Pain in the left ovary treatment. Causes of pain in the ovaries and characteristic features of various diseases of the pelvic organs

Quite often, women complain that their ovaries hurt. Concerns about discomfort in the lower abdomen are completely justified. After all, it indicates possible disorders in the pelvic organs, inflammation, cancer or cysts. There can be many reasons. Finding out why the ovaries hurt and what health risks exist is possible only after a comprehensive examination.

Feeling pain in the lower abdomen, a woman often doubts whether it is the ovaries or some other organ that hurts (for example, appendicitis). How to understand that the ovary hurts? Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of discomfort. Many diseases of the pelvic organs are localized in the lower abdomen and can radiate to the lower back, leg or hip. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take any medications without consulting a doctor.
Where do the ovaries hurt? If the gynecologist confirmed that the discomfort is actually caused by the appendages, then most often the pain appears in the lower abdomen and is aching, pulling or stabbing in nature. Sometimes it radiates to the leg, lower back or entire back. It often happens that. This is due to the fact that it was in the right appendage that ovulation occurred, a cyst appeared, or some other disease arose.

Causes of pain in the ovaries associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle

Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, a woman’s reproductive organs and hormone levels change. Likewise, the ovaries are constantly undergoing changes.

During ovulation

Some women do not feel signs of ovulation. Others, on the contrary, say that the pain in the ovarian region during this period acquires a stabbing, pulling character. Brief discomfort does not pose a threat to the body and does not require any treatment. This is due to the rupture of the follicle, which releases a mature egg for conception. It can also prick due to exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs (,). At the same time, after training, stress, or lifting weights, unusual discharge is observed.
To reduce pain and relieve discomfort in the lower abdomen, a woman is recommended to take analgesics (Spazmalgon, No-Shpa). If after taking a painkiller the ovaries still hurt, then the reason is not ovulation. The patient needs to consult a doctor, be examined, and begin appropriate treatment.

Remember! Each woman experiences ovarian pain differently. It all depends on age, chronic diseases, pain threshold and other individual characteristics of the body. However, if there is shooting in one of the appendages for a long time, and nausea or fever is observed, the woman urgently needs to see a doctor! Such symptoms may indicate either a cyst or ovarian torsion.

During your period

It is considered normal if pain in the ovaries appears a few days before the start of menstruation and becomes stronger during it. On the first day, women feel mild nausea and dizziness. The nature of the pain is twisting, stabbing, aching. There are cases when, towards the end of menstruation, a woman begins to vomit. This is a rather rare symptom of menstruation, therefore, if such a “side effect” has not been observed before, you should undergo a gynecological examination and ultrasound diagnostics.

Lifting weights, overwork, disturbances in the psycho-emotional state, and constant stressful situations lead to an increase in pain and a worsening of a woman’s general well-being. What can be done in this situation and how to reduce the pain? No treatment is required for painful periods. A woman just needs to take a painkiller (for example, Tamipul) or apply a warm heating pad to her lower abdomen. It removes herbal infusions and decoctions well. If it is summer at this time, you can collect fresh leaves of the hogweed, red brush, chamomile flowers, or simply purchase ready-made herbal infusions at the pharmacy.

During menopause

Menopause is accompanied by a series of hormonal changes in the body due to the lack of bleeding. She appears individually. Menopause occurs at the age of 45-50 years. The onset of menopause can provoke pain in the ovaries, but such pain does not last long.
During this period, a woman is more susceptible to infections and viruses. If the discomfort in the lower abdomen does not go away for a long time, painkillers do not help, and the pain only grows and intensifies, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

The following are the causes of pain in the ovaries after menopause:

  • inflammation;
  • cyst;
  • malignant.

Pain in the ovaries is accompanied by changes in vaginal tissue, frequent urination, sweating, impaired bowel movements, and increased body temperature. Therapy depends on the nature of the complaints and the identified cause of discomfort.

Causes of pain that require treatment

As mentioned earlier, if pain in the ovaries lasts more than two to three days, and discharge of an uncharacteristic color and odor appears, this indicates a disease of the pelvic organs. Most often it is inflammation, cystic neoplasm, cancer, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Inflammation of the ovaries

Inflammation may be accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and fever. It can be unilateral (affects one appendage) or bilateral (occurs on two ovaries at once). In acute inflammation, the following symptoms appear:

  • sudden severe pain in the ovarian area;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • purulent vaginal discharge;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • constipation;
  • nausea.

Due to lack of treatment and resulting scarring, symptoms may persist for years, even after healing. If there is a sharp stabbing in the lower abdomen, then the ovary is inflamed. The occurrence of infection of the appendage is influenced by:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • vaginal contraceptives (spiral);
  • smoking;
  • regular vaginal douching;
  • curettage, abortion.

Treatment of pelvic inflammatory diseases occurs with the help of oral antibiotics and vaginal suppositories. Therapy depends on the nature and severity of the pathology. If the ovaries are very painful, the symptoms are pronounced, up to loss of consciousness, hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics are required.

Cystic formation on the ovary


Formed in a woman who has reached puberty. Symptoms of a cyst depend on its size. Small lesions of just a few centimeters usually do not cause discomfort. Mostly they are discovered by chance, and their growth is then monitored without using any medications. Cysts larger than 2 cm manifest as urinary problems. Sometimes a girl may feel a nagging pain (spasm) in the lower abdomen. Formations larger than 5 cm begin to put pressure on neighboring organs, causing tingling in the ovary or cutting pain. A sudden worsening of symptoms that accompanies bleeding indicates complications, such as twisting of the fallopian tubes or rupture of the formation.

What to do if the ovaries hurt due to a cyst? Treatment methods depend on the size and type of cyst (,), clinical signs, and age of the patient. If extremely large ovarian cysts are detected, hormonal drugs or surgery are prescribed. If, after treatment with hormones, the appendages continue to hurt, and the formation increases in size, doctors decide on an urgent operation (laparotomy). This measure is mandatory in order to prevent malignant degeneration of the cyst. Analgesics or folk remedies will help temporarily relieve pain. You can find out the TOP 10 traditional methods of treatment for ovarian cysts.


A common malignant neoplasm that affects the female body regardless of age. It can be unilateral or bilateral. What causes cancer and severe pain in the ovarian area, what are the risk factors? Women over 30 years of age are more susceptible to developing pathology. Genetic predisposition and infertility play an important role.

Symptoms of cancer:

  • change in the duration of menstruation;
  • profuse uterine bleeding with clots;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • on the infection side, the ovary begins to pull or tug;
  • increase in waist circumference, abdominal asymmetry;
  • fatigue;
  • bloating;
  • dyspepsia.

Metastases most often occur on both sides. Of these, about 30% reaches the uterus, and 20% reaches the mammary glands. In addition, if the ovary tingles and the cancer is already at the last stage, metastases can advance to neighboring organs - the stomach, liver, lungs. If the ovary twists, a sharp, shooting pain appears; a feeling of fullness means that the malignant tumor has reached the intestines and bladder.

If you already know about the presence of cancer and the ovaries hurt, what needs to be done and what measures should be taken? Treatment in this case is strictly individual and can only be prescribed by a specialized oncologist. If a malignant tumor is detected, examination should be carried out every year


Incorrect attachment of the embryo causes pain in the ovarian area

Miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

Can my ovaries hurt after a miscarriage? Spontaneous abortion is the premature termination of pregnancy during the first 20 weeks, when the fetus is not yet able to survive outside the uterus. About 10-15% of women experience pain after a miscarriage. More than 40% of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion, with the majority unaware of the presence of a fetus. After a miscarriage, pain in the lower abdomen lasts for some time as the uterus contracts and returns to normal. Brown or red discharge may appear on your underwear. If they last more than two weeks after a miscarriage, you should go to the hospital. Why is it necessary to visit a doctor for such prolonged discharge? To detect the source of bleeding and prescribe treatment, the gynecologist performs a transvaginal ultrasound examination, during which the device is inserted into the vagina.

After a miscarriage, women often struggle with feelings of guilt, blaming themselves for the situation. Depressed mood, hysteria, psychological trauma have a direct impact on the nervous system. Migraines, body aches, and poor health appear. Painful symptoms worsen.

An ectopic pregnancy is manifested by improper attachment of the fertilized egg. So, the embryo can be placed on the fallopian tube or ovary. As the woman grows, she first develops a nagging pain, then a sharp pain.

If a woman has, then most likely she has inflammation, hormonal imbalance or a corpus luteum cyst.

Thus, pain in the ovary has a different cause. Sometimes the “culprit” for discomfort in the lower abdomen is ovulation or menstruation. But, unfortunately, very often pain indicates the development of one or another pathology. That is why, if unusual sensations appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Remember! Taking painkillers only relieves pain, but does not eliminate the cause. Timely examination aimed at treating the origin of pain will help avoid unwanted complications.

If a girl has pain in her right ovary, she immediately thinks about what to do about this problem. Sometimes the causes of pain can be hidden in a mild illness. Then you need to be patient as the pain will go away on its own. But in some cases, the ovary on the right hurts to such an extent that the woman does not have the strength to endure it. In this case, you can take painkillers. But do not forget that the pills will only eliminate the spasm, but will not relieve you of other symptoms.

The female reproductive system has striking differences from the male one, not only in external characteristics. Women are more susceptible to viruses and hypothermia than men. Therefore, we can say that women more often suffer from diseases of the appendages than the male half of the population. Since the possibility of conception depends on these glands, it is dangerous not to pay attention to the pulling and aching sensations in its area.

Note: Women often wonder why the ovary colitis? Pain in the right ovary may be the first symptom of oophoritis. This is an inflammatory process that forms on the right. It develops due to bacteria, colds, worries, intense physical activity or weakened immunity. Adnexitis is another answer to women’s question about why there is pain in the right ovary. This disease appears in women due to candidiasis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia. Severe pain may radiate to the lower back. If you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Delay is fraught with infertility.

If the right ovary hurts, then we can assume the presence of polycystic disease. Its symptoms are the formation of several cysts on the ovary. In computer diagnostics, this disease looks like a ball of round formations. Each formation is actually a cyst. If we talk about the number of neoplasms, then there can be at least ten of them. This disease cannot be called common, but its outcome is obvious - the onset of infertility.

If you find the symptoms listed above, then you need to be examined using tests and ultrasound. If you decide to conduct a preliminary examination on your own, then you will not be able to get an accurate answer after reading the medical literature. Even many doctors find it difficult to give an answer if they have a description of the symptoms, since the diseases have similar symptoms.

Symptoms of pain

Pain in the area of ​​the right ovary can lead to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, it is very important to identify the cause of its occurrence in the early stages. You should not think that colitis in the right ovary occurs only in middle-aged women. Stitching pain can also occur in a girl who has not yet reached puberty. This is caused by an inflammatory process that develops due to hypothermia.

Signs of a possible illness include an atypical course of your critical days. Each woman experiences this period differently. Some people have pain in their lower abdomen, while others have an ovary pain. What is the connection between the menstrual cycle and pain in the right ovary?

When a woman's period ends, a corpus luteum forms in the ovary. It consists of several cells that form progesterone. If this body has not developed sufficiently, the lining of the uterus may partially collapse. Therefore, during menstruation, women may have a stabbing sensation in the ovarian area. Sometimes pain can occur in two ovaries at the same time. It does not bring serious consequences, but it is recommended to visit a gynecologist so that he can give an accurate answer that the cause of the pain is not any disease.

The right ovary can be very painful before the start of menstruation - two weeks. The pain is caused by the process of the egg being released from the ovary. It creates a small hole from which blood enters the peritoneal area. It is the blood that causes pain, since it irritates the abdominal area. Unpleasant sensations can be heard in the left as well as in the right ovaries. There is no need to worry if this phenomenon lasts no longer than twelve hours. If a woman has a fever and her right ovary is dragging for a very long time, consult a doctor immediately. Blood flow can enter the peritoneal area and cause peritonitis.

Important: If a woman experiences discomfort during her period, she may confuse it with pain in the uterus. This happens because pain in the ovaries cannot occur during menstruation. But if you are sure that you feel pain in the ovarian area, then this is a signal about the presence of a cyst.

In addition, discomfort may occur during or after sex. This may be due to inflammation of the reproductive organs or polycystic disease. A number of reasons can also be identified, including cervicitis, vaginismus, and vaginal dryness. It is not uncommon to experience pain after surgery. The body must rehabilitate itself after surgery. If the surgical intervention was gynecological in nature, then pain is a common occurrence, since the ovaries have undergone some trauma. In most cases, the pain will not last more than a week. But since each body is unique, you may need more time to recover. If the pain becomes unbearable, do not delay visiting your doctor.

What to do if a woman’s right ovary hurts

How to treat ovarian pain? Before answering this question, you need to know the reason. In most cases, the gynecologist will be able to make a diagnosis during the examination. This could be a routine examination, ultrasound, or testing. But diagnosis by other specialists, for example, a urologist and a neurologist, is not excluded.

Since it is possible to identify many causes that provoke pain in the right ovary, their manifestation can be recognized in several ways.

Computed tomography is an x-ray type of examination. With its help, you can study a detailed picture of tissues throughout the body. If a doctor diagnoses ovarian cancer, then using computed tomography you can determine the boundaries of its spread - for example, to the liver or other organ. In addition, this type of study helps to determine the extent of damage to the kidneys and bladder.

Note: If you decide to have a barium X-ray, it can help determine whether ovarian cancer has spread to the rectum or colon. The day before the test, the patient should take a laxative. Diagnosis is as follows: a mixture of sulfate and barium is poured into the rectum and colon. These ingredients help make the diagnosis clear.

A chest x-ray is done if you are sure you have ovarian cancer. This method allows you to detect the presence of metastases in the lungs.

Positron emission tomography can also detect the presence of a cancerous tumor. With laparoscopy, you can examine not only the ovaries, but also the rest of the pelvic organs. A biopsy is performed as a diagnostic test. It is prescribed if the MC is disturbed, the body has fibroma, accessory lobes, tecomatosis, polycystic disease or papillary growths.

How to understand that the ovary hurts? Sometimes a woman, feeling pain in the lower abdomen, cannot determine its exact location. Indeed, it is difficult to determine when the pain moves through the abdomen, then radiates to the back, or is felt in the intestines. And the intensity of the pain may also mean nothing. How can we determine what exactly is wrong and whether it is the ovaries?

First you need to understand what kind of organ it is - the ovaries. This is a paired organ of the female reproductive system. The ovaries are endocrine glands, located on both sides of the uterus and perform an endocrine function - they produce sex hormones, and are also the site of maturation of female germ cells.

Pain in the lower abdomen and back (lower back) can be symptoms of various diseases, including ovarian diseases. Pain in the ovaries can occur due to the following pathologies - adnexitis, oophoritis, ectopic pregnancy, the appearance of a tumor, or cyst. The question of whether you have one of these ovarian diseases and this is where the pain comes from can only be decided by a gynecologist; you cannot self-medicate. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know the symptoms of diseases. Let's look at the symptoms of these diseases in more detail.

Pain with adnexitis

Or inflammation of the ovaries, manifested by cutting and stabbing pains that periodically occur in the lower abdomen. In this case, the pain sometimes radiates to the leg or back. The intensity of the pain varies, sometimes it is so great that the woman is unable to straighten her back. Adnexitis can be treated well, provided that the treatment is adequate and started on time. Recovery occurs quite quickly. However, if measures are not taken in time, the disease will become chronic and will periodically bother the woman with nagging pain.

Pain with oophoritis

This is an inflammatory process in the ovarian appendages. Oophoritis is characterized by the localization of pain, that is, the pain is not just in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the ovaries themselves, and is quite sharp. Pain with oophoritis, unlike pain with adnexitis, is cramping and comes in attacks. But there are also aching pains. Oophoritis occurs against the background of decreased defenses, general lethargy, drowsiness and weakness.

Pain when a cyst occurs

Cyst, or - a common gynecological problem. If it has grown to a large size, it begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, which is what causes pain. The cyst may rupture, causing severe pain, in which case urgent surgical intervention is required, otherwise peritonitis may occur. If the cyst is small, it may manifest as pain radiating to the back, reminiscent of the pain of osteochondrosis.

Pain during ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is manifested by cramping pain from the development of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, emergency surgery is required.

Pain during ovulation

This is physiological pain when the egg leaves the follicle. The pain is dull and concentrated in the ovaries. If there is chronic inflammation, adhesions, the pain is more intense.

Recently, more and more often, representatives of the fair sex have to deal with various concerns from the genitourinary sphere. Most often, doctors hear the following question from women: “The ovaries hurt badly, what should I do?”

In fact, there can be many reasons for such anxiety. Let's look at the most popular problems that cause such discomfort and answer the main questions. What to do if your ovary hurts? How to treat this disease?

Causes of pain

Female genitalia can bother women for many reasons.

Sometimes such an uncomfortable condition is normal and does not require seeing a doctor. Once a month, approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, women release an egg from the follicle. At the moment of rupture of its walls and immediately after it, a woman may experience nagging or slightly pressing pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. In this case, sensations are localized more often on one side.

Also, unpleasant sensations can be caused by various pathologies, for example:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • development of tumor processes.

what to do?

So, if you are worried about constant pain in the lower abdomen, which spreads mainly to one side or covers the entire lower segment, you need to consult a doctor for advice.

An experienced specialist will listen to all your complaints and record them in your chart, then conduct a physical examination and prescribe additional diagnostic methods if necessary.


During the examination on the gynecological chair, the doctor notes the size and location of the uterus and ovaries. If the clinical picture is unclear, after examination the patient is examined using an ultrasound machine.

On the screen, the specialist sees the internal organs and determines the cause of the unpleasant sensations.


Any detected pathology that causes discomfort in a representative of the fair sex must be eliminated. Let's consider correction methods.

Inflammatory process

If a woman has inflammation that causes her ovaries to hurt, what should she do in this case?

First, you need to undergo an examination and identify what became the causative agent. To do this, the patient is asked to undergo a series of tests to detect sexually transmitted infections. The results of the study can be obtained within a few days. After this, you need to visit the doctor again to get prescriptions.

Usually in such cases, gynecologists prescribe certain types of antibiotics (drugs Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin and others, depending on the disease). Their intake is necessary to destroy the causative agent of the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that in this case it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, in which the sexual partner must take part. Otherwise, after recovery, you risk getting pathogens of the inflammatory process again at the first unprotected contact.

After antibiotic therapy, the woman is prescribed beneficial bacteria to restore the vaginal microflora. A course of physiotherapy is also recommended. It will help avoid the development of inflammation, which is a common consequence of inflammation.

Hormonal disorders

If a woman’s hormonal background is unstable, and therefore what should be done in this case? First, you need to take a blood test to determine the level of certain hormones. The study is scheduled for a specific day of the cycle. Some hormones must be taken immediately after the end of menstruation, while others must be tested in the second phase of the cycle.

When you receive the result of the study, you need to visit the doctor and get the prescription you need. Usually the doctor prescribes some (for example, Duphaston), and also prescribes oral contraceptives for 3-6 months (medicines Yarina, Zhanin, Novinet and others).

Development of the tumor process

In the case when a specialist sees a neoplasm on the ovary using an ultrasound machine, we are talking about a tumor. So, if an ovarian cyst hurts, what should you do in this case?

First, it is necessary to reliably establish what type of neoplasm the woman is dealing with.

If the left ovary hurts, what should a woman do in this case? Statistics show that women predominantly develop functional cysts on the left side. They do not require treatment and resolve on their own after a few months, but in some cases a woman requires a course of hormonal medications.

If the right ovary hurts, what should you do then? In most cases, cysts on the right side are not functional and almost always require treatment. The chosen correction method will depend on what type of tumor the woman had to deal with.

Usually, if an ovarian cyst hurts, the doctor decides what to do. The woman, of course, is given the right to choose, but it is strongly recommended not to argue with the appointment, as this may end unfavorably.

In most cases, surgical intervention is indicated for non-functional cysts. During the operation, the doctor removes the cyst. After the manipulations, the specialist prescribes hormonal drugs to the patient for faster recovery of the body, as well as antibacterial therapy for preventive purposes.

If the ovaries hurt after the operation, what should you do then? In the first month after cyst removal, you may experience minor pain in the lower abdomen. This is a variant of the norm, since “living” tissue was affected. If discomfort persists four weeks after surgery, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, as you may be developing an inflammatory process.

Traditional methods of treatment

Some representatives of the fair sex, who are bothered by discomfort in the lower abdomen, prefer to self-medicate. It should be said right away that such manipulations can lead to serious complications, so before such a correction you need to consult with a specialist.

If the left ovary hurts, what should I do? In some cases, the discomfort can be relieved by the heat. To do this, place a heating pad or hot salt wrapped in a towel on the left side of the lower abdomen. Remember that heat can aggravate the development of the inflammatory process.

If both ovaries hurt, you can take decoctions of various herbs. For example, viburnum, chamomile or sage. They help relieve inflammation and fight pathogens. Remember that some herbs accelerate the development of the tumor process.

If the right ovary hurts, what to do and what folk remedies to use? Many healers recommend taking mud or they have a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary area and usually have no contraindications.

Causes of pain in the right ovary:
- Pain in the right ovary may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the right appendage of the ovary (oophoritis). It is the most characteristic sign of this disease; it is localized in the lower abdomen on the right and often radiates to the lumbosacral spine. As a rule, pain in the right ovary occurs in attacks, but can also be present constantly. The occurrence of pain and its intensification is facilitated by hypothermia, physical and mental fatigue, decreased immunity against the background of other internal diseases. Such pain is often accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - increased irritability, weakness, sleep problems, and decreased ability to work.

Adnexitis of the right ovary, or inflammation of the ovary. The most common causative agents of inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, which lead to inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis), are chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, and candida. The clinic of chlamydial infection has no characteristic manifestations. Without adequate therapy, the inflammatory process during inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) takes a protracted course and leads to infertility. The main sign of inflammation of the right ovary (adnexitis) is pain in the right ovary and lower abdomen on the right. The pain may radiate to the lower back and is almost always dominated by periodic pain.

In some cases, pain in the right ovary occurs when a cyst forms in it. Until the cystic capsule is small in size and does not undergo negative changes, this pathology is asymptomatic.

The cause of constant pain in the right ovary is an ovarian cyst or tumor that has reached a large size. It compresses neighboring internal organs and nerve endings. Not only neoplasms can become twisted, but also the ovaries themselves. This leads to impaired blood supply and tissue necrosis, inflammation and pain develop.

Pain in the right ovary occurs when the cyst stalk is torsioned or as a result of a violation of its integrity, which is accompanied by the outpouring of liquid contents into the abdominal cavity and causes tissue irritation. In addition to nausea, vomiting and pain, rupture of an ovarian cyst or necrosis of its tissue due to torsion of the leg can provoke inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis, which requires immediate surgical intervention. A similar situation can occur in the presence of a benign or malignant ovarian tumor.

Pathological changes in the position of the ovarian appendages are facilitated by their relative mobility in the pelvic cavity, as well as increased physical activity. That is why this pathology is observed, as a rule, in childhood. Among the factors contributing to torsion of the right ovary, it should be noted drug stimulation of ovulation, pregnancy, as well as any conditions accompanied by an increase in the size of the ovaries. Sharp pain in the right ovary and abdomen may be accompanied by vomiting; palpation reveals a painful swelling. If the tissue of the appendages has undergone irreversible pathological changes, surgical removal of the ovary is performed.

Sometimes during ovulation the right ovary ruptures, causing bleeding. The entry of blood into the abdominal cavity provokes pain and threatens the development of peritonitis, therefore surgical intervention is indicated, during which sutures are placed and the integrity of the organ is restored. For some women, ovulation itself is quite painful, as indicated by the appearance of pain in the right ovary on certain days of the menstrual cycle. In addition, acute and chronic inflammatory processes contribute to the formation of adhesions in the right ovary, which in turn often cause pain in the right ovary.

Apoplexy of the right ovary is a sudden hemorrhage into the ovary, which is accompanied by its rupture and bleeding into the abdominal cavity.
Ovarian apoplexy occurs, as a rule, in women under the age of 40, more often in the right ovary, and bleeding and pain always occur in the right ovary. Based on the predominance of one of these signs, anemic and painful forms of the disease are conventionally distinguished. If these signs are equally expressed, they speak of a mixed form of apoplexy.
The disease begins acutely with sudden, sometimes very severe pain in the right ovary and lower abdomen, predominant on the side of the affected ovary. The pain often radiates to the rectum, hip and lower back. Often the attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as fainting.
Body temperature remains normal. With heavy bleeding, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and collapse occurs (a serious condition with severe cardiac weakness, a drop in vascular tone, rapid pulse, and cold sweat). When palpated, the ovary has a spherical shape and sharp pain.

Ovulatory pain in the right ovary occurs in the lower abdomen during the periovulatory period as a result of irritation of the peritoneum by follicular fluid; last from 12 to 36 hours in separate attacks of several hours.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can develop in women with infertility when treated with hormones (clomiphene, gonadotropins). The ovaries are enlarged, with multiple follicular cysts, a large cystic corpus luteum, and stromal edema. In a mild form, pain appears in the right ovary, bloating; weight gain. In severe cases, shortness of breath, ascites, pleural effusion, electrolyte imbalance, hypovolemia, and oliguria appear.

Psychogenic factors: if organic causes of pain in the right ovary are excluded, it is necessary to examine the woman by a psychotherapist (borderline states: hypochondria, depression, hysteria).

Palpation of the abdomen and gynecological examination help determine the presence of a large ovarian tumor. Important information about the condition of the uterine appendages is provided by pelvic ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Diagnostic laparoscopy is especially valuable, allowing to identify adhesions and foci of endometriosis localized in the right ovary. Using this technique, it is possible not only to detect, but also to eliminate many pathologies of the pelvic organs. Correct diagnosis is the key to effective treatment, which will allow you to get rid of pain in the right ovary forever.



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