If your hearing aid whistles. Background noise when using a hearing aid

The main reason for hearing aid squeaking is The device does not fit tightly to the ear. Typically, the problem is with the earmold used in the hearing aid. The insert may not fit well with the rest of the device, or simply be of poor quality. In this case, the liner needs to be replaced.

Squeaking is also possible if The device itself is of poor quality. If you purchased a hearing aid at a low price, consider purchasing a higher quality model. Of course, the presence of defects is not excluded in a hearing aid of any model, but the name of a well-known manufacturer better insures against the presence of a malfunction. You can also consult with other people who wear hearing aids: they can often tell you where to buy a good device.

The problem may be in the setup of the device, if it goes wrong or is simply done poorly. To set up the device, you should contact a specialist - an audiologist-adjuster. If your regular audiologist cites any other reasons for the device malfunction and refuses to adjust the device again, we strongly recommend that you find another, more competent specialist. Typically, hearing aid fitting is a complex and lengthy process; An audiologist should not refuse to help you under any circumstances if you claim that you need a hearing aid refit.

The thing is that the distance between the receiver (speaker) and the microphone system is small. And because of the short distance, high-frequency short-wave sound that is received by the microphone and amplified many, many times sometimes gets back into the microphone. This circumstance causes his self-excitation. And the sound gets there due to very small gaps between the earbud and the ear canal. Thus, the higher the volume of the hearing aid, the louder the whistling.
To avoid this problem, make sure the earmold fits snugly in your ear. This is why an individual insert is made.
The problem of whistling is also solved by the program itself when setting up a digital device.

Among the analog programmable hearing aids there is the Swift Oticon model, it is not expensive about 7000 rubles, and the sound gives like a top digital one. And all because the digital has not yet completely approached the analog sound. A digital hearing aid mainly provides noise reduction (a lot of technological gadgets), features (connection to a telephone, TV) and perhaps everything. Analog gives true clean sound. All from personal experience!

Best Hearing Aids. Premium class. http://www.dobsluh.ru/info/88-2012-04-17-17-26-23/

Why should you wear hearing aids in both ears?

The use of two hearing aids allows a person to restore the ability to determine the direction of sound in space, increases speech intelligibility. In addition, two hearing aids provide additional amplification, which is extremely important for severe hearing impairment, when one hearing aid does not provide the necessary amplification.

Comfortable feeling when wearing a hearing aid is important both for you and for those around you.

However, almost all hearing aids can exhibit signs of feedback. The average person perceives the feedback phenomenon as a whistle.

There are several reasons for the feedback phenomenon to occur:

First reason The whistle of the device is the presence of a large accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal, which prevents the penetration of sound, and the sound, reflected, again falls on the microphone of the device. If the device works all the time, then the feedback is a continuous process, which we hear in the form of a whistle.

It is necessary to get rid of sulfur, and you will feel that the sound has become clearer and the device will stop whistling.

The easiest way to get rid of earwax is to make an appointment with your local otolaryngologist.

The second reason If the device whistles, the earmold does not fit snugly against the walls of the external auditory canal, you may have chosen a smaller earmold.

It is very easy to check this by putting your finger on the earmold and holding it tighter in the ear canal if you feel that the whistling has stopped. then, it is better to contact your specialist and make a new individual insert.

Third reason whistling occurs - the hearing aid is damaged.

This is a common cause if the sound guide tube has become rigid and micro-cracks appear on it. In the case of wearing in-ear devices, this could be caused by cracks in the device body itself.

This can only be corrected by a specialist and a branded hearing aid repair center.

Fourth and the most rare condition for feedback to occur is a complex auditory canal. Those. if the sound duct hits the wall or down the passage, it can cause an amplified sound and then, so that the device can return to normal, a whistle begins. You can eliminate all these signs of feedback with your specialist.

I would like to note that the most modern hearing aids in the series Siemens Motion as an example, they are supplied with an automated feedback suppression system. When the device detects a hint of feedback, it automatically adjusts to suppress feedback, which unfortunately cannot be achieved in the simplest hearing aid that does not include these options.

Therefore, if you are tired of whistling (feedback), we are always happy to help you in the modern center of hearing and prosthetics of Dobry Rumor.

All work on the manufacture of earmoulds, replacement of tubes - sound guides, the manufacture of cases for in-ear hearing aids is carried out by engineers from Siemens and other manufacturers of hearing aids.

The “whistle” or “squeak” of hearing aids is a manifestation of the feedback effect. It appears due to the amplification of a sound that has already been amplified before. A fairly common phenomenon that can bring discomfort not only to the wearer of hearing aids, but also to others, attracting them, often, inappropriate attention. Sometimes the feedback effect can be so strong that it becomes impossible to use the device. Modern manufacturers have done a lot to "teach" hearing aids to suppress "whistling". And we have achieved significant success in this. However, the problem still exists, especially in patients with severe degrees of hearing loss. There are several reasons for this.

The first and most common

An earmold that does not fit tightly to the ear canal and the auricle. Most often, universal earbuds “sin” with this, which do not take into account the structural features of the ear. Properly made according to the mold, an individual insert is free from this drawback. Want to avoid "whistle"? Give preference to a custom liner.

In children, the appearance of a feedback effect may indicate that the child has "grown" out of the insert. This is especially noticeable in the first year of life, when the inserts have to be re-made every 2-3 months.

For intracanal devices, there is also such a problem if the body does not fit snugly against the walls of the external auditory canal.

The second reason

A crack in the tube connecting the earmold and the BTE. It simply needs to be replaced or re-glued in the otoplastic laboratory.

Third reason

Suboptimal fitting of hearing aids. Many models have powerful feedback suppression algorithms that can be activated by a tuner.

The fourth reason is perhaps the rarest

Failure of a hearing aid when sound “leakage” occurs in the housing itself.

If you encounter a feedback problem, contact your medical center. Whatever the reason, our center’s specialists will help you find and eliminate it.

How do they differ, what hearing aids can you buy in Moscow and their prices?

You can read reviews about hearing aids from our clients

Comfortable feeling when wearing a hearing aid is important both for you and for those around you.

However, almost all hearing aids can exhibit signs of feedback. The average person perceives the feedback phenomenon as a whistle.

There are several reasons for the feedback phenomenon to occur:

The first reason for the device whistling is the presence of a large accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal, which interferes with the penetration of sound, and the sound, being reflected, again reaches the microphone of the device. If the device works all the time, then feedback is a continuous process, which we hear in the form of a whistle.

It is necessary to get rid of sulfur, and you will feel that the sound has become clearer and the device will stop whistling.

The easiest way to get rid of earwax is to make an appointment with your local otolaryngologist.

The second reason for the whistling of the device is not the tight fit of the earmold to the walls of the external auditory canal; perhaps you selected a smaller earmold.

It is very easy to check this by putting your finger on the earmold and holding it tighter in the ear canal if you feel that the whistling has stopped. then, it is better to contact your specialist and make a new individual insert.

The third reason for whistling is that the hearing aid is damaged.

This is a common cause if the sound guide tube has become rigid and micro-cracks appear on it. In the case of wearing in-ear devices, this could be caused by cracks in the device body itself.

This can only be corrected by a specialist and a branded hearing aid repair center.

The fourth and most rare condition for feedback to occur is a complex ear canal. Those. if the sound duct hits the wall or down the passage, it can cause an amplified sound and then, so that the device can return to normal, a whistle begins. You can eliminate all these signs of feedback with your specialist.

I would like to note that the most modern hearing aids of the Siemens Motion series, as an example, are supplied with an automated feedback suppression system. When the device detects a hint of feedback, it automatically adjusts to suppress feedback, which unfortunately cannot be achieved by the simplest hearing aid that does not include these options.

Therefore, if you are tired of whistling (feedback), we are always happy to help you in the modern center of hearing and prosthetics of Dobry Rumor.

All work on the manufacture of earmoulds, replacement of tubes - sound guides, the manufacture of cases for in-ear hearing aids is carried out by engineers from Siemens and other manufacturers of hearing aids.

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Why does my hearing aid whistle?

  1. Earwax in the ear canal can interfere with the normal passage of sound into the inner structures of the ear. Sound, being forcefully pushed out, causes high-frequency whistling. The sulfur, of course, must be removed. But be careful not to do this yourself (you may damage your eardrum). It's always better to consult a specialist.
  2. Wearing the device at full volume may result in an unpleasant, irritating sound. Turn down the volume of your hearing aid or consult a professional for advice about whether a more powerful hearing aid is right for you.
  3. Wearing a hat may cause your hearing aid to whistle. Turn down the volume of your hearing aid or remove your hat. A brief whistling sound from the hearing aid may occur if you hug someone.
  4. An unsuitable standard or custom earmold may cause your hearing aid to whistle. Contact your hearing care center to have your earmold remade or modified. Large loss or large gain of the hearing aid requires precise fitting of the earmold.
  5. The plastic tubes that connect BTE hearing aids to the ear mold become hard and shrink when the hearing aid is worn, pulling the hearing aid ear mold so that it no longer fits snugly in the ear. This may be the cause of the hearing aid whistling. Replace the tube.

© “Studio Hearing” - all rights reserved.

Questions and answers

What is the difference between a digital device and an analog one?

A digital hearing aid is more than just a sound amplifier. It takes into account not only the degree of hearing loss, but also its physiological characteristics, the ability of the ear to amplify a weak sound and weaken a strong one. In digital devices, there are special systems for noise suppression and speech amplification. All this ensures maximum speech intelligibility and comfort for a person in any sound conditions.

The main difference between a digital hearing aid and an analog hearing aid is the presence of a digital sound converter. The main purpose of the digitizer is to produce amplified high-definition sound, which provides maximum speech intelligibility, maximum separation of speech from ambient noise, natural sound, as well as additional features of the hearing aid functioning, available only to digital technologies.

Why should you wear hearing aids in both ears?

The use of two hearing aids allows a person to restore the ability to determine the direction of sound in space, increases speech intelligibility. In addition, two hearing aids provide additional amplification, which is extremely important for severe hearing impairment, when one hearing aid does not provide the necessary amplification.

Can a hearing aid make your hearing worse?

Some people think that using hearing aids may cause their residual hearing to deteriorate because they no longer have to strain to hear or because the amplification harms their residual hearing. Fortunately, this is not the case.

A hearing aid can negatively affect hearing only if it does not correspond to the degree of hearing loss (audiological data) and modern technological requirements.

In order to activate and protect residual hearing, it is necessary to stimulate the ear and the pathways from the ear to the brain. It is now known that if the ears are not stimulated for a long period, hearing will gradually deteriorate. In the field of audiology, this phenomenon is known as “hearing blackout.”

The hearing aid has a positive effect on speech intelligibility, stabilizing and improving the sound-conducting and sound-perceiving functions of brain structures. Thus, the device acts as a trainer for your own hearing.

Which hearing aid models are suitable for children?

To ensure optimal functionality of hearing aids, it is important that they fit your child's ears perfectly. Due to the constant physical changes in the shape and size of a child's ear, there are special requirements for hearing aids. Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are usually recommended for young children as they are the most durable, easiest to use, and make daily wax removal easier. Since the shape and size of a child's ear canal is constantly changing, new earmoulds should be made from time to time.

When is an in-the-ear hearing aid not suitable?

1. Severe and profound hearing loss. In-the-ear hearing aids are usually designed for mild to moderate hearing loss, although there are models that compensate for hearing loss up to 80 dB.

2. Presence of perforation of the eardrum.

3.Children's age, at least up to 10 years.

4. Intra-ear, especially intracanal, SA is not recommended for the elderly, with impaired coordination of movements, with impaired vision, impaired sensitivity of the fingers due to the small size of the device and battery and the complexity of caring for the device and the external auditory canal.

Is it possible to call a doctor at home and choose a hearing aid at home?

A doctor visits your home daily. Services are provided in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Why do devices have a wide range in price?

The increase in hearing aid value is the result of high technology and design improvements to improve speech intelligibility, sound quality and ease of use of the hearing aid.

Such devices have more precise adaptation to individual audiological needs, facilitate communication in various acoustic situations, with several interlocutors at the same time.

The technologies of inexpensive devices are less complex and limited to the set of simple functions necessary for the perception of sounds.

Is your hearing at the same level as before wearing a hearing aid?

With prolonged use of the SA, a person gets used to listening without tension and forgets how he heard without it. Therefore, as soon as the patient removes SA, he "falls" into silence, from which he has already managed to wean, and it will take some time to get used to listening again and focusing on the perception of speech. In addition, the people around you also lose the habit of speaking louder. At the same time, even if immediately, after turning off the SA, a hearing test is carried out, it will be at the same level. Long-term observations of such patients confirm this fact. Therefore, after prolonged use of the SA, you can do without it, but do not want to.

What determines the effectiveness of hearing aids?

You will always hear better with a hearing aid than without it, but the extent to which this improvement is significant depends on many factors.

1. The sooner you start using a hearing aid when hearing loss is detected, when the ability of your hearing system to analyze speech signals is not yet reduced, the faster you will adapt to the hearing aid and maintain good speech intelligibility.

2. From the degree of hearing loss: the greater the hearing loss, the less the ability of your auditory system to analyze even the sound amplified by the apparatus.

3. From the nature of hearing loss: what causes hearing loss - damage to the outer, middle or inner ear and the level of damage to the auditory system.

4. Age of the patient: in old age, the ability to quickly analyze speech signals decreases.

5. From the capabilities of a particular hearing aid: the more sound processing parameters, the easier it will be for your hearing system to analyze it.

6. With rare exceptions, prosthetics with two devices is more effective than one.

7. From the qualifications of a specialist who selects and adjusts your hearing aid.

What is a speech recognition system?

A speech recognition system is a special algorithm for identifying speech sounds and separating it from background noise. This system is only available in digital hearing aids. The hearing aid's processor continuously analyzes signals across all frequency channels and automatically reduces gain when there is no speech and increases it when speech occurs. There are also more complex algorithms that increase the intelligibility of the sounds that are most difficult to perceive - whistling and hissing. These algorithms are effective for the languages ​​they are targeted at. For example, if a European uses a hearing aid tuned to the Japanese language, then, despite the quality of this device, the speech will become louder, but not more intelligible.

What is tinnitus?

The term "tinnitus" refers to noise in the ears or head - this is a fairly common complaint in older people. The causes of this condition are varied; noise can be caused by problems of the inner ear, neurological and vascular diseases, drug intoxication (ototoxic antibiotics, quinine, antitumor drugs), Meniere's disease, diabetes, traumatic brain injuries, osteochondrosis and other diseases. Often (in 30% of cases) the occurrence of tinnitus is associated with damage to the auditory analyzer due to exposure to external noise. In most cases, the reasons remain unknown, and apart from the sensation of noise itself, this phenomenon does not cause any particular trouble. At the same time, in the first 3-6 months of “fresh” tinnitus, these noises can still be eliminated. Subsequently, tinnitus becomes chronic and practically untreatable. It is recommended to use quiet music or sleep with the radio on - this drowns out the noise and improves well-being.

What is the occlusion effect?

The occlusion effect is an improvement in the perception of sounds through the bone when the external auditory canal is closed in normally hearing people; in diseases of the sound-conducting apparatus, there is no occlusion effect, which allows it to be used for the differential diagnosis of lesions of the hearing organ. When the ear canal is inserted into the ear canal, it is completely closed. Patients with a low-frequency hearing threshold of less than 40 dB may complain that their voice sounds muffled, echoes, or speaks like a barrel. They also begin to hear their own body sounds louder, such as chewing or footsteps when walking on hard surfaces. To relieve hearing aid owners from unpleasant sensations, an open prosthetic system has been created, in which the hearing aid and earmold have a valve hole with a diameter of more than 4 mm. Such a valve hole allows sounds that entered it via bone conduction to be released from the ear canal, thus eliminating the effect of occlusion.

What is Meniere's disease and how does it affect hearing and the possibility of prosthetics?

Meniere's disease is caused by increased fluid pressure in the labyrinth of the inner ear. It manifests itself as attacks of dizziness with nausea and noise in the ear. Over time, hearing in the affected ear decreases and complete deafness may occur. In severe form, this disease is a contraindication for hearing prosthetics, since wearing a hearing aid can provoke attacks. In such cases, careful prosthetics with digital devices with automatic gain control is recommended.

Why is it not always possible to use an intracanal device that is completely invisible?

There are a number of reasons that do not allow the use of in-canal hearing aids:

  • severe hearing loss (above III degree inclusive), for compensation of which the power of the in-canal hearing aid is insufficient
  • chronic purulent otitis, in which the intracanal device quickly (within 1-2 months) fails
  • individual features of the structure of the ear canal (too straight, too narrow)
  • small volume of the ear canal, which does not allow achieving the desired cosmetic effect
  • sharp decrease in vision, hand tremors, which make it difficult to use an in-canal hearing aid due to its small size
  • the need to regularly provide in-canal hearing aids for free preventive maintenance to qualified professionals

On which ear should the device be worn?

If you have bilateral hearing loss, you should wear the hearing aid in the ear that hears better, which will provide better speech intelligibility. It should be taken into account that the other ear (the one without a hearing aid) degrades faster. Binaural prosthetics is more physiological, when a hearing aid is selected for both the right and left ears.

Why do hearing aids whistle?

The hearing aid whistles when amplified sound enters the microphone, so the main job of an earmold is to seal the ear canal and prevent amplified sound from escaping. When you turn on the hearing aid (even before installing it on your ear), a whistle occurs, which indicates that the device is working. After you put the device on your ear, whistling occurs only in cases where the earmold is incorrectly fitted or is not inserted tightly into the ear canal. The domestic industry mass-produces inexpensive universal earmolds of several sizes with a round cross-section. The actual ear canal in most people is either elliptical in cross-section or has the shape of a slit. An earbud with a round cross-section either deforms itself or deforms the ear canal. In both cases, the sealing of the ear canal is unsatisfactory, and the hearing aid whistles. In addition, the material of universal liners hardens quite quickly and ceases to perform its functions. To reliably eliminate whistling, it is recommended to use individual ear tips that accurately reproduce the impression of the ear canal.

Sushchevskaya st., 21, 2nd entrance, “Young Guard” center, room. 104

There is an unpleasant whistling sound in my hearing aid, what could be causing this?

The most common cause of whistling noise in a hearing aid is that the ear valve is not properly positioned in the ear or is not properly fitted.

In this case, the sealing of the ear canal is broken, which is precisely what the earmold should provide. As a result, external sounds, when they enter the microphone of the earpiece, instead of being further transmitted to the ear, come out as amplified sound through the “gaps” formed between the ear canal and the ear. This is where the unpleasant whistling sounds come from.

Note that the same whistle also occurs when you turn on the hearing aid before inserting it into your ear. This sound in this case indicates that the SA is working properly.

When using many domestic hearing aids, this problem arises quite often. Especially in cases of choosing standard devices. Their ear tips cannot completely replicate the structure of the ear canal, even though they can be customized in size. As a result, the sealing is at a satisfactory level, and possible “cracks” provoke whistling.

Siemens introduced a new hearing aid platform

Hearing loss can lead to age-related dementia

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Monday - Friday: from 10:00

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Work experience: 10 years


The hearing aid constantly whistles

The cost varies depending on the material, company and city. Approximately 900 rubles.

As a variation, the device is too weak for you, it was set to high gain, but it can’t handle it. I myself had this experience where you turn the device up louder, and in response it starts to whistle.

I think that as a last resort, you should put aside your shame and go to the store, after all, they are specialists, and here people have been wearing the same device they are used to for 10 years. If you think that the problem is not with the earbuds, then in the presence of a specialist, remove and put on the device, demonstrate your problem.

And if it falls out, then it’s time to change the liner.

Not everyone knows how to correctly insert and remove the insert along with the S/A. And the audiologist said this correctly.

So that it whistles at all - this doesn’t happen to me!

The infection whistles.

#1 Vasilisa

The hearing specialists explain to me

#2 kss60

It seems that my problem turns into a chronic (((((((((((. I bought Videx Minda the other day, since the Inteo died out. I bought Inteo in 2008. And there were immediately problems with a whistle. They even made a cast from my ear, They sent us abroad to make an earbud out of something super-duper - it didn’t help. Then they solved the problem by installing a thicker tube in the earbud. (I assume they also changed the settings with the higher frequencies) Now the same thing happens with the new device. I don’t hear that whistle, which is the worst thing crappy. Hears surroundings.

The hearing specialists explain to me

Strange! Usually all new digital CAs just suppress all “closing” whistles. That's what they explained to me when I bought it for myself. There is no whistle at all. Maybe my earbud is good for my ear canal configuration. Go ahead and pull SA sellers. Good luck to you!

#3 AndreyLu

#4 bartek

#5 Vasilisa

If you don't hear the feedback signal (and it should be strong enough to travel from the sound output port in the earbud to the microphones of the device at a certain sound pressure), then reducing the treble boost should not impair speech intelligibility, since you still can't hear sounds at these frequencies through the device. If you have high thresholds at high frequencies, you should try the audibility range extender (frequency transposition) as a separate program.

What exactly model of mind machine do you have?

Was there a feedback test performed when setting up the device?

I don't know what a feedback test is or how to determine whether it was done or not.

but there are situations when I myself can’t hear, but those around me can hear.

model mind 440 m, 19. already changed to Phonek Naida S V SP. not at all happy / Probably those who say that after Videx it is difficult to switch to other devices are right. But apparently feedback suppression in Videx does not work well enough, on mine ear in particular.

In general, at first they didn’t want to change me, they said that,

“Nothing whistles, what makes you think?” “It’s your ear,” “That’s your problem.”

It really started to piss me off, I’ve been coming to you for 15 years, I bought 4 or five devices from you that I had in my life,

and that I look like an idiot who, having paid 60 thousand,

comes to tell a “fairy tale” about the whistle. (Well, of course, I didn’t express myself that way, only in my thoughts.)

Then I once again asked to take time off from work, came, and said, “I insist on replacing the CA.”

Moreover, before this visit, the device whistled in my ear for almost the entire week.

They agreed to change it, with the hint that I had allegedly already scratched it in the month of wearing the new SA, and I had to pay for it.

Yes, I say, my ears are full of thorns. How can I not scratch them!

We changed it to Naida S V SP. Moreover, the doctor dropped the words: “You won’t hear anything in it anyway.”

I put the device on and returned to work. In the office I immediately noticed that the sound was different. And it’s precisely that “you won’t hear anything”

In general, I don't know what to do.

1-Buy a new Inteo, which remains in Moscow centers in single copies

2-Get used to this device.

#6 bartek

What material is your earmold made of? What shape is it (fills only the channel, part of the shell, or the entire shell)?

#7 crunch

Another of the main important components is a competent otoplast, which will make a competent impression, process it competently, and make a competent insert (not to mention the ICA).

As far as I know, feedback testing on ipfg is very well organized on Fonak, I saw how they do it, on Videx I don’t know (although there should be a good one on Mind), on Siemens I know for sure the most powerful feedback stopper (in this regard, the leader, so far :)

#8 bartek

#9 Vasilisa

I made a new insert right away. It didn’t help. I’m getting used to the flashlight. It’s really hard. It feels

as if it were a Videx range extender program. the feeling that all the high sounds,

The hope that I can get used to it does not leave me. It is unlikely that they will take the device back

#10 Vasilisa

insert. It seems like some kind of machine or device is assembled for the manufacture of such

insert. But it’s again seventy thousand to save.

#11 Vasilisa

I smile a lot, I laugh jokingly. The ear is quite mobile. And they say that’s why the earbud

comes out of the ear easily.

The last video was whistling constantly, no matter how hard I pressed the earbud into my ear. I even got a sore.

The phone does not whistle.

but it’s true, it’s hard with him.

I bought it in Melfon. I don’t want to denigrate them somehow,

but recent events just finished me off.

the only normal person Andrey Borisovich Kozlov.

but they have a policy that the doctor from whom you bought it must set it up.

I bought it urgently from another doctor because the device was broken.

Andrei Borisovich agreed that it whistles loudly, although the device is working properly.

and said that maybe he just wasn’t right for me.

#12 bartek

sensations as if this is a Videx range extender program. feeling that all the high-pitched sounds, hissing, cleaning are blocking the voices

Modern Fonak devices use a frequency compression function (sound recover), similar to the frequency transposition function in the Videx audibility range extender. Moreover, sound recover is enabled by default in Fonak devices. Ask your tuning specialist to reduce the frequency compression ratio.

#13 Vasilisa

that this topic already has a different name.:–).from Videx to Phonek

#14 cuckoo

#15 Devotee

with the same tube and liner - nothing whistled. So I’m thinking: there’s something wrong with the device, maybe?

what kind of insert do you have? often whistles from the standard one, you need to make a custom earmold for your ear shell. then the whistle will disappear

#16 cuckoo

but the problem turned out to be much simpler - the battery simply died. The device apparently whistled because of this. Now nothing whistles =)

#17 Lyuba

#18 Julia Roberts

when I listen it squeaks

You need to see an audiologist.

#19 Vasilisa

But at the same time, I think

#20 Agent Provocateur

A whole year has passed! I’ve almost never been here. I work a lot.

I HAD to get used to the new Naida 5 device after Videx.

I had to say this because I still don’t feel like this is not my device.

I felt happier in Videx).

Moreover, explaining your feelings is quite difficult

Probably the biggest plus is that it DOES NOT WHISTLE. and doesn't make me feel stupid.

Everything else is the sound of music, TV, communication in large rooms, in noisy rooms. and much more all that. non-native, compared to Videx.

But at the same time, I think

that if I put on Videx now, “withdrawal” will occur again, everything will seem unusual again (by the way, I’ll have to try it)

I think that there has been nothing better than Inteo-19 for my hearing so far.

Videx's whole problem is that he whistles.

If the manufacturer manages to improve the feedback suppression system.

Vasilisa, you completely described my feelings)))) When I switched from Inteo-19 to Fonak, I ground my teeth for six months because I couldn’t get used to the new sounds, and especially to my voice, it seemed somehow alien and not familiar to me , it seemed to me that there was nothing better than Inteo-19)))) now 1.5 years have passed since I wear the ambergris flashlight, for me at the moment it is the best device in the world))) with the flashlight I have many advantages and one minus, not I wore the Intero a long time ago, listened to the sounds and speech in it, and so, now I’m amazed at how I graduated from college with it)))) By the way, my Intero didn’t whistle, but the flashlight whistles for some reason (((One thing I realized is that The flashlight needs time to get used to it and feel all its advantages.

Over time, any mechanism, including the most modern electronic device, can fail. But problems that arise do not always require the participation of a specialist; sometimes you can restore the device’s functionality yourself.

This statement is also true for hearing aids, since minor problems arise at any stage of operation. What problems can we fix ourselves?

  1. The hearing aid does not turn on:
    • The most likely cause is insufficient battery charge, so all you need to do is install a new battery.
    • Sometimes the polarity is not observed when installing the battery. In this case, it is enough to first remove and then insert the battery correctly.
  2. The hearing aid makes a buzzing or buzzing sound:
    • The charge is running low. The battery needs to be replaced.
    • The reason may also be a loose fit of the box lid where the batteries are located. It is necessary to carefully close the lid to avoid breaking the fasteners.
  3. The hearing aid emits a weak signal or is completely silent:
    • Check whether the hearing aid operating mode is turned on. If not, turn it on.
    • There is a possibility that the volume level is at a minimum. Turn up the volume.
    • Another possible reason is a loose fit of the in-ear hearing aid or the insert of the behind-the-ear device to the ear canal. Remove and install the internal unit again.
    • It happens that the hearing aid is clogged with earwax, so it will require cleaning and, possibly, subsequent consultation and adjustment with an audiologist.
  4. The hearing aid makes a whistling sound:
    • A similar effect often occurs when the volume level is too high. Use the appropriate device to reduce the volume of the device.
    • The cause may also be earwax that has accumulated in the ear canal or gotten into the hearing aid. All you need to do is carry out hygiene procedures and clean the device itself. If necessary, you can seek help from an audiologist.
  5. The hearing aid produces intermittent or distorted sounds:
    • Often the reason is high volume levels. Lower it.
    • It is possible that the battery life has exhausted itself. Use a new battery.

Another popular question is why does the hearing aid make noise?

It happens that noise occurs due to a failure of previously set parameters. The presence of noise in the device may also indicate an incorrect selection of the device or its excessive power. There are several ways to solve this problem: set the minimum frequency level on your existing device or choose another less powerful hearing aid.



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