics.

Common medications for all types of dermatitis are itch relievers. This could be “Stop Itching” ointment, ointment with aluminum in “Alusprey”. Allergic dermatitis involves treatment with antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine and Suprastin.


The disease is often observed in cats in old age or after suffering an injury. Bedsores are areas on the skin that rot and die over time. If the pet is in a lying position for a long time, the disease may manifest itself.

Symptoms: pain when touched, decreased temperature of the dying area, ulcers, color change. It is worth taking preventive measures - periodically turning the cat over after operations, prohibiting sitting on the damaged paw for a long time. Therapy consists of treating wounds, dressings, and removing dead tissue.

Each disease can progress, which leads to the process of virus reproduction. Because of this, the pet suffers, he has problems with sleep and appetite, he becomes less sociable and cheerful.

If your cat develops irritation in the area of ​​its face or body, you should take it to a specialist immediately. Not all cat diseases are not contagious to humans.

Some viruses and fungi can adapt to the organism that is nearby. It is highly likely that if the pet is left untreated, the owner’s immune system may weaken and spots may appear on the body.

Skin diseases in cats have recently become frequently diagnosed and widespread. An increasing number of owners notice problems with the skin and consult a doctor. Skin diseases have different natures and look different. Selected visual photos, descriptions of symptoms, basics of treatment described in our article will help you not to miss the first important signs of disease.

There is a whole range of possible factors that can cause cats to develop skin conditions. Hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious and many others. They lead to skin problems, which are sometimes so subtle that many of our pets suffer from the disease for a long time.

“Simple” skin diseases of cats


This is what pet acne is called. Occurs more often on the chin. Looks like a cluster of blackheads. Often in advanced cases a bacterial infection develops. The course of the disease progresses, purulent inflammation appears. The reasons for the development of the disease are varied - from poor nutrition to a symptom of an infection.


Inflammation of the hair follicle. Develops as a complication of acne or other infectious skin diseases. It looks like a swelling around a hair, often filled with liquid; palpation causes pain in the cat.

Fungal otitis media

Inflammation of the external auditory canal. The first signs of the disease appear by shaking the head and the cat scratching its ear. Develops against a background of weakened immunity.

Ear mites

If you do not properly care for your pet's ears, mites begin to multiply in them at a frantic pace. The disease manifests itself as scratching, an unpleasant odor from the ears, and dark gray discharge. The skin of the ears turns red and the local temperature rises.


They arise in response to any irritant - food, natural, chemical. Food allergies are the most common - the cat scratches its neck and head. Some breeds are predisposed to negative reactions to the flowering of certain plants. Many animals, especially young ones, react sharply to bathing and grooming. To treat allergies, it is often enough to eliminate the allergen.

Internal reasons

Problems with various vital systems of a cat also lead to the manifestation of skin diseases.

Tail gland hyperplasia

Increased secretion of this gland leads to excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretions. When released, it envelops the hairs at the point of growth, blocking their further development. As a result, the hair falls out and bare areas form. Treatment comes down to constant monitoring of the problem area; castration helps cats.


Some older cats develop lumps under the skin over time—single tumors. They can be easily removed surgically. Cats with white ears often suffer from a more dangerous type - skin cancer. It manifests itself as a change in the appearance of a certain area of ​​the skin, often visible darkening, unevenness of the skin.

Mental disorders

After severe stress - moving, the appearance of a child or another animal in the house - some cats fall into a state of constant grooming. By licking themselves over and over again, they injure the skin, ulcers appear, and hair falls out.

Dangerous skin diseases of cats


Symptoms: hair loss in certain areas of the skin, peeling, the appearance of strange scales, sometimes purulent wounds. Your cat may itch, but ringworm usually does not cause itching.


A serious disease caused by microscopic mites. It is highly contagious and develops rapidly. The main symptom is severe, constant scabies, the skin becomes covered with red spots. It starts with the head, ears. Without treatment, it quickly spreads to other areas of the body, appearing consistently in the armpits, on the folds, and at the base of the tail.

Factors predisposing to the appearance of demodicosis are improper feeding, maintenance, lack of a number of B vitamins, vitamin A, E, and worms.


The main symptom of eczema is a weeping surface of the skin. The cat scratches the affected area, redness and nodules appear on the skin. The general condition changes: a fever develops, the cat loses weight, and kidney problems begin.

Based on skin scraping tests, your veterinarian will rule out other skin diseases and prescribe antihistamines. It is not recommended to treat the cat yourself, as any incorrect treatment can cause additional complications.


Dermatitis is dangerous due to its unpredictable manifestations. If left untreated in time, they can severely undermine the animal’s immune system.


Necrotic destruction of a cat's skin due to prolonged lying in one place. Manifested by tissue necrosis, death of skin cells. It is observed in sick animals that are forced to remain in one position for a long time. Symptoms: pain when touched, decreased temperature of the dying area, color change, appearance of ulcers. Prevention of the development of bedsores is simple - turn your pet over more often in the postoperative period, do not let him sit on the injured limb for a long time. Treatment comes down to treating wounds, dressings, and removing dead tissue.

Associated with viral infections

Some feline diseases lead to the development of skin problems. For example, when leukemia the integument is especially severely affected - abscesses, neoplasms, and wounds occur. Immunodeficiency cats causes chronic otitis with damage to the skin of the ears, numerous pustules (vesicles with pus) appear on the body. causes damage to the skin of the paw pads and around the nose.

It is important to promptly seek help from a veterinarian to determine the cause of the skin disease. The specialist will determine the main cause of the soreness and prescribe adequate therapy.

The cat scratches itself periodically, but looks quite well. However, once again stroking the pet, the owner notices bodies appearing in different places cat's pain. What are the reasons why, seemingly asymptomatically, the cat gets sick?

Among the broad picture of feline skin diseases, a number of particularly common ailments can be identified, as a result of which The cat starts to get sick.

Causes of sores in domestic cats

The factors that cause various dermatitis to develop in cats can be divided into genetic (hereditary), infectious, anthropogenic (external causes), and invasive. Before rushing to treat an animal, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. How to treat sores in a cat The veterinarian will tell you after a certain series of tests and finding out the main cause of the disease.

Sores on a cat's head and neck

The resulting The cat has a sore on her chin, more often - a scattering of small black dots (acne) mixed with sores and ulcers, called acne. It develops as a result of poor nutrition, skin irritation from contact with unsuitable utensils (reaction to plastic), and skin infections.

Sores with an odor in a cat

Sores with an odor in a cat are localized in the ears and are a consequence of advanced infection with ear mites. When the ears are not properly cared for, there is a high risk of otitis of various etiologies; the cat scratches the itchy ears until foul-smelling wounds do not heal.

Appeared the cat has sores in his eyes may indicate the presence of a viral infection, injury to the cornea of ​​the eye, a foreign body, or an allergy. The irritating factor causes itching in the cat, the animal scratches the skin until sores appear.

Sores on a cat's head

Sores on a cat's head may appear as a result of damage in fights or games with another animal. Discovered the cat has a sore on his nose It can also be the result of injury, an allergic reaction, polyposis, or a viral infection. If with proper sanitation cat has a sore does not go away within three days, you need to show the animal to a specialist.

Discovered The cat has sores on the side of his tail with a high degree of probability, arise due to hyperplasia of the sebaceous tail glands. Increased secretion production clogs skin pores, causing irritation. Sores on a cat's tail are an animal’s reaction to itching, scratching and hair loss with the formation of crusts on combed areas.

Sores in a cat, cat, kitten. How to treat

Discovered sores on a cat's fur should serve as a signal to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause. If desired, a specialist can be called to your home for an initial diagnosis of the disease and to take the necessary tests from the animal. Unnecessary worries will not improve the health of a sick pet, and at home, both the cat and the owner are less stressed.

Skin diseases in cats occupy leading positions in modern veterinary medicine. This is due to poor nutrition - poorly selected feed, illiterate breeding work, and poor environmental conditions play an important role. Due to the above factors, local or widespread rashes, ulcers, etc. may appear on the skin. Below are all the skin lesions of cats, grouped into groups according to clinical symptom complexes.

Miliary dermatitis

Miliary dermatitis is characterized by the formation of dry or weeping, cavity-free elements on the skin. They are located on the surface in the form of small elevations, form crusts or peel off, fester or are presented in the form of small nodules. Miliary dermatitis covers most of all skin diseases and can be caused by the following reasons.

Allergies to food, hygiene products or medications.

Damage to the skin by a fungal or bacterial infection.

Atopic dermatitis.

Upon examination, blood-sucking ticks, fleas and cheylitelas will be noticeable. Cheylitelas are also called “creeping dandruff”, as they look like small, gray, constantly moving scales.

If the results of the above diagnostic measures are negative, it is recommended to examine the stool for worm eggs. Helminths can cause allergic miliary dermatitis.

Skin infection due to fungal infection

Characterized by the presence of alopecia (baldness). On hairless areas, hard-to-remove white or pale gray scales form, under which hyperemic, thinned skin is revealed. The presence of itching and its intensity depend on the type of pathogen and the degree of damage.

It is also advisable to treat a fungal infection on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Depending on the strain of the fungus and the degree of damage, only light local treatment or long-term complex treatment with additional vaccination may be necessary. It is not recommended to prescribe antifungal drugs or hygiene products with an antimycotic effect on your own. Many of them are toxic, and certain breeds of cats are especially susceptible to them.

Skin damage due to bacterial infection

Suppuration of existing wound surfaces, scratches, and folds occurs. Bubbles, crusts, pustules or scales form at the site of the lesion. As a rule, the process affects only the superficial layers of the skin; deeper lesions should suggest more serious conditions (decreased immunity, use of glucocorticoids, neoplasms, viral infection). It is best to prescribe antibacterial therapy after bacterial culture of a scraping of the affected area of ​​the skin and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.

Allergic dermatitis

Caused by foods, certain plants, medications, or the sun. It manifests itself as itching and rashes in the muzzle, on the tips of the ears, along the lower edge of the eyelid or in the area of ​​the nose and lips. Hairless areas appear on the sides and stomach.

As a rule, the disease occurs annually, at the same time, gradually progressing. Without treatment over several years it leads to squamous cell skin cancer.

Atopic dermatitis

Similar to allergies, but more severe and more acute. Appears as a pathological reaction to ordinary products and agents that, in principle, are not allergens.

Alopecia (baldness)

Alopecia can be either an independent disease or a symptom of other common diseases among cats. It can be congenital or acquired. Congenital alopecia and hereditary hypotrichosis are manifested by an abnormally low number of hair follicles. This occurs only in certain breeds - sphinxes, Devon rexes, etc.

Acquired alopecia includes seasonal molting, complications of miliary dermatitis, traumatic and psychogenic alopecia. With psychogenic baldness, a cat, due to a behavioral disorder, plucks or intensively licks its fur. Traumatic alopecia forms at the site of injections, collars or other injuries.

Endocrine alopecia is also distinguished - it is symmetrical on both sides of the body, and can be caused by disorders in any of the endocrine organs.

Pigmentation disorders

Albinism– congenital defect. It is not subject to treatment, and the animal is not allowed for breeding.

Periocular leukotrichia. Develops as a result of stressful situations in some breeds. It manifests itself as lightening of the fur around the eyes. It does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

Lentigo. These are dark spots that appear on the gums, nose, lips or eyelids. There is no cure. The disease is not dangerous and is only a cosmetic problem.


Skin tumors can be either benign or malignant. This is difficult to determine visually even for a veterinarian, so any tumor in your cat requires additional examinations. The sooner this is done, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Diseases of subcutaneous fat and sebaceous glands

Panniculitis - inflammation of subcutaneous fat. It is characterized by the appearance of bubbles with liquid in the lower part of the chest or symmetrically on the sides. After some time, the blisters open and form ulcers with oily contents. Ulcers do not heal for a long time; deep scars remain in their place.

Acne– comedones. They arise as a result of disruption of the sebaceous glands. Rashes appear on the cat's face. Acne can become inflamed due to a bacterial infection.

Seborrhea. It can be dry and oily. Dry seborrhea is dry white scales that appear on dry, thin skin. It is most often the result of stress and can occur within a few hours. Oily seborrhea is the same as scales only on oily skin and hair. It is the result of a disruption in the functioning of internal organs, most often the liver and pancreas.

Inflammation of the perianal glands. Occurs rarely. You can suspect it if the cat constantly licks and scratches the anus, and defecation gives her pain and discomfort.

Hyperplasia of the tail glands. The waxy secretion of the sebaceous glands accumulates in the upper part of the tail, where there are especially many of them. The base of the tail thickens, and an oily secretion of gray-yellow color is released. The coat becomes thin and dull.

Any skin disease in a cat requires adequate diagnosis and treatment. After all, they can signal more serious violations. There is no need to treat abrasions and scratches; cats themselves lick such damage. damage

Recently, skin diseases have become widespread in cats, from which, according to statistics, every third pet suffers. Often, problems with the skin are the result of some internal pathology that requires immediate treatment. Many skin diseases pose a danger not only to the cat, but also to the owner, so it is extremely important to promptly recognize the disorder and begin treatment.

List of skin diseases in cats

There is a whole spectrum of skin diseases that are diverse in nature and manifest themselves in completely different ways. Skin lesions can be caused by a variety of reasons - hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious; even a simple change in diet can cause rashes on the body.

Attention. We should not forget that fleas are carriers of helminths and can infect an animal through a regular bite. Therefore, along with treatment for fleas, the animal should be dewormed in a timely manner.


Ringworm is an infectious fungal pathology that often affects young animals with reduced immunity, as well as cats that have suffered from cancer or viral diseases.

The cause of the disease is fungal spores, which can be carried on clothes or shoes. Infection occurs through contact with a sick animal, through shared toys, feeding and care items.

Clinical signs of ringworm are:

  • bald areas on the head, tail and limbs;
  • in the center of the affected area, the skin turns red and peels, sometimes ulcers, white scales and crusts appear.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using antifungal ointments and antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, antibiotics, vaccines and oral antifungal medications are prescribed.


Acne is an acne disease characterized by the formation of closed and open comedones, most often on the chin.

The reasons for the development of acne can be improper care of the cat, stress, infectious pathologies, abnormal development of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Visually, the disease is manifested by the presence of black or white spots, partial hair loss, and an increase in hard crusts. Acne can progress to painful ulcers and ulcers, which can cause inflammation and bacterial infection.

Treatment of acne consists of treating with antiseptic and antiseborrheic soaps and shampoos (for example, tar), applying antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, etc.). In advanced cases, antibiotics and corticosteroids are used.

Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections occur in two forms: dry and wet. In the first case, dense formations and crusts appear on the skin. The second form is characterized by the presence of areas of skin with severe hyperemia and moisture, which is accompanied by a rash, ulcers, itching and crusts.

To understand the form of the disease in your pet, you need to not only read the description of the disease, but also carefully study the photo.

There can be a huge number of reasons for a bacterial infection:

  • allergies accompanied by itching;
  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • presence of shallow wounds;
  • diabetes mellitus, tumors, kidney damage, etc.

Treatment is based on the use of antibiotics and local drugs (Miramistin, Levomekol, aluminum and zinc-containing ointments).

Bacterial skin diseases include:

Allergic skin diseases

Allergic reactions are a consequence of an inadequate response of the cat's immune system to foreign substances entering the body. The cause of an allergy can be anything: a certain component of food, household chemicals, plant pollen, synthetic fabrics, dust in the house, etc. When exposed to an allergen, skin hyperemia, inflamed areas, severe itching, hair loss and increased body temperature are observed.

Important. Long-term exposure to an allergen is fraught with the development of atopic dermatitis, eosinophilic granuloma and asthmatic syndrome.

Therapy for allergic reactions includes taking antihistamines to relieve itching, hormonal agents and antibiotics if urgently needed. To alleviate the pet's condition, medicated shampoos and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin caused by allergens from the environment. The cause of this disease is the body’s increased reaction to certain substances (mold, pollen, household chemicals, certain foods, dust, etc.).

Atopic dermatitis has the following clinical picture:

  • severe itching and, as a result, scratching;
  • skin rash;
  • hair loss;
  • when infection gets into the wound, pustules form;
  • affected areas are in the head, ears, neck or chest, lower abdomen and between the thighs.

To prevent the development of infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics and antimicrobials are prescribed, and to eliminate signs of allergy, standard antihistamines (Chlorpheniramine, Clemastine) are prescribed.


The disease is manifested by such symptoms as:

  • severe itching and scratching;
  • the appearance of pustules, blisters, nodules and crusts on the skin;
  • redness of the skin;
  • weight loss;
  • fever;
  • kidney disease;
  • wet skin surface.

Treatment of eczema consists of taking antihistamines and sedatives, supplemented with a vitamin complex.

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Symptoms of demodicosis include:

  • the formation of dense tubercles on the pet’s body, when pressure is applied to them, white clots are released;
  • constant scratching and skin rashes;
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • partial baldness;
  • presence of red crusts;
  • formation of pustules during the duration of the disease.

Attention. It is this skin disease that most often leads to death.

Ear mite

The progression of the disease is fraught with inflammation of the outer ear, which can spread to the middle ear, which in turn is dangerous for imbalance. In such a situation, the animal will constantly keep its head to one side. Sometimes the infection reaches the parotid space, causing severe inflammation.

Treatment of ear mites includes systematic cleansing of the ear canals and the use of acaricidal drops.

Find out more about the common disease -.

Psychogenic alopecia

Alopecia is the rapid loss of hair. The cause of psychogenic alopecia in domestic cats is neurosis that occurs as a result of environmental changes (change of residence, new owner, appearance of a new family member or pet in the house, etc.).

Most often, this disease occurs in emotional breeds: Siamese, Himalayan, Burmese, Abyssinian, but it also happens in completely outbred individuals. Externally, the disease manifests itself as baldness in the groin area, abdomen, sides and inner thighs, along the dorsal midline. There is no redness or crusts on the bald areas.

In the treatment of psychogenic alopecia, the main thing is to eliminate or minimize stress. Among the medications, behavior-correcting drugs have proven themselves: Amitriptyline, Cat Bayun or Stop Stress.

Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome (or hyperadrenocorticism) is an extremely rare disease that develops as a result of excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol in the body. Excess cortisol can occur with the use of large amounts of corticosteroids orally, locally or by injection, with tumors of the adrenal cortex, and also as a result of pituitary gland disease.

The following phenomena are observed in Cushing's syndrome:

  • increased thirst and increased urination;
  • voracity;
  • enlarged abdomen;
  • amyotrophy;
  • lethargy;
  • hair loss;
  • thinning of the skin.

In the treatment of this serious disease, as a rule, the drug Trilostane is used, which suppresses the production of cortisol. In some cases, removal of the adrenal gland or pituitary gland may be necessary, as well as radiation therapy to the pituitary tumor.

Sarcoptic mange

The clinical picture of sarcoptic mange is similar to other diseases: the affected areas dry out and cause itching, subsequently the hair falls off in these areas, and scabs form unattractive ulcers.

Sarcoptes have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against ticks and are applied to the withers of the animal.


Symptoms of this disease include:

  • severe itching;
  • blisters are observed on the face, ears, stomach and groin area, which become crusty after scratching;
  • hair loss, often in places where crusts are concentrated;
  • as the disease progresses, the skin thickens, dries and cracks - as a result, the wounds open the gates to infections (bacteria, fungi and viruses).

Therapy for notoedrosis includes bathing with acaricidal and keratolytic shampoos, as well as local application of medications (Demos, aversectin ointment, neocidol aqueous emulsion, sulfur ointment, Stronghold).

Various dermatological diseases are not uncommon in all domesticated felines. Most often, scabs in cats appear against the background of a significant decrease in immunity and chronic diseases.

The development of flea dermatitis is accompanied by severe itching, so the cat may scratch the damaged areas, aggravating the situation. As part of treatment, fleas should be eliminated first. For this purpose, you can use special drops that must be applied to the animal’s withers. To relieve an allergic reaction, Execan is administered ½ cube once a day. In addition, you can use ointments and creams that contain antihistamines.

Another common disease that causes the appearance of characteristic crusts on a cat’s skin is folliculitis. In this disease, inflammation develops against the background of skin damage by staphylococcus and staphylococcus. Treatment should be with antibiotics and immunostimulants.

Among other things, the appearance of defects on the skin is often associated with the development of a dermatological disease such as eczema. In this case, the skin is subject to an inflammatory process. The causes of this disease can be rooted in stress experienced by the animal, infectious diseases, and, in addition, diseases of the internal organs. In the vast majority of cases, exacerbations occur in the autumn and spring periods. Eczema in cats can be either wet or dry type.

In addition to the characteristic redness and peeling of individual areas of the skin, additional symptoms may appear, for example, severe itching, scratching wounds and areas of hair loss. Treatment of this disease in animals is very difficult. First of all, it is necessary to use special medicated shampoos that reduce the risk of relapse. Among other things, it is necessary, if possible, to protect the cat from stress, feed only high-quality food and give it vitamin complexes.

In rare cases, pet felines can develop skin cancer. Most often, this problem is observed in cats that do not have fur, since their delicate skin is constantly exposed to harmful ultraviolet radiation. With the development of skin cancer, cells in the upper layer of the epidermis begin malignant degeneration. Considering that the symptoms of this dangerous disease for a long time resemble furunculosis and dermatitis, some pet owners cannot timely determine the cause of the problem.

In this case, only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis, and only after a histological examination of the tissues of the damaged area of ​​skin. If the area of ​​skin affected by the malignant tumor is small, it is removed. If a cat has scabs on the body caused by skin cancer, treatment can have a good effect only in the early stages of the development of the pathology.



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