Clinic for the treatment of alcoholics. Individual treatment programs

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Alcohol addiction is a severe medical and social problem. People suffering from this disease often gradually lose the ability to work and self-care, and also acquire severe illnesses incompatible with life. internal organs. Treatment alcohol addiction complex and includes a combination of both medicinal and psychotherapeutic procedures.

Causes of alcoholism

Alcohol intake itself is not the cause of the disease. A large number of people can afford to drink alcohol occasionally while maintaining social and work well-being. Severe addiction develops in the following cases:

  • Having close relatives who suffered from alcoholism(the hereditary nature of the development of this dependence has been proven).
  • Psychological make-up of personality. Many people look to alcohol for a solution stressful situations, an opportunity to relax. Gradually people need more and more frequent use alcohol, and the reasons for this are less and less significant.
  • Early start drinking alcoholic beverages. Teenagers are very prone to rapid development severe alcohol dependence.
  • History of head injuries. The personality type of such patients may undergo some changes, which is why they easily develop alcohol dependence.

Most patients from these risk groups are not able to adequately assess the extent of their bad habits, and therefore they need help in treating alcoholism.

Alcoholism treatment course prices


Services list

Price upon payment

up to 4 days

Price upon payment

over 5 days

Chamber of 4-5 seats

Ward 3-bed

Ward "Comfort" 2 places (with sharing)

Ward "Comfort" 1 bed (without sharing)

Chamber "VIP" 2 seats

(with sharing)

Chamber "VIP" 1 place (without sharing)


Bioacoustic correction 5 sessions

Treatment nicotine addiction

Weight correction

Treatment of gambling addiction

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Stages of development of alcohol dependence

The disease progresses gradually and goes through the following stages.

  1. 1. Appearance psychological dependence from alcoholic drinks. The patient gradually loses a sense of control over the amount of alcohol he drinks, without reacting to comments and criticism from others. If drinking alcohol is not possible, the patient becomes nervous and aggressive. He tends to come up with imaginary reasons for drinking alcohol. Visiting a clinic for the treatment of alcohol addiction is necessary for consultation with a specialist who will tell you in detail about the consequences of such a lifestyle and prescribe the necessary therapy.
  2. 2. Gradual increase volume of alcohol consumed, its strength. At the same time, the patient experiences nausea and vomiting less and less when drinking large amounts of alcohol. Gradually developing withdrawal syndrome - headache, weakness, severe hand tremors, which can be relieved by drinking alcohol.
  3. 3. The appearance of damage to internal organs associated with alcoholism- cirrhosis of the liver, chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic dementia and encephalopathy. Treatment of alcoholism at this stage is aimed at stabilizing the existing pathology and improving the patient’s quality of life.

Treatment and rehabilitation of the patient can begin at any stage of addiction formation. But it should be remembered that the earlier treatment for alcohol dependence was started qualified specialists, the more effective it will be, and the resulting result will last for a longer period.

Principles of treating alcohol addiction

In Moscow, the full range of complex therapy can be obtained at our medical center.

It includes:

  • Complete abstinence from alcohol. This stage is especially carefully monitored by a psychiatrist-narcologist, since the risk of a “breakdown” is very high. To alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, the center’s doctors prescribe medication (antihistamines and sedatives, means that normalize work of cardio-vascular system, a complex of vitamins and antioxidants). These measures are aimed at quickly removing alcohol toxins from the body.
  • Treatment of alcohol addiction itself. At this stage, psychotherapy and/or drug treatment. The choice of method depends on the stage of the disease, the patient’s wishes and his financial capabilities (drugs for coding are quite expensive).

It is very important to take into account the psychological state of the patient and his attitude towards the therapy. Noticeable results in the treatment of alcoholism will only occur in cases where the patient is independently determined to speedy recovery. Forced rehabilitation takes place in conditions of poor adherence to the therapy and does not bring good results.

Advantages of visiting the Zdorovye clinic

Our drug treatment clinic has been treating patients with alcoholism for a long time. Advantages of alcoholism treatment in “Health”:

  1. Doctors provide assistance at any stage of addiction development. In case of heavy drinking, it is even possible to call a doctor at home. During treatment, the doctor is always available for consultation and provides psychological support at any time.
  2. It is possible to receive high-quality and inexpensive treatment.
  3. You can get a preliminary consultation by phone.
  4. Treatment is carried out strictly anonymously.

It should be remembered that the doctor’s efforts will have positive effect mainly in cases where the patient also wants to get rid of alcoholism.

Detoxification in the treatment of alcohol addiction

Detoxification - preparatory stage before starting the main treatment. It is necessary to remove alcohol metabolites from the body, which can interact with coding drugs and cause severe adverse reactions. This measure also promotes rapid relief from withdrawal symptoms and increases the effectiveness of alcoholism treatment.

Then the patient undergoes psychotherapy, which can be combined with one or another method of drug coding. After treatment for alcoholism, the patient receives further recommendations on social and labor rehabilitation, and the features of his new lifestyle are explained to him in detail. All these measures are aimed at securing the results for as long as possible.

After treatment for alcohol addiction, the functioning of the nervous system, sleep and wakefulness normalizes in patients. Behavior gradually stabilizes, attacks of aggression pass. The patient begins to adequately assess his condition and rarely strives to return to an asocial lifestyle.

Alcoholism, along with drug addiction and substance abuse, is one of the chemical addictions, the treatment of which is carried out on the basis of specialized drug treatment clinics and private drug treatment clinics.

Everyone has the right to free medical care. For those who wish to undergo alcoholism treatment in budgetary institutions healthcare, there are more than 20 specialized public hospitals.

What is the difference between treatment in public and private drug treatment clinics?

Despite the availability of free drug treatment, its level often leaves much to be desired.

Currently, the global drug treatment community has developed recommendations for the treatment of chemical dependencies, according to which the greatest efficiency has A complex approach, which includes medical care, psychological assistance and program participation social rehabilitation. Unfortunately, only a few of those who have undergone detoxification and coding in state drug treatment clinics are subsequently sent to rehabilitation centers. As a result, most people with alcohol addiction return to drinking alcohol.

Private alcoholism treatment clinics in Moscow have more opportunities to provide comprehensive four-stage care to patients. However, we also have to admit the fact that not all clinics have implemented this opportunity: in many private centers, patient care ends with sobering up, removing alcohol withdrawal and coding.

Treatment in the clinic: 4-stage course in Moscow

Private drug treatment center "Edelweiss" is focused on achieving best results treatment for each applicant. The average percentage of patients who completely stopped drinking alcohol after treatment at the Edelweiss clinic is 90%, and this figure has remained at this level for 6 years.

Currently, treatment for alcoholism in Moscow at the Edelweiss clinic looks like in the following way:

  • 1. Detoxification.Very often, the reason for the first visit to a narcologist is the desire of the patient himself or his family to stop his ongoing binge drinking. Depending on the severity of the condition of the person who drinks alcohol and his wishes, detoxification is carried out either at home or within the walls of a specialized department opened on the basis of Edelweiss. As a rule, treatment takes several days, during which the patient’s physical and psychological condition returns to normal.
  • 2. Coding.A “sober” person needs to decide whether he will undergo treatment, since detoxification itself is not a treatment. Only in case of voluntary informed consent of the patient can we proceed to coding.

At the second stage, the clinic’s narcologist-psychiatrist conducts one or more consultations with a person dependent on alcohol, after which he performs a hypnosis session, during which he forms the patient’s attitude toward sobriety.

The psychological effect is reinforced by medication: drugs that block the processing of acetaldehyde, the most toxic and health-hazardous product of alcohol transformation, are injected into the blood or sewn into the skin as implants. As a result, taking even a tiny dose of alcohol causes severe poisoning.

  • 3. Rehabilitation. At the third stage, the person is sent to a rehabilitation center. Patients of the Edelweiss rehabilitation center undergo treatment in the Moscow region or can choose any center they like in Russia and abroad from those offered or find their own option. Those rehabilitation centers with which we cooperate have high level psychological assistance, the conditions of stay in them are comfortable and close to those of a sanatorium.

An alcohol addict spends several months in a rehabilitation center. During this time, he actively works with psychologists, chemical dependency counselors, and undergoes programs aimed at developing healthy relationship to alcohol and moral restoration.

  • 4. Social and outpatient psychological rehabilitation.After completing our rehabilitation clinic in Moscow and other cities of Russia will be organized social help patients. It consists in the fact that the center’s employees help a person struggling with addiction with a device for educational institutions or to work. Also at this stage, work with alcohol addicts continues within the walls of the clinic itself: psychological consultations are conducted, meetings of Society participants are organized Alcoholics Anonymous, is underway psychological work with families of alcoholics.

Even after completing the entire coursealcoholism treatment in a clinic in Moscow, the patient does not interrupt communication with psychologists and mentors rehabilitation center"Edelweiss", and can get necessary help and support if necessary.

Getting rid of alcoholism while still in old times herbalists and healers were engaged.

This treatment will do those who have other illnesses and do not want to seek help powerful drugs. Nowadays, there are many clinics where alcoholics are treated, but the cost of treatment in them is quite high, and there are guarantees complete deliverance they cannot give for illness.

Currently there is a free one that is based on the methods psychological impact, use medications and on healing with the help folk remedies.

Where is treatment for alcoholism?

Drug treatment hospitals

Alcoholism treatment is provided free of charge in drug treatment hospitals and drug treatment departments. psychiatric hospitals. This option is suitable for those who constantly drink and cannot stop on their own.

The conditions of stay in such places, as a rule, are not particularly comfortable (food, number of patients in the ward, attitude).

To get to hospital treatment, you need to take a referral from the regional drug treatment clinic. After this, the patient is automatically registered, which is not possible in the future. in the best possible way may affect patient characteristics.

When choosing between a traditional or alternative method of treatment, it is necessary to rely on the severity of the disease, motives for alcohol abuse, physical state and other factors.

Treatment with medications in combination with psychocorrection techniques is officially practiced by medicine and is traditional method getting rid of alcoholism. There is a wide variety of treatment methods for alcoholism, which is based on suggestion, occupational therapy, management personal diaries. Such methods of combating alcoholism are suitable for patients who are aware of their problem and want to get rid of it. These methods require completely conscious work on yourself.

Vladimir Morozov's method refers to this unconventional type of treatment. The author is confident that God can help a person get rid of alcoholism. But God's help is only a help, since the main work must be done by the person himself.

The universal method is that you can get rid of not only alcohol addiction, but also other destructive addictions: gambling, smoking, drug addiction. This “self-healing technique” is radically different from others alternative methods treatment - hypnosis, psychological groups, coding. Many methods are aimed at instilling fear and aversion to drinking. They instill attitudes about the patient’s destructiveness, inferiority, weakness, negatively affecting the patient’s psyche, provoking depression and the commission of illegal actions.

Advantages of the Morozov method:

  1. Methods modern treatment installation based negative attitude to alcohol: “alcohol is evil,” which is an incorrect statement. Alcohol itself cannot be the cause of drunkenness, so you can quite effectively free yourself from addiction and not create an enemy for yourself in the form of alcohol.
  2. Almost all methods of treating the disease are aimed at combating alcohol. Morozov is convinced that this option gives negative effect. At the same time, the fight against the habit turns into part of the ritual of alcoholism. Thus, according to Morozov’s method, an activity aimed at combating an illness should be changed to a hobby that would realize the abilities that the patient has.
  3. The basis of treatment according to Morozov’s method is to refocus the patient’s forces on creativity, development hidden talents. The author believes that the need for alcohol is caused precisely by the spiritual crisis of the patient. A person cannot realize his abilities and is thus forced to drink alcohol, suppressing his inner call. Morozov invites the drunkard to wake himself up, to find a useful hobby.

Traditional methods of treating alcoholism for free

One way is to induce disgust. To do this, add an infusion of 1 tsp to the vodka. Lobel hellebore root, the main thing is not to overdo it. This infusion should make you feel sick, but vomiting should not occur.

Dung fungus can also cause an aversion to alcohol. Young mushrooms are fried and boiled, but they are prohibited from being consumed with alcohol. This mushroom causes poisoning in people who are in a state of alcohol intoxication. The effect of these mushrooms is comparable to the effect of the drug Antabuse. When drinking alcohol the next day or every other day, the patient feels poisoning of the same intensity.

According to scientific research, the cause of alcohol dependence is a lack of potassium in the human body. Honey is a real storehouse of potassium. It will be able to reduce the craving for alcohol. Treatment method: 6 tsp. honey is given to the patient. After 2 hours, give 6 tsp. honey 3 times (every 20 minutes). Next, the patient is recommended to sleep until the morning and have the opportunity to recover from a hangover. Then give 3 doses of honey within an hour. After breakfast, you should eat another 4 tsp. honey This treatment is also suitable for the deepest.

Next method free treatment alcoholism consists of using a seven-day tincture: 2 leaves of bay laurel and 1 lovage root. These plants are infused with vodka and given to the patient to drink several times a day. The effect of the tincture is an aversion to alcohol.

Thyme in combination with alcohol causes nausea and vomiting. Cooking recipe: 3 tbsp. l. thyme is poured with one glass of boiling water, leaving for an hour. Should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. For the active functioning of the patient’s intestines, add to the decoction Bogorodskaya grass, wormwood and centaury in a ratio of 4:1. Treatment is carried out for 2-3 months.

According to V.P. Makhlayuk, a tincture from the roots of Leuzea safflower can help with chronic alcoholism. This tincture mixed with water should be taken 15-20 drops 20 minutes before meals. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day, treatment is carried out for 3 weeks. Leuzea has a beneficial effect on the human body, curing it of 14 diseases and giving it youth. Alcohol tincture and a decoction of the roots have a stimulating and tonic effect, relieve fatigue and exhaustion, restore sexual function. Medicines, based on Leuzea, stimulate the central nervous system, increase blood pressure, expand peripheral vessels, increase blood flow.

Red tincture capsicum is an excellent assistant in the fight against illness. Cooking recipe: 1 tbsp. l. pepper powder is infused for 2 weeks in 0.5 liters of 60% alcohol. For 1 liter of alcohol add 2 drops of tincture.

Purified turpentine is used with caution in treatment. It should be taken on an empty stomach once a day, starting with 5 drops and increasing the dose to 15 drops. Then the dose is gradually reduced, bringing it to 5 drops. Treatment lasts 1-2 months. At this time, it is not recommended to eat dairy products, salty and fatty foods, eggs, onion, cabbage, peas. You can eat lean meat, cereals, potatoes, carrots, beets, lemon, lingonberries, cranberries.

Treatment for alcoholism in the monastery

This is another one free way, which can have positive action in the fight against the disease.

Faith is a feeling of support from above. The success of getting rid of alcoholism in a monastery is based on the support of a person in difficult situation. At the same time, a person feels God within himself. This gives the patient strength of spirit. Treatment is also facilitated by monastic difficulties and restrictions of everyday life, a wide range of responsibilities, and attendance at services. Thus, the person is distracted, he has little free time that he could spend on drinking.

To summarize, I would like to note that currently there is a large number of modern methods fight against alcoholism, which include: taking medicines, acupuncture, coding using torpedoes and hypnosis, paid specialized centers. It is worth remembering that none of these options will give 100% result. So why spend fortunes on treatment when you can get help? folk recipes, which have been used for generations, because their actions are no less effective? The best option– believe in yourself, in God, thereby solving this problem yourself.

After all, the main key to success is great desire stop drinking. Only by understanding for yourself that you need to stop drinking alcohol can you hope for a successful outcome. You should always remember that drinking alcohol is harmful to your health!

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through pharmacy chain And Retail Stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

How to treat alcoholism at home? This painful question should be asked to ourselves, first of all, to those close to the drinker.

Alcoholism is a family disease that has taken deep roots in the family and has affected all relatives of the addicted person without exception.

Where alcoholics are treated, in mandatory Offer treatment to all family members. However, relatives of an addict often think about how to send an alcoholic for compulsory treatment.

Narcologists will confirm the fact that forced treatment of alcoholism at home is impossible. A crippled human psyche will still strive to use doping. Therefore, the only option that can change the situation for the better is long-term and multifaceted work with relatives and intervention methods - involving the patient in communication with doctors. But this needs to be done for a long time and methodically, so as not to turn the addict against treatment, but, on the contrary, to involve him.

How to treat alcoholism video from YouTube channel

Anonymous treatment of alcoholism

8 495 432 18 47

The best treatment for alcoholism: inpatient treatment for an alcoholic

The process of treating alcoholism begins, as a rule, in a clinical setting, in a hospital, after the patient is brought in with severe intoxication and an attempt is made to recover from anesthesia.

In this case, alcoholics are divided into two types:

    The former believe that they are healthy, but temporary clouding of consciousness, binge drinking and Negative consequences are treated and are not signs of disease.

    The latter believe that they are so seriously ill that no one, especially doctors, can help them.

In both cases, compulsory treatment of alcoholics is possible only in special situations (if, for example, the patient’s behavior poses a threat to his own life or for the lives of the people around him).

But the best treatment alcoholism will be a process of joint treatment of all family members.

At the same time, the wrong steps in treating patients with alcoholism are:

    Treatment of alcoholism is forced (using pressure, threats, scandals, insults, manipulation).

    Reluctance to send the patient to an alcoholism treatment clinic, where he will not only receive effective medical assistance, but will also be able to explain to him the benefits professional methods alcoholism treatment.

    Traditional treatment alcoholism. Without knowing how the body works, in what condition the organs of the body are, you can not only fail to help an alcoholic, but also seriously harm him. It is not uncommon for deaths to occur during the treatment of alcoholism at home.

Treatment of alcoholism at home is not recommended without the supervision of a narcologist.

Alcohol Treatment Centers: Why They're Safer

The problem with alcoholism is that patients, even having reached last stage diseases, do not understand that they are unhealthy.

Therefore, you need to go to a hospital for treatment of alcoholism, so that doctors can select the most optimal course treatments, medications for the treatment of alcoholism, and also individually approached the solution to the problem.

Each person has his own reasons for falling into depression and the appearance of the disease. It is impossible to cure all sick patients with the same methods.

Our alcohol treatment center offers comprehensive programs that lead to recovery from addiction

8 800 200 00 62

How and where to treat alcoholism: we offer

    Anonymous treatment of alcoholism in a hospital. We guarantee the preservation of confidential data and non-disclosure of medical confidentiality. In our alcoholism treatment hospitals, even VIPs undergo rehabilitation. Created for each patient comfortable conditions, single rooms are provided, accommodation in cozy clinics treating alcoholism in areas remote from the city.

    Treatment of alcoholism in a hospital is a preparatory stage for comprehensive rehabilitation. The clinic provides basic therapeutic and healing procedures, drug treatment is prescribed.

    Coding and hypnosis programs. In hospitals for the treatment of alcoholism, each patient chooses a method convenient for him in agreement with the attending physician. If there are certain contraindications for hypnosis, doctors will select others treatment programs, which will help treat the disease no less effectively.

    Rehabilitation programs based on proven methods, as well as individually developed techniques.

    Various packages services and favorable prices for alcoholism treatment. Even with a modest budget, it is possible to choose a profitable anonymous treatment program for alcoholics.

Where should an alcoholic go for treatment?

If you are wondering where to send an alcoholic for treatment, call our consultants. We have the opportunity to select for you what you need from departmental institutions and private drug treatment clinics, find competent professionals who know how and where to treat alcoholics and how to keep them from returning to their alcoholic past.

Doctors will help set the patient up for treatment and select a program that will help your loved one get out of the cycle of negative events.

We know how to treat alcoholism

8 495 432 18 47

How to cure alcoholism?

Today, almost every center that provides comprehensive treatment for alcoholism can cure alcoholism. Another question is what the alcoholic himself or his relatives mean by the post “how to cure alcoholism.” Let’s look at a few examples of what alcoholics want:
  1. Drink in moderation
  2. Get rid of binge alcoholism, but still continue to drink
  3. Drink on holidays and weekends
  4. Temporarily recover from alcoholism and improve your health

Almost none of the alcoholics want to recover from alcoholism and stop drinking forever. For an alcoholic, this is something unattainable, but as practice shows, it is quite realistic, the main thing is to have the desire and put effort into it.

How to recover from alcoholism at home: is it real?

Recovering from alcoholism at home means removing alcohol intoxication and improve your physical condition, but the treatment does not end there. By medicinal methods we have solved only part of the problem, and the most important problem of an alcoholic is the lack of ability to live sober. Now let's return to the comprehensive treatment of alcoholism, where they work with an alcoholic in three aspects:
  1. Solution physical dependence
  2. Solving the problem of psychological craving for alcohol
  3. Stage social adaptation
And only such a scheme will work for an alcoholic, and this is the only way to cure an alcoholic and forget about this problem.

Let us help you recover from alcoholism

8 495 432 18 47


To help your loved one cure alcoholism, you must also adhere to the right line of behavior:

    Do not argue with an alcoholic and do not insult him.

    Motivate to maintain sobriety.

    Help an alcoholic become interested in something and live a more fulfilling life.

    Support him right steps and not remind him of the destructive side of his illness.

    Be his assistant, not his critic.

Narcologists also teach proper behavior and communication with an addict. Contact us for help, our consultant takes calls 24 hours a day. We will help you solve your problem.


is a set of measures that includes:

  1. regaining control over alcohol intake;
  2. reduction of cravings for alcoholic beverages;
  3. reconstruction of distorted thinking;
  4. restoration of the cause-and-effect relationship.

The implementation of this plan is the basis of the program for the treatment of alcohol addiction, developed by the Moscow branch of the Parus clinic.

The Parus Center is a specialized medical institution, where qualified and experienced doctors, narcologists, psychologists and specialists in the field of addictionology have united for one goal - the treatment of alcoholism.

Addictologist, psychologist


Chief physician, psychiatrist-narcologist

We understand how difficult it is for you right now. When one family member suffers from alcoholism, it is difficult for the entire family. As a rule, it is innocent children who suffer the most. How much more pain and suffering are you willing to endure? Are you sure you want to raise your children in such an atmosphere? Remember, you don't have to go through this alone. A team of professional Moscow doctors and addictologists is ready to help you in an alcoholism treatment clinic.

Professional help will allow you today:

  • Feel confident in the future and not worry about the condition of your loved one;
  • Conduct an anonymous consultation with professional psychologist our center;
  • Receive comprehensive treatment for alcoholism in a Moscow clinic, starting with cleansing the body and ending with rehabilitation in a hospital setting.

More than 1000 patients from Moscow have already gotten rid of their addiction to alcoholic beverages once and for all thanks to rehabilitation program alcoholism treatment center "Parus". We guarantee relief from cravings for alcohol and eliminate the possibility of re-drinking alcohol during the course. full course treatment of alcoholism in a hospital, as well as compliance with all recommendations of our clinic specialists.

Prices for alcoholism treatment in Moscow

Name of service Price
1 Consultation with a psychologist on alcohol addiction, choice of treatment method 0 RUR
2 to the patient (within Moscow) From 5000 rub.
3 from alcohol (in the clinic - inpatient) From 5000 rub.
4 (withdrawal syndrome relief) From 5000 rub.
5 Complex treatment alcoholism in a specialized center in Moscow From 1700 rubles/day.
6 Comprehensive psychological help family of an alcoholic 0 rub.
7 Sewing (Naltraxon) From 20,000 rub.
8 Infusion From 7000 rub.
9 Individual programs Upon consultation

Treatment of alcohol addiction - the main stages of inpatient care.

At the Parus center, alcoholism treatment is paid. The cost of services in Moscow ranges from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles per day. Unlike free public hospitals and private clinics that offer ineffective coding techniques, which are currently officially prohibited by law in Moscow and the Moscow region, we offer comprehensive solution Problems.

The treatment program can be divided into several stages:

  • The first stage is the period of adaptation. Under constant supervision of a qualified medical personnel The patient is gradually introduced into the course of treatment. This period can be called an introductory period. Motivational conversations are held with the alcoholic to establish a positive attitude towards healing process. To identify the root of addiction, they use various techniques psychodiagnostics, which allows you to obtain a socio-spiritual portrait of a person;
  • At the second stage alcohol addiction treatment the patient begins to take Active participation in the center’s program, which is based on the “12 steps” methodology. Gestalt therapy, group and individual consultations, and informational lectures are also widely used here. A flexible approach to the treatment process allows for an individual approach to solving the internal and spiritual problems of each addict;
  • At the third stage of treatment, we achieve stable alcohol remission and stabilization of physical and psychological state patient. The therapeutic community helps former alcoholics cope with difficulties and share experiences within small groups, and also helps to acquire the necessary skills for successful further resocialization;
  • The post-rehabilitation program completes the course of treatment for alcohol addiction at the Parus clinic. During the passage of the stage, residents carry out volunteer work, share the experience of sober living with patients, thereby reinforcing personal success and motivation.

Inpatient treatment of alcoholism, in turn, in our center always begins with serious clinical and laboratory tests and research. This allows you to determine the current state of the alcoholic: the level of intoxication and the severity of psychological alcohol dependence. Based on the data obtained, Moscow specialists:

  • an individual treatment program for patients with alcoholism is being developed;
  • necessary preventive and medical events necessary for correction physiological state alcoholic.

The treatment program for alcoholics, of course, is selected individually in each case. It is a complex of medical and psychotherapeutic techniques that may differ based on current state the patient and his potential for recovery.

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism - we will convince you to get treatment!

Alcoholism is serious illness. Alcohol addiction makes a person suffer physically, and also completely destroys his moral character and erases everything life principles. Treatment in a professional specialized center - the only way out. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, more than 14,000 people died from alcoholism in Moscow in 2016.

But what to do when an alcoholic does not admit the presence of a disease? Many people have already encountered this problem when they tried to help someone close to them, and in response they encountered strong resistance and aggression from the alcoholic. Dependent people completely deny that they have problems and flatly refuse medical help.

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsOM) in 2016 in Moscow conducted sociological research. The target group is people who have recovered from alcohol addiction. According to the survey, in 83% of cases, addicts began treatment for alcoholism forcibly.

That is why we are ready to provide you with specific assistance:

  • A medical team consisting of: a psychologist, a narcologist and a specialist in social work goes to the address you specified within the city of Moscow to conduct a motivational conversation with an addict.
  • This event does not involve any violent or illegal actions.
  • Conviction is achieved solely through the experience and high level of professionalism of our employees.

Often, compulsory treatment of an alcoholic is the only way save the life of a loved one who has fallen into the tenacious clutches of alcohol addiction. Fighting alcoholism on your own is a waste of time. If you really want to help, contact the specialists of the Parus center right now. We will help you understand better existing disease and we'll tell you how to deal with it.

Clinic "Parus": legally guaranteed treatment for patients with alcoholism!

Our center is often contacted by people who have already tried many ways to combat alcohol, such as:

  1. coding
  2. appeal to magicians and sorcerers
  3. search for “happy pills”
  4. exclusionary therapy
  5. attempts to find a job, start a family
  6. change of place of residence and social circle
  7. problem avoidance
  8. other

The paradox is that the measures listed are not a method of treating alcoholism. It is not surprising that none of those who applied were able to get rid of alcoholism forever. After all, the problem with such narrowly targeted treatment attempts is obvious:

  • focused on finding a cause outside the personality of the alcohol addict;
  • aimed at eliminating the consequences;
  • do not cover the whole problem.

Alcoholism covers all areas of human life. It is a biological, psychological, social and spiritual disease. Therefore, in order to achieve complete recovery, it is necessary to work with all disturbed areas of the alcoholic’s life.

Advantages of the Parus alcoholism treatment clinic in Moscow:

  1. Guaranteed results. When completing a full course of treatment for alcohol addiction, as well as strictly following the recommendations of our doctors, the Parus center guarantees full recovery and eliminates the possibility of failure;
  2. State certification. We passed a voluntary commission of various government agencies. Our center was visited for inspection by representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service, and the sanitary and epidemiological station. We have everything necessary permissions and certificates confirming the high level of qualifications and professionalism of our employees;
  3. Residential treatment for alcoholism. We provide the opportunity for treatment in a comfortable hospital setting with 4 meals a day, gym, sauna and swimming pool. All patients are under round-the-clock supervision of doctors and psychologists;
  4. Anonymous treatment of alcohol addiction. It is possible for us to be hospitalized under fictitious data. We fully comply with medical confidentiality and confidentiality policy;
  5. Intensive post-treatment program and psychological support all family members.

Constant family quarrels haunt you? Are you afraid for the future of your children? How long will your patience last? It's time to leave all doubts and fears behind and start fighting. If you really want to help one of your relatives, but don’t know where to start treating alcoholism, just call the Parus clinic for a consultation. Hundreds of families have left behind a terrible past and are living today happy life thanks to treatment in our clinic. We are confident that we can help you too!



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