Weak immunity what to do. Sweat gland activity

Photo: How to Boost Your Immunity Fast - Infographic

Signs of decreased immune activity

  • fast fatiguability
  • chronic fatigue
  • drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia
  • headache
  • aching muscles and joints.

The next stage is endless “sores”, not a single infection, not a single virus passes by. Herpes on the lips means that there is a malfunction in the body and urgent measures must be taken. The last stage is a whole set of chronic diseases and complications. The question arises how and how to boost immunity and improve your health.

At-risk groups

It is noted that most often a sharp decrease in immunity occurs during stress and heavy loads. Therefore, people whose professions are somehow connected with this are included in the risk group. These are astronauts, pilots, businessmen, professional athletes, demolition workers and so on. Of particular note is the violation of immunity during surgical operations, they are a great stress.

Immunity in newborns and infants is very imperfect, so breastfeeding and the prevention of dysbacteriosis play an important role in protecting a child aged 6 to 12 months.

At risk are also people who, due to the specifics of work, are forced not to comply with sleep, food intake and exercise. The elderly are also at risk.

If you want to be healthy, change your lifestyle. Your motto: "no" to lying on the couch, give exercise and fresh air! Stress is the main enemy of the immune system, drive your feelings away from yourself and do not be nervous. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible. But you need to start strengthening the immune system, of course, with nutrition.

1. Vitamins and minerals

The most important for the immune system are vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP;
Almost all plant foods, especially yellow and red (carrots, red peppers, melons, tomatoes, pumpkins) contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A and carotenes are responsible for the strength of the immune response to antigen invasion; in addition, they are able to some extent protect against cancer.

Everyone knows the main sources of vitamin C - blackcurrant, rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, parsley, sauerkraut, lemon. A deficiency of this vitamin reduces the rate of antibody production, and its sufficient intake with food is a guarantee of the production of full-fledged immune cells.

B vitamins are found in seeds, wholemeal bread, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, sprouted cereals, mushrooms, cheese. Nuts, seeds and sprouted grains contain a lot of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Another source of vitamin E is unrefined vegetable oil.

Minerals. Selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese. The leader in the content of minerals from plant foods are nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains, as well as cocoa and dark chocolate.

2. Nutrition

  • Complete proteins: meat, fish, legumes. Meat or fish should be eaten every day, but beans, peas or lentils can be consumed 1-2 times a week;
  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. Carrots, beets, cabbage, beans, radishes, red peppers, pomegranates, raisins, prunes, chokeberries, dried apricots, apples, red grapes, cranberries, nuts, horseradish, garlic, onions, as well as red grape wine, juices with pulp (grape , beetroot, tomato, pomegranate);
  • Seafood. Unsaturated fatty acids found in fish and seafood greatly increase the body's defenses. But prolonged heat treatment destroys useful substances. The most preferred are squid and seaweed;
  • Foods containing potassium. Most of all it is in potatoes baked in uniform, in apricots, nuts, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Dairy products: especially those containing live bacteria. A variety of biokefirs and bioyogurts increase the production of interferon, so feel free to drink them and even use them to dress salads and cold soups. The methionine contained in them promotes the removal of radionuclides from the body;
  • Green tea- the best way to remove radionuclides from the body;

Especially useful. As often as possible, include broccoli, carrots, dairy products with bioadditives, strawberries, kiwi, pumpkin, salmon, pine nuts, olive oil, turkey meat, citrus fruits in the diet. Add as many greens as possible to your food - parsley, dill, celery roots and leaves. A remarkable effect is given by the constant use of pumpkin, zucchini, squash.

3. Probiotics

It is helpful to eat more foods that increase the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. These are known as "probiotic" foods and include onions and leeks, garlic, artichokes, and bananas.

4. Gifts of nature

Natural natural remedies that increase immunity are: echinacea, ginseng, licorice, eleutherococcus, lemongrass. Herbal infusions and decoctions can be taken both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

5. Hardening

Swimming, dousing and contrast showers will help you get stronger. The alternation of high and low temperatures is a wonderful workout for the immune system. Excellent hardening effect in the bath and sauna. If it is not possible to go to the bath or sauna, an ordinary contrast shower will do. Do not forget to vigorously rub your body after a shower with a damp washcloth or rough towel.

6. Active lifestyle

Physical exercises are useful: gymnastics, aerobics, fitness, running, swimming, long walks, shaping, fitness equipment: From this variety, of course, you can choose something according to your taste, mood and pocket. But you can't get carried away! It has been proven that excessive exercise is harmful to the immune system.

7. Relax

When you get home from work, lie down on the couch, close your eyes, and try to think about something pleasant while breathing deeply and evenly. You can turn on soft music. This perfectly relieves fatigue accumulated during the day and does not allow stress to defeat the immune system.

If you constantly live in a zone of high radiation

You will have to follow fairly strict rules when choosing products and preparing them. Eliminate completely: boiled eggs (when cooked, the strontium contained in the shell turns into protein), beef, coffee, stone fruits - apricots, plums, cherries.

If you are cooking meat or fish, drain the broth twice after boiling. For the third time, add vegetables to the broth, cook until the meat is cooked, and then drain the broth. Cut the meat for second courses into pieces and soak for 8-12 hours in an enameled or glass dish in a solution of salt and vinegar (2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence per 1 liter of water). Change the solution 3 times. Water should be 2 times more than meat. At the same time, the quality of the meat does not change, and radioactive cesium goes into solution.

Soak potatoes and vegetables for 3-4 hours in salted water. 5-10 minutes after the start of cooking potatoes or vegetables, drain the broth, pour boiling water and cook until tender. Cook the mushrooms twice for 10 minutes in boiling water, draining the broth each time.

Vitamin teas that strengthen the immune system

  • Cut 3 medium-sized unpeeled apples into slices, pour 1 liter of boiled water, cook for 10 minutes on low heat, leave for 30 minutes, add honey to taste and drink like tea.
  • Orange tea: 1 part orange peels, 1 part black long leaf tea, 1/2 part lemon peels. Pour boiling water over all components: for 60 g of dry mixture 1 liter of boiling water, add orange syrup to taste and leave for 5 minutes.
  • 6 tsp of black tea, brew 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, strain, cool, combine with an equal amount of blackcurrant juice, pour into cups and dilute by 1/3 or 1/2 with mineral water. Add sugar to taste.
  • A decoction of rose hips and hot tea in equal parts, sugar and honey to taste. A decoction of rose hips, boiled for 3-4 minutes, strain and mix with hot tea. Add sugar and honey. Serve cold.
  • Put the cranberries in a glass, mash the berries with a spoon, add sugar and pour over hot tea.
  • Take 50 ml of apple juice, pour into 150 ml of hot strong tea, drink.
  • Fruits of hawthorn and wild rose in 2 parts, raspberries 1 part, green tea 1 part. Brew at the rate of 1 tsp. mixture in 2 cups boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink with honey or jam.
  • 1 st. l. brew horsetail with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, drink during the day.
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry herb succession pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. This is the daily oral dose.
  • Blood-purifying tea - strawberry leaves, herb succession, chamomile flowers to take in equal parts. For 1 cup boiling water - 1 tbsp. l. collection. Drink constantly instead of tea.

Strengthening immunity during colds

  • To strengthen (strengthen) the immune system, you can use raspberry branches, and you can cut them both in summer and in winter. Finely chopped branches (1-2 tablespoons) dip into a glass of boiling water, boil for 7-10 minutes, then leave for 2 hours. Take 1-2 sips every hour throughout the day.
  • 1 st. finely chop a spoonful of pitted raisins, walnuts and dried apricots, mix. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Mix thoroughly. When you feel unwell or the first signs of a cold, take a mixture of 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of bran (wheat or rye), pour two glasses of water, boil for 30 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Take a warm decoction of 50 g 3 times a day.
  • Due to the high content of vitamin C, rose hips are recognized as one of the best means to maintain immunity. Grind two tablespoons of dry rose hips, pour half a liter of water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Insist during the night. Drink like tea, you can add honey or Cahors.

The myth of cold hardening and the truth about the bath

Is swimming in a cold lake hardening or vice versa? Hardening is a strengthening of immunity. And getting used to the cold is a stress that leads to a loss of immunity. Immunity is the ability of the body to resist microbes and bacteria, catch them and destroy them. For this, a person has immune cells (leukocytes and lymphocytes) in the blood. The faster these cells move, the more effectively they deal with bacteria. That is, immunity does not depend on the ability to lie in a cold bath, but on the speed of movement of immune cells.

The mobility of these cells, in turn, depends on body temperature. When cooled, they lose their speed, become clumsy, but the bacteria continue to multiply with incredible speed - faster than immune cells can destroy them. When a horrified mother tells her child that his hands are icy and he will now catch a cold, she is right. In order not to get sick, the body must not be cooled, but heated.

This contributes to the development of immunity. But many refuse to understand this. Today, theories are emerging: they say, in order to strengthen immunity, it is necessary to gradually (day after day or week after week) reduce the temperature of the cooling water by one degree. Not so long ago, this technique was approved by the Ministry of Health and became mandatory for kindergartens. As a result, the body cools down, and the child does not harden, but gets sick. When faced with this in kindergartens, they quickly assessed the “effectiveness” of the proposed methodology and, if possible, try not to apply it. Traditional methods of hardening have long been known. Their essence is not to reduce immunity by cooling, but to increase immunity through heating.

You can warm up in two ways.

  1. Deep warm-ups. It has been famous for many millennia and is called a bathhouse. Here the body is heated not only from convection heat, but also from the radiation of stones.
  2. Short term cooling followed by reactive heating. Everyone knows: after dousing with cold water, the body burns. This is a warm-up to increase immunity. It can be strengthened by the rapid alternation of heat and cold.
    The best place for such procedures is again a bathhouse (preferably near an ice-covered river). When you dip your steamed body into the hole, and then again rush into the steam room, you feel reborn. Therefore, from time immemorial, the bath has been a universal remedy for any ailments and for old age.

What is immunity and why is it needed. How the protective properties of the human body are developed, types of immune protection. Why the ability to withstand external influences is reduced, and what signs indicate this.

The content of the article:

Immunity is the protective properties of the body, its ability to maintain biological individuality or homeostasis, the constancy and homogeneity of its own systems and structures at the molecular and cellular level. The function of immunity is to resist the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins into the body, to create antigenic protection.

  • Read the review of the drug - propolis

The need and functions of immunity

In the absence of immunity, a person, like other living organisms, cannot maintain not only health, but also life. It is thanks to protection from the negative influence of external factors that it is possible to save the body for further reproduction.

In the intrauterine state, the fetus is sterile - it is protected even from the influence of the biological environment of the mother's body. If maternal immunity is reduced, then the pathogenic flora enters the fetus through the placenta and intrauterine infection is possible - this condition can provoke an abortion, cause pathological changes in the structure of the fetus.

From the moment of birth, the baby's body is attacked from the outside: various microorganisms (beneficial, opportunistic and pathogenic) tend to populate the skin, mucous membranes and intestines. At this time, the formation of immunity begins.

The organs of the immune system (OIS) are responsible not only for the production of specific cells that protect against the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, their functions are much wider.

Let's take a closer look at the functions of immunity:

  • Protection against toxins and chemicals that enter the body from the outside through direct exposure, through the respiratory tract or orally;
  • Stimulation of the regenerative ability of the body, replacement of cells - used, aged, damaged;
  • Protection against pathogenic agents - bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa;
  • Protection and opposition to the development of helminths;
  • Protection against malignancy - against the growth of atypical abnormal cells, suppression of cancerous formations.
In addition, OIS control the stimulation of the human body's own cells, reproduction and growth.

The mechanism of immunity production

The organs of the immune system produce special cells that recognize the danger threatening the body, secrete a foreign object or agent, and stimulate cells that form a reliable defense. The alien agent is destroyed.

Primary organs of the immune system:

  1. thymus or thymus. The thymus differentiates lymphocytes produced by the red bone marrow.
  2. The bone marrow is the organ responsible for hematopoiesis (immunogenesis). It produces T-lymphocytes and differentiates B-lymphocytes.
Secondary OIS:
  • The spleen is a parenchymal organ composed of red and white pulp. The white pulp contains cells that provide protective functions - B- and T-lymphocytes. Lymphocytes and macrophages mature in the red pulp. The ratio of the pulp structure is 1 part white and 4 parts red.
  • Lymphatic tissue: tonsils (tonsils), peripheral and regional lymph nodes, corresponding to various organs - skin, intestines, pulmonary system, etc. Lymphoid tissue is colonized by lymphocytes after contact with foreign substances.
Secondary OIS also include the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, organs of the reproductive system. Until now, it has not been precisely established whether it is possible to include the liver in this group, which, like the spleen, is a parenchymal organ.

Secondary OIS are populated by protective cells from the primary OIS, lymphocytes.

Lymphocytes can be classified into the following groups:

  1. T-helpers - are responsible for neutralizing infected cells that are colonized by the virus.
  2. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes - recognize their own infected cells, and then destroy them with cytotoxins.
  3. B-lymphocytes - produce antibodies that neutralize extracellular pathogens.
  4. Neutrophils are cells that contain natural antibiotics, they move through the lymph flow and absorb foreign substances. Stages of the phagocytic cycle: antigen capture, absorption and death. Neutrophils do not divide and, after performing their function, die, forming a purulent discharge.
  5. Eosinophils - produce perforins, substances that are built into the structure of the helminth.
  6. Basophils are mast cells and those structures that directly circulate in the bloodstream. They participate in the immune response, stimulate the contraction of organic tissues during the development of allergic reactions.
  7. Monocytes are cells that transform into macrophages. Liver macrophages - Kupffer, lung macrophages - alveolar, bone - cutoclasts, intestinal macrophages, etc.
The work of the immune system and the production of macrophages does not stop for a moment. If most of the organic systems rest during sleep, for example, the heart rate slows down, blood pressure decreases, then the OIS function at the same level.

Varieties of immunity

The main types of immunity are innate and acquired. Congenital is the protective ability of the body, which is inherited, acquired - immunity, formed by a meeting with an infectious agent after a disease or vaccination. Varieties of immunity form endogenous and exogenous influences.

innate immunity

Innate immunity is formed during pregnancy, while the fetus is in utero - its second name is placental. Innate immunity is also called hereditary, genetic or constitutional.

The functions of innate immunity are to respond to the introduction of foreign agents and try to neutralize them.

Innate immunity is not able to accurately determine how dangerous this or that substance is, which is why autoimmune reactions occur - an allergy develops, an atypical response to substances that are not dangerous for the body.

Mechanical barriers of innate immunity are physiological fluids and the reaction of the body, namely nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever, skin irritation.

Types of innate immunity:

  • Absolute. Based on the genetic characteristics of the immune system.
  • Relative. It is produced under the influence of external factors - with the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
For example, initially a person has absolute immunity and cannot become infected with animal diseases (canine distemper, bird flu), but after genetic mutations, “foreign” infectious agents have already gained the opportunity to attack the human body. Since innate immunity against animal diseases was not formed, they turned out to be deadly. In the next generation of individuals that managed to repel the attack of a "foreign" infection, recognition is already being formed genetically - relative immunity is being developed.

acquired immunity

Acquired or adaptive immunity is formed artificially. In this case, immune cells produced under the influence of innate immunity first attack pathogens, then remember them, and then stably recognize and neutralize them. The reaction of the body under the influence of acquired immunity proceeds much faster.

Types of acquired immunity:

  1. Passive. It includes the protective abilities of the baby's body: he received antibodies from the mother's body, and they disintegrate when they reach the age of 4-6 months. Also, passive immunity occurs after vaccination with ready-made antibodies. That is, the protection is temporary.
  2. Active. It is formed by the introduction of a pathogenic agent in a natural way or through vaccination - respectively, it can be considered as natural and artificial. After contact with an active pathogen, the body produces its own lymphocytes upon any contact.
  3. Specific. It develops in an individual that has directly encountered foreign viruses, proteins, bacteria and its own atypical cells. Lymphocytes remember an infectious agent for a certain period of time - from several months to a lifetime. Specific immunity is not inherited.
Types of immunities, congenital and acquired, complement each other. The congenital one is constantly active, and the acquired one is excited only when it encounters pathogenic agents.

Causes of reduced immunity

Reduced immunity is caused by external factors that have a direct impact on metabolic processes in the body. Violation of metabolism at the cellular level causes pathological changes that can appear both immediately, against the background of negative factors, and after a while.

Reasons for decreased immunity include:

  • Unfavorable course of pregnancy - infection with specific and non-specific infections, emotional instability, trauma, difficult childbirth;
  • Congenital pathologies and genetic diseases;
  • Frequent diseases in childhood caused by adverse conditions, including social ones;
  • The introduction of infectious agents, intoxication, helminthic invasions;
  • Improper nutrition - insufficient, unbalanced, unnatural, abuse of semi-finished products and fast food, the body reacts most negatively to a lack of proteins;
  • Bad habits - alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • Emotional instability and stress;
  • Low physical activity caused by professional activities or own laziness;
  • Exhausting physical activity;
  • Lack of oxygen, unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Violation of the balance between work and rest, chronic lack of sleep;
  • Abuse of drugs, especially antibacterial drugs, radiation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, postoperative consequences.
Immunity can decrease when moving from one climate to another, with an increase in physical activity - that is, against the backdrop of a change in lifestyle.

During pregnancy, a decrease in immunity is a natural physiological process. If this does not happen, then the body recognizes the embryo that invades the uterus as a foreign agent and rejects it.

With hormonal changes provoked by external or internal factors, immunity also decreases. For example, during the menstrual cycle or against the background of menopause, women are more likely to get viral infections. When menstruation ends, the immune system stabilizes again, as with the body getting used to a new state - menopause. On average, older people have a lower immune status than younger people.

Immunodeficiency can develop against the background of somatic pathologies and pathological changes in the immune organs. Such diseases include: Duncan and Di George syndromes, fermentopathy, Louis Bar disease, cyclic neutropenia, AIDS.

The most dangerous diseases that cause autoimmune aggression are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, that is, all conditions in which the resources of the immune system are depleted.

The main symptoms of low immune status

Different organisms react differently to contact with external factors, both negative and positive. In people with a low immune status, even pleasant experiences can cause deterioration.

The following symptoms indicate a decrease in immunity:

  1. Frequent viral infections - up to 3 times a year in adults and more than 4 times in children.
  2. Severe course of viral infections, complications after diseases of various etiologies.
  3. Purulent-inflammatory processes of a different nature: frequent relapses of acne, the occurrence of boils, abscesses, phlegmon, carbuncles, suppuration with minor violations of the integrity of the skin - after scratches, microcracks, with chafing, prolonged wound healing.
  4. Constant activity of the fungal flora - candidiasis, onychomycosis, lichen.
  5. Recurrent diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary organs, not amenable to antibiotic therapy.
  6. Constant weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.
  7. Decreased attention, impaired ability to concentrate, impaired memory function.
  8. Pale skin, deterioration of the quality of the skin, nails and hair.
  9. Polyvalent allergies, an increase in the number of allergic reactions, the development of autoimmune diseases.
What is immunity - look at the video:

If several of the above symptoms coincide, you should definitely consult a doctor. If treatment is started on time, then the decrease in immunity can be stopped. Currently, it is possible to stabilize the state of immunodeficiency, stop malignancy in the body and prevent the development of allergic reactions.

Various foreign substances. All of them can cause destruction of tissues and cells, changing the functionality of immunocytes, which can lead to irreversible negative processes in the body. How can you tell if you have a weakened immune system? Symptoms can occur from different body systems.

Decreased immunity occurs for various reasons. Separately, we can note the following factors that affect the weakening of the protective functions of the body:

  • Lifestyle
  • Improper nutrition can lead to a deficiency, minerals, as well as disruption of the digestive tract, which naturally negatively affects the presence of beneficial microorganisms.
  • Stress and nervous strain, depressive states, aggression, dissatisfaction with life. All this can greatly overwhelm the immune system and lead to very unpleasant consequences.
  • Bad habits: smoking, as well as drug addiction
  • Chronic lack of sleep, lack of proper rest, heavy physical exertion, hard work. In a constant working mode, the body simply does not have time to recover and therefore becomes weakened and unprotected.
  • Living or working in an area with high levels of radiation
  • Concomitant disease
  • -infection
  • Malignant neoplasms
  • Liver pathologies
  • Severe blood diseases
  • Diarrhea due to problems with the absorption of processed food by the intestines
  • Proteinuria
  • Long-term infectious diseases
  • Some injuries
  • Congenital form of immunodeficiency

Also, taking certain medications, including antibiotics, chemotherapy, helminthic invasion, can disrupt the full functioning of the immune system.

Signs of decreased immunity

The most important symptom of a weakened immune system can be attributed to frequent colds that occur more than 4 times a year, as well as signs of a malfunction in the immune system are:

  • complications after SARS
  • redness and pustular rashes on the skin
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • frequent occurrence of phlegmon, carbuncles, abscesses, candidiasis, fungus, onychomycosis
  • long wound healing process
  • general weakness of the body
  • pale skin color
  • tuberculosis of various forms

If the immune system began to give “failures” not so long ago, it is possible to correct the situation without the use of drugs, and if the immune system is seriously weakened, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without drugs.


If the immune system is seriously weakened, it must be stimulated with medications.

Herbal preparations:

  • Echinacea. This herbal remedy helps boost cellular immunity and has antiviral and antimicrobial effects.
  • Eleutherococcus. An extract that helps fight stress and contains many beneficial properties. The product contains caffeine, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.
  • Lemongrass Chinese. Differs in a large amount of vitamin C, increases efficiency and resistance to stress
  • Ginseng. This is a remedy that helps to increase the overall tone of the body, potency in men

Bacterial preparations:

  • Ribomunil, lycopid, imudon
  • Uro-wax - bacterial lysate

Interferon preparations:

  • Human interferon: Grippferon, Laferon, Velferon, Viferon
  • Stimulants for the production of endogenous interferon: Kagocel, Anaferon, Amiksin, Arbidrol

Nucleic acid preparations:

  • Derinat
  • sodium nucleinate
  • Ridostin

Thymus preparations:

  • Timalin
  • Thymogen
  • thymosin
  • Timaktid

Biogenic stimulants produced on the basis of plant or animal tissues:

  • Biosed
  • Aloe extract
  • Humisol
  • Actovegin
  • vitamins

The modern novelty Polyoxidonium and some dietary supplements are also actively used.

Human immunity is complex and subtle, including organs and mechanisms that respond to foreign structures that enter the body. is one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine. Today, a person is exposed to many adverse factors, against which the body does not yet have adequate mechanisms to fight. Stress, overwork, poor ecology, synthetic food, air and water pollution, a sedentary lifestyle and other adverse factors become an obstacle to the coordinated work of the body. This leads first to hyperfunction of the immune system, which then fails and its functions inevitably weaken.

Photo 1. Chronic fatigue is one of the signs of weak immunity. Source: Flickr (benhoo).

What is human immunity

Human immunity is a complex system aimed at protecting the body from foreign agents.- biologically active substances and microorganisms that can cause cell destruction, cause death or cause serious damage to health. The immune system is primarily aimed at recognizing foreign bodies that enter the body through the respiratory organs, skin, mucous membranes, and issuing a response to the invasion. The main organs of the immune system are lymph nodes, thymus, red bone marrow, spleen.

The blood and lymph nodes contain special cells (lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, natural killers, basophils and monocytes) designed to capture and destroy foreign agents. With a decrease in immunity, their number is significantly reduced or the mechanisms for recognizing the invasion do not work, which is why the disease develops.

Causes of Weakened Immunity

Weakened protective function and serious - these are violations of the immunological reactivity of the body that occur under the influence of nonspecific factors. At present, determining the causes of immunodeficiency states in a person is a difficult issue, because. they are caused by a unique combination of factors that impair the reactivity of the immune system.

The most common causes of a weakened immune system are:

  • congenital immunodeficiency states and hereditary factors (prematurity, Rh conflict, pathological pregnancy in the mother, malnutrition or fetal hypoxia);
  • malnutrition, deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in food;
  • bad ecology (air, water pollution);
  • malnutrition, an excess of synthetic products in the diet;
  • stress, overwork, nervous exhaustion;
  • chronic viral and bacterial infections, helminthiases, fungal infections, poisoning;
  • bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • autoimmune and endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism);
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • pregnancy;
  • non-specific viral diseases(HIV and AIDS).

In a person suffering from a reduced function of the immune system, one or more of the above can become a key provoking factor.

In adults

In many adults, in generally relatively good health, reduced immunity most often caused by a combination of bad environment, work stress and bad habits. The body in this case is subject to negative influence both from the inside and outside, experiencing enormous loads on almost all internal organs and systems.

Improper nutrition(both strict unbalanced diets for weight loss, and preference for fermented foods, fast food) is another common cause of reduced immune function in adults. A person may not starve at all, eat regularly, but due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the diet, the body experiences stress, and the immune system is the first to take a hit. Against this background, the patient may develop a stomach or duodenal ulcer, tk. the gastrointestinal mucosa becomes vulnerable to the action of the bacterium Helicobacter. The same thing happens against the background of long-term use of antibiotics that kill the beneficial intestinal microflora.

Photo 2. Fast food is a killer of beneficial microflora responsible for strong immunity. Source: Flickr (Riex).

In children

In children, a lack of immunity is most often associated with the pathological course of pregnancy in the mother, insufficient blood supply to the fetus through the placenta, and chronic hypoxia. Usually, immunosuppressed children are underweight.

kids, for whatever reason not receiving breast milk also have a weakened immune system.

Note! Childhood itself is a risk factor for immunity. Antibodies in breast milk that protect the baby from infections stop working 6 months after birth. At this time, the child no longer receives sufficient protection from mother's milk, but his own immunity has not yet been fully developed. At this time, children are extremely vulnerable.

Also reduce the protective function of the body in children:

  • frequent respiratory viral infections;
  • lack of digestive enzymes that allow the absorption of nutrients from food;
  • taking antibiotics.

Signs and symptoms of weak immunity

Signs of a reduced protective function of the body can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the immune status of the individual. Most often they are expressed in:

  • susceptibility to viral infections (a person often gets colds, flu, skin infections);
  • body sensitization (increased sensitivity to various allergens, predisposition to food and skin allergic reactions, hay fever, bronchial asthma, anaphylactic edema);
  • non-specific reactions to vaccines;
  • digestive disorders, intestinal malabsorption;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

At the external level, a decrease in immunity in humans manifests itself in weakness, fatigue, irritability, apathy and depressive states. Often occur problems with skin, hair, teeth and nails due to lack of nutrients.

The danger of reduced immunity

A decrease in the immune function of the body is a serious violation in itself. Immunity is the most important system developed over millions of years of evolution. The immune system is aimed at the survival of a person as a species in general and each individual in particular.

Reduced immunity can have serious negative results:

  • reduction in life expectancy due to frequent illnesses;
  • serious limitations in life activity (for example, a taboo on many foods that cause allergies, the inability to make anesthesia, etc.);
  • reduced fertility, difficulty conceiving and bearing among women;
  • increased mortality rate in children;
  • high risk of death in severe viral infections and anaphylactoid reactions.

Note! A specialist dealing with immunity as a field of medicine - an immunologist or an allergist. His competence includes issues of immunodeficiency states, the choice of measures to strengthen immunity and prevent the negative consequences of a weakened protective function of the body.

How to deal with reduced immunity

Weak immunity can be strengthened with the help of a set of measures aimed at the gradual development of adequate responses to external and internal negative factors. Immunity can be strengthened with regular and not a one-time implementation of recommendations specialist - immunologist or allergist.


Nutrition is the most important factor in strong immunity. Vitamins, trace elements, proteins, carbohydrates, fats contained in healthy food ensure the normal functioning of the body as a whole and the immune system in particular. To strengthen immunity, a person needs to include in it the optimal amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grain breads, cereals, dairy products. Particular attention should be paid to vegetables and fruits as the main source of vitamin C, which is responsible for the production of interferon, a natural immunomodulator.


Hardening is a physiotherapeutic method aimed at increasing the body's resistance to external adverse factors and strengthening its internal reserves. The hardening method consists in regular exposure to fresh air and water, the sun, low and high temperatures. Particular attention is paid to dousing, wiping with cold water, a contrast shower and other ways to develop the body's resistance to viral respiratory infections.

It is important! Hardening is a gradual process. Dipping into an ice hole without prior preparation does not make a person immune to diseases, but causes severe stress for the body, on the basis of which a disease can begin.


There are several points of view on medicines that enhance immunity. Traditionally, the strengthening effect is attributed to synthetic vitamin preparations - vitamin C(ascorbic acid) vitamin A(retinol), E(tocopherol) and D(cholecalciferol). Ascorbic acid plays a key role in strengthening the immune system, because. stimulates the production of interferon.

Popular synthetic immunomodulators containing vitamins in combination with stimulants of the nervous system are not recognized by all experts as useful, because. their mechanism of action is only indirectly related to immunological factors.

Show themselves well so-called. peptide endogenous immunity stimulants that replace the function of T-leukocytes (myelopid, thymogen, immunoglobulin).

Note! Any drugs should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Self-prescribing medications to boost immunity can be harmful to your health.

Prevention of immunosuppression

Comprehensive measures are required to prevent a decrease in immunity function in the future:

  • normalization of the diet;
  • course intake of vitamin preparations during the year;
  • hardening(sparing);
  • sanatorium treatment of respiratory organs;
  • normalization of the daily routine, a sufficient number of hours for sleep;
  • reduction of stress factors in everyday life.

If there are frequent colds, chronic skin infections and other signs of reduced immunity, it is better to consult a specialist and undergo an examination of the body.

How to increase immunity? It is this question that becomes one of the most common in my consultations, both in person and on this site. Therefore, I decided to prepare this material in order to answer the most frequently asked questions, give recommendations and, in general, talk about methods for increasing immunity for adults.

For children, I will also prepare a separate material, since the increase in immunity in a child is somewhat different depending on the age of the child.

Attention: a superficial reading of the material will not give an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the use of certain means and methods used to strengthen immunity.

What is immunity?

Let's remember what the immune system and immunity in general is. The immune system is made up of organs and cells. Central organs of the immune system: red bone marrow, thymus and spleen. Important peripheral organs of the immune system are lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue in the tonsils, in the appendix.

And the most important thing. Immunity is the ability of the body to resist the appearance of foreign agents, whether they are simple microbes, viruses, cancer cells or aggressive substances.

Remember: The immune system fights all foreign organisms. It doesn't matter if it's the human papilloma virus or the Ebola virus, the influenza virus, or the causative agent of diphtheria, the causative agent of syphilis or staphylococcus.

Even against HIV (the causative agent of AIDS), immunity also fights as best it can, and some peoples on Earth even have immunity to this virus. Therefore, the mechanisms underlying the strengthening of immunity are the same.

Diseases and reduced immunity

Classification of immune diseases:

1) Immunodeficiency (decreased immunity):
- congenital
- acquired

2) autoimmune diseases. We will not analyze them, since they do not relate to our topic.

Congenital immunodeficiency is characterized by a congenital disorder in one or another link of cellular or humoral immunity. That is, there is no production or maturation, or the function of certain cells of the immune system is reduced.

Acquired immunodeficiency is also accompanied by the loss of one or another link of immunity, but the reasons for this are acquired as a result of human life. Within the framework of this material, I will consider only acquired immunodeficiency.

Causes of reduced immunity

There can be many reasons.

The main ones are:

1) Frequent, chronic stress. It should be said here that a single stress is actually good for the human body. It mobilizes the body in difficult situations to overcome these situations.

For example, when attacked by a large dog, a stressed person may jump over a high barrier or fight the dog and defeat it. During stress, powerful hormones are released into the blood (adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisone, prednisone), which act on almost all organs in a mobilizing way - muscles become stronger, reactions are faster, attention is more effective. But for a short time they inhibit the work of the organs and cells of the immune system.

With repeated stress, for example, scandals at work or at home, when exactly the same hormones are also produced, only in smaller quantities than with a threat to life, there is also some suppression of the immune system. Constant stress leads to a permanent decrease in immunity.

2) Lack of sufficient rest. During rest, the human body is restored. The pressure decreases, the energy expended at work accumulates in the body, the vessels expand, toxins are washed out, the work of the immune system is activated. Muscles and the brain have a rest, the internal systems of the body, primarily the immune system, begin to work better.

3) Malnutrition. Since ALL immune cells and organs are made up of proteins, the lack of proteins in the body can lead to a decrease in immunity.

The body will simply “take away” proteins from internal organs and cells, distributing them among those organs that work daily. And every day the muscles work. This is where immunity goes down. This is especially noticeable in some vegetarians.

4) Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins are important chemical compounds that are involved in the creation of certain cells of the immune system, in their normal life and functioning. With their shortage, cells either become inactive or are produced in limited quantities. And it also leads to a drop in immunity.

5) Depression. Yes, this condition can actually lead to immunodeficiency too. After all, depression is a condition similar to stress. Only here there is no hypermobilization of the body.

In a state of depression, the brain gives a command to all organs and systems to reduce their efficiency, less hormones are produced in the pituitary and hypothalamus, and appetite decreases. All this leads to a slowdown in the functioning of the immune system and other body systems.

6) Poisoning, hypothermia, serious illnesses, antibiotics, monotonous food abuse, smoking, taking drugs, alcohol and other external processes. These conditions are caused by aggressive external influence of the environment.

Such processes can lead to a significant decrease in immunity due, most often, to toxic or thermal damage to organs or cells of the immune system.

It should also be noted that in addition to a general decrease in immunity, a decrease in the activity of local immunity in a particular organ can and is often observed. For example, frequent inflammation of the uterine appendages can lead to a decrease in immunity in the lymphoid tissue in a woman in the area of ​​​​the appendages, uterus and vagina. And as a result - a decrease in resistance to the human papillomavirus or other sexually transmitted infections.

Therefore, mothers often tell their daughters - do not wear short jackets so as not to catch a cold. Now do you understand why this statement is correct?

Strengthening immunity - how to raise it?

To boost your immunity you need:

1) identify the cause of the immune disease

2) eliminate this cause

3) help the body accelerate the rise of immunity

Step 1 Go to your doctor.

If there is a chronic disease, it must be compensated or tried to be cured. For example, diabetes mellitus naturally leads to a decrease in immunity. But if blood sugar is compensated by the introduction of insulin, then there will be no serious consequences for the immune system in this case.

And (ATTENTION!) - you do not need to take various immune medications, folk remedies, vitamins to strengthen your immunity. It is enough just to compensate for diabetes. Exactly the same tactics with other diseases.

Step 2 Healthy lifestyle.

To identify the cause of the decrease in the functioning of the immune system, you should first analyze your daily routine.

1) remove the source of stress

2) change your attitude to stress

3) we try to communicate more calmly, because, in the end, this communication does not threaten your life

4) go to bed at 22-00. Sleep from 22-00 to 24-00 is one of the most effective for restoring the body.

5) eliminate bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs.

6) exercise every day. We make ourselves a set of exercises of a general nature for all muscle groups. We start with one repetition of each exercise. And every week we add one repetition until we reach 10. Jogging in nature very, very much restores and tones the body as a whole. Well, or at least walks in the fresh air once every two days.

7) go barefoot at home! Thus, the reflexogenic zones on the sole are activated, which stimulates the entire body.

8) swimming pool, sauna, tempering procedures (optional) - this is a must. All short-term effects on the skin at different temperatures lead to the training of blood vessels, they either narrow or expand. As a result, there is an improvement in blood flow in the capillaries, an improvement in the performance of all organs and systems, including the immune system.

9) auto-training or religion. Belief in yourself, faith in God (for someone else) significantly speeds up the process of strengthening immunity, believe the experience. Such a patient is transformed before our eyes, blooms, his skin clears up faster and the rest of the sores heal.

You can even not go to church at first, especially if it is far away, but at least in your thoughts, talk to God yourself, open your heart and soul to him (anyway, no one sees you outwardly what you are doing). Retire at home (or in the evening, when you go to bed) and calmly talk heart to heart in this way, as they say. Ask for forgiveness for some of your wrong actions during the day, ask God for help for yourself, your family, your children, and acquaintances.

See how quickly the changes begin.

10) healthy eating. Do not eat after 21-00 (ideally, the last meal no later than 19-00). The fact is that in the evening the performance of the gastrointestinal tract decreases, the food does not have time to be digested, the processes of decay and fermentation begin. And this is the absorption of toxins into the blood, the hard work of the immune system of the intestines and surrounding organs.

It is best to take fermented milk preparations during dinner. And in every meal there must be fiber (vegetable products, salads) or bread with bran.

Folk remedies for immunity

Attention: if the causes are not eliminated, no means for immunity will help.

You will eat handfuls of vitamins, dietary supplements, roots and drink decoctions, and after the end of their intake, everything will return to normal. Therefore, we return to the previous paragraph and eliminate the cause of the pathology of the immune system.

1) Vitamins. Definitely complex! Preferably with trace elements.

Since you have not passed a detailed analysis for the content of vitamins in the body (which, in general, is practically not done anywhere), complex multivitamin preparations with microelements are the surest way to boost immunity.

Attention : take strictly according to the instructions. Excess is not allowed here!

2) Siberian berries. Cranberries, lingonberries, wild strawberries, viburnum, currants, mountain ash, blueberries, blackberries, etc. During the short Siberian summer, these berries try to accumulate useful substances as much as possible, so that later Siberian animals eat them under the snow and restore their immunity.

For humans, as a mammal, the intake of these berries is also very useful. Especially when mashed with honey and water, in the form of fruit drinks.

3) Honey and bee products: perga, propolis, royal jelly. Honey for immunity is a very, very useful product. Honey has bactericidal and virocidal action.

Due to the content of natural antibiotics, it retards the growth of microbes, prevents the development of rot. And due to the content of growth factors, amino acids and vitamins, it compensates for their deficiency in the human body, which benefits the immune system. Well, propolis is generally a bee antibiotic, with which they immure dead mice so that they do not begin to decompose in the hive. It destroys only pathogenic microorganisms, without affecting the beneficial ones.

Propolis can be chewed as a whole, and then swallowed, or combined with chewing gum to chew for a longer time. Nothing bad will happen to the teeth, it's checked.

Reception scheme : add honey to warm, not hot (!) tea instead of sugar. We chew propolis like chewing gum once a week.

Herbs and plants to strengthen the immune system

Remember: it is impossible to pour boiling water over herbs and roots - this is how useful bioactive substances are destroyed, the concentration of which in the finished broth becomes minimal. It is better to make infusions - fill the grass with warm (37 degrees) water and leave for 8-10 hours.

1) Aloe (or scarlet). Natural adaptogen.
Reception scheme: squeeze the juice of one leaf of aloe into a teaspoon and drink it with water. Once a week is enough.

2) Kalanchoe (living tree). Also a natural adaptogen with anti-inflammatory properties.
Reception scheme: squeeze the juice of one leaf of a living tree into a teaspoon and drink it with water. Or chew and eat one leaf of Kalanchoe. Once a week is enough.

3) Ginger. For immunity, cut the ginger root into circles, pour warm water over it, insist for half a day and drink with tea (not hot) and honey. Since it is a spice, it should not be used every day, but also once a week.

4) Echinacea. For immunity, echinacea is also poured with warm water and insisted for half a day. Take half a glass once a day.

5) Lemon. For immunity, the lemon is cut into slices, put in a jar, seasoned with 3 tablespoons of honey and left for 8 hours. After this time, lemon can be added to tea (warm). Or pour warm water and drink like a fruit drink. You can be treated with such an infusion of lemon and honey daily in unlimited quantities.

6) Rosehip. For immunity, the wild rose is ground with a pusher to increase the area of ​​​​contact of the crushed particles with water, poured with warm water and infused for 8-10 hours. Drink instead of tea every day with honey and lemon.

7) Radish. For immunity, the radish is well washed, the root and upper part are cut off, the insides are scraped out to make a “bowl”, honey is poured there, covered with a cut upper part like a lid and insisted for 2-3 days. As soon as the radish begins to wrinkle, it means that its juice has gone into a solution of honey and you can drink it. Pour into a jar and refrigerate.
Reception schedule: 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Preferably with the whole family.

Medicines to strengthen the immune system

Today, quite a lot of various medicines are produced to increase immunity.
I will name some of them:

and many others.

But here I will not give treatment regimens for drugs - immunomodulators. I remember how, back in the medical institute, a pharmacology teacher told us - "do not climb with an ax into the immune system." In the sense that modern drugs for immunity are like operating on a patient with an ax.

Very rude, harsh and sometimes ineffective.

I will say the following: if your immunity really needs medical care in the form of medicines, consult an immunologist. He will first conduct a blood test (immunogram) before prescribing drugs. And randomly assigning them is not recommended. Sign up for a paid appointment with an immunologist in Moscow in the near future.

However, modern pharmacy produces mild drugs. These products are based on herbs, so they do not cause any adverse reactions, and almost every adult can use them.

1) Ginseng. In the form of tincture is sold in pharmacies. Adaptogen. Scheme: 20 drops 3 times a day, drink water. The course is 2-4 weeks. Not to be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers.

2) Immunal. It is an alcoholic tincture of the herb Echinacea. Also sold freely in pharmacies. Scheme: half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, drink water. The course of admission is 2-3 weeks.

3) Echinacea forte. Half a teaspoon 3 times a day. The course is 2-3 weeks.



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