Hormones play strongly. Nervous system response

Sex involves inducing a wave of sexual energy in a man or woman for the purpose of obtaining a child or pleasure. Both partners or only one of the partners receive pleasure during sex. Most often, when inexperienced partners participate in sex, which is intercourse, one of them ends up completely disappointed.

Only in love does sex rise to its highest level high level pleasure. Other types of sex are the base attraction of two individuals to mate for the sake of obtaining a connection. The connection is due to the fact that during sex, each sexual partner leaves his mark on the other for the rest of his life.

This trace can be in the form incurable disease with damage to the genital organs. Or a trace in the soul of unrequited love. Or a trace in the aura when subsequent acts will take place under the impression of the first act. Everyone knows that the first perceptions are the sharpest and everything is exaggerated many times over. This is due to the fact that a person seeks to compare everything he hears with the practice of the first sexual intercourse.

Energy consumption destroys the race of a given person

Sex is not a game for jaded people who are unable to get aroused normally and their feelings are asking for something stronger and more perverted. If a person cannot get satisfaction in sex with a representative of the opposite sex, then he is aroused by same-sex relationships.

These relationships cause violent emissions of sperm on all sorts of perversions and abominations. This is the first sign of a fallen soul that loves to feed on dirt and is as black as the darkest negro. Such perverts sit in offices and come up with various kinds devices for debauchery normal people and satisfying the whims of perverts.

In order to introduce their perversions to the masses, they seek recognition of their love for sin. So they arrange performances at various parades, where they show that they are the same people. Our bodies are not adapted for such sexual loads, and therefore they are the first group at risk for AIDS and various diseases. Fortunately, our medicine is always ready to prolong their next child. They pretend to adopt these children in order to amuse them with toys.

Playing with energy can develop consciousness in a person and he will begin to draw, write poetry or invent a rocket to fly to Mars. No, he’d rather hide this energy in his friend’s body.

The Fall of the Servants of the Law

Lesbian games lead to organ desiccation and inflammatory diseases fallopian tubes. They become infertile and their organs begin to degenerate. Hemophrogism often occurs when a girl’s clitoris begins to grow and she becomes half a man.

The reaction to sexual intercourse in such girls is different, since their clitoris already manifests itself as a male penis and requires masturbation. Such a woman enjoys the flowing energy like a man. At the same time, her female genital organs begin to swell like a man’s scrotum.

Such a person divides mixed feelings into two streams. Before lunch, he is a man and can serve a woman with elements of lesbianism. After lunch, he already becomes a woman, paints his lips and puts on a dress, going to the panel to receive pleasure from male infusions.

There are many perversions in the world, and if a person knew even half of them, he would be careful not to be alone in the evening with someone he doesn’t know. It often happens when, while undressing a woman, a man sees the penis of a male looking at him and takes possession of him.

Man rots from sin

These are extreme sex games, when the partner gets something he doesn’t want. So the heated electric vaginas suddenly short out and the man loses the ability to have sexual intercourse for the rest of his life. Vacuum penis enlargers enlarge the penis so much that it hangs like a rag, scaring everyone, but it cannot fill this penis with blood, since it does not have such strength.

Such men become disabled, wanting to have sex but unable to lift their penis. They have to invent oral sex. This is sex when even a flaccid member of a woman can wrinkle and extract the sperm with suction actions. What does a male think when his seed, which he is, splashes into the throat of an oral prostitute.

He thinks that this will save him from infection, no, syphilis even passes with a kiss. Another thing is that once a seed enters the stomach it is exposed to acid. You have probably seen the faces of young people as if eaten away by smallpox, covered in boils and ulcers. This is their punishment for oral sex, their bodies begin to break down and they rot.

It is believed, at least among men, that the representatives of the stronger sex in their desires and actions are driven by logic and rationalism, and women are entirely under the control of their own hormones. It seems that in reality it is just the opposite.

Research in psychoendocrinology has established that the level of male hormones fluctuates daily, and during the day these fluctuations can be quite significant.

Whether this level is high or, conversely, low depends mainly on how the man’s day went: if everything is successful, then the level of hormones can be high; if things go badly, then the level of hormones drops.

The main male hormone - testosterone - is especially affected by stress: when severe stress, in a depressed state of sadness and anxiety, testosterone levels instantly decrease. Numerous experiments conducted among male tennis players have shown that testosterone levels are significantly higher among winners.

It is now known that it is testosterone that is “responsible” for the way a man behaves, especially for his sexual impulses, as well as for his aggressive behavior, "winner" behavior. One of the reasons why some successful, middle-aged men become at least sexually promiscuous is that their success in business is what gives them high testosterone levels.

When men reach some heights in the business field, the jumping level of testosterone makes them think that they are almost the masters of the Universe.

Another hormone directly related to behavior and produced in large quantities in cases where a person achieves success, it is called norepinephrine.

The “push” that we feel when engaged in a pleasant activity is caused by an increased amount of norepinephrine entering the blood.

Norepinephrine is the antipode of adrenaline, which causes feelings of anxiety and restlessness. The body rapidly produces adrenaline when you are under stress: for example, before going on stage or starting a sports race.

But when you find out that you got the job you wanted, won a competition, performed brilliantly in front of an audience, then norepinephrine enters your bloodstream, thanks to which you feel great.

The male body generally produces more norepinephrine, and the female body produces more adrenaline. This is one of the reasons why women behave more restless than men, and the latter are more aggressive. However, some indicators suggest that as women achieve success in business, their bodies release more norepinephrine as well as testosterone.

It is these hormones that make up part of our autonomous nervous system. And if, for example, testosterone is produced in excess, then behavior becomes poorly controlled. Testosterone levels in both men and women can significantly affect their mood and behavior. Female body also produces testosterone, although, of course, its level is always lower than in men. If a man is “on the rise,” his level of male hormones immediately increases. And precisely, this determines his behavior with women.

As soon as failure overtakes him, he does not want to pay attention to women: his testosterone level is too low for this kind of desire.”

But although high levels of testosterone can make a man sexually active, this does not mean that there is any reason to claim that sexual desire is a given thing that is not subject to any control. Increased sexuality can in no way serve as a mitigating circumstance or justification in cases of violence and even infidelity.

Balanced hormonal levels are one of the most important conditions for normal life Total human body. Depend on him normal sleep, physical activity, general physical condition.

Each of the hormones produced by the body is responsible for one or another function of the body. And hormones are produced by many organs:

  • thyroid and parathyroid glands;
  • adrenal glands;
  • ovaries;
  • pancreas;
  • hypothalamus;
  • pituitary gland;
  • thymus gland, etc.

After being secreted by these organs, hormones are transported through the blood to various bodies and, influencing them, affect the functioning of the body as a whole.

There are more than sixty hormones in a woman's body. The balance between their content is called hormonal levels.

Hormonal levels and pregnancy

Hormonal imbalances can often be the reason why a woman cannot become pregnant. Typically, this occurs due to a lack of the hormone progesterone, which helps maintain pregnancy. Due to its lack, a woman either cannot get pregnant at all, or an already fertilized egg cannot stay in the uterus. However, not only the hormone progesterone can affect health and, naturally, the ability to become pregnant and carry a child to term. Other reasons are listed a little further down in the article.

When planning a pregnancy, you will be prescribed hormone tests only if you have one or more of the reasons listed below, or if you have been unable to become pregnant for more than one year. In other cases, hormone tests are not required.

If you have already managed to get pregnant, it means that there are no special disturbances in your hormonal background. However, pregnancy itself contributes to a sharp change in hormonal levels, which leads to an exacerbation of various diseases, so you need to carefully monitor your health.

And now about the reasons that can negatively affect the hormonal background.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

It should be noted that the balance of hormones in the body is quite unstable and is subject to influence various factors, both internal and external.

The factors listed above are by no means an exhaustive list. Almost anything that is unacceptable and even unusual for the body can contribute to changes in hormonal levels.

How do hormonal imbalances manifest?

There are several signs that, albeit not directly, but indirectly indicate that hormonal levels are disturbed. Here are some of them.

Menstrual irregularities. In this case, a danger signal may be the absence of menstruation, a violation of the nature of the discharge (too scanty, too abundant, too short-term or long-term). Therefore, every woman needs to know the normal duration of her cycle, and women should also monitor its regularity and their well-being during menstrual periods. Evidence of violation hormonal cycle There may also be painful menstruation, low and high blood pressure, bloating, swelling, and dizziness.

Changes in weight and skin condition. Hormonal imbalances have both internal and external manifestations. If you have suddenly lost weight or gained weight sharply without changing your diet much, then you have reason to think about the state of your body. Hormonal imbalances can also be indicated by sudden increased oiliness of the skin, the appearance of acne, and excessive hair growth. U nulliparous women To these signs you can add the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Changes in the condition of the mammary glands. And by looking at the mammary glands, you can determine whether a woman’s hormonal levels are normal. At normal level hormones and their balance, the woman’s breasts are normally developed, do not have any lumps, and there is no discharge from the nipples. If disturbances are noticed somewhere, then this is a signal of danger.

How to check your hormonal levels

If you are planning a pregnancy and have any doubts about normal condition your hormonal levels, you need to consult a specialist doctor. On initial stage you will need to visit two doctors - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. They will assign you special examination(carrying out tests for hormone concentrations) and, depending on its results, will select appropriate treatment for you if necessary. It is important to note that judging the conformity or non-compliance of the result optimal standards Only a doctor can judge, so don’t frantically search for transcripts of tests on the Internet. It is better to listen to your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Treatment of hormonal disorders

As a rule, for the treatment of most hormonal disorders Doctors prescribe hormone therapy, which helps to effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease and also reduce the likelihood of its relapse. We should not forget that for effective treatment For any disease (this applies not only to hormonal disorders), prevention and timely diagnosis are important. Therefore, do not ignore your doctor’s advice and undergo regular medical examinations, especially if you plan to soon become a happy mother.

The word “hormone” often evokes frivolous associations: some people secrete them in excess, and they also play somewhere... But we’ll talk about how hormones play another time. Now let's talk about how they work.

This amazing control system arose during evolution, probably a little later than multicellularity and simultaneously with circulatory system. In fact, even single-celled creatures are not indifferent to chemical signals coming from the outside, including from other cells. But only multicellular organisms could develop a sophisticated multi-level regulation known as the endocrine system.

It controls precisely those functions of the body that are most often beyond the control of will and consciousness, from processing nutrients to falling in love, from the growth of arms, legs and torso to mood swings, from conceiving a child to mysterious activities internal organs, which are not known to many of their owners by name... Or rather, on the contrary: these functions are not subject to the will, because they are controlled not by the nervous system, but by the endocrine system. Special cells in glands and tissues produce hormones (from the Greek. hormamo- to set in motion, to motivate). These substances are released into the extracellular space, into the blood and lymph, and with their currents they enter the “targets” - organs and cells and produce desired effects. It is noteworthy that they work in very low concentrations - up to 10–11 mol/l.

Currently, more than one and a half hundred hormones from different multicellular organisms. By chemical structure they are divided into three groups: protein-peptide, amino acid derivatives and steroid hormones. The first group is the hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, pancreas and parathyroid glands and hormone thyroid gland calcitonin. Some hormones, such as follicle-stimulating and thyroid-stimulating hormones, are glycoproteins - peptide chains “decorated” with carbohydrates.

Amino acid derivatives are amines that are synthesized in the adrenal medulla (adrenaline and norepinephrine) and in the pineal gland (melatonin), as well as iodine-containing thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine).

The third group is precisely responsible for the frivolous reputation that hormones have acquired among the people: these are steroid hormones that are synthesized in the adrenal cortex and in the gonads. Looking at their general formula, it is easy to guess that their biosynthetic precursor is cholesterol. Steroids differ in the number of carbon atoms in the molecule: C 21 - adrenal hormones and progesterone, C 19 - male sex hormones (androgens and testosterone), C 18 - female sex hormones (estrogens).

Hydrophilic hormone molecules, for example protein-peptide molecules, are usually transported in the blood in free form, and steroid hormones or iodine-containing thyroid hormones are transported in the form of complexes with blood plasma proteins. By the way, protein complexes can also act as a reserve pool of the hormone when destroyed free form The hormone complex with the protein dissociates and thus the required concentration of the signal molecule is maintained.

Having reached the target, the hormone binds to the receptor - a protein molecule, one part of which is responsible for binding and receiving the signal, the other for transmitting the effect “relay race” into the cell. (As a rule, the activity of some enzymes changes in this case.) Receptors hydrophilic hormones are located on the membranes of target cells, and lipophilic molecules are located inside the cells, since lipophilic molecules can penetrate the membrane. Signals from the receptors are received by so-called second messengers, or intermediaries, which are much less diverse than the hormones themselves. Here we meet such familiar characters as cycloAMP, G-proteins, protein kinases - enzymes that attach phosphate groups to proteins, thereby generating new signals.

Now let's rise again from the cellular level to the level of organs and tissues. From this point of view, everything begins in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The functions of the hypothalamus are diverse and even today are not fully understood, but everyone probably agrees that the hypothalamic-pituitary complex is the central point of interaction between the nervous and endocrine systems. The hypothalamus is both the center for the regulation of autonomic functions and the “cradle of emotions.” It produces releasing hormones (from the English. release- release), they are also liberins, which stimulate the release of hormones by the pituitary gland, as well as statins, which inhibit this release.

Pituitary gland - endocrine organ, located on inner surface brain It produces tropic hormones (Greek. tropos- direction), which are called so because they direct the work of other, peripheral endocrine glands- adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid, pancreas, gonads. Moreover, this scheme is saturated feedback, For example, female hormone estradiol, getting into the pituitary gland, regulates the secretion of triple hormones that control its own secretion. Therefore, the amount of the hormone, firstly, is not excessive, and secondly, various endocrine processes are finely coordinated with each other.

Special attention deserves temporary regulation. The “built-in clock” of our body is the pineal gland, the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin (a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan). Fluctuations in the concentration of this substance create a sense of time in a person, and the nature of these fluctuations determines whether a person will be an “owl” or a “lark”. The concentration of very many hormones also changes cyclically during the day. That is why endocrinologists sometimes require patients to collect daily urine (the sum may turn out to be a more constant and characteristic value than the terms), and sometimes, if you need to evaluate the dynamics, they take tests every hour.

Somatotropic hormone(GH) has an effect on the entire body - it stimulates growth and regulates accordingly metabolic processes. Pituitary tumors that cause overproduction of this hormone cause gigantism in humans and animals. If the tumor does not occur in childhood, but later, acromegaly develops - uneven growth of the skeleton, mainly due to cartilaginous areas. GH deficiency, on the contrary, leads to dwarfism, or pituitary dwarfism. Fortunately, modern medicine it heals. If the doctor determines that the reason for the child’s too slow growth (not even necessarily dwarfism, but simply lagging behind peers) is precisely the low concentration of growth hormone, and deems it necessary to prescribe hormone injections, then growth will be normalized. But the story of the Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev “The Man Who Found His Face” is still a fairy tale: for an adult hormonal injections will not help you grow.

The pituitary gland also produces prolactin, also known as lactogenic and luteotropic hormone (LTH), which is responsible for lactation during breastfeeding. In addition, lipotropins are synthesized in the pituitary gland - hormones that stimulate the involvement of fat in energy metabolism. These same hormones are the precursors of endorphins - “peptides of joy”. Melanocyte-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland (MSH) regulate the synthesis of pigments in the skin and, in addition, according to some data, have something to do with memory mechanisms. Two more important hormones are vasopressin and oxytocin; the first is also called antidiuretic hormone, it regulates water-salt metabolism and arteriole tone; oxytocin is responsible for contractile activity uterus in mammals and, together with prolactin, for milk. It is used to induce labor.

By the way, the idea that Mikhail Bulgakov used as the basis for “The Heart of a Dog” - transplanting the human pituitary gland into the brain of a dog not only rebuilds the animal’s body, turning it into a human one, but also transfers to the experimental subject such qualities of the donor as rudeness and alcoholism - from the point of view view of the physiology of the beginning of the 20th century is very witty. HGH forced Sharik to grow the size of a person, tropic hormones reconfigured metabolism, endorphins - the emotional background... in a word, if not all of the unforgettable personality of Klim Chugunkin went to the poor dog, then a considerable part of it! Of course, modern neurophysiologists understand that the pituitary gland cannot be the seat of class hatred and other complex instincts, but everything else is pure truth.

Now let’s learn more about the tropic hormones that the pituitary gland produces and their targets.

The adrenal glands are paired organs adjacent to the apices of the kidneys. Each of them contains two independent glands: the cortex ( substantia corticalis) And medulla. The target of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, also known as corticotropin) is the adrenal cortex. Corticosteroids are synthesized here. Glucocorticoids (cortisol and others) get their name from glucose because their activity is closely related to carbohydrate metabolism. Cortisol is a stress hormone, it protects the body from any sudden changes in physiological balance: it affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, electrolyte balance. However, the latter is more related to mineralocorticoids: their main representative, aldosterone, regulates the exchange of sodium, potassium and hydrogen ions.

Corticosteroids and their artificial analogues are widely used in medicine. Glucocorticoids have one more thing important property: they suppress inflammatory reactions and reduce the formation of antibodies, so ointments are made based on them for treatment skin inflammation and itching. By the way, some popular among lovers of alternative medicine skin ointments of Chinese origin in addition to plant extracts contain the same glucocorticoids. This is written in plain text on the packaging, but buyers do not always pay attention to complex biochemical words. Although, perhaps, for the treatment of dermatitis it would be better to purchase a banal fluorocort, at least it is approved by the Russian pharmacopoeia...

Catecholamines - adrenaline and norepinephrine - are synthesized in the adrenal medulla. Today everyone knows that adrenaline is synonymous with stress. It is responsible for the mobilization of adaptive reactions: it affects metabolism, the cardiovascular system, and carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Catecholamines are the simplest in structure and, obviously, the oldest signaling substances; it is not for nothing that they were found even in Protozoa. But they perform a special role as neurotransmitters only in multicellular organisms. We'll talk about this another time.

The pancreas is both exocrine and endocrine, that is, it works both externally and internally: it secretes enzymes in duodenum(content digestive tract biologists consider it as an environment external to the body), and hormones - into the blood. In special glandular formations, the islets of Langerhans, alpha cells produce glucagon - a regulator of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and beta cells - insulin. This hormone was discovered by the Russian scientist L.V. Sobolev (1902). Insulin was first isolated by Canadian physiologists Frederick Banting, Charles Best and John MacLeod (1921). Banting and McLeod received the Nobel Prize in 1923 for this. (Best, who held the position of laboratory assistant, was not included in the number of laureates, and the indignant Banting gave half of his award to the assistant.)

Insulin molecule: amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure

Structural unit insulin is a monomer with a molecular weight of about 6000, and from two to six monomers are combined into a molecule. The sequence of amino acids in the insulin monomer (that is, its primary structure) was first established by the English biochemist Frederick Sanger (1956, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1958), and the spatial structure is again from an Englishwoman and also Nobel laureate Dorothy Hodgkin (1972). Each monomer contains 51 amino acids, which are arranged in the form of two peptide chains - A and B, connected by two disulfide bridges (–S–S–).

The reader of "Chemistry and Life" does not need to introduce insulin. This hormone lowers blood sugar by delaying the breakdown of glycogen and glucose synthesis in the liver and at the same time increasing the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. It also promotes the absorption of this fuel, stimulates the synthesis of proteins and fats at the expense of carbohydrates. Thus, it is responsible for ensuring that cells absorb glucose from the blood and “digest” it well. Lack of insulin - elevated level blood sugar and “hungry” cells, tissues and organs, in other words, diabetes mellitus. Probably the most famous endocrine disease. In particular, because insulin is the first artificially synthesized peptide hormone, which replaced drugs obtained from the pancreas of slaughter cattle. Now doctors are dreaming of even more radical successes - for example, introducing stem cells that produce insulin into a patient’s body. The introduction of such a technique into clinical practice- it is not easy and not quick, but insulin injections provide normal life many people today.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary gland (TSH) acts on the thyroid gland ( glandula thyroidea), which we humans have in the neck, under the larynx. Its hormones are thyroxine and triiodothyronine, regulators of metabolism, protein synthesis, tissue differentiation, development and growth of the body. Their biochemical precursor is the amino acid tyrosine. Since the thyroid hormone molecules contain iodine, a deficiency of this element in the diet leads to a hormone deficiency. Clinical manifestations- Growth of the gland (goiter) with a decrease in its function. Toxic goiter, aka Graves' disease, or thyrotoxicosis, on the contrary, is associated with hyperfunction of the gland and excessive content hormones.

IN thyroid gland the hormone that regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, calcitonin, is also synthesized. And another hormone that regulates the exchange of these same elements is produced by paired parathyroid ( raga-thyroideae) glands - it is called parathormone. These hormones, along with vitamin D, are responsible for bone growth and repair.

Gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland - luteinizing hormone (LH), gonadotropin, follicle-stimulating FSH hormone regulate the activity of the sex glands. (Finally got to them.) Testosterone - the main androgen - is produced by the testes in men, and in women - by the adrenal cortex and ovaries. On the stage prenatal development this hormone in men directs the differentiation of the genital organs, and during puberty - the development of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as the formation of male sexual orientation. In adults, testosterone ensures the normal functioning of the genital organs. By the way, the testicles of the boy embryo also produce the regression factor of the Mullerian channels - a hormone that blocks the development of the female reproductive system. Thus, in embryonic period the development of a boy is accompanied by chemical signals that girls do not have, and from this all other differences ultimately arise. As experts joke about this, “to get a boy, you have to do something, but if you don’t do anything, you’ll get a girl.”

Estrogens in women are synthesized in the ovaries. Estradiol, one of the main estrogens, is responsible for the formation of secondary female sexual characteristics and is involved in the regulation of the monthly cycle.

Progestins (progesterone and its derivatives) are needed both for the regulation of the cycle and for the normal course of pregnancy. Without fertilization, cells synthesize progesterone at a certain period of the cycle and in the first 12 weeks corpus luteum ovaries and then the placenta. Progesterone is also secreted in small quantities by the adrenal cortex and, in men, by the testes. Tellingly, progesterone is an intermediate in the synthesis of androgens. The ovaries also synthesize relaxin, a birth hormone responsible, for example, for relaxing the pelvic ligaments.

Undoubtedly, the achievements of medical endocrinology in this area are also enormous. Today we can treat many forms of infertility and correct developmental abnormalities that were considered incurable a century ago. But Professor Preobrazhensky in “Heart of a Dog” rightly highlighted the scientific and commercial components in endocrinology. Money is brought in not only by rejuvenation (where endocrinology was greatly replaced by surgery by the end of the century) and not even by the treatment of impotence. Extension preparations muscle mass based on steroids, clearly harmful, but, unfortunately, still in demand, powerful industry contraception. Where are the monkey's ovaries? Modern tablets, those that are supposed to be taken one a day for a month, essentially put a hard “mask” on the natural hormonal background, blocking changes that would normally contribute to the development of pregnancy. And pills like “next morning” (“the next morning”) are a one-time hormonal shock that interrupts the process at the very beginning. One way or another, women's oral contraceptives today are considered one of the most reliable means protection against pregnancy and in terms of sales volume are hardly inferior to Viagra.

But perhaps not a single substance contained in the human body evokes as many emotions in the fair sex as human chorionic gonadotropin.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a relative pituitary hormones: LG, FST and TIT. All have the same a-subunits of v2 amino acids, a ß - subunits are different. The dashes indicate disulfide bridges, the letters N and O indicate N- and O-linked oligosaccharides

The fetal placenta can also be considered an endocrine organ: it synthesizes progestin, relaxin, and many other hormones and hormone-like substances. Future child constantly exchanges signals with the mother’s body, creating suitable conditions for itself. One of the early attempts of the fetus to establish a connection with its mother is precisely this glycoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, also known as HGT or hCG. Its presence in a woman’s blood or urine means that the patient is pregnant, and its absence means that pregnancy, alas (or hurray), has not occurred.

In the middle of the last century, this fateful analysis was completely barbaric: a woman’s urine was injected into mice and they looked to see if the animals showed symptoms of pregnancy. Now it is distinguished by its elegant simplicity; you don’t even need to go to the doctor, you just need to buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, also known as a “strip” - a narrow strip in an envelope, essentially a miniature chromatographic piece of paper. It is difficult to find another example where improving a routine technique biochemical analysis would have such a profound impact on human destinies. How many safely preserved pregnancies and how many timely abortions... Well, yes, without a doubt, abortion is bad. But it is not within the competence of medicine to arrange so that people do not do stupid things. With this - to psychologists, teachers and economists. Doctors and scientists can only minimize the harm caused by stupidity.

However, let's not talk about sad things. As long as we know how to select the keys to the most mysterious control system of our own body, perhaps someday we will learn to use them wisely.

Adolescence is the time when the body experiences physical changes and development social status. This is the period when children are between nursery and adult life. It occurs between the ages of 12 and 20 years. The main changes occur in the first few years.

But if we consider changes associated with behavior and relationships with other people, they occur throughout adolescence.

There is such a term as puberty. Translated from Latin language it means "to be covered with hair." This period marks a time of intense change in early stage adolescence.

The process of hormonal changes

The hypothalamus plays the main role in this period. It increases the secretion of substances that produce a large number of hormones from 8 to 14 years. They are called gonadotropins. Gonadotropins are the same in both boys and girls. As for men, these hormones help increase testosterone, and in girls - tarragon.

For most teenagers, the first symptoms of intense physiological changes are enlargement of the testicles (for boys) and mammary glands (for girls). This happens around age 14. Signs of response to increased hormones are external symptoms maturation. As a result, all this is called additional sexual characteristics.

Intensive growth hairline(this applies to both boys and girls) and separately in girls, swelling of the mammary glands is the very first signs of physiological changes. After that, the child begins to grow rapidly and the level of sex hormones rises. Along with this, the growth of hormones also increases. At their signal, bone growth stops.

Girls mature 2 years faster than boys. Therefore, they are taller than their peers. In addition, the genitals also grow.

Physiological changes have one difference between girls and boys - this is growth.

Estrogen in girls stimulates growth hormone more than testosterone in boys. Many girls menstrual cycle starts at age 12. In boys, the prostate gland enlarges during the period of changes.

After 2 years, after the appearance of hair in the pubic area, their growth begins in the armpits. I have an opportunity . This is due to enlarged sebaceous glands.

Endocrine system disorders

IN modern world children have become much shorter in height than before, but much fatter. This happens for several reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • high aggressiveness;
  • weak immunity (get sick regularly).

If we talk about the endocrine system, then in most children it is disrupted. The reasons for this are obesity and the emergence of type I and type II diabetes. All of the above reasons arose due to ecology and nutrition.

It seems that children eat well, but to a greater extent the food that is harmful to health, namely: fast food and sweet carbonated drinks. The lifestyle has become immobile, leading to dysfunction.

The most important risk factor is heredity. If someone in the child's family has diabetes, he should be examined by an endocrinologist 2 times a year, and also eat foods that are healthy for the body. Modern children suffer from both the first and. And this, as we know, leads to diabetes.

Parents' mistakes are as follows:

  • intensive feeding of the baby - if the baby is not gaining weight and eating poorly, he should not be force fed. In this case, you need to contact a gastroenterologist or neurologist. The child may develop gastroenterological diseases;
  • lack of constant checking of body mass index;
  • feeding babies at night when they wake up. In this case, the baby gets used to constantly drinking and eating. Fat cells mortgaged for up to 2 years.


Hormonal disorders have characteristic manifestations:

  • long recovery for a child after viral infection and childhood diseases;
  • need for abundant and frequent drinking;
  • frequent urination;
  • lethargy and irritability for quite a long time;
  • intense weight loss.

All these symptoms can be associated with the appearance of diabetes, the appearance of any manifestation should prompt parents to undergo an examination.

Child development and hormones

Hormones play a large role in the functioning and development of the body. It is necessary to know which hormones are very important in children and how to identify violations.

Normal growth and development of children directly depends on hormones. This requires proper functioning of the endocrine system. If thyroid hormone disorders are not treated promptly, there may be undesirable consequences in development over time.

The resulting violations of sex hormones will lead to problems with puberty. When the child's body begins to grow rapidly, diseases should not be ignored, otherwise they will reappear in adulthood.

Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 influence many developmental factors. If these hormones are not enough, then this can lead to hypothyroidism, and subsequently to a violation of the musculoskeletal system and.

Signs of a lack of thyroid hormones:

  • swelling of the body and face, swelling of the neck and tongue;
  • lethargy and inactivity;
  • dry skin, which causes irritation;
  • poor appetite and constipation;
  • developmental delay.

In children in school age hypothyroidism can occur in the form of constipation, regular fatigue, puffiness of the face and poor concentration.

Thyroid hormones interact with both growth and sex hormones. If they are deficient, weight loss or growth retardation may occur. In this regard, it is necessary to undergo a number of studies, take tests, and also check the TSH hormone.

Growth hormones

This hormone is necessary for normal height child. It is responsible for lengthening bones. Girls stretch out much faster, intensive growth begins at the age of 10, and for boys at 12. The growth period for boys ends at 19–20 years old, so they are often taller than girls of their age.

If growth hormone is produced normally, the child's body can lengthen by 10 cm in 1 year. In addition to hormones, heredity greatly influences growth.

Childhood diseases associated with hormones

If in children's body a huge thing happens called insulin, it contributes to the emergence diabetes mellitus first type. It's pretty serious illness and if you start his treatment, there may be serious consequences: stroke, heart attack or death.

Diabetes symptoms:

  • weight gain or loss;
  • vomiting or painful sensations in the abdominal area;
  • constant thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • dizziness and irritability.

Hormonal problems in teenagers

IN teenage years Quite rapid growth and reorganization of the body occurs. At this time, the endocrine system begins to work intensively, in particular, the active load goes to the adrenal glands. Due to hormones, physical and psychological changes in the body of a teenager. Hormonal imbalance during this period can be caused by:

  • incorrect nutritional correction;
  • excessive physical fatigue;
  • irregular sleep patterns;
  • avitaminosis.

In most cases, hormonal changes in adolescents are unnoticeable and are not expected here. specific treatment, since the body itself can normalize the condition through certain time. But there are also situations when the child needs to be shown to a specialist.

Causes of hormonal imbalances in boys

Hormone balance is a very fragile mechanism, but there are many reasons why it is quite easily disrupted:

  • thyroid disease;
  • irregular meals;
  • severe stressful situations;
  • genetic diseases;
  • diseases in the genital area;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bad ecology;
  • drug abuse.

Symptoms of failure

Concerning characteristic symptoms failure, they are as follows:

  • Acne is juvenile acne. They are more common among children of this age. The appearance of acne is associated with disruption of teenage hormones. The balance between estrogens and androgens is disturbed, where male hormones predominate over female ones. Sebaceous glands perceive this process negatively. This symptom usually does not require special treatment and goes away on its own without complications. IN rare cases must be taken antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets or ointments.
  • Excessive sweating - in this case, a disease such as hyperhidrosis may occur. Its norms can be considered if no other symptoms are observed. Its appearance is associated with very frequent hormonal disorders in children. These disorders affect sympathetic system. She, in turn, controls the performance sweat glands. In some cases, sweating is a sign of very dangerous diseases, such as thyroid intensity, diabetes and heart disease.

  • Growth disorder – bone grows due to growth hormone. It is produced by the pituitary gland. If there is not enough growth hormone in the body, then a person’s growth will slow down significantly, and physical development will also be inhibited. If there is an excess of this hormone in the body, then there is a danger of appearance.
  • Aggression and irritability - changes in the psyche of a teenager appear due to the fact that sex hormones begin to influence the central nervous system. There is a decrease in the threshold of excitability, variability of the autonomic nervous system. In such a situation, emotional disturbances can very often be observed (sharp mood swings, increased experiences and feelings, as well as alienation from the outside world).
  • Changes in body weight - intense activity of the adrenal glands, which produce glucocorticoids, contribute to weight gain excess weight or its decline with normal or high appetite.

Pathological processes

Stunted sexual development occurs due to improper hormonal imbalance, that is, lack of testosterone in boys. In this case, the voice does not break, and the height remains low. In rare cases, boys experience an increase mammary glands. This phenomenon goes away after some time. Sometimes the cause of this process is a tumor of the testicles or adrenal glands.

If testosterone increases rapidly, then puberty comes faster. The musculoskeletal system develops intensively, hair appears in the groin area, but the testicles remain standard size. Physical development the boy is absolutely inconsistent with his psycho-emotional development.

Hormonal imbalance in girls

A symptom of hormonal imbalance is menstrual irregularity. Early puberty appears due to dysfunction of the hypothalamus and the onset of menstruation before the age of 10 years.

In addition, the breasts begin to enlarge, hair appears in the groin and armpits. necessary if menstruation is not observed at the age of 15 years. This is not always a symptom of dysfunction of the ovaries and pituitary gland, it depends on physiological feature girls.

Hormonal levels in girls fluctuate at the beginning hormonal changes. For this reason, the menstrual cycle is not stable. If progesterone levels are quite low, then the uterus cannot reject blood in time. The menstrual cycle is normalized within 2 years. To diagnose serious violation in the functioning of the glands, it is necessary to consult a doctor if there is a long-term absence of menstruation.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance

After the child will pass All necessary examinations, the doctor must prescribe individual treatment. Most often, homeopathic or synthetic similar hormones are prescribed. Hormonal imbalances in children can lead to constant stress or nervous disorders.

If the situation is advanced, then it is required surgical intervention, and after it is carried out hormonal treatment. The main thing is correct mode day and nutrition, rest and necessary exercise.

You should consult a doctor if your child experiences the following disorders:

  • the child does not perceive information well;
  • forgets a lot of what he heard or learned in class;
  • I can't long time read, write or be in class.

Hormonal balance means a lot for the full development of a teenager. A child's prosperous future depends on normal functioning teenage hormones. Any disorder in the production of hormones leads to pathologies.



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