A disease incurable by doctors. Rare human diseases that are incurable

Throughout the history of its existence, from the moment of creation to the present, a living cell has accumulated so much fear ( by virtue of the instinct of self-preservation in moments of historical cataclysms, being in the body of a mineral, plant, animal, primitive man) and bad habits of cellular consciousness, or rather, non-consciousness, including “disease”.

And why all? The person attaches importance to "illness". And where our attention is, there is an outflow of energy. Something goes wrong in the body - and immediately the person runs to the doctor, because the System says so. And the System loves diseases - it, one might say, rests on this general ill-health; after all, any ill health is a weakness of spirit - in any case, it entails this weakness. At this time, the cells state: “Oh, we get so much attention! It means we are doing everything right - we will continue to do so!” That is, to be sick. The doctor immediately finds “common properties” and labels what is often simply a temporary disorder in the body’s functioning with a diagnosis label. And that’s all - from a temporary disorder a persistent formation emerges with its own name/face/shape. And this formation (formation of the disease) begins to be actively fed from the collective egregor of the disease. Doctors are very helpful with this. Notice how doctors call people: “Sick.” Now think: do you accept this definition as a constant in relation to yourself?

I once came up with the following formula: If a doctor is needed, it is only to tell a person - YOU ARE HEALTHY. The body will do the rest: it knows how to self-renew and self-regulate. The body knows HOW to heal itself. Only we must be at one with the body and be able to speak with it in the same language.

If you think about it deeply: isn’t it a sign of helplessness to think that someone (like a doctor) can know your body better than you do?

  • A person with the consciousness of the Creator is a completely different way of thinking. This is the “I CAN DO ANYTHING” mindset.

I wouldn’t write about this if it were just a mental theory. This is how I live. This does not mean that I do not experience pain or any disorders in the functioning of the body. However, there are always three thoughts:

why did it come/why did it arise/manifest?

What should I learn now?

What should I do?

And go to work))) And no names (diagnoses, labels) for the “disease” - a lot of honor. And the thought constantly in the background: "I am healthy, self-sufficient and whole".

The collective consciousness is still very weak on this issue. As they say, it needs to be pushed through. It's like walking through a forest. (People for the most part love their illness, cherish it, rush around with it, talk about it, savoring the details. After all, illness plays into the hands of the ego, which happily draws attention to itself.)

In fact, illness is a phenomenon created and supported by the System. (For who is easier to control: the healthy or the sick?) Diseases are a lie in our life, just like death is not a true matter. The one who said in the Bible: “You will be sick, etc...”. - of course, was neither God nor the Creator, it was the generic egregor of the Jews. And the “good prophecy” was extrapolated to all adherents of the scripture - according to their resigned acceptance. Suffering from submission to Ignorance.

Why such long writing? Probably, so that at every step we review, shake up our consciousness and mercilessly get rid of old matrix programs.


If you already have such an award, or even more than one, like a diagnosis, just now, at this very moment, deprive her of her face. No face - no appearance. Try to imagine a phenomenon that has no name. Do you understand what's going on)? So, any name for the disease, any name for it. For example: glomerulonephritis. Take this word in your hands mentally and throw it up, scatter the letters in the air. Now, from these letters, create as many short - different - words with a neutral or positive meaning as possible. For example, from this word we get: roll, body, mouth, black, gnome, repair etc. - Is the principle clear? If not, ask, I will answer. So, in this simple way you have deprived the disease of its face, which means you have erased it as a formation in your field. This is the first step. And then... Clear your field of all false formations. Find your own path. Experiment. Create - you are the Creator! Therefore, take responsibility for your life and your health!

Video about treatment using self-tuning and self-hypnosis.

The capabilities of the human body are extremely great, but we do not use them. The program also talks about the method Georgy Sytin, with the help of which many seemingly incurable diseases are treated.

Coming face to face with death is a difficult test of the strength of spirit and the initial meaningfulness of the temporality and value of life. But work on yourself every day, on the formation of your personality, using priceless Divine gifts-tools (time, health, spirit, will, human relationships... and the incredibly many things that surround us in every unit of time), trying to make yourself and what busy, even better and more perfect (“which of you is the best in deeds”) - even more difficult, but incredibly interesting.

Hippocrates, to whom doctors take an oath, said: “ Nature finds its own ways of healing, the doctor’s task is only to help her!».

Life and death were created, but man is not given the opportunity to fully understand their essence and nature. Yes, he systematizes new discoveries and observations, draws conclusions, builds theories and hypotheses, which after some time can be refuted by others. Physical patterns are studied, but it is extremely difficult for the human mind to “get to the bottom” of the essence, the metaphysical essence. The messengers of the Creator and the texts of the Holy Scriptures helped humanity in this.

The final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

Allah does not give any disease without providing a cure for it or a cure, except for one.”

The companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah! What kind of disease is this?

He replied: “This is old age.”

Hadith reported by at-Tirmidhi (2038), Abu Dawud (3855),

ibn Majah (3436), al-Bukhari in the collection “al-Adab al-mufrad” (291)

And he will do everything in his power to recover, and for the rest he will rely on Allah Almighty.

Of course, a Muslim’s turning to spirits, shamans, fortune tellers and other objects for healing means in Islam a departure from faith and religion!

But studying oneself and programming one’s consciousness for positivity and healing is the believer’s primary task!

God has given man numerous levels of work on himself, stages of improvement of the spirit, spiritual development, revealed through self-knowledge.

There are many known cases when our attitude can work wonders - do not underestimate your potential!

For information

Mood - a person’s precisely formulated thought about himself, in order to influence the physical body or psyche.

Unfortunately, we don’t pay enough attention to affirmations in our daily lives!

Affirmation is a positive attitude about yourself, thoughts that help you achieve your desired goals - success in personal relationships, in school or business, in self-development and increasing self-esteem.

Working with them is in many ways reminiscent of auto-training, but using affirmations is much simpler, easier and faster.

Rules for writing affirmations:

The affirmation should be positive and express what you want to achieve;

The affirmation should be written “in the present tense”;

The affirmation should be short and specific;

The affirmation should make you feel positive.

Believe in the unconditional power of the affirmations you have come up with, imagine how, step by step, you are gradually approaching a dream that you will soon make a reality with your own hands.

From the book by Sh. Alyautdinov “A trillionaire thinks”

The methods of M. Norbekov and many others are also based on similar principles.

Remember that with God’s blessing and with His, the Creator, command “Be!” in this life absolutely everything is possible!!!

“There are no incurable diseases, we just don’t know much yet” is a well-known phrase that any doctor will agree with. In the 14th century, the plague claimed millions of lives in Europe, in the 19th century, cholera killed half the population of Asian countries, in 1812, typhus destroyed a third of the troops and.

These dangerous diseases have long been defeated, but the 21st century boasts its own list of hopeless diseases. Modern medicine can only prolong a patient’s life and alleviate the severity of the disease.

1. Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease affects 18 million people worldwide, and WHO predicts this number will double by 2025. The disease makes a person disabled, deforming and gradually destroying brain neurons, which ends in the failure of critical brain centers. Motor resources are depleted, difficulties arise with thinking, memory, and spatial orientation. The progression of the pathology leads to the complete loss of all social skills and death.

Early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease:
  • memory loss. Short-term memory turns off, it becomes difficult for a person to remember and analyze current information, and dependence on written reminders increases;
  • mood changes. Irritability, restlessness, anxiety arise, delusions of harm “bloom”;
  • difficulties in solving everyday problems. The patient cannot find meaning in everyday worries and affairs - he stops cooking, paying bills, going to the store, taking a bath;

Healthy brain (left) and brain with Alzheimer's disease (right)
  • loss of judgment. A person easily falls for the tricks of scammers, spends money senselessly, is not interested in the lives of family and friends;
  • shifting objects. Constantly moving objects from place to place becomes an obsession. Family members are involved in the search for a wallet or glasses;
  • marked decrease in oral and written communication.

There is no effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease, but timely maintenance therapy can slow the course of the disease and mitigate clinical manifestations.

2. Rabies

An infectious disease characterized by serious damage to the central nervous system. A cure for rabies has not yet been developed and, without vaccination, the disease is fatal. Every day, 150 people die from rabies on the planet. Infection occurs after the bite of an infected animal. The virus enters the body and begins to quickly migrate along nerve fibers. It reaches the brain and multiplies, penetrating the adrenal glands, lungs, heart, and salivary glands.

The course of the disease lasts 5-7 days and goes through several stages. At first, pain, burning and itching appear in the bite area, the skin turns red and swells. On the second, anxiety, hydrophobia, muscle cramps, and drooling occur. On the third, the temperature rises to critical levels, the pressure drops, and cardiac paralysis occurs.

3. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

A fatal and completely incurable infection. A person becomes ill after eating contaminated beef. In Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, abnormal prion proteins are formed, causing dysfunction and cell death. The disease can “sleep” for years.

The acute phase is manifested by personality disorders - the person becomes sloppy and irritable, becomes depressed, and vision and memory begin to suffer. Within 8-20 months, dementia develops and the patient dies from fatal disorders of brain activity.

4. Congenital ichthyosis

Dermatosis that occurs against the background of gene mutations. A severe form of the disease leads to the death of the newborn due to disruption of the breathing process and metabolic failures. The child is born with very thick skin covered with large horny crusts.

The baby's ears, nose and mouth are clogged with keratinized exfoliations. With a mild form of ichthyosis, the baby has thick skin on the feet and palms, and a changed appearance of the ears and eyelids. The surviving children develop slowly mentally and physically, suffer from metabolic disorders, and do not adapt well to society.

5. Progeria

A pathology characterized by a complex of changes in internal organs and skin due to premature aging of the body. There are two forms of the disease - Werner syndrome (adult progeria) and Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (childhood progeria).

The first symptoms “start” at 2-3 years of age. The baby stops growing, atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue and epidermis is recorded, mainly on the limbs and face. The skin becomes wrinkled and dry and becomes thinner.

Failures in fat metabolism, atherosclerosis are observed, and dystrophic deformations in nails, hair and teeth progress. Young people suffer from senile mental disorders and early sclerosis. The causes of progeria have not been reliably established. Scientists believe that the defect is formed at the stage of fetal development. Failure of the gene mechanism leads to natural depletion of all body systems, and after 10-13 years - to death.

An incurable disease of unknown origin. Characterized by insurmountable frequent loss of muscle tone with preservation of consciousness. Attacks are provoked by strong emotional outbursts - panic, crying, hysterical laughter. Researchers associate the occurrence of cataplexy with a decrease in the level of hypocretin, which regulates the excitation of the neurotransmitter.

Typical symptom complex: sudden muscle weakness, slurred speech, double vision. In this case, consciousness does not turn off, the person is fully aware of what is happening. There is no definitive treatment for cataplexy. Correction of the disease is carried out using pharmacology.

A severe genetic disease manifested by the formation of blisters and erosions on the skin. The mucous membranes of the eyes, esophagus, intestines, esophagus, and oral cavity are affected. Butterfly children have a sharply increased risk of skin cancer and have problems with growth and nutrition.

The cause of epidermolysis bullosa is mutations at the gene level, leading to improper protein formation in the skin. It is impossible to cure a butterfly child; life expectancy with this disease does not exceed 10-15 years.

The main feature of the disease is intolerance to sunlight. Exposure to the sun leads to the formation of blisters and burns on the “vampire” skin, which is accompanied by intense pain.

In humans, hemoglobin is destroyed, the skin bursts and darkens, the bite changes - the skin near the mouth dries, exposing the jaw. Porphyria cannot be treated; patients have to correct their condition with a balanced diet and keeping the room dark.

A rare hereditary disease caused by a mutation in the ACVR1 gene, which is responsible for the growth of excess bones. With fibrodysplasia, skeletal muscles, ligaments, and tendons suddenly begin to deform into bones. Any bruises, vaccinations, bruises and bruises quickly “turn” into new bones. Typical symptoms of fibrodysplasia are bone formation and damage to the big toe.

The disease is characterized by a progressive course, leading to irreversible damage to the musculoskeletal system and complete immobility. Today, fibrodysplasia is considered an incurable pathology, but the researchers who discovered the ACVR1 gene claim that in 5 years they will create a medicine that can block the mechanism that triggers the growth of unnecessary bones.

A genetically determined disease diagnosed in men. It shows signs of damage to the central nervous system. The carrier of hereditary malfunctions is the female body, which transmits the pathology, but does not itself suffer. The leading symptom of Lesch-Nyhan: disorders of purine metabolism.

Associated symptoms: muscle cramps, frequent vomiting, slurred speech, paralysis of the limbs, epileptic seizures, developmental delays, emotional instability. The disease ends in severe renal failure. There is no specific treatment, the life expectancy of patients does not exceed 30 years.

What should you do to get rid of any disease yourself?

First. You need to make sure, believe that this is possible.

Although, no one can say how much faith helps healing in this case. Since the cause of the disease is eliminated, it is natural that the disease also goes away. Faith can play a role in whether a person himself will work to eliminate the cause of the disease or will believe that someone should cure him.
There is one point that determines whether a person himself will try to get rid of the disease, or will believe that someone should cure him - this is the level of human development. People at a low level will definitely believe that someone should cure them - a “specialist”, or a traditional healer, or a psychic. While a person is being treated by someone, especially if that someone makes money from him, it is difficult to become healthy.

Why does a person get sick? Because his connection with the Universe, or his “living space”, is open very little. He does not receive enough energy, his strength is insufficient for the full functioning of his body. A person has no strength, no mood, no health, he has apathy, etc. Recovery, healing, high quality of life occurs when energy flows are restored.

There are simple truths that are important for everyone to know.
1. Each person has enough opportunities to get rid of almost any disease himself.
2. There are no incurable diseases.
3. A person is what he eats, he has bad karma, he “can’t get out of his problems” - this is true if he does nothing, and this is not true if he works on himself.
4. There is a way to prevent all diseases in general: you need to get rid of false thoughts and not do evil - then there will be no diseases.

We live in an abundant universe, and good health and well-being, good relationships with other people are the norm. Cosmic energies give people everything for a prosperous life, and they, like light from the Sun, constantly and in their entirety reach every person without exception. But just as an obstacle blocks the sunlight, so various kinds of human mistakes block the energy flows coming to him, and he gets sick or has problems. Having found out the cause of the disease, you can eliminate it - then the disease goes away and never returns. This is how spiritual healing differs from other methods of treatment and healing. People who work on themselves, even for a small step towards truth, towards goodness, towards light, receive great help from above, which also extends to all their relatives and descendants, and it is hardly wise not to take advantage of it.
Spiritual healing is the most effective now and will be the only one in the future. The meeting place can be changed!

They say that disease is easier to prevent than to treat. But there are hundreds of diseases, which one would you like to prevent? There is a way to prevent all diseases and all problems, even preventing asteroids from space, or at least significantly reduce their severity. To do this, you need to live in harmony with the Universe, and if harmony is broken, then it needs to be restored - and live happily ever after. Space is not a lifeless space, it is not hostile to humans, everything that happens in nature and in society depends on humans.

People believe that they got sick because they got infected, caught a cold, that the planets have such an influence, they refer to age - etc. All this is true only if the person has the corresponding negative energies. The above circumstances are not the root cause of disease. Causes only work if there is something in people that diseases can catch on to. In the physical world, plus is attracted to minus; in the spiritual world, like is attracted to like. Blaming circumstances or other people for your illnesses is a road to nowhere, and it means that you have to be treated for the rest of your life.

All our illnesses begin with a misconception about our life and selfishness, fear (of getting sick, dying, etc.), envy, resentment, condemnation, etc., based on this ignorance. Illnesses and failures are not punishment for sins, they are a manifestation of the law of cause and effect, which in an approximate version can be considered as the law of karma. Our idea of ​​the world is in some ways correct, in some ways erroneous, and in accordance with the mistakes - somewhere we act correctly, somewhere not in the best way. Our mistakes, made in thoughts, words and deeds, accumulate and form negative thought forms in the subtle bodies of a person, in his field. Negative emotions upset the energy balance of a person’s subtle bodies, and he develops pain and illness. And eliminating the causes leads to the disease disappearing. What is called a miracle is not a violation of the laws of nature, it is their restoration.

The supernatural is the natural, not yet achieved by us“(Sri Aurobindo).

The biggest illusion is that a person is limited by something“(Robert Monroe).

http://nashaplaneta.su/news/istorija_iscelenija_ljubovju_onkologija/2015-12-22-7164 History of healing with love (oncology)

There are ways to treat almost all diseases, ranging from traditional medicine, oriental medicine, healers, shamans and others. Not all of them are equal. It is known that many healers themselves have more than serious problems due to abilities incorrectly applied in practice:

http://goaloflife.org/?p=226 Superpowers: gift or curse?

And there is no such information about spiritual healers that anyone would have problems. On the contrary, they themselves experience healing and solve various kinds of problems.

What is the possibility of getting rid of all diseases altogether? There is no mystery here at all. The beginning of all people's problems without exception is ignorance, fear, selfishness and laziness. “The main mistake of people is that they consider themselves outside of Existence. This results in a lack of cooperation.” “Let people learn to banish many petty lies from life and learn to apply the truth to life. Nothing is as destructive as a conscious, harmful distortion of reality; it disrupts the rhythm of the Cosmos” (Agni Yoga. HIERARCHY OF THE SPIRIT, 99, 332).
“To the one who fulfills the Heavenly Laws of the Gods, Mother Nature grants vitality, and the Heavenly Gods grant the Family happiness in the heart and wealth in children.” “You live according to the laws of RITA and according to the laws of God of the Race - the One Creator, for according to these laws all Worlds and Earths live, in all Universes.” “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that nothing ever happens to a person on Midgard-Earth by chance, for chance is a pattern determined by Fate and God’s Laws” (Slavic-Aryan Vedas).
“...neither in this world nor in the next there is death for him; for he who does good will never go down the path of sorrow, O My friend” (Bhagavad Gita, chapter 6, 40).
“Man is made up of his thoughts: as are his thoughts, so is he” (Bhagavad Gita).

A person who does this is under COMPLETE PROTECTION of the Cosmos and its energies. He will never get sick, and no one can do harm to such a person. Also under full protection there is a Man who strives for perfection.
Castaneda asks Don Juan, what is the use of this knowledge if a sniper hides somewhere in the bushes and kills you? To which Don Juan replied that he simply would not end up in this place. Only those who, having bad karma, continue to make mistakes and show carelessness in their personal lives, get into accidents and various troubles. Well, one more thing - this also depends on the level of the person - at higher levels people are given more complex tasks, which means that those mistakes that are forgiven to people at a low level are not forgiven at a higher level.

The Lord saves both believers and non-believers, those who want salvation and those who do not want it, but only those who want salvation - he saves with tears of repentance, and those who do not want it - with tears of illness, sorrow and loss.“.
And it’s also important: those who want to be saved are saved easier and faster, those who don’t want to be saved are saved more difficult and longer. Isn’t it easier to get rid of mistakes, of root, mental poisons in yourself that can cause problems. Having negative thoughts over and over again is like drinking dirty water, after some time it will make a person sick.

If a person has pain, he often seems indifferent to how to get rid of it. But in reality, what do you want - to be treated, treated and treated, or - to be cured? There are many methods, methods, techniques of treatment, healing, they are not equivalent. It is better to get rid of the disease so that it does not return:

http://goallife.org/?p=327 Healers and Levels of Healing

“People have died, and they are given a punishment according to how they lived their lives on earth, and the greatest punishment is given to the doctor. The doctor asks: for what? And they answer him: illnesses are sent to people so that they do not sin, and you prevent them from understanding this.”
This is manifested in the fact that doctors live 15-20 years less than their patients.
Alekseev A.A., Larionova I.S., Dudina N.A. “Doctors are hostages of death.”
Wallock K. “Dead doctors don’t lie.”
Gennady Mir, “Why doctors live 15-20 years less than their patients.”

Why you need to forgive everyone and not hold a grudge against anyone:

http://nashaplaneta.su/news/neproshhenie_sebja_i_drugikh_ljudej_fizicheski_razrushaet_nashe_telo_i_sozdaet_negativnoe_budushhee/2016-08-14-25451 Unforgiveness of ourselves and other people physically destroys our body and creates a negative future

http://nashaplaneta.su/news/ja_ne_proshhu_skazka_ot_ehlfiki/2016-07-03-22085 “I WILL NOT FORGIVE” - a fairy tale from Elfika

There should be no doubt about the fairness of the World and existing laws. These laws are as real as the laws of the physical world known to us. They are even more real, they are stronger than the laws of the physical world, and, if necessary, cancel them. So Jesus said: if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” it will be so, and nothing will be impossible for you.
And if doubts about success arise, then they are not based on anything and you need to refuse them, for example, say: “these are not my thoughts,” “I don’t think so.” Healing - even complete - is real. Human thought is the greatest power in the Universe. Don't let negative thoughts control you.

Will is what makes you win when your thoughts tell you that you are defeated“(Carlos Castaneda, “A Separate Reality”).

« Great victory that humanity knows,
Victory is not over death, and believe me, not over fate,
The judge who judges the court of heaven has given you a point,
Only one victory - victory over yourself
"(Omar Khayyam).

It is necessary to add that this information is not of a medical, but of a healing nature. This means that it does not replace other treatment methods, especially at the initial stage. Ultimately, the person himself decides which method of treatment, but it is better to additionally use other methods to help. Usually recovery comes much faster this way.

Second. Spiritual and physical causes of diseases

There are studies by various practitioners who conclude that certain thinking errors correspond to certain diseases. For example, V. Sinelnikov writes about such a formidable disease, from the point of view of a frightened layman, as cancer.

TUMORS, CANCER. “People have this stereotype of thinking that cancer is incurable. And when doctors inform a patient or relatives of such a diagnosis, for many it sounds like a death sentence. But don't despair. As the wisdom says: “There are no incurable diseases, there are incurable patients.” Tumors form when you hold old grievances and shocks in your soul. You constantly “scroll” them in your head, cherish them, and accumulate them in a certain place in your body. I found out that complete disposal of old grievances completely cures any tumor. There is another reason for the appearance of tumors - this is an intensifying and increasing feeling of hostility towards the world, towards oneself, towards people. There is a certainty that “life will not bring anything good.” This is an old, hidden resentment, anger and malice, hatred and the desire for revenge, which literally “devour” the body. This is a deep subconscious, spiritual wound that does not heal. This is a strong and far-reaching internal conflict with oneself and with the outside world. Many people are now infected with a cancerous worldview. That is why mortality from malignant tumors, according to statistics, is in second place. Such people are ready to destroy the world in which they live, for its seeming imperfection. They despise, take offense, hate and take revenge, while mentally destroying the world around them, the Universe. People with a cancer worldview simply do not understand that the world around them is their world. And by generating destructive thoughts, they thereby destroy themselves.
I deeply believe that the Universe is very harmonious, fair and perfect. Because it has a universal law: “Everyone is rewarded according to his faith, according to his thoughts.” People must understand that it is not the Universe that is imperfect, but their worldview, that is, not the world itself, but their model of this world “.

Everyone is rewarded according to his deeds and words and even thoughts, but not so primitively - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. None of the people work off their karma completely, even the most stubborn ones. And this is the reason why there is no need to be offended by fate, by the world, considering it unfair, by people who create problems, etc.

Below are links to the Tables “Spiritual and Physical Causes of Diseases,” compiled by various authors and practicing healers. They are similar in some ways, different in others. It’s better to look through them all and write down for yourself what concerns a specific disease. The more errors are identified, the faster and easier the work to eliminate them will be done and the faster the disease will go away.

Metaphysical Causes of Diseases 1

Metaphysical Causes of Diseases 2

Metaphysical Causes of Diseases 3

http://goaloflife.org/?p=2438 Spiritual and physical causes of diseases. A large selection of articles on the Spiritual-physical causes of diseases and spiritual healing.

Third. Eliminating the cause of the disease

Almost every person commits despondency, resentment, despair, fear, hatred of someone and others. And in accordance with them, everyone has their own sores. It would be good for everyone, mentally going through his life from childhood to the present, to remember when he made mistakes that led to illness, and to ask, at least mentally, for forgiveness from those people in relation to whom they were made. Quote: "… through forgiveness you can stop the wheel of karma. If you have truly changed and are not going to continue your past behavior, and you have gone through the process of forgiveness, then this is no longer causing problems for you “.

We can say that the time has come to separate the wheat from the chaff, when low energies and structures in our consciousness dissolve, harmonize and do not create problems for us in the future.

“Emotion is a compressed thought.” If a thought occurs many times and for a long time, it becomes an emotion. Problems have their roots in thinking; on the physical level they appear later. “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.”
To be healed is to become whole. It’s like waking up from a dream, and then the correct ways to solve problems will be clearly visible. This is, first of all, the ability to forgive other people who seem to create trouble. This is the path to freedom and harmony of spirit, soul and body. It is important to stop being offended and judging both yourself and others. Good words: “I will forgive even what is not worth forgiving.” Well, that’s right, why keep such a stone in your soul, carry such a burden that creates so many problems, starting with headaches and insomnia. It is unforgiveness, condemnation and resentment that most create problems for people, blocking communication with a higher reality.

This is important for parents. Expressions (which are essentially delusions, programs) like “I can’t stand them,” “they got me,” and others. Mistakes - for example, hostility, condemnation, resentment, irritability, dissatisfaction - these are the main ones. It would be good to do so that, having gone through mentally, remember when you had hostility, condemnation, resentment and other negative feelings towards them, and for each case mentally ask them for forgiveness. And in the future, try to control such emotions in order to prevent them, or reduce their strength.
Why is there no need to be offended even by the worst parents, from the point of view of children? People who believe that they do not deserve those grievances do not know who they themselves were in previous lives. And one more thing - the soul chose these parents before incarnation in order to work out its negative experience and learn to forgive.
Offense, you need to remember those cases where you were offended, and those where you offended someone. Don’t be afraid to tell yourself: enough is enough, I don’t want to continue living and thinking in old energies that only create problems.

How to remove negative energies

If you notice yourself having judgmental and selfish thoughts, it is important to deal with them and let them go. There is no need to carry your dark parts stored in the depths of your consciousness, to keep them in yourself. They are only on the surface, like your habits, and under their shadow hide your deepest love and pure peacefulness. It will manifest itself over and over again and then become your new best life. Don't be discouraged. Let sorrows come and go without lingering in your field.

Love as a state / Lazarev S.N.

“I explained to people: if you go in the right direction, sooner or later you will help your children and grandchildren. But only information that is very important and is supported by hundreds of aspirations in this direction passes to such deep levels. For your emotion to reach your children and grandchildren, it must gain significant inertia. Momentary emotions do not penetrate to such levels. Somehow a simple thought came to my mind. If you help yourself increase the inertia of love, then the souls of your descendants can be cleansed much faster. And now I tell people: if you want to help your children and grandchildren, you need to remove everything that interferes with love. When you turn to God, ask that your children never renounce love, never suppress this feeling, never discredit it. Ask that they can maintain a sense of love for God when their lives, their desires, their destiny fall apart. Pray that they will always see the Divine will in everything and be able to forgive others and themselves.

To help descendants, you need to remove at least 5 forms of aggression towards love:

1. The slightest complaints against parents, starting from childhood.
2. Hundreds of times go through all the moments of grievances against loved ones and close people, forgive them, especially during puberty, first love, the period of creating a family and the birth of children.
3. Dissatisfaction with oneself, despondency, unwillingness to live. For women, such a program primarily affects their children and grandchildren. And it is often much harder to forgive yourself than to forgive others.
4. All regrets about the past.
5. Any fears and worries about the future.

If you still have any of these five points, you will work, but there will be practically no results. In order to forgive the human, you need to feel the Divine within yourself and proceed from it; In order to feel the Divine within yourself, you need to learn not to renounce love, not to suppress it, and in every situation to take care first of all about preserving love, and then about everything else.”

It is very important to know that this is the last time you are going through this cleansing process. In fact, if you were now given a choice: do nothing now, live as you have always lived - but your subsequent fate is unknown. Or work - a little! - now, thoughts are easiest to change, but a short time after this, life awaits you at a much higher level, the transition to which is now taking place. Yes, some already live like this, others are following them. Undoubtedly, it is better to proceed according to the second scenario.

http://nashaplaneta.su/news/zolotoj_vek_nachinaetsja_s_raskrytija/2016-04-22-17258 The Golden Age begins with Disclosure

As a rule, after the work has been done, liberation from grievances, condemnation, hatred and contempt, the situation around a person changes, there is less negativity and more positivity. This is a consequence of the arrival of new energies. You will be surprised by the changes that are taking place, you will want to leave behind forever the world of sleep, which was a nightmare compared to what awaits you. It is worth repeating that this is all the more important to do because the slightest effort of a person in this regard will bring him great help.
Positive energies are very important now. Information has been circulating for a long time, not even for the first year, that it is very important to free yourself from negativity in yourself, first of all, from grievances and from condemnation of relatives and fate. This year this information began to be repeated much more often, and from different sources - about the importance of this.
There is such a guarantee that there will be no major wars, excesses, and the main problems have already been solved. Karmic causes can be stopped at any time by the supreme power that controls the destiny of mankind. It is very important to resist negative thoughts by adding your Love/Strength/Light to the world. In the New Century there will be no wars, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism and other negative phenomena on the Planet that interfere with living happily. It remains to undergo a small cleaning - the last one, and it is very important to do it.

It also happens, we know from experience. When people have a problem, their thoughts work differently, and they are “ready for anything.” But now the problem is gone, everything returns to normal, the same mistakes that led to the problem begin to be made again, and the problem itself may, to some extent, return. To prevent this from happening, you need to “look” at the reasons from time to time and monitor your thinking.

http://nashaplaneta.su/news/neskolko_slov_sposobnye_iscelit_ljubuju_bolezn/2016-02-14-11382 “I allow you to help me.” A few words that can heal any disease.

People look at themselves as people trying to be spiritual. It's time to look at yourself correctly - as spiritual beings having a human experience.
The three-dimensional world, with all its concepts and beliefs based on duality and separation, is actually the lowest rung of a very high ladder. Most of humanity, seeing only this world, is afraid to rise from this step, not realizing that there are an endless number of steps leading to new and wonderful places.
Love is the energy that connects everything within the One Whole. The energies of higher dimensions are the energies of Love, unity and wholeness. This is the Ascension, or better yet, the Transformation, but in order to resonate with the higher frequencies, everything that still resonates with the lower ones must come to the surface to be seen and purified. The world will become different, and we will all become different.

Ritual of apology

Having understood, even if not completely, that people are to blame for their troubles, you need to try to remove negative energies from yourself as much as possible. This is fear, resentment, despair, disbelief, contempt, condemnation - these are the main mistakes, character traits that became the cause and which need to be gotten rid of. In cases of serious conditions, resentment towards fate and people is common. Which is not entirely fair, because a person’s fate is never worse than he deserves.

“When the cause of the disease is found, you need to think about your behavior in the future. Having found a new form of behavior without violating natural law, it is necessary to lay it on the subconscious through reflection and meditation. To do this, you need to imagine yourself in situations similar to the one where the violation was made, and mentally act in a new way. It would be good to work out 10-15 situations, and the more varied they are, the better.

Then do the following:
Mentally evoke the face of the person in relation to whom the violation occurred.
Greet him and thank him for his science.
Tell him what law you broke.
Show that in future you will act differently, that you have fulfilled the law.
Sincerely ask for an apology, without harboring anger or resentment towards him in your soul.”

Today medicine is at a fairly high level. But, despite this, incurable diseases, the list of which is quite extensive, are very common. Let's look at some of them.


Poliomyelitis is an acute viral disease caused by poliovirus, which is highly contagious. When the virus enters the human body (through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx), the central nervous system can be affected, resulting in irreversible consequences such as paralysis or deformation of the limbs. In the most severe cases, when the respiratory centers located in the medulla oblongata are damaged, the disease can be fatal. But most often, a person infected with polio does not even suspect that he is sick. This disease generally occurs without any symptoms. There are also erased forms that are accompanied by intestinal disorders. Incurable cases of paralysis occur in approximately 1% of patients. The most susceptible part of the population to poliovirus is preschool children.

This disease belongs to the endocrine group. It is associated with a person’s impaired absorption of glucose and insufficient production of insulin, a hormone that is responsible for reducing glucose in the blood. In addition, insulin is involved in the body's metabolic processes. That is why patients with diabetes experience various disorders of all types of metabolism. Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires strict adherence to the prescribed diet, and in more severe cases, therapy using insulin injections. Diabetes mellitus is dangerous because it can lead to serious complications - blindness, damage to blood vessels, coma and a number of others.

Another chronic disease that requires constant monitoring throughout life is bronchial asthma. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, which results in swelling. All this leads to breathing problems such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and a strong, prolonged cough. These symptoms may appear upon contact with any allergen, at night, or after exercise. Patients with bronchial asthma must necessarily use not only symptomatic medications that help relieve an attack, but also medications that can affect the very mechanism of this disease.

Oncological disease is a process in which the formation of tumors, both benign and malignant, occurs. And if a benign (i.e., not capable of forming metastases) tumor can be removed through surgery, then with malignant tumors it is not so simple. This type of tumor is characterized by the formation of metastases - cancer cells that spread from the site of the tumor process through the tissues of the body. For this disease, various types of treatment are used - radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. But even if the treatment was successful, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body throughout the rest of your life, since the tumor can arise again, and it is very important to track it at the initial stage. If cancer is diagnosed at the last, so-called terminal stage, then curing the patient is no longer possible.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (or SLE for short) is an autoimmune disease. It is characterized by the fact that antibodies produced by the immune system begin to damage the DNA of healthy cells. In SLE, connective tissue is mainly affected. Most patients develop a characteristic red rash on their face. With systemic lupus erythematosus, patients may experience joint pain. In addition, this disease can lead to various cardiovascular diseases, kidney damage, anemia, and a number of psychiatric and neurological manifestations. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a disease that cannot be completely eliminated, but it is possible to improve the quality of life by following all the doctor’s recommendations.

This is another incurable disease that causes great discomfort to the patient. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints, leading to severe pain and limited mobility. Treatment is mainly symptomatic and aimed at relieving pain. In some cases, surgical intervention is also possible. Very often, rheumatoid arthritis leads to disability. The causes of this disease are still unknown. The first symptoms may appear after intense physical activity, during hormonal changes in the body, or after infections.

This disease causes a lot of trouble not only for the patient himself, but also for his loved ones. It is characterized by symptoms such as memory loss, speech impairment and motor coordination. As the disease progresses, changes in character also appear - the patient becomes irritable, sometimes aggressive, and may resist outside help. The last stage is characterized by almost complete loss of speech, apathy, and exhaustion. The patient moves with great difficulty and often does not leave the bed at all. Alzheimer's disease occurs mainly in older people, but sometimes it is diagnosed in younger people. There is currently no treatment to completely get rid of or stop this disease. Therapy can only help alleviate symptoms.

This neurological disease, which is chronic in nature, most often occurs in older people. Parkinson's disease is caused by the death of neurons that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. The main symptoms of this disease are strong muscle tone, tremors, and stiffness in movement. In addition, patients experience metabolic disorders, which can lead to sudden weight gain or loss, as well as various mental disorders (such as unreasonable feelings of fear, insomnia, hallucinations, etc.). Treatment of Parkinson's disease is mainly symptomatic, sometimes requiring surgery.

These are diseases that currently cannot be treated, although with timely diagnosis and properly selected therapy, it is possible to significantly prolong and improve the patient’s quality of life.

HIV is a virus that is caused by HIV infection, and AIDS is its final stage. HIV may occur without any symptoms, or may be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, general malaise, and sudden weight loss. AIDS is characterized by severe, more than 10%, weight loss and various associated diseases. It is secondary infections that are the main cause of death in patients diagnosed with AIDS.

These are not all incurable human diseases. The list can be continued with such diseases beyond the control of modern medicine as schizophrenia, herpes, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and others. But it is important to remember that with timely diagnosis and correct prescription in most cases, the patient’s life can be significantly extended.



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